Omnitrend: Maximizing System Availability Optimizing Production Processes

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Maximizing system availability

Optimizing production processes
OMNITREND ® Condition Monitoring Software OMNITREND ®
... does it with them all

... that is, with all

Maintenance: a profit center PRÜFTECHNIK Condition
Machine maintenance has become a of the time spent monitoring the ma- Monitoring Systems – with
major cost factor. Its main task is to track chines by collecting, evaluating, process- hand - held measurement
machine conditions and process quality ing and archiving the machine data with devices, data collectors and
and to keep them at an optimal level. a suitable program. permanently installed online
Invaluable for this task are appropriate A program like OMNITREND®. systems.
measurement instruments. These can be The modular OMNITREND®
simple hand-held devices that are used software package is
on machines at regular intervals. the heart of a modern,
They can also be more or less complex condition - oriented mainte-
online monitoring systems that monitor nance system.
machines around the clock.
Whatever type of instrument is used, the
maintenance technician – or the service
provider – will want to get the most out

OMNITREND® – flexible and efficient with great customer value

Multi-device software
A single software means less learning because it can be used with
multiple device types (data collector, online system). Also, costs per OMNITREND® is communicative OMNITREND® communicates between
device type are low and all measured data are under one roof.
... in a network ... CMMS web services
Multiuser software OMNITREND® can be readily integrated into an existing net-
The basic application can be installed on any number of computers work. The database is stored on a server that an unlimited Ethernet (LAN / WAN)
without generating additional licensing costs. A free update and number of clients can access. Standard protocols are used as Modbus TCP (OPC) process data server
support service is included. the communication language. PCS Status info, overall values, process data

Many database formats ... a shared modular PC software Client PC with OMNITREND® Online View
High flexibility and simple integration in existing database systems for all PRÜFTECHNIK systems .... Online server with OMNITREND® database
enables compatibility with Microsoft Access, ORACLE and the OMNITREND® offline client (database, eMail)
Microsoft SQL Server.
PRÜFTECHNIK online systems
User-friendly, Windows-based design all PRÜFTECHNIK data collectors
The familiar Windows user interface makes getting started with Direct (RS232, USB)
OMNITREND quick and easy, minimizing the learning curve.
A clear tree view of the measurement locations and functions such
as ‘Copy & Paste’ and ‘Drag & Drop’ are, of course, included.

Easy to use • Powerful • Modular • Supports web services • Multilingual

Optimizing production processes

Clever data management OMNITREND ® database
... that meets all your requirements ... collecting, preparing and using data

Collecting data – online & offline Preparing, visualizing, archiving and exchanging data

Collect or automatically re­cord machine data Processing and visualizing data in dia- OMNITREND® database
and read into the OMNI­TREND ® database. grams, reports and ‘live’ displays (online sys-
tem). Practical editors help in creating alarm Data Viewer
thresholds, routes and measurement tasks.
The representation of the machine park in Data Manager
a tree structure simplifies the administration Standard Report
of measurement locations. Web Report

Archiving and exchanging data Online View

via eMail between distributed systems – a SAP / IBIP
great convenience to service partners. Web services
The bidirectional data exchange with higher
order systems (e.g. CMMS) is possible via OPC gateway
SAP / IBIP, other freely definable text formats eMail Center
and web services.

You decide which data are made accessible to which

user groups. You determine which data are trans-
ferred from the PCS or CMMS to OMNI­TREND®.

Using data – the right information for each user at the right time

Maintenance manager Administration PCS – Process

Alarm status report User administration control system
Problem reports Measurement location administration Status info
OMNITREND® is a database - driven maintenance software Process data
that can be adapted to individual needs by adding a large Parameterization / configuration
variety of program extensions. Apart from the basic func- Control room Overall values
tions for data processing and communication, there are Alarm status Diagnosis specialist
add-on modules for exchanging data, emailing measure- Alarm status CMMS – higher
ments and creating reports. On the basis of web services, Maintenance Measurement data evaluation (level 2) order systems
virtually all information from the database can be prepared Alarm status report (SAP, asset manage-
and visualized as you require. ‘Live’ analysis ment systems,...)
Measurement data report
In-depth diagnosis Master data import
Work instructions
Alarm status Event reports
Service partner (online systems)
Measurement data evaluation Status reports via eMail Problem reports
(level 1) Measurement data as an attachment Work instructions

Optimizing production processes

Convenient operation with clever software tools

Setup made easy Short changeover times Useful additional infos

OMNITREND® will win you over with Routes with routine
its well-designed operating concept: its The creation of regular measurement
straightforward machine park display, the routes with the data collector is particu- An intelligent Task Wizard Changes to a measurement location setup Data sheets, machine drawings and informa-
intuitive method of entering parameters larly easy using the OMNITREND® route guides you through the can be applied at once to several locations. tion used in the evaluation of data are easy
and its practical editor functions make it function: steps of creating measure- This is very convenient when a sensor has to integrate and can be called up at any time.
extremely efficient to use. Creation of a route via ‘Drag & Drop’ ment setups both frequency been replaced by another type, making it
and order based. Predefined ideal for the maintenance of large databas-
Optimization of paths by changing setups and the selection of es.
the sequence of the route sensors from the database
The adaptive route automatically keep setup times to a mini-
adjusts to the current machine mum.
condition on-site
A graphic display of the route shows
the machine, the measurement Alarm Wizard Two true time-savers Route management
locations and the measurement
direction, thus preventing mix-ups
Keeping alarms within limits. Machine templates Takes over your routine – reliably
Vibration measurements with the Setting up threshold values is Rapid configuration of machine parks Notifies you of ‘due’ routes
VIBCODE® sensor system run virtually intuitive and simple. with the same machines
on their own since the coded Checks imported measurement data
Just a few clicks in the inte- Fast changing of parameters over the for alarm violations
measurement locations are grated Alarm Wizard and you
recognized automatically. entire database Arranges all measurement locations that
have set up even the most
complex, RPM-based alarm Ideal for repeat measurements during cause an alarm message to form a new
masks. service calls or machine acceptance alarm route.
Trending spectra
Measurements can be taken up to
3x faster
Only one signal for overall values and
FFT spectrum

Optimizing production processes

Getting the full picture Machine analysis – simple & practical

The following display types are available in

Reliable diagnoses A clear view
OMNITREND® for data analysis:

Amplitude trend I: broadband overall What is the reason for increased vibration, The entire machine park is clearly arranged
value over time and what component triggered an alarm in a hierarchical tree structure. OMNITREND®
Amplitude trend II: narrow band overall message? Answers to these questions can employs a traffic light symbol to automati-
value over time be found in the amplitude trend of select- cally mark machines that exhibit excessively
ed frequency bands. Damage to a compo- high measurement values or that have ex-
Coast-down / run-up test for natural nent can be identified by specific frequency ceeded a threshold value. Thus, you always
resonance analysis: amplitude / phase patterns in a spectrum. If the trend in the have a full view of the overall status of the
as Nyquist or Bode diagram monitored bands rises, the user can imme- system and can focus on the ‘critical’ ma-
Shock pulse trend for evaluating the diately identify which component is affected chines.
roller bearing condition as a carpet or and what damage mechanisms are at work.
maximum value over time Frequency-selective monitoring can even be
Amplitude spectrum incl. RMS value used on machines that operate at variable
and conversion of the overall values speeds or variable load conditions.

Envelope spectrum incl. RMS value and

conversion of overall values
Browsing convenience Comparisons pay off
Cascade diagram for spectra over speed
for resonance analysis
Time signal with calculation of FFT A simple click on a tree node will open a cor- To be able to conveniently compare meas-
spectrum responding diagram in the right-hand pane urement data, diagrams can be linked with
of the window, letting you quickly browse each other. Also, diagrams from other ma-
Shaft orbit as a polar plot or X/Y the measurement data. chines can be integrated via ‘Drag & Drop’.
diagram Spectra and time signals can be displayed in-
Cepstra for evaluating gear vibrations dividually or as a MultiView diagram.
Balancing result as a polar plot

Expert analysis A look into the future

For an in-depth analysis of vibration signals, Trend diagrams show the development of a
cursor and zoom functions are available as machine’s condition over a long period. A
well as an extensive database with charac- rise in the curve can be extrapolated to pre-
teristic damage frequencies. By superim- dict at what time a threshold value will be
posing the characteristic frequencies on the exceeded. Maintenance measures can then
measured spectrum, the problem machine be planned before machine damage results.
components can be readily identified.

Optimizing production processes

The current machine condition at a glance Creating, setting up and evaluating reports

Standard reports Online View WebReport WebReport features

The information saved in the database can This add-on module lets you check the The optional WebReport module offers Network-capable database system with
be sorted according to specific criteria and condition of your system at any time: an extended scope of functions used in a central database server and web
presented in a report. Various data filters An editor is available to configure an creating, setting up and evaluating reports: service interface (client-server only)
organize the information into the report Online View template. Data exchange between databases
types most common in system maintenance You can generate reports on the basis and third-party systems
and management: of customized templates
Simultaneous user access to one or
You can apply reports selectively to the more OMNITREND ® databases
Alarm status report Traffic light symbols highlight the entire machine park or to individual
Lists all machines in which there is system and machine status. (client-server only)
a threshold violation Actual machine photos ease Installation of the server software on a
Reports always contain the latest PC located in a LAN or on the In­ter­net
Overview report – orientation measurement data from the database
last measurement Important characteristic and Automatic update and start of the
Lists the measurement values and the You can make information available to client software with Java Web Start
process variables are displayed every user that is relevant to that
alarm status of individual measurement digitally. If threshold values are (client-server only)
locations. The various alarm classes are specific user’s needs
exceeded, the background color of Password protection
color-coded the display changes. You can evaluate reports using the
cursor and zoom functions Individual user rights
Differential report Trend diagrams with measurement
Shows the differences between the Group rights
values that are current or up to six days
measurement values from the last two old simplify the evaluation of machine User-specific saving of settings
measurements conditions Multiuser license system
Event report Current threshold violations are Client-server or single workstation versions
Filters the events from the database listed. When an alarm occurs, you
Problem report either hear a signal tone on the PC
Documents critical conditions on or a message appears on the screen
machines and the corresponding
Compliance report
Documents the measurement tasks on
a route and evaluates them statistically

Evaluation of the measurement data Template editor
in the report with the cursor and (right) and
You can save and print the reports or zoom functions. Signals can be generated report
export them as PDFs. output on loudspeakers. (left).

Optimizing production processes

Data exchange between OMNITREND ® and CMMS

Interfaces to higher order systems like Data exchange between OMNITREND ® and CMMS
an asset management system enable the
exchange of data between platforms.
For example, the tree structure of the Maintenance Management System
OMNITREND® database can be generated
automatically from the master data of a Master data
system. The data transfer takes place via free- Web services,
spreadsheet / text format
ly definable text formats, spread sheets or
web services. Conversely, the OMNITREND® Measurement
Requests for
database can be used to export measure- data, status
work orders
ment data, status infos, queries for job
orders and reports.
Web services in industrial
In simple terms, a web service can be
described as a ‘machine readable’ website. CMMS Netweaver web services
database - “Deliver machine names“
Much like a surfer in the web who calls up (SAP) Web interface
(e.g. SAP - “Deliver work order states“
a page to obtain specific information, an Netweaver) - “Deliver ...“
application can access a web service to call
OMNITREND ® web services
up data that it wants to process. OMNITREND®
- “Deliver alarm status“ database
- “Deliver new work orders“
What makes web services - “Deliver ...“ web application

particularly useful?
System-independent communications
PRÜFTECHNIK consists of the following business areas
Linking of different databases and
services via existing networks
Web services are independent of how
the data are stored

Alignment Systems Condition Monitoring Nondestructive Testing Service & Support

OMNITREND ® is a registered trademark of PRÜFTECHNIK Dieter Busch AG. No copying or reproduction of this information, in any form whatsoever, may be undertaken
without express written permission of PRÜFTECHNIK Dieter Busch AG. The information contained in this leaflet is subject to change without further notice due to the
PRÜFTECHNIK policy of continuous product development. PRÜFTECHNIK products are subject to patents granted or pending throughout the world. ISO 9001:2008 certi-
fied. © Copyright 2014 by PRÜFTECHNIK AG.

Condition Monitoring GmbH
Oskar-Messter-Str. 19-21
85737 Ismaning, Germany
Tel.: + 49 89 99616-0
Fax: +49 89 99616-300
VIB 09.730.07.14.EN


Made in Germany

Global Presence
Qualified Support
Quality Service
A member of the PRÜFTECHNIK group

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