ELI 106W 99 Unit # 1-Essay Outline: 1. Introduction (First Paragraph)

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ELI 106W 99

Unit # 1- Essay Outline

Name: Mrian Khouri

Date: Thursday September 10, 2020
Title: The Benefits of Learning a Second Language

1. Introduction (First Paragraph)

Hook: Interest the reader. A. They say hard work pays off.
(Tip: Use a personal story,
fact or quote to grab our

B. I have been feeling paid off my hard work learning Spanish

as a second language when I was visiting the middle east and
Background: Add we had to stop for escalating in Madrid Barajas International
background information about Airport. After a long trip duration that took about an eight hour
your topic explain when, why, from my home in United States of America, you can barely get
what, who and where. yourself together to check in for another flight and find the gate
especially when you are traveling alone, and all the stuff
working in the airport can barely understand what you are

Thesis statement: Introduce C. Learning a second language is worthwhile and beneficial

the subject with a controlling endeavor in many ways no matter your intention
ide as a road map to your

2. Body Paragraphs (Middle)

Topic Sentence: Introduce 1. It makes travel so much easier
the first Main point.

a. Details: (Tip: Use a. . Being able to read a sign

descriptions, reasons,
or facts to help your
reader understand the b. You can sufficiently speak with significantly more individuals
c. The smile you can draw on the stuff faces when you speak
their native language.

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

ELI 106W 99
Unit # 1- Essay Outline

Topic Sentence: Introduce 2. learning a second language helps develop individual’s culture
the first Main point. and social ability

a. people knowing another country language are more familiar

with customs and traditions, so the find it easy to adapt to
another culture
a. Details: (Tip: Use
descriptions, reasons, b. . The voyager who knows the language of their travel
destination has a simpler time tackling regular issues related
or facts to help your
with the travel
reader understand the
c. communicate across cultures with people who speak that

Topic Sentence: Introduce 3. Knowing a second language is also providing connection with
the first Main point. people in both social and professional ways

a. In social way we can meet new people who speak it as their

native language
a. Details: (Tip: Use
examples, b. In a professional sense, having knowledge of second foreign
descriptions, reasons, language will always give us priority when it comes to work
or facts to help your competing
reader understand the
purpose.) c. people speaking second language are always called for
business travel purposes
3. Conclusion (Last Paragraph)
Summary: Restate the thesis A. , learning a foreign language has numerous advantages and
and summarize the main benefits
points made in this essay.
(Tip: Use different words to B. studies suggest that it’s great for your brain too, it can
restate your thesis.) improve cognitive skills not related to language. Also, speaking
a second language can improve your life. There are no limits
either for the age of the learners, or for the number of
Comment: Remind readers
languages, a person would like to acquire. So finally learning a
why it is important and leave second language will make an individual a better one.
us with a clincher!

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

ELI 106W 99
Unit # 1- Essay Outline

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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