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Properties of Radio Waves Chapter 1 QUESTIONS A radio wave is: an energy wave comprising an electrical field in the same plane as a magnetic field an electrical field alternating with a magnetic field {an energy wave where there is an electrical field perpendicular to a magnetic field an energy field with an electrical component The speed of radio waves is: a. 300km per second b. 300 million metres per second. 162mm per second, d. 162 million nm per second. The plane of polarisation of an electromagnetic wave is: a. the plane of the magnetic field b. the plane of the electrical field © the plane of the electrical or magnetic field dependent on the plane of the aerial d. none of the above If the wavelength of a radio wave is 3.75 metres, the frequency is: a. 80K b 8MHz c 80MHz, a. 800 KF The wavelength corresponding to a frequency of 125 MHz is: a 24m bm chem 4 2mm The frequency which corresponds to a wavelength of 6.98 cm is: a 4298 GHz b. 4298 GHz © 429.8GHz d 42.98 GHz The frequency band containing the frequency corresponding to 29.1 em is: a HF bo VHE © SHF 4 UHF 1B Chapter 1 Properties of Radio Waves 8. To carry outa phase comparison between two electromagnetic waves: a. both waves must have the same amplitude b. oth waves must have the same frequency both waves must have the same amplitude and frequency d. both waves must have the same phase 9. ‘The phase of the reference wave is 110° as the phase of the variable wave is 315°. What is the phase difference? a 205° bans 155° a. 335° 10. Determine the approximate phase difference between the reference wave and the variable (The reference wave isthe solid line and the variable wave isthe dashed line) a ons base | R a 315° 11, The wavelength corresponding to a frequency o} a 192m bo 192m c 192 em a 192m 12, Which frequency band is a wavelength of 1200 m? a UHF bo OLE c HF < ME ANSWERS veeuce nae uve u 2 16 Chapter 2 Theory QUESTIONS 1, The process which causes the reduction in signal strength as range from a transmitter increases is known as: a. absorption b. diffraction attenuation d. ionisation 2. Which of the following will give the greatest surface wave range? a 243 MHz b. 500 KHz & 2182khz d. 15MHz 3. kis intended to increase the range of a VHF transmitter from 50 nm to 100 nm, Tris will be achieved by increasing the power output by a factor of: a2 b . 16 a4 4. A300 kHz transmitter has an output of 1600 watts, the effective range over the sea will be: a S2nm b 80mm 35am ad 120nm The maximum range an aircraft at 2500 ft can communicate with a VEF station at 196 ftis: a 80mm b 6inm Stam dam 6. What is the minimum height for an aircraft at a range of 200 nm to be detected by a radar at 1600 ft amsl? a 00 Ft b. 15,0008 40,000 fe d. 57,5008 Determine which of the following statements conce Chapter 2 1g atmospheric ionisation are correct, ‘The highest levels of ionisation will be experienced in low latitudes. Ionisation levels increase linearly with increasing altitude. ‘The lowest levels of ionisation occur about midnight. The E-layer is higher by night than by day because the ionisation levels are lower at night statements I, 2 and 3 are correct statements 1,3 and 4 are correct statements 2 and 4 are correct statements I and 4 are correct The average height of the E-layer is...... and the maximum range for skywave will be b 4 Concerning HF communics 60 km, 1350 nm 125 km, 2200 km km, 2200 km 125 km, 1350 nm, ns, which of the following is correct? sd in low latitudes is less than the frequency required in high ‘At night a higher frequency is required than by day. ‘The frequency required is dependent on time of day but not the season. ‘The frequency required for short ranges will be less than the frequency required for long ranges. 38 ANSWERS: ve ooaceoaoa Chapter3 Modulation QUESTIONS 1, ‘The bandwidth produced when a radio frequency (RF) of 4716 kHz is amplitude modulated with an audio frequency (AF) of 6 kH2 is: a 6kHz, », 3 kHz ‘ 12kHz a 9kHz Which of the following statements concerning AM is correct? the amplitude of the RF is modified by the frequency of the AF the amplitude of the RF is modified by the amplitude of the AF the frequency of the RF is modified by the frequency of the AF the frequency of the RF is modified by the amplitude of the AF Which of the following is an advantage of single sideband (SSB) emissions? a More frequencies available b. Reduced power requirement < Better signal/noise ratio d.—Allof the above Which of the following statements concerning FM is correct? 4. the amplitude of the RF is modified by the frequency of the AF the amplitude of the RF is modified by the amplitude of the AF 4 the frequency of the RF is modified by the frequency of the AF the frequency of the RF is modified by the amplitude of the AF ANSWERS veoo a7 Antennae QUESTIONS The ideal le gth for a Marconi aerial for a frequency of 406 MHz is: a 369m, b 31cm “ 175cm d. 185em, A disadvantage of directivity is: a reduced range b. sidelobes ©. phase distortion d. ambiguity Which of the following is not an advantage of a slotted antenna (phase array)? reduced sidelobes improved resolution reduced power directivity The ideal length of a half wave dipole for a frequency of 75 MHz is: a. 19m bem c 38m a 475m Chapter 4 61 ANSWERS vmod Doppler Radar Chapter 5 QUESTIONS ‘The following questions illustrate the Doppler principle: 1. A transmitter is moving directly towards a receiver at 250m/sec. The wavelength of the transmission is Sem, Calculate the frequency shift in KHz at the receiver. 2. Arreceiver is moving directly towards a transmitter at 900kph. ‘The transmission frequency is 6 GHz, Caleulate the frequency shift in kHz caused by the relative motion between the transmitter and receiver. 3. stationary transmitter is operating on a wavelength of Sem. A receiver moving directly away from the transmitter measures a Doppler shift of 6kHz, Calculate the speed of the receiver away from the transmitter in m/sec and knots. 4. An 8800MHz transmitter is moving directly away from a receiver at 291 kt. Calculate: a. _ the speed of relative motion in m/see the frequency shift atthe receiver in kHz ©. the frequency received in MHz Complete the following Doppler shift table which relates to the relative motion between a transmitter and a receiver: Wavevenatn | “sir. | RELATIVE | RELATIVE (CM) (KHZ) SPEED (MS) | SPEED (KT) 2 300 341 2.26 au 2B 23 341 70 Chapter 5 ANSWERS 1 5kHe 20 5kHe 3 180-ms%, 350 kt 4a b. 150 mst 4akHz, 879.9956 MHz TRANSMITTED Mavicawcra | gmeguency | aetanive, | RATE Doppler Radar VHF Direction Finder (A Chapter 6 QUESTIONS 1. Anaircrafthas to communicate with a VHF station at a range of 300 nm, ifthe ground station is situated 2,500’ amsl which ofthe following isthe lowest altitude at which contacts likely to be made? a 1907 be 1378 © 36,100" 484,100" 2. Class ‘BY VHF DF bearings are accurate to within: a or bose e+e do? 3. A VDF QDM given without an accuracy class within: a 2 degrees b. Bdegrees © 75 degrees 10 degrees 4. An aircraft at altitude 9,000 feet wishes to communicate with a VHF/DF station that is situated at 400 feet amsl. What is the maximum range at which contact is likely to be made? 15am An aircraft is passed a true bearing from a VDF station of 353°. If variation is 8°E and the bearing is classified as ’B’ then the: a QDMisa45°+ 5 b. QDRis345°+- 2° ¢ QTE is 353° 5° Quy isa5° + 2° An aircraft at 19,000ft wishes to communicate with a VDF station at 1,400 aml What is the maximum range at which contact is likely ? a 17am b. 400.0nm. © 625nm d. 219m 85 ANSWERS vm euuea Automatic Direction Finder (ADA Chapter 7 QUESTIONS 1. The phenomenon of coastal refraction which affects the accuracy of ADF bearings: a. ismost marked at night. ‘can be minimised by using beacons situated well inland. © can be minimised by taking bearings where the signal crosses the coastline at right angles. d. __ismost marked one hour before to one hour after sunrise and sunset. 2. Anaircraftis intending to track from NDB ‘A’ to NDB’B’ on a track of 050° (T), heading 060° (T). If the RBI shows the relative bearing of ‘A’ to be 180° and the relative bearing of ‘B’ to be 330° then the aircraft is: a. Portof track and nearer ‘A’ b. Port of track and nearer ‘B’ © Starboard of track and nearer ‘A’ d. Starboard of track and nearer B’ 3, ADF Quadrantal Error is caused by: a, atic build up on the airframe and St, Elmo’s Fire, b. the aircraft’s major electrical axis, the fuselage, reflecting and re-radiating the incoming, NDB transmissions. & station interference and/or night effect. d. NDB signals speeding up and bending as they cross from a land to water propagation path. 4, The overall accuracy of ADF bearings by day within the Promulgated Range (DOC) is a as boa . 26 d+ 10° In order to Tune, Identify and Monitor NON AIA NDB emissions the BFO should be used as follows: Tune Identify Monitor a On On off b. On On On © On Off of a Off Off Off 6, ‘The magnitude of the error in position lines derived from ADF bearings that are affected by coastal refraction may be reduced by: selecting beacons situated wel inland. only using beacons within the designated operational coverage. choosing NON A2A beacons. choosing beacons on or near the coast. 107 Automatic Direction Finder Chapter 7 am 7. Amaicraftis tracking away from an NDB on a track of 023°(T). If the drift is 8° port and variation 10° west, which of the RMIs illustrated below shows the correct indications? 8. The BFO facility on ADF equipment should be used as follows when an NDB having NON A1A, type emission is to be used: a. BFO on for tuning and identification but may be turned off for monitoring, b. —_BFO on for tuning but can be turned off for monitoring and identification purpose. © BFO off during tuning, identification and monitoring, because this type of emission is not modulated. 4. BFO should be switched on for tuning, ident and monitoring, 9. The Protection Ratio of 3:1 that is provided within the Promulgated range/Designated Operational Coverage of an NDB by day cannot be guaranteed at night becaus Long range skywave interference from other transmitters. Skywave signals from the NDB to which you are tuned, The increased skip distance that occurs ai night. The possibility of sporadic E returns occurring at night. 108 Automatic Direction Finder (ADA Chapter 7 10. Anaircrafthas an RMI with two needles. Assume that: i) Theaircraftis outbound from NDB Y on a track of 126°(M) drift is 140° Port ii) A position report is required when crossing a QDR of 022 from NDB Z. Which of the diagrams below represents the RMI atthe time of crossing the reporting point? yv. ‘e d 11, Bach NDB has a range promulgated in the COMM section of the Air Pilot. Within this range interference from other NDBs should not cause bearing errors in excess of: a day 25 b.night 410 ce day 46 dc. onight 45 109 Chapter 7 Automatic Direction Finder 12. 13, 17. (ADF) ‘The range promulgated in the Air Pilot and flight guides for all NDBs in the UK is the range: a. Within which a protection ratio of 3:1 is guaranteed by day and night. b. Up towhich bearings can be obtained on 95% of occasions. c. Within which bearings obtained by day should be accurate to within 5°. d. Within which protection from skywave protection is guaranteed, In order to resolve the 180° directional ambiguity of a directional LOOP aerial its polar diagram is combined with that of a SENSE aerial to produce a ‘whose single null ensures the ADF needle moves the shortest distance to indicate the correct. at the aircraft, cardiid, radial the transmitter, limacon, bearing, the aircraft, limacon, bearing. at the aircraft, cardioid, bearing. ‘The protection ratio afforded to NDBs in the UK within the Promulgated range(DOC) applies: a. byday only. b. —_bynight only. © both day and night. a. lawn and dusk. ‘The phenomena of coastal refraction affecting ADF bearings is caused by the signal when it reaches the coastline and bending, the normal to the coast: a, accelerating towards b. decelerating towards c accelerating away from decelerating away from In an ADF system, night effect is most pronounced: a. during long winter nights. b. when the aircraft is at low altitude. c _ when the aircraft is at high altitude. d. —_atdusk and dawn. When the induced signals from the loop and the sense antenna are combined in an ADF receiver, the resultant polar diagram is: a. alimacon. bd. acardioid ©. figure of eight shaped. d. circular ‘When flying over the sea and using an inland NDB to fix position with a series of position lines, the plotted position in relation to the aircraft’s actual position will be: further from the coast. closer to the coast. corincident inaccurate due to the transmitted wave front decelerating no Automatic Direction Finder 7) 18. 20, 21 Chapter 7 An aircraft on a heading of 235°(M) shows an RMI reading of 090° with respect toan NDB. Any: quadrantal error which is affecting the accuracy of this bearing is likely to be: a maximum value. a very small value. zero, since quadrantal error affects only the RBI. zero, since quadrantal error affects only the VOR. ‘The principal propagation path employed in an NDB/ADF system is: a skywave b. surface wave «direct wave d. ducted wave ‘The ADF of an aircraft on a heading of 189°(T) will experience the greatest effect due to ‘Quadrantal Error if the NDB bears: a om b ) & — 225%(T) a. 145°(1) iy ANSWERS veemnnanaeacccuvacueeacea< aw m ete enw an Seree seen eeaga a2 Station Passage ‘Overhead a VOR there isa ‘cone (or zone) of confusion’ with a vertical angle of about 60° to 80° {ICAO minimum is 40°). This leads to indeterminate indications over the beacon which at high evel extend over a considerable area, for instance out to about 4 nm radius at 30,000 feet (On the VORJILS indicator, the needle swings between hard left and hard right, the OFF flag may appear temporarily, and the TO/FROM indicator changes to FROM. The RMI needle fluctuates and then rotates through 180° to indicate the QDM back to the beacon. At low altitude these station passage indications are rapid; at high altitude they are slow. ‘Outbound Flight ‘The aircraft is shown outbound on the 150 radial on the right-hand side of Figure 8:13, The indications are ideal, the TO/FROM flag showing ‘FROM’, and the centralised L 1 R needle showing the aircraft to be on the selected track of 150°. ‘The information on the deviation indicator is confirmed by the RMI needle showing a QDM of 330 back to the beacon. If these indications were to change, showing a track error developing, the pilot would normally ‘make a firm heading alteration (typically 30°) to regain track before steering a revised outbound, heading appropriate to his revised assessment of drift. 129 Airfield Approach. (sua Aoa-coce 18 SNES ansi Snes co MANCHESTER [GED isce vor Die AW oBt Sse ST NET TIS85 Sail Sie ela inl aaa ae al Figure 8.14 Example of a VOR DME Approach Pattern VOR SUMMARY Characteristics: Frequency: Use Principle of Op: Identification: Monitoring: Types: ‘Operational range: Accuracy affected by: Cone of confusion: Airborne equip: In Flight procedures: Magnetic bearings, valid day and night 108 11795 MHz 160 channels Airways; Alfie letdowns; Holding points; En-route navigation Phase comparison of two 30 Hz signals 3 letter aural Morse or Voice every 10 s, continuous tone for VOT (also ATIS using AM on voice) Automatic site monitor +/-1° Ident suppressed when standby transmitter initially switched on CVOR - reference signal is FM; variphase signal is AM - Limacon polar diagram rotating clockwise VOR - more accurate than CVOR due to less site error reference signal is AM; variphase signal is FM - simulated anticlockwise rotation of aerial TVOR -low power Tx at airfields VOT Test VOR giving 180 radial ~ aircraft should have <+/-4° error ‘Transmitter power Line of sight DOC valid day and night Site error (less with DVOR) propagation error Scalloping (bending due to reflections from terrain) Airborne equipment error (#/-3°) OFF flag may appear; TO / FROM display and bearings fluctuate Aerial, Receiver, Display (CDI / RMI CDE 2° per dot; max 10%; relationship between indication and aircraft position RME arrowhead gives QDM; tail gives QDR; Use magnetic variation at station Radial interceptions; Track keeping; Station passage 131 132 VHF Omni-Directional Range Chapter 8 (vor) “ps QUESTIONS 1. Assuming the maximum likey error in VOR to be 55, what is the maximum distance apart that beacons can be situated on the centre line of a Ui airway in order that an aircraft can guarantee remaining within the airway boundary? a 545mm b.109mum © 66am & anm 2, ‘TheDesignated Operational Coverage quoted for VOR beacons in the COMM section ofthe Ait Pilot: a. Isonly applicable by day. Guarantees a Protection Ratio of at least 3 to I by day and night © Defines the airspace within which an aircraft is assured of protection from interference from other VORs on the same channel 4. __Isdetermined by the type of surface over which the signal will have to travel, An aircraft is tracking away from a VOR on the 050 radial with 10° starboard drift. An NDB lies to the east of the VOR, Which of the RMls illustrated below shows the aircraft when itis obtaining a relative bearing of 100° from the NDB? What is the theoretical maximum range that an aircraft at flight level 360 will obtain from a VOR beacon situated at 900 feet above mean sea level? a 274nms b mms © 1i2nms d. 224nms 133 VHF Omni-Directional Range Chapter 8 aay A Conventional VOR: a, hasan FM reference signal and an AM variable signal b. has a 150Hz reference signal and a 90Hz variable signal ¢ hasan AMreference signal and a 150 Hz variable signal d. hasan AM reference signal and an FM variable signal. 6. The OBS on a deviation indicator is set to 330” and gives a 3 dots fly right demand with FROM. indicated. What is the QDM of the aircraft to the station? a dd b 324 «386 a 156 7. Amaircraft is homing towards a VOR which marks the centre line of an airway. The beacon is 100 nms distant. If the pilot had the airway QDM set on the OBS what deflection of the deviation indicator would be given if the aircraft was on the boundary of the airway? Assume that one dot equals 2 degrees. a 3dots bd 2dots © 25dols d.15dots 8. What is the theoretical maximum range that an aircraft at fight level 420 will obtain from a ‘VOR beacon situated at 400 feet above mean sea level? a 225mm b.256.nm © 281nm 4.257 nm 9. Concerning conventional and Doppler VORs (DVOR), which of the following is correct? a, There is no way of knowing from the instrumentation display which type is being used. b. The DVOR will always have a “D” in the ident, © The DVOR has a higher pitch ident than the standard VOR. d. The conventional VOR has less site error. 10. Ina Doppler VOR (DVOR) the reference signal is the bearing signal is and the direction of rotation of the bearing signal is AM, FM, anti-clockwise. AM, FM, clockwise. FM, AM, anti-clockwise TM, AM, clockwise. VHF Omni-Directional Range (VOR) 2 ¥4 An aircraft is attempting to home to a VOR on the 064 radial. The CDI shows 4 dots fly rig! with a TO indication, At the same time the co-located DME shows a range of 45 nm. Wher the aircraft in relation to the required track? 6 nm right of track 3 nm right of track. 6 nm leltof track, Sinm left of track, A VOR beacon ceases to transmit its normal identification which is substituted by “TST. This means that: a. The beacon may be used providing that extreme caution is used. The beacon is undergoing maintenance or calibration and should not be used. © This is a temporary short range transmission and will have approximately half its normal range. d. The beacon is under test and pilots using it should report its accuracy to air traffic control. ‘Whats the approximate maximum range that an aircraft flying at 25000’ would expect to obtain from a VOR beacon situated 900’ above mean sea level? a 220m. b. 10am 235m dé 198nm An aircraft is on the airway boundary range 100:nm from a VOR marking the airway centre line Assuming that each dot equates to 2° how many dots deviation will be shown on the deviation indicator? a. 3.0dots b.— 25dots & 20dots a 18dots aft is required to intercept and home to a VOR along the 064 Radial. The OBS should be a. 064 to get correct needle sense and a TO indication, b. 244 to get correct needle sense and a TO indication. © 064 to get correct needle sense and a FROM indication. d. 24d to get correct needle sense and a FROM indication. 135 Chapter 8 VHF Omui-Directional Range Se wor) 16. An aircraft is tracking away from a VOR on the 150 radial with 10° starboard drift. An NDB lies to the South of the VOR. Which of the RMIs illustrated below shows the aircraft when itis ‘obtaining a relative bearing of 100° from the NDB? c 17. Assuming the maximum likely error in VOR to be 5°, what is the maximum distance apart that, beacons can be situated on the centre line of a UK airway in order that an aircraft can guarantee remaining within the airway boundary? a 60am b 100m ¢ 120nm, a. 150mm. 18. AN aircraft, heading 150°, is 100 nm north of a VOR, the pilot intends to home to the VOR on, the 030 radial. The pilot should se... on the OBS and on reaching the 030 radial should turn onto a heading of .., assuming zero wind, a) 210 eft 030 b) 030 right 210 ©) 20 right 210 4) 150 deft 210 VHF Omni-Directional Range (vor) Chapter 8 19. The type of emission radiated by a VOR beacon is: a. A double channel VHF carrier with one channel being amplitude modulated and the second channel being frequency modulated b. A single channel VHF carrier wave amplitude modulated at 30 Hz with a sub carrier being frequency modulated at 30 Hz, © A-VHE carrier wave with 2 90 Hz frequency modulation and a 150 Hz amplitude ‘modulation, 4. AVHF pulse modulated emission with a pulse repetition frequency of 30 pps. 20, An aircraft wishes to track towards a VOR along the 274 radial. If variation is 10° W what should be set on the OBS? a 274 b. 264 Oe d O84 21, An aircraft is tracking away from a VOR on a heading of 287°M with 14° starboard drift. If the variation is 6°W what is the phase difference between the reference and variable phase components of the VOR transmission? a b. 295° 301° a 315° 22, Whatis the theoretical maximum range that a pilot would obtain from a VOR situated 900 feet above mean sea level in an aircraft flying at 18,000 feet? a 168mm b. 188m —205nm dé. 250nm 23, An aircraft is attempting to home to a VOR beacon. The pilot has set 329 on the OBS of the deviation indicator. Ifthe aircraft is situated on the 152 radial then the deviation indicator will show: a. oneand a half dots fly right, b. _oneand ahalf dots Ay lef. three dots fly right. d. three dots fly left. 24, AOR receiver in an aircraft measures the phase difference from a DVOR as 220°, Which radial is the aircraft on? a 40 boa. 320 a -220 137 Chapter 8 26. 27, 28, VHF Omui-Directional Range (oR) ‘The RMI indicates the aircraft magnetic heading. To conve: ‘VORs to true bearings, the correct combination for th we RMI bearings of NDBs and application of magnetic variation is: NDB VOR beacon position aircraft position beacon position beacon position aircraft position beacon position aircraft position aircraft position Both the VOR and the ADFinanaircraftarecorrectly tuned and identified. The indications from both are shown on the RMI illustrated. Use the information to answer the following: The information given on. the RMI indicates: a. that the aircraft is heading 033°(M), is on the 310° radial from the VOR, and bears (050°(M) from the NDB. b. that the aircraft is heading 330°(M), is on the 310° radial from the VOR, and bears 050° from the NDB. ©. that the aircraft is heading 330°(M), is on the 130° radial from the VOR, and bears (050°(M) from the NDB. 4. that the aircraft is heading 330°(M), is on the 130° radial from the VOR, and bears 2230°(M) from the NDB. ‘The VOR in an aircraft is correctly tuned and set to define the centre line of an airway within UK airspace which you intend to fly. The indication received on the VOR/ILS deviation indicator is shown below. At the same time the DME gave a range of 90nim from the facility. At the time of the ‘observation, the aircraft's radial and distance from the airway centre-line were: 062 radial = 9mm O74radial == nm 242radial 6am 254radial == 9am ‘The normal maximum error which might be expected with a VOR bearing obtained within the a, plusor minus 1° b. — plusorminus 2° © plusor minus 5° dd. plusor minus 10° VHF Omni-Directional Range Chapter 8 (vor) “ps 29. Amaircraftis tracking away from VOR “AY on the 310° radial with 8” starboard drift; NDB "X" is north of "A". Which diagram below illustrates the RMI when the aircrafts on its present track with a QDR from °X" of 270°? 30. ‘The VOR indications on an RMI whose deviation isnot zero a. c magnetic. b. are compass. © arerelative d. must have deviation applied before being used. 139 VHF Omni-Directional Range Se (Wor) 31. Anaircraft bears 175°(M) froma VOR. Ifthe aircraft OBS i set to 002 and its heading is 359°(M) which diagram below represents the aircraft VORJILS deviation indicator? (assume 1 dot =2") ui ANSWERS a1 2 au 2 13 4 u“ 15 16 6 7 28 7 18 st) 30 10 we Instrument Landing System as) Chapter 9 QUESTIONS 1, The coverage of an ILS localiser extends to cither side of the on course line out to a range of... Tm a 10°35 b d 2. The upper and lower limits of an ILS glide path transmitter having a 3.5° glide slope are: a 6:125°-1.575° b.—7.700"-1.225° & — 5.250°-1.350° d.3.850°-3.150° 3. The minimum angle at which a false glide path is likely to be encountered on a 3°glidepath is a G6 degrees b 35 degrees normal glide slope times 1.75, d. normal glide slope times 0.70 4. The visual and aural indications obtained when overflying an ILS middle marker are a. continuous low pitched dashes with synchronised blue light. b. continuous high pitched dots with synchronised amber light. alternating medium pitch dots and dashes with amber light. done letter in Morse with synchronised white light. 5. Anaireraft carrying out an ILS approach is receiving stronger 150 Hz signals than 90 Hz signals. The correct actions to be taken to place the aircraft on the centreline and on the glidepath are to fly: a. DOWNand LEFT. b. UPand LEFT © UPand RIGHT. d. DOWNand RIGHT 6. Inelevation the upper and lower limits of an ILS glide path transmitter having a 3.0 deg: a 035" 070° b. 3,000 atleast 6° © 25° 135° d. 100" 35.0" 7. Acategory 2 ILS installation encountered in the UK a. provides accurate guidance down to 50’ above the horizontal plane containing the runway threshold. has a steep glide path, normally 7.5° © _ provides accurate guidance down to the runway and along the runway after landing. cd. _hasa false glide path that is exactly twice the true glide path angle. 163 Chapter 9 8 IL 12. Jnstrument Landing System (LS) Which of these ILS indicators shows an aircraft on final approach left of the centre line and at maximum safe deviation below the glide path ? d An aircraft tracking to intercept the ILS localiser inbound on the approach side but outside the published coverage angle: will receive false on-course or reverse sense signals, will not normally receive signals. will receive signals without coding, can expect signals to give correct indications, ‘The outer marker of an ILS installation has a visual identification of alternating dots and dashes on a blue light continuous dots at a rate of 3 per second, blue light. continuous dashes at arate of 2 per second, amber light. continuous dashes at arate of 2 per second, blue light. ‘The specified maximum safe fly up indication on a 5 dot CDI is: half full scale needile deflection above the centre line. 255 dots fly up. just before full scale deflection, 1.3 dats fly up. An aircraft is attempting to use an ILS approach outside the coverage sectors of an ICAO standard system: b From the glideslope needle the captain may be receiving false course and reverse sense indications and from the localiser needle intermittent and incorrect indications. The aircraft's receiver is not detecting any transmissions and the ILS needle OFF flags are visible From the localiser needle the captain may be receiving false course and intermittent indications and from the glideslope needle reverse sense and incorrect indications. From the localiser needle the captain may be receiving false course and reverse sense indications and from the glideslope needle intermittent and incorrect indications. Instrument Landing System Ls) 4. The coverage of the ILS glideslope in azimuth is: An aircraft's Instrument Landing System glideslope and localiser receivers are predominant 90Hz modulated signals, If the aircraft is w +£8° out to 10am +10* out to fam £12° out to 17mm 235° out to 25nm, 264°, itis: a. north of the localiser and below the glideslope. b. south of the localiser and above the glideslope. north of the localiser and above the glideslope. d. south of the localiser and below the glideslope. thin the coverage of the ILS Chapter 9 receiving QDM of 165 ANSWERS u 311 ANSWERS n R B u 15

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