Study of The Implementation of Products and Waste From Agriculture in Construction

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Study of the implementation of products and waste from agriculture in construction.

Today, one human difficulty that is obvious and often avoided is the global problem of waste
volumes and resource scarcity. For several years now, worldwide entities have been presenting data
on the environmental problem and the lack of materials generated around the world; however,
thanks to technological advances, it has become evident that there is an extremely high potential
that could address the difficulty, since studies and research that have worked with the
implementation of waste from agriculture have shown that they significantly help the situation
through their use in different industrial sectors.

According to [1], Innovation is defined as the transformation of an idea into a saleable

product or equipment, new or improved; into an operational process in industry or commerce, or
into a new methodology for social organization. Taking into account the above, when doing a
correct rehabilitation of organic waste, it becomes raw material for the creation of new materials in
the construction sector, since it is constantly looking for improved materials, of excellent quality
and high performance that are viable when executing tasks in the area.

However, not only the reuse of agricultural waste becomes a potential for construction when it
comes to innovation, the implementation of agricultural products also shows percentages of interest
for the creation of new materials and improved technologies in construction, from the use of tubers
and seeds, to peanuts and rice, among other things.

One of the most relevant objectives of the research is to make the reader aware of the importance
and acceptance of the implementation of products and waste from agriculture in construction, as
well as its limitations and disadvantages after its implementation through the collection of
systematic information, and previously establish a similarity between the samples that rigorously
ensures the information presented.

For this reason, it is important to define the concept of creation of materials, since, from the
research point of view, based on what has been explained by the Canaries [2] new materials are
products of new technologies resulting from the development of chemistry and applied physics,
engineering and materials science. They have been designed to respond to new needs or to some
technological application. However, this is not enough to clearly define them, as different areas that
appear to be distant also intervene in the process of creation. The Canary Islands [2] also explain
that the rapid progress of electronics during the second half of the 20th century is explained by the
mutual reinforcement between materials research and their practical industrial application in areas
as different as engineering, medicine, construction, telecommunications or information technology.

[1], Yéndez. N.V. ISCM-SC Investigations. online] Cuba, MEDISAN, 2000

Available at:

[2] Arizmendi, O. Universidad y valores: recopilación de escritos sobre educación [online]

Colombia, Universidad Sur colombiana, 1992 Available at:

Hi, guys.

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when opening the first thing that appears is the options to make the brochure

in this case there are templates for hotels, businesses and others.

I'll choose this one that I think is nice, we give you to create

automatically on the left side we get two pages.

this is the home page when making the double, this will be the cover of our brochure, and the
other is what the brochure contains.

the correct thing would be to have a separate document with the content and images that we
want to attach to our brochure.

The first thing we are going to do is to add the title of our brochure, in this case Study of the
application of products and waste from agriculture in construction, we give copy and paste in our
we can also add photos related to the topic we are dealing with from the document we have our
images to the brochure document

the program gives the option of whether we want to style the letter, fill it in and add a border.

The next step is to add the content of the theme we are working on, you can modify the text,
move it, attach images and add all the information you want.

that was it guys

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