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Introduction to World Religions and Belief System

2nd Semester 2017-2018

2nd Quarter

1. Individual report presentation
2. Individual research and presentation
3. Group report presentation
4. Group research and presentation
5. Gathering of information (clippings) ex. based articles, photos etc.
6. Reaction paper (follow the format)

A reaction paper consists of four main parts:

2. Body
3. Conclusions
4. List of citations and sources

1. How World Religions Began
2. Positive and Negative effect of Religions

Lesson Planning Ideas: The World's Religions

Content Standard:
1. The learner demonstrates understanding of historical and geographical contexts of the
different religions
2. The learner demonstrates understanding of Effect of Religions: Positive and Negative

Performance Standard:
1. The learner conducts a group activity that demonstrates the influence of a religion in a
certain culture.
2. The learner gathers print or web based articles, photos, editorial, etc. showing the positive
or negative effects of religion.

Learning Competencies:
1.1. Cite regions or places where specific religions evolved

1.2. Analyze the culture of the region that gave rise to specific religions

1.3. Explain how geography influences religion and religion affects culture

1.4. Conduct a group activity that demonstrates the influence of a religion in a certain culture

2.1. Identify the positive and negative effects of religions


2.2. Provide evidence that religion brought about an event in history


2.3. Justify that religion can have positive or negative effects on society
Origin of Major Religions
This table indicates the approximate date each of the twelve major world religions began, along with
the traditional dates for the birth and death of its founder (if applicable). You can click on each
religions' link to start reading about it.

This list of twelve world religions is, of course, an oversimplification. Also, keep in mind that there are
religions (such as the belief systems of Native American and Australian Aborigine peoples) that go
back much further than Hinduism, and there have been several large religions that have started since

The 'Common Era' refers to 1 A.D. CE=Common Era, BCE=Before

Common Era

Date Near East India China/Japan

1000+ BCE  

Judaism: Hinduism:
Moses 1500-1350 BCE 2000 BCE
600 BCE Zoroastrianism: Jainism:
Zoroaster 628-527 BCE Mahavira 599-527 BCE

Lao Tse 580-500 BCE
Buddhism: Confucianism:
Buddha 563-483 BCE Confucius 551-479 BCE
100 CE  

Christianity: Shinto:
Jesus 1-33 CE 100 CE
600 CE    

Muhammad 570-632 CE
1500 CE   Sikhism:  
Guru Nanak 1469-1538 CE

1900 CE Baha'i:  
Baha'u'llah 1817-1892 CE

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