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ii Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I-A
Vol. 1
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh
Part I

General Editor
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
Chairman, ICHR

S.M. Mishra

Research and Editorial Team

Ashfaque Ali
Rajesh Kumar
Habib Manjar

Published by


in association with
iv Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I-A

Project of

First Edition 2010

Published by


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© ICHR, 2010

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ISBN 978-81-7831-222-4

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Printed in India by
Nice Printing Press, New Delhi
This volume is dedicated to the
Patriots who Laid Down
their Lives for the
Freedom of India
vi Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I-A

I have very great pleasure in placing before the readers the first fruits of great
endeavour undertaken by the ICHR. When I was in the process of accepting on
behalf of my organization the task of compiling a national register of martyrs in
the form of a biographical dictionary, I approached the project with trepidations.
On the one hand I was deterred by the thought that such a project would be
inevitably fraught with controversies, and on the other there was an awareness
that the ICHR owes to the people the best it can deliver to fulfill expectations.
The background to the project is as follows: A project to compile ëa national
register of martyrsí was initiated by the National Implementation Committee
for organising celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the uprising of 1857 and
60 years of Indiaís independence. The ICHR accepted the project and necessary
funds at the request of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. An
Advisory Committee, comprised of historians and representatives of the
Ministry of Culture and the National Archives of India, decided that the project
will produce a series of volumes entitled Dictionary of Martyrs: Indiaís Freedom
Struggle, 1857-1947, containing brief biographical notes based to the extent
possible on authentic archival and other contemporary documents. The
Advisory Committee also decided that the period to be covered by the present
project would be 1857 to 1947. (This, of course, does not preclude additional
projects to cover earlier years, if so proposed, to be taken up separately).
The Committee also accepted for purposes of this project a definition of
the term ëmartyrí which the Government of India adopted in 1980 to facilitate
the distribution of awards and pensions. ìA martyr is a person who died or
who was killed in action or in detention or was awarded capital punishment
while participating in a national movement for emancipation of India. It includes
an ex-INA or ex-military person who died fighting the Britishî.
Needless to say, there are quite a few biographical dictionaries of martyrs
viii Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I-A

of the freedom struggle. On the occasion of Gandhi Centenary Celebrations the

Ministry of Education, Government of India, began a project to compile a ìWhoís
Who of Indian Martyrsî. The definition of the term ëmartyrí the project adopted
was: ìpatriots who were hanged or killed in the struggle for freedomî. Three
volumes were published in 1969, 1972 and 1973, under the editorship of Dr.
P.N. Chopra. At the time of the centenary of the uprising of 1857, as well as on
analogous occasions to commemorate events in the freedom struggle, different
State governments published biographical dictionaries or lists of martyrs.
However, the above-mentioned publications did not indicate specifically sources
of historical data to establish their authenticity. In the present series of the ICHR
our researchers have utilized archival and other contemporary documents which
have been listed at the end of each biographical note as references. When they
have consulted secondary sources they have tried to cross-check and authenticate
the data with reference to primary sources whenever possible. Scholars may
now follow up the references to the archival data (vide ëAbbreviationsí to the
preliminary pages of this volume, and details of department, branch, file
numbers etc. in the references under each biographical note). Those who are
not satisfied with the brief biographical notes can thus gather more information.
In this project we addressed first the task of collecting data on the region
now known as Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi. Immediately
after this publication we will expand our ambit of activity to the rest of India
and there in some instances we may find the archival resources less easy to
access. For the present we are happy to report that only a small fraction of
biographical notes are not based on archival data. However, even in north India
the early records, specially on the uprising of 1857, yield only small bits of
biographical information. Our research team was asked to gather at least basic
information to establish identity, viz. name, date of birth or age at the time of
martyrdom, place of birth/residence; caste identity features in almost all
nineteenth century records and this is also included; these data are followed by
a summary of available information on the individualís participation in freedom
struggle and the course of events leading to death or martyrdom.
Many details of research of this kind may lead to controversies. The question
of inclusion or exclusion of some individuals may itself be a subject of
controversy. Our decision was to make this compilation as inclusive as possible.
Moreover, the primary sources we have depended upon may contain errors of
facts or interpretation; the inherent bias in the records of the British Indian
government is too obvious a thing to elaborate upon. In this collection of data
From the General Editor ix

an effort has been made to overcome such data limitations. Finally, it needs to
be said that a work of this nature cannot claim to be absolutely complete and
final. We may find gaps or omissions which need to be corrected; a
supplementary volume towards that end is part of the project plans.
In the last three years ICHR has published half a dozen volumes of the
Towards Freedom series; this meant documentation work of massive kind and
altogether about 4500 pages of documents have been published. This experience
was of great help to us. Some of those who worked in the present project have
had that experience as well. My role in the present work was marginal compared
to the enormous labour put in by the research team consisting of Dr. Rajesh
Kumar, Mr. Ashfaque Ali and Dr. Habib Manjar. In my judgement they have
done a marvelous job and so did Mr. Devendra Singh Bisht and Mr. Sanjeev
Singh who prepared the digital matter for the press. Sometimes the
administrative glitches which occur in a large project like this were taken care
of by Dr. Ishrat Alam, Member Secretary, and Dr. S.M. Mishra, Deputy Director
(Research), and earlier by Dr. P.K. Shukla.
Among those who helped the ICHR in the project I would like to thank my
historian colleagues, the experts who agreed to sit on the Advisory Committee
(Professors V. Ramakrishna, N. Rajendran, Subhas R. Chakraborty, T.R. Ghoble,
Indu Banga, V. Raghottam, Arjun Dev, Swaraj Basu, Dr. Pramod Mehra, Shri
S.M.R. Baqar) and the Northern Zonal Committee (Professors Indu Banga, Arjun
Dev, Swaraj Basu, Sunita Pathania, K.L. Tuteja, Sushil Srivastava, J.P. Mishra,
V.K. Vashistha, Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta and Dr. Pramod Mehra). And finally
thanks are due to the Secretary, Mr. Jawhar Sircar and Mr. Lov Verma and Dr.
T. Kumar, Joint Secretaries in the Ministry of Culture for their consistently
supportive role in this project.

Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
x Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I-A

Archival Records
Cong : The Congress, NMML
CVBKB & O : Crown versus Basant Kumar Biswas & Others, NAI
DCP : Delhi Conspiracy Case (1914), NAI
Depo : Deposit
distt : Disrict
DUA : Dehli Urdµu Akhfibµar, NAI
F/Intel : Foreign Intelligence, NAI
F/Mis : Foreign Miscellaneous, NAI
F/Poll : Foreign Political Consultations, NAI
GD : The Ghadar Directory, PSAC
H/Judl : Home Judicial
H/Mil : Home Military, PSAC
H/Poll : Home Department (Political), NAI
HSAP : Haryana State Archives, Panchkula
Jud : Judgment
Judl : Judicial Department
LCC (TJ 1915-16) : Lahore Conspiracy Case, Trial/Judgement Proceeding 1915-16,
MP : Mutiny Papers, NAI
MRC : Mutiny Records Correspondence, NAI
NAI : National Archives of India
xii Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I-A

NMML : Nehru Memorial Museum and Library

PGCS : Punjab Government Civil Secretariat
Proc : Proceedings
PSAC : Punjab State Archives, Chandigarh
PSAP : Punjab State Archieves, Patiala
ps : Police Station
Pt : Part
SA : ®µadiqµul Akhfibµar
s/o : Son of
Sr : Serial
teh : Tehsil
Tr : Trial
Trb : The Tribune
v : Village
w/o : Wife of

Secondary Sources
BSKP : Bhµartiya Sahidon Kµa Parichay by Sneh Rai
BSZWD : Bahadur Shah Zafar and the War of 1857 in Delhi by S. Mahdi Husian
DNB : Dictionary of National Biography, Vols. I ñ IV, (ed.) by S.P. Sen
DTBS : Delhi in 1857: The Trial of Bahadur Shah (ed.) by K.C. Yadav
EFFP : Eminent Freedom Fighters of Punjab by Fauja Singh
FHIFS : Forgotten Heroes of Indiaís Freedom Struggle, A Whoís Who (British
Secret Documents) by Prabha Chopra & P. N. Chopra
FMD : Freedom Movement in Delhi (1858-1919) by Sangat Singh
FML : From Martial Law to Martial Law, Politics in the Punjab, 1919-1958
by Syed Nur Ahmad (ed.) by Craig Baxter
FSUP : Freedom Struggle in Uttar Pradesh, Vol. II (ed.) by S.A.A. Rizvi &
M.L. Bhargava
GID : Gazetteer of India, Delhi
HCJ : The Heroes of Cellular Jail by S.N. Aggarwal
HPSS : Himachal Pradesh Mein Swatantrata Sangram ka Sankshipt Itihas
Abbreviations xiii

(ed.) by Harvansh Garg

HSG : Haryana State Gazetteer, Vol. ñ I
HUJ : A History of Urdu Journalism: 1822-1857 by Nadir Ali Khan
INCR : Report of The Commissioners Appointed by The Punjab Sub-Committee
of The Indian National Congress, Vols. I - II by Pandit Motilal Nehru
& others
INMPM : Indian National Movement: Punjabi Martyrs of Freedom, Vol. I by
O.P. Ralhan
IR : Indian Revolutionaries (1737-1961), Vol. II by Srikrishna Saral
JBM : The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre by Raja Ram
KMFSP : Kuka Movement Freedom Struggle in Punjab (Documents, 1880-1903
A.D.) by Jaswinder Singh
MLDRM : Madan Lal Dhingra and the Revolutionary Movement by V.N. Datta
MOP : Martyrs of the Punjab, Vol. I, (ed.) by Param Bakhshish Singh &
R.K. Ghai
PHT : Punjab Heroic Tradition 1900-1947 by Satya M. Rai
PSAP : Punjab State Archives, Patiala.
RABR : Rebels against the British Rule (Guru Ram Singh and the Kuka Singh)
by Bhai Nahar Singh & Kirpal Singh.
RAD : Revolutionary Activities in Delhi by Kishan Lal
RIH : The Revolt of 1857 in Haryana by K.C. Yadav
RTR : Rao Tula Ram ñ A Hero of 1857 by K.C. Yadav
SFH : Struggle for Free Hindustan (Ghadar Movement), Vol. Ió1905-1916
(ed.) by Bhai Nahar Singh and Kirpal Singh
SSG : Swatantratµa Senµani Granthmµalµa, Vols. I ñ X, by Phoolchand Jain
(ed.) by Mastram Kapoor
TBSZ : The Trial of Bahadur Shah Zafar (ed.) by Pramod K. Nayar
TLM : The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty by William Dalrymple
UHFSA : Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle in Andamans Whoís Who (ed.)
by Rashid Iqbal
WWDFF : Whoís Who of Delhi Freedom Fighters, Vols. I - II (ed.) by Prabha
Chopra & Uma Prasad Thapliyal
WWIM : Whoís Who of Indian Martyrs, Vols. I - III (ed.) by P.N. Chopra
WWPFF : Whoís Who: Punjab Freedom Fighters, Vols. I - II (ed.) by Fauja
Singh & Param Bakhshish Singh
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 1

Abad Behari: Born in 1890, Delhi; s/o house was searched and police found
Gobind Lal; Kaisth; school teacher, copies of ëLibertyí and ëTalwarí. The
later on became lecturer in B.T. pamphlet ëTalwarí carried the picture
Training College, Lahore and started of the martyr Madan Lal Dhingra who
kindling the fire of revolution in hearts had been executed in London. In the
of his students; actively involved in pamphlets which were seized, it had
nationalist activities; member of been said that Englishmen should be
revolutionary activities in U.P. and killed using all possible means. Petrol
Punjab. With a view to bringing and some detonators were also
influential people into revolutionary discovered at his house. He was
organisation, he first built contacts charged with conspiring to kill Lord
with them and started taking part in Hardinge and also accused in bomb
social reform activities and then explosion at Lawrence Garden,
started influencing them with his Lahore; tried under Delhi-Lahore
ideas. He also acquired expertise in Conspiracy Case and hanged in Delhi
making and exploding bombs. He Central Jail on 8 May 1915. [DCP, Tr.
came in contact with Rash Behari No. 6 of 1914, CVBKB & O, Sr No. 12
Bose; participated in a plot to throw a Pt IV ñ Proc/Jud. NAI; H/Poll- A, July
bomb on Lord Hardinge (Viceroy of (1914), Nos. 1-2, NAI; WWIM, I, pp.
India) on 23 December 1912, when he 14-15; WWDFF, I, p. 37; IR, II, pp. 30-
was passing through Chandni 32; RAD, pp. 104-35; SSG, I, p. 44]
Chowk, Delhi in a State procession
marking the inauguration of Delhi as Abboo: Resident of Gali Shams Karim
a Capital of India. He played a major Khan, Delhi; Sheikh; participated in
role in Bomb explosion in Lawrance Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
Garden, Lahore on 17 May 1913. British forces and charged with
Apart from this, he was deeply rebellion against British rule;
involved in writing and publishing convicted and sentenced to death;
the seditious pamphlet ëLibertyí. He executed by hanging on 27 February
was arrested in February 1914. His 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
2 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

(1858), HSAP] sentenced to death; executed on 27

February 1858 by orders of Military
Abboo: Resident of Hauz Koja, Delhi; Commissioner, Delhi.[Judl. Deptt
Mughal; participated in 1857 (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP;
Uprising; took active part in fighting WWDFF, I, p. 14]
against advancing British army in
Delhi; captured by British troops after Abdool Curreem: Resident of Najafgarh,
reoccupation of Delhi; he was accused Delhi; lambardµar; took active part in
of rebellion against British rule; anti-British activities during the
convicted and sentenced to death; Uprising of 1857 against British;
executed by hanging on 27 February captured by British troops on charge
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 of plundering British property and
(1858), HSAP] rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Abdool Cadeer: Resident of Delhi; executed on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
participated in 1857 Uprising against Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
British rule; he was arrested by British HSAP]
troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
imprisoned on charge of rebellion Abdool Huq: Resident of Delhi; took
against British rule; convicted and active part in 1857 Uprising against
sentenced to death; executed by British rule; arrested and convicted of
hanging on 27 February 1858. [Judl. rebellion against British rule; he was
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), hanged in December 1857 at Delhi.
HSAP] [MRC, VII, pt. II, p. 365]

Abdool Curreem Khan: Resident of Jind, Abdool Rehman: Resident of Faiz Bazar,
Punjab; Pathan; went to Delhi and Delhi; Pathan; participated in 1857
participated in 1857 Uprising against Uprising against British rule; took
British; took actived part in fighting active part in defene of Delhi against
against British army in Delhi; he was advancing British army; caught by
captured by British forces and accused British troops after reoccupation of
of rebellion against British rule; Delhi and charged with rebellion
convicted and sentenced to death; against British rule; kept in prison and
executed by hanging on 18 January later on sentenced to death; executed
1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. by hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
3 (1858), HSAP] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP WWDFF, I, p. 9]
Abdool Curreem: Resident of Delhi;
Pathan; participated in Uprising of Abdool Roheem: Resident of Kucha
1857 against British; took active part Chelan, Delhi; Mughal; played a
in fighting against advancing British leading role in 1857 Uprising; arrested
army in Delhi; captured by British by British forces after reoccupation of
troops and charged with rebellion Delhi; he was accused of rebellion
against British rule; convicted and against British rule; convicted and
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 3

sentenced to death; executed by arrested in 1861 on charge of killing

hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl. Mr. Fraser, a British officer; sentenced
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), to death and executed in February
HSAP] 1862. [WWIM, III, p. 1; WWDFF, I, p.
Abdool Ruhiman: Resident of Delhi; a
male attendant in Court of Mughal Abdul Gafur: Resident of Amritsar city,
Emperor; took part in Uprising of Punjab; carpet maker; attended the
1857; captured by British troops after public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on Amritsar on 13 April 1919, where he
account of being an associate of was killed in firing by British troops.
Bahadur Shah and rebellion against [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
British rule in 1857; convicted and (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
transported for life to Rangoon as state (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 146; INMPM, I,
prisoner.[F Poll Nos. 52-125, 10 Dec p. 156]
1858, NAI]
Abdul Hamid: Resident of Amritsar city,
Abdool Waheed: Resident of Iram Bari, Punjab; s/o Ahmad Din; Kashmiri;
Delhi; a Khµ a nzµ a da; participated in was 16 years old when he attended the
Uprising against British rule in 1857; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
took active part in fighting against Amritsar on 13 April 1919, where he
advancing British army; captured by was killed in firing by British troops.
British army after reoccupation of [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Delhi and accused of rebellion against (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
British rule; kept in prison and later (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 146; INMPM, I,
on sentenced to ìsuffer death;î p. 156]
executed by hanging on 22 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Abdul Huq: Resident of Meham, distt.
(1858), HSAP] Rohtak, Haryana; Sheikh; took active
part in Uprising against British rule in
Abdoollah: Resident of Gohana, distt. 1857; went to Delhi and joined
Sonipat, Haryana; Sheikh; actively Imperial army in fighting against
participated in Uprising against British forces; caught by British troops
British rule in 1857; caught by British during reoccupation of Delhi and
troops; charged with rebellion against imprisoned; charged with rebellion
British rule, convicted and sentenced against British rule; convicted and
to death; executed by hanging on 18 sentenced to death; executed in
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] (1858), HSAP]

Abdul alias Haji: Resident of Delhi; s/o Abdul Karim: Resident of Katra Karm
Maseeta; seal engraver; took leading Singh, Kucha Churian, Amritsar city,
part in 1857 Uprising against British Punjab; s/o Lal Mohammad; Lohar
rule; escaped in 1857, but he was (black-smith); student; was 17 years
4 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

old when he attended the public Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13

meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar April 1919 where he was killed in
on 13 April 1919, where he was killed firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p.
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 2]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 2; INMPM, I, p. Abdul Rehman Pathan: Resident of Delhi;
156; MOP, I, p. 29] took leading part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; participated in
Abdul Karim: Resident of Kucha defence of Delhi against advancing
Rangrezan, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Pir British army; captured by the British
Bakhsh; Dhobi (washerman); was 18 and executed at Delhi on 23 February
years old when he attended the public 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 2]
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Abdulla Shaikh: Resident of Delhi; took
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, leading part in 1857 Uprising against
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), British rule; captured by British troops
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 2; INMPM, I, p. and executed by hanging at Delhi on
156] 18 November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 2;
WWDFF, I, p. 12]
Abdul Khaliq: Resident of Katra
Hakiman, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Abdulla: Resident of Amritsar city,
Rahim Khan; Kashmiri; worker in Punjab; s/o Pir Baksh; Dhobi
carpet factory; was 60 years old when (washerman); was 15 years old when
he attended the public meeting at he attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p.2; JBM, WWIM, I, p. 3; JBM, p. 134; INMPM, I,
p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 156; MOP, I, p. p. 156; MOP, I, p. 29]
Abdulla: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; s/
Abdul Majid: Resident of Peshawar (now o Lal Mohammad; attended the public
in Pakistan); s/o Bhodu; Kuhar; meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
attended the public meeting at on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
April 1919 where he was killed in p. 3]
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p.
2] Abdullah: Soldier in the 10th Light Cavalry
of British Indian Army; posted at
Abdul Majid: Resident of Peshawar (now Ambala, Haryana; deserted and took
in Pakistan); s/o Rahim Baksh; active part in 1857 Uprising against
attended the public meeting at British rule; captured by British army
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 5

and charged with mutiny and FMD, pp. 268-69]

desertion; sentenced to death and
executed in June 1858. [WWIM, III, p. Affjall: Resident of Palwal, distt.
2] Faridabad, Haryana; took active part
in fighting and mobilizing his
Abeedoodeen: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; neighbours to fight against British
participated in Uprising of 1857 army during Uprising of 1857;
against British rule; took active part captured by British forces and charged
in fighting against advancing British with rebellion against British rule;
army; captured by British troops after sentenced to death and executed by
reoccupation of Delhi and accused of hanging on 8 December 1857.[Judl.
rebellion against British rule; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
convicted and sentenced to death; HSAP]
executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Afzul Beg: Resident of Gali Kunchi, Delhi;
(1858), HSAP; WWDFF, I, p. 12] Mughal; took leading part in 1857
Uprising against British rule and
Aboarsi: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; took organising fighting against British
active part in fighting against British army; caught by British troops after
and moblising others to fight and kill reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
Englishmen in Delhi during Uprising fighting against British army, murder,
of 1857; caught by British forces after ìseditionî and rebellion against
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with British rule; convicted and sentenced
murder of Englishmen and mutiny to death; executed by hanging on 22
against British rule; imprisoned and February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
later on sentenced to death; hanged Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
on 18 November 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Afzul Khan: Resident of Singhana near
Narnaul, Haryana; a sawµar in the 3rd
Adul [Abdul] Gani: Born in 1894; resident Punjab Cavalry of British Indian
of Delhi; took part in public Army; deserted British army and
demonstration at Delhi against participated in Uprising of 1857; took
Rowlatt Act on 30 March 1919. British active part in fighting against British
troops fired on unarmed people by forces; later on he was caught by
orders of Mr. Currie (Additional British troops and charged with
District Magistrate) at Delhi Railway desertion and mutiny against British
Station and near Clock Tower; sixty rule; convicted and sentenced to
persons were killed and wounded. ìsuffer death;î executed in 1857.[Judl.
Adul Gani was one of those who Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
received bullet wound in the firing by HSAP]
the police and died on the same day.
[H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34, Agah Hossain: Resident of Taluk Khalis
NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, I, p. Khan, Delhi; Mughal; organised and
1; WWDFF, I, p. 2, II, pp. xi-xii, xxxii; moblised Imperial army in Uprising
6 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

of 1857 against British rule; took active Ahdoola: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took
part in defence of Delhi against active part in mobilizing people to
advancing British army; he was fight against British forces during
caught by British troops after Uprising of 1857; also played
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned important role in plundering British
on charge of rebellion against British houses, seizing treasures and helping
rule; convicted and sentenced to Imperial forces to fight against British
death; executed by hanging on 22 army in Delhi; later on, he was
February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi captured by British forces and accused
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] of plundering, looting, murder and
rebellion against British rule; executed
Agah Hyder: Resident of Lahore Gate, by hanging on 30 October 1857.[Judl.
Delhi; Mughal; took active part in Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
mobilizing people for plundering and HSAP]
looting British offices during Uprising
of 1857; he was caught by British Ahdoollah: Resident of Syedganj, Delhi;
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; Pathan; participated in 1857 Uprising;
charged with plundering thµanas, te¨¶∂ls took active part in defence of Delhi
and English houses; convicted and against advancing British army;
sentenced to death; executed by captured by British troops and
hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl. charged with ìseditionî and rebellion
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), against British rule; convicted and
HSAP] sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 16 February 1858.[Judl.
Agah Jan: Resident of Nizamabad, Delhi; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Mughal; took active part in fighting HSAP]
agasint British during Uprising of
1857; he was arrested by the British Ahmad Bux: Resident of Palace, Delhi;
after reoccupation of Delhi; accused took leading part in 1857 Uprising
of rebellion against British rule; kept against British rule; executed on 27
in prison and later on sentenced to February1858 by orders of the Military
ìsuffer death;î hanged on 16 February Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p.
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 14]
(1858), HSAP]
Ahmad Din: Resident of Amritsar,
Agha Hussain Pathan: Resident of Phatak Punjab; s/o Karim Baksh; attended
Habash Khan, Delhi; took leading part the public meeting at Jallianwala
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919
captured by British troops and where he was killed in firing by British
executed by hanging at Delhi on 22 troops. [WWIM, I, p. 5]
February 1858 by orders of the
Military Commissioner, Delhi. Ahmad Din: Resident of Amritsar,
[WWIM, III, p. 4; WWDFF, I, p. 13] Punjab; s/o Karim Baksh; took part in
the protest demonstration on 10 April
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 7

1919 at Amritsar, against the arrest of (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 6; JBM, p.

Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din 138; INMPM, I, p. 156; MOP, I, p. 30]
Kitchlew; arrested on the charge of
assaulting Miss Sherwood; tried by Ahmed Alee: Resident of Delhi; Khan;
Martial Law Commission and participated in 1857 Uprising; took
sentenced to death; death sentence part in fighting against British army,
later on commuted to transportation attacking Englishmen and plundering
for life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). their property; he was caught by
[H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257- British troops and imprisoned on
265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] charge of attacking Englishmen with
arms, plundering and rebellion
Ahmad Din: Resident of Gujranwala, against British rule; convicted and
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o sentenced to death; shot dead in 1857.
Mussammat Rajan (mother); [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
milkseller; was 24 years old when he (1858), HSAP]
attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Ahmed Ali Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
April 1919 where he was killed in Haryana, participated in 1857
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Uprising; arrested by British troops on
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), charge of rebellion against British rule;
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 5; INMPM, I, p. convicted and sentenced to death;
156] executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Ahmad Din: Resident of Nawan Bazar, (1858), HSAP]
Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o
Dina; Ghumar [Kumhar] (potmaker); Ahmed Baksh Mughal: Resident of Delhi;
was 14 years old when he attended the took leading part in 1857 Uprising
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, against British rule; participated in
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he defence of Delhi against advancing
was killed in firing by British troops. British army; captured by the British
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May and executed at Delhi on 23 February
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 5; INMPM, 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 5)
I, p. 156]
Ahmed Baksh: Resident of Sohna, distt.
Ahmad Ullah: Resident of Katra Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Amirullah
Ahluwalia, Kucha Kashmirian, Sheikh; took active part in 1857
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Karim Uprising against British rule; captured
Baksh; Kashmiri; hak∂m and rafugar; by British troops and convicted on
was 35 years old when he attended the charge of rebellion against the British;
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, sentenced to death and executed at
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Delhi on 27 December 1857. [WWIM,
was killed in firing by British troops. III, p. 5; HSG, I, p. 389; RIH, p. 140;
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 WWDFF, I, p. 14]
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
8 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Ahmed Beg: Resident of Delhi; male p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 157]

attendant in Court of Emperor;
involved in Uprising of 1857; captured Ahmed Hossain: Resident of Lal Diggi,
by British troops after reoccupation of Delhi; Syed; participated in 1857
Delhi; imprisoned on account of being Uprising against the British; actively
an associate of Bahadur Shah and anti- mobilized people to fight against
British activities; transported for life British forces in Delhi; later on, he was
to Rangoon as state prisoner. [F. Poll. caught by British troops and accused
No. 52-125, 10 Dec. 1858, NAI] of rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to ìsuffer death;î executed
Ahmed Bux: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; by hanging on 19 February 1858.[Judl.
mobilized people to fight against Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
British during Uprising of 1857; took HSAP]
active part in fighting against
advancing British army; he was Ahmed Hussain: Resident of Aligarh,
captured by British troops after Uttar Pradesh; Mughal; participated
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
rebellion against British rule and organised army to fight against British
imprisoned; convicted and sentenced forces and went upto Delhi while
to death; executed by hanging on 27 fighting actively; he was caught by
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi British troops after reoccupation of
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWDFF, Delhi and imprisoned on charge of
I, p. 14] rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Ahmed Bux: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; executed by hanging on 18 January
participated in 1857 Uprising; went to 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Delhi and joined Imperial army; took (1858), HSAP]
active part in fighting against British
forces; he was caught by British troops Ahmed Khan: Resident of Delhi; Pathan;
and charged with rebellion against actively participated in fighting
British rule; sentenced to death and against British forces during Uprising
executed by hanging in 1857.[Judl. of 1857; took part in plundering and
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), seizing British property and helping
HSAP] the Imperial army; he was arrested by
British troops and imprisoned on
Ahmed Din: Resident of Amritsar city, charge of rebellion against British rule;
Punjab; s/o Dara Khan; Muslim convicted and sentenced to ìsuffer
Rajput; was 16 years old when he death;î executed by hanging on 27
attended the public meeting at February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWDFF,
April 1919 where he was killed in I, P.14]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Ahmed Khan: Resident of Delhi; fought
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, against British forces at Delhi during
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 9

Uprising of 1857; retreated towards till reoccupation of Delhi by British;

Jaipur State after the defeat of his he was caught by British troops and
forces; captured by British army at accused of rebellion against British
Hindan in Sawai Madhopur, rule; convicted and sentenced to
Rajasthan; rescued by soldiers of ìsuffer death;î executed by hanging
Jaipur State Army stationed at on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt
Hindan, who had rebelled against the (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
British; captured again by British
troops and imprisoned at Agra; Ahomed Khan: Resident of Shahdara,
sentenced to death and hanged at Delhi; an officer of Mughal Emperor;
Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 5; actively involved himself in helping
WWDFF, I, p. 15] Imperial forces in fighting against
British during 1857 Uprising; he was
Ahmed Khan: Resident of distt. Multan, caught by British troops after
Punjab (now in Pakistan); Chief of the reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
Khurrul tribe; took leading part in helping Imperial forces against British
1857 Uprising against British rule rule; convicted of rebellion and anti-
along with other war-like clans of the British activities; sentenced to death;
region; disrupted all communications executed by hanging on 27 February
between Multan and Lahore 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
temporarily; held the jungles of (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 5;
Gogaira and repulsed several attacks WWDFF, I, p. 14]
by British forces; besieged Major
Chamberlain and his soldiers in a Ajaib Khan: Soldier in the British Indian
Sarµai; fell back after reinforcements Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
were sent by Sir John Lawrence, the deserted and took part in 1857
Chief Commissioner of Punjab; died Uprising against British rule; captured
while fighting against the British by British troops and charged with
forces near Gogaira. [WWIM, III, p. 5] mutiny and desertion; sentenced to
death and executed on 6 April 1858.
Ahmed: Resident of Delhi; Pathan; took [WWIM, III, p. 5]
active part in fighting against British
army in Delhi during Uprising of 1857; Ajmer Khan: Resident of v. Badshahpur,
he was caught by British troops after distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in
reoccupation of Delhi and executed by 1857 Uprising against British rule;
hanging on 30 October 1857.[Judl. captured by British soldiers and
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), accused of rebellion against British
HSAP; [WWIM, III, p. 5; WWDFF, I, rule; shot dead in November 1857.
p. 15] [WWIM, III, p. 6; HSG, I, p. 390; RIH,
p. 140]
Ahmed: Resident of Delhi; Pathan; joined
Imperial army during Uprising of Akbar Ali: Resident of Delhi; a jamaëdµar
1857 against British rule; took active in British Indian Army; deserted and
part in fighting against British army took active part in 1857 Uprising;
10 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

fought bravely against British army; participated in the attack on

hit by bullet fired by British troops and Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
died in 1857. [MRC, VII, pt. II, p. 362] 1872; arrested and charged with
murder by the British Government;
Akbar Ali: Resident of Gali Kunchi, Delhi; blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Syed; participated in 1857 Uprising; 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
took active part in fighting against I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 6]
British army in Delhi; caught by
British forces and accused of rebellion Albela Singh: Resident of v. Kasan, distt.
against British rule; convicted and Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Zalim Singh;
sentenced to death; executed by took active part in 1857 Uprising
hanging on 19 February 1858.[Judl. against British rule; attacked a British
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), party carrying money from the
HSAP] treasury to Jhajjar; captured the
treasure and distributed it among the
Akbar Shikoh Mughal: Resident of Delhi; poor villagers; arrested after the
took leading part in 1857 Uprising crushing of the Uprising in 1858;
against British rule; captured by sentenced to death and executed by
British troops and executed by hanging in his village in December
hanging at Delhi on 18 November 1858; his associate, Jai Ram, was also
1857 by order of Military hanged on same day. [WWIM, III, p.
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWIM, III, p. 7; HSG, I p. 390]
6; WWDFF, I, p. 18]
Alee Bux: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana;
Akbar: Resident of Khirki Turagh Khan, Sheikh; took active part in fighting
Delhi; took part in 1857 Uprising against British army during 1857
against British rule; arrested by British Uprising; caught by Britsih troops and
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; charged with mutiny against British
imprisoned on charge of rebellion rule; convicted and sentenced to
against British rule and sentenced to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
death; executed by hanging on 15 (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Ali Bahadur: Resident of Gurgaon,
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
Ala-ud-Daulah: Resident of Delhi; took against British rule; arrested by the
leading part in 1857 Uprising against British authorities and tried for
British rule; captured by British troops ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
and executed by hanging at Delhi on hanged on 15 December 1857.
3 October 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 6; [WWIM, III, p. 7; HSG, I p. 390; RIH,
WWDFF, I, p. 18] p. 140; WWDFF, I, p. 19]

Albel Singh: Resident of v. Baliyan, ps. Ali Gauhar: Resident of Gurgaon,

and teh., Sahibgarh, Punjab; zam∂ndar; Haryana; took active part in 1857
s/o Sujjan Singh; a Kuka activist; Uprising against British rule; captured
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 11

by British troops and sentenced to compartment there, suddenly two

death; executed at Delhi on 15 English soldiers fired upon the mob.
December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 7; RIH, The angry people killed those two
p. 140] soldiers. Large number of people were
arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919.
Ali Haider Khan: Resident of Delhi; Allah Baksh was accused in Kasur
fought against the British forces at Supplementary Case during Martial
Delhi; retreated towards Jaipur State Law in Punjab; arrested on 16 April
after the defeat of the patriot forces; 1919, charged with crime of arson at
captured by the British at Hindan in Kasur Railway Station and for killing
distt. Sawai Madhopur, Rajashthan; two Englishmen; tried by Martial Law
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State Commission and executed on 14 June,
Army stationed at Hindan, who had 1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
rebelled against the British; captured 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
again by British troops and
imprisoned at Agra; sentenced to Allah Buksh: Resident of Delhi; Mughal
death and executed by hanging at prince; s/o Mirza Khoda Buksh;
Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 7] actively involved in organising people
against British during Uprising of
Ali Mohammad: Resident of Faridabad, 1857; arrested by British forces after
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned
against British rule; captured by on charge of being a member of
British troops and hanged at Delhi on Mughal Imperial family and
22 February 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 7] ìseditionî against British rule; died in
jail during trial.[F. Poll. No. 113-119
Allah Bakhsh: Resident of Lahore, Punjab & K.W., 27 May 1859, NAI]
(now in Pakistan); Lohar (blacksmith);
was 45 years old when he attended the Allah Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, active part in plundering and looting
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he British property during 1857 Uprising;
was killed in firing by British troops. he also participated in defence of
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May Delhi against advancing British army;
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 8; INMPM, caught by British troops and executed
I, p. 157] by hanging on 30 October 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Allah Baksh: Resident of Kasur, distt. HSAP]
Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
took part in the complete haætµal on 11 Allah Din: Resident of Kasur, distt
and 12 April, 1919 in Kasur. He was Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
among those who felt deeply agitated took part in the complete haætµal on 12
by what had happened at Amritsar on April, 1919 in Kasur. He was among
10 April; with others he proceeded to those who felt deeply agitated by
Kasur Railway Station, found some what had happened at Amritsar on 10
Europeans sitting in a train April; with others he proceeded to the
12 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Kasur Railway Station, found some by hanging at Delhi on 18 November

Europeans sitting in a train 1857 by order of Military
compartment there, suddenly two Commissioner, Delhi.[Judl. Deptt
English soldiers fired upon the mob. (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP;
The angry people killed those two WWIM, III, p. 6; WWDFF, I, p. 18]
soldiers. Large number of people were
arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. Allahuddin: Resident of Gurgaon,
Allah Din was accused in Kasur Haryana; took active part in 1857
Supplementary Case during Martial Uprising against British rule; captured
Law in Punjab; arrested and charged by British troops and sentenced to
with crime of arson at Kasur Railway death; executed at Delhi on 15
Station and for killing two December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 8; RIH,
Englishmen; tried by Martial Law p. 140; WWDFF, I, p. 18]
Commission and sentenced to death;
death sentence later on was Alleah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
commuted to transporta-tion for life participated in 1857 Uprising; took
by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, active part in fighting against
B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, advancing British army and
NAI; INCR, I; FML] plundering thµ a nas and offices of
British Government; arrested by
Allah Ditta: Resident of Chak No. 14, British troops on charge of plundering
distt. Lahore, Punjab (now in and rebellion against British rule;
Pakistan); s/o Megha; Indian convicted and sentenced to death;
Christan; was 35 when he attended executed by hanging on 27 February
the public meeting at Jallianwala 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 (1858), HSAP]
where he was killed in firing by British
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. Alli Bahadur: Resident of Delhi; actively
58, May (1922), PSAC; INMPM, I, p. participated in fighting against British
157] army during Uprising of 1857;
captured by British troops after
Allahdad: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; reoccupation of Delhi and charged
took active part in 1857 Uprising with rebellion against British rule;
against British rule; captured by sentenced to death on 15 December
British troops and sentenced to death; 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
executed at Delhi on 15 December Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 8; HSG, I, p. 390;
RIH, p. 140; WWDFF, I, p. 19] Alli Bux: Resident of Delhi; Mughal;
participated in Uprising of 1857;
Allahoodeen: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; caught by British forces and charged
took active part in 1857 Uprising; with mutiny against British rule;
captured by British troops after convicted and sentenced to death;
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with executed by hanging on 18 November
mutiny against British rule; executed 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 13

(1858), HSAP] convicted and sentenced to death;

executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Alli Mohomed: Resident of Delhi; Syed; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
took part in Uprising of 1857 against
British; caught by British troops after Allygohur: Resident of Delhi; took part in
reoccupation of Delhi and charged fighting against British forces in Delhi
with rebellion against British rule; during Uprising of 1857; caught by
sentenced to death and executed by British troops after reoccupation of
hanging on 30 October 1857.[Judl. Delhi and accused of rebellion against
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), British rule; convicted and shot dead
HSAP WWDFF, I, p. 7] on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Ally Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Aman Ali: Resident of Sarai Rohilla,
part in fighting against the advancing Delhi; Syed; took part in 1857 Uprising
British army in Delhi; captured by and fought actively in defence of Delhi
British troops and charged with against advancing British army;
rebellion against British rule; caught by British troops and charged
convicted and sentenced to death; with rebellion against British rule;
executed by hanging on 30 October convicted and sentenced to death;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 executed by hanging on 1 February
(1858), HSAP] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 8;
Ally Mohomed: Resident of Delhi; WWDFF, I, p. 21]
Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
took active part in fighting against Amanat Ali: Resident of Gurgaon,
advancing British army in Delhi; Haryana; Syed; s/o Farzand Ali;
caught by British troops after soldier in the Gwalior Contingent of
reoccupation of Delhi and accused of British Indian Army; deserted and
rebellion against British rule; took active part in 1857 Uprising
convicted and sentenced to death; against British rule; captured by
hanged on 27 February 1858.[Judl. British soldiers and hanged on 5
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 8; HSG,
HSAP] I, p. 390; RIH, p. 140]

Allyar Khan: Resident of Bahadurgarh, Amanul Khan: Resident of Jhajjar,

distt. Rohtak, Haryana; dafaëdµar in the Haryana; went to Delhi and joined
18th Irregular Cavalry of British Indian Imperial forces in fighting against
Army; deserted British army and British army during Uprising of 1857;
joined forces of Delhi in fighting caught by British troops after
against British during Uprising of reoccupation of Delhi and charged
1857; caught by British troops and with rebellion against British rule;
charged with desertion, mutiny and convicted and sentenced to death;
rebellion against British rule; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
14 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] transportation for life. [H/Poll, B-

Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
Amanut Khan: Resident of Delhi; sawµar NAI; INCR, I; FML]
in 3rd Troop of 1st Punjab Cavalry of
British Indian Army; deserted British Amar Singh: Resident of Sherpura, ps.
army and participated in 1857 Jagraon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
Uprising; charged with disloyal Wariam Singh; took active part in
conduct in having failed to join his revolutionary activities; convicted
regiment or other civil or military under Sections 121 and 121A of IPC
office of British Government; in the Second Burma Conspiracy
convicted of desertion and rebellion Case; tried and sentenced to death;
against British rule; sentenced to death later on the sentence was commuted
and executed at Jhajjar in 1858. [Judl. by Governor-General in Council to
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), transportation for life; deported to
HSAP] Andamans in February 1918. [H/Poll-
A, Nos. 491-497, Jan 1917, NAI; SFH,
Amar Singh Nandbol; Residence of p. 244, 289; INMPM, I, p. 103; UHFSA,
Punjab, took part in Ghadar p. 81; HCJ, p. 250]
movement; arrested and convicted of
charges; sentenced to transportation Amee Chund: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
for life in Lahore Conspiracy Case and Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising
deported to Andamans. [UHFSA, p. against British rule; caught by British
81] troops on charge of highway robbery
of British property during rebellion
Amar Singh: Resident of Delhi; Tiwari; against British rule; convicted and
participated in 1857 Uprising against sentenced to death; executed by
British rule; arrested by British forces hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl.
after reoccupation of Delhi; charged Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
with rebellion against British rule and HSAP]
sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 16 December 1857.[Judl. Ameer Alee: Resident of Peshawar (now
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), in Pakistan); Syed; went to Delhi and
HSAP] participated in 1857 Uprising against
British rule; took active part in
Amar Singh: Resident of Nizamabad, attacking and looting British party
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o carrying treasure; caught by British
Lachman; joined the crowd that burnt troops near Delhi on charge of looting
Mr. Baileyís house; arrested and was and rebellion against British rule;
one of the accused in Nizamabad Case convicted and sentenced to death;
during Martial Law in Punjab; tried executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
by Martial Law Commission and Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
sentenced to death. However, the Lt.
Governor (Punjab) afterward Ameer Ali: Resident of Faridabad,
commuted the death sentence to Haryana; Syed; participated in 1857
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 15

Uprising; took active part in fighting during Uprising of 1857; caught by

against British; caught by British British troops after reoccupation of
forces and accused of rebellion against Delhi and accused of rebellion against
British rule; convicted and sentenced British rule; convicted and shot dead
to death; executed by hanging on 18 on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Ameer Khan: Resident of Jhajjar,
Ameer Beg: Resident of Sonipat, Haryana; Haryana; a sawµar in 3rd Oudh Cavalry;
Mughal; participated in 1857 Uprising deserted British Indian Army and
and mobilized forces to fight against participated in 1857 Uprising; joined
British army; captured by British Imperial forces in Delhi and took
troops and accused of rebellion active part in fighting against British
against British rule; convicted and army; caught by British troops on
sentenced to death; executed by charges of desertion, mutiny and
hanging on 22 February 1858.[Judl. rebellion against British rule;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), convicted and executed in 1857.[Judl.
HSAP] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Ameer Hossain: Resident of Iram Bari,
Delhi; a khfiµanzµada; took active part in Ameer Khan: Resident of Kaghazi
mobilizing forces to fight against Mahalla, Delhi; Pathan; took active
British army in Delhi during Uprising part in fighting in defence of Delhi
of 1857; caught by British troops after against advancing British army
reoccupation of Delhi and charged during 1857 Uprising; caught by
with ìseditionî and rebellion against British troops after reoccupation of
British rule; convicted and sentenced Delhi and accused of rebellion against
to death; hanged on 22 February British rule; convicted and sentenced
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 to death; executed by hanging on 1
(1858), HSAP] February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Ameer Khan: Resident of Delhi;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Ameer: Resident of Hauz Koja, Delhi;
active part in fighting against Sheikh; took active part in mobilizing
advancing British army; captured by forces to fight against British army
British troops and charged with during Uprising 1857; caught by
rebellion against British rule; British troops on charge of ìseditionî
convicted and sentenced to death; and rebellion against British rule;
executed by hanging on 26 March convicted and sentenced to death;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 executed by hanging on 27 February
(1858), HSAP] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Ameer Khan: Resident of Delhi; took part
in fighting against British forces Ameer: Resident of v. Barka, distt. Mewat,
16 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Haryana; Meo; took part in fighting Hukam Chand; Vaishya; school

against British forces during Uprising teacher, popularly known as Master
of 1857; caught by British soldiers and Amir Chand; was involved in social
convicted of rebellion against British and educational activities, such as
rule; sentenced to death and executed widow remarriage, and spread of
by hanging on 6 January 1858.[Judl. education; took part in Swadeshi
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Movement; Lala Har Dayal brought
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 9; HSG, I, p. 39; him into revolutionary movement.
RIH, p. 141; WWDFF, I, p. 25] When Har Dayal left for England in
1908, he entrusted the management of
Ameeroola: Resident of Meham, distt. revolutionary activities in Punjab to
Rohtak, Haryana; Sheikh; took active Master Amir Chand. He became a
part in Uprising of 1857; went to Delhi leader of Ghadar Party; worked in
and joined forces fighting against close collaboration with Rash Behari
British army; caught by British troops Bose and directed revolutionary
and imprisoned; charged with activities in whole of Northern India;
rebellion against British rule; took up the work of translating
sentenced to death and executed by writings of prominent nationalists into
hanging in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Urdu to sell them at nominal price of
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] one paisa each in bazaar; such as
ìBandar Bantî (Monkey Tricks),
Ami Chand: Resident of v. Muradpura, ìKaumi Zindagiî (National life),
teh. Ajnala, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/ ìDaridra Hindustanî (Poor
o Pirthi Nath; Brahmin; was 50 years Hindustan), etc. Many revolutionaries
old when he attended the public used to stay at Amir Chandís house.
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar He was involved in the conspiracy to
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed throw a bomb on Lord Hardinge
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (Viceroy of India) on 23 December
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 1912 when the Viceroy was passing
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. through Chandni Chowk, Delhi in a
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 144; INMPM, State procession marking the
I, p. 157; MOP, I, p. 32] inauguration of Delhi as Capital of
India; arrested in February 1914; tried
Amir Ali: Resident of Delhi; took part in by Delhi ñ Lahore Conspiracy Case;
fighting against British during charged with conspiring to kill the
Uprising of 1857; captured by British Viceroy and throwing bomb in
troops and charged with rebellion Lawrance Garden, Lahore and
against British rule; convicted and sentenced to death; hanged in May
sentenced to death; executed by 1915. [DCP, Tr. No. 6 of 1914, CVBKB
hanging on 15 February 1858.[Judl. & O, Sr No. 12 Pt IV ñ Proc/Jud, NAI;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), H/Poll- A, July (1914), Nos. 1-2, NAI;
HSAP] WWDFF, I, p. 25; IR, II, pp. 21-25;
RAD, pp. 74-75, 104-35; SSG, I, p. 44]
Amir Chand: Born in 1869, Delhi; s/o
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 17

Amir Khan: Resident of Gurgaon, Ammoo Gunja: Resident of Delhi;

Haryana; Meo; well known for his actively participated in fighting
bravery; took part in 1857 Uprising against British army in Delhi during
against British rule; captured by the Uprising of 1857; caught by British
British soldiers after chrushing the forces after reoccupation of Delhi and
Uprising and hanged in January 1858. charged with rebellion against British
[HSG, I, p, 390; RIH, p. 141] rule; sentenced to death and executed
by hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl.
Amir Meo: Resident of Gurgaon, Deptt (Delhi Div), F.No. 3 (1858),
Haryana; took active part in 1857 HSAP]
Uprising against British rule; captured
by British soldiers and hanged in Amrik Rai: Resident of Gujranwala,
January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 9; RIH, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Parbat
p. 141] Rai; attended public meeting, held on
5 April 1919 in Gujranwala city where
Amir: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; four resolutions were passed dealing
Ghumar; attended the public meeting with Rowlatt Act; took part in haætµal
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 on 6 April 1919 in Gujranwala; as part
April 1919 where he was killed in of the nation-wide call of haætµal given
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, by Mahatma Gandhi to protest against
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; the Rowlatt Act;actively involved in
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, the complete haætµal on 14 April 1919;
p. 146] joined the mob, proceeded towards
Railway Station and destroyed
Amir: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; church, post office, tehsil office, court
took part in fighting against British house and railway station; arrested
troops during Uprising of 1857; and accused in Gujranwala City Case
apprehended by the British and No. I, during Martial Law in Punjab;
convicted of rebellion against British tried by Martial Law Commission and
rule; sentenced to death and executed sentenced to death. However, the Lt.
by hanging in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Governor (Punjab) afterward
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] commuted the death sentence to
transportation for life. [H/Poll, B-
Ammee Chund: Resident of Chandrawal, Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
Haryana; Jat; took active part in NAI; INCR, I; FML]
fighting against British forces during
Uprising of 1857; captured by British Anup Singh: Resident of v. Sakraudi, ps.
army and charged with plundering and teh. Bhawanigarh, Punjab;
English houses and rebellion against zam∂ndµar; s/o Mehtab Singh; a Kuka
British rule; convicted and sentenced activist; participated in the attack on
to death; executed by hanging on 8 Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), 1872; arrested and charged with
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
18 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- exciting people to revolt against

I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 11] British Government; murdered one
traitor and seven policemen; involved
Anwar Khan: Resident of Nuh, distt. in throwing bomb on the Viceroy of
Mewat, Haryana; took active part in Delhi; interned on 2 November 1916
1857 Uprising against British rule; and tried in Second Supplementary
captured by the British troops and Lahore Conspiracy Case; sentenced to
sentenced to death; executed at Delhi death and hanged in 1917. [EFFP, pp.
on 1 April 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 10; 68-69; IR, II, pp. 25-26; WWIM, I, p.
HSG, I, p. 390; RIH, p. 141; WWDFF, I, 12; MOP, I, pp. 1, 33]
p. 31]
Arur Singh: Resident of Vadala, Amritsar,
Arjan Singh: Resident of Jagraon, Punjab; s/o Roda Singh; Tarkhan
Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Lal Singh; took (carpenter); was 22 years old when he
active part in revolutionary activities attended the public meeting at
against British rule; convicted under Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Sections 121, 121A and 302/109 of April 1919 where he was killed in
IPC; sentenced to transportation for firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
life. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 201, 305] 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 140; INMPM,
Arur Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, I, p. 157; MOP, I, p. 33]
Punjab; Khatri; attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Arura: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed s/o Tek Chand; Khatri; broker;
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, attended the public meeting at
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, April 1919 where he was killed in
p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 157] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Arur Singh (Doctor): Born in 1890; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
resident of Sangwal, Ludhiana, WWIM, I, p. 13; JBM, p. 142; INMPM,
Punjab; s/o Pal Singh alias Arjan I, p. 157; MOP, I, p. 33]
Singh; a Ghadarite revolutionary
returned from Canada in December Asa Singh: Resident of Ramkoi Basarke,
1912 with firm determination of Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ishar Singh; Jat
helping the cause of revolution in (Dhilon); farmer; was 24years old
India; resigned his service in hospital when he attended the public meeting
and became an active member of at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
revolutionary organization; tampered April 1919 where he was killed in
railway lines and telephone wires; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
went underground just after the issue PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
of his arrest warrant for about two and 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
half years; moved from place to place 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 13; JBM,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 19

p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 157; MOP, I, p. on unarmed processionists; charged

33] with taking part in the attack on the
National Bank in which two
Asalat Khan: Resident of Hussainpur, Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott)
Haryana; Pathan; s/o Najib Khan were killed; tried and convicted in
Pathan; took part in 1857 Uprising Amritsar National Bank Murder Case
against British rule; arrested by the by Martial Law Commission and
British authorities and tried for sentenced to death; death sentence
ìsedition;î sentenced to death and later on commuted to transportation
executed by hanging on 13 January for life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab).
1858. [WWIM, III, p. 10; HSG, I, p. 391; [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-
RIH, p. 141; WWDFF, I, p, 34] 265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]

Asalat Khan: Resident of Hussainpur, Asgur Yar Khan: Resident of v. Khirki,

Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857
against British rule; participated in Uprising against British rule; took
defence of Delhi against the active part in fighting against British
advancing British Army; captured by forces in defence of Delhi; caught by
the British and executed on 18 January British after reoccupation of Delhi;
1858 by the orders of the Military charged with ìseditionî and rebellion
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p, against British rule; imprisoned and
34] later on sentenced to death; executed
on 18 January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Asanand: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
s/o Ganga Das; attended the public III, p. 11]
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Atahoollah Khan: Resident of Phatak
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, Habash Khan, Delhi; Syed; actively
p. 13] participated in defence of Delhi
against advancing British army
Asdulla: [Asdullah]: Resident of during Uprising of 1857; caught by
Amritsar, Punjab s/o Sultan Baksh; British forces after reoccupation of
active in organizing the haætµ a l on Delhi and charged with rebellion
6April 1919 at Amritsar as part of the against British rule; convicted and
nation-wide call of haætµal given by sentenced to death; executed by
Mahatama Gandhi to protest against hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
which was takn out on 10 April 1919 HSAP]
at Amritsar in protest against the
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud- Atam Prakash: Resident of Delhi; s/o
din Kitchlew; actively involved in the Devta Nandan; took part in public
anti-British acts which occurred after demonstration at Delhi against
the military picket (posted near the Rowlatt Act on 30 March 1919. British
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired troops fired on unarmed people by
20 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

orders of Mr. Currie (Additional Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Hakumat

District Magistrate) at Delhi Railway Singh; a Kuka activist; arrested on
Station and near Clock Tower; sixty charge of murder at Malerkotla;
persons were killed and wounded. sentenced to five yearsí rigorous
Atam Prakash was one of those who imprisonment and died in jail in 1857.
received bullet wound in the firing by [WWIM, II, p. 14]
the police and died on the same day.
[H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34, Attar Singh: Resident of v. Machhre, ps.
NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, II, p. and teh. Amloh, Nabha State, Nabha,
14; WWDFF, I, p. 35; FMD, pp. 268- Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o Desa Singh; a
69] Kuka activist; participated in the
attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15
Atma Singh: Resident of Thatti Khatra, ps. January 1872; arrested and charged
and teh. Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab, with murder by the British
took active part in revolutionary Government; blown to death with a
activities against British rule; carried cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No.
out Amritsar Canal Bridge Guard H 92 M Part-I, PSAP]
Raid (Walla Bridge Case) and murder
along with Banta Singh of Sangwal; Attar Singh: Resident of v. Mehraj, ps.
convicted by Lahore Tribunal under Nathana, teh. Moga, distt. Ferozepore,
Sections 396 and 302-149 of IPC; Punjab; zamindar; s/o Bhag Singh; a
sentenced to death, forfeiture of Kuka activist; participated in the
property and hanged. [GD, p. 8; H/ attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15
Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 KW, Oct 1915, January 1872; arrested and charged
NAI; SFH, pp. 235, 301; INMPM, I, p. with murder by the British
103] Government; blown to death with a
canon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No.
Attar Singh: Resident of Punjab; a Kuka H 92 M Part-I, PSAP]
activist; involved in the attack on
Malodh on 14 January 1872; killed in Auqab Bakht: Resident of Gurgaon,
police encounter during the Malodh Haryana; took active part in 1857
attack. [H/Deptt, Judl-A, June 1872, Uprising against British rule; captured
F Nos. 112-132, NAI] by British troops and sentenced to
death; executed at Delhi on 15
Attar Singh: Resident of Dhikampur, ps. December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 11;
Chakwal, Jhelum, Punjab (now in HSG, I, p. 391; RIH, p. 141]
Pakistan); s/o Lal Singh, aged 27
years; took part in revolutio-nary Aura: Resident of Delhi; participated in
activities against British rule; fighting against British army during
convicted and sentenced to transpor- Uprising of 1857; arrested by British
tation of life. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., troops and charged with rebellion
May 1916; SFH, p. 305] against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by
Attar Singh: Resident of v. Lohgarh, distt. hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 21

Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), British troops on charge of plundering

HSAP] and supporting forces against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to
Auzeem Beg: Resident of Sohna, distt. death; executed by hanging on 30
Gurgaon, Haryana; participated in January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
fighting against British army during F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p.
Uprising of 1857; caught by British 12; HSG, I, p. 391; RIH, p. 141]
soldiers and convicted of rebellion
against British rule; sentenced to death Auzum Beg: Resident of Sohna, distt.
and executed by hanging on 21 Gurgaon, Haryana; served in 3 rd
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Regiment, Gwalior Contingent of
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, British Indian Army; deserted and
III, p. 12; HSG, I, p. 391; RIH, p. 141; took active part in fighting against
WWDFF, I, p. 39] British army during Uprising of 1857;
apprehended by British officer and
Auzum Alli: Resident of Rasulpur, distt. charged with desertion and rebellion
Faridabad, Haryana; served in against British rule; convicted and
Gwalior Contigent; deserted and took sentenced to death; executed by
active part in fighting against British hanging on 21 December 1857.[Judl.
army during Uprising of 1857; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
apprehended by British officer and HSAP].
charged with desertion and rebellion
against British rule; convicted and Azeem Khan: Resident of Bahadurgarh,
sentenced to death; executed by distt. Rohtak, Haryana; dafaëdµar in 5th
hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl. Troop, Uirre Cavalry of British Indian
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Army; deserted and joined fighting
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 12; HSG, I, p. 391; against British during Uprising of
RIH, p. 141; WWDFF, I, p. 39] 1857; accused of mutiny, ìseditionî
and rebellion against British rule;
Auzum Beg : Resident of Khajurka, distt. convicted and sentenced to death;
Faridabad, Haryana; served in British executed at Jhajjar in 1858. [Judl. Deptt
army; deserted and took active part (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
in 1857 Uprising; apprehended by
British officer and charged with Azeem Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
desertion and rebellion against British took active part in fighting against
rule; convicted and sentenced to British forces in Delhi during Uprising
death; executed by hanging on 13 of 1857; caught by British troops and
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), charged with rebellion against British
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] rule; sentenced to death and executed
by hanging on 30 October 1857.[Judl.
Auzum Beg: Resident of Khajurka, distt. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Faridabad, Haryana; took part in HSAP]
aiding Imperial forces and plundering
towns in 1857 Uprising; caught by Azeemoodeen: Resident of Delhi;
22 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Mughal; took active part in mobilizing Azim Ali: Resident of v. Nangli, distt.
people to fight against British forces Mewat; Meo; a young peasant; took
during Uprising of 1857; caught by active part in 1857 Uprising against
British forces after reoccupation of British rule; captured and hanged in
Delhi and charged with rebellion and January 1858. [HSG, I, p, 391; RIH, p.
ìseditionî against British rule; 141]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 18 November Azim Allee: Resident of Delhi;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 participated in 1857 Uprising; took
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 13; part in fighting against British army
WWDFF, I, p. 39] in Delhi; caught by British troops and
charged with rebellion against British
Azeezoodin: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryan; rule; convicted and sentenced to
Sheikh; actively assisted Bahadurshah death; executed by hanging on 16
Zafar in managing affairs of Uprising March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
of 1857; caught by British troops and F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
charged with assisting Emperor and
rebellion against British rule; Azim Khan: Resident of Rewari, Haryana;
convicted and sentenced to death; serviced under Tula Ram; participated
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi in 1857 Uprising; took part in fighting
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] against British army; caught by British
troops on charge of having arms and
Azeezoolah: Resident of Delhi; Syed; took fighting against British; convicted and
active part in fighting in defence of sentenced to death; hanged in 1857.
Delhi against advancing British army [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
during Uprising of 1857; caught by (1858), HSAP]
British forces after reoccupation of
Delhi and charged with rebellion Azimullah Khan: Resident of Delhi,
against British rule; convicted and editor of ëPaighµ a m-e-ª A zµ a d∂; took
sentenced to death; executed by leading part in 1857 Uprising against
hanging on 5 December 1857. [Judl. British rule; captured by the British
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), and charged with rebellion and
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 13; WWDFF, I, treason; executed by hanging at Delhi
p. 40] in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 13; WWDFF, I,
p. 40]
Azeezoolah: Resident of Khirki Turagh
Khan, Delhi; Pathan; took active part Aziz: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o
in 1857 Uprising; captured by British Ashan; active in organizing the haætµal
troops and accused of rebellion on 6April 1919 at Amritsar as part of
against British rule; sentenced to death the nation-wide call of haætµal given by
and executed by hanging on 15 Mahatma Gandhi to protest against
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] which was takn out on 19 April 1919
in Amritsar in protest agains the arrest
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 23

of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti-
British acts which occurred after the Azizuddin: Resident of Delhi; Mughal
military picket (posted near the prince; took leading part in 1857
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired Uprising against British rule;
on unarmed processionists; charged participated in defence of Delhi
with taking part in the attack on the against the advancing British army;
Alliance Bank in which the Manager captured by the British and executed
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried and at Delhi on 18 November 1857 by
convicted in Amritsar Alliance Bank order of Military Commissioner,
Murder Case by Martial Law Delhi. [WWIM, III, p. 13; WWDFF, I,
Commission and executed on 25 June p. 40]
1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
24 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Babu Ram: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; Gurgaon, Haryana; Jat; took active
s/o Kirpa Ram; attended the public part in 1857 Uprising against British
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar rule; captured by General Showers
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed and shot dead in November 1857.
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, [HSG, I, p, 391; RIH, p. 142]
p. 16]
Badoolla: Resident of Badshahpur, distt.
Babu Ram: Resident of Fatehgarh, ps. Gurgaon, Haryana; took active part in
Sadr, Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Gandhi fighting against British advancing
Kumar; took active part in army in Delhi during Uprising of 1857;
revolutionary activities against British capturd by British troops after
rule; convicted under Sections 121, reoccupation of Delhi and convicted
121A and 302-149 of IPC; tried in of rebellion against British rule;
Second Supplementary Lahore sentenced to death and shot dead in
Conspiracy Case (Date of Judgment November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
5-1-1917); sentenced to death and Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-B, Nos. III, p. 14; RIH, p. 142]
242-43, Prog, May 1917, NAI; SFH, p.
222; INMPM, I, p. 103] Badoolla: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
took active part in fighting against
Badloo: Resident of Lado Sarai, Delhi; British army during Uprising of 1857;
took part in 1857 Uprising against caught by British troops and charged
British rule; participated in defence of with rebellion against British rule;
Delhi against advancing British army; convicted and shot dead on 5 January
captured by the British and executed 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
at Delhi on 20 January 1858. [WWIM, (1858), HSAP]
III, p. 13]
Badulla: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Badlu: Resident of v. Badshahpur, distt. Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 25

Uprising against British rule; captured took active part in fighting against
by British troops; convicted of British army during Uprising of 1857;
rebellion against British rule and caught by British forces and charged
hanged on 16 January 1858. [HSG, I, with rebellion against British rule;
p, 391; RIH, p. 142] found guilty and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 18 December
Baga Khan: Resident of Kanod, Haryana; 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
a risµaldµar in Jodhpur Legion; deserted (1858), HSAP]
British Indian Army and took active
part in fighting against British; caught Bahadur Ali: Resident of Delhi;
by British troops and charged with participated in fighting against British
possessing arms and rebellion against army in defence of Delhi during
British rule; convicted and sentenced Uprising of 1857; also took active part
to death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt in anti-British activities; apprehended
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] by British officer in Panipat and
convicted of rebellion and ìseditionî
Bagta: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; against British rule; sentenced to death
attended the public meeting at and hanged on 30 December
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
April 1919 where he was killed in (1858), HSAP; HSG, I, p. 391]
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p.
20] Bahadur Khan: Resident of Badshahpur,
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took leading
Bahadoor Khan: Resident of Patiala, part in 1857 Uprising; caught by
Punjab; participated in Uprising of British troops and charged with
1857; deserted British Indian Army rebellion against British rule;
and took active part in fighting against convicted and shot dead on 10
British army in Delhi; caught by November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
British troops and charged with Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
desertion and mutiny against British III, p. 14; HSG, I, p. 391; RIH, p. 142;
rule; convicted and sentenced to WWDFF, I, p. 44]
death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Bahadur Khan: Resident of Delhi; took
active part in Uprising of 1857;
Bahadoor: Resident of Punjab; participat- apprehended by British forces and
ed in 1857 Uprising; caught by British accused for anti-British activties;
forces on charge of arresting and convicted of rebellion and ìseditionî
presenting a British spy to Emperor; against British rule; sentenced to death
found guilty and sentenced to death; on 10 November 1857 and shot
executed by hanging on 24 December dead.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 3 (1858), HSAP]
(1858), HSAP]
Bahadur Khan: Resident of v. Kanhor,
Bahadoor: Resident of Punjab; Sheikh; distt. Bhiwani, Haryana; Gurgaon;
26 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Sheikh; s/o Khuda Bakhsh; took am with you wholeheartedlyí. As the

active part in the in Uprising of 1857; supporters of Uprising regarded him
arrested and tried for ësedition;î as their legitimate sovereign, the
found guilty and hanged on 30 Uprising against British rule started in
December 1857. [HSG, I, p. 391; RIH, many parts of the country in the name
p. 142] of Bahadur Shah. Inspite of his old
age, he remained active in managing
Bahadur Mirza: Resident of Delhi; Prince all affairs of the Uprising as its
of the Mughal Imperial house; s/o Supreme Leader. He set up a national
Mirza Baland; took leading part in government at Delhi on 14 May 1857
1857 Uprising against British rule; and all Hindu and Muslim officers,
captured by the British and executed Raos and Rajas were called to attend
by hanging at Delhi in 1857. [WWIM, the Court. He also desired cooperation
III, p. 14] from all, and thus sent circulars to the
jµag∂rdµars and am∂rs calling upon them
Bahadur Shah II: Born in 1775 at Delhi; to join the war against the British. For
s/o Emperor Akbar Shah and queen the next four months, Delhi remained
Lal Bai; was a great scholar of Persian, under Hindustani forces as the main
a marvelous calligrapher and a gifted centre of Uprising and anti-British
poet of Urdu with ëZafarí as his pen- struggle continued till 14 September
name; ascended the throne at Delhi in 1857 when the British succeeded in
1837; remained for the most part of his breaching its defences. On hearing of
rule as a pensioner of the East India this, Bahadur Shah buckled his
Company. He had built a palace called armour and rode out of Delhi Fort to
Zafar Mahal from where he used to fight to the last but he was persuaded
watch the annual Hindu-Muslim fair to go back to the Fort. In course of the
popularly known as Phoolwµalon-ki-Sair next four days, the rump of the
which he had inaugurated. He was a Hindustani forces melted away and
symbol and standard-bearer of the Emperor took shelter in Humayun
Hindu-Muslim unity, and had a Tomb on 20 September 1857. But on
genuine love for his country and the following day he was arrested by
countrymen. After the outbreak of the British Commander, Major
Uprising against British rule at Meerut Hodson and was taken into the Fort
on 10 May 1857, when the anti-British as a prisoner. After a long trial by the
forces came to Delhi and implored Military Commission he was found
Bahadur Shah to accept their service, guilty of four charges: (i) aiding and
he responded to their appeal and abetting the mutinies of the troops (ii)
assumed the leadership of Uprising as encouraging and assisting diverse
the Emperor of Hindustan. Along persons in waging war against the
with his sons and other able bodied British Government (iii) assuming the
members of the royal family, Bahadur sovereignty of Hindustan, and (iv)
Shah went up to Chandni Chowk and causing and being accessory to the
addressed the patriot forces near the murder of the Christians. As a result
gate of Begum kµa Bµaghfi by saying, ëI he was deposed and banished to
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 27

Rangoon where he lived in prison till Bahadur: Resident of v. Kanhor, distt.

his death in 1862, and buried there in Bhiwani, Haryana; Sheikh; s/o Khuda
spite of his desire to be buried in his Baksh Shaikh; took part in 1857
own country. [F Mis, No. 376 (1858) Uprising against British rule; arrested
NAI; F Poll No. 52-125 (1858) NAI; by the British authorities and tried for
DUA, NAI; SA, NAI; MP, NAI; MRC, ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
vol VIII, pt. II; BSZWD; WWIM, III, pp. hanged on 30 December 1857.
14-15, DTBS; TBSZ; WWDFF, I, pp. 44- [WWIM, III, p. 14]
45; TLM]
Bahalla: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Jat;
Bahadur Singh: Resident of Gurgaon, participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Haryana; Pandey participated in by British troops on charge of
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by highway robbery during Uprising;
British forces and convicted for convicted of rebellion against British
rebellion against British rule; rule and sentenced to death; executed
sentenced to death on 15 December by hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl.
1857 and shot dead. [Judl. Deptt Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; HSAP]
WWIM, III, p. 15; RIH, p. 142; WWDFF,
I, p. 45] Baishnu Das: Resident of v. Sham Nagar,
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ishwar
Bahadur: Resident of Delhi; participated Singh; farmer; attended the public
in 1857 Uprising; took active part in meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
fighting against British army; arrested on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
by British troops on account of in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
rebellion against British rule; p. 21]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 27 February Bajj Khan: Resident of Kanod, Haryana;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 a sawµ a r in 1 st Regiment Irregular
(1858), HSAP] Cavalry of British Indian Army;
deserted and participated in 1857
Bahadur: Resident of Farrukhnagar, distt. Uprising; caught by British troops on
Gurgaon, Haryana; Biloch; served in charge of deserting British army and
2nd Troop 5th Infantry of British Indian supporting rebellion against British
Army; deserted and took active part rule; convicted and executed in
in 1857 Uprising; apprehended by 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
British officer; accused of desertion (1858), HSAP]
and rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Bakhsha Singh: Resident of v. Jandwala,
executed by hanging on 16 December Sirsa, Punjab (now in Haryana);
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Arora; s/o Tara Singh; a Kuka activist;
(1858), HSAP; HSG, I, p. 392; RIH, p. participated in the attack on
142] Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
1872; arrested and charged with
28 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

murder by the British Government; the nine persons were executed by

blown to death with a cannon on 17/ hanging from a tree situated at a place
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- inside the present Kamala Nehru Park
I, PSAP] at Gurgaon in January 1858. [WWIM,
III, pp. 15-16; RIH, p. 142]
Bakhshish Hussain: Resident of Jhajjar,
Haryana; Colonel in the Jhajjar Army; Bakshish Singh: Resident of Sham Nagar,
took part in 1857 Uprising against distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ishar
British rule; killed by the British forces Singh; Jat; farmer; was 22 years old
on 18 October 1857 after the fall of when he attended the public meeting
Jhajjar. [HSG, I, p, 392; RIH, p. 142] at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in
Bakhshish Singh: Resident of Gilwali, ps. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Sadr, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Santa PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Singh, aged 26 years; took active part 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
in revolutionary activities against 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 138; INMPM,
British rule; involved in the Chabba I, p. 158; MOP, I, p. 37]
dacoity and murder; convicted under
Section 121, 121A, 122, 396, and 302/ Baktawur: Resident of Delhi; took part in
109 of IPC by Lahore Tribunal; Uprising of 1857; participated in
sentenced to death and confiscation of defence of Delhi against advancing
property; hanged. [GD, p.12; H/Poll- British army; captured by British
A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918; SFH, pp. troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
180, 295; INMPM, I, p. 104; WWIM, I, convicted of rebellion against British
p. 21; MOP, I, p. 37] rule; executed by hanging on 27
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Bakhshish Singh: Resident of Khanpur, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
ps. Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
Dewa Singh; took active part in Bal Kishan: Resident of Kucha Chelan,
revolutionary activities against British Delhi; Bukal; participated in 1857
rule; participated in Ferozshahar Uprising; took active part in fighting
murder along with other revolutio- against advancing British army in
naries; arrested, sentenced to death Delhi; captured by British troops after
and hanged. [GD, p.1; H/Poll-A, Nos. reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
671-684 K.W., Oct 1915; SFH, p. 301; rebellion against British rule;
INMPM, I, p. 104; MOP, I, p. 37] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 27 February
Bakhta: Resident of v. Badshahpur, distt. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Gurgaon, Haryana; Mahajan; s/o (1858), HSAP]
Jokhi Mahajan; took part in 1857
Uprising against British rule; arrested Bal Makund: Resident of Kucha Lala,
by the British on charge of aiding the Katra Ahluwalia, Amritsar city,
rebels; sentenced to death along with Punjab; s/o Mangal Chand Nohria;
eight other persons of his village; all was 25 years old when he attended the
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 29

public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 23; INMPM, I, p.

Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he 158; MOP, I, p. 37]
was killed in firing by British troops.
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Balmokand: Resident of Amritsar city,
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Punjab; c/o Sita Ram Mangal Chand;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; attended the public meeting at
WWIM, I, p. 23; JBM, p. 133; INMPM, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
I, p. 158; MOP, I, p. 37] April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Bal Mokand: Resident of Bagh Jhanda PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Singh, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Jai H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Ram Das; Arora; kiryana shopkeeper; WWIM, I, p. 23; JBM, p. 142; INMPM,
was 20 years old when he attended the I, p. 158]
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Balmokand: Resident of Amritsar city,
was killed in firing by British troops. Punjab; s/o Charan Das; attended the
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, was killed in firing by British troops.
p. 137; INMPM, I, p. 158] [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
Bali: Resident of Palwal, distt. Faridabad, (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 23; JBM, p.
Haryana; s/o Khuda Baksh; took part 142]
in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
caught by British troops; convicted of Balmookund: Resident of Delhi;
rebellion against British rule and participated in 1857 Uprising;
hanged on 16 January 1858. [HSG, I, deserted from British Indian Army
p, 392; RIH, p. 142] and joined the service of Emperor;
took active part in fighting against
Balia Marwari: Resident of Amritsar, British army in defence of Delhi;
Punjab; Shopkeeper; attended the captured by British troops on charges
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, of desertion and rebellion against
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he British rule; convicted and sentenced
was killed in firing by British troops. to death; executed by hanging on 28
[WWIM, I, p. 22] February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
Balla: Resident of Kucha Gandan, Namak III, p. 18; WWDFF, I, p. 49]
Mandi, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Lal
Chand; Arora; confectioner; was 28 Balmookund: Resident of Delhi;
years old when he attended the public participated in 1857 Uprising; joined
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar service with Emperor and played
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed active role against British; caught by
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, British troops; accused of taking
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), service with Emperor and rebellion
30 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

against British rule; convicted and Balwant Singh alias Banta Singh: Born in
sentenced to death; executed by 1890; resident of Sangwal, ps.
hanging on 6 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt Kartarpur, Jullundur, Punjab; s/o
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Buta Singh, Sµahµukµar; took part in the
Ghadar party activities against British
Balmukand: Born in 1889, v. Khariala, rule; returned to India early in 1914
Jhelum, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/ and preached anti-British feeling in
o Bhai Mathura Das; Brahmin; school his own and surrounding villages;
teacher; actively involved in formed a gang of revolutionaries
nationalist activities; member of among the returning emigrants;
Revolutionary Party; trained in use of involved in two dacoities in Jullundur
arms and throwing of bombs; closely during December 1914 and January
associated with Rash Behari Bose, 1915; his house was searched by the
appointed as a leader for Punjab and police and a large quantity of seditious
especially for Lahore work; and revolutionary literature found;
participated in printing, distribution leader of the Gang that attacked the
and pasting on walls of ëLibertyí military guard at Amritsar (Walla
leaflets; one among those, who Bridge Case) and Nangal Kalan
agreed, that a bomb should be thrown Murder Case; murdered four men and
in Montgomery Hall in Lahore, during took six service rifles; accused in
a Christmas Week dance and that murder of zaildµar Chanda Singh of
another should be thrown at the Hoshiarpur district; arrested in July
Viceroy during his visit to Kapurthala; 1915; convicted under Sections 396
arrested in February 1914; tried by and 302-149 of IPC; sentenced to death
DelhiñLahore Conspiracy Case; and forfeiture of property in both
charged with conspiring to kill Lord these cases and executed on 12 August
Hardinge (Viceroy of India), by 1915. [GD, p.13; H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-
throwing a bomb while the Viceroy 684 KW, Oct. 1915, NAI; SFH, p. 236,
was passing in a State procession 238, 301; MOP, I, p. 38]
through Chandni Chowk, Delhi on 23
December 1912 to mark the Balwant Singh: Born in 1899; Resident of
inauguration of Delhi as Capital of Khurdpur, ps. Adampur, Jullundur,
India; also charged with bomb Punjab; s/o Budh Singh, Jat; joined
exploded in Lawrance Garden, 36th Battalion of the Indian Army;
Lahore on 17 May 1913; sentenced to came under the influence of the
death on 5 October, 1914 and hanged famous Sant Karam Singh; resigned
in May 1915. [DCP, Tr. No. 6 of 1914, his service after a period of ten years
CVBKB & O, Sr No. 12 Pt IV ñ Proc/ and then in April, 1906 went to
Jud; H/Poll- A, July (1914), Nos. 1-2, Canada; came to India in 1911
NAI; WWIM, I, p. 23; WWDFF, I, p. accompanied by Bhag Singh and
50; RAD, pp. 104-35; SSG, I, p. 44; Sunder Singh; Komagata Maru
MOPI, pp 2, 37; EFFP, pp. 71-72; IR, passengers were denied permission to
II, pp. 221-24] land and were in great trouble, he
played a leading role in collecting
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 31

funds for them; he proceeded to distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; soldier in the

Bangkok in 1915 where he was Gwalior Contingent of British Indian
arrested; convicted and tried under Army; deserted and took part in 1857
Sections 121 and 121A of IPC in the Uprising against British rule; captured
Second Supplementary Lahore by British soldiers and executed by
Conspiracy Case (Date of Judgment hanging in January 1858. [WWIM, III,
5-1-1917); sentenced to death and p. 18; HSG, I p. 392; RIH, 143]
forfeiture of property; hanged in 1916.
[H/Poll-B, Nos. 242-43, May 1917, Banta Singh: Born in 1890; resident of
NAI; SFH, pp. 222, 290; INMPM, I, p. Sangwal, Jullundur, Punjab; s/o Buta
104; EFFP, pp. 75-77; IR, II, pp. 176- Singh; a Ghadar leader; went to
185; WWIM, I, pp. 23-24; MOP, I, pp. America; visited several countries like
2-3, 38] China, Singapore, Hong Kong and
Canada; returned to India in
Balwant Singh: Resident of Kucha December 1912 and embarked on
Tarkhana, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o well-thought-out programme of
Arur Singh; student; was 18 years old winning over Indian soldiers in
when he attended the public meeting military cantonments to the national
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 cause; associated himself with other
April 1919 where he was killed in revolutionaries; tempered railway
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, lines and cut telephone wires near
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Suranasi Railway Station; committed
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. a political dacoity in Alawalpur; went
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 24; JBM, underground after killing police
p. 135; INMPM, I, p. 158; MOP, I, p. inspector in Anarkali Bazaar of
38] Lahore; made a raid on police chowki
at Mananwala and seized all their
Balwant Singh: Resident of Sathiala, ps. firearms; police chased but he
Beas, Punjab; s/o Mir Singh, Jat of 26 successfully escaped; involved in
year; a watchman at Singapore; killing of Sardar Bahadur Achhar
retuned on the ss. Salamis to India in Singh who used to pass on secret
November 1914; took part in dacoities information about the revolutionaries
in Ludhiana and Amritsar; arrested at to the government; his relative Partap
the Ghadar headquarter at Lahore; Singh of village Jaura in the Tanda ps.
tried by Lahore Tribunal; convicted fell victim to the temptation and
under Section 121, 121A, 122, 395, 306, betrayed him in the hands of the
397, 398, and 302/109 of IPC; authorities in June 1915; tried under
sentenced to death and forfeiture of Martial Law in the Central Jail,
property; sentence was commuted to Lahore; sentenced to death and
transportation for life. [GD, pp.14-15; hanged on 12 August 1915. [EFFP, pp.
H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, 78-80; IR, II, pp. 34-39; MOP, I, pp. 5-
NAI; SFH, pp. 180, 295] 6]

Bandrab Ali: Resident of v. Hasanpur, Barkat Ali: Resident of Katra Hakiman,

32 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Alahi Bux; through Chandni Chowk, Delhi in a
Tarkhan (carpenter); was 32 years old State procession marking the
when he attended the public meeting inauguration of Delhi as a Capital of
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 India. The importance of the bomb
April 1919 where he was killed in thrown at Lord Hardinge was great
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, because it was exploded in spite of
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. heavy security arrangements.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Hundreds of C.I.D. men in plain
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 28; JBM, clothes had spread themselves all over
p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 158; MOP, I, p. the city several weeks in advance
40] trying to find out reactions of people.
Almost same numbers of C.I.D.
Barkat: Resident of Mistri Bazar, Amritsar officers in civilian dress were walking
city, Punjab; s/o Bahla; Sheikh; was with procession. Despite all that,
20 years old when he attended the Basant Kumar Biswas and others
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, managed to perform that feat. After
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he throwing bomb, he left Delhi, went to
was killed in firing by British troops. Bengal and was arrested from there
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 on 26 February, 1914. He was charged
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; with conspiracy to kill Lord Hardinge,
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; also accused of throwing bomb in
WWIM, I, p. 28; JBM, p. 134; INMPM, Lawrance Garden, Lahore. He was
I, p. 158; MOP, I, p. 39] sentenced to transportation for life on
5 October, 1915 in Delhi-Lahore
Basant Kumar Biswas: Born in 1892, v. Conspiracy Case. Later on it was
Paragachha, Nadia, West Bengal; s/o enhanced to capital punishment. He
Motilal Biswas; visited Lahore in was hanged on 11 May 1915. [DCP,
October 1912 and employed in a Tr. No. 6 of 1914, CVBKB & O, Sr No.
popular dispensary there; actively 12 Pt IV ñ Proc/Jud, NAI; H/Poll- A,
involved in nationalist activities; July (1914), Nos. 1-2, NAI; WWIM, I,
member of Revolutionary Party and p. 53; WWDFF, I, pp. 76-77; IR, II, pp.
follower of Rash Behari Bose; brought 272-75; RAD, pp. 104-35; SSG, I, p. 43]
a bomb or a portion of it on 17 May,
1913 in Lawrence Garden, Lahore.... Basant Singh: Resident of v. Selbaraha,
placed it on a road in such a position Punjab; Khakrob; s/o Sujaan Singh; a
that it exploded and Ram Padarath, Kuka activist; participated in the
Choukidµ a r was killed. He was an attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15
important member of the conspiracy, January 1872; arrested and charged
being employed both to bringing with murder by the British
bombs from Bengal and to use them Government; blown to death with a
in Northern India....î He participated cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No.
in a plot to throw a bomb on Lord H 92 M Part-I, PSAP]
Hardinge (Viceroy of India), on 23
December 1912, when he was passing Basanta: Resident of Amritsar city,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 33

Punjab; s/o Sarna; sweeper; was 25 Singh Kari; took active part in
years old when he attended the public revolutionary activities against British
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar rule; tried in the Second Supplemen-
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed tary Lahore Conspiracy Case (Date of
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Judgment 5-1-1917) and sentenced to
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; transportation for life. [H/Poll-B, Nos.
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; 242-43, May 1917 NAI; SFH, p. 290]
WWIM, I, p. 30; JBM, p. 134; INMPM,
I, p. 158; MOP, I, p. 40] Bawa Singh: Resident of Mauza Bhakna
Kalan, teh. Tarn Taran, distt. Amritsar,
Basheshar Nath: Resident of Nizamabad, Punjab; s/o Mangal Singh; Jat
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Nihal (Sandhu); cultivator; was 25 years old
Chand; took part in nationalist when he attended the public meeting
activities; joined crowd that burnt Mr. at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Baileyís house; arrested and was one April 1919 where he was killed in
of the accused in Nizamabad Case firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
during Martial Law in Punjab; tried PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
by Martial Law Commission and PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 32; INMPM, I, p.
sentenced to death. However, the Lt. 158; MOP, I, p. 40]
Governor (Punjab) afterward
commuted the death sentence to Bayjnath Singh: Served in the 45th Native
transportation for life. [H/Poll, B- Infantry of British Indian Army;
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, deserted and participated in Uprising
NAI; INCR, I; FML] of 1857; took part in fighting against
British army; captured, tried and
Bassawa Ram: Resident of Wara, sentenced to death by the British on
Jullundur, Punjab; s/o Thanda Singh; 24 June 1857 at Ambala, Haryana.
took part in anti-British revolutionary [Judl. Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No. 46
activities; tried in Burma Conspiracy (1857), HSAP]
Case (Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916) Baz Khan: Resident of Dojana, distt.
and sentenced to death. [H/Poll-A, Jhajjar, Haryana; a sawµ a r in 1 st
Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916] Irregular Cavalry of British Indian
Army; deserted and took active part
Bathee: Resident of v. Rasulpur, distt. in fighting against British army;
Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857 caught by British troops and charged
Uprising against British rule; captured with possessing arms and rebellion
by the British and sentenced to death; against British rule; convicted and
executed at Delhi on 16 January 1857. sentenced to death; executed in 1857.
[WWIM, III, p. 19; HSG, I, 392; RIH, [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
143; WWDFF, I, p, 59] (1858), HSAP]

Battan Singh alias Atma Singh: Resident Bazid Khan: Resident of Jatusana, dist.
of Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Mehr Rewari, Haryana; Rajput; s/o Maru;
34 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

took part in 1857 Uprising against Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January

British rule; hanged on 12 August 1872; arrested and charged with
1858. [HSG, I, p, 392; RIH, p. 143] murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Beela Singh: Resident of Narlee [Narli], 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Nihal Singh; I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 30]
Saddoo; aged 27 years old; Kuka
activist; involved in the attack on Beli Ram: Resident of Brahminwala, distt.
Amritsar butchers on 14 and 15 June Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
1871; arrested and charged with s/o Nihala; Brahmin; cultivator; was
murder at Amritsar; tried in Amritsar 18 years old when he attended the
Butchers Murder Case 1871; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
sentenced under Section 109 and 302 Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
of Indian Penal Code and executed on was killed in firing by British troops.
15 September 1871. [H/Deptt, Judl-A, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May
4 November 1871, F. Nos. 67-68, NAI; (1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 33;
H/Deptt, Judl-A, Feb 1872, F. Nos. 57- INMPM, I, p. 158]
58, NAI; MOP, I, p. 40-41]
Benee Parshad: Resident of Ambala,
Bega: Resident of Khidwali, distt. Rohtak, Haryana; served in 45 th Native
Haryana; sweeper; participated in Infantry of the British Indian Army;
1857 Uprising; took part in attacking deserted and participated in Uprising
and looting British property; caught of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced
by British troops on charge of looting, to death by the British on 17 June 1857
murder and rebellion against British at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt
rule; convicted and sentenced to (Ambala Div), F. No. 43 (1857), HSAP]
death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Bhag Mal alias Labhoo: Resident of
Kucha Zargaran, Dal Mandi, Amritsar
Beharee: Resident of Badshahpur, distt. city, Punjab; s/o Hira Lal; Arora; flour
Gurgaon, Haryana; Bania; participa- merchant; was 30 years old when he
ted in 1857 Uprising; took leading part attended the public meeting at
in attacking and killing Englishmen; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
caught by British troops on charge of April 1919 where he was killed in
murder of Englishmen and rebellion firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
against British rule; convicted and PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
sentenced to death; executed by PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 36; INMPM, I, p.
hanging on 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi 159; MOP, I, p. 41]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Bhag Mal: Resident of Amritsar city,
Bela Singh: Resident of v. Rabbon, ps. Punjab; s/o Hari Ram; Arora;
Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab; attended the public meeting at
Khakrob; s/o Ram Singh; a Kuka Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
activist; participated in the attack on April 1919 where he was killed in
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 35

firing by British troops. [H/Mil, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;

PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 35; JBM, p. 146; INMPM,
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; I, p. 159; MOP, I, p. 41]
WWIM, I, p. 36; JBM, p. 140; INMPM,
I, p. 159; MOP, I, p. 41] Bhagat Ram: Resident of Gadi Guru Jwala
Singh, distt. Montogomery, Punjab
Bhag Mal: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; (now in Pakistan); was 35 years old
s/o Chanda; attended the public when he attended the public meeting
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed April 1919 where he was killed in
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 36] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Bhag: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; p. 144]
Kamboh; was 19 years old when he
attended the public meeting at Bhagat Ram: Resident of Namak Mandi,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Dharni
April 1919 where he was killed in Ram [Dhani Ram]; Khatri; clerk in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, private firm; was 17 years old when
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; he attended the public meeting at
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
WWIM, I, p. 36; JBM, p. 134; INMPM, April 1919 where he was killed in
I, p. 158] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Bhag: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
s/o Sri Ram; Bhatia; was 40 years old WWIM, I, p. 37; JBM, p. 141; INMPM,
when he attended the public meeting I, p. 159; MOP, I, p. 41]
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Bhagat Ram: Resident of Sialkot, Punjab
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (now in Pakistan); s/o Hira Lal; was
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; 50 years old when he attended the
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
p. 137; INMPM, I, p. 158; MOP, I, p. Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
41] was killed in firing by British troops.
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Bhag: Resident of v. Ladhewala, teh. Tarn (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
Taran, Punjab; s/o Wasan [Wasso]; (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 36; JBM, p.
Ghumar [Kumhar] (potmaker); was 136; INMPM, I, p. 159]
42 years old when he attended the
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Bhagat Salig Ram: Resident of Amritsar
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he city, Punjab; s/o Sant Jwala Singh;
was killed in firing by British troops. Sadh; was 60 years old when he
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 attended the public meeting at
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
36 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

April 1919 where he was killed in Bhageerut: Resident of v. Patli, distt.

firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Gurgaon, Haryana; Jat; s/o Sadhu
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Ram, actively parcipated in 1857
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Uprising; took part in attacking and
p. 136] killing Englishmen; caught by British
soldiers on charge of murder and
Bhagat Singh: Resident of Jhugawan rebellion against British; convicted
Rupawali, Chogawan, distt. Amritsar, and sentenced to death; executed by
Punjab; s/o Kesar Singh; Jat; hanging on 11 November 1857.[Judl.
cultivator; was 38 years old when he Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
attended the public meeting at HSAP; HSG, I.P. 392]
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Bhagel Singh: Resident of Bur Chand, ps.
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Patti, Lahore, Punjab; s/o Bal Singh,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Jat; took active part in revolutionary
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. activities; convicted and tried under
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 39; JBM, Sections 302/109, 120-B and 398 of
p. 140; INMPM, I, p. 159; MOP, I, p. 42] IPC in the Padri Murder Case;
sentenced to transportation for life.
Bhagat Singh: Resident of Ruriwala, Tarn [SFH, p. 230]
Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Bur
Singh; convicted and tried in Lahore Bhagta: Resident of v. Badshahpur, distt.
Conspiracy Case in 1914; sentenced to Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in 1857
death and was hanged at Ambala in Uprising against British rule;
1915. [MOP, I, pp. 41-42] convicted of rebellion against British
rule and hanged on 11 November
Bhagat Singh: Resident of v. Kanjhla, ps. 1857. [HSG, I, p, 392; RIH, p. 143]
and teh. Sherpur, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/
o Dayal Singh; a Kuka activist; Bhagwan Das: Resident of Amritsar city,
participated in the attack on Punjab; Bhatia; shawl merchant;
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January attended the public meeting at
1872; arrested and charged with Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
murder by the British Government; April 1919 where he was killed in
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
I, PSAP] H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWIM, I, p. 40; JBM, p. 139; INMPM,
Bhagat: Resident of v. Bahlolpur, distt. I, p. 160; MOP, I, p. 43]
Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Surja;
attended the public meeting at Bhagwan Das: Resident of Kot Dasondhi
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Mal, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
April 1919 where he was killed in Charan Das; Arora; attended the
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
36] Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 37

was killed in firing by British troops. he attended the public meeting at

[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 April 1919 where he was killed in
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 139; WWIM, I, p. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
40; INMPM, I, p. 160; MOP, I, p. 43] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Bhagwan Dass: Resident of Amritsar, WWIM, I, p. 40; JBM, p. 146; INMPM,
Punjab; attended the public meeting I, p. 160; MOP, I, p. 43]
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Bhagwant Singh Jat: Resident of Delhi;
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. took part in 1857 Uprising against
40] British rule; participated in defence of
Delhi against advancing British army;
Bhagwan Dhan: Resident of Amritsar, captured by the British and executed
Punjab; attended the public meeting at Delhi on 16 December 1857.
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 [WWIM, III, p. 21]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. Bhan Sertab: Resident of Delhi; took part
40] in Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Bhagwan Singh: Resident of Jungul British army; captured by British
Ilaqua (Patiala), Punjab; s/o Ram troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Singh; a Kuka activist; involved in the convicted of rebellion against British
attack on Malodh on 14 January 1872; rule; sentenced to death and hanged
arrested and charged for ìdacoity in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
with murderî under Section 396 of 3 (1858), HSAP]
Indian Penal Code; sentenced to
transportation for life to Andaman. Bhan Singh: Resident of Delhi; fought
[H/Deptt, Judl-A, June 1872, F Nos. against the British forces at Delhi;
112-132, NAI] retreated towards Jaipur State after
the defeat of the patriot forces;
Bhagwan Singh: Soldier in the 35th Native captured by the British at Hindan in
Infantry Regiment of British Indian distt. Swai Madhopur, Rajasthan;
Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana; rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State
deserted and took part in 1857 Army stationed at Hindan, who had
Uprising against British rule; arrested rebelled against the British; captured
by the British and charged with again by the British troops and
mutiny; sentenced to death and imprisoned at Agra; sentenced to
executed on 15 April 1858. [WWIM, death and executed by hanging at
III, p. 20] Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 21]

Bhagwan: Resident of Katra Mit Singh, Bhan Singh: Resident of Sunnet, ps.
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Nihal Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Sawan Singh,
Chand; Arora; was 45 years old when Jat of 40 years; took active part in
38 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

revolutionary activities; convicted in Bheem Singh: Resident of Delhi; took part

the First Burma Conspiracy Case in Uprising of 1857; participated in
(Mandalay Conspiracy Case, defence of Delhi against advancing
Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916), British army; captured by British
tried and sentenced to transportation troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
for life; beaten mercilessly by jail convicted of rebellion against British
officials in Andamans; courted rule; executed by hanging on 27
martyrdom in 1917 in the Cellular Jail, February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Andamans. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Sep 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 241; UHFSA,
p. 82; WWIM, I, p. 42; HCJ, p. 250; Bhemraj: Resident of Kucha Lala, Katra
MOP, I, p. 44] Ahluwalia, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
Harjas Mal; Marwari; kiryana
Bhangan Shah: Resident of Katra shopkeeper; was 45 years old when
Ramgarhian, Bazar Maniarian, he attended the public meeting at
Amritsar city, Punjab; was 50 years Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
old when he attended the public April 1919 where he was killed in
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 47; INMPM, I, p.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; 160; MOP, I, p. 44]
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWIM, I, p. 40; JBM, p. 136; INMPM, Bhewanee Singh: Resident of Delhi; took
I, p. 160; MOP, I, p. 43] part in Uprising of 1857; participated
in defence of Delhi against advancing
Bhawani Singh: Resident of Gurgaon, British army; captured by British
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
against British rule; arrested by the convicted of rebellion against British
British authorities and tried for rule on 15 December 1857 and shot
sedition; sentenced to death and dead. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
hanged on 15 December 1857. 3 (1858), HSAP]
[WWIM, III, p. 22; HSG, I p. 392; RIH,
p. 143; WWDFF, I, p. 68] Bhim Raj: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
s/o Khem Raj Nowaria; Shopkeeper;
Bheek Singh: Resident of Jugdispur, attended the public meeting at
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh; a sepoy; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April
deserted British Indian Army and 1919 where he was killed in firing by
took active part in fighting against British troops. [WWIM, I, p. 47]
British; caught by British soldiers and
accused of rebellion against British Bhim Singh: Resident of Biring, Sadr,
rule; convicted and sentenced to death Jullundur, Punjab; s/o Kushal Singh;
at Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi a Komagata Maru passenger; arrested
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] after Budge riot and was put to death.
[MOP, I, p. 44]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 39

Bhola Singh: Soldier in the 12th Native active part in 1857 Uprising against
Infantry of British Indian Army; British; captured by British troops and
posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted accused of rebellion and ìseditionî
and took leading part in 1857 Uprising against British rule; sentenced to death
against British rule; captured by and executed by hanging on 18
British soldiers and sentenced to January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
death; hanged on 17 May 1858. F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
[WWIM, III, p. 24]
Bhowanee Singh: Resident of Delhi;
Bhooliah: Resident of Nagli, distt. Pandey; took leading part in fighting
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active against British during Uprising of
part in plundering and killing 1857; caught by British troops after
Englishmen during Uprising of 1857; reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
caught by British on charge of murder, rebellion and sedition against British
plundering and rebellion against rule; convicted and shot dead on 15
British rule; convicted and executed December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Bhowau Singh: Served in the 45th Native
Infantry of the British Indian Army;
Bhoop Singh: Resident of v. Deeva, ps. deserted and participated in Uprising
and teh. Sahibgarh (Payal), Punjab; of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced
zam∂ndµar; s/o Bhoora Singh; a Kuka to death by the British; hanged on 3
activist; participated in the attack on April 1858 at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl.
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No. 43 (1857),
1872; arrested and charged with HSAP]
murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Bhowro: Resident of Pahladpur, distt.
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Faridabad, Haryana; Bukal;
I, PSAP] participated in 1857 Uprising and took
active part in anti-British activities;
Bhoop Singh: Resident of v. Dyalgarh, ps. captured by British troops and
and teh. Bhawanigarh, Punjab; charged with crime of rebellion and
zamindar; s/o Mehar Singh; a Kuka sedition against British rule; convicted
activist; participated in the attack on and sentenced to death; executed by
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January hanging on 12 February 1858.[Judl.
1872; arrested and charged with Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
murder by the British Government; HSAP]
blown to death with a canon on 17/
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Bhugwunt Singh: Resident of Delhi; Jat;
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 39] participated in fighting against British
army in defence of Delhi during
Bhowanee Krn: Resident of Awadh; Uprising of 1857; captured by British
Brahmin; came to Delhi and took forces after reoccupation of Delhi and
40 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

convicted of mutiny against British Bhup Singh: Resident of v. Pharwahee,

rule; executed by hanging on 16 Kotla State, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Khazan Singh; a Kuka activist;
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] participated in the attack on
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
Bhugwunt: Resident of Pahladpur, distt. 1872; arrested and charged with
Faridabad, Haryan; Kahar; murder by the British Government;
participated in 1857 Uprising against blown to death with a cannon on 17/
British; caught by the British on charge 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
of rebellion against British rule; I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 39]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 12 February Bibi Har Kaur alias Chendi: Resident of
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Mauza Lopoke [Lopoki], distt.
(1858), HSAP] Amritsar, Punjab; w/o Hardit Singh;
Jat; domestic servant; attended the
Bhula: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
s/o Mathra Das; Rajput; was 20 years Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
old when he attended the public was killed in firing by British troops.
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 129; JBM, p. 140; INMPM,
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, I, p. 169]
p. 128; INMPM, I, p. 160; MOP, I, p.
44] Bihari Lal: Resident of v. Badshahpur,
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Ram
Bhulla: Resident of Nagli, distt. Sukh Mahajan; took part in 1857
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; actively Uprising against British rule; arrested
participated in fighting against British by the British on charge of aiding the
army during Uprising of 1857; rebels; sentenced to death along with
apprehended by the British troops and eight other persons of his village; all
convicted of rebellion against British the nine persons were executed by
rule; sentenced to death and executed hanging from a tree situated at a place
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. inside the present Kamala Nehru Park
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), at Gurgaon on 11 November 1858.
HSAP] [WWIM, III, p. 24; HSG, I p. 392; RIH,
p. 143]
Bhulla: Resident of v. Nangli, distt.
Mewat, Haryana; Meo; took part in Billa: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
1857 Uprising against British rule; Khatri; was 18 years old when he
captured by British soldiers and attended the public meeting at
hanged in February 1858. [WWIM, III, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
p. 24; HSG, I p. 392; RIH, p. 143; April 1919 where he was killed in
WWDFF, I, p, 71] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 41

PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January

H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, 1872; arrested and charged with
p. 137; INMPM, I, p. 160; MOP, I, p. murder by the British Government;
45] blown to death with a cannon on 17/
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Bir Singh: Resident of Kasur, distt. I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 41]
Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/
o Hira Singh; took part in the complete Birda: Resident of Patli, distt. Gurgaon,
haætµal on 12 April, 1919 in Kasur. He Haryana; Jat; a peasant; took part in
was among those who felt deeply 1857 Uprising against British rule;
agitated by what had happened at convicted of rebellion against British
Amritsar on 10 April; with others he rule and hanged on 7 December 1857.
proceeded to Kasur Railway Station, [HSG, I, p, 392; RIH, p. 143]
found some Europeans sitting in a
train compart-ment there, suddenly Birja: Resident of Chajju Nagar, distt.
two English soldiers fired upon the Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
mob. The angry people killed those in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
two soldiers. Large number of people the British; convicted of rebellion
were arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April against British rule; sentenced to death
1919. Bir Singh was arrested, charged and executed by hanging on 13
with crime of arson at Kasur Railway January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Station and for killing two F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p.
Englishmen; tried in Kasur Case by 24; HSG, I, p. 392; RIH, p. 143;
Martial Law Commission and WWDFF, I, p. 74]
executed on 19 May, 1919. [H/Poll, B-
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, Birjah: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; Jat;
NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, p. 45; FML] participated in 1857 Uprising; took
active part in attacking British officers
Bir Singh: Resident of Sahoowal, and army; caught by British troops
Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Buta Singh, and imprisoned; accused of attack,
aged 45 years; took active part in murder and rebellion against British
revolutionary activities against British rule; convicted and sentenced to
rule; convicted and tried in Lahore death; executed on 14 December 1857.
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to death [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
and forfeiture of property; died in jail (1858), HSAP]
in Lahore Central Jail on 30 March
1916. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May Biroo: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
1916, NAI; SFH, p. 305; INMPM, I, p. s/o Gathoo; Khatri; was 50 years old
104; WWIM, I, p. 51; MOP, I, p. 45] when he attended the public meeting
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Bir Singh: Resident of v. Moom, ps. April 1919 where he was killed in
Bahadur, teh. Anhadgarh, Punjab; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
zam∂ndµar; s/o Suhel Singh; a Kuka PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
activist; participated in the attack on H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
42 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

p. 137; INMPM, I, p. 160; MOP, I, p. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
45] H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
p. 145; INMPM, I, p. 161; MOP, I, p.
Bishan Das: Resident of Katra Khazana, 46]
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Gurdita
Mal; Khatri; silk worker; was 30 years Bishan Singh: Resident of v. Rarrh, ps.
old when he attended the public and teh. Sherpur, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar o Mehtab Singh; a Kuka activist;
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed participated in the attack on
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 1872; captured by the British and cut
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. into pieces at Malerkotla. [F.No. H 92
333 (1992), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 52; JBM, M Part-I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 43]
p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 160; MOP, I, p.
46] Bisharut Ali: Resµaldµar of Ist Irregular
Cavalry of British Indian Army; a
Bishan Das: Resident of Katra Sufaid, great officer of reputation and
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Dhanpat influence; shot dead near Delhi by
Ram; Khatri; textile broker; was 32 Major Hodson on believe that he had
years old when he attended the public joined mutineers at Delhi during 1857
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Uprising. [MRC, VII, pt. II]
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing fire by British troops. [H/Mil, Bishen Das: Resident of Bazar Nar Singh
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Das, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Maharaj Mal; Arora; kirµ a nµ a
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 52; JBM, shopkeeper; was 52 years old when
p. 128; INMPM, I, p. 160; MOP, I, p. he attended the public meeting at
46] Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in
Bishan Singh Rajput: Resident of Delhi; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
took part in 1857 Uprising against PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
British rule; participated in defence of PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 52; INMPM, I, p.
Delhi against the advancing British 160; MOP, I, p. 46]
army; captured by the British and
executed at Delhi on 16 December Bishen Singh: Resident of Chabha, distt.
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 25; WWDFF, I, p. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Mit Singh; Jat;
76] farmer; was 65 years old when he
attended the public meeting at
Bishan Singh: Resident of Chabha, distt. Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Amritsar, Punjab; village lamburdµar; April 1919 where he was killed in
attended the public meeting at firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
April 1919 where he was killed in 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 52; JBM,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 43

p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 161; MOP, I, p. 6April 1919 in Amritsar as part of the

46] nation-wide call of haætµal given by
Mahatma Gandhi to protest against
Bishen Singh: Resident of Dodher, ps. the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession
Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Jawala which was takn out on 10 April 1919
Singh, aged 30 years; a returned at Amritsar in protest agains the arrest
migrant from Manilla; took part in the of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din
revolutionary activities in the Punjab Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti-
in early 1915; tried in Lahore British acts which occurred after the
Conspiracy Case and convicted under military picket (posted near the
Section 121, 122, 121A of IPC; Deputy Commissio-nerís house) fired
sentenced to transportation for life on unarmed processionists; charged
and forfeiture of property. [GD, p.27; with taking part in the attack on the
H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, Alliance Bank in which the Manager
NAI; SFH, pp. 181, 295; HCJ, p. 250] of Alliance Bank was killed; tried and
convicted in Amritsar Alliance Bank
Bishen Singh: Resident of Dodher, ps. Murder Case by Martial Law
Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Kesar Commission and executed on 25 June
Singh, Jat of 30 years; a Komagata Maru 1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
passenger who had formerly been in 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I,
the Shanghai Police; took part in the p. 47; FML]
revolutionary activities in the Punjab;
tried by Lahore Tribunal and Bishumber: Resident of Nagli, distt.
convicted under Section 121, 122 and Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
121A of IPC; sentenced to transporta- part plundering and killing
tion for life and forfeiture of property. Englishmen; caught by British on
[GD, p.27; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct charge of murder, plundering and
1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 181, 295; HCJ, p. rebellion against British rule;
250] convicted and executed by hanging on
5 February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Bishen Singh: Resident of Warpal Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWDFF,
[Varpal], ps. Jandiala, Amritsar, I, p. 74]
Punjab; s/o Wasakha Singh, Jat of 27
years; took active part in Bishun Singh: Resident of Delhi; Rajput;
revolutionary activities; convicted took active part in fighting against
under Sections 121 and 395/109 of British advancing army in Delhi
IPC; sentenced to transportation for during 1857 Uprising; caught by
life in Supplementary Lahore British forces after reoccupation of
Conspiracy Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. Delhi and convicted for mutiny
219-221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 202, against British rule; sentenced to
305; HCJ, p. 250] death; executed by hanging on 16
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Bishna: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Labhu; participated in the haætµal on
44 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Bitta: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; s/o British on charge with murder,

Karam Chand; Rice merchant; plundering and rebellion against
attended the public meeting at British rule; convicted and executed
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
April 1919 where he was killed in Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. HSAP]
Boodhoo: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana;
Bodhi: Resident of Mauza Bhozian, teh. Kasai; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Tarn Taran, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/ took active part in fighting against
o Buri; Mashki; (water carrier) and British troops; caught by British
trader; was 35 years old when he soldiers on charge of rebellion against
attended the public meeting at British rule; convicted and sentenced
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
April 1919 where he was killed in (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Boohad Meo: Resident of Nangli, distt.
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 54; INMPM, I, p. Mewat, Haryana; Meo; took part in
161; MOP, I, p. 47] 1857 Uprising against British rule;
captured by British soldiers and
Boochoo: Resident of Delhi; took part in hanged in February 1858. [WWIM, III,
Uprising of 1857; participated in p. 26; HSG, I, pp. 392-93; RIH, p. 143]
defence of Delhi against advancing
British army; captured by British Boohi: Resident of Khidwali, distt.
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Rohtak, Haryana; Sheikh; participa-
convicted for rebellion against British ted in 1857 Uprising; took leading part
rule; executed on 27 February in attacking and looting British
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 property and helping Imperial forces;
(1858), HSAP] caught by British troops on charge of
looting, murder and rebellion against
Bood Singh: Resident of Serai Rohilla, British rule; convicted and sentenced
Delhi; Gujar; participated in looting to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
British property and helping Imperial (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
forces during 1857 Uprising; arrested
by British forces and accused of Boohnid: Resident of Nagli, distt.
committing highway robbery of Faridabad, Haryana; Meo;
British property; convicted and participated in fighting against British
sentenced to death; executed by army in his region during Uprising of
hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl. 1857; apprehended by the British;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), convicted of rebellion against British
HSAP] rule; sentenced to death and executed
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Boodha: Resident of Nagli, distt. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; caught by HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 45

Boolund: Resident of Nagli, distt. 1857; mutineers of 9th Light Cavalry

Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took and local patriots of Kangra, Noorpur,
leading part in plundering and killing Dharmshala and Haripur revolted
Englishmen during Uprising of 1857; against British under his leadership in
caught by British on charge of murder, July 1857; finally he was caught by the
plundering and rebellion against British troops and hanged in 1857 at
British rule; convicted and executed Noorpur. [HPSS, p. 45]
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Brij Nundun: Resident of Chajju Nagar,
HSAP] distt. Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took
part in plundering European property
Boora Mal: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; during 1857 Uprising; caught by
attended the public meeting at British troops on charge of plundering
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 and rebellion against British;
April 1919 where he was killed in convicted and sentenced to death;
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. executed by hanging on 13 January
55] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 26; RIH,
Boorhan: Resident of Punjab; Sheikh; took p. 143; WWDFF, I, p. 78]
active part in fighting against British
army during Uprising of 1857; Bua Das: Resident of Amritsar city,
arrested by British forces and charged Punjab; Khatri; businessman; was 25
with rebellion against British rule; years old when he attended the public
convicted and sentenced to death; meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
executed by hanging on 18 December on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
(1858), HSAP] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Boota Singh: Sepoy in the Ludhiana Sikh WWIM, I, p. 57; JBM, p. 135; INMPM,
Regiment of the British Indian Army I, p. 161]
posted in Sutlej Division; deserted and
took active part in fighting against Bua Das: Resident of Prag Chowk,
British army during Uprising of 1857; Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Fakir
captured by British soldiers; charged Chand; Khatri; businessmen; was 22
with disloyalty and mutiny against the years old when he attended the public
British rule; tried and sentenced to meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
death; hanged on 3 April 1858. [Judl. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Deptt. (Ambala Div.), F. No. 52 (1858), in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 26] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Brigadier Ramnaan: Sepoy in the 9th Light 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 57; JBM,
Cavalry of Sialkot, Punjab (now in p.135; INMPM, I, p. 161; MOP, I, p.
Pakistan); deserted British Indian 47]
Army and took part in Uprising of
46 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Bua Ditta: Resident of v. Sarangdeo, teh. Budh Singh and others disobeyed
Ajnala, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Assistant Commissioner Tailor and
Nathu Mal; Khatri; sµahµukµar; was 35 Captain Balcolís orders; entered into
years old when he attended the public Cantonment area at Kasholi on 16
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar May 1857 and robbed the treasury and
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed arms; under leadership of Budh Singh,
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Patiot forces moved towards Jatog; the
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. British forces surrounded and fired
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. upon them; most of them were killed.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 57; JBM, Budh Singh shot himself and died at
p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 161; MOP, I, p. the spot. [HPSS, p. 32]
Budha Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
Budaha: Resident of Nagli, distt. Punjab; Sikh; carpenter; attended the
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
by British troops on charge of rebellion was killed in firing by British troops.
against British rule; convicted and [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
sentenced to death; executed by (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 58; JBM, p.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), 139; INMPM, I, p. 161]
Budha Singh: Resident of Philloke,
Budh Singh: Born in 1872; resident of Gujranwala, Punjab (now in
Dhotian, Amritsar, Punjab; served in Pakistan); s/o Sham Singh, Jat; took
Indian Army; took part in revolutio- active part in revolutionary activities;
nary activities; convicted and tried in convicted and tried in the First Burma
Varpalpur Bomb Case in First Lahore Conspiracy Case (Mandalay
Conspiracy Case; hanged on 3 Conspiracy Case, Judgment delivered
September 1915. [MOP, I, p. 48] on 27 July 1916); sentenced to death.
[H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916;
Budh Singh: Resident of Amritsar city, SFH, p. 288]
Punjab; was 70 years old when he
attended the public meeting at Budha Singh: Resident of Sursingh, ps.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in
April 1919 where he was killed in Punjab); s/o Ishar Singh, aged 24
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, years; took active part in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; revolutionary activities; convicted
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, under Section 121 of IPC; sentenced
p. 135; INMPM, I, p. 161] to transportation for life in
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
Budh Singh: Resident of Himachal Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May
Pradesh; participated in Uprising of 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 202, 305; INMPM,
1857; became leader of local forces. I, p. 104]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 47

Budha Singh: Resident of Tang, teh. and PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
distt. Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Amar 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Singh; preacher; was 45 years old 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 58; JBM,
when he attended the public meeting p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 161; MOP, I, p. 48]
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Budloo: Resident of Lado Sarai, Delhi;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. took active part in fighting against
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. British advancing army in Delhi;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 58; JBM, caught by British troops after
p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 161; MOP, I, p. reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
48] rebellion against British rule and
supporting Emepror and others;
Budha: Resident of Kasur, distt. Lahore, convicted and sentenced to death;
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Imam executed by hanging on 20 January
Din; took part in the complete haætµal 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
on 12 April 1919 in Kasur. He was (1858), HSAP]
among those who felt deeply agitated
by what had happened at Amritsar on Bugwunt Singh: Resident of Delhi; took
10 April with others he proceeded to part in Uprising of 1857; participated
Kasur Railway Station, found some in defence of Delhi against advancing
Europeans sitting in a train compart- British army; captured by British
ment there, suddenly two English troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
soldiers fired upon the mob. The convicted of rebellion against British
angry people killed those two soldiers. rule; executed by hanging on 27
Large number of people were arrested February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. Budha Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
was accused in Kasur Case during
Martial Law in Punjab; arrested, Buhadur: Residemnt Sonipat, Haryana;
charged with crime of arson at Kasur Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Railway Station and for killing two active part in attacking British officers
Englishmen; tried by Martial Law and army; caught by British troops
Commission and executed on 17 May, and imprisoned; accused of attack,
1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. murder and rebellion against British
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, rule; convicted and sentenced to
p. 48; FML] death; executed on 14 December
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Budha: Resident of Mauza Jhita Kalan, (1858), HSAP]
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Janni; Bhishti;
cattle trader; was 50 years old when Bukhta: Resident of Badshahpur, distt.
he attended the public meeting at Gurgaon, Haryana; Bania;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 participated in 1857 Uprising; took
April 1919 where he was killed in part in attacking killing Englishmen
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, and rebellion against British rule;
48 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

caught by British troops on charge of soldiers fired upon the mob. The
murder of Englishmen; convicted and angry people killed those two soldiers.
sentenced to death; executed by Large number of people were arrested
hanging in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. Bulanda
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] was accused in Kasur Case during
Martial Law in Punjab; arrested,
Bukhtawar Singh: Resident of Gurgaon, charged with crime of arson at Kasur
Haryana; Jat; participated in fighting Railway Station and for killing two
against British army during Uprising Englishmen; tried by Martial Law
of 1857; captured by the British and Commission and executed on 17 May,
sentenced to death; shot dead in 1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
October 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Buldeo: Resident of Delhi; participated in
Bukhtawar Singh: Resident of Gurgaon, 1857 Uprising; took acative part in
Haryana; Jat; took part in 1857 plundering English houses and
Uprising; caught by British troops and helping Imperial forces; caught by
charged with rebellion against British British troops; charged with
rule; convicted and sentenced to plundering and rebellion against
death; executed by hanging in British rule; convicted and sentenced
November 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi to death; executed by hanging on 12
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, March 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
III, p. 16; RIH, p. 142] F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

Buktawur: Resident of Delhi; took part in Buldeo: Resident of Palwal, distt.

Uprising of 1857; participated in Faridabad, Haryana; Rajput;
defence of Delhi against advancing participated in 1857 Uprising; took
British army; captured by British leading part in anti-British activities;
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and captured by British soldiers on charge
convicted of rebellion against British of rebellion and ìseditionî against
rule; executed by hanging on 13 British rule; sentenced to death;
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi executed by hanging on 9 December
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Bulanda: Resident of Kasur, distt. Lahore,
Punjab (now in Pakistan); took part in Bulloo Khan: Resident of Delhi; Pathan;
the complete haætµal on 12 April, 1919 took active part in fighting against
in Kasur. He was among those who British army during Uprising of 1857;
felt deeply agitated by what had captured by British soldiers; accused
happened at Amritsar on 10 April; of rebellion against British rule;
with others he proceeded to Kasur sentenced to death and executed by
Railway Station, found some hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
Europeans sitting in a train compart- Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
ment there, suddenly two English HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 49

Bundeh Ali: Resident of Kucha Chelan, rebellion against British rule and
Delhi; Sheikh; participated in fighting hanged on 6 May 1858. [HSG, I, p, 393;
against British advancing army in RIH, p. 144]
Delhi during 1857 Uprising; arrested
by British troops after reoccupation of Bur Singh: Born in 1830; resident of
Delhi; accused of rebellion against Langiana Purana, Ferozepore, Punjab;
British rule; convicted and sentenced s/o Sher Singh; went to Canada
to death; hanged on 27 February aboard the Japanese ship Komagata
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Maru which carried a large number of
(1858), HSAP] Sikh emigrants; the passengers were
not allowed to land and the ship was
Bundeh Alli: Resident of Hasanpur, distt. turned back to India; disembarked at
Gurgaon, Haryana; soldier in Gwalior Calcutta along with the other
Contingent; deserted British Indian passengers; died in September 1914 in
Army and took active part in 1857 firing by British troops and Indian
Uprising; captured by British officer; police on the passengers as they were
accused of desertion and rebellion marching in procession to the Sikh
against British rule; convicted and Gurudwara at Hoogly. [WWIM, I, p.
sentenced to death; executed by 58; MOP, I, p. 49]
hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Bur Singh: Resident of Jhamke, teh. Tarn
HSAP] Taran, Punjab; s/o Ganda Singh; Jat
(Dhilon); military pensioner; was 55
Bundeh Alli: Resident of Sultanpur, distt. years old when he attended the public
Mewat, Haryana; took active part in meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
fighting against British army during on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Uprising of 1857; caught by British in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
soldiers; convicted of rebellion against PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
British rule; sentenced to death and 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
executed by hanging on 13 January 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 58; JBM,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 161]
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 18; RIH,
p. 142; WWDFF, I, p. 77] Bur Singh: Resident of Mauza Bhalapind,
teh. Ajnala, distt. Amritsar, Punjab;
Bunyad Ali: Resident of Palwal, distt. s/o Teja Singh; Jat; cultivator; was 35
Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857 years old when heattended the public
Uprising against British rule; meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
convicted of rebellion against British on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
rule and hanged on 16 January 1858. in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
[HSG, I, p, 393; RIH, p. 144] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 59; INMPM, I, p.
Bunyad Ali: Resident of Rewari, Haryana; 162; MOP, I, p. 48]
Syed; took part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; convicted of Bur Singh: Resident of Mauza Raja Sansi,
50 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

teh. Ajnala, Punjab; s/o Deva Singh; sentenced to death; executed by

Jat; cultivator; was 30 years old when hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
he attended the public meeting at Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 HSAP]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Buta Singh alias Kala Singh: Resident of
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Akalgarh Khurd, ps. Raikot,
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 59; INMPM, I, p. Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Sher Singh, Jat;
161; MOP, I, p. 48] left India in 1908 for America and
returned in 1913; friend of Nand Singh
Bura: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; of Kaila, Banta Singh of Sangwal and
s/o Arur Singh, Tarkhan (carpenter); Nidhan Singh of Chuggs, etc.; took
was 20 years old when he attended the part in the Rabbon dacoity; visited
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Ferozepore Cantonment on 19
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he February 1915 with Ghadar Party with
was killed in firing by British troops. the intention of starting a mutiny; a
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 member of the gang of seven men
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 who murdered Chanda Singh, Zaildµar
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 134; INMPM, I, of Nangal Kalan in Hoshiarpur in
p. 162; MOP, I, p. 49] revenge for the arrest of Piara Singh;
a member of the Ghadar gang which
Bushnu Khan: Resident of Delhi; fought visited Kapurthala State on the 15 June
against the British forces at Delhi 1915 to attempt an attack on the State
during Uprising of 1857; retreated magazine in order to procure arms;
towards Jaipur State after the defeat absconder in the First Lahore
of the Patriot forces; captured by the Conspiracy Case, arrested and
British at Hindan in Sawai Modhopur, convicted under Section 302 of IPC
Rajasthan; rescued by soldiers of the with Banta Singh for the murder of
Jaipur State Army stationed at Chanda Singh, Zaildµar (Nangal Kalan
Hindan, who had rebelled against the Murder Case); sentenced to death and
British; captured again by the British forfeiture of property; hanged in
troops and imprisoned at Agra; August 1915. [GD, p. 28; SFH, pp. 181,
sentenced to death and executed by 239; INMPM, I, p. 105; WWIM, I, p.
hanging at Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, 59; MOP, I, p. 49]
p. 27]
Buta Singh: Resident of Kachar Bhan, ps.
Bustee: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Zira, Ferozepore, Punjab; s/o Jawala
participated in plundering and Singh; took active part in
fighting against British advancing revolutionary activities in Punjab
army in Delhi during 1857 Uprising; against British rule; absconded but
caught by British troops; accused of later on arrested; tried and convicted
plundering thµ a nas and rebellion of his share in the Ferozeshahar
against British rule; convicted and murder case; hanged. [SFH, p. 182]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 51

Cadeer Bux: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
took active part in fighting against
advancing British army during 1857 Cahaffoor Khan: Resident of
Uprising; captured by British troops Mahendargarh, Haryan; Ranghar;
after reoccupation of Delhi; accused participated in 1857 Uprising; took
of rebellion and ìseditionî against active part in fighting against British
British rule; convicted and sentenced and organising army with permission
to death; executed by hanging on 27 of Emperor; caught by British troops
February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi and imprisoned; charged with
Div), F. No. 32 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, organising army, assisting Emperor
III, p. 116; WWDFF, I, p. 81] and rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Cadir Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
¶ubedµar in Sappers Regiment of British Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Indian Army; took active part in 1857
of Uprising; caught by British troops Cahur: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Jat;
and charged with rebellion and participated in plundering and looting
treason against British rule; hanged on British property and helping anti-
30 October 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi British forces during Uprising of 1857;
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, caught by British troops on charge of
p. 116; WWDFF, I, p. 310] highway robbery of British property
and rebellion against British;
Cadir: Resident of Punjab; Punjabi; took convicted and sentenced to death;
part in 1857 Uprising; captured by executed by hanging on 4 February
British forces; charged with arresting 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
and presenting a British spy to (1858), HSAP]
Emperor; found guilty and sentenced
to death; executed by hanging on 24 Calleh Khan: Resident of Shahdara, Delhi;
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Pathan; took active part in fighting
52 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

against British army during Uprising and executed by hanging on 13

of 1857; captured by British troops and January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
charged with rebellion against British F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, II, p.
rule; convicted and sentenced to 27; HSG, I, p. 393; RIH, p. 144]
death; executed by hanging on 27
February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Chainah: Resident of Faridabad, Haryana;
Div), F. No. 32, 1858, HSAP; WWIM, Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857;
III, p. 69] apprehended by the British officer;
convicted of rebellion against British
Cazem: Resident of Punjab; Sheikh; took rule; sentenced to death and executed
active part in fighting against British by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
army during Uprising of 1857; caught Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
by British forces and charged with HSAP]
rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Chainta: Resident of Chhajju Nagar, distt.
executed by hanging on 18 January Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 plundering British property during
(1858), HSAP] 1857 Uprising; caught by British
troops on charge of plundering and
Cejuk: Resident of Palwal, distt. rebellion against British; convicted
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in and sentenced to death; executed by
1857 Uprising; caught by British forces hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl.
and accused of rebellion against Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
British rule; convicted and sentenced HSAP]
to death; executed by hanging on 9
December 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Chait Ram: Resident of Aherwan, distt.
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; s/o Surjah;
took part in attacking and killing
Chaina: Resident of Nagli, distt. Englishmen during 1857 Uprising;
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active arrested by British troops; accused of
part plundering and killing murder of Messrs Teylor and Brum;
Englishmen; caught by British on convicted of murder and rebellion
charge of murder, plundering and against British rule; sentenced to death
rebellion against British rule; and hanged on 8 December 1857.
convicted and executed by hanging on [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
5 February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi (1858), HSAP; HSG, I, p. 393; RIH, p.
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, 144]
III, p. 27; HSG, I, p. 393; RIH, p. 144]
Chait Singh: Resident of Delhi; took part
Chainah: Resident of Chhajju Nagar, distt. in Uprising of 1857; participated in
Haryana; Jat; s/o Buera; participated defence of Delhi against advancing
in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by British army; captured by British
British officer; convicted of rebellion troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
against British rule; sentenced to death convicted of rebellion against British
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 53

rule; sentenced to death on 15 Chanan Singh: Resident of Amritsar,

December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl. Punjab; s/o Natha Singh, aged 24
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), years; belonged to 23 rd Cavalry
HSAP] Platoon; revolted in the army;
influenced by the Ghadar Party
Chaitram: Resident of Aherwan, distt. members; sentenced on 19 August
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; s/o Bhura 1915 by the Court Martial at Dugsai
Ram; took part in fighting against to transportation for life under Section
British army during 1857 Uprising; 131 of IPC; deported to Andamans in
apprehended by the British; convicted October 1915. [UHFSA, p. 84; HCJ, p.
of rebellion and sentenced to death; 250]
executed by hanging on 8 December
1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. Chanan Singh: Resident of Burchand, ps.
3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 28; Patti, Lahore (now in Pakistan); s/o
HSG, I, p. 393; RIH, p. 144; WWDFF, I, Bal Singh, Jat; formerly a sepoy in the
p. 92] 91 st Burma Infantry and then a
watchman at Shanghai; converted to
Chaju Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, Ghadar by Gujar Singh of Bhagna
Punjab; attended the public meeting Kalan; returned to India in 1914; took
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 part in the Jhar Sµ a hib meeting in
April 1919 where he was killed in November which was to inaugurate
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, a mutiny; murdered Sardar Achar
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Singh of Jagatpur because of his
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, loyalty to the British rule; took part in
p. 139] the abortive attack on Kapurthala; one
of those who carried out the Amritsar
Challia, Ram: Resident of Sahnewal, Bridge Guard Raid (Walla Bridge
Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Shankar Das; Case) and murder; convicted under
took active part in revolutionary Sections 396 and 302-149 of IPC in
activities; convicted and tried under Jagatpur Murder Case (Murder of
Sections 121 and 121A of IPC in the Sardar Bahadur Achhar Singh) by
First Burma Conspiracy Case Lahore Tribunal; sentenced to death
(Mandalay Conspiracy Case, and forfeiture of property and
Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916); hanged. [GD, p. 29; H/Poll-A, Nos.
sentenced to death. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 KW, Oct 1915, NAI; SFH, pp.
403-410, Sep 1916; SFH, p. 240; 235, 237, 301; MOP, I, p. 50]
INMPM, I, p. 105]
Chanan: Resident of Amritsar city,
Chaman Lal: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; was 20 years old when he
Punjab; s/o Sunder Das; attended the attended the public meeting at
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he April 1919 where he was killed in
was killed in firing by British troops. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
[WWIM, I, p. 63] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
54 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, persons were killed and wounded.
p. 136; MOP, I, p. 49] Chandar Bhan was one of those who
received bullet wound in the firing by
Chanan: Resident of Majitha, distt. the police and died on the same day.
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Bhagat Ram; [H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34,
Brahmin; shopkeeper; was 21 years NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, I, p.
old when he attended the public 64; WWDFF, II, pp. xi-xii, xxxii; FMD,
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar pp. 268-69]
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Chander Mal Rohatgi: Resident of Delhi;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. took part in public demonstration at
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Delhi against Rowlatt Act on 30
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 144; INMPM, March, 1919. British troops fired on
I, p. 162; MOP, I, p. 49] unarmed people by orders of Mr.
Currie (Additional District
Chand Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, distt. Magistrate) at Delhi Railway Station
Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Sabut Khan and near Clock Tower; sixty persons
Pathan; served in British Indian Army; were killed and wounded. Chander
deserted and took active part in 1857 Mal Rohatgi was one of those who
Uprising; apprended by British received bullet wound in the firing by
officer; accused of desertion and the police and died on the same day.
rebellion against British rule; [H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34,
convicted and sentenced to death; NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, II, p.
executed by hanging on 2 January 276; WWDFF, I, p. 347, II, pp. xi-xii,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 xxxii; FMD, pp. 268-69]
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 27;
WWDFF, I, p. 83] Chandi Singh: Sawµar in the Fourth Light
Cavalry of British Indian Army;
Chanda Baksh: Resident of Delhi; took posted in the Sutlej Division, Punjab;
leading part in 1857 Uprising against deserted and took leading part in 1857
British rule; participated in defence of Uprising against British rule; captured
Delhi against the advancing British by British soldiers and charged with
army; captured by the British and mutiny and ìsedition;î sentenced to
executed at Delhi on 20 March 1858. death and executed by hanging on 21
[WWIM, III, p. 27] April 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 27]

Chandar Bhan: Born in 1889; resident of Charagh Din: Resident of Kot Murad
Delhi; s/o Chhidda Mal; took part in Khan, distt. Lahore, Punjab (now in
public demonstration at Delhi against Pakistan); s/o Mohammad Bakhsh;
Rowlatt Act on 30 March, 1919. British labourer in a skin factory; was 18 years
troops fired on unarmed people by old when he attended the public
orders of Mr. Currie (Additional meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
District Magistrate) at Delhi Railway on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Station and near Clock Tower; sixty in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 55

PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 66; INMPM, I, p. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
163] 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 66; JBM,
Charan Das: Resident of Kasur, distt. p. 139; INMPM, I, p. 162; MOP, I, p. 51]
Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
s/o Harnam Dass; took part in the Charn Das: Resident of Amritsar city,
complete haætµal on 12 April, 1919 in Punjab; s/o Balak Ram; Khatri; was
Kasur. He was among those who felt 36 years old when he attended the
deeply agitated by what had public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
happened at Amritsar on 10 April; Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
with others he proceeded to Kasur was killed in firing by British troops.
Railway Station, found some [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Europeans sitting in a train compart- (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
ment there, suddenly two English (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 66; JBM, p.
soldiers fired upon the mob. The 129; INMPM, I, p. 162; MOP, I, p. 51]
angry people killed those two soldiers.
Large number of people were arrested Charanji Lal: Resident of Batala, distt.
on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. Charan Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Nathu Ram;
Das was accused in Kasur Case during Private teacher; attended the public
Martial Law in Punjab; arrested, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
charged with crime of arson at Kasur on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Railway Station and for killing two in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
Englishmen; tried by Martial Law p. 67]
Commission and executed on 19 May,
1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. Charhat Singh: Resident of v. Baliyan, ps.
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] and teh. Sherpur, Punjab; zamindar; s/
o Dharam Singh; a Kuka activist;
Charan Das: Resident of Amritsar city, participated in the attack on
Punjab; s/o Rama Nand; attended the Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, 1872; arrested and charged with
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he murder by the British Government;
was killed in firing by British troops. blown to death with a cannon on 17/
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 I, PSAP]
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 147; INMPM, I,
p. 162] Charhat Singh: Resident of v. Baliyan, ps.
and teh. Sherpur, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/
Charan Das: Resident of Kucha Lund, o Ram Singh; a Kuka activist;
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Ram participated in the attack on
Chand; Khatri; broker; was 32 years Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
old when he attended the public 1872; arrested and charged with
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar murder by the British Government;
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed blown to death with a cannon on 17/
56 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- for life; died in Lahore Jail. [MOP, I,
I, PSAP] p. 52]

Charhat Singh: Resident of v. Rurka, ps. Chattar Singh: Resident of Amritsar,

Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab; Punjab; took active part in
zam∂ndµar; s/o Magh Singh; a Kuka revolutionary activities against the
activist; participated in the attack on colonial rule; an active member of the
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January Ghadar Party; worked to overthrow
1872; arrested and charged with British rule from India; arrived in
murder by the British Government; India on 29 September 1914; arrested
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ and sentenced to transportation for
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- life; deported to Andamans. [UHFSA,
I, PSAP] p. 84; HCJ, p. 250]

Chatar Singh: Resident of v. Gumti, ps. Chaudhary Sika: Resident of Mehrauli,

and teh. Sherpur, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/ Delhi; took leading part in 1857
o Gulab Singh; a Kuka activist; Uprising against British rule; arrested
participated in the attack on by the British authorities and hanged.
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January [WWDFF, I, p. 390]
1872; arrested and charged with
murder by the British Government; Chaudhri Budh Singh: Resident of Kucha
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Bakrwana, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Sham Singh; Tarkhan (carpenter); was
I, PSAP] 60 years old when he attended the
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Chatroo: Resident of Amritsar city, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Punjab; Sadhu; was 60 years old when was killed in firing by British troops.
he attended the public meeting at [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 (1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, pp. 57-58;
April 1919 where he was killed in INMPM, I, p. 161]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Chet Ram: Resident of Amritsar city,
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Punjab; s/o Nar Singh Das; Khatri;
p. 137; INMPM, I, p. 162; MOP, I, p. broker; was 29 years old when he
52] attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Chattar Singh: Born in 1887; resident of April 1919 where he was killed in
Manauli, Ropar, Ambala, Haryana; s/ firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
o Sawan Singh; an active member of PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
freedom struggle against the British H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
rule; came to Amritsar to murder WWIM, I, p. 71; JBM, p. 131; INMPM,
British Principal of Khalsa College but I, p. 162; MOP, I, p. 52]
killed another European Professor by
mistake; sentenced to transportation Chet Ram: Resident of Delhi; s/o Janki
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 57

Prasad; took part in public (Additional District Magistrate) at

demonstration in Delhi against Delhi Railway Station and near Clock
Rowlatt Act on 30 March 1919. British Tower; sixty persons were killed and
troops fired on unarmed people by wounded. Again on 17 April 1919
orders of Mr. Currie (Additional police picket opened fire on
District Magistrate) at Delhi Railway demonstrators, 18 persons were
Station and near Clock Tower; sixty injured, of whom two died
persons were killed and wounded. subsequently. Chheda was one of
Chet Ram was one of those who those who get injured in one of these
received bullet wound in the firing by firing and later he died. [WWDFF, II,
the police and died on the same day. pp. xxxii; FMD, pp. 268-74; GID, pp.
[H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34, 98-100]
NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, II, p.
61; WWDFF, I, p. 92, II, pp. xi-xii, xxxii; Chhutroo: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
FMD, pp. 268-69] Meo; participated in fighting against
British army during Uprising of 1857;
Chet Ram: Resident of Wairowal, ps. apprehended by the British; convicted
Sambrial, Sialkot (now in Pakistan); of rebellion and ìseditionî against
s/o Bishen Das; took active part in British rule; sentenced to death and
revolutionary activities; convicted and executed by hanging on 05 February
tried under Sections 121 and 121A of 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
IPC in the First Burma Conspiracy (1858), HSAP]
Case (Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916); Chiragh: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
sentenced to transportation for life. active in organizing the haætµ a l on
[H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916, 6April 1919 in Amritsar as part of the
NAI; SFH, p. 240; HCJ, p. 250] nation-wide call of haætµal given by
Mahatama Gandhi to protest against
Chet Singh: Resident of Kaler Guman, the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Diyalu; which was takn out on 10 April 1919
Jat; cultivator; attended the public at Amritsar in protest against the
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed din Kitchlew; actively involved in the
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, anti-British acts which occurred after
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; the military picket (posted near the
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Deputy Commissio-nerís house) fired
p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 162] on unarmed processionists; charged
with taking part in the attack on the
Chheda: Resident of Delhi; s/o Girdhari; National Bank in which two
took part in public demonstration in Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott)
Delhi against Rowlatt Act during were killed; tried and convicted in
March-April 1919. On 30 March 1919 Amritsar National Bank Murder Case
British troops fired on unarmed by Martial Law Commission and
people by orders of Mr. Currie sentenced to death; death sentence
58 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

later on was commuted to transporta- (1858), HSAP]

tion for life by the Lt. Governor
(Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Chuhar Singh: Resident of Lilan, ps.
Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; Raikot, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Buta
FML] Singh, Jat of 40 years; took active part
in anti- British and revolutionary
Choohur Singh: Sepoy in the Ludhiana activities; convicted under Section 121
Sikh Regiment of the British Indian (abetment of waging war), 122, 121A,
Army; deserted and took part in 395, 397 and 398 of IPC; sentenced to
fighting against British army during transportation for life and confiscation
Uprising of 1857; captured by British of his property to be forfeited to
soldiers, charged with disloyalty and Government. [LCC (TJ 1915-16), p.
mutiny against British rule; tried and 379, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct
sentenced to death; hanged on 3 April 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 182, 295; HCJ, p.
1858. [Judl. Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No. 250]
52 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 30]
Chuheeroodeen: Resident Delhi; Mughal;
Chosa Bhishti: Resident of Delhi; took participated in 1857 Uprising; took
part in 1857 Uprising against British leading part in anti-British activities;
rule; captured by British troops and caught by British troops on charge of
executed by hanging at Delhi on 27 rebellion against British rule;
February 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 30; convicted and sentenced to death;
WWDFF, I, p. 100] executed by hanging on 18 January
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Chota: Resident of Delhi; took part in (1858), HSAP]
Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing Chujjoo: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi;
British army; captured by British Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and took active part in fighting against
convicted of rebellion against British British army; captured by British
rule; executed by hanging on 27 troops on charge of plundering British
February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi property and rebellion against British
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; executed by hanging on 27
Chota: Resident of Shahdara, Delhi; February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Bhishti; an officer of Emperor; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British troops after reoccupation of Chunda: Resident of Delhi; participated
Delhi; accused of helping forces in 1857 Uprising; took active part in
against British rule; convicted of fighting against advancing British
rebellion and ìseditionî against army in Delhi; captured by British
British rule; sentenced to death and troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
executed by hanging on 27 February accused of rebellion against British
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 rule; convicted and sentenced to
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 59

death; executed by hanging on 20 firing by British troops. [H/Mil,

March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 146; INMPM,
Chuni Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, I, p. 163]
Punjab; attended the public meeting
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Chutroo: Resident of Nagli, distt.
April 1919 where he was killed in Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, part in plundering and killing
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, caught by British on charge of murder,
p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 163] plundering and rebellion against
British rule; convicted and executed
Chuni Lal: Resident of Bazar Haveli, by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Budha Mal; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Barber; was 32 years old when he HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 28; HSG, I, p. 393;
attended the public meeting at RIH, p. 144]
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Chutteh: Resident of Delhi; took part in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Uprising of 1857; participated in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. defence of Delhi against advancing
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. British army; captured by British
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 74; JBM, troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 163; MOP, I, p. convicted of rebellion against British
53] rule; executed by hanging on 8
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Chuni Lal: Resident of Karmon Deohri, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Hira Mal;
Arora; confectioner; was 25 years old Cowhun Singh: Resident of Delhi; took
when he attended the public meeting part in Uprising of 1857; participated
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 in defence of Delhi against advancing
April 1919 where he was killed in British army; captured by British
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. convicted of rebellion against British
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. rule; executed by hanging on 27
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 74; JBM, February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
p.139; INMPM, I, p. 163; MOP, I, p. 53] Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

Churanji Lal: Resident of Mohalla Dhiran, Cubbeeoodeen: Resident of Delhi;

Batala, distt. Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Mughal; participated in 1857
Nathu Ram; was 32 years old when Uprising; took active part in fighting
he attended the public meeting at against advancing British army;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 captured by British troops after
April 1919 where he was killed in reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
60 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

rebellion and ìseditionî against Cullun Shah: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;

British rule; convicted and sentenced took part in fighting against British
to death; executed by hanging on 27 army in Delhi during Uprising of 1857;
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi caught by British troops after
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
rebellion against British rule; sentenced
Cudree Bux: Resident of Turkman Gate, to death and executed by hanging on
Delhi; Sheikh; took active part in 1857 18 January 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Uprising; participated in fighting in Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
defence of Delhi against British
advancing army; captured by British Cumuroodeen: Resident of Iram Bari,
troops and charged with rebellion Delhi; Sheikh; participated in fighting
against British rule; convicted and against British in Delhi during
sentenced to death; executed by Uprising of 1857; captured by British
hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl. forces on charge of rebellion against
Deptt (Delhi Div), F No. 32 (1858), British rule; convicted and sentenced
HSAP, WWIM, III, p. 116] to death; executed by hanging on 22
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Cullee Mohomed: Resident of Faridabad, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Haryana; participated in 1857
Uprising; took active part in fighting Curreem Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
against British army; caught by British participated in 1857 Uprising;
troops on charge of rebellion against captured by British troops and
British rule; convicted and sentenced charged with arresting and presenting
to death; executed by hanging on 22 a spoy of British Government to the
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Emperor; sentenced to death and
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] executed by hanging on 24 December
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 61

Daisputtee: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; Dass Mall: Resident of Amritsar city,
was in service of Nawab of Jhajjar; Punjab; s/o Jamet Singh; Zargar;
participated in Uprising of 1857; attended the public meeting at
apprehended by British forces and Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
convicted of rebellion and sedition April 1919 where he was killed in
against British rule; sentenced to death firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
on 15 December 1857 and shot dead. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
(1858), HSAP; WWDFF, I, p. 108] p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 163; MOP, I, p.
Dangul Khan: Resident of Kanod,
Haryana; dafaëdµ a r in 1 st Irregular Dass: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
Cavalry of British Indian Army; s/o Damodar; Brahmin; was 25 years
deserted and took part in fighting old when he attended the public
against British army during Uprising meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
of 1857; caught by British troops; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
charged with possessing arms and in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
rebellion against British rule; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
convicted and sentenced to death; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p.
executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi 147; INMPM, I, p. 163; MOP, I, p. 55]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Dass: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
Daood Shah: Born in Delhi; Mughal s/o Nand Lal; Brahmin; was 19 years
prince; took part in 1857 Uprising old when he attended the public
against British rule; participated in meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
defence of Delhi against the on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
advancing British army; captured by in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
the British and executed at Delhi on PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
18 November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 31] H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
62 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

p. 137; MOP, I, p. 55] Daulat Khan: Resident of Kasur, distt.

Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
Dasaundha Singh: Resident of v. s/o Wahab Din; took part in the
Bilaspur, ps. Khamanon, Punjab; complete haætµal on 12 April, 1919 in
Tajjar; s/o Bir Singh; a Kuka activist; Kasur. He was among those who felt
participated in the attack on deeply agitated by what had
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January happened at Amritsar on 10 April;
1872; arrested and charged with with others he proceeded to Kasur
murder by the British Government; Railway Station, found some
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Europeans sitting in a train
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- compartment there, suddenly two
I, PSAP] English soldiers fired upon the mob.
The angry people killed those two
Data Mal: Resident of Amritsar city, soldiers. Large number of people were
Punjab; s/o Nar Singh Dass; attended arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April, 1919.
the public meeting at Jallianwala Daulat Khan was accused in Kasur
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 Case during Martial Law in Punjab;
where he was killed in firing by British arrested, charged with crime of arson
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. at Kasur Railway Station and for
139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 killing two Englishmen; tried by
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 147; INMPM, I, Martial Law Commission and
p. 163] executed on 17 May, 1919. [H/Poll, B-
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
Data Ram: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, p. 56; FML]
Delhi; Gujar; participated in 1857
Uprising; took acative part in Daulat Ram, alias Dalo: Resident of
plundering English houses and Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sita Ram;
helping Imperial forces; caught by Arora; attended the public meeting at
British troops; charged with Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
plundering and rebellion against April 1919 where he was killed in
British rule; convicted and sentenced firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
to death; executed by hanging on 12 PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p.147; INMPM,
I, p. 163; MOP, I, p. 56]
Datt Dabkai: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; was 40 years old when he Daulat Ram: Resident of Kucha Chajju
attended the public meeting at Misar, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Brij
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Lal; Ahluwalia; shopkeeper; was 27
April 1919 where he was killed in years old when he attended the public
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 163] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 63

58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. and rebellion against British rule;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 86; JBM, convicted and sentenced to death;
p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 163; MOP, I, p. executed by hanging on 27 February
56] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Dawood Khan: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
participated in fighting against British Denla: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi;
advancing army in Delhi during Brahmin; participated in 1857
Uprising of 1857; arrested by British Uprising; took acative part in
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; plundering English houses and
accused of rebellion against British helping Imperial forces; caught by
rule; convicted and sentenced to British troops; charged with
death; hanged on 27 February plundering and rebellion against
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British rule; convicted and sentenced
(1858), HSAP] to death; executed by hanging on 13
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Daya Ram: Resident of Katra Ram- F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
garhian, Kucha Natran, Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Hari Chand; joined the Desputtee: Resident of Delhi; Pandey;
procession which was taken out on 10 took part in fighting against British
April 1919 at Amritsar in protest advancing army in Delhi during
against the arrest of Dr. Satya Pal and Uprising of 1857; caught by British
Dr. Saif-ud-din Kitchlew; the military troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
picket (posted near the Deputy accused of rebellion against British
commissionerís house) fired on rule; convicted and shot dead on 15
unarmed processionists. Many people December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
were killed. He was one of those who Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
recieved bullet wound in the firing on
10 April 1919 and died. [MOP, I, p. Deva Singh: Resident of v. Lohgarh, ps.
56; WWPFF, I, p. 338; INCR, I. Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab;
zam∂ndµar; s/o Hakumat Singh; a Kuka
Deen Mohomed: Resident of Delhi; Syed; activist; participated in the attack on
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
part in anti-British activities; caught by 1872; arrested and charged with
British forces and executed by murder by the British Government;
hanging on 30 October 1857.[Judl. blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
HSAP] I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 57]

Delsook: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi; Deva Singh: Soldier in the Second

Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising; Ludhiana Regiment of British Indian
took part in fighting against British Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
army; captured by British troops on took leading part in 1857 Uprising
charge of plundering British property against British rule; captured by the
64 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

British and charged with mutiny and sentenced to death. However, the Lt.
desertion; sentenced to death and Governor (Punjab) afterward
executed. (WWIM, III, pp. 33-34] commuted the death sentence to
transportation for life. [H/Poll, B-
Devi Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
Punjab; s/o Hari Ram; Khatri; was 30 NAI; INCR, I; FML]
years old when he attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Devi Ditta: Resident of Amritsar city,
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Punjab; Brahmin; attended the public
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 164] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921),
PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Devi Chand: Resident of Kucha Jaswant, JBM, p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 164]
Katra Dulo, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
Dhani Ram, adopted s/o Beli Ram; Devi Diyal: Resident of Sathiala, teh. and
Khatri; private employee; was 29 Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Lachman Das;
years old when he attended the public was 25 years old when he attended the
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, was killed in firing by British troops.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 90; INMPM, I, p. (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
164; MOP, I, p. 57] (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 90; JBM, p.
136; INMPM, I, p. 164; MOP, I, p. 57]
Devi Dial: Resident of Gujranwala,
Punjab (now in Pakistan); attended Deyaram: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
public meeting, held on 5 April 1919 participated in 1857 Uprising; took
at Gujranwala city where four active part in plundering British
resolutions were passed dealing with offices and fighting against British
Rowlatt Act; took part in haætµal on 6 army; caught by British troops;
April 1919 in Gujranwala as part of accused of plundering thµ a nas and
the nation-wide call of haætµal given by rebellion against British rule;
Mahatma Gandhi to protest against convicted and sentenced to death;
the Rowlatt Act; actively involved in executed by hanging on 27 February
the complete haætµal on 14 April 1919; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
joined the mob, proceeded towards (1858), HSAP]
railway station and destroyed church,
post office, tehsil office, court house Dhani Ram: Resident of Kasur, Lahore,
and railway station; arrested and Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Dev
accused in Gujranwala City Case No. Ditta; took part in the complete haætµal
II, during Martial Law in Punjab; tried on 12 April, 1919 in Kasur. He was
by the Martial Law Commission and among those who felt deeply agitated
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 65

by what had happened at Amritsar on 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3

10 April; with others he proceeded to (1858), HSAP]
Kasur Railway Station, found some
Europeans sitting in a train Dheru alias Nizam Din: Resident of Bsho
compartment there, suddenly two Basi Bhogela, teh. Garh Shanker, distt.
English soldiers fired upon the mob. Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Lahbi, Gujar;
The angry people killed those two labourer; was 18 years old when he
soldiers. Large number of people were attended the public meeting at
arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Dhani Ram was accused in Kasur April 1919 where he was killed in
Supplementary Case during Martial firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Law in Punjab; arrested and charged PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
with arson at Kasur Railway Station PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 94; INMPM, I, p.
and for killing two Englishmen; tried 164]
by Martial Law Commission and
executed on 14 June, 1919. [H/Poll, B- Dheru: Resident of Katra Garbha Singh,
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, Chowk Chintpurani, Amritsar city,
NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, p. 58; FML] Punjab; Gujar; was 40 years old when
he attended the public meeting at
Dhani Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Punjab; s/o Larin Chand; Khatri; was April 1919 where he was killed in
34 years old when he attended the firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
was killed in firing by British troops. WWIM, I, p. 94; JBM, p. 134; INMPM,
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 I, p. 164; MOP, I, p. 59]
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 137; INMPM, I, Dhian Singh: Resident of Banggui,
p. 164; MOP, I, p. 57] Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Kahan Singh;
a member of the Ghadar party on
Dharma Nand: Resident of Amritsar, board the Mishima Maru; previously
Punjab; s/o Devi Ditta; Student; worked in America; on his way home
attended the public meeting at visited the gurudwara at Delhi where
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 he reproached the Pujµari for his lack
April 1919 where he was killed in of zeal; also with the party who visited
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. the 30 th Punjabis; pistol in his
93] possession when arrested at
Ludhiana; killed by police in the
Dheeru: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; Ferozshahr affray. [GD, p. 38;
Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857; INMPM, I, p. 105; MOP, I, p. 59]
captured by British and convicted of
rebellion and ìseditionî against Dhian Singh: Resident of Umarpura, ps.
British rule; sentenced to death and Ajnala, Amritsar; s/o Karm Singh;
executed by hanging on 24 March formerly a sawµar in the 25th Cavalry; a
66 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Ghadar passenger with Nidhan Singh British rule; convicted and sentenced
on the Mishima Maru; took active part to death; executed by hanging on 18
in the anti-British activities; one of the December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Ferozeshahr murderers; convicted, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
sentenced to death and Hanged. [GD,
p. 38; H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 KW, Oct Dhummee: Resident of Samdi, distt.,
1915, NAI; SFH, p. 301; INMPM, I, p. Sonipat, Haryana; Jat; participated in
105; MOP, I, p. 59] 1857 Uprising; took active part in
attacking British officers and army;
Dhian Singh: Soldier in the 12th Native caught by British troops and
Infantry of British Indian Army; imprisoned; accused of attack, murder
posted at Ambala, Haryana; took part and rebellion against British rule;
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; convicted and sentenced to death;
captured by the British and charged executed on 14 December 1857.[Judl.
with mutiny and desertion; sentenced Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
to death and executed on 17 May 1858. HSAP]
[WWIM, III, p. 36]
Dhun Singh: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Dhian Singh: Soldier in the Sappers and Faridabad, Haryana; Meo;
Miners Regiment of British Indian participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana; active part plundering and killing
took part in 1857 Uprising against Englishmen; caught by British troops
British rule; arrested by the British and on charge of murder, plundering and
charged with mutiny; sentenced to rebellion against British rule;
death and executed on 15 April 1858. convicted and executed by hanging on
[WWIM, III, p. 36] 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWDFF,
Dhirt Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, I, p. 111]
Punjab; s/o Bilas Mal; Khatri; private
employee; was 29 years old when he Dhunna Singh: Resident of Faridabad,
attended the public meeting at Haryana; Rajput; participated in 1857
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Uprising; caught by British troops on
April 1919 where he was killed in charge of rebellion against British rule;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, convicted and sentenced to death;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. executed by hanging on 4 February
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 94; JBM, (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 35; RIH,
p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 164] p. 144; WWDFF, I, p. 117]

Dhumah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Jat; Dhunwant: Resident of Nagli, distt.

took active part in fighting against Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
British advancing army during part plundering and killing
Uprising of 1857; captured by British Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
forces on charge of rebellion against caught by British on charge of murder,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 67

plundering and rebellion against his Subedar-Major was hanged first of

British rule; convicted and executed all; the British killed or hanged about
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. 250 of his compatriots; on 28 August
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), 1857, another 150 Indian soldiers were
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 35] shot and killed by the British soldiers
in the regimental lines and outside
Dial Singh: Resident of Gujranwala, when they demonstrated their anger
Punjab (now in Pakistan); attended on being subjected to search in an
public meeting, held on 5 April 1919 insulting manner. [WWIM, III, p. 37]
at Gujranwala city where four
resolutions were passed dealing with Dill: Resident of Nagli, distt. Faridabad,
Rowlatt Act; took part in anti Rowlatt Haryana; Meo; took active part
Act haætµ a l on 6 April 1919 in plundering and killing Englishmen
Gujranwala as part of nation-wide call during Uprising of 1857; caught by
of haætµal given by Mahatma Gandhi British on charge of murder,
to protest against the Rowlatt Act; plundering and rebellion against
actively involved in the complete British rule; convicted and executed
haætµal on 14 April 1919; joined the by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
mob, proceeded towards railway Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
station and destroyed church, post HSAP]
office, tehsil office, court house and
railway station; arrested and accused Dillay: Resident of v. Aherwan, distt.
in Gujranwala City Case No. II, during Faridabad, Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o
Martial Law in Punjab; tried by the Khubee; took part in 1857 Uprising
Martial Law Commission and against British rule; captured by the
sentenced to death. However, the Lt. British troops and sentenced to death;
Governor (Punjab) afterward executed at Delhi on 7 December 1857.
commuted the death sentence to [WWIM, III, p. 37; RIH, p. 145;
transportation for life. [H/Poll, B- WWDFF, I, p, 118]
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
NAI; INCR, I; FML] Dilsher Khan: Resident of Jhajjar,
Haryana; a sawµar in service of Nawab
Diam Khan: s/o Sadullah Khan; Havildar of Jhajjar; took active part in fighting
in the 51st Regiment, Native Infantry against British during Uprising of
of British Indian Army; posted at 1857; caught by British troops and
Peshawar, North-West Frontier charged with fighting and rebellion
Province (now in Pakistan); deserted against British rule; convicted and
his regiment in protest against the sentenced to death; executed in 1857.
general disarming of Indian soldiers [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
by the British; pursued by the British (1858), HSAP]
and captured along with his Subedar-
Major and tried by Court Martial on Din Dayal Dubey: s/o Thakur Dubey;
26 May 1857; sentenced to death and Nµ a ik in the 51 st Regiment, Native
executed by hanging on 3 June 1857; Infantry of British Indian Army;
68 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

posted at Peshawar, North-West he died. [WWDFF, II, pp. xxxii; FMD,

Frontier Province (now in Pakistan); pp. 268-74; GID, pp. 98-100]
deserted his regiment in protest
against the general disarming of Din Muhammad: Resident of
Indian soldiers by the British; Nizamabad, Punjab (now in
captured by British Army along with Pakistan); s/o Muhammad Baksh;
his ®ubedµar-Major and tried by court joined crowd that burnt Mr. Baileyís
martial on 26 May 1857; sentenced to house; arrested and was one of the
death and executed by hanging on 3 accused in Nizamabad Case during
June 1857; his ®ubedµ a r-Major was Martial Law in Punjab; tried by
hanged first of all; British army killed Martial Law Commission and
or hanged about 250 of his sentenced to death. Howerver, the Lt.
compatriots; on 28 August 1857, Governor (Punjab) afterward
another 150 Indian soldiers were shot commuted the death sentence to
and killed by the British soldier in the transportation for life. [H/Poll, B-
regimental lines and outside when Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
they demonstrated their anger on NAI; INCR, I; FML]
being subjected to search in an
insulting manner. [WWIM, III, p. 38] Dina: Resident of Gujranwala, Punjab
(now in Pakistan); s/o Labhu;
Din Mohammad Syed: Resident of Delhi; attended public meeting, held on 5
took part in 1857 Uprising against April 1919 at Gujranwala city where
British rule; captured by the British four resolutions were passed dealing
troops and executed on 3 October 1857 with Rowlatt Act; took part in haætµal
by the orders of the Military on 6 April 1919 in Gujaranwala as part
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. of the nation-wide call of haætµal given
402] by Mahatma Gandhi to protest against
the Rowlatt Act; actively involved in
Din Mohammad: Resident of Delhi; s/o the complete haætµal on 14 April 1919
Khuda Bux; took part in public at Gujranwala; joined the mob
demonstration in Delhi against proceeded towards railway station
Rowlatt Act during March-April, and destroyed church, post office,
1919. On 30 March 1919 British troops tehsil office, court house and railway
fired on unarmed people by orders of station; arrested and accused in
Mr. Currie (Additional District Gujranwala City Case No. I, during
Magistrate) at Delhi Railway Station Martial Law in Punjab; tried by the
and near Clock Tower; sixty persons Martial Law Commission and
were killed and wounded. Again on sentenced to death. However, the Lt.
17 April 1919 police picket opened fire Governor (Punjab) afterward
on demonstrators, 18 persons were commuted the death sentence to
injured, of whom two died transportation for life. [H/Poll, B-
subsequently. Din Mohammad was Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
one of those who received bullet NAI; INCR, I; FML]
wound in one of these firing and later
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 69

Dina: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Wazira; active in organizing the haætµal (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
on 6April 1919 in Amritsar as part of (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 147; INMPM, I,
the nation-wide call of haætµal given by p. 165]
Mahatma Gandhi to protest against
the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession Diwana or Diwan Singh: Resident of
which was takn out on 10 April 1919 village Jandials, Jullundhur, Punjab;
at Amritsar in protest against the s/o Pupa; one of a party who left
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud- Hong Kong in March 1915 by the ss.
din Kitchlew; actively involved in the Standard for Bangkok; reported by the
anti-British acts which occurred after police of the colony to be truculent
the military picket (posted near the and worthy of watching; arrested and
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired interned in Burma having come in
on unarmed processionists; charged overland from Siam; died in jail. [GD,
with taking part in the attack on the p. 39; MOP, I, p. 60]
Alliance Bank in which the Manager
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried and Diya Ram: Resident of Miyali, Riya, distt.
convicted in Amritsar Alliance Bank Sialkot, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
Murder Case by Martial Law s/o Hari Chand; Arora; attended the
Commission and sentenced to death; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
death sentence later on commuted to Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
transportation for life by the Lt. was killed in firing by British troops.
Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
INCR, I; FML] (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 145; INMPM, I,
p. 164; MOP, I, p. 60]
Ditt Mal: Resident of Jiwan Bhandar,
Riya, distt. Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Diya Ram: Resident of v. Patli, Haryana;
Buta Mal; was 40 years old when he Jat; s/o Bohru; took part in 1857
attended the public meeting at Uprising against British rule;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 convicted of rebellion against British
April 1919 where he was killed in rule and hanged on 11 December
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 1857. [HSG, I, p, 394; RIH, p. 145]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Dodlee: Resident of Aherwan, distt.
WWIM, I, p. 97; JBM, p. 145; INMPM, Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in
I, p. 164; MOP, I, p. 60] attacking and killing Englishmen
during 1857 Uprising; arrested by
Diwan Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, British troops; accused of murder of
Punjab; s/o Dhani Ram; Khatri; was Messrs Teylor and Brum; convicted of
35 years old when he attended the murder and rebellion against British
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, rule; sentenced to death and hanged
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he on 8 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
was killed in firing by British troops. (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
70 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Domrow Singh: Served in the 45th Native of rebellion against British rule;
Infantry of the British Indian Army; sentenced to death and executed by
deserted and participated in Uprising hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
to death by the British on 24 June 1857 HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 38; HSG, I, p. 394;
at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt RIH, p. 145]
(Ambala Div), F. No. 46 (1857), HSAP]
Doollee: Resident of Aherwan, distt.
Dongur: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
articipated in 1857 Uprising; took part in Uprising of 1857; captured by
in fighting against British army; British troops; convicted of rebellion
caught by British troops; accused of against British rule; sentenced to death
plundering thµ a nas and rebellion and executed by hanging on 8
against British rule; convicted and December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
sentenced to death; executed by Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. III, p. 38; RIH, p. 145]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Dooudeh Khan: Resident of Jhajjar,
Haryana; risµaldµar in Jhajjar Nawabi
Doodeh: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; service; took active part in fighting
participated in 1857 Uprising; took against British army during Uprising
active part in fighting against British of 1857; caught by British troops on
army; caught by British troops; charge of rebellion against British rule;
accused of plundering thµ a nas and convicted and executed in 1857. [Judl.
rebellion against British rule; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
convicted and sentenced to death; HSAP]
executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Dowla: Resident of Palwal, distt.
(1858), HSAP] Faridabad, Haryana; Meo;
participated in Uprising of 1857;
Dooley Khan: Resident of Delhi, apprehended by the British; convicted
participated in fighting against British of rebellion against British rule;
advancing army during 1857 sentenced to death and executed by
Uprising; apprehended by British hanging on 16 December 1857.[Judl.
forces and convicted of rebellion Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
against British rule; sentenced to death HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 32; HSG, I, p. 393;
on 15 December 1857 and shot RIH, p. 144]
dead.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
3 (1858), HSAP] Dowlut: Resident of Chajju Nagar, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in
Doolla: Resident of Nagli, distt. plundering British property during
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; 1857 Uprising; caught by British
participated in Uprising of 1857; troops on charge of plundering and
apprehended by the British; convicted rebellion against British; convicted
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 71

and sentenced to death; executed by and convicted of rebellion against

hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl. British rule; sentenced to death on 15
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl.
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 32; RIH, p. 144] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 31; HSG, I, p. 393;
Dowlut: Resident of Palwal, distt. RIH, p. 144; WWDFF, I, p. 103]
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
in fighting against British amry during Dullel Sing: Resident of Delhi; Pandey;
Uprising of 1857; captured by British took part in fighting against British
troops; convicted of rebellion against army during Uprising of 1857; caught
British rule; sentenced to death and by British troops after reoccupation of
executed by hanging on 13 January Delhi; accused of rebellion against
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British rule; convicted and shot dead
(1858), HSAP] on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Dulail: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857; Dullel: Resident of Sohna, distt. Gurgaon,
captured by British troops and Haryana; Meo; took active part
convicted of rebellion against British plundering and killing Englishmen
rule; sentenced to death and executed during Uprising of 1857; caught by
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. British Forces on charge of murder,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), plundering and rebellion against
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 30; RIH, p. 144] British rule; convicted and executed
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Dulall Khan: Resident of Kanod, Haryan; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
a sawµ a r in British Indian Army; HSAP]
deserted and took active part in
fighting against British army; caught Dullha: Resident of Delhi; took part in
by British troops; charged with 1857 Uprising against British rule;
possessing arms and rebellion against captured by British troops and
British rule; convicted and sentenced executed by hanging at Delhi on 18
to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 38]
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Duola: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Dulla Meo: Resident of v. Nangli, distt. Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took part
Mewat, Haryana; Meo; took part in in aiding Imperial forces and
1857 Uprising against British rule; plundering British property during
captured by British soldiers and 1857 Uprising; arrested by British
executed in February 1858. [WWIM, troops and convicted of plundering
III, p. 38; HSG, I p. 394; RIH, p. 145] and rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death; executed by
Dulleep Singh: Resident of Gurgaon, hanging on 16 December 1857.[Judl.
Haryana; participated in Uprising of Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
1857; apprehended by British forces HSAP]
72 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Durga Dass: Resident of Amritsar, Jat; took part in attacking and killing
Punjab; s/o Dhani Ram; Private Englishmen during 1857 Uprising;
employee; attended the public caught by British troops on charge of
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar murder and rebellion against British
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed rule; convicted and sentenced to
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, death; executed by hanging on 11
pp. 99-100] December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Durga Das: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Kanshi Ram; Khatri; was Dwarka Dass: Resident of Kucha
23 years old when he attended the Zargaran, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Sita Ram; Khatri; pashmina broker;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he was 22 years old when he attended the
was killed in firing by British troops. public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 was killed in firing by British troops.
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 130; INMPM, I, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
p. 165; MOP, I, p. 60] (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Durreah: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi; p. 147; MOP, I, p. 61]
Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
took active part in fighting against Dyal Singh: Resident of Mauza Pathan
British army; captured by British Nangal, teh. Ajnala, distt. Amritsar,
troops on charge of plundering British Punjab; s/o Ishar Singh; Jat; cultivator;
property and rebellion against British was 25 years old when he attended the
rule; convicted and sentenced to public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
death; executed by hanging on 27 Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi was killed in firing by British troops.
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 101;
Duyaram: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; INMPM, I, p. 165; MOP, I, p. 59]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 73

Eersad Ali: Resident of Delhi; took part Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
in Uprising of 1857; participated in took active part in capturing English
defence of Delhi against advancing property and supplying it to anti-
British army; captured by British British forces; caught by British troops
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and on charge of anti-British activities and
convicted of rebellion against British rebellion against British rule;
rule; executed by hanging on 18 convicted and sentenced to death;
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), executed by hanging on 27 February
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Elahee Bux Khan: Resident of
Badshahpur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; Elahee Bux: Resident of Nagli, distt.
took active part in 1857 Uprising; Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
caught by British troops and charged part plundering and killing
with rebellion against British rule; Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
convicted and shot dead on 10 caught by British on charge of murder,
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi plundering and rebellion against
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] British rule; convicted and executed
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Elahee Bux: Resident of Faridabad, Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Haryana; participated in 1857 HSAP]
Uprising; took active part in fighting
against British army; caught by British Elahi Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took
troops on charge of rebellion against active part in fighting against British
British rule; convicted and sentenced advancing army in Delhi during
to death; executed by hanging on 22 Uprising of 1857; captured by British
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi forces and convicted of rebellion
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] against British rule; executed by
hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl.
Elahee Bux: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi;
74 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Ellahi Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 58; WWDFF, I, active part in 1857 Uprising; caught
p. 124] by British after reoccupation of Delhi;
accused of rebellion against British
Elahi Bux: Resident of Iram Bari, Delhi; rule; sentenced to death and executed
Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising; by hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
caught by British troops after Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of HSAP]
rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Ellahi Bux: Resident of Mauza Jabur,
executed by hanging on 22 February Delhi; Sheikh; took part in 1857
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Uprising; caught by British soldiers on
(1858), HSAP] charge of rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Ellahee Bux: Resident of v. Badshahpur, executed by hanging on 4 February
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took active 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
part in 1857 Uprising; caught by (1858), HSAP]
British troops and charged with
rebellion against British rule; Ellahi Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part
convicted and shot dead on 10 in Uprising of 1857; participated in
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi defence of Delhi against advancing
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, British army; captured by British
III, P. 58; HSG, I, P. 397, WWDFF, I, P. troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
124] charged with rebellion against British
rule and sentenced to death on 10
Ellahee Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
in Uprising of 1857; participated in Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
defence of Delhi against advancing
British army; captured by British Ellahi Bux : Resident of Delhi; took part
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and in Uprising of 1857; participated in
convicted of rebellion against British defence of Delhi against advancing
rule; executed by hanging on 16 British army; captured by British
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] convicted of rebellion against British
rule; sentenced to death and executed
Ellahi Bux Khan: Resident of Delhi; took by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
part in Uprising of 1857; participated Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
in defence of Delhi against advancing HSAP]
British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Emam Alli: Resident of Sohna, Haryana;
convicted of rebellion against British served in 2 nd Regiment, Gwalior
rule and shot dead on 10 November Contingent of British Indian Army;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 deserted and participated in 1857
(1858), HSAP] Uprising; took active part in fighting
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 75

against British forces; apprehended by officer; accused of desertion and

British; charged with desertion and rebellion against British rule;
rebellion against British rule; convicted and sentenced to death;
convicted and sentenced to death; executed by hanging on13 January
executed by hanging on 27 November 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
(1858), HSAP]
Eman Kahar: Resident of Khari Baoli,
Emam Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part Delhi; took part in 1857 Uprising
in Uprising of 1857; participated in against British rule; captured by
defence of Delhi against advancing British troops and executed by
British army; captured by British hanging at Delhi on 22 February 1858.
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and [WWIM, III, p. 39]
convicted of rebellion against British
rule; sentenced to death and executed Enait Alli: Resident of Palwal, distt.
by hanging on 24 December Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Uprising; caught by British troops on
(1858), HSAP] charge of rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Emam Bux: Resident of Nagli, distt. executed by hanging on 8 December
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
part plundering and killing (1858), HSAP]
Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
caught by British on charge of murder, Enait Alli: Resident of Delhi; took part in
plundering and rebellion against Uprising of 1857; participated in
British rule; convicted and executed defence of Delhi against advancing
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. British army; captured by British
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
HSAP] convicted of rebellion against British
rule; sentenced to death and executed
Emam: Resident of Delhi; took part in by hanging on 8 December 1857.[Judl.
Uprising of 1857; participated in Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
defence of Delhi against advancing HSAP]
British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Enait Hussain: Resident of Delhi;
convicted of rebellion against British Mughal; participated in 1857
rule; sentenced to death and hanged Uprising; took active part in fighting
in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. against advancing British army;
3 (1858), HSAP] captured by British troops after
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
Emamoodeen: Resident of Rewari, rebellion against British rule;
Haryana; served in British Indian convicted and sentenced to death;
Army; deserted and took active part executed by hanging on 27 February
in 1857 Uprising; captured by British 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
76 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

(1858), HSAP] HSAP]

Eshree: Resident of Delhi; took part in Eshruu: Resident of Delhi; Pandey; took
Uprising of 1857; participated in part in fighting against British
defence of Delhi against advancing advancing army during Uprising of
British army; captured by British 1857; caught by British troops after
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
charged with rebellion against British rebellion against British rule;
rule; sentenced to death on 15 convicted and shot dead on 15
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 77

Faiyaz Shah: Resident of Gurgaon, Faiz Khan: Soldier in the Ludhiana
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising Regiment of British Indian Army;
against British rule; captured by posted in the Sutlej Division, Punjab;
British troops and sentenced to death; deserted and took leading part in 1857
executed at Delhi on 15 December Uprising against British rule; captured
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 39; HSG, I p. 394; by British soldiers and charged with
RIH, p. 145; WWDFF, I, p, 125] mutiny and ìsedition;î sentenced to
death and executed by hanging on 21
Faiz Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took April 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 39]
acative part in fighting against British
advancing army in Delhi during Fakir Chand Jain: Born at Hansi, distt.
Uprising of 1857; caught by British Hissar, Haryana; Nephew of Lala
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Hukam Chand Jain renowned martyr
sentenced to death; executed by of the 1857 uprising; took active part
hanging on 30 October 1857.[Judl. in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), arrested by the British authorities after
HSAP] the fall of Delhi; tried and acquitted;
forcibly brought to the gallows by the
Faiz Khan: Resident of Patiala, Punjab; local British authorities and executed
sawµ a r in 14 th Irregular Cavalry; without orders from any court on 19
deserted British Indian Army and January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 40; HSG,
joined Uprising of 1857 in Delhi; took I p. 394; RIH, p. 145]
active part in fighting against British
army; caught by British troops and Fala: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
charged with desertion and mutiny Nanak; Broker; attended the public
against British rule; convicted of crime meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
and sentenced to death; executed in on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
(1858), HSAP] p. 102]
78 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Falrao: Served in the 45th Native Infantry troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
of British Indian Army; deserted and convicted of rebellion against British
took part in Uprising of 1857; rule; sentenced to death and hanged
captured, tried and sentenced to death in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
by the British on 24 June 1857 at 3 (1858), HSAP]
Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt
(Ambala Div), F. No. 46 (1857), HSAP] Farzand: Resident of Kasur, distt. Lahore,
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Ditta;
Faqir Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, took part in the complete haætµal on 12
Punjab; s/o Hakim Rai; Khatri; was April 1919 in Kasur. He was among
30 years old when he attended the those who felt deeply agitated by
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, what had happened at Amritsar on 10
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he April; with others he proceeded to
was killed in firing by British troops. Kasur Railway Station, found some
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Europeans sitting in a train
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 compartment there, suddenly two
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 138; INMPM, I, English soldiers fired upon the mob.
p. 165; MOP, I, p. 61] The angry people killed those two
soldiers. Large number of people were
Faqiruddin: Resident of Delhi; took part arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919.
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Farzand was accused in Kasur
captured by British troops and Supplementary Case during Martial
executed by hanging at Delhi on 27 Law in Punjab; arrested and charged
February 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 40; with crime of arson at Kasur Railway
WWDFF, I, p. 126] Station and for killing two
Englishmen; tried by Martial Law
Faquir Chand: Resident of Kucha Commission and sentenced to death.
Tarkhana, Katra Ahluwalian, However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab)
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Nanak afterward commuted the death
Chand; Arora; private employee; was sentence to transportation for life. [H/
45 years old when he attended the Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 &
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops. Fateh Ali Lambardar: Resident of v.
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Kherali, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; active part in 1857 Uprising against
H/Poll, F. No. 333, NAI; WWIM, I, p. British rule; captured by British troops
102; JBM, p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 165; and sentenced to death; executed at
MOP, I, p. 61] Delhi on 10 November 1857. [WWIM,
III, p. 40]
Faruk Alee: Resident of Delhi; took part
in Uprising of 1857; participated in Fateh Ali: Resident of v. Khera, Jharsa,
defence of Delhi against advancing Gurgaon, Haryana; village lambardµar;
British army; captured by British s/o Zabardast Khan; took part in 1857
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 79

Uprising against British rule; shot March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
dead by British troops on 11 F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
November 1857. [HSG, I, p, 394; RIH,
p. 145] Feroz: Resident of Kucha Dab Garan,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sher
Fateh Mohammad: Resident of Ram Bagh Mohammad; Zargar and weaver; was
Gate, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ata 25 years old when he attended the
Mohammad; rangrej; was 24 years old public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
when he attended the public meeting Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 was killed in firing by British troops.
April 1919 where he was killed in [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 102; INMPM, I, p. WWIM, I, p. 104; JBM, p. 133; INMPM,
165] I, p. 165; MOP, I, p. 62]

Fazal Din: Resident of Fatehgarh, Feroze: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o

Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Nawai; took Maula Baksh; active in organizing the
active part in revolutionary activities; haætµal on 6April 1919 in Amritsar as
tried in Second Supplementary part of the nation-wide haætµ a l to
Lahore Conspiracy Case (Date of protest against the Rowlatt Act; joined
Judgment 5-1-1917); sentenced to the procession which was takn out on
transportation for life. [H/Poll-B, Nos. 10 April 1919 at Amritsar in protest
242-43, May 1917, NAI; SFH, p. 290; agains the arrest of Dr. Satyapal and
INMPM, I, p. 105] Dr. Saif-ud-din Kitchlew; actively
involved in the anti-British acts which
Fazal: Resident of Gujranwala, Punjab occurred after the military picket
(now in Pakistan); s/o Maula Bakhsh; (posted near the Deputy Commissio-
labourer; was 15 years old when he nerís house) fired on unarmed
attended the public meeting at processionists; charged with taking
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 part in the attack on the National Bank
April 1919 where he was killed in in which two Europeans (Mr. Stewart
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, and Mr. Scott) were killed; tried and
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), convicted in Amritsar National Bank
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 103; INMPM, I, p. Murder Case by Martial Law
165] Commission and sentenced to death;
death sentence later on commuted to
Feeda Allee: Resident of Delhi; took part transportation for life by the Lt.
in Uprising of 1857; participated in Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc,
defence of Delhi against advancing Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI;
British army; captured by British INCR, I; FML]
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
convicted of rebellion against British Firdaus Ali: Resident of Delhi; took
rule; executed by hanging on 12 leading part in 1857 Uprising against
80 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

British rule; participated in defence of reoccupation of Delhi; accused of

Delhi against advancing British army; rebellion against British rule;
captured by the British and executed convicted and sentenced to death;
by hanging at Delhi on 11 March 1858. executed by hanging on 27 February
[WWIM, III, p. 41] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Fiyaz Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
participated in fighting against British Fukhurroodeen: Resident of Delhi; an
army in defence of Delhi during officer of Emperor; took part in anti-
Uprising of 1857; caught by British British acativities during Uprising of
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; 1857; caught by British troops after
executed by hanging on 30 October reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 helping the forces against British;
(1858), HSAP] convicted of rebellion and ìsedition;î
sentenced to death and executed by
Fouzdar Khan: Resident of Delhi; took hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
part in Uprising of 1857; participated Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
in defence of Delhi against advancing HSAP]
British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Furzund Hussain: Resident of Delhi;
convicted of rebellion against British Syed; participated in 1857 Uprising;
rule; sentenced to death and executed captured by British forces after
by hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl. reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), rebellion against British rule;
HSAP; HSG, I, p. 394; RIH, p. 145; convicted and sentenced to death;
WWDFF, I, p. 127] executed by hanging on 18 January
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Fouzdar Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, (1858), HSAP]
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Hidayat
Khan; served British Indian Army in Futteh Khan: Resident of Patiala, Punjab;
Gwalior Contigent; deserted and took a dafaëdµar in 13th Irregular Cavalry of
active part in 1857 Uprising; captured British Indian Army; deserted British
by British officer; accused of desertion Indian army and joined Uprising of
and rebellion against British rule; 1857 in Delhi; took active part in
convicted and sentenced to death; fighting against British army; caught
executed by hanging on 13 January by British troops and charged with
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 desertion and mutiny against British
(1858), HSAP] rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
Fukeeroodeen: Resident of Delhi; (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Mughal; participated in 1857
Uprising; took active part in fighting Futteh Singh: Resident of Ajnala, distt.
against advancing British army; Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Hookam Singh;
captured by British troops after shopkeeper in Amritsar; aged 50 years
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 81

old; Kuka activist; involved in the Fuzul Khan: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana;
attack on Amritsar butchers on 14 and a sawµar in service of Nawab of Jhajjar;
15 June 1871; arrested and charged participated in 1857 Uprising; joined
with murder at Amritsar; tried in Imperial forces in Delhi and took
Amritsar Butchers Murder Case 1871; active part in fighting against British
sentenced under Section 302 of Indian forces; caught by British troops and
Penal Code and executed on 15 charged with rebellion against British
September 1871. [H/Deptt, Judl-A, 4 rule; convicted and sentenced to
Nove 1871, F Nos. 67-68, NAI; H/ death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
Deptt, Judl-A, Feb 1872, F Nos. 57-58, (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
NAI; MOP, I, p. 62]
Fyaz Khan: Resident of Kanod, Haryana;
Fuyaz Shah: Resident of Delhi; took part a sawµ a r in 9 th Irregular Cavalry;
in Uprising of 1857; participated in deserted British Indian army and
defence of Delhi against advancing participated in 1857 Uprising; took
British army; captured by British active part in fighting against British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and army; caught by British troops;
charged with rebellion against British charges with desertion, mutiny and
rule; convicted and shot dead on 15 rebellion against British rule;
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi convicted and executed in 1857 at
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Jhajjar.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 40]
Fuzleh Ali: Resident of Delhi; Syed;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Fyz Alee: Resident of Shahdara, Delhi; an
active part in fighting against officer of Emperor; participated in
advancing British army; caught by 1857 Uprising; caught by British
British forces and accused of rebellion troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
against British rule; convicted and charged with helping forces against
sentenced to death; executed by British rule; convicted of rebellion and
hanging on 22 February 1858.[Judl. sentenced to death; executed by
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), hanging on 27 February 1858. [Judl.
HSAP] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Fuzshah: Resident of Delhi; took part in p. 128]
Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing Fyz Khan: Resident of Delhi; Pathan; took
British army; captured by British part in 1857 Uprising; caught by
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and British troops; accused of rebellion
charged with rebellion against British against British rule; sentenced to death
rule; sentenced to death on 15 and executed by hanging on 18
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Fyz Mahomed Khan: Resident of Kanod,
82 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Haryana; deserted and took active Sheikh; a risµ a ldµ a r in 14 th Irregular

part in fighting against British army Cavalry of British Indian army;
during Uprising of 1857; caught by deserted and participated in Uprising
British troops and charged with of 1857; took active part in fighting
possessing arms and rebellion against against British army; charged with
British rule; convicted and sentenced murder of European women and
to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt children; killed by British troops in
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] course of fighting on 19 December
1857. [Judl. Deptt (Hisar Div) Acc No
Fyzallee: Resident of Chandrawal, 9782 (1857), HSAP]
Haryana; participated in 1857
Uprising; took active part in fighting Fyzoola: Resident of Delhi; took part in
against British; caught by British Uprising of 1857; participated in
troops and charged with rebellion defence of Delhi against advancing
against British rule; convicted and British army; captured by British
sentenced to death; executed by troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
hanging on 11 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt charged with rebellion against British
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] rule; executed by hanging on 16
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Fyze Alee: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 83

Gafur Mirza: Resident of Palwal, distt. haætµal on 6 April 1919 in Amritsar as
Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857 part of the nation-wide call of haætµal
Uprising against British rule; captured given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest
and charged with rebellion against against the Rowlatt Act; joined the
British rule; convicted and hanged in procession which was taken out on 10
December 1857. [HSG, I, p, 394; RIH, April 1919 at Amritsar in protest
p. 145] against he arrest of Dr. Satyapal and
Dr. Saif-ud-din Kitchlew; actively
Gahuria: Resident of Chandrawal, involved in the anti-British acts which
Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857 occurred after the military picket
Uprising; took active part in fighting (posted near the Deputy Commissio-
against British; captured by British nersí house) fired on unarmed
army and charged with plundering processionists; he was one of those
English houses and rebellion against who helped the wounded persons and
British rule; convicted and sentenced took them to Civil Hospital for first
to death; executed by hanging on 8 aid, but it is said that Mr. Plomer
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), (British Doctor) sent them away,
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] saying that ëpeople would make their
own arrangements.í Gama and others
Gama: Resident of Dadri, distt. Bhiwani, were taking some of the wounded
Haryana; killed many Europeans; persons to Dr. Kidar Nathís house
during 1857 Uprising against British near Zenµanµa Hospital. On the way
rule; arrested and charged with Mrs. Easden, on seeing the wounded,
rebellion; convicted and hanged in laughed and said that ëHindus and
October 1857. [HSG, I, p, 394; RIH, p. Mohammedans had got what they
145] deserved.í Gama and others forced
their way into Hospital and tried to
Gama: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; s/o find out Mrs. Easden but she escaped.
Ghulam Nabi; active in organizing the Later on he was arrested, tried by
84 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Martial Law Commission in Amritsar However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab)

(Mrs. Easdenís) Case and sentenced afterward commuted the death
to death. However, the Lt. Governor sentence to transportation for life. [H/
(Punjab) afterward commuted the Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
death sentence to transportation for & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML; WWPFF, I,
life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. p. xlix]
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
Ganda Singh alias Bhagat Singh: Resident
Gaman: Resident of Kasur, distt. Lahore, of Kacher Bhan, ps. Zira, Ferozepore,
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Punjab; s/o Jawala Singh aged 45
Kamene Beg; took part in the complete years; took active part in revolutio-
haætµal on 12 April 1919 in Kasur. He nary activities; absconded but was
was among those who felt deeply arrested; tried in Supplementary
agitated by what had happened at Lahore Conspiracy Case and
Amritsar on 10 April; with others he sentenced to death in Ferozepore
proceeded to Kasur Railway Station, Murder Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-
found some Europeans sitting in a 221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 203-204,
train compartment there, suddenly 305; INMPM, I, p. 106; MOP, I, p. 63]
two English soldiers fired upon the
mob. The angry people killed those Ganda Singh alias Sangat Singh: Resident
two soldiers. Large number of people of Sursingh, ps. Khalra, Lahore,
were arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April Punjab; (now in Pakistan) s/o Jawala
1919. Gaman was accused in Kasur Singh; took active part in revolutio-
Case during Martial Law in Punjab; nary activities; convicted under
arrested, charged with crime of arson Section 121 of IPC; sentenced to
at Kasur Railway Station and for transportation for life in Supplemen-
killing two Englishmen; tried by tary Lahore Conspiracy Case. [SFH, p.
Martial Law Commission and 203]
executed on 17 May, 1919. [H/Poll, B-
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, Ganda Singh: Resident of Khabir Khari,
NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, p. 63; FML] ps. Jandiala, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
Bahadur Singh, aged 27 years; took
Gand Singh: Resident of v. Aulakh, distt. active part in revolutionary activities;
Gujranwala, Punjab (now in sentenced to transportation for life
Pakistan); took part in ëinsurrectioní and forfeiture of property in
on 16 April 1919 in which Patvµarkhfiµana Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
containing records of six villages was Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May
burnt at Aulakh village. The mob 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 305]
raised shouts that ëBritish Raj was
extinct.í Eight persons were arrested. Ganda Singh: Resident of Qila Jiwan
Gand Singh also arrested and accused Singh, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Sham
in Aulakh Case of burning of Singh; Jat; cultivator; was 40 years old
Pa¢vµarkhfiµana, tried by Martial Law when he attended the public meeting
Commission and sentenced to death. at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 85

April 1919 where he was killed in I, p. 166; MOP, I, p. 63]

firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Ganesha Singh: Resident of Chowk
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Darbar Sahib, Amritsar city, Punjab;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 105; s/o Kalu Mal; Arora; confectioner;
JBM, p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 165; MOP, was 35 years old when he attended the
I, p. 63] public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Ganda Singh: Resident of Amritsar, was killed in firing by British troops.
Punjab s/o Bhangar; active in [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
organizing the haætµal on 6April 1919 (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
in Amritsar as part of the nation-wide H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
call of haætµ a l given by Mahatma WWIM, I, p. 106; JBM, p. 129; INMPM,
Gandhi to protest against the Rowlatt I, p. 166; MOP, I, p. 64]
Act; joined the procession which was
takn out on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar Ganeshi Lal ëKhastaí: Born in 1893;
in protest against the arrest of Dr. resident of Mehrauli, Delhi; poet,
Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din journalist and publisher of weekly
Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti- ªAkµash started by Master Amir Chand;
British acts which occurred after the actively involved in nationalist
military picket (posted near the activities against British Rule; arrested
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired on the charge of complicity in Delhi-
on unarmed processionists; charged Lahore Conspiracy Case (1914), but
with taking part in the attack on the released some time later; arrested
Alliance Bank in which the Manager again in 1916, tried and convicted in
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried in Banaras Conspiracy Case (1916);
Amritsar Alliance Bank Murder Case sentenced to seven yearsí rigorous
by Martial Law Commission and imprisonment, fell ill and died in
sentenced to death; death sentence Banaras Jail in 1919. [DCP, Tr. No. 6
later on commuted to transportation of 1914, CVBKB & O, Sr No. 12 Pt IV ñ
for life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). Proc/Jud, NAI; WWIM, II, p. 92;
[H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257- WWDFF, I, p. 215; RAD, pp. 84-99 ]
265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
Ganga Prasad: Resident of Chandni
Gandoo: Resident of Kucha Uthan, Katra Chowk, Delhi; Kaisth; participated in
Ramgarhian, Amritsar city, Punjab; 1857 Uprising; captured by British
s/o Nanak Chand; Khatri; was 20 troops on charge of rebellion against
years old when he attended the public British rule; convicted and sentenced
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar to death; executed by hanging on 13
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. III, p. 43; WWDFF, I, p. 132]
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 137; INMPM, Ganga Prasad: Resident of Gurgaon,
86 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Haryana; took active part in 1857 Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13

Uprising against British rule; captured April 1919 where he was killed in
by the British and sentenced to death; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
executed at Delhi on 24 March 1858. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
[WWIM, III, p. 43; HSG, I 395; RIH, 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
146; WWDFF, I, p, 132] 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 118; JBM,
p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 166; MOP, I, p.
Ganga Singh: Resident of v. Mahal, distt. 64]
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Lal Singh; Jat;
military pensioner; was 39 years old Geeriraj: Resident of Delhi; took part in
when he attended the public meeting Uprising of 1857; participated in
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 defence of Delhi against advancing
April 1919 where he was killed in British army; captured by British
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. convicted of rebellion against British
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. rule; sentenced to death and hanged
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 107; JBM, in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
p. 140; INMPM, I, p. 166; MOP, I, p. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Gewan Singh Marhana: Residence of
Gannoo: Resident of Gali Shams Khan, Sursingh, Lahore (now in Pakistan);
Delhi; Pathan; took part in fighing s/o Uttam Singh; an active member
against British in 1857 Uprising; of Ghadar Party; arrested and tried in
captured by British troops on charge the First Lahore Conspiracy Case;
of rebellion and ìseditionî against sentenced to transportation for life
British rule; convicted and sentenced and deported to Andamans. [UHFSA,
to death; executed by hanging on 22 p. 88]
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, Ghasee: Resident of Delhi; took part in
III, p. 130] Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Gareeba: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; British army; captured by British
took active part in 1857 Uprising troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
against British rule; captured by the charged with rebellion against British
British and sentenced to death; rule; executed by hanging on 27
executed at Delhi on 24 March 1858. February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
[WWIM, III, p. 44; HSG, I p. 395; RIH, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
p. 146]
Ghassee: Resident of Delhi; Ahir;
Gauri Shankar: Resident of Bhandari participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Mohalla, Batala, distt. Gurdaspur, by British troops on charge of rebellion
Punjab; s/o Kishan Diyal; Brahmin; against British rule; convicted and
shopkeeper; was 25 years old when sentenced to death; executed by
he attended the public meeting at hanging on 11 February 1858.[Judl.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 87

Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Bahadurgarh, Haryana; a dafaëdµar in

HSAP] 2nd Oudh Irregular Cavalry; deserted
British Indian Army and participated
Gheesa: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; in 1857 Uprising; took active part in
participated in 1857 Uprising; took fighting against British army;
active part in plundering European captured by British troops; charged
property; caught by British troops on with desertion and mutiny against
charge of plundering and rebellion British rule; sentenced to death and
against British rule; convicted and executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
sentenced to death; executed by Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
hanging on 13 November 1857. [Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Ghulam Baksh: Resident of Gurgaon,
HSAP; HSG, I, p. 395; RIH, p. 146] Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; captured by the
Gheesah: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took British troops and sentenced to death;
part in fighting against British army executed at Delhi on 10 November
during Uprising of 1857; arrested by 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 45; HSG, I p. 395;
British troops on charge of rebellion RIH, p. 146]
against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by Ghulam Kutbuddin Shaikh: Resident of
hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl. Delhi; took leading part in 1857
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Uprising against British rule; captured
HSAP] by British troops and executed by
hanging at Delhi on 18 November
Gholam Asruff: Resident of Karnal, 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 45; WWDFF, I, p.
Haryana; Pathan; took active part in 138]
1857 Uprising; caught by the British
on charge of attacking British places Ghulam Mohammad Din: Resident of
and property; convicted and Gurgaon, Haryana; took active part in
sentenced to death; executed by 1857 Uprising against British rule;
hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl. captured by British troops and
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), sentenced to death; executed at Delhi
HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 44-45; HSG, I, on 15 December 1857. [WWIM, III, p.
p. 395; RIH, p. 146] 45; HSG, I p. 395; RIH, p. 146]

Gholam Hussain: Resident of Rohtak, Ghulam Mohammad Mughal: Resident

Haryana; Lohar; participated in 1857 of Delhi; took leading part in 1857
Uprising; caught by British troops on Uprising against British rule;
charge of rebellion against British rule; participated in defence of Delhi
convicted and sentenced to death; against the advancing British army;
executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi captured by the British and executed
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] at Delhi on 23 February 1858. [WWIM,
III, p. 45]
Ghose Muhomed Khan: Resident of
88 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Ghulam Mohammad: Resident of posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted

Gujranwala, Punjab (now in and took leading part in 1857 Uprising
Pakistan); s/o Rahim Bakhsh; Dhobi against British rule; captured by the
(washerman); was 20 years old when British and charged with mutiny and
he attended the public meeting at desertion; sentenced to death and
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 executed in April 1858. (WWIM, III,
April 1919 where he was killed in pp. 45-46]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Ghulam Nabi: Soldier in the Ludhiana
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 112; INMPM, I, p. Regiment of British Indian Army;
166] posted in the Sutlej Division, Punjab;
deserted and took leading part in 1857
Ghulam Mohiud Din: Resident of Uprising against British rule; captured
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o by British soldiers and charged with
Mohammad Jan; Bhatt Kashmiri; mutiny and ìsedition;î sentenced to
tupgar; was 45 years old when he death and hanged on 21 April
attended the public meeting at 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 46]
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Ghulam Rasul: Resident of Amritsar city,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Punjab; s/o Mohd. Shah; Kashmiri;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. was 30 years old when he attended the
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 112; JBM, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
p. 134; INMPM, I, p. 166; MOP, I, p. was killed in firing by British troops.
65] [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
Ghulam Nabi: Resident of v. Badshahpur, (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 112; JBM, p.
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took active 134; INMPM, I, p. 167; MOP, I, p. 65]
part in 1857 Uprising against British
rule; captured by British soldiers and Ghulam Rasul: Resident of Chowk
shot dead in November 1857. [WWIM, Mohan Singh, Punjab; s/o Ghani
III, p. 46; HSG, I p. 395; RIH, 146] Shah; Kashmiri; tupgar; was 24 years
old when he attended the public
Ghulam Nabi: Soldier in the British meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Indian Army; posted at Ambala, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
against British rule; captured by the PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
British soldiers and charged with PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 112; INMPM, I, p.
mutiny and desertion; sentenced to 166; MOP, I, p. 65]
death and executed on 6 April 1858,
at Ambala. [WWIM, III, p. 46] Ghulam Rasul: Resident of distt.
Amritsar, Punjab s/o Ghulam Haider;
Ghulam Nabi: Soldier in the Ludhiana active in organizing the haætµ a l on
Regiment of British Indian Army; 6April 1919 in Amritsar as part of the
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 89

nation-wide haætµal to protest against Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession NAI; INCR, I; FML]
which was takn out on 10 April 1919
in Amritsar in protest against the Ghundey Khan: A sepoy in the Ludhiana
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud- Sikh Regiment of the British India
din Kitchlew; actively involved in the Army; deserted and participated in
anti-British acts which occurred after Uprising of 1857; captured by the
the military picket (posted near the British soldiers; charged with
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired disloyalty and mutiny against the
on unarmed processionists; charged British rule; tried and sentenced to
with taking part in the attack on the death; hanged on 3 April 1858. [Judl.
National Bank in which two Deptt (Ambala Div), F No, 52 (1858),
Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott) HSAP]
were killed; tried and convicted in
Amritsar National Bank Murder Case Gian Chand: Resident of Amritsar,
by Martial Law Commission and Punjab; s/o Maya Ram; Cloth
sentenced to death; death sentence merchant; attended the public
later on commuted to transportation meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
for life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
[H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257- in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] p. 113]

Ghulam Sap: Resident of Gujranwala, Gian Chand: Resident of Mauza Thanda,

Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Shamas teh. and distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
Din; attended public meeting, held on Sawan Mal; cultivator; was 18 years
5 April 1919 in Gujranwala city where old when he attended the public
four resolutions were passed dealing meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
with Rowlatt Act; took part in haætµal on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
on 6 April 1919 in Gujranwala as part in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
of the nation-wide call of haætµal given PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
by Mahatma Gandhi to protest against PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 113; INMPM, I, p.
the Rowlatt Act; actively involved in 167]
the complete haætµal on 14 April 1919;
joined the mob, proceeded towards Gian Chand: Resident of Shahpur
railway station and destroyed church, Jajuanwala, teh. Batala, distt.
post office, tehsil office, court house Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Megh Raj;
and railway station; arrested and Brahmin; private employee; was 35
accused in Gujranwala City Case No. years old when he attended the public
II, during Martial Law in Punjab; tried meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
by the Martial Law Commission and on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
sentenced to death. However, the Lt. in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Governor (Punjab) afterward PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
commuted the death sentence to PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 113; INMPM, I, p.
transportation for life. [H/Poll, B- 167; MOP, I, p. 66]
90 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Gian Singh: Resident of Bhakar Jhabal, British rule; killed the British Resident
Chak No. 73, Jhang Branch, distt. Magistrate of Kaithal and his wife; his
Lyallpur, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/ village was surrounded by British
o Ganda Singh; Jat (Dhillan); troops who demanded his surrender
cultivator; was 32 years old when he if the village was to be spared
attended the public meeting at destruction by artillery fire; gave
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 himself up to save his village; British
April 1919 where he was killed in soldiers bound him with iron chains
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, and shot him dead; died shouting ìJai
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Bharat Mataî. [WWIM, III, p. 46; HSG,
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 113; INMPM, I, p. I p. 395; RIH, p. 146]
Girdhari Lal: Resident of Amritsar city,
Gian Singh: Resident of distt. Punjab; s/o Ganga Bishan; Brahmin;
Gujranawala, Punjab (now in domestic servant; was 20 years old
Pakistan); s/o Dayal Singh; he was when he attended the public meeting
among those who felt deeply agitated at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
by what had heppend at Amritsar on April 1919 where he was killed in
10April and on 13 April; on 15 April firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
(evening) with othrs he proceeded to PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
the Railway Station of Dhaban Singh, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
burnt the railway bridge over the WWIM, I, p. 114; JBM, p. 133; INMPM,
canal and had cut the telegraph wires I, p. 167; MOP, I, p. 66]
at many places. On 16 April (morning)
the mob attacked on the Railway Girdhari Lal: Resident of Gujranwala,
Station, the office was burnt and the Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Wali
safes were looted. Large number of Ram; attended public meeting, held
people were arrested. Gian Singh was on 5 April 1919 at Gujranwala city
also arrested and charged with taking where four resolutions were passed
part in the attack on the Dhaban Singh dealing with Rowlatt Act; took part in
Railway Station; tried and convicted haætµal on 6 April 1919 in Gujranwala
in Dhaban Singh Riot case under as part of the nation-wide call of haætµal
sections 121, 147, 124-A, 395, 436-140 given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest
of Indian Penal Code by Martial Law against the Rowlatt Act; actively
Commission and sentenced to death; involved in the complete haætµal on 14
death sentence later on commuted to April 1919; joined the mob, proceeded
transportation for life by the Lt. towards railway station and
Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc, destroyed church, post office, tehsil
Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; office, court house and railway
INCR, I; FML] station; arrested and accused in
Gujranwala City Case No. II, during
Girdhar Lal Ahluwalia: Born in 1827 at Martial Law in Punjab; tried by
v. Fatehpur, Haryana; farmer; took Martial Law Commission and
active part in 1857 Uprising against sentenced to transportation for life.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 91

[H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257- in fighting against British during
265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] Uprising of 1857; took part in
attacking and looting British property;
Girdhari: Resident of Amritsar city, caught by British troops on charge of
Punjab; s/o Ganpat; Brahmin; looting, murder and rebellion against
domestic servant; was 20 years old British rule; convicted and sentenced
when he attended the public meeting to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Gokal Chand: Resident of Amritsar,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Punjab; s/o Sarja; attended the public
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
WWIM, I, p. 114; JBM, p. 136; INMPM, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
I, p. 167; MOP, I, p. 66] in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
p. 115]
Giyan Chand: Resident of Kucha
Tiwarian, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Gokal Chand: Resident of Bahlalpur, teh.
Mansa Ram; Khatri; broker; was 26 Una, distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o
years old when he attended the public Prabh Diyal; Brahmin; munim in
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Kanak Mandi, Amritsar; was 40 years
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed old when he attended the public
in firing by British troops. H/Mil, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 113; JBM, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 167; MOP, I, p. PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 115; INMPM, I, p.
65] 167; MOP, I, p. 66]

Giyan Chand: Resident of Kucha Golab Khan: Resident of Kanod,

Tiwarian, Chowk Pasian, Amritsar Haryana; soldier in Jodhpur Legion of
city, Punjab; s/o Kirpa Ram; Kamboh; British Indian Army; participated in
confectioner; was 15 years old when 1857 Uprising; took active part in
he attended the public meeting at fighting against British army; caught
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 by British troops on account of
April 1919 where he was killed in possessing arms and fighting against
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, British; convicted of desertion and
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. rebellion against British rule;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. sentenced to death and executed at
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 113; JBM, Jhajjar in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
p. 129; INMPM, I, p. 167; MOP, I, p. F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Golam Abbash: Resident of Dugdugi-
Gohur: Resident of Khidwali, distt. shah, Delhi; Mughal; participated in
Rohtak, Haryana; Nilgar; participated 1857 Uprising; took active part in
92 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

fighting against advancing British F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

army; captured by British troops after
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of Golam Mohomdee: Resident of Delhi;
rebellion against British rule; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Kurreem
sentenced to death and executed by Buksh; participated in Uprising of
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. 1857; caught by British toops after
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
HSAP] being associated with family of
Bahadur Shah and rebellion against
Golam Inbbeea: Resident of Badshahpur, British rule; convicted of crime and
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took leading sentenced to suffer death; executed in
part in Uprising of 1857; caught by 1857 by order of the Delhi Special
British troops; accused of rebellion Commissioner for Rebellion.[F Poll
against British rule; convicted and No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI]
shot dead on 10 November 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Golam Mohomud: Resident of Mughal-
HSAP] pura, Delhi; Mughal; participated in
anti-British activities during Uprising
Golam Koofuhoodeen: Resident of Delhi; of 1857; caught by British troops after
Sheikh; took part in 1857 Uprising; reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
caught by British forces and charged rebellion against British rule;
with mutiny against British rule; convicted and sentenced to death;
sentenced to death and executed by executed by hanging on 4 February
hanging on 18 November 1857.[Judl. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), (1858), HSAP]
Golam Mohumdee: Resident of Delhi;
Golam Moheeoodeen: Resident of Mughal; participated in 1857
Badshahpur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; Uprising; took active part in fighting
took part in fighting against British against advancing British army;
forces during Uprising of 1857; caught captured by British troops after
by British troops; changed with reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
rebellion against British rule; rebellion against British rule;
convicted of crime and shot dead on convicted and sentenced to death;
15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi executed by hanging on 27 February
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Golam Mohemadeen: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal; participated in 1857 Golam Moseeooden: Resident of Delhi,
Uprising; captured by British troops participated in Uprising of 1857;
and charged with rebellion against apprehended by British forces and
British rule; convicted and sentenced convicted of rebellion against British
to death; executed by hanging on 18 rule; sentenced to death on 15
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 93

Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), sentenced to death and executed at

HSAP] Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Golam Nubbee: Resident of Delhi; took
part in Uprising of 1857; participated Golam Sufder Khan: Resident of Gwaliar;
in defence of Delhi against advancing Mughal; went to Delhi and
British army; captured by British participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and by British troops and charged with
charged with rebellion against British rebellion against British rule;
rule; sentenced to death on 10 sentenced to death and executed by
November 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl. Deptt
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Gonshoo: Resident of Najafgarh, Delhi;
Golam Nusseeroodeen: Resident of Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857 arrested by the British; charged with
Uprising; caught by British troops and rebellion against British rule;
charged with mutiny against British convicted and sentenced to death;
rule; convicted and sentenced to executed by hanging on 16 February
death; executed by hanging on 18 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 47;
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] WWDFF, I, p. 142]

Golam Olleah: Resident of Mehrauli, Goolab: Resident of Delhi; took part in

Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising of 1857; participated in
Uprising; took active part in capturing defence of Delhi against advancing
English property and supplying it to British army; captured by British
Imperial forces; caught by British troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
troops on charge of anti-British charged with rebellion against British
activities and rebellion against British rule; executed by hanging on 27
rule; sentenced to death and executed February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
by hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Goolab: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Golam Russool Khan: Resident of Bijnor, acative part in plundering English
Uttar Pradesh; a sawµar; participated in houses and helping anti-British forces;
1857 Uprising; deserted and took caught by British troops and charged
active part in fighting against British with plundering and rebellion against
army alongwith other fellows; caught British rule; convicted and sentenced
by British troops on account of to death; executed by hanging on 12
possessing arms and fighting against March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
British; convicted of desertion and F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
rebellion against British rule;
94 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Goolaba: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryan; Emperor; convicted and sentenced to

Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising; took death; executed by hanging on 24
active part against British rule; caught December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
by British troops and charged with Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
mutiny, spreading false report and
rebellion against British rule; Goolam Ali Khan: Resident of Delhi;
convicted and sentenced to death; Pathan; took active part in 1857
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Uprising; caught by British troops
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] after reoccupation of Delhi; charged
with rebellion against British rule;
Goolah: Resident of Ballabgarh, distt. sentenced to death and executed by
Rohtak, Haryana; Mali; took part in hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
1857 Uprising; caught by British Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
troops; accused of highway robbery HSAP]
of British property; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by Goolam Mustafa: Resident of Delhi;
hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl. Pathan; took active part in fighting
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), against British army in defence of
HSAP] Delhi during Uprising of 1857;
captured by British troops after
Goolah: Resident of Delhi; Molla; took reoccupation of Delhi and hanged on
active part in 1857 Uprising; captured 30 October 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
by British forces and charged with Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
rebellion against British rule; III, p. 45; WWDFF, I, p. 138]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 8 December Goordyal Shah: Resident of Gurgaon,
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Haryana; Pandey; participated in
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 47; Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
WWDFF, I, p. 142] British forces and convicted of
rebellion against British rule;
Goolah: Resident of Delhi; took part in sentenced to death on 15 December
Uprising of 1857; participated in 1857 and shot dead. [Judl. Deptt
defence of Delhi against advancing (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP;
British army; captured by British WWIM, III, p. 47; HSG, I, p. 395; RIH,
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and p. 147; WWDFF, I, p. 143]
charged with rebellion against British
rule; executed by hanging on 27 Goordyal Singh: Resident of Delhi; took
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi part in Uprising of 1857; caught by
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] British troops after reoccupation of
Delhi; accused of rebellion against
Goolah: Resident of Punjab; Sheikh; British rule; convicted and shot dead
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
by British forces on charge of arresting (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
and presenting British spy to
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 95

Gopal Das: Resident of Sathiala, teh. and Khatri; money-lender and landlord;
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Prem attended the public meeting at
Singh; Khatri; domestic servant; was Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
30 years old when he attended the April 1919 where he was killed in
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
was killed in firing by British troops. 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 116; JBM,
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; p. 140; MOP, I, p. 67]
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM,
I, p. 115; JBM, p. 136; INMPM, I, p. 168; Gopal Singh: Resident of Vallah, distt.
MOP, I, p. 66] Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Sher Singh; Jat;
farmer; was 45 years old when he
Gopal Shah: Resident of Delhi; took part attended the public meeting at
in Uprising of 1857; participated in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
defence of Delhi against advancing April 1919 where he was killed in
British army; captured by British firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
charged with rebellion against British 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
rule; sentenced to death and hanged 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 116; JBM,
in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. p. 140; MOP, I, p. 67]
3 (1858), HSAP]
Gopal: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
Gopal Singh: Resident of Delhi; Pandey; Brahmin; an officer of Emperor;
took part in Uprising of 1857; caught participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British troops after reoccupation of by British troops after reoccupation of
Delhi; accused of rebellion against Delhi; charged with helping imperial
British rule; convicted and shot dead forces against British rule; convicted
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt of rebellion and sentenced to death;
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Gopal Singh: Resident of Sathiala, teh. (1858), HSAP]
and distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Mehr
Singh; was 30 years old when he Gopal: Resident of Delhi; participated in
attended the public meeting at 1857 Uprising; took active part in
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 fighting against British army; caught
April 1919 where he was killed in by British troops and changed with;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, plundering thµ a nas and rebellion
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; against British rule; convicted and
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, sentenced to death; executed by
p. 135; MOP, I, p. 67] hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Gopal Singh: Resident of Sihala, distt. HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 47; WWDFF, I,
Rawalpindi, Punjab (now in Pakistan); p. 142]
96 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Gopinath: Resident of Delhi; s/o Chhindu charged with highway robbery of

Lal; took part in public demonstration British property; convicted of
in Delhi against Rowlatt Act during rebellion against British rule;
March-April, 1919. On 30 March 1919 sentenced to death; executed by
British troops fired on unarmed hanging on 9 February 1858.[Judl.
people by orders of Mr. Currie Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
(Additional District Magistrate) at HSAP]
Delhi Railway Station and near Clock
Tower; sixty persons were killed and Guffoor Khan: Resident of Patiala,
wounded. Again on 17 April 1919 Punjab; a sawµar in service of Nawab
police picket opened fire on of Jhajjar; participated in 1857
demonstrators, 18 persons were Uprising; deserted and took active
injured, of whom two died part in fighting against British army
subsequently. Gopinath was one of alongwith other several fellows;
those who received bullet wound in caught by British troops on account of
one of these firings and later he died. possessing arms and fighting against
[WWDFF, I, p. 143, II, pp. xxxii; FMD, British; charged with desertion and
pp. 268-74; GID, pp. 98-100] rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death and executed at
Govind Ram: Residence of Lahore, Jhajjar in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Punjab (now in Pakistan); associated Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
with revolutionaries of the 1908 and
1909 sedition; associated with many Gujadhur: Served in the 45 th Native
papers such as Inquilµab and Swarµajya; Infantry of British Indian Army;
a member of Shanti Sabha; convicted deserted and participated in Uprising
of revolutionary activities and was of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced
deported to Andamans. [UHFSA, pp. to death by the British on 24 June 1857
88-89] at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt
(Ambala Div), F. No. 46 (1857), HSAP]
Govind Ram: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Sita Ram; Khatri; Gujar Singh: Resident of Bhakna, ps.
businessman; was 35 years old when Gharinda, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
he attended the public meeting at Sham Singh, aged 37 years; took active
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 part in revolutionary activities;
April 1919 where he was killed in convicted under Section 121 of IPC;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, sentenced to transportation for life
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; and forfeiture of property in
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
WWIM, I, p. 114; JBM, p. 129; MOP, I, Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May
p. 66] 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 204, 305]

Guburdhurn: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Gujjar Singh: Resident of Loheke Chak,

Delhi; Gujar; participated in 1857 Lyallpur, Punjab; s/o Nihal Singh;
Uprising; caught by British soldiers; joined Indian Army in Cavalry No. 23
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 97

in 1914; resigned service and joined Miners Regiment of British Indian

Ghadar Party in 1915; arrested and Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
sent to Shimla; brought back to took part in 1857 Uprising against
Ambala Jail in 1918; sentenced to British rule; captured by the British
capital punishment in a bomb case; soldiers and charged with mutiny and
hanged in Ambala Jail in 1918. [MOP, desertion; sentenced to death and
I, p. 67] executed. [WWIM, III, p. 48]

Gujjar Singh: Resident of Mohanpur, Gulab: Resident of Punjab; Sheikh;

Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; took part in participated in 1857 Uprising;
seditious meetings at Perils in the captured by British forces on charge
Malay States; arrested and died in the of rebellion against British rule;
Jail. [MOP, I, pp. 67-68] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 18 December
Gulab Akbar Pathan: Resident of Kucha 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Chelan, Delhi; took leading part in (1858), HSAP]
1857 Uprising against British rule;
participated in defence of Delhi Gulam Hussain: Resident of Farrukh-
against the advancing British army; nagar, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took
captured by the British and executed part in 1857 Uprising against British
at Delhi on 18 January 1858.[WWIM, rule; captured by the British and
III, p. 48; WWDFF, I, p. 145] executed on 24 November 1857 by the
orders of the Deputy Commissioner,
Gulab Singh alias Hakim Singh: Delhi [WWDFF, I, p, 145]
Resident of v. Misrananwala, distt.
Amritsar, Punjab; zam∂ndµ a r; s/o Gulam Moheeoodeen: Resident of Delhi;
Jamiat Singh; Kuka activist; participa- Mughal; participated in 1857
ted in the attack on Malerkotla, Punjab Uprising; caught by British forces and
on 15 January 1872; arrested and charged with mutiny against British
charged with murder by the British rule; convicted and sentenced to
Government; blown to death with a death; hanged on 18 November
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP] (1858), HSAP]

Gulab Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana Gulam Mustafa: Resident of Amritsar

Regiment of British Indian Army, city, Punjab; s/o Jumma; Kashmiri;
posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted was 20 years old when he attended the
and took leading part in 1857 Uprising public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
against British rule; captured by Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
British soldiers; sentenced to death was killed in firing by British troops.
and hanged on 3 May 1858. [WWIM, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
III, p. 48] (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 132; INMPM, I,
Gulab Singh: Soldier in the Sappers and p. 166]
98 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Gulam Rasul: Resident of Chabhal, distt. Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the

Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Dulla; British and charged with rebellion
Mohamedan; attended the public against British rule; sentenced to death
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar and executed by hanging on 24 March
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 43; HSG,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; I, p. 395; RIH, p. 146; WWDFF, I, p.
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, 132]
p. 144; MOP, I, p. 68]
Gunga Singh: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
Gumash: Resident of Delhi; took part in participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Uprising of 1857; participated in active part in fighting against British
defence of Delhi against advancing army; caught by British troops;
British army; captured by British accused of plundering thµ a nas and
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and rebellion against British rule;
charged with rebellion against British convicted and sentenced to death;
rule; executed by hanging on 27 executed by hanging on 27 February
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] (1858), HSAP]

Gumesh Singh Haridar: Resident of Gunga: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;

Rewari, Haryana; Koombee; a Gujar; lambardµar; took part in Uprising
¨avµ a ldµ a r in British Indian Army; of 1857; apprehended by British forces
deserted and participated in 1857 and charged with rebellion against
Uprising; caught by British forces and British rule; sentenced to death on 7
charged with rebellion against British December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
rule; convicted and sentenced to Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
death; executed by hanging on 16 HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 43; WWDFF, I,
December 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi p. 131]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
III, p. 47; RIH, p. 146] Gunga: Resident of Rithauj, distt.
Gurgaon, Haryana; Gujar; took active
Gunga Bishun: Resident of Delhi; took part in organising anti-British forces
part in Uprising of 1857; participated and plundering English property at
in defence of Delhi against advancing Badshahpur during Uprising of 1857;
British army; captured by British arrested by British troops on charge
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and of plundering and rebllion against
charged with rebellion against British British rule; convicted and executed
rule; executed by hanging on 27 by hanging on December 1857.[Judl.
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 43; RIH, p. 146]

Gunga Pershad: Resident of Gurgaon, Gungaram: Resident of Kanod, Haryana;

Haryana; Pandey; participated in Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 99

active part in fighting against British Gurdial Singh: Resident of Gurgaon,

army; went to Delhi and assisted Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
Shahzada Muhammad Azeem; against British rule; arrested by the
caught by British troops and charged British authorities and tried for
with rebellion against British rule; ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
convicted and sentenced to death; hanged on 15 December 1857.
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi [WWIM, III, p. 49; HSG, I p. 396; RIH,
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] p. 147; WWDFF, I, p, 150]

Gunja Bussun: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Gurdit Singh: Resident of v. Rarrh, ps.
Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising; and teh. Sherpur, Punjab; zamindar; s/
caught by British troops on charge of o Rabbi Singh; a Kuka activist;
attempting to take life of British participated in the attack on
officers; convicted of rebellion against Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
British rule and sentenced to death; 1872; arrested and charged with
executed by hanging on 4 February murder by the British Government;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 blown to death with a cannon on 17/
(1858), HSAP] 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Gunneshee: Resident of Delhi; Ahir;
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught Gurdit Singh: Resident of Sursingh, ps.,
by British troops and convicted of Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in
mutiny against British rule; executed Pakistan); s/o Gurmukh Singh, Nai of
by hanging on 13 November 50 years, took active part in
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 revolutionary activities; convicted in
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, P. 43] the First Burma Conspiracy Case
(Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
Guran Ditta: Resident of Amritsar city, Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916),
Punjab; attended the public meeting tried and sentenced to transportation
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 for life and confiscation of property.
April 1919 where he was killed in [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, NAI; SFH, pp. 241, 296; HCJ, p. 250]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Gureel Shah: Resident of Delhi; Syed;
p. 139; MOP, I, p. 68] participated in 1857 Uprising; took
active part in fighting against British
Gurdas Singh: Resident of Punjab; army; captured by British troops after
involved in Ghadar activities, arrested reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
in connection with the revolutionary rebellion against British rule;
activities against British rule; tried in convicted and sentenced to death;
the First Lahore Conspiracy Case; hanged on 22 February 1858.[Judl.
deported to Andamans. [UHFSA, p. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
89; HCJ, p. 250] HSAP]
100 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Gureewa: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; blown to death with a cannon on 17/

s/o Jewna Meo; sepoy, Gwalior 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Regiment of British Indian Army; I, PSAP]
deserted his Regiment; took part in
1857 Uprising against British rule; Gurmukh Singh: Resident of v.
captured by the British and executed Pharwahee, Kotla State, Punjab;
on 24 March 1858 by orders of the zam∂ndµar; s/o Khazan Singh; a Kuka
Special Commissioner, Delhi. activist; participated in the attack on
[WWDFF, I, p, 150] Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
1872; arrested and charged with
Gurmukh Singh alias Anup Singh: murder by the British Government;
Resident of Lalton, Ludhiana, Punjab; blown to death with a cannon on 17/
s/o Hoshnak Singh; took active part 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
in revolutionary activities; convicted I, PSAP]
under Section 121 (abetment of
waging war), 121A, 131 and 395 of IPC Gurreba: Resident of Delhi; took part in
in Lahore Conspiracy Case; sentenced Uprising of 1857; participated in
to transportation of life and defence of Delhi against advancing
confiscation of his property to British army; captured by British
Government. [LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
380, NAI; H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep charged with rebellion against British
1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 183, 296; HCJ, p. rule; executed by hanging on 27
250] February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Gurmukh Singh: Resident of Punjab; s/
o Mahour Singh; Kuka activist; Gurreel: Resident of Delhi; Teli;
involved in the attack on Raikot participated in 1857 Uprising;
(Ludhiana) butchers in 1871; arrested captured by British troops and
and charged with murder at Raikot; executed by hanging on 30 October
tried in Raikot Butchers Murder Case 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
1871; sentenced under Section 109 and 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 49;
302 of Indian Penal Code and WWDFF, I, p. 150]
executed on 5 August 1871. [H/Deptt,
Judl-A, 29 July 1871, F Nos. 45-61, Guru Brahman: Resident of Haveli Sardar
NAI; H/Deptt, Judl-A, 19 Aug 1871, Dhana Singh, Amritsar city, Punjab;
F Nos. 26-32, NAI] s/o Jiwa; Brahmin; was 15 years old
when he attended the public meeting
Gurmukh Singh: Resident of v. Latala, ps. at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Dehlon, Distt. Ludhiana, Punjab, April 1919 where he was killed in
Tajjar; s/o Bahale Singh; a Kuka firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
activist; participated in the attack on PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
1872; arrested and charged with 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 136; MOP, I,
murder by the British Government; p. 68]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 101

Guzunfur Alli: Resident of Hasanpur, Gyani Singh alias Ruttan Singh:

distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; a soldier in Resident of Mandi, Patiala State (now
Gwalior Contingent of British Indian in distt. Bhatinda), Punjab; s/o Ram
Army; deserted and took active part Kishan; aged 35 years old; Kuka
in 1857 Uprising; apprended by activist; arrested and charged with
British officer and charged with aiding and abetting the murders at
desertion and rebellion against British Raikot; tried in Raikot Murder Case
rule; convicted and sentenced to 1871 under Section 109 and 302 of
death; executed by hanging on 13 Indian Penal Code; executed in
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Ludhiana on 26 November 1871. [H/
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. Deptt, Judl-A, March 1872, F Nos. 138-
44; HSG, I, p. 395; RIH, p. 146] 139, NAI; MOP, I, p. 66; RABR, p. xix]

Guzunfur Alli: Resident of Sultanpur, Gyani Singh: Resident of Phoolayree,

distt. Mewat, Haryana; participated in Patiala, Punjab; s/o Dull Singh; Kuka
1857 Uprising; caught by British activist; involved in the attack on
soldiers and charged with rebellion Malodh on 14 January 1872; arrested
against British rule; sentenced to death and charged for ìdacoity with
and executed by hanging on 13 murderî under Section 396 of Indian
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Penal Code; sentenced to death, later
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. on the death sentence commuted to
44; HSG, I, p. 395; RIH, p. 146; transportation for life to Andaman
WWDFF, I, p. 137] [H/Deptt, Judl-A, June 1872, F Nos.
112-132, NAI]
102 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Habbeeb Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; against the Rowlatt Act; joined the
participated in 1857 Uprising; took procession which was taken out on
active part in defence of Delhi against 10April 1919 at Amritsar in protest
advancing British army; captured by against the arrest of Dr. Satyapal and
British troops and convicted of Dr. Saif-ud-din kitchlew; actively
rebellion against British rule; involved in the anti-British acts which
sentenced to death; executed by occured after the military picket
hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl. (posted near the Deputy
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Commissioners house) fired on
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 49; WWDFF, I, unarmed processionists; was arrested
p. 152] and tried in Amritsar Leaders Case by
Martial Law Commission and
Hafiz Abdulla: Resident of Jagraon, sentenced to transportation for life.
Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Nizam Din, [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-
Khoja, took active part in revolutio- 265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
nary activities, convicted and tried
under Sections 121 and 121A of IPC Hafiz Taj Din, alias Mullan: Resident of
in Second Supplementary Lahore Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Ali
Conspiracy Case and sentenced to Mohammad; Sheikh; tailor; was 35
death and forfeiture of property and years old when he attended the public
was hanged. [H/Poll-B, Nos. 242-43, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
May 1917, NAI; SFH, p. 225, 290; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
INMPM, I, p. 106; MOP, I, p. 71] in firing by British. [H/Mil, PGCS, B
Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 58, May
Hafiz Muhammad Bashir: Resident of (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
Amritsar, Punjab; active in organizing (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 132; INMPM, I,
the haætµal on 6 April 1919 in Amritsar p. 168; MOP, I, p. 71]
as part of the nation-wide call of haætµal
given by Mahatama Gandhi to protest Hait Ram: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 103

participated in 1857 Uprising; took captured by British troops after

active part in fighting against reoccupation of Delhi and charged
advancing British army; captured by with rebellion against British rule;
British troops on charge of rebellion sentenced to death and hanged in
against British rule; convicted and 1857; caught by British troops and
sentenced to death; executed by executed by hanging on 30 October
hanging on 25 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 3 (1858), HSAP]

Haitalo: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; Hakeem Mohammad Abdul Haq:

Jat; took part in plundering British Resident of Delhi; s/o Mohammed
property during 1857 Uprising; Hassan Baksh; formerly agent of the
caught by British troops on charge of Raja of Ballabhgarh at Mughal Court
plundering and rebellion against Delhi; became an Aide-de-Camp to the
British; convicted and sentenced to Mughal Emperor during 1857
death; executed by hanging on 13 Uprising; took leading part in 1857
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Uprising against British rule and was
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] placed in charge of the district of
Gurgaon on behalf of the Emperor;
Haitth Alli: Resident of Palwal, distt. commanded an armed force of 400
Faridabad, Haryana; Kaith; thµanedµar cavalry and infantry soldiers; also a
of Shahdara; participated in 1857 member of the Committee of Finance
Uprising; caught by British troops and appointed by the Emperor to raise
charged with rebellion against British funds for the war; fought against the
rule; convicted and sentenced to British forces near Delhi; captured by
death; executed by hanging on 11 the British in the Jhajjar area and
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi sentenced to death; executed by
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] hanging at Delhi in 1857. [MRC, VII,
pt. II, pp. 362, 365; WWIM, III, p. 97;
Hajee Khan: Resident of Delhi; Pathan; WWDFF, I, p. 262]
participated in 1857 Uprising; took
active part in fighting against British Hakim Singh: Born in 1836, resident of
army; caught by British troops and v. Moura, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
charged with having magazine Roopa Singh; Putwari [patwari]; aged
property and protecting anti-British 35 years old; Kuka activist; involved
forces; convicted and sentenced to in the attack on Amritsar butchers on
death; executed by hanging on 27 14 and 15 June 1871; arrested and
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi charged with murder at Amritsar;
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] tried in Amritsar Butchers Murder
Case 1871; sentenced under Section
Hajee Mohomed Bux: Resident of Delhi; 109 and 302 of Indian Penal Code and
Sheikh; took part in Uprising of 1857; executed on 15 September 1871. [H/
participated in defence of Delhi Deptt, Judl-A, 4 Nove 1871, F Nos. 67-
against advancing British army; 68, NAI; H/Deptt, Judl-A, Feb. 1872,
104 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

F Nos. 57-58, NAI; MOP, I, p. 72] p. 134; INMPM, I, p. 168; MOP, I, p.

Hakum Chand: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Pheru Mal; Khatri; was 33 Hanno Khan: Resident of v. Saral, distt.
years old when he attended the public Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Shoy Khan
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Meo; took active part in 1857 Uprising
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed against British rule; captured by the
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, British soldiers and sentenced to
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; death; executed at Delhi on 29 March
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 50; HSG, I p. 396;
WWIM, I, p. 138; JBM, p. 129; INMPM, RIH, p. 147; WWDFF, I, p, 153]
I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 71]
Hans Raj: Resident of Amritsar city,
Hamam Singh: Resident of v. Mandi, ps. Punjab; s/o Rohan Singh; Khatri; was
Naiyanwala, Jind State, Punjab; 23 years old when he attended the
zam∂ndµar; s/o Dalel Singh; a Kuka public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
activist; participated in the attack on Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January was killed in firing by British troops.
1872; arrested and charged with [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
murder by the British Government; (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 137; INMPM, I,
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- p. 168; MOP, I, p. 72]
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 117]
Hansraj: Resident of Kucha Kaddan,
Hameerah: Resident of Delhi; Barber; Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sobha
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught Singh; postal clerk; attended the
by British troops and charged with public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
aiding sepoy for rebellion against Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
British rule; convicted and executed was killed in firing by British troops.
by hanging on 30 November [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 50; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWDFF, I, p. 152] WWIM, I, p. 128; JBM, p. 148; INMPM,
I, p. 168; MOP, I, p. 72]
Hamid: Resident of Ghee Mandi,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Ahmad Hansraj: Resident of Pipli, teh. Batala,
Din; Kashmiri; rufugar; was 19 years distt. Gurdaspur; Punjab; s/o Sohan;
old when he attended the public attended the public meeting at
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed April 1919 where he was killed in
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 127; JBM, p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 168]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 105

Haqdad Khan: Resident of v. Badshah- on 13 April 1919 where he was killed

pur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
part in 1857 Uprising against British PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
rule; captured by British soldiers and PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 129; INMPM, I, p.
shot dead in November 1857. [WWIM, 168]
III, p. 51; HSG, I p. 396; RIH, p. 147;
WWDFF, I, p, 154] Harbhagwan: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Jairamdas; Arora; was 50
Har Bhagwan: Resident of Amritsar city, years old when he attended the public
Punjab; s/o Kanahiya Lal; attended meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
the public meeting at Jallianwala on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
where he was killed in firing by British PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 INMPM, I, p. 168; MOP, I, p. 73]
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 147; INMPM, I,
p. 168] Harbhagwan: Resident of Majith Mundi,
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; attended the
Har Narain: Resident of Amritsar city, public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Punjab; Khatri; attended the public Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar was killed in firing by British troops.
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 142; INMPM, I,
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 168; MOP, I, p. 73]
p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 169; MOP, I, p.
72] Hardi Jat: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
Jat; took part in 1857 Uprising against
Har Suhare: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; British rule; captured by British
Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising; took soldiers and hanged in January 1858.
active part in attacking British officers [WWIM, III, p. 51; HSG, I p. 396; RIH,
and army; caught by British troops p. 148]
and imprisoned; charged with attack,
murder and rebellion against British Hardit Singh: Resident of Dalewal, ps.
rule; convicted and sentenced to Phillaur, Jullundur, Punjab; s/o Dalel
death; executed on 14 December Singh; took active part in revolutio-
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 nary activities; absconding in the first
(1858), HSAP] Lahore Conspiracy but subsequently
arrested; sentenced to death and
Harbans Lal: Resident of Miani, teh. hanged in Supplementary Lahore
Dasuya, distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/ Conspiracy Case. [SFH, p. 204]
o Bhagat Ram; Brahmin; was 15 years
old when he attended the public Hardit Singh: Resident of Lamma,
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Bhagwan
106 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Singh; took active part in revolutio- (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 142; INMPM, I,
nary activities; convicted and tried p. 169; MOP, I, p. 74]
under Sections 121 and 121A of IPC
in the First Burma Conspiracy Case Hari Ram: Resident of Kucha Bawa Mehr
(Mandalay Conspiracy Case, Bakhsh, Chowk Pasian, Amritsar city,
Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916); Punjab; s/o Asa Nand; Khatri;
sentenced to transportation for life. petition writer; was 32 years old when
[H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916, he attended the public meeting at
NAI; SFH, p. 241; HCJ, p. 250] Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in
Hardiyal: Resident of Kucha Mada Penja, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Katra Dulo, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/ PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
o Atara Mal; Kamboh; confectioner; 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
was 45 years old when he attended the 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 131; JBM,
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, p. 129; INMPM, I, p. 169]
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops. Hari Singh: Resident of Chotian Kalan,
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 ps. Bagha Purana, Hoshiarpur,
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Punjab; s/o Bhika Singh; took active
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; part in revolutionary activities against
WWIM, I, p. 130; JBM, p. 128; INMPM, British rule; tried in the Second
I, p. 168; MOP, I, p. 73] Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
Case (Date of Judgment 5-1-1917);
Hari Ram: Resident of Kucha Bagh sentenced to transportation for life.
Chaudhri, Katra Khazana, Amritsar [H/Poll-B, Nos. 242-43, Prog, May
city, Punjab; s/o Hardiyal; Khatri; 1917, NAI; SFH, p. 290]
watch-maker; was 40 years old when
he attended the public meeting at Hari Singh: Resident of Kakar, ps. Lopoki,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Amar Singh,
April 1919 where he was killed in aged 35 years; took active part in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, revolutionary activities; convicted
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. under Section 121 of IPC; sentenced
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. to transportation for life in
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 131; JBM, Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 169; MOP, I, p. Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May
74] 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 204-205, 306]

Hari Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, Hari Singh: Soldier in the Sappers and
Punjab; petition writer; attended the Miners Regiment of British Indian
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he took part in 1857 Uprising against
was killed in firing by British troops. British rule; captured by the British
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 and charged with mutiny and
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 desertion; sentenced to death and
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 107

executed on 3 May 1858. [WWIM, III, Government of Canada disapproved

p. 52] of his political activities and issued
deportation order within 48 hours; left
Harkab Bukht: Resident of Gurgaon, Canada but later he was allowed to
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising return; identified himself with its aims
against British rule; captured by the and objects and frequently
British and executed on 15 December contributed articles to Ghadar paper
1857 by orders of the Deputy when it was brought out in 1913; took
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. active part in revolutionary activities;
160] convicted under Sections 121 and
121A of IPC in the First Burma
Har Kaur (Smt.) alias Chandi: Resident Conspiracy Case (Mandalay
of v. Loboki, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; Conspiracy Case, Judgment delivered
w/o Hardeep Singh; Domestic on 27 July 1916); tried and sentenced
servant; attended the public meeting to death; hanged on 14 August 1914.
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916,
April 1919 where he was killed in NAI; SFH, pp. 239-240; INMPM, I, p.
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. 106; EFFP, pp. 123-125; MOP, I, pp. 9-
129] 10; MOP, I, p. 76]

Harnam Singh alias Thakar Singh: Harnam Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
Resident of Rasulpur, ps. Tarn Taran, Punjab; c/o Kalu Mal Shori Mal;
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Bhup Singh, attended the public meeting at
aged 27 years, took active part in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
revolutionary activities, convicted April 1919 where he was killed in
under Section 121 of IPC and was firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
sentenced to transportation for life in PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May p. 142]
1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 205, 306; HCJ, p.
251] Harnam Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; Khatri; was 30 years old when
Harnam Singh, alias Ishar Das: Resident he attended the public meeting at
of Sahri, Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Labh Singh; joined military service in April 1919 where he was killed in
Risala No. 30; while in service he came firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
in close contact with Balwant Singh; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
after one and half year he resigned H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
from service to help his father; left for p. 137; INMPM, I, p. 169]
Canada where he took up the work
of promoting national consciousness Harnam Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
among his countrymen; for this Punjab; s/o Bhagat Singh; carpenter;
purpose he brought out an English was 17 years old when he attended the
newspaper called Hindustµ a n; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
108 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he 169; MOP, I, p. 76]

was killed in firing by British troops.
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Harnam Singh: Resident of Mauza
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Ghumanpur, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Tehal Singh; Kumhar (potmaker);
WWIM, I, p. 134; JBM, p. 147; INMPM, labourer; was 45 years old when he
I, p. 169] attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Harnam Singh: Resident of Amritsar city, April 1919 where he was killed in
Punjab; s/o Gulab Singh; Tarkhan firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
(carpenter); was 15 years old when he PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F.
attended the public meeting at No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p.
April 1919 where he was killed in 133; JBM, p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 169;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, MOP, I, p. 77]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Harnam Singh: Resident of distt.
p. 135; INMPM, I, p. 169; MOP, I, p. Amritsar, Punjab s/o Kala Singh;
75] active in organizing the haætµ a l on
6April 1919 in Amritsar as part of the
Harnam Singh: Resident of Kucha nation-wide haætµal to protest against
Loharanwala, Amritsar city, Punjab; the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession
s/o Chanda Singh; Arora; municipal which was taken out on 10 April 1919
electric department employee; was 20 at Amritsar in protest against the
years old when he attended the public arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar din Kitchlew; actively involved in the
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed anti-British acts which occurred after
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, the military picket (posted near the
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. on unarmed processionists; charged
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 133; JBM, with taking part in the attack on the
p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 169; MOP, I, p. National Bank in which two
75] Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott)
were killed; tried and convicted in
Harnam Singh: Resident of Mauza Amritsar National Bank Murder Case
Adilwala, teh. Ajnala, distt. Amritsar, by Martial Law Commission and
Punjab; s/o Natha Singh; Jat; military sentenced to death; death sentence
employee; was 19 years old when he later on commuted to transportation
attended the public meeting at for life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab).
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-
April 1919 where he was killed in 265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Harnam Singh: Resident of distt.
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 134; INMPM, I, p. Gujranwala, Punjab, (now in
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 109

Pakistan); s/o Jiwan Singh; involved Conspiracy Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-
in that party which proceeded to 221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 205, 306]
Moman railway station from the
surrounding villages, burnt the Harnam Singh: Resident of Kala
Railway Station and looted it; arrested Sanghian, Kapurthala State, Punjab;
and tried for attempted murder at s/o Sundar Singh, aged 26 years; took
Sangla Hill Station and for burning active part in revolutionary activities;
Moman Railway Station by Martial convicted under Sections 121, 121A
Law Commission and sentenced to and 131 of IPC; sentenced to
death. However, the Lt. Governor transportation for life and forfeiture
(Punjab) afterward commuted the of property in Supplementary Lahore
death sentence to transportation for Conspiracy Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos.
life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 219-221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 205,
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] 306]

Harnam Singh: Resident of Bhatti Goraya, Harnam Singh: Resident of Thatthi Khara,
Sialkot (now in Pakistan); s/o Arura, Amritsar, Punjab; involved in anti-
aged 24 years; took an active part in British activities; took part in the
the revolutionary work in the Punjab Amritsar Canal Bridge Guard Raid
in the winter of 1914-15; in touch with (Walla Bridge Case) and murder;
the headquarters at Amritsar; took convicted under Sections 396 and 302-
part in the abortive attack on 149 of IPC; sentenced to death and
Ferozepore Cantonment in February forfeiture of property and hanged.
1915 with Arjan Singh of Khokran and [GD, p. 55; H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-684
Banta Singh in the Anarkali murder; KW, Oct 1915, NAI; SFH, pp. 235, 301;
took part in the abortive attacks on the INMPM, I, p. 106]
Doraha bridge guard raid; convicted
under Section 121, 121A, 122, 395, 396, Harnam Singh: Resident of v. Ghanauri,
397 and 398 of IPC; sentenced to teh. Sherput, distt. Amargarh, Punjab;
death, forfeiture of his property to zam∂ndµ a r; s/o Jai Singh; a Kuka
Government and hanged on 16 activist; participated in the attack on
November 1915. [GD, p. 56; LCC (TJ, Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
1915-16), p. 380, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, 1872; arrested and charged with
No. 91, Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 184, murder by the British Government;
296; INMPM, I, p. 106; WWIM, I, p. blown to death with a cannon on 17/
132; MOP, I, p. 75] 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Harnam Singh: Resident of Gujarwal, ps.
Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Harnam Singh: Resident of v. Rarrh, ps.
Narain Singh, aged 30 years, took Sherpur, Punjab; Ramgarhia; s/o
active part in revolutionary activities, Charhat Singh; a Kuka activist;
convicted under Section 121 of IPC participated in the attack on
and was sentenced to transportation Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
for life in Supplementary Lahore 1872; arrested and charged with
110 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

murder by the British Government; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,

blown to death with a camnon on 17/ PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 118] p. 148; INMPM, I, p. 169; MOP, I, p.
Harnama: Resident of Kucha Sant Singh,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Viroo; Harun Baksh: Resident of v. Hasanpur,
Barber; was 30 years old when he distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; Soldier in
attended the public meeting at the British Indian Army; deserted and
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 took part in 1857 Uprising against
April 1919 where he was killed in British rule; captured by British
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, soldiers and hanged in January 1858.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. [WWIM, III, p. 53; HSG, I p. 396; RIH,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. p. 148]
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 132; JBM,
p. 129; INMPM, I, p. 169; MOP, I, p. Hasan Ali: Resident of Rewari, Haryana;
75] Sayed; s/o Mir Ali; took part in 1857
Uprising against British rule; charged
Harparshad, alias Fiddo: Resident of Katra with rebellion against British rule and
Safaid, Moti Mohalla, Amritsar city, hanged on 6 May 1858. [HSG, I, p, 396;
Punjab; Vishno Das; Brahmin; private RIH, p. 148]
employee; was 22 years old when he
attended the public meeting at Hashmat Ullah Khan: Resident of Delhi;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 took part in public demonstration in
April 1919 where he was killed in Delhi against Rowlatt Act during
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, March-April 1919. On 30 March, 1919
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), British troops fired on unarmed
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 129; INMPM, I, p. people by orders of Mr. Currie
169; MOP, I, p. 72] (Additional District Magistrate) at
Delhi Railway Station and near Clock
Harshuk: Resident of Palwal, distt. Tower; sixty persons were killed and
Faridabad, Haryana; s/o Radha wounded. Again on 17 April 1919
Krishan; took part active in 1857 police picket opened fire on
Uprising against British rule; captured demonstrators, 18 persons were
by the British and sentenced to death; injured, of whom two died
executed at Delhi on 2 March 1858. subsequently. Hashmat Ullah Khan
[WWIM, III, p. 53; HSG, I p. 396; RIH, was one of those who received bullet
p. 148] wound in the firings by the police and
later he died. [WWDFF, I, p. 162, II,
Haru Mal: Resident of Amritsar city, pp. xxxii; FMD, pp. 268-74; GID, pp.
Punjab; s/o Labhu Mal Satewala; 98-100]
attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Hassa: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o
April 1919 where he was killed in Mohammad Sheikh; active in
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 111

organizing the haætµal on 6April 1919 Uprising; took active part in fighting
in Amritsar as part of the nation-wide against British army alongwith other
call of haætµ a l given by Mahatma fellows; caught by British troops on
Gandhi to protest against the Rowlatt account of possessing arms and
Act; joined the procession which was fighting against British; changed with
takn out on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar desertion and rebellion against British
in protest against the arrest of Dr. rule; sentenced to death and executed
Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din at Jhajjar in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti- Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
British acts which occurred after the
military picket (posted near the Hatia Jat: Resident of v. Dighot, distt.
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired Faridabad, Gurgaon, Haryana; Jat;
on unarmed processionists; charged took part in 1857 Uprising against
with taking part in the attack on the British rule; captured by British
Alliance Bank in which the Manager soldiers and hanged in January 1858.
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried and [WWIM, III, p. 53; HSG, I, p. 396; RIH,
convicted in Amritsar Alliance Bank p. 148]
Murder Case by Martial Law
Commission and executed on 25 June Havaldar Jalshwar Singh: Resident of v.
1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. Aquabad, Delhi; s/o Mohanveer
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] Singh; ¨avµaldµar in British Indian Army;
incited other soldiers for seditious
Hassan Mohammad: Resident of activities against British Rule during
Gujranwala, Punjab (now in Ghadar movement; arrested and
Pakistan); s/o Fazal Din; student; was charged with inciting soldiers for
9 years old when he attended the sedition against British Rule in Indian
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Army; convicted and sentenced to
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he death; executed on 28 February 1916.
was killed in firing by British troops. [SSG, I, p. 44]
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 134; Havaldar Gugadin: Resident of Himachal
INMPM, I, p. 170] Pradesh; a ¨avµaldµar in the 46th Native
Infantry of the British Army; deserted
Hasseem Alli: Resident of Delhi; Syed; and took part in Uprising of 1857 in
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught Kangra, Noorpur, Dharmshala and
by British forces; accused of rebellion Haripur; caught by the British forces
against British rule; convicted and and hanged in Noorpur. [HPSS, p. 45]
sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 18 December 1857.[Judl. Hayat Ali: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Faridabad, Haryana; thµanedµar; took
HSAP] part in 1857 Uprising against British
rule; participated in defence of Delhi
Hassunath Khan: Resident of Kanod, against advancing British army;
Haryana; participated in 1857 captured by the British and executed
112 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

at Delhi on 11 February 1858. [WWIM, Gali Shamsi, Delhi; Sheikh;

III, p. 54; HSG, I p. 396; RIH, p. 148; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
WWDFF, I, p. 163] active part in fighting against British
rule; caught by British troops after
Hazara Singh: Resident of Dodher, ps. reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Bela rebellion against British rule;
Singh, aged 28 years; a Shanghai convicted and sentenced to death;
watchman; returned to India in hanged on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
January 1915; took part in the Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
revolutionary activities in the Punjab; HSAP]
convicted under Sections 121
(abetment of waging war), 122 and Hazrat Baksh: Resident of Delhi; took
121A of IPC; sentenced to leading part in 1857 Uprising against
transportation for life and forfeiture British rule; participated in defence of
of property. [GD, p. 60; LCC (TJ, 1915- Delhi against the advancing British
16), p. 380, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. army; captured by the British and
91, Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 185, 296; executed at Delhi on 23 February
HCJ, p. 251] 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 54]

Hazari Lal: Resident of Kucha Uplan, Heedaith Khan: Resident of Kanchanmi

Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Dinna; Gali, Delhi; Pathan; took ative part in
Khatri; goldsmith; was 17 years old 1857 Uprising; caught by British
when he attended the public meeting troops after reoccupation of Delhi,
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 charged with rebellion against British
April 1919 where he was killed in rule; convicted and sentenced to
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, death; executed by hanging on 4
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 135; JBM,
p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. Heera Singh: Resident of Delhi; took part
78] in Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Hazarree: Resident of Delhi; Dhobi; British army; captured by British
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
by British soldiers after reoccupation charged with rebellion against British
of Delhi; charged with rebellion rule; executed by hanging on 27
against British rule; convicted and February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
sentenced to death, executed by Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
hanging on 8 December 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Heera Singh: Resident of Shaharanpur,
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 54; WWDFF, I, Uttar Pradesh; Brahmin; went to Delhi
p. 163] and participated in 1857 Uprising;
arrested on charge of rebellion against
Hazee Nuzamoodeen Khan: Resident of British rule; convicted and sentenced
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 113

to death; executed by hanging on 10 Hira Dom: Resident of Teliwara, Delhi;

December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi took part in 1857 Uprising against
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] British rule; captured by British troops
and executed by hanging at Delhi on
Heerdeh: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Jat; 22 February 1858. [Judl. Deptt. (Delhi
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught Div), F.No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
by British troops and charged with III, p. 164]
plundering thµanas and offices and
rebellion against British rule; Hira Lal: Resident of Amritsar city,
convicted and sentenced to death; Punjab; s/o Bal Mukand; Khatri; was
executed by hanging on 4 February 30 years old when he attended the
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
(1858), HSAP] Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops.
Hem Raj: Resident of Amritsar city, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Punjab; s/o Khem Raj; Baniya; (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
attended the public meeting at (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 137; JBM, p.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 137; INMPM, I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 78]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Hira Lal: Resident of Amritsar city,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Punjab; s/o Chaman Lal; was 55 years
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, old when he attended the public
p. 140; INMPM, I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 78] meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Hera: Resident of Panipat, Haryana; in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
caught by British troops; accused of H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
highway robbery of British property p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 170; MOP, I, p.
during rebellion; convicted and 78]
sentenced to death; hanged on 18
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Hira Lall: Resident of Delhi; Kalal; took
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] in 1857 Uprising; caught by British
forces on charge of rebellion against
Himmut: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; British rule; convicted and sentenced
camel man in service of Nawab Zugl to death; executed by hanging on 16
Husseen Khan; participated in 1857 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Uprising; took active part in fighting Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
against British army; caught by British
troops; accused of possessing arms Hira Nand: Resident of Katra Bhangian,
and rebellion against British rule; Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Meghraj Mal;
convicted and sentenced to death; Arora; petition writer; was 40 years
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi old when he attended the public
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
114 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,

PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 137; JBM, WWIM, I, p. 137; JBM, p. 134; INMPM,
p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 78] I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 78]

Hira Nand: Resident of Amritsar city, Hira Singh: Resident of Charar, ps.
Punjab; Arora; was 45 years old when Mozang, Lahore, Punjab (now in
he attended the public meeting at Pakistan); s/o Manna Singh, aged 40
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 years; took active part in revolutio-
April 1919 where he was killed in nary activities; convicted under
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Sections 121, 121A and 131 of IPC;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; sentenced to death and forfeiture of
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; property; sentence was commuted to
WWIM, I, p. 137; JBM, p. 130; INMPM, transportation for life and forfeiture
I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 78] of property in Supplementary Lahore
Conspiracy Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos.
Hira Nand: Resident of Amritsar city, 219-221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 206,
Punjab; s/o Wazira; attended the 306; INMPM, I, p. 107; MOP, I, p. 78]
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Hira Singh: Resident of v. Pithoke, ps.
was killed in firing by British troops. Phul, Nabha State, Punjab; zam∂ndµar;
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 s/o Veer Singh; a Kuka activist;
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 participated in the attack on
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 148; INMPM, I, Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
p. 170; MOP, I, p. 78] 1872; arrested and charged with
murder by the British Government;
Hira Nand: Resident of Dhab Khatikan, blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Chambha 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Mal; Khatik; appeal writer; was 50 I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 120]
years old when he attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Hira Singh: Resident of v. Rarrh, ps. and
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed teh. Sherpur, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o
in firing by British troops. H/Mil, Mehtab Singh; a Kuka activist;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. participated in the attack on
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p.137; JBM, 1872; arrested and charged with
p. 128; INMPM, I, p. 170] murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Hira Singh: Resident of Amritsar city, 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Punjab; s/o Nihal Singh; Sikh; was 24 I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 120]
years old when he attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Hira Singh: Resident of v. Sakraudi, teh.
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Bhawanigarh, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 115

Kahan Singh; a Kuka activist; against British rule; convicted and

participated in the attack on sentenced to death; executed by
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
1872; arrested and charged with Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
murder by the British Government; HSAP]
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Hoornut Bai: Resident of Delhi; a female
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 78] attandant in Court of Emperor;
captured by British forces after
Hirde Ram: Resident of Mandi State, reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on
Himachal Pradesh; s/o Gajjan Singh, account of being attached with
Rajput, profession of goldsmith, aged Imperial house and anti-British
21 years; connected with the activities; transported for life to
manufacture of bombs by the Rangoon as state prisoner. [F Poll No.
revolutionaries in the Punjab; engaged 52-125, 10 Dec 1858, NAI]
his houses for headquarters in Lahore;
hampered the troops in Jullundur; Hoosain Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part
considered by the Tribunal a most in Uprising of 1857; participated in
important member of the conspiracy; defence of Delhi against advancing
convicted under Section 121 British army; captured by British
(abetment of waging war), 121A, 122, troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
131, 397/109, 398/109, 395/109 of charged with rebellion against British
302/109 of IPC; sentenced to death rule; executed by hanging on 27
and forfeiture of property; sentence February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
was commuted to transportation for Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
life. [GD, p. 62; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p.
381, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct Hoosam Bux: Resident of Najafgarh,
1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 185, 296; INMPM, Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857
I, p. 107; UHFSA, p. 90; HCJ, p. 251] Uprising; arrested by British troops on
charge of rebellion against British rule;
Hissamood: Resident of Delhi; convicted and sentenced to death;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took executed by hanging on 18 February
active part in fighting against 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
advancing British army; captured by (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 169]
British troops on charge of rebellion
against British rule; convicted and Hoosein Bux: Resident of Rohtak,
sentenced to death; executed by Haryana; joined 1857 Uprising and
hanging on 25 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt took active part in plundering
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] European property; arrested by British
troops and imprisoned on charge of
Hoolashee: Resident of Uttar Pradesh; plundering and rebellion against
Rajput; went to Delhi and took active British rule; tried and sentenced to
part in 1857 Uprising; caught by transportation for life on 14 October
British troops; charged with rebellion 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Hisar Div), Acc No.
116 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

9782 (1857) HSAP] Hoshiar Khan: Resident of v. Hussainpur,

Haryana; Sheikh; s/o Rehman Khan;
Hoossein Khan: Native of Hindustan; took part in 1857 Uprising against
took active part in organizing forces British rule; arrested by the British
during Uprising of 1857 against authorities and tried for ìsedition;î
British rule; arrested by British army sentenced to death and hanged on 2
and imprisoned on account of sedition January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 56; HSG,
and rebellion against British; I p. 397; RIH, p. 148]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed at Delhi in October 1857. Hossain Khan: Resident of Chandni
[MRC, VII, pt. II, pp. 304-20] Chowk, Delhi; Pathan; took active
part in Uprising of 1857; caught by
Hoossienee: Resident of Delhi; a female British forces after reoccupation of
attandant in Court of Emperor; Delhi; accused of rebellion against
captured by British forces after British rule; sentenced to death and
reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on executed by hanging on 18 January
account of being attached with 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Imperial house and anti-British (1858), HSAP]
ativities; transported for life to
Rangoon as state prisoner.[F Poll No. Hossen Alli: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi;
52-125, 10 Dec 1858, NAI] Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
took active part in capturing English
Hoshdar Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, property and supplying it to anti-
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; served in British forces; caught by British troops
British Indian Army; deserted and on charge of anti-British activities and
took active part in 1857 Uprising; rebellion against British rule;
apprehended by British officer; convicted and sentenced to death;
charged with desertion and rebellion executed by hanging on 27 February
against British rule; convicted and 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
sentenced to death; executed by (1858), HSAP]
hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Hossennah: Resident of Punjab; Punjabi;
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 56; RIH, p. 148] participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British troops on charge of rebellion
Hoshdar Khan: Resident of Rasulpur, against British rule; convicted and
distt. Faridabad, Haryana; sentenced to death; executed by
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl.
by British soldiers and charged with Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
rebellion against British rule; HSAP]
sentenced to death and executed by
hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl. Hukam Chand Jain: Born in 1816 at
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Hansi, Hisar, Haryana; s/o Duni
HSAP] Chand Jain; a learned man in Persian
and Mathematics; author of several
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 117

books on the subjects; high official in on 19 January 1858 in front of his own
the Court of Emperor Bahadur Shah house; his 13 year old nephew, Faqir
at Delhi; appointed Qanoongo of Hansi Chand, was also forcibly sent to the
(distt. Hisar) and some areas in Karnal gallows and hanged, although there
district in 1841; a big landlord and a was no sentence passed against him;
generous philanthro-pist; reached as a measure of cruel disrespect to the
Delhi on hearing of the preparations martyrs, the British got Faqir Chandís
for 1857 Uprising against British rule; body buried against the Hindu
attended the conference of patriotic custom, while that of Mirza Muneer
leaders at the Mughal Court in which Beg was cremated against the Muslim
great revolutionary leaders of custom; a municipal park has now
Uprising like Tantiya Tope were also been laid at this spot in honour of his
present; offered to organize the memory. [WWIM, III, p. 56; HSG, I p.
freedom struggle in the Haryana 397; RIH, p. 148]
region and was promised the supply
of soldiers and war material, etc; Hukam Chand: Resident of Amritsar city,
began collecting an armed force after Punjab; c/o Kalu Mal Shori Mal;
his return to Hansi; promised help attended the public meeting at
from the Mughal Emperor did not Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
arrive, but he attacked the British lines April 1919 where he was killed in
of communication with his own small firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
armed force; inflicted heavy losses on PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
the British although his soldiers were H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
equipped with only ordinary p. 142; INMPM, I, p. 170]
weapons; wrote a letter to the Mughal
Emperor in association with his Hukam Singh: Resident of Kucha
compatriot, Mirza Muneer Beg, Kamboh, Katra Kohna, Amritsar city,
requesting reinforcements; held on to Punjab; s/o Jagat Singh; Tarkhan;
the territory captured from the British, student; was 12 years old when he
awaiting help from Delhi which, attended the public meeting at
however, never reached him; later Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Delhi was occupied by the British April 1919 where he was killed in
army and the Mughal Emperor was firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
made a prisoner; letter signed by him PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
and Mirza Muneer Beg was 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
discovered by the British in the 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 138; JBM,
Mughal records; the British p. 147; INMPM, I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 79]
Commissioner immediately
instructed the Collector of Hissar to Hukam Singh: Resident of Mauza
take strong action against Lala Hukam Madoke, teh. Ajnala, distt. Amritsar,
Chand Jain and Mirza Muneer Beg; Punjab; s/o Ganda Singh; Jat; farmer;
their houses were raided by the British was 30 years old when he attended the
authorities and both were arrested; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
tried and sentenced to death; hanged Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
118 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

was killed in firing by British troops. Hur Chund: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 participated in 1857 Uprising; took
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; active part in fighting against British
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; army; caught by British troops;
WWIM, I, p. 138; JBM, p. 145; INMPM, accused of plundering thµ a nas and
I, p. 170] rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Hukdad Khan: Resident of Gurgaon; executed by hanging on 27 February
Haryana; participated in Uprising of 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
1857; apprehended by British forces (1858), HSAP]
and convicted of rebellion against
British rule; sentenced to death on 10 Hur Deo: Resident of Chajju Nagar, distt.
November 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), in uprising of 1857; apprehended by
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 50; HSG, I, p. 396; the British; convicted of rebellion
RIH, p. 147] against British rule; sentenced to death
and executed by hanging on 13
Hukdal Bux: Resident of Badshahpur, January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; caught by F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p.
British troops; accused of rebellion 51; RIH, p. 148]
against British rule; convicted and shot
dead on 10 November 1857.[Judl. Deptt Hur Deo: Resident of Delhi; took part in
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Humer Khan: Resident of Delhi; took part British army; captured by British
in Uprising of 1857; participated in troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
defence against advancing British charged with rebellion against British
army; captured by British troops after rule; convicted and sentenced to death;
reoccupation and convicted of executed by hanging on 13 January
rebellion against British rule; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
sentenced to death and hanged in (1858), HSAP]
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] Hur Sewaug: Resident of Delhi; took part
in Uprising of 1857; participated in
Huns Ram: Resident of Delhi; took part defence of Delhi against advancing
in Uprising of 1857; participated in British army; captured by British
defence of Delhi against advancing troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
British army; captured by British charged with rebellion against British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and rule; sentenced to death and hanged
charged with rebellion against British in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
rule; executed by hanging on 27 3 (1858), HSAP]
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Hurdeo: Resident of Garli Patti, distt.
Gurgaon, Haryana; Jat; took active
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 119

part in plundering British property Hurjee Mull: Resident of Delhi; Bania;

during 1857 Uprising; captured by participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
British on charge of plundering and by British soldiers on charge of anti-
rebellion against British rule; British activities and charged with
convicted and sentenced to death; rebellion against British rule;
executed by hanging on 1 February sentenced to death and hanged on 22
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 51; HSG, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
I, p. 396; RIH, p. 147] III, p. 52]

Hurdial: Resident of Pehladpur, distt. Hurkoo: Resident of Sami, distt. Sonipat,

Faridabad, Haryana; Brahmin; Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857
participated in 1857 Uprising; Uprising; took active part in attacking
captured by British troops; accused of British officers and army; caught by
rebellion against British rule; British troops and imprisoned;
convicted and sentenced to death; charged with attack, murder and
executed by hanging on 12 February rebellion against British rule;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 convicted and sentenced to death;
(1858), HSAP] executed on 14 December 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Hurdial: Resident of Sami distt. Sonipat, HSAP]
Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857
Uprising; took active part in attacking Hurnam Singh: Resident of Delhi; took
British officers and army; caught by part in Uprising of 1857; caught by
British troops and imprisoned; British troops after reoccupation of
charged with attack, murder and Delhi; accused of rebellion against
rebellion against British rule; British rule; convicted and shot dead
convicted and sentenced to death; on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
executed on 14 December 1857.[Judl. (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Hurnam Singh: Resident of Gurgaon,
Haryana; Pandey; participated in
Huree Ram: Resident of Sami, Sonipat, Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
Haryana; Brahmin; participated in British forces and charged with
1857 Uprising; took active part in rebellion against British rule;
attacking British officers and army; sentenced to death on 15 December
caught by British troops and 1857 and shot dead. [Judl. Deptt
imprisoned; charged with attack, (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP;
murder and rebellion against British WWIM, III, pp. 52-53; RIH, p. 148]
rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; executed on 14 December Hurreeah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 participated in 1857 Uprising; took
(1858), HSAP] active part in fighting against British
army; caught by British troops;
120 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

accused of plundering thµ a nas and involved in the anti-British acts which
rebellion against British rule; occurred after the military picket
convicted and sentenced to death; (posted near the Deputy Commissio-
executed by hanging on 27 February nerís house) fired on unarmed
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 processionists; charged with taking
(1858), HSAP] part in the attack on the Alliance Bank
in which the Manager of Alliance
Husnah: Resident of Nagli, distt. Bank was killed; tried and convicted
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; in Amritsar Alliance Bank Murder
participated in Uprising of 1857; Case by Martial Law Commission and
apprehended by the British; charged executed on 25 June 1919. [H/Poll, B-
with rebellion against British rule; Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
sentenced to death and executed by NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, p. 79; FML]
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Hussi: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
HSAP] s/o Sikkandar; Zargar; attended the
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Hussain Ali: Resident of Rewari, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Haryana; s/o Musir Ali; served under was killed in firing by British troops.
Rao Tulla Ram during 1857 Uprising; [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
captured by the British and executed (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
on 6 May 1858 by orders of the Deputy (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 134; JBM, p.
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. 148; INMPM, I, p. 170; MOP, I, p. 79]
Hussyn Khan: Resident of Kucha Chelan,
Hussain Baksh Mughal: Resident of Delhi; Pathan; took active part in 1857
Delhi; took leading part in 1857 Uprising; caught by British troops on
Uprising against British rule; charge of rebellion against British rule;
participated in defence of Delhi convicted and sentenced to death;
against the advancing British army; executed by hanging on 1 February
captured by the British and executed 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
at Delhi on 23 February 1858.[WWIM, (1858), HSAP, WWIM, III, p. 58]
III, p. 58]
Hustee: Resident of Akhera, distt.
Hussani: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab Gurgaon, Haryana; Meo; participated
s/o Atar Din; active in organizing the in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
hartµal on 6April 1919 in Amritsar as the British; charged with rebellion
part of the nation-wide call of haætµal against British rule; sentenced to death
given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest and executed by hanging on 22
against the Rowlatt Act; joined the January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
procession which was taken out on 10 F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p.
April 1919 in Amritsar in protest 53; RIH, p. 148]
against the arrest of Dr. Satyapal and
Dr. Saif-ud-din Kitchlew; actively Hutteeah: Resident of Deghot, distt.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 121

Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated Hyder: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana;

in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
the British; convicted of rebellion took active part in fighting against
against British rule; sentenced to death British troops during Uprising of 1857;
and executed by hanging on 13 caught by British soldiers and charged
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), with rebellion against Britsih rule;
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. convicted and sentenced to death;
53; RIH, p. 148] executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
122 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Ibrahim: Resident of Katra Hakiman, January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Imam Din; F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
municipal contractor; was 25 years old
when he attended the public meeting Ilam Din: Resident of Bhilowal, teh.
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Ajnala, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; private
April 1919 where he was killed in employee; attended the public
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 139; JBM, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
p. 148; INMPM, I, p. 171; MOP, I, p. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p.
79] 143; INMPM, I, p. 171]

Idul: Resident of Khidwali, distt. Rohtak, Ilam Din: Resident of Mauza Chak
Haryana; Cobbler; participated in Mokand, teh. and distt. Amritsar,
1857 Uprising; took part in attacking Punjab; servant of Sher Singh, Katra
and looting British property; caught Jallianwala; was 20 years old when he
by British troops on charge of loot, attended the public meeting at
murder and rebellion against British Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
rule; convicted and sentenced to April 1919 where he was killed in
death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 139; INMPM, I, p.
Ilahee Bux: Resident of Meerut; Sheikh; 171]
went to Delhi and took acative part in
1857 Uprising; captured by British Illahee Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part
troops on charge of rebellion against in Uprising of 1857; participated in
British rule; convicted and sentenced defence of Delhi against advancing
to death; executed by hanging on 18 British army; captured by British
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 123

troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Imam Allea: Resident of Sohna, distt.
charged with rebellion against British Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Wazir;
rule; executed by hanging on 27 parcipated in 1857 Uprising; caught
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi by British troops on charge of rebellion
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by
Illahi Bux: Resident of Patiala, Punjab; hanging on 27 November 1857.[Judl.
sawµ a r in 13 th Irregular Cavalry; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
deserted British Indian Army and HSAP; RIH, p. 149; WWDFF, I, p. 171]
joined Uprising of 1857 in Delhi; took
active part in fighting against British Imam Allee: A sepoy in the Ludhiana
army; caught by British troops and Sikh Regiment of the British Army;
charged with desertion and mutiny deserted and participated in Uprising
against British rule; convicted and of 1857; captured by British soldiers;
sentenced to death; executed in charged with disloyalty and mutiny
58.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 against British rule; tried and
(1858), HSAP] sentenced to death; hanged on 3 April
1858. [Judl. Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No.
Illaroodeen: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; 52 (1858), HSAP]
took active part in 1857 Uprising;
caught by British forces after Imam Alli : Resident of Jharsah, distt.
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Mohamed;
mutiny against British rule; tried and parcipated in 1857 Uprising; caught
sentenced to death; hanged on 18 by British troops on charge of rebellion
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi against British rule; convicted and
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 4 December 1857.[Judl.
Imad Ali Munshi: Resident of Jhajjar, Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Haryana; an official in the court of the HSAP; RIH, p. 149; WWDFF, I, p. 172]
Nawab of Jhajjar; took part in 1857
Uprising against British rule; arrested Imam Ally Khan: Resident of
by Showers along with the Nawab in Bahadurgarh, distt. Rohtak, Haryana;
October, 1857; executed at Delhi in a sawµ a r in 2 nd Cavalry of Gwalior
December, 1857. [HSG, I, p, 397; RIH, Contingent; deserted British Indian
p. 149] Army and participated in 1857
Uprising; took active part in fighting
Imam Ali: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; against British army; captured by
s/o Noorish Ali; took active part in British troops; and charged with
1857 Uprising against British rule; desertion and mutiny against British
captured by British troops and rule; convicted and sentenced to
sentenced to death; executed at Delhi death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
on 27 December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Imam Bakhsh: Resident of v. Bas, distt.
124 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Gurgaon, Haryana; Meo; s/o Sanwat; executed by hanging on 27 February

also lived at Sringar; took part in 1857 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Uprising against British rule; captured (1858), HSAP]
and hanged on 22 January 1858. [HSG,
I, p, 397; RIH, p. 149] Imam Bux: Resident of Punjab; Urruu;
took part in 1857 Uprising; caught by
Imam Baksh alias Dalla: Resident of v. British forces and charged with
Sultanpur, distt. Mewat, Gurgaon, arresting and presenting British
Haryana; took active part in 1857 Government spy to Emperor;
Uprising against British rule; captured convicted and sentenced to death;
by the British and sentenced to death; executed by hanging on 24 December
executed at Delhi on 16 January 1857. 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
[WWIM, III, p. 59; HSG, I p. 397; RIH, (1858), HSAP]
p. 149; WWDFF, I, p. 172]
Imam Din: Resident of Kucha Mochian,
Imam Baksh Sahbai: Resident of Delhi; Katra Khazana, Amritsar city, Punjab;
Professor of Persian in Delhi College s/o Murad Bux; Lohar (blacksmith);
and author of several books; took was 50 years old when he attended the
leading part in 1857 Uprising against public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
British rule; captured by the British Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
after defeat of the anti-British forces was killed in firing by British troops.
at Delhi, shot dead near Rajghat in [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
September 1857; his two sons were (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
also shot dead at the same place; the H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
dead bodies were thrown into the p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 171; MOP, I, p.
Yamuna river. [WWIM, III, pp. 127-28; 79]
WWDFF, I, p. 350]
Imam Khan: Resident of Kanod, Haryana;
Imam Bux: Resident of Bijnaur, Uttar Chauhan; participated in 1857
Pradesh; Sheikh; went to Delhi and Uprising; captured by British soldiers;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took accused of rebellion against British
part in fighting against British army rule; convicted and sentenced to
in Delhi; caught by British soldiers death; executed by hanging on 18
after reoccupation of Delhi; accused January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
of rebellion and sentenced to death; F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
executed by hanging on 22 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Imam: Resident of Delhi; took part in
(1858), HSAP] Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Imam Bux: Resident of Kasulpura, Delhi; British army; captured by British
Baluchi; participated in 1857 Uprising; troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
caught by British troops on charge of charged with rebellion against British
rebellion against British rule; rule; executed by hanging on 27
convicted and sentenced to death; February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 125

Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] rule and hanged on 26 November

1857. [HSG, I, p, 397; RIH, p. 149]
Imamoolla Khan: Resident of Delhi;
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught Indar Singh: Resident of Malla, ps.
by British soldiers after reoccupation Jagrans, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Ala
of Delhi on charge of rebellion against Singh; Granth∂ of the Sikh temple at
British rule; convicted and sentenced Stockton; an important figure; went on
to death; executed by hanging on 18 to California; principal speaker of the
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Ghadar meeting at Stockton on 3
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] January 1914; a letter from him to Bhai
Bal Singh was intercepted in which he
Imamuddin: Resident of Palwal, distt. said that the news of the Komagata
Faridabad, Haryana; s/o Chand Maru enterprise was first received by
Khan; took part in 1857 Uprising the Sikhs from Germany; a member
against British rule; captured by the of the Vancouver Committee, formed
British and sentenced to death; to see the Immigration authorities
executed at Delhi on 7 January 1858. about the Komagata Maru; nominated
[WWIM, III, p. 59; HSG, I p. 397, RIH, by the Gurudwaras in America to tour
p. 149; WWDFF, I, p. 172] about the country disseminating
revolutionary ideas; a member of the
Imauu: Resident of Delhi; took part in Ghadar party on board the ss. Korea
Uprising of 1857; participated in on 29 August 1914; transshipped to
defence of Delhi against advancing the ss. Tosa Maru; on arrival in India,
British army; captured by British found to be in possession of a quantity
troops after reoccupation of Delhi on of manuscript in cipher, which men
charge of rebellion against British rule; deciphered, proved to be seditious
executed by hanging on 27 February poems; on intimate terms with Har
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Dayal; interned on arrival in India;
(1858), HSAP] tried and convicted in Lahore
Conspiracy Case under Section 121
Inam: Resident of Delhi; took part in (abetment of waging war), 121A and
Uprising of 1857; participated in 124A of IPC; sentenced to
defence of Delhi against advancing transportation for life. [GD, p. 63;
British army; captured by British LCC (TJ, 1915-16, p. 381, NAI; H/
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918; SFH,
charged with rebellion against British pp. 185, 296; INMPM, I, p. 107; HCJ,
rule; executed by hanging on 27 p. 251]
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Indar Singh: Resident of Padri Kalan, ps.
Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
Inayat Ali: Resident of Palwal, distt. Gurumukh Singh, Jat; took active part
Faridabad, Haryana; Sayed; took part in revolutionary activities; convicted
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; under Sections 302 and 398 of IPC;
charged with rebellion against British tried in the Pµadri Murder Case and
126 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

sentenced to death. [SFH, p. 230; p. 149; WWDFF, I, p. 174]

INMPM, I, p. 107]
Inzzur: Resident of Delhi; a male
Indar Singh: Resident of Sheikh Dowlat, attendant in Court of Emperor;
ps. Jagraon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o captured by British forces after
Phuman Singh, Jat; took active part reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on
in revolutionary activities; tried in the account of being attached with
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Imperial house and anti-British
Case; sentenced to transportation for activities; transported for life to
life. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May Rangoon as state prisoner. [F Poll No.
1916, NAI; SFH, p. 306; HCJ, p. 251] 52-125, 10 Dec 1858, NAI]

Indar Singh: Resident of Sursingh, ps. Iradutt Ali: Resident of Najafgarh, Delhi;
Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in Syed; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Pakistan); s/o Mula Singh, Nai of 35 caught by British troops; charged with
years; took active part in revolutio- rebellion against British rule;
nary activities; convicted and tried in sentenced to death and executed by
the First Burma Conspiracy Case hanging on 18 February 1858.[Judl.
(Mandalay Conspiracy Case, Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916); HSAP]
sentenced to transportation for life
and confiscation of property. [H/Poll- Irona: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana;
A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916, NAI; SFH, Kasai; participated in 1857 Uprising;
p. 297] took active part in fighting against
British troops; caught by British
Indar Singh: Resident of Begowal, distt. soldiers on charge of rebellion against
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Hakim Singh; British rule; sentenced to death and
Jat; farmer; was 36 years old when he executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
attended the public meeting at Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Irrah Ram: Resident of Awadh; Brahmin;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, went to Delhi and took active part in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 1857 Uprising; caught by British
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. troops on charge of rebellion against
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 140; JBM, British rule; convicted and sentenced
p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 171; MOP, I, p. to death; executed by hanging on 18
80] January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Inkar Shah: Resident of Gurgaon,
Haryana; took active part in 1857 Isar: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; s/
Uprising against British rule; captured o Lehna Singh; Jat; was 20 years old
by the British and sentenced to death; when he attended the public meeting
executed at Delhi on 24 March 1858. at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
[WWIM, III, p. 60; HSG, I, p. 397; RIH, April 1919 where he was killed in
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 127

firing by British troops. [H/Mil, railways tracks; arrested and

PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; sentenced to seven years rigorous
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; imprisonment and died in jail.
WWIM, I, p. 141; JBM, p. 134; INMPM, [WWIM, I, p. 140; MOP, I, p. 80]
I, p. 171; MOP, I, p. 80]
Isharut: Resident of Delhi; a lady in ¨arem
Ishak: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; of Emperor; captured by British forces
joined 1857 Uprising and took active after reoccupation of Delhi;
part in plundering European imprisoned on account of being
property; arrested by British troops attached with Bahadur Shah and anti-
and imprisoned on charge of British activities during Uprising of
plundering and rebellion against 1857; transported for life to Rangoon
British rule; tried and sentenced to as state prisoner. [F. Poll No. 52-125,
transportation for life on 14 October 10 Dec 1858, NAI]
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Hisar Div], Acc No.
9782 (1857) HSAP] Ishree Pershad: Served in the 45th Native
Infantry of British Indian Army;
Ishar Khan: Resident of Gurgaon, deserted and participated in Uprising
Haryana; Kaim Khani; participated in of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced
1857 Uprising; captured by British to death by the British on 17 June 1857
forces on charge of rebellion against at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt
British rule; convicted and sentenced (Ambala Div), F. No. 43 (1857), HSAP]
to death; executed by hanging on 18
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Ishtiak Alli: Resident of Rasulpur, distt.
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Faridabad, Haryana; participated in
1857 Uprising; caught by British
Ishar Singh alias Puran Singh: Resident soldiers; on charge of rebellion against
of Dhudike, ps. Moga, Ferozepore, British rule; sentenced to death and
Punjab; s/o Sajjan Singh; took active executed by hanging on 13 January
part in revolutionary activities; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F.No. 3
convicted under Sections 121, 121Z (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 60; RIH,
and 302/109 of IPC; sentenced to p. 149]
death and forfeiture of property in
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Ishtiaq Ali: Resident of v. Rasulpur, distt.
Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May Faridabad, Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o
1916, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Ashuk Ali; soldier in the Gwalior
Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 206, 297, 306; Contingent of British Indian Army;
INMPM, I, p. 107; WWIM, I, pp. 140- took part in 1857 Uprising against
41; MOP, I, p. 81] British rule; captured by British
soldiers and hanged on 5 January
Ishar: Resident of Shivdaspur, Jullundur, 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 60; HSG, I, p. 397;
Punjab; s/o Lehna; a member of the RIH, p. 150]
Ghadar Party; took active part in
sabotaging telephone lines and Ismail: Resident of Gujranwala, Punjab
128 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

(now in Pakistan); s/o Nizam Din; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
was killed on 14 April 1919 by bomb 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
dropped from aeroplane. [H/Mil, 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 141; JBM,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), p.148; INMPM, I, p. 171; MOP, I, p.
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 81]
171; MOP, I, p. 81]
Issory: Resident of Shahdara, Delhi;
Ismail: Resident of Katra Jaimal Singh; Chauhan; participated in 1857
Kucha Asadulla, Amritsar city, Uprising; arrested by the British on
Punjab; s/o Miran Bux; Zargar charge of rebellion against British rule;
(goldsmith); was 32 years old when sentenced to death; executed by
he attended the public meeting at hanging on 16 February 1858.[Judl.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
April 1919 where he was killed in HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 129

Jabab Khan: Soldier in the Ludhiana Jafur Hoosain: Resident of Rasulpur, distt.
Regiment of British Indian Army; Faridabad, Haryana; soldier in
posted at Ambala, Haryana; took part Gwalior Contigent of British Indian
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Army; deserted and took active part
captured by the British and charged in 1857 Uprising; apprehended by
with mutiny and desertion; sentenced British officer; charged with desertion
to death and executed. [WWIM, III, p. and rebellion against British rule;
61] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 5 January
Jabeer: Resident of Delhi; took part in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Uprising of 1857; participated in (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 61; RIH,
defence of Delhi against advancing p. 150]
British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Jafur Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
charged with rebellion against British Haryana; served in British Indian
rule; convicted and sentenced to Army; deserted and took active part
death; executed by hanging on 4 in 1857 Uprising; captured by British
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi officer on charge of desertion and
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Jafur Hoosain: Resident of Rasulpur, distt. executed by hanging on 8 January
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
1857 Uprising; caught by British (1858), HSAP]
soldiers on of charge rebellion against
British rule; sentenced to death and Jafur Khan: Resident of Gudhrana, distt.
executed by hanging on 13 January Faridabad, Haryana; s/o Basharat Ali;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 participa-ted in 1857 Uprising; caught
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 61] by British soldiers on charge of
rebellion against British rule;
130 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

sentenced to death and executed by the West Coast of America; described

hanging on 8 January 1858.[Judl. in a letter to Ajit Singh as doing ìa
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), very great deal of workî for the
HSAP; HSG, I, p. 398; RIH, p. 150] Ghadar; also as external Secretary of
the Ghadar; left San Francisco by ss.
Jagan Nath: Resident of Amritsar city, Korea on 29 August 1914 and was with
Punjab; clerk in private firm; attended Jowala Singh, one of the leaders;
the public meeting at Jallianwala having knowledge of bomb-making
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 and had visited Jowala Singhís farm
where he was killed in firing by British at Stockton to make experiments;
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. present at the time of the bomb
139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 explosion there which severely
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 143; JBM, p. injured a man from the United
142; MOP, I, p. 81] Provinces; left ss. Korea at Yokohama
and went to Tokyo; on return from
Jagan Nath: Resident of Amritsar city, there with other leaders, Jowala Singh
Punjab; s/o Bal Kishan; Mehra; clerk and Kesar Singh instructed Amar
in private firm; attended the public Singh and Ram Rakha in some special
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar mission; disembarked from ss. Korea
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed at Manila taking with him all arms
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, which had been collected on board
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; and a large bundle of seditious
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; literature which had been collected by
WWIM, I, p. 143; JBM, p. 148; INMPM, Amar Singh, Rajput, and Pirthi Singh;
I, p. 171; MOP, I, p. 81] rejoined party at Hong Kong where
he was elected a member of the
Jagan Nath: Resident of Kucha Moti Central Committee to carry on a
Mohala, Katra Khazana, Amritsar campaign in India; arrived in India by
city, Punjab; s/o Ram Dass; Khatri; ss. Tosa Maru but was not arrested at
private employee; was 32 years old that time; attempted to smuggle six or
when he attended the public meeting seven revolvers off the Tosa Maru but
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 was unable to do so, hid them in the
April 1919 where he was killed in cabin of the ship surgeon where they
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, were subsequently found; busy in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. furthering the ìcauseî in the Punjab;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. arrested in November at Peshawar;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 143; JBM, interned, convicted and tried under
p. 128; INMPM, I, p. 171; MOP, I, p. Section 121, 121A, 131 and 124A of
81] IPC in Lahore Conspiracy Case of
April-September; sentenced to death
Jagat Ram alias Sant Ram: Resident of and forfeiture of property; sentence
Hariana of Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o was afterwards commuted to
Dithi Ram; one of Har Dayalís right- transportation for life. [GD, pp. 67-68;
hand men in his Ghadar campaign on LCC (TR, 1915-16), p. 381, NAI; SFH,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 131

p. 186; HCJ, p. 251] Haryana; a jamaëdµar in the 4th Light

Cavalry of the British Indian Army;
Jagat Singh alias Jaggo: Resident of Vanjal, sent salµami (salute) to Imperial forces
ps. Raikot, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o of 1857 in Delhi in a letter dispatched
Sada Singh; an active member of the by the 4 th Cavalry Native Officer;
Ghadar dacoity party in the Punjab charged with crime of ìseditious
headed by Kartar Singh of Saraba and writingsî and loyalty to the Emperor;
Nawab Khan; present at the meeting captured, tried and sentenced to death
held in the jungle at Moga; also on 18 May 1858 at Fatehpur. [Judl.
attended meeting which took place Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No. 20 (1858),
close to Malanpur; responsible for the HSAP]
dacoity at Chauki Man Station. He
suspected the Station Master of Jagat Singh: Resident of Gujrawal, ps.
having detained a consignment of Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Dewa
arms, which had been sent from Singh, aged 45 years; took active part
Japan, packed up with some in revolutionary activities; sentenced
chinaware; convicted, sentenced to to transportation for life and forfeiture
death and hanged. [GD, p. 68; H/Poll- of property in Supplementary Lahore
A, Nos. 671-684 K.W., Oct 1915, NAI; Conspiracy Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos.
SFH, p. 301; INMPM, I, p. 107] 219-221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 307]

Jagat Singh alias Jai Singh: Resident of Jagdish: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
Sur Singh, ps. Khalra, Lahore (now in Brahmin; was 20 years old when he
Pakistan); s/o Arur Singh, Jat; attended the public meeting at
reported by the Canadian authorities Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
to be seditious and believed to have April 1919 where he was killed in
murdered Harnam Singh, a loyalist, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
in Vancouver; took part in dacoities PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
in Ludhiana and Amritsar, two of H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
which were attended with murder; p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 171; MOP, I, p.
helped in the manufacture of bombs; 82]
endeavoured to seduce troops at
Sargodha; convicted under Section Jagoo: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana;
121, 121A, 131, 132, 124A, 395, 396, Ranghar; participated in 1857
397/109, 398/109 and 302/109 of IPC Uprising; caught by British troops on
by Lahore Tribunal; sentenced to charge of rebellion against British rule;
death, forfeiture of property and convicted and sentenced to death;
hanged on 16 November 1915. [GD, executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
p. 68; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 381, NAI; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
SFH, p. 186; INMPM, I, p. 107; WWIM,
I, p. 144; MOP, I, pp. 10-11, 82; Jahana: Resident of Gujranwala, Punjab
WWPFF, II, p. xiii] (now in Pakistan); attended public
meeting, held on 5 April 1919 at
Jagat Singh: Resident of Ambala, Gujranwala city where four
132 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

innocuous resolutions were passed British troops; accused of rebellion

dealing with Rowlatt Act; took part in against British rule; convicted and
haætµal on 6 April 1919 in Gujaranwala shot dead on 10 November
as part of the nation-wide call of haætµal 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 62;
against the Rowlatt Act; actively RIH, p. 150]
involved in the complete haætµal on 14
April 1919, joined the mob, proceeded Jahangeera: Resident of Delhi; took part
towards railway station and in Uprising of 1857; participated in
destroyed church, post office, tehsil defence of Delhi against advancing
office, court house and railway British army; captured by British
station; arrested and tried in troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Gujranwala City Case No. I by Martial charged with rebellion against British
Law Commission and sentenced to rule; sentenced to death on 10
death. Later on the Lt.s Governor November 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
(Punjab), commuted the death Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
sentence to transportation for life. [H/ HSAP]
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
& KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] Jai Chand: Resident of Gujranwala,
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Labha
Jahana: Resident of Nagli, distt. Mal; cart-driver; was 25 years old
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active when he attended the public meeting
part in plundering and killing at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Englishmen during Uprising 1857; April 1919 where he was killed in
caught by British on charge of murder, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
plundering and rebellion against PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
British rule; convicted and executed PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 146; INMPM, I, p.
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. 171]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Jai Narain: Resident of Kucha
Chowrakhoh Amritsar city, Punjab;
Jahangeer Khan: Resident of Delhi; s/o Bhagat Ram; Khatri; hawker; was
Pathan; participated in 1857 Uprising; 32 years old when he attended the
took active part in fighting against public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
British army; caught by British troops Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
and charged with having magazine was killed in firing by British troops.
property and protecting anti-British [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
forces; convicted and sentenced to (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
death; executed by hanging on 27 H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi WWIM, I, p. 146; JBM, p. 130; INMPM,
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] I, p. 171; MOP, I, p. 86]

Jahangeera: Resident of Badshahpur, Jai Ram: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;

distt. Gurgaun, Haryana; caught by took part in 1857 Uprising against
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 133

British rule; attacked British party posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted

carrying money from treasury to and took leading part in 1857 Uprising
Jhajjar and distributed among poor against British rule; captured by
villagers; arrested in 1858; sentenced British soldiers; sentenced to death
to death and hanged in 1858 [WWIM, and hanged on 3 May 1858. [WWIM,
III, p. 7; HSG, I, p. 390] III, p. 64]

Jai Singh: Resident of Sursingh, ps. Jairam Singh: Resident of Amritsar,

Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in Punjab s/o Atma Singh; active in
Pakistan); s/o Arur Singh alias Jat organizing the haætµal on 6April 1919
Singh, Jat of 32 years; took active part in Amritsar as part of the nation-wide
in revolutionary activities; convicted call of haætµ a l given by Mahatma
and tried in the First Burma Gandhi to protest against the Rowlatt
Conspiracy Case (Mandalay Act; joined the procession which was
Conspiracy Case, Judgment delivered taken out on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar
on 27 July 1916); sentenced to in protest against the arrest of Dr.
transportation for life and confiscation Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din
of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti-
Sep 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 297] British acts which occurred after the
military picket (posted near the
Jail Singh: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
participated in 1857 Uprising; took on unarmed processionists; charged
active part in fighting against British with taking part in the attack on the
army; caught by British troops; National Bank in which two
accused of plundering thµ a nas and Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott)
rebellion against British rule; were killed; in supplementary
convicted and sentenced to death; Amritsar National Bank Murder Case
executed by hanging on 27 February by Martial Law Commission and
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 sentenced to death under section 121
(1858), HSAP] of Indian Penal Code; death sentence
later on commuted to transportation
Jai Singh: Resident of v. Bhaddal Thua, for life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab).
ps. Amloh-Nabha State, Punjab; [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-
zam∂ndµar; s/o Ganda Singh; a Kuka 265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
activist; participated in the attack on
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January Jakeeroodeen: Resident of Delhi; Syed;
1872; arrested and charged with took part in 1857 Uprising; captured
murder by the British Government; by British troops on charge of rebellion
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ against British rule; convicted and
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- sentenced to death; executed by
I, PSAP] hanging on 20 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Jaimal Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana HSAP]
Regiment of British Indian Army;
134 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Jalal Din: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab acative part in plundering English

s/o Sawan; joined the procession houses and helping anti-British forces;
which was taken out on 10 April 1919 caught by British troops; charged with
at Amritsar in protest against the plundering and rebellion against
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud- British rule; convicted and sentenced
din Kitchlew; actively involved in the to death; executed by hanging on 13
anti-British acts which occurred after March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
the military picket (posted near the F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Deputy Commissio-nerís house) fired
on unarmed processionists; charged Jaman Singh: Resident of Phakowal, ps.
with taking part in the attack on the Garshankar, Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o
Alliance Bank in which the Manager Teja Singh; went to Canada; worked
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried in on land clearing at Vancouver; one of
Amritsar Alliance Bank Murder Case a party who left Hong Kong by the ss.
by Martial Law Commission; was Standard in March 1915 for Bangkok;
sentenced to death and forfeiture for reported by the police of the colony
property under section 121 of Indian to be truculent; arrested and interned
Penal Code; death sentence later on in Burma in May; having come in
commuted to transportation for life by overland from Siam; died in custody
the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B- in Burma. [GD, p. 69; WWPFF, II, p.
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, 19]
Jan Mohomed: Resident of Badshahpur,
Jalleem: Resident of Palwal, distt. distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took active
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in part in 1857 Uprising; caught by
1857 Uprising; captured by British British troops; charged with rebellion
forces and charged with rebellion against British rule; convicted and
against British rule; convicted and shot dead on 10 November 1857.[Judl.
sentenced to death; executed by Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
hanging on 9 December 1857.[Judl. HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 65; RIH, p. 150]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Jang Baksh Khan: Resident of Delhi; took
part in 1857 Uprising against British
Jamal Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana rule; captured by British troops and
Regiment of British Indian Army; executed by hanging at Delhi on 18
posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 65;
and took leading part in 1857 Uprising WWDFF, I, p. 136]
against British rule; captured by
British soldiers; sentenced to death Jani: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o
and hanged on 3 May 1858. [WWIM, Muhammad Baksh; actively involved
III, p. 64] in the anti-British acts which occurred
after the military picket (posted near
Jamalodeen: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi; the Deputy Commissionerís house)
participated in 1857 Uprising; took fired on unarmed processionists;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 135

charged with taking part in the attack posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; took part
on the National Bank in which two in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott) captured by British soldiers and
were killed; tried in Amritsar National sentenced to death; hanged on 3 May
Bank Murder Case by Martial Law 1858. [WWIM, III, pp. 65-66]
Commission; was sentenced to death
and forefrieture of property under Jawahar Singh: Resident of Jhajjar,
section 121 of Indian Penal Code; Haryana; dµaroghfia of the magazine in
death sentence later on commuted to the service of the Nawab of Jhajjar;
transportation for life by the Lt. deserted and took part in 1857
Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc, Uprising against British rule; shot
Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; dead by the British forces in October
INCR, I; FML] 1857 after the all of Jhajjar. [HSG, I, p,
398; RIH, p. 150]
Janka: Resident of Nagli, distt. Faridabad,
Haryana; Meo; took active part Jawahar Singh: Resident of v. Baliyan, ps.
plundering and killing Englishmen and teh. Sherpur, Punjab; Khakrob; s/
during Uprising of 1857; caught by o Udham Singh; a Kuka activist;
British on charge of murder, participated in the attack on
plundering and rebellion against Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
British rule; convicted and executed 1872; arrested and charged with
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. murder by the British Government;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), blown to death with a cannon on 17/
HSAP] 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 132]
Jankee: Resident of Peladpur, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated Jawahar Singh: Resident of v. ps. and teh.
in 1857 Uprising; captured by British Amloh, Nabha State, Nabha, Punjab;
rule; accused of rebellion against zam∂ndµar; s/o Desa Singh; a Kuka
British rule; convicted and sentenced activist; participated in the attack on
to death; executed by hanging on 12 Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi 1872; arrested and charged with
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Jaswant Singh: Resident of Jhajjar, 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Haryana; a Jamaëdµar in the service of I, PSAP]
Nawab of Jhajjar; took part in 1857
Uprising against British rule; shot Jawahir Singh: Resident of Punjab; s/o
dead by the British forces on 18 Dal Singh; Kuka activist; involved in
October 1857 after the fall of Jhajjar. the attack on Malerkotla butchers on
[HSG, I, p, 398; RIH, p. 150] 15 January 1872; arrested and charged
with murder under Section 302 of
Jawab Khan: Soldier in the Ludhiana Indian Penal Code; confined in
Regiment of British Indian Army; Moulmein (Burma) jail under
136 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

provisions of Regulation III of 1818 Kalan Murder Case (Murder of

and died there on 29 November 1882. Zaildar Chanda Singh of Nangal
[H/Deptt, Judl-B, Dec. 1882, F Nos. Kalan); convicted and tried under
151-152, NAI; H/Deptt, Judl-B, Sections 121, 302/149 and 396 of IPC;
January 1883, F No. 58, NAI; KMFSP, sentenced to death and forfeiture of
pp. 210-213, 218-20, 245] property in Fourth Supplementary
Lahore Conspiracy Case (Date of
Jawala Singh alias Santa Singh: Resident Judgment 26-5-1918) and was hanged.
of Thathian, ps. Beas, Amritsar, [H/Poll-A, Nos. 55-7, Sep 1918, NAI;
Punjab; s/o Kannahya Singh, H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 K.W., Oct
Kumhar, aged 45 years; an important 1915, NAI; SFH, pp. 187, 207, 228, 236,
person in the Ghadar organization in 238, 292, 301; INMPM, I, p. 107u;
California; had a farm near Stockton MOP, I, p. 85]
visited by Jagat Ram, Pirthi Singh,
Amar Singh, Rajput and an unknown Jawand Singh: Resident of Kucha
person of United Provinces who had Baghwala, Katra Ramgarhian,
knowledge of bomb making; elected Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Kharak
as a member of the Central Managing Singh; Tarkhan (carpenter); was 50
Committee which was to arrange for years old when he attended the public
the campaign in India; meeting held meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
at Hong Kong in conjunction with on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Ghadar parties; founder of the Guru in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Gobind Singh Scholarships to which PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Indian students nominated by Har PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 151; INMPM, I, p.
Dayal were elected; arrested on arrival 172]
in India and interned under the name
of Santa Singh; convicted and tried Jawand Singh: Resident of Sursingh, ps.
under Sections 121, 121A, 131 and Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in
124A of IPC in Lahore Conspiracy Pakistan); s/o Uttam Singh, Jat of 32
Case; sentenced to transportation for years; took active part in
life. [GD, p. 78; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. revolutionary activities; convicted and
382, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct tried in the First Burma Conspiracy
1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 187-88, 297; HCJ, Case (Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
p. 251] Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916)
and sentenced to transportation for
Jawand Singh alias Jaswant Singh alias life and confiscation of property. [H/
Lachman alias Punjab Singh alias Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916, NAI;
Ram Chand: Resident of Nangal SFH, p. 297; HCJ, p. 251]
Kalan, ps. Mahilpur, Hoshiarpur,
Punjab; s/o Narain Singh; took active Jawar Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
part in revolutionary activities; Punjab; s/o Partap Singh; Arora;
absconded but was arrested; also took private employee; was 26 years old
part in Amritsar Canal Bridge Guard when he attended the public meeting
Case (Walla Bridge Case) and Nangal at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 137

April 1919 where he was killed in Faridabad, Haryana; took active part
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; captured by the British and sentenced
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; to death; executed at Delhi on 12
WWIM, I, p. 151; JBM, p. 141; INMPM, January 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 66; HSG,
I, p. 172; MOP, I, p. 84] I p. 398; RIH, p. 150; WWDFF, I, p. 188]

Jayaram: Resident of v. Kasum, Haryana; Jehangeer: Resident of Delhi; Gujar;

Jat; participated in Uprising of 1857; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
apprehended by the British; convicted active part in fighting against British
of rebellion against British rule; army; captured by British troops on
sentenced to death and executed by charge of plundering British property
hanging on 16 January 1858.[Judl. and rebellion against British rule;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), convicted and sentenced to death;
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 64; RIH, p. 150] executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Jayat Singh: Resident of Gurgaon, (1858), HSAP]
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; arrested by the Jetha Singh: Resident of Lopokhe,
British authorities and tried for Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Bahadur Singh;
ìsedition;î sentenced to death and employed in the Indian Army; joined
hanged on 15 December 1857. the Ghadar Party in 1914; took part in
[WWIM, III, p. 66; HSG, I p. 398; RIH, the nationalist movement; arrested
p. 150; WWDFF, I, p. 188] and tried for sedition; sentenced to
death died on the gallows in the
Jeet Singh: Resident of Delhi; Pandey; Ambala Jail in 1915 [WWIM, I, p. 152;
caught by British troops after MOP, I, p. 86]
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
rebellion against British rule; Jewan Singh: Resident of Dhulesingh-
convicted and shot dead on 15 wala, Patiala, Punjab; s/o Wazir
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Singh, Jat; came from Manilla to join
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] the the Korea passenger at Hong Kong;
sailed for India with them on Tosa
Jeetah: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi; Maru; accompanied by his wife who
Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising; also was a revolutionary; took part in
caught by British troops; charged with the activities of the revolutionaries in
highway robbery of British property; November 1914; one of the
convicted of rebellion against British Ferozeshahr murderers; convicted,
rule; sentenced to death and executed sentenced to death and hanged. [GD,
by hanging on 9 February 1858.[Judl. p. 71; H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 K.W.,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Oct 1915, NAI; SFH, p. 301; INMPM,
HSAP] I, p. 108; MOP, I, p. 86]

Jeeva: Resident of Chhajju Nagar, distt. Jewun: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;

138 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

participated in 1857 Uprising; took firing by British troops. [H/Mil,

active part in fighting against British PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
army; caught by British troops on 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
charge of plundering thµ a nas and 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 154; JBM,
rebellion against British rule; p. 138; MOP, I, p. 86]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 27 February Jhunda Singh: Resident of Thutta
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 [Thatta], Amritsar, Punjab; Kuka
(1858), HSAP] activist; involved in the attack on
Amritsar butchers on 14 and 15 June
Jeymulla: Resident of Palwal, distt. 1871; arrested and charged with
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated murder at Amritsar; tried in Amritsar
in 1857 Uprising; captured by British Butchers Murder Case 1871;
forces after reoccupation of this region sentenced under Section 109 and 302
by British troops; charged with of Indian Penal Code and executed on
rebellion and hanged on 9 December 30 June 1873. [H/Deptt, Judl-A, 4
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Nove 1871, F Nos. 67-68, NAI; H/
(1858), HSAP] Deptt, Judl-A, Aug 1874, F Nos. 101-
112, NAI]
Jhagar Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana
Regiment of British Indian Army; Jhogun: Resident of Nagli, distt.
posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted Faridabad, Haryana; participated in
and took leading part in 1857 Uprising 1857 Uprising; arrested by British
against British rule; captured by troops on charge of rebellion against
British soldiers; sentenced to death British rule; convicted and sentenced
and hanged on 3 May 1858. [WWIM, to death; executed by hanging on 27
III, p. 66] February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
Jhahmut Ali: Resident of Bareilly, Uttar III, p. 65; RIH, p. 150]
Pradesh; Sheikh; went to Delhi and
took active part in Uprising of 1857; Jhola: Resident of Delhi; took part in
caught by British troops; charged with Uprising of 1857; participated in
rebellion against British rule; defence of Delhi against advancing
sentenced to death and executed by British army; captured by British
hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl. troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), convicted of rebellion against British
HSAP] rule; executed by hanging on 27
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Jhanda Singh: Resident of Qiampur, teh. Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Ajnala, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
Mangal; Jat; farmer; was 30 years old Jhondah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
when he attended the public meeting participated in 1857 Uprising; took
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 active part in fighting against British
April 1919 where he was killed in army; caught by British troops;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 139

accused of plundering thµ a nas and rebellion against British rule;

rebellion against British rule; convicted and executed in 1857.[Judl.
convicted and sentenced to death; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
executed by hanging on 27 February HSAP]
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] Jia Ram: Resident of v. Kasum, Gurgaon,
Haryana; s/o Devi Singh; lambardµar of
Jhookoa: Resident of Nagli, distt. Kasum; took part in 1857 Uprising
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active against British rule; attacked the
part plundering and killing British party carrying money from the
Englishmen; caught by British on treasury to Jhajjar; captured the
charge of murder, plundering and treasure and distributed it among the
rebellion against British rule; poor villagers; arrested after the
convicted and executed by hanging on crushing of the Uprising in 1858;
5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi sentenced to death and executed by
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] hanging in his village in January 1858.
His associate, Albela Singh was also
Jhoonda: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; hanged on the same day. [Judl. Deptt
Runghar; participated in 1857 (Delhi Div.), F.No. 3 (1858), HSAP;
Uprising; took active part in fighting WWIM, III, p. 66-67; HSG, I p. 398;
against British troops; caught by RIH, p. 151]
British soldiers on charge of rebellion
against British rule; convicted Jinder Singh: Resident of Chowdhriwala,
sentenced to death; executed in ps. Gharinda, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Mangal Singh, aged 27 years; took
(1858), HSAP] active part in revolutionary activities;
sentenced to transportation for life
Jhubboo: Resident of Chaharel, Delhi; and forfeiture of property in
Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising; Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
took active part in fighting against Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May
British army; caught by British troops 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 307]
after reoccupation of Delhi; charged
with murder and rebellion against Jiwan Singh: Resident of Philloke, ps. Qila
British rule; convicted and sentenced Dider Singh, Gujranwala, Punjab
to death; executed by hanging on 22 (now in Pakistan); s/o Isher Singh,
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Brahmin; took active part in
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] revolutionary activities; convicted and
tried under Sections 121 and 121A of
Jhumahari: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; IPC in the First Burma Conspiracy
Brahman; sawµ a r in 13 th Irregular Case (Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
Cavalry of British Indian Army; Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916);
deserted and joined Uprising of 1857 sentenced to transportation for life.
at Delhi; captured by British troops; [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916,
charged with desertion, mutiny and NAI; SFH, p. 240; HCJ, p. 251]
140 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Jiwan Singh: Resident of v. Phul, ps. and convicted and sentenced to death;
teh. Sunam, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Dhaunkal Singh; a Kuka activist; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
participated in the attack on
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January Jowalir Khan: Resident of Bahadurgarh,
1872; arrested and charged with distt. Rohtak, Haryana; nµaib risµaldµar in
murder by the British Government; 2nd Cavalry of Gwalior Contingent;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ deserted British Indian Army and
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- participated in 1857 Uprising; took
I, PSAP] active part in fighting against British
army; captured by British troops on
Johahim: Resident of Teliwara, Delhi; charge of desertion and mutiny
took part in 1857 Uprising; caught by against British rule; convicted and
British troops on charge of plundering sentenced to death; executed in
British property; convicted and 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
sentenced to death; executed by (1858), HSAP]
hanging on 17 December 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Jowalla: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana;
HSAP] soldier in regiment of Nawab of
Jhujjar; took active part in fighting
Johoor Beg: Resident of Riwari, Haryana; against British army during 1857
Mughal; took active part in 1857 Uprising; caught by British troops on
Uprising; captured by British troops charge of fighting and rebellion
and charged with rebellion against against British rule; convicted and
British rule; sentenced to death and sentenced to death; executed at Jhajjar
executed by hanging on 18 January in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 3 (1858), HSAP]
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 65; RIH,
p. 150] Jubburdast Khan: Resident of Delhi;
Pathan; took active part in 1857
Jonkee: Resident of Delhi; Ahir; Uprising; caught by British troops
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught after reoccupation of Delhi; charged
by British troops on charge of rebellion with rebellion against British rule;
against British rule; convicted and convicted and sentenced to death;
sentenced to death; executed by executed by hanging on 1 February
hanging on 11February 1858.[Judl. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 154;
HSAP] WWDFF, I, P. 427]

Jowahir: Resident of Keloi, ditt. Rohtak, Jugroop: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;

Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857 Meo; took active part plundering and
Uprising; caught by British troops on killing Englishmen during Uprising of
charge of murder of British officers 1857; caught by British on charge of
and rebellion against British rule; murder, plundering and rebellion
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 141

against British rule; convicted and active part in attacking British officers
executed by hanging on 5 February and army; caught by British troops
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 and imprisoned on charge of attack,
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 61; RIH, murder and rebellion against British
p. 150] rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; executed on 14 December
Jumal: Resident of Kanod, Haryana; 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
participated in 1857 Uprising; joined (1858), HSAP]
Poordil Khan and accompanied him
to Delhi; took part in fighting against Jungoo: Resident of Nagli, distt.
British army; caught by British troops Faridabad, Haryana; Meo;
on charge of rebellion against British participated in Uprising of 1857;
rule; sentenced to death and executed apprehended by the British; charged
in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. with rebellion against British rule;
3 (1858), HSAP] sentenced to death and executed by
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Jumeyut: Resident of Delhi; a female Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
attendant in Court of Emperor; HSAP]
captured by British forces after
reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on Juswant : Resident of Dojana, distt. Jhajjar,
account of being attached with Haryana; a sawµar in British Indian
Imperial house during Uprising of Army; deserted and took active part
1857; transported for life to Rangoon in fighting against British army;
as state prisoner. [F Poll No. 52-125, caught by British troops; charged with
10 Dec 1858, NAI] possessing arms and rebellion against
British rule; convicted and sentenced
Jumma Phal: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
participated in 1857 Uprising; (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
captured by British forces and charged
with mutiny against British rule; Jwala Singh: Resident of Sathiala, teh. and
convicted and sentenced to death; distt. Amritsar, Punjab; was 60 years
hanged on 18 November 1857.[Judl. old when he attended the public
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
HSAP] on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Jumna: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; Jat; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139, (1921),
participated in 1857 Uprising; took PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 151; JBM, p. 136;
INMPM, I, p. 172; MOP, I, p. 85]
142 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Kabera: Resident of Nagli, distt. Kadoo: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active s/o Vashno Dass; Brahmin; was 18
part plundering and killing years old when he attended the public
Englishmen during Uprising of 1857; meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
caught by British on charge of murder, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
plundering and rebellion against in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
British rule; convicted and executed PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), p. 148; MOP, I, p. 87]
Kahan Chand: Resident of Gurdaspur,
Kabul Khan: Resident of v. Jaginali, Punjab; s/o Hem Raj; Brahmin;
Gurgaon, Haryana; Meo; soldier in the employee in Amritsar Distillery; was
Light Infantry of British IndianArmy; 25 years old when he attended the
took part in 1857 Uprising against public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
British rule; captured by British soldiers Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
and hanged in March 1858. [WWIM, III, was killed in firing by British troops.
p. 69; RIH, p. 151] [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
Kadir: Resident of Kanod, Haryana; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
participate in 1857 Uprising; joined WWIM, I, p. 159; JBM, p. 145; INMPM,
Poordil Khan and accompanied him I, p. 172; MOP, I, p. 87]
to Delhi; took part in fighting against
British army; caught by British and Kahan Singh: Resident of Gurgaon,
charged with rebellion against British Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
rule; sentenced to death and executed against British rule; arrested by the
in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. British authorities and tried for
3 (1858), HSAP] ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
hanged on 15 December 1857.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 143

[WWIM, III, p. 69; HSG, I p. 398; RIH, Kahna: Resident of distt. Amritsar, Punjab
p. 151] s/o Goman; actively involved in the
anti-British acts which occured after
Kahan Singh: Resident of v. Lehra, ps. the military picket (posted near the
Dehlon, Distt. Ludhiana, Punjab; Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
zam∂ndµar; s/o Akard Singh; a Kuka on unarmed processionists on 10
activist; participated in the attack on April 1919; charged with taking part
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January in the attack on the Alliance Bank in
1872; arrested and charged with which the Manager of Alliance Bank
murder by the British Government; was killed; tried in Amritsar Alliance
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Bank Murder Case by Martial Law
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Commission; was sentenced to death
I, PSAP] and forfeiture of property under
section 121 of Indian Penal Code;
Kahan Singh: Resident of v. Lehra, ps. death sentence later on commuted to
Sunam, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o Dalla transportation for life by the Lt.
Singh; a Kuka activist; participated in Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc,
the attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI;
15 January 1872; arrested and charged INCR, I; FML]
with murder by the British
Government; blown to death with a Kaka Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. Punjab; s/o Nihala; Chimba; was 32
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP] years old when he attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Kahan Singh: Resident of v. Sangowal, ps. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
and teh. Sahib Garth, Punjab, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Ramgarhia; s/o Hargulal Singh; a PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Kuka activist; participated in the H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 WWIM, I, p. 160; JBM, p. 148; INMPM,
January 1872; arrested and charged I, p. 172; MOP, I, p. 88]
with murder by the British
Government; blown to death with a Kala Khan: Resident of Delhi; took part
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. in Uprising of 1857; participated in
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP] defence of Delhi against advancing
British army; captured by British
Kahera: Resident of Nagli, distt. troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; charged with rebellion against British
participated in Uprising of 1857; rule; sentenced to death; executed by
apprehended by the British; charged hanging on 13 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt
with rebellion against British rule; (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
sentenced to death and executed by
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. Kala Singh alias Pritam Singh: Resident
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), of Jagatpur, ps. Sirhali, Amritsar;
HSAP] converted to Ghadar by Chanan Singh
144 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

of Burchand and others; he and convicted and tried in First Burma

Chanan Singh murdered Sardar Conspiracy Case (Mandalay
Achhar Singh of Jagatpur; took part Conspiracy Case, Judgment delivered
in the abortive attack on the on 27 July 1916); sentenced to
Kapurthala magazine; involved in the transportation for life and confiscation
Amritsar Canal Bridge Guard raid of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410,
(Walla Bridge Case) and Jagatpur Sep 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 297; HCJ, p.
Murder Case; convicted under 251]
Sections 396, 302-149 of IPC;
sentenced to death, forfeiture of Kala Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
property and hanged. [GD, p. 75; H/ Punjab; was 40 years old when he
Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 KW, Oct 1915, attended the public meeting at
NAI; SFH, pp. 235, 237, 301; INMPM, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
I, p. 108] April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Kala Singh: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
s/o Gulab Singh, carpenter; took H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
active part in anti-British activities; WWIM, I, p. 160; JBM, p. 134; MOP, I,
participated in Chabba dacoities; p. 88]
captured on the spot by the villagers;
found in possession of two cartridges; Kala Singh: Resident of v. Chabhal Kalan,
convicted under Sections 121, 121A Tarn Taran, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/
and 396 of IPC, and sentenced by o Gulab Singh; Tarkhan (carpenter);
Lahore Tribunal to death and was 50 years old when he attended the
forfeiture of property; sentence was public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
reduced by the Lieutenant-Governor Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
to transportation for life; deported to was killed in firing by British troops.
Andamans in 1916. [GD, P.75; LCC [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(TJ, 1915-16), p. 382, NAI; H/Poll-A, (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
188, 297; UHFSA, p. 93; HCJ, p. 251; WWIM, I, p. 161; JBM, p. 135; INMPM,
MOP, I, p. 88] I, p. 172; MOP, I, p. 88]

Kala Singh: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; Kala: Resident of Khidwali, distt. Rohtak,
s/o Taba Singh; attended the public Haryana; sweeper; participated in
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar 1857 Uprising; took part in attacking
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed and looting British property; caught
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, by British troops on charge of looting,
p. 161] murder and rebellion against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to
Kala Singh: Resident of Sursingh, ps. death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in (Delhi Div.), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Pakistan); s/o Ghasita Singh; took
active part in revolutionary activities; Kalam Jat: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 145

Jat; took part in 1857 Uprising against Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
British rule; captured by British
soldiers and hanged in January 1858. Kallu Jat: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
[WWIM, III, p. 69; HSG, I p. 399; RIH, Jat; peasant; took part in 1857 Uprising
p. 151] against British rule; captured by
British soldiers and hanged in January
Kalan Mirza: Resident of Gurgaon; took 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 70; HSG, I p. 399;
part in 1857 Uprising against British RIH, p. 151]
rule; charged with rebellion against
British rule and hanged on 15 Kaloo Sheikh: Resident of Sonipat,
December 1857. [HSG, I, p, 399; RIH, Haryana; Sheikh; took active part in
p. 151] 1857 Uprising against British rule;
participated in defence of Delhi
Kallah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; against the advancing British army;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took captured by the British and executed
active part in fighting against British at Delhi on 24 December 1857.
army; caught by British troops; [WWIM, III, p. 70; HSG, I p. 399; RIH,
charged with plundering thµanas and p. 151; WWDFF, I, p. 197]
rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Kalu Mal: Resident of Amritsar city,
executed by hanging on 27 February Punjab; s/o Veshno Das; attended the
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
(1858), HSAP] Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops.
Kallan: Resident of v. Dighot, distt. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Faridabad, Haryana; s/o Mohan (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
Singh; took part in 1857 Uprising (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 148; INMPM, I,
against British rule; cought by British p. 172; MOP, I, p. 88]
troops on charge rebellion against
British rule and hanged on 13 January Kalunder Bux: Resident of Delhi;
1858. [HSG, I, p, 399; RIH, p. 151] participated in 1857 Uprising; took
active part in fighting against
Kalle Khan: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; advancing British army; captured by
a sawµ a r in British Indian Army; British troops on charge of rebellion
participated in 1857 Uprising; against British rule; convicted and
deserted and took active part in sentenced to death; executed by
fighting against British army hanging on 23 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt
alongwith other fellows; caught by (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
British troops on account of
possessing arms and fighting against Kalyan Singh Rajput: Resident of Delhi;
British; convicted of desertion and took leading part in 1857 Uprising
rebellion against British rule; against British rule; participated in
sentenced to death and executed at defence of Delhi against advancing
Jhajjar in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi British army; captured by the British
146 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

and executed at Delhi on 13 Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ruldu Ram;

November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 70; joined the procession which was taken
WWDFF, I, p. 198] out on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar in
protest against the arrest of Dr.
Kamdar Khan: Resident of Jhajhar, Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din
Haryana; a sawµar in service of nawab; Kitchlew, actively inolved in the anti-
took active part in 1857 Uprising; British acts which occurred after the
caught by British troops and charged military picket (posted near the
with sedition and rebellion against Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
British rule; convicted and sentenced on unarmed processionists. The
to death; executed in 1857-58. [Judl. wounded people could not get even
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), the first aid in Civil Hospital. The mob
HSAP] attacked on National Bank, Alliance
Bank and killed few Englishmen
Kamla Dutt: Resident of Delhi; took part there. Kanhya and few others had
in public demonstration in Delhi gone to the goods-shed and killed Mr.
against Rowlatt Act during March- Robinson, railway guard; was
April 1919. On 30 March 1919 British arrested, tried in Guard Robinson
troops fired on unarmed people by Murder Case by Martial Law
orders of Mr. Currie (Additional Commission and sentenced to death.
District Magistrate) at Delhi railway However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab)
station and near Clock Tower; sixty afterward commuted the death
persons were killed and wounded. sentence to transportation for life. [H/
Again on 17 April 1919 police picket Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
opened fire on demonstrators, 18 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
persons were injured, of whom two
died subsequently. Kamla Dutt was Kaniya Lal: Resident of Amritsar city,
one of those who get injured in one of Punjab; s/o Harbhagwan; attended
these firings and later he died. the public meeting at Jallianwala
[WWDFF, II, pp. xxxii; FMD, pp. 268- Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919
74; GID, pp. 98-100] where he was killed in firing by British
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No.
Kan Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, 139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
Punjab; s/o Hem Raj; Brahmin; was (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 139; INMPM, I,
28 years old when he attended the p. 172]
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Kanshi Ram: Born in 1883, resident of
was killed in firing by British troops. Maroli Kalan, Ambala, Haryana; s/o
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Ganga Ram; started revolutionary
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 activities about the year 1903 after he
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 129; INMPM, I, had gone to America and seen the
p. 172] plight of Indians there; a great admirer
of Sufi Amba Prasad and Lala
Kanhya alias Gayu: Resident of distt Hardyal; his close associates were
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 147

Sohan Singh Bhakna, Kartar Singh was killed in firing by British troops.
Sarabha, Santokh Singh and G.D. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Kumar; member of the Indian (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
Association; founder of Indian H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Independent League at Portland; WWIM, I, p. 165; JBM, p. 145; INMPM,
made donation of 200 dollars to I, p. 173; MOP, I, p. 89]
Ghadar party funds; arrived in India
in October 1914 for Ghadar party Kanshi: Resident of Sathiala, teh. and
works; selected Ludhiana as a centre distt. Amritsar, Punjab; Arora; was 50
of his activities; visited several army years old when he attended the public
cantonments and explained the aims meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
and objects of Ghadar party; for on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
securing more funds for secret plan of in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
the party he helped a band of 15 PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
revolutionaries to plunder the Moga H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Government treasury on 25 p. 136; INMPM, I, p. 172; MOP, I, p.
November 1914, in violent clash a 89]
Sub-Inspector and a Zaildµar were shot
dead; convicted and tried in the First Kapur Singh: Resident of Mohi, ps.
Lahore Conspiracy Case; sentenced to Dakha, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Mit
death and confiscation of property; Singh; took active part in revolutio-
hanged on 27 March 1915. [EFFP, pp. nary activities; convicted and tried
144-45; WWIM, I, p. 166; MOP, I, pp. under Sections 121 and 121A of IPC
13-14, 89; WWPFF, II, pp. xvi-xvii] in the First Burma Conspiracy Case
(Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
Kanshi Ram: Resident of Talwindi Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916);
Phindran, distt. Sialkot, Punjab (now sentenced to transportation for life.
in Pakistan); s/o Mathura Das; [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916,
Brahmin; was 53 years old when he NAI; SFH, p. 241; HCJ, p. 251]
attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Karam Chand alias Milla: Resident of
April 1919 where he was killed in Namak Mandi, Amritsar city, Punjab;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, s/o Labhu; Arora; was 21 years old
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; when he attended the public meeting
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
WWIM, I, p. 165; JBM, p. 145; INMPM, April 1919 where he was killed in
I, p. 173; MOP, I, p. 89] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Kanshi Ram: Resident of v. Bahlolpur, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
teh. Shakargarh, distt. Gurdaspur, p. 148; INMPM, I, p. 173; MOP, I, p.
Punjab; s/o Moti Ram; Saini; labourer; 90]
was 23 years old when he attended the
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Karam Chand: Resident of Lakhna, distt.
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
148 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

s/o Khushal Chand; Khatri; Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;

shopkeeper; was 38 years old when took part in 1857 Uprising against
he attended the public meeting at British rule; arrested by the British and
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 charged with mutiny; sentenced to
April 1919 where he was killed in death and executed on 15 April 1858.
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, [WWIM, III, p. 71]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 167; INMPM, I, p. Karam Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana
173] Regiment of British Indian Army;
deserted and took leading part in 1857
Karam Chand: Resident of distt. Amritsar, Uprising against British rule; captured
Punjab s/o Faqir Chand; joined the by British soldiers and charged with
procession which was takn out on 10 mutiny and sedition; sentenced to
April 1919 in Amritsar in protest death and hanged on 23 April
against the arrest of Dr. Satyapal and 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 71]
Dr. Saif-ud-din Kitchlew; actively
involved in the anti-British acts which Kareemullah: Resident of v. Rasulpur,
occurred after the military picket distt. Faridabad, Haryana; took active
(posted near the Deputy Commissio- part in 1857 Uprising against British
nerís house) fired on unarmed rule; captured by the British and
processionists; charged with taking sentenced to death; executed at Delhi
part in the attack on the National Bank on 16 January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 71;
in which two Europeans (Mr. Stewart HSG, I p. 399; RIH, p. 151; WWDFF, I,
and Mr. Scott) were killed; tried in p. 206]
Amritsar National Bank Murder Case;
by Martial Law Commission; was Karim Baksh: Resident of Delhi; took
sentenced to death and forfeiture of leading part in 1857 Uprising against
property under section 121 of Indian British rule; participated in defence of
Penal Code; death sentence later on Delhi against advancing British army;
commuted to transportation for life by captured by the British and executed
the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B- at Delhi on 7 December 1857. [WWIM,
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, III, pp. 71-72; WWDFF, I, p. 206]
Karim Baksh: Resident of Delhi; took
Karam Singh: Resident of Haripur, leading part in 1857 Uprising against
Jullundur, Pujnab; s/o Bhana Ram; British rule; captured by British troops
took active part in revolutionary and executed by hanging at Delhi on
activities in Punjab during the Ghadar 20 January1858. [WWIM, III, p. 71;
period; arrested and sentenced to WWDFF, I, p. 206]
death; died on the gallows in the
Lahore Central Jail in 1915. [WWIM, Karim Baksh: Resident of Shahdara,
I, pp. 160-61; MOP, I, p. 2] Delhi; took part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; captured by
Karam Singh: Soldier in the British Indian British troops and executed by
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 149

hanging at Delhi on 27 February 1858. Karm Baksh: Resident of Amritsar,

[WWIM, III, p. 206] Punjab s/o Nabi Baksh; active in
organizing the haætµal on 6April 1919
Karim Baksh: Resident of Sonipat, in Amritsar as part of the nation-wide
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising haætµal to protest against the Rowlatt
against British rule; participated in Act; joined the procession which was
defence of Delhi against advancing taken out on 10 April 1919 in Amritsar
British army; captured by the British in protest against the arrest of Dr.
and executed at Delhi on 24 December Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din
1857. [WWIM, III, pp. 71-72; HSG, I p. Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti-
399; RIH, p. 151; WWDFF, I, p. 207] British acts which occurred after the
military picket (posted near the
Karim Din: Resident of Sohian Kalan, Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Gulab; on unarmed processionists; charged
Lohar (blacksmith); was 22 years old with taking part in the attack on the
when he attended the public meeting National Bank in which two
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott)
April 1919 where he was killed in were killed; tried in Amritsar National
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Bank Murder Case; by Martial Law
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Commission; was sentenced to death
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. and forfeiture of property under
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 167; section 121 of Indian Penal Code;
JBM, p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 173; MOP, death sentence later on was
I, p. 91] commuted to transportation for life by
the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-
Karim: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
Chaukidar; was 40 years old when he NAI; INCR, I; FML]
attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Karm Chand alias Billa: Resident of
April 1919 where he was killed in Kucha Gandanwala, Namak Mandi,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Lal Chand;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Arora; private employee; was 27 years
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; old when he attended the public
WWIM, I, p. 169; JBM, p. 133; INMPM, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
I, p. 173; MOP, I, p. 91] on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Karim: Resident of Delhi; took leading PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
part in 1857 Uprising against British PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 167; INMPM, I, p.
rule; participated in defence of Delhi 173]
against advancing British army;
captured by the British and executed Karm Singh: Resident of Kotla Ajner, ps.
at Delhi on 30 November 1857. Khanna, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
[WWIM, III, p. 71; WWDFF, I, p. 206] Sunder Singh, aged 45 years; an active
participant in revolutionary activities;
150 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

absconded in the first case but was himself composed some patriotic
arrested; convicted and tried under poems in Punjabi. With that Kartar
Sections 121 and 395 of IPC in the Singhís work increased manifold. In
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy 1914 Kartar Singh went to New York
Case; sentenced to transportation for and got trained there in flying
life and forfeiture of property. [H/ aeroplanes. In the same year, he was
Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May 1916, NAI; deputed to contact Baba Gurdit Singh
SFH, pp. 189, 208, 307] of the Kamagata Maru on his return
from Japan and reached Colombo in
Kartar Singh alias Narain Singh: Resident September 1914. From there he
of Patiala, Punjab; s/o Bishen Singh, returned to the Punjab as determined
aged 25 years, Goldsmith; an active revolutionary intent upon working for
participant in revolutionary activities; the expulsion of the British from India,
absconded in the first case but was worked quietly for some time among
arrested; convicted and tried under the villagers, trying to arouse their
Section 121 of IPC in the Supplemen- sentiments in favour of freedom from
tary Lahore Conspiracy Case; British rule. Approver Sucha Singh
sentenced to transportation for life; stated in his statement that Kartar
deported to Andamans. [H/Poll-A, Singhís morning orison consisted of
Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI; SFH, ìMaro Faringhiî and that his ìreligion
pp. 208, 307; UHFSA, pp. 93-94; HCJ, was to kill the Europeansî. Kartar Singh
p. 251] took part in the robbery committed in
the village of Sahniewala to buy arms
Kartar Singh Saraba (1896-1915) Born in in order to fight against the British.
1896; resident of v. Saraba, Ludhiana, After that he left for Bengal and met
Punjab; s/o Mangal Singh; Jat. He left Vishnu Ganesh Pingley, Sachindra
for Vancouver in 1907. He reached Nath Sanyal, Rash Behari Bose, and
San Francisco in 1912, and obtained others. He planned with the Bengal
admission to the University of revolutionaries for an organised
California; reacted strongly to the Ghadar in Punjab and other parts of
treatment given to the Indian the country; visited the cantonments
labourers, contemptuously labeled as of Meerut, Ambala, Ferozepur,
ëdamned Hindusí or ëdamned Colliesí. Lahore and Rawalpindi, and exhorted
His restless ardour soon brought him the soldiers to rise against the British
into contact with other Indians; along rule in the cause of liberty and
with some other students, he independence. But he and his sixty
established Nalanda Students Hostel collaborators were betrayed by Kirpal
at Berkeley and started living there. Singh. Kartar Singh and other Ghadar
Occasionally, Lala Hardayal also went heroes were put under trial in 1915 on
to stay in that Hostel. Kartar Singh a charge of seditious conspiracy.
joined the Ghadar Party as the Kartar Singh gave a full statement in
youngest of its founder members and the court and gave an account of his
began to devote most of his time to skillfull performances. Next day also
the publication of the Ghadar. He he repeated it. The judge warned him
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 151

about the consequences of his the haætµ a l on 15 April 1919 at

statement. Kartar Singh replied, ìYou Chuharkana; proceeded towards
can only hang us, isnít it? Do you think railway station with others and took
we are afraid?î Kartar Singh was implements from railway gang,
convicted of offences under sections damaged line and burnt railway
121 (abetment of waging war), 121 A, station. Afterwards an armoured train
122, 124 A, 395, 396, 397, 398, 131 and with military and machine-guns
132 of the Indian Penal Code and arrived there and did indiscriminate
awarded with death sentence. Kartar shooting. Kartar Singh and others
Singh and his colleagues were hanged were arrested, tried in Chuharkana
in the Lahore Central jail on 16 Case by Martial Law Commission and
November 1915. [LCC (TJ 1915-16), sentenced to death. However, the Lt.
NAI; GD, p 80; DNB, IV, pp. 51-52; IR, Governor (Punjab) afterward
II, pp. 52-67; SFH, p. 188] commuted the death sentence to
transportation for life. [H/Poll, B-
Kartar Singh: Resident of Amritsar city, Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
Punjab; s/o Ganda Singh; Arora; was NAI; INCR, I; FML]
40 years old when he attended the
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Kartar Singh: Resident of Chand Mau, ps.
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Bagha Purana, Ferozepur, Punjab; s/
was killed in firing by British troops. o Sundar Singh, Jat; took active part
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 in revolutionary activities against
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 British rule; convicted and tried under
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 140; INMPM, I, Sections 121 and 121A of IPC in the
p. 173; MOP, I, p. 92] Second Supplementary Lahore
Conspiracy Case (Date of Judgment
Kartar Singh: Resident of Mauza Mangat, 5-1-1917); sentenced to death and
teh. Khalia, distt. Gujrat, Punjab (now forfeiture of property; sentence was
in Pakistan); s/o Ganda Singh; Arora; commuted to one of transportation for
confectioner; was 40 years old when life and forfeiture of property. [H/
he attended the public meeting at Poll-B, Nos. 242-43, May 1917, NAI;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 SFH, pp. 224, 290]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Kartar Singh: Resident of Sursingh, ps.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Khalra, Lahore; s/o Mangal Singh,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. aged 25 years, Goldsmith; an active
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 170; JBM, part in revolutionary activities;
p. 145; INMPM, I, p. 173] arrested, and tried in the Supplemen-
tary Lahore Conspiracy Case;
Kartar Singh: Resident of Chuharkana, sentenced to transportation for life.
distt Gujranwala, Punjab (now in [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May 1916,
pakistan); s/o Teja Singh; actively NAI; SFH, p. 307; HCJ, p. 251]
participated in the complete haætµal on
12 April 1919 at Chuharkana; joined Kashi Ram: Resident of Morall, ps.
152 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Morinda, Ambala, Haryana; s/o p. 173; MOP, I, p. 93]

Ganga Ram, Brahmin, member of one
of the Committee which founded the Kashmiri Singh: Resident of Amritsar
Ghadar movement to which he city, Punjab; attended the public
subscribed 200 dollars; in America for meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
9 or 10 years; conspicuous throughout on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
the whole Coast; present at the in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
meeting held in the Sikh temple at PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Vancouver on 27 December 1913 at H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
which he read a poem against Babu p. 148; INMPM, I, p. 173]
Singh and others who helped the
authorities; left America in October Kataar Singh: Resident of v. Dhanaula,
1914; arrived in Calcutta by ss. Loma; Nabha State, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o
found in his possession papers and Tek Singh; a Kuka activist; participa-
articles belonging to P.A. Khankode; ted in the attack on Malerkotla, Punjab
on his arrival at his home quickly on 15 January 1872; arrested and
joined the campaign of the Punjab; a charged with murder by the British
member of Moga dacoity party at Government; blown to death with a
Bhadowal with Nidhan Singh; cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No.
arrested in the Ferozshahr murder H 92 M Part-I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p.
case; convicted and hanged. [GD, p. 148]
81; H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 KW, Oct
1915, NAI; SFH, p. 301; INMPM, I, p. Kawul Khan: Resident of Nagina, distt.
108] Mewat, Haryana; served in British
Army; deserted and took active part
Kashi Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, in 1857 Uprising; captured by British
Punjab; Brahmin; private employee; officer on charged of desertion and
attended the public meeting at rebellion against British rule;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 convicted and sentenced to death;
April 1919 where he was killed in executed by hanging on 29 March
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; (1858), HSAP]
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWIM, I, p. 165; JBM, p. 143; INMPM, Kazim Alee: Resident of Delhi; Ranghar;
I, p. 172] participated in 1857 Uprising; took
active part in fighting against British
Kashmir Singh: Resident of Amritsar city, army and killing British officers in
Punjab; s/o Gurdiyal Singh; attended Lucknow; went to Delhi and caught
the public meeting at Jallianwala by British troops; charged with
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 murder and rebellion against British
where he was killed in firing by British rule; convicted and sentenced to
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 148; INMPM, I,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 153

Kehar Singh alias Kesari Singh alias H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Kesar Singh: Resident of Sirhali, WWIM, I, p. 173; JBM, p. 145; INMPM,
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Bhagat Singh, I, p. 173; MOP, I, p. 96]
aged 27 years; sepoy of 23rd Cavalry
Platoon; arrested and Court Keher Singh: Resident of Mauza
Martialled at Dugsai in 1915 in Sultanwind, distt. Amritsar, Punjab;
connection with the mutiny in 23rd s/o Veer Singh; Jat; farmer; was 26
Cavalry Platoon; sentenced to years old when he attended the public
transportation for life and deported to meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Andamans in October 1915. [UHFSA, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
p. 94] in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Kehar Singh: Resident of Ferozepore, 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Punjab; s/o Bhan Singh, aged 36; took 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 173; JBM,
part in the revolutionary activities and p. 140; INMPM, I, p. 173; MOP, I, p.
Ghadar movement; arrested on 29 94]
September 1914; sentenced to
transportation for life in the First Kehr Singh, alias K.S. Sidhu: Resident of
Lahore Conspiracy Case of 1915; Sahnewal, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
deported to Andamans. [UHFSA, p. Bhagel Singh; took active part in
94; HCJ, p. 251] revolutionary activities; absconded in
the first case was arrested in May
Kehar Singh: Resident of Dharmsala 1916; convicted and tried under
Peshawarian, Amritsar city, Punjab; Sections 121, 121A and 395/109 of IPC
s/o Gopal Singh; Saini; private in Second Supplementary Lahore
employee; was 20 years old when he Conspiracy Case; sentenced to
attended the public meeting at transportation for life and forfeiture
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 of property. [SFH, pp. 189, 224;
April 1919 where he was killed in INMPM, I, p. 108]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Kehr Singh: Resident of Mirhana, ps.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Nihal
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 173; JBM, Singh; a returned emigrant, 62 year of
p.135; MOP, I, p. 94] age; took part in the revolutionary
activities in the Punjab and was in
Kehar Singh: Resident of Her Bhakna, teh. possession of arms and explosives;
Tarn Taran, Punjab; s/o Sham Singh; convicted under Sections 121, 121A
Jat; farmer and Gurdwara priest; was and 122 of IPC; sentenced by Lahore
40 years old when he attended the Tribunal to transportation for life and
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, forfeiture of property; deported to
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Andamans and died in the Cellular
was killed in firing by British troops. Jail in 1920. [GD, p. 82; LCC (TJ, 1915-
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 16), p. 382, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No.
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; 91, Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 189, 298;
154 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

INMPM, I, p. 108; UHFSA, p. 94; transportation for life; deported to

WWIM, I, p. 173; HCJ, p. 251] Andamans. [LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 382,
NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct
Kehr Singh: Resident of Mauza Varpal, 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 189, 298; UHFSA,
Jail Jandiala, teh. and distt. Amritsar, p. 94; HCJ, p. 251]
Punjab; s/o Asa Singh; Jat; cultivator;
was 22 years old when he attended the Kesar Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Punjab; s/o Gopal Singh; was 15 years
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he old when he attended the public
was killed in firing by British troops. meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 173; in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
INMPM, I, p. 173; MOP, I, p. 94] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Kesar Mal: Resident of Hafizabad, distt. p. 135; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p.
Gujranwala, Punjab (now in 95]
Pakistan); s/o Nanak Chand; took
part in the complete haætµal against Kesar Singh: Resident of Mauza Raja
British rule on 14 April 1919 in Sansi, teh. Ajnala, Punjab; s/o Chandu
Hafizabad. He was one among those Mal; Arora; confectioner; was 19 years
who had gone to railway station, old when he attended the public
stopped train and attacked Lieutenant meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Tatam, who was setting in a first class on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
compartment with his little boy. But in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
meanwhile, others in crowd resented PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
this behaviour and protected Tatam. 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Kesar Mal and few others were 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 174; JBM,
arrested tried in Hafizabad Case by p. 139; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p.
Martial Law Commission and 94]
sentenced to death. However, the
Lieutenant Governor (Punjab) Kesar Singh: Resident of v. Gill, ps. Phul,
afterward commuted the death State Nabha, Punjab; s/o Dhian Singh;
sentence to transportation for life. [H/ a Kuka activist; participated in the
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15
& KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] January 1872; arrested and charged
with murder by the British
Kesar Singh: Resident of Thatghar, ps. Government; blown to death with a
Raikot, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Bhup cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No.
Singh, Jat of 40 years; took active part H 92 M Part-I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 95]
in revolutionary activities; convicted
under Sections 121, 121A, 124 and 131 Kesho Ram: Resident of Delhi; took part
of IPC; sentenced to death and in public demonstration at Delhi
forfeiture of property, later death against Rowlatt Act on 30 March 1919.
sentence was commuted to one of British troops fired on unarmed
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 155

people by orders of Mr. Currie Khairathee: Resident of Delhi; participa-

(Additional District Magistrate) at ted in 1857 Uprising; captured by
Delhi railway station and near Clock British troops on charge of rebellion
Tower; sixty persons were killed and against British rule; convicted and
wounded. Kesho Ram was one of sentenced to death; executed by
those who received bullet wound in hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
the firing by the police and died on Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 32 (1858),
the same day. [H/Poll (Depo), Oct. HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 73; WWDFF, I,
1919, F. No. 34, NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; p. 211]
WWIM, II, p. 153; FMD, pp. 268-69]
Khairati Khan: Resident of Delhi; took
Kewal Khan: Resident of Saral, Firozepur, part in 1857 Uprising against British
distt. Mewat, Gurgaon, Haryana; rule; captured by British troops and
Meo; s/o Saikhan; took part in 1857 executed by hanging at Delhi on 27
Uprising against British rule; cought February 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 73;
by British troops on charge of rebellion WWDFF, I, p. 211]
against British rule and hanged on 29
March 1858. [HSG, I, p, 399; RIH, p. Khairattee: Resident of Narnaul, distt.
152] Mahendragarh; Haryana; Sheikh;
took active part in Uprising of 1857;
Khair Din: Resident of Kucha Masjid, captured by British troops and
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Mangtu; charged with rebellion against British
Teli (oil-merchant); was 25 years old rule; sentenced to death and executed
when he attended the public meeting by hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
April 1919 where he was killed in HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 73; RIH, p. 152]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Khait Ram: Resident of Gurgaon,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Haryana; Jat; took part in 1857
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 176; JBM, Uprising against British rule; captured
p. 133; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p. by British soldiers and hanged in
95] December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 73;
HSG, I p. 400; RIH, p. 152]
Khairatee: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active Khaj Bux: Resident of Singhana near
part in plundering and killing Narnaul, Haryana; a sawµar in Jodhpur
Englishmen during Uprising of 1857; Legion; deserted British Indian Army
caught by British on charge of murder, and joined Uprising of 1857; took part
plundering and rebellion against in fighting against British forces;
British rule; convicted and executed caught by British troops on charge of
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. desertion and mutiny against British
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), rule; convicted and sentenced to
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 73; RIH, p. 152] death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
156 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Khajoor Sultan: Resident of Delhi; participated in the attack on

Mughal prince; took part in 1857 Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
Uprising against British rule; 1872; arrested and charged with
participated in defence of Delhi murder by the British Government;
against the advancing British army; blown to death with a cannon on 17/
captured by the British and executed 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
at Delhi on 18 November 1857. I, PSAP]
[WWIM, III, p.73]
Khazan Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana
Khanka: Resident of Nagli, distt. Regiment of British Indian Army;
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; posted at Ambala, Haryana; deserted
participated in Uprising of 1857; and took leading part in 1857 Uprising
apprehended by the British; and against British rule; captured by the
charged with rebellion against British British and charged with mutiny and
rule; sentenced to death and executed desertion; sentenced to death and
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. executed on 3 May 1858. [WWIM, III,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), p. 74]
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 74; RIH, p. 152]
Kheemun: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
Kharak Singh: Resident of Bopa Rai, ps. participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Rai Kot Punjab; s/o Ganda Singh; took active part in fighting against British
active part in revolutionary activities; army; caught by British troops on
convicted and tried in the First Burma charge of plundering thµ a nas and
Conspiracy Case (Mandalay rebellion against British rule;
Conspiracy Case, Judgment delivered convicted and sentenced to death;
on 27 July 1916); sentenced to executed by hanging on 27 February
transportation for life and confiscation 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, (1858), HSAP]
Sep 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 298]
Kheva Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana
Khazan Singh: Resident of v. Malloke, Regiment of British Indian Army;
Faridkot State, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o posted at Ambala, Haryana; took part
Wazir Singh; a Kuka activist; in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
participated in the attack on captured by the British soldiers and
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January charged with mutiny and desertion;
1872; arrested and charged with sentenced to death and executed on 7
murder by the British Government; May 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 74]
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Khika Mal alias Nikka Mal: Resident of
I, PSAP] Amritsar city, Punjab; c/o Duni
Chand Jai Ram Das; attended the
Khazan Singh: Resident of v. Peer ke Kot, public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
teh. Raisar, Punjab; Khakrob; s/o Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Bhagwan Singh; a Kuka activist; was killed in firing by British troops.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 157

[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 advancing British army; captured by

(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 British forces on charge of rebellion
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 255; JBM, p. against British rule; executed by
142; INMPM, I, p. 174] hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3, 1858,
Khiva Singh: Soldier in the 12th Native HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 75]
Infantry of British Indian Army;
posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted Khoda Bux: Resident of Delhi; joined
and took leading part in 1857 Uprising service with Emperor and played
against British rule; captured by active role in Uprising of 1857 against
British soldiers; sentenced to death British; caught by British troops on
and hanged on 7 May 1858. [WWIM, charge of taking service with Emperor
III, p. 74] and rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Khizruddin: Resident of Gurgaon, executed by hanging on 6 March
Haryana; s/o Bhure; took active part 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; (1858), HSAP]
captured by British troops and
sentenced to death; executed at Delhi Khoda Bux: Resident of Delhi; participa-
on 15 December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. ted in 1857 Uprising; deserted British
74; HSG, I p. 400; RIH, p. 152; WWDFF, Indian Army and joined the service of
I, p. 218] Emperor; took active part in fighting
against British army in defence of
Khoda Bux Khan: Resident of Jhajjar, Delhi; captured by British troops on
Haryana; a sawµ a r in 9 th Irregular charges of desertion and rebellion
Cavalry; deserted and took part in against British rule; convicted and
Uprising of 1857 in Delhi; caught by sentenced to death; executed by
British troops on charge of desertion hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
and rebellion against British rule; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
convicted and sentenced to death; HSAP]
executed in 1857 at Jhajjar.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Khoda Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part
in Uprising of 1857; caught by British
Khoda Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught charged with rebellion against British
by British forces and charged with rule; convicted and shot dead on 15
rebellion against British rule; December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
sentenced to death and hanged on 30 Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
October 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Khoda Bux: Resident of Faridabad,
Haryana; Munihar; participated in
Khoda Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; 1857 Uprising; caught by British
participated in 1857 Uprising; took troops on charge of rebellion against
active part in defence of Delhi against British rule; convicted and sentenced
158 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

to death; executed by hanging on 22 Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active

February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi part in plundering and killing
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
III, p. 75; RIH, p. 152] caught by British on charge of murder,
plundering and rebellion against
Khoda Bux: Resident of Gurgaon, British rule; convicted and executed
Haryana; Bynsi; participated in 1857 by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Uprising; took part in attack and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
murder of British officers; caught by HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 75]
British on charge of attempt to murder
and rebellion against British rule; Khoda Bux: Resident of of Palwal, distt.
convicted and sentenced to death; Faridabad, Haryana; Sheikh;
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi participated in 1857 Uprising;
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] captured by British forces on charge
of rebellion against British rule;
Khoda Bux: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; sentenced to death and executed by
chaprµasi; participated in 1857 Uprising; hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl.
joined Sumun Khanís forces and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
fought actively against British forces; HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 75-76; RIH, p.
caught by British troops and charged 152]
with rebellion against British rule;
convicted and executed in 1857.[Judl. Khoda Bux: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Faridabad, Haryana; went to Delhi
HSAP] and participated in 1857 Uprising;
caught by British troops after
Khoda Bux: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; reoccupation of Delhi on charge of
Pathan; took acative part in 1857 rebellion against British rule;
Uprising; caught by British troops; on sentenced to death and executed by
charge of rebellion against British rule; hanging on 16 January 1858.[Judl.
convicted and sentenced to death; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
executed by hanging on 18 January HSAP]
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] Khoobee: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Khoda Bux: Resident of Punjab; Urru; active part in fighting against British
participated in 1857 Uprising; army; caught by British troops;
captured by the British on charge of accused of plundering thµ a nas and
arresting and presenting a British spy rebellion against British rule;
to Emperor; sentenced to death and convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 24 December executed by hanging on 27 February
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] (1858), HSAP]

Khoda Bux: Resident of Nagli, distt. Khoobram: Resident of Teliwara,

Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 159

Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857 of apprehended by British forces and

Uprising; caught by British troops and charge with rebellion against British
charged with rebellion against British rule; sentenced to death on 15
rule; executed by hanging on 21 December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] HSAP]

Khooda Bux Nawab: Resident of Rohtak, Khooshal: Resident of Barka, distt.

Haryan; participated in 1857 Uprising; Mewat, Haryana; Meo; participated in
took part in attacking British officers; Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
caught by British on charge of murder British; changed with rebellion against
and rebellion against British rule; British rule; sentenced to death and
convicted and sentenced to death; executed by hanging on 6 January
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 76; HSG,
I, p. 400; RIH, p. 152]
Khooda Bux: Resident of Lahore Gate,
Delhi; Sheikh; took active part in 1857 Khoosseeram: Resident of Chowrah,
Uprising; caught by British troops on Delhi; Gujar; participated in 1857
charge of rebellion against British rule; Uprising; took active part in fighting
convicted and sentenced to death; against British army; captured by
executed by hanging on 18 January British troops on charge of plundering
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British property and rebellion against
(1858), HSAP] British rule; convicted and sentenced
to death; executed by hanging on 27
Khooda Bux: Resident of Palwal, February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Haryana; participated in Uprising of Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1857; apprehended by the British;
charged with rebellion against British Khoshle: Resident of Badshahpur, distt.
rule; sentenced to death and executed Gurgaon, Haryana; Bania;
by hanging on 16 January 1858.[Judl. participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), part in attacking and killing
HSAP] Englishmen; caught by British troops
on charge of murder of Englishmen;
Khooj Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; convicted and sentenced to death;
participated in 1857 Uprising; executed by hanging on 1857.[Judl.
captured by the British and charged Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
with aiding sepoy against British rule; HSAP]
executed by hanging on 2 December
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Khossallah: Resident of Sakurpur, Delhi;
(1858), HSAP] Ahir; participated in 1857 Uprising;
caught by British troops on charge of
Khoorum Bukht: Resident of Delhi, rebellion against British rule;
participated in Uprising of 1857; convicted and sentenced to death;
160 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

executed by hanging on 11 February Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);

1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 s/o Nadir; actively involved in the
(1858), HSAP] complete haætµal on 12 April 1919 in
Kasur. He was among those who felt
Khuda Baksh: Resident of Delhi; took deeply agitated by what had
leading part in 1857 Uprising against happened in Amritsar on 10 April;
British rule; participated in defence of with others he proceeded to Kasur
Delhi against advancing British Army; Railway Station, found some
captured by British troops and Europeans sitting in a train
executed by hanging at Delhi on 28 compartment there, suddenly two
August 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 75] English soldiers fired on the mob. The
angry people killed those two soldiers.
Khuda Baksh: Resident of v. Rasulpur, Large number of people were arrested
distt. Faridabad, Gurgaon, Haryana; on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. Khuda
took active part in 1857 Uprising Dad was accused in Kasur
against British rule; captured by the Supplementary Case during Martial
British and sentenced to death; Law in Punjab; arrested and charged
executed at Delhi on 15 December with crime of arson at Kasur Railway
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 75; WWDFF, I, p. Station and for killing two
218] Englishmen; tried by Martial Law
Commission; sentenced to death.
Khuda Bux: Resident of Kucha Kasain, However, the Lieutenant Governor
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Vasao (Punjab) afterward commuted the
Shah; Fakir; was 40 years old when death sentence to transportation for
he attended the public meeting at life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Khugga: Resident of Baiswara, Haryana;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Brahmin; an officer of Emperor;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 178; JBM, by British troops after reoccupation of
p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p. Delhi; accused of helping forces
96] against British rule; convicted of
rebellion and sentenced to death;
Khuda Dad Khan: Resident of village executed by hanging on 27 February
Jasser, ps. Narowal, Sialkot (now in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Pakistan); professor in Islamia (1858), HSAP]
College, Peshawar; an intimate college
friend of Har Dayal; took active part Khurram Bakht: Resident of Gurgaon,
in revolutionary activities; hanged in Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
the Delhi Conspiracy Case in Delhi. against British rule; captured by
[GD, p. 85] British troops and executed on 15
December 1857 by orders of the
Khuda Dad: Resident of Kasur, distt. Deputy Commissioner, Delhi.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 161

[WWDFF, I, p. 219] April 1919 where he was killed in

firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Khurram Baksh: Resident of distt. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Gurgaon, Haryana; took active part in PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 179; INMPM, I, p.
1857 Uprising against British rule; 174]
captured by British troops and
sentenced to death; executed at Delhi Khushal Singh: Resident of Padri,
on 10 November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Suchet Singh,
76; HSG, I p. 400; RIH, p. 152; WWDFF, aged 22; joined the revolutionaries;
I, p. 219] took part in the Chabba dacoity;
arrested and convicted under sections
Khurram Jat: Resident of Delhi; took 121, 121A and 396 of IPC by Lahore
leading part in 1857 Uprising against Tribunal; sentenced to death and
British rule; participated in defence of forfeiture of property. The sentence
Delhi against the advancing British was commuted to transportation for
army; captured by the British and life. [GD, p. 85; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p.
executed by hanging at Delhi on 11 383, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct
March 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 76] 1918, NAI; SFH, p. 190, 298; UHFSA,
p. 95; HCJ, p. 251; MOP, I, p. 96]
Khurrumbukht: Resident of Delhi; took
part in Uprising of 1857; caught by Khushali Ahir: Resident of v. Badshah-
British troops after reoccupation of pur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; a
Delhi; accused of rebellion against wealthy Ahir; took part in 1857
British rule; convicted and shot dead Uprising against British rule; arrested
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt by the British soldiers on charge of
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] aiding the anti-British forces;
sentenced to death along with eight
Khushal Singh: Resident of Fatehpur, other persons of his village; all the
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Jiwan nine persons were hanged from a tree
Singh; Jat; farmer; was 30 years old situated at a place inside the present
when he attended the public meeting Kamala Nehru Park at Gurgaon on 11
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 76;
April 1919 where he was killed in HSG, I p. 400; RIH, p. 152]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Khushi Ram: Resident of Amritsar city,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Punjab; s/o Nikka Mal; Brahmin;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 179; JBM, private employee; was 28 years old
p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 174] when he attended the public meeting
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Khushal Singh: Resident of Gurdaspur, April 1919 where he was killed in
Punjab; s/o Kahan Singh; Ahluwalia; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
private employee; was 55 years old PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
when he attended the public meeting 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 179; JBM,
162 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p. Fatia, Gujrat, Punjab; a school master

96] but arrested in connection with the
First Mandalay (Burma) Conspiracy
Khushi Ram: Resident of v. Barka, distt. Case in 1916; sentenced to death; later
Mewat, Haryana; s/o Chandu Meo; sentence was commuted to
took part in 1857 Uprising against transportation for life; deported to
British rule; arrested by the British Andamans. [UHFSA, p. 94; HCJ, p. 251]
authorities and tried for sedition;
sentenced to death and hanged on 6 Kirpa Ram: Resident of Kot Karam
January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 76] Chand, Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o
Ganda Ram; Brahmin; businessman;
Khusi Ram: Resident of Pindi Saidpur, was 26 years old when he attended the
Pind Dadan Khan, distt. Jhelum, public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Lala Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Bhagwan Das; student; was 20 years was killed in firing by British troops.
old when he attended the public [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 180; JBM, p.
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 145; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p. 96]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 179; INMPM, I, p. Kirpa Singh: Resident of Taung, Majri, ps.
174] Anandpur, Punjab; s/o Jawahar
Singh, aged 27 years; an active
Khyratee: Resident of Nagli, distt. participant in revolutionary activities;
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; absconded in the first case but was
participated in Uprising of 1857; arrested; convicted and tried under
apprehended by the British; and Sections 121 and 131 of IPC in the
charged with rebellion against British Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
rule; sentenced to death and executed Case; sentenced to transportation for
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. life and forfeiture of property. [H/
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI;
HSAP] SFH, pp. 209, 307]

Kimeean: Resident of Delhi; a female Kirpal Singh: Resident of Bopa Rai,

attendant in Court of Emperor; Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Narain Singh;
captured by British forces after took active part in revolutionary
reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on activities; convicted and tried in the
account of being attached with First Burma Conspiracy Case
Imperial house during Uprising of (Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
1857; transported for life to Rangoon Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916);
as state prisoner.[F. Poll. no. 52-125, sentenced to transportation for life
10 December 1858, NAI] and confiscation of property. [H/Poll-
A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916, NAI; SFH,
Kirpa Ram: Resident of Kutalashahi, p. 298; HCJ, p. 251]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 163

Kirpal Singh: Resident of Qila Bhangian, Kishan Das: Resident of Amritsar city,
Kucha Darbara Singh, Amritsar city, Punjab; attended the public meeting
Punjab; s/o Partap Singh; Arora; at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
attended the public meeting at April 1919 where he was killed in
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
April 1919 where he was killed in PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; p. 139; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p.
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; 97]
WWIM, I, p. 180; JBM, p. 139; INMPM,
I, p. 174; MOP, I, p. 97] Kishan Lal: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
s/o Sham Dass; attended the public
Kishan alias Khushi: Resident v. Barka, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
distt. Mewat, Haryana; Meo; s/o on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Chandu; took part in 1857 Uprising in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
against British rule; arrested by the pp. 180-81]
British authorities and tried for
ìsedition;î sentenced to death and Kishen Bul: Resident of Garhi distt.
hanged on 6 January 1858. [HSG, I, p, Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took active
400; RIH, p. 153] part in plundering European property
during 1857 Uprising; captured by
Kishan Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, British on charge of plundering and
Punjab; Khatri; businessman; rebellion against British rule;
attended the public meeting at convicted and sentenced to death;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 executed by hanging on 1 February
April 1919 where he was killed in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (1858), HSAP]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Kishna: Resident of Sonipat, Haryana; Jat;
WWIM, I, p. 180; JBM, p. 148; INMPM, took part in 1857 Uprising; led an
I, p. 174] attack upon British officers who were
taking away some captured Patriots
Kishan Chand: Resident of Kucha from Rohtak district; caught by British
Pandittan, Guru Mahal, Amritsar city, troops and imprisoned on charge of
Punjab; s/o Amir Chand; Khatri; attack and rebellion against British
businessman; was 38 years old when rule; convicted and sentenced to
he attended the public meeting at death; executed on 14 December 1857.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
April 1919 where he was killed in (1858), HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Kishunlull: Resident of Gurgaon,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Haryana; Jat; participated in Uprising
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p.180; JBM, of 1857; apprehended by the British;
p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 174; MOP, I, p. 97] charged with rebellion against British
164 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

rule; sentenced to death and executed by hanging on 2 January 1858.[Judl.

by hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 79-80; HSG, I,
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 77; HSG, I, p. 400; p. 400; RIH, p. 154]
RIH, p. 153]
Koshnak: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana;
Koondun Singh: Resident of Haryana; Bhishti; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Pandey; participated in Uprising of caught by British troops; charged with
1857; apprehended by British forces having joined and taken part in
and charged with rebellion against rebellion against British rule;
British rule; sentenced to death on 15 convicted and sentenced to death;
December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl. executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 78; HSG, I, p. 400;
RIH, p. 153] Kowkub Bux: Resident of Badshahpur,
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in
Koonja: Resident of Delhi; took part in Uprising of 1857 caught by British
Uprising of 1857; participated in troops on charge of rebellion against
defence of Delhi against advancing British rule; convicted and shot dead
British army; captured by British on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
charged with rebellion against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to Kowkub Bux: Resident of Delhi;
death; executed by hanging on 3 participated in Uprising of 1857;
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), apprehended by British forces and
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] charged with rebellion against British
rule; sentenced to death on 15
Koonja: Resident of Delhi; took part in December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Uprising of 1857; participated in Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
defence of Delhi against advancing HSAP]
British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Kowur Chand: Resident of Nagli, distt.
charged with rebellion against British Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; participa-
rule; sentenced to death and executed ted in Uprising of 1857; apprehended
by hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. by the British and charged with
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), rebellion against British rule;
HSAP] sentenced to death and executed by
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Kootuboodeen: Resident of Hasanpur, Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; Sheikh; s/o HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 78; HSG, I, p. 400;
Karim Baksh; participated in 1857 RIH, p. 154]
Uprising; caught by British soldiers;
charged with rebellion against British Krishan Gopal Rao: Resident of v. Nangal
rule; sentenced to death and executed Pathani, Gurgaon, Haryana; Ahir;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 165

Kotwµ a l of Meerut; organised the Kudma: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi;

patriotic forces in Haryana region in Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
collaboration with Raja Nahar Singh took acative part in plundering
of Ballabhgarh, Nawab of Jhajjar and English houses and helping anti-
Rao Shahamat Khan of Mewat and British forces; caught by British troops;
launched the struggle against British charged with plundering and
rule in 1857; participated in several rebellion against British rule;
battles against British rule; killed convicted and sentenced to death;
during the bitterly fought battle of executed by hanging on 12 March
Nasibpur near Narnaul; his younger 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
brother, Rao Ram Lal, was also killed (1858), HSAP]
in this battle; Raja Nahar Singh of
Ballabhgarh and the Nawab of Jhajjar Kudmah: Resident of Panipat, Haryana;
were captured by the British and Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
hanged, while Rao Shahamat Khan caught by the British and charged
was shot dead. [WWIM, III, p. 77] with highway robbery of British party;
hanged on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
Kubbeera: Resident of Hisar, Haryana; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
chaprµasi; participated in Uprising of HSAP]
1857; caught by British troops and
imprisoned on charge of joining Kuli Beg: Resident of Chandni Chowk,
insurgents and aiding them in attack Delhi; took part in 1857 Uprising
on Hissar; convicted and sentenced to against British rule; captured by
death on 9 November 1857. [Judl. British troops and executed by
Deptt (Hisar Div], Acc No. 9782 (1857) hanging at Delhi on 13 February 1858.
HSAP] [WWIM, III, p. 78]

Kubberoodeen: Resident of Delhi; took Kullian Singh: Resident of Jugdispur,

part in 1857 Uprising; caught by Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh; went to
British troops after reoccupation of Delhi and participated in 1857
Delhi; charged with rebellion against Uprising; caught by British troops in
British rule; convicted and shot dead Haryana and charged with rebellion
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt against British rule; convicted and
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] sentenced to death; executed in Jhajjar
in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
Kudhia: Resident of Delhi; took part in 3 (1858), HSAP]
Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing Kulloo Beg: Resident of Sonipat, Haryana;
British army; captured by British Mughal; participated in 1857
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Uprising; arrested by British troops
charged with rebellion against British and charged with rebellion against the
rule; executed by hanging on 27 British rule; sentenced to death and
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi executed by hanging on 22 February
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
166 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

(1858), HSAP] 1857; arrested by British troops and

charged with rebellion against British
Kulloo: Resident of Nagli, distt. rule; convicted and sentenced to
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; death; executed by hanging on 1
participated in Uprising of 1857; February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
apprehended by the British; charged Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
with rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death and executed by Kullunder Khan: Resident of Delhi; took
hanging on 5 February 1858. [Judl. part in Uprising of 1857; participated
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), in defence of Delhi against advancing
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 70; RIH, p. British army; captured by British
151] troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
convicted of rebellion against British
Kullooa: Resident of Chajjunagar, distt. rule; sentenced to death and hanged
Faridabd, Haryana; Jat; participated in in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the 3 (1858), HSAP]
British and charged with rebellion
against British rule; sentenced to Kullundur Bux: Resident of Delhi;
death and executed by hanging on 13 Sheikh; took active part in 1857
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Uprising; caught by British troops on
F. No. 3 (1858), HSA; WWIM, III, p. charge of rebellion against British rule;
69; RIH, p. 151] executed by hanging on 18 January
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Kullun Singh: Resident of Delhi; Rajput; (1858), HSAP]
participated in 1857 Uprising;
captured by the British and charged Kumia: Resident of Delhi; took part in
with mutiny against British rule; Uprising of 1857; participated in
executed by hanging on 13 November defence of Delhi against advancing
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British army; captured by British
(1858), HSAP] troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
charged with rebellion against British
Kullun: Resident of Dighot distt. rule; sentenced to death; executed by
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in hanging on 3 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt
plundering European property during (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1857 Uprising; caught by British
troops on charge of plundering and Kumiah: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi;
rebellion against British; convicted Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
and sentenced to death; executed by took active part in fighting against
hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl. British army; captured by British
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), troops on charge of plundering British
HSAP] property and rebellion against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to
Kullunder Khan: Resident of Delhi; death; executed by hanging on 27
Sheikh; participated in Uprising of February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 167

Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWDFF, Kunia: Resident of Delhi; took part in
I, p. 220] Uprising of 1857; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Kumiah: Resident of Delhi; Samuli; British army; captured by British
participated in 1857 Uprising; troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
captured by British troops on charge charged with rebellion against British
of rebellion against British rule; rule; sentenced to death; executed by
sentenced to death executed by hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Kunwur Singh: Resident of Delhi; took
Kummul: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi; part in Uprising of 1857; participated
Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising; in defence of Delhi against advancing
took active part in fighting against British army; captured by British
British army; captured by British troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
troops on charge of plundering British charged with rebellion against British
property and rebellion against British rule; sentenced to death; executed by
rule; convicted and sentenced to hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
death; executed by hanging on 27 Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi HSAP]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Kureem Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
Kummurooden: Resident of Kanod, took active part in 1857 Uprising;
(Mahendragarh), Haryana; participa- participated in defence of Delhi
ted in 1857 Uprising; joined Poordil against advancing British army;
Khan and accompanied him to Delhi; captured by the British and executed
joined Imperial army fighting against by hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl.
British; caught by British on charge Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
rebellion against British rule; HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 21; WWDFF, I,
sentenced to death and executed in p. 206]
1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
3 (1858), HSAP] Kureem Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
took part in 1857 Uprising; took part
Kundhar Singh: Soldier in the 12th Native in fighting against British army;
Infantry Regiment of British Indian captured by British troops and
Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana; executed by hanging on 30 October
took part in 1857 Uprising against 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
British rule; captured by the British (1858), HSAP]
soldiers and charged with mutiny and
desertion; sentenced to death and Kureem Bux: Resident of Shahdara, Delhi;
executed on 26 April 1858.[WWIM, III, an officer of Emperor; participated in
p. 78] 1857 Uprising; caught by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
168 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

accused of helping forces against advancing British army; captured by

British rule; convicted of rebellion and British troops after reoccupation of
sentenced to death; executed by Delhi; charged with rebellion against
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. British rule; convicted and sentenced
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 32 (1858), to death; executed by hanging on 27
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 71; WWDFF, I, February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
p. 206] Div), F. No. 32 (1858) HSAP]

Kureem: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; Kurreem Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part
participated in 1857 Uprising; in Uprising of 1857; participated in
captured by British forces and charged defence of Delhi against advancing
with aiding rebellion against British British army; captured by British
rule; executed by hanging on 30 troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi charged with rebellion against British
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, rule; sentenced to death and hanged
III, p. 71] in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 72; RIH,
Kureen Bux: Resident of Meham, distt. p. 152]
Rohtak, Haryana; Ranghar; participa-
ted in 1857 Uprising; went to Delhi Kurreem Bux: Resident of Hasanpur,
and joined the fighting against British distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; served in
army; caught by British troops and British Indian Army; deserted and
imprisoned on charge of rebellion took active part in 1857 Uprising;
against British rule; convicted and apprehended by British officer;
sentenced to death; executed in charged with desertion and rebellion
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 against British rule; convicted and
(1858), HSAP] sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl.
Kurreem Bux: Resident of Balabhgarh, Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
distt. Faridabad, Haryana; Sheikh; HSAP]
took part in 1857 Uprising;
participated in defence of Delhi Kurreem Khan: Resident of Rewari,
against advancing British army; Haryana; sawµ a r in 13 Irregular
captured by British troops on charge Cavalry; deserted and took part in
of rebellion against British rule; 1857 Uprising; took active part in
convicted and executed by hanging on fighting against British army; caught
15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi by British troops on charge of
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, desertion, mutiny and rebellion
III, p. 72; RIH, p. 152; WWDFF, I, p. against British rule; convicted and
206] executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Kurreem Bux: Resident of Delhi; Mughal;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Kurreem: Resident of Kanod, Haryana;
active part in fighting against participate in 1857 Uprising; joined
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 169

Poordil Khan and accompanied him Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
to Delhi; joined fighting against HSAP]
British; caught by British on charge of
rebellion against British rule; Kurrum Khan: Resident of Rohtak,
sentenced to death and executed in Haryana; a sawµar in Jodhpur Legion;
1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. participated in 1857 Uprising;
3 (1858), HSAP] deserted and took active part in
fighting against British army along
Kurreemoollah: Resident of Palwal, distt. with other several fellows; caught by
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in British troops on account of
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the possessing arms and fighting against
British and charged with rebellion British; convicted of desertion and
against British rule; sentenced to death rebellion against British rule;
and executed by hanging on 16 sentenced to death and executed at
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

Kurrem Bux: Resident of Badshahpur, Kuuberroodeen: Resident of Delhi,

distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in participated in Uprising of 1857;
Uprising of 1857; caught by British apprehended by British forces and
troops on charge of rebellion against charged with rebellion against British
British rule; convicted and shot dead rule; sentenced to death on 15 December
on 10 November 1857.[Judl. Deptt 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

Kurrem Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part Kwaja Baksh: Resident of Delhi; eunuch;
in Uprising of 1857; participated in attendant in Court of Emperor;
defence of Delhi against advancing captured by British forces after
British army; captured by British reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and account of being associated with
charged with rebellion against British Bahadur Shah, during 1857 Uprising;
rule; sentenced to death on 10 transported for life to Rangoon as state
November 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. prisoner. [F Poll No. 52-125, 10 Dec
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), 1858, NAI]
Kwur Chund: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Kurremoola : Resident to Palwal, distt. Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
Faridabad, Harayana; went to Delhi part in plundering and killing
and participated in 1857 Uprising; Englishmen; caught by British troops
caught by British troops safter on charge of murder, plundering and
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with rebellion against British rule;
rebellion against British rule; convicted and executed by hanging on
sentenced to death and executed by 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
hanging on 16 January 1858; [Judl. Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
170 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Labh Singh: Resident of Chak Walian, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Kasur, Lahore, Punjab; s/o Ram (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
Singh, aged 30 years; an active (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 134; INMPM, I,
participant in revolutionary activities; p. 174; MOP, I, p. 98]
absconded in the first case but was
arrested; convicted and tried under Labhu Mal: Resident of Kucha Zargaran,
Sections 121, 121A and 131 of IPC in Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Hira Lal;
the Supplementary Lahore flour merchant; was 30 years old
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to when he attended the public meeting
transportation for life and forfeiture at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., April 1919 where he was killed in
May 1916, NAI; SFH, pp. 209, 307] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Labh Singh: Resident of Waltoha, Lahore, PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 188; INMPM, I, p.
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Bur 174; MOP, I, p. 98]
Singh, aged 22 years; an active
participant in revolutionary activities; Labhu Ram: Resident of Chowk Pasian,
arrested and tried in the Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Chaju Ram;
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Khatri; student; was 16 years old
Case; sentenced to transportation for when he attended the public meeting
life and forfeiture of property. [H/ at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Poll-A, Nos. 219-221, May 1916, NAI; April 1919 where he was killed in
SFH, p. 308] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Labhoo: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
was 25 years old when he attended the 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 148; INMPM,
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, I, p. 175; MOP, I, p. 98]
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops. Labhu Ram: Resident of Kucha Bhabrian,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 171

Katra Ramgarhian, Amritsar city, with others he proceeded to Kasur

Punjab; s/o Sita Ram; Bania; clerk in Railway Station, found some
National Bank of India; was 27 years Europeans sitting in a train compart-
old when he attended the public ment there, suddenly two English
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar soldiers fired on the mob. The angry
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed people killed those two soldiers. Large
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, number of people were arrested on 16,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 18 and 19 April 1919. Labhu was
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. accused in Kasur Case during Martial
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 141] Law in Punjab; arrested and charged
with crime of arson at Kasur Railway
Labhu: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; s/ Station and for killing two
o Hira Nand; took part in nationalist Englishmen; tried by Martial Law
activities; participated in the haætal on Commission and executed on 19 May
6 April 1919 in Amritsar as part of the 1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
nation-wide call of haætal given by 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I,
Mahatma Gandhi to protest against p. 98; FML]
the Rowllat Act; joined the procession
which was taken out on 10 April 1919 Lachhman Singh: Resident of Mauza
in Amritsar in protest against the Chabba, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Dyal
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Singh; Jat; farmer; was 60 years old
Saifuddin Kitchlew; killed in firing by when he attended the public meeting
the military picket near the railway at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
bridge at Amritsar on 10 April 1919. April 1919 where he was killed in
[INCR, I; WWIM, I, p. 188; WWPFF, II, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 164; FML] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Labhu: Resident of Bazar Khair Din, Katra 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 189; JBM,
Ramgarhian, Punjab; s/o Mangu; p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 175; MOP, I, p.
Tarkhan (carpenter); attended the 98]
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Lachhman Singh: Resident of v.
was killed in firing by British troops. Muradpur, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May Prabha Singh; attended the public
(1922), PSAC; INMPM, I, p. 175] meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Labhu: Resident of Kasur, distt. Lahore, in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I,
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o p. 189]
Chandu; participated in the
nationalist activities; took part in the Lachhman: Soldier in the 51st Regiment,
complete haætµal on 12 April 1919 in Native Infantry of British Indian
Kasur. He was among those who felt Army; stationed at Peshawar, North-
deeply agitated by what had West Frontier Province (now in
happened at Amritsar on 10 April; Pakistan); deserted his regiment in
172 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

protest against the general disarming convicted and sentenced to death;

of Indian soldiers by the British; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
captured along with his Subedar- Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Major and tried by court martial on
26 May1857; sentenced to death and Lahru: Resident of v. Aherwan, distt.
hanged on 3 June 1857; his Subedar- Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857
Major was hanged first of all; British Uprising against British rule; captured
army killed or hanged about 250 of his by British troops and sentenced to
compatriots; on 28 August 1857, death; executed at Delhi on 7
another 150 Indian soldiers were shot December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 80;
and killed by the British soldiers in the HSG, I p. 401; RIH, p. 154]
regimental lines outside when they
demonstrated their anger on being Laika: Resident of Delhi; took part in
subjected to search in an insulting Uprising of 1857; participated in
manner. [WWIM, III, p. 80] defence of Delhi against advancing
British army; captured by British
Lachman Kaur: Resident of Amritsar city, troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Punjab; attended the public meeting charged with rebellion against British
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 rule; executed by hanging on 27
April 1919 where she was killed in February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Laikha Jat: Resident of Gurgaon,
p. 148; INMPM, I, p. 175; MOP, I, p. Haryana; Jat; took part in plundering
98] British property during 1857 Uprising;
caught by British troops on charge of
Lachman Singh: Resident of Mauza plundering and rebellion against
Muradpura, teh. and distt. Amritsar, British; convicted and sentenced to
Punjab; s/o Harya Singh; Mehra; death; executed by hanging in January
farmer; was 28 years old when he 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
attended the public meeting at (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 82; HSG,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 I, p. 401; RIH, p. 154]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Laikha: Resident of Chajjunagar, distt.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. in Uprising 1857; apprehended by the
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 189; JBM, British; charged with rebellion against
p. 145; INMPM, I, p. 175; MOP, I, p. British rule; sentenced to death and
98] executed by hanging at Delhi on 12
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Laheea: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p.
Kasai; participated in 1857 Uprising; 82; HSG, I, p. 401; RIH, p. 154]
caught by British troops on charge of
rebellion against British rule; Lainah Singh: Resident of Punnoo, distt.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 173

Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Mutsudda hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.

[Musadda] Singh; Tarkhan Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
(carpenter); Kuka activist; involved in HSAP]
the attack on Amritsar butchers on 14
and 15 June 1871; arrested and Lal Chand Singh: Resident of Amritsar
charged with murder at Amritsar; city, Punjab; Kamboh; was 45 years
tried in Amritsar Butchers Murder old when he attended the public
Case 1871; sentenced under Section meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
109 and 302 of Indian Penal Code and on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
executed on 15 September 1871. [H/ in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Deptt, Judl-A, 4 Nove 1871, F Nos. 67- PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
68, NAI; H/Deptt, Judl-A, Feb 1872, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
F Nos. 57-58, NAI; WWIM, II, p. 172; p. 138]
MOP, I, p. 100]
Lal Singh: Resident of Bhure, ps. Tarn
Lakeer Khan: Resident of Delhi; Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Mihan
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught Singh; took part in the Jhµ a r Sµ a hib
by British troops after reoccupation of meeting and other activities of the
Delhi; accused of arresting and revolutionaries in the Punjab; arrested
presenting a British spy to Emperor; and convicted under Sections 121,
convicted and sentenced to death; 121A and 122 of IPC; sentenced by
executed by hanging on 24 December Lahore Tribunal to transportation for
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 life and forfeiture of property;
(1858), HSAP] deported to Cellular Jail, Andamans
in 1916. [GD, p. 91; LCC (TJ, 1915-16),
Lakha Singh: Resident of Punjab; s/o p. 383, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91,
Ram Singh; a Kuka activist; involved Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 191, 298;
in the attack on Malerkotla butchers UHFSA, p. 95; HCJ, p. 251; MOP, I, p.
on 15 January 1872; arrested and 99]
charged with murder under Section
302 of Indian Penal Code; detained in Lal Singh: Resident of Narangwal, ps.
Moulmein (Burma) jail under Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Udhe
provisions of Regulation III of 1818 Singh, aged 30 years; an active
and died there on 5/6 February 1903. participant in revolutionary activities;
[F/Deptt, Intel-B, Sept 1903, F No. 376, arrested and tried in the Supplemen-
NAI; KMFSP, p. 282] tary Lahore Conspiracy Case;
sentenced to transportation for life
Lakhman: Resident of Delhi; took part in and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A,
Uprising of 1857; participated in Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI; SFH,
defence of Delhi against advancing p. 308]
British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Lal Singh: Resident of Padri Kalan, ps.
charged with rebellion against British Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
rule; sentenced to death; executed by Kharak Singh, Jat; took active part in
174 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

revolutionary activities; convicted and Katra Karm Singh, Amritsar, Punjab;

tried under Sections 302, 120-B and s/o Phula Singh; Kamboh; misri shop;
395/109 of IPC in the Padri Murder was 45 years old when he attended the
Case; sentenced to transportation for public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
life. [SFH, p. 230; HCJ, p. 251] Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops .
Lal Singh: Resident of Sahabana, ps. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May
Sahnewal, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o (1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 192;
Dyal Singh; used to be at one time in INMPM, I, p. 175; MOP, I, p. 99]
the 14th Sikhs; later took active part in
revolutionary activities; involved in Lall Singh: Resident of Chahul, distt.
Ferozshahr murder along with other Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Dal Singh;
revolutionaries; arrested by the police; Constable; 25 years old; Kuka activist;
convicted, sentenced to death and involved in the attack on Amritsar
hanged. [GD, p. 91; H/Poll-A, Nos. butchers on 14 and 15 June 1871;
671-684 K.W., Oct 1915, NAI; SFH, p. arrested and charged with murder at
301; INMPM, I, p. 109; MOP, I, p. 99] Amritsar; tried in Amritsar Butchers
Murder Case 1871; sentenced to
Lal Singh: Resident of v. Sanghua, distt. transportation for life under Section
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ishar Singh; 109 and 302 of Indian Penal Code. [H/
village lambardµ a r; visited Deptt, Judl-A, 4 Nove 1871, F Nos. 67-
neighbouring villages of Gumanpura 68, NAI; H/Deptt, Judl-A, Feb 1872,
and Besathe where he urged the F Nos. 57-58, NAI]
people to rise and cut railway line.
Suddenly a large number of people at Lall Singh: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi;
once set out to accomplish this Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
purpose. Two whole sections of the up took active part in fighting against
and down lines, with their sleepers, British army; captured by British
were removed leaving parallel gaps troops on charge of plundering British
30 feet long. The engine and few property and rebellion against British
wagons of a goods train were rule; convicted and sentenced to
derailed; sixteen persons were death; executed by hanging on 27
arrested by police. Lal Singh also February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
arrested and accused in Gumanpura Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Case; tried by Martial Law
Commission and sentenced to death. Lallah: Resident of Delhi; participated in
However, the Viceroy afterward 1857 Uprising; caught by British
commuted the death sentence to troops on charge of killing
transportation for life. [H/Poll, B- Englishmen and rebellion against
Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, British rule; convicted and sentenced
NAI; INCR, I; FML; WWPFF, I, p. xlvii- to death; executed by hanging on 11
iii] February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Lal Singh: Resident of Vehra Nadian,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 175

Lalljee: Resident of Aherwan, distt. s/o Sita; Arora; was 22 years old when
Faridabad, Haryana; Ahir; s/o Moti he attended the public meeting at
Ram; participated in 1857 Uprising; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
arrested by British forces on charge of April 1919 where he was killed in
rebellion against British rule; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
convicted and sentenced to death; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
executed by hanging on 18 January H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 175; MOP, I, p.
(1858), HSAP; HSG, I, p. 401; RIH, p. 100]
Latif Baksh: Resident of Gurgaon,
Lalloo Teli: Resident of Purana Qila, Haryana; deserted British Indian
Delhi; took leading part in 1857 Army and took part in 1857 Uprising
Uprising against British rule; against British rule; captured by the
participated in defence of Delhi British and executed on 22 May 1858
against advancing British army; by the orders of the Special
captured by the British and executed Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p.
at Delhi on 11 February 1858. [WWIM, 232]
III, p. 81; WWDFF, I, p. 232]
Laynah Singh: Resident of Amritsar,
Lalloo: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi; Punjab; s/o Bolaka Singh; Ramgarhia;
Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising; Tarkhan (carpenter); 25 years old;
took active part in capturing English Kuka activist; involved in the attack
property and supplying it to Imperial on Amritsar butchers on 14 and 15
forces; caught by British troops on June 1871; arrested and charged with
charge of anti-British activities and murder at Amritsar; tried in Amritsar
rebellion against British rule; Butchers Murder Case 1871;
convicted and sentenced to death; sentenced to transportation for life
executed by hanging on 27 February under Section 109 and 302 of Indian
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Penal Code. [H/Deptt, Judl-A, 4 Nove
(1858), HSAP] 1871, F Nos. 67-68, NAI; H/Deptt,
Judl-A, Feb 1872, F Nos. 57-58, NAI]
Laloo: Resident of Khidwali, distt. Rohtak,
Haryana; Balmiki; a sweeper; Leager: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; Jat;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took participated in 1857 Uprising; took
part in attacking and looting British active part in attacking British officers
property; caught by British troops on and army; caught by British troops
charge of loot, murder and rebellion and imprisoned on charge of attack,
against British rule; convicted and murder and rebelion against British
sentenced to death; executed in rule; convicted and sentenced to
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 death; executed on 14 December
(1858), HSAP] 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Lalu: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
176 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Leelu: Resident of Shah Turkman, Delhi; charged with rebellion against British
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught rule; convicted and shot dead on 15
by British soldiers on charge of December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
rebellion against British rule; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 22 February Luchmun: Resident of Delhi; took part in
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Uprising of 1857; participated in
(1858), HSAP] defence of Delhi against advancing
British army; captured by British
Lehna Singh: Resident of Rasulpur troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Khurd, Jail Fatehpur, teh. and distt. charged with rebellion against British
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Mala Singh; Jat; rule; sentenced to death and executed
cultivator; was 50 years old when he by hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl.
attended the public meeting at Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 80; HSG, I, p. 401;
April 1919 where he was killed in RIH, p. 154]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Luchmun: Resident of Garhi distt.
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 193; INMPM, I, p. Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took active
175] part in plundering British property
during 1857 Uprising; captured by
Lehna Singh: Resident of v. Sakraudi, teh. British on charge of plundering and
Bhawani Garh, Punjab; zamindar; s/o rebellion against British rule;
Mehtab Singh; a Kuka activist; convicted and sentenced to death;
participated in the attack on executed by hanging on 1 February
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
1872; arrested and charged with (1858), HSAP]
murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Luhroo: Resident of Nagli, distt.
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 100] part in plundering and killing
Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
Lekha: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Jat; caught by British on charge of murder,
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught plundering and rebellion against
by British troops and charged with British rule; convicted and executed
plundering thµ a nas; convicted and by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
sentenced to death; executed by Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl. HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 82]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Lulchumun: Resident of Gurgaon,
Haryana; Pandey; participated in
Luchmun: Resident of Delhi; took part in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
Uprising of 1857; caught by British British forces and charged with
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; rebellion against British rule;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 177

sentenced to death on 15 December captured by British forces after

1857 and shot dead. [Judl. Deptt reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; account of being attached with
WWIM, III, p. 80; HSG, I, p. 401; RIH, Bahadur Shah during 1857 Uprising;
p. 154] transported for life to Rangoon as state
prisoner. [F. Poll. no. 52-125, 10 Dec.
Lutfun: Resident of Delhi; a female 1858, NAI]
attendant in Court of Emperor;
178 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Madan Ali: Resident of v. Sohna distt. Tribunal to transportation and
Gurgaon, Haryana; Sayed; forfeiture of property; deported to
s/o Hinayat Ali; took part in 1857 Andamans. [GD, p. 92; LCC (TJ, 1915-
Uprising against British rule; charged 16), p. 383, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No.
with rebellion against British rule and 91, Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 191, 298;
hanged on 1 February 1858. [HSG, I, UHFSA, p. 96; HCJ, p. 251]
p, 401; RIH, p. 154]
Madanlal Dhingra (1887-1909): Born in
Madan Mohan: Resident of Bazar 1887; resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
Ghantaghar, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sahib Ditta Mal; Khatri. He left for
s/o Dr. Mani Ram; Khatri; student; England in May 1906, got admitted in
attended the public meeting at the University College of Engineering,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 London and visited India House
April 1919 where he was killed in (founded by Shyamji Krishnavarma in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 1905 for Indian Students). He was a
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. resident of India House in May 1907
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. for about a month, March or April
333 (1922), NAI; INCR, I, pp. 56-57; 1908 for six months and in April 1909.
WWIM, I, p. 195; JBM, p. 144; INMPM, There, he came in contact with V.D.
I, p. 175; MOP, I, p. 101] Savarkar, Bapat and other
revolutionaries who had connection
Madan Singh: Resident of Gaga, ps. Barki, with the Indian revolutionaries active
Lahore; s/o Mal Singh, Tarkhan, aged in Paris. The India House, London,
28 years; a Sikh preacher in Lahore had become the hub of revolutionary
Cantonment; an intermediary activities between 1907-1909. Itís
between the revolutionaries and programme and ideology spurred on
disaffected troops in the Cantonment; Madan to action. He was present in
convicted under Sections 121 and the 50th anniversary of the 1857,
121A of IPC; sentenced by the Lahore (Martyrs Day) celebrated in India
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 179

House on 10 May 1907. India House hangmanís rope at the Pentonville

was known as the place of seditious prison on 17 August, 1909. [Trb, 2 July
activities against British rule in India. 1909, 25 July 1909; H/Poll, Poll-A,
Thus, Criminal Intelligence Agencies Sept 1909, F Nos. 66-68; H/Poll-B,
in England started keeping eye on Aug 1909, F Nos. 120-129, NAI;
those who were associated with it. Sir MLDRM, pp. 7-9, 22, 32-43]
William Curzon Wyllie, A.D.C. to
Secretary of State for India used to spy Madaree: Resident of Lado Sarai, Delhi;
over the activities of the Indian Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
patriots in London. Madan decided to took active part in fighting against the
kill Curzon Wyllie, and for this British army; caught by British troops
purpose he became member of the after reoccupation of Delhi; accused
Institute of Imperial Studies. On 1st of rebellion against British rule and
July 1909, when Curzon Wyllie come supporting Emperor; convicted and
to the Institute of Imperial Studies, sentenced to death; executed by
and entered the Jehangir Hall, Madan hanging on 20 January 1858.[Judl.
placed the muzzle close to Sir Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Curzonís face and fired four shots. HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 83; WWDFF, I,
One bullet shattered Curzonís right p. 235]
eye, and another bullet pierced his
face below the left eye. As Wyllie fell, Madho: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
Dhingra fired another shot at Dr. Barber; attended the public meeting
Cawas Khurshedji Lalcaca who had at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
reached forward to save Wyllie; he too April 1919 where he was killed in
fell down and died on the way to St. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
George Hospital. While searching PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
him, the police recovered a picture H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
postcard depicting the blowing off p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 175]
Indian Rebels from the muzzles of
field gun in India, 1857-58 and a Madho: Resident of Bazar Kasaiyan,
portrait of Lord Curzon on which was Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Rijha; Barber;
pencilled ìHeathen Dogî; put under was 30 years old when he attended the
police custody and removed to public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Brixton jail. He was subjected to Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
severe cross-examination, but was killed in firing by British troops.
answered the interrogations with a [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May
smile. He was put under trial. Once, (1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 195]
he saluted in a military fashion in the
court, and addressed the judge, Madho: Resident of Narowal, distt.
ìThank you my Lord, I am glad to Sialkot, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
have the honour of dying for my s/o Raja; Barber; was 22 years old
Countrymen.î Madan Lal subsequen- when he attended the public meeting
tly became Indiaís first martyr on a at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
foreign soil when he kissed the April 1919 where he was killed in
180 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Maharaj Singh: Resident of Kasil, ps.

PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Gharinda, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Nihal Singh, aged 25 years; an active
WWIM, I, p. 195; JBM, p. 145; INMPM, participant in revolutionary activities;
I, p. 175; MOP, I, p. 101] absconded in the first case but was
arrested; convicted and tried under
Madhosh Khan Pathan: Resident of Section 121 of IPC in the Supplemen-
Shahdara, Delhi; took part in 1857 tary Lahore Conspiracy Case;
Uprising against British rule; captured sentenced to transportation for life
by British troops and executed by and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A,
hanging at Delhi on 11 February 1858. Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI; SFH,
[WWIM, III, p. 84; WWDFF, I, p. 235] pp. 210, 308]

Maha Singh: Resident of Aherwan, distt. Mahboob Ali: Soldier in the Sappers and
Faridabad, Haryana; Dhobi; s/o Miners Regiment of British Indian
Kewal Ram; took part in 1857 Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
Uprising against British rule; caught took part in 1857 Uprising against
by British troops on charge of rebellion British rule; arrested by the British
against British rule and hanged on 8 soldiers and charged with mutiny;
December 1857. [HSG, I, p, 401; RIH, sentenced to death and executed in
p. 154] April 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 85]

Mahan Singh: Resident of v. Chaoke ps. Mahbub Shah: Resident of Amritsar city,
Malaud, Ilaqa Kot, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; Punjab; s/o Ahmad Shah; Syed; was
s/o Mangal Singh; a Kuka activist; 30 years old when he attended the
participated in the attack on public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
1872; arrested and charged with was killed in firing by British troops.
murder by the British Government; [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 133; INMPM, I,
I, PSAP] p. 175; MOP, I, p. 102, WWIM, I, p. 222]

Mahana: Resident of Chuharkana, Maheah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;

Sheikhupura, Punjab (now in participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Pakistan); cultivator; was 50 years old active part in fighting against British
when he attended the public meeting army; caught by British troops on
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 charge of plundering thµ a nas and
April 1919 where he was killed in rebellion against British rule;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, convicted and sentenced to death;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), executed by hanging on 27 February
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 198; INMPM, I, p. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
176] (1858), HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 181

Maher Chund: Resident of Gurgaon, Lieutenant Governor (Punjab)

Haryana; Jat; took part in 1857 afterward commuted the death
Uprising; caught by British troops on sentence to transportation for life in
charge of highway robbery of British 1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
property; convicted and sentenced to 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
death; executed by hanging on 18
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), Mahfooz Ali: Resident of v. Hasanpur,
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; soldier in the
Gwalior Contingent of British Indian
Mahesha: Resident of distt. Amritsar, Army; took part in 1857 Uprising
Punjab; s/o Amru; took part in against British rule; captured by
nationalist activities; active in British soldier and hanged on 13
organizing the haætµal on 6 April 1919 January 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div.),
at Amritsar, as part of the nation-wide F.No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p.
call of haætµ a l given by Mahatma 85; HSG, I p. 401; RIH, p. 154; WWDFF,
Gandhi to protest against the Rowlatt I, p. 237]
Act; joined the procession which was
taken out on 10 April 1919 in Amritsar Mahfuz Ali: Resident of v. Sultanpur,
in protest against the arrest of Dr. distt. Mewat, Haryana; s/o Amanat
Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din Ali; took part in 1857 Uprising against
Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti- British rule; caught by British troops
British acts which occurred after the on charge of rebellion against British
military picket (posted near the rule and hanged on 13 January 1858.
Deputy Commissionerës house) fired [Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.) F.No. 3,
on unarmed processionists; he was (1958), HSAP; HSG, I, p, 401; RIH, p.
one of those who helped the wounded 154]
persons and took them to the Civil
Hospital for first aid, but it is said that Mahhmudah: Resident of Delhi; took part
Mr. Plomer (British Doctor) sent them in Uprising of 1857; participated in
away, saying that ëpeople would defence of Delhi against advancing
make their own arrangements.í British army; captured by British
Mahesha and others were taking some troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
of the wounded persons to Dr. Kidar charged with rebellion against British
Nathís house near Zenµanµa Hospital. rule; executed by hanging on 30
On the way Mrs. Easden, on seeing October 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
the wounded, laughed and said that F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
ëHindus and Mohammedans had got
what they deserved.í Mahesha and Mahi: Resident of near Jallianwala Bagh
others forced their way into Hospital outside Sultanwind Gate, Amritsar
and tried to find out Mrs. Easden but city, Punjab; s/o Lahna; Jat; shepherd;
she escaped. Later on he was arrested, was 35years old when he attended the
tried by Martial Law Commission in public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar (Mrs. Easdenís) Case and Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
sentenced to death. However, the was killed in firing by British troops.
182 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Mahmud Ali: Resident of Jhajjar,

(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Haryana; an official in the Court of
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Nawab of Jhajjar; arrested in October
WWIM, I, p. 199; JBM, p. 133; INMPM, 1857 by Showers; executed in
I, p. 176; MOP, I, p. 102] December 1857 by hanging at Delhi.
[HSG, I, p, 401; RIH, p. 154]
Mahinder Singh: Resident of Majri, ps.
Khanna, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Mahna Singh: Resident of
Narsim Singh, aged 40 years; an active Chuharkana,distt. Gujaranwala,
participant in revolutionary activities; Punjab (now in Pakistan); took part in
arrested and tried in the Supplemen- the complete haætµal on 12 April 1919
tary Lahore Conspiracy Case; at Chuharkana, actively involved in
sentenced to transportation for life haætµal on 15 April 1919 at Chuharkana;
and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A, proceeded towards railway station
Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI; SFH, with others and took implements from
p. 308] railway gang, damaged the line and
burnt railway station. Afterwards an
Mahmood Khan: Resident of Kanod, armoured train with military and
Haryana; Pathan; participated in 1857 machine-guns arrived there and did
Uprising; caught by British troops on indiscriminate shooting. Mahna Singh
charge of rebellion against British rule; and others were arrested, tried in
convicted and sentenced to death; Chuharkana Case by Martial Law
executed by hanging on 8 February Commission and sentenced to death.
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 However, the Lieutenant Governor
(1858), HSAP] (Punjab) afterward commuted the
death sentence to transportation for
Mahmood Shah: Resident of Delhi; life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
Mughal prince; took part in 1857 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
Uprising against British rule;
participated in defence of Delhi Mahsal: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi;
against advancing British army; Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
captured by the British and executed caught by British troops; charged with
at Delhi on 18 November 1857. highway robbery of British property
[WWIM, III, p. 86; WWDFF, I, p. 237] and rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death and executed by
Mahmood: Resident of Punjab; Uru; took hanging on 9 February 1858.[Judl.
active part in 1857 Uprisng; caught by Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
British forces; accused of arresting and HSAP]
presenting a British spy to Emperor;
found guilty and sentenced to death; Mahtab Khan: Resident of Delhi; Pathan;
executed by hanging on 24 December a gifted writer; participated in 1857
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Uprising; caught by British troops on
(1858), HSAP] charge of rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 183

executed by hanging on 27 February took part in 1857 Uprising against

1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British rule; caught by British forces
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 92; on charge of rebellion against British
WWDFF, I, p. 236] rule and hanged on 13 November
1857. [HSG, I, p, 401; RIH, p. 154]
Mahtab: Resident of Shahjahanpur, distt.
Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Dalmer Makhum Ram: s/o Mindah; ¨avµaldµar in
Ranghar; took part in 1857 Uprising the 51st Regiment, Native Infantry of
against British rule; charged with British Indian Army; posted at
rebellion against British rule and Peshawar, North-West Frontier
hanged on 1 February 1858. [HSG, I, Province (now in Pakistan); deserted
p, 401; RIH, p. 154] his regiment in protest against general
disarming of Indian soldiers by the
Makbool Huq: Resident of Meham, distt. British; captured along with his
Rohtak, Haryana; Sheikh; participa- Subedar-Major and tried by Court
ted in 1857 Uprising; went to Delhi Martial on 26 May 1857; sentenced to
and joined fighting against British death and hanged on 3 June 1857; his
army; caught by British troops and Subedar-Major was hanged first of all;
imprisoned on charge of rebellion British army killed or hanged about
against British rule; convicted and 250 of his compatriots; on 28 August
sentenced to death; executed in 1857, another 150 Indian soldiers were
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 shot and killed by the British soldiers
(1858), HSAP] in the regimental lines outside when
they demonstrated their anger on
Makhan Singh: Resident of v. Aulakh, being subjected to search in an
Gujranwala, Punjab (now in insulting manner. (WWIM, III, pp. 86-
Pakistan); took part in insurrection on 87]
16 April 1919 in which the Patvµarkhfiµanµa
containing records of six villages was Maladeen: Resident of Delhi; took part in
burnt at Aulakh village. The mob Uprising of 1857; participated in
raised shouts that British Raj was defence of Delhi against advancing
extinct. Eight persons were arrested. British army; captured by British
Gand Singh also arrested and accused troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
in Aulakh Case, burning of charged with rebellion against British
Patwarkhana, tried by Martial Law rule; sentenced to death on 15
Commission and sentenced to death. December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl.
However, the Lieutenant Governor Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
(Punjab) afterward commuted the HSAP]
death sentence to transportation for
life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. Maladeen: Resident of Delhi; Lodha;
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
WWPFF, I, p. xlix] part in fighing against British army;
captured by British army on charge of
Makhan: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; rebellion against British rule;
184 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

convicted and sentenced to death; by hanging on 13 December

executed by hanging on 22 February 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 87; HSG,
(1858), HSAP] I, p. 401; RIH, p. 154]

Malooka Meo: Resident of Gurgaon, Man Singh: Resident of Aherwan, distt.

Haryana; Meo; took part in 1857 Faridabad, Haryana; took part in
Uprising against British rule; captured attacking and killing Englishmen
by British soldiers and hanged in during 1857 Uprising; arrested by
February 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 87; RIH, British troops on charge of murder of
p. 154] Messrs Teylor and Brum and rebellion
against British rule; convicted and
Mam Raj: Resident of Delhi; s/o Sheohar sentenced to death and hanged on 8
Nath; took part in public demonstra- December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
tion at Delhi against Rowlatt Act on Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
30 March 1919. British troops fired on
unarmed people by orders of Mr. Mana: Resident of Delhi; took part in
Currie (Additional District Uprising of 1857; participated in
Magistrate) at Delhi Railway Station defence of Delhi against advancing
and near Clock Tower; sixty persons British army; captured by British
were killed and wounded. Chet Ram troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
was one of those who received bullet charged with rebellion against British
wound in firing by the police and died rule; executed by hanging on 27
on the same day. [H/Poll (Depo), Oct February 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
1919, F. No. 34, NAI; Cong 2 April, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1919; WWIM, II, p. 184; WWDFF, I, p.
239; FMD, pp. 268-69] Manak Chand: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Ataro Mal; attended the
Mamun: Resident of Kanod, Haryana; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
participated in 1857 Uprising; joined Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Poordil Khan and accompanied him was killed in firing by British troops .
to Delhi; joined Imperial army in [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
fighting against British; caught by (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
British on charge of rebellion against (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 149; INMPM, I,
British rule; sentenced to death and p. 176; MOP, I, p. 103]
executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Manak Chand: Resident of Kucha Gosain,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Chajju Mal;
Man Singh: Resident of Aherwan, distt. broker; was 20 years old when he
Faridabad, Haryana; Dhobi; s/o attended the public meeting at
Khemoo; participated in Uprising of Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
1857; apprehended by the British; April 1919 where he was killed in
charged with rebellion against British firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
rule; sentenced to death and executed PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 185

PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 209; INMPM, I, p. HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 88; HSG, I, p. 401;
176] RIH, p. 154]

Mandu: Resident of Chuharkana, distt. Mangal Dass: Resident of v. Chabhal

Gujranawala, Punjab (now in Kalan, teh. Tarn Taran, Amritsar,
Pakistan); took part in the complete Punjab; s/o Diyaloo, Bairagi; tailor;
haætµal on 12 April 1919 at Chuharkana was 25 years old when he attended the
actively involved in haætµal on 15 April public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
1919 at Chuharkana; proceeded Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
towards railway station with others was killed in firing by British troops.
and took implements from railway [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
gang, damaged the line and burnt (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
railway station. Afterwards an H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
armoured train with military and WWIM, I, p. 214; JBM, p. 145; INMPM,
machine-guns arrived there and did I, p. 176; MOP, I, p. 103]
indiscriminate shooting. Mandu and
others were arrested, tried in Mangal Ram: Resident of Katra
Chuharkana Case by Martial Law Ramgarhian, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/
Commission and sentenced to death. o Giyani Mal; Khatri; canal contractor;
However, the Lieutenant Governor attended the public meeting at
(Punjab) afterward commuted the Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
death sentence to transportation for April 1919 where he was killed in
life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Manee Chund: Resident of Delhi; Bania; 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 214; JBM,
took part in Uprising of 1857; p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 176; MOP, I, p.
participated in defence of Delhi 103]
against advancing British army;
captured by British troops after Mangal Sen: Resident of Hafizabad, distt.
reoccupation of Delhi and convicted Gujranwala, Punjab (now in
of rebellion against British rule; Pakistan); s/o Nihal Chand; took part
sentenced to death; executed by in the complete haætµal against British
hanging on 3 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt rule on 14 April 1919 at Hafizabad. He
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] was one among those who had gone
to railway station, stopped train and
Manee: Resident of Palwal, distt. attacked Lieutenant Tatam, who was
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in in a first class compartment with his
1857 Uprising; caught by British little boy. But meanwhile, others in
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; crowd resented this behaviour and
convicted of rebellion against British protected Tatam. Mangal Sen and few
rule; sentenced to death and executed others were arrested, tried in
by hanging on 16 January 1858.[Judl. Hafizabad Case by Martial Law
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Commission and sentenced to death.
186 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

However, the Lieutenant Governor and Tosa Maru passenger; arrested

(Punjab) afterward commuted the and interned on arrival in India;
death sentence to transportation for attended a seditious meeting at
life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. Sacramento in America and on the
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] voyage to India was one of those
deputed to obtain arms from the
Mangal Singh: Resident of Punjab; s/o sepoys at Penang; served previously
Samaund Singh; Kuka activist; in the Arsenal and in the police at
involved in the attack on Raikot Hong Kong; convicted under Sections
(Ludhiana) butchers in 1871; arrested 121, 121A and 131 of IPC; sentenced
and charged with murder at Raikot; by Lahore Tribunal to transportation
tried in Raikot Butchers Murder Case for life and forfeiture of property;
1871; sentenced under Section 109 and deported to the Cellular Jail in October
302 of Indian Penal Code and 1915. [GD, p. 94; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p.
executed on 5 August 1871. [H/Deptt, 383, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct
Judl-A, 29 July 1871, F Nos. 45-61, 1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 191, 298; UHFSA,
NAI; H/Deptt, Judl-A, 19 Aug. 1871, p. 96; HCJ, p. 251]
F Nos. 26-32, NAI]
Mangal Singh: Resident of Mauza
Mangal Singh: Resident of Amritsar city, Lauhke [Lohka], teh. Tarn Taran,
Punjab; s/o Kaniya Mal; Ramsahi; Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ishar Singh; Jat;
attended the public meeting at village lambardµ a r, landowner and
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 cultivator; was 50 years old when he
April 1919 where he was killed in attended the public meeting at
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; April 1919 where he was killed in
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 176; MOP, I, p. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
103] 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 214; JBM,
Mangal Singh: Resident of Dhattal, teh. p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 176; MOP, I, p.
Ajnala, Amritsar, Punjab; Sadh; 103]
attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Mangal Singh: Resident of Waltoha,
April 1919, where he was killed in Lahore, Punjab; s/o Mul Singh, aged
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 40 years; an active participant in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; revolutionary activities; arrested and
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, tried in the Supplementary Lahore
p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 176; MOP, I, p. Conspiracy Case; sentenced to
104] transportation for life and forfeiture
of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221.,
Mangal Singh: Resident of Lalpur, ps. May 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 308]
Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
Sarmukh Singh, aged 31 years; a Korea Mangat Ram: Resident of Amritsar,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 187

Punjab, took part in the complete Dr. Saif-ud-din Kitchlew; actively

haætµal on 10 April 1919 in Amritsar involved in the anti-British Acts which
demanding release of Dr. Satyapal occurred after the military picket
and Dr. Saif-ud-din Kitchlew; arrested (posted near the Deputy
and charged with assaulting Miss Commissioners house) fired on
Sherwood; tried by Martial Law unarmed processionists charged for
Commission and sentenced to death. killing Sergeant Rowland, the
However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab) cantonment electrician near Rigo
afterward commuted the death Bridge; tried in Rigo Bridge Murder
sentence to transportation for life. [H/ Case by Martial Law Commission and
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 executed on 17 June 1919. [H/Poll, B-
& KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, p. 102; FML]
Mani Lal: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Nar Singh; Khatri; Mannab: Resident of Palwal, distt.
attended the public meeting at Faridabad, Haryana; Ahir; took part
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 in 1857 Uprising; caught by British
April 1919 where he was killed in soldiers after reoccupation of Delhi;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, accused of rebellion against British
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; rule; convicted and sentenced to
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. death; executed by hanging on 9
139; INMPM, I, p. 176; MOP, I, p. 104] December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Mani Ram: Resident of Kucha Bagh, Katra
Khazana, Bazar Chaudhrian, Manon: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Khanaya Ram; s/o Per Bux; Saka; weaver; attended
Khatri; hawker; was 40 years old the public meeting at Jallianwala
when he attended the public meeting Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 where he was killed in firing by British
April 1919 where he was killed in troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No.
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, 139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 209; JBM, p.
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 216; INMPM, I, p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 176; MOP, I, p. 104]
176; MOP, I, p. 104]
Mansa Ram: Resident of Kucha Sewa Sial,
Mani: Resident of distt. Amritsar, Punjab; Katra Dulo, Amritsar city, Punjab;
s/o Asdu; active in organizing the s/o Narsing Das; Khatri; broker; was
haætµal on 6 April 1919, at Amritsar, as 25 year old when he attended the
part of the nation-wide call of haætµal public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
against the Rowlatt Act; joined the was killed in firing by British troops.
procession which was taken out on 10 [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
April 1919 at Amritsar in protest (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
against the arrest of Dr. Satyapal and H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
188 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

WWIM, I, p.217; JBM, p. 131; INMPM, arrested by the British soldiers and
I, p. 176] charged with mutiny; sentenced to
death and executed on 21 April 1858.
Mansha Singh: Resident of Ludhiana, [WWIM, III, p. 89]
Punjab; s/o Nihal Singh; took active
part in revolutionary activities; Maroo: Resident of Delhi; took part in
arrested and tried in the Second Uprising of 1857; participated in
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy defence of Delhi against advancing
Case, 1916; sentenced to transporta- British army; captured by British
tion for life under Sections 121, 121-A troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
of IPC and deported to Andamans. charged with rebellion against British
[UHFSA, p. 96; HCJ, p. 251] rule; convicted and executed by
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
Manu: Resident of Palwal, distt. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in HSAP]
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
British; convicted of rebellion against Masabeeru: Resident of Aherwan, distt.
British rule; sentenced to death and Faridabad, Haryana; Brahmin; took
executed by hanging on 16 January active part in 1857 Uprising; caught
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 by British soldiers; accused of
(1858), HSAP] rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Manwar Khan: Resident of Jhajjar, executed by hanging on 18 January
Haryana; kotwµal in the service of the 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Nawab of Jhajjar; took part in 1857 (1858), HSAP]
Uprising against British rule; killed by
the British forces on 18 October 1857 Masadeen: Resident of Delhi; took part in
after the fall of Jhajjar. [HSG, I, p, 401; Uprising of 1857; participated in
RIH, p. 155] defence of Delhi against advancing
British army; captured by British
Maqsood Ali: Sawµar in the Fourth Light troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Cavalry of British Indian Army; charged with rebellion against British
posted in the Sutlej Division, Punjab; rule; executed by hanging on 27
deserted and took leading part in 1857 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Uprising against British rule; captured Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
by British soldiers and charged with
mutiny and ìsedition;î sentenced to Masita Syed: Resident of Turkman Gate,
death and hanged in April Delhi; took part in 1857 Uprising
1858.[WWIM, III, p. 89] against British rule; captured by
British troops and executed by
Maqsood: Soldier in the Cavalry hanging at Delhi on 22 February 1858.
Regiment of British Indian Army; [WWIM, III, p. 89; WWDFF, I, p. 246]
posted at Ambala, Haryana; took part
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Mastan Singh: Resident of Punjab; s/o
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 189

Kishan Singh; Kuka activist; involved Bomb-maker; escaped into

in the attack on Raikot (Ludhiana) Afghanistan and having subsequently
butchers in 1871; arrested and charged made his way to Russian Turkestan
with murder at Raikot; tried in Raikot was arrested there and made over to
Butchers Murder Case 1871; British authorities; convicted and tried
sentenced under Section 109 and 302 under Sections 121, 132 and 302/109
of Indian Penal Code and executed on of IPC in the Third Supplementary
5 August 1871. [H/Deptt, Judl-A, 29 Lahore Conspiracy Case (Date of
July 1871, F Nos. 45-61, NAI; H/ Judgment 2-3-1918); sentenced to
Deptt, Judl-A, 19 Aug. 1871, F Nos. 26- death and hanged on 27 March 1917.
32, NAI] [H/Poll-A, Nos. 55-77, Sep 1918, NAI;
SFH, pp. 191-192, 227, 290; INMPM, I,
Mastan Singh: Resident of Narangwal, ps. p. 109; EFFP, pp. 166-68; MOP, I, pp.
Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o 20-21, 97; WWPFF, II, p. xxvi]
Mehtab Singh, aged 35 years; an active
participant in revolutionary activities; Matroo Meo: Resident of v. Nagli, distt.
arrested and tried in the Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took part
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Case; sentenced to transportation for captured by British soldiers and
life and forfeiture of property. [H/ hanged in February 1858. [WWIM, III,
Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI; p. 90; HSG, I p. 402; RIH, p. 155]
SFH, p. 308]
Matta Deen: Resident of Sandi, Lucknow,
Mata Din Lodha: Resident of Teliwara, Uttar Pradesh; a sepoy in Hoosainee
Delhi; took part in 1857 Uprising Regiment of Jhajjar; participated in
against British rule; captured by 1857 Uprising; caught by British
British troops and executed by troops in Haryana and charged with
hanging at Delhi on 22 February 1858. rebellion against British rule;
[WWIM, III, p. 90; WWDFF, I, p. 246] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed in Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
Mata Din: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
took part in uprising of 1857; arrested
by the British authorities and tried for Maulvee Ismail: Resident of Rohtak,
sedition; ìsentencedî to death and Haryana; took leading part in 1857
executed by hanging on 15 December Uprising; imprisoned on charge of
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 90; HSG, I p. 402; rebellion against British rule; tried and
RIH, p. 155; WWDFF, I, p. 246] convicted; sentenced to transportation
for life on 13 October 1857. [Judl.
Mathra Singh: Born in 1883; resident of Deptt (Hisar Div], Acc No. 9782 (1857)
Dhudyal, ps. Chakwal, Jhelum, (now HSAP]
in Pakistan); s/o Hari Singh, Khatri;
took part in revolutionary activities in Maulvi Mohammad Baqir: Resident of
Punjab; arrested at Lahore on 19 Delhi; pioneer Journalist and editor of
February 1916; a leader and an expert Dehli Urdµu Akhfibµar which was founded
190 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

in 1836; took leading part in 1857 against British rule; convicted and
Uprising against British rule; wrote executed by hanging on 5 February
many articles against British authority 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
and called upon the people to rise (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 91; HSG,
against foreign rule; reminded Hindus I, p. 402; RIH, p. 155]
and Muslims of Hindoostan about
their ancestoral and old age composite Medha: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
culture and unity which they had participated in 1857 Uprising; took
developed by living together for many active part in fighting against British
centuries; highlighted economic army; caught by British troops on
exploitation of Hindoostan by an alien charge of plundering thµ a nas and
Government; also advocated for the rebellion against British rule;
expulsion of the British from India; he convicted and sentenced to death;
was captured and shot dead by Major executed by hanging on 27 February
Hodson after the fall of Delhi in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
September 1857. [DUA, NAI; HUJ; (1858), HSAP]
WWIM, III, p. 95; WWDFF, I, p. 162]
Meer Abdool: Resident of Delhi; Syed;
Mauna: Resident of Shahi Masjid, Delhi; participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested
Kahar; took part in 1857 Uprising; by British troops on charge of rebellion
caught by British forces on charge of against British rule; convicted and
rebellion against British rule; sentenced to death; executed by
convicted and sentenced to death; hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
executed by hanging on 10 December Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 HSAP]
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 88;
WWDFF, I, p. 244] Meer Chottun: Resident of Delhi; Syed;
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Meah Jan: Resident of Iram Bari, Delhi; by British forces on charge of rebellion
Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising; against British rule; convicted and
took active part in fighting against sentenced to death; executed by
advancing British army; caught by hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
British soldiers during reoccupation of Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Delhi; charged with rebellion against HSAP]
British rule; sentenced to death and
hanged on 22 February 1858.[Judl. Meer Imamoodeen: Resident of Gali
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Kunchi, Delhi; Syed participated in
HSAP] 1857 Uprisng; arrested by the British
after reoccupation of Delhi on charge
Medee: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; of rebellion against British rule;
took active part in plundering and convicted and sentenced to death;
killing Englishmen during Uprising of executed by hanging on 19 February
1857; caught by British on charge of 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
murder, plundering and rebellion (1858), HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 191

Meer Khan: Resident of Meham, distt. 1857 Uprising; took active part in
Rohtak, Haryana; Ranghar; fighting against British army;
participated in 1857 Uprising; went to captured by British troops on charge
Delhi with other fellows and joined of rebellion against British rule;
fighting against British army; caught convicted and sentenced to death;
by British troops and imprisoned on executed by hanging on 22 February
charge of rebellion against British rule; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
convicted and sentenced to death; (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 93;
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi WWDFF, I, p. 252]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Meer Mohomed Hussin: Resident of
Meer Khan: Resident of Raisina, distt. Delhi; Syed; participated in 1857
Gurgaon, Haryana; Meo; participated Uprising; caught by British troops and
in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by accused of rebellion against British
the British and charged with rebellion rule; convicted and sentenced to
against British rule; sentenced to death death; executed by hanging on 18
and executed by hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
III, p. 93; HSG, I, p. 402; RIH, p. 155] Meer Rehmat Alee: Resident of Delhi;
Khan; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Meer Khan: Resident of Rewari, Haryana; took part in fighting against British
a sawµar in 4th Irregular Cavalry of army; caught by British and charged
British Indian Army; deserted and with attacking Englishmen with arms
took part in 1857 Uprising; took active and rebellion against British rule;
part in fighting against British army; convicted and sentenced to death;
caught by British troops on charge of shot dead in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
desertion, mutiny and rebellion Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
against British rule; convicted and
executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Meer Shah: Resident of Delhi; Syed; took
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, active part in fighting against British
III, p. 93] in defence of Delhi during Uprising
of 1857; captured by British forces
Meer Khan: Soldier in the Ludhiana after reoccupation of Delhi; accused
Regiment of British Indian Army; of rebellion against British rule;
posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted sentenced to death and executed by
and took leading part in 1857 Uprising hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
against British rule; captured by Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
British soldiers; sentenced to death HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 93]
and hanged on 3 May 1858. [WWIM,
III, p. 90] Meer Sumsoodeen: Resident of Delhi;
Syed; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Meer Kurban Alli: Resident of Turkman caught by British troops and accused
Gate, Delhi; Mughal; participated in of rebellion against British rule;
192 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

convicted and sentenced to death; Mehar Chand: Resident of Amritsar city,

executed by hanging on 22 February Punjab; s/o Har Sahai; shopkeeper;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 attended the public meeting at
(1858), HSAP] Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in
Meerabas: Resident of Delhi; participated firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
in 1857 Uprising; took active part in PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
fighting against British; caught by H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
British troops and charged with WWIM, I, p. 221; JBM, p. 142; INMPM,
rebellion against British rule; I, p. 177; MOP, I, p. 105]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 12 March Mehar Chund: Resident of Delhi; Bania;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 participated in 1857 Uprising; took
(1858), HSAP] part in capturing British property in
Delhi; caught by British forces on
Meerah: Resident of Palwal, distt. charge of theft and rebellion against
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated British rule; convicted and sentenced
in 1857 Uprising; caught by British to death; executed by hanging on 27
forces and charged with rebellion February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
against British rule and sentenced to Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
death; executed by hanging on 9
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Mehboob Bux: Resident of Hasanpur,
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Raushan
Pathan; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Meeroo: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; caught by British soldiers on charge
Meo; took active part in plundering of rebellion against British rule;
and killing Englishmen during sentenced to death and executed by
Uprising of 1857; caught by British on hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl.
charge of murder, plundering and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
rebellion against British rule; HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 91; HSG, I, p. 402;
convicted and executed by hanging on RIH, p. 155]
5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Mehboob Karim Pathan: Resident of
Delhi; took part in 1857 Uprising
Meeru Khan: Resident of Delhi; took part against British rule; captured by
in Uprising of 1857; participated in British troops and executed by
defence of Delhi against advancing hanging at Delhi on 27 February 1858.
British army; captured by British [WWIM, III, p. 91]
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
charged with rebellion against British Mehbooboolla Khan: Resident of Delhi;
rule; sentenced to death and hanged Khan; participated in 1857 Uprising;
in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. took part in fighting against British
3 (1858), HSAP] army; caught by British troops;
charged with attacking Englishmen
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 193

with arms and rebellion against firing by British troops. [H/Mil,

British rule; convicted and sentenced PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
to death; shot dead in 1857. [Judl. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p.
HSAP] 105]

Mehdee: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; Mehr Chand: Resident of Amritsar city,

Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857; Punjab; attended the public meeting
apprehended by the British and at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
charged with rebellion against British April 1919 where he was killed in
rule; sentenced to death and executed firing by British troops and died. [H/
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921),
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
HSAP] JBM, p. 139; INMPM, I, p. 177]

Mehmood Shikoh: Resident of Delhi; Mehr Din: Resident Chuharkana, distt.

Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Abbas Gujranwala, Punjab (now in
Shikoh; participated in Uprising 1857; Pakistan); s/o Arura; took part in the
took part in fighting against British complete haætµal on 12 April 1919 at
army in defence of Delhi; caught by Chuharkana actively involved in
British troops after reoccupation of haætµal on 15 April 1919 at Chuharkana;
Delhi; accused of being an associate proceeded towards railway station
of Imperial family and rebellion with others took implements from
against British rule; convicted of crime railway gang, damaged the line and
and sentenced to suffer death; burnt railway station. Afterwards an
executed by order of Delhi Special armoured train with military and
Commissioner for Rebellion.[F Poll machine-guns arrived there and did
No 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI; indiscriminate shooting. Mehr Din
WWIM, III, p. 86; WWDFF, I, p. 237] and others were arrested, tried in
Chuharkana Case by Martial Law
Mehmood: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana; Commission and sentenced to death.
Ranghar; participated in Uprising of However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab)
1857; took active part in fighting afterward commuted the death
against British troops; caught by sentence to transportation for life. [H/
British soldiers on charge of rebellion Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
against British rule; convicted; & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
sentenced to death and executed in
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Mehr Sain: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab
(1858), HSAP] s/o Mandhoo; actively involved in the
anti-British acts which occured after
Mehr Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, the military picket posted near the
Punjab; attended the public meeting Deputy Commissionerís house fired
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 on unarmed processionists; charged
April 1919 where he was killed in with taking part in the attack on the
194 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Alliance Bank in which the Manager Mehtab Singh: Soldier in the 12th Native
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried and Infantry of British Indian Army;
convicted in Amritsar Alliance Bank posted at Ludhiana, Punjab; deserted
Murder Case; was sentenced to death and took leading part in 1857 Uprising
and forfeiture of property under against British rule; captured by
section 121 of Indian Penal Code by British soldiers; sentenced to death
Martial Law Commission; death and hanged on 17 May 1858. [WWIM,
sentence later on was commuted to III, p. 92]
transportation for life by the Lt.
Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc, Mehtab Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana
Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; Regiment of British Indian Army;
INCR, I; FML] posted at Ambala, Haryana; took part
in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Mehr Singh: Resident of Punjab; s/o captured by the British soldiers;
Gulaba; Kuka activist; involved in the charged with mutiny and desertion;
attack on Malodh on 14 January 1872; sentenced to death and executed on 3
arrested and charged for ìdacoity May 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 92]
with murderî under Section 396 of
Indian Penal Code; sentenced to Mehtab: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
death, later on death sentence participated in Uprising of 1857;
commuted to transportation for life to apprehended by the British; charged
Andaman [H/Deptt, Judl-A, June with rebellion against British rule;
1872, F Nos. 112-132, NAI] sentenced to death and executed by
hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl.
Mehr Singh: Resident of Fatehgarh, ps. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Sadr, Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Bhagal HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 91-92]
Singh; took active part in
revolutionary activities; tried in Mehur Chund: Resident of Gurgaon,
Second Supplementary Lahore Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857
Conspiracy Case (Date of Judgment Uprising; took active part in attacking
5-1-1917); sentenced to transportation and killing Englishmen; caught by
for life. [H/Poll-B, Nos. 242-43, May British troops on charge of murder
1917, NAI; SFH, p. 290; UHFSA, p. 96; and rebellion against British rule;
HCJ, p. 251] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Mehru Mal: Resident of Amritsar city, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Punjab; s/o Ram Sahai; attended the
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Mela Ram: Resident of Amritsar city,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Punjab; s/o Mathura Dass; goldsmith;
was killed in firing by British troops . attended the public meeting at
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 April 1919 where he was killed in
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 149; INMPM, I, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 177; MOP, I, p. 106] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 195

H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; William Hopkinson on 21 October

WWIM, I, pp. 221-22; JBM, p. 149; 1914, who went to appear as witness
INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p. 106] for Bela Singh (an informer of British
authorities), who opened fire on the
Mela: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; passengers of Komagata Maru and
attended the public meeting at killed Bhag Singh of Bhikewind and
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Battan Singh of Dalel Singh; sentenced
April 1919 where he was killed in to death. In his confessional statement
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, said that he had not committed the
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; crime in his personal interest or
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. enmity, but he could not see the
150; INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p. 106] wrong being done to his innocent
countrymen. He said: ìThis is what
Mela: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; s/o led me to take Hopkinsonís life and
Ganga Ram; took part in the complete sacrifice my own life in order to lay
haætµal on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar, bare oppression exercised upon my
Punjab; demanding release of Dr. innocent people through his influence
Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din in the eyes of the whole world. And I,
Kitchlew; arrested and charged with performing the duty of a true Sikh and
crimes of for assaulting Miss remembering the name of God, will
Sherwood; tried by Martial Law proceed towards the scaffold with the
Commission and sentenced to death. same amount of pleasure as the
However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab) hungry babe does towards its mother.
afterward commuted the death I shall gladly have the rope around my
sentence to transportation for life. [H/ neck thinking it to be a rosary of Godís
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 name...î [PHT, pp. 44-45]
Meyohor Khan: Resident of Shahdara,
Meva Singh: Resident of Kucha Kamboh, Delhi; Pathan; participated in 1857
Katra Jallianwala, Amritsar city, Uprising; captured by British troops
Punjab; s/o Hakim Singh; Ahluwalia; on charge of rebellion against British
confectioner; was 16 years old when rule; convicted and sentenced to
he attended the public meeting at death; hanged on 12 February
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
April 1919, where he was killed in (1858), HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Mhobbali Singh: Resident of Delhi;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Khatri; participated in 1857 Uprising;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 222; JBM, caught by British forces on charge of
p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p. rebellion against British rule;
106] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 10 December
Mewa Singh: Resident of Punjab; a 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Komagata Maru passenger killed (1858), HSAP]
196 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Mian Amin Sahib: Resident of Delhi; took to Rajghat and shot dead; his dead
part in 1857 Uprising against British body was thrown into the Jamuna.
rule; shot dead by the British at Bhojla [WWIM, III, p. 93]
Pahari. [WWDFF, I, p. 25]
Miraj Din: Resident of Amritsar city,
Mian Jawahir Singh: Resident of Saini Punjab; s/o Nabi Bux; Kharasi; was
Mori, Mandi State, Himachal Pradesh; 18 years old when he attended the
s/o Bhikam Rajput; took active part public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
in revolutionary activities; convicted Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
and tried under Sections 121A, 122 was killed in firing by British troops.
and 302-115 of IPC in the Mandi [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
transportation for life and forfeiture (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 149; INMPM, I,
of property to the Mandi State. [SFH, p. 177; MOP, I, p. 107]
p. 233]
Miraj Din: Resident of Kucha Awal,
Mian Mohammad Amin Panjakush: Thana Lohgarh, Amritsar, Punjab;
Resident of Delhi; a gifted writer; took s/o Nabha alias Ladhu; Kharasi; was
part in 1857 Uprising against British 20 years old when he attended the
rule; arrested by British soldiers after public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
the fall of Delhi in September 1857; Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
taken to Rajghat and shot dead; his was killed in firing by British troops.
dead body was thrown into the [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Jamuna. [WWIM, III, p. 92] (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Mir Faiz Ali: Resident of Delhi; took p. 133; INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p.
leading part in 1857 Uprising against 107]
British rule; arrested by the British and
tried for treason; executed by hanging Miran Bux: Resident of Bazar Ghumaran,
at Delhi in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 39; Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Nikka;
WWDFF, I, p. 125] Kashmiri; potter; was 30 years old
when he attended the public meeting
Mir Ghulam: Resident of Delhi; took at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
leading part in 1857 Uprising against April 1919 where he was killed in
British rule; participated in defence of firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Delhi against advancing British army; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
captured by the British and executed 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
at Delhi in January 1858. [WWIM, III, 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 222; JBM,
p. 92] p. 133; INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p.
Mir Mian Kazi: Resident of Delhi; took
part in 1857 Uprising against British Mirza Abadali: Born in Delhi; Mughal
rule; arrested by British soldiers after prince; took part in 1857 Uprising
fall of Delhi in September 1857; taken against British rule; participated in
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 197

defence of Delhi against advancing against British rule; died in jail during
British army; captured by the British his trial.[F Poll No 113-119 & KW, 27
and executed at Delhi on 18 May 1859, NAI]
November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 93;
WWDFF, I, p. 252] Mirza Ahmud Buksh: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Kadir
Mirza Abidoodeen alias Mirza Buksh; participated in Uprising of
Munjhlay: Resident of Delhi; Mughal 1857; caught by British troops after
prince; s/o Mirza Zahurooddeen; reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
participated in Uprising of 1857; being an associate of Bahadur Shahís
caught by British troops after family and rebellion against British
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with rule; convicted of crime and sentenced
being an associate of Bahadur Shahís to suffer death; executed by order of
family and ìseditionî against British Delhi Special Commissioner for
rule; convicted and sentenced to Rebellion.[F Poll No 113-119 & KW,
death; executed by order of Delhi 27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 4]
Special Commissioner for Rebellion.[F
Poll No 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, Mirza Alladanee: Resident of Delhi;
NAI] Mughal; participated in 1857
Uprising; caught by British troops
Mirza Aboobukur: Resident of Delhi; after reoccupation of Delhi and
Mughal prince; grandson of Bahadur charged with mutiny against British
Shah Zafar; took leading part in 1857 rule; sentenced to death and hanged
Uprising against British rule; after fall on 18 November 1857.[Judl. Deptt
of Delhi took shelter in Humayun (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Tomb on 20 September 1857; arrested
by British troops under command of Mirza Azeezoodeen: Resident of Delhi;
Major Hodson on 22 September 1857; Mughal; took active part in 1857
taken into a bullock cart near Khuni Uprising; arrested by British forces
Darwaza and ordered by Hodson to after reoccupation of Delhi and
take off his upper garments; he was charged with mutiny against British
shot dead by Hodson and his body rule; convicted and sentenced to death
was driven to Kotwali and laid on the and hanged on 18 November
stone slabs outside the building before 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
he was buried. [MRC, VII, pt. II, p. 73; (1858), HSAP]
WWIM, III, p. 3; GID, p. 89]
Mirza Azizuddin: Resident of Gurgaon,
Mirza Ahmed Jann: Resident of Delhi; Haryana; old and respectable man;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Khoorrum took active part in 1857 Uprising
Bukht; participated in Uprising of against British rule; captured by
1857; arrested by British forces after British troops and sentenced to death;
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned executed at Delhi on 15 December
on charge of being associated with 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 13; HSG, I p. 391;
family of Bahadur Shah and rebellion RIH, p. 141; WWDFF, I, p, 40]
198 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Mirza Babur Shikoh: Resident of Delhi; participated in Uprising of 1857;

Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Hoosein apprehended by British forces and
Baksh; participated in Uprising of accused of rebellion against British
1857; arrested by British forces after rule; sentenced to death on 15
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
on charge of being assoicated with Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Imperial family and rebellion and HSAP]
British rule; died in jail during his
trial.[F. Poll. No. 113-119 & K.W., 27 Mirza Boolakee (2nd): Resident of Delhi;
May 1859, NAI] took part in fighting against British
army advancing in Delhi during
Mirza Bahadoor: Resident of Delhi; Urising of 1857; caught by British
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Mummun; troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
participated in Uprising of 1857; accused of rebellion against British
arrested by British forces after rule; convicted and shot dead on 15
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
on charges of being a family member Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
of Bahadur Shah and rebellion against
British rule; died in jail during his Mirza Buhadoor: Resident of Delhi;
trial.[F. Poll. No. 113-119 & K.W., 27 Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Bullund;
May 1859, NAI] participated in Uprising of 1857;
caught by British soldiers after
Mirza Bahadur: Resident of Delhi; reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
participated in 1857 Uprising; took being an associate of Bahadur Shahís
active part in fighting against family and rebellion against British
advancing British army in Delhi; rule; convicted and sentenced to
captured by British troops after death; executed by order of Delhi
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of Special Commissioner for Rebellion.
rebellion against British rule; [F. Poll. No. 113-119 & K.W., 27 May
convicted and sentenced to death; 1859, NAI]
executed by hanging on 17 March
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Mirza Bukhtawur Shah: Resident of
(1858), HSAP] Delhi; s/o Emperor Bahadur Shah;
actively involved in Uprising of 1857
Mirza Beeloole: Resident of Delhi, against British rule; mobilized people
participated in Uprising of 1857; to fight against British; arrested from
apprehended by British forces and Humayunís tomb after reoccupation
convicted of rebellion against British of Delhi by Brigadier Showers on 28
rule; sentenced to death on 15 September 1857; kept in prison on
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. charge of sedition and rebellion
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), against British rule; tried by a Military
HSAP] Commission and convicted;
sentenced to death and executed on
Mirza Bolakee: Resident of Delhi, 14 October 1857. [MRC, VII, pt. II, pp.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 199

108, 173, 358, 360] British rule; convicted and shot dead
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
Mirza Bulaqi: Resident of Gurgaon, (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; captured by Mirza Ghafoor Shikoh: Resident of
British troops and sentenced to death; Palwal, distt. Faridabad, Haryana;
executed at Delhi on 15 December took part in 1857 Uprising against
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 26; HSG, I p. 393; British rule; captured by British
RIH, p. 144; WWDFF, I, p, 80] soldiers and hanged in December
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 93]
Mirza Bullenday: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Mukurrum; Mirza Ghiyasuddin: Resident of
participated in Uprising of 1857; Gurgaon, Haryana; took active part in
caught by British soldiers after 1857 Uprising against British rule;
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of captured by British troops and
being an associate of Bahadur Shahís sentenced to death; executed at Delhi
family and rebellion against British on 15 December 1857. [WWIM, III, p.
rule; convicted and sentenced to 44; HSG, I p. 395; RIH, p. 146; WWDFF,
death; executed by order of Delhi I, p, 139]
Special Commissioner for Rebellion.
[F. Poll. No. 113-119 & K.W., 27 May Mirza Ghulam Bakruddin: Resident of
1859, NAI, WWIM, III, p. 26] Delhi; s/o Mirza Agha Janh; Prince of
the Mughal Imperial house; played an
Mirza Chhote: Resident of Gurgaon, active role in defence of Delhi against
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising the invading British forces during
against British rule; arrested by the 1857 Uprising; captured by the British
British authorities and tried for and executed by hanging at Delhi in
ìsedition;î sentenced to death and 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 45]
hanged on 15 December 1857.
[WWIM, III, p. 93; WWDFF, I, p. 100] Mirza Ghulam Muhammadi: Resident of
Delhi; s/o Mirza Karim Baksh; Prince
Mirza Dawood Shah: Resident of Delhi; of the Mughal Imperial house; played
Mughal; took leading part in 1857 an active role in defence of Delhi
Uprising; captured by British forces against the invading British forces
and charged with mutiny against during 1857 Uprising; captured by the
British rule; sentencted to death and British and executed by hanging at
hanged on 18 November 1857.[Judl. Delhi in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 45]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Mirza Golam Abbas: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Agha Jann;
Mirza Etaboodeen: Resident of Delhi; played an active role in defence of
took part in Uprising of 1857; caught Delhi during Uprising of 1857; caught
by British troops after reoccupation of by British soldiers after reoccupation
Delhi; accused of rebellion against of Delhi; accused of being an associate
200 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

of Bahadur Shahís family and leading part in Uprising of 1857;

rebellion against British rule; caught by British forces and charged
convicted and sentenced to death; with mutiny against British rule;
executed by order of Delhi Special sentenced to death and hanged on 18
Commissioner for Rebellion.[F Poll November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
WWIM, III, p. 44]
Mirza Gyasoodeen: Resident of Delhi;
Mirza Golam Fakhrooddeen: Resident of participated in Uprising of 1857;
Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza apprehended by British forces and
Kurreem; participated in Uprising of accused of rebellion against British
1857; caught by British soldiers after rule; sentenced to death on 15
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
being an associate of Bahadur Shahís Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
family and rebellion against British HSAP]
rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; executed by order of Delhi Mirza Hazee: Resident of Delhi; Mughal;
Special Commissioner for Rebellion. participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
[F. Poll. No. 113-119 & K.W., 27 May by British forces and charged with
1859, NAI] rebellion against British rule; found
guilty of the charge and sentenced to
Mirza Golam Imadooddeen: Resident of death; executed by hanging on 18
Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Ali November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Buksh; actively participated in Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
Uprising of 1857; arrested by British III, p. 93; WWDFF, I, p. 225]
forces after reoccupation of Delhi and
imprisoned on charge of being Mirza Hoosein Baksh: Resident of Delhi;
assoicated with Bahadur Shah and Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Kadir
rebellion against British rule; died in Baksh; took leading part in Uprising
jail during his trial.[F. Poll. No. 113- of 1857; caught by British troops after
119 & K.W., 27 May 1859, NAI] reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
being associated with family of
Mirza Golam Maeenooddeen: Resident Bahadur Shah and rebellion against
of Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza British rule; convicted and sentenced
Nadir Bukht; actively participated in to death; executed by order of Delhi
Uprising of 1857; arrested by British Special Commissioner for Rebellion.[F
forces after reoccupation of Delhi and Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859,
imprisoned on charge of being NAI; WWIM, III, p. 58]
assoicated with Imperial family and
rebellion against British rule; died in Mirza Hoosein Baksh: Resident of Delhi;
jail during his trial.[F. Poll. No. 113- Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Ali Buksh;
119 & K.W., 27 May 1859, NAI] participated in Uprising of 1857;
arrested by British forces after
Mirza Gows Ale: Resident of Delhi; took reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 201

on charge of being family member of Mouzzumooddeen; participated in

Bahadur Shah and rebellion against Uprising of 1857; arrested by British
British rule; died in jail during his forces after reoccupation of Delhi and
trial.[F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May imprisoned on charge of being
1859, NAI] associated with faimly of Bahadur
Shah and rebellion against British rule;
Mirza Hoosein Buksh: Resident of Delhi; died in jail during his trial.[F Poll No.
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Sungee; 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI]
participated in Uprising of 1857;
arrested by British forces after Mirza Inleabe: Resident of Delhi; took
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned part in fighting against British army
on charge of being associated with during Uprising of 1857; caught by
family of Bahadur Shah and rebellion British troops after reoccupation of
against British rule; died in jail during Delhi; accused of rebellion against
his trial.[F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 British rule; convicted and shot dead
May 1859, NAI] on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Mirza Illahee Buksh: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Mirza Jawana Bukht: Resient of Delhi;
Shoojaooddeen; participated in Mughal prince; s/o Emperor Bahadur
Uprising of 1857; arrested by British Shah Zafar and Queen Zeenat Mahal;
forces after reoccupation of Delhi and took part in Uprising of 1857; captured
imprisoned on charge of being by British forces after reoccupation of
attached with Imperial family and Delhi; imprisoned on account of being
rebellion against British rule; died in a family member of Emperor and
jail during his trial.[F Poll No. 113-119 rebellion against British rule;
& KW, 27 May 1859, NAI] transported for life to Rangoon as state
prisoner. [F. Poll. no. 52-125, 10
Mirza Inayut Hoosein: Resident of Delhi; December 1858, NAI]
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Iktadar
Bukht; actively participated in Mirza Jrayara: Resident of Badshahpur,
Uprising of 1857; caught by British distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; Uprising of 1857; caught by British
accused of being an assoicate of troops; accused of rebellion against
Bahadur Shahís family and rebellion British rule; convicted and shot dead
against British rule; convicted and on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
sentenced to death; executed by order (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
of Delhi Special Commissioner for
Rebellion.[F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, Mirza Jullalee: Resident of Delhi;
27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 59; participated in Uprising of 1857;
WWDFF, I, p. 173] apprehended by British forces and
accused of rebellion against British
Mirza Inhan Sooltan: Resident of Delhi; rule; sentenced to death on 15
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
202 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), [F Poll No. 52-125, 10 Dec 1858, NAI]
Mirza Kaley: Resident of Delhi; Mughal
Mirza Kadar Buksh: Resident of Delhi; prince; s/o Mirza Agha Jann; played
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Mukhoo; active role in Uprising of 1857; caught
participated in Uprising of 1857; by the British troops after reoccupa-
caught by the British troops after tion of Delhi; accused of being an
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of assoicate of Bahadur Shahís family
being an assoicate of Bahadur Shahís and rebellion against British rule;
family and rebellion against British convicted and sentenced to death;
rule; convicted and sentenced to suffer executed by order of Delhi Special
death; executed by order of Delhi Commissioner for Rebellion.[F Poll
Special Commissioner for No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI;
Rebellion.[F. Poll. No. 113-119 & K.W., WWIM, III, p. 69]
27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 116]
Mirza Kamran: Resident of Delhi; Mughal
Mirza Kadir Buksh: Resident of Delhi; prince; s/o Mirza Babur; participated
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Jann; in Uprising of 1857; arrested by British
participated in Uprising of 1857; forces after reoccupation of Delhi and
arrested by British forces after imprisoned on charge of being a
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned family member of Emperor and
on charge of being attached with rebellion against British rule; died in
Bahadur Shahís family and rebellion jail during his trial.[F Poll No. 113-119
against British rule; died in jail during & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI]
his trial.[F. Poll. No. 113-119 & K.W.,
27 May 1859, NAI] Mirza Khajin Sultan: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal; took active part in 1857
Mirza Kaikhusroo Buksh: Resident of Uprising; arrested by British troops
Delhi; Mughal; took leading part in and charged with mutiny against
1857 Uprising; captured by British British rule; sentenced to death and
troops and charged with mutiny hanged on 18 November 1857.[Judl.
against British rule; hanged on 18 Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi HSAP]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
III, p. 93] Mirza Khawar Shikoh: Resident of Delhi;
participated in Uprising of 1857;
Mirza Kaisur: Resident of Delhi; male apprehended by British forces and
attendant in Court of Emperor; took accused of rebellion against British
part in Uprising of 1857; captured by rule; sentenced to death on 15
British forces after reoccupation of December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Delhi; imprisoned on account of being Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
an associate of Bahadur Shah; HSAP]
rebellion against British; transported
for life to Rangoon as state prisoner. Mirza Khizr Sultan: Resident of Delhi;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 203

Mughal prince; s/o Bahadur Shah against British rule; arrested by British
Zafar; took leading part in Uprising authorities and tried for ìsedition;î
of 1857 against British rule; after fall sentenced to death and hanged on 15
of Delhi took shelter in Humayun December 1857. [WWIM, III, pp. 93-
Tomb on 20 September 1857; arrested 94]
by British troops under command of
Major Hodson on 22 September 1857; Mirza Kullun: Resident of Delhi; took
taken into a bullock cart near Khuni active part in fighting against British
Darwaza and ordered by Hodson to army during Uprising of 1857; caught
take off his upper garments; shot by British troops after reoccupation of
dead; his body was driven to Kotwali Delhi; accused of rebellion against
and laid on the stone slabs outside the British rule; convicted and shot dead
building before he was buried. [MRC, on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
VII, pt. II, p. 73; GID, p. 89; WWIM, (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
III, p.75]
Mirza Kureem Buksh: Resident of Delhi;
Mirza Kootubooddeen: Resident of Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Mukhoo;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Kadir played active role in Uprising of 1857;
Buksh; participated in Uprising of caught by the British toops after
1857; caught by the British toops after reoccuaption of Delhi; accused of
reoccuaption of Delhi; accused of being a family member of Emperor
being a family member of Emperor and rebellion against British rule;
and rebellion against British rule; convicted and sentenced to death;
convicted and sentenced to death; executed by order of Delhi Special
executed by order of Delhi Special Commissioner for Rebellion.[F Poll
Commissioner for Rebellion.[F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI;
No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 72; WWDFF, I, p. 206]
WWIM, III, p. 116]
Mirza Kureem Buksh: Resident of Delhi;
Mirza Kubeerooddeen: Resident of Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Sungee;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza took part in Uprising of 1857; arrested
Kootbooddeen; participated in by British forces after reoccupation of
Uprising of 1857; caught by British Delhi and imprisoned on charge of
toops after reoccuaption of Delhi; being associated with family of
accused of being a family member of Emperor and rebellion against British
Emperor and rebellion against British rule; died in jail during his trial.[F Poll
rule; convicted and sentenced to No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI]
death; executed by order of Delhi
Special Commissioner for Rebellion.[F Mirza Maeenooddeen: Resident of Delhi;
Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Allah
NAI; WWIM, III, p. 69] Baksh; actively participated in
Uprising of 1857; caught by the British
Mirza Kullum: Resident of Gurgaon, troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising accused of being associated with
204 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Bahadur Shahís family and rebellion against British rule; tried by a Military
against British rule; convicted and Commission and convicted;
sentenced to death; executed by order sentenced to death by being shot and
of the Delhi Special Commissioner for executed on 14 October 1857. [MRC,
Rebellion.[F Pol. No. 113-119 & KW, VII, pt. II, pp. 108, 173, 358, 360]
27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 99]
Mirza Mobarik Sullateen: Resident of
Mirza Maharook Beg: Resident of Delhi; Delhi; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Mughal prince; took active part in took active part in fighting against
Uprising of 1857; caught by British advancing British army in Delhi;
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and captured by British troops after
accused of rebellion against British reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
rule; convicted and sentenced to rebellion against British rule;
death; executed by hanging on 18 convicted and sentenced to death;
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), executed by hanging on 17 March
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
86; WWIM, III, p. 86] (1858), HSAP]

Mirza Mahood Shah: Resident of Delhi; Mirza Mohamed Molahoodeen: Resident

Mughal; took active part in 1857 of Delhi; Mughal; took active part in
Uprising; caught by British troops and 1857 Uprising; caught by British forces
charged with mutiny against British and charged with mutiny against
rule; sentenced to death and hanged British rule; sentenced to death;
on 18 November 1857.[Judl. Deptt executed by hanging on 18 November
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Mirza Mahrook: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal; took active part in Uprising Mirza Mohammad Ali: Resident of
of 1857; arrested by British troops and Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in 1857
charged with mutiny against British Uprising against British rule; captured
rule; executed by hanging on 18 by British troops and sentenced to
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi death; executed at Delhi on 15
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 95;
III, p. 94] HSG, I p. 402; RIH, p. 155]

Mirza Mehndoo: Resident of Delhi; s/o Mirza Mohammad Baksh: Resident of

Emperor Bahadur Shah; actively Palwal, distt. Faridabad, Haryana;
involved in Uprising of 1857 against took part in 1857 Uprising against
British rule; mobilized people to fight British rule; captured by British
against British; arrested from soldiers and hanged in December
Humayunís tomb after reoccupation 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 94; HSG, I p. 402;
of Delhi by Brigadier Showers on 28 RIH, p. 155; WWDFF, I, p. 257]
September 1857; kept in prison on
charge of sedition and rebellion Mirza Mohammad Ibrahim: Resident of
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 205

Palwal, distt. Faridabad, Haryana; attached with Bahadur Shahís family

took part in 1857 Uprising against and rebellion against Britihs rule; died
British rule; captured by British in jail during his trial.[F Poll No. 113-
soldiers and hanged in December 119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI]
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 94; HSG, I p. 402;
RIH, p. 155] Mirza Momin: Resident of Delhi took part
in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Mirza Mohomed Buksh: Resident of captured by British troops and
Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza executed by hanging at Delhi on 22
Eizud Buksh; actively participated in February 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 94]
Uprising of 1857; caught by the British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; Mirza Moobarich: Resident of Delhi;
accused of being associated with Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Munjhley;
Bahadur Shahís family and rebellion played leading role in Uprising of
against British rule; convicted and 1857; caught by British troops after
sentenced to death; executed by order reoccupation of Delhi; charged with
of the Delhi Special Commissioner for being an associate of Bahadur Shahís
Rebellion. [F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, family and rebellion against British
27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 101] rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; executed by order of Delhi
Mirza Mohomed Bux: Resident of Special Commissioner for Rebellion.
Badshahpur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; [F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May
took part in Uprising of 1857; caught 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 100]
by British troops; accused of rebellion
against British rule; convicted and Mirza Moula Buksh: Resident of Delhi;
shot dead on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Raheem
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Baksh; actively participated in
HSAP] Uprising of 1857; caught by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
Mirza Mohomed Ibraheem: Resident of charged with being an associate of
Delhi; participated in Uprising of Bahadur Shahís family and rebellion
1857; apprehended by British forces against British rule; convicted and
and accused of rebellion against sentenced to death; executed by order
British rule; sentenced to death on 15 of Delhi Special Commissioner for
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. Rebellion. [F Poll No. 113-119 & KW,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), 27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 100]
Mirza Mughal: Resident of Delhi; Mughal
Mirza Mohomed Oosmon: Resident of prince; s/o Bahadur Shah Zafar; took
Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza leading part in Uprising of 1857; when
Golam Fakhrooddeen; participated in on 15 May 1857 a darbµar was held in
Uprising of 1857; arrested by British Fort and new officers of Hindustani
forces after reoccupation of Delhi and Army were appointed by Emperor,
imprisoned on charge of being Supreme Command of this army was
206 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

given to Mirza Mughal; he was titled Humayun Tomb on 20 September

as Commander-in-Chief Bahadur and 1857; he was captured by British
his honorific title was Sahib-i-Alam; troops under command of Major
he was also officer in charge of the Hodson on 22 September 1857; taken
Commissariat arrangements and the into a bullock Cart near Khuni
distribution of pay to troops; all kinds Darwaza and asked to take off his
of petition addressed to the Emperor upper garments; he was shot dead
were sent down by the Emperor with and his body was driven to Kotwali
his own remarks to Mirza Mughal for and laid down on stone slabs outside
disposal; Mirza Mughal also wrote the building before he was buried.
letters to his Royal father with filial [MP, NAI; M RC VII pt II, p. 73;
feeling and affection, and received BSZWD; WWIM, III, p. 94]
immediate replies containing
directives for war and advice in all Mirza Mumeen: Resident of Delhi;
matters concerned; in his capacity as Mughal; participated in 1857
Commander-in-Chief, Mirza Mughal Uprising; took active part in defence
worked as a Liaison Officer between of Delhi against advancing British
the civil and military departments and army; captured by British soldiers
formed a link with brigadiers, during reoccupation of Delhi; accused
colonels, artillerymen, warriors and of rebellion against British rule;
police officers on the one hand and the convicted and sentenced to death;
am∂rs, mahµajans, merchants and local executed by hanging on 22 February
chiefs on the other. He was a very 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
busy officer under whose care (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 94]
functioned the Court of Administra-
tion. Under his personal supervision Mirza Muneer Beg: Resident of Hansi,
there was also a flow of official distt. Hisar, Haryana; a local leader
correspondence ñ missive, directives, and compatriot of Lala Hukam Chand
parwµ a nas, financial and technical Jain, Qµanoongo; Persian scholar; took
reports and credit letters and receipts; a prominent part in the anti-British
he kept the Emperor informed about struggle organised by Lala Hukam
every detail. Almost in the same way Chand Jain in 1857 in Hisar and
the functionaries of lower grades and Karnal districts of Haryana; wrote a
ordinary men wrote letters to the letter jointly with Lala Hukam Chand
Emperor, each in his individual to the Mughal Emperor asking for
capacity and occasionally made some arms, ammunition and other supplies
suggestions, which Mirza Mughal for carrying on the struggle against
acknowledged. He played important British rule; arrested by the British
role in military and administration; after the fall of Delhi and sentenced
even after arrival of General Bakht to death along with Lala Hukam
Khan, he continued to play similar Chand Jain; hanged in front of the
role in Uprising against British rule till latterís house at Hansi on 19 January
fall of Delhi; after reoccupation of 1858; his body was cremated by the
Delhi by British, he took shelter in British against the Muslim custom in
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 207

order to insult his memory. [WWIM, death; executed by order of Delhi

III, p. 102; HSG, I, p. 403; RIH, p. 157] Special Commissioner for Rebellion.[F
Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859,
Mirza Musseerooddeen: Resident of NAI; WWIM, III, p. 111]
Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza
Kadir Buksh; participated in Uprising Mirza Nuna: Resident of Delhi;
of 1857; caught by British troops after participated in 1857 Uprising; took
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with active part in fighting against
being an associate of Bahadur Shahís advancing British army in Delhi;
family and rebellion against British captured by British troops after
rule; convicted and sentenced to reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
death; executed by order of Delhi rebellion against British rule;
Special Commissioner for Rebellion.[F convicted and sentenced to death;
Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, executed by hanging on 17 March
NAI; WWIM, III, p. 103] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Mirza Nadir Bukht: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Iqtadar Mirza Nunneh: Resident of Delhi;
Bukht; took part in Uprising of 1857; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza
caught by British troops after Kurreemooddeen; played leading role
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with in Uprising of 1857; caught by British
being an associate of Bahadur Shahís troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
family and rebellion against British charged with being an associate of
rule; convicted and sentenced to Bahadur Shahís family and rebellion
death; executed by order of Delhi against British rule; convicted and
Special Commissioner for Rebellion. sentenced to death; executed by order
[F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May of Delhi Special Commissioner for
1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 104] Rebellion.[F Poll No. 113-119 & KW,
27 May 1859, NAI; WWIM, III, p. 106]
Mirza Nizam Shah: Resident of Delhi;
took active part in freedom movement Mirza Peayara: Resident of Delhi;
against British Government; arrested participated in Uprising of 1857;
and sent to Burma as a Delhi state apprehended by British forces and
prisoner; died in Jail on 30 August accused of rebellion against British
1902 in Burma. [KMFSP, p. 281] rule; sentenced to death on 15
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Mirza Noorooddeen: Resident of Delhi; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Ubboo; HSAP]
participated in Uprising of 1857;
caught by British troops after Mirza Peer Ali: Resident of Gurgaon,
reoccupation of Delhi; charged with Haryana; took active part in 1857
being an associate of Bahadur Shahís Uprising against British rule; captured
family and rebellion against British by the British troops and sentenced to
rule; convicted and sentenced to death; executed at Delhi on 15
208 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 113; after reoccupation of Delhi; charged

HSG, I, p. 404; RIH, p. 158; WWDFF, I, with rebellion against British rule;
p. 300] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 18 January
Mirza Ramzani: Resident of Gurgaon, 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Haryana; took active part in 1857 (1858), HSAP]
Uprising against British rule; captured
by British troops and sentenced to Mirza Shah Abbas: Resident of Delhi;
death; executed at Delhi on 15 Mughal prince; s/o Emperor Bahadur
December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 124; Shah Zafar; participated in 1857
HSG, I, p. 405; RIH, p. 160; WWDFF, I, Uprising; captured by British forces
p. 338] after reoccupation of Delhi;
imprisoned on account of being a
Mirza Reeazooddeen: Resident of Delhi; family member of Emperor and
Mughal prince; participated in rebellion against British rule;
Uprising of 1857; arrested by British transported for life to Rangoon as state
forces after reoccupation of Delhi and prisoner. [F Poll No. 52-125, 10 Dec
imprisoned on charge of being family 1858, NAI]
member of Emperor and rebellion
against British rule; died in jail during Mirza Shuja Shikoh: Resident of Delhi;
his trial.[F Poll No. 113-119 & KW, 27 Mughal prince; took leading part in
May 1859, NAI] 1857 Uprising against British rule;
participated in defence of Delhi
Mirza Rumzanee: Resident of Delhi; against the advancing British army;
Mughal prince; took active part in captured by the British and executed
1857 Uprising; captured by British at Delhi on 18 November 1857.
forces and charged with mutiny [WWIM, III, p. 94]
against British rule; sentenced to death
and hanged on 18 November Mirza Soojail: Resident of Delhi; took
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 active part in 1857 Uprising; captured
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 94] by British troops and charged with
mutiny against British rule; executed
Mirza Rumzanee: Resident of Delhi; took by hanging on 18 November
part in fighting against British army 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
during Uprising of 1857; caught by (1858), HSAP]
British troops after reoccupation of
Delhi; accused of rebellion against Mirza Sultan: Resident of New Mohalla,
British rule; convicted and shot dead Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt Uprising; took active part in defence
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] of Delhi against advancing British
army; captured by British troops after
Mirza Sahiboodeen: Resident of Delhi; reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
Mughal; participated in 1857 rebellion against British rule;
Uprising; caught by British troops convicted and sentenced to death;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 209

hanged on 22 February 1858.[Judl. (1858), HSAP]

Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Mirza Zimurd Shah: Resident of Delhi;
Mughal prince; took part in 1857
Mirza Surbborid Bukht: Resident of Uprising against British rule;
Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857 participated in defence of Delhi
Uprising; arrested by British army; against advancing British army;
charged with mutiny against the captured by the British and executed
British and was hanged on 18 at Delhi on 18 November 1857.
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi [WWIM, III, p. 94]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Mirza: Resident of Delhi; Mughal;
Mirza Uboo Abas Mirza Alla: Resident participated in 1857 Uprising; took
of Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Mirza part in fighting against advancing
Moozuffer; participated in Uprising of British army; captured by British
1857; arrested by British forces after soldiers and accused of rebellion
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned against British rule; convicted and
on charge of being family member of sentenced to death; executed by
Emperor and rebellion against British hanging on 22 February 1858.[Judl.
rule; died in jail during his trial.[F Poll Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI; HSAP]
WWIM, III, p. 3]
Mirza: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; took
Mirza Wala Shikoh: Resident of Delhi; active part in 1857 Uprising; arrested
Mughal prince; s/o Mirza Bullunday; and charged with mutiny against
played leading role in Uprising of British rule; sentenced to death and
1857; arrested by British forces after hanged on 18 November 1857.[Judl.
reoccupation of Delhi and imprisoned Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
on charge of being family member of HSAP]
Emperor and rebellion against British
rule; died in jail during his trial.[F Poll Mithun Lall: Resident of Delhi; Barber;
No. 113-119 & KW, 27 May 1859, NAI; participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
WWIM, III, p. 152; WWDFF, I, p. 422] by British forces on charge of rebellion
against British rule; convicted and
Mirza Walla Shiko: Resident of Delhi; sentenced to death; executed by
participated in 1857 Uprising; took hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
active part in fighting against Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
advancing British army in Delhi; HSAP]
captured by British troops after
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of Mitt Singh: Resident of v. Sakraudi, ps.
rebellion against British rule; and teh. Bhawanigarh, Punjab;
convicted and sentenced to death; Khakrob; s/o Budh Singh; a Kuka
executed by hanging on 17 March activist; participated in the attack on
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
210 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

1872; arrested and charged with Mohamed Bux: Resident of Haveli Bergir,
murder by the British Government; Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857
blown to death with a canon on 17/ Uprising; took active part in fighting
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- against advancing British army;
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 197] captured by British troops after
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
Moga Singh: Resident of v. Mehraj, ps. rebellion against British rule;
Nathana, teh. Moga, distt. Ferozepore, convicted and sentenced to death;
Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o Saheb Singh; a executed by hanging on 27 February
Kuka activist; participated in the 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 (1858), HSAP]
January 1872; arrested and charged
with murder by the British Mohamed Khooshro: Resident of Delhi;
Government; blown to death with a participated in Uprising of 1857;
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. apprehended by British forces and
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP] accused of rebellion against British
rule; sentenced to death on 15
Mohabutt: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
active part in 1857 Uprising; captured Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
by the British; accused of rebellion HSAP]
against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by Mohamed Sekhoo: Resident of Dariaganj,
hanging on 11 February 1858.[Judl. Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Uprising; took active part in fighting
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 94; WWDFF, I, against advancing British army;
p. 261] captured by British troops after
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
Mohabutt: Resident of Mauza Jabur, rebellion against British rule;
Delhi; Sheikh; took active part in 1857 convicted and sentenced to death;
Uprising; caught by British troops on executed by hanging on 27 February
charge of rebellion against British rule; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
convicted and sentenced to death; on (1858), HSAP]
4 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Mohammad Ali Khan: Resident of Kucha
Chelan, Delhi; s/o Nawab Sher Jang
Mohamed Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; Khan; took leading part in 1857
took active part in 1857 Uprising; Uprising against British rule; killed by
captured by British forces after British army in 1857. [WWIM, III, p.
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of 95; WWDFF, I, p. 261]
rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death and excuted by Mohammad Baksh Shaikh: Resident of
hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl. Lado Sarai, Delhi; took leading part
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
HSAP] participated in defence of Delhi
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 211

against advancing British army; Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in 1857

captured by the British and executed Uprising against British rule; captured
at Delhi on 20 January 1858. [WWIM, by British troops and sentenced to
III, p. 95; WWDFF, I, p. 262] death; executed at Delhi on 15
December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 96;
Mohammad Baksh: Resident of Delhi; HSG, I p. 402; RIH, p. 155; WWDFF, I,
took leading part in 1857 Uprising p. 261]
against British rule; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing Mohammad Ismail: Resident of
British army; captured by the British Gujranwala, Punjab (now in
and executed at Delhi on 24 December Pakistan); s/o Karam Din alias Kalu;
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 95; WWDFF, I, p. Kashmiri; student; attended the public
261] meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Mohammad Bux: Resident of in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Farrukhnagar, distt. Gurgaon, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 229; INMPM, I, p.
against British rule; captured by the 178]
British and executed on 24 November
1857 by the orders of the Deputy Mohammad Kabir: Resident of Gurgaon,
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
262] against British rule; captured by the
British and executed on 15 December
Mohammad Din: Resident of Kucha Haji, 1857 by the orders of the Deputy
Bazar Bakarwanan, Amritsar city, Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p.
Punjab; s/o Karim Bakhsh; Lohar 263]
(blacksmith); was 25 years old when
he attended the public meeting at Mohammad Khan: Resident of Palwal;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 distt. Faridabad, Haryana; took part
April 1919 where he was killed in in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, accused of rebellion against British
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), rule and hanged on 16 January 1858.
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 228; INMPM, I, p. [HSG, I, p, 402; RIH, p. 156]
177; MOP, I, p. 108]
Mohammad Khan: Resident of Haryana;
Mohammad Habir: Resident of Gurgaon, s/o Naib Khan; took part in 1857
Haryana; took active part in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Uprising against British rule; captured convicted of rebellion against British
by British troops and sentenced to rule and hanged on 13 January 1858.
death; executed at Delhi on 15 [HSG, I, p, 402; RIH, p. 156]
December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 96;
RIH, p. 155] Mohammad Ramzan: Resident of Quila
Bhangian, Kucha Fakirmir, Amritsar
Mohammad Hairoo: Resident of city, Punjab; s/o Rahim Butt;
212 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Kashmiri; confectioner; was 24 years Mohammad Sharif: Resident of Kucha

old when he attended the public Mochian, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Mohammad Ramzan; Mason; was 12
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed years old when he attended the public
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, pp. 229-30; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
JBM, p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 178; MOP, 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
I, p. 108] 333, (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 230;
JBM, p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 178]
Mohammad Saadat Baksh: Resident of
Delhi; took leading part in 1857 Mohammad Shikoh Mughal: Resident of
Uprising against British rule; captured Delhi; took leading part in 1857
by British troops and sentenced to Uprising against British rule;
death; executed at Delhi on 15 participated in defence of Delhi
December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 96; against advancing British army;
WWDFF, I, p. 263] captured by the British and executed
at Delhi on 23 February 1858. [WWIM,
Mohammad Sadiq: Resident of Bazar III, p. 96]
Tokrian, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
Murad Bux; Sheikh; canal department Mohammad Yusuf: Resident of Palwal,
employee; was 25 years old when he distt. Faridabad, Haryana; took part
attended the public meeting at in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 captured by British soldiers and
April 1919 where he was killed in hanged in December 1857.[WWIM, III,
firing by British troops. H/Mil, PGCS, p. 98; p. 156]
B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 58,
May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 Mohammed Baksh Mughal: Resident of
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 230; JBM, p. Delhi; took leading part in 1857
132; INMPM, I, p. 178; MOP, I, p. 108] Uprising against British rule;
participated in defence of Delhi
Mohammad Shafi: Resident of Langerke against advancing British army;
Zafarwal, Sialkot, Punjab (now in captured by the British and executed
Pakistan); s/o Jan Mohammad; at Delhi on 23 February 1858. [WWIM,
shopkeeper; was 30 years old when III, p. 95]
he attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Mohammed Shafi: Resident of Amritsar,
April 1919 where he was killed in Punjab; s/o Abdul Rahim; took part
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, in nationalist activities; participated in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), the haætµal on 6 April 1919 in Amritsar
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 230; INMPM, I, p. as part of the nation-wide call of hartal
178; MOP, I, p. 109] given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest
against the Rowllat Act; joined the
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 213

procession which was taken out on 10 Mohan Lal: Resident of Kucha Karmon,
April 1919 at Amritsar in protest Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Ram Singh;
against the arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Arora; private employee; was 19 years
Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew; killed in firing old when he attended the public
by British troops near the railway meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
bridge at Amritsar on 10 April 1919. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
[INCR, I; WWIM, I, p. 230; WWPFF, II, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 291; FML] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Mohamud Ishak: Resident of Hisar, 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 231; JBM,
Haryana; took leading part in 1857 p. 150; INMPM, I, p. 178; MOP, I, p.
Uprising by communicating 109]
information to leaders of Uprising;
arrested by British troops and Mohan Lal: Resident of Ramgarhian
imprisoned on charge of rebellion Bazar, Baba Sahib Chowk, Amritsar
against British rule and treasonable city, Punjab; s/o Sham Das; Arora;
correspondence with Mughal prince private employee; was 60 years old
Mohamud Azeem; tried, convicted when he attended the public meeting
and sentenced to death by hanging on at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
8 October 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Hisar April 1919 where he was killed in
Div.], Acc No. 9782 (1857) HSAP] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Mohan Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Punjab; broker; attended the public 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 136; INMPM,
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar I, p. 178; MOP, I, p. 109]
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Mohan Singh: Resident of Alipur, Delhi
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; active part in fighting against British
WWIM, I, p. 231; JBM, p. 142; INMPM, army; caught by British troops;
I, p. 178] accused of plundering thµ a nas and
rebellion against British rule;
Mohan Lal: Resident of Chowk Phullan, convicted and sentenced to death;
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Diya Ram; executed by hanging on 27 February
Khatri; piece-goods broker; was 42 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
years old when he attended the public (1858), HSAP]
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Mohan Singh: Resident of v. Birehra
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Sangata, Haryana; s/o Ram Kishan;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. took part in 1857 Uprising against
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. British rule; caught by British forces
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, p. 231; JBM, and charged with rebellion against
p. 129; INMPM, I, p. 178; MOP, I, p. British rule; hanged on 13 January
109] 1858. [HSG, I, p, 403; RIH, p. 156]
214 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Moharam: Resident of Delhi; Gujar; Mohd. Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part
participated in 1857 Uprising; took in Uprising of 1857; participated in
active part in fighting against British defence of Delhi against advancing
army; captured by British troops on British army; captured by British
charge of plundering British property troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
and rebellion against British rule; charged with rebellion against British
convicted and sentenced to death; rule; sentenced to death; executed by
executed by hanging on 27 February hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
(1858), HSAP] HSAP]

Mohassee: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Mohd. Din: Resident of Kucha Nizam

participated in 1857 Uprising; took Qutab Din, Katra Mohan Singh,
active part in fighting against British Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Basu;
army; caught by British troops; Zargar; was 20 years old when he
accused of plundering thµ a nas and attended the public meeting at
rebellion against British rule; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
convicted and sentenced to death; April 1919 where he was killed in
executed by hanging on 27 February firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
(1858), HSAP] 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 229; JBM,
Mohd. Allee Shah: Resident of Delhi; p. 133; INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p.
participated in 1857 Uprising; took 108]
active part in fighting against
advancing British army in Delhi; Mohd. Ibrahim: Resident of Amritsar city,
captured by British troops after Punjab; s/o Imam Din; Sheikh; was
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of 40 years old when he attended the
rebellion against British rule; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
convicted and sentenced to death; Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
executed by hanging on 18 March was killed in firing by British troops.
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(1858), HSAP] (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 132]
Mohd. Bux: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; Mason; was 36 years old when Mohd. Ismail: Resident of Amritsar city,
he attended the public meeting at Punjab; s/o Miran Bux; Rajput; was
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 35 years old when he attended the
April 1919 where he was killed in public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; was killed in firing by British troops.
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 177; MOP, I, p. (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
108] (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 132; INMPM, I,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 215

p. 186; MOP, I, p. 108] old when he attended the public

meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Mohd. Khan: Resident of Delhi; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
participated in 1857 Uprising; took in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
active part in fighting against PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
advancing British army in Delhi; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
captured by British troops after p. 135; INMPM, I, p. 178; MOP, I, p.
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of 109]
rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Mohn Lal: Resident of Kucha Kurichhan,
executed by hanging on 19 March Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Bahna Mal;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Khatri; grain-merchant; was 48 years
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 96; old when he attended the public
WWDFF, I, p. 263] meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Mohd. Shafi: Resident of Amritsar city, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Punjab; s/o Rahim Bux; Kashmiri; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
private employee; was 19 years old 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
when he attended the public meeting 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 231; JBM,
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 p. 128; INMPM, I, p. 178; MOP, I, p.
April 1919 where he was killed in 109]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Mohomed Ali Khan: Resident of Delhi;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Mughal; participated in 1857
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 230; JBM, Uprising; caught by British troops
p. 148; INMPM, I, p. 178; MOP, I, p. after reoccupation of Delhi; charged
109] with rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Mohiuddin Khan: Resident of Delhi; executed by hanging on 18 January
fought against the British forces at 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Delhi; retreated towards Jaipur State (1858), HSAP]
after defeat of the anti-British forces;
captured by the British at Hindan in Mohomed Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
district Sawain Madhopur, Rajasthan; participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State by British and charged with rebellion
Army stationed at Hindan, who had against British rule; convicted and
rebelled against the British; captured sentenced to death; executed by
again by the British troops and hanging on 6 February 1858.[Judl.
imprisoned at Agra; sentenced to Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
death and executed by hanging at HSAP]
Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 98]
Mohomed Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
Mohn Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, took active part in 1857 Uprising;
Punjab; s/o Mani; Khatri; was 12 years captured by British forces and accused
216 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

of mutiny against British rule; Mohomed Humeed Khan: Resident of

executed by hanging on 9 November Delhi; Khan; participated in 1857
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Uprising; took part in fighting against
(1858), HSAP] British army; caught by British troops;
charged with attacking Englishmen
Mohomed Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; with arms and rebellion against
took active part in 1857 Uprising; British rule; convicted and sentenced
caught by British soldiers after to death; shot dead in 1857.[Judl.
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
rebellion against British rule; executed HSAP]
by hanging on 20 December
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Mohomed Ibraheem: Resident of
(1858), HSAP] Badshahpur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana;
took part in Uprising of 1857; caught
Mohomed Bux: Resident of Lado Sarai, by British troops and accused of
Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857 rebellion against British rule;
Uprising; took active part in fighting convicted and shot dead on 15
against British; caught by British December 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
charged with rebellion against British III, p. 96; HSG, I, p. 402; RIH, p. 155]
rule and supporting Emperor;
convicted and sentenced to death; Mohomed Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
executed by hanging on 20 January Haryana; Rajput; served in 3 rd
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Regiment of British Indan Army;
(1858), HSAP] deserted and took active part in 1857
Uprising; captured by British officer;
Mohomed Eusuff Bukht: Resident of accused of desertion and rebellion
Badshahpur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; against British rule; convicted and
took part in Uprising of 1857; caught sentenced to death; executed by
by British troops; accused of rebellion hanging on 31 December 1857.[Judl.
against British rule; convicted and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
shot dead on 15 December 1857.[Judl. HSAP]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 96; HSG, I, p. Mohomed Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
403] Haryana; s/o Sabut Khan; served in
British Indian Army; deserted and
Mohomed Eusuff: Resident of Delhi; took active part in 1857 Uprising;
participated in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by British officer;
apprehended by British forces and accused of desertion and rebellion
convicted of rebellion against British against British rule; convicted and
rule; sentenced to death on 15 sentenced to death; executed by
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. hanging on 2 January 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 97; HSG, I, p. 402;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 217

RIH, p. 156] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),

Mohomed Khan: Resident of Hasanpur,
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Kabir Mohomed Naseem Khan: Resident of
Baksh; Rajput; participated in 1857 Delhi; Khan; participated in 1857
Uprising; caught by British soldiers on Uprising; took part in fighting against
charge of rebellion against British rule; British army; caught by British troops;
sentenced to death and executed by charged with attacking Englishmen
hanging on 31 December 1857. [Judl. with arms and rebellion against
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), British rule; convicted and sentenced
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 97; HSG, I, p. 402; to death; shot dead in 1857.[Judl.
RIH, p. 156] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Mohomed Khoosro: Resident of Delhi;
took part in Uprising of 1857; caught Mohomed Saadut Bukht: Resident of
by British troops after reoccupation of Delhi,; participated in Uprising of
Delhi; accused of rebellion against 1857; apprehended by British forces
British rule; convicted and shot dead and accused of rebellion against
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt British rule; sentenced to death on 15
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Mohomed Kubbeer: Resident of Delhi; HSAP]
took part in Uprising of 1857; caught
by British troops after reoccupation of Mohomed Saydul Bukht: Resident of
Delhi; accused of rebellion against Badshahpur, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana;
British rule; convicted and shot dead caught by British troops; accused of
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt rebellion against British rule;
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] convicted and shot dead on 15
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Mohomed Kubbeeru: Resident of Delhi, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
took part in Uprising of 1857;
apprehended by British forces and Mohomed Sayeed Khan: Resident of
accused of rebellion against British Delhi; Khan; participated in 1857
rule; sentenced to death on 15 Uprising; took part in fighting against
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. British army; caught by British troops;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), charged with attacking Englishmen
HSAP] with arms and rebellion against
British rule; convicted and sentenced
Mohomed Moola: Resident of Delhi; to death; shot dead in 1857. [Judl.
participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
by British troops on charge of rebellion HSAP]
against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by Mohomed Shah Ali: Resident of Iram
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Bari, Delhi; a Khµfianzµada; participated
218 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

in 1857 Uprising; caught by British sentenced to death on 7 December

troops during reoccupation of Delhi; 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
accused of rebellion against British Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
rule; convicted and sentenced to III, p. 99; HSG, I, p. 403; RIH, p. 156;
death; executed by hanging on 22 WWDFF, I, p. 265]
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Mohoroo: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
Mohomed Yar Khan: Resident of Kucha part in plundering and killing
Chelan, Delhi; Pathan; participated in Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
1857 Uprising; took active part in caught by British on charge of murder,
fighting against advancing British plundering and rebellion against
army; captured by British troops on British rule; convicted and executed
charge of rebellion against British rule; by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
convicted and sentenced to death; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
executed by hanging on 22 February HSAP]
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 98; Mohsin: Resident of Delhi; took part in
WWDFF, I, p. 264 1857 Uprising against British rule;
captured by British troops and
Mohomed Yar: Resident of Bahadurgarh, executed by hanging at Delhi on 8
distt. Rohtak, Haryana; Belooch; took December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 99;
active part in 1857 Uprising; caught WWDFF, I, p. 268]
by British troops; accused of rebellion
against British rule; sentenced to death Mohsum: Resident of Delhi; took active
by hanging on 29 December part in 1857 Uprising; captured by
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British soliders after reoccupation of
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 96; HSG, Delhi; accused of rebellion against
I, p. 402; WWDFF, I, p. 263] British rule and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 8 December
Mohomud Khan: Resident of Delhi; took 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
part in Uprising of 1857; participated (1858), HSAP]
in defence of Delhi against advancing
British army; captured by British Mohum Lall: Resident of Delhi;
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested
accused of rebellion against British by British troops on charge of rebellion
rule; sentenced to death and hanged against British rule; convicted and
in 1857.[Judl.. Deptt. (Delhi Div.), F. sentenced to death; executed by
No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 96] hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Mohorah: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; HSAP]
Gujar; took part in Uprising of 1857;
captured by British forces and charged Mohumda: Resident of Khidwali, distt.
with rebellion against British rule; Rohtak, Haryana; Sheikh; participated
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 219

in 1857 Uprising; took part in (1858), HSAP]

attacking and looting British property;
caught by British troops on charge of Mohun: Resident of Delhi; Ahir;
loot, murder and rebellion against participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
British rule; convicted and sentenced by British troops after reoccupation of
to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt Delhi; accused of rebellion against
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] British rule; sentenced to death and
executed by hanging on 13 January
Mohumdah: Resident of Punjab; Sheikh; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
took active part in 1857 Uprising; (1858), HSAP]
caught by British troops; accused of
rebellion against British rule; Mohuueeoodeen: Resident of Delhi;
convicted and sentenced to death; Syed; participated in 1857 Uprising;
executed by hanging on 18 December caught by British troops on charge of
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 helping Emperor during rebellion;
(1858), HSAP] convicted of rebellion against British
rule and sentenced to death; executed
Mohumdoo: Resident of Nigambodh, by hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl.
Delhi; Kahar; participated in 1857 Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Uprising; captured by British troops HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 98; WWDFF, I,
after reoccupation of Delhi; accused p. 268]
rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Moinoodeen: Resident of Delhi; Mughal;
executed by hanging on 19 January participated in 1857 Uprising; took
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 active part in fighting against
(1858), HSAP] advancing British army; captured by
British troops after reoccupation of
Mohumud Alum: Resident of Habib Delhi; accused of rebellion against
Khan, Delhi; Sheikh; participated in British rule; convicted and sentenced
1857 Uprising; caught by British to death; executed by hanging on 27
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
charged with rebellion against British Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; hanged on 4 February Moinuddin Mughal: Resident of Delhi;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 took leading part in 1857 Uprising
(1858), HSAP] against British rule; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Mohun Singh: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; British army; captured by the British
Jat; took active part in 1857 Uprising; and executed at Delhi on 23 February
caught by British troops; accused of 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 99]
plundering thµ a nas and teh¶∂ls;
convicted and sentenced to death; Moizooddeen: Resident of Delhi; Mughal
executed by hanging on 18 January prince; s/o Mirza Mehdoo; participa-
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 ted in Uprising of 1857; arrested by
220 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

British forces after reoccupation of and executed by hanging on 5

Delhi and imprisoned on charge of February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
being family member of Emperor and Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSA; WWIM, III,
rebellion against British rule; died in p. 101; HSG, I, p. 403; RIH, p. 156]
jail during his trial.[F. Poll. No. 113-
119 & K.W., 27 May 1859, NAI] Mookunda: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
Mokhteear Khan: Resident of Sarai part in plundering and killing
Rohilla, Delhi; Khan; participated in Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
1857 Uprising; took part in fighting caught by British on charge of murder,
against British army; caught by British plundering and rebellion against
troops; charged with attacking British rule; convicted and executed
Englishmen with arms and rebellion by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
against British rule; convicted and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
sentenced to death; shot dead in HSAP]
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] Moomin: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in
Moobaruch: Resident of Delhi; female 1857 Uprising; captured by British
attendant in Court of Emperor; forces on charge of rebellion against
captured by British forces after British rule; sentenced to death and
reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on executed by hanging on 9 December
account of being attached with 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Bahadur Shah during Uprising of (1858), HSAP]
1857; transported for life to Rangoon
as state prisoner. [F Poll No. 52-125, Moondun Singh: Resident of Jhajjar,
10 Dec 1858, NAI] Haryana; participated in 1857
Uprising; arrested by British troops
Moodgur: Resident of Nagli, distt. around on charge of rebellion against
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; British rule; convicted and sentenced
participated in Uprising of 1857; to death; executed by hanging on 27
apprehended by the British; charged February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
with rebellion against British rule; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
sentenced to death and executed by
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. Moorad Khan: Resident of Najafgarh,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 100; HSG, I, p. Uprising; caught by the British;
403; RIH, p. 156] charged with mutiny against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to
Mookhrah: Resident of Nagli, distt. death; hanged on 15 February
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; participa- 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
ted in Uprising of 1857; apprehended (1858), HSAP]
by the British; accused of rebellion
against British rule; sentenced to death Mooran: Resident of Najafgarh, Delhi; Jat;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 221

participated in 1857 Uprising; took Mughal; participated in 1857

active part in fighting against British; Uprising; took active part in fighting
caught by British troops and charged against advancing British army;
with rebellion against British rule; captured by British troops after
convicted and sentenced to death; reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
executed by hanging on 11 March rebellion against British rule;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 convicted and sentenced to death;
(1858), HSAP] executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Moortijah Ally: Resident of Narnaul, (1858), HSAP]
distt. Mahendragarh, Haryana; a
maulavi; participated in 1857 Uprising; Mota Ram: Resident of Amritsar city,
took active part in criticizing British Punjab; Dalal; attended the public
Government and exciting people to meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
fight against the British; caught by on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
British troops and accused of rebellion in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
against British rule; executed in PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
(1858), HSAP] p. 150]

Moortza Khan: Resident of Nagli, Mota Singh: Resident of Ruriwala,

Haryana; Meo; took active part in Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ishar Singh;
plundering and killing Englishmen soldier in the 23rd Cavalry Regiment,
during Uprising of 1857; caught by Indian Army; took part in nationalist
British on charge of murder, activities; arrested in 1915 for
plundering and rebellion against complicity in the Lahore Conspiracy
British rule; convicted and executed Case; sentenced to death by Court
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. Martial; died on gallows in the
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Ambala Jail in 1915. [WWIM, I, p. 234;
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 103] MOP, I, p. 111]

Mooshurriff Khan: Resident of Singhana Moti Ram: Resident of Amritsar city,

near Narnaul, Haryana; a sawµar in Punjab; broker; was 40 years old when
Neemuch Collectorate; participated in he attended the public meeting at
1857 Uprising; deserted British Indian Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
army and joined in fighting against April 1919 where he was killed in
British forces; caught by British troops firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
on charge of desertion and mutiny PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
against British rule; convicted and H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
sentenced to death; executed in 1857. WWIM, I, p. 234; JBM, p. 135; MOP, I,
[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 p. 111]
(1858), HSAP]
Moti Ram: Resident of Guru Mahal,
Mossuhoodeen: Resident of Delhi; Kucha Baba Khoda, Amritsar city,
222 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Punjab; s/o Mela Ram; Khatri; piece- she attended the public meeting at
goods broker; was 42 years old when Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
he attended the public meeting at April 1919 where she was killed in
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
April 1919 where he was killed in PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. p. 144; INMPM, I, p. 161]
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 234; JBM, Mubarichnissa: Resident of Delhi; m/o
p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p. Mirza Shah Abbas; captured by British
111] forces after reoccupation of Delhi;
imprisoned on account of being
Moti Ram: Resident of Mauza Chelat, attached with ¨arem of Bahadur Shah
Una, Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Wazira; and anti-British activities during 1857
Rajput; private employee; was 35 uprising; transported for life to
years old when he attended the public Rangoon as state prisoner.[F. Poll. No.
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar 52-125, 10 December 1858, NAI]
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Muchar Alee: Resident of Rohtak,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Haryana; Sheikh; participated in 1857
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 234; INMPM, I, p. Uprising; took part in organising army
179; MOP, I, p. 111] to fight against British army; caught
by British on charge of rebellion
Mozdar Khan: Resident of v. Hassanpur, against British rule; convicted and
Palwal, distt. Faridabad, Haryana; sentenced to death; executed in
Sheikh; s/o Rehman Khan; took part 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; (1858), HSAP]
accused of rebellion against British
rule and hanged on 13 January 1858. Mudut Alli: Resident of Sohna, distt.
[HSG, I, p, 403; RIH, p. 156] Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in aiding
Uprising and plundering towns in
Mru: Resident of Delhi; took part in 1857; caught by British troops on
Uprising of 1857; participated in charge of plundering and supporting
defence of Delhi against advancing forces against British rule; convicted
British army; captured by British and sentenced to death; executed by
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl.
accused of rebellion against British Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
rule; executed by hanging on 27 HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 100]
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Mueefoodeen: Resident of Khas Bazar,
Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857
Mst. Bisso: Resident of Sultanwind, Uprising; took active part in fighting
Amritsar, Punjab; sister of Jamadar against advancing British army;
Sher Singh; Jat; was 50 years old when captured by British troops after
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 223

reoccupation of Delhi; accused of sentenced to death. However, the

rebellion against British rule; Lieutenant Governor (Punjab)
convicted and sentenced to death; afterward commuted the death
executed by hanging on 27 February sentence to transportation for life. [H/
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
(1858), HSAP] & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]

Mughal Beg: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; Muhammad Husain: Resident of

s/o Mirza Jan Beg; took leading part Nizamabad, Punjab (now in
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Pakistan); joined crowd that burnt Mr.
escaped in 1857, but was arrested in Baileyís house; arrested and was one
1861 on the charge of killing Fraser, a of the accused in Nizamabad Case
British officer; sentenced to death and during Martial Law in Punjab; tried
executed in February 1862. [WWIM, by Martial Law Commission and
III, p. 101; HSG, I, p. 403; RIH, p. 156; sentenced to death. However, the Lt.
WWDFF, I, p. 271] Governor (Punjab) afterward
commuted the death sentence to
Mugree: Resident of Delhi; participated transportation for life. [H/Poll, B-
in 1857 Uprising; arrested by British Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
troops on charge of rebellion against NAI; INCR, I; FML]
British rule; convicted and sentenced
to death; executed by hanging on 27 Muhammad Ramzan: Resident of
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Nizamabad, Punjab (now in
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Pakistan). After Nizamabad tragedy
on 18 April 1919 a special British
Muhammad Din: Resident of Gujran- troops train came from Lahore side
wala, Punjab (now in Pakistan); and stopped before Nizamabad. The
attended public meeting, held on 5 soldiers looted shops, took out flour,
April 1919 in Gujranwala where four ghee etc. and tortured villagers.
innocuous resolutions were passed Muhammad Ramzan had unwillingly
dealing with Rowlatt Act; took part in crossed the soldiers Cordon. He was
haætµal on 6 April 1919 in Gujranwala grazing goats, and was shot by British
as part of the nation-wide call of haætµal soldiers and died at the spot. The
given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest soldiers tied the dead body with his
against the Rowlatt Act; actively turban, dragged it and left it by the
involved in the complete haætµal on 14 pond near the village. [INCR, I]
April 1919; joined the mob which
proceeded towards railway station Muhammad Sadiq: Resident of distt.
and destroyed church, post office, Amritsar, Punjab, s/o Inayat Ullaha,
tehsil, court house and railway active in organizing the haætµal on 6
station; arrested and accused in April 1919 in Amritsar as part of the
Gujranwala City Case No. II, during nation-wide call of haætµal given by
Martial Law in Punjab; tried by Mahatma Gandhi to protest against
Martial Law Commission and the Rowlatt Act; joined the procession
224 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

which was taken out on 10 April 1919 din Kitchlew; actively involved in the
at Amritsar in protest against the anti-British Acts which occurred after
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud- the military picket (posted near the
din Kitchlew; actively involved in the Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
anti-British Acts which occurred after on unarmed processionist charged for
the military picket (posted near the killing Sergeant Rowland, the
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired cantonment electrician near Rigo
on unarmed processionists; he was Bridge; tried in Rigo Bridge Murder
one of those who helped the wounded Case by Martial Law Commission and
persons and taken them to Civil executed on 17 June 1919. [H/Poll, B-
Hospital for the first aid, but it is said Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
that Mr. Plomer (British Doctor) sent NAI; INCR, I; FML]
them away, saying that ëpeople would
make their own arrangements.í He Muhammadi: Resident of distt. Amritsar,
and others were taking some of the Punjab; s/o Aziz; active in organizing
wounded persons to Dr. Kidar Nathís the haætµal on 6 April 1919, at Amritsar
house near Zenµanµa Hospital. On the as part of the nation-wide call of haætµal
way Mrs. Easden, on seeing the given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest
wounded, laughed and said that against the Rowlatt Act; actively
ëHindus and Mohammedans had got involved in the anti-British acts which
what they deserved.í Muhammad occurred after the military picket
Sadiq and others forced to its way into (posted near the Deputy
the Hospital and tried to find out Mrs. Commissionerís house) fired on
Easden but she was escaped. He was unarmed pocessionists; charged with
arrested, tried by Martial Law taking part in the attack on the
Commission in Amritsar (Mrs. National Bank in which two
Easdenís) Case; sentenced to death. Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott)
However, the Lieutenant Governor were killed; tried and convicted in
(Punjab) afterward commuted the Amritsar National Bank Murder Case;
death sentence to transportation for was sentenced to death and forfeiture
life in 1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, of property under section 121 of
Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; Indian Penal Code by the Martial Law
FML] Commission; death sentence later on
was commuted to transportation for
Muhammad Shafi: Resident of distt. life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Mohammad Ju; Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
active in organizing the haætµal on 6 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
April 1919, at Amritsar, as part of the
nation-wide call of haætµal given by Muhboo Bux: Resident of Hasanpur, distt.
Mahatma Gandhi to protest against he Gurgaon, Haryana; served in British
Rowlatt Act; joined the procession Indian Army; deserted and took active
which was taken out on 10 April 1919 part in 1857 Uprising; apprehended
at Amritsar in protest against the by British officer; accused of desertion
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud- and rebellion against British rule;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 225

convicted and sentenced to death; Mukhul: Resident of Amritsar city,

executed by hanging on 13 January Punjab; c/o Phul Badshah; attended
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 the public meeting at Jallianwala
(1858), HSAP] Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919
where he was killed in firing by British
Muhomud Khan: Resident of Hansi, troops and died. [H/Mil, PGCS, B
Haryana; dafaëdµ a r in 9 th Irregular Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll,
Cavalry of British Indian Army; F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 149;
deserted and took active part in INMPM, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p. 111]
fighting against British during
Uprising of 1857; caught by British Mukkhun: Resident of Gurgaon,
troops on account of possessing arms Haryana; Dhanuk; participated in
and fighting against British; convicted 1857 Uprising; took active part in
and sentenced to death and executed attacking and killing Englishmen;
at Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi caught by British troops on charge of
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] murder and rebellion against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to
Muhsun: Resident of Delhi; Syed; death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
by British troops on charge of rebellion
against British rule; convicted and Mul Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
sentenced to death; executed by Punjab; s/o Mana Singh; carpenter;
hanging on 22 February 1858.[Judl. was 20 years old when he attended the
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
HSAP] Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops.
Muizuddin: Resident of Delhi; s/o Mirza [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Medhu; Prince of the Mughal Imperial (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
house; played an active role in defence (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 236; JBM, p.
of Delhi against invading British 149; INMPM, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p. 111]
forces during 1857 Uprising; captured
by the British and executed by Mul Singh: Resident of Kucha Nadalian,
hanging at Delhi in 1857. [WWIM, III, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Kan Singh;
p. 101; WWDFF, I, p. 271] carpenter; attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Mujeebooddeen: Resident of Rohtak, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Haryana; Sheikh; participated in 1857 in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Uprising; took active part in fighting PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
against British troops; caught by 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
British soldiers on charge of rebellion 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 233; JBM,
against British rule; convicted and p. 140; INMPM, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p.
sentenced to death and executed in 111]
1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
3 (1858), HSAP] Mulak Raj: Resident of Amritsar city,
226 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Punjab; s/o Jai Har Nand; Khatri; rebellion against British rule;
teacher; was 23 years old when he convicted and sentenced to death;
attended the public meeting at executed by hanging on 8 December
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
April 1919 where he was killed in (1858), HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Mulliah: Resident of Delhi; took part in
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; 1857 Uprising against British rule;
WWIM, I, p. 237; JBM, p.130; INMPM, captured by British troops and
I, p. 179; MOP, I, p. 112] executed by hanging at Delhi on 8
December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 102;
Mulak Raj: Resident of Kucha Madrean, WWDFF, I, p. 273]
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Nand Lal;
Saraf; private employee; was 24 years Mulloo: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; took
old when he attended the public part in 1857 Uprising; caught by
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar British soldiers; accused of arresting
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed and presenting a British spy to
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Emperor; found guilty and sentenced
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. to death; executed by hanging on 24
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 237; JBM, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p.
112] Mulloo: Resident of Punjab; Punjabi;
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Mulk Raj: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; by British soldiers; charged with
s/o Kirpa Ram; Broker; attended the arresting and presenting a British spy
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, to Emperor; convicted and sentenced
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he to death; executed by hanging on 24
was killed in firing by British troops. December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
[WWIM, I, p. 237] Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

Mullan: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; Mulloo: Resident of Palwal, distt.

s/o Rahim Bux; Kashmiri; was 40 Faridabad, Haryana; Ahir;
years old when he attended the public participated in 1857 Uprising;
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar captured by British forces and accused
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed of rebellion against British rule;
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, convicted and sentenced to death;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; executed by hanging on 9 December
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
149; INMPM, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p. 112] (1858), HSAP]

Mullaum: Resident of Delhi; took active Mullooka: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;

part in 1857 Uprising; captured by Ranghar; took part in plundering
British forces and charged with European property during 1857
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 227

Uprising; caught by British and executed by hanging on 22 February

accused of plundering and rebellion 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
against British rule; convicted and (1858), HSAP]
sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 4 February 1858.[Judl. Munawar Khan: served in the 45th Native
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Infantry of the British Indian Army;
HSAP] deserted and participated in Uprising
of 1857; captured by British soldiers,
Mullooka: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; tried and sentenced to death during
Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857; 16-17 June 1858 at Ambala, Haryana.
apprehended by the British and [Judl. Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No. 43
accused of rebellion against British (1857), HSAP]
rule; sentenced to death and executed
by hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl. Muneem: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), participated in 1857 Uprising; took
HSAP] part in fighting against advancing
British army; captured by British army
Multani: Resident of Amritsar city, after reoccupation of Delhi; acused of
Punjab; c/o L. Devki Nandan; rebellion against British rule;
attended the public meeting at convicted and sentenced to death;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 executed by hanging on 22 February
April 1919 where he was killed in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (1858), HSAP]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Muneesh Najjur: Resident of Bharatpur,
p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 179] Rajsthan; Sheikh; played active role in
1857 Uprising; caught by British
Mumteaz Doolun Begum: Resident of troops on charge of rebellion against
Delhi; wife of Emperor; m/o Shah British rule; convicted and sentenced
Zamani Begum and Ruqaiya Sultan to death; executed by hanging on 18
Begum; captured by British forces January 1858 near Delhi.[Judl. Deptt
after reoccupation of Delhi; (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
imprisoned on account of being a
family member of Bahadur Shah and Mungul: Resident of Nagli, distt.
anti-British activities during Uprising Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
of 1857; transported for life to part in plundering and killing
Rangoon as state prisoner. [F Poll No. Englishmen during Uprising of 1857;
52-125, 10 Dec 1858, NAI] caught by British on charge of murder,
plundering and rebellion against
Mumun: Resident of Teliwara, Delhi, British rule; convicted sand executed
Kahar; participated in 1857 Uprising; by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
captured by British troops on charge Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
of rebellion against British rule; HSAP]
convicted and sentenced to death;
228 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Muni Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, was 30 years old when he attended the
Punjab; s/o Kaniya Lal; Khatri; was public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
40 years old when he attended the Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, was killed in firing by British troops.
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
was killed in firing by British troops . (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 WWIM, I, p. 239; JBM, p. 137; INMPM,
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 130; INMPM, I, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p. 112]
p. 179; MOP, I, p. 112]
Munir Khan: Resident of Raisina, distt.
Muni Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, Gurgaon, Haryana; Meo; s/o Nasir
Punjab; s/o Ram Rakha Mal; Khatri; Khan; took part in 1857 Uprising
was 17 years old when he attended the against British rule; accused of
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, rebellion against British rule and
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he hanged on 18 February 1858. [HSG, I,
was killed in firing by British troops. p, 403; RIH, p. 157]
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 Munish: Resident of Delhi; Mughal;
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 239; JBM, p. participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
149; INMPM, I, p. 179; MOP, I, p. 112] by British forces and charged with
mutiny against British rule; hanged on
Muni Lal: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; 18 November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
s/o Ram Sahai; yarn merchant; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Munnooah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
April 1919 where he was killed in participated in 1857 Uprising; took
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. active part in fighting against British
239, WWPFF, II, p. 321] army; caught by British troops;
accused of plundering thµ a nas and
Muni Lal: Resident of Kucha Ardasian, rebellion against British rule;
Amritsar city; s/o Narsingh Das, convicted and sentenced to death;
Khatri; broker of gold and silver; was executed by hanging on 27 February
29 years old when he attended the 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, (1858), HSAP]
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops. Munsah Ram: Resident of Sarai Rohilla,
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May Delhi; Gujar; participated in 1857
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 239; Uprising; caught by British troops;
INMPM, I, p. 179] charged with high robbery of British
property and rebellion against British
Muni Lal: Resident of Kucha Telian, rule; executed by hanging on 9
Namak Mandi, Amritsar city, Punjab; February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
s/o Devi Das; Brahmin; astrologer; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 229

Munsha Singh: Resident of Jandiala, ps. sentenced to death and hanged on 26

Nur Mahal, Jullundur, Punjab; s/o March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Nihal Singh, Tarkhan; took active part F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p.
in revolutionary activities; absconded 89; HSG, I, p. 402; RIH, p. 155]
in the first case was arrested in May
1916; convicted and tried under Munwar Khan: Resident of Hisar,
Sections 121 and 121A of IPC in Haryana; sepoy in 7th Hurrianah Light
Second Supplementary Lahore Infantry of British Indian Army; took
Conspiracy Case (Date of Judgment part in fighting against British army
5-1-1917); sentenced to transportation during Uprising of 1857; played active
for life and forfeiture of property. [H/ part in organising fighting at Sirsa;
Poll-B, Nos. 242-43, May 1917, NAI; caught by British troops on charge of
SFH, pp. 224, 290] mutiny against British rule; convicted
and sentenced to death on 3 August
Munshi Ram: Resident of v. Bara Manga, 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Hisar Div], Acc No.
teh. Shakargarh, Gurdaspur, Punjab; 9782 (1857) HSAP]
s/o Mathura Das; student; attended
the public meeting at Jallianwala Mupeeoolla: Resident of Rohtak,
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 Haryana; Pathan; participated in 1857
where he was killed in firing by British Uprising; took part in attacking and
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. looting British property; caught by
58, May (1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. British troops on charge of loot,
240; INMPM, I, p. 180] murder and rebellion against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to
Munshi: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
shopkeeper; attended the public (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Murawwat: Resident of Delhi; took
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, leading part in 1857 Uprising against
p. 240] British rule; participated in defence of
Delhi against advancing British army;
Munsi Ram: Resident of Amritsar, captured by the British and executed
Punjab; s/o Pohlo Ram; attended the at Delhi on 11 March 1858. [WWIM,
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, III, p. 102]
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops. Murli Mal: Resident of Amritsar city,
[WWIM, I, p. 240] Punjab; s/o Nathu Mal; was 12 years
old when he attended the public
Munsoor Alli: Resident of Gurgaon, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Haryana; participate in 1857 Uprising; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
took active part in anti-British in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
activities; apprehended by British PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
officer in Panipat; charged with H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p.
rebellion against British rule; 150; INMPM, I, p. 180; MOP, I, p. 113]
230 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Murli Mal: Resident of Katra Ahluwalian, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar

Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Lakhu Mal; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Arora; mechanic; was 70 years old in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
when he attended the public meeting PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
April 1919 where he was killed in 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 242; JBM,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, p. 150; INMPM, I, p. 180; MOP, I, p. 113]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Museetah: Resident of Shah Turkman,
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 241; JBM, Delhi; Dom; participated in 1857
p. 136; INMPM, I, p. 180; MOP, I, p. 113] Uprising; captured by British troops
on charge of rebellion against British
Murli: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; rule; convicted and sentenced to
attended the public meeting at death; executed by hanging on 22
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
April 1919 where he was killed in Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Mussammat Mallan: Resident of
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Sultanwind, teh and distt. Amritsar,
p. 149; INMPM, I, p. 180] Punjab; widow of Khark Singh; Jat;
attended the public meeting at
Murtza Khan: Resident of Nagli, distt. Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; participa- April 1919 where she was wounded
ted in Uprising of 1857; apprehended in firing by British troops and died at
by the British; accused of rebellion home. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No.
against British rule; sentenced to death 58, Dec (1922), PSAC]
and executed by hanging on 5
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Mussammat Melo: Resident of Katra
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Suraid, Kucha Moti Ram, Amritsar,
Punjab; widow of Beli Ram; Khatri;
Muru : Resident of Delhi; took part in attended the public meeting at
Uprising of 1857; participated in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April
defence of Delhi against advancing 1919 where she was killed in firing by
British army; captured by British British troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc,
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and F. No. 58, Dec (1922), PSAC]
charged with rebellion against British
rule; executed by hanging on 27 Musseeta: Resident of Delhi; an officer of
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Mughal Emperor; participated in 1857
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Uprising; caught by British troops
after reoccupation of Delhi; accused
Musa: Resident of Katra Khazana, Kucha of helping forces against British rule;
Mochian, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o convicted of rebellion and sentenced
Jamal Din; Kashmiri; weaver; was 16 to death; executed by hanging on 27
years old when he attended the public February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 231

Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] killing English officials during

Uprising of 1857; arrested and
Musseeta: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; imprisoned on charge of murder and
sawµar in service of Nawab; took active rebellion against British rule;
part in 1857 Uprising; caught by convicted and sentenced to be hanged
British troops and charged with till death in November 1857. [Judl..
fighting and rebellion against British Deptt. (Hisar Div.], Acc. No. 9782
rule; convicted and sentenced to (1857) HSAP]
death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Muzul Khan: Resident of Bahadurgarh,
distt. Rohtak, Haryana; dafaëdµar. 3rd
Musta: Resident of Khidwali, distt. Troop in 10 th Irregular Cavalry;
Rohtak, Haryana; Cobbler; deserted British army and joined
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Imperial forces of Delhi in fighting
part in attacking and looting British against British; caught by British
property; caught by British troops on troops on charge of desertion, mutiny
charge of loot, murder and rebellion and rebellion against British rule;
against British rule; convicted and convicted and sentenced to death;
sentenced to death; executed in executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
(1858), HSAP]
Myboolah Khan: Resident of
Mutroo: Resident of Nagli, distt. Bahadurgarh, distt. Rohtak, Haryana;
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; participa- a sawµar in 2nd Cavalry of Gawalior
ted in Uprising of 1857; apprehended Contingent; deserted British Indian
by the British; accused of rebellion army and participated in 1857
against British rule; sentenced to death Uprising; took active part in fighting
and executed by hanging on 5 against British army; captured by
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi British troops; accused of desertion
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] and mutiny against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Muttee: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
took active part in fighting against
British army; captured by British Myhtab: Resident of Shahjahanpur, distt.
troops on charge of plundering British Gurgaon, Haryana; Ranghar; took
property and rebellion against British active part in plundering British
rule; convicted and sentenced to property during 1857 Uprising;
death; executed by hanging on 27 captured by British on charge of
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi plundering and rebellion against
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] British rule; convicted and sentenced
to death; executed by hanging on on
Muzuffur: Resident of Hisar, Haryana; 1 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Ranghar; took part in attacking and Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
232 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Nadir Ali Shah: Resident of Kasur, distt. participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/ by British troops; accused of rebellion
o Kaim Ali Shah; took part in the against British rule; convicted and
complete haætµal on 12 April 1919 in sentenced to death; executed by
Kasur. He was among those who felt hanging on 18 January 1858.[Judl.
deeply agitated by what had Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
happened at Amritsar on 10 April; HSAP]
with others he proceeded to Kasur
railway station, found some Nahar Khan: Resident of Shahjahanpur,
Europeans sitting in a train distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; Ranghar; s/
compartment there, suddenly two o Gauhar; took part in 1857 Uprising
English soldiers fired upon the mob. against British rule; accused of
The angry people killed those two rebellion against British rule and
soldiers. Large number of people were hanged on 1 February 1858. [HSG, I,
arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. p, 404; RIH, p. 157]
Nadir Ali Shah was also accused in
Kasur Supplementary Case during Nahar Singh: Resident of Gujrawal, ps.
Martial Law in Punjab; arrested and Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
charged with crime of arson at Kasur Thakur Singh, aged 22 years, an active
railway station and for killing two participant in revolutionary activities;
Englishmen; tried by Martial Law arrested and tried in the Supplemen-
Commission; sentenced to death. tary Lahore Conspiracy Case and
However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab) sentenced to transportation for life
afterward commuted the death and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A,
sentence to transportation for life. [H/ Nos. 219-221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, p.
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 308]
Nahim Khan: Resident of Delhi; Pathan;
Nadir Shah: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 233

active part in fighting against British troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
army; caught by British troops and charged with rebellion against British
charged with having magazine rule; sentenced to death and hanged
property and protecting anti-British in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
forces; convicted and sentenced to 3 (1858), HSAP]
death; executed by hanging on 27
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Nanak Chand: Resident of Amritsar city,
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Punjab; s/o Chhuta Mal; Khatri;
broker; attended the public meeting
Nahur Khan Bess: Resident of Kaloda; at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Haryana; participated in 1857 April 1919 where he was killed in
Uprising; caught by British forces on firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
charge of rebellion against British rule; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
convicted and sentenced to death; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
executed by hanging on 18 January WWIM, I, p. 246; JBM, p. 142; INMPM,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 I, p. 181; MOP, I, p. 114]
(1858), HSAP]
Nanak Chand: Resident of Amritsar,
Naina: Resident of Wanchari, disrr. Punjab; s/o Raja Singh; attended the
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Kunun; Mehra; public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
attended the public meeting at Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 was killed in firing by British troops.
April 1919 where he was killed in [WWIM, I, p. 246]
firing by British. [H/Mil, PGCS, B
Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, Nanak: Resident of Kot Sundri,
F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 141; Campbellpur, Punjab; s/o Sukhraj;
INMPM, I, p. 180; MOP, I, p. 113] shopkeeper; was 32 years old when
he attended the public meeting at
Nama: Resident of Fatehgarh, ps. Sadr, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Gopal, Saini; April 1919 where he was killed in
took active part in revolutionary firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
activities; convicted and tried under PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Sections 121, 121A and 302/149 of IPC 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
in Second Supplementary Lahore 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 246; JBM,
Conspiracy Case (Date of Judgment p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 181]
5-1-1917); sentenced to death and
forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-B, Nos. Nand Lal: Resident of Sewak Mandi,
242-43, May 1917, NAI; SFH, p. 225; Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Mela Ram;
INMPM, I, p. 109] Brahmin; student; was 18 years old
when he attended the public meeting
Namudar Khan: Resident of Delhi; took at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
part in Uprising of 1857; participated April 1919 where he was killed in
in defence of Delhi against advancing firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
British army; captured by British PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
234 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Island. [WWIM, I, p. 247; MOP, I, p.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 246; JBM, 115]
p. 150; INMPM, I, p. 180; MOP, I, p.
114] Nand Singh: Resident of Kaila, ps. Raikot,
Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Ram Singh, Jat
Nand Lal: Resident of Sewak Mandi, of 32 years; returned to India on the
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Shib Diyal; ss. Nan-Sang in October 1914; attended
Brahmin; was 12 years old when he meetings of revolutionaries in the
attended the public meeting at Punjab; took part in dacoities;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 purchased bomb ingredients and
April 1919 where he was killed in preached sedition; took part in an
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, abortive raid on Doraha Bridge guard
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. and surrendered bombs and materials
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. when arrested; convicted and tried
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, pp. 246-47; under Sections 121, 121A, 122, 395 and
JBM, p. 135; INMPM, I, p. 180; MOP, 396 of IPC; sentenced by Lahore
I, p. 114] Tribunal to death and forfeiture of
property. The sentence was
Nand Narain: Resident of Amritsar city, afterwards commuted to
Punjab; s/o Karm Chand; Brahmin; transportation for life; deported to
student; attended the public meeting Andamans in January 1916. [GD,
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 p.106; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 384, NAI;
April 1919 where he was killed in H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, NAI; SFH, pp. 192, 298; UHFSA, pp.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; 97-98; HCJ, p. 251]
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWIM, I, p. 246; JBM, p. 150; INMPM, Nand Singh: Resident of Lyalpur, Punjab
I, p. 180] (now in Pakistan); s/o Punjab Singh;
sepoy of 23 rd Cavalry Platoon;
Nand Singh: Resident of Punjab; Kuka arrested for revolutionary activities
activist; involved in the attack on and ìseditionî in the army; Court
Malodh on 14 January 1872; killed in Martialled at Dugsai in 1915;
police encounter during the Malodh sentenced to transportation for life
attack. [H/Deptt, Judl-A, June 1872, and deported to Andamans in
F Nos. 112-132, NAI] October 1915. [UHFSA, p. 98; HCJ, p.
251; MOP, I, p. 115]
Nand Singh: Resident of Burj Raika,
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Punjab Singh; Nanda Lambardar: Resident of Gurgaon,
soldier in the Indian Army; resigned Haryana; took active part in 1857
from army service and joined the Uprising against British rule; captured
Revolutionary Party; took active part by British troops and sentenced to
in nationalist movement; arrested in death; executed at Delhi on 7
1915 and sentenced to imprisonment December 1857.[WWIM, III, p. 106;
for life; died in jail on the Nicobar RIH, p. 157]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 235

Nanda: Resident of Rithauj, distt. private employee; was 25 years old

Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in 1857 when he attended the public meeting
Uprising against British rule; captured at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
by British soldiers and hanged in April 1919 where he was killed in
December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 106; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
HSG, I, p. 404; RIH, p. 157; WWDFF, I, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
p. 279] PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 250; INMPM, I, p.
Nanku: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
attended the public meeting at Naradh Singh: Served in the 45th Native
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Infantry of the British Indian Army;
April 1919 where he was killed in deserted and participated in Uprising
firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p. of 1857; captured by British soldiers,
248] tried and sentenced to death during
16-17 June 1857 at Ambala, Haryana.
Nanoo Ghazee: Resident of Kanod, [Judl. Deptt. (Ambala Div.), F. No. 43
Haryana; participate in 1857 Uprising; (1857), HSAP]
joined Poordil Khan and accompanied
him to Delhi; joined Imperial army in Narain Singh, alias Ram Singh: Resident
fighting against British; caught by of Balo, ps. Bhatinda, Pataila State,
British and charged with rebellion Punjab; s/o Abal Singh; took active
against British rule; sentenced to death part in revolutionary activities;
and executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt convicted under Sections 121 and
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 121A of IPC in the First Burma
Conspiracy Case (Mandalay
Nanua Teli: Resident of Delhi; took Conspiracy Case, Judgment delivered
leading part in 1857 Uprising against on 27 July 1916); sentenced to death.
British rule; participated in defence of [H/Poll-A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916,
Delhi against advancing British army; NAI; SFH, p. 241; INMPM, I, p. 110]
captured by the British and executed
at Delhi on 8 December 1857. [WWIM, Narain Singh: Resident of Gurgaon,
III, p.107] Haryana; participated in Uprising of
1857; apprehended by British forces
Nanuck: Resident of Kanod, Haryana; and convicted of rebellion against
Bania; participated in 1857 Uprising; British rule; sentenced to death on 15
caught by British troops and charged December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl.
with having taken service at Delhi and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
joining rebellion against British rule; HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 107; HSG, I, p.
convicted and sentenced to death; 404; RIH, p. 157]
executed at Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Narain Singh: Resident of Sathiala, teh.
and Amritsar Punjab; s/o Diyal Singh;
Nar Singh Das: Resident of Sahiwal, distt. Arora; private employee; was 25 years
Shahpur, Punjab; s/o Bhagwan Das; old when he attended the public
236 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar revolutionary activities; convicted and

on 13 April 1919 where he was killed tried under Sections 121 and 121A of
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, IPC in the First Burma Conspiracy
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Case (Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916);
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 249; JBM, sentenced to death. [H/Poll-A, Nos.
p. 136; INMPM, I, p. 181; MOP, I, p. 403-410, Sep 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 241;
115] INMPM, I, p. 110]

Narain Singh: Resident of v. Rarrh, teh. Naryan Singh: Resident of Delhi; caught
Sherput, Punjab; zam∂ndµ a r; s/o by British troops after reoccupation of
Mehtab Singh; a Kuka activist; Delhi; accused of rebellion against
participated in the attack on British rule; convicted and shot dead
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
1872; arrested and charged with (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Nasiruddin Mughal: Resident of Delhi;
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- took leading part in 1857 Uprising
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 218] against British rule; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Narain Singh: Resident of Wanchari, teh. British army; captured by the British
and distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o and executed at Delhi on 23 February
Kanun; Mehra; labourer; was 30 years 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 108; WWDFF, I,
old when he attended the public p. 284]
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Nath Ram: Resident of Kasur, distt.
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Lahore, Punjab, (now in Pakistan); s/
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), o Sundar Dass; took part in the
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 249; INMPM, I, p. complete haætµal on 12 April 1919 in
181; MOP, I, p. 115] Kasur. He was among those who felt
deeply agitated by what had
Narain Singh: Soldier in the Second happened at Amritsar on 10 April;
Ludhiana Regiment of British Indian with others he proceeded to Kasur
Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana; Railway Station, found some
took part in 1857 Uprising against Europeans sitting in a train
British rule; captured by the British compartment there, suddenly two
soldiers and charged with mutiny and English soldiers fired upon the mob.
desertion; sentenced to death and The angry people killed those two
executed on 3 May 1858.[WWIM, III, soldiers. Large number of people were
p. 107; WWDFF, I, p. 281] arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919.
Nath Ram was accused in Kasur
Narinjan Singh: Resident of Sangatpur, Supplementary Case during Martial
ps. Jagraon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Law in Punjab; arrested and charged
Jawal Singh, Jat; took active part in with crime of arson at Kasur Railway
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 237

Station and for killing two Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Chet Singh; Jat;
Englishmen; tried by Martial Law farmer; was 20 years old when he
Commission and executed on 14 June attended the public meeting at
1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, April 1919 where he was killed in
p. 116; FML] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Natha Singh: Resident of Dhun, ps. H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in WWIM, I, p. 251; JBM, p. 140; INMPM,
Pakistan); s/o Mul Singh, aged 30 I, p. 181; MOP, I, p. 116]
years; an active participant in
revolutionary activities; arrested and Natha Singh: Resident of v. Barnala,
tried in the Supplementary Lahore Patiala State, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to Budh Singh; a Kuka activist;
transportation for life and forfeiture participated in the attack on
of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
May 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 308; HCJ, p. 1872; arrested and charged with
251] murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Natha Singh: Resident of Jagatpur, Tarn 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 221]
s/o Jawala Singh; Jat; farmer; was 38
years old when he attended the public Nathoo: Resident of Jethowal, and
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Jit Singh; Jat;
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed was 32 years old when he attended the
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. was killed in firing by British troops.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 251; JBM, [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 182; MOP, I, p. (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
117] (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 145; INMPM, I,
p. 181]
Natha Singh: Resident of Jethuwal, and
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ranjit Nathu Ram: Resident of Katra Kanhayan,
Singh; Jat; cultivator; was 16 years old Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Mula Mal;
when he attended the public meeting Zargar; was 30 years old when he
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 attended the public meeting at
April 1919 where he was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, April 1919 where he was killed in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 251; INMPM, I, p. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
182] 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 150; INMPM,
Natha Singh: Resident of Jhetuwal, and I, p. 181; MOP, I, p. 117]
238 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Nathu: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; Nathu: Resident of Sathiala, teh. Amritsar
s/o Govind Ram; attended the public Punjab; Arora; shopkeeper;was 30
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar years old when he attended the public
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
p. 150; INMPM, I, p. 181] H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWIM, I, p. 252; JBM, p. 136; INMPM,
Nathu: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; I, p. 181]
s/o Gulab; Kamboh; was 18 years old
when he attended the public meeting Natthu Khan: Sawµ a r in the Cavalry
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Regiment of British Indian Army;
April 1919 where he was killed in posted at Ambala, Haryana; took part
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; arrested by the British soldiers and
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; charged with mutiny; sentenced to
WWIM, I, p. 252; JBM, p. 133; INMPM, death and executed in April 1858.
I, p. 181; MOP, I, p. 117] [WWIM, III, p. 109]

Nathu: Resident of Kucha Niwan, Katra Nawab Abdul Rehman Khan: Resident
Jallianwala, Amritsar city, Punjab; of Jhajjar, Haryana; Ruler of Jhajjar;
s/o Jawahar; Dhobi (washer-man); took leading part in Uprising of 1857;
was 55 years old when he attended the his help was many times sought by
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Emperor Bahadur Shah; he sent
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he troops and money to Delhi to help
was killed in firing by British troops. Emperor in fighting against British
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 forces; he was arrested by British
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; forces from his shikµargµah and brought
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; to Delhi; his fort was seized by British
WWIM, I, p. 252; JBM, p. 131; INMPM, forces where many guns with a large
I, p. 181; MOP, I, p. 117] quantity of powder and munitions of
war were found; Nawab was
Nathu: Resident of Kucha Sultan imprisoned on charges of ìseditionî
Pahlwan, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o against British rule; brought before a
Jhanda; Arora; shopkeeper; was 30 Military Commission presided over
years old when he attended the public by Brigadier Chamberlin, C.B. on 8
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar December 1857; convicted of charges
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed brought against him on 17 December
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, and found guilty of rebellion;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), sentenced to be executed; sentence
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 252; INMPM, I, p. was carried out on 23 December 1857;
181; MOP, I, p. 117] his body was thrown into a pit and
no grave was put to mark the spot; his
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 239

estate was seized by the British. [MRC, the city; arrested by British troops and
VII, pt. II, pp. 226, 320, 376; WWDFF, imprisoned; died in prison from the
I, p. 12; Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.), F. No. combined effect of old age and fever.
3 (1858) HSAP; WWIM,III, P. 1; RIH, [MRC, VII, pt. II, pp. 189, 320]
p. 139]
Nawab Ahmed Mirza: Born in 1819;
Nawab Afsar Yar Khan: Resident of resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; took
Delhi; took leading part in 1857 part in 1857 Uprising against British
Uprising against British rule; captured rule; arrested by the British authorities
by the British and charged with and tried for ìsedition;î sentenced to
rebellion and treason; executed by death and hanged on 15 December
hanging at Delhi in 1857.[WWDFF, I, 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 5; HSG, I, p. 389;
p. 13, WWIM, III, P. 3] RIH, p. 140; WWDFF, I, p. 15]

Nawab Ahmad : Resident of Delhi; took Nawab Akbar Khan: Resident of

leading part in 1857 Uprising against Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in 1857
British rule; arrested on charge of Uprising against British rule; arrested
rebellion and treason; hanged by the by the British authorities and tried for
British. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div) F.No. ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
3 (1858) HSAP] executed by hanging on 15 December
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 6; HSG, I p. 390;
Nawab Ahmed Ali Khan: Born in 1823 at RIH, p. 140]
Farrukhnagar, Distt. Gurgaon,
Haryana; Ruler of Farrukhnagar; took Nawab Amir Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
leading part in 1857 Uprising against Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
British rule; arrested and brought against British rule; arrested by the
before a Military Commission British authorities and tried for
presided by Brigadier Showers on 12 ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
January 1858; charged with rebellion executed by hanging on 15 December
and treason against the British; 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 9; HSG, I p. 390;
sentenced to be hanged; executed on RIH, p. 141; WWDFF, I, p. 26]
23 January 1858; buried in compound
of dargµah of Baqiullah; his estate and Nawab Dooley Khan: Resident of Delhi;
all other properties were seized by the took part in Uprising of 1857; caught
British. [MRC, VII, pt. II, pp. 266, 320, by British troops after reoccupation of
376-77; WWIM, III, p. 4; WWDFF, I, p. Delhi; accused of rebellion against
15] British rule; convicted and shot dead
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
Nawab Ahmed Kuli Khan; Resident of (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Imperial Palace, Delhi; father-in-law
of the Bahadur Shah took active part Nawab Dula Jan: Resident of Gurgaon,
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
went out to meet the Bareilly brigade against British rule; arrested by the
of mutineers and escorted them into British authorities and tried for
240 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

ìsedition;î sentenced to death and Nawab Muzaffar-ud-Daulah: Resident of

executed by hanging on 15 December Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 38; HSG, I p. 394; Uprising of 1857; arrested by the
RIH, p. 145; WWDFF, I, p, 121] British authorities and tried for
ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
Nawab Hoosain Khan: A pensioner of executed on 15 December 1857 by the
British Government; took active part orders of the Deputy Commissioner,
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Delhi. [WWIM, III, p. 103; WWDFF, I,
raised a regiment of mutineers near p. 276]
Delhi and also became its
commander; arrested by British troops Nawab Nur Samad: Ex-Nawab of Rania,
on charge of rebellion against British distt. Sirsa, Haryana; took active part
rule and executed. [MRC, VII, pt. II, in 1857 uprising against British rule;
p. 189] accused of rebellion and ìseditionî
against British rule; arrested by British
Nawab Mahomed Hussun Khan: soldiers and hanged in Haryana.
Resident of Delhi; s/o Nawab Irtiza [MRC, VII, pt. II, p. 365]
Khan; nobleman and pensioner of
British Government on Companyís Nawab Shah Zumoni Begum: Resident
Rs. 200 per mensem; took leading part of Delhi; w/o Mirza Jawan Bukht;
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; captured by British forces after
became a mukhfitµar or Confidential reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on
Agent of Mirza Khizer Sultan, one of account of being a family member of
the greatest leaders among the Bahadur Shah and anti-British
princes; also employed under Mirza activities during uprising of 1857;
Mughal; commanded a portion of transported for life to Rangoon as state
imperial army at the battle of the prisoner. [F Poll No. 52-125, 10 Dec
Hindun and the action at Badli- Ki 1858, NAI]
Sarai; arrested by the British soldiers
in the Nawab of Jhajjarís territory Nawab Taj Mahel Begum: Resident of
alongwith Hukeem Abdul Huk and Delhi; w/o Emperor; captured by
Ahmud Kuli Khan; tried and British forces after reoccupation of
sentenced to death; executed by Delhi; imprisoned on account of being
hanging at Delhi in November 1857. a family member of Bahadur Shah and
[MRC, VII, pt. II, pp. 362, 365; WWIM, anti-British activities during 1857
III, p. 97] Uprising; transported for life to
Rangoon along with Bahadur Shah. [F
Nawab Mosi Khan: Resident of Delhi; Poll No. 52-125, 10 Dec 1858, NAI]
took leading part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule as one of its Nawab: Resident of Delhi; Syed; took part
leaders; captured by the British and in 1857 Uprising; caught by British
charged with rebellion and treason; troops and convicted of rebellion
executed by hanging at Delhi in 1857. against British rule; executed by
[WWIM, III, p. 99; WWDFF, I, p. 270] hanging on 21 December 1857.[Judl.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 241

Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Uprising; caught by British troops on

HSAP] charge of rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Neazoo: Resident of Delhi; female executed by hanging on 8 December
attendant in Court of Emperor; foster- 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
nurse of Nawab Shah Zamani Begum; (1858), HSAP]
captured by British forces after
reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on Nemasah Khan: Resident of Delhi; fought
account of being attached with against the British forces at Delhi;
Bahadur Shah and anti-British retreated towards Jaipur State after
activities; transported for life to the defeat of anti-British forces;
Rangoon as state prisoner. [F. Poll. no. captured by the British at Hindan in
52-125, 10 December 1858, NAI] district Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan;
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State
Nehal Singh: Resident of Delhi; took part Army stationed at Hindan, who rose
in Uprising of 1857; caught by British against the British; captured again by
troops after reoccupation of Delhi; British troops and imprisoned at Agra;
accused of rebellion against British sentenced to death and executed by
rule; convicted and shot dead on 15 hanging at Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III,
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi p. 109; WWDFF, I, p. 288]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Neyammut Alli: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Nehal Singh: Resident of Gurgaon, Faridabad, Haryana; participated in
Haryana; Gujar; participated in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by British; changed with rebellion against
British forces and of rebellion against British rule; sentenced to death and
British rule; sentenced to death on 18 executed by hanging on 8 December
November 1857 and shot dead. [Judl. 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 109-10;
HSAP] HSG, I, p. 404; RIH, p. 157]

Nehall: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Nezamoodeen: Resident of Rewari,

participated in 1857 Uprising; took Haryana; s/o Imanuddin Sheikh;
active part in fighting against British participated in Uprising of 1857;
army; caught by British troops; apprehended by the British; charged
accused of plundering thµ a nas and with rebellion against British rule;
rebellion against British rule; sentenced to death and executed by
convicted and sentenced to death; hanging on 11 February 1858.[Judl.
executed by hanging on 27 February Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 109; HSG, I, p.
(1858), HSAP] 404; RIH, p. 157]

Nejabut Alli: Resident of Palwal, distt. Nidhan Singh: Resident of Choga, ps.
Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857 Dharmkot, Ferozepore, Punjab; s/o
242 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Sunder Singh, aged 60 years; an Colombo; interned and tortured to

important leader, mentioned in Indar death. [MOP, I, p. 118]
Singhís letter to Bal Singh to had been
President of the new Committee of the Nihal Chand alias Roda: Resident of
Khalsa Diwan Society at Stockton Kucha Tiwarian, Amritsar city,
about April 1914; left San Francisco by Punjab; s/o Tek Chand; Khatri; piece-
the ss. Korea on 29 August 1914; goods broker; was 30 years old when
disembarked at Nagasaki with Piara he attended the public meeting at
Singh, Wariam Singh and two others Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
with the intention of proceeding to April 1919 where he was killed in
Shanghai; arrived later at Hong Kong firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
in charge of a party of Ghadar PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
members; elected as member of the 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Central Committee, which was 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 254; JBM,
chosen there to carry on the campaign p. 129; INMPM, I, p. 182; MOP, I, p.
in India; left for India by ss. Mishima 118]
Maru; in-charge of the party which
visited Nander and tried to procure Nihal Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
revolvers; on his return home to the Punjab; s/o Hardiyal Singh; Arora;
Punjab; exceedingly active and took a attended the public meeting at
share in nearly every branch of Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
revolutionary activities; arrested in April 1919 where he was killed in
April; attempted to murder with a firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
dagger the Police Constable who PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
arrested him; convicted under H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Sections 121, 121A and 122 of IPC; p. 150]
Lahore Tribunal noted, regarding
him, that he was an extremely Nihal Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
dangerous criminal and one of the Punjab; s/o Harnam Singh; Jat; was
worst and most important 35 years old when he attended the
conspirators convicted and tried in public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Lahore Conspiracy Case; sentenced to Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
death and forfeiture of property; was killed in firing by British troops.
sentence was afterwards commuted to [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
transportation for life. [GD, p. 118; (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 384, NAI; H/ (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 151; INMPM, I,
Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, NAI; p. 182; MOP, I, p. 118]
SFH, pp. 192, 299; HCJ, p. 251; MOP,
I, p. 118] Nihal Singh: Resident of Amritsar,
Punjab; s/o Gulab Singh; attended the
Nidhan Singh: Resident of Jaisinghwala, public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Bagapurana, Ferozepore; s/o Teja Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Singh; took active part in Ghadar was killed in firing by British troops.
movement; imported fire arms from [WWIM, I, p. 255]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 243

Nihal Singh: Resident of v. Lehra, ps. Nikku: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;

Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab; Mehra; attended the public meeting at
zam∂ndµar; s/o Buta Singh; a Kuka Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
activist; participated in the attack on April 1919 where he was killed in
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p.
1872; arrested and charged with 221]
murder by the British Government;
blown to death with a canon on 17/ Nikmu Mal: Resident of Amritsar city,
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Punjab; s/o Girdhari; Khatri; was 14
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 224] years old when he attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Nikha: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
participated in 1857 Uprising; took in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
active part in fighting against British PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
army; caught by British troops; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
accused of plundering thµ a nas and WWIM, I, p. 255; JBM, p. 137; INMPM,
rebellion against British rule; I, p. 182; MOP, I, p. 119]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 27 February Nirghin Ram: Soldier in 51st Regiment,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Native Infantry of British Indian
(1858), HSAP] Army; posted at Peshawar, North-
West Frontier Province (now in
Nikka Mal: Resident of Gali Jaman Sewak Pakistan); deserted during general
Mandi, Amrisar city, Punjab; s/o disarming of Indian soldiers by the
Charan Das; Arora; private employee; British; captured by British army
was 25 years old when he attended the along with his Subedar-Major and
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, tried by Court Martial on 26 May 1857;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he sentenced to death and executed by
was killed in firingby British troops. hanging on 3 June 1857; his Subedar-
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May Major was hanged first of all; British
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 255; army killed or hanged about 250 of his
INMPM, I, p. 182; MOP, I, p. 119] compatriots; on 28 August 1857,
another 150 Indian soldiers were shot
Nikka: Resident of Kucha Khotianwala, and killed by the British soldiers in the
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Koohi; regimental lines and outside when
Mehra; howker and labourer; was 26 they demonstrated their anger on
years old when he attended the public being subjected to search in an
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar insulting manner. [WWIM, III, p. 110]
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Nizam Ali: Resident of Farrukhnagar,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 1857 Uprising against British rule;
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 255; JBM, captured by the British and executed
p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 182; MOP, I, p. 119] on 24 November 1857 by the orders
244 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

of the Deputy Commissioner, Delhi. Code by Martial Law Commission

[WWDFF, I, p. 291] was sentenced to death and forfeiture
of property; death sentence later on
Nizam: [Nizam Din]: Resident of distt. was commuted to transportation for
Amritsar, Punjab s/o Kamal; active in life by Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll,
organizing the haætµal on 6April 1919 B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
at Amritsar as part of the nation-wide NAI; INCR, I; FML]
call of haætµ a l given by Mahatma
Gandhi to protest against the Rowlatt Nizamul Khan: Resident of Kaloda,
Act; joined the procession which was Haryana; Gujar; participated in 1857
takn out on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar Uprising; caught by British forces on
in protest agains the arrest of Dr. charge of rebellion against British;
Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din convicted and sentenced to death;
Kitchlew; actively involved in the anti- executed by hanging on 18 January
British acts which occurred after the 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
military picket (posted near the (1858), HSAP]
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
on unarmed processionists; charged Noor Bux: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana;
with taking part in the attack on the Meo; took active part in plundering
Alliance Bank in which the Manager and killing Englishmen during
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried and Uprising of 1857; caught by British on
convicted in Amritsar Alliance Bank charge of murder, plundering and
Murder Case; was sentenced to death rebellion against British rule;
and forfeiture of property under convicted and executed by hanging on
section 121 of Indian Penal Code by 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Martial Law Commission; death Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
sentence later on was commuted to
transportation for life by the Lt. Noor Bux: Resident of Nagli, Faridabad,
Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B-Proc, Haryana; Meo; participated in
Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
INCR, I; FML] British; accused of rebellion against
British rule; sentenced to death and
Nizam: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o executed by hanging on 5 February
Rustam; actively involved in the anti- 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
British acts which occurred after the (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 111;
military picket (posted near the HSG, I, p. 404; RIH, p. 158]
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
an unarmed processionists; charged Noor Bux: Resident of Palwal, distt.
with taking part in the attack on the Faridabad, Haryana; Sheikh; took
National Bank in which two active part in 1857 Uprising; captured
Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott) by British forces after reoccupation of
were killed, tried and convicted in Delhi; charged with rebellion against
Amritsar National Bank Murder Case British rule and sentenced death;
under section 121 of Indian Penal executed by hanging on 9 December
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 245

1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 by British soldiers; accused of

(1858), HSAP] rebellion against British rule and
sentenced to death; executed by
Noor Khan: Resident of Delhi; fought hanging on 9 December 1857.[Judl.
against the British forces at Delhi; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
retreated towards Jaipur State after HSAP]
defeat of the anti-British forces;
captured by the British at Hindan in Nowaith Bux: Resident of Delhi; Mughal;
district Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State active part in fighting against
Army stationed at Hindan, who rose advancing British army; captured by
against the British; captured again by British troops after reoccupation of
British troops and imprisoned at Agra; Delhi; accused of rebellion against
sentenced to death and executed by British rule; convicted and sentenced
hanging at Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, to death; executed by hanging on 27
p. 111; WWDFF, I, p. 291] February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Noor Mohd.: Resident of Muazin Masjid,
Khalil Katra Ahluwalian, Amritsar Nowrung: Resident of Delhi; participated
city, Punjab; weaver; was 22 years old in 1857 Uprising; arrested by British
when he attended the public meeting troops on charge of rebellion against
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 British rule; convicted and sentenced
April 1919 where he was killed in to death; executed by hanging on 27
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 133; INMPM, Nowsah: Resident of Delhi; Ahir;
I, p. 182; MOP, I, p. 119] participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British troops on charge of rebellion
Nooroodeen: Resident of Hauz Koja, against British rule; convicted and
Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857 sentenced to death; executed by
Uprising; took active part in fighting hanging on 12 February 1858.[Judl.
against advancing British army; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
captured by British troops after HSAP]
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
rebellion against British rule; Nowsah: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi;
convicted and sentenced to death; Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
executed by hanging on 27 February caught by British troops; charged with
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 highway robbery of British property
(1858), HSAP] and rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death and executed by
Nourung: Resident of Palwal, distt. hanging on 9 February 1858.[Judl.
Faridabad, Haryana; Gujar; took Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
active part in 1857 Uprising; captured HSAP]
246 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Nowt Ram: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Nubbee Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took took active part in 1857 Uprising;
active part in fighting against British caught by British troops on charge of
army; caught by British troops; rebellion against British rule;
accused of plunder∂ng thµ a nas and convicted and sentenced to death;
rebellion against British rule; executed by hanging on 18 December
convicted and sentenced to death; 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
executed by hanging on 27 February (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 103;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 WWDFF, I, p. 276]
(1858), HSAP]
Nubbee Bux: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Nubbee Bukht: Resident of Delhi; took Faridabad, Haryana; s/o Bakiullah
part in Uprising of 1857; participated Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
in defence of Delhi against advancing caught by British soldiers on charge
British army; captured by British of rebellion against British rule;
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and sentenced to death and executed by
charged with rebellion against British hanging on 31 December 1857. [Judl.
rule; sentenced to death and hanged Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. HSAP; HSG, I, p. 403; RIH, p. 157]
3 (1858), HSAP]
Nubbee: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Nubbee Bukht: Resident of Nagli, distt. Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; part plundering and killing
participated in Uprising of 1857; Englishmen; caught by British on
apprehended by the British; charged charge of murder, plundering and
with rebellion against British rule; rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death and executed by convicted and executed by hanging on
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Nubbeedad Khan: Resident of Delhi;
Nubbee Bux Khan: Resident of Patiala, participated in 1857 Uprising;
Punjab; sawµar in 14th Irregular Cavalry; captured by British troops on charge
participated in 1857 Uprising; of rebellion against British rule;
deserted British Indian Army and convicted and sentenced to death;
joined Imperial forces in Delhi; took executed by hanging on 19 February
active part in fighting against British 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
army; caught by British troops and (1858), HSAP]
charged with desertion and mutiny
against British rule; convicted and Nubbo: Resident of Mungal, distt. Hisar,
sentenced to death; executed in Haryana; Ranghar; s/o Hooshrak;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 took part in Uprising of 1857; caught
(1858), HSAP] by British troops and imprisoned on
charge of murder of Englishmen,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 247

plundering and rebellion against property and supplying it to Imperial

British rule; convicted and sentenced forces; caught by British troops on
to death on 17 November 1857; his charge of anti-British activities and
property was confiscated. [Judl. Deptt rebellion against British rule;
(Hissar Div) Acc No. 9782 (1857), convicted and sentenced to death;
HSAP] executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Nubboo Jan: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; (1858), HSAP]
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British troops after reoccupation of Nujuff Ali: Resident of Mughalpura,
Delhi; charged with rebellion against Delhi; Syed; participated in 1857
British rule; convicted and sentenced Uprising; caught by British troops;
to death; executed by hanging on 18 accused of rebellion against British
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), rule; convicted and sentenced to
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] death; executed by hanging on 4
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Nubee Bux: Resident of Palwal, distt. Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Faridabad, Haryana; 3rd Regiment of
British army; deserted and took active Numah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
part in 1857 Uprising; apprehended participated in 1857 Uprising; took
by British officer; accused of desertion active part in fighting against British
and rebellion against British rule; army; caught by British troops;
convicted and sentenced to death; accused of plundering thµ a nas and
executed by hanging in January rebellion against British rule;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 convicted and sentenced to death;
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 103; HSG, executed by hanging on 27 February
I, p. 403; RIH, p. 157] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Nujjeeb Ally: Resident of Jhajjar,
Haryana; sawµ a r in 8 th Irregular Numdah: Resident of Pahladpur, distt.
Cavalry; deserted British Indian Army Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
and participated in 1857 Uprising; in 1857 Uprising; captured by British
joined Imperial army in Delhi and troops on charge of rebellion against
took active part in fighting against British rule; convicted and sentenced
British army; caught by British troops to death; executed by hanging on 12
on charge of desertion, mutiny and February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
rebellion against British rule; Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
convicted and executed in 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Numeh: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi;
HSAP] Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising;
took active part in capturing English
Nujjin Alli: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi; property and supplying it to anti-
Syed; participated in 1857 Uprising; British forces; caught by British troops
took active part in capturing English on charge of anti-British activities and
248 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

rebellion against British rule; Nunnooa: Resident of Deeghot, distt.

convicted and sentenced to death; Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
executed by hanging on 27 February in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 the British and accused of rebellion
(1858), HSAP] against British rule; sentenced to death
and executed by hanging on 13
Numooah: Resident of Delhi; Teli; January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
participated in 1857 Uprising; F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, pp.
captured by British soldiers on charge 106-07; HSG, I, p. 404; RIH, p. 157]
of rebellion against British rule and
sentenced to death; executed by Nur Mohammad: Resident of Ghee
hanging on 8 December 1857.[Judl. Mandi, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Jhandu; Teli (oil-merchant); was 30
HSAP] years old when he attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Nunda: Resident of Rithauj, distt. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Gurgaon, Haryana; Gujar; in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
participated in Uprising of 1857; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
apprehended by the British and 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
charged with rebellion against British 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, pp. 256-57;
rule; sentenced to death on 7 JBM, p. 133; INMPM, I, p. 182; MOP,
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. I, p. 119]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Nur Mohd: Resident of Kucha Sukhdial,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Buta;
Nundcurn: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; labourer; was 60 years old when he
participated in 1857 Uprising; took attended the public meeting at
active part in fighting against British Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
army; caught by British troops; April 1919 where he was killed in
accused of plundering thµ a nas and firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
rebellion against British rule; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
convicted and sentenced to death; 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
executed by hanging on 27 February 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 256; JBM,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 182; MOP, I, p.
(1858), HSAP] 119]

Nunnah: Resident of Delhi; Ahir; Nurputt: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi;

participated in 1857 Uprising; caught Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
by British troops on charge of rebellion took active part in fighting against
against British rule; convicted and British army; captured by British
sentenced to death; executed by troops on charge of plundering British
hanging on 12 February 1858.[Judl. property and rebellion against British
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), rule; convicted and sentenced to
HSAP] death; executed by hanging on 27
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 249

February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Nuthoo: Resident of Sabzimandi, Delhi;

Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Kaith; took part in 1857 Uprising;
caught by British troops on charge of
Nusseer: Resident of Nagli, distt. rebellion against British rule;
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; sentenced to death and hanged on 11
participated in Uprising of 1857; February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
apprehended by the British and Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
accused of rebellion against British III, p. 284; WWDFF, I, p. 109]
rule; sentenced to death and executed
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. Nuthoowa: Resident of Deeghot, distt.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in
HSAP; WWIM, III, pp.108; HSG, I, p. plundering British property during
404; RIH, p. 157] 1857 Uprising; caught by British
troops on charge of plundering and
Nusseeroodeen: Resident of Palace, Delhi; rebellion against British; convicted
Mughal; participated in 1857 and sentenced to death; executed by
Uprising; took active part in fighting hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl.
against advancing British army; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
captured by British troops after HSAP]
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
rebellion against British rule; Nuthun: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana;
convicted and sentenced to death; Mewati; participated in 1857 Uprising;
executed by hanging on 27 February caught by British soldiers; accused of
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 rebellion against British rule;
(1858), HSAP] convicted and sentenced to death;
hanged on 12 February 1858. [Judl.
Nussub Alli: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Syed; participated in 1857 Uprising; HSAP]
took active part in capturing English
property and supplying it to Imperial Nuuda: Resident of Rithauj, distt.
forces; caught by British troops on Gurgaon, Haryana; Gujar; took active
charge of anti-British activities and part in organising armed party and
rebellion against British rule; plundering English property at
convicted and sentenced to death; Badshahpur during Uprising of 1857;
executed by hanging on 27 February arrested by British troops on charge
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 of plundering and rebillion against
(1858), HSAP] British rule; convicted and executed
by hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
250 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Oda Singh: Resident of Delhi; convicted and sentenced to death;
participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested executed by hanging on 29 March
by British troops on charge of rebellion 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
against British rule; convicted and (1858), HSAP]
sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Oodhey Chund: Resident Gurgaon,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Haryana; Meo; took part in fighting
HSAP] against British and plundering towns
during 1857 Uprising; caught by
Oodey Chand: Resident of Barka, distt. British troops on charge of plundering
Mewat, Haryana; Meo; participated in and supporting forces against British
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the rule; convicted and sentenced to
British; accused of rebellion against death; executed by hanging in
British rule; sentenced to death and January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
executed by hanging on 16 January F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] Oosam Singh: Served in the 47th Native
Infantry of the British Indian Army;
Oodey Singh: Resident of Nagina, distt. deserted and took part in Uprising of
Mewat, Haryana; served in British 1857; captured, tried and sentenced to
Indian Army; deserted and took active death by the British on 24 June 1857
part in 1857 Uprising; apprended by at Ambala, Haryana, [Judl. Deptt
British officer; accused of desertion (Ambala Div), F. No. 46 (1857), HSAP]
and rebellion against British rule;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 251

Pahara Singh: Resident of v. Khangpur, Singh; took active part in revolutio-
distt. Sangrur, Punjab; s/o Hima; was nary activities; convicted and tried
58 years old; Kuka activist; involved under Sections 121 and 121A of IPC
in the attack on Malerkotla butchers in the First Burma Conspiracy Case
on 15 January 1872; arrested and (Mandalay Conspiracy Case,
charged with murder under Section Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916);
302 of Indian Penal Code; confined in and sentenced to death. [H/Poll-A,
the Asirgarh Fortress under Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916, NAI; SFH, pp.
provisions of Regulation III of 1818 241-242; INMPM, I, p. 110; WWIM, I,
and died there on 2 March 1882. [H/ p. 260; MOP, I, p. 120]
Deptt, Judl-B, May 1882, F Nos. 20-21,
NAI; KMFSP, pp. 212-213, 215, 217- Pala: Resident of Kucha Misr Beli Ram,
18, 242, 244-45] Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Lok Nath;
Khatri; broker; was 22 years old when
Pakhar Singh: Resident of Dhudike, ps. he attended the public meeting at
Moga, Ferozepore, Punjab; s/o Bhan Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Singh, aged 30 years; took active part April 1919 where he was killed in
in revolutionary activities; absconder firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
in the Lahore Conspiracy Case; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
arrested later on, convicted and tried PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 260; INMPM, I, p.
under Sections 121 and 131 of IPC in 183; MOP, I, p. 120]
the Supplementary Lahore
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to Palla: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
transportation for life. [H/Poll-A, s/o Megh Nath; Khatri; was 20 years
Nos. 219-221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, old when he attended the public
pp. 212, 308] meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Pala Singh: Resident of Sherpur, ps. in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Jagraon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Jaimal PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
252 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 183] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Palla: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 263-64;
s/o Nanak Chand; Dalal (piece goods JBM, p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 183; MOP,
broker) attended the public meeting I, p. 120]
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in Paran Sook: Resident of Delhi; participa-
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, ted in 1857 Uprising; arrested by
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; British troops on charge of rebellion
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, against British rule; convicted and
p. 150; INMPM, I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. sentenced to death; executed by
120] hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Palla: Resident of Mauza Rampur, HSAP]
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Gurdita;
Sweeper; was 40 years old when he Parma Nand: Resident of Katra Khazana,
attended the public meeting at Kucha Chaudhrian, Amritsar city,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Punjab; s/o Maghi Mal [Mega Mal];
April 1919 where he was killed in Khatri; private employee; was 50
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, years old when he attended the public
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 260; JBM, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
p. 133; INMPM, I, p. 182; MOP, I, p. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
120] H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWIM, I, p. 265; JBM, p. 131; INMPM,
Pals Singh: Resident of Dhudike, ps. I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. 121]
Moga, Ferozepore, Punjab; s/o Bagga
Singh, aged 20 years; an active Parman: Resident of v. Dalalpur, Una,
participant in revolutionary activities; Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Bana Mal;
tried in the Supplementary Lahore Brahmin; private employee; was 28
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to years old when he attended the public
transportation for life. [H/Poll-A, meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Nos. 219-221, May 1916, NAI; SFH, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
pp. 212, 309] in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Panna Lal: Resident of Kucha Nain Sukh, PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 265; INMPM, I, p.
Katra Parja, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/ 183]
o Ram Rakha; Khatri; private
employee; was 18 years old whenhe Parmanand: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
attended the public meeting at s/o Dev Raj; attended the public
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
April 1919 where he was killed in on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 253

in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, Singapore revolted in March 1915, but

p. 265] were brutally put down and arrested;
many were shot dead; arrested in
Pars Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, August 1915 in Burma while trying to
Punjab; Rajput; attended the public organize an uprising; convicted and
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar tried for conspiring against the
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Government; sentenced to death and
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, died in Mandalay Jail (Burma) on 10
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; February 1916. [WWIM, I, p. 269;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, MOP, I, pp. 25-26, 140; WWPFF, II, pp.
p. 139; INMPM, I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. IIIL-IVL]
Patt Ram: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
Partap Singh: Resident of Mauza Dhand, participated in 1857 Uprising; took
teh. Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/ active part in fighting against British
o Tehl Singh; Jat (Dhilon); farmer; was army; caught by British troops;
30 years old whenhe attended the accused of plundering thµ a nas and
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, rebellion against British rule;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he convicted and sentenced to death;
was killed in firing by British troops. executed by hanging on 27 February
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; (1858), HSAP]
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
WWIM, I, p. 279; JBM, p. 143; INMPM, Pattapa: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. 121] Arora; attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Pathak Sohan Lal: Born on 7 January April 1919 where he was killed in
1883; resident of Patti, Amritsar, firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Punjab; s/o Chanda Ram; took keen PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
interest in nationalist activities; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
resigned from teaching job as a protest p. 137; INMPM, I, p. 184; MOP, I, p.
against the Head Masterís order to 121]
break off his contacts with Lala
Hardayal (Ghadar Party leader) Peeera: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana;
became a teacher in the Dayanand Ranghar; took active part in fighting
Brahmachari Ashram, the institution against British troops during Uprising
founded by Lala Lajpat Rai; went to of 1857; caught by British soldiers and
Thailand, Philippines and U.S.A. in charged with rebellion against British
1914; joined the Ghadar Party in rule; convicted and sentenced to
California, U.S.A.; took up the death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
assignment of creating revolt among (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
the Indian soldiers of British army
stationed in Burma, Malaya and Peer Baksh: Resident of Bahadurgarh,
Singapore; Indian soldiers in distt. Rohtak, Haryana; took part in
254 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

1857 Uprising against British rule; took acative part in fighting against
captured by the British and sentenced British army; caught by British troops;
to death; executed at Delhi on 1 April convicted on charge of rebellion
1858. [WWIM, III, pp. 113-14; HSG, I, against British rule; sentenced to
p. 404; RIH, p. 159; WWDFF, I, p. 301] death; hanged on 18 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Peer Baksh: Resident of Delhi; fought (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 115;
against the British forces at Delhi; WWDFF, I, p. 301]
retreated towards Jaipur State after
defeat of the anti-British forces; Peer Das Jogi alias Shyami: Born at v.
captured by the British at Hindan in Rohnat, distt. Hisar, Haryana;
distict Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan; Landowner; took part in 1857
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State Uprising against British rule; captured
Army stationed at Hindan, who rose by the British and blown to death with
against the British; captured again by a cannon. [WWIM, III, p. 114; HSG, I,
British troops and imprisoned at Agra; p. 404; RIH, p. 159]
sentenced to death and executed by
hanging at Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, Peer Khan: Resident of Nagli, distt.
p. 114; WWDFF, I, p. 300] Faridabad, Haryana; Meo;
participated in Uprising of 1857;
Peer Bux: Resident of Delhi; took part in apprehended by the British; charged
Uprising of 1857; participated in with rebellion against British rule;
defence of Delhi against advancing sentenced to death and executed by
British army; captured by British hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
charged with rebellion against British HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 115; HSG, I, p.
rule; sentenced to death and executed 404; RIH, p. 157; WWDFF, I, p. 310]
by hanging on 30 October 1857. [Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Peer Khan: Resident of Patiala, Punjab;
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 115; WWDFF, I, sawµ a r in Jhajjar nawabi service;
p. 301] participated in 1857 Uprising;
deserted and took active part in
Peer Bux: Resident of Punjab; Punjabi; fighting against British army along
participated in 1857 Uprising; with other several fellows; caught by
captured by British soldiers; charged British troops on account of
with arresting and presenting a British possessing arms and fighting against
spy to Emperor; found guilty and British; sentenced to death and
sentenced to death; executed by executed at Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
hanging on 24 December 1857.[Judl. (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Peer Mohomed: Resident of Palwal, distt
Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857
Peer Bux: Resident of Najafgarh, Delhi; Uprising; caught by British forces
Sheikh; participated in 1857 Uprising; accused and of rebellion against
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 255

British rule; sentenced to death; Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;

executed by hanging on 9 December took active part in plundering English
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 houses and helping anti-British forces;
(1858), HSAP] caught by British troops and charged
with plundering and rebellion against
Peerah: Resident of Delhi; Biloch; British rule; convicted and sentenced
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught to death; executed by hanging on 12
by British troops on charge of rebellion March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
against British rule; convicted and F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Permanand: Resident of Namak Mandi,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Tabela Lachhman Das, Amritsar city,
HSAP] Punjab; s/o Dev Raj; Hindu; was 24
years old when he attended the public
Peeroo: Resident of Delhi, participated in meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
1857 Uprising; took active part in on 13 April 1919 where he was
fighting against British army; arrested wounded in firing by British troops
by British toops on charge of rebellion and died on 20 April 1919. [H/Mil,
against British rule; convicted and PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
sentenced to death; executed by H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. WWIM, I, p. 265; JBM, p. 136; INMPM,
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. 121]
Perrum Singh: Served in the 45th Native
Peeroo: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; Infantry of the British Indian Army;
Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857; deserted and participated in Uprising
apprehended by the British; charged of 1857; captured by British soldier,
with rebellion against British rule; tried and sentenced to death on 16
sentenced to death and executed by June 1857 at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl.
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No. 43 (1857),
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 114; RIH, p.
159] Piara Singh, alias Karm Singh: Resident
of Langeri, ps. Mahilpur, Punjab; s/o
Peetah: Resident of Katra, Delhi; Jat; Lakha Singh, aged 32 years; a
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught dangerous character who made
by British troops on charge of rebellion himself conspicuous in Vancouver on
against British rule; convicted and the arrival of the Komagata Maru;
sentenced to death; executed by treasurer of the United India League
hanging on 24 February 1858.[Judl. at one time; Granthi in Canada; a share
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), holder in the Sansar Press of Doctor
HSAP] Sundar Singh; left San Francisco on
board the ss. Korea on 29 August 1914;
Peetah: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi; disembarked at Nagasaki with
256 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Nidhan Singh, Waryam Singh and Nawab Khan, Kartar Singh of Saraba,
two others; reached to India, toured Kanshi Ram and Nidhan Singh met
the villages trying to stir up to organize dacoity parties; advised by
disaffection and also to had visited Bhai Parmanand not to take up press
Bannu to Tampur with the sepoys; work but to do military work instead;
possess the knowledge of bomb convicted and tried under Sections
making; convicted and tried under 121, 121A and 124A of IPC (attempt
Sections 121, 121A and 326 of IPC in to murder the Police officer who
Lahore Conspiracy Case and arrested him at Ambala) in Lahore
sentenced to transportation for life; Conspiracy Case; sentenced to death.
sentence of forfeiture of property The sentence was reduced to one of
passed at the same time was transportation for life. [GD, p. 119;
afterwards remitted; arrested through LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 384, H/Poll-A,
the instrumentality of Chanda Singh, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, NAI; SFH, pp.
Zaildar of Nangal Kalan in the 193, 299; HCJ, p. 251]
Hoshiarpur District, who was shortly
afterwards murdered in revenge by Polu Ram: Resident of Delhi; s/o Budh
Jawand Singh, Bir Singh and Banta Ram; actively involved in nationalist
Singh; deported to the Cellular Jail in activities; took part in public
1916. [GD, p. 118; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), demonstration at Delhi against
p. 385, H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct Rowlatt Act on 30 March, 1919. British
1918, NAI; SFH, pp. 194, 299; UHFSA, troops fired on unarmed people by
p. 100; HCJ, p. 251] orders of Mr. Currie (Additional
District Magistrate) at Delhi railway
Pirthi Singh: Resident of Sabhu, Patiala station and near Clock Tower; sixty
State, Punjab; s/o Shadi Ram, Rajput, persons were killed and wounded.
aged 26 years; left America by ss. Korea Polu Ram was one of these who
on 29 August 1914; at a meeting of the received bullet wound in the firing by
various parties at Hong Kong he was the police and died on the same day.
elected to the Central Committee; [H/Poll (Depo), Oct. 1919, F. No. 34,
detained for work in India particularly NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, II, p.
by the dissemination of the seditious 248; FMD, pp. 268-69]
literature; in America he used to visit
Jowala singhís farm near Stockton in Poordil Khan: Resident of Kanod,
order to experiment in bomb making; Haryana; a sawµar; participated in 1857
present at the explosion which Uprising; charged with having a body
wounded the unknown man said to of armed men and joining Imperial
belong to the United Provinces; joint army at Delhi; convicted and
owner with Amar Singh Rajput of four sentenced to death; executed in
of the pistols found in the Doctorís 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
cabin on board the Tosa Maru; allowed (1858), HSAP]
off the ship as he stated he had come
from Penang; present at the Ladhowal Poorun Singh: Resident of Delhi; called
meeting on 17 November 1914 when himself Padri; took active part in anti-
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 257

British activities during Uprising of PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
1857; caught by British troops on 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
charge of rebellion against British rule; 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 150; INMPM,
convicted and sentenced to death; I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. 123]
executed at Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Prem Singh: Resident of Kaler Mangat,
teh. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Natha
Poplo: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Singh; Chimba; kiryana shopkeeper;
Mathura Dass; attended the public was 42 years old when he attended the
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, was killed in firing by British troops.
p. 277] [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
Prabh Diyal: Resident of Amritsar city, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
Punjab; c/o L. Tirath Ram; pleader; WWIM, I, p. 279; JBM, p. 144; INMPM,
attended the public meeting at I, p. 184; MOP, I, p. 123]
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919, where he was killed in Prem Singh: Resident of Khalra, Lahore,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Jiwan
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Singh, Jat; took active part in
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, revolutionary activities during
p. 150; INMPM, I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. Ghadar movement in Punjab;
123] absconded but was arrested;
convicted and tried under Sections
Prabh Diyal: Resident of Kucha Gandan, 302 and 398 of IPC in the Padri
Namak Mandi, Amritsar city, Punjab; Murder Case; sentenced to death.
s/o Ram Ratan; Khatri; was 35 years [SFH, pp. 194, 213, 229; INMPM, I, p.
old when he attended the public 110]
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was Prem Singh: Resident of v. Gagarpur, ps.
wounded in firing and died on 25 and teh. Sangrur (Jind State), Punjab;
April 1919. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. zam∂ndµ a r; s/o Man Singh; a Kuka
No. 139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. activist; participated in the attack on
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 137; INMPM, Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
I, p. 183; MOP, I, p. 122] 1872; arrested and charged with
murder by the British Government;
Prabh Diyal: Resident of Kucha Jassa, blown to death with a cannon on 17/
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sita Ram; 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Arora; hawker; was 19 years old when I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 251]
he attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Prem Singh: Served in the 45th Native
April 1919 where he was killed in Infantry of the British Indian Army;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, deserted and participated in Uprising
258 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced rebellion against British rule;

to death by the British on 16 June 1857 convicted and sentenced to death;
at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt executed by hanging on 27 February
(Ambala Div), F. No. 43 (1857), HSAP] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Prem Sooka: Resident of Delhi; Khatri;
took part in 1857 Uprising; caught by Pulsoo: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi;
British forces on charge of rebellion Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
against British rule; convicted and caught by British troops; charged with
sentenced to death; executed by highway robbery of British property
hanging on 9 December 1857.[Judl. and rebellion against British rule;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), sentenced to death and executed by
HSAP] hanging on 9 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Prem Sookh: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; HSAP]
Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising;
captured by British troops and Puran Chand: Resident of Kucha
charged with plundering thµ a nas; Jamanwala, Katra Garbh, Amritsar
convicted and sentenced to death; city, Punjab; s/o Natha Singh; Khatri;
executed by hanging on 4 February munim; was 25 years old when he
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 attended the public meeting at
(1858), HSAP] Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
April 1919 where he was killed in
Prem Sookh: Resident of Delhi; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
participated in 1857 Uprising; took PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
active part in fighting against British 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
army; caught by British troops; 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 150; MOP, I,
accused of plundering thµ a nas and p. 124]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 259

Qadir Baksh: Resident of Gurgaon, Qazi Faizullah: Resident of Delhi, but
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising originally belonged to Kashmir;
against British rule; captured by the Kotwal of Delhi; played a prominent
British and sentenced to death; part in Uprising against British rule in
executed at Delhi on 22 May 1858. 1857; captured by the British after the
[WWIM, III, p. 116; HSG, I, p. 404; RIH, fall of Delhi in 1857; executed by
p. 159] hanging. [WWIM, III, p. 39]

Qazi Ajmat Ali: Resident of Mehrauli, Qutbuddin: s/o Karim Baksh; took part
Delhi; took leading part in 1857 in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Uprising against British rule; caught caught by British troops and charged
by British troops and hanged for his with rebellion against British rule;
participation in the Uprising hanged on 13 January 1858. [HSG, I,
[WWDFF, I, p. 17] p, 404; RIH, p. 159]
260 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Radha Kishen: Resident of Gurgaon, (Additional District Magistrate) at
Haryana; Jat; s/o Bakhta Ram; took Delhi railway station and near Clock
active part in plundering British Tower; sixty persons were killed and
property during 1857 Uprising; wounded. Radhey Shyam was one of
captured by British on charge of those who received bullet wound in
plundering and rebellion against the firing by the police and died on
British rule; convicted and sentenced the same day. [H/Poll (Depo), Oct
to death; executed by hanging on 1 1919, F. No. 34, NAI; Cong 2 April,
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi 1919; WWIM, I, p. 282; WWDFF, II, pp.
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] xi-xii, xxxii; FMD, pp. 268-69]

Radha Kishun: Resident of Hodal, distt. Ragho Singh alias Sewa Singh alias Uttam
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; s/o Bakhta Singh: Resident of Hans, ps. Jagraon,
Ram; participated in Uprising of 1857; Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Jita Singh; took
apprehended by the British and part in revolutionary activities;
accused of rebellion against British absconded in the first case but was
rule; sentenced to death and executed arrested; tried in the Supplementary
by hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl. Lahore Conspiracy Case and
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), sentenced to death. [SFH, p. 198]
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 117; HSG, I, p.
405; RIH, p. 159; WWDFF, I, p. 312] Raham Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
Haryana; soldier in the British Indian
Radhey Shyam: Born 1891; resident of Army; deserted and took part in 1857
Delhi; s/o Chandu Lal; actively Uprising against British rule; captured
involved in nationalist activities; took by British soldiers and hanged in
part in public demonstration at Delhi January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 118; HSG,
against Rowlatt Act on 30 March, I, p. 405; RIH, p. 159]
1919. British troops fired on unarmed
people by orders of Mr. Currie Rahamullah, (Maulana): Born in 1818;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 261

Resident of Delhi; s/o Najibullah; took firing by British troops. [H/Mil,

part in 1857 Uprising against British PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
rule and organized activities to 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
overthrow the British rule; hunted by 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 133; INMPM,
the British, he fled to Hejaz in Arabia I, p. 184]
where he died later. [WWIM, III, p.
118; WWDFF, I, p. 315] Rahut: Resident of Delhi; female attendant
in Court of Emperor; captured by
Rahim Baksh: Resident of Jhajjar, British forces after reoccupation of
Haryana; an official in the Court of Delhi; imprisoned on account of being
Nawab of Jhajjar; took part in 1857 attached with Bahadur Shah and anti-
Uprising against British rule; arrested British activities during 1857 Uprising;
by Showers in October 1857; executed transported for life to Rangoon as state
at Delhi in December 1857. [HSG, I, p, prisoner. [F Poll No. 52-125, 10 Dec
405; RIH, p. 159] 1858, NAI]

Rahim Shah: Resident of Farrukhnagar, Rai Singh: Soldier in the British Indian
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; took part in Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
1857 Uprising against British rule; took part in 1857 Uprising against
captured by the British and executed British rule; arrested by the British and
on 24 November 1857 by the orders charged with mutiny; sentenced to
of the Deputy Commissioner, Delhi. death and executed on 15 April 1858.
[WWDFF, I, p. 315] [WWIM, III, p. 118]

Rahmat Ali, Fakir: Resident of Wazidke, Raj Nandan Jat: Resident of Gurgaon,
ps. Barnala, Ludhiana, Punjab; a Haryana; Jat; took part in 1857
member of the Ghadar party in Uprising against British rule; captured
Mandla; followed the Ghadar party of by British soldiers and hanged in
Korea to Hong Kong and proceeded January 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 118; HSG,
with them to India, on board ss. Tosa I, p. 405; RIH, p. 159]
Maru was chosen a member of Nawab
Khanís own party; convicted in the Raja Devi Singh: Resident of Delhi; took
Ferozeshahr murder outrage; leading part in 1857 Uprising against
sentenced to death and hanged. [GD, British rule as one of the leaders;
pp. 15 & 124; H/Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 captured by the British and charged
K.W., Oct 1915; SFH, p. 301; INMPM, with rebellion and treason; executed
I, p. 110] by hanging at Delhi in 1857. [WWIM,
III, p. 35]
Rahmat: Resident of Haveli Kamin,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Nawab Raja Nahar Singh: Resident of
Din; Sheikh; labourer; was 21years old Ballabhgarh, distt. Faridabad,
when he attended the public meeting Haryana; Ruler of Ballabhgarh; took
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 part in 1857 Uprising against British
April 1919 where he was killed in rule; arrested by the British soldiers
262 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

on 3 November 1857; brought before 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3

the Millitary Commission presided (1858), HSAP]
over by Brigadier Chamberlain, C.B.,
on 19 December 1857 and charged Raju: Resident of Gujranwala, Punjab
with rebellion and treason against the (now in Pakistan); mashki; was 40
British; sentenced to death by hanging years old when he attended the public
on 2 January 1858; executed at Delhi meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 9 January 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; MRC, VII, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Pt. II, pp. 226, 320, 376; WWIM, III, p. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
104; WWDFF, I, p. 277] PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 288; INMPM, I, p.
Raja Pratap Singh: Born in Himachal
Pradesh; Raja of Kulu; participated in Rakha Mal: Resident of Amritsar city,
Uprising of 1857 against British rule; Punjab; stock broker; attended the
captured British strongholds and public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
declared his kingdom to be free from Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
British dominance; captured by British was killed in firing by British troops.
forces and executed on 3 August 1857. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
[HPSS, pp. 46-47; WWIM, III, p. 115] (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 289; JBM, p.
Raja: Resident of Delhi; participated in 142; MOP, I, p. 125]
1857 Uprising; arrested by British
troops on charge of rebellion against Rakkha Mal: Resident of Kucha
British rule; convicted and sentenced Teliwaran, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
to death; executed by hanging on 27 Gujar Mal; Khatri; exchange broker;
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi was 40 years old when he attended the
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Rajbhan: Resident of v. Ranger, Gurgaon, was killed in firing by British troops.
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
against British rule; accused of (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
rebellion against British rule and H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
hanged on 22 January 1858. [HSG, I, p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 184; MOP, I, p.
p, 405; RIH, p. 159] 125]

Rajcurn: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Ram Bakhsh: Resident of Jhajjar,

participated in 1857 Uprising; took Haryana; jamaëdµar in Police at Jhajjar;
active part in fighting against British took part in 1857 Uprising against
army; caught by British troops; British rule; shot dead by the British
accused of plundering thµ a nas and forces on 18 October 1857 after the fall
rebellion against British rule; of Jhajjar. [HSG, I, p, 405; RIH, p. 159]
convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 27 February Ram Bhajoo Jat: Resident of Delhi; took
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 263

part in 1857 Uprising against British Ram Bux: Resident of Gari Patti, Haryana;
rule; participated in defence of Delhi Jat; s/o Sanmat; took active part in
against advancing British army; plundering British property during
captured by the British and executed 1857 Uprising; captured by British on
at Delhi on 13 November 1857. charge of plundering and rebellion
[WWIM, III, p. 119; WWDFF, I, p. 319] against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by
Ram Bikund: Resident of Delhi; hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl.
participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
by British troops on charge of rebellion HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 119; RIH, p. 160;
against British rule; convicted and WWDFF, I, p. 319]
sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Ram Bux: Residnet of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), participated in 1857 Uprising; took
HSAP] active part in fighting against
advancing British army; captured by
Ram Bukht: Resident of Gurgaon, British troops on charge of rebellion
Haryana; Jat; participated in Uprising against British rule; convicted and
of 1857; apprehended by the British; sentenced to death; executed by
accused of rebellion against British hanging on 23 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt
rule; sentenced to death and executed (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
by hanging 1 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Ram Chand, alias Gela Ram: Resident of
HSAP] Kot Karm Chand, Gurdaspur, Punjab;
Brahmin; trader; was 27 years old
Ram Bux: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Jat; when he attended the public meeting
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
by British troops on charge of April 1919 where he was killed in
highway robbery of British property; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
convicted and sentenced to death; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
executed by hanging on 4 February PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 289]
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] Ram Chand: Born 1884; resident of Delhi;
took part in public demonstration at
Ram Bux: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Jat; Delhi against Rowlatt Act on 30
participated in 1857 Uprising; March, 1919. British troops fired on
captured by the British; charged with unarmed people by orders of Mr.
fighting against British army and Currie (Additional District
rebellion against British rule; Magistrate) at Delhi railway station
convicted and sentenced to death; and near Clock Tower; sixty persons
executed by hanging on 16 February were killed and wounded. Ram
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Chand was one of those who received
(1858), HSAP] bullet wound in the firing by the
police and died on the same day. [H/
264 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34, NAI; Murder Case under section 121 of
Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, I, p. 289; Indian Penal Code by Martial Law
FMD, pp. 268-69] Commission was sentenced to death
and forfeiture of property; executed
Ram Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, on 25 June 1919. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec
Punjab; goldsmith; attended the 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR,
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, I; MOP, I, p. 125; FML]
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops. Ram Chand: Resident of Lahore, Punjab
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (now in Pakistan); s/o Gopal Das;
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 apprentice in the Railway cash office;
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 289; JBM, p. was 18 years old when he attended the
142] public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Ram Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, was killed in firing by British troops.
Punjab; s/o Locha Ram; Arora; [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May
manager of an industrial workshop; (1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, pp. 289-90;
was 29 years old when he attended the INMPM, I, p. 184]
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Ram Chand: Resident of Peshawar,
was killed in firing by British troops. Punjab (now in Pakistan); clerk in
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Northern Railway; dismissed from
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 service for taking part in national
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 129; INMPM, I, agitation at Lahore (1907); came to
p. 184; MOP, I, p. 125] Delhi; edited ëAftabí weekly; editor of
ëAkashí weekly started by Master
Ram Chand: Resident of distt. Amritsar, Amir Chand; member of Revolutio-
Punjab s/o Phangan; active in nary Party; established relations with
organizing the haætµal on 6 April 1919 revolutionaries of Bengal; his activities
at Amritsar as part of the nation-wide forced him to leave the shores of
call of haætµal to protest against the motherland along with his newly
Rowlatt Act; joined the procession wedded wife for Europe and America;
which was taken out on 10 April 1919 joined Ghadar Party in America; while
at Amritsar in protest against the he was standing trial in San Francisco,
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud- shot dead in the court room in 1918.
din Kitchlew; actively involved in the [WWDFF, I, p. 319]
anti-British acts which occurred after
the military picket (posted near the Ram Chand: Resident of Sathiala, teh.
Deputy Commissionerís house) fired Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Saran Dass;
on unarmed processionists; charged goldsmith; was 34 years old when he
with taking part in the attack on the attended the public meeting at
Alliance Bank in which the Manager Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
of Alliance Bank was killed; tried and April 1919 where he was killed in
convicted in Amritsar Alliance Bank firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 265

PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. British rule; sentenced to death;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. executed by hanging on 18 January
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 136; INMPM, 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
I, p. 184; MOP, I, p. 125] (1858), HSAP]

Ram Churn: Resident of Delhi; Ram Dhan: Resident of Batala, distt.

participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Kipra Ram;
by British troops on charge of rebellion attended the public meeting at
against British rule; convicted and Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
sentenced to death; executed by April 1919 where he was killed in
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), 290]
Ram Dial: Resident of Gugraon, Haryana;
Ram Das: Resident of Amritsar city, Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Punjab; s/o Ganga Das; Kamboh; caught by British troops and accused
shopkeeper; was 21 years old when of rebellion against British rule;
he attended the public meeting at convicted and sentenced to death;
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 executed by hanging on 4 March
April 1919 where he was killed in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, (1858), HSAP]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Ram Dut: Resident of Delhi; Pandey;
WWIM, I, p. 133; RR: p. 128; INMPM, participated in Uprising of 1857;
I, p. 184; MOP, I, p. 126] apprehended by British forces and
accused of rebellion against British
Ram Dass: Resident of Kucha Pipalwala, rule; sentenced to death on 15
Katra Chowk Bambiwala, Hathi December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl.
Ghate, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Jamet Singh; Zargar; was 28 years old HSAP]
when he attended the public meeting
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Ram Dutt: Resident of Gurgaon; took part
April 1919 where he was killed in in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, captured by the British and executed
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. on 15 December 1857 by the orders of
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. the Deputy Commissioner, Delhi.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 289; JBM, [WWDFF, I, p. 322]
p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 184; MOP, I, p.
126] Ram Gopal: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Sain Das; Khatri; broker;
Ram Deal: Resident of Awadh; Rajput; was 30 years old when he attended the
went to Delhi and took active part in public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
1857 Uprising; caught by British Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
troops; accused of rebellion against was killed in firing by British troops.
266 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 executed by hanging on 27 February

(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 290-91; JBM, (1858), HSAP]
p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 185; MOP, I, p.
126] Ram Kishan: Resident of Delhi; s/o
Bhagwan Dass; took part in public
Ram Gopal: Resident of Amritsar city, demonstration in Delhi against
Punjab; was 30 years old when he Rowlatt Act during March-April,
attended the public meeting at 1919. On 30 March 1919 British troops
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 fired on unarmed people by orders of
April 1919 where he was killed in Mr. Currie (Additional District
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Magistrate) at Delhi railway station
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; and near Clock Tower; sixty persons
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; were killed and wounded. Again on
WWIM, I, pp. 290-91; JBM, p. 151; 17 April, 1919 police picket opened
INMPM, I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. 126] fire upon the demonstrators, 18
persons were injured, of whom two
Ram Gopal: Resident of Katra Sufaid, died subsequently. Ram Kishan was
Kucha Chuni Mohalla, Amritsar city, one of those who received bullet
Punjab; Khatri; dalal of Hundis; wound in one of these firing and later
attended the public meeting at he died. [WWDFF, I, p. 324, II, pp.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 xxxii; FMD, pp. 268-74; GID, pp. 98-
April 1919 where he was killed in 100]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Ram Kulla: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Jat; participated in 1857 Uprising;
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 151] caught by British troops on charge of
murder of British officers and
Ram Jahal: Served in the 45 th Native rebellion against British rule;
Infantry of the British Indian Army; convicted and sentenced to death;
deserted and participated in Uprising executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
of 1857; captured by British soldiers, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
tried and sentenced to death on 16
June 1857 at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Ram Lal, (Rao): Resident of v. Nangal
Deptt (Ambala Div), F. No. 43 (1857), Pathani, distt. Gurgaon, Haryana;
HSAP] took active part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; fought against the
Ram Juss: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; British troops at several places, along
participated in 1857 Uprising; took with his elder brother, Rao Krishna
active part in fighting against British Gopal, who was one of the leaders of
army; caught by British troops; the Uprising in Haryana; died in the
accused of plundering thµ a nas and battle at Nasibpur in 1857. [WWIM, III,
rebellion against British rule; p. 122; RIH, p. 160]
convicted and sentenced to death;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 267

Ram Lal: Born 1886; resident of Delhi; April 1919 where he was killed in
s/o Gopi Parshad; took part in public firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
demonstration at Delhi against PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Rowlatt Act on 30 March, 1919. British H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
troops fired on unarmed people by WWIM, I, p. 292; JBM, p. 135; INMPM,
orders of Mr. Currie (Additional I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. 127]
District Magistrate) at Delhi railway
station and near Clock Tower; sixty Ram Lal: Sawµ a r in the Fourth Light
persons were killed and wounded. Cavalry of British Indian Army;
Ram Lal was one of those who posted in the Sutlej Division, Punjab;
received bullet wound in the firing by deserted and took leading part in 1857
the police and died on the same day. Uprising against British rule; captured
[H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34, by British soldiers and charged with
NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, I, p. mutiny and ìsedition;î sentenced to
292; WWDFF, II, pp. xi-xii, xxxii; FMD, death and hanging on 21 April
pp. 268-69] 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 121]

Ram Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, Ram Lubhaya: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; Khatri; was 25 years old when Punjab; s/o Chaju Ram; Khatri; was
he attended the public meeting at 17 years old when he attended the
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
April 1919 where he was killed in Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, was killed in firing by British troops.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
WWIM, I, p. 292; JBM, p. 135; MOP, I, (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 129; INMPM, I,
p. 127] p. 185]

Ram Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, Ram Nath: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; Rajput; was 24 years old when Punjab; s/o Bhagu Mal; Khatri; was
he attended the public meeting at 35 years old when he attended the
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
April 1919 where he was killed in Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, was killed in firing by British troops.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
WWIM, I, p. 292; JBM, p. 134; INMPM, (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 292; JBM, p.
I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. 127] 131; MOP, I, p. 127]

Ram Lal: Resident of Amritsar city, Ram Nath: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Moti Ram; Tarkhan Punjab; s/o Lakhu; Khatri; attended
(carpenter); was 22 years old when he the public meeting at Jallianwala
attended the public meeting at Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 where he was killed in firing by British
268 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. Ram Parshad: Served in the 47th Native
139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 Infantry of British Indian Army;
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 292; JBM, p. deserted and took part in Uprising of
139; INMPM, I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. 127] 1857; captured, tried and sentenced to
death by the British on 24 June 1857
Ram Nath: Resident of Amritsar city, at Ambala Camp. [Judl. Deptt
Punjab; s/o Pagoo Mal; Khatri; (Ambala Div), F. No. 46 (1857), HSAP]
attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Ram Purshad: Resident of Delhi; Bania;
April 1919 where he was killed in participated in 1857 Uprising; took
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, active part in looting British money
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; and helping anti-British forces; caught
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; by British troops and charged with
WWIM, I, p. 292; JBM, p. 142; INMPM, theft and rebellion against British rule;
I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. 127] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 3 March
Ram Nath: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
s/o Ganga Dass; Kamboh; (1858), HSAP]
Shopkeeper; attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Ram Rakha: Resident of Sasoli, ps. Sadr,
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Jawahir
in firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, Ram; took active part in revolutionary
pp. 292-93] activities; convicted and tried under
Sections 121 and 121A of IPC in the
Ram Parsad Bairagi: Resident of Shimla, Second Burma Conspiracy Case;
Himachal Pradesh; associated with sentenced to transportation for life;
some secret groups in Shimla. The sent to Cellular Jail on February 1918;
members of these secret bodies used when jail authority interfered with his
to meet in temples, mosques and right to put on sacred thread, he
gurudwaras. Ram Parsad Bairagi used resorted to hunger strike till he
to write secret inspirational letters to breathed last in 1919. [H/Poll-A, Nos.
the armymen and others who were 491-497, Jan 1917; SFH, pp. 244, 289;
against the British authority; involved INMPM, I, p. 110 UHFSA, p. 101; HCJ,
in planning and plotting of 1857 p. 251]
Uprising against British rule. On 12
June 1857, G.C. Banurse, Commissio- Ram Richhpal: Resident of Jhajjar,
ner of Ambala got few such letters of Haryana; an official in the Court of
those secret groups. It was found that, Nawab of Jhajjar; took part in 1857
two of those letters were written by Uprising against British rule; arrested
Bairagi. As a result he was captured by Showers at Chhuchhakwas along
from Shimla, brought to Ambala and with the Nawab in October 1857;
hanged in Ambala Jail. [HPSS, pp. 35- executed at Delhi in December 1857.
36] [HSG, I, p, 405; RIH, p. 160]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 269

Ram Saran Das: Born in 1888; resident of nationalist activities; took part in
Kapurthala, Punjab; s/o Sant Ram; public demonstration at Delhi against
Khatri, aged 43 years; an anarchist in Rowlatt Act on 30 March, 1919. British
touch with ìthe Bengal partyî; troops fired on unarmed people by
associated with the emigrant orders of Mr. Currie (Additional
revolutionaries at their headquarters District Magistrate) at Delhi railway
at Amritsar and Lahore in January station and near Clock Tower; sixty
and February 1915; convicted and persons were killed and wounded.
tried under Sections 121 and 21A of Ram Saroop was one of those who
IPC in Lahore Conspiracy Case; received bullet wound in the firing by
considered by the Tribunal to have the police and died on the same day.
been ìone of the main revolutionaries [WWDFF, I, p. 331]
working in the backgroundî;
sentenced to death and forfeiture of Ram Shah: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
property; the sentence was afterwards participated in 1857 Uprising; took
reduced to one of transportation for active part in fighting against British
life; deported to the Cellular Jail in army; caught by British troops;
December 1915. [GD, p. 127; LCC (TJ, accused of plundering thµ a nas and
1915-16), p. 385; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. rebellion against British rule;
91, Oct 1918; SFH, pp. 195, 299; convicted and sentenced to death;
UHFSA, p. 101; HCJ, p. 251; MOP, I, executed by hanging on 27 February
p. 127] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Ram Saran Das: Resident of Amritsar,
Punjab; Shopkeeper; attended the Ram Singh (Guru): Born in 1816; resident
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, of v. Bhaini, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Jassa Singh and Sada Kaur; carpenter
was killed in firing by British troops. and agriculturist. He was in the
[WWIM, I, pp. 293-94] military service of Maharaja Ranjit
Singh when he first came under the
Ram Saran: Resident of Amritsar city, spell of Balak Singhís teachings. He
Kucha Niqashan, Punjab; s/o Kaka left the army immediately after the
Ram; Khatri; was 28 years old when first Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46) so as
he attended the public meeting at to devote more time to the Namdhari
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 movement of which Kuka movement
April 1919 where he was killed in was the most important phase, which
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, was started during the reign of
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Maharaja Ranjit Singh by Balak Singh
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; (1797-1862) of the North-West
WWIM, I, p. 293; JBM, p. 150; INMPM, Frontier region. He engaged himself
I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. 127] in agriculture on his return from the
army. A shop was opened in the
Ram Saroop: Resident of Delhi; s/o village for supplying the needs of the
Nannhey Mal; actively involved in village folks of the surrounding area.
270 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

A few sincere admirers and old started with murderous attacks on the
comrades of the army service days, butchers of Amritsar and Raikot
gathered around him, and shed bitter (Ludhiana District) in 1871 and
tears over the political thraldom of culminated in the Kuka raid on
motherland. Before Balak Singh died, Malerkotla on January 15, 1872. The
he chose one of his most ardent Kuka outbreak of 1872 was visited by
disciples, Ram Singh, as his successor. terrible punishment, which was
Guru Ram Singh had separate equalled in brutality by few events in
Gurudwaras built for his followers our history. A large number of Kuka
and appointed Subas (governors) who prisoners were blown to death with
collected funds for the organisation. cannons. Guru Ram Singh himself
He arranged for the training of young was arrested and deported to
men in the use of weapons and built Rangoon (Burma) in March 1872. He
up a para-military organisation. Guru was removed from Rangoon to
Ram Singh believed the political Mergui (Burma) and kept under
freedom as a part of religion. The heavy guard after suspicion that he
organisation of the Namdharis had some communication with
became considerably strong. The Russia. The reported death of Guru
movement of boycott and non- Ram Singh in the prison at Mergui on
cooperation preached by Guru Ram 29 November, 1885 dealt a heavy blow
Singh contained five essentials (i) to the movement, though the news
boycott of Government services (ii) was explained away by the Kukas by
boycott of educational institutions saying that Ram Singh had escaped
opened by the British (iii) boycott of to Russia to organise an invasion on
law courts started by the British (iv) India from there. [H/Deptt, Judl-A,
boycott of foreign-made goods, and March 1872, F Nos. 138-139, NAI; H/
(v) to refuse to obey and resist the laws Deptt, Judl-A June 1872, F Nos. 112-
and orders which oneís conscience 132, NAI; WWIM ñIII, p. 159; KMFSP,
abhored. By 1863, Guru Ram Singh pp. 222-26; RABR]
had a well-knit following of several
thousands. On his visits to Anandpur Ram Singh: Resident of Delhi; s/o Indar
in March 1867 and Amritsar in Bal; took part in public demonstration
October 1867, he was accompanied by in Delhi against Rowlatt Act during
a large body of followers. At this time, March-April, 1919. On 30 March 1919
he also made secret efforts to have his British troops fired on unarmed
followers trained militarily in the State people by orders of Mr. Currie
of Jammu and Kashmir. Another (Additional District Magistrate) at
interesting development was the Delhi railway station and near Clock
despatch of a Kuka mission to the Tower; sixty persons were killed and
Court of the Nepal King with a view wounded. Again on 17 April, 1919
to building up contacts with him. A police picket opened fire on
clash occurred between the Kukas and demonstrators, 18 persons were
the British Government over the injured, of whom two died
question of slaughter of cows. It subsequently. Ram Singh was one of
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 271

those who got injured in one of these death by the British on 24 June 1857
firing and later he died. [WWDFF, II, at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt
pp. xxxii; FMD, pp. 268-74; GID, pp. (Ambala Div), F. No. 46 (1857), HSAP]
Ramant: Resident of Delhi; actively
Ram Singh: Resident of Phulewal, ps. participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Sahib by British troops after reoccupation of
Singh, aged 60 years, an active Delhi; accused of rebellion against
participant in revolutionary activities; British rule; convicted and shot dead
tried in the Supplementary Lahore on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
Conspiracy Case and sentenced to (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
transportation for life. [H/Poll-A,
Nos. 219-221., May 1916; SFH, pp. 212, Rambux: Resident of Khidwali, distt.
309] Rohtak, Haryana; Blacksmith;
participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Ram Singh: Resident of Ramgarhia, part in attacking and looting British
Kucha Uplan, Amritsar city, Punjab; property; caught by British troops on
s/o Jawahar Singh; Tarkhan charge of loot, murder and rebellion
(carpenter); was 21 years old when he against British rule; convicted and
attended the public meeting at sentenced to death; executed in 1857.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
April 1919 where he was killed in (1858), HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Ramchund: Resident of Delhi;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. participated in 1857 Uprising; took
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 294; JBM, active part in fighting British army;
p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. arrested by British troops on account
128] of rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Ram Singh: Resident of Tuleta, Jullundur, executed by hanging on 27 February
Punjab; s/o Jiwan Singh; took active 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
part in the nationalist movement; (1858), HSAP]
went to U.S.A. and joined Ghadar
Party; returned to India and did active Ramdeal Gujjar: Resident of Delhi;
work against British rule; arrested on participated in 1857 Uprising; took
charge of firing at a Deputy part in capturing British property and
Superintendent of Police; sentenced to helping Imperial forces in Delhi;
death and died on gallows in 1916. caught by British forces on charge of
[WWIM, I, p. 295; MOP, I, p. 128] theft and rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Ram Singh: Served in the 47th Native executed by hanging on 27 February
Infantry of the British Indian Army; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
deserted and took part in Uprising of (1858), HSAP]
1857; captured, tried and sentenced to
272 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Ramdhan: S/o Khumun; Naik in the 51st defence of Delhi against advancing
Regiment, Native Infantry of British British army; captured by British
Indian Army; posted at Peshawar, troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
North West Frontier Province (now in convicted of rebellion against British
Pakistan); deserted his regiment in rule; sentenced to death and hanged
protest against the general disarming in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
of Indian soldiers by the British; 3 (1858), HSAP]
captured by British army along with
his Subedar-Major and tried by Court Ramroop: Resident of Sarai Rohilla, Delhi;
Martial on 26 May 1857; sentenced to Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising;
death and hanged on 3 June 1857; his caught by British troops; accused of
Subedar-Major was hanged first of all; highway robbery of British property;
the British army killed or hanged accused of rebellion against British
about 250 of his compatriots; on 28 rule; sentenced to death and executed
August 1857, another 150 Indian by hanging on 9 February 1858.[Judl.
soldiers were shot and killed by the Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
British soldiers in the regimental lines HSAP]
and outside when they demonstrated
their anger on being subjected to Ramsookh: Resident of Badshahpur, distt.
search in an insulting manner. Gurgaon, Haryana; Bania; s/o Kewal
[WWIM, III, p. 124] Mahajan; participated in 1857
Uprising; took part in attacking and
Ramdhun: Resident of Delhi; Brahmin; killing Englishmen; caught by British
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught troops on charge of murder of
by British troops and convicted on Englishmen; convicted and sentenced
charge of having magazine in his to death; executed by hanging on
house; sentenced to death and 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
executed by hanging on 24 December (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, pp. 122;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 HSG, I, p. 405; RIH, p. 160]
(1858), HSAP]
Ramzan Batt: Resident of Amritsar city,
Ramdial: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Punjab; s/o Rahim Batt; turner in
participated in 1857 Uprising; took factory; was 40 years old when he
active part in fighting against British attended the public meeting at
army; caught by British troops; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
accused of plundering thµ a nas and April 1919 where he was killed in
rebellion against British rule; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
convicted and sentenced to death; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
executed by hanging on 27 February H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 185]
(1858), HSAP]
Ramzan: Resident of Nizamabad,
Ramlall: Resident of Delhi; took part in Gujranwala, Punjab (now in
Uprising of 1857; participated in Pakistan); c/o Uncle Fazal; turner in
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 273

a factory at Amritsar; was 25 years old Rao Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana
when he attended the public meeting Regiment of British Indian Army;
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 deserted and took leading part in 1857
April 1919 where he was killed in Uprising against British rule; captured
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, by British soldiers and charged with
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), mutiny and sedition; sentenced to
PSAC] death and hanged on 23 April
1858.[WWIM, III, p. 125]
Ramzani: Resident of Delhi; fought
against the British forces at Delhi; Rao Tula Ram: Resident of Rewari,
retreated towards Jaipur State after Haryana; Chieftain of Rewari and
defeat of the anti-British forces successor to the jagir of his grand-
captured by the British at Hindan in father, Rao Tej Singh; played a
district Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan; prominent part in the Uprising against
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State British rule in 1857; took up arms and
Army stationed at Hindan, who rose fought a brief engagement on 7
against the British; captured again by October 1857, against the British
British troops and imprisoned at Agra; troops near the fort of Rampura;
sentenced to death and executed by shortly afterwards a big battle against
hanging at Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, the British forces was fought by his
p. 124; WWDFF, I, p. 340] army at Nasibpur near Narnaul; he
was at the point of defeating the
Randhir Singh: Resident of Phulewal, ps. British force under Colonel Gerrard
Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Nata when the pro-British Naga Sadhus of
Singh, aged 38 years; an active Galta (Jaipur) and the Sikh army from
participant in revolutionary activities; Jind, Kapurthala and Patiala came to
tried in the Supplementary Lahore their rescue; ordered a retreat and
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to escapted; the leaders of the Uprising
transportation for life. [H/Poll-A, met at Kalpi to consider the situation
Nos. 219-221., May 1916; SFH, pp. 212, and decided to depute Rao Tula Ram
309; HCJ, p. 251] as the head of a mission to seek foreign
help; Rao Tula Ram led the mission
Ranga Singh alias Roda Singh: Resident consisting of Ram Pandit (Shalig Ram
of Khurdpur, ps. Kartarpur, Jullundur, Tripathi), Tara Singh and Nathwa
Punjab; s/o Gurdit Singh, aged 30 Ram Mali; went out of India in
years; an active participant in disguise aboard a ship from Bombay;
revolutionary activities; tried in the visited Iran to negotiate with Russian
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Ambassador in Teheran through the
Case; sentenced to death and good offices of the Iranian
forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A, Government; met Amir Dost
Nos. 219-221., May 1916; SFH, pp. 212, Mohammad Khan of Afghanistan at
309; INMPM, I, p. 110; WWIM, I, p. Kandahar; mission reached Kabul for
300; MOP, I, p. 129; MOP, I, p. 129] further negotiations with Dost
Mohammadís son, Amir Sher Ali
274 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Khan; fell ill due to the rigours of the Uprising against British rule; captured
journey and died at Kabul on 8 by British soldiers and hanged in
September 1862; the Afghan February 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 126;
Government gave him a State funeral RIH, p. 160; WWDFF, I, p. 344]
and his body was cremated outside
the Delhi Gate in Kabul, where a small Rehamtullah: Resident of Palwal, distt.
memorial was also erected. [MP, NAI; Faridabad, Haryana; Sheikh; s/o
RTR; WWIM, III, pp. 146-47; RIH, p. Niamatullah; took part in 1857
163] Uprising against British rule; accused
of rebellion against British rule and
Raola: Resident of Nagli, distt. Faridabad, hanged on 13 December 1857. [HSG,
Haryana; Meo; participated in I, p, 405; RIH, p. 159]
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
British; accused of rebellion against Rehmat Khan: Resident of Delhi; took
British rule; sentenced to death and part in 1857 Uprising against British
executed by hanging on 5 February rule; captured by British troops and
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 executed by hanging at Delhi on 27
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 126; RIH, February 1858.[WWIM, III, p. 126;
p. 160] WWDFF, I, p. 346]

Rasula: Resident of Chabal Kalan, teh. Rehmatullah: Resident of Palwal, distt.

Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857
Chanda; weaver; was 14 years old Uprising against British rule; captured
when he attended the public meeting by British soldiers and hanged in
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 126;
April 1919 where he was killed in RIH, p. 161]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Rehmul Khan: Resident of Mahendra-
PSAC; INMPM, I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. garh, Haryana; a sawµar in Jodhpoor
130] Legion; participated in 1857 Uprising;
deserted and took active part in
Ratan Singh: Resident of v. Gumti, ps. and fighting against British army along
teh. Sherput, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o with other several fellows; caught by
Chattar Singh; a Kuka activist; British troops on account of
participated in the attack on possessing arms and fighting against
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January British rule; accused of desertion and
1872; arrested and charged with rebellion against British rule;
murder by the British Government; sentenced to death and executed at
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Jhajjar in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Rehmut Khan: Resident of Delhi; officer
Ratna: Resident of v. Nangli, distt. Mewat, of Emperor; participated in 1857
Haryana; took active part in 1857 Uprising; caught by British troops
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 275

after reoccupation of Delhi; accused Sections 121 and 21A of IPC in Lahore
of helping forces against British rule; Conspiracy Case; sentenced to
convicted and sentenced to death; transportation for life and forfeiture
executed by hanging on 27 February of property. [GD, p.130; LCC (TJ, 1915-
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 16), p. 385; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct
(1858), HSAP] 1918; SFH, pp. 195, 299; INMPM, I, pp.
105, 110; HCJ, p. 251]
Rehmutoola: Resident of Rohtak,
Haryana; Kasai; participated in 1857 Roheem Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh;
Uprising; attacked and killed British took active part in 1857 Uprising;
officers; caught by British troops; captured by British forces and charged
accused of murder and rebellion with aiding sepoys to rise against
against British rule; convicted and British rule; convicted and executed
sentenced to death; executed in by hanging on 30 November
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP] (1858), HSAP]

Reoteeram: Resident of Delhi; caught by Roheem Bux: Resident of Lal Chawk,

British troops after reoccupation of Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857
Delhi; accused of rebellion against Uprising; caught by British troops on
British rule; convicted and shot dead charge of rebellion against rule;
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt convicted and sentenced to death;
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] executed by hanging on 22 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Reoti Ram: Resident of Gurgaon, (1858), HSAP]
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; arrested by the Rohman Khan: Resident of Delhi;
British authorities and tried for Ranghar; participated in 1857
ìsedition;î sentenced to death hanged Uprising; caught by British forces on
on 15 December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. charge of rebellion against British rule;
126; RIH, p. 161; WWDFF, I, p. 346] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 24 December
Roda Singh: Resident of Roda, ps. 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Baghapurana, Ferozepur, Punjab; s/ (1858), HSAP]
o Warawa Singh, Jat, aged 43 years; a
member of the Ghadar party which Rookeea Sultan Begum: Resident of
arrived in Ceylon by ss. Mishima Maru: Delhi; relative of Mughal Prince;
arrested at Moga on 30 November captured by British forces after
1914 in connection with the reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on
Ferozeshahr outrage; found in account of being attached with
possession of an eight chambered Bahadur Shah during Uprising of
pistol and cartridges; acted as 1857; transported for life to Rangoon
watchman in the Chinese post office, as state prisoner. [F. Poll. no. 52-125,
Shanghai; convicted and tried under 10 December 1858, NAI]
276 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Roop Singh: Resident of Delhi; caught by British on charge of murder,

participated in 1857 Uprising; arrested plundering and rebellion against
by British troops on charge of rebellion British rule; convicted and executed
against British rule; convicted and by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
sentenced to death; executed by Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl. HSAP]
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP] Rora: Resident of Delhi; Brahmin;
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Roopa: Resident of Nagli, distt. Faridabad, by British forces on charge of
Haryana; Meo; participated in plundering Mr. Alfredís house and
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the rebellion against British rule;
British and accused of rebellion convicted and sentenced to death;
against British rule; sentenced to death executed by hanging on 18 December
and executed by hanging on 5 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi (1858), HSAP]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
III, p. 127; RIH, p. 161; WWDFF, I, p. Rorra: Resident of Nagli, Faridabad,
350] Haryana; Meo; participated in
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
Roora : Resident of Nagli, distt. British and accused of rebellion
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active against British rule; sentenced to death
part in plundering and killing and executed by hanging on 5
Englishmen; caught by British on February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
charge of murder, plundering and Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
rebellion against British rule;
convicted and executed by hanging on Roshan: Resident of distt. Amritsar,
5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Punjab s/o Hyat Baig; took part in
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] nationalist activities in Amritsar;
actively involved in the anti-British
Roora: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; Acts which occurred after the military
s/o Ganga Ram; Khatri; was 42 years picket posted near the Deputy
old when he attended the public Commissionerís house fired on
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar unarmed processionists; charged with
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed taking part in the attack on the
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, National Bank in which two
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott)
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, were killed; tried and convicted in
p. 130; INMPM, I, p. 185; MOP, I, p. Amritsar National Bank Murder Case
132] under section 121 of Indian Penal
Code by Martial Law Commission;
Roora: Resident of Nagli, Faridabad, was sentenced to death and forfeiture
Haryana; Meo; took active part in of property; death sentence later on
plundering and killing Englishmen; commuted to transportation for life by
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 277

the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/Poll, B- 1857 Uprising; captured by British

Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW, forces after reoccupation of Delhi;
NAI; INCR, I; FML] imprisoned on account of being
associated with Bahadur Shah;
Ruheem Bux: Resident of Badshapur, transported for life to Rangoon as sate
Gurgaon, Haryana; participated in prisoner.[F. Poll. no. 52-125, 10
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the December 1858, NAI]
British and accused of rebellion
against British rule; sentenced to death Ruheemoodeen: Resident of Delhi; took
and executed by hanging on 12 April part in Uprising of 1857; participated
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 in defence of Delhi against advancing
(1858), HSAP] British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Ruheem Bux: Resident of Delhi; Sheikh; accused of rebellion against British
participated in 1857 Uprising; rule; sentenced to death and hanged
captured by British forces and charged in 1857. [Judl.. Deptt (Delhi Div), F.
with rebellion against British rule; No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
hanged on 30 October 1857.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Ruhmutoollah: Resident of Palwal, distt.
HSAP] Faridabad, Haryana; participated in
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
Ruheem Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, British and accused of rebellion
Gurgaon, Haryana; deserted British against British rule; sentenced to death
Indian Army and took active part in and executed by hanging on 13
1857 Uprising; apprehended by December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
British officer; accused of desertion Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
and rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Ruhna: Resident of Nagli, distt.
executed by hanging on 2 January Faridabad, Haryana; Meo;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 participated in Uprising of 1857;
(1858), HSAP] apprehended by the British and
accused rebellion against British rule;
Ruheem Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, sentenced to death and executed by
Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Hafizullah hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Khan; participated in 1857 Uprising; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
caught by British soldiers; charged HSAP]
with rebellion against British rule;
sentenced to death and executed by Rujhee: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
hanging on 2 January 1858.[Judl. participated in 1857 Uprising; took
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), active part in fighting against British
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 118; HSG, I, p. army; caught by British troops;
405; RIH, p. 159] accused of plundering thµ a nas and
rebellion against British rule;
Ruheema: Resident of Delhi; took part in convicted and sentenced to death;
278 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

executed by hanging on 27 February Rumrukh Lumburdar: Resident of

1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Gurgaon, Haryana; Jat; participated in
(1858), HSAP] 1857 Uprising; took active part in
attacking British officers and army;
Rukn Din: Resident of v. Thanda, caught by British troops and
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ilahi Bax; imprisoned; accused of attack, murder
Mochi; cultivation and shoe-maker; and rebellion against British rule;
was 18 years old when he attended the convicted and sentenced to death;
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, executed on 14 December 1857.[Judl.
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
was killed in firing by British troops. HSAP]
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Rumzan Beg: Resident of Meham, distt.
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Rohtak, Haryana; Mughal;
WWIM, I, p. 310; JBM, p. 143; INMPM, participated in 1857 Uprising; went to
I, p. 185] Delhi with his brother Ameer Beg to
fight against British troops; caught by
Rulia Singh: Resident of Saraba, ps. British army and imprisoned; charged
Raikot, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o Jagat with rebellion against British rule;
Singh, Jat of 36 years; attended Har convicted and sentenced to death;
Dayalís Astoria meeting; returned by executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
the Korea and Tosa Maru; took an Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
active part in dacoities; one of Nawab
Khanís special band; convicted and Rumzanull: Resident of Palwal, distt.
tried under Sections 121, 21A and 396 Faridabad, Haryana; took part in 1857
of IPC by Lahore Tribunal; sentenced Uprising; captured by British soldiers
to death and forfeiture of property; on charge of rebellion against British
sentence was afterwards reduced to rule; convicted and sentenced to
one of transportation for life. [GD, death; executed by hanging on 9
p.130; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 385; H/ December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918; SFH, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
pp. 196, 300; INMPM, I, p. 110; HCJ,
p. 251] Rumzoo: Resident of Kanod, Haryana;
participated in 1857 Uprising; joined
Rum Roop: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Poordil Khan and accompanied him
participated in 1857 Uprising; took to Delhi; joined Imperial forces in
active part in fighting against British fighting against British; caught by
army; caught by British troops; British and accused of rebellion
accused of plundering thµ a nas and against British rule; sentenced to death
rebellion against British rule; and executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
convicted and sentenced to death; (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Runbaz: Resident of Barka, distt. Mewat,
(1858), HSAP] Haryana; Meo; s/o Mal Khan;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 279

participated in 1857 Uprising; caught KMFSP, pp. 212-213, 218, 221, 245]
by British soldiers on charge of
rebellion against British rule; Rur Singh: Resident of Chur Chak, ps.
sentenced to death and executed by Moga, Ferozepore, Punjab; s/o Attar
hanging on 6 January 1858.[Judl. Singh, aged 35 years; a member of the
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Ghadar party which left San Francisco
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 124; HSG, I, p. by ss. Korea in place of Jagat Ram who
405; RIH, p. 160] stayed behind at Manila; at Hong
Kong he was appointed to the Central
Runjeeb Khan: Resident of Jhajjar, Committee which was forced to carry
Haryana; a sawµar in service of Nawab; on the campaign on their return to
joined anti-British forces and took India; having knowledge of Englishm
active part in 1857 Uprising; caught chosen at Hong Kong as an emissary
by British troops and charged with to the German Consul at Canton;
fighting and rebellion against British visited him in company with Nawab
rule; convicted and sentenced to Khan; arrived in India by ss. Tosa Maru
death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt and was interned but subsequently
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] released; resumed his connection with
the party on his release from jail;
Rur Singh alias Arur Singh alias Arjan eventually captured in company with
Singh: Resident of Sangwal, ps. Nidhan Singh of Chugga; convicted
Kartarpur, Jullundur Punjab; s/o Pal and tried under Sections 121, 121A
Singh; an active participant in and 131 of IPC in Lahore Conspiracy
revolutionary activities; convicted and Case; sentenced to transportation for
tried under Sections 121, 121A and life. [GD, p. 131; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p.
302/34 of IPC in the Second 386; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918;
Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy SFH, pp. 199, 300; HCJ, p. 251]
Case (Date of Judgment 5-1-1917);
sentenced to death and forfeiture of Rur Singh: Resident of Talwandi
property and hanged. [H/Poll-B, Nos. Dussang, ps. Moga, Ferozepore,
242-43, Prog, May 1917; SFH, pp. 214, Punjab; s/o Samand Singh, aged 40
225, 232, 290; INMPM, I, p. 110] years; an active participant in
revolutionary activities; convicted
Rur Singh: Resident of Punjab; Dial under Sections 121 and 302 of IPC in
Singh; Kuka activist; involved in the the Supplementary Lahore
attack on Malerkotla butchers on 15 Conspiracy Case; sentenced to death
January 1872; arrested and charged and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A,
with murder under section 302 of Nos. 219-221., May 1916; SFH, pp. 214,
Indian Penal Code; confined in the 309; INMPM, I, p. 111; MOP, I, p. 131]
Asirgarh Fortress under provisions of
Regulation III of 1818 and died there Rur Singh: Resident of v. Bishanpura, ps.
on 2 November 1884. [F/Deptt, Intel- Saheb Garh, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o
B, Dec 1884, F Nos. 8-9, NAI; H/Deptt, Jassa Singh; a Kuka activist;
Judl-B, Dec 1884, F Nos. 285-86, NAI; participated in the attack on
280 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,

1872; arrested and charged with p. 150; INMPM, I, p. 185; MOP, I, p.
murder by the British Government; 132]
blown to death with a cannon on 17/
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Ruttan [Rattan] Singh: Resident of v.
I, PSAP] Naiwala distt. Sangrur (now distt.
Barnala), Punjab; s/o Budh Singh; was
Rur Singh: Resident of v. Mallu Majra, ps. 28 years old; Kuka activist; arrested
Sherpur, Punjab; Ramgarhia; s/o Buta and charged with aiding and abetting
Singh; a Kuka activist; participated in the murders at Raikot; tried in Raikot
the attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on Murder Case 1871 under Section 109
15 January 1872; arrested and charged and 302 of Indian Penal Code;
with murder by the British executed in Ludhiana on 26
Government; blown to death with a November 1871. [H/Deptt, Judl-A,
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. March 1872, F Nos. 138-139, NAI]
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p.
227] Ruttun Singh: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; participa-
Rura Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, ted in Uprising of 1857; apprehended
Punjab; s/o Kaka Ram; Khatri; was 22 by the British; accused of rebellion
years old when he attended the public against British rule; sentenced to death
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar and executed by hanging on 5
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; III, p. 126; RIH, p. 160]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 281

Saadut Alli: Resident of Turkiawas, distt. H 92 M Part-I, PSAP]
Rewari, Haryana; deserted British
Indian Army and participated in 1857 Sadda Singh: Resident of v. Rarrh, ps.
Uprising; took active part in fighting Sherpur, Punjab; Ramgarhia; s/o
against British forces; apprehended by Mahan Singh; a Kuka activist;
British; charged with desertion and participated in the attack on
rebellion against British rule; Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
convicted and sentenced to death; 1872; arrested and charged with
executed by hanging on30 December murder by the British Government;
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 blown to death with a cannon on 17/
(1858), HSAP] 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Sabir Alee: Resident of Rohtak, Haryana;
Sheikh; took active part in fighting Saddee: Resident of Delhi; Ahir;
against British army during 1857 participated in 1857 Uprising;
Uprising; caught by Britsih troops and captured by British troops on charge
charged with mutiny against British of rebellion against British rule;
rule; convicted and sentenced to convicted and sentenced to death;
death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt executed by hanging on 11 February
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Sadda Singh: Resident of v. Joga, Ilaqa
Bhikhi, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o Rupa Saddee: Resident of Delhi; Barber;
Singh; a Kuka activist; participated in participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
the attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on by British troops after reoccupation of
15 January 1872; arrested and charged Delhi; charged with rebellion against
with murder by the British British rule; convicted and sentenced
Government; blown to death with a to death; executed by hanging on 26
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
282 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. I, p. 186; MOP, I, p. 132]

Sadhuoo: Resident of Aherwan, distt.
Saddi: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated
participated in 1857 Uprising; took in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
active part in fighting against British British officer; accused of rebellion
army; caught by British troops; and sentenced to death; executed by
accused of plundering thµ a nas and hanging on 8 December 1857. [Judl.
rebellion against British rule; Deptt. (Delhi Div.), F. No. 3 (1858),
convicted and sentenced to death; HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 128]
executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Sadiq: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab;
(1858), HSAP] s/o Miraj Bux; attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Saddu: Resident of Hansi, distt. Hisar, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Haryana; sawµ a r; deserted British in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Indian Army and took active part in PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
fighting against British army; caught H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
by British troops; charged with p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 186]
possessing arms and rebellion against
British rule; convicted and sentenced Sadiq: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; took
to death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt part in the haætµal on 6 April 1919 at
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Amritsar as part of the nation-wide
call of haætµ a l given by Mahatma
Sadhoo : Resident of Rewari, Haryana; Gandhi to protest against the Rowllat
Rajput; participated in 1857 Uprising; Act; involved in the anti-British acts
caught by British soldiers on charge which occurred after the military
of rebellion against British rule; picket (posted near the Deputy
sentenced to death and executed by Commissionerís house) fired on
hanging on 2 January 1858.[Judl. unarmed processionist charged with
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), taking part in the attack on the
HSAP] Amritsar Alliance Bank in which the
Manager of Alliance Bank was killed;
Sadhu Ram: Resident of Sri Hargobind- tried and convicted in Amritsar
pur, Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o Alliance Bank Murder Case under
Radhakrishan; Khatri; shopkeeper; section 121 of Indian Penal Code by
was 40 years old when he attended the Martial Law Commission; was
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, sentenced to death and forfeiture of
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he property; death sentenced later on
was killed in firing by British troops. was commuted to transportation for
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC; Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
WWIM, I, p. 310; JBM, p. 138; INMPM,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 283

Sadoollah Khan: Resident of Delhi; nµaib at Amritsar in protest against the

risµaladµar, Kotah Contingent; deserted arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr.
British Indian army and participated Saifuddin Kitchlew; killed in firing by
in 1857 Uprising; took active part in British troops near the railway bridge
fighting against British army; at Amritsar on 10 April 1919. [INCR,
captured by British troops; accused of I; WWIM, I, p. 334; FML]
desertion and mutiny against British
government; convicted and sentenced Sahadut Allee: Resident of Turkiawas,
to death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt distt. Rewari, Haryana; s/o Bahadur
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Ali; participa-ted in 1857 Uprising;
caught by British troops on charge of
Sadru: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab; took rebellion against British rule;
part in the haætµal on 6April 1919 in convicted and sentenced to death;
Amritsar as part of the nation-wide executed by hanging on 3 December
call of haætµ a l given by Mahatma 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Gandhi to protest against the Rowllat (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 127]
Act; involved in the anti-British acts
which occurred after the military Sahadut: Resident of Delhi; Pathan;
picket (posted near the Deputy participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Commissionerís house) fired on by British soldiers and charged with
unarmed processionists; charged rebellion against British rule;
with taking part in the attack on the convicted and sentenced to death;
National Bank in which two executed by hanging on 11 February
Europeans (Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott) 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
were killed; tried and convicted in (1858), HSAP]
Amritsar National Bank Murder Case
under section 121 of Indian Penal Sahaj Ram: Resident of Gurgaon,
Code by Martial Law Commission; Haryana; s/o Harchha; took active
was sentenced to death and forfeiture part in 1857 Uprising against British
of property; death sentenced later on rule; captured by the British troops
was commuted to transportation for and sentenced to death; executed at
life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/ Delhi on 7 December 1857. [WWIM,
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 III, p. 128; WWDFF, I, p. 353]
Sahbaz: Resident of Delhi; participated in
Safadar: Resident of Peshawar, North 1857 Uprising; caught by British
West Frontier Province (now in troops; charged with rebellion against
Pakistan); took part in nationalist British rule; convicted and sentenced
activities; participated in the haætµal on to death; hanged on 12 February
6 April 1919 at Amritsar as part of the 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
nation-wide call of haætµal given by (1858), HSAP]
Mahatma Gandhi to protest against
the Rowllat Act; joined the procession Sahib Meer: Resident of Delhi; Syed;
which was taken out on 10 April 1919 participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
284 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

by British troops on charge of rebellion Saikkana: Resident of Hisar, Haryana;

against British rule; convicted and village lambardµar; s/o Ramdhudhun;
sentenced to death; executed by took part in Uprising of 1857; caught
hanging on 1 February 1858.[Judl. by British troops and imprisoned on
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), charge of murder of Englishmen,
HSAP] plundering and rebellion against
British rule; convicted and sentenced
Sahib Singh: Born in 1832; resident of to death on 17 November 1857; his
Banghwalipur, distt. Amritsar, property was confiscated. [Judl..
Punjab; s/o Dayal Singh; Tarkhan Deptt. (Hissar Div.) Acc. No. 9782
(Carpenter); a Kuka activist; involved (1857), HSAP]
in the attack on Malerkotla butchers
on 15 January 1872; arrested and Sajan Singh alias Arjan Singh: Resident
charged with murder under Section of Khokrana, ps. Moga, Ferozepore,
302 of Indian Penal Code; confined in Punjab; a member of the Ghadar party
the Hazaribagh jail under the which left San Francisco by ss. Korea
provisions of Regulation III of 1818 on 29 August 1914; on board the Tosa
and died there on 10 June 1879. [H/ Maru was elected to be a member of
Deptt, Judl-B, Aug 1879, F Nos. 1-2, Nawab Khanís special band; took a
NAI; MOP, I, p. 133; KMFSP, pp. 212- leading part in the revolutionary
213, 242, 244-45] activities in the Punjab; murdered a
Head Constable in the Anarkali Bazar,
Saiful Rehman: Resident of Meham, distt. Lahore, who, with a Sub-Inspector,
Rohtak, Haryana; Sheikh; attempted to arrest him, Banta Singh
participated in 1857 Uprising; took of Sangwal and Harnam Singh of
active part in fighting against British Bhatti Goraya, Sialkot; convicted,
army; caught by British troops on sentenced to death and hanged. [GD,
charge of murder and rebellion p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 111; MOP, I, p.
against British rule; convicted and 133]
sentenced to death; executed in
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Sajjan Singh: Resident of Kukrana, Moga,
(1858), HSAP] Freozepore, Punjab; s/o Kohar Singh;
took active part in revolutionary
Saik Ismail: Resident of, Delhi; Sheikh; activity; accused in the Anarkali
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Murder Case; convicted and
active part in fighting against British sentenced to death and hanged. [H/
rule; caught by British troops after Poll-A, Nos. 671-684 K.W., Oct 1915;
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of SFH, p. 302; WWIM, I, p. 316; MOP, I,
rebellion against British rule; p. 133]
convicted and sentenced to death;
hanged on 27 February 1858.[Judl. Sajjan Singh: Resident of Narangwal, ps.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
HSAP] Mohan Singh, aged 26 years;
absconded in First Lahore Conspiracy
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 285

Case; arrested in June 1915; convicted Saleba: Resident of Kadarpur; distt.

and tried in the Supplementary Gurgaon, Haryana; Gujar; took active
Lahore Conspiracy Case; sentenced to part in organising armed party and
transportation for life. [H/Poll-A, plundering English property at
Nos. 219-221., May 1916; SFH, pp. 196, Badshahpur during 1857 Uprising;
309] arrested by British troops on charge
of plundering and rebellion against
Sajjan Singh: Resident of Surwind, ps. British rule; convicted and executed
Patti, Lahore, Punjab; s/o Jhanda by hanging on 7 December 1857.[Judl.
Singh, Jat; took active part in Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
revolutionary activities; convicted and HSAP; WWIM, III, p.130; RIH, p. 161]
tried under Sections 302, 109, 120-B
and 398 of IPC in the Padri Murder Salig Ram: Resident of Delhi; took part
Case; sentenced to transportation for in 1857 Uprising against British rule
life. [SFH, p. 230; HCJ, p. 251] as one of the leaders; captured by the
British and charged with rebellion and
Sakin Khan: Resident of Delhi; took treason; executed by hanging at Delhi
leading part in 1857 Uprising against in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 130; WWDFF,
British rule; participated in defence of I, p. 354]
Delhi against advancing British army;
captured by the British and executed Salub Khan: Resident of Kanod, Haryana;
at Delhi on 24 December 1857. a sawµar in Jodhpur Legion; deserted
[WWIM, III, p. 129; WWDFF, I, p. 354] and took active part in fighting against
British army; caught by British troops;
Salaika: Resident of Mehrauli, Delhi; charged with possessing arms and
participated in 1857 Uprising; took rebellion against British rule;
active part in plundering English convicted and sentenced to death;
houses and helping Imperial forces; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
caught by British troops; charged with Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
plundering and rebellion against
British rule; convicted and sentenced Sandhi: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
to death; executed by hanging on 12 active in organizing the haætµ a l on
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), 6April 1919 in Amritsar as part of the
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] nation-wide call of haætµal given by
Mahatma Gandhi to the protest
Salaman: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; against the Rowlatt Act; involved in
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught the anti-British acts which occurred
by British troops after reoccupation of after the military picket (posted near
Delhi; accused of rebellion against the Deputy Commissionerís house)
British rule; convicted and sentenced fired on unarmed processionists;
to death; executed by hanging on 18 charged with taking part in the attack
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), on the National Bank in which two
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Europeans (Mr. Steward and Mr.
Scott) were killed; tried and convicted
286 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

in Amritsar National Bank Murder Sant Singh: Resident of v. Raja Sansi, distt.
Case under section 121 of indian Penal Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Jhanda; Arora;
Code by Martial Law Commission; attended the public meeting at
was sentenced to death and forfeiture Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
of property; death sentence later on April 1919 where he was killed in
was commuted to transportation for firing by British troops. [WWIM, I, p.
life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/ 319]
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
& KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] Santa Singh: Resident of Nandpur
Kalour, Patiala State, Punjab; s/o
Sant Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, Chuhar Singh, aged 24 years; an active
Punjab; s/o Hari Ram; Khatri; participant in revolutionary activities;
attended the public meeting at tried in the Supplementary Lahore
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Conspiracy Case; sentenced to death
April 1919 where he was killed in and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A,
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Nos. 219-221., May 1916; SFH, pp. 212,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 310]
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 318; JBM, Santa: Resident of Varpal, Amritsar,
p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p. Punjab; s/o Hari Ram; Brahmin;
134] general merchant; attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Sant Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Punjab; s/o Prabh Diyal; was 23 years in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
old when he attended the public PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed WWIM, I, p. 318; JBM, p. 143; INMPM,
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p. 134]
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Sarbood Bakht: Resident of Delhi;
p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 186] Mughal prince; took part in 1857
Uprising against British rule;
Sant Ram: Resident of v. Varpal, participated in defence of Delhi
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Shiv Ram Das; against advancing British army;
Brahmin; student; was 20 years old captured by the British and executed
when he attended the public meeting at Delhi on 18 November 1857.
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 [WWIM, III, p. 131]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Sarfaraz Khan: Resident of Delhi; took
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. leading part in 1857 Uprising against
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. British rule; participated in defence of
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 319; JBM, Delhi against advancing British army;
p. 138; INMPM, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p. captured by the British army and
134] executed at Delhi on 20 March 1858.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 287

[WWIM, III, p. 132; WWDFF, I, p. 358] Secundur: Resident of Khirki Turagh

Khan, Delhi; Sheikh; participated in
Saro Singh: Born at v. Hussainpur, 1857 Uprising; captured by the British
Haryana; s/o Dan Singh Rajput; took on charge of rebellion against British
part in 1857 Uprising against British rule; convicted and sentenced to
rule; arrested by the British authorities death; executed by hanging on 15
and tried for ìsedition;î sentenced to February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
death and hanged on 2 January Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1858.[WWIM, III, p. 133; RIH, p. 161;
WWDFF, I, p. 358] Sedha Singh: Resident of v. Rabbon, ps.
Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab;
Sawan Singh: Resident of Chabba, ps. zam∂ndµar; s/o Daya Singh; a Kuka
Sadr, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Khushal activist; participated in the attack on
Singh; took part in the revolutionaries Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
dacoity at Chabba; convicted under 1872; arrested and charged with
Sections 121, 21A and 396 of IPC by murder by the British Government;
Lahore Tribunal; sentenced to death blown to death with a cannon on 17/
and forfeiture of property; sentence 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
was afterwards reduced to one of I, PSAP]
transportation for life. [GD, p. 136;
LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 385, NAI; H/ Seekram: Resident of Alipur, Delhi;
Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918; SFH, participated in 1857 Uprising; took
pp. 196, 300; HCJ, p. 251] active part in fighting against British
army; caught by British troops;
Sawar Abdool Beg: Resident of Sarai accused of plundering thµ a nas and
Rohilla, Delhi; Khan; participa-ted in rebellion against British rule;
1857 Uprising; took active part in convicted and sentenced to death;
fighting against British army; he was executed by hanging on 27 February
caught by British troops; charged with 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
attacking Englishmen with arms, (1858), HSAP]
murder and rebellion against British
rule; convicted and sentenced to Seekundur Khan: Resident of Hansi, distt.
death; shot dead in 1857.[Judl. Deptt Hisar, Haryana; dafaëdµ a r in 12 th
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Irregular Cavalry; participated in 1857
Uprising; took active part in fighting
Sayer: Resident of Khidwali, distt. Rohtak against British army along with other
Haryana; sweeper; participated in several fellows; caught by British
1857 Uprising; took part in attacking troops on account of possessing arms,
and looting British property; caught fighting against British and rebellion
by British troops on charge of loot, against British rule; sentenced to death
murder and rebellion against British and executed at Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl.
rule; convicted and sentenced to Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
death; executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt HSAP]
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
288 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Seesul Shah: Resident of Rithal, distt. 1857 and shot dead. [Judl. Deptt
Sonipat, Haryana; Syed; participated (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
in 1857 Uprising; caught by British
soldiers; accused of rebellion against Sewa Ram: Resident of Delhi; s/o
British rule; convicted and sentenced Nannhey Mal; actively involved in
to death; executed by hanging on 18 nationalist activities; took part in
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), public demonstration at Delhi against
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Rowlatt Act on 30 March, 1919. British
troops fired on unarmed people by
Seetaram: Resident of Delhi; participated orders of Mr. Currie (Additional
in 1857 Uprising; caught by British District Magistrate) at Delhi Railway
soldiers on charge of rebellion against Station and near Clock Tower; sixty
British rule; convicted and sentenced persons were killed and wounded.
to death; executed by hanging on 22 Sewa Ram was one of those who
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi received bullet wound in the firing by
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] the police and died on the same day.
[H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34,
Sefat Alli: Resident of Panipat, Haryana; NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, II, p.
jamaëdµar of Customs; participated in 294; WWDFF, I, p. 365, FMD, pp. 268-
1857 Uprising; took active part in anti- 69]
British activities; caught by British
army and convicted of rebellion Sewdeen: Resident of Awadh; Brahmin;
against British rule; sentenced to death went to Delhi; took active part in 1857
and executed by hanging on 3 Uprising; caught by British troops on
December 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi charge of rebellion against British rule;
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, convicted and sentenced to death;
III, p. 133; RIH, p. 161] executed by hanging on 18 January
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Sellamunee: Resident of Alipur, Delhi; (1858), HSAP]
participated in 1857 Uprising; took
active part in fighting against British Shabab Khan: Resident of Jhajjar,
army; caught by British troops; Haryana; participated in 1857
accused of plundering thµ a nas and Uprising; joined Sumun Khanís forces
rebellion against British rule; and fought actively against British
convicted and sentenced to death; forces; caught by British troops;
executed by hanging on 27 February charged with rebellion against British
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 rule; convicted and executed in
(1858), HSAP] 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Sertaram: Resident of Delhi; participated
in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by Shaboodeen: Resident of Delhi,
British forces and convicted of participated in Uprising of 1857;
rebellion against British rule; apprehended by British forces and
sentenced to death on 15 December accused of rebellion against British
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 289

rule; sentenced to death on 15 (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Shah Beg: Resident of Nagli, distt.
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 133; RIH, p. 162; Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
WWDFF, I, p. 367] part plundering and killing
Englishmen; caught by British on
Shafaat Ali: Born at v. Kanhor, distt. charge of murder, plundering and
Bhiwani, Haryana; s/o Mir Khuda rebellion against British rule;
Baksh; took part in 1857 Uprising convicted and executed by hanging on
against British rule; arrested by the 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
British authorities and tried for Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
sedition; sentenced to death and III, p. 133;; RIH, p. 162]
hanged on 30 December 1857.
[WWIM, III, p. 133; RIH, p. 162; Shahabaz: Resident of Palwal, distt.
WWDFF, I, p. 366] Faridabad, Haryana; Pathan; took
active part in 1857 Uprising; caught
Shafi: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; by British forces and accused of
Kanjar; attended the public meeting rebellion against British rule;
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 sentenced to death and executed by
April 1919 where he was killed in hanging on 8 December 1857.[Judl.
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; HSAP]
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
p. 142; INMPM, I, p. 186] Shahaboodeen: Resident of Delhi;
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
Shah Baz Khan: Resident of Delhi; a by British troops after reoccupation of
sawµar, 3rd Troop 1st Punjab Cavalry; Delhi; accused of rebellion against
deserted British army and participa- British rule; convicted and shot dead
ted in 1857 Uprising; charged with on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
disloyal conduct in having failed to (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
join his regiment or other civil or
military office and rebellion against Shahadat Pathan: Resident of Delhi; took
British rule; sentenced to death and leading part in 1857 Uprising against
executed in Jhajjar in 1858.[Judl. Deptt British rule; participated in defence of
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Delhi against advancing British army;
captured by the British and executed
Shah Baz Khan: Resident of Kanod, at Delhi on 11 February 1858. [WWIM,
Haryana; sawµ a r in 15 th Irregular III, p. 133]
Cavalry; deserted and took active part
in fighting against British army; Shahamat: Resident of v. Rasulpur, distt.
caught by British troops; charged with Faridabad, Haryana; took active part
possessing arms and rebellion against in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
British rule; convicted and sentenced captured by the British and sentenced
to death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt to death; executed at Delhi on 16
290 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

January 1858. [WWIM, III, pp. 133-34; captured Mandasaur in August 1857;
RIH, p. 162; WWDFF, I, p. 353] he was placed on masnad (throne) at
Mandasaur under name of Shahzada
Shahamut: Resident of Nagli, distt. Humayun Shah; with his great
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active organising ability he raised an amry
part plundering and killing of 18,000 soldiers with only meager
Englishmen; caught by British on resources at his command; in
charge of murder, plundering and September 1857, he went towards
rebellion against British rule; Rewa and on arrival of Jodhpur
convicted and executed by hanging on Legion, accompanied them towards
5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Farrukhabad; defeated British at Jiran
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] and laid siege to the fort at Neemuch;
after capture of Farrukhabad by
Shahamut: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana; British army in January 1858 he
Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857; proceeded towards Delhi; learning
apprehended by the British; charged about fall of Delhi, he look shelter at
with rebellion against British rule; Jhansi where he received all help and
sentenced to death and executed by protection from Rani Lakshmi Bai;
hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. succeded in collecting considerable
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), treasure and munitions of war;
HSAP] captured Mirganj and rushed to help
Maulvi of Faizabad; made an attempt
Shahanut Khan: Resident of Palwal, distt. to rally patriots against British rule in
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in the name of Emperor; issued so called
1857 Uprising; caught by British Azamgarh Proclamation in 1858,
troops after reoccupation of Delhi on which was in fact a replica of Bahadur
charge of rebellion against British rule; Shahís Proclamation of 25 August
sentenced to death and executed by 1857; he went to Lucknow and
hanging on 16 January 1858.[Judl. participated in defence of the city;
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), after reoccupation of these places by
HSAP] British, he went to Bareilly and
remaind there till it was retaken by
Shahzada Firoz Shah: Born in 1832 at British; after the loss of Rohilkhand
Delhi; Mughal prince; s/o Shahzada and Awadh, he proceeded towards
Nizam Bakht, a direct descendant of south and joined Tatya Tope and Rao
Emperor Bahadur Shah I; left for Sahib at Indragarh; their combined
Mecca (Saudi Arbia) in 1855 and army fought against British at Ranod,
returned to Bombay in May 1857; took Dausa and Sikar; after defeat he
a leading part in 1857 Uprising; joined escaped with his close followers, and
Mhow forces in their attack on Agra; took shelter in Siron forest with Rao
organised a large group of patriots Sahib; he fought against British army
consisting of mewatis, vilaitis and for nearly two years although
local soldiers at Mandasaur and handicapped in several ways; escaped
declared war against British rule; later in disguise and crossed into
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 291

Afghanistan; visited almost every British army; captured by the British

muslim state of western and central and executed at Delhi on 23 February
Asia seeking support against British; 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 26]
dishearted by their refusal, he went to
Mecca; died in 1877 at the age of 45. Shaikh Ghulam Nasiruddin: Resident of
[MP, NAI; F. Poll, Con 8 Oct 1858, Delhi; took leading part in 1857
NAI; FSUP, II, pp. 655-66; WWIM, III, Uprising against British rule; captured
p. 41; BSZWD] by British troops and executed by
hanging at Delhi on 18 November
Shahzadah Secunder: a descendant of the 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 46; WWDFF, I, p.
late Shah Shuja, royal family of Oudh. 139]
The numerous cadets of the family
residing chiefly at Ludhiana with Shaikh Ghulam Shah: Resident of Delhi;
others. He was appointed a jamaëdar took leading part in 1857 Uprising
in the 1st Oude Cavalry; denied loyalty against British rule; participated in
to the British and took his stand with defence of Delhi against advancing
Bahadur Shah in 1857 Uprising; British Army; captured by the British
charged with mutiny, desertion and and executed at Delhi on 18 January
fighting against British rule; tried and 1858. [WWIM, III, p.46) [WWDFF, I, p.
sentenced to death by the Judicial 139]
Commissioner of Punjab on 18 March,
1858; executed at Ludhiana on 22 Shaikh Ilahi Baksh: Resident of Delhi;
March 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Ambala took leading part in 1857 Uprising
Div.), Acc. No. 2426; 1858, HSAP] against British rule; participated in
defence of Delhi against advancing
Shaikh Ali Baksh: Resident of Delhi; took British army; captured by the British
leading part in 1857 Uprising against and executed at Delhi on 18 January
British rule; captured by British troops 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 18]
and executed by hanging at Delhi on
18 November 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 7; Shaikh Jang Baksh: Resident of Delhi;
WWDFF, I, p. 21] took leading part in 1857 Uprising
against British rule; captured by
Shaikh Allah Baksh: Resident of Delhi; British troops and executed by
took leading part in 1857 Uprising hanging at Delhi on 3 October 1857.
against British rule; captured by [WWIM, III, p. 186]
British troops and executed by
hanging at Delhi on 3 October 1857 by Shaikh Kalamgeer Baksh: Resident of
order Military Commissioner, Delhi. Delhi; took leading part in 1857
[WWIM, III, p. 8; WWDFF, I, p. 21] Uprising against British rule;
participated in defence of Delhi
Shaikh Buland Baksh: Resident of Delhi; against advancing British army;
took leading part in 1857 Uprising captured by the British and executed
against British rule; participated in at Delhi on 18 January 1858. [WWIM,
defence of Delhi against advancing III, p. 69; WWDFF, I, p. 195]
292 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Shaikh Kareem: Resident of Delhi; fought Turkman Gate, Delhi; took leading
against the British forces at Delh; part in 1857 Uprising against British
retreated towards Jaipur State after rule; participated in defence of Delhi
the defeat of the anti-British forces; against advancing British Army;
captured by the British at Hindan in captured by the British and executed
district Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan; at Delhi on 1 February 1858. [WWIM,
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State III, p. 116; WWDFF, I, p. 100]
Army stationed at Hindan who had
rebelled against the British; captured Shaikh Rahim Baksh: Resident of Delhi;
again by the British troops and took part in 1857 Uprising against
imprisoned at Agra; sentenced to British rule; captured by British troops
death and executed by hanging at and executed by hanging at Delhi on
Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 134; 3 October 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 118;
WWDFF, I, p. 367] WWDFF, I, p. 315]

Shaikh Khuda Baksh: Resident of Delhi; Shaikh Subedar Yar Khan: Resident of
took leading part in 1857 Uprising Khirki Twar Khan, Delhi; took part in
against British rule; captured by 1857 Uprising against British rule;
British troops and executed by captured by the British and executed
hanging at Delhi on 2 December 1857. on 18 January 1858 by the orders of
[WWIM, III, p. 75] the Military Commissioner, Delhi.
[WWDFF, I, p. 395]
Shaikh Khuda Baksh: Resident of Delhi;
took leading part in 1857 Uprising Shaikh Sulland Bux: Resident of Mori
against British rule; captured by Gate, Delhi; took leading part in 1857
British troops and executed by Uprising against British rule; captured
hanging at Delhi on 3 October 1857. by the British and executed on 27
[WWIM, III, p. 76] February 1858 by the orders of the
Military Commissioner, Delhi.
Shaikh Mohammad Bakhsh: Resident of [WWDFF, I, p. 397]
Delhi; dµ a roghfi a ; took part in 1857
Uprising against British rule; arrested Shaikh Yar Khan: Resident of v. Khirki,
on charge of treason by the British Delhi; ¶ubedµ a r in the Army; took
authorities and hanged. [WWDFF, I, leading part in 1857 Uprising against
p. 368] British rule; participated in defence of
Delhi against advancing British army;
Shaikh Murad Khan: Resident of captured by the British and executed
Najafgarh, Delhi; took part in 1857 at Delhi on 18 January 1858. [WWIM,
Uprising against British rule; captured III, p. 154]
by British troops and executed by
hanging on 15 February 1858. [WWIM, Shaikh Ziauddin: Resident of Delhi; s/o
III, p. 102; WWDFF, I, p. 274] Darogha Shaikh Mohammad Baksh;
took leading part in 1857 Uprising
Shaikh Qadir Baksh: Resident of against British rule; captured by the
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 293

British along with his father; executed British authorities at Lyallpur and
by hanging at Delhi; his father was died. [WWDFF, I, p. 372]
also hanged. [WWIM, III, p. 155;
WWDFF, I, p. 428] Shankar Ram Datt: Resident of Gurgaon,
Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
Shaiz Khan: Resident of Delhi; against British rule; arrested by the
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught British authorities and tried for
by British troops on charge of rebellion ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
against British rule; convicted and hanged on 15 December 1857.
sentenced to death; executed by [WWIM, III, p. 134]
hanging on 16 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Sharaf Din: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Sadr Din; Rajput; was 22
Sham Singh: Resident of v. Joga, Ilaqa years old when he attended the public
Bhikhi, Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o Veer meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Singh; a Kuka activist; participated in on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
the attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
15 January 1872; arrested and charged PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
with murder by the British H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Government; blown to death with a p. 134; INMPM, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p.
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. 138]
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p.
296] Sharaf Din: Resident of Katra Baggian,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Jamal Din;
Shams Din: Resident of Chowk Pasian, Kanjar; student; was 19 years old
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sikandar when he took part in the complete
Ali; Sheikh; goldsmith; was 24 years haætµal on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar
old when he attended the public where he was killed in police firing at
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar Railway Bridge Amritsar. [H/Mil,
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed PGCS, B. Proc. F. No. 58, May (1922),
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, PSAC; INMPM, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p.
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 138]
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 332; JBM, Sharfu: Resident of Kasur, distt. Lahore,
p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p. Punjab, (now in Pakistan); s/o Modi;
138] took part in the complete haætµal on 12
April 1919 in Kasur. He was among
Shankar Nath: Resident of Delhi; Bar-at- those who felt deeply agitated by
Law; actively involved in nationalist what had happened at Amritsar on 10
activities; generated national feeling April; with others he proceeded to
among masses at Delhi; much Kasur Railway Station, found some
dreaded by British authorities; forced Europeans sitting in a train
to leave Delhi in 1906 and left for compartment there, suddenly two
Lyallpur; poisoned by an agent of English soldiers fired upon the mob.
294 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

The angry people killed those two British; accused of desertion and
soldiers. Large number of people were rebellion against British rule;
arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. sentenced to death and executed at
Sharfu was accused in Kasur Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
Supplementary Case during Martial F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Law in Punjab; arrested and charged
with crime of arson at Kasur Railway Sheikh Saadat: Resident of Palwal, distt.
Station and for killing two Faridabad, Haryana; participated in
Englishmen; tried by Martial Law Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
Commission; sentenced to death. British accused of rebellion against
However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab) British rule; sentenced to death and
afterward commuted the death executed by hanging on 24 March
sentence to transportation for life. [H/ 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 134;
& KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] WWDFF, I, p. 368]

Sharoba Gujar: Resident of v. Kadarpur, Sheikh Mahood Ally: Resident of

distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; Gujar; took Esapura, Jhajjar, Haryana; a sawµar;
part in 1857 Uprising against British participated in 1857 Uprising; took
rule; captured by British soldiers and active part in fighting against British
hanged in December 1857. [WWIM, army; caught by British troops on
III, p. 135; RIH, p. 162] charge of fighting and rebellion
against British rule; convicted and
Sheikh Abdoola: Resident of Delhi; took sentenced to death; executed in 1857.
part in 1857 Uprising against British [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
rule; convicted of rebellion and (1858), HSAP]
hanged on 18 November 1857 by the
orders of the Military Commissioner, Sheikh Mendhoo: Resident of Jhajjar,
Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. 1] Haryana; participated in 1857
Uprising; caught by British troops on
Sheikh Jan Mohomed: Resident of Delhi; charge of fighting and rebellion
took active part in Uprising of 1857; against British rule; convicted and
captured by the British; sentenced to sentenced to death; executed at Jhajjar
death and shot dead on 10 November in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No.
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 3 (1858), HSAP]
(1858), HSAP]
Sheo Churn: Resident of Bulandshahr,
Sheikh Kulloo: Resident of Delhi; Uttar Pradesh went to Delhi and
participated in 1857 Uprising; participated in Uprising of 1857;
deserted and took active part in apprehended by the British; charged
fighting against British army with rebellion against British rule;
alongwith other several fellows; sentenced to death and executed by
caught by British troops on account of hanging on 12 April 1858.[Judl. Deptt
possessing arms and fighting against (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 295

WWIM, III, p. 137; RIH, p. 162] p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p. 139]

Sheochurn: Served in the 45th Native Sher Singh: Resident of Quila Bhangian,
Infantry of British Indian Army; Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Hari Singh;
deserted and participated in Uprising Arora; confectioner; was 17 years old
of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced when he attended the public meeting
to death by the British on 24 June 1857 at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl. Deptt April 1919 where he was killed in
(Ambala Div), F. No. 46 (1857), HSAP] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Sheojan: Resident of North-West Frontier 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Province (now in Pakistan); took part 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 335; JBM,
in nationalist activities; participated in p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 186; MOP, I, p.
the haætµal on 6 April 1919 at Amritsar 139]
as part of the nation-wide call of haætµal
given by Mahatma Gandhi to protest Sher Singh: Resident of Vein Poin, ps.
against the Rowllat Act; joined the Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
procession which was taken out on 10 Kesar Singh, aged 32 years; reported
April 1919 at Amritsar in protest by the Canadian authorities to be
against the arrest of Dr. Satyapal and seditious; left Victoria by ss. Canada
Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew; killed in firing Maru on 1 September 1914; a fellow
by British troops near the railway passenger on the voyage preached
bridge at Amritsar on 10 April 1919. sedition and was advocating mutiny;
[INCR, I; WWIM, I, p. 334; FML] also read from Ghadar paper; a leader
of a Ghadar party which met the party
Sher Khan: Resident of Rewari, Haryana; which left America by ss. Korea at
sawµ a r in 12 th Irregular Cavalry; Hong Kong; met the members of the
deserted and took part in 1857 various parties assembled there; Sher
Uprising; took active part in fighting Singh was elected as a member of the
against British army; caught by British Central Managing Committee which
troops on charge of desertion, mutiny was to direct the campaign in India
and rebellion against British rule; on his arrival in India by ss. Tosa Maru;
convicted and executed in 1857.[Judl. found in possession of seditious
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), leaflets; arrested and interned; on his
HSAP] way back he had recited seditious
verses at the Hong Kong Gurudwara;
Sher Singh: Resident of Amritsar city, convicted under Sections 121, 121A,
Punjab; s/o Hira Singh; Arora; was 72 124 and 131 IPC by Lahore Tribunal;
years old when he attended the public sentenced to transportation for life
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar and forfeiture of property. [GD, p. 138;
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 386, NAI; H/
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, NAI;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; SFH, pp. 197, 300; HCJ, p. 251; MOP,
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, I, p. 139]
296 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Sher: Resident of Peshawar, North-West watchman in the Chinese Customs;

Frontier Province (now in Pakistan); left Shanghai in June 1915 in company
took part in nationalist activities; with Balwant Singh, Granthi, and
participated in the haætµal on 6 April Thakur Singh of Nanking; suspected
1919 at Amritsar as part of the nation- by the authority that they went to
wide call of haætµal given by Mahatma Manila with the intention of coming
Gandhi to protest against the Rowllat on to India; the party was afterwards
Act; joined the procession which was arrested in Siam in consequence of the
taken out on 10 April 1919 at Amritsar Ghadar activities in that country;
in protest against the arrest of Dr. deported to Singapore. [GD, p.139]
Satyapal and Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew;
killed in firing by British troops near Shib Diyal: Resident of Katra Dulo,
the railway bridge at Amritsar on 10 Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Solukhan
April 1919. [WWIM, I, p. 311] Mal; Kamboh; confectioner; was 50
years old when he attended the public
Sherbaz: Resident of Peshawar, North- meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
West Frontier Province (now in on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Pakistan); took part in nationalist in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
activities; participated in the haætµal on PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
6 April 1919 at Amritsar as part of the 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
nation-wide call of haætµal given by 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 313; JBM,
Mahatma Gandhi to protest against p. 128; MOP, I, p. 133]
the Rowllat Act; joined the procession
which was taken out on 10 April 1919 Shibah: Resident of v. Rithauj, distt.
at Amritsar in protest against the Gurgaon, Haryana; lambardµar; took
arrest of Dr. Satyapal and Dr. part in 1857 Uprising against British
Saifuddin Kitchlew; killed in firing by rule; captured by the British and
British troops near the railway bridge executed on 7 December 1857 by the
at Amritsar on 10 April 1919. [INCR, orders of the Deputy Commissioner,
I; WWIM, I, p. 334] Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. 383]

Shetab Khan: Resident of Rewari, Shimboonath Singh: Served in the 45th

Haryana; sawµ a r in 4 th Irregular Native Infantry of the British Army;
Cavalry; deserted and took part in deserted and participated in Uprising
1857 Uprising; took active part in of 1857; captured, tried and sentenced
fighting against British army; caught to death by the British on 24 June 1857
by British troops on charge of at Ambala, Haryana. [Judl.. Deptt.
desertion, mutiny and rebellion (Ambala Div.), F. No. 46 (1857),
against British rule; convicted and HSAP]
executed in 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Shiv Singh: Resident of Kotla, ps.
Hariana, Punjab; s/o Munshi Singh,
Shib Dayal: Resident of Ghanupur, po. Jat; took active part in revolutionary
Khalsa College, Amritsar, Punjab; a activities; convicted and tried in the
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 297

First Burma Conspiracy Case Shumseer Khan: Resident of Hauz Koja,

(Mandalay Conspiracy Case, Delhi; Syed; participated in 1857
Judgment delivered on 27 July 1916); Uprising; caught by British troops on
sentenced to transportation for life charge of rebellion against British rule;
and confiscation of property. [H/Poll- convicted and sentenced to death;
A, Nos. 403-410, Sep 1916; SFH, p. 300; executed by hanging on 27 February
HCJ, p. 252] 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
Shobha Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana
Regiment of British Indian Army; Shumsoodeen: Resident of Palwal, distt.
deserted and took leading part in 1857 Faridabad, Haryana; Sheikh;
Uprising against British rule; captured participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British soldiers and charged with by British troops; accused or rebellion
mutiny and ìsedition;î sentenced to against British rule; sentenced to death
death and hanged on 15 April 1858. and executed by hanging on 18
[WWIM, III, p. 140] January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; RIH, p. 162]
Shoram Jat: Resident of a village in
Gurgaon, Haryana; Jat; took part in Shumsoodeen: Resident of Uttar Pradesh;
1857 Uprising against British rule; Pathan; went to Delhi and participa-
captured by British soldiers and ted in 1857 Uprising; captured by
hanged in December 1857. [WWIM, British soldiers; charged with
III, p. 138; RIH, p. 162] providing servants to Emperor;
convicted and sentenced to death;
Shree Kishun: Resident of Chandrawal, executed by hanging on 19 February
Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Uprising; took active part in fighting (1858), HSAP]
against British; captured by British
army and charged with plundering Shunker: Resident of Delhi; participated
English houses and rebellion against in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by
British rule; convicted and sentenced British forces and accused of rebellion
to death; executed by hanging on 8 against British rule; sentenced to death
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), on 15 December 1857 and shot dead.
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP; RIH, p. 162; WWDFF, I,
Shujram: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; p. 371]
Jat; participated in Uprising of 1857;
apprehended without arms by British Shurfoodeen: Resident of Palwal, distt.
officer; charged with rebellion against Faridabad, Haryana; participated in
British rule; sentenced to death 1857 Uprising; caught by British forces
executed by hanging on 8 December and accused of rebellion against
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British rule; sentenced to death;
(1858), HSAP] executed by hanging on 13 December
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
298 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 135; RIH, Himachal Pradesh; s/o Faqir; took
p. 162] active part in revolutionary activities;
convicted and tried under Sections
Shurufoodeen: Resident of Palwal distt. 121A, 122-109 and 302-115 of IPC in
Faridabad, Haryana; participated in the Mandi Conspiracy Case;
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the sentenced to transportation for life
British and accused of rebellion and forfeiture of property to the
against British rule; sentenced to death Mandi State. [SFH, p. 234]
and executed by hanging on 15
December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Singh Ram: Resident Samdi, distt.
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Sonipat, Haryana; Jat; participated in
1857 Uprising; took active part in
Shyam Singh: Soldier in the Ludhiana attacking British officers and army;
Regiment, British Indian Army posted caught by British troops and
at Ambala, Haryana; took part in the imprisoned; accused of attack, murder
Uprising against British rule in 1857. and rebellion against British rule;
Captured by British soldiers and convicted and sentenced to death;
sentenced to death; hanged on 3 May executed on 14 December 1857.[Judl.
1858. [WWIM, III, p. 139] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Sidhoo: Resident of Aherwan, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in Singhana Singh: Resident of v. Aulakh,
attacking and killing Englishmen distt. Gujranwala, Punjab (now in
during 1857 Uprising; arrested by Pakistan); took part in insurrection on
British troops; accused of murder of 16 April 1919 in which the Pa¢vµarkhfiµana
Messrs Teylor and Brum and rebellion containing records of six villages was
against British rule; sentenced to death burnt at Aulakh village. The mob
and hanged on 8 December 1857.[Judl. raised shouts that the British Raj was
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), extinct. Eight persons were arrested.
HSAP] Singhana Singh also arrested and
accused in Aulakh Case, burning of
Sidhoo: Resident of Balwari, Haryana; Patwarkhana, tried by Martial Law
Rajput; served in British Indian Army; Commission and sentenced to death.
deserted and took active part in 1857 However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab)
Uprising; apprehended by British afterward commuted the death
officer; accused of desertion and sentence to transportation for life. [H/
rebellion against British rule; Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
convicted and sentenced to death; & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML; WWPFF, I,
executed by hanging on 2 June 1858. p. xlix]
[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 139; RIH, Singhara Singh: Resident of Punjab; took
p. 162] part in Ghadar movement; arrested by
the police; convicted and tried;
Sidhu : Resident of Barsu Mandi State, sentenced to transportation for life
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 299

and deported to the Cellular Jail, sentenced to death and hanged on 15

Andamans. [UHFSA, p. 107; HCJ, p. December 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 140;
252] RIH, p. 162; WWDFF, I, p. 391]

Siraj Khan: Resident of Delhi; fought Sobha Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
against the British forces at Delhi; Punjab; Tarkhan (carpenter); was 55
retreated towards Jaipur State after years old when he attended the public
the defeat of the anti-British forces; meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
captured by the British at Hindan in on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
district Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan; in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
Army stationed at Hindan, who H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
rebelled against the British; captured WWIM, I, p. 343; JBM, p. 137; INMPM,
again by British troops and I, p. 187; MOP, I, p. 140]
imprisoned at Agra; sentenced to
death and executed by hanging at Sobha Singh: Resident of Katra
Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 139; Ramgarhian, Chowk Pragdas,
WWDFF, I, p. 391] Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sant Singh;
attended the public meeting at
Sirdara: Resident of Hisar, Haryana; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
chowkidµar; s/o Khoda Buksh; took part April 1919 where he was killed in
in Uprising of 1857; caught by British firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
troops and imprisoned on charge of PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
murder of Englishmen, plundering H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
and Uprising against British rule; WWIM, I, p. 342; JBM, p. 151; INMPM,
convicted and sentenced to death on I, p. 187; MOP, I, p. 140]
17 November 1857; his property was
confiscated. [Judl.. Deptt. (Hissar Div.) Sobha Singh: Resident of Kucha
Acc. No. 9782 (1857), HSAP] Nadalian, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
Kharak Singh Ramgarhia; Tarkhan;
Sita Ram: Resident of Amritsar city, (carpenter); was 50 years old when he
Punjab; s/o Govind Ram; attended attended the public meeting at
the public meeting at Jallianwala Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919 April 1919 where he was killed in
where he was killed in firing by British firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 139; INMPM, I, 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 135; INMPM,
p. 187; MOP, I, p. 140] I, p. 187; MOP, I, p. 140]

Sita Ram: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; Sobha Singh: Resident of Kucha

took part in 1857 Uprising against Sangalwala, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/
British rule; arrested by the British o Sant Singh; Khatri; Hakim; was 60
authorities and tried for ìsedition;î years old when he attended the public
300 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar he attended the public meeting at

on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, April 1919 where he was killed in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 342; JBM, 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
p. 136; INMPM, I, p. 187; MOP, I, p. 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 343; JBM,
140] p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 187; MOP, I, p.
Sobha Singh: Resident of v. Bhadal Thua,
ps. Amloh, Nabha State, Punjab; Sohan Singh: Resident of Bhakna Kalan,
zam∂ndµar; s/o Khazan Singh; a Kuka ps. Gharinda, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
activist; participated in the attack on Karm Singh, Jat of 50 years; one of
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January the leaders of the Ghadar party in
1872; arrested and charged with America; a close companion of Har
murder by the British Government; Dayal and was a part of his special
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ bodyguard when he lectured in
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- Portland; a representative of
I, PSAP] Broadville at a meeting of the
principal members of the Ghadar
Sobha Singh: Resident of v. Rabbon, ps. party in America; president of the
Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab; Hindi Sabha, Pacific Coast, America,
zam∂ndµar; s/o Daya Singh; a Kuka which was founded by Har Dayal to
activist; participated in the attack on advance the Ghadar movement; his
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January letters were addressed in some
1872; arrested and charged with instance from the Yugantar Asharam
murder by the British Government; and shows his acquaintance with
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ Tarak Nath Das and G.D. Kumar; also
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- keen interest in Har Dayalís arrest;
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 309] arrived in India by the ss. Nam Sang
in October 1914; arrested, convicted
Sobhah: Resident of Pehladpur distt. and tried under Sections 121, 121A
Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated and 124A of IPC in Lahore Conspiracy
in 1857 Uprising; captured by British Case; sentenced to death; the sentence
troops; accused of rebellion against was afterwards reduced to one of
British rule; convicted and sentenced transportation for life. [GD, pp.140-
to death; executed by hanging on 12 141; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 386, NAI;
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918,
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] NAI; SFH, pp. 197, 300; HCJ, p. 252;
MOP, I, p. 141]
Sohan Lal alias Ram Nath: Resident of
Kucha Dhrel, Katra Ahluwalian, Sohan Singh: Resident of Kahuta,
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Vaso Mall; Rawalpindi, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
Khatri; student; was 9 years old when s/o Subedar-Major Chanda Singh;
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 301

student; was 15 years old when he executed on 17 May, 1919. [H/Poll, B-

attended the public meeting at Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265 & KW,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 NAI; INCR, I; MOP, I, p. 142; FML]
April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Sojhan Singh: Resident of Kucha
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Gandanwala, Amritsar city, Punjab;
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. s/o Sahib Singh; Arora; was 22 years
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 343; JBM, old when he attended the public
p. 140; INMPM, I, p. 187] meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Sohan Singh: Resident of Mauza in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Lalughuman, teh. Tarn Taran, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Mohna Singh; 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
carpenter and blacksmith; was 20 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 137; INMPM,
years old when he attended the public I, p. 187; MOP, I, p. 143]
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Son Bux: Resident of Kanpur, Uttar
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Pradesh; Chauhan; went to Delhi;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. by British on charge of rebellion
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 343; JBM, against British rule; convicted and
p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 187; MOP, I, p. sentenced to death; executed by
141] hanging on 8 February 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Sohna: Resident of Kasur, distt Lahore, HSAP]
Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o Chuni
Lal; took part in the complete haætµal Soojee Singh: Resident of Charkhi-
on 12 April, 1919 in Kasur. He was Dadari, Bhiwani, Haryana; sepoy in
among those who felt deeply agitated 6 th Contingent Haryana Light
by what had happened at Amritsar on Infantry; deserted British Indian Army
10 April; with others he proceeded to and joined fighting against British
Kasur Railway Station, found some forces during 1857 Uprising; caught
Europeans sitting in a train by British troops on charge of
compartment there, suddenly two desertion and mutiny against British
English soldiers fired upon the mob. rule; convicted and sentenced to
The angry people killed those two death; executed in 1858.[Judl. Deptt
soldiers. Large number of people were (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
arrested on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919.
Sohna was accused in Kasur Case Sookhram: Resident of Delhi; Gujar;
during Martial Law in Punjab; participated in 1857 Uprising; took
arrested and charged with crime of active part in fighting against British
arson at Kasur Railway Station and for army; captured by British troops on
killing two Englishmen; tried by charge of plundering British property
Martial Law Commission and and rebellion against British rule;
302 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

convicted and sentenced to death; charge of murder, plundering and

executed by hanging on 27 February rebellion against British rule;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 convicted and executed by hanging on
(1858), HSAP] 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Sooltan Bux: Resident of Rohtak,
Haryana; joined 1857 Uprising and Soorah: Resident of Jhajjar, Haryana;
took active part in plundering Meo; participated in Uprising of 1857;
European property; arrested by British apprehended by the British; accused
troops and imprisoned on charge of of rebellion against British rule;
plundering and rebellion against sentenced to death and executed by
British rule; tried and sentenced to hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
transportation for life on 14 October Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
1857. [Judl. Deptt (Hisar Div], Acc No. HSAP]
9782 (1857) HSAP]
Sooruj Singh: Resident of Delhi; Pandey;
Sooltan Khan: Resident of Rewari, participated in Uprising of 1857;
Haryana; a khfiµanzµada; participated in apprehended by British forces and
Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the accused of rebellion against British
British; and accused of rebellion rule; sentenced to death on 15
against British rule; sentenced to death December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl.
and executed by hanging on 24 March Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 HSAP]
(1858), HSAP; RIH, p. 162]
Sowdagur Mall: Resident of Delhi; Bania;
Sooltani: Resident of Delhi; captured by participated in 1857 Uprising;
British forces after reoccupation of captured by British forces and charged
Delhi; imprisoned on account of being with aiding sepoy for rebellion against
associated with Bahadur Shah; British rule; convicted and executed
transported for life to Rangoon as state by hanging on 30 November
prisoner. [F Poll No. 52-125, 10 Dec. 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
1858, NAI] (1858), HSAP]

Soora Meo: Resident of Gurgaon, Sree Sahaye: Resident of of Pehladpur,

Haryana; Meo; took part in 1857 distt. Faridabad, Haryana; Jat;
Uprising against British rule; captured participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British soldiers and hanged in by British troops on charge of rebellion
February 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 140; against British rule; convicted and
RIH, p. 162] sentenced to death; executed by
hanging on 12 February 1858.[Judl.
Soorab: Resident of Nagli, distt. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active HSAP]
part plundering and killing
Englishmen; caught by British on Subdul Khan: Resident of Kanod,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 303

(Mahendergarh) Haryana; sawµ a r, Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; took part in

Jodhpur Legion; deserted and took attacking and killing Englishmen
active part in fighting against British during 1857 Uprising; arrested by
army; caught by British troops; British troops; accused of rebellion
charged with possessing arms and against British rule; sentenced to death
rebellion against British rule; and hanged on 8 December 1857.[Judl.
convicted and sentenced to death; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi HSAP]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Suja Singh: Resident of Waltoha, Lahore,
Sucha Singh: Resident of Chola Kalan, ps. Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/o
Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Gurdit Khushal Singh; an active participant
Singh, aged 30 years; an active in revolutionary activities. Convicted
participant in revolutionary activities; and tried in the Supplementary
convicted and tried under Sections Lahore Conspiracy Case; sentenced to
121 and 131 of IPC in the Supplemen- transportation for life and forfeiture
tary Lahore Conspiracy Case; of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221.,
sentenced to transportation for life May 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 310]
and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A,
Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI; SFH, Sujaan Singh: Resident of v. Raboon, ps.
pp. 216, 310; UHFSA, p. 108; HCJ, p. Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab;
252] zam∂ndµar; s/o Sucha Singh; a Kuka
activist; participated in the attack on
Suddur Khan: Resident of Kanod, Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
(Mahendergarh) Haryana; sawµ a r; 1872; arrested and charged with
participated in 1857 Uprising; took murder by the British Government;
active part in fighting against British blown to death with a cannon on 17/
army along with other several fellows; 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
caught by British troops on account of I, PSAP]
possessing arms and fighting against
British; sentenced to death and Sujan Singh: Soldier in the 12th. Native
executed at Jhajjar in 1857.[Judl. Deptt Infantry of British Indian Army;
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] posted at Ambala, Haryana; deserted
and took part in 1857 Uprising against
Suffat Alli: Resident of Khora, distt. British rule; captured by the British
Panipat, Haryana; participated in 1857 and charged with mutiny and
Uprising; caught by British soldiers; desertion; sentenced to death and
accused of rebellion against British executed on 7 May 1858. [WWIM, III,
rule; sentenced to death and executed p. 141]
by hanging on 30 December
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Sukheena Khanum: Resident of Delhi;
(1858), HSAP] female attendant in Imperial Court;
captured by British forces after
Suhujram: Resident of Aherwan, distt. reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on
304 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

account of being attached with Summun: Resident of Kanod,

Bahadur Shah during Uprising of (Mahendergarh), Haryana;
1857; transported for life to Rangoon participated in 1857 Uprising; joined
as state prisoner. [F. Poll. no. 52-125, Poordil Khan and accompanied him
10 December 1858, NAI] to Delhi; joined Imperial army in
fighting against British; caught by
Sulaowyar Khan: Resident of Khirkipura, British and charged with rebellion
Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857 against British rule; sentenced to death
Uprising; captured by British troops and executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
after reoccupation of Delhi; charged (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
with rebellion against British rule;
convicted and sentenced to death; Sunahee: Resident of Khidwali, distt.
executed by hanging on 18 January Rohtak, Haryana; sweeper;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 participated in 1857 Uprising; took
(1858), HSAP] part in attacking and looting British
property; caught by British troops on
Sullund Bux: Resident of Mori Gate, charge of loot, murder and rebellion
Delhi; Sheikh; participated in 1857 against British rule; convicted and
Uprising; caught by British troops on sentenced to death; executed in
charge of rebellion against British rule; 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
convicted and sentenced to death; (1858), HSAP]
executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Sundar Singh: Resident of Amritsar city,
(1858), HSAP] Punjab; Jat; was 19 years old when he
attended the public meeting at
Sultan Singh: Resident of Bhikewind, Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/ April 1919 where he was killed in
o Chuhar Singh; an active participant firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
in Ghadarite activities; convicted and PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
tried in the Supplementary Lahore H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to p. 134; MOP, I, p. 145]
transportation for life and forfeiture
of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., Sundar Singh: Resident of Amritsar,
May 1916, NAi; SFH, p. 310] Punjab; s/o Kala Singh; took part in
the complete haætµal on 10 April, 1919
Summeh Khan: Resident of Mauza Jabur, at Amritsar, demanding the release of
Delhi; Gujar; participated in 1857 Dr. Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din
Uprising; caught by British troops on Kitchlew; arrested and charged with
charge of rebellion against British rule; crime of assaulting Miss Sherwood;
convicted and sentenced to death; tried by Martial Law Commission and
executed by hanging on 4 February sentenced to death. However, the
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Viceroy afterward commuted the
(1858), HSAP] death sentence to transportation for
life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 305

257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML] April 1919 where he was killed in
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Sundar Singh: Resident of Khutura Kalan, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
teh. Ajnala, Amritsar, Punjab; 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
s/o Nathu; Jat; student; was 18 years 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 351; JBM,
old when he attended the public p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 187; MOP, I, p.
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar 145]
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Sundar: Resident of Katra Garbha Singh,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Kucha Deviwala, Amritsar city,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Punjab; s/o Natha Singh; Arora; was
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 350; JBM, 25 years old when he attended the
p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 188; MOP, I, p. public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
145] Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
was killed in firing by British troops.
Sundar Singh: Resident of Kucha [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Tarkhan Chowk Kaserian, Amritsar (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
city, Punjab; s/o Gyan Singh; Tarkhan (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 143; INMPM, I,
(carpenter); student; was 15 years old p. 188; MOP, I, p. 144]
when he attended the public meeting
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Sunder Singh: Resident of Doula Nangal,
April 1919,where he was killed in ps. Beas, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Rattan
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Singh; an active participant in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. revolutionary activities; convicted and
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. tried under Section 121 of IPC in the
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 139; INMPM, Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
I, p. 187; MOP, I, p. 144] Case; sentenced to transportation for
life. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May
Sundar Singh: Resident of Kucha 1916; SFH, p. 216]
Tarkhan, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o
Gurbax Singh; Arora; attended the Sunder Singh: Resident of Mahawala, Jail
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Jandiala, teh. and Amritsar, Punjab; s/
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he o Khushal Singh; Mehra; water
was killed in firing by British troops. carrier; was 30 years old when he
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 attended the public meeting at
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 142; INMPM, I, April 1919 where he was killed in
p. 187] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Sundar Singh: Resident of teh. Una, distt. PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 350; INMPM, I, p.
Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o Nihal; Jat 188; MOP, I, p. 145]
(Dhandial); labourer; was 35 years old
when he attended the public meeting Sunder Singh: Resident of Mauza Chabal
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Kalan, teh. Tarn Taran, distt. Amritsar,
306 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Punjab; s/o Jowala Singh; cultivator; dacoity; convicted under Sections 121,
was 25 years old when he attended the 121A and 396 of IPC by Lahore
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Tribunal; sentenced to death and
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he forfeiture of property. [GD, p. 144;
was killed in firing by British troops. LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 386, NAI; H/
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918; SFH,
(1922), PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 350; pp. 197, 300; INMPM, I, p. 111; WWIM,
INMPM, I, p. 188; MOP, I, p. 145] I, p. 351; MOP, I, p. 145]

Sunder Singh: Resident of Sathiala, Surain Singh: Resident of Gilwali, ps.

Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Nath Singh; Sadr, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Ishar
Arora; private employee; was 30 years Singh; took active part in
old when he attended the public revolutionary activities; convicted
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar under Sections 121, 121A and 396 of
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed IPC by Lahore Tribunal; sentenced to
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, death and forfeiture of property. [LCC
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; (TJ, 1915-16), p. 386; SFH, pp. 197-98;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; INMPM, I, p. 111; MOP, I, p. 145]
WWIM, I, p. 350; JBM, p. 136; INMPM,
I, p. 188] Surain Singh: Resident of Mauza
Mianpur, teh. Tarn Taran, Amritsar,
Sundul: Resident of Delhi; female Punjab; s/o Kharak Singh; Mazhbi;
attendant in Court of Emperor; cultivator; was 33 years old when he
captured by British forces after attended the public meeting at
reoccupation of Delhi; imprisoned on Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
account of being associated with April 1919 where he was killed in
Bahadur Shah during Uprising of firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
1857; transported for life to Rangoon PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
as state prisoner. [F. Poll. no. 52-125, PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 351; INMPM, I, p.
10 December 1858, NAI] 188; MOP, I, p. 146]

Sungut Singh: A sepoy in the Ludhiana Surain Singh: Resident of Shahbazpur,

Sikh Regiment of the British Indian Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Natha Singh;
Army; deserted and took part in left army job in 1915 and joined
Uprising of 1857; captured by British freedom movement; declared a
soldiers; charged with disloyalty and deserter and his property was
mutiny against the British rule; tried confiscated; arrested, sentenced to
and sentenced to death; hanged on 3 transportation for life and died in the
April 1858. [Judl. Deptt. (Ambala Cellular Jail at Port Blair, Andaman
Div.), F. No. 52 (1858), HSAP] Islands. [WWIM, I, p. 351]

Surain Singh: Resident of Gilwali, ps. Surbbod Bakht: Resident of Delhi; took
Sadr, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Bur Singh, leading part in 1857 Uprising against
aged 45 years; took part in the Chabba British rule; captured by the British
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 307

and executed on 18 November 1857 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3

by the orders of the Military (1858), HSAP]
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p.
400] Surjan Singh: Resident of Chak Sikandar,
teh. Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab; Jat;
Surbhoo: Resident of v. Bohorah, distt. farmer; was 30 years old when he
Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Jiwan Ram, attended the public meeting at
Rajput; took part in 1857 Uprising Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
against British rule; served under Rao April 1919 where he was killed in
Tula Ram; captured by the British and firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
executed on 16 December 1857 by the PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Deputy Commissioner, Delhi. 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
[WWDFF, I, p. 400] 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, pp. 352-53;
JBM, p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 188]
Surbin Khan: Resident of Chandni
Chowk, Delhi; Tagah; participated in Surjan Singh: Resident of Fatehabad, teh.
1857 Uprising; took active part in Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Punjab;
fighting against British; arrested by s/o Ganda Singh; Tarkhan;
British troops on charge of rebellion (carpenter); was 24 years old when he
against British rule; convicted and attended the public meeting at
sentenced to death; hanged on 16 Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi April 1919 where he was killed in
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922),
Sureina: Resident of Mehanpur, distt. PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 353; INMPM, I, p.
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Kharku; 188]
sweeper; attended the public meeting
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Surjan Singh: Resident of Gujranwala, ps.
April 1919 where he was killed in Dehlon, Ludhiana, Punjab; s/o
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Chuhar Singh, aged 20 years; involved
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; in revolutionary activities; tried in the
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 188] Case; sentenced to transportation for
life and forfeiture of property. [H/
Surfuraz Khan: Resident of Delhi; Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI;
participated in 1857 Uprising; joined SFH, p. 310; HCJ, p. 252]
service of Emperor and took active
part in fighting against British army; Surnam Singh: Resident of Gurgaon,
captured by British troops after Haryana; took part in 1857 Uprising
reoccupation of Delhi; accused of against British rule; captured by the
taking service with Emperor and British and executed on 15 December
rebellion against British rule; 1857 by the orders of the Deputy
convicted and sentenced to death; Commissioner, Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p.
executed by hanging on 20 March 401]
308 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Surroplall: Resident of Palwal, distt. [WWIM, III, p. 11; WWDFF, I, p. 39]

Faridabad, Haryana; Bania;
participated in Uprising of 1857; Syed Dad Khan: Resident of Delhi; fought
apprehended by the British; accused against the British forces at Delhi;
of rebellion against British rule; retreated towards Jaipur State after
sentenced to death and executed by defeat of the anti-British forces;
hanging on 24 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt captured by the British at Hindan in
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; district Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan;
WWIM, III, p. 133; RIH, p. 161; rescued by soldiers of the Jaipur State
WWDFF, I, p. 359] Army stationed at Hindan, who rose
against the British; captured again by
Swattin: Resident of Delhi; s/o Abdul British troops and imprisoned at Agra;
Karim; actively participated in sentenced to death and executed by
nationalist activities; took part in hanging at Agra in 1857. [WWIM, III,
public demonstration at Delhi against p. 142; WWDFF, I, p. 402]
Rowlatt Act on 30 March, 1919. British
troops fired on unarmed people by Syed Din Mohammad: Resident of Delhi;
orders of Mr. Currie (Additional took part in 1857 Uprising against
District Magistrate) at Delhi Railway British rule; captured by British troops
Station and near Clock Tower; sixty and executed by hanging at Delhi on
persons were killed and wounded. 3 October 1857. [WWIM, III, p. 37]
Swattin was one of those who
received bullet wound in the firing by Syed Mir Ghulam: Resident of Kucha
the police and died on the same day. Chelan, Delhi; took leading part in
[H/Poll (Depo), Oct 1919, F. No. 34, 1857 Uprising against British rule;
NAI; Cong 2 April, 1919; WWIM, I, p. participated in defence of Delhi
402, II, p. 320; FMD, pp. 268-69] against advancing British army;
captured by the British and executed
Syed Amir Ali: Resident of Delhi; took at Delhi on 18 January 1858. [WWIM,
leading part in 1857 Uprising against III, p. 92; WWDFF, I, p. 251]
British rule; captured by British troops
and executed by hanging at Delhi on Syed Mohammad Ahir: Resident of Delhi;
13 February 1858 by order Military Calligraphist; took part in 1857
Commissioner, Delhi. [WWIM, III, p. Uprising against British rule; captured
9; WWDFF, I, p. 25] by the British and shot dead in 1857.
[WWIM, III, p. 142]
Syed Ataullah Khan: Resident of Phatak
Habash Khan, Delhi; took leading part Syed Seetal Shah: Resident of Delhi; took
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; leading part in 1857 Uprising against
participated in defence of Delhi British rule; participated in defence of
against advancing British army; Delhi against advancing British army;
captured by the British and executed captured by the British and executed
at Delhi on 18 January 1858 by order at Delhi on 18 January 1858. [WWIM,
of Military Commissioner, Delhi. III, p. 133]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 309

Syful Rahman: Resident of Hisar, 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Hisar Div], Acc No.
Haryana; Maulvi; took active part in 9782 (1857) HSAP]
leading Uprising of 1857 as he
possessed a great influence in the Syroo: Resident of Nagli, distt. Faridabad,
district; appointed as te¨s∂ldµ a r by Haryana; Meo; participated in
Mughal Prince; arrested by British Uprising of 1857; apprehended by the
troops and imprisoned on charge of British; accused of rebellion against
murder and rebellion against British British rule; sentenced to death and
rule; convicted and sentenced to be executed by hanging on 5 February
hanged till death on 23 November 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1858), HSAP]
310 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Taharut: Resident of Delhi; served in Talbul: Resident of Delhi; participated in
¨arem of Emperor; captured by British 1857 Uprising; took active part in
forces after reoccupation of Delhi; fighting against advancing British
imprisoned on account of being army; caught by British troops after
attached with Bahadur Shah during reoccupation of Delhi; accused of
1857 Uprising; transported for life to rebellion against British rule;
Rangoon as state prisoner. [F. Poll. no. convicted and sentenced to death;
52-125, 10 December 1858, NAI] executed by hanging on 27 February
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Taimoor Shah: Resident of Delhi; Mughal; (1858), HSAP]
participated in 1857 Uprising; caught
by British troops after reoccupation of Talib: Resident of Delhi; took part in 1857
Delhi; charged with rebellion against Uprising against British rule; captured
British rule; convicted and sentenced by British troops and executed by
to death; executed by hanging on 18 hanging at Delhi on 27 February 1858.
January 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), [WWIM, III, p. 143; WWDFF, I, p. 403]
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Tara Chand: Resident of Amritsar city,
Taj Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, distt. Punjab; s/o Bahadur Mal; Khatri;
Gurgaon, Haryana; Biloch; served in wood-merchant; was 63 years old
British army; deserted and took active when he attended the public meeting
part in 1857 Uprising; apprehended at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
by British officer; accused of desertion April 1919 where he was killed in
and rebellion against British rule; firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
convicted and sentenced to death; PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
executed by hanging on 2 January H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 WWIM, I, p.356; JBM, p. 131; INMPM,
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 143] I, p. 188; MOP, I, p. 147]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 311

Tara Singh: Resident of Amritsar; s/o Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Arshad Khan;
Sham Singh; took active part in Biloch; participated in 1857 Uprising;
Ghadar movement; arrested, caught by British soldiers; convicted
convicted and tried in the First Lahore of rebellion against British rule;
Conspiracy Case, 1915; sentenced to sentenced to death and executed by
death; hanged in Ambala Jail. [MOP, hanging on 2 January 1858.[Judl.
I, p. 148] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 139; RIH, p. 162;
Tara Singh: Resident of Mauza Musa, teh. WWDFF, I, p. 402]
Tarn Taran, distt. Amritsar, Punjab;
s/o Jhanda Singh; Jat (Dhillon); Teeka: Resident of Delhi; Ahir; took part
cultivator and looking after cattle; was in 1857 Uprising; caught by British
15 years old when he attended the troops on charge of rebellion against
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, British rule; convicted and sentenced
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he to death; executed by hanging on 11
was killed in firing by British troops. February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
(1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Teeppoo: Resident of Sabzi Mandi, Delhi;
WWIM, I, p. 356; JBM, p. 146; INMPM, Faqir; participated in 1857 Uprising;
I, p. 188; MOP, I, p. 148] took active part in anti- British
activities during Uprising; captured
Tarachand: Resident of Amritsar city, by British troops on charge of
Punjab; wood-seller; attended the plundering British property and
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, rebellion against British rule;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he convicted and sentenced to death;
was killed in firing by British troops. executed by hanging on 27 February
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1858), HSAP]
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 356; JBM,
p. 142; INMPM, I, p. 188; MOP, I, p. Tehru: Resident of Varpal, distt. Amritsar,
147] Punjab; s/o Asa Singh; Jat; attended
the public meeting at Jallianwala
Taroo: Resident of Varpal, Amritsar, Bagh, Amritsar on 13 April 1919
Punjab; s/o Jawala Singh; Jat; where he was killed in firing by British
attended the public meeting at troops. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
April 1919 where he was killed in (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 141; INMPM, I,
firing by British troops and died. [H/ p. 189; MOP, I, p. 148]
Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921),
PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; Teja Singh: Resident of Bhikewind, ps.
JBM, p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 189] Khalra, Lahore, Punjab (now in
Pakistan); s/o Chuhar Singh, aged 25
Taz Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, years; an active participant in
312 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

revolutionary activities; convicted and April 1919 where he was killed in

tried in the Supplementary Lahore firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Conspiracy Case; sentenced to PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
transportation for life and forfeiture 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
of property. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 360; JBM,
May 1916, NAI; SFH, p. 310; HCJ, p. p. 129; INMPM, I, p. 189; MOP, I, p.
252] 150]

Teja Singh: Resident of Bhala Pind, teh. Thakur Das: Resident of Kucha Bagh
Ajnala, Punjab; attended the public Chaudhri, Katra Khazana, Amritsar
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Dina Nath; Khatri;
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed shopkeeper; was 35 years old when
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, he attended the public meeting at
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, April 1919 where he was killed in
p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 189] firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Thakar Das: Resident of Amritsar city, 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
Punjab; attended the public meeting 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 361; JBM,
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 189; MOP, I, p.
April 1919 where he was killed in 149]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Thakur Singh: Resident of Mauza
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Mehman, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
p. 142; INMPM, I, p. 189; MOP, I, p. Jawant Singh; Jat; sawµar; attended the
149] public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he
Thakar Singh: Resident of Thatian, ps. was killed in firing by British troops.
Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Suba [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139
Singh, aged 26 years;an active (1921), F. No. 58, May (1922), PSAC;
participant in revolutionary activities; H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
convicted and tried in the Supplemen- WWIM, I, p. 361; JBM, p. 141; INMPM,
tary Lahore Conspiracy Case; I, p. 189; MOP, I, p. 150]
sentenced to transportation for life
and forfeiture of property. [H/Poll-A, Thakur Singh: Resident of Sathiala, Tehsil
Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI; SFH, Amritsar Punjab; Arora; was 50 years
p. 310; UHFSA, p. 109; HCJ, p. 252] old when he attended the public
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Thakur Das: Resident of Chowk Phullan, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
Kucha Pipalwala, Amritsar city, in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Punjab; s/o Malava Mal; Khatri; silk PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
broker; was 35 years old when he H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI;
attended the public meeting at WWIM, I, p. 359; JBM, p. 136; INMPM,
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 I, p. 189]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 313

Thakur Singh: s/o Ram Prasad; Naik in Tibar Khan: Resident of Kanod,
the 51st Regiment, Native Infantry of (Mahendergarh), Haryana; sawµar in 5th
British Indian Army; posted at Irregular Cavalry of British Indian
Peshawar, North-West Frontier Army; deserted and took active part
Province (now in Pakistan); deserted in fighting against British army;
his regiment in protest against the caught by British troops; charged with
general disarming of Indian soldiers possessing arms and rebellion against
by the British; captured by British British rule; convicted and sentenced
army along with his Subedar-Major to death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
and tired by Court Martial on 26 May (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1857; sentenced to death and hanged
on 3 June 1857; his Subedar-Major was Tirath Ram: Resident of Kasur, distt.
hanged first of all; the British army Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan);
killed or hanged about 250 of his s/o Devki Nath; took part in the
compatriots; on 28 August 1857, complete haætµal on 12 April, 1919 at
another 150 Indian soldiers were shot Kasur. He was among those who felt
and killed by the British soldiers in the deeply agitated by what had
regimental lines and outside when happened at Amritsar on 10 April;
they demonstrated their anger on with others he proceeded to Kasur
being subjected to search in an Railway Station, found some
insulting manner. [WWIM, III, p. 144] Europeans sitting in a train compart-
ment there, suddenly two English
Thakur: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; soldiers fired upon the mob. The
s/o Prabh Diyal; Kaist; was 25 years angry people killed those two soldiers.
old when he attended the public Large number of people were arrested
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 16, 18 and 19 April 1919. Tirath
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed Ram was accused in Kasur
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Supplementary Case during Martial
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; Law in Punjab; arrested and charged
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; with crime of arson at Kasur Railway
WWIM, I, p. 360; JBM, p. 129; INMPM, Station and for killing two
I, p. 189; MOP, I, p. 149] Englishmen; tried by Martial Law
Commission and sentenced to death.
Thakur: Resident of Pathan Nangal, teh. However, the Lt. Governor (Punjab)
Ajnala, distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o afterward commuted the death
Mula Singh; Jat; farmer; was 30 years sentence to transportation for life. [H/
old when he attended the public Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
in firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Tirkah: Resident of Delhi; Jat; participated
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. in 1857 Uprising; took active part in
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. fighting against British; caught by
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 361; JBM, British troops and charged with
p. 146; INMPM, I, p. 189; MOP, I, p. 150] rebellion against British rule;
314 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

convicted and sentenced to death; his regiment in protest against the

executed by hanging on 12 March general disarming of Indian soldiers
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 by the British; captured by British
(1858), HSAP] army along with his Subedar-Major
and tried by Court Martial on 26 May
Tirkha: Resident of Khidwali, distt. 1857; sentenced to death and hanged
Rohtak, Haryana; Balmiki; on 3 June 1857; his Subedar-Major was
participated in 1857 Uprising; took hanged first of all; the British army
part in attacking and looting British shot or hanged about 250 of his
property; caught by British troops on compatriots; later on 28 August 1857
charge of loot, murder and rebellion another 150 Indian soldiers were shot
against British rule; convicted and and killed by the British soldiers in the
sentenced to death; executed in regimental lines and outside when
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 they demonstrated their anger on
(1858), HSAP] being subjected to search in an
insulting manner. (WWIM, III, pp.
Tirlock Chand: Resident of Amritsar city, 145-43]
Punjab; s/o Balmokand; Khatri;
apprentice munim; was 20 years old Toolah: Resident of Palwal, distt.
when he attended the public meeting Faridabad, Haryana; participated in
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 1857 Uprising; captured by British
April 1919 where he was killed in forces on change of rebellion against
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, British rule; convicted and sentenced
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. to death; executed by hanging on 9
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. December 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 144; INMPM, Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
I, p. 181; MOP, I, p. 150]
Toollah: Resident of Delhi; Bushhoonjala;
Tirlok Das: Resident of Amritsar city, took part in 1857 Uprising; caught by
Punjab; s/o Harjas Mal; Khatri; was British forces and charged with aiding
25 years old when he attended the sepoy against British Government;
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, convicted and sentenced to death;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he executed by hanging on 26 November
was killed in firing by British troops. 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1858), HSAP]
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 357; JBM, p. Toollah: Resident of Delhi; took part in
129; INMPM, I, p. 189; MOP, I, p. 150] 1857 Uprising against British rule;
captured by the British troops and
Tokhan Singh: s/o Majjoo Singh; Soldier executed on 18 November 1857 by the
in the 51st Regiment, Native Infantry orders of the Military Commissioner,
of British Indian Army; posted at Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. 402]
Peshawar, North-West Frontier
Province (now in Pakistan); deserted Toolsee: Resident of Chandrawal,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 315

Haryana; Jat; participated in 1857 active part in 1857 Uprising; caught

Uprising; took active part in fighting by British troops and charged with
against British; captured by British rebellion against British rule;
army and charged with plundering sentenced to death and executed by
English houses and rebellion against hanging on 19 December 1857.[Judl.
British rule; convicted and sentenced Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
to death; executed by hanging on 8 HSAP]
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Toree Baz Khan: Resident of Delhi; sawµar,
3rd Troop 1st Punjab Cavalry; deserted
Toolsheeram: Resident of Delhi; took part British Indian Army and participated
in Uprising of 1857; participated in in 1857 Uprising; charged with
defence of Delhi against advancing disloyal conduct in having failed to
British army; captured by British join his regiment or other civil or
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and military office; convicted of desertion
convicted of rebellion against British and rebellion against British rule;
rule; sentenced to death and hanged sentenced to death and executed in
in 1857. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. Jhajjar in 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div),
3 (1858), HSAP] F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

Toolshia: Resident of Aherwan, distt. Tripathi, (Karna): Resident of Haryana;

Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; s/o Mugha took active part in 1857 Uprising
Ram; participated in Uprising of 1857; against British rule; participated in the
apprehended without arms by the struggle against the British in Haryana
British; accused of rebellion against region in close association with Rao
British rule; sentenced to death and Tula Ram; organised the Ahirs of
executed by hanging on 8 December Behror Tehsil after the bloody battle
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 at Nasibpur on 16 November 1857,
(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 147; RIH, between the Indian patriots and the
p. 163] British troops under General Gerrard;
successfully resisted the siege of the
Toondah: Resident of Chowrah, Delhi; fortress at Behror for a long time; the
Gujar; participated in 1857 Uprising; British, however, stormed the fortress
took active part in fighting against with the help of the Jats who were
British army; captured by British traditional rivals of the Ahirs; finding
troops on charge of plundering British the situation hopeless, he came out of
property and rebellion against British the fortress on horse-back and
rule; convicted and sentenced to engaged the British troops in a bitter
death; executed by hanging on 27 battle; encounter was broken off, but
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi resumed at a place now called
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] Karnoora in honour of his memory;
died fighting against the British troops
Tooshah Abas Roheem Khan: Resident till the last breath of his life. [WWIM,
of Gurgaon, Haryana; Pathan; took III, p. 146]
316 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Tujoo: Resident of Delhi; participated in his way out of the cantonment at

1857 Uprising; arrested by British Meerut and marched to Delhi;
troops on charge of rebellion against escaped to his village (Kasan) after the
British rule; convicted and sentenced defeat of the patriotic forces in 1858;
to death; executed by hanging on 27 arrested and tried for taking part in
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi the mutiny; sentenced to death and
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] hanged in his own village on 7
December 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 147]
Tulalia Jat: Resident of a village in
Gurgaon, Haryana; Jat; took part in Tummun [Thamman] Singh: Resident of
1857 Uprising against British rule; Phoolayree, Patiala, Punjab; s/o Albel
captured by British soldiers and Singh; a Kuka activist; involved in the
hanged in December 1857. [WWIM, attack on Malodh on 14 January 1872;
III, p. 147; WWDFF, I, p. 409] arrested and charged for ìdacoity
with murderî under Section 396 of
Tulsi Ram: Resident v. Kasan, Gurgaon, Indian Penal Code; sentenced to
Haryana; s/o Prem Sukh; Soldier in transportation for life to Andaman.
the British Indian Army; posted at [H/Deptt, Judl-A, June 1872, F Nos.
Meerut (U.P.); took part in 1857 112-132, NAI]
Uprising against British rule; fought
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 317

Ubboo: Resident of Bohorah, distt. in 1857 Uprising against British rule;
Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Jiya Ram; captured by British soldiers and
Rajput; participated in Uprising of hanged in January 1858. [WWIM, III,
1857; apprehended by the British; p. 149; RIH, p. 164; WWDFF, I, p. 411]
accused of rebellion against British
rule; sentenced to death and executed Udham Singh: Resident of Kasel, ps.
by hanging on 16 December Gharinda, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 Mewa Singh, Jat of 26 years; formerly
(1858), HSAP, WWIM, III, p. 3] a signaler in the Malay States Guides;
migrated to America; a Korea and Tosa
Uday Chand Meo: Resident of v. Barka, Maru passenger; when halting at
distt. Mewat, Haryana; Meo; took part Hong Kong went to Canton with
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; Sapha Singh to purchase arms;
captured by British soldiers and arrested in the Multan Jail on arrival;
hanged in January 1858. [WWIM, III, convicted and tried under Sections
p. 148; RIH, p. 164; WWDFF, I, p. 411] 121, 121A and 131 of IPC in Lahore
Conspiracy Case; sentence to
Uday Singh: Resident of v. Jaginali, transportation for life. [GD, p.152;
Gurgaon, Haryana; served in Haryana LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 386, NAI; H/
Light Infantry of British Indian Army; Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, NAI;
deserted and took part in 1857 SFH, pp. 198, 300; HCJ, p. 252]
Uprising against British rule; captured
by British soldiers and hanged in Udham Singh: Resident of Ladupura, ps.
January 1858. [WWDFF, I, p. 411] Wairowal, Gurdaspur, Punjab; s/o
Jiwan Singh, aged 18 years; took active
Uday Singh: Resident of v. Nagina, distt. part in revolutionary activities;
Mewat, Haryana; Soldier in the sentenced to transportation for life
Haryana Light Infantry of British and forfeiture of property in
Indian Army; deserted and took part Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
318 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Case. [H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May defence of Delhi against advancing

1916, NAI; SFH, p. 311] British army; captured by British
troops after reoccupation of Delhi and
Ufzul: Resident of Delhi; participated in charged with rebellion against British
1857 Uprising; arrested by British rule; sentenced to death and hanged
troops on charge of rebellion against in 1857. [Judl.. Deptt. (Delhi Div.), F.
British rule; convicted and sentenced No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
to death; executed by hanging on 27
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Ujagar Singh: Resident of Mauza Dhand,
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] teh. Tarn Taran, distt. Amritsar,
Punjab; s/o Wadhawa Singh; Jat;
Uhmed Bux : Resident of Delhi; farmer; was 29 years old when he
participated in Uprising of 1857; attended the public meeting at
apprehended by British forces and Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
accused of rebellion against British April 1919 where he was killed in
rule; sentenced to death on 15 firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
HSAP] 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 368; JBM,
p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 190; MOP, I, p.
Uhmed Bux: Resident of Badshahpur, 152]
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; caught by
British troops; accused of rebellion Ujagar Singh: Resident of Mauza
against British rule; convicted and Mehanpur, teh. Tarn Taran, Amritsar,
shot dead on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Punjab; s/o Budh Singh; Jat (Gil);
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), farmer; was 35 years old when he
HSAP] attended the public meeting at
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
Uhmed Bux: Resident of Sohna, distt. April 1919 where he was killed in
Gurgaon, Haryana; served in 2 nd firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
Regiment, Gwalior Contingent of PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
British army; deserted and 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
participated in 1857 Uprising; took 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 368; JBM,
active part in fighting against British p. 143; INMPM, I, p. 190; MOP, I, p.
forces; apprehended by British; 151]
charged with of desertion and
rebellion against British rule; Ujeejoodeen: Resident of Delhi; caught by
convicted and sentenced to death; British troops after reoccupation of
executed by hanging on 27 November Delhi; accused of rebellion against
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 British rule; convicted and shot dead
(1858), HSAP] on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
Uhmed Khan: Resident of Delhi; took part
in Uprising of 1857; participated in Ujmeree Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 319

Haryana; participated in 1857 1857; apprehended by British forces

Uprising; caught by British troops; and accused of rebellion against
accused of rebellion against British British rule; sentenced to death on 15
rule; convicted and shot dead on 10 December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, HSAP]
III, p. 6; WWDFF, I, p. 17]
Ukbur Khan: Resident of Hasanpur, distt.
Ujmeree Khan: Resident of Delhi; Gurgaon, Haryana; participated in
participated in Uprising of 1857; 1857 Uprising; caught by British
apprehended by British forces and troops after reoccupation of Delhi;
accused of rebellion against British accused of rebellion against British
rule; sentenced to death on 10 rule; sentenced to death and executed
November 1857 and shot dead.[Judl. by hanging on 13 January 1858.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP;
HSAP] WWIM, III, p. 6; WWDFF, I, p. 17]

Ujmeree: Resident of Delhi; participated Ukbur Khan: Resident of Rasulpur, distt.

in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by Faridabad, Haryana; served in British
British forces and accused of rebellion army; deserted and took active part
against British rule; sentenced to death in 1857 Uprising; apprehended by
on 10 November 1857 and shot British officer; accused of desertion
dead.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. and rebellion against British rule;
3 (1858), HSAP] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 13 January
Ujmeru: Resident of Badshahpur, distt. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Gurgaon, Haryana; caught by British (1858), HSAP]
troops; accused of rebellion against
British rule; convicted and shot dead Ukbur: Resident of Hisar, Haryana; Kaim
on 10 November 1857.[Judl. Deptt Khani; s/o Suddoo; took part in
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] attacking and murder of Englishmen
and officials during 1857 Uprising;
Ukbar Khan: Resident of Nagli, distt. arrested by British troops and
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; participa- imprisoned on charge of murder and
ted in Uprising of 1857; apprehended rebellion against British rule; tried and
by the British; convicted of rebellion found guilty of charges; sentenced to
against British rule; sentenced to death death and hanged on 7 November
and executed by hanging on 5 1857. [Judl. Deptt. (Hisar Div.], Acc.
February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi No. 9782 (1857) HSAP]
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
III, p. 6] Ukbur: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
Ukbur Alli Khan: Resident of Delhi, part plundering and killing
Delhi; participated in Uprising of Englishmen; caught by British on
320 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

charge of murder, plundering and participated in Uprising of 1857;

rebellion against British rule; apprehended by British forces and
convicted and executed by hanging on accused of rebellion against British
5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi rule; sentenced to death on 15
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Ulbala: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; HSAP]
Rajput; took part in aiding anti-British
and plundering towns during 1857 Ullayar: Resident of Delhi; participated in
Uprising; caught by British troops on 1857 Uprising; deserted British Indian
charge of plundering and supporting army and joined the service of
rebels against British rule; convicted Emperor; took active part in fighting
and sentenced to death; executed by against British army in defence of
hanging on 16 January 1858.[Judl. Delhi; captured by British troops on
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), charges of desertion and rebellion
HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 6] against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by
Ulla Kar: Resident of Delhi; Participated hanging on 27 February 1858.[Judl.
in 1857 Uprising; joined service with Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Emperor in Delhi and played active HSAP]
role against British; caught by British
troops; accused of taking service with Ullee Bahadur: Resident of Delhi; caught
Emperor and rebellion against British by British troops after reoccupation of
rule; convicted and sentenced to Delhi; accused of rebellion against
death; executed by hanging on 6 British rule; convicted and shot dead
March 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt
F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]

Ulladad: Resident of Delhi; caught by Ulleegohur: Resident of Delhi;

British troops after reoccupation of participated in Uprising of 1857;
Delhi; accused of rebellion against apprehended by British forces and
British rule; convicted and shot dead accused of rebellion against British
on 15 December 1857.[Judl. Deptt rule; sentenced to death on 15
(Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Ullaoodeen: Resident of Badshahpur, HSAP]
distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; caught by
British troops; accused of rebellion Ulleh Bux: Resident of Badshapur, distt.
against British rule; convicted and Gurgaon, Haryana; Biloch; participa-
shot dead on 15 December 1857.[Judl. ted in Uprising of 1857; apprehended
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), by the British; accused of rebellion
HSAP] against British rule; sentenced to death
and executed by hanging on 1 April
Ullaoodeen: Resident of Delhi; 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 321

(1858), HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 7; Umar Din: Resident of Gali Sodhian,

WWDFF, I, p. 20] Katra Ramgarhian, Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Din Mohammed; private
Ullehdah: Resident of Delhi; participated employee; was 20 years old when he
in Uprising of 1857; apprehended by took part in the complete haætµal on 10
British forces and accused of rebellion April 1919 at Amritsar where he was
against British rule; sentenced to death killed in firing by British troops near
on 15 December 1857 and shot the railway bridge. [H/Mil, PGCS, B
dead.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. 58, May
3 (1858), HSAP] (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 370; JBM, p.
Umanut Alli: Resident of Sultanpur, distt. 151; INMPM, I, p. 189; MOP, I, p. 152]
Mewat, Haryana; took active part in
1857 Uprising; apprehended by Umar: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab s/o
British officer; accused and rebellion Kaim Baksh; actively involved in the
against British rule; convicted and anti-British acts which occured after
sentenced to death; executed by the military picket (posted near the
hanging on 5 January 1858.[Judl. Deputy Commissionerís house) fired
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), on unarmed processionists on 10
HSAP] April 1919; charged with taking part
in the attack on the Alliance Bank in
Umar Baksh: Resident of Amritsar city, which the Manager of Alliance Bank
Punjab; s/o Ida Sheikh; Kashmiri; was killed; tried and convicted in
owner of fuel shop; was 60 years old Amritsar Alliance Bank Murder Case
when he attended the public meeting under section 121 of Indian Penal
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Code by Martial Law Commission;
April 1919 where he was killed in was sentence to death and forfeiture
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, of property; death sentence later on
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. was commuted to transportation for
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. life by the Lt. Governor (Punjab). [H/
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 369; JBM, Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos. 257-265
p. 132; INMPM, I, p. 190; MOP, I, p. & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
Umbka: Resident of Ambala, Haryana;
Umar Bibi: Resident of v. Dulla, distt. served in the 45th Native Infantry of
Gujranwala, Punjab (now in the British Army; deserted and
Pakistan); widow of Imam Din; participated in Uprising of 1857;
Tarkhan; was 55 years old when she captured, tried and sentenced to death
attended the public meeting at by the British during 16-17 June 1857.
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 [Judl. Deptt. (Ambala Div.), F. No. 43
April 1919 where she was killed in (1857), HSAP]
firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), Unoopram: Resident of Delhi;
PSAC] participated in Uprising of 1857;
322 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

apprehended by British forces and Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),

convicted of rebellion against British HSAP] ; WWIM, III, p. 150; RIH, p. 164;
rule; sentenced to death on 15 WWDFF, I, p. 414]
December 1857 and shot dead. [Judl.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Usta: Resident of Gurgaon, Haryana; Meo;
HSAP] participated in Uprising of 1857;
apprehended by the British; accused
Ununta: Resident of Nagli, distt. of rebellion against British rule;
Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active sentenced to death and executed by
part plundering and killing hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
Englishmen; caught by British on Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
charge of murder, plundering and HSAP]
rebellion against British rule;
convicted and executed by hanging on Uttam Singh alias Ragho: Resident of
5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Hans, ps. Jagraon, Ludhiana, Punjab;
Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP] s/o Jita Singh; an active participant in
revolutionary activities; convicted and
Usman Khan: Resident of Sauli, Haryana; tried under Sections 121, 395 and 302/
s/o Zahur Khan Pathan; took part in 109 of IPC in the Supplementary
1857 Uprising against British rule; Lahore Conspiracy Case; sentenced to
arrested by the British authorities and death and forfeiture of property. [H/
tried for ìsedition;î sentenced to Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May 1916, NAI;
death and hanged on 18 December SFH, pp. 219, 311; INMPM, I, p. 112;
1857. [WWIM, III, p. 150; RIH, p. 164; WWIM, I, p. 371; MOP, I, p. 153]
WWDFF, I, p. 413]
Uttam Singh: Resident of v. Rurka, ps.
Ussalut Khan: Resident of Rasulpur, distt. Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab;
Faridabad, Haryana; served in British zam∂ndµar; s/o Mehar Singh; a Kuka
army; deserted and took active part activist; participated in the attack on
in 1857 Uprising; apprehended by Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
British officer; accused of desertion 1872; arrested and charged with
and rebellion against British rule; murder by the British Government;
convicted and sentenced to death; blown to death with a canon on 17/
executed by hanging on 13 January 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 I, PSAP]
(1858), HSAP]
Uzeem: Resident of Nagli, distt.
Usta: Resident of Nagli, distt. Faridabad, Faridabad, Haryana; meo; took active
Haryana; Meo; took active part in part plundering and killing
plundering and killing Englishmen; Englishmen; caught by British on
caught by British on charge of murder, charge of murder, plundering and
plundering and rebellion against rebellion against British rule;
British rule; convicted and executed convicted and executed by hanging on
by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl. 5 February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 323

Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM, Haryana; sawµar in service of Nawab;

III, p. 12] took active part in 1857 Uprising;
caught by British troops and charged
Uzeemoollah: Resident of Gurgaon, with fighting and rebellion against
Haryana; a cook with Mr. Kitchen; British rule; convicted and sentenced
took active part in plundering to death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
European property during Uprising of (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
1857; caught by British troops on
charge of plundering and rebellion Uzzeezoodeen: Resident of Delhi,
against British rule; convicted and participated in Uprising of 1857;
sentenced to death; executed by apprehended by British forces and
hanging on 13 November 1857.[Judl. accused of rebellion against British
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), rule; sentenced to death on 15
HSAP; WWDFF, I, p. 39; HSG, I, p. December 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
391] Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Uzzeemood-deen: Resident of Jhajjar,
324 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Vallah Yar: Resident of Delhi; took 416]
leading part in 1857 Uprising against
British rule; participated in defence of Vazir Khan: Risµ a ldµ a r in the Ninth
Delhi against advancing British army; Irregular Cavalry Regiment under the
captured by the British and executed British Command; deserted and took
by hanging at Delhi on 28 February leading part in 1857 Uprising against
1858. [WWIM, III, pp. 150-51] British rule; raised the standard of
Uprising against the British at
Vaso Mal: Resident of Kucha Karmon, Kalabagh (Punjab) in 1857; the entire
Amritsar city, Punjab; s/o Sidhi Mal; regiment marched towards Jhang;
Khatri; piece-goods merchant; was 45 pursued by the British troops; he was
years old when he attended the public killed along with his all men in the
meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar unequal battle near Jhang. [WWIM, III,
on 13 April 1919 where he was killed p. 151]
in firing by British troop. [H/Mil,
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. Veer Singh: Soldier in the Second
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. Ludhiana Regiment of British Indian
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, pp. 372-73; Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
JBM, p. 131; INMPM, I, p. 190; MOP, deserted and took part in 1857
I, p. 153] Uprising against British rule; captured
and charged with mutiny and
Vazir Khan: Born at v. Gudhrana, distt. desertion; sentenced to death and
Faridabad, Haryana; s/o Sammoo executed on 3 May 1858. [WWIM, III,
Khan Pathan; took part in 1857 p. 151]
Uprising against British rule; arrested
by the British authorities and tried for Veshno Das: Resident of Tarn Taran, distt.
ìsedition;î sentenced to death and Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Chuni Lal;
hanged on 8 January 1858. [WWIM, Brahmin; chaprasi; was 30 years old
III, p. 151; RIH, p. 164; WWDFF, I, p. when he attended the public meeting
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 325

at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 attended the public meeting at

April 1919 where he was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, April 1919 where he was killed in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 138; INMPM, H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM,
I, p. 190; MOP, I, p. 153] p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 190; MOP, I, p.
Veshno Dass: Resident of Kucha Nain
Sukh, Katra Parja, Amritsar city, Vir Singh: Resident of Bahowal, ps.
Punjab; s/o Damodar Dass; Khatri; Mahilpur, Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o
grain-merchant; was 55 years old Buta Singh; a returned emigrant of
when he attended the public meeting Ghadar party; assembled at
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Kapurthala in June to attack the State
April 1919 where he was killed in Magazine; absconder in first Lahore
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, Conspiracy Case but was arrested;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. convicted and tried under Sections
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 121, 396 and 302/109 of IPC in the
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 371; JBM, Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy
p. 128; INMPM, I, p. 190; MOP, I, p. Case at Lahore; sentenced to death
153] and forfeiture of property; hanged.
[GD, p. 154; SFH, pp. 181, 201]
Veshno Dass: Resident of Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Mahraj Mal; attended the Vir Singh: Soldier in the British Indian
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Army; posted at Ambala, Haryana;
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he took part in 1857 Uprising against
was killed in firing by British troops. British rule; arrested by the British and
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 charged with mutiny; sentenced to
(1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 death and executed on 23 April 1858.
(1922), NAI; JBM, p. 146; INMPM, I, [WWIM, III, p. 152]
p. 190; MOP, I, p. 153]
Viroo Mall: Resident of Kucha Zargaran,
Vir Singh: Born in Kulu, Himachal Namak Mandi, Amritsar city, Punjab;
Pradesh; brother of Raja Pratap Singh s/o Gou [Gola]; Sunar (Zargari);
(Ruler of Kulu): took a active part in attended the public meeting at
the Uprising of 1857 against British Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
rule; organised and led attacks against April 1919 where he was killed in
the British strongholds; captured by firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
British forces and executed on 3 PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
August 1857. [HPSS, pp. 46-47; 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
WWIM, III, p. 151] 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, p. 139; INMPM,
I, p. 191]
Vir Singh: Resident of Devi Dasspura,
distt. Amritsar, Punjab; Kamboh; Viroo: Resident of Makhanwindi, distt.
326 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Mian; Julaha; Viroo: Resident of Varpal, Zail Jandiala,
cattle trader; was 40 years old when distt. Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Nathu;
he attended the public meeting at Brahi; beggar; was 35 years old when
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 he attended the public meeting at
April 1919 where he was killed in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, April 1919 where he was killed in
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No. firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), F. No.
333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 374; JBM, 58, May (1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No.
p. 140; INMPM, I, p. 190; MOP, I, p. 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 374; JBM,
153] p. 141; INMPM, I, p. 191; MOP, I, p.
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 327

Wadhawa Singh: Resident of Ruriwala, (1858), HSAP]
Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Surain Singh;
army employee; active sympathizer of Wajud Allee: Resident of Delhi;
the nationalist movement against participated in 1857 Uprising; took
British rule; arrested in 1914 as an active part in fighting against British
accused in the Lahore Conspiracy army; caught by British troops on
Case; sentenced to death and died on charge of killing Lieutenant
gallows in the Ambala Jail. [WWIM, Commander of Delhi and rebellion
I, p. 376; MOP, I, p. 154] against British rule; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed by
Waheed: Resident of Punjab; Urru; hanging on 8 March 1858.[Judl. Deptt
participated in 1857 Uprising; (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
captured by British forces; accused of
arresting and presenting a British spy Walaiti: Resident of Amritsar, Punjab;
to Emperor; found guilty and s/o Daulat Ram; took part in the
sentenced to death; executed by complete haætµal on 10 April 1919 at
hanging on 24 December 1857.[Judl. Amritsar, demanding release of Dr.
Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), Satyapal and Dr. Saif-ud-din
HSAP] Kitchlew; arrested and charged with
crime of assaulting Miss Sherwood;
Wahid Khan: Resident of Jhajjar, tried by Martial Law Commission and
Haryana; village Chaudhri; sentenced to death. However, the
participated in 1857 Uprising; took Viceroy afterward commuted the
active part in anti-British activities and death sentence to transportation for
ìincitingî others to fight against life. [H/Poll, B-Proc, Dec 1919, Nos.
British rule; caught by British and 257-265 & KW, NAI; INCR, I; FML]
accused of rebellion; convicted and
sentenced to death; executed in Wariam Singh, alias Prem Singh, ìAmliî
1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (opium eater): Resident of Thiraj, ps.
328 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Barnala, Patiala State, Punjab; s/o p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 191; MOP, I, p.

Dayal Singh, Jat; previously a 154]
watchman at Shanghai; present at the
Ghadar meeting convened by Nidhan Waryam Singh: Resident of v. Bahadar
Singh and others at Moga; one of Singh Wala, distt. Ambala, Punjab;
Nidhan Singh gang, part of which zam∂ndµar; s/o Mahiya Singh; a Kuka
committed the Ferozepore murders; activist; participated in the attack on
also concerned in Budhiana dacoities; Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
killed by a bomb in the Chabba 1872; arrested and charged with
dacoity, Amritsar in 1915. [GD, p. 155; murder by the British Government;
INMPM, I, p. 112] blown to death with a cannon on 17/
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
Waris: Resident of Lahori Gate, Amritsar I, PSAP]
city, Punjab; s/o Chirag Din alias
Chiragu; Arain; was 30 years old Waryam Singh: Resident of v. Barnala, ps.
when he attended the public meeting and teh. Anhadgarh, Punjab;
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 zam∂ndµar; s/o Makhan Singh; a Kuka
April 1919 where he was wounded in activist; participated in the attack on
firing by British troops and died on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
20 April 1919. [H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, 1872; arrested and charged with
F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; H/Poll, F. murder by the British Government;
No. 333 (1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 377; blown to death with a cannon on 17/
JBM, p. 133; INMPM, I, p. 191] 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 349]
Warras: Resident of Pind Dadan Khan,
Jhelum, Punjab (now in Pakistan); s/ Waryam Singh: Resident of v. Dyal Garh,
o Karam Bakhsh; Malian; private ps. and teh. Bhawanigarh, Punjab;
employee; was 25 years old when he zam∂ndµar; s/o Lehna Singh; a Kuka
attended the public meeting at activist; participated in the attack on
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
April 1919 where he was killed in 1872; arrested and charged with
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, murder by the British Government;
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May (1922), blown to death with a cannon on 17/
PSAC; WWIM, I, p. 377; INMPM, I, p. 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
191] I, PSAP]

Warris: Resident of Amritsar city, Punjab; Waryam Singh: Resident of v. Mehraj, ps.
s/o Allai Kasai; was 40 years old Nathana, teh. Moga, distt. Ferozepore,
when he attended the public meeting Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o Amrik Singh; a
at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar on 13 Kuka activist; participated in the
April 1919 where he was killed in attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15
firing by British troops. [H/Mil, January 1872; arrested and charged
PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC; with murder by the British
H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, Government; blown to death with a
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 329

cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. Wasawa Singh: Resident of Gilwali, ps.
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. 155] Sirhali, Amritsar; s/o Mihan Singh,
Jat; returned to India by the ss. Salamis
Waryam Singh: Resident of v. Moom, ps. in November 1914 from America
Bhadaur, teh. Anhadgarh (Barnala), where he attended a Ghadar meeting
Punjab; zam∂ndµar; s/o Nagahia Singh; at Fresno; active in revolutionary
a Kuka activist; participated in the work in the Punjab; took part in the
attack on Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 Chabba dacoity; convicted under
January 1872; arrested and charged Sections 121, 121A, 124 A and 396/
with murder by the British 109 of IPC by Lahore Tribunal;
Government; blown to death with a sentenced to death and forfeiture of
cannon on 17/18 January 1872. [F.No. property; sentence was afterwards
H 92 M Part-I, PSAP; WWIM, II, p. reduced to one of transportation for
349] life. [GD, p.156; LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p.
386, NAI; H/Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct
Was Mal: Resident of Katra Sufaid, Kucha 1918, NAI; SFH, p. 198, 300]
Jaggu, Khandwala, Amritsar city,
Punjab; s/o Narsingh Das; Khatri; Wasawa Singh: Resident of v. Dyal Garh,
broker, piece-goods and houses; was ps. and teh. Bhawanigarh, Punjab;
42 years old when he attended the zam∂ndµar; s/o Saundha Singh; a Kuka
public meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, activist; participated in the attack on
Amritsar on 13 April 1919 where he Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January
was killed in firing by British troops. 1872; arrested and charged with
[H/Mil, PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 58, May murder by the British Government;
(1922), PSAC; H/Poll, F. No. 333 blown to death with a cannon on 17/
(1922), NAI; WWIM, I, p. 378; INMPM, 18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part-
I, p. 191] I, PSAP]

Wasakha Singh: Resident of Dodher, ps. Wasawa Singh: Resident of Wara, ps.
Sirhali, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o Dyal Nakodar, Hoshiarpur, Punjab; s/o
Singh, aged 32 years; a returned Jhanda Singh; took active part in
emigrant., formerly in the Shanghai revolutionary activities; convicted
Police and then went on to Canada; under Sections 121 and 121A of IPC
took an active share in the in the First Burma Conspiracy Case;
revolutionary work in the Punjab; tried in that case and sentenced to
convicted under Sections 121, 121A death. [SFH, p. 240; INMPM, I, p. 112]
and 122 of IPC by Lahore Tribunal;
sentenced to transportation for life Wassu Mal: Resident of Amritsar city,
and forfeiture of property. [GD, p. 156; Punjab; s/o Sita Ram; Arora; was 32
LCC (TJ, 1915-16), p. 386, NAI; H/ years old when he attended the public
Poll-A, Proc, No. 91, Oct 1918, NAI; meeting at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
H/Poll-A, Nos. 219-221., May 1916, on 13 April 1919 where he was killed
NAI; SFH, pp. 199, 300, 311; HCJ, p. in firing by British troops. [H/Mil,
252] PGCS, B Proc, F. No. 139 (1921), PSAC;
330 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

H/Poll, F. No. 333 (1922), NAI; JBM, 1857 Uprising; transported for life to
p. 151; INMPM, I, p. 191] Rangoon as state prisoner. [F. Poll. no.
52-125, 10 December 1858, NAI]
Wazeer Khan: Resident of Delhi; a risµaldµar
in Imperial army during Uprising of Wujjeeooddeen: Resident of Jhajjar,
1857; took active part in fighting Haryana; sawµar in service of Nawab;
against British army in Delhi; he was participated in 1857 Uprising; joined
killed by British army in battlefield. Imperial army in Delhi and took active
[MRC, vol. VII, pt. II, pp. 96-97] part in fighting against British forces;
arrested and convicted; executed in
Wazeer Khan: Resident of Gurgaon, 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Haryana; s/o Samu Khan; participa- (1858), HSAP]
ted in 1857 Uprising; caught by British
soldiers; accused of rebellion against Wullee Beg: Resident of Chandni Chowk,
British rule; sentenced to death and Delhi; Mughal; participated in 1857
executed by hanging on 8 January Uprising; captured by the British;
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 charged with rebellion against British
(1858), HSAP; RIH, p. 164] rule; convicted and sentenced to
death; hanged on 13 February
Wazir Singh: Resident of v. Rabbon, ps. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Dehlon, distt. Ludhiana, Punjab; (1858), HSAP]
zam∂ndµ a r; s/o Bara Singh; a Kuka
activist; participated in the attack on Wuzeer Khan: Resident of Ghudhrana,
Malerkotla, Punjab on 15 January distt. Faridabad; served in British
1872; arrested and charged with army; deserted and took active part
murder by the British Government; in 1857 Uprising; apprehended by
blown to death with a cannon on 17/ British officer; accused of desertion
18 January 1872. [F.No. H 92 M Part- and rebellion against British rule;
I, PSAP] convicted and sentenced to death;
executed by hanging on 8 January
Wir Singh: Resident of Sohal, ps. 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3
Gharinda, Amritsar, Punjab; s/o (1858), HSAP]
Kharak Singh, Jat; took active part in
revolutionary activities; convicted and Wuzeer: Resident of Nagli, distt.
tried under Sections 302 and 398 of Faridabad, Haryana; Meo; took active
IPC in the Padri Murder Case; part in plundering and killing
sentenced to transportation for life. Englishmen during 1857 Uprising;
[SFH, p. 230; HCJ, p. 252] caught by British on charge of murder,
plundering and rebellion against
Wufedar: Resident of Delhi; female British rule; convicted and executed
attendant; captured by British forces by hanging on 5 February 1858.[Judl.
after reoccupation of Delhi; Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
imprisoned on account of being HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 153; WWDFF, I,
attached with Bahadur Shah during p. 422]
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 331

Wywsookh: Resident of Pehladpur, distt. British rule; convicted and sentenced

Faridabad, Haryana; Jat; participated to death; executed by hanging on 12
in 1857 Uprising; captured by British February 1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
troops; charged with rebellion against Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
332 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Zafar Khan: Resident of Gurgaon, captured by British troops and
Haryana; Soldier in the British Indian executed on 27 February 1858 by the
Army; took part in 1857 Uprising orders of the Military Commissioner,
against British rule; captured by Delhi. [WWDFF, I, p. 402]
British soldiers and hanged in January
1858. [WWIM, III, p. 154; RIH, p. 164; Zalim Ali: Resident of v. Hasanpur, distt.
WWDFF, I, p. 427] Gurgaon, Haryana; soldier in the
Gwalior Contingent, British Indian
Zafar Khan: Resident of Gudhrana, distt. Army; took part in 1857 Uprising
Faridabad, Haryana; s/o Basharat against British rule; captured by
Khan Pathan; took part in 1857 British soldiers and hanged in January
Uprising against British rule; arrested 1858. [WWIM, III, p. 155; RIH, p. 164;
by the British authorities and tried for WWDFF, I, p. 428]
ìsedition;î sentenced to death and
hanged on 8 January 1858. [WWIM, Zamin Ali: Resident of Sultanpur, distt.
III, p. 154; RIH, p. 164; WWDFF, I, p. Mewat, Haryana; s/o Nasrat Ali; took
427] part in 1857 Uprising against British
rule; captured by the British and
Zahiruddin Mughal: Resident of Delhi; sentenced to death; executed at Delhi
took leading part in 1857 Uprising on 13 January 1858. [Judl. Deptt (Delhi
against British rule; participated in Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP; WWIM,
defence of Delhi against advancing III, p. 155; RIH, p. 165; WWDFF, I, p.
British army; captured by the British 428]
and executed at Delhi on 23 February
1858. [WWIM, III, p. 154; WWDFF, I, Zamin Alli: Resident of Hasanpur, distt.
p. 428] Gurgaon, Haryana; served in Gwalior
Contigent; deserted and took active
Zahiruddin: Resident of Delhi; took part part in 1857 Uprising; apprehended
in 1857 Uprising against British rule; by British officer; accused of desertion
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 333

and rebellion against British rule; Zoolfee: Resident of Khidwali, distt.

convicted and sentenced to death; Haryana; Cobbler; participated in
executed by hanging on 13 January 1857 Uprising; took part in attacking
1858.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 and looting British property; caught
(1858), HSAP] by British troops on charge of loot,
murder and rebellion against British
Zeenat Mahal: Resident of Delhi; rule; convicted and sentenced to
w/o Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar; death; executed in 1857. [Judl. Deptt
when on 15 May 1857 new officers of (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
the Hindustani army were appointed
by Emperor and supreme command Zuburdust Khan: Resident of Gurgaon,
of this army was given to Mirza Haryana; participated in 1857
Mughal, a subordiante command was Uprising; caught by British troops on
taken by queen Zeenat Mahal Begum; charge of aiding and protecting anti-
she contined true to the cause her British elements; accused of rebellion
husband had espoused; arranged of against British rule; sentenced to death
her own accord for the supply of food and executed by hanging on 11
to sepoys in the battle field and had November 1857.[Judl. Deptt (Delhi
shown her readiness more than once Div), F. No. 3 (1858), HSAP]
to pay the Royal servants and the
Army out of her private purse. ®adiqµul Zuburdust Khan: Resident of Hasanpur,
Akhfi b µ a r admired her spirit of self distt. Gurgaon, Haryana; s/o Haider
sacrifice by saying ëThe queen is Khan; participated in 1857 Uprising;
prepared to pay the sepoys pay out of caught by British soldiers; accused of
her private purse;í captured by British rebellion against British rule;
forces from Humayun Tomb along the sentenced to death and executed by
Bahadur Shah; imprisoned on account hanging on 2 January 1858.[Judl.
of being family member of Mughal Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
Emperor and rebellion against British HSAP; WWIM, III, p. 154; RIH, p. 164;
rule; in the eyes of British authorities WWDFF, I, p. 427]
she was as much a convict as Bahadur
Shah; they treated her equally cruelly Zuburdust Khan: Resident of Jhajjar,
and plundered her house, seized her Haryana; participated in Uprising of
personal hoardings as well as the 1857; apprehended by British forces
security paper which Hodson has and charged with rebellion against
given her; transported for life to British rule; sentenced to death on 11
Rangoon as state prisoner alongwith November 1857 and shot dead.[Judl.
Bahadur. [F. Poll. no. 52-125, 10 Deptt (Delhi Div), F. No. 3 (1858),
December 1858, NAI; SA, NAI; HSAP]
334 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (1857-1919) Vol. I, Part I 335


Archival Records (unpublished)

Delhi Conspiracy Case, 1914, Proceedings/Judgment, NAI.

Foreign (Political, Home, Intelligence, Military and Miscellaneous) 1857-84), NAI.
Home (Military, Political and Judicial), 1900-1922, PSAC.
Home (Military, Political and Judicial) PSAP.
Home Department (Political, Judicial), 1871-1922, NAI.
Judicial Department (Ambala Division, Hisar Division and Delhi Division), 1857-58,
Lahore Conspiracy Case, Trial/Judgement Proceedings, 1915-16, NAI .
Military Department (Ambala Division, Hisar Division and Delhi Division), 1857-58,
Mutiny Papers 1857-58, NAI.
Political Department (Ambala Division, Hisar Division and Delhi Division, 1857-58),

Archival Records (published)

Government of Punjab, The Ghadar Directory, Government Printing Punjab, (Lahore,
Indian National Congress, The Congress (Delhi, 1919)
Motilal Nehru, Report of the Commissioners Appointed by the Punjab Sub-Committee of the
Indian National Congress, Vols. I - II, (Lahore, 1920).
336 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. I, Part I

Punjab Government Press, Mutiny Records Correspondence, Vol. VII, pt. II, (Lahore, 1911).

Dehli Urdµu Akhfibµar: 1857, NAI.
®adiqµul Akhbµar: 1857, NAI.
The Tribune: Lahore, 1900-1909.

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