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School of Business & Economics

Department of Marketing & International Business

Course Name
Promotional Management
Course Code
MKT 337 (Sections: 4)
& Section No.
Semester Summer 2020

Instructor Name Faiz Hossain (Fss)

Office NAC 725
Office Hours -
Office Phone 1768
Email Address
Department Marketing & International Business
Links North South University Website:
School Webpage:
Department Webpage:
Google Classroom Access Code: bamf2mc


Class Time & Section: 4, ST: 11.20am – 12.50 pm (NAC 208)

Course MKT 202
Course Credit Hours 3.0

Course Description Marketing communications is a broad area encompassing many elements of a firm’s promotion
mix, including advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling
etc. All these elements are related to communicating something about the firm to external
audiences, usually about what the firm has to offer. Some communications are targeted on
external audiences other than customers, but most are to customers. This course is specifically
about different promotional activities, with a main focus on the very common elements of
Course Objectives On completion of this course, students will be aware of the key role effective promotional
management play in the development of brands in the contemporary marketplace and in the
creation and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships between an organisation and its
key target markets. They will have studied the basic elements of promotional management
theory and examined the significance of promotional management in the development of
defensible and sustainable competitive advantage in increasingly dynamic market segments.
This module seeks to explore essential individual elements of the marketing communications
mix (advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing etc.) within the context of
brand management. In addition, the way in which technological and competitive changes are
impacting upon both marketing communications strategy, and communication vehicles, will be
Student Learning On successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
CO 1. Comprehend and critically analyze the role of Integrated Marketing Communications
tools towards building effective brand communication
CO 2. Demonstrate essential skills to construct creative strategies aimed at generating top of
mind awareness
CO 3. Reproduce basic framework of an Integrated Marketing Communications plan in local
CO 4. Practice elementary entrepreneurial and communication skills in a competitive working
CO 5. Identify ethical and socially responsible standards in designing promotional strategies for

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes, Delivery Methods and Assessment Strategies

Course Outcomes (CO) Bloom’s Delivery Assessment

taxonomy methods tools
domain/level and activities (faculty members
(C: Cognitive (faculty can use any number
P: Psychomotor members can of tools)
A:Affective) choose any
number of
CO-1 Comprehend and critically analyze the role of
Integrated Marketing Communications tools C2, C4 Lecture, Quiz, Assignment
towards building effective brand Video
communication Discussion
CO-2 Demonstrate essential skills to construct C3 Concept
creative strategies aimed at generating top of Lecture, in- clarification,
mind awareness class group Midterm exam,
discussion, Individual and
Videos group presentation
CO-3 Reproduce basic framework of an Integrated P3 Lecture, Group report and
Marketing Communications plan in local Discussion presentation, Final
context Exam
CO-4 Practice elementary entrepreneurial and A2 Experiential Concept,
communication skills in a competitive working learning Demonstration,
framework session, In-class Group Presentation,
activities Assignment
CO-5 Identify ethical and socially responsible A1 Lecture Assignment, Final
standards in designing promotional strategies Video Exam
for organizations Demonstration
Cognitive domain (knowledge-based): C
1: Knowledge, 2: Comprehension, 3 Application, 4 Analysis, 5: Synthesis, 6: Evaluation

The affective domain (emotion-based): A

1: Receiving, .2: Responding, 3: Valuing, 4: Organizing, 5: Characterizing

The psychomotor domain (action-based): P

1: Perception, 2: Set, 3: Guided response, 4: Mechanism, 5: Complex overt response, 6: Adaptation,
7: Origination

RECOMMENDED TEXT(s) – Primary and Supplementary

Author Edition & Year Publisher

Main Text Book: Advertising and Promotion, An
Belch G, Belch M: Integrated Marketing Communication 11th Edition
Perceptive or Later

Additionally Similar
Topic Covered By: Integrated Advertising, Promotion and
Clow, K E Baack D: Marketing Communication
11th Edition or Later 4th Edition

4th Edition

Resource Type Description Type Comments

Power point slides/ Information about Newspaper The instructor will provide and/or
Handouts/Internet marketing information Articles, direct to the sources.
and practices websites, videos,
other form of

The course is assessed by means of two midterms, one final, one final project with presentation and several quizzes and
assignments both individual and group. Students are expected to actively involve and take initiative for their own
learning experience.


Your performance in ALL the exams determines your grade. The points are distributed in the following manner:

Grading tool
Final Report 15%
Group Presentation 10%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 40%
Attendance 5%
Total 100%

NSU’s grading and performance evaluation policies will be followed in assigning your grade. Please note that all final
grades are subject to departmental review and approval.


(*** the following rules are given as sample rules. Faculty member can change it as per their preference)

1. The ground rule for our class is respectful, open communication. We have many things to learn from one
another. Every single question is appreciated!

2. When you come to the class, you become part of a learning community. Please be conscious of your
community role, and work toward creating a healthy learning atmosphere in the class.

3. Don’t chat during the class. If you have to, then feel free not to attend the class at the expense of your
attendance for the day. Inability to refrain from unnecessary, disruptive chatting may result in a request to
leave the classroom.

4. If you have to leave the class when it is in progress, sit near the door and leave silently.

5. While in class, please switch off your cell phone. Inability to do so may result in some penalty.

6. You must seek permission before using any sort of electronic gadget in the class such as a laptop. Use of such
gadgets for purposes other than note-taking during lectures is strictly prohibited.

7. Limit your eating while the class is in progress. Eat during the breaks.
8. Academic Integrity Policy: The School of Business and Economics does not tolerate academic dishonesty by
its students. At a minimum, you must not be involved in cheating, copyright infringement, submitting the
same work in multiple courses, significant collaboration with other individuals outside of sanctioned group
activities, and fabrications. You are advised that violations of the Student Integrity Code will be treated
seriously, with special attention given to repeated offences. Please refer to NSU Code of Conduct at


Please note:
 You must come prepared for all your exams.
 You must come on time.
 Being late does not necessarily guarantee that you are going to get extra time for writing your tests and exam.
 You must bring your own pencil, pen, eraser, calculator and any other permitted items that you may need and you
are allowed during the tests and exam.
 All cell phones must be switched off.
 Any deviation from the standard procedures will not be taken lightly.
 Any unfair means adopted in the tests and exam will be seriously dealt with.
 Academic misconduct or failure to comply with NSU Examination Code of Conduct may result in F.


Students need to be present in all the classes if he or she aspires a good grade. All students will get 5% marks if they do not
miss more than 3 classes in the semester. However, students will lose 1 mark for each subsequent class missed after missing
3 classes.

Class participation is different from class attendance. As this is a marketing course, students should practice participating in
class discussions. Logical, creative and innovative participation will lead to 5% marks. In addition to this class behavior and
punctuality will also affect this mark.


All communications should take place using the instructor’s email. In addition, students can communicate in the class or
during the instructor’s office hours.


Lesson Topics Learning Assessment Learning

Activities Tools Outcomes
The Role of IMC in the Marketing Discussions CO-1
Emphasize on: EXAM
1  Strategy and Analysis
 Target Market Process
 Positioning
 Promotional Strategies: Push, Pull
Organizations for advertising and Discussions CO-2
Emphasize on: EXAM
2  Clients Role
 Advertising Agencies
 Evaluating Agencies
 Specialized Services

6 Source, Message and Channel Factor CO-1

Lecture Discussions
Emphasize on: Discussions MIDTERM

 Source Factors

Establishing Objectives and Budgeting CO-2

Lecture Discussions
for the Promotional Program
Discussions MIDTERM
7 Emphasize on:
 Determining IMC Objectives
 Sales vs. Communication
Creative Strategy: Planning and CO-2
Lecture Discussions
Discussions MIDTERM
8 Emphasize on: EXAM
 Advertising Creativity
 The Creative Process
 Creative Strategy Development


Creative Strategy: Implementation and CO-2

Evaluation Discussions
Emphasize on: Final Exam
 Appeals and Execution Styles
 Creative Tactics
Evaluation of Media CO-1 & CO-2
Lecture Discussions
Emphasize on:
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Discussions Final Exam
Traditional Media (Broadcast)
Evaluation of Media CO-1 & CO-2
Lecture Discussions
Emphasize on:
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Discussions Final Exam
Traditional Media (Print)
Support Media CO-2
Lecture Discussions

13 Emphasize on: Discussions Final Exam

 Traditional Support Media
Video Cases
 Non-Traditional Support Media
The Internet and Interactive Media CO-1
Lecture Discussions
14 Emphasize on: Discussions Final Exam
 Social Media Marketing
Sales Promotions CO-1
Lecture Discussions
Emphasize on:
 Sales Promotion Tools Discussions Final Exam


***The faculty reserves the right to make changes to the course outline.

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