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ii Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)
Vol. 2
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir
Part I (A-K)
General Editor
Basudev Chatterji
Chairman, ICHR

Executive Editor
Ishrat Alam

Research Consultant
Amit Kumar Gupta

Research and Editorial Team

Ashfaque Ali
Rajesh Kumar
Md. Naushad Ali
Kh. Premjit Singh

Published by


in association with
iv Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Project of
First Edition 2013

Published by


in association with
B-7, Saraswati Complex, Subhash Chowk,
Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi 110092 INDIA
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© ICHR, 2013

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ISBN 978-93-7831-338-7 (Part I)

ISBN 978-93-7831-339-4 (Part II)

Laser Typeset by
TABREZ ALI, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi

Printed in India by
Nice Printing Press, New Delhi

I have great pleasure in placing before the reading public Part I [A to K] and Part II
[L to Z] of Volume 2 of the Dictionary of Martyrs. The background of this Project,
undertaken at the request of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, as well
as its scope, sources, methodology and format have been outlined in the General
Editorís Note at the beginning of Part I of the Volume 1.
Volume 2 brings up the data available on a vast region now known as Uttar
Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Jammu &
Kashmir between 1857 and 1947 ñ the whole of the period of the Indian freedom
struggle. Our Research Team has tried very hard to gather as many names as possible
of those who died while participating in such movements, organizations and incidents
as the Uprising of 1857, the tribal resistances, the Khilafat and Non-Cooperation
movements, the Civil Disobedience movement, the Revolutionary movement, the
Peasantsí and the Workersí movement, the Praja Mandal movement (for responsible
government in the Princely States), the Individual Satyagraha, the ìQuit Indiaî
movement, and the movements for the Indian Legion, the Indian Independence
League and the Indian National Army.
In its search for the hitherto unknown martyrs, our Research Team has come
across a number of significant incidents like the Neemuchana Tragedy in Alwar,
Bijolia Kisan Satyagraha in earstwhile Udaipur (Mewar) State, Charanpaduka Kisan
Agitation in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, and other similar Kisan struggles against
the high rates of land taxes and socially exploitative forced labour and other cesses
in these regions.
The entries include, where available, information regarding the date, year, place
of birth, place of residence and occupation of the martyrs.
For writing about them and to authenticate their martyrdom from the primary
sources ( including archival documents, official and non-official), the Research Team
(over and above its regular visits to the National Archives of India and Nehru
Memorial Library and Museum, New Delhi) has undertaken various trips to different
State Archives, such as the Uttar Pradesh State Archives, Lucknow and Allahabad;
the Madhya Pradesh State Archives and the branch of the National Archives of India,
Bhopal; the Rajasthan State Archives, Bikaner; and the Jammu and Kashmir State
Archives, Jammu and Srinagar. At the same time, I also wish to express my thanks to
vi Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

the staffs of these archives and libraries for offering their kind cooperation to our
Research Team.
While consulting archival sources in the Regional Archives at Allahabad, the
Research Team came across thousands of files relating to the participants and
proceedings of the 1857 Uprising that have not been explored or consulted on a
larger scale, and are unfortunately getting moth-eaten. Also, it found from the Mutiny
Papers on 1857 Uprising, available at the National Archives of India branch, Bhopal,
that the people of the State actively joined the Uprising, contrary to the general
belief, and despite their rulerís loyalty to the British. The team has also been able to
refer to various valuable sources in the Madhya Pradesh State Archives (Bhopal),
particularly contemporary newspapers, such as Akhbar-i Gwalior (specifically to the
Uprising of 1857) and The Jayaji Pratap which have been rather inadequately used by
historians. In the Rajasthan State Archives, Bikaner, apart from such scarcely consulted
newspapers (Tarun Rajasthan, Naveen Rajasthan, Princely India, Sainik, Ganesh, etc.), our
researchers also have managed to consult the Neemuchana police firing files containing
a little over a hundred names of martyrs. (The secondary writings covering this
incident, put the number at1500). Further, in the Jammu and Kashmir Archives our
researchers have succeeded in consulting two important official reports, namely,
Glancy Commission Report and MM Committee Report, apart from the Home Department
files preserved there.
It has been the endeavour of our Research Team to make the Dictionary as
inclusive as possible and to cover telescopically the very widespread participation of
almost all the segments of Indian society. Consequently, our search has perhaps
managed to bring into focus the obscured, the undiscovered and the forgotten
(especially from the lower stratas of societies) into the annals of Indiaís Freedom
Of course, a work of this nature can never claim to be absolutely complete or
final. We may find omissions which need to be taken note of, and a supplementary
volume towards that end is part of the Project plan.
Professor Amit Kumar Gupta and his team of researchers ñ Dr. Rajesh Kumar,
Mr. Ashfaque Ali, Dr. Md. Naushad Ali, Dr. Khawairakpam Premjit Singh and Dr.
Md. Shakeeb Athar ñ have put in enormous labours and done an admirable job in
researching and preparing Part I and Part II of Volume 2 for the Press. My special
thanks to them as also to Mr. Ashok Kumar and Mr. Jaipal Bhoj who prepared the
digital material for the Press.
I should like to thank Dr. Ishrat Alam, Member Secretary and Executive Editor,
and Dr. S.M. Mishra, Coordinator for efficiently taking care of all the administrative
aspects for facilitating the work of the Project. I am also indebted to Professor V.K.
Vashistha for his undertaking as an Expert the onerous task of going through a
lengthy typescript so meticulously, suggesting some improvements in it and also
adding a few more names.
I should also like to thank my historian colleagues who agreed to sit on the
Advisory Committee (Professors Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Mushirul Hasan, Arjun
Dev, N. Rajendran, Subhas R. Chakraborty, Indu Banga, T.R. Ghoble, V. Raghottam,
V. Ramakrishna, Swaraj Basu).
Finally, thanks are due to the Secretary, Smt. Sangita Gairola, and the Joint
Secretaries, Shri Sanjiv Mittal and Shri Promod Jain, as well as the Director, Shri
Kanwar Sameer Lather in the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, for their
consistently supportive role in this project.

Basudev Chatterji
viii Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Archival Records
Abhud. : Abhyudaya (Hindi Weekly, Allahabad), NMM&L
Abst. : Abstract
Acc No. : Accession Number
AG : Akhbar-e Gwalior (1858-59), MPSAB
AISPC : All India Statesí Peopleís Conference
b/o : Brother of
Capt. : Captain
Coll : Collection
Cons : Consultations
CRR : Crown Representative Records
d/o daughter of
DCP : Delhi Conspiracy Case, Trial No.6 of 1914, Proceedings/
Judgement, NAI
Deptt. : Department
distt. : district
Div : Division
DUA : Dehli Urdu Akhbar (1857), NAI
F No/Nos : File Number/Numbers
F/Poll ñ Proc. : Foreign Political ñ Crown Proceedings (Consultation)
F/Poll (Sec Cons) : Foreign Political (Secret Consultation)
x Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

FR : Fortnightly Report(s)
GCR : Glancy Commission Report
H/Deptt. : Home Department
H/Judl. : Home Judicial
HSAP : Haryana State Archives, Panchkula
HT : The Hindustan Times (1946), NMM&L
INA : Indian National Army
J&KSA : Jammu & Kashmir State Archives, Jammu and Srinagar
JDR : Jubbulpore [Jabalpur] Division Records
JPP : Jiyaji Pratap Paper, MPSAB
Jud : Judgment
Judl : Judicial
Lieut. : Lieutenant
m/o : mother of
Mil : Military
MMCR : MM Committee Report, J&KSA
MPSAB : Madhya Pradesh State Archives, Bhopal
MSAB : Maharashtra State Archives, Bombay/Mumbai
NAI : National Archives of India, New Delhi
NAIB : National Archives of India, Bhopal
NMM&L : Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, New Delhi
NR : Naveen Rajasthan (Hindi Weekly), 1920-34, RSAB
NWP : North-Western Provinces
P.O. : Post Office
P.S. : Police Station
PA : Private Archives
PCJ Paper : Phool Chand Jain Papers
PP (Mutiny) : Parliamentary Papers (Mutiny)
PP : Prajamandal Papers
Princely India : Princely India (Weekly), 1926-27, RSAB
Abbreviations xi

Proc. : Proceedings
Pt : Part
Ptp. : Pratap (Hindi Weekly), Kanpur
Rajasthan : Rajasthan (Hindi Weekly), 1922-24, RSAB
RAR : Rajputana Agency Records
RSAB : Rajasthan State Archives, Bikaner
Rvnu : Revenue
s/o : Son of
SA : Sadiq-ul Akhbar (1857), NAI
Snk : The Sainik ñ (1922), RSAB
Sr. : Serial Number
Srs : Series
teh : tehsil
TH : The Hindu (1931), NMM&L
TL : Tilism-i Lakhnau (1857), NAI
TOI : The Times of India (1946), NMM&L
TR : Tarun Rajasthan (Hindi Weekly), 1920-35, RSAB
Tr. : Trial
UPRAA : Uttar Pradesh Regional Archives, Allahabad
UPSAL : Uttar Pradesh State Archives, Lucknow
V. : Village
Vol. : Volume
w/o : Wife of

Secondary Sources
1857KAVRB : 1857 ki Kranti Aur Vidrohi Raja Bakhatwali by Bhagwanda
1857KSS : 1857 Ka Swatantrata Sangram by Seema Garg & Sajjan Poswal
AC : Aatishe-i-Chinar: Ek Aapbiti by Sheikh Mohammad Abdulla
AIR : Annals of Indian Rebellion by N.A. Chick
xii Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

AMR : Agrarian Movement in Rajasthan, 1913-1947 by Pema Ram

AS : Akhbar-ul Sandid by Najmul Ghani
Balidan : Balidan by N.K. Nigam
BB : Bastar Bhusan (History of Bastar) by Kedarnath Thakur
BCA : Bharat Choro Andolan, 1942 ke Shaheed by Birendar Kumar
BJA : Bikaner mein Jan Andolan by Chetna Mudgal
BKAI : Bijoliya Kisan Andolan Ka Itihas by Shankar Sahai Saxena and
Padmaja Sharma
BKSSMBKY : Bhatat Ke Swatantrata Sangram Mein Bikaner Ka Yogdan by
Daoodayal Acharya
BMBSR : Bhagat Movement: Study of Cultural Transformations of The
Bhils of Southern Rajasthan by Vijay Kumar Vashishtha.
BSZWD : Bahadur Shah Zafar and the War of 1857 in Delhi by S. Mahdi
BTTRB : Bhumkal: The Tribal Revolt in Bastar by H.L. Shukla.
CDERS : Constitutional Development of Eastern Rajputana States by D.D.
CKI : Chhattisgarh ka Itihas (1740-1947) by Bhagwan Singh Verma.
DKAS : Dabra ke Amar Shaheed by Mathura Das Mathur
DKKUJ : Dabra ki Kahani Usiki Jubani by Ramkrishnan Kalla
DNB : Dictionary of National Biography, Vols.1-IV (ed.) by S.P. Sen
EBIFF : Encyclopedic Biography of Indian Freedom Fighters by B.R.
Verma & Unnikrishnan
EISFF/EISF : Encyclopedia of Indiaís Struggle for Freedom by Jagdish Sharma.
FMIM : Freedom Movement and Indian Muslims by Santimoy Roy
FMM : Freedom Movement in Malwa by B.N. Luniya
FSK : Freedom Struggle in Kashmir by FM Hasnain
FSUP : Freedom Struggle in Uttar Pradesh, Vols. I-V (ed.) by S.A.A.
Rizvi & M.L. Bhargava
GSVR : Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Rachnawali (Sampadit) by Suresh
HBS : History of Bhopal State by Kamla Mittal
Abbreviations xiii

HKSS : Hadoti Ka Swatantra Sangram (1857-1947) by Shanti

HMKJAMH : Hindustani Musalmanon ka Jang-i Azadi Mein Hissa by Syed
Ibrahim Fikri
HTPB : History of the People of Bastar by H.L. Shukla
IR : Indian Revolutionaries (1757-1961), Vols.I-V by Shri Krishan
IVR : In the Valley of the River: Tribal Conflicts over Developments in
the Narmada Valley by Amita Baviskar
JABDR : Jang-e Azadi me Bundelkhand ki Deshee Riyasatein (1925-48) by
Sudha Veisa Jain
KFFF : Kashmiris Fight for Freedom (1819-1946) by Muhammad Yusuf
L1857 : Lucknow in 1857 by Roshan Taqui
LL1857 : Lessons and Legacy of 1857 (ed.) by Govind Das and others
MOMI : Makers of Modern India (eds.) by Amit Kumar Gupta and
MPDGC : Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Chhatarpur, M.P.
Government, Bhopal
MPDGI : Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Indore, M.P. Government,
MPDGJ : Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Jabalpur, M.P. Government,
MPDGN : Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Nagpur, M.P. Government,
MPMAKLA Madhya Pradesh me Azadi ki Larayi aur Adivasi by Sudhir
MPSGB : Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Betul, M.P. Government,
MPSSZB : Madhya Pradesh in Swantantata Sangram, Zilla Betul: Congress
Satavdi Samrola Samiti by Garuprasad Dubey
MR : The Mutinies in Rajputana: Being a Personal Narrative of the
Mutiny at Nusserabad with subsequent Residence at Jodhpur, and
Journey Across the Desert into Sind by Iltudus Thomas Prichard
NAKB : Nanabhai and Kali Bai by Utsava Lal Sharma
xiv Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

NMIPS : National Movement in a Princely State by S.C. Mishra

PSB : Pratap Singh Barhath by Shankar Sahai Saxena
PSKSSMY : Pasi Samaj ka Swantantrata Sangram Mein Yogdan by Raj
Kumar Pasi
QIMIUP : Quit India Movement in UP by Rakesh Ranjan Bakshi
QT : Qaisar-ut Twarikh by S. Kamaluddin Haider
R1857 : Rethinking 1857 (ed.) by Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
RAD : Revolutionary Activities in Delhi by Kisan Lal
RAG : Rajputana Agency 1832-1858 by Vijay Kumar Vashishtha
REFS : Rethinking 1857 (ed.) by Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
RKSS : Rajasthan ka Swadhinta Sangram by Prakash Vyas
RMSS : Rajasthan Mein Swatantrata Sangram by B.L. Pangariya
ROBD : Report of the Bastar Dependency of the Raepore [Raipur] District
ROH : The Role of Honour by Kalicharan Ghosh
RORCG : Report on the Reorganization of the Central Government by R
ROTR : Raj of the Rani by Tapti Roy
RSG : Rajasthan State Gazetteer by Rajasthan State Government
RSSS : Rajasthan mein Swatantrta Sangram ke Senani by Sumnesh Joshi
RTANI : Revolutionaries and their Activities in Northern India by
Kaushalya Devi Dublish
Simhabalokan : Simhabalokan, Khand 1-III by Yashpal
SKAI : Shekhawati Kisan Andolan ka Itihas by Pema Ram
SMG : Sagar Mal Gopa by Braj Mohan Vyas
SPC : Statesí Peopleís Conference, New Series, No.7 1941 by Dwarka
Nath Kachru
SSG : Swatantarta Senani Granthmala Vol.I-X by Phoolchand Jain
(ed.) by Mastram Kapoor
SSKS : Swatantrata Sangram ke Sainik (Uttar Pradesh) (ed.) by Thakur
Prasad Singh
SSKS/GD : Swantrata Sangram ke Sainik: Garhwal Division by Thakur
Prasad Singh
Abbreviations xv

SSKS/KD : Swantrata Sangram ke Sainik: Kumaon Division by Thakur

Prasad Singh
Sujas : Sujas (Bi-annual Journal), June-July 1998, Government of
Rajasthan, Jaipur
TCIAI : Tribal Contemporary Issues: Appraisal and Intervention by
Ramnika Gupta
TCR : The Communist Review, September 1922, Vol.3 No.5
TFWI : The First War of Independence, Vols. I-III (ed.) by Pankaj Rag
and Gita Subherwal
TGIR : The Great Indian Revolt of 1857 by K.B. Srivastava
TIM : The Indian Mutiny by M.P. Srivastava
TLD : They Lived Dangerously: Reminiscences of A Revolutionary by
Manmathnath Gupta
TSDTMR : The Sound of Drums: Tribal Movement in Rajasthan, 1881-1947
by C.S.K. Singh
WWDFF : Whoís Who of Delhi Freedom Fighters, Vol.I (ed.) by Prabha
WWIM : Whoís Who of Indian Martyrs, Vols. 1-III (ed.) by P.N. Chopra
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 1

Aan Singh: Resident of the Garhwal Abani Nath Mukherjee: Born on 3 June
Division, the United Provinces (now 1891 in Jubbulpore (Jabalpur), Saugor
Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the (Sagar) and Nerbudda (Narbada)
5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- Division, the Central Provinces and
Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty Berar (now Madhya Pradesh);
to the Indian National Army in 1942 earned an engineering degree (textile
and served it as Sepoy in the 3 rd technology) from Calcutta (now
Infantry Battalion; while fighting Kolkata); during college days he felt
against the British forces in Burma inspired by revolutionary activities
(Myanmar) he was killed on the against colonialism in India, as well
battle ground at Aizon in 1944. [INA as abroad; completing his studies, he
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA left India and joined the network of
(1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p.1] Indian revolutionaries residing
abroad; took charge of raising funds
Aarun: Belonged to Faizabad, the Oudh and collecting arms and ammunitions
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar in Germany and Japan and supplying
Pradesh); he was a Zamindar, took a these to the revolutionary comradesí
leading part in the Uprising of 1857, resisting colonialism on the Indian
incited many others in his village to soil. Mukherjee came back to India
fight against the British and their in 1912 and continued his work by
loyalists; he also provided financial joining a revolutionary organization
support to the rebels, and led them in the United Provinces (now Uttar
to attack the British establishments; Pradesh); commuting between India
he was caught by the British and and Japan for promoting
executed in June 1858. [Mutiny revolutionary activities, he was
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), arrested by the British in Singapore
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, while returning from Japan. He,
p.19] however, managed to escape to
Holland later and married Rosa
2 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Fitingof in 1920; thereafter he moved properties; he was caught by the

to Berlin and established Indian British during their re-occupation of
Independence Party in 1922 with the the area; put on trial on the charges
help of comrades like Suren Kar, of ëplundering and rebellion against
Bhupendra Nath Datta and the Britishí, he was sentenced to
Muhammad Barkatullah; also secretly death in February 1859. [Mutiny
visited Madras (now Chennai), Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
Calcutta and Dacca and lived in India NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
till 1924; retired from active
revolutionary politics and went to the Abdool Luteef Khan: Hailed from
USSR (now Russia), where he Gorruckpore [Gorakhpur], the
engaged himself in literary works; North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
died in exile on 28 October 1937. [WB Pradesh); he took part in the
No 83 (Bose) (Sect) Deposit, Uprising of 1857 soon after its
November 1916, NAI; HTU, p.77, 80; breaking out in the Gorakhpur
TCR, Vol.3 No.5, 9/1922; WWIM, II, region; he fought against the British
pp.204-205] and delivered anti-British speeches
on many occasions; later, caught by
Abbas Allee: Resident of Gorruckpore the British authorities and charged
[Gorakhpur], the North-Western with ësedition and rebellion against
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); the Britishí, he was sentenced to
participated in fighting the British in transportation for life in July 1858;
the Gorakhpur region during 1857 died in detention. [Mutiny Records,
Uprising, and also offered financial Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-
support to the rebels of his region 59), UPSAL]
for meeting their military expenses;
caught by the British in the course of Abdool Ruhman: Born in Moradabad,
an engagement, he was imprisoned the North-Western Provinces (now
in 1858 on the charges of ëaiding and Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
abetting the rebellion against the the local rebels as soon as the 1857
Britishí; he lost his life in detention Uprising broke out in this region; he
after a few years. [Mutiny Records, took part in attacking the British
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- officers and plundering their
59), UPSAL] properties; captured by the British
army, he was imprisoned on the
Abdool Lateef: Born in Boolandshahur charge of ëplundering and rebellion
[Bulandshahar], the North-Western against the Britishí; he died during
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he his trial in Jail in 1859. [Mutiny
joined the rebel forces at the Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
commencement of the Uprising of NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
1857 in his area; he accompanied
them in their attacks on the British Abdoollah Khan: Resident of
and plunderings of the British Moradabad, the North-Western
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 3

Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); government ñ he took part in the

joined the rebel forces in their fight protest demonstration organized at
against the British authority during Shopian (Islamabad). While the noisy
the 1857 Uprising; he also provided protest rally was moving on, the
financial support to the rebels and State military force intervened to
incited them to attack the British stop it. In the ensuing scuffle between
offices; he was caught by the British the two, the military forces suddenly
troops at the time of their operation opened indiscriminate firing on the
to regain Moradabad; he was rallyists killing Abdul Ahad Mir on
sentenced to transportation for life the spot. [File No. V, 8, MMCR,
on the charges of ëaiding and J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10;
abetting the rebellion against the HMKJAMH, p. 327]
British authorityí; he died in
captivity in 1859 during his Abdul Ahad Shora: Born in 1906 in distt.
transportation for life. [Mutiny Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), Amir Shora. He was an activist in the
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] political movement for responsible
government in Jammu and Kashmir,
Abdoollah: Belonged to Aligarh, the especially when it turned intense in
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar 1931. While acting as volunteer in a
Pradesh); he joined the rebels and demonstration in this connection at
fought against the British rule during Sopore, he was killed in the State
the Uprising of 1857; he also incited policeís firing on the demonstrators
the local inhabitants to plunder the in 1931. [File No. V, 4, MMCR,
British properties in Aligarh; he was J&KSA, Srinagar; HMKJAMH, p. 330]
caught by the British at the time of
their attacks on the rebel positions Abdul Ahad: Born in 1903 in Hindwara,
in Aligarh, and charged with distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
ësedition, murder and rebellion Kashmir; s/o Abdul Salam. A barber
against the Britishí; sentenced to by occupation, he joined a rally at his
death in 1858, he was executed by native place (Hindwara) to protest
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Proc. (Judl against the autocratic rule in Jammu
Deptt.), NWP (1858), UPSAL] and Kashmir State and to demand
responsible government for its
Abdul Ahad Mir: Hailed from distt. people. When the demonstrators
Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu and were indiscriminately fired upon by
Kashmir; s/o Ghaffar Mir. When the the State Army in February 1932, he
people of Islamabad observed a was killed on the spot. [File No. VI
complete hartal on 23 September 1931 (B), 12, MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
to register their protest against the WWIM, II, p.1; HMKJAM, P. 323]
arrest of Sheikh Mohammad
Abdullah ñ a prominent leader of the Abdul Ahad: Resident of Mohallah Gao
movement for responsible Kadal, distt. Srinagar, Jammu and
4 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Kashmir. As a participant in the Kashmir; s/o Jamal Loan. He

political movement for responsible participated in the political
government in Jammu and Kashmir movement for responsible
State, he joined the demonstration government in Jammu and Kashmir
outside the Central Jail in Srinagar State. He joined a demonstration at
to protest against the detention of Baramulla against the despotic rule
Abdul Qadeer Khan (arrested on 25 of the Maharaja. When the rallyists
June 1931), a prominent leader of the faced firing by the State Armyís
campaign. When the demonstrators soldiers, Abdul Aziz was killed on
waited outside the jail, five of them the spot in 1934. [File No. V, MMCR,
were unprovokedly arrested by the J&KSA, Srinagar]
police at the instance of the Governor
(Trilok Chand). The arrests so Abdul Bari Khan: Resident of Lucknow,
infuriated the demonstrators that the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now
they began to raise anti-government Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
slogans, demanded the immediate Uprising of 1857 and played a
release of their leader, and also significant role in organizing the
sought the permission for watching rebel forces of his region; he led the
the proceedings of the trial. Instead rebels in attacking the British
of giving permission, the Governor authorities and their establishments
ordered the police to open fire on in Lucknow on several occasions; he
them. In the police firing Abdul Ahad died while fighting against the
was killed on the spot on 13 July 1931 British army at Haider Canal Bridge,
at the age of 23. [File No. V, 8, Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; The Hindu, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
28 July 1931; AC, pp.88-89; KFFF, pp.
373-9] Abdul Ghafoor: Resident of Lucknow,
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
Abdul Aziz: Born in v. Birodi, distt. Uttar Pradesh); he fought the British
Bulanshahar, the United Provinces forces at various places in Lucknow
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Abdul during the Uprising of 1857 and also
Qaiyyum. He had served as Coolie encouraged others to take part in the
in the Transport Company of the fight against the British; he was killed
British-Indian Army before shifting by the British army in an encounter
loyalty to the Indian National Army at Bailey Guard, Lucknow in
in 1942. As a soldier of the INA, he November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
fought the British on the Burma Lucknow Mutiny Basta No.6,
(Myanmar) front and was killed in UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
action in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No. (1858), UPSAL]
1/INA, NAI; WWIM, I, p.1]
Abdul Hayat/Hamat: Resident of Raipur,
Abdul Aziz: Resident of Ooshkara Ghat, aroused by the speech that Hanuman
distt. Baramulla, Jammu and Singh, Magazine Lashkar in the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 5

British Army (who assassinated GCR, c.f. FSK, pp. 48, 73; The Hindu,
Major Cidwel at his residence on 18 28 July 1931; AC, pp.88-89; KFFF, pp.
January 1858), delivered before a 373-9; HMKJAMH, p. 330]
sepoy audience on the same day;
Abdul Hayat/Hamat joined the rebel Abdul Khan: Born in Futtehpore
sepoys in Raipur; involved in killing [Fatehpur], the North-Western
British army officers; with 16 other Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
rebel soldiers, he was arrested by the joined hands with the rebels during
British; tried, convicted and the Uprising of 1857, and offered
sentenced to death; hanged in Raipur financial support to them; he also
on 22 January 1858. [Parliamentary encouraged the local people to fight
Papers, Further Papers (Mutiny) for overthrowing the firangi-hukumat
No.4 (1857-58), NAI; CKI, 1740-1947, (British rule); he was captured by the
p.171] British forces at the time of their
attacks on Fatehpur in 1857, and
Abdul Khaliq Shora: Resident of executed soon thereafter. [Mutiny
Mohallah Wazapura, distt. Srinagar, Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta
Jammu and Kashmir; s/o Samad No.2, UPRAA]
Shora. A participant in the political
movement for responsible Abdul Majid Khan: Resident of
government in Jammu and Kashmir Lucknow, the Oudh [Awadh]
State, he joined the demonstration Province (now in Uttar Pradesh); he
outside the Central Jail in Srinagar took part in the resistance against the
to protest against the detention of firangi-hukumat (British rule) during
Abdul Qadeer Khan (arrested on 25 the Uprising of 1857 and fought the
June 1931), a prominent leader of the British at various places in the
campaign. When the demonstrators Lucknow region; he was killed by
waited outside the jail, five of them the British army in an encounter at
were suddenly arrested by the police Bailley Guard, Lucknow in
at the instance of the Governor November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
(Trilok Chand). The arrests so Lucknow Mutiny Basta No.6,
infuriated the demonstrators that UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
they began to raise anti-government (1858), UPSAL]
slogans, demanded the immediate
release of their leader, and also Abdul Majid: Born in 1924 in distt.
sought the permission for watching Allahabad, the United Provinces
the proceedings of the trial. Instead (now Uttar Pradesh). As a student,
of giving permission, the Governor he took active part in the ìQuit
ordered the police to open fire on Indiaî movement of 1942. He was
them. In the police firing Abdul killed when the British soldiers fired
Khaliq Shora was killed on the spot upon an anti-British demonstration
on 13 July 1931at the age of 33. [File he participated at Allahabad in 1942.
No. V, 8, MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM,
6 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

I, p.2; BCA, p. 104] Abdul Rahamn Dar: Born in 1901 in

Sapore, distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
Abdul Qadur Khan: Resident of Kashmir; s/o Shaban Dar. When the
Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North- political movement for responsible
Western Provinces (now Uttar government in Jammu and Kashmir
Pradesh) took part in the Uprising turned intense in 1931, he actively
of 1857 on the rebelsí side; participated in it. As a volunteer of
participated in attacking the British the demonstration in this connection
troops in the Kanpur region; caught at Sopore, he was killed in the firing
by the British troops during their re- by the State police on the demonstra-
occupation of Kanpur and charged tors. [File No. IV, 8, MMCR, J&KSA,
with ëaiding the rebellion against the Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.69; EBIFF,
Britishí, he was sentenced to death Vol.1, p. 172; HMKJAMH, p. 324]
and executed in December 1857.
[Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny Abdul Rahim Dar: Belonged to distt.
Basta No.10, UPRAA] Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
Iqbal Beg. He took part in the political
Abdul Qadus Tak: Born in 1909 in p.s. movement for responsible
Shopian, distt. Anantnag, Jammu and government in Jammu and Kashmir.
Kashmir; s/o Khaliq Tak. A He was killed on the spot in a State
shopkeeper, he took active part in a Army firing while participating in a
procession at Shopian on 21 rally to protest against the autocratic
September 1931 during the political rule at Sapore (Baramulla) in 1931.
movement for responsible [File No. V, 8, MMCR, J&KSA,
government in Jammu and Kashmir. Srinagar]
There, the demonstrators were fired
upon on that day by the State police Abdul Rahman: Hailed from distt.
killing Abdul Qadus Tak on the spot. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
[File No. V, 8, MMCR, J&KSA, Khuda Baksh. He joined a protest
Srinagar; WWIM, II, pp. 320-21; rally in 1932 to demand cheaper food
HMKJAMH, p. 330] for the population (the Roti Agitation)
from the autocratic Government of
Abdul Qayyum Khan: Resident of Jammu and Kashmir State. The
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western protesters were fired upon by the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took State police in which Abdul Rahman
part in the Uprising against the received severe bullet injuries and
British in 1857, and fought them at died on the spot. [File No. V, 8,
various places in Muzaffarnagar; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; HMKJAH,
captured by the British troops during p. 323]
an engagement, he was executed by
hanging in 1857. [Mutiny Records, Abdul Rahman: Resident of Jammu City,
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- Jammu and Kashmir; s/o Khuda Bux.
59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.1] He actively participated in the Roti
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 7

Agitation (demanding cheaper food) same day. [File No. IV, 8, MMCR,
on 23 September 1943 in Jammu. He J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, p. 2;
was killed on the spot when the State FSK, pp. 48-49; HMKJAMH, p. 322]
police fired upon the demonstrators
on that day. [File No. V, 8, MMCR, Abdul Salam: Born in 1910 in distt.
J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp. 442-45; Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
WWIM, II, p.2; FSK, p. 71; Ghulam Mohammed. A barber and
HMKJAMH, p. 323] an active worker of the National
Conference, he took part in the
Abdul Ruheem Khan: Resident of Thana political movement for responsible
Bhavan, Muzaffarnagar, the North- government in Jammu and Kashmir
Western Provinces (now Uttar State. He joined a demonstration for
Pradesh); s/o Qazi Niamat Ali Khan; its sake at Safa Kadal, Srinagar in May
Jagirdar; he took active part in the 1946. Hit by the State armyís bullets
Uprising of 1857 and fought at in the firing on the protesters, he
several places against the British; he died on the spot. [File No. IV, 8,
also assisted his elder brother, Qazi MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF,
Inayat Ali Khan, in organising the Vol.1, p.3; FSK, pp. 48-49;
rebel forces in Thana Bhavan; he was HMKJAMH, p. 322]
captured when he visited Muzaffar-
nagar town in disguise with three of Abdul Samad Dar: Born in 1918 in v.
his followers to get information about Pampore, distt. Anantnag, Jammu
the British plans; charged with and Kashmir; s/o Ahad Dar. He took
ësedition, murder and rebellioní, and part as a member of the National
sentenced to death, he was executed Conference in the political movement
by hanging at Muzaffarnagar, in 1858. for responsible government in Jammu
[Mutiny Records, Muzaffarnagar and Kashmir State. He joined a rally
Mutiny Basta, No. 2, UPRAA; held in this connection at Srinagar on
WWIM, III, p.1] 20 May 1946 to protest against the
misgovernance of the Maharaja. He
Abdul Salam: Born in 1904 in distt. lost his life in the State Armyís firing
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o on the demonstrators on that very
Gaffar. A tailor by profession and an day. [File No. V, 8, MMCR, J&KSA,
active political worker of the National Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.174; WWIM,
Conference, he took part in the II, p. 69; HMKJAMH, p. 322]
movement for responsible
government in Jammu and Kashmir Abdulla alias Sukaee: Resident of v.
State. While participating in a Rajdhani, Jhangha, distt. Gorakhpur,
procession taken out at Zaina Kadal, the United Provinces (now Uttar
Srinagar in 1944, he received severe Pradesh); s/o Gobar Julaha. As the
blows in a lathi charge by the police people were participating in
near Gadyar Masjid. He could not Satyagarah during the Non-
survive those injuries and died on the Cooperation movement on 5
8 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

February 1922, the British police of State ruler at Pulwama (Anantnag)

Chauri Chaura thana suddenly in February 1934, he was killed on
opened fire on them, causing deaths the spot in the State Armyís firing
and injuries to many. When they ran upon the rallyists. [File No. V, 4,
out of their ammunition and found MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
the gathering infuriated by the firing, HMKJAMH, p.326]
the policemen retreated and hid
themselves within the police station. Abhilakh Singh: Resident of v. Borasar,
Some in the crowd had sprayed Dobhi Taluqa, Jaunpore [Jaunpur],
kerosene oil on the building and set the North-Western Provinces (now
it on fire, killing all the 23 policemen Uttar Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he
within. Abdullah/Sukaee was played a prominent part in organizing
accused of taking part in this well- the rebel forces in Dobhi Taluqa
known Chauri-Chaura case, during the Uprising of 1857, and
sentenced to death and hanged on 2 fought at several places in the
July 1923. [H/poll. F.No. 563/III/ Ghazipur, Azamgarh and Benares
1922, NAI; NR, 14 January, 1923, region; his attempt to capture
RSAB; SSKS, 36, pp. 1 & 10] Azamgarh and Benares region failed
because of the British success over
Abdullah Sheikh: Born in Agra, the the rebel forces in June 1857 near
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Benares; Abhilakh Singh, along with
Pradesh); he joined hands with the others, joined Kunwar Singh when
rebels of his area during the Uprising he appeared in Azamgarh and fought
of 1857, and fought the British at against the British; after the
several places in Agra; he was caught withdrawal of Kunwar Singh from
by the British army advancing on Azamgarh, the British forces
Agra, and accused of ëmurder and occupied the region, and captured in
rebellion against the Britishí; May 1858 many of the rebels,
sentenced to death in 1858 with including Abhilakh Singh; charged
confiscation of his property, he was with ëmurder and rebellion against
executed by hanging soon thereafter. the Britishí, he was sentenced to
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta death and executed by hanging from
No.7, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.I, a mango tree. [Mutiny Records,
No.44 (I) (1858), MSAB] Jaunpur Mutiny Basta No.1, UPRAA;
WWIM, III, p.2; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48
Abdur Rahman Mir: Born in 1871 in (V) (1858), MSAB]
distt. Anantnag, Jammu and
Kashmir; s/o Subhan Mir. He Abid Ali Khan: Resident of Moradabad,
actively participated in the political the North-Western Provinces (now
movement for responsible Uttar Pradesh); Pathan; played a
government in Jammu and Kashmir. leading part in the organisation and
While participating in a rally to direction of the rebelsí activities
protest against the tyranny of the during the Uprising of 1857; he was
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 9

captured by the British in the course Pradesh); Syud [Syed]; he was a

of their raids on the Moradabad Duffadar [Dafadar] in the Contingent
region in 1858; charged with ëmurder Guards of the Agra Central Prison
and leading the rebellion against the under the British Government; he
Britishí, he was sentenced to death left the British service during the
and executed in 1858. [Mutiny Uprising of 1857 and joined the
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), fighting against the British rule; he
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, marched towards Delhi along with
Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB] the fellow rebels and fought against
the British forces at several places;
Abid Ali: Resident of Moradabad, the he died in 1858 while resisting the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar British attacks on the rebels position.
Pradesh); joined hands with the rebel [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
forces against the British at the time UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI)
of the Uprising of 1857 and took part (1858), MSAB]
in fighting the Government forces at
different corners of Moradabad; he Abu Turab Khan: Resident of Lucknow,
was captured by the British troops the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
during their raids on Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
April 1858, and executed by hanging the rebels of his area during the
on 27 April 1858. [Mutiny Records, Uprising of 1857, and also incited
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- other people to raise their arms
59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 against the British; he fought at
(VI) (1858), MSAB] different places against the British
forces; he was killed in the battle of
Abid Alley Bux: Inhabitant of Chinhat, Lucknow, while confronting
Moradabad, the North-Western the British army on 20 June 1857.
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Sheikh; he took part in fighting the Basta No.6, UPRAA]
British during the Uprising of 1857,
and also took initiative in organizing Acharju: Resident of Jhansi State (now
the rebel activities in Moradabad; he Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel
was captured by the British at the forces against the British in Jhansi
time of their re-occupation of the during the Uprising of 1857; under
Moradabad region, and executed by the leadership of Rani Lakshmi Bai
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, he took part in fighting and driving
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- out the Britishers from Jhansi and its
59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 adjoining areas; with the advance of
(V) (1858), MSAB] the British reinforcement under
Hugh Rose towards Jhansi in March
Abid Hoosein: Born in Mogeenah, 1858, he joined in the defence of
Shahjehanpoor [Shahjahanpur], the Jhansi; in the course of the fighting
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Acharju was caught by the British
10 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

troops, charged with ërebellion of 1857 and fought against the British
against the Britishí, and sentenced to on several occasions; he was caught
death and executed in 1859. [Mutiny by the British in an encounter in the
Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, Gorakhpur region, and hanged in
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) 1858. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
(1858), MSAB] Basta No.2, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.
No.46 (III) (1858), MSAB]
Acharya Persad: Belonged to Lucknow,
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Adhial Singh: Resident of the Oudh
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
resistance against the firangi-hukumat Pradesh); took part in the Uprising
(British rule) during the Uprising of of 1857 and also incited his
1857 and fought the British forces at neighbours to join the fight against
different places in the Lucknow the British authority; he was caught
region; he was killed by the British by the enemy during an engagement
army in an encounter at Bailley and sentenced to life imprisonment
Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857. on the charges of ësedition and
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny rebellion against the Britishí; he died
Basta No.6, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. in detention in 1858. [Mutiny
Oudh (1858), UPSAL] Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
Achchhan Khan: Belonged to Faizabad,
the Oudh [Awadh] Provinces (now Adhikari: Resident of Lucknow, the
Uttar Pradesh); joined hands with the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
rebel forces in fighting the British Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the
during the Uprising of 1857; he also fighting against the British forces
participated in plundering the British during the Uprising of 1857, and also
quarters and looting the treasury to incited his neighbourhood to raise its
raise funds for the rebels; he was arms against the British; he was
caught by the British in 1858 and killed in the course of an encounter
charged with ëplundering, looting with the British in Chinhat, Lucknow,
and rebellion against the Britishí; he on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny Records,
was sentenced to death and shot Lucknow Mutiny Basta No.6,
dead in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. UPRAA; QT, p.54]
Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59),
UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) Adjoodhia: Belonged to Banda, the
(1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, p.3] North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he participated in the
Adheera Singh: Belonged to Tulhwapar, Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Gorruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the the British forces at a number of places
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar in the Banda region; he was captured
Pradesh); he joined hands with the during the British re-occupation of
rebels of his area during the Uprising the Banda area, and charged with
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 11

ëplundering and rebellion against the Army to confront the rallyists at

Britishí; sentenced to death with Neemuchana. The troops
confiscation of his property in May surrounded the village, blocked all
1858, he was hanged soon thereafter. the exit routes from it and opened
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny fire on the protesters without any
Basta No. 3, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. prior warning. Agaz Singh was
No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB] seriously injured in the
indiscriminate firing and died.
Afzal Khan: Resident of Singhana, Jaipur Simultaneously, the village was also
State (now in distt. Jhunjhunu), the set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
sepoy in the British Army; deserted TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
his Regiment along with twenty-two Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
other rebel Sowars [Sawars], but was F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
arrested at Shaildhawati in May 1858 RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
under the orders of the Nazim of F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
Sawai Ramgarh; Afzal Khan was
dispatched to the Assistant Political Agha Habeebi alias Aghai: Resident of
Agent of Kanod and promptly Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh)
executed. [F/Cons, S.C 30 April Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
1858/149-150 A, NAI; Mil/Deptt. participated in the Uprising of 1857
No. M-06-1 (Pts.) Pad No.1/2, F. No. and played an important role in
01, Pt.5/3, Jaipur State Records, RSAB organizing the rebel forces of his
cited in RSG, V 2, pp.90-91] region; he led a group of rebels in
attacking the British authorities and
Agaz Singh: Belonged to v. their establishments in Lucknow on
Neemuchana, teh. Bansoor [Bansur], several occasions; he was killed in the
Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), fighting against the British army at
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); Qaiserbagh, Lucknow in 1858.
Brahmin; participated in the kisan [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
agitatorsí meeting held at Basta, UPRAA]
Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
demonstrate against the Maharajaís Agha Haroon: Resident of Lucknow, the
oppressive administration and his Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uttar
land settlement policy of 1923-24. In Pradesh); he joined hands with the
this settlement the Biswedari rights of rebel forces during the Uprising of
the Rajputs were forfeited and the 1857 and played a significant role in
land revenue had been enhanced by organizing the rebels of his area; he
fifty per cent. Though all took part in attacking the British and
agriculturists were affected adversely their establishments in Lucknow; he
by it, the Rajputs suffered the most. died while fighting against the
Hearing the news of the kisan British army at Qaiserbagh,
gathering, the Maharaja sent his State Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
12 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] was wounded seriously; caught by

the British, and even in a dying
Agha Hoosein: Belonged to condition, he was hanged at Jelo-
Farrukhabad, the North-Western Khana of Machchi Bhawan, Lucknow
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he in May 1857. [Mutiny Records,
participated in the Uprising of 1857 Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
and accompanied the rebel forces in L1857, pp.59-60]
fighting the British at a number of
places in Farrukhabad; he was Ahad Shosha: Born in Sapore, distt.
captured by the British forces in the Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
course of an encounter and charged Amir Shosha. He took part in a
with ëmurder and rebellioní; he was protest rally led by the National
executed by the orders of the Conference during the political
Magistrate of Farrukhabad in May movement for responsible
1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. government in Jammu and Kashmir
(Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), State on 20 May 1946. He was killed
UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.46 (III) on the spot when the State Army
(1858), MSAB] soldiers fired upon it. [File No. V, 4,
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar]
Agha Malloo Singh: Resident of
Jalalabad, near Lucknow, the Awadh Ahamd Rathor: Born in 1901 at
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); Nowshera, distt. Srinagar, Jammu
Zamindar; he took a leading part in and Kashmir; s/o Subhan Rathor;
organizing the rebels of his village Private employee. He took part in the
during the Uprising of 1857; he also widely spreading movement for
offered financial assistance to the responsible government in Jammu
rebel forces to meet their military and Kashmir State in 1931. During
expenses; he was killed by the British this movement Rathor was killed in
army in the course of some grim the same year in the State Armyís
fighting at Jalalabad in 1857. [Mutiny firing on a demonstration he joined
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, at Nowshera. [File No. IV, 8, MMCR,
UPRAA; L1857, p.293] J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.270;
HMKJAMH, p.328]
Agha Mirza (Kambalposh): Resident of
Lucknow, the Awadh Province (now Ahangar Rahman: Hailed from distt.
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Mahmood Mirza; Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
he organized a group of anti-British Ahangar. He was arrested by the
forces and attacked the British State police on the charge of his active
officers in May 1857; he then led a involvement in the anti-Maharaja
procession of rebels from Aishbagh activities. He died as captive in
and reached near the Rooni Gate Central jail, Srinagar, on account of
where the British forces opened fire severe tortures in the hands of the
on them; Agha Mirza, with others, jail authorities. [File No. I M.C., 8,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 13

MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; HMKJH, the mal-administration of the

p.323] Maharaja. When the rallyists were
fired upon by the soldiers of the State
Ahlaud: Resident of Ghazeepoor Army, Ahmad Dar was killed on the
[Ghazipur], the North-Western spot in the firing. [File No. IV, 8,
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF,
Thakoor [Thakur]; he joined the Vol.1, pp.172-173; WWIM, II, p.69;
rebel forces and fought the British at HMKJAMH, p.324]
several places in Ghazipur during the
Uprising of 1857; he also offered Ahmad Lone: Born in 1894 in v. Langet,
financial support to other rebels for distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
buying arms and fighting the British Kashmir; s/o Sultan Lone. A farmer
forces; he was caught by the British by occupation, he actively participa-
during their re-occupation of the ted in the political movement for
Ghazipur region, and executed by responsible government in Jammu
hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, and Kashmir. He joined an agitation
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll at Hindwara in Baramulla district in
Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] February 1932 to protest against the
Maharajaís autocracy in the State. On
Ahmad Ali: Resident of Akbarpur, the very first day of the protest, he
Cawnpore (Kanpur), the North- was killed in the State Armyís firings
Western Provinces (now Uttar on the demonstrators. [File No. IV,
Pradesh); Tahsildar; close associate 8, MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM,
of Nana Saheb; took part in the anti- II, p.173; HMKJAMH, p.326]
British rebel forces activities during
the Uprising of 1857 in Kanpur; while Ahmad Mir: Hailed from distt. Srinagar,
fighting against the re-occupying Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
British forces, he was caught by them Mohammad Mir. He took part in the
and accused of ësedition and rebellion political movement for responsible
against the Britishí; sentenced to government in Jammu and Kashmir
death in 1857, Ahmad was executed State. He joined a demonstration in
soon thereafter; his property was also its support near the Central Jail of
confiscated .[Mutiny Records, Srinagar in July 1931. When the
Kanpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll demonstrators were fired upon by
Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] the State Army soldiers he was killed
in the firing at the gate of the jail.
Ahmad Dar: Born in 1901 at Nowshera, [File No. VI, 13, MMCR, J&KSA,
distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; Srinagar; HMKJAMH, p.327]
s/o Akbar Dar. A farmer and a
participant in the movement for Ahmad Yar Bux: Resident of
responsible government in Jammu Furruckabad [Farrukhabad], the
and Kashmir, he joined a rally at North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Nowshera in 1931 to protest against Pradesh); responding to the call of
14 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

the rebel forces, he played an executed soon thereafter. [Mutiny

important role in the Uprising of 1857 Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta,
in the Farrukhabad region; he led the UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
local rebels in attacking the British (1858), MSAB]
establishments and capturing their
treasuries at the time of the British Ahmadullah Khan: Resident of Budaun,
re-assertion of authority over this North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
region; arrested and charged with Pradesh; he took a leading part in the
ëbeing a leader and instigator of Uprising of 1857 and fought against
rebellion against the Britishí, he was the British forces at several places in
sentenced to be hanged in January the Rohilkhand region; he was also
1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. appointed as Naib-Nazim of Badaun
(Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), under the Rebel Government;
UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) captured by the advancing British
(1858), MSAB] army in July 1858, he was blown to
death with a cannon. [Mutiny
Ahmad Yar Khan: Resident of Jalalabad, Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt,
Uttar Pradesh); he was a Tehsildar of Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
Jalalabad; joined the Uprising against
the British in 1857 and played a Ahmed Allee: Born in Futtehpore
prominent role as a Nazim of [Fatehpur], the North-Western
Jalalabad under the Rebelsí Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Government. He was captured by the participated in the Uprising of 1857,
British troops, following the defeat and also incited his neighbours to
of the rebels in this region, and take up their arms against the British;
executed by hanging on 20 April he also offered financial support to
1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. the local rebels and encouraged them
(Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), to go for overthrowing the firangi-
UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.4; Poll Deptt, hukumat (British rule); he was caught
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] by the British troops during their
raids on Fatehpur in 1857, and
Ahmad Yar: Resident of distt. Hamirpur, executed soon thereafter. [Mutiny
the North-Western Provinces (now Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta,
Uttar Pradesh); local medicine man; UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
joined the Uprising of 1857 in Kanpur (1858), MSAB]
and took part in the anti-British rebel
forcesí endeavours to drive the Ahmed Beg alias Mogal Beg: Resident
British out from the Kanpur region of Cawnpore (Kanpur), the North-
in June 1857; when the British were Western Provinces (now Uttar
recovering their lost ground in Pradesh); joined the rebel forces
Kanpur in July 1857, he was arrested during the Uprising of 1857 against
by them; Ahmad Yar Khan was the British in Kanpur; participated in
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 15

driving the British away from Ahmed Husain: Born in Faizabad, the
Kanpur and its neighbouring areas; Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
at the time of the British recovery of Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
Kanpur in July 1857, he was captured Uprising of 1857 and proceeded to
by them; accused of ërebellion against Lucknow; he fought against the
the Britishí, he was sentenced to British forces at several places in
death in December 1857, and Lucknow city; he was caught by the
executed soon thereafter. [Mutiny British army during an engagement,
Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta No.7, and hanged at Machhi Bhawan,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) Lucknow, in June 1857. [Mutiny
(1858), MSAB] Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
Ahmed Beg: Resident of Allygurh Oudh (1857), UPSAL]
[Aligarh], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Ahmed Hussain: Resident of Aligarh,
took part in the Uprising of 1857 and the North-Western Provinces (now
also motivated others to rise against Uttar Pradesh); Mughal; participated
the firangi-hukumat (British rule); he in the Uprising of 1857, organised a
went over to Delhi, joined hands band of rebel army men to fight the
with the rebels there and fought the British forces and marched up to
British troops on several occasions; Delhi to assist the rebels there; he was
he died while confronting the caught by the British troops during
advancing British army in Delhi in their operation in September 1857,
September 1857. [Mutiny Papers, and imprisoned on the charges of
Coll. No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. ëmurder and rebellion against the
No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] Britishí; he was sentenced to death
and executed by hanging on 18
Ahmed Bux: Resident of Humeerpoor January 1858. [Mutiny Records, Judl.
[Hamirpur], the North-Western Deptt. (Delhi Div), F.No.3 (1858),
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he HSAP]
joined the rebels during the Uprising
of 1857 and fought against the Ahmed Khan: Resident of Jaipur State
British; he also incited the people to (now in distt. Sawai Madhopur), the
take up their arms against the firangis Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
(British) and overthrow the took part in the 1857 Uprising and
exploitative imperialist rule; he was was arrested from Hinduan town.
killed during an engagement with The Jaipur State troops stationed at
the British troops in 1858; his Hinduan also became rebellious and
property was confiscated later on. rescued the arrested persons, but
[Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny they were soon re-captured; with
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 other fugitives, Ahmed Khan was
(VIII) (1858), MSAB] sent to Agra in December 1857 by the
Political Agent of Jaipur; he was tried
16 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

and hanged at Agra at the beginning to Delhi, joined hands with the rebels
of 1858. [F/Cons, S.C 30 April 1858/ there and fought the British troops;
149-150 A, NAI; Mil/Deptt. No. M- he was captured by the British soon
06-1 (Pts.) Pad No.1/2, F. No. 01, after their re-occupation of Delhi, and
Pt.5/3, Jaipur State Records, RSAB charged with ëmurder and rebellion
cited in RSG, V 2, pp.90-91] against the Britishí; he was sentenced
to death and executed in 1857.
Ahmed Khan: Resident of Moradabad, [Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi
the North-Western Provinces (now Div.), F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
Uttar Pradesh); he fought against the
British during the Uprising of 1857; Ahmud Allah Khan: Resident of
he also provided financial support to Najibabad, the North-Western
the rebels and incited other people Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
to join them; he was caught by the Tahsildar; he joined the Uprising of
British soldiers at the time of their 1857 and played a significant role in
re-occupying the area, charged with the rebel administration of
ëaiding and abetting the rebellion Najibabad; he also led a group of
against the Britishí and sentenced to rebels and fought the British army
life imprisonment in March 1859, he at Nagina. Following the defeat of
died in prison. [Mutiny Records, the rebel forces, he was caught by
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- the British and executed on 22 April
59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 1858. [Mutiny Records, Aligarh
(V) (1858), MSAB] Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Vol. No. 50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]
Ahmed Sher: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Ahmud Hussein: Resident of distt.
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces Shahjehanpore [Shahjahanpur], the
and fought the British at several North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
locales in Lucknow during the Pradesh); s/o Ahmud Yar Khan;
Uprising of 1857; he also participated during the Uprising of 1857, he took
in the plundering of the British part in fighting the British forces in
properties; he died while confronting Shahjahanpur region; he was
the British army at Qaiserbagh, captured by the British forces in the
Lucknow, in March 1858. [Mutiny course of an engagement in
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Shahjahanpur; put on trial on the
UPRAA] charge of ìrebellion against the
British authorityî, he was sentenced
Ahmed Yaar: Resident of Allygurh to death and executed in June 1859.
[Aligarh], the North-Western [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
Provinces (now uttar pradesh); he Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll
took part in the Uprising of 1857 and Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858),
fought the British forces in the MSAB]
Aligarh region; he also marched on
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 17

Ahmud Khan: Born in Shahgunj overthrowing the firangi-hukumat

[Shahganj], Agra, the North-Western (British rule); he was captured by the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); British troops during their raids on
Mewattee [Mewati]; he was a Sirdar Fatehpur in 1857, and hanged.
Jemadar [Sardar Jamadar] in the [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
Contingent Guards of the Agra Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
Central Prison; he left the British (IX) (1858), MSAB]
employment on 5 July 1857 and joined
the Rebellion against the British Ajah Singh: Resident of Cawnpore
during the Uprising of 1857; he died (Kanpur), the North-Western
in the course of an encounter with Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh) joined
the advancing British army in 1858. the anti-British rebel forces in Kanpur
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, during the Uprising of 1857; took part
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) in raiding the British settlements and
(1858), MSAB] outposts in Kanpur and its
surrounding areas; caught during the
Aijud Bukhsh: Resident of Azimgurh British offensive on the region in the
[Azamgarh], the North-Western second half of 1857, sentenced to
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); death on charge of ëtaking part in the
Sheikh; he was a Sepoy in the C. rebellion against the Britishí in
Company under the British army; he December 1857 and executed soon
stopped serving the British during thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur
the Uprising of 1857 and joined the Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
rebels for fighting against the British; Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
he was caught in 1858 while
confronting the British forces, and Ajaib Singh: Resident of
sentenced to death on the charges of Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western
ëdesertion and mutiny against the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, joined the Uprising of 1857 against
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. the British, and accompanied the
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; rebels at various places in
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), Muzaffarnagar to provide them with
MSAB] the attendantís services during the
fight; he was captured and hanged
Aivaz Khan: Belonged to Futtehpore by the British in 1857. [Mutiny
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III,
participated in the Uprising of 1857, p.5; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
and persuaded some local rebels to (1858), MSAB]
fight against the British; he also
offered financial support to the Ajali Singh: Resident of Jhansi State,
rebels for buying arms and Bundelkhand Agency (now Uttar
encouraged them to go for Pradesh); actively involved in the
18 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Uprising against the British in Jhansi Papers, F.Nos.379/INA (1946); 403/

during the Uprising of 1857; at the INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.5]
time of the British troopsí striking
back on Jhansi in 1858, Ajali Singh Ajit Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
was captured and charged with Division, the United Provinces (now
ërebellion against the Britishí; he was Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
sentenced to be executed in 1859. 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny, Indian Army; he left the British
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) service to join the Indian National
(1858), MSAB] Army in 1942 and served it as Naik
in the Ist Guerrilla Regiment; he died
Ajit Singh: Born in 1904 at v. while fighting against the British
Nagadgaon, distt. Uttarkashi, forces at Trawang, Burma (now
Garhwal Division, the United Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers,
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); s/o F.Nos. 1/INA,498/INA (1945), NAI;
Kashi Singh; participated during the WWIM, II, p.5]
Civil Disobedience movement in the
peasant agitation against the Akbar Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the
oppressive Tehri-Garhwal State and Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
its imposition of heavy land and Pradesh); he joined hands with the
other taxes in 1930; when marching rebels of his area during the Uprising
with the Dandel village protesters of 1857 and fought the British forces
towards the State capital, he was at different places; he was killed by
stopped among others by the State the British army in the course of an
Police under the District Magistrate encounter at Bailey Guard, Lucknow,
and fired upon at Ranighati on 20 in November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
May 1930. Ajit was killed in the firing. Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
[H/Poll, F.No. 23/54/1930; 23/58/ Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
1930, NAI; WWIM, II, p.5; SSKS GD,
p.1] Akbar Hussain: Resident of Raipur,
Chhattisgarh; aroused by the speech
Ajit Singh: Hailed from v. Pago, distt. that Hanuman Singh, Magazine
Tehri-Garhwal, Garhwal Division, Lashkar in the British Army (who
the United Provinces (now assassinated Major Cidwel at his
Uttarakhand); he was earlier a Sepoy residence on 18 January 1858)
in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the delivered before a sepoy audience on
British-Indian Army; he shifted his the same day, Akbar Hussain joined
loyalty to the Indian National Army the rebel soldiers in Raipur; involved
in Malaya in 1942 and served in its in the killing of British army officers;
3rd Guerrilla Regiment in the same with 16 other rebel soldiers, he was
rank; while confronting the British arrested by the British; tried,
on the Burma (Myanmar front he convicted and sentenced to death;
died in action perhaps in 1944. [INA hanged in Raipur on 22 January 1858.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 19

[Parliamentary Papers, Mutiny in March 1858 and was killed, after

further Papers, No.4, 1857-58, NAI, the defeat of the rebels. [RSG, p.91;
CKI, 1740-1947, p.171] F/Poll; F.Nos. 1-2, September 1858;
F/Poll. ëAí, F.Nos. 428-36, February
Akbar Khan: Born in 1823, Mathura, 1858; F/Poll; F.Nos. 3146-47,
North-Western Province (now Uttar December 1858, NAI; RKSS, pp.124-
Pradesh); took part in the Uprising 43; WWIM, III, p.6; Sujas, No 4, June-
of 1857 against the British dominance July 1998, Jaipur, p.80]
over the Saugor district of the Central
Provinces and Berar (now Sagor, Akram Khan: Resident of Lucknow, the
Madhya Pradesh); he joined the anti- Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
British rebel forces of Nawab of Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Ambapani at Rahatgarh in 1857; rebels in their fighting against the
fought against the British British forces during the Uprising of
reinforcement under Hugh Rose from 1857, and also incited others to raise
24 to 28 January 1858 the Rahatgarh their arms against the British; he was
fort; captured by the enemy in the killed in the battle of Chinhat,
course of fighting and accused of Lucknow, while confronting the
ërebellion against the Britishí, Akbar British army on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny
was executed by hanging at the front Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
gate of the Rahatgarh Fort on 29 UPRAA]
January 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol.
II, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) Akshaibar Yadav: Resident of v.
(1858), MSAB] Dhamahapur, distt. Jaunpur, the
United Provinces (now Uttar
Akbar Khan: Born on 7 February 1820 Pradesh); s/o Raghunath Yadav. He
Karauli, Karauli State (now distt. was killed in the police firing while
Karauli), the Rajputana Agency (now taking part in a procession during the
Rajasthan); s/o Nasir Khan; was an ìQuit Indiaî movement at his village
officer in the Kota State Army; took in August 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/
active part in the Uprising against 42, NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.379;
East India Companyís dominance BCA, p. 131]
over Kota State in 1857. Under the
leadership of Mehrab Khan, he joined Alam Singh: Hailed from the Garhwal
in the attack on the Political Agency Division, the United Provinces (now
House, Kota, on 15 October 1857 in Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
which Captain C.E. Burton, the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
Political Agent, his two sons and few Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
others were killed. He also fought in to the Indian National Army in 1942
several other battles against the and served it as Sepoy in the 3 rd
combined forces of Maharao (Kota Infantry Battalion; while fighting
ruler) and the British. Akbar Khan against the British forces he died on
was captured by the British troops the battle ground at Kalewa, Burma
20 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

(now Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Pradesh); he took part in the fighting

Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA against the firangi-hukumat (British
(1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p.6] rule) during the Uprising of 1857; he
was killed by the British army in an
Alauddin: Resident of Lucknow, the engagement at Bailley Guard,
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Lucknow, in November 1857.
Pradesh); he joined hands with the [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
rebels of his area during the Uprising Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
of 1857 and fought the British forces (1858), UPSAL]
in different locations; he died while
confronting the British army at Ali Bakhsh: Resident of Meerut, the
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, Pradesh); he took part in the
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Uprising of 1857 and also incited the
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] local people to raise their arms
against the British authorities; he
Aley Jan: Belonged to Futtehpore proceeded to Delhi, joined the rebel
[Fatehpur], the North-Western forces there, and fought the British
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he in different engagements; he was
participated in the Uprising of 1857, killed while confronting the
and led the local people to join the advancing British forces in Delhi in
fight against the British rule; he was 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57,
killed by the British troops during NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
their attacks on the rebels in Fatehpur (1858), MSAB]
in 1857. [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Ali Baksh Khan: Inhabitant of Lucknow,
Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB] the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
Uttar Pradesh); soon after joining the
Algu Yadav: Born in 1922 in v. Chitpur, rebel forces, he fought the British at
distt. Ghazipur, the United Provinces a number of places in Lucknow
(now Uttar Pradesh). He participated during the Uprising of 1857; he also
in a procession going towards the encouraged others in attacking and
Sadat Police Station during the ìQuit plundering the British properties; he
Indiaî movement. When it came near was killed in March 1858 in the course
the thana, the police opened fire on of an encounter with the British army
the demonstrators. Algu Yadav at Qaiserbhagh, Lucknow. [Mutiny
received fatal bullet wounds in the Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
firing and died on the spot in August UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
1942. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; (1858), MSAB]
WWIM, I, p.379]
Ali Baksh: Resident of Lucknow, the
Algwa: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the Oudh Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uttar
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the Uprising of
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 21

1857 and played a leading role in in the 1857 Uprising in Jaipur State
organizing the rebel forces of his and was arrested; the Jaipur State
region; he took part in attacking the troops stationed at Hinduan became
British establishments in Lucknow on rebellious and rescued Ali Hyder
several occasions; he died while Khan and other insurgents; along
fighting against the British army at with the associates, he was again
Qaiserbagh, Lucknow in 1858. captured and sent to Agra by the
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Political Agent of Jaipur. Ali Hyder
Basta, UPRAA] Khan was tried at Agra and
executed. [F/Cons, S.C 30 April
Ali Dad Khan: Resident of the North- 1858/149-150 A, NAI; Mil/Deptt.
Western Provinces (now Uttar No. M-06-1 (Pts.) Pad No.1/2, F. No.
Pradesh); he took part in the 01, Pt.5/3, Jaipur State Records, RSAB
Uprising of 1857 and also incited his cited in RSG, V 2, pp.90-91]
neighbourhood to raise its arms
against the British authorities; he Ali Malik: Resident of v. Dallipore, distt.
proceeded to Delhi, joined the rebel Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
army there, and fought the British Rasool Malik. He took active part in
forces in different engagements; he a protest rally against the autocratic
was killed while confronting the rule of the Maharaja of Jammu and
advancing British forces in Delhi in Kashmir at Pulwama (Anantnag) in
1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57, February 1934 during the movement
NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) for responsible government. When
(1858), MSAB] the State Army soldiers opened fire
on the rallyists, he was killed in the
Ali Husain: Resident of the North- firing on the day of the rally. [File
Western Provinces (now Uttar No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
Pradesh); he took part in the WWIM, II, p.181; HMKJAMH, p.327]
Uprising of 1857 and also mobilised
other people to raise their arms Ali Mohammad Butt: Born in 1904 in
against the British rule; he proceeded distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
to Delhi, joined the rebel forces there, Kashmir; s/o Sadiq Butt. A
and fought the British at different shopkeeper by occupation, he was
places; he was killed by the arrested in 1934 on the charge of
advancing British army during an taking part in the political movement
encounter in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny for responsible government against
Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, the Maharaja in his district. He was
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] flogged to death by the State police
on the very day he was arrested in
Ali Hyder Khan: Hailed from Hinduan, 1934. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
a town in Jaipur State (now in distt. Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.114; WWIM,
Sawai Madhopur), the Rajputana II, p. 51; HMKJAMH, p.323]
Agency (now Rajasthan); took part
22 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Ali Mohammad Pathan: Resident of joined the demonstration at the

distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; Khankah-i-Mualla in Srinagar in 1946,
s/o Sultan Pathan. At the call of the to protest against the Maharajaís
National Conference, he joined the autocratic rule and to demand
demonstration at the Khankah-i- responsible government in Jammu
Mualla in Srinagar in 1946, to protest and Kashmir State. The State army
against the Maharajaís autocratic rule opened fire on the demonstrators in
and to demand responsible which Ali Mohammed Pathan
government in Jammu and Kashmir received five bullet wounds and died
State. The State Army opened fire on of these on the same day. [File No.
the demonstrators in which Ali IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
Mohammed Pathan was killed on the WWIM, II, p.6; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.15]
same day. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
J&KSA, Srinagar; HMKJAMH, p.323] Ali Mohd. Khan: Inhabitant of Lucknow,
the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now
Ali Mohammad Rishi: Born in 1906 in Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
distt. Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu Uprising of 1857 and led a group of
and Kashmir; s/o Wali Rishi. When rebels in attacking the British
the people of Islamabad observed a authorities and their establishments
complete hartal on 23 September 1931 at several places in Lucknow; he died
to register their protest against the while fighting against the British
arrest of Sheikh Mohammad army at Moosabagh, Lucknow in
Abdullah ñ a prominent leader of the 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
movement for responsible Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
government ñ he (as a student) took
part in the protest demonstration Alla Buksh: Resident of Sorah, Agra, the
organized at Shopian (Islamabad). North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
While the protest demonstration was Pradesh); Mewattee [Mewati]; he was
vociferously moving on, the State a Sirdar Jemadar [Sardar Jamadar] in
military force intervened to stop it. the Contingent Guards of the Agra
In the ensuing scuffle between the Central Prison; he left the British
two, the military force suddenly service on 5 July 1857 and took part
opened indiscriminate firing on the in fighting the British at various
rallyists in which Ali Mohammad places during the Uprising of 1857;
Rishi was killed on the spot. [File No. he died in the course of an encounter
V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, with the advancing British troops in
pp.409-10; WWIM, II p.274] 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
Ali Mohammed Pathan: Born in 1929 in (IX) (1858), MSAB]
distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir;
s/o Mohammed Sultan Pathan. At Allah Bakhsh: Resident of Lucknow, the
the call of the National Conference, Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
he (a student of eighth standard) Pradesh); he participated in the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 23

resistance against the firangi-hukumat Allee Buksh: Resident of Banda, the

(British rule) during the Uprising of North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
1857 and fought the British at Pradesh); he participated in the
different places in the Lucknow Uprising of 1857 and also incited his
region; he was killed by the British neighbours to join the rebel forces
army in the midst of an encounter at and fight against the goralog (British);
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in he was caught during an engagement
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, with the reinforced British troops in
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Banda, and imprisoned on the
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] charges of ësedition, murder and
rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Allahdad Khuda Baksh: Resident of v. sentenced to death with confiscation
Lohari, Meerut, the North-Western of property in July 1858 and executed
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he by hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda
joined the Uprising against the Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
British in 1857 soon after its outbreak Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB]
in the Meerut region; he also
encouraged others to take up the Allee Khan: Born in Bareilly, Uttar
struggle against the British and Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
overthrow their rule, he was against the British during the
captured by the British troops during Uprising of 1857; he also took part in
the fight and executed by hanging in attacking the British loyalists in
1857. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. Bareilly and its adjoining areas; in the
(Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; course of fighting, he was caught by
WWIM, III, p.8] the British forces and charged with
ëmurder and rebellioní; he was
Allahdia: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] sentenced to death and executed in
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he June 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
was a Chowkidar, but left the job Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
during the Uprising of 1857; took UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
active part in the attacking and (1858), MSAB]
plundering of the officersí houses
and properties of the British loyalists; Alley Buksh: Resident of Agra, the
provided financial support to the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
rebels for meeting their military Pradesh); Shaikh; he was a
expenses; he was captured by the Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the
British troops in the course of their Contingent Guards of the Agra
re-occupation of this region, and Central Prison; he left the British
executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny employment during the Uprising of
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) 1857, joined the rebels of the Agra
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, area and fought the British troops in
p.8] several engagements in the Agra-
Mathura regions; he was killed by the
24 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

advancing British forces in one of (IX) (1858), MSAB]

their attacks on the rebels in 1858.
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Alley Sher: Resident of Katra, Allahabad,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) the North-Western Provinces (now
(1858), MSAB] Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
the rebels of his locality during the
Alley Bux: Resident of Allahabad, the Uprising of 1857 and fought against
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar the British; he also took part in
Pradesh); he participated in the seizing the British treasury and
Uprising of 1857 and fought against supplying its proceeds to the rebel
the British forces at several places in forces; he was caught by the British
the Allahabad region; he also troops during their marches in
supported the local people in seizing Allahabad, and hanged from a tree
the British treasury; he was captured in 1857 on the charges of ëplundering
during the British onslaught on and rebellion against the Britishí.
Allahabad, and charged with [Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny
ëplundering and rebellion against the Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49
Britishí; he was sentenced to death (VI) (1858), MSAB]
with confiscation of property and
executed by hanging from a tree in Ally Bahadoor: Resident of Banda, the
1860. [Mutiny Records, Allahabad North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Pradesh); Sheikh; he castigated the
Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB] oppressive and exploitative British
rule during the Uprising of 1857, and
Alley Kureem: Belonged to Puthra, incited the neighbourhood to take up
Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North- its arms against the British; he also
Western Provinces (now Uttar participated in defence of Banda in
Pradesh); he led a group of rebels the face of the advancing British
during the Uprising of 1857 and army; caught by the British and
fought against the British forces at charged with ësedition and
various places in the Hamirpur instigation of rebellion against the
region; he also incited the local Britishí, he was sentenced to death
people to raise their arms and fight in August 1858 and executed by
against the firangi-hukumat (British hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda
rule); he was caught in the course of Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
an engagement with the advancing Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
British army, and charged with
ësedition and instigating the Ally Hoosein: Resident of Agra, the
rebellioní, sentenced to death with North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
confiscation of property in 1859; he Pradesh); Moogul [Mughal]; he was
was executed by hanging soon a Duffadar [Dafadar] in the
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Mutiny Contingent Guards of the Agra
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 Central Prison under the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 25

Government; he left the British [Wazirpura], Agra, the North-

service during the Uprising of 1857 Western Provinces (now Uttar
and joined hands with the rebels in Pradesh); Butcher; he took part in the
fighting against the British; he fought Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British at several places, and died the British on various occasions; he
in 1858 in a confrontation with them. was caught by the British during their
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, attacks on the rebels, and executed
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
(1858), MSAB] Agra Mutiny Basta, File Sl. No.77,
Ally Mohd. Khan: Resident of Allygurh
[Aligarh], the North-Western Alopee: Resident of Bareilly, Uttar
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Pradesh; he was a sepoy in the 48th
participated in the Uprising of 1857 Native Infantry of the British-Indian
and also encouraged local people to army; he left his position to join the
overthrow the firangi-hukumat rebel forces during the Uprising of
(British rule) ; he marched on to 1857; he fought against the British at
Delhi, joined hands with the rebels several places in Bareilly; caught by
there and fought the British troops the British forces and put on trial for
on several occasions; he died while ëmurder and mutinyí, he was
negotiating the advancing British sentenced to death in September
army in Delhi in September 1857. 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc.
[Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL;
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII (1858),

Ally Moorad: Belonged to Allygurh Aluf Khan: Belonged to Agra, the

[Aligarh], the North-Western North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Provinces (now uttar pradesh); he Pradesh); Pathan; he was a
took part in the Uprising of 1857 and Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the
also encouraged other people to raise Contingent Guards of the Agra
arms and go for killing the British; Central Prison; he gave up the British
he marched on to Delhi, joined hands service during the Uprising of 1857
with the rebels there and fought the and joined hands with the rebels of
British troops; he was caught by the the Agra region; he fought the British
British after the fall of Delhi, and troops in several engagements in the
charged with ësedition and rebellion Agra-Mathura area; he was killed by
against the Britishí; he was sentenced the advancing British troops in one
to death and shot dead in 1857. of their attacks on the rebels in 1858.
[Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Div.) F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
(1858), MSAB]
Ally: Belonged to Wuzeerpoora
26 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Aman Beg: Resident of Lucknow, the Amani Singh: Hailed from distt. Aligarh,
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar the United Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Pradesh). He was killed during the
rebels of his area during the Uprising ìQuit Indiaî movement when the
of 1857 and also encouraged others procession in which he participated
to take part in resisting the firangi- in Aligarh was fired upon by the
hukumat (British rule) ; he fought the police in 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/
British forces in different 42, NAI; BCA, p. 135]
engagements in the Lucknow region;
he was killed by the British army in Amar Singh: Hailed from the Garhwal
a confrontation at Bailley Guard, Division, the United Provinces (now
Lucknow, in November 1857. Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
(1858), UPSAL] to the Indian National Army in 1942
and served it as Sepoy in the 3 rd
Aman Singh: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the Infantry Battalion; while fighting
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in against the Allied forces in Burma
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with (now Myanmar) he was killed on the
the rebels in their fighting against the battle ground in 1944. [INA Papers,
British during the Uprising of 1857, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA (1945), NAI;
and also incited others to challenge WWIM, II, p.7]
the British rule; he died while
confronting the British army in the Amar Singh: Resident of Thana Bhavan,
battle of Chinhat, Lucknow, on 20 June Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western
1857. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; p.84] part in the fighting against the British
during the Uprising of 1857, and
Amanatullah Khan: Resident of incited others to take part in the
Moradabad, the North-Western struggle; he was captured by the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took British troops while defending his
a leading part in organizing the rebel area against a British attack; he was
forces in the course of the Uprising executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny
of 1857; he also provided financial Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
support to the rebels of his region NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III,
for meeting their military expenses; p.9]
he was captured by the British
during their re-occupation of the Amar Singh: Resident of v. Khar, distt.
Moradabad area in April 1858, and Meerut, the United Provinces (now
executed by hanging on 27 April Uttar Pradesh). Previously he was a
1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. soldier in the 7/8 Punjab Regimnet
(Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; of the British-Indian Army. Later he
WWIM, III, p.9] volunteered his services to the Indian
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 27

National Army in 1942 and joined it Ambika Singh: Belonged to distt.

as soldier in the 3 rd Guerrilla Azamgarh, the United Provinces
Regiment. While taking part in the (now Uttar Pradesh). He was a
battle against Allied forces in Burma school student and took active part
(Myanmar), he died in action possibly in the demonstrations during the
in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No. 1/INA, Civil Disobedience movement. For
NAI; WWIM, II, p.7] his agitational activities, he was
arrested and sent to the district jail.
Amar Singh: Resident of v. Kharkar, p.o. On 7 September 1930 the jail
Kanina, distt. Meerut, the United authorities brutally tortured him and
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). also subjected him to hard labour.
Earlier he served the 7/8 Punjab When he started vomiting blood,
Regiment of the British-Indian Army. Ambika Singh was hurriedly
He joined Indian National Army on released to die soon thereafter. [H/
the call of Netaji and fought in Burma Poll, F.No. 23/58/1930, NAI; SSKS,
(Myanmar) where he was killed in vol. 27, p.]
action in 1944. [INA Papers, No 1/
INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 652-53] Ameen Ali: Born in Jalalabad, the Oudh
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
Amar Singh: Resident of v. Tikri, distt. Pradesh); cultivator; along with his
Meerut, the United Provinces (now village fellows, he refused to oblige
Uttar Pradesh). He was formerly a the British forces with the supply of
Sepoy in the Hyderabad Regiment of rasad (provisions) at Jalalabad during
the British-Indian Army. the Uprising of 1857; he was caught
Volunteering his services to the by the British troops for this and
Indian National Army, he left the hanged in November 1857; his entire
British Army and joined the INAís village was also looted by the British.
4th Guerrilla Regiment as Naik. He [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
was killed in action on the Imphal Basta, UPRAA]
front in 1944. [INA Papers, No 1/
INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 646-47 WWIM, Ameer Ali: Resident of Ayodhya,
II, p.7] Faizabad, the Oudh [Awadh]
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); took
Amar: Born in the Oudh [Awadh] part in the Uprising of 1857 in his
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he region soon after its outbreak; he
was a Jagirdar of Adampur and fought against the British forces on
Baranpur Leduka; took a leading part various occasions under the
in fighting the British soon after leadership of Baba Ram Charan Das,
joining the rebel forces; he was the priest of Hanumangarhi Temple;
caught by the British troops and he was captured by the British troops
hanged in 1858 [Mutiny Records, during an engagement, and hanged
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858- from a tree in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
59), UPSAL] Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-
28 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.9] Lucknow city; he fought against the
British at several places in Lucknow;
Ameer Chand: Resident of Allahabad, he was caught by the British army
the North-Western Provinces (now and hanged at Machhi Bhawan,
Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the Lucknow, in June 1857. [Mutiny
Uprising of 1857 and fought against Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
the British forces at several places in UPRAA; Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
the Allahabad-Fatehpur region; he Oudh (1857), UPSAL]
also incited the local people to raise
their arms against the firangis (British) Ameer/Amar Singh: Resident of v.
and kill them; he was caught by the Digar/Dinara, p.o. Beiraro, distt.
British during their raids on the Almora, Kumaon Division, United
Allahabad area, and charged with Provinces (now Uttarakhand); s/o
ësedition and rebellion against the Dev Singh; completed primary
Britishí; he was sentenced to death education; employed in a local
with confiscation of property in 1859 factory; participated in the ìQuit
and executed by hanging in 1860. Indiaî movement in 1942; while
[Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny taking part in a procession that the
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 police surrounded and fired upon,
(IX) (1858), MSAB] Amar was severely injured in the
firing and died on the spot. [PCJ
Ameer Khan: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156,
Pradesh; Pathan; he was a Naick 157 (PA), NAI; WWIM, I, p.9: SSKS,
[Naik] in the Permanent Armed KD: p.2; BSAS: p.130]
Guards at the Agra Central Prison;
when he was deputed at Ameeroodeen: Born in Agra, the North-
Bulandshahar on escort duty, left the Western Provinces (now Uttar
British service in June 1857 to Pradesh); Shaikh; he was a Sowar
participate in the Uprising of 1857. [Sawar] in the Armed Guards
Along with the other rebels, he Contingent at the Agra Central
marched towards Delhi and joined Prison; he left the British service in
the fighting against the British; he June 1857 to join the Uprising of 1857.
died while resisting the advancing Along with his counterparts, he
British army in the Delhi region in marched towards Delhi and fought
September 1857. [Mutiny Records, against the British; he died while
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny resisting the advancing British army
Papers, Coll No. 57, NAI] in the Delhi region in September
1857. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny
Ameer Khan: Resident of Faizabad, the Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in No. 57, NAI]
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the fighting
against the British during the Amin Alam Khan, Hafiz-ul-Umer: Born
Uprising of 1857 and marched into in 1794 in Tonk State (now distt
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 29

Tonk), the Rajputana agency (now the Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
Rajasthan); son of Mumtazudalla and with the rebels in fighting the British
uncle of the Tonk Nawab; well- forces; he also incited the local people
educated in Urdu and Persian; to attack the British and plunder their
Jagirdar; with the help of Mohammed properties; he was caught by the
Muneer Khan (Prince of Tonk State) British troops in the course of their
and Azimulla Khan, he organised the raids on the Allahabad region,
revolt of the Tonk State Army against convicted on the charges of ërobbery
the Tonk Nawab and the British; and rebellion against the Britishí;
summoned the troops from sentenced to death in July 1857, and
Neemuch, formed a column of one executed by hanging. [Mutiny
thousand rebel soldiers at Tonk and Records, PP, Further Paper No.1]
marched with the rebel troops to
Delhi; fought the British forces at Amir Dar: Born in 1908 in distt.
several places there and returned to Islamabad (Anantnag), Jammu and
Tonk after the defeat of the rebels; Kashmir; s/o Aziz Mir. He actively
he was killed in a skirmish with the participated in the political
Nawabís officers in Tonk in movement for responsible
December 1858. [F/Poll, F.No. 12, government in Jammu and Kashmir.
1857, NAI; WWIM, III, p.7; RSG, p.91; A participant in the rally to protest
Sujas, No 4, June-July 1998, Jaipur, against the autocratic Maharaja at
p.80] Pulwama (Anantnag) in February
1934, he was killed on the spot in the
Amin Khan: Born in Bareilly, Uttar State Armyís firing on the rallyists.
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
under the leadership of Khan Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.173; WWIM,
Bahadur Khan (the rebel leader of II, p.69; HMKJAMH, p.324]
the Rohilkhand region), and fought
against the British forces during the Amir Hasan Qissa Khwan: Belonged to
Uprising of 1857; he was captured by Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh)
the advancing British army in the Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
course of an engagement, and joined the Uprising of 1857 and
executed by hanging in 1860 at played a leading role in organizing
Bareilly. [Mutiny Records, Mutiny the rebel forces of his region; he also
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), led the rebels in attacking the British
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, authorities and their establishments
pp.68.69] in Lucknow; he was killed while
fighting against the British army near
Amir Chand: Belonged to Allahabad, Machchi Bhawan, Lucknow in 1858.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Pradesh); he was a Jemadar Basta, UPRAA]
[Jamadar] in the police under the
British authorities, but left it during Amir Sheikh: Born in 1902 in v. Chawa
30 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Kalan, distt. Islamabad (Anantnag), day at the age of 27. [File No. V, 8;
Jammu and Kashmir; s/o MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; The Hindu,
Mohammad Sheikh. He took active 28 July 1931; AC, pp.88-89; KFFF,
part in the political movement for pp.373-9; FSK, p.48]
responsible government in Jammu
and Kashmir. Being a participant in Amir-ud-din Makai: Born in 1895 in
a protest rally organized against the distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir;
despotic rule of the Maharaja at s/o Rasul Joo Makai. As a committed
Pulwama in Anantnag district in political worker, he actively took part
February 1934, he was hit in the State in the political movement for
Armyís firing on the procession, and responsible government in Jammu
died on the spot. [File No. V, 8; and Kashmir State. He was shot dead
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, by the State Army personnel at
p.299; HMKJAMH, p.329] Dumba-Kadal in Srinagar in 1931 for
his leading role in agitations against
Amir-ud-din Jandaguro: Resident of the Maharajaís autocratic rule. [File
Mohallah, Gunjwara, distt. Srinagar, No. IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
Jammu and Kashmir. Joining the WWIM, II, p.180; HMKJAMH, p.326]
political movement for responsible
government in Jammu and Kashmir Amir-ud-din Makai: Resident of
State, he took part in the Mohallah Nawa Kadal, distt. Srinagar,
demonstration outside the Central Jammu and Kashmir. Participating in
Jail in Srinagar to protest against the the political movement for responsi-
detention of Abdul Qadeer Khan ble government in Jammu and
(arrested on 25 June 1931) ñ a Kashmir State, he joined the
prominent leader of the agitation. demonstration outside the Central
When the demonstrators waited Jail in Srinagar to protest against the
outside the jail, five of them were detention of Abdul Qadeer Khan
suddenly arrested by the police at the (arrested on 25 June 1931), a
instance of the Governor Trilok prominent leader of the campaign.
Chand. The arrests so infuriated the When the demonstrators waited
demonstrators that they started outside the jail, five of them were
raising anti-government slogans, arrested without provocation by the
demanded the immediate release of police, at the instruction of the
their leader, and also sought the Governor Trilok Chand. The arrests
permission for watching the so infuriated the demonstrators that
proceedings of the trial. Instead of they began to raise anti-government
giving permission, the Governor slogans, demanded the immediate
ordered the police to open fire on release of their leader, and also
them. In the police firing on 13 July sought the permission for watching
1931 Amir-ud-din Jandaguro the proceedings of the trial. Instead
received fatal bullet wounds and of giving permission, the Governor
succumbed to his injuries on that very ordered the police to open fire on
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 31

them. In the police firing Amir-ud- 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
din Makai was killed on the spot on Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
13 July 1931at the age of 35. [File No. to the Indian National Army in 1942
V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; GCR, and posted as Naik in the Ist Bahadur
c.f. FSK, pp. 48, 73; The Hindu, 28 July Group; he was killed while fighting
1931; AC, pp.88-89; KFFF, pp.373-9] against the British forces in Burma
(now Myanmar) in 1945. [INA
Ammerrooddeen: Belonged to Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA
Furruckabad [Farrukhabad], the (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.8]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); joined the fighting against Amrudh Singh: Resident of Jhansi State,
the British during the Uprising of Bundelkhand Agency, Central India
1857 in the Farrukhabad region; he (now Uttar Pradesh); inspired by
also provided financial assistance to Rani Lakshmi Bai during the
his rebellious neighbours for Uprising of 1857, he joined the rebel
attacking the British establishments; forces in Jhansi and participated in
he was caught by the British in 1859 attacking and destroying the British
and sentenced to death on the establishments in Jhansi and its
charges of ëaiding and abetting the neighbourhood; when the British
rebellion against the Britishí, his later returned to re-occupy Jhansi in
property was also confiscated. March 1858, Amrudh Shah joined the
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl fight for the defence of Jhansi; in the
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll course of the battle he was caught
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] by the enemy, charged with
ërebellion against the Britishí, and
Amoor: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar executed in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
of his area soon after the outbreak Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
of the 1857 Uprising; along with his
fellows, he marched towards Delhi Anand Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
while fighting against the British Division, the United Provinces (now
forces; he escaped to his region after Uttarakhand); he was a Havildar
the British reoccupation of Delhi in [Hawaldar] in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles
September 1857 and died in 1858 of the British-Indian Army; he left
while confronting the advancing the British service in 1942 and joined
British army in the Bareilly region. the Indian National Army as an
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Poll), Officer in its 3rd Infantry Battalion;
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, while fighting against the British
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] forces in Burma (now Myanmar) he
was killed in the battle field in 1945.
Amre Pun: Belonged to the Garhwal [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/
Division, the United Provinces (now INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.9]
Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
32 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Anandi: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh the Indian National Army he was a
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar soldier of the British-Indian Armyís
Pradesh); he took part in the in the 7/8 Punjab Regiment. After his
resistance against the firangi-hukumat joining the Indian National Army in
(British rule) during the Uprising 1942 as a soldier in the 3rd Guerrilla
1857 and fought the British forces in Regiment, he was deployed on
different engagements; he was killed Burma (Myanmar) front against the
by the British army in the midst of British forces. He participated in the
an encounter at Bailley Guard, campaigns against them and lost his
Lucknow, in November 1857. life while fighting in 1944. [INA
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM,
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh II, p.10]
(1858), UPSAL]
Anant Singh: Belonged to Banpur State,
Anant Kanhere: Born in 1891, resident Madhya Pradesh; organized the rebel
of Indore, the Central India Agency troops of thousands and took a
(now Madhya Pradesh); while leading role in the Uprising of 1857
studying Sanskrit in Aurangbad he against the British forces; confronted
joined the revolutionary organisa- the British army under Hugh Rose
tion, Abhinava Bharat, and become its (who defeated Rani Lakshmi Bai) at
leading member; played a pivotal Barodia on 31 January 1858;
role in setting up branches of valorously sacrificed his life along
Abhinava Bharat in Nasik, Poona, with a large number of his soldiers
Bombay, Yeola; he and his comrades in this battle. [Mutiny Papers, I,
decided in Aurangabad in 1909 to NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.46 (III)
strike terror in the minds of the (1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, p.10]
British rulers by assassinating one of
their prominent officials; on 21 Anees Allee: Resident of Goruckpore
December 1909, when A.M.T. [Gorakhpur], the North-Western
Jackson, ICS, Collector of Nasik, was Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
attending his own farewell party at Gulbuhur (mother); he was a Trooper
a theatre in Nasik, Anant shot him at in the 10 th Light Carvalry of the
a point blank range with his pistol. British-Indian army, serving at
In connection with this killing he was Farrukhabad; he left the British
arrested, tried and sentenced to service during the Uprising of 1857,
death. He was hanged on 19 April and joined the rebels in fighting
1910 in the Thana Jail. [F/Poll, F.No. against the British, he also incited
(FR) 29/04/1930, NAI; EISF, p.116] other Sepoys of the British army to
join the Rising; in the midst of an
Anant Ram: Belonged to v. Nayana, engagement he was caught by the
distt. Bulandshar, the United British troops and executed by
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). hanging in June 1858. [Mutiny
Before volunteering his services to Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 33

NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, again in 1913-1916, to collectively

Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] refuse to cultivate lands and to
threaten a mass migration to the
Anga Singh: Resident of Kanpur, the neighboring areas. The Bijolia
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar agrarian movement received a
Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his further thrust when it was linked up
region during the Uprising of 1857, with the national movement by an
and fought against the British at ex-revolutionary, Vijay (Bijoy) Singh
various places in Kanpur; he also ìPathikî, and his associate, Manikya
incited the local people to attack Lal Verma (who later became the
firangis (British); he died while Chief Minister of Rajasthan) of
resisting the advancing British army Udaipur, and both of whom led a
in the Kanpur region in 1857. [Mutiny ìno-taxî campaign in Bijolia in 1916.
Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta, Hundreds of peasants, including
UPRAA; PP, Further Papers (Mutiny) Anjaan, were arrested, detained and
No. 1; TIM, p.103] severely tortured by the Jail
authorities in Bijolia. Anjaan, Dhuni,
Angadu Singh: Born at v. Sarakhpur, Krishan Meena and Shribhagwan
Jownpore [Jaunpur], the North- could not bear these inhuman feudal
Western Provinces (now Uttar tortures and died in detention.
Pradesh); Zamindar; he took part in [BKAI, pp.100-11; TR, 31 May 1925,
the Uprising of 1857 and fought the RSAB]
British at different places in the
Jaunpur region; he was captured by Ansu: Resident of Jagdalpur area in
the British during their attacks on the Bastar State (now in Chhattisgarh);
rebel forces and charged with took part in the Adivasi (tribal)
ëmurder and rebellion against the Bhumkal ñ revolt of 1910 in the
Britishí; he was sentenced to death Jagdalpur region of Bastar against the
and executed by hanging in 1858 near feudal and colonial exploitation, and
a village in Jaunpur. [Mutiny the tribesí anxiety for maintaining
Records, Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, their distinct ways of life. On 16
UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.10] February 1910, following the direct
confrontation (Indrawati-ford battle)
Anjaan: Belonged to v. Kharipur in between the rebels and the British
Udaipur (Mewar) State (now in distt. where many people died on the rebel
Bhilwara), Rajputana Agency (now side, Ansu and few others escaped
Rajasthan). With thousands of kisans, from the scene and rallied round the
he actively participated in the neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar
peasant movement in the Bijolia Jagir villages. ìOn the night of 25th
where 86 irregular cesses were February, the combined forces
imposed on cultivators by the surrounded the Ulnar hill on which
Thikanedars. The exorbitant exactions the men of Netanar village [the
led the Bijolia peasants in 1905, and rebels] were supposed to be
34 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

encamped. The movement was well Lucknow in November 1857. [Mutiny

executed, and all the aboriginals Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
[tribals] were captured....î Ansu was UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
one among those who had been (1858), UPSAL]
arrested, charged with ìwaging war
against the crownî, and tried along Anwar: Born in Aligarh, the North-
with others between 13 March and Western Provinces (now Uttar
28 April 1910 (known as the Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
Jagdalpur Trial). Seventy eight of the and fought the British during the
rebels, including Ansu, were Uprising of 1857; he also encouraged
detained in Bastar Jail and later in others to attack and kill the British;
June 1910 they were shifted to the he was caught by the British at the
Raipur Central Jail, where he died time of their attacks on the rebels in
(before 7 November 1910) suffering Aligarh, and charged with ësedition,
ill-treatment and tortures by the jail murder and rebellion against the
authorities. [F/Poll (Confidential), Britishí; he was sentenced to death
Nos 60, 29 of 1910, NAI; Jail Records, in 1858 with confiscation of his
Central Jail, Raipur, List of Bastar property; he was executed by
Prisoners, cf HTPB, pp.245-57] hanging. [Mutiny Records, Proc. F/
Deptt. (Judl), NWP, Vol. 74 (1858),
Anushuya Prasad Bahuguna: Resident UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
of Chamoli, Garhwal Division, the (1858), MSAB]
United Provinces (now
Uttarakhand); played an active role Aran Nathu: Resident of Sausar, distt.
in organizing the ìQuit Indiaî Chhindwara, Central Provinces and
movement in Chamoli district in 1942, Berar (now Madhya Pradesh); s/o
arrested for his anti-British activities Laxman Gusain; tailor master. On 4
and sentenced to rigorous February 1932 he was sentenced to
imprisonment, suffered so much six monthsí rigorous imprisonment
physical and mental tortures in jail under Section 4 of Ordinance V of
that he died soon after his release. 1932 on charges of his involvement
[H/Poll, F. Nos.3/16/42, 3/30/42, in the Civil Disobedience movement
NAI; SSKS, GD, pp. 1-2; BSAS, p.137] in the province. He also played a
major role in the ìQuit Indiaî
Anwar Khan: Resident of Lucknow, the movement in the province in 1942.
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar He was arrested and imprisoned in
Pradesh); he took part in the armed the Chhindwara and Amravati
struggle against the firangi-hukumat District Jail, and died in detention.
(British rule) during the Uprising of [H/Poll (FR), F.Nos. 18/8/1942, 18/
1857 and fought the British forces in 9/1942, NAI; FFMPC, I, p.117]
different engagements; he was killed
by the British army in the course of a Arjan Ram: Born in v. Bahadra, Bikaner
confrontation at Bailey Guard, State, (now distt. Bikaner), Rajputana
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 35

Agency (now Rajasthan state); served [Awadh] Province (now Uttar

as Sepoy in the 7/6 Rajpur Regiment Pradesh); he participated in Uprising
of the British-Indian Army; switched of 1857 and also incited his neighours
over to the Indian National Army in in undermining the symbols of
1942; joined as an officer in its 1 st British authority; caught by the
Bahadur Group; fought against the British and put on trial on the charges
British on the Burma (now Myanmar) of ësedition and rebellion against the
front and died in action in 1944. [PCJ British authorityí, he was sentenced
Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, in 1858 to the transportation for life
157 (PA), NAI; MPSSZB, EBIFF, I, with confiscation of property. He
p.30] died in detention in 1859 in the
course of his transportation. [Mutiny
Arjan Singh: Resident of v. Bahdara, Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
p.o. Chhanir, Bikaner State, (now Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
distt. Bikaner) Rajputana Agency
(now Rajasthan); he was a Sepoy in Arjunsingh Dangi: Resident of Saugar
the 7/6 Rajputana Rifles of the (Sagar), Madhya Pradesh; he took
British-Indian Army; he shifted his part in the Uprising of 1857 and
loyalty to the Indian National Army fought the British forces in his area;
in 1942 and joined its 1 st Bahadur he was caught by the British during
Group as Sub-officer, deputed to the an engagement and executed by
battle fields in Burma (now hanging on 14 July 1857. [Mutiny
Myanmar) to confront the British Records, Poll. Deptt. F. No. 16 (1857),
forces, he died in action in Burma in MPSAB]
1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos.460/INA,
12/INA, 464/INA, NAI; ROH, p.651] Asad Ali Khan: Resident of Moradabad,
the NWP Provinces (now Uttar
Arjor Singh: Hailing from Jalaun, Jhansi Pradesh); he took a leading part in
State (now Uttar Pradesh); joined the the Uprising against the British rule
rebel forces during the Uprising of in 1857; he provided financial support
1857 and took part in attacking and to the rebel forces and organised
destroying the British establishments their compaigns; he also encouraged
in Jhansi and its neighboring areas other people to raise their arms for
during 1857 ñ 1858; at the time of the overthrowing the British rule; he was
British recovery of Jhansi in 1858, he captured by the British following
was captured by them; accused of their re-occupation of the
ëtaking part in rebellion against the Moradabad area in 1858; charged
British,í he was sentenced to death with ësedition, aiding and abetting
in 1859. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi the rebellioní; he was executed by
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, hanging at Moradabad in 1858.
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll
Arjun Singh: Resident of the Oudh Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
36 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Asad Wani: Born in 1902 in v. Ashkan- J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.301;
pora, distt. Baramulla, Jammu and WWIM, II, p.98]
Kashmir; s/o Munawwar Wani. A
farmer, he actively participated in the Asghar Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the
political movement for responsible Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uttar
government in Jammu and Kashmir. Pradesh); he joined hands with the
He joined a demonstration at rebel forces during the Uprising of
Hindwara in Baramulla district in 1857 and led the rebels in attacking
February 1932 for protesting against the British authorities and their
the Maharajaís autocracy in the State. establishments in Lucknow; he died
He was killed when the State Army while fighting against the British army
confronted the demonstrators and at Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
fired upon them. [File No. IV, 8; Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II,
p. 347; HMKJAMH, p.330] Asghur Ali Khan: Belonged to
Furruckabad [Farrukhabad], the
Asadullah Gaffar Butt: Born in 1906 in North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
s/o Samad Khan. He took part in the and led them against the British
political movement for responsible during the Uprising of 1857 in parts
government in Jammu and Kashmir of Farruckhabad district; he also
State. He joined a demonstration in provided arms and ammunition to
its support near the Jama Masjid in the rebels fighting in the nearby
Srinagar in July 1931. When the areas; he was caught by the British
demonstrators were fired upon by authorities and put on trial on the
the State Army soldiers, he lost his charges of ëaiding and being a leader
life in the firing. [File No. VI, 13; of the rebellioní; he was sentenced
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; to death in February 1859. [Mutiny
HMKJAMH, p.324] Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt,
Asadullah Gilkar: Born in 1906 in distt. Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
Ghaffar Butt Gilkar. He was a mason Asghuri Begum: Born in 1811, at Thana
by profession and a devoted political Bhavan, Muzaffarnagar, the North-
worker in the movement for Western Provinces (now in Uttar
responsible government in Jammu Pradesh; m/o Qazi Abdul Ruheem
and Kashmir. He played significant Khan, one of the rebel leaders in
role in organizing a protest rally near Thana Bhavan; she participated in the
Jama Masjid in Srinagar in 1931. He local resistance against the British
received grave bullet injuries when forces during the Uprising of 1857;
the State Army soldiers suddenly she was caught by the British when
opened fire on the rally and died on they marched into Muzaffarnagar
the spot. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, and burnt alive in 1858. [Mutiny
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 37

Records, Muzaffarnagar Mutiny suggested to him that the leader of

Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 his party, Ramprasad Bismil, was a
(VII) (1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, p.11] Hindu striving for a Hindu Raj with
no place for Muslims, Ashfaqullah
Asha Devi: Born in. 1829 in a village in replied: ìRam Prasad is not a Hindu
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western to me, he is a Hindustani. Not Hindu
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); she freedom but Hindustanís freedom is
took part in the armed struggle his objectiveî. He took part in the
against the British during the revolutionary raids at Shergunj,
Uprising of 1857; she was captured Bichpuri and other places, led by
by the British forces in one of their Ramprasad Bismil, to raise funds for
attacks on the Muzaffarnagar rebels, the cause of the party. Though not in
and executed on the gallows in 1858. favour personally of attracting the
[Mutiny Records, Muzaffarnagar police attention through such raids,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, and preferred to lay stress on the
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB; WWIM, mobilisational aspects of the
III, p.11] revolutionary movement, he had no
hesitation in joining the majority of
Ashfaqullah Khan: Born in a wealthy his partyís deciding on the fund-
and educated Muslim family in 1900 raising ìpolitical dacoityî at Kakori
at Shahjahanpur, the United (well-known as Kakori Train
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He Dacoity). He was one among the
was well-known for his physical leading figures who executed the
strength, handsome appearance and plan of the Kakori train robbery on 9
good manners. Steadfastly secular, he August 1925. He went underground
was intensely patriotic and had been in September 1925 after the incident,
involved in nationalist activities from absconded for some time and
his school days. When Gandhiji planned to go to Russia via
launched the Non-Co-operation Afghanistan. Betrayed by a friend
movement he gave up his studies and and caught in December 1925 by the
joined it. Actively participating in a police in Delhi, he was tried in the
revolutionary organisation called Sessionís Court, Lucknow,
Matrivedi Sanstha, he joined the (Supplementary Kakori Conspiracy
revolutionary movement and became Case) and sentenced to death on 13
a member of the Hindustan July 1927. Ashfaqullah was kept
Republican Association (HRA) ñ imprisoned in Faizabad Jail and
founded by another great hanged there on 19 December 1927.
revolutionary, Sachindranath Sanyal. [H/Poll, F.No. 253 of 1925; H/Poll,
Ashfaqullah Khan, a poetic mind, F.No. 53 & KW/1927 (Judgement);
came in contact with a poetical H/Judl, F.No.855/1927 (Proc.), NAI;
Ramprasad Bismil and became his TLD, pp.167, 77, 200; MOMI, pp. 67-
trusted revolutionary comrade. 68; SSG, 4, Shahidnama, pp.42-44; IR,
When it was mischievously 4, pp.34-43]
38 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Asuf Khan: Hailed from Allygurh Jainpur, p.o. Jani, distt. Meerut, the
[Aligarh], the North-Western United Provinces (now Uttar
Provinces (now uttar pradesh); he Pradesh). He was earlier in the Hong
participated in the Uprising of 1857 Kong-Singapore Royal Artillery of
and fought against the British in the the British-Indian Army as a Jamadar.
Aligarh region; he marched He decided to desert the earlier
thereafter to Delhi, joined hands with posting and joined the Indian
the rebels there and fought the National Army. He was killed in the
British troops; he died while Allied-forcesí air-strike on the Imphal
confronting the advancing British front while serving his regiment as
forces in Delhi in September 1857. Lieutenant in 1944. [INA Papers, No
[Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp.646-47 WWIM,
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), II, p.4]
Audan Singh: Born in 1887 in v. Gautam
Atar Singh: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the Kheda, distt. Rai Bareli, the United
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
Pradesh); he fought the British forces Ballu Singh. When the police of
at several places in Lucknow during Saraini thana arrested a local young
the Uprising of 1857; he also incited Congress worker during the ìQuit
others to attack and plunder the Indiaî movement, the people
British properties; he died while spontaneously demonstrated and
confronting the British army at rushed towards the police station for
Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in March 1858. obtaining his release. The police then
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny fired upon the demonstrators
Basta, UPRAA] without warning, killing Audan
Singh on 18 August 1942. [H/Poll,
Atiqullah Makhdoomi: Born 1910 in F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 8, p. Fa;
distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; WWIM, II, p.1; BCA, p.117]
s/o Ahad Shah; student. He took part
in the political movement for Audesh Singh: Resident of v. Kurhul,
responsible government in Jammu Mynpooree [Mainpuri], the North-
and Kashmir State under the Western Provinces (now Uttar
leadership of the National Pradesh); Kaith; he was a Jemadar
Conference. He was killed in the State [Jamadar] in the Contingent Guards
armyís firing while participating in a of the Agra Central Prison; he
demonstration against the autocratic deserted with his arms on 23 June
rule at the Khankah-i-Mualla in 1857 to join the rebel forces during
Srinagar in 1946. [File No. IV, 8; the Uprising of 1857; he moved
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, towards Delhi with others and
p.14; EBIFF, Vol.1, p. 39] fought against the British troops; he
was killed in 1857 in an encounter
Attal Singh: Resident of v. Shahpur- with the British army. [Mutiny
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 39

Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Uprising of 1857; he took part in

UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) fighting the British at various places
(1858), MSAB] in the Allahabad region and also
incited the people to raise their arms
Auga Jan: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar against the British rule; he was
Pradesh; Mughal; he was a Jemadar caught by the British troops during
[Jamadar] in the Armed Guards their raids on the Allahabad area, and
Contingent at the Agra Central convicted on the charges of ërobbery
Prison; he left the British service in and rebellion against the Britishí; he
June 1857 to participate in the was sentenced to death in July 1857
Uprising of 1857. Along with others, executed by hanging. [Parliamentary
he marched towards Delhi and joined Papers, Further Paper (Mutiny) No.1;
the rebelsí fighting against the TIM, p.209]
British; he died while resisting the
advancing British army in the Delhi Autar Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
region in September 1857. [Mutiny Division, the United Provinces (now
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, File Sl. Uttarakhand); he was earlier a Soldier
No. 69, UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the
No. 57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 British-Indian Army but shifted his
(V) (1858), MSAB] loyalty to the Indian National Army
in 1942; he served the INA as Lance-
Aurood: Belonged to Jhansee [Jhansi], Naik in the 3rd Infantry Battalion; he
the North-Western Provinces (now fought against the British forces and
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel died on the battle ground at Mitha
forces in fighting against the British Haka, Burma (now Myanmar) in
during the 1857 Uprising; he also 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
participated in plundering the British 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
properties and passing on the p.15]
proceeds to the rebels for meeting
military expenses; captured by the Avadhoot Singh: Belonged to
British army when it faced the rebels Babhanganwan, the North-Western
in 1858, he was put to death in 1859 Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
on the charges of plundering, joined hands with the rebels of the
murder and rebellion against the Amorha state (now in distt. Basti)
Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi during the Uprising of 1857, and
Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, fought the British forces at several
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] places; he was caught by the British
at the time of their attacks on the
Aushruf Alee: Belonged to Allahabad, Amorha state, and executed by
the North-Western Provinces (now hanging from a ëPipal Treeí in 1858.
Uttar Pradesh); he was Chuprasee [Mutiny Records, Monument of
[Chaprasi] under the British authority, Chhawani, cited in LL1857, pp.20-26]
but left it and participated in the
40 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Avtar Misr: Hailed from Jaunpur, the duties near Indo-Burma border in
North-Western Provinces (now uttar 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.379/INA
pradesh); s/o Sardar; joining the (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.18]
Revolt of 1857, he took part in a
skirmish with the Tehsildarís troops Ayodhy Persad: Born in Etawah, the
at Sonth, Jaunpur, on 20 March 1858 North-Western Provinces (now uttar
along with his associates; he was pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
captured on the same day and put of his area during the Uprising of
on trial for fighting on the side of 1857, and fought against the British
the rebels; he received death sentence at several places in Etawah; he also
and was hanged on 29 March 1858. offered financial support to other
[Mutiny Records, Jaunpur Mutiny, rebels and encouraged them to attack
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.46 the British establishments; he was
(III) (1858), MSAB] killed while confronting the
advancing British army in Etawah in
Avtar Singh: Resident of Futtehpore 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Etawah Mutiny
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50
Provinces (now uttar pradesh): he (VII) (1858), MSAB]
joined hands with the rebel forces
during the Uprising of 1857, and Ayodhya: Born in v. Khamrabhar, p.o.
fought the British troops at various & ps. Kaptanganj, distt. Deoria, Uttar
places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region; Pradesh; s/o Ramkishan. He took
he also provided financial support to part in a procession taken out in
the local rebels and encouraged them connection with the ìQuit Indiaî
to attack the British positions; he was movement in a village, Majhwa Tola,
killed by the British in one of their Kaptanganj. When the procession
raids on rebels in 1857. [Mutiny suddenly came under police firing,
Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta Ayodhya recieved gun-shot and died
(Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA] on the spot in 1942. [H/poll, F.No.
3/16/42, NAI; SSKS, 36, pp. 25, 26 &
Awadh Jarnadhan: Resident of v. ka]
Bahadara, p.o. Chhanir, Bikaner State
(now distt. Bikaner), Rajputana Ayodhya: Hailed from Jaunpur, the
Agency (now Rajasthan); he was North-Western Provinces (now uttar
formerly a Havildar [Hawaldar] clerk pradesh); s/o Gur Dayal; he fought
in the Supply and Maintenance Corps for the rebel forces in the Uprising
of the British-Indian Army; later he of 1857 and participated in the
changed his loyalties from the British looting of the Government treasury
Colonial Army to the newly in the city; he was caught and tried
established Indian National Army in for ëloot and attempt to murder a
1942 and served it as Head Clerk in thanedarí and subsequently
the 3rd Guerrilla Regiment; he laid sentenced to death; he was executed
down his life while performing his by hanging on 16 October 1857.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 41

[Mutiny Records, Jaunpur Mutiny, [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny

Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.46 Basta, UPRAA]
(III) (1858), MSAB]
Azeemullah: Resident of the North-
Ayodhya: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] Western Provinces (now Uttar
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); joined Pradesh); he participated in the
hands with the anti-British forces Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged
during the 1857 Uprising, and fought his neighbourhood to raise its arms
against the British whenever their for overthrowing the British
soldiers attacked this region; he was authorities; he marched towards
caught by the British in the course of Delhi, joined the rebel forces there,
an engagement and charged with and fought the British troops in
ëmurder and rebellion against the different engagements; he was killed
Britishí; he was sentenced to death while confronting the advancing
and executed by hanging in 1858. British forces in Delhi in 1857.
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl [Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57, NAI;
Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858),
Ayub Khan: Resident of v. Nahr, distt.
Poonch, Jammu State (now Jammu Azim Singh: Resident of teh.
and Kashmir). He was earlier a Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt.
havildar [Hawaldar] in the 4/9 Jat Alwar), Rajputana Agency (now
Regiment of the British-Indian Army Rajasthan); participated in a meeting
but left it to join the Indian-National of the kisan agitators at Neemuchana
Army in 1942. Soon after his induction on 14 May 1925 to remonstrate
in the INA as Lieutenant in the 3rd against the Maharajaís oppressive
Guerrilla Regiment, he fought the administration and his land
British in several pitched battles on settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
the Indo-Burma boarder and was settlement the Biswedari rights of the
killed in action near Imphal Rajputs were forfeited and the land
(Manipur), possibly in 1944. [INA revenue had been increased by fifty
Papers, 1/INA, NAI; EBIFF, Vol.1, per cent. Though all agriculturists
p.42; WWIM, II, p.16] were affected adversely by it, the
Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing
Azam Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the the news of the kisan gathering, the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in Maharaja sent his State Army to
Uttar Pradesh); he participated the counter the rallyists at Neemuchana.
Uprising of 1857, and also incited The troops surrounded the village,
other people to raise their arms blocked all the exits from it and
against the British; he fought at opened fire on the protesters without
different places against the British any prior warning. Azim Singh was
army and died in the battle of injured in the indiscriminate firing
Chinhat, Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. and died. Simultaneously with this
42 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

assault, the village was also set on Muslim orphanage and was possibly
fire by the State troops. [Alwar Judl, educated at the Kanpur Free School,
F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 where he learnt English and French.
May, 14 June 1925; Newspapersí Teaching in the Government School
Cuttings, Basta No 29, F.No. 2, for some time, he later became the
Riyasat, 13 November 1936, RSAB; Vakeel or prime agent of Nana Sahib,
PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao
191 (PA), NAI] II. Rising thus from a humble origin
to the position of Nana Sahib Peshwa
Azimoodeen: Resident of Katra, Bahadurís spokesperson, Azimullah
Allahabad, the North-Western went to England to plead for his
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he employerís pension case and stayed
joined the rebels of his locality during there for over two years. Failed in
the Uprising of 1857 and fought his mission and returned to India via
against the British forces in Crimea and Constantinople after
Allahabad; he also took part in seizing seeing ìthose great Roostums, the
the British treasury and making use Russians, who have beaten the French
of its contents to buy arms; he was and English togetherî, Azimullah
caught by the British troops in one Khan propagated anti-British feelings
of their raids on Allahabad, and among Indians and took an active
charged with ëlooting and rebellion part in the 1857 uprising against the
against the Britishí; he was executed British rule. As a confidant, he
by hanging from a tree in 1857. advised Nana Sahib to lead the rebels
[Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny from Kanpur instead of going to
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 Delhi. He himself played a prominent
(IX) (1858), MSAB] role in organising the revolt of 1857
at Kanpur, toured the important
Azimuddin: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the stations in Northern India and
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar advocated Hindu-Muslim unity all
Pradesh); he fought the British forces along. Despite some talk of his
during the Uprising of 1857, and also having a hand in the Kanpur
encouraged others to resist the Massacre, Azimullah outshone most
British rule; he died while others in competently planning and
confronting the British army at leading the outbreak, as well as in
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in trying hard to secure help from
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, Turkey and Egypt against the
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. English. After the failure of the revolt,
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] Azimullah Khan accompanied his
master, Nana Sahib, to Nepal and
Azimullah Khan: Born in 1834 probably died at Bhutwal (Nepal), in
(probably), at Kanpur, North October 1859, following an illness.
Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mil Deptt, F.Nos. 515 of October
Pradesh). He was brought up in a 1857, 341-342 of 1857, 3 of 1857, NAI;
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 43

MOMI, pp.15-16; WWIM, III, p.13] vociferous procession was moving

on, the State military force intervened
Aziz Shah: b. 1881; resident of to stop it. In the ensuing clash
Malikgund, distt. Anantnag, Jammu between the two, the military force
and Kashmir; s/o Sadiq Shah; suddenly opened indiscriminate
Religious preacher; took active part firing on the rallyists in which Aziz
in the political movement for Sofi alias Ali Waza was killed on the
responsible government in Jammu spot at the age of 50. [File No. V, 8;
and Kashmir State. Participated in a MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF,
procession, demonstrating against pp.409-10; EIBFF, I, p. 43; WWIM, II,
the Maharajaís autocratic rule, at p. 16; HMKJAMH, p.323]
Shopian on 21 September 1931 and
was killed in the police firing on the Azizuddin: Resident of Lucknow, the
same day. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.43; Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the
WWIM, II, p.16] Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged
others to raise their arms against the
Aziz Shah: Born in 1881 in p.s. Shopian, British rule; he fought the British
distt. Anantnag, Jammu and forces at different places in the
Kashmir; s/o Sadiq Shah. He took Lucknow region and was killed by
part in the widespread agitation the British army during an encounter
against the Maharajaís despotic rule at Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in
during the movement for responsible November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
government in Jammu and Kashmir. Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
While participating in a protest rally Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
at Shopian in 1939, Aziz Shah was
killed on the spot in the firing by the Azmutoollah: Born in Puthra,
State police. [File No. I M.C., 8; Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; HMKJAH, Western Provinces (now Uttar
p.323] Pradesh); he joined hands with the
rebels during the Uprising of 1857
Aziz Sofi alias Ali Waza: Born in 1881 in and fought against the British; he
distt. Anantnag, Jammu and provided financial support to the local
Kashmir; s/o Siddiq Waza. When the rebels and also incited others to raise
people of Islamabad observed a arms against the British for
complete hartal on 23 September 1931 overthrowing their exploitative rule;
to register their protest against the he was killed in the course of fighting
arrest of Sheikh Mohammad with the British troops in 1858; his
Abdullah ñ a prominent leader of the property was confiscated thereafter.
movement for responsible [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur, Mutiny
government ñ he took part in the Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
protest demonstration organized at (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Shopian (Anantnag). While the
44 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Baba Bhagwan DasYadav: Resident of Maharaja at Rajouri in October 1931,
v. Kurha Kasanahi, distt. Jaunpur, the he was killed when the State army
United Provinces (now Uttar suddenly opened fire on the
Pradesh). A political activist, he was protestors. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
arrested on the trumped up charge J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.181;
of murder during the ìQuit Indiaî HMKJAMH, p. 327]
movement. He died on the gallows
in August 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/ Baboo Ram Deen: Resident of Jhansee
42, NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.379] [Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he joined the
anti-British forces in Jhansi during
Babbu Ram: Born in 1922 in v. Auraiya, the 1857 Uprising; he fought the
distt. Etawah, (now Uttar Pradesh); British troops at various places in
s/o Shiv Din Prasutia. He took part Jhansi and its neighborhood; he was
in a demonstration taken out in caught and imprisoned on the
connection with the ìQuit Indiaî charges of ërebellion against the
movement at Auraiya village on 12 Britishí; he died in detention in 1858.
August 1942. The protesters had to [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
face police firing on that day in which Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll
he received bullet wounds and died Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB]
subsequently. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/
42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.16; BCA, p. 114] Baboo Ram: Resident of Jounpore
[Jaunpur], the North-Western
Bablu Malik: Resident of v. Darbal, distt. Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); soon
Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o after the outbreak of the Uprising of
Pira Malik. He actively participated 1857 he joined the anti-British forces
in the political movement for and fought throughout in the Jaunpur
responsible government in Jammu region; he also incited others in
and Kashmir State. Taking part in a Jaunpur to take up arms against the
protest rally against the autocratic British rule; in course of the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 45

operation in this area, he was caught tion movement. He was arrested and
and imprisoned on the charges of sent to Lucknow jail. Heavily
ësedition and rebellioní against the tortured by the police, he died there
British; he died in detention in 1858. in detention early in 1922. [H/poll
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS,
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll 36, p. 9]
Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
Babu Bhai: Hailed from Bundi (city)
Baboo Singh: Hailed from Unnao, the State (now distt. Bundi), the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces carpenter; b/o Abdul Razzaq. During
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 the Second World War the Maharaja
Uprising; he marched towards Delhi of Bundi forcibly collected grains
while fighting against the British from his subjects under the policy of
forces; he escaped to his region after levy of grains for feeding the
the British reoccupation of Delhi in soldiers. While soldiers were being
September 1857; he died in 1858 while fed, the people suffered on account
resisting the advancing British army of drought in the region. On 2 August
in the Unnao region. [Mutiny 1942 a big crowd, including Babu
Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta, Bhai, gathered in the Bundi town to
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) protest against the Stateís levy of
(1858), MSAB] grains. The police, who had been
ordered to disperse the protesters,
Baboo: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] resorted to lathi-charge. Babu Bhai
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); took was severely injured in the lathi
part in the fighting against the British charge and died on the same day.
during the Uprising of 1857; he also [Sujas, No.4, June-July 1998, Jaipur,
incited others to join hands with the p.65]
rebels; he was caught by the British
troops and sentenced to transporta- Babu Bhurji: Resident of Motilal Bagh,
tion for life in 1858 on the charges of disst. Sitapur, the United Provinces
rebellion against the Britishí; he died (now Uttar Pradesh). On 18 August
in detention before his transporta- 1942 many people from various parts
tion. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. of the district gathered in Motilal
(Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL; Bagh for taking part in a demonstra-
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), tion organized in connection with the
MSAB] ìQuit Indiaî movement, Babu Bhurji
also joined the gathering. Soon the
Babu Awadh Narain: Resident of distt. policemen reached the location, lathi-
Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. As a charged to disperse the crowd and
Congress worker he took active part opened fire on them. He received
in organizing the anti-British severe bullet injuries in this
agitators during the Non-coopera- indiscriminate firing and succumbed
46 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

to these on that day. [H/poll F.No. As a political activist, he took an

3/30/42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS, 16, pp. important part in organizing a protest
pa & bha] demonstration at Madhuban on 15
August 1942 during the ìQuit Indiaî
Babu Jai Ram: Resident of Lucknow, the movement, and against the police
Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uttar raid on the local Congress office two
Pradesh); he joined the Uprising of days earlier (13 August). When this
1857 and played a significant role in demonstration reached the
organizing the rebel forces and in Madhuban Thana, it was fired upon,
attacking the British authorities and killing Babu Ram Koeri on the spot.
their establishments in Lucknow; he [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
died while resisting the British army RORCG; BCA, p. 126; WWIM, I, p.182]
at Dargah Hazrat Abbas, Lucknow
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Babu Ram: Belonged to v. Chirwahia,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Tola Shishhan, p.o. Maghi, ps. Nebua
Naurangia, distt. Deoria, Uttar
Babu Lal Kurmi: Hailed from v. Pradesh; s/o Parsad. He took part in
Kuddaria, distt. Jaunpur, Uttar demonstrations during the ìQuit
Pradesh. He actively participated in Indiaî movement in 1942 in Deoria.
the sabotage programme during the He was killed when the
ìQuit Indiaî movement. He was demonstration he participated was
severely wounded in the firing of a fired upon by the police. [H/poll
military patrol on 13 August 1942 F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS,
while trying to blow up a bridge on 36, pp. 25, 26 & Kha]
the road between Machhlishahr and
Badshahpurh. He was admitted in a Babhu Ram Sharma: Born in v.
hospital at Pratapgarh where he died Akhtiyarpur, distt. Shahajahanpur,
of his wounds. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/ the United Provinces Now Uttar
42, NAI: WWIM, I, p.16; BCA, p. 114] Pradesh), s/o Rameshwar Deyal.
Being a dedicated Youth Congress
Babu Rai Kahri: Born in distt. Deoria, worker, he was arrested by the
the United Provinces (now Uttar British police on the charge of his
Pradesh); s/o Thakur Singh. He was involvement in the Individual
killed in the police firing while taking Satyagraha. He died in jail during his
part in the demonstration during the imprisonment, probably in 1941. [H/
ìQuit Indiaî movement in August Poll, F.N. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 20, p.
1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; ka]
RORCG; WWIM, II, pp.136-137]
Bachan Singh: Hailed from the Garhwal
Babu Ram Koeri: Resident of v. Division, the United Provinces (now
Chirahiyava Tola Kuthilva, distt. Uttarakhand); he was a Havildar
Deoria, the United Provinces (now [Hawaldar] in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Dudhnath Koeri. of the British-Indian Army; he
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 47

shifted his loyalty to the Indian Chaprasi in the revenue department;

National Army in 1942 and served it he gave up the government job and
as a Havildar [Hawaldar] in the 3rd joined hands with the rebel forces of
Infantry Battalion; he died on the the 1857 Uprising; he was caught and
battle ground while fighting against put on trial for his involvement in the
the British forces at Yeu, Burma (now killing of a British official; he was
Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers, sentenced to capital punishment and
F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA (1945), NAI; executed by hanging till death on 18
WWIM, II, p.17] November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Jaunpur Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA; Poll
Bachi Singh Bhandari: Resident of the Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB]
Garhwal Division, the United
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); earlier Badal Khan: Resident of Banda, the
he was a Lance-Naik in the 5/18 North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Garhwal Rifles of the British-Indian Pradesh); he participated in the
Army but shifted his loyalty to the Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Indian National Army in 1942; posted the British forces in the Banda region;
as Lance-Naik in the 3 rd Infantry he also provided financial support to
Battalion, he fought against the Allied the local people and incited them to
forces at Trawang, Burma (now raise their arms against the British
Myanmar) where he was killed on and the pro-British faithfuls; he was
the battle ground in 1944. [INA caught during an engagement with
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 221/INA, the advancing British troops in Banda,
NAI; WWIM, II, p.33] and charged with ësedition and
rebellion with violenceí, sentenced to
Bachi Singh: Belonged to the Garhwal death with confiscation of property
Division, the United Provinces (now in May 1858; he was executed by
Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny
5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- Records, Banda Mutiny, Basta,
Indian Army; he left the British UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
service to join the Indian National (1858), MSAB]
Army in 1942 and served it as a
Lance-Naik in the 3 rd Infantry Badal: Born in 1870 in v. Puretmoli, p.o.
Battalion; he was killed while Majre Bela Bhela, distt. Rai Bareli, the
fighting against the British forces at United Provinces (now Uttar
Trawang, Burma (now Myanmar) in Pradesh). The police arrest of the
1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, kisan leaders during the Non-
379/INA (1946),NAI; WWIM, II, Cooperation movement (1921) was
p.17] deeply resented by the kisans of the
district. Shouting slogans against the
Badal Khan: Hailed from Jaunpur, the administration, thousands of them
North-Western Provinces (now uttar gathered in Munshiganj for
pradesh); s/o Manga Khan; he was a demanding their leadersí immediate
48 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

release. When the gathering [Shahjahanpur], the North-Western

appeared to have turned hostile, the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
police opened fire on it, killed Badal Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the B.
on the spot in 1921. [H/poll F.No. Company of the British-Indian army;
563/III/1922, NAI; SSKS, 8, p. ja] he left the British employment
during the Uprising of 1857 and
Badan Rai: Belonged to the Achalpur joined hands with the rebels for
region, Madhya Pradesh; he took fighting against the British rule; he
part in the Uprising of 1857 and was caught in 1858 while resisting the
fought the British forces at several British forces, and sentenced to
places in his area; he was caught by death on the charges of ëdesertion
the British during their attack on the and mutiny against the British
rebels and executed by hanging on 5 authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra
April 1858. [Mutiny Records, Poll. Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
Deptt., Vol. No. 56 (1859), MSAB] Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Baddari: Belonged to Lucknow, the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Badloo: Born in Raipur, aroused by the
Pradesh); he took part in the fighting speech that Hanuman Singh,
against the British forces at several Magazine Lashkar in the British
places in Lucknow during the Army (who assassinated Major
Uprising of 1857, and also incited his Cidwel at his residence on 18 January
neighbourhood to rise against the 1858) delivered before a sepoy
British rule; he was killed in an audience on the same day; Badloo
engagement with the British army at joined the rebel soldiers in Raipur;
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in involved in the killing of British army
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, officers; with 16 other rebel soldiers,
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. he was arrested by the British; tried,
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] convicted and sentenced to death;
hanged in Raipur on 22 January 1858.
Baddu Mahajan: Born in Jahanabad, [Parliamentary Papers, Further
Madhya Pradesh; he joined hands Papers (Mutiny) No.4, 1857-58, NAI,
with the rebels of his area during the CKI, 1740-1947, p.171]
Uprising of 1857; he also provided
financial support to the rebel forces Badlu Khan: Resident of Lucknow, the
in his locality and encouraged them Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
to attack the British establishments; Pradesh); he took part in the
he was caught by the advancing resistance against the British rule
British army and hanged in 1858. during the Uprising of 1857 and
[Mutiny Records, Poll. Deptt. Vol. fought the British forces at different
No. 106 (1859), MSAB] locations; he was killed by the British
army in an encounter at Bailley
Badeo: Resident of Shahjehanpoor Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 49

[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny that Motilal Tejawat had not found
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh it difficult to mobilise them in 1921-
(1858), UPSAL] 22 against forced labour and high rate
of land revenue. [F/Poll Proc
Badlu: Born in Phelwa under Garhi Jagir (Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March 1914;
in Banswara State (now distt. Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI;
Banswara), Rajputana Agency (now BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47
Rajasthan); took part in the Bhagat (referred in connection with the
Bhil movement in southern Rajasthan incident)]
that Govindgiri started in 1907,
preaching monotheism among the Badre Ali: Born in 1808, Allahabad, the
Bhils and Kolis of Dungarpur and United Provinces (now Uttar
Banswara States. Soon Govindgiriís Pradesh); participated in the Uprising
socio-religious endeavour changed of 1857; he joined the rebel forces of
into a politico-economic movement, Nawab Fazil Mohammad Khan of
against the extraction of Begar (forced Ambapani to fight against the British
labour) and exploitation of the Bhils forces in the Saugor region; caught
by the petty officials of the by the British troops during their re-
Dungarpur and Banswara States and occupation of Rahatgarh fort in
Sunth (a small state in Gujarat). Badlu January 1858, he was charged with
was one among those thousands of ërebellion against the British and
Bhagat Bhils, who joined this aiding the rebellioní and executed by
movement and warned the hanging at the front gate of the
Dungarpur and Banswara rulers in Rahatgarh Fort on 29 January 1858.
the first week of November 1913, [Mutiny Papers, Vol. V, NAIB; Poll
either to remove the main grievance Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB]
of the Bhils, or to face the
overthrowing of the Statesí authority Badri Datt: Resident of v. Koteshwar,
to oppress and ill-treat them. The distt. Almora, Kumaon Division, the
militancy of the Bhils and their United Provinces (now
gathering in Mangarh hill so Uttarakhand); s/o Hari Datt; he was
unnerved the British that they sent in the service of the British-Indian
their own troops along with those of Army as a Sepoy till 1942; thereafter
the States to lay siege on Mangarh he shifted his loyalty to the Indian
hill and disperse the gathering. On National Army by enrolling himself
17 November 1913 the combined as Sepoy in the 3/1 Guerrilla
troops attacked the Bhil position and Regiment; he laid down his life while
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai fighting the British near the Indo-
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did Burma border in 1944. [INA Papers,
not give up till many of them were F.No.403/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.18;
injured, 900 captured and 25, EBIFF, I, p. 49]
including Badlu, killed. The incident
did awaken the tribesmen so much Badri Gaderiya: Hailed from v. Jogiya
50 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

distt. Gorakhpur, the United charges of ëdesertion and mutiny

Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). On against the British authoritiesí.
23 August 1942 approximately 25000 [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
people gathered during the ìQuit Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
Indiaî movement in Doharia to (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol.
resolve to fight-against the British No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
rule and achieve their freedom.
When the people came in direct Bagh Singh: Born in 1905, resident of v.
confrontation with the administra- Chhani, distt. Almora, Kumaon
tion and the situation went out of Division, United Provinces (now
hands, the police opened fire on the Uttarakhand); s/o Kheem Singh;
agitating satyagrahis and killed 11 became a member of Chanauda
persons. Badri Gaderiya was among Gandhi Ashram and took an active
those killed in the firing on the same part in the ìQuit Indiaî movement;
day. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; while joining in a procession in
RORCG; SSKS, 36, p. 2 & 26] Chanauda that was fired upon by the
British forces, Bagh Singh was shot
Badri Ram: Resident of v. Mehandpur, dead on the spot along with five
Jaipur State (now distt. Jaipur), the other ashramites. [PCJ Papers, Acc.
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA),
enrolled as Sepoy in the 7/8 Punjab NAI; WWIM, I, p.19; SSKS, KD: p.3;
Regiment of the British-Indian Army; BSAS: p. 129]
left it in 1942 to join the Indian
National Army and served as soldier Baghi Sangram Singh: Resident of v.
in the 3rd Guerrilla Regiment; fought Navarhia, distt. Jaunpur, Uttar
against the British forces on the Pradesh. He took part in the
Burma (now Myanmar) front; he campaign against the British rule
died in an encounter with the enemy during the ìQuit Indiaî movement
in 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.15 /INA in 1942. While participating in an anti-
(1944), NAI; WWIM, II, p.18] British demonstration in Jaunpur he
received severe bullet wounds in the
Badul Khan: Resident of Soonth kee police firing and died. [H/Poll, F.No.
Mundeo, Agra, the North-Western 3/30/42, NAI: WWIM, I, p.20]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Maiwatee [Mewati]; he was a Sepoy Baha Bhut: Resident of Cawnpore
in the B. Company of the British- (Kanpur), the North-Western
Indian army; he left the British Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
service during the Uprising of 1857 joined the anti-British rebel troops
and joined hands with the rebels for during the Uprising of 1857; while
taking part in fighting against the confronting the British attempts at re-
British rule; he was caught in 1858 occupying Kanpur in the second half
while resisting the advancing British of 1857, he was caught by the enemy
forces, and sentenced to death on the and sentenced to death in December
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 51

1857 on charges of ërebellion against [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny,

the Britishí; Baha was executed soon Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.I,
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur No.43B (1859), MSAB]
Mutiny Basta, 1857, UPRAA; Poll
Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X) (1858), MSAB] Bahadoor Khan: Resident of Kotwali,
Allahabad, North-Western Provinces
Bahadoor Ally: Resident of Saugar (now Uttar Pradesh); he led the local
(Sagar), Madhya Pradesh; he fought rebels and fought against the British
against the British forces during the forces during the Uprising of 1857;
Uprising of 1857; caught by the he also encouraged others to give
British at the time of their counter- necessary support to the rebels in
attacks on the rebels, he was their confrontation with the British;
executed by hanging on 19 February he was caught in an engagement with
1858. [Mutiny Records, Poll. Deptt. the British in the Allahabad region,
Vol. III, No. 43D, MSAB] and charged with ësedition and
rebellion against the Britishí,
Bahadoor Jusso Singh: Belonged to sentenced to death and executed by
Aligarh, the North-Western hanging in 1860. [Mutiny Records,
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he PP, Further Paper No.8A]
joined the rebel forces as soon as the
Uprising of 1857 started in Aligarh; Bahadur Ali (Salar): Born in Lucknow,
he fought against the British in the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now
Aligarh and its nearby areas before Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
his capture by the British army; Uprising of 1857 and played a
charged with ëplundering and significant role in organizing the
rebellion against the Britishí, he was rebel forces of his region; he led the
sentenced to death in August 1859. rebels in attacking the British
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl authorities and their establishments
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll at several places in Lucknow; he died
Deptt, Vol.I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] while fighting against the British
army at Mohammad Bagh, Lucknow
Bahadoor Khan: Resident of Banda, the in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Pradesh); he provided arms and
money to the local rebels during the Bahadur Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the
Uprising of 1857, and incited them Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uttar
to attack and kill the British; he was Pradesh); he took part in the
caught by the advancing British Uprising of 1857 and led a group of
troops while fighting in defence of rebels in attacking the British and
Banda; charged with ëmurder, aiding their establishments in Lucknow on
and instigating the rebellioní, and several occasions; he died while
sentenced to death in September fighting against the British army in
1858, he was executed by hanging. Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
52 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl

Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Bahadur Ali: Resident of v. Bhagohi,
distt. Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir; Bahadur Khan: Born in Lucknow, the
s/o Nazar Gujar. He took an active Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
part in the political movement for Pradesh); he joined the resistance
responsible government in Jammu against the British rule during the
and Kashmir State. He participated Uprising of 1857 and fought the
in a demonstration at Rajouri to British forces in different
protest against the autocratic rule in engagements; he was killed by the
the State in October 1931. When the British army in the course of an
State army indiscriminately opened encounter at Bailley Guard,
fire upon the demonstrators, Bahadur Lucknow, in November 1857.
Ali was killed in the firing. [File No. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
WWIM, II, p.19; HMKJAMH, p. 323] (1858), UPSAL]

Bahadur Alley Khan: Resident of Bahadur Singh: Belonged to Futtehpore

Faizabad, the Oudh [Awadh] [Fatehpur], the North-Western
Province (now in Uttar Pradesh); he Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
joined hands with the rebel forces Thakur Vikram Singh (big
during the Uprising of 1857 and landowner); joined the rebel forces
proceeded to Lucknow; he fought under the Leadership of his cousin,
against the British in a number of Thakur Daryao Singh, and fought
engagements in Lucknow; he was against the British forces in the
caught by the British army and Fatehpur and Banda regions during
hanged at Machhi Bhawan, Lucknow, the Uprising of 1857; he was killed
in June 1857. [Mutiny Records, while in action against the British in
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Banda in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1857), Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-
UPSAL] 59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.15]

Bahadur Khan: Born in Bareilly, Uttar Bahadur Singh: Born in 1890, resident
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces of v. Khumand Patti, distt. Almora,
under the leadership of Khan Kumaon Division, United Provinces
Bahadur Khan (the rebel leader of (now Uttarakhand); s/o Padam
the Rohilkhand region), and took Singh; educated up to second
part in attacking and fighting the standard; an agriculturalist; joined
British at several places during the the Congress party and was actively
1857 Uprising; he was caught by the involved in the ìQuit Indiaî
advancing British army in movement in Almora in 1942; he
Rohilkhand and executed by hanging participated in a procession at
in 1860 at Bareilly. [Mutiny Records, Sumand Patti in Almora that was
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 53

fired upon by the British forces; he Bahadur Singh: Resident of the Central
was killed on the spot along with 3 Provinces and Berar (now Madhya
others. [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, Pradesh); took a leading role in the
F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA), NAI; anti-British Uprising of 1857 in the
WWIM, I, p.20; SSKS, KD: p.3; BSAS: southern part of the Central Provinces
p.129] and Berar (Mandla and Seoni
districts); in the course of the tumult
Bahadur Singh: Hailed from Jammu and he was caught by the British forces
Kashmir State. He was formerly a and awarded capital punishment by
Sepoy in the 2/17 Dogra Regiment hanging. [Mutiny Papers, III, NAIB;
of the British-Indian Army. He left Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858),
his earlier appointment and MSAB; WWIM, V, III, p.15]
voluntarily joined the Indian
National Army as a soldier in the 2nd Bahadur Singh: Resident of v. Khaga,
Guerrilla Regiment. He fought on the Futtehpure [Fatehpur], the North-
Imphal front against the British army Western Provinces (now Uttar
where he died on the battle ground, Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur];
possibly late in 1944. [INA Papers, F. Zamindar; he took a leading part in
No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, p.661] the Uprising against the British rule
in 1857; he participated in several
Bahadur Singh: Hailed from Nimar, the engagements against the British
Central India Agency (now Madhya forces under the leadership of
Pradesh); joined the anti-British rebel Thakur Daryao Singh; he was killed
forces of the Uprising of 1857; played during an encounter with the British
a decisive role in fighting the British troops in 1858 at Taraunha, Banda.
forces at Mandleshwar Battle in 1857; [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
captured and sentenced to Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA; WWIM,
transportation for life, he died in III, p.117]
detention. [Mutiny Papers, V, III,
NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) Bahadur Singh: Resident of v.
(1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, p.15] Malldanpat Patti, distt. Almora,
Kumaon Division, the United
Bahadur Singh: Resident of distt. Provinces (now Uttarakhand); he was
Almora, Kumaon Division, the a Sepoy in the 2/9 Gurkha Regiment
United Provinces (now of the British-Indian Army; he
Uttarakhand); joined the the Indian shifted his loyalty to the Indian
National Army in Malaya in 1942; he National Army in Malaya in 1942 and
died fighting the British forces in joined its 1st Guerilla Regiment as
pitched battles in Burma (Myanmar) Lance-Naik; deployed on the Indo-
in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos.1/INA, Burma front, he laid down his life
379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, while repulsing a serious British
p.329] attack on INAís Pyinmana Camp,
Burma (now Myanmar). [INA Papers,
54 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

F.Nos. 403/INA, 498/INA (1945), 379/ Bahur: Born in Futtehpore [Fatehpur],

INA (1946); NAI; EBIFF, I, p.51] the North-Western Provinces (now
uttar pradesh); he participated in the
Bahadur: Born in v. the Oudh [Awadh] Uprising of 1857, and also incited his
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); took neighbours to take up their arms
a leading part locally in the Uprising against the British; he was captured
of 1857; he provided arms and by the British troops during their
financial support to the local rebels, attacks on Fatehpur in 1857, and
and encouraged them to attack the executed soon thereafter. [Mutiny
British officials; with the assistance Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta,
of a few, he killed a British officer UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI)
and captured the treasury; he was (1858), MSAB]
caught by the British troops during
their attack on his village and Baijnath Prasad Gupta: Born in 1910 in
executed in 1858; his property was distt. Allahabad, the United
also confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). A
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858- businessman by profession, he
59), UPSAL] actively participated in the ìQuit
Indiaî movement. When the British
Bahori Singh: Resident of v. Garhi Sahja, soldiers came heavily upon the
teh. Etmadpur, distt. Agra, the demonstrators at the Chowk,
United Provinces (now Uttar Allahabad, on 12 August 1942, he was
Pradesh). In 1930, Agra witnessed a caught in the machine-gun firing and
Congress-backed kisan movement died on the same day. [H/Poll, F.No.
for non-payment of taxes during the 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, pp.121-122;
Civil Disobedience movement. When, BCA, p.104]
consequent to this ìno-taxî
campaign, the peasants of Garhi Sahja Baijnath Prasad: Hailed from distt.
village received some reprieve from Ballia, Uttar Pradesh; s/o Mangal
land taxes; a few Zamindars of the Ram. He actively participated in the
tehsil, however, maneuvered ñ with agitations organized during the
the help of local officials ñ to secure ìQuit Indiaî movement in 1942. He
confiscation warrants against was arrested in this connection and
peasants for non-payment. They brutally beaten to death by the police
incited the police to start confiscating in 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
the peasantsí crops and cattle, RORCG; WWIM, I, p.21; BCA, p.119]
resulting in serious kisan-police
clashes. Bahori Singh ñ one of the Baijnath: Resident of Lucknow, the
kisan resisters ñ was involved in a Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
clash such as these, and died of police Pradesh); he took part in the armed
firing on the spot in 1930. [H/Poll, opposition to the British rule and
F.Nos. 23/54/1930; NAI; SSKS, 33, engaged the British forces at
pp.46 & 47] different places during the Uprising
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 55

of 1857; he was killed by the British injured in the police firing and died
army in an encounter at Bailley on 23 August 1942. [PCJ Papers, Acc.
Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA),
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny NAI; MPSSZB, EBIFF, I, p.52]
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
(1858), UPSAL] Bajeer Ali: Born in 1808, Allahabad, the
United Provinces (now Uttar
Baijnath: Resident of Lucknow, the Pradesh); he joined the rebels in
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar fighting against the British forces
Pradesh); he fought the British forces during the Uprising of 1857; he also
at different places in Lucknow participated in attacking and
during the Uprising of 1857; he also plundering the British establishments
encouraged others to join him in at Sehore and Rahatgarh under the
plundering the British properties; he leadership of Nawab Fazil
died while confronting the British Mohammad Khan of Ambapani; he
army at Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in was caught by the British troops at
March 1858. [Mutiny Records, the point of their re-occupation of
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Rahatgarh fort in January 1858; on
Deptt, Vol. No.46 (III) (1858), MSAB] charges of ëtreason and rebellion
against the Britishí, he was executed
Baini Persad: Inhabitant of Jalalabad, the by hanging at the front gate of the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in Rahatgarh Fort on 29 January 1858.
Uttar Pradesh); cultivator; along with [Mutiny Papers, Vol. I, NAIB; Poll
others in his village, he refused to Deptt, Vol. No.49 (VI) (1858), MSAB]
oblige the British forces with the
supply of rasad (provisions) at Bajeer Beg: Resident of Rahatgarh, distt.
Jalalabad during the Uprising of Sagar, (now Madhya Pradesh);
1857; consequently, he was caught by served as constable in the State Police
the British troops and hanged in before joining the anti-British rebel
November 1857; his entire village was forces during the Uprising of 1857;
also looted by the British. [Mutiny associated himself with the forces of
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Nawab Fazil Mohammad Khan of
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) Ambapani, he participated in the
(1858), MSAB] overrunning of the British settlement
at Rahatgarh Fort in October 1857;
Baisakhia Sahee Lal: Born in 1922; later, between 24 and 28 January
resident of Garha Kota, distt Sagar, 1858 he confronted the reinforced
Madhya Pradesh; literate up to the British offensive under Hugh Rose
primary standard. He took a leading at Rahatgarh fort; following reverses,
role in organising the ìQuit Indiaî the rebels decided to leave the fort;
movement, 1942, in Sagar district; while leaving, he and some others
while participating in a procession on were rounded up at Narsingpur
22 August 1942, he was severely Marg by Captain Suley of the British
56 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

army; sentenced to death on the Bajpai: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh

charges of ësedition, aiding and [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
abetting the rebellion,í Bajeer was Pradesh); he took part in the fighting
executed in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, against the British during the
Vol. II, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 Uprising of 1857, and also incited
(VII) (1858), MSAB] other people to raise their arms
against the British authority; he was
Baji Nath: Hailed from distt. Varanasi, killed in an encounter with the
Uttar Pradesh; s/o Ram Nath British army in Chinhat, Lucknow,
Mehrotra. He received fatal bullet on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny Records,
wounds in the police firing at the Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; QT,
Dasaswamedh Ghat, Varanasi on 13 p.75]
August 1942 while taking part in a
demonstration during the ìQuit Bakar: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
Indiaî agitation. He succumbed to his Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
injuries on the spot. [H/poll F.No. soon after the outbreak of the 1857
3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.21] Uprising; along with his associates,
he marched towards Delhi while
Bajmi Khan: Hailing from Rahatgarh, fighting against the British forces; he
distt. Saugor, (Sagar, now Madhya escaped to his region after the British
Pradesh); took part in the Uprising re-occupation of Delhi in September
of 1857 against the British in the 1857; he died in 1858 while resisting
Saugor region; he joined the rebellion the advancing British army in the
under Nawab Fazil Mohammad Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
Khan of Ambapani and took part in Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59),
driving the British away from UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X)
Rahatgarh Fort in October 1857; (1858), MSAB]
again he fought against the British
troops during their re-occupation of Bakher Singh: Resident of v. Jenini ka
Rahatgarh fort between 24 and 28 Nangal, p.o. Sadabad, distt.
January 1858; when the rebel forces Mathura, the United Provinces (now
faced reverses and decided to leave Uttar Pradesh). He volunteered his
the fort, Bajmi Khan and his fellow services to the Indian National Army
rebels were rounded up at and joined it as a Havildar [Hawaldar]
Narsingpur Marg by Captain Suley in the 3rd Guerrilla Regiment. He took
of the British army; sentenced to part in pitched battles against the
death on the charges of ëtreason, British led Allied forces on the Burma
murder and rebellion against the (Myanmar) front where he was killed
British,í he was executed soon in the exchange of firings with the
thereafter. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. V, enemy forces in 1944. [INA Papers,
NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) F. No. 379/INA (1946), NAI; ROH,
(1858), MSAB] pp. 664-65]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 57

Bakht Khan (General): Resident of and was reported to have been killed
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh; s/o Abdullah there in action in 1859. [Mutiny
Khan; he was a Subedar in the Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
Artillary of the British-Indian army; UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, DUA; SA,
he left the British service during the NAI; AS, II; BSZWD]
Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebel
forces at Bareilly; he became a Bakht Khan: Resident of Lucknow, the
Brigadier in the rebel army and re- Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
grouped it for fighting against the Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
British; he levied taxes on Mahajans locality during the Uprising of 1857
and Sahukars, started fresh and fought the British in various
recruitments for the army and made engagements in the Lucknow region;
arrangements for its arms and he was killed by the British army in
ammunitions; he also established an encounter at Bailey Guard,
kachehris, thanas and tehsils. In June Lucknow, in November 1857.
1857 he marched towards Delhi along [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
with his rebel followers, the treasury Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
and the arms and ammunitions; he (1858), UPSAL]
reached Delhi on 2 July 1857 and was
welcomed by Bahadur Shah ëZafarí, Bakht: Belonged to the Oudh [Awadh]
who called him ëFarzandí and Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he led
appointed him as the Commander- the anti-British rebel forces against
in-Chief with the title ëGeneralí. the British authorities in his area
Bakht Khan reorganised the rebel during the Uprising of 1857; he also
forces at Delhi, gave them 6 monthsí provided financial support to the
advance salary, ordered them to rebels and encouraged them to attack
maintain strict discipline; he also the local British establishments; he
played a key role in preparing the was killed while fighting the British
ëConstitution of the Rebelsí and troops in the Awadh region in 1858.
forming the Administrative Council [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
called Jalsa-i-Fauji wa Mulki, to Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
maintain the law and order in Delhi.
Although he succeeded in ousting the Bakhtawar Khan: Belonged to Lucknow,
British forces from various the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
strongholds in Delhi, he finally lost Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
in the crucial battle of Najafgarh on the rebels of his area and fought the
25 August 1857; he left Delhi after its British forces at various places in
fall to the British in September 1857, Lucknow during the Uprising of
came to Lucknow, then to 1857; he was also involved with the
Rohilkhand and continued to fight rebelsí plundering the British
the British till their forces were able properties; he was killed during a
to re-occupy all these areas; he confrontation with the British army
escaped towards Nepal thereafter, at Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in March
58 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Britishí; he was sentenced to death,

Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] and executed by hanging in 1858.
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
Bakhtawar Pande alias Fukur Nayak: Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
Belonged to Kanau, Jabalpur Division
(now Madhya Pradesh); he Bakin Aly: Resident of Cawnpore
participated in the Uprising of 1857 (Kanpur), the North-Western
and fought against the British forces Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
on several occasions in Jabalpur; he joined the anti-British rebel forces
was caught by the British in the during the Revolt of 1857 in Kanpur;
course of an encounter and hanged while encountering the British
in 1858; his property was also attempts at reoccupying Kanpur in
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Poll. July 1857, he was caught by the
Deptt. F. No. 31 (1858), MPSAB] enemy and sentenced to death on
charges of ërebellion against the
Bakhtawar Singh: Resident of Britishí; he was executed soon
Fattehpore [Fatehpur], the North- thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur
Western Provinces (now Uttar Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Pardesh); Thakur; s/o. Thakur Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Bhahdur Singh; Zamindar; he took
leading part in the Uprising against Baksha: Belonged to Kushalgarh,
British rule in 1857; he participated Banswara State (now distt.
in several engagements against the Banswara), Rajputana Agency (now
British forces under the leadership Rajasthan); took part in the Bhagat
of his uncle, Thakur Daryao Singh. Bhil movement in southern Rajasthan
He was captured by the British that Govindgiri started in 1907,
during their re-occupation of the preaching monotheism among the
Fatehpur region, and accused of Bhils and Kolis of Dungarpur and
ëaiding and abetting the rebellion Banswara States. Soon Govindgiriís
against the Britishí; sentenced to socio-religious endeavour changed
death with confiscation of his into a politico-economic movement,
property; he was executed by against the extraction of Begar (forced
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, labour) and exploitation of the Bhils
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Srs., by the petty officials of the
No.2, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.17] Dungarpur and Banswara States and
Sunth (a small state in Gujarat).
Bakhtawar: Born in the Oudh [Awadh] Baksha was one among those
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he thousands of Bhagat Bhils who
joined the rebel forces in fighting the joined this movement and warned
British during the Uprising of 1857; the Dungarpur and Banswara rulers
captured by the British troops during in the first week of November 1913,
an encounter and charged with either to remove the main grievance
ëmurder and rebellion against the of the Bhils or to face the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 59

overthrowing of the Statesí authority Bakshish Ali: Resident of Jalaun, Jhansi

to oppress and ill-treat them. The State, Bundelkhand Agency, Central
militancy of the Bhils and their India (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined
gathering in Mangarh hill so the rebel forces during the Uprising
unnerved the British that they sent of 1857; while defending Jhansi from
their own troops along with those of the advancing British forces, he was
the States to lay siege on Mangarh caught and imprisoned in the Jhansi
hill and disperse the gathering. On Central jail; he took a leading role in
17 November 1913 the combined breaking the Jhansi jail in 1859; re-
troops attacked the Bhil position and captured and charged with
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai misleading his jail inmates and
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did inciting rebellion against the British,
not give up till many of them were he was sentenced to death. [Mutiny
injured, 900 captured and 25, Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
including Baksha, killed. The incident UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.I, No.43B
did awaken the tribesmen so much (1859), MSAB]
that Motilal Tejawat had not found
it difficult to mobilise them in 1921- Balak Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
22 against forced labour and high rate Division, the United Provinces (now
of land revenue. [F/Poll Proc Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
(Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March 1914; 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI; Indian Army; he left the British
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 service to join the Indian National
(referred in connection with the Army in 1942 and served it as Sepoy
incident)] in the 3rd Infantry Battalion; while
fighting against the Allied forces in
Bakshi Ram: Born in v. Dhadot, p.o. Burma (now Myanmar) he was killed
Chirawa, Jaipur State, (now distt. on the battle ground at Paupon in
Jaipur), Rajputana Agency (now 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
Rajasthan); he was in the service of 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
the British-Indian Army as Lance p.20]
Naik in the Supply Unit; he shifted
his loyalty to the Indian National Balbhadra Singh: Resident of
Army in 1942; enrolled in the Naqabganj, Barabanki, (now in Uttar
Intelligence Unit, served it by Pradesh); he participated in the
supplying uninterrupted intelligence Uprising against the British rule in
of the enemyís battle positions; he 1857; he also incited his neighbours
lost his life while performing his duty to raise arms against the British rule;
on the Burma (now Myanmar) front he fought at several places and
in 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos.439/ finally died in the battle at Barabanki
INA, 464/INA, 498//INA (1945), while resisting the British forces in
379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
p.20] Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
60 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Vol.II, No.43C (1859), MSAB; WWIM, TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;

III, p.18] Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
Balbir Singh: Born in v. Dhanora, p.o. RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
Daba, distt. Meerut, the United F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). On
his joining the Indian National Army Balbund Singh: Belonged to the
in 1942, he was deployed on the Allahabad region, the North-
Burma (Myanmar) front to fight Western Provinces (now Uttar
against Allied forces. He was killed Pradesh); Zamindar; he participated
in the course of a fierce engagement in the fighting against the British
with the enemy in 1944. [INA Papers, during the Uprising of 1857, and led
F. No. 379/INA (1946), NAI; ROH, the local rebels in attacking and
pp.664-65 WWIM, II, p.21] plundering the British establishments
in the Allahabad-Fatehpur region; he
Balbir Singh: Resident of teh. was caught by the British at the time
Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt. of their attacks on the rebels in
Alwar), Rajputana Agency (now Allahabad, and charged with
Rajasthan); Shekhawat. He ëplundering, murder and rebellion
participated in the kisan agitatorsí against the Britishí; he was sentenced
meeting held at Neemuchana on 14 to death in July 1857, and hanged
May 1925 to demonstrate against the soon thereafter; his property was also
Maharajaís oppressive administration confiscated. [Mutiny Records, PP,
and his land settlement policy of Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.223]
1923-24. In this settlement the
Biswedari rights of the Rajputs were Balcha/ Barchha: Hailed from Jagdalpur,
forfeited and the land revenue had Indrawati valley in Bastar State (now
been increased by fifty per cent. in Chhattisgarh); took part in the
Though all agriculturists were Adivasi (tribal) Bhumkal ñ revolt of
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs 1910 in the Jagdalpur area of Bastar
suffered the most. Hearing the news against the feudal and colonial
of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja exploitation, and in the tribesí
sent his State Army to counter the anxiety for maintaining their distinct
rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops ways of life. In the intense battle
surrounded the village, blocked all (Indrawati-ford battle) that took
the exit routes from it and opened place on 16 February 1910 between
fire on the protesters without any the rebels and the British where
prior warning. Balbir Singh was many people died on the rebel side,
seriously injured in the Balcha/ Barchha and few others
indiscriminate firing and died. escaped from the scene and rallied
Simultaneously, the village was also round the neighbouring Ulnar and
set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar Netanar villages. ìOn the night of
Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; 25th February, the combined forces
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 61

surrounded the Ulnar hill on which [Naik] in the Armed Guards

the men of Netanar village [the Contingent at the Agra Central
rebels] were supposed to be Prison, but left the British service in
encamped. The movement was well June 1857 to fight against the British
executed, and all the aboriginals during the Uprising of 1857. Along
[tribals] were captured....î Balcha/ with the other rebels, he marched
Barchha was one among those who towards Delhi and joined the rebel
had been arrested, charged with forces there; he died while fighting
ìwaging war against the Crownî, the advancing British army in the
and tried between 13 March and 28 defence of Delhi in September 1857.
April 1910 (known as the Jagdalpur [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Trial). Seventy eight of the rebels, UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57,
including Balcha/ Barchha, were NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
imprisoned in Bastar Jail but later in (1858), MSAB]
June 1910 shifted to the Raipur
Central Jail, where he died (before 7 Baldev Singh: Resident of Bah, Agra, the
November 1910) suffering ill- North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
treatment and tortures by the jail Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Naick
authorities. [F/Poll (Confidential), [Naik] in the A. Company of the
Nos 60, 29 of 1910, NAI; Jail Records, British-Indian army; he left the
Central Jail, Raipur, List of Bastar British service during the Uprising
Prisoners, cf HTPB, pp.245-57] of 1857 and fought against the British
at several places in his region; he
Baldeo: Belonged to mauzah Belawa, died in 1858 while resisting the
Boolundshuhur [Bulandshahar], the advancing British forces. [Mutiny
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Pradesh); he joined hands with the UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-
rebels of his area during the Uprising 59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
of 1857 and marched towards Delhi (IX) (1858), MSAB]
while fighting against the British
forces; he returned to his region after Baldev: Resident of Agra, the North-
the fall of Delhi in September 1857; Western Provinces (now Uttar
he was caught by the British after Pradesh); Aheer; he was a Sepoy in
their re-occupation of this area and the Permanent Armed Guards at the
hanged in 1859 on the charges of Agra Central Prison; soon after his
ëmurder and rebellion against the deputation at Bulandshahar on escort
Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi duty, he left the British service in June
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, 1857 to take part in the Uprising of
Vol.Ii, No.43C (1859), MSAB] 1857. Along with the other rebels, he
marched towards Delhi and fought
Baldeo: Born in Agra, the North- against the British; he was killed
Western Provinces (now Uttar during an encounter with the
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Naick advancing British army in the Delhi
62 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

region in September 1857. [Mutiny Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in

Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
(1858), MSAB]
Baleshwar Singh: Born in 1910 at v.
Baldev: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh Jigni, distt. Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. He
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar took active part in the ìQuit Indiaî
Pradesh); he fought the British movement of 1942. His participation
during the Uprising of 1857 in several resulted in his arrest by the British
engagements in Lucknow; he also police and subsequent imprisonment.
participated in attacking and He died on account of tortures in the
plundering the British establish- jail in 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42,
ments; he died while confronting the NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.22]
British army at Qaiserbagh,
Lucknow, in March 1858. [Mutiny Balgobin: Belonged to Banda, the North-
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Western Provinces (now Uttar
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) Pradesh); he took part in the
(1858), MSAB] Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British on various occasions in the
Baldeva: Belonged to Bareilly, Uttar Banda region; he also incited the local
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces people to raise their arms and kill the
under the leadership of Khan British; he was captured by the
Bahadur Khan (the rebel leader of British troops during their advance
the Rohilkhand region), and fought in Banda, and charged with ësedition,
against the British at a number of murder of Europeans and rebellion
places during the 1857 Uprising; he with violenceí; he was sentenced to
was captured by the advancing death with confiscation of property
British army in an encounter and in June 1858 and hanged soon
executed by hanging in 1860 at thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda
Bareilly. [Mutiny Records, Mutiny Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), Vol.II, No.43C (1859), MSAB]
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III,
pp.68.69] Balgobind: Belonged to Lucknow, the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Baldi: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh Pradesh); he joined hands with the
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar rebel forces during the Uprising of
Pradesh); he took part in the armed 1857 and fought the British troops at
struggle against the firangi-hukumat different places; he was killed by the
(British rule) and fought the British British army in a confrontation at
forces at different places during the Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in
Uprising of 1857; he was killed by November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
the British army in an encounter at Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 63

Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL;
Bali Pokharwall: Resident of Lucknow, Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858),
the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now MSAB]
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the
Uprising of 1857 and he led the rebels Balkissun: Born in Bag Muzaffar Khan,
in attacking the British authorities in Agra, the North-Western Provinces
Lucknow; he died while fighting (now Uttar Pradesh); Goojar [Gujar];
against the British army at Talab he participated in the Uprising of
Fateh Ali Khan, Lucknow in 1858. 1857 and also rallied his
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny neighbourhood to fight against the
Basta, UPRAA] British rule; he was caught by the
British after the defeat of the rebel
Balihoo: Hailed from Raipur, aroused by forces in Agra and charged with
the speech that Hanuman Singh, ëmurder and sedition during the
Magazine Lashkar in the British rebellioní; he was sentenced to death
Army (who assassinated Major in 1858 and executed by hanging.
Cidwel at his residence on 18 January [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
1858) delivered before a sepoy Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53
audience on the same day; Balihoo (X) (1858), MSAB]
joined the rebel sepoys in Raipur;
involved in the killing of British army Balla Singh: Born in Kanpur, the North-
officers; with 16 other rebel soldiers, Western Provinces (now uttar
he was arrested by the British; tried, pradesh); he took part in the
convicted and sentenced to death; Uprising of 1857, and fought against
hanged in Raipur on 22 January 1858. the British authorities at various
[Parliamentary Papers ñ (Mutiny places in Kanpur; he also offered
Further Papers), No.4, 1857-58, NAI, financial support to the local rebels
CKI, 1740-1947, p.171] and encouraged them to go for
killing the firangis (British); he died
Balkishoon: Belonged to Shahjehanpor while resisting the advancing British
[Shahjahanpur], the North-Western army in the Kanpur region in 1857.
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny
was a Sepoy in the B. Company of Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.46
the British-Indian army; he left the (III) (1858), MSAB]
British service during the Uprising
of 1857 and joined the rebels to take Ballee: Born in Agra, the North-Western
part in the fight against the British; Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
he was caught in 1858 while resisting Sheikh; he joined the rebel forces
the British forces, and sentenced to during the Uprising of 1857 and went
death on the charges of ëdesertion up to Bulandshahar while fighting
and mutiny against the British against the British; caught by the
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP, British in the midst of an engagement
64 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

there, he was hanged in 1858 on the the command and led the movement
charges of ëmurder of the British successfully. He was arrested under
officers and plundering the the Defence of India Rule on 9 June
Government property during the 1942 and put behind the bars in
rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Jodhpur Central Jail. There, along
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] with others, he had resorted to
hunger-strike, demanding better
Balli: Born in Jalalabad, the Oudh treatment for the political prisoners.
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar He was subjected to brutal beatings
Pradesh); cultivator; with his fellow by the Jail authorities while on fast
villagers, he refused to oblige the and died four days later, on 16 June
British forces with rasad (food- 1942 in the hospital. [Sujas, No.4,
provisions) at Jalalabad during the June-July 1998, Jaipur, pp.59-60; RSSS,
Uprising of 1857; consequently, he pp.55-57; TR, 20 June 1942; PP,
was caught by the British troops and Jodhpur, F.No. 128, 1945-46, RSAB]
hanged in November 1857; his entire
village was also looted by the British. Balwant Singh: Belonged to distt.
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Muzaffarnagar, the United Provinces
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (now Uttar Pradesh). He had served
(V) (1858), MSAB] the British-Indian Army as a Naik
before his shifting loyalty the Indian
Balmukand Bissa: Born on 5 April 1910 National Army. As a Sub-Officer of
in v. Pilva, teh. Didwana, formerly the INAís 1st Bahadur Regiment, he
in Jodhpur (Marwar) State (now in was deployed on the Burma
distt. Nagaur), Rajputana Agency (Mynmar) front where in the course
(now Rajasthan); s/o Sukhdev Bissa; of a desperate combat with the
Pushkarna Brahmin. Balmukand enemy forces he was killed in 1944.
Bissaís father was a businessman in [INA Papers, F.No.1/INA, NAI;
Calcutta (now Kolkata) where he had ROH, pp. 666-67]
his primary education. He was
inspired by the Constructive Balwant Singh: Hailed from the
Programme of Mahatma Gandhi and Garhwal Division, the United
founded Rajasthan Charkha Sangh in Provinces (now Uttarakhand); he was
1934 at Jodhpur. Coming in close a Havildar [Hawaldar] in the 5/18
contact with Jainarain Vyas, Garhwal Rifles of the British-Indian
President of the Marwar Lok Army; he shifted his loyalty to the
Parishad, Bissa became an active Indian National Army in 1942 and
member of the Marwar Lok Parishad. served it as an Officer in the 3 rd
When Jainarain Vyas and other Infantry Battalion; he was killed
prominent leaders of the Marwar during an engagement with the
Lok Parishad were arrested in the British forces at Ekaba, Burma (now
movement for responsible Myanmar) in 1945. [INA Papers,
government in 1940, Bissa took over F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA (1946), NAI;
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 65

WWIM, II, p.23] Bandhan: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh]

Province (now Uttar Pradesh); took
Balwant Singh: Resident of v. Pur, part in the 1857 Uprising soon after
p.o.Shamli, distt. Meerut, the United its outbreak in the Jaunpur region;
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He he fought against the British at
was previously in the British-Indian various places, and also propagated
Army as a soldier, later deserted it against the British loyalists; he was
to join the Indian National Army and caught and sentenced to death by the
served as Naik in the Intelligence British on the charges of ësedition
Group. He was killed in the battle- and rebellion against the British
field near Kaladan front (Indo- authorityí; he was executed by
Burma border) in 1944. [INA Papers, hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
No 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 662-63 Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-
WWIM, II, p.23] 59), UPSAL]

Banarsi Das: Hailed from v. Vijaygarh, Bandhu Lonia: Resident of v. Machhila,

ps. Akbrabad, distt. Aligarh, Uttar distt. Azamgarh, the United
Pradesh; s/o Beni Ram. He was Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). In the
sentenced to three monthsí rigorous wake of the ìQuit Indiaî movement,
imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 10 for the police inspector and the force
taking part in the Civil Disobedience under him at the Madhuban police
movement in 1932. Again in 1942 he station had been ordered to raid the
was arrested for his involvement in Congress office in Dubari Division,
the ìQuit Indiaî movement and sent put down the National flag flying
to jail. He died of severe police over it and destroy everything
torture in detention in 1942. [H/Poll, within. This incident on 13 August
F.Nos. 23/54/1930, 3130/42, NAI; 1942 infuriated the people and they
SSKS, 34, p. ja; WWIM, I, p.24] started gathering near the police
station on 15 August 1942 from every
Bande Allee: Resident of Banda, the part of the district. The demonstra-
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar tors thereafter sought the Thana in-
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces Chargeís permission for putting up
during the Uprising of 1857 and took the National flag on the top of the
part in the fight against the British in police station which he curtly refused
the Banda region; he was caught in on the pretext of the District
the course of a British operation and Magistrateís presence inside. When
hanged in 1858 on the charges of the agitatorsí request had thus been
ëmurder and rebellion against the turned down, they began to pelt
Britishí; his property was also stones on the Thana edifice and were
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Banda fired upon by the police from inside
Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, the building. In this firing a number
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] of people were shot dead and many
were injured. Bandhu Lonia was
66 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

arrested and was made an accused 1857; he also offered financial support
in this stone-throwing incident. He to the neighbourhood for buying
died in jail on account of the police arms and attacking the British; he was
tortures there on 10/11 September caught by the British forces after their
1942. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; re-occupation of the Ghazipur region,
BCA, p. 124; SSKS, pp. ma, ya, ra la; and executed by hanging in 1859.
WWIM, I, p.15] [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.II,
Bandhu Singh: Born at v. Bishunpura, No.43C (1859), MSAB]
Gorruckpore [Gorakhpur], the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Bankey: Born in Poepal Mundee, Agra,
Pradesh); a Zamindar, he took a the North-Western Provinces (now
leading part in the Uprising of 1857, Uttar Pradesh); Kaith; he was a
propagated against the British Duffadar [Dafadar] in the Contingent
misrule, and provided financial help Guards of the Agra Central Prison
to the rebels for procuring arms and under the British Government; he
ammunitions; he was captured by the left the British service during the
British troops during their raids on Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebel
the Gorakhpur region; charged with forces; he marched towards Delhi
ësedition and rebellioní; he was along with other rebels and fought
sentenced to death and executed by the British at several places; he was
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, killed in 1858 while resisting the
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- advancing British forces. [Mutiny
59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.18] Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
Bandhu Singh: Resident of v. Parmeth, (1858), MSAB]
distt, Ghazipur, the United Provinces
(now Uttar Pradesh). As a saboteur Bankey: Resident of Kanpur, the North-
in the ìQuit Indianî movement, he Western Provinces (now Uttar
participated in looting goods trains Pradesh); he joined hands with the
and destroying railway equipments rebels of his area during the Uprising
at the Nandganj railway station in of 1857, and marched against the
Ghazipur District. He was shot and British forces at several places in
killed by the police at the time of his Kanpur; he also offered finances to
operating there in August 1942. [H/ the local people for buying arms and
Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, encouraged them to ransack the
p.25] British provisions; he was killed by
the advancing British army during an
Bangay Roy: Resident of Ghazeepoor encounter in the Kanpur region in
[Ghazipur], the North-Western 1857. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
fought the British at several places Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
in Ghazipur during the Uprising of
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 67

Banne: Resident of Unnao, the North- Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in

Western Provinces (now Uttar Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel
Pradesh); he participated in the forces of his locality during the 1857
Uprising of 1857 and fought the Uprising and proceeded to Lucknow;
British forces at several places in the he fought against the British at
Unnao-Kanpur region; he also joined several places in Lucknow city;
the rebelsí attacking the British caught by the British army, he was
establishments and plundering their hanged at Machhi Bhawan, Lucknow
properties; he died while confronting in June 1857. [Mutiny Records,
the British army in Unnao in 1857. Lucknow, Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
[Mutiny Records, Unnao Mutiny Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1857),
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 UPSAL]
(VII) (1858), MSAB]
Banveer Singh: Belonged to v.
Bans Narain Rai: Born in 1914 in v. Chhirauli, teh. Haraiya, Basti, the
Sherpur Kalan, distt. Ghazipur, the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Pradesh); s/o Nageshwar Rai; rebels during the Uprising of 1857 in
Farmer. He took active part in the fighting the British forces in his
agitations during the ìQuit Indiaî village; he was captured by the
movement. He received bullet British troops during an armed
wounds in the police firing while confrontation and executed by
attending a procession at the hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Muhammadabad Tehsil Office, and Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-
died on the spot in August 1942. [H/ 59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.18]
Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I,
p.283-284; BCA, p. 110] Banvir Singh: Belonged to Dhirauli, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Bans Narain Rai: Born in December 1910 Pradesh); he joined hands with the
in v. Sherpur Khurd, distt Ghazipur, rebels of the Amorha state (now in
the United Provinces (now Uttar distt. Basti) during the Uprising of
Pradesh); s/o Suraj Rai. An 1857 and fought the British forces in
Intermediate passed farmer, he took several engagements; he was caught
active part in the agitations during by the British forces when they
the ìQuit Indiaî movement. While launched their attacks on the rebels,
participating in the procession at the and executed by hanging from a
Muhammadabad Tehsil Office, he ëPipal Treeí in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
received bullet wounds in the police Monument of Chhawani, cited in
firing and died on the spot in August LL1857, pp.20-26]
1942. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
WWIM, I, p.283; BCA, p. 110] Banwari Yadav: Belonged to v.
Kathghara, p.o. Madhuban, distt.
Bansi Singh: Resident of Faizabad, the Azamgarh, the United Provinces
68 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

(now Uttar Pradesh). In the wake of death with confiscation of property

the ìQuit Indiaî movement, the in July 1858, he was executed by
police inspector and the force under hanging thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
him at the Madhuban police station Banda Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA; Poll
had been ordered to raid the Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Congress office in Dubari Division,
put down the National flag flying Bapu Rao: Resident of Molampally,
over it and destroy everything Chanda, Madhya Pradesh; powerful
within. This incident on 13 August Zamindar; in the Uprising of 1857, he
1942 inflamed the sentiments of the played a leaderís role by assembling
people that they started gathering tribal (Gond and Maria) and non-
near the police station from every part tribal (Rohilla) communities for
of the district on 15 August 1942. The fighting against the oppressive British
demonstrators thereafter sought the intrusions into their habitations;
Thana in-Chargeís permission for before the rebellion could take off the
hoisting the National flag on the top ground, Bapu Rao was betrayed by
of the police station, which he curtly the Rani of Aheri to the British
refused on the pretext of the District authorities; captured, imprisoned
Magistrateís presence inside. When and tortured, Bapu Rao was executed
the agitatorsí request was thus in the Chanda jail premises in 1857.
turned down, they began to pelt [Mutiny Papers, Vol.I, NAIB; Poll
stones on the Thana edifice and were Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB;
fired upon by the police from inside WWIM, III, pp. 16-17]
the building. In this firing a number
of people were shot dead, and Barbar Singh: Resident of Jalalabad, the
Kumar Manjhi happened to be one Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
among those who had been killed on Uttar Pradesh); cultivator; along with
the spot on that day. [H/poll, F.No. his neighbours, the villagers, he
3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 124; SSKS, 27, refused to oblige the British forces
pp. ma, ya, ra la; WWIM, I, p.26] with rasad (food-provisions) at
Jalalabad during the Uprising of
Baood; Resident of Banda, the North- 1857; he was caught by the British
Western Provinces (now Uttar troops for this and hanged in
Pradesh); he participated in the November 1857; his entire village was
Uprising of 1857 and fought against also looted by the British. [Mutiny
the British forces in the Banda region; Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
he also provided financial support to UPRAA]
the rebels and encouraged them to
attack the British and their loyalists; Barjoor Singh: Belonged to
he was caught during the British Cheterkonee, Ghazeepoor
advance in Banda, and charged with [Ghazipur], the North-Western
ëaiding and abetting the rebellion Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
against the Britishí; sentenced to Thakoor [Thakur]; he fought the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 69

British forces at several places in [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny

Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857; Basta, UPRAA]
he offered financial support to the
rebels of his village for buying arms Basant Singh: Resident of the Oudh
to attack the British establishment; [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
he was caught by the British army Pradesh); he took a leading part in
after their re-occupation of the the Uprising of 1857 and fought the
Ghazipur region, and executed by British at several places in Lucknow;
hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, he was killed by the British army
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll during an engagement in 1857.
Deptt, Vol.II, No.43C (1859), MSAB] [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA]
Barjor Singh: Resident of Jhansi State,
(now Uttar Pradesh); inspired by the Basant: Belonged to Lucknow, the Oudh
Uprising of 1857 and upset over [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
British interference in Jhansiís affairs, Pradesh); he joined hands with the
he organized the rebel forces and rebels of his area during the Uprising
took a leading role in attacking the of 1857, and also incited other people
British settlements and plundering to raise their arms against the
their properties in Jhansi and its Companyraj; he fought at different
neighbourhood areas between 1857 places against the British and died in
and 1858; when the British were the battle of Chinhat, Lucknow, on
making a comeback in Jhansi in 1858, 20 June 1857. [Mutiny Records,
he was arrested by them; and Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
charged with ëtaking part in Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
plundering and rebellion against the
Britishí; he was sentenced to death Basdeo: Resident of v. Talgaon, Bah,
in 1858 and executed soon thereafter. Agra, the North-Western Provinces
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny (now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.III, served the British as one among the
No.43D (1859), MSAB] Contingent Guards of the Agra
Central Prison; he took part in a secret
Barkhe Das alias Hanuman: Resident of conspiracy to liberate the prisoners
Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh) during the Uprising of 1857, and
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he escaped with some of them while
joined the Uprising of 1857 and leaving the British service; he fought
played a significant role in organizing at several places against the British
the rebel forces of his region; he led forces in the Agra region; he died in
a group of rebels on several occasions 1858 while confronting the advancing
in attacking the British authorities British army. [Mutiny Records, Agra
and their offices in Lucknow; he died Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
while resisting the British army at Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Alambagh, Lucknow in 1858.
70 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Bashir Ahmad: Resident of p.s. Chief Minister of Amjhera and was

Lakhimpur, distt. Kheri (now involved in the revolt of 1857 under
Lakhimpur Kheri), United Provinces the leadership of his king Raja
(now Uttar Pradesh). The British Bakhtawar Singh, he was captured
Governmentís assaults and sanctions and executed in 1858. [Mutiny
on Turkey had been perceived by the Papers, Vol. VI, NAIB; Poll Deptt,
Indian Muslims as an attack on Islam. Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]
They supported the Khilafat,
resented the violators of their Bassee: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
religion and protested against the Pradesh; he joined the rebels of his
British rule. On their part, the British area soon after the outbreak of the
officials sternly opposed in India any 1857 Uprising; he marched towards
demonstration in support of the Delhi while fighting against the
Khilafat and dealt severely with the British forces; he escaped to his
demonstrators. Deeply disturbed by region after the British reoccupation
the British officialsí repressive, of Delhi in September 1857; he died
tyrannical methods in Lakhimpur in 1858 while resisting the advancing
Kheri, Nasiruddin along with his British army in the Bareilly region.
colleagues decided to kill all the cruel [Mutiny Records, F/Abst. Proc.
English officers of the district (Poll), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll
(Deputy Commissioner, Police Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Captain and Police Inspector) in the
wake of the Khilafat movement that Basta: Resident of v. Neemuchana, (teh.)
was merging with the Non- Bansoor, Alwar State (now distt.
Cooperation movement. On 26 Alwar), Rajputana Agency (now
August 1920 he and his friends, in Rajasthan); Brahmin. He participated
accordance with their plan, in the kisan agitatorsí meeting held
succeeded in entering into the house at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
of Willoughby (the Deputy protest against the Maharajaís mal-
Commissioner), attacked him with administration and his land
swords and killed him on the spot. settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Following the assassination they settlement the Biswedari rights of the
went into hiding in a mohallah from Rajputs were forfeited and the land
where their arrests were effected. revenue increased by fifty per cent.
Bashir Ahmad and his colleagues Though all agriculturists were
faced a hostile trial for assassinating affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
a British official and promptly suffered the most. Hearing the news
hanged. [H/poll F.No. 257/1923, of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja
NAI; SSKS, 22, p. chha] sent his State Army to counter the
rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
Bashirullah Khan: Hailed from Amjhera surrounded the village, blocked all
State, Central India Agency (now in the escape routes from it and opened
Madhya Pradesh). Held the post fire on the protesters without any
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 71

prior warning. Basta received serious Baura: Resident of Humeerpoor

gun shots in the firing and died on [Hamirpur], the North-Western
the spot. Simultaneously with the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
firing, the village was set on fire by joined hands with the rebels during
the State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. the Uprising of 1857, propagated
315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, against the oppressive British rule
14 June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, and incited the people to overthrow
Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 it; he was killed in an encounter with
November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, the advancing British forces in 1858;
Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), his property was confiscated and
NAI] handed over to the British allies.
[Mutiny Records, Hamirpur, Mutiny
Batu Ram: Resident of v. Tesagaon, teh. Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50
Hindaun, distt. Sawai Madhopur, (VII) (1858), MSAB]
Jaipur State, Rajputana Agency (now
Rajasthan); he served the British- Bayjoo Persad: Resident of Futtehpore
Indian Army as Sepoy in the 1/8 [Fatehpur], the North-Western
Punjab Regiment; in 1942, he shifted Provinces (now uttar pradesh): he
his loyalty to the Indian National joined hands with the rebel forces
Army and confronted the British in during the Uprising of 1857 and
the battle fields; he was killed by the fought against the British at various
enemy in 1944 in the course of heavy places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region;
fighting on the Burma (now he also provided financial support to
Myanmar) front in1944. [INA Papers, the rebels in the neighbourhood and
F.Nos.439/INA, 464/INA, 498//INA encouraged them to attack and
(1945), 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, plunder the British quarters; he was
II, p.29] killed by the British troops in the
course of an encounter in 1857.
Baur Singh: Born in v. Karwari, teh. [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur State Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA]
(now in distt. Karauli), Rajputana
Agency (now Rajasthan); previously Baz Singh: Resident of the Oudh
he served in the British-Indian Army [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
as a Sepoy in the 1/8 Punjab Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Regiment; he joined the Indian ëHindustanií forces in attacking and
National Army in 1942 and became plundering the British offices during
Naik in the 3rd Guerilla Regiment; the Uprising of 1857; he also incited
fought against the British on the others in challenging the British rule;
Burma (now Myanmar) front and he was later caught by the British
died in the battle field at Kalewa in troops and charged with ësedition
Myanmar in 1944. [INA Papers, and rebellion against the Britishí;
F.Nos.403/INA, 498//INA (1945), sentenced to the transportation for
NAI; WWIM, II, p.29] life with confiscation of his property;
72 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

he died in detention in 1858. [Mutiny took part in the kisan meeting held at
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] protest against the Maharajaís
misgovernance and his land
Bechao Sau: Belonged to Banda, the settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Pradesh); he participated in the Rajputs were forfeited and the land
Uprising of 1857 and fought against revenue increased by fifty per cent.
the British troops at various places Though all agriculturists were
in Banda; he also took part in affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
plundering the British properties and suffered the most. Hearing the news
looting their treasury to finance the of this gathering of the kisan
rebel course; he was caught by the agitators, the Maharaja sent his State
British forces during an engagement Army to counter the rallyists at
in Banda, sentenced to death in Neemuchana. The troops
September 1858 on the charges of surrounded the village, blocked all
ëplundering the British properties, the exit points from it and opened
loot, and rebellioní; he was executed fire on the protesters without any
by hanging; his property was also prior warning of dispersal. Many
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Banda people received severe gun shots in
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, the indiscriminate firing, including
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] Bedu Singh, who died on the spot.
Simultaneously with this firing, the
Bechoon Oopedhea: Resident of village was set on fire by the State
Jaunpore [Jaunpur], the North- troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23
Western Provinces (now Uttar of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June
Pradesh); Brahmin; he joined hands 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta
with the rebels of his area during the No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November
Uprising of 1857, and fought the 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
British forces on several occasions; F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
caught by the British in the course of
an engagement, he was accused of Beebee: Born in a village of distt.
ëplundering the British property and Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western
rebellion against the Britishí; he was Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); she
sentenced to death and hanged in joined rebel forces and took part in
1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP, the resistance against the British
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. during the Uprising of 1857; she was
Srs.), File No. 17, UPRAA] killed during the British attack on the
rebels in the Muzaffarnagar region.
Bedu Singh: Belonged to v. Bamanwas, [Mutiny Records, Muzaffarnagar
teh. Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
(now distt. Alwar), Rajputana Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB;
Agency (now Rajasthan); Rajput. He WWIM, III, p.37]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 73

Beeha: Resident of Futtehpore Uprising; he marched towards Delhi

[Fatehpur], the North-Western while fighting against the British
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he forces; he escaped to his region after
took part in the Uprising of 1857 and the British reoccupation of Delhi in
fought against the British at several September 1857; he died in 1858 while
places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region; resisting the advancing British army
he was killed by the British troops in in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny
the course of an encounter in 1857. Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol.
Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA] No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]

Beehary Gond: Born in Khamaria, Beenda: Resident of Agra, the North-

Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh; s/o Western Provinces (now Uttar
Saturam Gond; he joined hands with Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
the rebels of his locality during the during the Uprising of 1857 and
Uprising of 1857 and fought against reached to Bulandshahar while
the British forces on several fighting against the British; he took
occasions; caught by the advancing part there in an attack on the British
British army in Jabalpur, he was officers and their establishments;
sentenced to death on 17 February caught by the British in the midst of
1858. [Mutiny Records, Poll. Deptt. an the engagement, he was hanged
F. No. 3 (1858), MPSAB] in 1858 on the charges of ëmurder of
the British officers and plundering
Beehpaul Singh: Resident of the Government property during the
Bhudhohee, Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
the North-Western Provinces (now Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
the rebels of his area during the
Uprising of 1857, and fought the Beerij Lall: Belonged to Ghazeepoor
British forces on several occasions; [Ghazipur], the North-Western
caught by the British in the course of Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
an engagement, he was accused of fought the British forces at several
ëplundering the British property and places in Ghazipur during the
rebellion against the Britishí; he was Uprising of 1857; he also offered
sentenced to death and hanged in financial support to the neighbour-
1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP, hood for buying arms and attacking
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. the British; he was caught by the
Srs.), UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 British after their re-occupation of the
(IX) (1858), MSAB] Ghazipur region, and executed by
hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Beenda: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces Deptt, Vol.III, No.43D (1859), MSAB]
soon after the outbreak of the 1857
74 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Beeshaishur Roy: Belonged to professed to treat the Chief of

Shairpoor, Gurruckpoor Bharatpore as a son and seized his
[Gorakhpur], the North-Western territory; the Chief of Lahore was
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); carried off to London, the Peshwa
Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he joined hands was imprisoned for life in Bithoorí.
with the rebels of his area during the She recalled the Companyrajís breach
Uprising of 1857 and fought against of faith with Sultan Tipu, their
the British on several occasions; he obliterating all traces of the Chiefs
was caught by the British in an of Berar, Orissa and Bengal, etc. and
encounter in the Gorakhpur region, emphasized on their defiance of
and hanged in 1858. [Mutiny Records, treaties and oaths, to take ëour
NWP, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; country [the Awadh] and propertyí.
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), After this proclamation, she made
MSAB] hectic efforts to reorganise the rebel
forces for driving the British away
Begam Hazrat Mahal: Resident of from Awadh, but could not succeed.
Lucknow, the Oudh [Awadh] She left Lucknow to join the rebel
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); w/o forces of Faizabad for attacking
Nawab Wajid Ali Shah (the deposed Shahjahanpur and, following
ruler of Awadh); she took the control reverses there, she, along with her
of Lucknow in association with the followers, marched towards Nepal
rebel forces, and set up her son, Birjis and tried to win the support of Jang
Qadr, as the ruler of Awadh. She Bahadur (the Prime Minister of
assumed real power as the Regent Nepal) against the British; although
and played a crucial role in the given asylum there, she could not get
Uprising of 1857; she supervised the the Nepalese support, and all her
rebel government at Lucknow for efforts to re-group the rebels against
running the administration, and also the British came to naught; she died
organised the rebel forces for the war there later on. [Mutiny Records,
against the British; she was Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; TL,
constantly in touch with Nana Saheb, NAI; FSUP, I-II]
took active part in the defence of
Lucknow against the British forces, Behar Khan: Resident of the Oudh
gave a tough fight at Alam Bagh, but [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
ultimately had to retreat. She issued Pradesh); he accompanied the rebels
a counter-proclamation in November on various occasions during the
1858, a response to the proclamation Rising of 1857 and provided them
of Queen Victoria, guaranteeing the with multifarious services in their
rights, honour and dignity of the fight against the British; he was
Indian people and taking over the caught by the British troops in one
administration of Hindustan from of their raids on this area, and
the British. In this proclamation, the charged with ësupporting the rebels
Begam recounted how ëthe Company in murder and rebellion against the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 75

Britishí; he was sentenced to death he also offered financial support to

in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. the rebels of his area for buying arms
(Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] and to attack the British
establishments; he was captured by
Beharee Lal Moharir: Resident of the British after their reoccupation of
Cawnpore (Kanpur), the North- this area and charged with
Western Provinces (now Uttar ëplundering the Government
Pradesh); Tehsildar; played an property and rebellion against the
important role during the Uprising Britishí; he was sentenced to death
of 1857 by organizing anti-British in 1860 and executed by hanging.
rebel forces; while encountering the [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
British attempts at reoccupying UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.29
Kanpur from July to December 1857, (1860), MSAB]
he was caught by the enemy;
sentenced to death on charges of Beli Ram: Resident of v. Gujran, distt.
ërebellion against the Britishí in Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
December 1857, he was executed Shiv Saran. He actively participated
soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records, in a demonstration in connection
Kanpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll with the Roti Agitation (demanding
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] cheaper food) on 23 September 1943
in Jammu. He was killed in the face
Beharee: Belonged to Banda, the North- of State police firing on the
Western Provinces (now Uttar demonstrators on the spot. [File No.
Pradesh); he led the local rebel forces V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF,
in fighting against the British during pp. 442-45; WWIM, II, p.30; FSK, p.
the uprising of 1857; he also took part 71]
in plundering the British possessions
and passing the proceeds to the Bendaree Singh: Resident of Gwalee,
ëHindustani forcesí for meeting their Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
military expenses; later the British Western Provinces (now Uttar
soldiers arrested him in Banda; Pradesh); he joined hands with the
charged with ëbeing a leader and rebels of his area during the Uprising
instigator of rebellioní, he was of 1857, and fought the British forces
sentenced to death in July 1859 and on several occasions; he was caught
his property confiscated. [Mutiny by the British in the midst of an
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) engagement, accused of ëplundering
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] the British property and rebellion
against the Britishí; he was sentenced
Bekharee: Born in Mynpoory [Mainpuri], to death in 1860 and hanged soon
the North-Western Provinces (now thereafter. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
Uttar Pradesh); Kayeth [Kaith]; he Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
took part in the fight against the Srs.), UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.29
British during the Uprising of 1857; (1860), MSAB]
76 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Benee Singh: Resident of Aligarh, the establishments; he was caught by the

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar British troops during their raids on
Pradesh); he participated in the the Allahabad region, and sentenced
struggle of the rebels during the to death in July 1857 on the charges
Uprising of 1857, he also encouraged of ëtreason, aiding, abetting and
other people to destroy all the of counselling escape of a rebelí; he was
symbols of British authority in executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Aligarh; he was caught by the British Records, PP, Further Paper No.1;
soldiers at the time of their attacks TIM, p.204]
on the rebels in Aligarh, and charged
with ëtheft, sedition and rebellion Beni Madho Singh: Resident of
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Shankarpur, the Oudh [Awadh]
to death in 1858, and executed soon Province (now Uttar Pradesh); Raja
thereafter; his property was also of Shankarpur; he joined the Uprising
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Proc. against the British rule in 1857 and
F/Deptt. (Judl), NWP, Vol. 74 (1858), played a prominent role in organizing
UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) the rebel forces in Awadh; he was
(1858), MSAB] appointed the administrator of
Jaunpur and Azamgarh by Nawab
Beneepershaud: Resident of Pulwar, Birjis Qadr, the proclaimed ruler of
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- Awadh; he led the rebel troops in
Western Provinces (now Uttar several battles against the British and
Pradesh); he joined hands with the carried on the fight till the resistance
rebels of his area during the Uprising of his forces ended, thereafter he
of 1857, and fought the British forces escaped to the Nepal hills along with
on several occasions; he was caught Begum Hazrat Mahal, the Regent of
by the British in the course of an Awadh; he continued to repel the
engagement, accused of ëplundering British attacks on the Nepal border
the British property and rebellion where he was killed during an
against the Britishí, sentenced to encounter with the enemy. [Mutiny
death and hanged. [Mutiny Records, Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./ UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.20]
Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
Beni Persad: Born in Muttra [Mathura],
Beney Pershaud: Belonged to Allahabad, the North-Western Provinces (now
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Uttar Pradesh); he fought the British
Pradesh); he was a Jemadar [Jamadar] at several places during the Uprising
under the British Government, but of 1857; he was caught by the
left it during the Uprising of 1857 and advancing British army at the time
joined the rebels in their fight against of their raids on the Mathura region,
the British; he also offered financial and charged with ëmurder and
assistance to the local people and rebellioní; he was sentenced to death
incited them to attack the British in 1858 with confiscation of his
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 77

property, and hanged soon (now Rajasthan); took part in the

thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Mathura Bhagat Bhil movement in southern
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Rajasthan that Govindgiri started in
Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858), MSAB] 1907, preaching monotheism among
the Bhils and Kolis of Dungarpur and
Bhadar Singh: Resident of teh. Banswara States. Soon Govindgiriís
Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt. socio-religious endeavour changed
Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now into a politico-economic movement,
Rajasthan); Thakur; took part in a against the extraction of Begar (forced
meeting of the kisan agitators held at labour) and exploitation of the Bhils
Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to by the petty officials of the
demonstrate against the Maharajaís Dungarpur and Banswara States and
mal-administration and his land Sunth (a small state in Gujarat).
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this Bhadario was one among those
settlement the Biswedari rights of the thousands of Bhagat Bhils who
Rajputs were forfeited and the land joined this movement and warned
revenue had been increased by fifty the Dungarpur and Banswara rulers
per cent. Though all agriculturists in the first week of November 1913,
were affected adversely by it, the either to remove the main grievance
Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing of the Bhils or to face the
the news of this gathering of the kisan overthrowing of the Statesí authority
agitators, the Maharaja sent his State to oppress and ill-treat them. The
Army to counter the rallyists at militancy of the Bhils and their
Neemuchana. The troops gathering in Mangarh hill so
surrounded the village, blocked all unnerved the British that they sent
the exits from it and opened fire on their own troops along with those of
the protesters without any prior the States to lay siege on Mangarh
warning of dispersal. With many hill and disperse the gathering. On
others, Bhadar Singh received bullet 17 November 1913 the combined
wounds in the indiscriminate firing troops attacked the Bhil position and
and died on the spot. Simultaneously, the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai
the village was also set on fire by the Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did
State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315- not give up till many of them were
J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 injured, 900 captured and 25,
June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, including Bhadario, killed. The
Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 incident did awaken the tribesmen
November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, so much that Motilal Tejawat had not
Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), found it difficult to mobilise them in
NAI] 1921-22 against forced labour and
high rate of land revenue. [F/Poll
Bhadario: Hailed from Phelwa under Proc (Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March
Garhi Jagir in Banswara State (now 1914; Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI;
distt. Banswara), Rajputana Agency BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47
78 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

(referred in connection with the Bhaee Khan: Resident of the North-

incident)] Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); Pathan; he was a Sepoy in
Bhadru: Resident of Jagdalpur area the B. Company under the British-
(now teh. Jagdalpur), Bastar State Indian army; he left the British
(now in Chhattisgarh); took part in employment during the Uprising of
the Adivasi (tribal) Bhumkal ñ revolt 1857 and joined the rebel forces to
of 1910 in Jagdalpur area of Bastar fight against the British; he was
against the feudal and colonial caught in 1858 while resisting the
exploitation, and the tribesí anxiety British forces, and sentenced to
for maintaining their distinct ways death on the charges of ëdesertion
of life. On 16 February 1910, and mutiny against the British
following the direct confrontation authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
(Indrawati-ford battle) between the Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
rebels and the British where many Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
on the rebel side died, Bhadru and
few others escaped from the scene Bhaga/Bhagi: Hailed from v. Mardapal,
and rallied round the neighbouring teh. Kondagaon, Bastar State (now
Ulnar and Netanar villages. ìOn the in Chhatisgarh); s/o Sudam Mahra;
night of 25th February, the combined took part in the Adivasi (tribal)
forces surrounded the Ulnar hill on Bhumkal ñ revolt of 1910 in the
which the men of Netanar village [the Karangal area of Bastar against the
rebels] were supposed to be colonial-feudal exploitation, and in
encamped. The movement was well the tribesí anxiety for maintaining
executed, and all the aboriginals their distinct ways of life. Under the
[tribals] were captured.î Bhadru was leadership of Aytu Mahra, Bhaga/
one among those who were arrested, Bhagi organized the rebels of
charged with ìwaging war against Keshkal valley and launched an
the crownî, and prosecuted along agitation against the virtual British
with others between 13 March and military occupation of Bastar. The
28 April 1910 (known as the rebels, spearheaded by Bhaga/Bhagi
Jagdalpur trial) under Sections 25/ and led by Aytu, drew up a plan for
436/395. He was sentenced to one open armed conflict ñ to raid the
year and six monthsí rigorous government armories, cut off
imprisonment and put behind the communication lines with places
bars in Bastar Jail. Later, in June 1910 outside Bastar, destroy telegraph and
with others Bhadru was shifted to telephone lines and block roadways
the Raipur Central Jail and before 7 from the Keshkal town to Jagdalpur,
November 1910 he was tortured to obstruct troops coming into Bastar
death. [F/Poll (Confidential), Nos 60, from Raipur and Dhamtari via
29 of 1910, NAI; Jail Records, Central Kanker. In spite of heavy repressive
Jail, Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, measures and arrests, and despite
cf HTPB, pp.245-57; BTRB, p.75] Jagdalpur remaining under complete
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 79

British control, the activities of Bhageeruthee: Belonged to Banda, the

Bhaga/Bhagi and other tribal rebels North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
in Keshkal valley went on unabated. Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined
Following the British victory over the the anti-British forces during the
rebels in the Indrawati-ford battle, Uprising of 1857, and fought against
Bhaga/Bhagi and few others left the the British on a number of occasions;
Keshkal valley and rallied round the he was caught by the British in course
neighbouring villages. When the of their operations in Banda and put
British-led forces followed and to trial on the charges of ëplundering,
surrounded the rebels, many of them murder and rebellioní; he was
were arrested, including Bhaga/ sentenced to death with the confisca-
Bhagi. With others he was charged tion of his property in September
with ìwaging war against the 1858; he was hanged later on.
Crownî, and prosecuted on 4 April [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
1910 under Section 457 of Indian Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
Penal Code (known as the Jagdalpur (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Trial). Sentenced to three yearsí
rigorous imprisonment in Bastar Jail Bhagga Singh: Resident of Cawnpore
and shifted to Raipur Central Jail in (Kanpur), the North-Western
June 1910, he was severely tortured Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh) joined
by the jail authorities and died before the anti-British rebel forces during
7 November 1910. [F/Poll the Uprising of 1857; took part in
(Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910, fighting the British and destroying
NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail, their settlements in the Kanpur
Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf region; he was caught by the British
HTPB, pp.245-57; BTRB, pp.79,81] in the course of fighting in second
half of 1857 and charged with
Bhagbullee: Belonged to Banda, the ërebellion against the British
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar authorityí; sentenced to death in
Pradesh); he participated during the December 1857, he was executed
Uprising of 1857 in the rebel attacks soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
on the British establishments; he also Kanpur Mutiny Basta, 1857, UPRAA;
provided financial support to the local Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858),
rebels for meeting their military MSAB]
expenses; he was caught by the
British during their raid on Banda Bhagirath Mistri: Born in 1898, in v.
and sentenced to death in August Kamda, distt, Uttarkashi, Uttar
1858, on the charges of ëaiding and Pradesh; s/o Shri Julmu; Farmer;
abetting the rebellion against the took part in the peasantsí movement
British authority; his property was against the despotic Tehri-Garhwal
also confiscated. [Mutiny Records, rulerís exorbitantly high land
Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll revenue demand and his
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] introduction of unjust new forest law
80 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

in 1930; attended a meeting before the Riyasat (State) administra-

organized by the peasants at Baman tion. When Jhanku Singh was shot in
Tiladi maidan in the summer of 1930 the scuffle over the national flag,
to protest against the high Bhagtin picked up the flag and
handedness of the State police and refused to part with it till she was
the killing of 2 innocent peasants on fired upon and killed by the police.
20 May 1930. On second day of the [H/poll. F.No. 563/III/1922, NAI;
meeting the State armed police force, SSKS, 8, p. Ta]
led by the Dewan Chakradar, had
surrounded the venue and opened Bhagwan Das Rathi: Resident of Bhopal
fire on the gathering. It resulted in state, the Central Indian Agency
the killing of 17 and wounding of (now in Madhya Pradesh). A core
many. Bhagirath Mistri received member of Bhopal Hindu Sabha;
bullet wounds in the police firing and taking a cue from Gandhian Civil
died on the spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/ Disobedience, he played a major role
54/1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; WWIM, in campaigning against the tyrannical
I, p.39; SSKS, GD: p.1] Bhopal Durbar. Bhagwan Das Rathi
was arrested on 15 May 1937 along
Bhagirath Silawat: Resident of Indore, with some others and put behind the
Madhya Pradesh; he was an Infantry bars in the Bhopal Central jail;
Officer in the Holkarís Indore army tortured, indisposed and treated like
but left the service during the a criminal accused, he died at home
Uprising of 1857 and led a group of as soon as he was released. [H/Poll.
rebels in fighting the British in F.Nos. B.11.97 NZ 75.76, B.4.1898,
Indore; with his followers he N.61-62 (R), SAAMB; HBS, p.160]
proceeded to Delhi to meet Emperor
Bahadur Shah ëZafarí; he was given Bhagwan Din: Belonged to v. Pachpedi,
some letters of the Emperor for teh. Majra Munda, distt. Kheri (now
delivery to the Holkar ruler; while Lakhimpur Kheri), the United
on his return journey to Indore, he Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). With
was intercepted by the Holkerís the introduction of Provincial
troops; he, however, managed to Autonomy, a Congress ministry came
escape to Dipalpur, where he was to power in the U.P. in 1937 and
arrested by the British and executed started undertaking a number of
in November 1857. [Mutiny Records, measures to relieve the Kisans of some
Poll. Deptt. Vol. No. 60 (1859), of their governmental and landlor-
MSAB; WWIM, III, p. 20] distí burdens. Resentful of the
ministryís liberality, the Zammin-
Bhagtin: Resident of Kairaha Bazar, distt. darsósupported by the British
Rai Bareli, the United Provinces (now officials ñ intensified their offensive
Uttar Pradesh). She took part in a against the peasantry. In one of the
demonstration led by Jhunku Singh atrocious attacks on the peasants by
in1921 to put the kisansí grievances the Zammindarsí men in 1939ñ40,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 81

Bhagwan Din was killed. [H/Poll, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);

F.Nos. 3/6/42; 3/11/42; NAI; SSKS, joined hands with the anti-British
22, p. fa] forces during the Uprising of 1857;
he accompanied the rebels on a
Bhagwan Din: Resident of Lucknow, the number of occasions in their marches
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in to attack the British positions; he was
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with caught by the British troops in the
the rebels of his area during the course of an engagement and hanged
Uprising of 1857, and also in 1857, his property was also
encouraged other people to attack the confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
British establishments; he fought at Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
different locations against the British, UPSAL; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
and died an encounter in the Chinhat, (1858), MSAB]
Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Bhagwan Singh: Resident of v. Kuchai,
UPRAA; QT] p.o. Indara, distt. Azamgarh, the
United Provinces (now Uttar
Bhagwan Sahi: Resident of v. Pradesh). In the wake of the ìQuit
Narthugarh, distt. Bulandshar, the Indiaî movement, the police
United Provinces (now Uttar inspector and the force under him at
Pradesh); s/o Ramjas. He was killed the Madhuban police station had
in a police firing while taking part in been ordered to raid the Congress
a protest demonstration during the office in Dubari Division, put down
Civil Disobedience movement in the National flag flying over it and
1930. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; destroy everything within. This
RORCG; WWIM, I, p.40] incident on 13 August 1942 so
inflamed the sentiments of the people
Bhagwan Singh: Resident of distt. that they started gathering near the
Bulandshahar, the United Provinces police station from every part of the
(now Uttar Pradesh). The protest district on 15 August 1942. The
demonstration that he took part demonstrators thereafter sought the
during the Salt Satyagraha, was Thana in-Chargeís permission for
accosted by the police and ordered putting up the National flag on the
to stop proceeding. When it refused top of the police station which he
to obey the order, the police opened curtly refused on the pretext of the
fire on it at Gulawati village on 12 District Magistrateís presence inside.
September 1930. Bhagwan Singh lost When the agitatorsí request had thus
his life in the firing. [H/Poll, F.No. been turned down, they began to
3/54/1930, NAI; SSKS, 6, p. chha pelt stones on the Thana edifice and
WWIM, I, p.40] were fired upon by the police from
inside the building. In this firing
Bhagwan Singh: Resident of Saidpur, many people were shot dead and
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western Bhagwan Das happened to be one
82 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

among those who had been killed on Bhagwana Ram: Resident of v. Dhadot,
the spot on that day. [H/poll, F.No. p.o. Chirawa, Jaipur State, Rajputana
3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 124; SSKS, 27, Agency (now Rajasthan); served as
pp. ma, ya, ra la] Lance Naik in the Supply Unit of the
British-Indian Army till he switched
Bhagwan: Resident of p.o. Chaura, distt. over his loyalty to the Indian National
Gorakhpur, the United Provinces Army in 1942; he was placed in the
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Ramnath 4th Guerilla Regiment as a Naik and
Ahir. While the people were took part in fighting the British; he
demonstrating during the Non was killed in action in Burma
Cooperation movement on 5 (Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers,
February 1922, the British police of F.Nos.403/INA, 498//INA (1945),
Chauri Chaura thana suddenly NAI; WWIM, II]
opened fire on them, resulting in
deaths and injuries. When they ran Bhagwani: Born in 1831 in a village in of
out of their ammunition and found Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western
the gathering infuriated by the firing, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took
the policemen panicked and hid part in the Uprising against the
themselves in their police station. British rule in 1857, and participated
Some in the crowd poured kerosene in the armed resistance against the
oil on the thana building and set it on British forces; she was captured by
fire, killing all the 23 policemen the British and executed on the
inside. Bhagwan was accused of gallows in 1858 on the charges of
taking part in this well-known ësedition and rebellion against the
incident, sentenced to death and British. [Mutiny Records,
hanged 2 July 1923. [H/poll, F.No. Muzaffarnagar Mutiny Basta,
563/III/1922, NAI; TR, 14 January UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.46 (III)
1923, RSAB; SSKS, 36, p. 1 & 10] (1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, pp.20-21]

Bhagwana Ram: Resident of v. Dhadot, Bhagwati Prasad: Born in 1918 in distt.

Jaipur State (now district-Jaipur), Allahabad, the United Provinces
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); (now Uttar Pradesh). A mill-worker
he was earlier a Lance-Naik in the by occupation he enthusiastically took
7/9 Rajput Regiment of the British- part in the ìQuit Indiaî movement.
Indian Army; in 1942 he decided to He was critically wounded in the
join the Indian National Army and British soldiersí firing while taking
became Naik in the 4 th Guerrilla part in a demonstration against the
Regiment; while fighting the British- Government in Allahabad on 13
led forces in pitched battles on the August 1942. Subsequent to the
Burma (Myanmar) border, he was injuries, he died on the same day.
killed in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM,
479, 498/INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, I, p.41; BCA, p. 114]
II, p.31]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 83

Bhagwati: Born in 1834 in a village in behind the bars in Bastar Jail. Later
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western in June 1910 Bhaira was shifted to the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); she Raipur Central Jail, where he died
participated in the armed struggle (before 7 November 1910) suffering
against the British rule during the ill-treatment and tortures by the jail
Uprising of 1857; she was caught by authorities. [F/Poll (Confidential),
the advancing British army in 1858, Nos 60, 29 of 1910, NAI; Jail Records,
and accused of ërebellion against the Central Jail, Raipur, List of Bastar
Britishí; executed on the gallows in Prisoners, cf HTPB, pp.245-57]
1858. [Mutiny Records, Muzaffar-
nagar Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Bhairaw Singh: Resident of Jaunpur,
Deptt, Vol. No.46 (III) (1858), MSAB; North-Western Provinces (now uttar
WWIM, III, p.21] pradesh); he participated in the
Uprising of 1857; he gathered
Bhaira: Belonged to Jagdalpur area in information about the troop
Indrawati valley, Bastar State (now movements of the British and passed
in Chhattisgarh); took part in the it over to the rebels; he was arrested,
Adivasi (tribal) Bhumkal ñ revolt of put on trial on the charge of
1910 in the Jagdalpur region of Bastar ëestablishing contacts with the rebelsí
against the feudalñcolonial exploita- and was awarded capital
tion, and in the tribesí anxiety for punishment; on 16 October 1857 he
maintaining their distinct ways of was hanged. [Mutiny Records,
life. On 16 February 1910, following Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
the direct confrontation (Indrawati- Deptt, Vol. No.46 (III) (1858), MSAB]
ford battle) between the rebels and
the British where many people died Bhairo Singh: Resident of Jhansi State
on the rebel side, Bhaira and few (now Uttar Pradesh); he took part in
others escaped from the scene and the Uprising of 1857; joined the anti-
rallied round the neighbouring Ulnar British rebel forces and driven out
and Netanar villages. ìOn the night the Britishers from Jhansi and its
of 25th February, the combined neighbouring areas during 1857-58;
forces surrounded the Ulnar hill on with the turn of the table in favour
which the men of Netanar village [the of the British in 1858, the rebel forces
rebels] were supposed to be were defeated and pushed back to
encamped. The movement was well Jhansi; while defending the Jhansi
executed, and all the aboriginals fort, Bhairo Singh was caught by the
[tribals] were captured....î With enemy and imprisoned in the Jhansi
others Bhaira was arrested, charged Central Jail; later he was sentenced
with ìwaging war against the to death in 1859 and executed soon
crownî, and tried between 13 March thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
and 28 April 1910 (known as the Mutiny Basta, 1860, UPRAA; Poll
Jagdalpur Trial). Seventy eight of the Deptt, Vol. No.36 (1860), MSAB]
rebels, including Bhaira, were put
84 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Bhairon Nauth: Resident of Futtehpore Auha in January 1858; Bhairon Singh

[Fatehpur], the North-Western Jodha died in the battlefield while
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he fighting against the British forces in
joined hands rebel forces during the January 1858. [NR; WWIM, III, p.21;
Uprising of 1857 and fought against RMSS, p.8-12 RAD, pp.270-274; RKSS,
the British at different places in the pp.110-125; Sujas, No 4, June-July
Fatehpur-Kanpur area; he also 1998, Jaipur, p.80]
provided funds to the local people
and encouraged them to plunder the Bhajan Mian: Resident of distt. Deoria,
British establishments; he was killed the United Provinces (now Uttar
by the British in one of their attacks Pradesh). He received serious bullet
on the rebels in 1857. [Mutiny wounds in firing by the military
Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta patrol at Decooghat (Deoria) in
(Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA] August 1942 during the ìQuit Indiaî
movement, and died of these on the
Bhairon Prasad: Resident of Benares same day. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42,
[Varanasi], the North-Western NAI; BCA, p. 126; WWIM, I, p.41]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took
part in the Uprising of 1857 and Bhajan Singh: Inhabitant of the Garhwal
fought against the British at various Division, the United Provinces (now
places in Varanasi; he also incited his Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
neighbours to fight against the British 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
and their loyalists; caught by the Indian Army; he left the British
British troops during their operation service to join the Indian National
in this region, and charged with Army in 1942 and served it as Sepoy
ëmurder and rebellion against the in the 3rd Infantry Battalion; he died
British authoritiesí; he was sentenced while fighting against the Allied
to death and hanged in 1858; his forces at Kindat, Burma (now
property was also confiscated. Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers,
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA (1946),NAI;
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] WWIM, II, p.32]

Bhairon Singh Jodha: Belonged to Bhajjun: Resident of Agra, the North-

Gerau, Jodhpur State (now distt. Western Provinces (now Uttar
Jodhpur) Rajputana (now Rajasthan); Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
s/o Thakur Ranjit Singh; Jagirdar (of during the Uprising of 1857 and went
Gerau); along with the Jagirdars of up to Bulandshahar fighting the
Auha, Asop, Gular and Alniyawas, British; he also took part there in an
he joined the rebel soldiers at Auha attack on the British officers and their
and extended his services (with men establishments; he was caught by the
and money) to them; fought against British in the course of an
the British troops led by Brigadier- engagement and hanged in 1858 on
General Gorge St. P. Lawrence at the charges of ëmurder of the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 85

officers and plundering the demonstration at Madhuban during

Government property during the the ìQuit Indiaî movement of 1942.
rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi When the protesters were indiscrimi-
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, nately fired upon by the British
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] soldiers, Bhakti singh received bullet
wounds and died on the spot. [H/
Bhaktawar Singh: Resident of teh. Poll, F.N. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I,
Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt. p.41]
Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now
Rajasthan); participated in a meeting Bhal Singh alias Bhalla: Hailed from v.
of the kisan agitators at Neemuchana Neemuchana, (teh.) Bansoor, Alwar
on 14 May 1925 to remonstrate State (now distt. Alwar), the
against the Maharajaís oppressive Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
administration and his land Darogha. He participated in the kisan
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this agitatorsí meeting held at
settlement the Biswedari rights of the Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
Rajputs were forfeited and the land protest against the Maharajaís mal-
revenue increased by fifty per cent. administration and his land
Though all agriculturists were settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs settlement the Biswedari rights of the
suffered the most. Hearing the news Rajputs were forfeited and the land
of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja revenue had been increased by fifty
sent his State Army to deal strongly per cent. Though all agriculturists
with the rallyists at Neemuchana. The were affected adversely by it, the
troops surrounded the village, Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing
blocked all the exits from it and the news of this gathering, the
opened fire on the protesters without Maharaja sent his State Army to
any prior warning. Bhaktawar Singh counter the rallyists at Neemuchana.
was injured in the indiscriminate The troops surrounded the village,
firing and died on the same day. blocked all the escaping routes from
Simultaneously with this assault, the it and opened fire on the protesters
village was set on fire by the State without any prior warning of
troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 dispersal. Bhal Singh alias Bhalla
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June received severe gun shots in the
1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta indiscriminate firing and died on the
No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November spot. Simultaneously, the village was
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, also set on fire by the State troops.
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925,
RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
Bhakti Singh: Born in 1921 in distt. Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
Azamgarh, the United Provinces F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
(now Uttar Ppradesh); s/o Sarnam RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
Singh; farmer. He joined the protest F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
86 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Bhambu: Hailed from Kushalgarh, Proc (Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March

Banswara State (now distt. 1914; Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI;
Banswara), the Rajputana Agency BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47
(now Rajasthan); took part in the (referred in connection with the
Bhagat Bhil movement in southern incident)]
Rajasthan that Govindgiri started in
1907, preaching monotheism among Bhan Singh: Resident of Hinduan, a
the Bhils and Kolis of Dungarpur and town in Jaipur State (now in distt.
Banswara States. Soon Govindgiriís Sawai Madhopur), the Rajputana
socio-religious endeavour changed Agency (now Rajasthan); took part
into a politico-economic movement, in the 1857 Uprising in the Jaipur
against the extraction of Begar (forced State and was arrested; the Jaipur
labour) and exploitation of the Bhils State troops stationed at Hinduan
by the petty officials of the became rebellious and rescued Bhan
Dungarpur and Banswara States and Singh and other insurgents; along
Sunth (a small state in Gujarat). with others, he was soon re-captured
Bhambu was one among those and sent to Agra by the Political
thousands of Bhagat Bhils who Agent of Jaipur. Bhan Singh was tried
joined this movement and warned at Agra and executed. [F/Cons, S.C
the Dungarpur and Banswara rulers 30 April 1858/149-150 A, NAI; Mil/
in the first week of November 1913, Deptt. No. M-06-1 (Pts.) Pad No.1/
either to remove the main grievance 2, F. No. 01, Pt.5/3, Jaipur State
of the Bhils or to face the Records, RSAB cited in RSG, V 2,
overthrowing of the Statesí authority pp.90-91]
to oppress and ill-treat them. The
militancy of the Bhils and their Bhandek Ranee: Hailing from Cawnpore
gathering in Mangarh hill so (now Kanpur) in the United
unnerved the British that they sent Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
their own troops along with those of joined the rebellious forces against
the States to lay siege on Mangarh the British in Kanpur during the
hill and disperse the gathering. On Uprising of 1857; participated in
17 November 1913 the combined plundering and attacking the British
troops attacked the Bhil position and settlements in Kanpur and its
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai surrounding areas; at the time of the
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did British troopsí striking back,
not give up till many of them were Bahndek was caught in the battlefield
injured, 900 captured and 25, and tried for his anti-British role; he
including Bhambu, killed. The was executed in 1857, [Mutiny
incident did awaken the tribesmen Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta,
so much that Motilal Tejawat had not UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
found it difficult to mobilise them in (1858), MSAB]
1921-22 against forced labour and
high rate of land revenue. [F/Poll Bhandu Tiwari: Born in 1874, resident
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 87

of Chhatarpur, the Central Provinces cent. Though all agriculturists were

and Berar (now Madhya Pradesh); affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
s/o Chhau Tiwari. He took part in suffered the most. Hearing the news
the Civil Disobedience movement in of this gathering the Maharaja sent
the northern part of the province in his State Army to counter the rallyists
1930. Arrested by the police and at Neemuchana. The troops
detained in the Chhatarpur District surrounded the village, blocked all
Jail on 14 January 1931, he died of the exit points from it and opened
tortures by the jail authorities. [H/ fire on the protesters without any
Poll (FR), F.Nos. 18/11/1930, 18/12/ prior warning of dispersal. Many
1930, 18/13/1930, NAI; FFMPC, I, p. people received severe gun shots in
116] the indiscriminate firing, including
Bhanwara Singh, who dided on the
Bhanu: Born in v. Hauz. Jownpore spot. Simultaneously, the village was
[Jaunpur], the North-Western also set on fire by the State troops.
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925,
Zamindar; he organized a group of RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
rebels, provided them with financial Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
support and arms, and attacked the F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
British establishments during the RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
1857 Uprising; he also propagated F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
against the British and encouraged
his neighbours to fight the firangis Bhao: Resident of Ghazeepoor
(British); caught by the British troops [Ghazipur], the North-Western
during their attack on this region, he Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
was executed by hanging in June 1858 joined the rebels of his area and
on the charges of ëmurder, aiding fought the British forces at several
and abetting the rebellioní. [Mutiny places in Ghazipur during the
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] the British forces after their re-
occupation of the Ghazipur region,
Bhanwara Singh: Resident v. Kohrri, and executed by hanging in 1859.
(teh.) Bansoor, Alwar State (now [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
distt. Alwar), the Rajputana Agency Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
(now Rajasthan); Shekhawat. He (IX) (1858), MSAB]
participated in a meeting of the kisan
agitators held at Neemuchana on 14 Bharat Dheemar: Resident of Saugor
May 1925 to demonstrate against the (Sagar), Madhya Pradesh; he
Maharajaís mal-administration and participated in the Uprising of 1857
his land settlement policy of 1923-24. and fought against the British forces
In this settlement the Biswedari rights in the Sagar region; captured by the
of the Rajputs were forfeited and the advancing British forces, he was
land revenue increased by fifty per executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny
88 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Records, Poll. Deptt. Vol. II, No. 43C April 1922. The agitators, including
(1859), MSAB] Bharmal Dhakar were influenced by
Mahatma Gandhi and his movement
Bharat Singh: Resident of v. Jhapkauli, and they shouted slogans: ëMahatma
p.o. Babugarh, ps. Hapur, distt. Gandhi ki Jaií. The Jagirdars could not
Meerut, the United Provinces (now tolerate it and a few days later when
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Kaur Singh. Bharmal Dhakar was working in his
Turned a Congress worker in 1931, fields, Devi Singh, the son of Nimoda
he took active part in the Individual Jagirdar, reached there and severely
Satyagraha movement and was beaten him to death. He also crushed
arrested and imprisoned for 6 Bharmal Dhakar under his horseís
months. In 1942 he was again feet, saying: ëwhere is your Gandhi
arrested by the police and sentenced nowí. [NR, 30 April 1922, RSAB]
to one yearís rigorous imprisonment
for his role in the ìQuit Indiaî Bharose Beldar: Resident of v. & p.o. Pali,
movement. He, however, died in distt. Gorakhpur, the United
August 1942 serving his term in Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). On
Meerut Jail due to tortures by the 23 August 1942 approximately 25000
police. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; people gathered during the ìQuit
SSKS, 16, p. da; WWIM, II, p. 33] Indiaî movement in Doharia to
resolve to end the British rule and
Bharesa Roy: Resident of Azimgurh achieve their freedom. When the
[Azamgarh], the North-Western people came in direct confrontation
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); with the administration and the
Rajpoot [Rajput]; he fought the situation went out of control, the
British forces at several places in police opened fire on the agitating
Azamgarh during the Uprising of satyagrahis and killed 11 persons.
1857; he also offered financial support Ghiraw Barai was among those killed
to others for buying arms and to in the firing on the same day. [H/
attack the British establishments; he poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG;
was caught by the British army after SSKS, 36, p. 2 & 26]
their re-occupation of the Azamgarh
region, and executed by hanging in Bhau Chitnis: Belonged to Mahidpur,
1859. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi Madhya Pradesh; Amaldar; he joined
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, the struggle against the British in
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] 1857 and provided financial support
to the rebels of his locality; he also
Bharmal Dhakar: Resident of v. Nimoda, participated in rebel forcesí
Kota State (now distt. Kota), the confrontations with the British army;
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan). caught by the British during an
He took part in the protest against engagement in Mahidpur, he was
the atrocities of the Jagirdars and Begar blown away with a cannon on 8
(force labour) at Nimoda in March- January 1858. [Mutiny Records, Poll
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 89

Deptt. Vol. II, No.43C (1859), MSAB] murder and rebellion against the
Britishí; he died in imprisonment
Bhavan: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] before his transportation. [Mutiny
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
joined the rebel forces in fighting NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll Deptt,
against the British during the 1857 Vol. No.106 (1859), MSAB]
Uprising, and implored others to
support the rebel cause; he was Bhawani Dayal Singh: Resident of v.
caught by the British troops in the Ramsinghpur, distt. Benaras
midst of an encounter with then; (Varanasi), the United Provinces
charged with ësedition, murder and (now Uttar Pradesh). A participant
rebellioní, he was sentenced to death, in the ìQuit Indiaî movement, he
and hanged in 1858. [Mutiny Records, was killed in the police firing on an
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858- anti-British rally he joined at his
59), UPSAL] native place in August 1942. [H/poll,
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 123;
Bhawan Singh: Hailed from of the WWIM, II, p.128]
Garhwal Division, the United
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); he was Bhawani Prasad: Hailed from Sagar, the
a Soldier in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles Central Provinces and Berar (now
of the British-Indian Army; he Madhya Pradesh); he joined the anti-
shifted his loyalty to the Indian British rebel forces in the Sagar area
National Army in 1942 and served it during the Uprising of 1857; his
as Sepoy in the 3rd Infantry Battalion; troops kept attacking the British
while fighting against the Allied outposts; he was caught eventually
forces in Burma (now Myanmar) he by the British force and sent on the
died on the battle ground at Trawang gallows on 20 July 1857. [Mutiny
in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, Papers, Vol. I, NAIB; WWIM, III, pp.
NAI; 221/INA WWIM, II, p.35] 16-17]

Bhawanee: Born in Jhansee [Jhansi], Bhawani Prasad: Resident of v.

Uttar Pradesh; joined the rebels in Majhgawan, distt. Jabalpur, Madhya
attacking and plundering the British Pradesh; s/o Mulai Ram Dhimar.
offices in Jhansi region during 1857 Participated in the ìQuit Indiaî
Uprising; he also provided financial movement of 1942 from Jabalpur
support to the rebels and incited division. He was arrested, tried and
others to take up their arms against imprisoned in the Jabalpur District
the British; he was captured in the Jaily. Released in a critical condition
course of the British operations in November 1942, he died shortly
against the rebels; he was sentenced thereafter. [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
to transportation for life with F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA), NAI;
confiscation of his property in 1859 MPSSZB, EBIFF, I, p.93]
on the charges of ëplundering,
90 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Bhawani Singh (Salar): Resident of Malwa region, the Central India

Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh) Agency (now Madhya Pradesh);
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he Thakur (landlord) of Sandal; enlisted
joined the Uprising of 1857 and on the rebel side by Raja Bakhat Bali
played a leading role in organizing (ruler of Amjhera) during the
the rebel forces of his region, and also Uprising of 1857 for resisting
attacking the British authorities in unwanted British intrusions in the
Lucknow on several occasions; he tribal region; he took part in the
died while fighting against the tribal attack on the Bhopawar
British army at Zard Kothi, Lucknow Political Agency on 3 July 1857; he
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow was captured by the British forces in
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] the course of the encounter and
hanged till death on 20 July 1857.
Bhawani Singh: Belonged to v. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, NAIB;
Bhainswal, Muzaffarnagar, the WWIM, III, pp. 16-17]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); took a leading part in Bhawani Singh: Resident of Unnao, the
attacking the British outposts during North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the 1857 Uprising near his village; he Pradesh); he participated in the
also led a group of rebels in Uprising of 1857 and fought the
plundering the British treasury with British at various places in the Unnao-
a view to meet the military expenses; Kanpur region; he also incited others
he was captured by the British troops to plunder the British properties; he
and executed by hanging in 1857. was killed during a confrontation
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl with the British army in Unnao in
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; Poll 1857. [Mutiny Records, Unnao
Deptt, Vol. No.46 (III) (1858), MSAB] Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]
Bhawani Singh: Inhabitant of Lucknow,
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Bheda Singh: Belonged to the Oudh
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
resistance against the British during Pradesh); s/o Udey Singh; Rajput;
the Uprising of 1857 and fought the joined the rebel forces during the
British forces in different Uprising of 1857 and fought against
engagements in the Lucknow region; the British officials and troops in his
he was killed by the British army in village; he was caught by the British
the course of an encounter at Bailley in the course of an engagement and
Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857. executed by hanging in 1857. [Mutiny
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
(1858), UPSAL]
Bheek Singh: Belonged to Jagdishpur,
Bhawani Singh: Resident of Bhaopawar, Lucknow, the Oudh [Awadh]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 91

Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta

was a Sepoy in the British-Indian No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November
Army but left it to join the rebels 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
during the Uprising of 1857; he F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
fought against the British in Lucknow
and managed to reach Delhi and then Bheema: Born in Futtehgurh [Fatehgarh],
to Haryana; he was caught by the the North-Western Provinces (now
British soldiers and convicted for Uttar Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he
ëdesertion and mutiny against the took part in the fight against the
British authorityí; sentenced to death British during the Uprising of 1857;
at Jhajjar in 1857, he was executed by he also offered financial support to
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Judl. the rebels of his area for buying arms
Deptt. (Delhi Div), F.No.3 (1858), and to attack the British establish-
HSAP] ments; he was captured after the
British re-occupation of this area and
Bheema: Belonged to v. Neemuchana, charged with ëplundering the
teh. Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State Government property and rebellion
(now distt. Alwar), the Rajputana against the Britishí; he was sentenced
Agency (now Rajasthan); Brahmin; to death in 1858 and executed by
participated in the kisan agitatorsí hanging. [Mutiny Records, Agra
meeting held at Neemuchana on 14 Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
May 1925 to demonstrate against the Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Maharajaís oppressive administration
and his land settlement policy of Bheemsein: Resident of Iradutnugur,
1923-24. In this settlement the Agra, the North-Western Provinces
Biswedari rights of the Rajputs were (now Uttar Pradesh); Thakoor
forfeited and the land revenue had [Thakur]; he was a Naick [Naik] in
been increased by fifty per cent. the A. Company of the British-Indian
Though all agriculturists were army; he left the British service
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs during the Uprising of 1857 and
suffered the most. Hearing the news fought against the British at several
of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja places in his region; he died in 1858
sent his State Army to counter the while resisting the advancing British
rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra
surrounded the village, blocked all Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
the exit routes from it and opened Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
fire on the protesters without any
prior warning. Bheema was seriously Bheen Sein: Resident of the Oudh
injured in the indiscriminate firing [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
and died. Simultaneously, the village Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
was also set on fire by the State in the A. Company of the British-
troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 Indian army; he left the British
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June service during the Uprising of 1857
92 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

and fought against the British at arrested by the British in 1880 and
several places; he died in 1858 while dragged to the gallows in the same
resisting the advancing British forces. year. [H/Poll, F.No.28/08/1880,
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny NAI; MPDGN, p.122; TCIAI, p. 18]
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
(1858-59), UPSAL] Bhikam Khan: Belonged to Dhar,
Madhya Pradesh; s/o Peer
Bheer Singh: Belonged to Lucknow, the Mohammad; he took part in the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Pradesh); he joined hands with the the British forces at several places in
rebels and fought the British forces the Dhar region; caught by the British
at a number of places in Lucknow during an engagement, he was
during the Uprising of 1857; he also executed on 11 January 1857. [ Mutiny
participated in the rebelsí attacking Records, Poll. Deptt. Vol. No. 56
and plundering the British properties; (1859), MSAB; WWIM, III, p.23]
he died while confronting the British
army at Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in Bhikaree: Inhabitant of Unnao, the
March 1858. [Mutiny Records, North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Pradesh); he took part in the
Uprising of 1857 and fought the
Bhekhum: Resident of Munwan, British forces on several occasions in
Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North- the Unnao-Kanpur region; he also
Western Provinces (now Uttar provided financial support to the
Pradesh); Aheer; he fought the rebels for buying arms, and
British forces at several places in encouraged them for plundering the
Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857; British properties; he was killed
he was caught by the British when during an encounter with the British
they were re-occupying the Ghazipur army in Unnao in 1857. [Mutiny
region, and executed by hanging in Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta,
1859. [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] (1858), MSAB]

Bhijania: Resident of Nimar, Central Bhilla: Resident of Banswara State (now

India Agency (now Madhya distt. Banswara), the Rajputana
Pradesh); a trusted lieutenant of Agency (now Rajasthan); he took part
Tantia Bhil, took part in the Bhil in the Bhagat Bhil movement in
tribesí armed resistance against southern Rajasthan that Govindgiri
British encroachments into their started in 1907, preaching
territories, as well as against the monotheism among the Bhils and
subjection of its people to economic Kolis of Dungarpur and Banswara
deprivation in the late 1870s in States. Soon Govindgiriís socio-
Nimar, Dhar, Jhabua, Hosangabad religious endeavour changed into a
and Malwa region; he had been politico-economic movement, against
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 93

the extraction of Begar (forced labour) that was fired upon, near the Bairiya
and exploitation of the Bhils by the police station on 18 August 1942,
petty officials of the Dungarpur and Bhim Ahir received severe bullet
Banswara States and Sunth (a small injuries and died of these on the same
state in Gujarat). Bhilla was one day. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
among those thousands of Bhagat BCA, p. 112]
Bhils who joined this movement and
warned the Dungarpur and Bhim Singh Rana: Resident of the
Banswara rulers in the first week of Garhwal Division, the United
November 1913, either to remove the Provinces (now Uttarakhand); earlier
main grievance of the Bhils or to face he was a Jamadar [Jamadar] in the 5/
the overthrowing of the Statesí 18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
authority to oppress and ill-treat Indian Army but left it in 1942 to join
them. The militancy of the Bhils and the Indian National Army; he was
their gathering in Mangarh hill so posted as Lieutenant in the I st
unnerved the British that they sent Bahadur Group of the INA; while
their own troops along with those of fighting against the Allied forces in
the States to lay siege on Mangarh Burma (now Myanmar) he received
hill and disperse the gathering. On severe injuries and admitted in a
17 November 1913 the combined hospital at Mandalay; he died in the
troops attacked the Bhil position and hospital in 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos.
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai 1/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.36]
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did
not give up till many of them were Bhim Singh Thapa: Hailed from distt.
injured, 900 captured and 25, Almora, the United Provinces (now
including Bhilla, killed. The incident Uttarakhand); he was a Sepoy in the
did awaken the tribesmen so much British Indian Army; enrolled
that Motilal Tejawat had not found himself in the Indian National Army
it difficult to mobilise them in 1921- in Malaya in 1943 and served it as
22 against forced labour and high rate Captain; died while fighting the
of land revenue. [F/Poll Proc British forces in Burma (Myanmar)
(Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March 1914; in 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos.1/INA,
Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI; 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 p.329]
(referred in connection with the
incident)] Bhima Naik: Resident of Dholi Bhowlee,
Barwani State, Madhya Pradesh; a
Bhim Ahir: Resident of v. Bhagwanpur, prominent leader of the Bhils of
distt. Ballia, the United Provinces Nimar; took part in the Uprising of
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Wakil Ahir. 1857 against the British raj; he raised
He took an active part in the ìQuit an anti-British force by bringing in
Indiaî movement of 1942 in his area. men from Bhil, Bhilala, Mandoi and
While participating in a protest rally Naik tribes, and collaborated with
94 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Tantia Tope; he deployed his troops Bhojpal Singh: Hailing from Jhansi
on the Bhil-populated Bombay State, (now Uttar Pradesh); inspired
[Mumbai] ñ Agra Highway, where by the Uprising of 1857 and resenting
they constantly disturbed the British the British interference in the Jhansi
troop movements; the British affairs, he joined the rebel forces and
authorities tried hard to corner and participated in the destruction of
capture Bhima since 1859, but British establishments in Jhansi;
succeeded in arresting him only in when the British were recovering
1861 from his jungle hideout; he was their lost ground in Jhansi in 1858,
found guilty, sentenced to he was captured by them; accused of
transportation for life, and sent to ëtaking part in the rebellion against
Cellular Jail of the Andaman Islands, the Britishí, Bhojpal Singh was
where he died in detention. [Mutiny executed in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Papers, I, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB; WWIM, Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
III, pp. 103-104]
Bhola Kirad: Resident of resident of
Bhogi Ram: Born in v. Jaspura, teh. Jubbulpore [Jabalpur], Central
Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur State Provinces and Berar (now Madhya
(now in distt. Karauli), Rajputana Pradesh); s/o Antu Kirad, completed
Agency (now Rajasthan); he served schooling up to IV standard. He took
as Sepoy in the 8th Punjab Regiment part in the ìQuit Indiaî movement
of the British-Indian Army; in 1942, in the Jabalpur division in September
he decided to join the Indian National 1942. Bhola was arrested, tried and
Army in the same rank in the 3 rd imprisoned in the Jabalpur Central
Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting Jail. After being in jail for about a
the British in pitched battles, he was year, and tortured by the jail
killed in March 1945 near the Sitang authorities, he died there on 2
River (Myanmar). [INA Papers, January 1943. [H/Poll (FR), F.Nos.
F.Nos.403/INA, 498//INA (1945), 18/8/1942, NAI; FFMPC, II, p. 319]
NAI; WWIM, II, p.36]
Bhola Nath: Resident of Bareilly, now
Bhoja: Born in the Oudh [Awadh] Uttar Pradesh; he took part in the
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); took Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebel
part in the Uprising of 1857 when it forces under the leadership of Khan
broke out in his region; he also Bahadur Khan, who had declared
accompanied the rebel forces in himself to be the ruler of Rohilkhand;
attacking and plundering the British he fought against the British forces
establishments; he was caught by the at several places in the Rohilkhand
British troops and executed by region; he was captured by the
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, British during their re-occupation of
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858- the Bareilly region, and charged with
59), UPSAL] ëplundering and rebellion against the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 95

Britishí; he was sentenced to death service during the Uprising of 1857

with confiscation of his property and and joined the rebels to challenge the
executed in 1860. [Poll Deptt, Vol. British rule; he was caught in 1858
No.36 (1860), MSAB; WWIM, III, while fighting the British forces, and
pp.23-24] sentenced to death on the charges of
ëdesertion and mutiny against the
Bhola Ram: Resident of Hosseinpur, British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
Western Provinces (now Uttar Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
Pradesh); he joined hands with the UPSAL]
rebels of his area during the Uprising
of 1857, and fought the British forces Bhola Singh: Resident of Shahjehnpoor
on several occasions; caught by the [Shahjahanpur], the North-Western
British in the course of an Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
engagement, he was accused of Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy
ëplundering the British property and in the C. Company under the British-
rebellion against the Britishí; he was Indian army; he stopped serving the
sentenced to death and hanged in British during the Uprising of 1857
1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP, and joined the rebel forces; he was
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta, File No. 17, caught in 1858 while fighting the
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.36 British troops, and sentenced to
(1859), MSAB] death on the charges of ëdesertion
and mutiny against the British
Bhola Singh: Resident of Madhya authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra
Pradesh; previously served as a Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
Sepoy in the 52nd Native Infantry of Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
the British-Indian Army; during his
posting at Jabalpur he decided to join Bholareh: Resident of Ghazeepoor
the rebel forces led by Baldev Shukul [Ghazipur], the North-Western
at Katangi (in Jabalpur), and took Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
part in the Uprising of 1857 against joined the rebel forces of his area and
the British; in the course of fighting fought the British at several places
he was wounded seriously, captured in Ghazipur during the Uprising of
by the British and executed in 1857. 1857; he was caught by the British
[Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, NAIB; Poll during their re-occupation of the
Deptt, Vol. No. 50 (VII) (1858), Ghazipur region, and executed by
MSAB; WWIM, III, p. 24] hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
Bhola Singh: Resident of Agra, the Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858),
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar MSAB]
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
in the B. Company of the British- Bhole Nath: Belonged to Lucknow, the
Indian army; he left the British Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
96 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Pradesh); he took part in the armed movement indicated the growing

resistance against the British rule unrest among the tribals of Siawa
during the Uprising of 1857; he died and their open defiance of the Sirohi
confronting the British forces at State authority between March and
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in April 1922. The headmen of Siawa
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, and other villages spurned the Stateís
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. proposal to assemble at Abu Road for
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] a settlement of their grievances; the
Bhils of Rohera and the Girassias of
Bholey Khan: Resident of Humeerpoor Chandela, Girwar and the
[Hamirpur], the North-Western neighbouering villages of Siawa
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he defied the State by carrying away
joined hands with the rebels during crops from their fields without
the Uprising of 1857, and also paying the Stateís dues. Thereupon,
provided financial support to the local the State troops with the support of
people and incited them to raise their the Mewar Bhil Corps attacked
arms against the firangis (British); he Siawa, the village of the headman of
was caught during an engagement the Girassias, on 12 April, 1922. As a
with the British troops, and charged result of their indiscriminate firing,
with ëaiding and abetting the Bholo and several other Girassia
rebellion against the Britishí, he was agitators were killed; many others
sentenced to death with confiscation were driven away to the hills;
of property in 1859 and executed by thereafter several of their huts and
hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny large quantity of grain were burnt.
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, [NR, 30 April and 18 June 1922, RSAB;
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.III, No.43D AMR, 1913-1947, pp.101-102]
(1859), MSAB]
Bhoman: Belonged to distt. Alwar, the
Bholo: Resident of v. Siawa, Sirohi State Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
(now distt. Sirohi), the Rajputana served in the 7/8 Punjab Regiment
Agency (now Rajasthan); Girassia of the British-Indian Army as a
(tribe). He participated in the no-rent Sepoy; later shifted his loyalty to the
campaign, known as the Ekki Indian National Army and served its
movement, in the BhilñGirassia 3rd Guerrilla Regiment in the same
villages of Siawa and others in position; he was killed in action
Santnampur tehsil in Sirohi State. The against the Br5itish forces in Burma
Ekki movement was launched for the (Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers, File
prevention of the tribal peasantsí No. 498/INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, II,
harassment by the State officials and p.36]
for their redressal of the grievances
of high rate of Hasil (land revenue), Bhondu Ram: Belonged to distt. Jaipur,
Lag-bags (cesses) and Begar (forced Rajasthan; previously served as a
labour) in the Sirohi State. The Sepoy in the 1/8 Punjab Regiment of
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 97

the British-Indian Army; left it in 1942 was caught by the British in the
and joined the Indian National Army course of an encounter in the
as a Naik in the 3 rd Guerrilla Gorakhpur region, and hanged in
Regiment; he was killed in action 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi
against the British forces in Burma Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
(Myanmar) in 1944.[INA Papers, File Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
No. 498/INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, II,
p.36] Bhoopal Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
Division, the United Provinces (now
Bhondu: Resident of Jalalabad, the Oudh Uttarakhand); he was a Quarter-
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar Master Havildar [Hawaldar] in the 5/
Pradesh); cultivator; along with his 18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
neighbourhood, he refused to oblige Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
the British forces with the supply of to the Indian National Army in 1942
rasad (provisions) at Jalalabad during and served it as Second Lieutenant
the Uprising of 1857; he was caught in the 3rd Infantry Battalion; he fought
by the British for this and hanged in against the British forces at several
November 1857; his entire village was places in Burma (now Myanmar); he
also plundered by the British troops. was killed in an air attack at Kalewa
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
Basta, UPRAA] 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
Bhoodhoo: Belonged to Mahomedabad,
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the Bhoopendar Singh: Born in v. Kurmath,
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar p.o. Banoth, distt. Muzaffarnagar,
Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined the United Provinces (now Uttar
the rebel forces of his area during the Pradesh). He earlier served the
Uprising of 1857 and fought against Hong Kong-Singapore Royal
the British on several occasions; he Artillery of the British-Indian Army
was caught by the British troops in as a Lance- Naik. He shifted his
an encounter in the Gorakhpur loyalty to the Indian National Army
region, and hanged in 1858. [Mutiny and served as Naik in its Intelligence
Records, NWP, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, Group. He was killed in the
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) battlefield during the course of his
(1858), MSAB] military duties near Kalewa in the
late 1944. [INA Papers, No 1/INA,
Bhoojun Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor, NAI; ROH, pp. 658-59 WWIM, II,
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the p.37]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined Bhooray Khan: Resident of the Oudh
the rebel forces of his area during the [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Uprising of 1857 and fought against Pradesh); Maivatee [Mewati]; he was
the British on several occasions; he a Sepoy in the A. Company of the
98 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

British-Indian army; he left the sentenced to death with confiscation

British service during the Uprising of his property in June 1858; he was
of 1857 and fought against the British executed by hanging soon thereafter.
at several places; he died in 1858 [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
while resisting the advancing British Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
Proc. Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] Bhoowanny: Resident of Gwalee,
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
Bhoorey: Resident of Banda, the North- Western Provinces (now Uttar
Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Pradesh); he joined hands with the rebels of his area during the Uprising
rebels during the Uprising of 1857 of 1857, and fought the British forces
and fought against the British forces on several occasions; caught by the
in the Banda region; he also incited British in the course of an
the local people to kill the British; and engagement, he was accused of
establish their own authority in place ëplundering the British property and
of the Companyís; he was caught in rebellion against the Britishí; he was
the midst of an engagement with the sentenced to death and hanged in
advancing British troops in Banda, 1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
and charged with ësedition, murder Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
and the rebellion against the Britishí; Srs.), UPRAA]
he was sentenced to death with
confiscation of property in July 1858 Bhoree Singh: Resident of Furreh, Agra,
and executed by hanging. [Mutiny the North-Western Provinces (now
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, Uttar Pradesh); Jat; he was a Sepoy
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) in the B. Company of the British-
(1858), MSAB] Indian army; he left the British
employment during the Uprising of
Bhoos Lumberdar: Belonged to Banda, 1857 and joined hands with the rebels
the North-Western Provinces (now for fighting against the British rule;
Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the he was caught in 1858 while
Uprising of 1857; he raised a body of encountering the British forces, and
rebels and fought against the British sentenced to death on the charges of
forces at various places in the Banda ëdesertion and mutiny against the
region; he also provided financial British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
support to the local disgruntled and NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
incited them to take up arms against Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
the British; he was caught by the UPSAL]
British troops at the time of their
operations in Banda, and charged Bhoriya Ram: Resident of v. Mundiya,
with ësedition, aiding and abetting teh. Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur
the rebellion against the Britishí, State (now in distt. Karauli),
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 99

Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny

he was earlier a Sepoy in the 7/8 Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
Punjab Regiment of the British-Indian (1858-59), UPSAL]
Army; left it in 1942 and joined the
Indian National Army as Sepoy in the Bhowanee Krn: Resident of the Oudh
3 rd Guerrilla Regiment; on being [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
deployed on the Burma (Mynmar) Pradesh); Brahmin; he joined the
front, he fought against the British- Uprising of 1857 and fought against
led forces and died in the fighting hands with rebels there; he was
near Arakan (Myanmar) in 1944. captured by the enemy in Delhi and
[INA Papers, F.No.15/INA, NAI; charged with ësedition and rebellion
WWIM, II, p.38] against the Britishí; he was sentenced
to death and executed by hanging on
Bhoru Ram: Resident of v. Monda, distt. 18 January 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Tehri-Garhwal, Garhwal Division, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div), F.No.3
the United Provinces (now the (1858), HSAP]
Uttara-khand); s/o Lilanand; Took
part in the peasant agitation during Bhowanee Purshad: Resident of
the Civil Disobedience movement of Furruckabad [Farrukhabad], the
1930 against the oppressive Tehri- North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Garhwal rulerís imposition of high Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
land taxes. On 20 May 1930, the in the C. Company of the British-
District Magistrate with his police Indian army; he left the British
force arrived in Dandal village to employment during the Uprising of
confiscate peasantís lands for non- 1857 and joined the rebelsí fighting
payment of taxes, and that was against the British rule; he was
resisted strongly by peasants. The caught in 1858 while confronting the
ensuing clash between these two British forces, and sentenced to
resulted in sudden opening of police death on the charges of ëdesertion
firing in which Bhoru Ram was killed and mutiny against the British
on the spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/54/ authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra
1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; WWIM, II, Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
p.5; SSKS, GD: p.1] Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]

Bhowana: Resident of Muttra [Mathura], Bhowanee: Resident of Banda, the

the North-Western Provinces (now North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Pradesh); he provided financial
Sepoy in the A. Company of the support to the rebels of Banda during
British-Indian army; he left the the Uprising of 1857, and incited the
British service during the Uprising local people to attack the British; he
of 1857 and joined hands with the was captured by the British during
rebel forces; he died in 1858 while their operations in Banda, charged
resisting the advancing British forces. with ëaiding and abetting the
100 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

rebellion against the Britishí; he was atrocities, the rate of land tax, and
sentenced to the transportation for its forcible collection. Hearing the
life in August 1858; he died in news of the kisan gathering, a Senior
captivity before his transportation. Police Officer (with a police party)
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny reached there, and ordered for lathi
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 charge first and then for opening fire
(IX) (1858), MSAB] on the agitators. Many people,
including Bhudaram, received severe
Bhowanee: Resident of the Oudh gun shots in the firing, and Budhiram
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar died on the spot. [Rajasthan, 13 May
Pradesh); Aheer; he was a Sepoy in 1934, RSAB; SKAI, p.118]
the A. Company of the British-Indian
army; he left the British service Bhuddoo Shaikhanee: Resident of
during the Uprising of 1857 and Allahabad, the North-Western
joined hands with the rebel forces to Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
challenge the British rule; he fought participated in the Uprising of 1857
against the British at several places, and fought against the British forces
and died in 1858 while resisting the at different places in the Allahabad
advancing British forces. [Mutiny and Fatehpur regions; he also incited
Records, NWP, Agra Etawahh the local people to go all-out for
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. overthrowing the British rule; he was
Proc. Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] caught by the British during their
attacks on Allahabad and charged
Bhowanee: Resident of the Oudh with ëaiding the rebellion and inciting
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar the people for murdering the Britishí;
Pradesh); took part in the fighting he was sentenced to death in July
against the British during the 1857 and executed by hanging.
Uprising of 1857; he also incited those [Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny
around him to take up their arms Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
against the British; he was caught by (IX) (1858), MSAB]
the Companyís army during an
engagement, and charged with Bhugerah: Resident of Jhansee [Jhansi],
ësedition and rebellioní; he died in Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel
jail before his transportation. [Mutiny forces in fighting against the British
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) during 1857 Uprising; he also
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] provided financial support to rebels
of his area and incited others to attack
Bhudaram: Resident of v. Ajitpura, Jaipur the British; he was caught by the
State (now in distt. Sikar), the British at the time of their re-
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); occupation of this area; put on trial
Jat. He joined the kisan agitatorsí on the charges of ëaiding and
meeting held at Kudan in May 1934 abetting the rebellioní, he was
to remonstrate against the Jagirdarsí sentenced to transportation for life
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 101

with confiscation of his property in places in the Meerut region; he was

1859; he died in captivity before his caught by the British after the defeat
transportation. [Mutiny Records, of the rebel forces and charged with
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- ëmurder and plundering the
59), UPSAL] Government property during the
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death
Bhugga: Resident of Nimar, Central India in 1858 and executed by hanging.
Agency, Indore, (now Madhya [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
Pradesh); took a leading part in Basta, UPRAA; AG (1859), MPSAB;
organizing the rebel forces to fight Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858),
the British during the Uprising of MSAB]
1857 at Mandleshwar; while fighting
he was captured by the British and Bhugwan Dass: Belonged to Ghuttea,
executed in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, VI, Agra, the North-Western Provinces
NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (now Uttar Pradesh); Kaith; he was
(1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, p. 24] a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the
Contingent Guards of the Agra
Bhugooab: Resident of Banda, the Central Prison; he left the British
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar employment during the Uprising of
Pradesh); he took part in the 1857 and joined hands with the rebels
Uprising of 1857 and fought against of the Agra area; he fought the
the British forces at various places in British troops in several engage-
the Banda region; he also incited the ments in the Agra-Mathura region;
neighbourhood to take up its arms he was killed by the advancing
against the British and their allies; he British forces when they raided raids
was caught by the British troops at on the rebel positions in 1858.
the time of their military advance in [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Banda, and charged with ësedition UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
and rebellion against the Britishí; (1858), MSAB]
sentenced to death with confiscation
of property in July 1858, he was Bhuja: Belonged to Oudh [Awadh]
executed by hanging thereafter. Province (now Uttar Pradesh);
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny participated in the Uprising of 1857
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 soon after its outbreak in the Awadh
(IX) (1858), MSAB] region; he fought against the British
troops and persuaded others to join
Bhuguta: Belonged to v. Bijraut, Meerut, the rebels; he was captured by the
the North-Western Provinces (now British and sentenced to
Uttar Pradesh); Jat; he participated transportation for life on the charges
in the Uprising of 1857 and also of ësedition and rebellioní; he died
incited his neighbourhood to raise in jail before transportation; his
their arms against the British rule; he property was also confiscated.
fought the British forces at several [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
102 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] the British and was killed in action
in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No. 1/INA,
Bhujjan Singh: Resident of Vuzeer- NAI; WWIM, II, p.38]
poora, Agra, the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Bhullan Singh: Hailed from v. Dhandar,
was a Sepoy in the A. Company of p.o. Muradnagar, distt. Meerut, the
the British-Indian army; he left the United Provinces (now Uttar
British service during the Uprising Pradesh). Before his joining the
of 1857 and joined hands with the Indian National Armyís Intelligence
rebels to fight against the British rule; Group as a Havildar [Hawaldar] he
he died in 1858 while resisting the served the British-Indian Army. He
advancing British forces. [Mutiny was killed in action while engaged
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, in an encounter with Allied forces in
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- Burma (Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
59), UPSAL] Papers, No 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp.
Bhule Shah: Born in Puthra, Humeer-
poor [Hamirpur], the North-Western Bhumani Prasad: Resident of Sagour
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); [Sagar], Jubbulpore Division, the
Chuprasee [Chaprasi]; he participated Central Provinces and Berar (now
in the Uprising of 1857 and provided Madhya Pradesh); previously served
all the assistance to the rebels in their in the State police force as a
fight against the British; he was constable; joined the anti-British
caught by the Companyrajís troops rebel forces led by Adil Mohammad
and charged with ëtaking part in the Khan in Sagour area during the
rebellion against the Britishí; Uprising of 1857; he took part in
sentenced to transportation for life attacking and plundering the British
in 1859, he died in detention. [Mutiny outposts at Rahatgarh; when the
Records, Hamirpur, Mutiny Basta, British succeeded in retrieving
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.III, No.43D position in this area, they managed
(1859), MSAB] to catch Bhumani from his native
village; on the charges of ëaiding and
Bhullan Singh: Born in v. Dhandar, abetting the rebellioní, he was
distt. Meerut, the United Provinces sentenced to death by hanging on 25
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Girdhar March 1858 [NAI, Poll Proc., file No.
Singh. He was formerly a soldier in 134, Letters by and to the Governor
No. 24 IBT Company of the British- General, Bundle 98, dated 9 March
Indian Army, but in 1942 he 1858; 1857KAVRB, p. 139]
abandoned earlier appointment and
joined the Indian National Armyís Bhumo/Bhumiyo: Hailed from v.
Intelligence Group as havildar Devala, Udaipur (Mewar) State (now
[Hawaldar]. Being deployed on the distt. Udaipur), the Rajputana
Burma (Myanmar) front, he fought Agency (now Rajasthan); took part
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 103

in the Bhagat Bhil movement in 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 (referred in

southern Rajasthan that Govindgiri connection with the incident)]
started in 1907, preaching
monotheism among the Bhils and Bhungay: Belonged to Cheterkonee,
Kolis of Dungarpur and Banswara Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
States. Soon Govindgiriís socio- Western Provinces (now Uttar
religious endeavour changed into a Pradesh); he fought the British forces
politico-economic movement, against at several places in Ghazipur during
the extraction of Begar (forced labour) the Uprising of 1857; he also
and exploitation of the Bhils by the supported the rebels financially for
petty officials of the Dungarpur and buying arms to attack the British
Banswara States and Sunth (a small establishments; he was caught by the
state in Gujarat). Bhumo/Bhumiyo British after their re-occupation of the
was one among those thousands of Ghazipur region, and executed by
Bhagat Bhils who joined this hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
movement and warned the Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Dungarpur and Banswara rulers in
the first week of November 1913, Bhup Singh: Resident of Jhansi State
either to remove the main grievance (now Uttar Pradesh); joined the rebel
of the Bhils or to face the forces during the Uprising of 1857
overthrowing of the Statesí authority and participated in driving the British
to oppress and ill-treat them. The away from Jhansi and its neighboring
militancy of the Bhils and their areas; at the time of the British
gathering in Mangarh hill so recovery of Jhansi in 1858, he was
unnerved the British that they sent captured by them; accused of
their own troops along with those of ërebellion against the British,í he was
the States to lay siege on Mangarh sentenced to death in 1859. [Mutiny
hill and disperse the gathering. On Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
17 November 1913 the combined UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
troops attacked the Bhil position and (1858), MSAB]
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did Bhupal Singh: Born in 1884 in v.
not give up till many of them were Himmatpur Manjhava, distt. Etawah,
injured, 900 captured and 25, the United Provinces (now Uttar
including Bhumo/Bhumiyo, killed. Pradesh); s/o Vishwanath. A kisan
The incident did awaken the activist in the agitation against the
tribesmen so much that Motilal exorbitant land taxes in 1931; he
Tejawat had not found it difficult to joined a rally to welcome the released
mobilise them in 1921-22 against political prisoners at Nagla Dhakau
forced labour and high rate of land on 10 May 1931. The police fired
revenue. [F/Poll Proc (Internal-A), upon it without any provocation and
Nos 8-67, March 1914; Nos.18-22, Bhupal Singh succumbed to his bullet
August 1914, NAI; BMBSR, pp.20-21, injuries on the same day. [H/Poll,
104 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

F.No. 3/6/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.49] Begun Jagirs in January 1922. They
were agitating against the atrocities
Bhur Singh: Belonged to v. of the Mewar police and the local
Neemuchana, (teh.) Bansoor, Alwar British officials committed on the
State (now distt. Alwar), the kisans of Sooras, Barlayas and
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); Mandalgarh parganas of the Mewar
Thakur. He participated in the kisan State. With others, Bhura was also
meeting held at Neemuchana on 14 arrested by the police and sent to
May 1925 to remonstrate against the Udaipur Fort Jail. In jail he was hit
Maharajaís oppressive administration below the belt by the jail officials and
and his land settlement policy of tortured to death. [NR, 29 January
1923-24. In this settlement the 1922, RSAB]
Biswedari rights of the Rajputs were
forfeited and the land revenue Bhure Lal: Born in 1922 at v. Auraiya,
increased by fifty per cent. Though distt. Etawah, the United Provinces
all agriculturists were affected (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Rajjan Lal.
adversely by it, the Rajputs suffered He took part in a demonstration
the most. Hearing the news of this taken out in connection with the
gathering, the Maharaja sent his State ìQuit Indiaî movement at Auraiya
Army to counter the rallyists at village on 12 August 1942. The
Neemuchana. The troops protesters had to face police firing
surrounded the village, blocked all on that day in which he received
the escape routes from it and opened bullet wounds and died subsequen-
fire on the protesters without any tly. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
prior warning. Bhur Singh received BCA, p. 103]
severe bullet wounds in the firing and
died on the spot. Simultaneously Bhuriyo: Resident of Dhangarmaou Jagir
with this assault, the village was set in Udaipur (Mewar) State (now in
on fire by the State troops. [Alwar distt. Udaipur, the Rajputana Agency
Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; (now Rajasthan). The atrocities of the
TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925; Mewar police and the local British
Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29, officials in Sooras, Barlayas and
F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936, Mandalgarh area of the Mewar
RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, caused widespread unrest in the
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] whole of the State. The people of
Yorav, Dhangarmaou, Begun,
Bhura: Belonged to v. Raotedha, Jagir Neemri, Bhainsodgarh and Parsoli
Begun, Udaipur (Mewar) Jagirs agitated against the Maharana
Dhangarmaou, State (now in distt. and the British and launched a
Chittorgarh, the Rajputana Agency Satyagraha in January 1922. When a
(now Rajasthan); joined the large crowd of men and women,
protestors of Yorav, Dhangarmaou, including Bhuriyo, demonstrated
Neemri, Bhainsrodgarh, Parsoli and shouting ìBande Mataramî, they
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 105

were arrested and put behind the Agency (now Rajasthan). Worked
bars in Udaipur Fort Jail. Bhuriyo under Begar (forced labour) for the
was also arrested and detained in Jhalawar ruler. The Viceroy visited
Udaipur Fort Jail, tortured by the jail meanwhile the Rajputana States in
authorities and died in April 1922. December 1927 and his special train
[NR, 29 January, 15 April 1922, RSAB] was to pass by the Jhalwar State on 8
December 1927. For the safety of the
Bhurjarai Singh: Resident of Bhopal special train, the police forced a large
State (Madhya Pradesh); he was a number of people from the nearby
prominent rebel leader during the villages and posted each of them at a
Uprising of 1857 in Jhansi; joined the certain distance on the railway track.
rebel forces and fought against the Some of the people who resisted to
British troops in the Jhansi region in perform this Begar were severely
1857-58; he was caught by the British beaten by the police. Bhutia was so
troops during their re-occupation of badly assaulted by the police that he
Jhansi and charged with ërebellion could barely stand on his feet; he
against the British and aiding the died a couple of days later. [TR, 19
rebellioní, Singh was sentenced to December 1927, RSAB]
death in 1858 and executed soon
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Bhuto: Hailed from v. Siawa, Sirohi State
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, (now distt. Sirohi), the Rajputana
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] Agency (now Rajasthan); s/o Harlo;
Bhil Girassia (tribe). He participated
Bhusee: Resident of Humeerpoor in the Bhil-Girassia (tribal) revolt of
[Hamirpur], the North-Western 1922 in the Siawa, Valoria and Bhula
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he villages of Sirohi State against the
took part in the Uprising of 1857 and atrocities of the Sirohi ruler, his land
fought against the British forces at settlement policy, Begar (forced
various places in the Banda region; labour) and cesses. In this settlement
he also incited the local people to the Malgujari had been increased,
take up arms against the British and along with the imposition of fresh
their faithfuls; he was caught by the taxes. Bhuto was one among those
British troops at the time of their two to three thousand Bhils who
advance in Hamirpur, and charged gathered at Siawa village on 4/5
with ësedition and rebellion against April 1922 and decided that they
the Britishí; sentenced to death with would not give the increased
confiscation of his property in 1859, Malgujari, the Begar, and any other
he was executed by hanging. [Mutiny cesses to the State. Hearing the news
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, of the Bhil gathering, the State Army
UPRAA] and 200 soldiers of the Mewar Bhil
Corps, led by Major Richards,
Bhutia: Resident of Jhalawar State (now reached there and opened fire on the
distt. Jhalawar), the Rajputana Bhil agitators on 12 April 1922
106 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

without any prior warning of to death with confiscation of his

dispersal. Some of the Bhils could property, and executed by hanging
manage to escape and fled to the hills. in 1860. [Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D
However, a large number of them, (1859), MSAB, p.150; WWIM, III,
including Bhuto, were severely p.24]
injured in the firing and Bhuto died
on the same day. Simultaneously Bhuwaneedeen Singh: Resident of
with this firing, the village was Newariah, Jaunpore [Jaunpur], the
looted and set on fire by the troops. North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
[NR, 30 April and 18 June 1922, RSAB; Pradesh); he joined hands with the
AMR, 1913-1947, pp.101-102] rebels of his area during the Uprising
of 1857, and fought the British forces
Bhuwan Sahai: Resident of Bareilly, on several occasions; he was caught
Uttar Pradesh; he took part in the by the British in course of an
Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebel engagement, accused of ëplundering
forces under the leadership of Khan the British property and rebellion
Bahadur Khan, who had declared against the Britishí, sentenced to
himself to be the ruler of Rohilkhand; death and hanged in 1860. [Mutiny
he fought against the British forces Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny
at several places in the Rohilkhand Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
region; he was captured by the
British during their reoccupation of Bhwun Roy: Resident of Dhurnee,
the Bareilly, and charged with Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
ëplundering and rebellion against the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Britishí; he was sentenced to death Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he
with confiscation of his property, and fought the British forces at several
executed in 1860. [Poll Deptt, Vol. III, places in Ghazipur during the
No.43D (1859), MSAB, p.150; WWIM, Uprising of 1857; he also offered
III, p.24] financial support to the rebels for
buying arms to attack the British
Bhuwan Singh: Resident of Bareilly, establishments; he was caught by the
Uttar Pradesh; he took part in the British after their re-occupation of the
Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebel Ghazipur region, and executed by
forces under the leadership of Khan hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Bahadur Khan, the self proclaimed Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
ruler of Rohilkhand; he fought against
the British forces at several places in Bhyrma: Belonged to Banda, the North-
the Rohilkhand area; he was caught Western Provinces (now Uttar
by the advancing British army during Pradesh); he participated in the
their re-occupation of the Bareilly plundering of the British properties
region, and charged with during the Uprising of 1857; he took
ëplundering, murder and rebellion part further in the attack on the
against the Britishí; he was sentenced British army camps and in the pillage
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 107

of their arms; he was caught at the Bickwa: Belonged to Allahabad, North-

time of the British offensive in Banda Western Provinces (now Uttar
and executed in 1858 on the charges Pradesh); he joined hands with the
of ëplundering and rebellion against rebels in fighting the British forces
the Britishí; his property was also during the Uprising of 1857; he also
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Banda incited the local people to attack the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, British and plunder their properties;
Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858), MSAB] he was caught by the British troops
in the course of their raids on the
Bickhai: Belonged to Allahabad, North- Allahabad region and convicted on
Western Provinces (now Uttar the charges of ëplundering and
Pradesh); he was a Burkundaz rebellion against the Britishí;
[Barqandaz] in police under the sentenced to death in July 1857, he
British, but left it during the Uprising was executed by hanging. [Mutiny
of 1857 to join hands with the rebels Records, PP, Further Paper No.1;
in fighting the British forces; he also TIM, p.207]
incited the local people to attack the
British and plunder their properties; Bidhum: Belonged to v. Dumri Khurd,
he was caught by the British troops p.o. Chaura, distt. Gorakhpur, the
in one of their raids on the Allahabad United Provinces (now Uttar
region, convicted on the charges of Pradesh); s/o Shivcharan. While the
ërobbery and rebellion against the people were demonstrating during
Britishí; sentenced to death in July the Non-Cooperation movement on
1857, and executed by hanging. 5 February 1922, the British police of
[Mutiny Records, PP, Further Paper Chauri Chaura thana suddenly
No.1] opened fire on them, causing deaths
and injuries to many. Finding their
Bickrum: Resident of Bhojepoor, ammunition exhausted and seeing
Mynpoory [Mainpuri], the North- the infuriated people around, the
Western Provinces (now Uttar policemen retreated and hid
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy themselves in the police station. Some
in the B. Company of the British- in the crowd surrounding the thana
Indian army; he left the British sprayed kerosene over it and set it
service during the Uprising of 1857 on fire, killing all the 23 policemen
for taking part in fighting against the inside. Charged with taking part in
British rule; he was caught in 1858 this violent Chauri Chaura incident,
while resisting the British forces, and Bidhum was tried, sentenced to
sentenced to death on the charges of death and hanged on 2 July 1923. [H/
ëdesertion and mutiny against the poll, F.No. 563/III/1922, NAI; TR, 14
British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, January1923, RSAB; SSKS, 36, p. 1 &
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; 10]
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858),
MSAB] Bihari Ram: Resident of v. Pawta, teh.
108 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Mahwa, formerly in Jaipur State (now [Mutiny Records, Unnao Mutiny

in distt. Sawai Madhopur) the, Basta, UPRAA]
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
a soldier in the 1/8 Punjab Regiment Bijay Singh: Born in v. Bhanerha, distt.
of the British-Indian Army; shifted Muzaffarnagar, the United Provinces
his loyalty to the Indian National (now Uttar Pradesh); formerly a
Army and served it as Sepoy in the soldier in the 4/19 Hyderabad
3 rd Guerilla Regiment; died while Regiment of the British-Indian Army,
fighting with the British on the Burma he joined in 1942 the Indian National
(Myanmar) front in 1944 [INA Papers, Army as a Sepoy in the 2nd Guerrilla
F.No.498//INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, Regiment. He was killed in the course
II, p.40] of an encounter with the British
forces in Burma (Myanmar) in 1944.
Biharilal Vyas: Resident of Ratlam State, [INA Papers, File No. 498/INA
the Central India Agency (now (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p.40]
Madhya Pradesh). At the age of 20,
he became an active member of Bijay Singh: Born in v. Lukh Larha, distt.
Ratlam State Prajamandal, and Meerut, the United Provinces (now
fought for civil liberties and Uttar Pradesh); s/o Shri Bhagat
responsible government for the Singh; he was a Sepoy in the 4/19
Stateís subjects. He was falsely Hyderabad Regiment of the British-
implicated in a trumped up criminal Indian Army before joining the
conspiracy for illegally procuring Indian National Army in 1942 in its
arms, arrested in 1940 and put into 2nd Guerrilla Regiment; he was killed
Ratlam jail. He contracted cholera in action against the British forces in
in the jail because of its poor Burma (now Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
sanitary condition, released on Papers, F.Nos.1/INA, 379/INA
medical ground and died in the (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.40]
hospital on 6 September 1941.
[AISPC Papers (Ratlam State), F.No. Bijayee Singh: Resident of Pulwar,
148, NMML] Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Bijae Singh: Resident of Unnao, the Pradesh); he joined hands with the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar rebels of his area during the Uprising
Pradesh); he took part in the of 1857, and fought the British forces
Uprising of 1857 and fought the on several occasions; caught by the
British forces at several places in the British in the course of an
Unnao-Kanpur region; he also engagement, he was hanged in 1860.
encouraged the rebelsí attacking the [Mutiny Records, NWP, Fatehpur
British establishments and Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.),
plundering their properties; he was UPRAA]
killed in an engagement with the
British army in Unnao in 1857. Bije Singh: Resident of v. Bhanerha, p.o.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 109

Elan, distt. Muzaffarnagar, the Bijou Bhoi: resident of v. Murchhod,

United Provinces (now Uttar distt. Seoni under Jubbulpore
Pradesh). He was formerly in the [Jabalpur] Division, Central Provinces
British-Indian Armyís 4/9 and Berar (now Madhya Pradesh).
Hyderabad Regiment. He He took part in the Jungle
volunteered to join the Indian Satyagraha of Seoni district and on 9
National Army and served as Sepoy October 1930; and when the raiding
in the 2nd Guerrilla Regiment. He took police party fired upon the satyagrahis,
part in the battles against the Allied he was shot dead. [H/Poll,
forces on the Burma (Myanmar) front F.Nos.23/54/1930; 23/58/1930; (FR)
and was killed in an encounter with 10/1930, NAI; FFMPC, I, p.631]
the enemy troops in 1944. [INA
Papers, F.No. 379/INA (1946), NAI; Bikha Singh: Resident of Pulwar,
ROH, pp. 666-67 WWIM, II, p.40] Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Bije Singh: Resident of v. Lukh Larha, Pradesh); he joined hands with the
p.o. Kuchesar, distt. Meerut, the rebels of his area during the Uprising
United Provinces (now Uttar of 1857, and fought the British forces
Pradesh). He was formerly a soldier on several occasions; he was caught
of the 4/9 Hyderabad Regimen of the by the British during an engagement,
British-Indian Army. Following the accused of ëplundering the British
shifting his loyalty to the Indian property and rebellion against the
National Army, he was sent to Burma Britishí, sentenced to death and
front as a Sepoy of the 2nd Guerrilla hanged in 1860. [Mutiny Records
regiment and was killed in the course Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
of an encounter with the enemy Srs.), UPRAA]
troops in 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.1/
INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 666-67 WWIM, Bikram Sonar: Resident of v. Shripal Pur,
II, p.40] distt. Ballia, the United Provinces
(now Uttar Pradesh). A farmer
Bijnya Bheel: Resident of Khargone, activist, he participated in a march
Jabalpour division, the Central organized at the height of the ìQuit
Provinces and Berar (now Madhya Indiaî movement on 18 August 1942.
Pradesh); joined the anti-British rebel When the marchers came close to
forces during the Uprising of 1857; Bairiya Thana, they were fired upon
while fighting against the enemy, he by the police. Bikram Sonar received
was caught, imprisoned in Jabalpur fatal bullet wounds in the firing and
Central jail and sentenced to death died on the spot. [H/poll, F.No. 3/
by hanging in the jail premises. 30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 113]
[Mutiny Papers, VI, NAIB; Poll
Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB; Bikri Ram: Born in 1923 at v. Sripalpur,
WWIM, III, p. 24] distt. Ballia, the United Provinces
(now Uttar Pradesh). He participated
110 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

in the demonstrations taken out March 1858. [Mutiny Records,

during ìQuit Indiaî movement in Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Ballia and died of bullet injuries he
received when the police fired upon it Bimlah: Belonged to Budaon [Badaon],
in 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; the North-western Provinces (now
RORCG; WWIM, I, p.50; BCA, p. 112] Uttar Pradesh); Aheer; he joined
hands with the rebels of his area
Bilal: Born in Lucknow, the Oudh during the Uprising of 1857 and
(Awadh) Province (now Uttar marched towards Delhi while
Pradesh); he participated in the fighting against the British forces; he
Uprising of 1857 and led a small returned to his region after the fall
group of rebels in attacking the of Delhi in September 1857; he was
British establishments in Lucknow; caught by the British after their
he died while fighting against the reoccupation of this area and hanged
British army at Lucknow in 1858. on the charges of ëmurder and
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny rebellion against the Britishí. [Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA] Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
Bilsnath: Belonged to Banda, the North- (1858), MSAB]
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he participated in the Bindad: Resident of Banda, the North-
fighting against the British during the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Rising of 1857; he also incited his Pradesh); he participated in the
neighbours to attack the British fighting against the British during the
establishments; he was caught during Uprising of 1857; he also incited the
the British raids on Banda and neighbourhood to fight the British
charged with ëaiding and abetting and their loyalists; he was captured
the rebellioní; he was sentenced to during a British operation in the
death in August 1858 and executed Banda region and charged withí
by hanging; his property was also murder and rebellioní; he was
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Banda sentenced to death in August 1858,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, executed by hanging; his property
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] was also confiscated. [Mutiny
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
Bima Singh: Resident of Lucknow, the UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar (1858), MSAB]
Pradesh); he fought the British at
various places in Lucknow soon after Bindey: Resident of Mynpoory
joining the rebels during the Uprising [Mainpuri], the North-Western
of 1857; he also participated in the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
ransacking of the British properties; Aheer; he was a Sepoy in the B.
he died while confronting the British Company of the British-Indian army;
army at Qaiserbhagh, Lucknow, in he left the British service during the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 111

Uprising of 1857 and joined hands Division, the United Provinces (now
with the rebels for fighting against Uttarakhand); earlier he was a Naik
the British rule; he was caught in 1858 in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the
while confronting the British forces, British-Indian Army but shifted his
and sentenced to death on the loyalty to the Indian National Army
charges of ëdesertion and mutiny in 1942 and served it as Naik in the
against the British authoritiesí. 3rd Infantry Battalion; while fighting
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny against the British forces in Burma
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (now Myanmar) he died on the battle
(1858-59), UPSAL] ground at Trawang in 1944. [INA
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA
Bindra Ban: Resident of Lucknow, the (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.41]
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Bira Singh: Hailed from distt.
rebels of his are during the Uprising Gorakhpur, the United Provinces
of 1857 and fought the British forces (now Uttar Pradesh). He voluntarily
at different locales in the Lucknow joined the Indian National Army in
region; he was killed while in action Malaya in 1942. As a soldier of INA,
against the British army at Bailley he took part in various battle fields
Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857. against the British forces in Burma
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny (Myanmar) and died there in action
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No. 1/INA,
(1858), UPSAL] NAI; WWIM, II, p.41]

Binode Singh: Resident of Roadmolee, Birbal Ram: Born in Raisinghnagar, in

Bah, Agra, the North-Western Bikaner State (now in distt.
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Ganganagar), the Rajputana Agency
Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a (now Rajasthan). On the occasion of
Duffadar [Dafadar] with the the First Political Conference of the
Contingent Guards of the Agra Bikaner Rajya Prajaparishad at
Central Prison under the British Raisinghnagar (in Ganganagar),
Government; he left the British Birbal Ram, a Harijan political
service to join the rebels during the activist, marched with a tri-colour
Uprising of 1857; he marched flagñin defiance of the Bikaner State
towards Delhi along with the fellow ordersñin a procession on 1 July 1946.
rebels and fought the British at On their failure to seize the flag from
several places; he died in 1858 while him, the State Police opened fire on
resisting the advancing British army. the procession. Birbal Ram received
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, severe bullet injuries and died on the
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII) spot. [Sardar Mohan Singh Papers,
(1858), MSAB] RSAB; RSSS, pp.63-65; BKSSMBKY,
Bir Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
112 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Birjis Qadr: Resident of Lucknow, the Netram, Chaudhary Bhudharam, etc.

Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar (who were also associated with the
Pradesh); s/o Nawab Wajid Ali Shah Jaipur Praja Mandal movement) and
(the deposed ruler of Awadh) and decided not to pay the Lag-Bags or
Begam Hazarat Mahal; his cesses such as, Khuntabandi and Pan-
proclamation during the Uprising of charai which the Thikanadars of
1857 as the ruler of Awadh, was Pacheri were forcibly collecting from
ratified by the Emperor Bahadur the tenants. Challenged by them, the
Shah ëZafarí; under Birjis Qadrís Thikanadarís men in Dhani Shiva
regime (with his mother as Regent) Singhpura opened fire on the
a Council of ministers was protesters. Birjuram received severe
constituted, and the rebel forces bullet wounds in the firing on 16
organised; various proclamations September 1944 and died on the spot.
were issued for the unity and welfare [Sujas, No 4, June-July, 1998, Jaipur,
of the subjects, and the war against p.85; Judl Records, Jaipur, F.No. 5525,
the British was carried on in his name Part II, 1939; Rvnu Records, Jaipur
till the end of 1858; along with his (R-2 Settlement), F. No. 14, 1944,
mother, Birjis Qadr escaped to RSAB; SKAI, p.198]
Nepal, fell ill and died of malaria in
the forests of Nepal. [Mutiny Birsa: Born in 1912, resident of v.
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Behadidhana, distt. Betul, Madhya
UPRAA; TL, NAI; FSUP, I-II] Pradesh. He participated in a ìQuit
Indiaî movement procession that
Birju Boi: Resident of v. Turia was fired upon; seriously injured in
Chhindwava, Central Provinces and the firing by the British troops, he
Berar (now Madhya Pradesh). He succumbed to his injuries. [PCJ
participated in the Civil Disobedience Papers Acc. No. 706; F.Nos 155, 156,
movement in Chhindwara in 1930. 157 (PA), INA; JGP, 08 (1930),
While taking part in a procession MPSAB; FFMPC, I, pp.56]
during the movement, he was
among those caught in the police Bisaboo: Resident of Banda, the North-
firing and died on the spot. [PCJ Western Provinces (now Uttar
Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, Pradesh); he provided financial
156, 157 (PA), NAI; MPSSZB, EBIFF, support to the rebels of his area
I, p.102] during the Uprising of 1857; he also
propagated against the British rule
Birjuram: Hailed from v. Pacheri, and encouraged the local people to
Shekhawati (now distt. Jhunjhunun), attack the firangis (British); he was
formerly in Jaipur State, the Rajputana caught and charged with ëaiding and
Agency (now Rajasthan); Ahir. He abetting the rebellioní, and sentenced
participated in the anti ñ Thikanadar to death in August 1858; he was
movement in 1944 led by Pandit executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Tarkeshwar Sharma, Vidyadhar, Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 113

UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) National Army in 1942 and served it
(1858), MSAB] as Havildar [Hawaldar] in the 3 rd
Infantry Battalion; he died while
Bishan Singh: Resident of v. Saunyara, fighting against the Allied forces at
distt. Almora, Kumaon Division, the Kalewa, Burma (now Myanmar) in
United Provinces (now 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
Uttarakhand); a Sepoy in the British- 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
Indian Army, he served on the p.44]
Singapore-Malaya front and was
captured by the Japanese force; Bobal: Resident of teh. Sardhana, distt.
released at the intervention of the Meerut, the United Provinces (now
Indian Independence League, he Uttar Pradesh). During the ìQuit
joined the Indian National Army in Indiaî movement the Congress
its 3/1 Guerilla Regiment and lost his workers organised a public meeting
life while fighting the British on the at Bhabhauri village in Sardhana
Burma (now Myanmar) front in 1944. tehsil on 18 August 1942. The police
[INA Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/ came to disperse the gathering; lathi
INA (1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI; charged it, and opened fire on it
EBIFF, I, p.102] without any prior warning. At least
five persons were killed and Bobal
Bisheshar Singh: Resident of v. Dihs, was one among them. [H/Poll, F.No.
Dobhi Taluqa, Jownpore [Jaunpur], 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 16, 1970, p. da]
the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh); Zamindar; he took Bodoollah: Resident of Azimgurh
part in the Uprising of 1857, and [Azamgarh], the North-Western
fought in different engagements with Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
the British troops in the Jaunpur Sheikh; he was a Sepoy in the C.
region; he was caught by the British Company under the British-Indian
during their attacks on the rebel army; he left his employment during
forces, and charged with ëmurder the Uprising of 1857 to join the rebel
and rebellion against the British; he forces; he was caught in 1858 while
was sentence to death and executed fighting the British troops, and
by hanging from a tree near a village sentenced to death on the charges of
in Jaunpur in 1858. [Mutiny Records, ëdesertion and mutiny against the
Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
WWIM, III, pp.25-26] Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Bisram Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
Division, the United Provinces (now Bohwanee Been: Resident of Allahabad,
Uttarakhand); he was a Havildar the North-Western Provinces (now
[Hawaldar] in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles uttar pradesh); he participated in the
of the British-Indian Army but fighting against the British during the
shifted his loyalty to the Indian Uprising of 1857, and also
114 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

encouraged others to attack the Boocha Korku: Born in 1910, hailed from
British establishments in Allahabad; v. Banjaridhal, distt. Betul, Madhya
he was caught by the British at the Pradesh; s/o Nannhu. Cultivator;
time of their attacks on the rebels in involved in the Jungle Satyagraha
Allahabad, and charged with ëtheft, (Civil Disobedience movement), he
murder and rebellion against the was sentenced on 29 November 1930,
Britishí; sentenced to death in June under Section 333 and 148 I.P.C., to
1857, and hanged; his property was five yearsí rigorous imprisonment.
also confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Put in Betul and Raipur jails, he died
Allahabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; in the latter. [H/Poll, F.No.23/54/
TIM, p.219] 1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; FFMPC, I,
Bonde: Resident of Banda, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Boocha Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor,
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
against the British in Banda during North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the Uprising of 1857; in course of Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he
fighting, he was caught by the British joined hands with the rebels of his
forces and put on trial on the charges area during the Uprising of 1857 and
of ëmurder and rebellioní; he was fought against the British on several
sentenced to be hanged by the occasions; he was caught by the
Special Commissioner of Banda in British in the midst of an encounter
May 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. in the Gorakhpur region, and hanged
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), in 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
UPSAL] Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Bonyad Khan: Belonged to Moradabad,
the North-Western Provinces (now Boocha: Resident of Banda, the North-
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebelsí Western Provinces (now Uttar
fight against the British soon after the Pradesh); he joined the rebels on their
outbreak of the Uprising of 1857 in call to fight the British during the
the Moradabad region; he also Uprising of 1857; he also encouraged
supported his comrades with arms his family members and neighbours
and money for ransacking the British to take up their arms against the
establishments; caught by the British and their loyalists; he was
authorities and charged with caught by the British in the course of
ëmurder, plundering and rebellion an encounter in Banda and sentenced
against the Britishí in 1859, he was to death in September 1858, on the
sentenced to death, with confiscation charges of ësedition, murder and
of property. [Mutiny Records, Abst. rebellioní; he was executed by
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), hanging; his property was also
UPSAL] confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Banda
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 115

Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] British in an engagement, he was

accused of ëplundering the British
Boodha: Belonged to Vuzeerpoora, property and rebellion against the
Agra, the North-Western Provinces Britishí; he was sentenced to death
(now Uttar Pradesh); he was a Sepoy and hanged in 1860. [Mutiny Records
in the B. Company of the British- Jhansi Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./
Indian army; he left the British Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
service during the Uprising of 1857
to join the rebels of his area and fight Boolooah: Resident of Allahabad, the
against the British rule; he was North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
caught in 1858 while encountering the Pradesh); Passie [Pasi]; he took part
advancing British forces, and in the fighting against the British
sentenced to death on the charges of during the Uprising of 1857, and also
ëdesertion and mutiny against the participated in attacking and
British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, plundering the British establishments
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; in Allahabad; he was caught by the
Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), British at the time of their attacks on
UPSAL] the rebel positions in Allahabad, and
charged with ëplunder, murder and
Boodhoo Khan: Resident of Shahgunj, rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Agra, the North-Western Provinces sentenced to death in July 1857, and
(now Uttar Pradesh); Pathan; he was executed by hanging. [Mutiny
a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the Records, PP, Further Paper No.1;
Contingent Guards of the Agra TIM, p.224]
Central Prison; he left the British
employment during the Uprising of Bora: Resident of Jhansi State, (now Uttar
1857, joined hands with the rebels of Pradesh); a bullock-cart driver; he
the Agra region and fought the joined the rebel forces during the
British troops in several Uprising of 1857 and participated in
engagements in the Agra-Mathura the destruction of the British
area; he was killed by the advancing establishments in Jhansi and the
British army during its attacks on the neighboring areas during between
rebels in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra 1857 and 1858; when the British were
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, recovering their lost ground in Jhansi
Vol. No.53 (X) (1858), MSAB] in 1858, he was arrested by them;
accused of ëtaking part in plundering
Boodunn Ram: Resident of Moorwa, and rebellion against the Britishí,
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- Bora was sentenced to be executed
Western Provinces (now Uttar in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
rebels of his area during the Uprising Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
of 1857, and fought the British forces
on several occasions; caught by the Braj Bahadur Singh: Born in distt. Basti,
116 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

the United Provinces (now Uttar messages, etc.); during the war
Pradesh); s/o Jai Bahadur Lal. After period he was afflicted with
completing his graduation in Arts tuberculosis and died of it on 23
from the Allahabad University he January 1945. [INA Papers,
was appointed as Deputy Collector F.No.498//INA (1945), NAI]
and later promoted as Secretary of
the Sultanpur District Board. He also Brijlal: Belonged to v. Khamrabhar, p.o.
became an Honorary Lieutenant in & ps. Kaptanganj, distt. Deoria, Uttar
the 11/7 Rajput Battalion, Territorial Pradesh; s/o Tulsi. He was killed in
Force of the Brtitish-Indian Army. a police firing while taking part in a
But in 1939 he gave up all his lucrative demonstration during the ìQuit
Government appointments and Indiaî movement in Deoria in 1942.
joined the Indian National Congress. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
He took a distinctive part in the RORCG; SSKS, 36, pp. 25, 26 & ga]
Individual Satyagraha, 1941 and
following his arrest, was detained in Brindaban Tewari: Resident of v.
jail without trial. Due to the inhuman Chirbara, distt. Ballia, the United
tortures in the Agra Central Jail, he Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
died on 20 August 1941. [H/Poll, Gopichand Tewari. He was killed in
F.No. 3/11/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.49] the police firing while taking part in
a protest demonstration taken out
Brij Lal Bhagat: Hailed from distt. during the ìQuit Indiaî movement
Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir. He in Ballia in August 1942. [H/poll
actively participated in the Roti F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG;WWIM,
Agitation on 23 September in Jammu I, p.358-359; BCA, p. 118]
demanding food at cheaper rates. He
was killed on the spot in the State Brindrabun: Resident of Azimgurh
policeís firing on the demonstrators [Azamgarh], the North-Western
on that day. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp. 442-45; Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the C.
FSK, p. 71] Company under the British-Indian
army; he left the service during the
Brijlal Srivastava: Born in Jubbulpore Uprising of 1857 to join the rebels for
(now Jabalpur), the Central Provinces fighting against the British rule; he
and Berar (now Maharashtra State); was caught in 1858 while confronting
he was a civilian employee in the the advancing British forces; he was
British-Indian Army; he left it in 1942 sentenced to death in 1859 on the
to join the Indian National Army as charges of ëdesertion and mutiny
an editor in the Propaganda against the British authoritiesí.
department; working with the core [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
team aboard, he kept motivating the UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-
INA forces through his writings 59), UPSAL]
(articles, pamphlet, slogans,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 117

Bubee: Hailed from Unnao, the North- Records, Mathura Mutiny Basta,
Western Provinces (now Uttar UPRAA]
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 Bucho: Belonged to Jura (near Merpur),
Uprising; along with his comrades, Udaipur (Mewar) State (now distt.
he marched towards Delhi while Udaipur), the Rajputana Agency (now
fighting against the British forces; he Rajasthan); Bhil tribal. Participated in
escaped to his region after the British the Bhil tribal agitation against the
reoccupation of Delhi in September Begar (forced labour), the atrocities
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting of the Jagidars, and the high rate of
the advancing British army in the land tax, at Merpur, May-June 1922.
Unnao region. [Mutiny Records, The Jagirdars of Merpur and of other
Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] neighbouring Jagirs received British
military (Mewar Bhil Corps) help
Buchkha Missr: Resident of Newariah, through the good officers of the State
Jaunpore [Jaunpur], the North- to suppress the agitation. The
Western Provinces (now Uttar soldiers of Mewar Bhil Corps
Pradesh); he joined hands with the confronted the agitators and opened
rebels of his area during the Uprising fire on them. A number of Bhils were
of 1857, and fought the British forces wounded in the firing and Bucho
on several occasions; he was caught with two others died in it. [NR, 11
by the British in the course of an June 1922, RSAB]
engagement, accused of ëplundering
the British property and rebellion Buchraj Singh: Resident of
against the Britishí, sentenced to Vazeerpoora, Agra, the North-
death and hanged in 1860. [Mutiny Western Provinces (now Uttar
Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was
Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA] a Sepoy in the A. Company of the
British-Indian army; he left the
Buchna: Resident of Muttra [Mathura], British service during the Uprising
the North-Western Provinces (now of 1857 and joined hands with the
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebels rebel forces to fight against the
in the course of the Uprising of 1857, British rule; he died in 1858 while
fought the British forces, and seized resisting the advancing British forces.
the Government treasury to use its [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
contents for buying arms; he was Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
caught by the advancing British army (1858-59), UPSAL]
in the Mathura region, and accused
of ëplundering the Government Budar Khan: Resident of Humeerpoor
property during the rebellioní; [Hamirpur], the North-Western
sentenced to death in 1858 with Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
confiscation of his property, he was took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny fought against the British in the
118 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Hamirpur region; he also provided the time of their raids on the rebels
financial support to the local people in 1857. [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur
and incited them to raise their arms Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA]
against the British and their allies; he
was caught during an engagement Buddha: Resident of Surya Pol Darwaja,
with the advancing British troops, Bharatpur State (now distt.
and charged with ësedition and Bharatpur), the Rajputana Agency
rebellion with violenceí, sentenced to (now Rajasthan); chamar. The
death with confiscation of property Bharatpur State police caught twenty
in 1858; he was executed by hanging two Chamars, including Buddha,
soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records, from the Surya Pol Darwaja on 23
Hamirpur, Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] March 1922, and ordered them to
graze the animals of the Bharatpur
Buddah: Resident of Banda, the North- ruler under Begar (forced labour).
Western Provinces (now Uttar Buddha and others refused to give
Pradesh); s/o Buns; Brahmin; he Begar and reminded the Bharatpur
propagated against the British rule ruler that he himself had issued
during the Uprising of 1857 and previously a Proclamation against
incited the local people to raise their Begar, declaring it unlawful, and
arms against the British; he hence they should not be forced to
participate in plundering the British do Begar. The Maharaja was furious
properties and passing their proceeds at this lowly-bornís audacity and
rebels for meeting their military ordered the police to imprison and
expenses; he was caught during the punish them. All the 22 persons were
British reoccupation of the Banda then put behind the bars and
region and sentenced to death in July mercilessly flogged by the police.
1858 on the charges of ëplundering Buddha was one among those four
the Government property and persons who had so severely been
rebellioní; he was executed by flogged and tortured by the royal
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda police that he died in detention.
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Buddhaís death did not go in vain,
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] and sparked off an agitation of the
Chamars of that area. They gathered
Buddeen: Resident of Futtehpore in large number, demonstrated
[Fatehpur], the North-Western against the Bharatpur ruler and
Provinces (now uttar pradesh): he created a powerful movement
joined hands with the rebel forces against Begar. [NR, 2 April 1922,
during the Uprising of 1857, and RSAB]
fought the British at different places
in the Fatehpur-Kanpur area; he also Budha Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor,
incited other people to attack and Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
plunder the British establishments; North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
he was killed by the British troops at Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 119

joined hands with the rebels of his in 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc.
area during the Uprising of 1857 and (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
fought against the British on several
occasions; he was caught by the Budho: Resident of teh. Bansoor
British in the midst of an encounter [Bansur], Alwar State (now distt.
in the Gorakhpur region, and hanged Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Rajasthan); Mochi (shoemaker); took
Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll part in a kisan agitatorsí meeting held
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
protest against the Maharajaís mal-
Budhia Holaya: Born in 1905, resident administration and his land
in v. Turia, teh. Seoni, Jabalpur settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Division, Central Provinces and settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Berar; Labourer; he played a pivotal Rajputs were forfeited and the land
role in reviving the Forest revenue had been increased by fifty
Satyagraha (1923) and taking part in per cent. Though all agriculturists
an anti-British procession of about were affected adversely by it, the
4,000 people in Turia on 9 October Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing
1930. When the police tried to stop the news of this gathering, the
the procession and opened fire on it, Maharaja sent his State Army to
Budhia Holaya received bullet counter the rallyists at Neemuchana.
injuries; arrested and sentenced to 6 The troops surrounded the village,
monthsí imprisonment, his wounds blocked all the escaping routes from
got infected in the jail and rapidly it and opened fire on the protesters
worsened there. He died of the without any prior warning of
injuries soon after his release. [PCJ dispersal. Budho received serious
Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, bullet wounds in the indiscriminate
157 (PA), NAI; MPSSZB, EBIFF, I, firing and died on the spot.
p.113] Simultaneously, the village was also
set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
Budho Khan: Resident of Moradabad, Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
the North-Western Provinces (now TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
Uprising of 1857 and fought against F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
the British at various places in the RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
Moradabad region; he also provided F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
financial help to his rebel comrades
for sustaining the fight; caught by the Budhru: Resident of Jagdalpur area in
enemy during an engagement and Indrawati valley, Bastar State (now
sentenced to the transportation for in Chhattisgarh); participated in the
life on the charges of ëaiding and Adivasi (tribal) Bhumkal ñ revolt of
abetting the rebellion against the 1910 in Jagdalpur, Bastar against the
Britishí, he lost his life in detention feudal and colonial exploitation, and
120 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

for the tribesí anxiety to maintain 42, NAI; BCA, p. 125; SSKS, 27, p.
their distinct ways of life. On 16 2; WWIM, I, p.57]
February 1910, following the direct
confrontation (Indrawati-ford battle) Budloo: Resident of Allahabad, the
between the rebels and the British North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
where many people died on the rebel Pradesh); he served a British officer
side, Budhru and few others escaped as bearer in Allahabad, but left it to
from the scene and rallied round the participate in the Uprising of 1857;
neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar he took part in ransacking the British
villages. ìOn the night of 25th treasury and passing its contents to
February, the combined forces the rebels for buying arms; he was
surrounded the Ulnar hill on which caught by the British during their
the men of Netanar village [the offensive on Allahabad and charged
rebels] were supposed to be with ëlooting the Government
encamped. The movement was well property and taking part in the
executed, and all the aboriginals rebellioní; he was sentenced to
[tribals] were captured....î Budhru hanged till death in June 1857.
was one among those who had been [Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny
arrested, charged with ìwaging war Basta, UPRAA; TIM, p.217]
against the crownî, and tried
between 13 March and 28 April 1910 Budroodeen: Resident of Mynpoory
(known as the Jagdalpur Trial). [Mainpuri], the North-Western
Budhru was detained in Bastar Jail Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Syed;
and later in June 1910 he was shifted he was a Sepoy in the B. Company of
to the Raipur Central Jail; severely the British-Indian army; he stopped
tortured by the jail authorities, he serving the British during the
died before 7 November 1910. [F/ Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
Poll (Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of with the rebels for fighting against
1910, NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail, the British rule; he was caught in 1858
Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf while resisting the British forces, and
HTPB, pp.245-57] sentenced to death on the charges of
ëdesertion and mutiny against the
Budhu Bhar: Resident of v. Siyaraha British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
p.o. Gauri Narainpur, ditt. NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
Azamgarh, the United Provinces Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
(now Uttar Pradesh). In 1942, UPSAL]
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement,
a protest demonstration was Buduree Din: Resident of Banda, the
organized in village Siyaraha. North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
When the march started, it was Pradesh); he joined the rebels in
fired upon by the police in which ñ attacking and plundering the British
a protester ñ Budhu Bhar was killed establishments as soon as the Rising
on the spot. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/ of 1857 broke out in Banda; he also
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 121

participated in capturing the British the Uprising of 1857, and also

treasury and passing its contents to provided financial support to the local
the rebels for use in the fighting; he people and incited them to raise their
was caught by the British troops in arms against the firangis (British); he
the course of an engagement and was caught in the course of an
rebellion against the Britishí; he was engagement with the British troops,
sentenced to death with confiscation and charged with ëaiding and
of his property in August 1858, and abetting the rebellion against the
hanged near a mosque. [Mutiny Britishí, he was sentenced to death
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, with confiscation of property in 1859
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) and executed by hanging soon
(1858), MSAB] thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Budyar Khan: Resident of Bareilly, Uttar Vol. III, No.43D (1859), MSAB]
Pradesh; s/o Mussumut Jumyet; he
joined the rebel forces in Bareilly Buhadoor Khan: Hailed from Muttra
during the Uprising of 1857 and took [Mathura], the North-Western
part in attacking the British forces Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
and plundering the British properties; Pathan; he was a Jemadar [Jamadar]
he was caught by the British forces in the Armed Guards Contingent at
in the course of an encounter; the Agra Central Prison; he left the
charged with ëplundering and British service in June 1857 to
rebellion against the Britishí; he was participate in the Uprising of 1857.
sentenced to death and executed in Along with others, he marched
July 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. towards Delhi and joined the rebelsí
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), fighting against the British; he died
UPSAL] while resisting the advancing British
army in the Delhi region in
Bugwan: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he Agra Mutiny Basta, S. No. 69,
joined the Uprising of 1857 at the call UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57,
of the rebel forces to fight the British; NAI]
he fought at various places, and was
captured by the British during an Buhadoor Khan: Resident of
engagement in his village; he was Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Western Provinces (now Uttar
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] rebels during the Uprising of 1857
and propagated against the British
Buhadoor Bux: Resident of Humeerpoor rule and incited the people to
[Hamirpur], the North-Western overthrow it; he was killed during
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he an encounter with the advancing
joined hands with the rebels during British forces in 1858; his property
122 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

was confiscated and handed over to region; he died in 1858 while resisting
the British supporters. [Mutiny the advancing British forces. [Mutiny
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA] UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-
59), UPSAL]
Buhadoor Singh: Resident of Kanpur, the
North-Western Provinces (now uttar Buharey: Resident of Agra, the North-
pradesh); he joined hands with the Western Provinces (now Uttar
rebels of his area during the Uprising Pradesh); Lodha; he was a Sepoy in
of 1857, and fought the British army the A. Company of the British-Indian
at various places in Kanpur; he also army; he left the British service
offered financial support to the local during the Uprising of 1857 and
people and encouraged them to raise joined hands with the rebels to fight
their arms against the firangis against the British rule; he fought the
(British); he was killed while resisting British at several places, and died in
the advancing British army in the 1858 while resisting the advancing
Kanpur region in 1857. [Mutiny British forces. [Mutiny Records,
Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
UPRAA] Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
Buhadur Khan: Resident of Khutaina,
Agra, the North-Western Provinces Bujun Lall: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
(now Uttar Pradesh); Chowbey; he Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
was a Sirdar Jemadar [Sardar Jamadar] soon after the outbreak of the 1857
with the Contingent Guards of the Uprising; along with his associates,
Agra Central Prison; he left the he marched towards Delhi while
British service on 5 July 1857 to join fighting against the British forces; he
the rebel forces; he fought on various escaped to his region after the British
occasions against the British during reoccupation of Delhi in September
the Uprising of 1857; he died in the 1857, he died in 1858 while resisting
course of an engagement with the the advancing British army in the
advancing British army in 1858. Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59),
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X) UPSAL]
(1858), MSAB]
Bukara Singh: Belonged to Budaon
Buhadur: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] [Badaon], the North-Western
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the A. Thakoor [Thakur]; he joined hands
Company of the British-Indian army; with the rebels of his area during
he left the British service during the the Uprising of 1857 and marched
Uprising of 1857 and fought against towards Delhi while fighting
the British at several places in his against the British forces; he
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 123

returned to his region after the fall Bukhtawar: Born in Etawah, the North-
of Delhi in September 1857; caught Western Provinces (now Uttar
by the British after their re- Pradesh); he joined hands with the
occupation of this area, he was rebels of his region during the
hanged in 1859 on the charges of Uprising of 1857, and fought against
ëmurder and rebellion against the the British forces in a number of
Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi engagements; he also offered
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, financial support to local rebels and
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] encouraged them to attack the
British; he was killed while resisting
Bukht Allee: Resident of Pacaree, the advancing British army in the
Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North- Etawah region in 1858. [Mutiny
Western Provinces (now Uttar Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta,
Pradesh); he participated in the UPRAA]
Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British forces at several places in Bukhut: Belonged to Ghazeepoor
the Hamirpur region; he also rallied [Ghazipur], the North-Western
the local people to seize the British Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
treasury and hand over its contents fought the British forces at several
to the rebels; he was captured during places in Ghazipur during the
the British reoccupation of Hamirpur, Uprising of 1857; he also offered
and charged with ëplundering and financial support to others for buying
rebellion against the Britishí, he was arms and plundering the British
sentenced to death with confiscation properties; he was caught by the
of property in 1859 and hanged soon British at the time of their re-
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, occupation of the Ghazipur region,
Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] and executed by hanging in 1859.
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
Bukht Kuree: Resident of the Oudh Basta, UPRAA]
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Bukru Bhoi: Resident of Ramgarh,
rebels of his area during the Uprising Mandla, Madhya Pradesh; he joined
of 1857, and fought the British forces hands with the rebel forces of the
on several occasions; caught by the Rani of Ramgarh during the
British in the course of an Uprising of 1857 and fought the
engagement, he was accused of British at several places in Ramgarh;
ëplundering the British property and he was captured by the British army
rebellion against the Britishí; he was at the time of its counter-attacks on
sentenced to death in 1858 and the rebels; he was executed by
hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny hanging on 21 January 1858. [Mutiny
Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny Records, Judl Deptt. F. No. 12 (1858),
Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA] MPSAB]
124 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Buldee: Belonged to Allahabad, the several places in the Agra-Mathura

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar area; he was killed during the British
Pradesh); he was a Jemadar [Jamadar] attacks on the rebels in 1858. [Mutiny
under the British, but left it to join Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
the rebel forces fighting the British UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X)
during the Uprising of 1857; he also (1858), MSAB]
took part in seizing the British
properties and utilising its proceeds Buldeo Singh: Resident of the Oudh
for meeting the military expenses; he [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
was caught by the British troops Pradesh); took part in attacking the
during their attacks on the rebels in British and plundering their
Allahabad, and accused of establishments during the Uprising
ëplundering and rebellion against the of 1857; he was caught later by the
Britishí; he was sentenced to death British troops and charged with
in July 1857 and executed by ëplundering and rebellion against the
hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, Britishí; sentenced to imprisonment
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.210] for life in 1858, he died in detention.
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
Buldeo Dass: Resident of Jhansi State, Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
Uttar Pradesh; s/o Govind Dass;
joined the rebel forces in fighting Buldeo: Belonged to Allygurh [Aligarh],
against the British during the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uprising of 1857 in Jhansi; and also Pradesh); he participated in fighting
expanded his rebellious operations to against the British rule in Aligarh
Kudhmaha, Elaqua and Gwalior; he during the Uprising of 1857; he also
was arrested by the British troops at marched in to Delhi, joined hands
the point of their recovery of this area with the rebels there and fought the
and charged with ësedition, aiding British forces at several places; he
and abetting the rebellioní, he was was killed in a confrontation with the
executed in April 1858. [Mutiny advancing British army in Delhi in
Papers, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; September 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48
MSAB] (V) (1858), MSAB]

Buldeo Singh: Resident of Shahgunj, Buldeo: Resident of Kurhul, Mynpooree

Agra, the North-Western Provinces [Mainpuri], the North-Western
(now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the Choubey; he was a Duffadar
Contingent Guards of the Agra [Dafadar] in the Contingent Guards
Central Prison; he gave up the British of the Agra Central Prison under the
service during the Uprising of 1857 British Government; he left the
and joined the rebel forces of the British service to join the rebels
Agra region; he fought the British at during the Uprising of 1857; he
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 125

marched towards Delhi along with Etawah region in 1858. [Mutiny

the fellow rebels and fought the Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta,
British at several places; he died in UPRAA]
1858 while resisting the advancing
British army. [Mutiny Records, Agra Buldree: Resident of Etawahh, the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858), MSAB] Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a
Havildar [Hawaldar] in the C.
Buldeo: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] Company of the British-Indian
Province (now in Uttar Pradesh); army; he left the British service
Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy during the Uprising of 1857 and
in the A. Company of the British- joined hands with the rebels for
Indian army; he left the British taking part in the fight against the
service during the Uprising of 1857 British rule; he was caught in 1858
and fought against them at several while resisting the British forces,
places in his region; he died in 1858 and sentenced to death on the
while resisting the advancing British charges of ëdesertion and mutiny
forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra against the British authoritiesí.
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny
Proc. Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
(1858-59), UPSAL]
Buldev Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor,
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the Bulheer: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he was a Sepoy in the A. Company of
joined hands with the rebels of his British-Indian army; he left the
area during the Uprising of 1857 and British service during the Uprising
fought against the British on several of 1857 and fought against the British
occasions; he was caught by the at several places in his region; he
British during an encounter in the died in 1858 while resisting the
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in advancing British forces. [Mutiny
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] 59), UPSAL]

Buldev: Belonged to Etawah, the North- Bulludev: Belonged to Humeerpoor

Western Provinces (now uttar [Hamirpur], the North-Western
pradesh); he joined hands the rebels Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
of his area during the Uprising of participated in the Uprising of 1857;
1857, and fought against the British he fought against the British forces
forces in several engagements; he at several places in the Banda-
was killed in an encounter with the Hamirpur region, and also incited the
advancing British army in the local people to attack and plunder the
126 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

British establishments; he was Bunda Singh: Born in v. Gumjolee,

captured during the British re- Meerut, the North-Western
occupation of this region, and Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
charged with ëplundering and Bunjara [Banjara]; he participated in
rebellion against the Britishí, he was the Uprising of 1857 and also incited
sentenced to transportation for life his neighbourhood to raise its arms
with confiscation of property in 1859; against the British rule; he fought the
he died in detention. [Mutiny British forces at several places in the
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, Meerut region; he was caught by the
UPRAA] British after the defeat of the rebel
forces and charged with ësedition and
Bullund Khan: Resident of plundering Government property
Shahjehanpore [Shahjahanpur], the during the rebellioní; he was
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar sentenced to death in 1858 and
Pradesh); soon after outbreak of the executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Uprising of 1857; he joined the local Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
rebels in attacking the British and UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
plundering their properties; he also (1858), MSAB]
arranged arms and ammunitions for
the rebels; he was caught by the Bundeh: Belonged to Bareilly, Uttar
British soldiers during an Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
engagement with the rebel forces; of his area under the leadership of
charged with ëplundering, murder Khan Bahadur Khan (the rebel leader
and rebellioní, he was sentenced to of the Rohilkhand region), and
death in March 1859. [Mutiny fought against the British on various
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) occasions during the Uprising of
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] 1857; he was captured in the course
of a British offensive on the rebels
Bulraj Pasee: Resident of Jaunpore and executed by hanging in 1860 at
(Jaunpur), the North-Western Bareilly. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); on Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59),
the call of the anti-British forces, he UPSAL; WWIM, III, pp.68.69]
joined them in fighting the British
during the Rising of 1857; he was Bundey Allee: Resident of Banda Khas,
caught by the British during a raid the North-Western Provinces (now
on the Jaunpur area and imprisoned Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
on the charge of ërebellion against the rebels of his area during the
the Britishí; sentenced to Uprising of 1857, and fought the
transportation for life, he died in British forces on several occasions;
captivity in 1859. [Mutiny Records, he was caught by the British in the
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- course of an engagement, accused of
59), UPSAL] ëplundering the British property and
rebellion against the Britishí,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 127

sentenced to death in 1860 and joined the rebel army there, and
hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny fought in different engagements
Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, against in British; he was killed while
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) confronting the advancing British
(1858), MSAB] forces in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny
Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt,
Bungay: Resident of Narayanpoor, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh; he took part
in the Uprising of 1857 and fought Burhan Din : Belonged to Humeerpoor
the British forces at several places in [Hamirpur], the North-Western
the Jhansi region; he was caught by Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
the British after the defeat of the participated in the Uprising of 1857;
rebel forces there, and charged with he fought against the British forces
ëmurder and rebellion against the at many places in the Hamirpur-
Britishí; he was sentenced to death Banda region, and also incited the
in 1861 and executed by hanging. local people to attack and plunder the
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny British establishments; he was
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 captured during the British re-
(IX) (1858), MSAB] occupation of this area, and charged
with ëplundering and rebellion
Bungoo Singh: Resident of Samurghat, against the Britishí, he was
Kanpur, the North-Western sentenced to transportation for life
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he with confiscation of property in
joined hands with the rebels of his 1859; he died in detention. [Mutiny
area during the Uprising of 1857, and Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
fought the British forces at several UPRAA]
places in Kanpur; caught by the
British in the course of an Burjou Singh: Resident of Jhansee
engagement, he was accused of [Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he joined the
ëplundering the British property and rebel forces in fighting the British
rebellion against the Britishí; during the 1857 Uprising; he also
sentenced to death and hanged in provided the local rebels with arms
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, and funds; he was arrested by the
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. British during their attack on this
Srs.), UPRAA] area in 1859; charged with ëaiding
and abetting the rebellion against the
Bunyad Ali: Resident of the North- Britishí, he was executed in 1859,
Western Provinces (now Uttar followed by the confiscation of his
Pradesh); he participated in the property. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
Uprising of 1857 and also offered Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
financial support to the rebels for UPSAL]
their fight against the British
authorities; he proceeded to Delhi, Burkut: Born in Humeerpoor
128 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

[Hamirpur], the North-Western Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,

Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Chuprasee [Chaprasi]; he participated
in the Uprising of 1857 and provided Burwah Mulla: Belonged to Allahabad,
all the services the rebels required at North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the time of their fighting the British; Pradesh); he participated in the
he was caught by the Companyrajís Uprising of 1857 and fought against
troops and charged with ëtaking part the British forces at various places in
in the rebellion against the Britishí; the Allahabad region and also incited
sentenced to transportation for life the people to raise their arms against
in 1859, he died in detention. [Mutiny the firangi-hukumat (British rule) ; he
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, was caught by the British troops
UPRAA] during their raids on the Allahabad
area, and convicted on the charges
Burkut Ahmud: Resident of Lucknow, of ëplundering and rebellion against
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in the Britishí; he was sentenced to
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with death in July 1857 executed by
the rebels of his area in their fighting hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP,
against the British forces during the Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.207]
Uprising of 1857, and also incited
others to take their arms against the Buseer Khan: Belonged to Etawah, the
British; he was killed in the course North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
of figiting the British army in the Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
battle of Chinhat, Lucknow, in June area during the Uprising of 1857, and
1857, [Mutiny Records, Lucknow fought against the British forces at
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] several places in Etawah; he also
offered financial support the local
Burma: Resident of Banda, the North- rebels for buying arms; he was killed
Western Provinces (now Uttar while confronting the advancing
Pradesh); he took part in the British army in the Etawah region in
Uprising of 1857 and fought against 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Etawah Mutiny
the British forces at a number of places Basta, UPRAA]
in the Banda region; he also incited
the people of his locality to raise their Bushee: Hailed from Paharee,
arms against the firangis (British) and Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
their loyalists; he was caught by the Western Provinces (now Uttar
British troops at the time of their re- Pradesh); he joined hands with the
occupation of Banda and charged rebels during the Uprising of 1857
with ësedition and rebellion against and also incited the neighbourhood
the Britishí; sentenced to death with to take up arms for overthrowing the
confiscation of his property in July British rule; he was killed in an
1858, he was executed by hanging encounter with the British army in
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda 1858; his property was confiscated
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 129

and handed over to the British British army in the course of an

supporters. [Mutiny Records, engagement in the Mathura region,
Hamirpur Mutiny, UPRAA] and accused of ëmurder and the
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death
Busheer Allee: Resident of Allygurh in 1858 and executed by hanging
[Aligarh], the North-Western soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
Provinces (now uttar pradesh); he Mathura Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA]
took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
also motivated others to rise against Bussarut Khan: Resident of Etawah, the
the firangi-hukumat (British rule); he North-Western Provinces (now uttar
marched on to Delhi, joined hands pradesh); he joined hands with the
with the rebels there and fought the rebels of his area during the Uprising
British troops on several occasions; of 1857, and fought against the
he died while confronting the British forces at several places; he
advancing British army in Delhi in also offered financial support to the
September 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll local people and encouraged them to
No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 attack the British; he died while
(V) (1858), MSAB] confronting the advancing British
army in Etawah in 1858. [Mutiny
Bushnu Khan: Belonged to Hinduan, a Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta,
town in Jaipur State (now in distt. UPRAA]
Sawai Madhopur), the Rajputana
Agency (now Rajasthan); took part Bussora: Resident of Humeerpoor
in the 1857 Uprising in Jaipur State [Hamirpur], the North-Western
and was arrested; the Jaipur State Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
troops stationed at Hinduan became participated in the Uprising of 1857
rebellious and rescued Bushnu Khan and fought against the British forces;
and other insurgents; with others, he he also provided financial assistance
was again captured and sent to Agra to his neighbours and incited them
by the Political Agent of Jaipur. He to take up their arms against the
was tried at Agra and executed. [F/ British; he was later caught by the
Cons, S.C 30 April 1858/149-150 A, British army, and convicted on the
NAI; Mil/Deptt. No. M-06-1 (Pts.) charges of ëaiding and abetting the
Pad No.1/2, F. No. 01, Pt.5/3, Jaipur rebellion against the Britishí; he was
State Records, RSAB cited in RSG, V sentenced to tranpotation for life
2, pp.90-91] with confiscation of property in 1859;
he died in detention. [Mutiny
Bushrul Ally: Resident of Muttra Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
[Mathura], the North-Western UPRAA]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
took part in the fighting against the Bussunt: Hailed from Unnao, the North-
British rule during the Uprising of Western Provinces (now Uttar
1857; he was caught by the advancing Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
130 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

soon after the outbreak of the 1857 [Fatehpur], the North-Western

Uprising; along with his associates, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
he marched towards Delhi while joined hands with rebel forces during
fighting against the British forces; he the Uprising of 1857, and led his
escaped to his region after the British neighbours in fighting the British; he
re-occupation of Delhi in September also offered financial support to the
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting rebels and encouraged them to
the advancing British army in the overthrow the British regime; he was
Unnao region. [Mutiny Records, caught by the British during their
Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] attacks on Fatehpur in 1857, and
hanged. [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur
Busuwan Loll: Resident of Azimgurh Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
[Azamgarh], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Byeyah: Belonged to v. Hyderpore,
Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the C. Allygurh [Aligarh], the North-
Company of the British-Indian army; Western Provinces (now Uttar
he left the British service during the Pradesh); Aherya; he took part in the
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands Uprising of 1857 and fought the
with the rebels for fighting against British on several occasions; caught
the British rule; he was caught in 1858 after the defeat of the rebel forces
while resisting the British forces, and and charged with ëmurder and
sentenced to death on the charges of plundering the Government property
ëdesertion and mutiny against the during the rebellioní, he was
British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, sentenced to death in 1859 and
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; QT, p.83]
Bux Khan: Born in Banda, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Byjulley Singh: Resident of Gwalee,
Pradesh); he supplied arms and other Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
resources to the rebels of his region Western Provinces (now Uttar
during the Uprising of 1857; he also Pradesh); he joined hands with the
propagated against the firangis rebels of his area during the Uprising
(British) and their supporters, and of 1857, and fought the British forces
incited his neighbours to attack on several occasions; caught by the
them; he was caught in the course of British forces in the midst of an
an engagement and hanged by the engagement, he was accused of
British troops in 1858. [Mutiny ëplundering the British property and
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, rebellion against the Britishí; he was
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) sentenced to death and hanged in
(1858), MSAB] 1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
Bux Singh: Born in Futtehpore Srs.), UPRAA]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 131

Byrum Singh: Belonged to British rule; he was caught in 1858

Shahjehanpoor [Shahjahanpur], the while resisting the advancing British
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar forces; he was sentenced to death on
Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the C. the charges of ëdesertion and mutiny
Company under the British-Indian against the British authoritiesí.
army, he refused to serve the British [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
during the Uprising of 1857 and UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-
joined the rebelsí fighting against the 59), UPSAL]
132 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Captain Aki Pal Singh: Resident of the rebel forces of his region; he led
Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh) the rebels in attacking the British
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he authorities and their establishments
joined the Uprising of 1857 and in Lucknow on several occasions; he
played a leading role in organizing was killed during an engagement
the rebel forces of his region; also with the British army at Aishbagh,
attacked the British authorities and Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
their establishments in Lucknow on Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
several occasions; he died while
resisting the British army at Captain Sarjoo Singh: Resident of
Qaiserbagh, Lucknow in 1858. Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh)
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Basta, UPRAA] joined the Uprising of 1857 and
played a prominent role in organizing
Captain Bhim Singh Thapa: Hailed the rebel forces of his region; he led
from distt. Almora, the United the rebels in attacking the British
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); authorities and their establishments
enrolled himself in the Indian in Lucknow on several occasions; he
National Army in Malaya; died while died while fighting against the
fighting the British forces in Burma British army at Bibiapur, Lucknow
(Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers, in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
F.Nos.1/INA, 379/INA (1946), NAI; Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
WWIM, II, p.329]
Captain Suba Singh: Resident of
Captain Gauri Shanker: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh)
Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he played a significant role in organizing
joined the Uprising of 1857 and the rebel forces during the Uprising
played a significant role in organizing of 1857, and in leading them to attack
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 133

the British authorities and their of 1857 and joined the rebel forces
establishments in Lucknow; he died for overthrowing the British rule; he
while resisting against the British was caught in 1858 while fighting the
army at Qaiserbagh, Lucknow in British forces, and sentenced to
1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow death on the charges of ëdesertion
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] and mutiny against the British
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
Captain Surjoo Singh: Belonged to Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Lucknow, the Awadh Province (now
Uttar Pradesh); he was a Captain in Chaida Lall: Resident of the Oudh
the rebel forces during the Uprising [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
of 1857; he took part in organizing Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
the rebel regiments and attacking the in the A. Company of the British-
British strongholds; led a rebel force Indian army; he left the British
to encounter the advancing British service during the Uprising of 1857
forces (under Colonel Muir) at and joined hands with the rebel
Dilkushabagh, Lucknow, on 5 March forces; he fought against the British
1858 where he was killed in the at several places, and died in 1858
heavy fighting. [Mutiny Records, while resisting the advancing British
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra
L1857, p.249] Etawah Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
Captain Umrao Singh: Resident of
Lucknow, the Awadh Province (now Chairoo: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
Uttar Pradesh); he was a Captain in Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
the rebel forces during the Uprising soon after the outbreak of the 1857
of 1857; he played a significant role Uprising; along with his associates,
in organizing the rebels for attacking he marched towards Delhi while
the British morchas; led a rebel force fighting against the British forces and
and fought against the advancing escaped to his region after the British
British army (under Colonel Muir) at re-occupation of Delhi in September
Dilkushabagh, Lucknow, on 5 March 1857; he died in 1858 while resisting
1858; he was killed by the enemy in the advancing British army in the
the course of a heavy fighting. Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59),
Basta, UPRAA; L1857, p.249] UPSAL]

Chaida Lall: Belonged to Moradabad, Chakha: Resident of Dungarpur State

the North-Western Provinces (now (now distt. Dungarpur), the
Uttar Pradesh); Kaith; he was a Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
Sepoy in the B. Company of the took part in the Bhagat Bhil
British-Indian army; he left the movement in southern Rajasthan that
British service during the Uprising Govindgiri started in 1907, preaching
134 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

monotheism among the Bhils and Chaman Singh: Resident of v. Pahari,

Kolis of Dungarpur and Banswara p.o. Hindoun, formerly in Jaipur
States. Soon Govindgiriís socio- State (now in distt. Karauli), the
religious endeavour grew into a Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
politico-economic movement, against he served as Naik in the 1/8 Punjab
the extraction of Begar (forced labour) Regiment of the British-Indian Army;
and exploitation of the Bhils by the shifted his loyalty to the Indian
petty officials of the Dungarpur and National Army in 1942 and served
Banswara States (in Rajasthan) and in it as Sub-Officer in the 3rd Guerilla
Sunth (a small State in Gujarat). Regiment; he fought against the
Chakha was one among those British forces wherever he was
thousands of Bhagat Bhils who deployed and died in the course of
joined this movement and warned heavy fighting in 1944. [INA Papers,
the Dungarpur and Banswara rulers F.Nos.403//INA, 15/INA (1944),
in the first week of November 1913, NAI; WWIM, II, p.55]
either to remove the main grievance
of the Bhils or to face the Chanan Sing (h): belonged to v. Kainiri,
overthrowing of the Statesí authority p.o. Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur
to oppress and ill-treat them. The State (now in distt. Karauli), the
militancy of the Bhils and their Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
gathering in Mangarh hill so before joining the Indian National
unnerved the British that they sent Army in 1942, he was serving as
their own troops along with those of Sepoy in the British-Indian Armyís
the States to lay siege on Mangarh 5/14 Punjab Regiment; joined the 1st
hill and disperse the gathering. On Guerilla Regiment as Havildar;
17 November 1913 the combined deployed against the British on the
troops attacked the Bhil position and Burma front, he died in action at
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai Kalewa (Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did Papers, F.Nos.460//INA, 12/INA,
not give up till many of them were 464/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.55]
injured, 900 captured and 25,
including Chakha, killed. The Chand Khan: Belonged to Madhya
incident did awaken the tribesmen Pradesh; s/o Chhote Khan; he joined
so much that Motilal Tejawat had not hands with the rebel forces in the
found it difficult to mobilise them in Gwalior region during the Uprising
1921-22 against forced labour and of 1857 and fought against the British
high rate of land revenue. [F/Poll and the allied forces; captured by the
Proc (Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March British in an encounter, he was
1914; Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI; executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 Records, Poll. Deptt. Vol. No. 56
(referred in connection with the (1859), MSAB]
Chand Khan: Hailed from Katra,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 135

Allahabad, the North-Western Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]

Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
joined hands with the rebels of his Chandan Singh: Belonged to v. and p.o.
locality during the Uprising of 1857 Hindaun, Jaipur State, the Rajputana
and fought against the British; he also Agency (now Rajasthan); a soldier in
took part in seizing the British the 1/8 Punjab Regiment of the
treasury and using its contents for British-Indian Army; he switched
buying arms; he was caught by the over his loyalty to the Indian National
British troops at the time of their Army in 1942 and enrolled himself
marches on Allahabad, and hanged as Sepoy in the 3rd Guerilla Regiment;
from a tree in 1857 on the charges of deployed on the Burma (Myanmar)
ëplundering and rebellion against the front, he lost his life in fighting the
Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Allahabad British in 1944. [INA Papers,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, F.Nos.403/INA, 15/INA (1944),
Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB] NAI; WWIM, II, p.56]

Chand Khan: Resident of Banda, the Chandan Singh: Resident of v. Chhand,

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar distt. Almora, Kumaon Division, the
Pradesh); he participated in the United Provinces (now
Uprising of 1857 and also incited his Uttarakhand); he was in the service
neighbourhood to take up arms of the British-Indian Army as Sepoy,
against the British; he joined the served during the World War II in
Banda rebelsí march to attack the the Singapore-Malaya front as a
British army camp, and in the British-led Allied forceís soldier;
encounter that ensued he was killed Chandan was captured by the
in 1858; his property was confiscated Japanese Axis force in Malaya in
later on. [Mutiny Records, Banda February 1942; he was released in
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, 1942 when he joined the Indian
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] National Army in the position of
Naik in its 1 st Bahadur Group,
Chanda Baksh: Resident of Meerut, the sacrificed his life on the Burma
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar (Myanmar) front in 1944. [INA
Pradesh); he took part in the Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA
Uprising of 1857, proceeded to Delhi (1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM,
and participated in the defence of II, p.56]
Delhi against the advancing British
army; he was captured by the British Chandan Singh: Resident of v. Chinari,
during an encounter, and charged p.o. Uchain, Bharatpur State, (now
with ëplundering the Government distt. Bharatpur), the Rajputana
property and taking part in rebellion Agency (now Rajasthan); s/o Manni;
against the Britishí; he was sentenced he served as Sepoy in the 1/8 Punjab
to death and executed in 1858. Regiment of the British-Indian Army;
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl in 1942 he joined the Indian National
136 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Army and served it in its Guerilla the ìQuit Indiaî movement in a police
Regiment; deployed to confront the firing while taking part in a
British in Burma (now Myanmar), he procession in the district in 1942. [H/
lost his life in the Anglo-American Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 16,
bombardment of Rangoon (now p. da]
Yangon) in 1944. [INA Papers,
F.Nos.403/INA, 15/INA (1944), Chander Singh: Belonged to the
NAI; WWIM, II, p.56] Garhwal Division, the United
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); earlier
Chandarma Prasad: Born on 11 October he was a Naik in the 5/18 Garhwal
1914 in v. Bajha Misran, distt. Rifles of the British-Indian Army but
Allahabad, the United Provinces shifted his loyalty to the Indian
(Uttar Pradesh); s/o Vinayak. A National Army in 1942 and served it
farmer by occupation, he actively as Naik in the Ist Guerrilla Regiment;
participated in the ìQuit Indiaî while fighting against the Allied
movement. While taking part in a forces at Trawang, Burma (now
rally in that connection on 11 August Myanmar) he died in the battle field
1942, he was killed in the police firing in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
on the rallyists. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/ 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
42, NAI; BCA, p. 103] p.56]

Chander Bhan Misr: Hailed from v. Chander Singh: Resident of v. Kainiri,

Madhwapur, disst. Sitapur, the p.o. Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur
United Provinces (now Uttar State (now in distt. Karauli), the
Pradesh). On 18 August 1942 many Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
people from various parts of the he was in the service of the British-
district gathered in Motilal Bagh for Indian Army as Sepoy in the 1/8
taking part in a demonstration Punjab Regiment; in 1942 he shifted
organized in connection with the his loyalty and joined the Indian
ìQuit Indiaî movement, Chander National Army in its 3 rd Guerilla
Bhan Misr also joined the gathering. Regiment; he was deployed on the
Soon the policemen reached the Burma front to fight the British and
location, lathi-charged to disperse the he died in the enemyís air raid on
crowd and opened fire on them. He Yen (Burma, now Myanmar) in
received severe bullet injuries in this September 1944. [INA Papers,
indiscriminate firing and succumbed F.Nos.498/INA, (1945), NAI;
to these on that very day. [H/poll WWIM, II, p.56]
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS,
16, pp. pa & bha] Chandhi Ram: Hailed from Jammu and
Kashmir State. He was formerly a
Chander Bhan: Hailed from distt. Sepoy in the 2/17 Dogra Regiment
Meerut, the United Provinces (now of the British-Indian Army. He left
Uttar Pradesh). He was killed during his earlier appointment and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 137

voluntarily joined the Indian he lost his life in an Anglo-American

National Army as a soldier in the 2nd air raid in 1945. [INA Papers, F.No.
Guerrilla Regiment. He fought on the 1/INA, NAI]
Burma (Myanmar) front against the
British army where he died in action, Chandradeep Singh: Resident of v.
possibly late in 1944. [INA Papers, F. Kharipur, distt. Ballia, the United
No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, p. 673] Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). A
teacher in the D.A.V. College of
Chandi Prasad Srivastava: Resident of Ballia, he actively participated in the
v. Sukhpur, distt. Ballia, the United ìQuit Indiaî movement in August
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o 1942. He was involved in the
Babu Lal Srivastava. While taking sabotage plan for uprooting the
part in a demonstration in Ballia railway track on the Belthara Road
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement, Station. When he and other activists
he was killed in the police firing on were busy destroying the lines, the
22 August 1942. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/ British military personnel appeared
42, NAI; BCA, p. 114] on the scene and opened fire on
them. Chandradeep Singh was killed
Chandidin: Resident of v. Salewa, teh. in the firing on that day. [H/poll,
Gunour, Ajaigarh State, Central India F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 122;
(Bundelkhand Agency), (now WWIM, I, p.64]
Madhya Pradesh). Took part in the
peasant agitation of 1930-31 in Chandrama Prasad: Born on 2 October
Chhatarpur State against the 1914 in v. Bajaba Misran, distt.
Durbarís exorbitant tax exactions; Allahabad, the United Provinces
arrested for this and put in the (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Vinauak,
Nagaon Jail; released and on his way farmer. He joined a procession taken
back home, he was arrested by the out by the farmers towards
Ajaigarh State authorities; subjected Allahabad city in August 1942 during
to tortures in their jail, he died in the ìQuit Indiaî movement. He
detention. [H/Poll, F.Nos. 23/54/ received bullet wounds in the police
1930; 23/58/1930; H/Poll (FR), F.No. firing on the procession and died of
18/12/30, NAI; JABDR, p.62] it on the same day. [H/Poll, F.No.
3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.64]
Chandra Datt: Resident of v. Kainiri, p.o.
Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur State Chandrashekhar Azad: Born in July 1906
(now in distt. Karauli), the Rajputana in v. Bhavra, Alirajpur State (now in
Agency (now Rajasthan); he was in distt. Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh); s/o
the British-Indian Army; left it to join Pandit Sita Ram Tiwari; received his
the Indian National Army in 1942 as early schooling in Bhavra; left his
Sepoy in the 3rd Guerilla Regiment; parents and fled to Varanasi
he fought against the Allied Forces (Banaras) and stayed with his uncle,
on the Pyimana (Myanmar) front and Pandit Shiv Vinayak Mishra; got
138 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

admission in a Sanskrit pathshala; and Vishwanath Vaishampayan in

participated in the Non-Cooperation Jhansi. When police activities
movement (1920-21) in Banaras and increased in Jhansi, Chandrashekhar
opposed the sale of foreign goods. Azad slipped off to the Orchha State.
During this movement he became a On 8 and 9 September 1928 an all-
favourite of such local leaders as Shiv India meeting of the revolutionaries
Prasad Gupta; was arrested and put was held at Ferozeshah Kotla, Delhi,
under trial in the court of Khareghat and the Hindustan Socialist
where the presiding magistrate was Republican Association (Army) came
notorious for his brutality towards into existence. Though,
the freedom fighters. Chandrashekhar Azad did not attend
Chandrashekharís attitude in the the meeting, but everybody present
court was defiant, and he was there wanted him to be appointed
reported to have announced his name the Commander-in-Chief (Supremo).
as ëAzadí, his fatherís name as He took active part in the Saunderís
ëSwatantrataí and his residence as murder on 17 December 1928, and it
ëprisoní. Being irritated by this, the was at his instance that Bhagat Singh
magistrate subjected him to fifteen and Batukeshwar Dutt exploded
lashes of flogging, and with every bombs in the Central Legislative
lash he shouted ëMahatma Gandhi ki Assembly on 8 April 1929. He was
jaií, ëBande Mataramí, etc. and indirectly involved in the attempt to
earned his name of public honour ñ blow up the Viceroyís train in
ëAzadí. With the suspension of the December 1929; one of the main
Non-Cooperation movement, the accused in the Second Lahore
revolutionary activities again flared Conspiracy Case, he absconded; he
up; Chandrashekharís mind now was betrayed by an associate to the
turned away from the non-violent police on 27 February 1931 in the
method of Mahatma Gandhi and Alfred Park, Allahabad; surrounded
moved towards the armed by a heavily armed police party, he
revolution. Coming in contact with kept his pursuers at bay single-
Manmath Nath Gupta and Pranavesh handedly with a small pistol and a
Chatterjee, he became a member of few cartridges; even the enemy was
the revolutionary party in Banaras all praise for his shooting skill and
and gained the admiration of the courageous composure. Left
party leaders, who used to call him eventually with only one bullet in his
ëquick-silverí for his restless energy. Mauser, he fired it at his own temple
Involved in the Kakori Mail Robbery to live up to his resolve of not getting
in 1925, under the leadership of arrested or dragged to the gallows.
Ramprasad Bismil, he fled to Jhansi [H/Poll., F.Nos. 130 & K.W. 1930, 4/
and stayed under the protection of 13/1930, NAI; LCC(TJ), October
Master Rudra Narayan Singh; found 1930, NAI; IR, III, pp. 51-58; TMDH,
good associates like Sadashiv Rao pp. 21, 30, 39-40, 114, 118; DD, pp.
Malkapurkar, Bhagwan Das Mahaur 53, 55, 57, 114, 116]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 139

Chandrika Ojha: Born in 1918 at v. F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]

Majahia, distt. Ballia, the United
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He Chandu Kunwar: Resident of v. and p.o.
was arrested by the British police and Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur State
imprisoned for taking part in the (now in distt. Karauli), Rajputana
ìQuit Indiaî movement in August Agency (now Rajasthan); he was a
1942. He died in jail suffering brutal Sepoy in the Bengal Sappers and
tortures of the police. [H/poll, F.No. Miners Regiment of the British-
3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 120; WWIM, Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
I, p.257] and joined the 1 st Engineering
Company of the Indian National
Chandru: Hailed from v. Neemuchana, Army in 1942; took part in
teh. Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State confronting the British in Burma
(now distt. Alwar), the Rajputana (now Myanmar); he was missing
Agency (now Rajasthan); Nai following a fierce battle with the
(barbar); took part in the kisan enemies in 1944; he never returned
agitatorsí meeting held at home even after the World War-II.
Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to [INA Papers, F.Nos.445//INA, 1/
remonstrate against the Maharajaís INA, 2/INA, 12/INA, NAI; WWIM,
oppressive administration and his II, p.57]
land settlement policy of 1923-24. In
this settlement the Biswedari rights of Chandu Lal Singh: Bron in v. Gularthi,
the Rajputs were forfeited and the distt. Bulandshahar, the United
land revenue increased by fifty per Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). The
cent. Though all agriculturists were protest demonstration he took part
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs during the Salt Satyagraha was
suffered the most. Hearing the news accosted by the police and ordered
of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja to stop proceeding. When it refused
sent his State Army to counter the to obey the order, the police opened
rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops fire on it at Gulawati village on 12
surrounded the village, blocked all September 1930. Chandu Lal Singh
the exit routes from it and opened was killed in this police firing on that
fire on the protesters without any day. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/54/1930,
prior warning. Chandru was one NAI; SSKS, 6, p. chha; WWIM, I, p.65]
among those who received severe
bullet wounds and died on the spot. Chandu Lal: b. at v. Gulaothi, distt.
Simultaneously, the village was also Bulandshar, the United Provinces
set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar (now Uttar Pradesh). He took active
Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; part in the Civil Disobedience
TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925; movement in 1930 and, being a
Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29, farmer, also joined the peasant
F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936, agitation against the payment of land
RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, revenue. When a protest rally at
140 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Gulaothi was fired upon by the encamped. The movement was well
British police on 12 September 1930, executed, and all the aboriginals
he received bullet wounds in the [tribals] were captured....î With
firing and died on the spot. [H/poll others Chandu/ Chandru was
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG; arrested, charged with ìwaging war
WWIM, I, p.65] against the crownî, and tried
between 13 March and 28 April 1910
Chandu Lal: Born in v. Bhagpur, distt. (known as the Jagdalpur Trial).
Bulandshar, the United Provinces Seventy eight rebels, including
(now Uttar Pradesh). He was a Sepoy Chandu/ Chandru, were imprisoned
in the 4/19 Hyderabad Regiment of in Bastar Jail and later in June 1910
the British-Indian Army before shifted to the Raipur Central Jail,
joining the Indian National Army in where he died (before 7 November
1942 as Naik in the 2 nd Guerrilla 1910) suffering ill-treatment and
Regiment. On being deployed in tortures by the jail authorities. [F/
Burma (now Myanmar), he Poll (Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of
confronted the British army at 1910, NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail,
various battle arenas and died in 1944 Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf
in the course of heavy fighting. [INA HTPB, pp.245-57]
Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM,
II, p.57; ROH, pp. 6782-73] Chappu Ghulam: Born in 1894 in distt.
Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
Chandu/ Chandru: Resident of Lassa Jo Chappu. He actively
Jagdalpur area, Bastar State (now in participated in the political
Chhattisgarh); took part in the movement for responsible
Adivasi (tribal) Bhumkal ñ revolt of government in Jammu and Kashmir.
1910 near Jagdalpur in Bastar against A participant in the rally to protest
the feudal and colonial exploitation, against the autocracy of the State
and in the tribesí anxiety for ruler at Pulwama (Anantnag) in
maintaining their distinct ways of February 1934, he was killed on the
life. In the intense battle (Indrawati- spot in the State Armyís firing upon
ford battle) that took place on 16 the rallyists. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
February 1910 between the rebels J&KSA, Srinagar; HMKJAMH, p. 324]
and the British where many people
died on the rebel side, Chandu/ Charan Singh: Belonged to v. & p.o.
Chandru and few others escaped Dhakli, distt. Meerut, the United
from the scene and rallied round the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar volunteered to join the Indian
villages. ìOn the night of 25th National Army in 1942 and was
February, the combined forces posted in 3rd Guerrilla Regiment as a
surrounded the Ulnar hill on which soldier. He fought against the Allied
the men of Netanar village [the forces on the Burma (Myanmar) front
rebels] were supposed to be and died there in action in 1944. [INA
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 141

Papers, F.No.1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. Rani Lakshmi Bai in June 1857 for
672-673 WWIM, II, p.58] driving them out from Jhansi and its
surrounding areas; the British struck
Charan Singh: Belonged to v. back and reached Jhansi in June 1858,
Bhoranpur, p.o. Zaherabad, distt. Charanjit was caught while fighting
Bulandshahr, United Provinces (now and charged with ëabetting and
Uttar Pradesh). He was in the Hong- rebellion against the British,í he was
Kong Singapore Royal Artillery of the sentenced to death in 1859. [Mutiny
British-Indian Army as a Lance- Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
Naik. Later, volunteered his services UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
to the Indian National Army and was (1858), MSAB]
placed in the 4th Guerrilla Regiment.
He received severe bullet wounds in Chater Singh: Resident of Jhansi State
an encounter with the advancing (now Uttar Pradesh); joined the rebel
British soldiers on the Burma forces in fighting against the British
(Myanmar) front and succumbed to during the Uprising of 1857 in Jhansi;
his injuries in 1944. [INA Papers, under the leadership of Rani Lakshmi
F.No.1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 672-673 Bai he was involved in driving out
WWIM, II, p.58] the British from Jhansi region, and
destroying their settlements in Jhansi,
Charan Singh: Hailed from v. Baoli, p.o. Mauranipur and Barwasagar; he was
Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur State arrested by British troops during
(now in distt. Karauli), Rajputana their recovery of this area, and
Agency (now Rajasthan); previously charged with ëplundering and
a Sub-Officer in the 1/8 Punjab rebellion against the British, he was
Regiment of the British-Indian Army; executed in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
left it in 1942 to join the Indian Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
National Army in the same rank in Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
the 3rd Guerilla Regiment; he reached
Imphal (Manipur) front under the Chator: Belonged to Banda, the North-
command of S.A. Malik to fight Western Provinces (now Uttar
against the British forces; he was Pradesh); Brahmin; he joined the
killed in an exchange of fire with the rebels in their fight against the British
enemy at Maibam Lokpa Ching (near during 1857, also incited his
Imphal) in 1944. [INA Papers, neighbours to go all-out for ending
F.Nos.498/INA, (1945), NAI; the British rule; he also preached
WWIM, II, p.58] against the British policies; ëthey are
against Hindu and Muslim religions
Charanjit: Resident of Jhansi State, and have taken away their [Hindus
Bundelkhand Agency, Central India and Muslims] honour and livelihoodí;
Agency (now Uttar Pradesh); joined he was captured during the British
the Uprising of 1857, fought against attack on the Banda region,
the British under the leadership of sentenced to death in August 1858
142 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

on the charges of ëmurder, sedition rebels of his area during the Uprising
and rebellioní; he was hanged in of 1857, and fought the British forces
1858. [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny on several occasions; caught by the
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 British during an engagement, he
(VIII) (1858), MSAB] was accused of ëplundering the
British property and rebellion against
Chattar Singh: Born in Punwaree, the Britishí; he was sentenced to
Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North- death and hanged in 1860. [Mutiny
Western Provinces (now Uttar Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
during the Uprising of 1857 and
fought against the British at various Chattu: Resident of Bairiya, distt. Ballia,
places in the Hamirpur region; he also the United Provinces (now Uttar
provided financial support to the Pradesh); s/o Ram Iqbal. A farmer
native people and incited them to activist, he participated in a march
take to arms against the firangis organized in the wake of the ìQuit
(British); he was caught in course of Indiaî movement on 18 August 1942.
an engagement with the advancing When the marchers came close to
British troops, and sentenced to Bairiya Thana, they were fired upon
death on the charges of ëaiding and by the police. Chattu received fatal
abetting the rebellion against the bullet wounds and died on that very
Britishí; he was executed by hanging day. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
in 1859. [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur RORCG; WWIM, I, p.164; BCA, p. 113]
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Chattur Singh: Belonged to Tulhwapar,
Chattar Singh: Resident of the Garhwal Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
Division, the United Provinces (now North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uttarakhand); he was a Naik in the Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined
5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- hands with the rebels of his area
Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty during the Uprising of 1857 and
to the Indian National Army in 1942 fought against the British on several
and served it as Naik in the 2 nd occasions; he was caught by the
Guerrilla Regiment; he fought the British in the course of an encounter
Allied forces at Trawang, in Burma in the Gorakhpur region, and hanged
(now Myanmar) and died on the in 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
battle ground in 1944. [INA Papers, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA (1946), NAI; Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858),
WWIM, II, p.59] MSAB]

Chatterjeet Singh: Resident of Moorwa, Chaund Khan: Resident of the Oudh

Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Pathan; he was a Sepoy in
Pradesh); he joined hands with the the A. Company of the British-Indian
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 143

army; he left the British service Uprising of 1857 and fought against
during the Uprising of 1857 and the British forces at various places in
joined hands with the rebels of his the Allahabad region, and also incited
area for fighting against the British the people to raise their arms against
rule; he fought against the British at the British; he was caught by the
several places in his region; he died British troops during their raids on
in 1858 while resisting the advancing the Allahabad area, and convicted on
British forces. [Mutiny Records, the charges of ërobbery and rebellion
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; against the Britishí; he was sentenced
Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-59), to death in July 1857 and executed
UPSAL] by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP,
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.215]
Chauthi Nonia: Hailed from distt.
Benaras (Varanasi), the United Cheit Singh: Hailed from Allygurh
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He [Aligarh], the North-Western
joined the protest demonstration at Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Cholapur on 13August 1942 during participated in the Uprising of 1857
the ìQuit Indiaî movement of 1942. and also encouraged others to raise
When the protesters were fired upon arms and overthrow the British rule;
indiscriminately by the British police, he marched on to Delhi, joined hands
Chauthi Nonia was hit by bullets and with the rebels there and fought the
died on the spot. [H/poll F.No. 3/ British troops at several places; he
30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.256] was caught by the British after their
re-occupation of Delhi, and charged
Cheeda: Belonged to Oudh [Awadh] with ëmurder and rebellion against
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he the Britishí; he was sentenced to
participated in the fighting against death and shot dead in 1857. [Mutiny
the British forces during the Uprising Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.)
of 1857; he also encouraged his F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
neighbours to join the rebels and
provided them with financial help to Chendeo Singh: Resident of Maora
them to organize the fighting; he was Cheonka, Jhansi State (now Uttar
caught by the enemy in the midst of Pradesh); joined the rebel forces
an engagement and charged with during the Uprising of 1857 against
ësedition, aiding and abetting the the British rule; while defending
rebellion; sentenced to imprisonment Jhansi from the advancing British
for life, he died in Jail in 1858. forces he was caught and charged
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl with ërebellion against the British.í
Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] Chendeo was sentenced to death in
1859. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
Cheetoo: Belonged to Allahabad, the Basta, 8, UPRAA]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he participated in the Chetanee: Hailed from Unnao, the
144 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar abetting the rebellion against the

Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces Britishí; sentenced to death with
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 confiscation of his property in June
Uprising; along with his fellow 1858, he was executed by hanging.
rebels, he marched towards Delhi [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
while fighting against the British; he Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51
escaped to his region after the British (VIII) (1858), MSAB]
re-occupation of Delhi in September
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting Chhaju Singh: Hailed from Bamanwas,
the advancing British army in the teh. Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State
Unnao region. [Mutiny Records, (now distt. Alwar), the Rajputana
Unnao Mutiny Basta, 4, UPRAA] Agency (now Rajasthan); Rajput;
participated in the kisan agitatorsí
Cheto: Resident of v. Gothra, Jaipur State meeting held at Neemuchana on 14
(now in distt. Sikar), the Rajputana May 1925 to remonstrate against the
Agency (now Rajasthan); s/o Shyam; Maharajaís oppressive administration
Jat. He took part in the kisan and his land settlement policy of
agitatorsí meeting held at Kudan in 1923-24. In this settlement the
May 1934 to demonstrate against the Biswedari rights of the Rajputs were
Jagirdarsí atrocities, the increased land forfeited and the land revenue had
tax, and its forcible collection. been increased by fifty per cent.
Hearing the news of the kisan Though all agriculturists were
gathering, a Senior Police Officer affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
reached Kudan village with a police turned out to be the worst sufferers.
party and ordered for lathi charge Hearing the news of this gathering
first and then for opening fire on the of the kisan agitators the Maharaja
agitators. With others, Cheto was sent his State Army to counter the
severely injured in this attack and rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
died. [Rajasthan, 13 May 1934, RSAB; surrounded the village, blocked all
SKAI, p.118] the escape routes from it and opened
fire on the protesters without any
Chhadah; Resident of Banda, the North- prior warning of dispersal. Chhaju
Western Provinces (now Uttar Singh received severe gun shots in
Pradesh); he joined hands with the the indiscriminate firing and died.
rebel forces during the Uprising of Simultaneously, the village was also
1857 and fought against the British set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
in the Banda region; he also provided Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
financial support to the other rebels TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
of his area and encouraged them to Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
attack and kill the British and their F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
loyalists; he was caught in the course RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
of the British advance in Banda and F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
charged with ëmurder, aiding and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 145

Chhangur Singh: Resident of v. not removed. Chhatar Singh came

Brahmanpur, Dohi Taluqa, Jownpore forward, bared chest and shouted
[Jaunpur], the North-Western thunderously: ìCome and remove the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); flag, if you have the courageî. The
Zamindar; he took part in the Uprising Inspector warned him to leave the
of 1857, fought in a number of place but Chhatar Singh defied him
engagements with the British troops and remained there. The Inspector,
in the Jaunpur region; he was on the orders of the Deputy
captured by the British during their Superintendent of Police, shot him
attacks on the rebel forces, and dead. Chhatar Singh was 37 years old
charged with ëmurder and rebellion when he attained martyrdom. [Sujas,
against the Britishí; he was sentenced No.4, June-July 1998, Jaipur, pp.72-
to death and executed by hanging 73; CDERS, p.181]
from a tree near a village in Jaunpur
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Jaunpur Chhatar Singh: Resident of Bharatpur,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, Bharatpur State (now distt.
p.31] Bharatpur), Rajputana Agency (now
Rajasthan); served as Sepoy in the
Chhatar Singh: Born in v. Tasimo, Hong Kong-Singapore Royal
Dholpur State (now distt. Dholpur), Artillery of the British-Indian Army;
Rajasthan; Thakur; occupation shifted his loyalty to the Indian
agriculture. He was an active National Army in 1942 and served
member of Dholpur Rajya Praja in its 2nd Guerilla Regiment; he fought
Mandal. Along with other Praja against the British on the Burma
Mandal leaders (Thakur Gulab Singh, (Myanmar) front and died in the
Ramcharan Gaur, Chhutan Singh, course of heavy fighting at Kalewa
Pancham Singh, Shankarlal, etc.) in 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.379//
Chhatar Singh took part in mobilising INA, (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.59]
the people from such villages as
Tasimon, Brasienavav, Brijgarh, Chheda Lal: Resident of Bharatpur,
Nagla and Vidhora of Dholpur State Bharatpur State (now distt.
for a national flag hoisting ceremony Bharatpur), Rajputana Agency (now
at Tasimo on 8 April 1947. On the Rajasthan); earlier he was a Naik
appointed day, before a big Sepoy in the I.G.H. of the British-
gathering, Chhatar Singh hoisted the Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
flag. The Area Magistrate, with a to the Indian National Army in 1942
police party led by the Deputy and confronted the British in Burma
Superintendent of Police, also (now Myanmar); while taking part
reached the village and ordered the in the INA campaign against the Axis
Praja Mandal leaders to remove the forces on the Kohima-Manipur fronts,
flag. Nobody really bothered, he fell ill and died like of few others
forcing the Police Inspector to warn in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos.
of dire consequences if the flag was 1,2,5,12,/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.61]
146 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Chhokla: Resident of Ghazeepoor the Awadh Province (now Uttar

[Ghazipur], the North-Western Pradesh); Subedar; he took a
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Jat; prominent part with Agha Mirza, in
he joined the rebel forces of his area organizing and leading the rebels
and fought the British forces at during the Rising of 1857; being in
several places in Ghazipur during the the front of the procession of the
Uprising of 1857; he was caught by rebels (from Aishbagh to near the
the British at the time of their re- Roomi Gate), he received injuries
occupation of the Ghazipur region, during the British forcesí firing on
and executed by hanging in 1859. it; caught by the British army, he was
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny hanged at Jelo-Khana of Machchi
Basta, UPRAA] Bhawan, Lucknow in May 1857.
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Chhola: Resident of v. Laha, distt. Basta, UPRAA; L1857, pp.59-60]
Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
Khuda Bux. He took part in the Chhotkai Harijan: Resident of v. & p.o.
political movement for responsible Bijayee Kaaf, distt. Deoria, Uttar
government in Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh. While participating in the
State. He participated in a procession sabotage, and taking part in
at Rajouri on 1 October 1931 to protest destroying a bridge on Majhla Nala
against the autocratic rule in the in Deoria during the ìQuit Indiaî
state. The procession was stopped by movement, Chhotkai Harijan was
the soldiers of the State Army and killed in the police guardsí firing in
fired upon, killing Chhola on the spot. 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
[File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, RORCG; SSKS, vol. 36, distt. Deoraia,
Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.62; EBIFF, 1978, pp. 24 & ka]
Vol.1, p.157]
Chhunchhun: Born in Agra, the North-
Chhota Singh: Resident of Ghazeepoor Western Provinces (now Uttar
[Ghazipur], the North-Western Pradesh); Sheikh; he joined the rebel
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); forces in the course of an Uprising of
Rajpoot [Rajput]; he fought the 1857 and took part in an attack on
British at several places in Ghazipur the British establishments; caught by
during the Uprising of 1857; he also the British during the engagement,
offered financial support to others he was hanged in 1858 on the charges
for buying arms and looting the of ëmurder of the British officers and
British treasury; he was caught plundering the Government property
during the British re-occupation of during the rebellioní. [Mutiny
the Ghazipur region, and executed Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] (1858), MSAB]

Chhote Khan: Belonged to Lucknow, Chhutary: Belonged to Banda, the

Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 147

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
Pradesh); he provided financial Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
support to the rebels of his area TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
during the Uprising of 1857, and Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
encouraged the local inhabitants to F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
take up their arms against the British RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
and their loyalists; he was caught by F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
the British troops during their attack
on Banda and charged with ëaiding Chhuttan Lal: Resident of v. Bhatona,
and abetting the rebellion against the distt. Bulandshahr, the United
Britishí; he was sentenced to death Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
in August 1858 and executed by took active part in the Civil
hanging, his property was also Disobedience movement in 1930 and,
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Banda being a farmer, also joined the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, peasant agitation against the
Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858), MSAB] payment of land revenue. He
received fatal bullet wounds in the
Chhute: Belonged to teh. Thanaghazi, British policeís firing on a protest
Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), the rally at Gulaothi on 12 September
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); 1930 and died on the spot. [H/poll
Nai (barber); took part in a meeting F.No. 23/58/30, NAI; WWIM, I, p.73]
of the kisan agitators held at
Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to Chiddoo: Belonged to Moradabad, the
remonstrate against the Maharajaís North-western Provinces (now Uttar
misgovernance and his land Pradesh); Aheer; he joined hands
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this with the rebels of his area during the
settlement the Biswedari rights of the Uprising of 1857 and marched
Rajputs were forfeited and the land towards Delhi while fighting against
revenue increased by fifty per cent. the British forces; he returned to his
Though all agriculturists were region after the fall of Delhi in
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs September 1857; he was caught by
had been the hardest hit. Hearing the the British after their re-occupation
news of this kisan gathering, the of this area and hanged in 1859 on
Maharaja sent his State Army to the charges of ëmurder and rebellion
counter the rallyists at Neemuchana. against the Britishí. [Mutiny Records,
The troops surrounded the village, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
blocked all the exit points routes Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858),
from it and opened fire on the MSAB]
protesters without any prior warning
of dispersal. Chhute received bullets Chimnio: Belonged to Patia under Garhi
wounds in the indiscriminate firing Jagir in Banswara State (now distt.
and died on the same day. Banswara), Rajasthan; took part in
Simultaneously, the village was also the Bhagat Bhil movement in
148 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

southern Rajasthan that Govindgiri Chinnajee: Belonged to Cheterkonee,

started in 1907, preaching Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
monotheism among the Bhils and Western Provinces (now Uttar
Kolis of Dungarpur and Banswara Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he
States. Soon Govindgiriís socio- fought the British forces at several
religious endeavour grew into a places in Ghazipur during the
politico-economic movement, against Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
the extraction of Begar (forced labour) the British troops after their re-
and exploitation of the Bhils by the occupation of the Ghazipur region,
petty officials of the Dungarpur and and executed by hanging in 1859.
Banswara States and Sunth (a small [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
state in Gujarat). Chimnio was one Basta, UPRAA]
among those thousands of Bhagat
Bhils who joined this movement and Chiru Kirmu: Resident of v. Pippat,
warned the Dungarpur and Chhatarpur State, the Central Indian
Banswara rulers in the first week of Agency (now Madhya Pradesh).
November 1913, either to remove the Joined the peasant movement in 1930
main grievance of the Bhils or to face in Chhatarpur State against its feudal
the overthrowing of the Statesí oppression and imposition of cesses
authority to oppress and ill-treat and heavy taxes. Participated in the
them. The militancy of the Bhils and public meeting of more than 8,000
their gathering in Mangarh hill so peasants on 15 January 1931 at
unnerved the British that they sent Singpur villageís Charanpaduka
their own troops along with those of compound. The meeting was
the States to lay siege on Mangarh suddenly surrounded by the troops
hill and disperse the gathering. On of 25 British Corps, led by the
17 November 1913 the combined Political Agent, Fisher, and
troops attacked the Bhil position and accompanied by the Dewan, to pre-
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai empt any law and order problem. All
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did on a sudden Fisher instructed the
not give up till many of them were toops to open fire on the gathering
injured, 900 captured and 25, and they sprayed more than 40
including Chimnio, killed. The rounds of bullets, killing 7 (26 claimed
incident did awaken the tribesmen by the local) and injuring 26. Chiru
so much that Motilal Tejawat had not Kirmu was among those killed in this
found it difficult to mobilise them in tragically cruel incident. [F/Poll, F.
1921-22 against forced labour and No.230 (1931); H/Poll, F.Nos.12-14
high rate of land revenue. [F/Poll (1931); 2 (41) (1931); 18-XII (1930); 18-
Proc (Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March 31 (1931), NAI; CDG p.247-49]
1914; Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI;
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 Chiru Kirmu: Resident of v. Pippat, teh.
(referred in connection with the Laundi, Chattarpur State,
incident)] Bundelkhand Agency (now
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 149

Chhatarpur district in Madhya retrieval of the area and the defeat

Pradesh); participated in a public of the rebels, Chittu was captured at
meeting which was held at Singpurís his home and hanged on 23
Charanpaduka Maidan on 15 January December 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Vol.
1931, to protest against the feudal V, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
exactions, collection of cesses and (1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, p. 30]
high taxes by the Durbar; all on a
sudden the venue was surrounded Choonnee Loll: Belonged to Agra, the
by the British Indian Army (Malwa North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Bhil Corps) under the Political Agent Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sowar
of Bundelkhand, Fisher, and the [Sawar] in the Armed Guards
State police led by the Dewan of Contingent at the Agra Central
Chhatarpur State. Accusing the Prison; he left the British service in
protestors of defying the law and June 1857 and participated in the
disobeying the authorities, the Uprising of 1857. Along with his
Political Agent commanded his other comrades, he marched towards
officers and corps to teach the Delhi and joined the rebelsí struggle
peasants a lesson. Thereafter the against the British rule; he died while
forces lathi-charged and fired 40 fighting the advancing British army
rounds of bullets on the protestors; in the defence of the Delhi region in
caught in the melee, Chiru Kirmu was September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
shot dead. [H/Poll, F.No. 18-XII/30, Agra Mutiny Basta, S. No. 69,
F. No. 18/31, F. No. 22/31, NAI; F/ UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57,
Poll; F.No. 230-P (Secret)/1931, NAI; NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
MPSGCD, pp. 55-57; MPMAKLA, pp. (1858), MSAB]
Choonnee Loll: Resident of Taj Gunj,
Chit Bahal: Resident of v. Sarai Harkhu, Agra, the North-Western Provinces
distt. Jaunpur, the United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Ram was a Duffadar [Dafadar] with the
Bharosey Kevat. He was killed in the Contingent Guards of the Agra
police firing while taking part in a Central Prison under the British
procession during the ìQuit Indiaî Government; he left the British
movement in his village in August service during the Uprising of 1857
1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; to join the rebelsí fighting against the
RORCG; WWIM, I, p.73] British rule; he marched towards
Delhi along with others and
Chittu: Resident of Mandleshwar, confronted the British at several
Malwa region, Central India Agency places; he died in 1858 while resisting
(now Madhya Pradesh); s/o Madar the British onslaught. [Mutiny
Baksh; joined the anti-British rebel Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
forces during the Uprising of 1857 in UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
the Malwa region; with the British (1858), MSAB]
150 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Choonnee Loll: Resident of the Oudh Futehpore Secree [Fatehpur Sikri],

[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar the North-Western Provinces (now
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy Uttar Pradesh); s/o Hursooka; he
in the A. Company of the British- joined the rebel forces during the
Indian army; he left the British Uprising of 1857 and took part in
service during the Uprising of 1857 attacks on the British officers and
and joined hands with the rebel their establishments; he was caught
forces to fight against the British rule; by the British in the midst of an
he fought against the British at engagement and hanged in 1858 on
several places, and died in 1858 while the charges of ëmurder of the British
resisting the advancing British forces. officers and plundering the
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Government property during the
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
(1858-59), UPSAL] Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Choora: Belonged to Banda, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Chotey Khan: Born in Puthra,
Pradesh); participated in the Uprising Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
of 1857; he accompanied the rebel Western Provinces (now Uttar
forces at various places in Banda to Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
fight against the British. during the Uprising of 1857 and
Subsequently he was captured by the fought against the British at various
British forces and charged with places in the Hamirpur region; he also
ëmurder and rebelhioní. He was provided financial support to the local
sentenced to be hanged by the people and incited them to raise their
Special Commissioner of Banda in arms against the British; he was
May 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. caught in the course of an
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), engagement with the advancing
UPSAL] British troops, and sentenced to
death on the charges of ëaiding and
Chotay Khan: Resident of Kumbul abetting the rebellion against the
Kutra, Agra, the North-Western Britishí; he was executed by hanging
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); in 1859. [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur
Pathan; he took part in the Uprising Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
of 1857 and fought against the British Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]
forces at several place; he was caught
by the British during their attacks on Chotey Khan: Resident of Agra, the
the rebels positions, and executed by North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Pradesh); Mewatee [Mewati]; he was
Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll a Sepoy in the A. Company of the
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] British-Indian army; he left the
British service during the Uprising
Chotay: Belonged to Serai Suhur, of 1857 and fought against the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 151

at several places in his region; he of 1857, and fought the British forces
died in 1858 while resisting the on several occasions; caught by the
advancing British forces. [Mutiny British in the midst of an
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, engagement, he was accused of
UPRAA] ëplundering the British property and
rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Chotey Lall: Resident of Allygurh sentenced to death and hanged in
[Aligarh], North-Western Provinces 1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
(now Uttar Pradesh); he took part in Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
the Uprising of 1857 and also incited Srs.), UPRAA]
others to raise arms for
overthrowing the British rule; he Choudhary Mohan Singh: Resident of
marched on to Delhi, joined hands Shamli, Muzaffarnagar, the North-
with the rebels there and fought the Western Provinces (now Uttar
British troops; he was caught by the Pradesh); he joined hands with the
British after their re-occupation of rebel forces during the Uprising of
Delhi, and charged with ësedition and 1857 and fought against the British
rebellion against the Britishí; he was at several places in the Muzaffar-
sentenced to death and shot dead in nagar region; he was captured by the
1857. [Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. British in the course of an
(Delhi Div.) F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] engagement and sentenced to death
on the charges of ëmurder and
Chotey Loll: Belonged to Maynpooree rebellion against the Britishí; he was
[Mainpuri], the North-Western executed on the gallows in 1857.
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); [Mutiny Records, Muzaffarnagar
Brahmin; he was a Sirdar Jemadar Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III,
[Sardar Jamadar] in the Contingent p.98]
Guards of the Agra Central Prison;
he left the British service on 5 July Chouree Singh: Resident of Lucknow,
1857 and joined the fighting against the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
the British at various places during Uttar Pradesh); soon after the
the Uprising of 1857; he died in the outbreak of the Uprising of 1857, he
course of an encounter with the joined hands with the ëHindustanií
advancing British army in 1858. forces in fighting against the British;
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, he also participated in plundering the
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) British properties and passing these
(1858), MSAB] on to the rebels for use in defraying
their military expenses; he was
Chotey Ram: Resident of Moorwa, caught during the re-occupation of
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- the area and sentenced to imprison-
Western Provinces (now Uttar ment for life on the charges of
Pradesh); he joined hands with the ëplundering and rebellioní; he lost his
rebels of his area during the Uprising life in jail. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
152 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), Division in 1942; joined a protest

UPSAL] demonstration at Sumand Patti
(Almora) that was stopped by the
Choutey: Resident of Banda, the North- British forces and fired upon;
Western Provinces (now Uttar Churamani received bullet wounds
Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the and died on the spot. [PCJ Papers,
British-Indian army but left it during Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, 157
the Uprising of 1857 and joined the (PA), NAI; WWIM, I, p.74; SSKS, KD:
rebel forces of his region; he also p.3; BSAS: p. 129]
persuaded other native sepoys of the
British army to take the rebel side; Chukki: Born in 1895, belonged to v.
he was caught while defending his Jambada, teh. Multai, distt. Betul,
area against an advancing British Madhya Pradesh; s/o Rati Ram. A
army; charged with ëdesertion, labourer, he was involved in the
mutiny and seditioní, he was Jungle Satyagraha (Civil
sentenced to death in September 1858 Disobedience movement). Arrested
and hanged. [Mutiny Records, Banda and convicted under Section 147 in
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, 332 I.P.C., he was awarded two
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] yearsí rigorous imprisonment on 3
December 1930. He was put in the
Chttur: Resident of Humeerpoor Hoshangabad District Jail (Nerbudda
[Hamirpur], the North-Western administrative division of the then
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Central Provinces & Berar) and
participated in the Uprising of 1857 passed away in jail on 13 January
and fought against the British at 1931. [H/Poll, F.Nos 23/54/1930; 23/
several places in the Hamirpur 58/1930, NAI]
region; he was caught subsequently
by the British army, and convicted Chundee Singh: Resident of Gwalee,
on the charges of ërebellion against Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
the Britishí; he was sentenced to life Western Provinces (now Uttar
imprisonment with confiscation of Pradesh); he joined hands with the
property in 1859; he died in captivity. rebels of his area during the Uprising
[Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny of 1857, and fought the British forces
Basta, UPRAA] on several occasions; caught by the
British in the course of an engage-
Chudamani/Churamani; Born in 1886, in ment, he was hanged in 1860.
v. Khumand Patti, distt. Almora, [Mutiny Records, NWP, Fatehpur
Kumaon Division, the United Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.),
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); s/o UPRAA]
Paramdev; a school drop-out (after
fourth standard); peasant; became a Chundeena: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
Congress worker and took part in the Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
ìQuit Indiaî movement in Kumaon soon after the outbreak of the 1857
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 153

Uprising; along with his associates, Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.207]
he marched towards Delhi while
fighting against the British forces; he Chundun Loll: Hailed from
escaped to his region soon after the Farruckabad [Farukhabad], the
British re-occupation of Delhi in North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
September 1857; he died in 1858 while Pradesh); Kaith; he was a Havildar
resisting the advancing British army [Hawaldar] in the Armed Guards
in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny Contingent at the Agra Central
Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP Prison; he left the British service in
(1858-59), UPSAL] June 1857 to take part in the Uprising
of 1857. Along with his other
Chundersein: Resident of Mynpooree comrades, he marched towards Delhi
[Mainpuri], the North-Western and joined hands with the rebels in
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); the fight against the British rule; he
Brahmin; he was a Sirdar Jemadar died while resisting the advancing
[Sardar Jamadar] in the Contingent British army in the Delhi region in
Guards of the Agra Central Prison; September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
he left the British service on 5 July Agra Mutiny Basta, S. No. 69,
1857 and joined the fighting against UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57,
the British at various places during NAI]
the Uprising of 1857; he died in the
course of an encounter with the Chundun Roy: Belonged to Khariada,
advancing British army in 1858. Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Western Provinces (now Uttar
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined
(1858), MSAB] the rebel forces of his village and
fought the British forces at several
Chundowa: Belonged to Allahabad, the places in Ghazipur during the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
Pradesh); he took part in the the British after their re-occupation
Uprising of 1857 and fought against of the Ghazipur region, and executed
the British forces at several places in by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
the Allahabad region; he also took Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
part in plundering the British
properties and offering the proceeds Chundun Singh: Belonged to
to other rebels for buying arms; he Cawnpore (Kanpur), the North-
was caught by the British troops Western Provinces (now Uttar
during their attacks on the Allahabad Pradesh); soon after the outbreak of
rebels, and charged with ëplunder, the 1857 Rising, he joined the rebel
attempt at murder and rebellion force and fought against the British
against the Britishí; he was sentenced army in the Kanpur region; he was
to death in July 1857 and executed captured by the British during the
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, fighting and tried on the charges of
154 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

ëmurder and rebellion against the Umaram; Brahmin. A political activist

Britishí; he was sentenced to be since his school days, he was
hanged in February 1859. [Mutiny hounded out of his village by the
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Sikrali Jagirdar and forced to settle
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] down in Nimbi Jodha. He came in
contact with Mahant Chaindas and
Chundun: Resident of Furrukhabad, the decided to stand up against the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Jagirdari everywhere. Participated in
Pradesh); he was a Havildar the Satyagraha launched by the
[Hawaldar] in the A. Company of the Marwar Lok Parishad in 1942, and
British-Indian army; he left the was imprisoned in Jodhpur. On
British service during the Uprising release, he started Harijan Pathshala
of 1857 and joined hands with the for educating Dalit children and took
rebel forces to fight against the part in mobilizing the kisans. He
British rule; he fought the British at travelled all parts of the Jodhpur
several places, and died in 1858 while State for organizing a Kisan
resisting the advancing British forces. Conference in Dabra. When the
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Conference met at Dabra on 13 March
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP 1947, the Dabra Jagirdarís men
(1858-59), UPSAL] attacked its organisers and even fired
on them. Chunnilal received severe
Chuni Lal: Resident of Amjhera State, bullet wounds in the firing and died
Malwa region, the Central India on the spot. [Sujas, No.4, June-July
Agency (now Madhya Pradesh); 1998, Jaipur, pp.74-75; DKAS, pp.2-10]
when the whole of Malwa was
aroused by the Uprising of 1857, he Churun: Belonged to Banda, the North-
joined the anti-British rebel forces Western Provinces (now Uttar
and participated in their raids on Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Bhopawar (Political) Agency in the rebels during the Uprising of 1857
first week of July 1857; the Indore and fought against the British forces
State troops, assisting the British in in the Banda region; he also incited
subduing the rebel forces, defeated his neighbours to raise their arms and
Chuni Lalís men; they captured and kill the British and their supporters;
handed him over to the British; later he was caught by the British troops
he was executed in Indore [Mutiny at the time of their operations in
Papers, V, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. Banda, and charged with ësedition,
No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB; WWIM, plundering and rebellion against the
III, p.30] Britishí, sentenced to death with
confiscation of property in May 1858;
Chunnilal Sharma: Born in v. Nimbi he was executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Jodha in Vikram Samvat 1988, teh. Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
Ladnu, Jodhpur (Marwar) State (now UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII)
in distt. Nagaur), Rajasthan; s/o (1858), MSAB]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 155

Chuttur: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] died in 1858 while resisting the
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); advancing British forces. [Mutiny
Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the A. Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Company of the British-Indian army; UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-
he left the British service during the 59), UPSAL]
Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British at several places in his Commander Jahan Sher: Resident of
region; he died in 1858 while resisting Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh)
the advancing British forces. [Mutiny Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, joined the Uprising of 1857 and
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc.Oudh (1858- played a significant role in organizing
59), UPSAL] and training the rebel forces of his
region; he led the rebels in attacking
Chutturjeet: Resident of the Oudh the British authorities and their
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar establishments in Lucknow on
Pradesh); Goojar [Gujar]; he was a several occasions; he died while
Sepoy in the A. Company of the fighting against the British army at
British-Indian army; he left the Hazratganj, Lucknow in 1858.
British service during the Uprising [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
of 1857 and fought against the British Basta, UPRAA]
at several places in his region; he
156 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

D. L. Dass: Resident of v. Ramkatora, the Fatehpur area; he was captured
distt. Varanasi, the United Provinces by the enemy during an engagement
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o R. C. Dass. and charged with ëplundering and
Before joining the Indian National rebellion against the Britishí;
Army in 1942 as a Section Officer in sentenced to transportation for life
the Military Police, he was a Havildar in 1858, he died in jail before his
[Hawaldar]-Clerk in the Ambulance transportation. [Mutiny Records,
Service of the British-Indian Army. Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-
He died while facing the Allied 59), UPSAL]
forceís assault on Myaung Hospital,
Rangoon, Burma (now Myanmar) in Daibeepershaud: Belonged to Etawah,
1945. [INA Papers, F. No. 1/INA, the North-Western Provinces (now
NAI; WWIM, II, p.72] Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a
Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the
Dabri Rai: Hailed from distt. Deoria, the Contingent Guards of the Agra
United Provinces (now Uttar Central Prison; he left the British
Pradesh); s/o Ishwari Pratap Rai. He service during the Uprising of 1857,
was killed in the police firing while joined hands with the rebels of his
taking part in a demonstration area and fought the British troops in
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement several engagements in the Agra-
in August 1942. [H/poll, F.No. 3/16/ Mathura region; he was killed by the
42, NAI; BCA, p. 126; WWIM, II, advancing British forces in the course
pp.136-137] of their attacks on the rebels in 1858.
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Daem Khan: Belonged to Futtehpore UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
[Fatehpur], the North-Western (1858), MSAB]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took
part in the Uprising of 1857 and Daibeepershaud: Resident of Etawah,
fought against the British troops in the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 157

Uttar Pradesh); Kaith; he was a Deogarh, Jhansi State (now Uttar

Duffadar [Dafadar] in the Contingent Pradesh), he joined the rebel forces
Guards of the Agra Central Prison in the Uprising of 1857 against the
under the British Government; he British rule; while encountering the
left the British service during the British attempts at re-occupying
Uprising of 1857 and joined the Jhansi in 1858, he was captured by
rebelsí fighting against the British; he the enemy; sentenced to death on
marched towards Delhi along with charges of ërebellion against the
the fellow rebels and fought the Britishí, Singh was executed soon
British at several places; he died in thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
1858 in the course of a British attack Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
on the rebel forces. [Mutiny Records, Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858), MSAB]
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] Dalam: Belonged to Jagdalpur area,
Indrawati valley in Bastar State (now
Daiyo: Belonged to Udrasar village in in Chhattisgarh); joined the Adivasi
Bikaner State (now distt. Bikaner), (tribal) Bhumkal ñ revolt of 1910 in
Rajasthan; betel-seller in Bikaner. the Jagdalpur area of Bastar against
Along with the villagers of Udrasar the colonial and feudal exploitation,
and the representatives of Bikaner and the tribesí anxiety for
Praja Mandal, Daiyo went to meet maintaining their distinct ways of
the Bikaner ruler in 1936 to protest life. On 16 February 1910, following
against the atrocities of the State the direct confrontation (Indrawati-
Police. But the Maharaja did not meet ford battle) between the rebels and
them and the police atrocities the British where many people died
continued. To punish him for daring on the rebel side, Dalam and few
to protest, the police arrested Daiyo, others escaped from the scene and
charged him with theft, took him to rallied round the neighbouring Ulnar
the Kotwali (Police Station) and and Netanar villages. ìOn the night
beaten him to death. Next morning, of 25th February, the combined
the Executive Committee of Bikaner forces surrounded the Ulnar hill on
Praja Mandal reacted sharply to which the men of Netanar village [the
Daiyoís death, passed a Resolution rebels] were supposed to be
on the increase of police atrocities in encamped. The movement was well
the State and submitted it to the Prime executed, and all the aboriginals
Minister of the State. Daiyoís death [tribals] were captured....î Dalam
did not go in vain, it strengthened and some of the rebels were arrested,
the Praja Mandal movement in charged with ìwaging war against
Bikaner. [H/Deptt (Bikaner State), the Crownî, and tried between 13
F.No. C V, 1930, RSAB; BJA, pp. 48- March and 28 April 1910 (known as
49] the Jagdalpur Trial). Seventy eight
rebels, including Dalam, were put
Dakhun Jamahar Singh: Resident of behind the bars in Bastar Jail. In June
158 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

1910 Dalam with others were shifted distt. Saugor (now Sagar), the Central
to the Raipur Central Jail, where he Provinces and Berar (now Madhya
died (before 7 November 1910) Pradesh); joined the rebel forces and
suffering ill-treatment and tortures became prominent in leading the
by the jail authorities. [F/Poll Uprising of 1857 in the valley of
(Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910, Narmada river; in the course of
NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail, fighting against the British he
Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf collaborated with such other rebel
HTPB, pp.245-57] leaders as Dhillain Shah and Narvar
Shah; he was defeated by the British
Dalehund: Resident of Mundee Syeed on 23 November 1857, captured,
Khan, Agra, the North-Western tried and hanged along with a
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); number of his followers. [Mutiny
Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the C. Papers, Vol. IV, NAIB; Poll Deptt,
Company under the British-Indian Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB;
army; he left the service during the WWIM, III, p.31]
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
with the rebels for fighting against Dalip Singh: Hailed from distt. Meerut,
the British rule; he was caught in 1858 the United Provinces (now Uttar
while resisting the advancing British Pradesh). He was a Sepoy in the
forces, and sentenced to death on the Hong Kong-Singapore Royal
charges of ëdesertion and mutiny Artillery of the British-Indian Army
against the British authoritiesí. but left the British service in 1942 and
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, joined as soldier in the 2nd Guerrilla
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- Regiment of the Indian National
59), UPSAL] Army. When he was called upon to
face the British army on the Burma
Dalel Sing: Resident of distt. Meerut, (Myanmar) front, he fought them
the United Provinces (now Uttar near Kalewa and died on the battle
Pradesh). He was previously a ground probably in 1944. [INA
soldier of the British-Indian Armyís Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM,
Hong Kong-Singapore Royal II, p.67]
Artillery. He shifted his loyalty to the
Indian National Army. On joining the Dalip Singh: Resident of v. Kharsi, distt.
INA he was placed in the 2 nd Jodhpur, Rajasthan; employed as an
Guerrilla Regiment as a Sepoy. He Ambulance Sepoy in the 16th Field
was killed in an Allied forcesí Hospital of the British-Indian Army;
bombardment near Imphal (Manipur) he shifted his loyalty to the Indian
in 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.1/INA, National Army in 1942 and served it
NAI; ROH, pp. 678-679 WWIM, II, as a Nursing Sepoy in the Fourth
p.67] Guerilla Regiment. He was killed in
an engagement with the British
Dalganjan Singh: Hailed from Singpur, forces on the Burma (Myanmar)
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 159

front. [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, increased, along with the imposition
F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA), NAI; of fresh taxes. Dallo was one among
MPSSZB,] those two to three thousand Bhils
who gathered at Siyawa village on
Dalla Singh: Belonged to Lucknow, the 4/5 April 1922 and decided that they
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar would not give the increased
Pradesh); he took part in the Malgujari, the Begar and any other
resistance against the British rule casses to the State. Hearing the news
during the Uprising of 1857 and of this Bhil gathering, the State Army
fought the British forces in different and 200 soldiers of the Mewar Bhil
places in the Lucknow region; he was Corps, led by Major Richards,
killed by the British army in an reached there and opened fire on the
engagement at Bailley Guard, agitators without any prior warning
Lucknow, in November 1857. on 12 April 1922. Some of the Bhils
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny could manage to escape and fled to
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh the hills. However, with several
(1858), UPSAL] others, Dallo was severely injured in
the firing and died on the spot.
Dalla: Resident of Faizabad, the Oudh Simultaneously with this assault, the
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar village was looted and set on fire by
Pradesh); he took part in the the troops. [NR, 30 April and 18 June
Uprising of 1857, proceeded to 1922, RSAB; AMR, 1913-1947, pp.101-
Lucknow, and fought against the 102]
British at several places in the city;
he was caught by the British army Dalloo: Resident of Agra, the North-
and hanged at Machhi Bhawan, Western Provinces (now Uttar
Lucknow, in June 1857. [Mutiny Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Havildar [Hawaldar] in the Armed
UPRAA; Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Guard Contingent at the Agra
Oudh (1857), UPSAL] Central Prison; he left the British
service in June 1857 and joined the
Dallo: Resident of v. Siyawa, Sirohi State Uprising of 1857. Along with other
(now distt. Sirohi), the Rajputana rebels, he marched towards Delhi
Agency (now Rajasthan); s/o and took part in the fighting against
Bheemo; Girassia (tribe). He took the British forces; he was killed by
part in the Bhil-Girassia (tribal) the advancing British army during an
revolt of 1922 in the Siawa, Velaliya encounter in the Delhi region in
and Bhula villages of Sirohi State September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
against the atrocities of the Sirohi Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny
ruler, his land settlement policy, Begar Papers, Coll No. 57, NAI]
(forced labour) and cesses. In this
settlement the Malgujari (land Daloo: Belonged to Futtehpore
revenue demand) had been [Fatehpur], the North-Western
160 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he Dalvo: Hailed from Jerpata of Bhukia

joined hands with the rebel forces Jagir in Banswara State (now distt.
during the Uprising of 1857 and Banswara), Rajasthan; took part in
fought against the British at various the Bhagat Bhil movement in
places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region; southern Rajasthan that Govindgiri
he was killed by the British troops in started in 1907, preaching
the course of an encounter in 1857. monotheism among the Bhils and
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Kolis of Dungarpur and Banswara
Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA] States. Soon Govindgiriís socio-
religious endeavour changed into a
Dalu Singh: Belonged to v. Rasnalee, politico-economic movement, against
Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), the the extraction of Begar (forced labour)
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); and exploitation of the Bhils by the
Shekhawat; took part in the kisan petty officials of the Dungarpur and
meeting held at Neemuchana on 14 Banswara States and Sunth (a small
May 1925 to protest against the state in Gujarat). Dalvo was one
Maharajaís mal-administration and among those thousands of Bhagat
his land settlement policy of 1923-24. Bhils who joined this movement and
In this settlement the Biswedari rights warned the Dungarpur and
of the Rajputs were forfeited and the Banswara rulers in the first week of
land revenue increased by fifty per November 1913, either to remove the
cent. Though all agriculturists were main grievance of the Bhils or to face
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs the overthrowing of the Statesí
suffered the most. Hearing the news authority to oppress and ill-treat
of this gathering, the Maharaja sent them. The militancy of the Bhils and
his State Army to counter the rallyists their gathering in Mangarh hill so
at Neemuchana. The troops unnerved the British that they sent
surrounded the village, blocked all their own troops along with those of
the exit points from it and opened the States to lay siege on Mangarh
fire on the protesters without any hill and disperse the gathering. On
prior warning of dispersal. Many 17 November 1913 the combined
people received severe gun shots in troops attacked the Bhil position and
the indiscriminate firing, including the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai
Dalu Singh, who died on the spot. Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did
Simultaneously, the village was also not give up till many of them were
set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar injured, 900 captured and 25,
Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; including Dalvo, killed. The incident
TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925; did awaken the tribesmen so much
Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29, that Motilal Tejawat had not found
F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936, it difficult to mobilise them in 1921-
RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, 22 against forced labour and high rate
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] of land revenue. [F/Poll Proc
(Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March 1914;
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 161

Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI; encounter with the British army in

BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny
(referred in connection with the Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
incident)] (IX) (1858), MSAB]

Damar Bahadur: Resident of the Danger Singh: Resident of v.

Garhwal Division, the United Mangaraha, distt. Benaras
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); he was (Varanasi), the United Provinces
a Soldier in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
of the British-Indian Army; he Jharkhandey Singh. He actively
volunteered to join the Indian participated in the Salt Satyagraha of
National Army in 1942 and served it 1930 and died due to the severe
as Lance-Naik in the I st Bahadur blows received in a lathi-charge by
Group; while fighting against the the British police during the
British forces in Burma (now Satyagraha campaign. His mother
Myanmar) he was killed on the battle could not bear the loss of her only
ground at Aizon in 1944. [INA son and she also died. [H/poll F.No.
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA 23/58/30, NAI;WWIM, I, p.76]
(1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.68]
Daniar Khan: Hailed from Jaunpur, the
Damodar Swaroop: Resident of distt. North-Western Provinces (now uttar
Pilibhit, the United Provinces (now pradesh); s/o Ghulab Khan; he
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Ratan Lal. A deserted the British-Indian Army
cloth merchant by profession, he was and joined the rebel forces in fighting
an active participant in the nationalist the British in the 1857 Uprising; he
activities. He was beaten to death was arrested, charged with ëbetrayal
when the police lathi-charged a and rebellion against the King-
protest rally he was leading during Emperorí and sentence to death; he
the ìQuit Indiaî movement in August was executed by hanging on 11
1942 at Pilibhit. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/ September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.76] Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Daneshee: Resident of Torah, Agra, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Daniya: Born in v. Darbha, Sukma
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Zamindari, Bastar State (now in
Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the Chhattisgarh); s/o Hajariya Banjara;
Contingent Guards of the Agra took part in the Adivasi (tribal)
Central Prison; he left the British Bhumkal ñ revolt of 1910 in the
service during the Uprising of 1857 Jagdalpur area of Bastar against the
and joined the rebels of the Agra feudal and colonial exploitation, and
region; he fought the British troops in the tribesí anxiety for maintaining
at several places in the Agra-Mathura their distinct ways of life. On 16
area; he died in the midst of an February 1910, following the direct
162 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

confrontation (Indrawati-ford battle) British army after their re-occupation

between the rebels and the British of the Ghazipur region, and executed
where many died on the rebel side, by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Daniya and few others escaped from Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
the scene and rallied round the
neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar Daood Beg: Resident of Allygurh
villages. ìOn the night of 25 th [Aligarh], North-Western Provinces
February, the combined forces (now Uttar Pradesh); he took part in
surrounded the Ulnar hill on which the Uprising of 1857 and also
the men of Netanar village [the encouraged other people to raise
rebels] were supposed to be their arms for overthrowing the
encamped. The movement was well British rule; he marched on to Delhi,
executed, and all the aboriginals joined hands with the rebels there
[tribals] were captured.î Daniya was and fought the British troops; he was
one among those arrested, charged caught by the British after their re-
with ìwaging war against the occupation of Delhi, and charged
Crownî, and prosecuted between 13 with ësedition and rebellion against
March and 28 April 1910 (known as the Britishí; he was sentenced to
the Jagdalpur Trial) under Sections death and shot dead in 1857. [Mutiny
25/436/325. He was sentenced to Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.)
three yearsí rigorous imprisonment F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
and detained in Bastar Jail. Later, in
June 1910 he was shifted, with Daood Khan; Resident of Paharee,
seventy eight other rebels, to the Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
Raipur Central Jail. Daniya was Western Provinces (now Uttar
severely tortured by the jail Pradesh); he participated in the
authorities and died there (before 7 Uprising of 1857 and fought against
November 1910). [F/Poll the British forces in the Hamirpur
(Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910, region; he also provided financial
NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail, support to the rebels and encouraged
Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf them to attack the firangis (British)
HTPB, pp.245-57; BTRB, p.81] and their loyalists; he was caught
during the British attacks on
Danu Roy: Resident of Dhurnee, Hamirpur, and charged with ëaiding
Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North- and abetting the rebellion against the
Western Provinces (now Uttar Britishí, and sentenced to death with
Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he confiscation of his property in 1859;
fought the British forces at a number he was executed by hanging
of places in Ghazipur during the thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
Uprising of 1857; he also offered Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
financial support to rebels and
incited them to attack the British Daoolut Khan: Belonged to Banda, the
establishments; he was caught by the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 163

Pradesh); he participated in the Western Provinces (now Uttar

Uprising of 1857, and accompanied Pradesh); Thakur; s/o. Thakur
the rebels on a number of occasions Mardan Singh; Zamindar; he took
in plundering and seizing the British active part in the Uprising against the
property/treasury in the Banda area; British rule in 1857; he participated
he was killed in 1858 while defending in several armed confrontations with
the Banda region from an advancing the British; he was captured by the
British army. [Mutiny Records, British during their re-occupation of
Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll the Fatehpur region, and accused of
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] ëaiding and abetting the rebellion
against the Britishí; sentenced to
Darab Singh: Resident of v. Basrichohar, death with confiscation of his
p.o. Kuli, distt. Agra, the United property; he was executed by
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). After hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
his joining to the Indian National Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./
Army he became Lance-Naik in the Per.Srs.), UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.17]
3 rd Guerrilla Regiment. He was
deployed on the Burma (Myanmar) Darman Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
front to fight against the British-led Division, the United Provinces (now
Allied forces where he lost his life in Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
an encounter with enemy in 1944. 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
[INA Papers, F No. 403/INA, NAI; Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
ROH, pp. 680-681 WWIM, II, p.70] to the Indian National Army in 1942
and served it as Sepoy in the I st
Dariao Singh: Resident of Jhansi State Guerrilla Regiment; he fought
(now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the against the British forces at several
rebel forces in Jhansi in 1857 and places in Burma (now Myanmar); he
fought under the leadership of Rani was killed during an enemy attack
Lakshmi Bai for driving the British on his camp at Trawang in 1944.
away from Jhansi and the [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/
surrounding areas; also took part in INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.71]
defending the Jhansi fort from attacks
of the British re-occupying forces in Daroga Singh: Born in v. Gahmar, distt.
June 1858; during the fighting he was Ghazipur, the United Provinces (now
captured by the enemy, charged with Uttar Pradesh); s/o Chandrama
ëmurder and rebellioní and Singh; Farmer. He took part in the
sentenced to death in 1859 [Mutiny ìQuit Indiaî movement demonstra-
Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, 1859, tion at his village organized on
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) 10August 1942. When the procession
(1858), MSAB] was fired upon by the British police
he was struck by the bullets and died
Dariyao Singh,: Born in 1795 at Khaga, there on the same day. [H/Poll,
Fattehpore [Fatehpur], the North- F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.77]
164 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Daroo Singh: Resident of Shahgunj, bullet wounds in the police firing

Agra, the North-Western Provinces while attending a protest rally at
(now Uttar Pradesh); Kaith; he was Auraiya on 12 August 1942 during
a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the the ìQuit Indiaî movement. He died
Contingent Guards of the Agra on the spot due to those injuries. [H/
Central Prison; he left the British Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I,
employment during the Uprising of p.77]
1857 and joined hands with the rebels
of the Agra region; he fought the Darshun: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
British troops at several places in the Pradesh; he joined hands with the
Agra-Mathura area; he was killed by rebel forces soon after the outbreak
the advancing British army in the of the 1857 Uprising; along with his
course of its attacks on the rebels in fellow rebels, he marched towards
1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Delhi while fighting against the
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 British forces; he escaped to his
(IX) (1858), MSAB] region after the British reoccupation
of Delhi in September 1857; he died
Darshan Lal: Born in 1912 in v. Piparpur, in 1858 while confronting the
distt. Etawah, the United Provinces advancing British army in the
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Bala Din, a Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
Tailor. He was killed in the police Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59),
firing while taking part in a UPSAL]
procession organized during the
ìQuit Indiaî movement at Auraiya Darwan Singh: Hailed from v. Kapkot,
on 12 August 1942. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/ distt. Almora, Kumaon Division, the
30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.77] United Provinces (now
Uttarakhand); enrolled in the 4/3rd
Darshan Lal: Born in 1912 in v. Pirpur, Guerrilla Regiment of the Indian
distt. Etawah, the United Provinces National Army as a Sepoy; deputed
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Baldin. A to the battle fields in Burma (now
tailor by profession, he actively Myanmar) to confront the British
participated in the ìQuit Indiaî forces, he died in action in Burma in
movement in 1942. He was killed in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos.403/INA,
the police firing while taking part in 498/INA (1945), 379/INA (1946);
a protest rally on 12 August 1942 in NAI; WWIM, II, p.71; EBIFF, I, p.
Auraiya village. [H/poll, F.No. 3/ 175]
30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 103]
Darya Khan: Resident of Humeerpoor
Darshan Singh: Resident of v. Piparpur, [Hamirpur], the North-Western
distt. Etawah, the United Provinces Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Parag Dutt; took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
Farmer; educated up to fourth fought against the British in the
standard in school. He received fatal Hamirpur region; he also provided
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 165

arms to the local people and incited a number of them, including Dattu,
them to fight against the British; he were seriously injured in the firing
was caught during an engagement on 16 September 1944 and died two
with the British army, and charged daysí later. [Sujas, No 4, June-July,
with ëmurder and the rebellion 1998, Jaipur, p.85; Judl Records,
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Jaipur, F.No. 5525, Part II, 1939;
to death in 1859 and executed by Jaipur Rvnu Records, Jaipur (R-2
hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny Settlement), F.No. 14, 1944, RSAB;
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, SKAI, p.198]
Daud Khan: Resident of the North-
Dasrauth Roy: Resident of Dhurnee, Western Provinces (now Uttar
Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North- Pradesh); he took part in the
Western Provinces (now Uttar Uprising of 1857 and also supplied
Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he arms to his neighbourhood for
fought the British forces at several fighting against the British
places in Ghazipur during the authorities; he proceeded to Delhi,
Uprising of 1857; he also supported joined the rebel army there, and
the rebels financially to buy arms and participated in different engage-
attack the British officials; he was ments with the British; he was killed
caught by the British forces after their during an encounter with the
re-occupation of the Ghazipur region, advancing British forces in Delhi in
and executed by hanging in 1859. 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57,
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
Basta, UPRAA] (1858), MSAB]

Dattu: Resident of v. Pacheri, Shekhawati Daulat Khan: Resident of Puthra,

(now distt. Junjhunu), Jaipur State Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
(now distt. and capital of Rajasthan Western Provinces (now Uttar
State); Khati (Carpenter). He took Pradesh); he participated in the
part in the antiñThikanadar movement Uprising of 1857 and fought against
in 1944 led by Pandit Tarkeshwar the British forces at several places in
Sharma, Vidyadhar, Netram, the Hamirpur region; he was
Chaudhary Bhudharam, etc. (who captured during the British re-
were also associated with the Jaipur occupation of Hamirpur, and charged
Rajya Praja Mandal movement) and with ëplundering and rebellion
decided not to pay the Lag-Bags or against the Britishí, he was sentenced
cesses, such as Khuntabandi and Pan- to death with confiscation of his
charai which the Thikanadars of property in 1859 and hanged soon
Pacheri were forcibly collecting from thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
the tenants. When, on their refusal Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
to pay, the Thikanadarís men fired
upon the demonstrators in Pacheri, Daulat Rajput: Resident of Saugor (now
166 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Sagar), the Central Province and (under Hugh Rose) on Jhansi in the
Berar (now Madhya Pradesh); he course of the fighting he was
organised a small band of anti-British captured, charged with ëadding and
rebels at the height of the 1857 abetting war against the Britishí, and
Uprising; he led his associates in a executed by hanging in 1862. [Mutiny
series of attacks on the British troops Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
stationed in Bushari village of UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
Saugor; in this process of attacks and (1858), MSAB]
counter-attacks he was captured by
the enemy and executed in July 1857. Dawlat: Belonged to Banda, the North-
[Mutiny Papers, VI, NAIB; Poll Western Provinces (now Uttar
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB; Pradesh); he participated in the
WWIM, III, p.32] Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British troops at several places in
Daulat Singh: Hailed from Hosangabad, Banda; he was captured during the
Central Province and Berar (now British operation in Banda, charged
Madhya Pradesh); with outbreak of with ëmurder and rebellion against
Uprising in northern India in 1857 he the Britishí; sentenced to death in
organised an armed rebel force in August 1858, he was executed by
Hosangabad and joined the fighting hanging; his property was also
against the British; his force pushed confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Banda
the British army from Nimar to Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Harda in October 1857, and reached Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858), MSAB]
Handia; he confronted the British
reinforcement under Major Orr at Daya Ram: Resident of Humeerpoor
Piplia on 28 October 1857; in the [Hamirpur], the North-Western
battle that ensued there, Daulat Singh Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
not only lost most of his soldiers, but took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
he himself fell into the British hands, fought against the British in the
leading to his execution by hanging. Hamirpur region; he also provided
[Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, NAIB; Poll arms to the local people and incited
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB; them to fight against the British; he
WWIM, III, p.32] was caught during an encounter with
the British army, and charged with
Daulat Singh: Resident of Jhansi State, ëmurder and the rebellion against the
Bundelkhand Agency, the Central Britishí; he was sentenced to death
India (now Uttar Pradesh); took part in 1859 and executed by hanging
in the Uprising of 1857 against the soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
British in Jhansi; under the leadership Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
of Rani Lakshmi Bai he participated
in the destruction of the British Daya Ram: Resident of Jammu City,
Residency at Jhansi; later in 1858 he distt. Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir;
fought against the British offensive s/o Lala Jagat Ram. He actively
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 167

participated in a demonstration Dayal: Born in 1914 in v. Saidabad, distt.

demanding food at cheaper rates Allahabad, the United Provinces
(Roti Agitation) on 23 September 1943 (now Uttar Pradesh); Farmer. He
in Jammu. He was killed on the spot joined the farmersí procession to
when State Police fired upon the Allahabad city on 2 August 1942
demonstrators. [File No. V, 8; during the ìQuit Indiaî movement
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp. to protest the Government policy
442-45; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.179; WWIM, towards the peasantry. He received
II, p.73] fatal bullet wounds in the police
firing on the procession and died of
Daya: Born in Allahabad, the North- these on the same day. [H/Poll,
Western Provinces (now Uttar F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.77;
Pradesh); he took part in the BCA, p. 104]
Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British forces at various places in Dayal: Resident of Allahabad, the North-
the Allahabad-Fatehpur region; he Western Provinces (now Uttar
also incited the local people to rise Pradesh); he took part in the
against the British and overthrow Uprising of 1857 and also incited the
their exploitative rule; he was caught local people to take to arms against
by the British during an engagement the British; he was caught by the
in Allahabad and executed by British troops during their attacks on
hanging in 1857. [Mutiny Records, the Allahabad region, and charged
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, with ësedition and rebellion against
Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB] the Britishí; and sentenced to death
with confiscation of property in 1859;
Dayal Singh: Resident of Senapur, Kobhi he was executed by hanging in 1860.
Taluqa, Jownpore [Jaunpur], the [Mutiny Records, PP, Further Paper
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar No.1]
Pradesh); Thakur; Zamindar; he took
a leading part in the Uprising of 1857 Dayal: Resident of Banda, the North-
and fought in several engagements Western Provinces (now Uttar
with the British troops in the Jaunpur Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he took
region; he was captured by the part in attacks on the British officers
British during their attacks on the and in capturing the Government
Jaunpur rebel forces and charged treasury during the Uprising of 1857;
with ëmurder and rebellion against he was caught by the British during
the Britishí; he was sentenced to their raids on Banda and sentenced
death and executed by hanging from to death in September 1858 on the
a tree near a village in Jaunpur in charges of ëplundering the British
1858. [Mutiny Records, Jaunpur property and rebellioní; he was
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, executed by hanging, his property
pp.32-33] was also confiscated. [Mutiny
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
168 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) killed in action at Ekabano, Burma
(1858), MSAB] (now Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA
Dayam Ali: Resident of the North- (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.73]
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Deb Singh: Resident of v. Bhaimpura,
rebels of his area during the Uprising distt. Almora, Kumaon Division, the
of 1857 and proceeded to Delhi, took United Provinces (now
part in the fighting against the British Uttarakhand); originally a Sepoy in
in different engagements; he was the 1/3 Gurkha Regiment of the
killed by the advancing British forces British-Indian Army, he left it and
in the midst of an encounter in 1857. joined the Indian National Army in
[Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; 1942 as a soldier in the 3/1 Guerrilla
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), Regiment; fought against the British
MSAB] forces on the Burma (now Myanmar)
front; he died in an encounter with
Deawa Das Prugwal: Resident of the enemy in 1944. [INA Papers,
Allahabad, the North-Western F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA (1945),
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he 379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM, II,
participated in the Uprising of 1857 p.73; EBIFF, I, p. 180]
and fought against the British forces
in the Allahabad region; he also took Debe Chand: Resident of Katra,
part in plundering the British Allahabad, the North-Western
properties, and incited the local Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
people to overthrow the British rule; joined the rebels of his locality during
he was caught by the British troops the Uprising of 1857 and fought
during their raids on Allahabad, and against the British in the Allahabad
charged with ëharbouring and aiding region; he also took part in seizing
in the escape of rebels and keeping the British wealth and use it for
stolen propertyí, he was sentenced buying arms; he was caught by the
to death in July 1857 and executed British in the course of their marches
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, in Allahabad, and hanged from a tree
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.205] in 1857 on the charges of ëlooting and
rebellion against the Britishí. [Mutiny
Deb Singh: Hailed from the Garhwal Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta,
Division, the United Provinces (now UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
Uttarakhand); earlier he was a (1858), MSAB]
Havildar [Hawaldar] in the 5/18
Garhwal Rifles of the British-Indian Debe Dayal: Resident of Lucknow, the
Army but left the British service to Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
join the Indian National Army in Pradesh); he took part in the fighting
1942, and served it as Section Officer against the British during the
in the Ist Guerrilla Regiment; he was Uprising of 1857, and also
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 169

encouraged others in resisting the Debeechurunn Singh: Resident of

British rule; he was killed by the Bairathee, Azimgurh [Azamgarh],
British army in an encounter at the North-Western Provinces (now
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in Uttar Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, fought the British forces at several
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. places in Azamgarh during the
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] Uprising of 1857; he also offered
financial support to others for buying
Debee Sumbr: Resident of Banda, the arms and to attack the British
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar establishments; he was caught by the
Pradesh); he fought against the British forces after their re-
British and their loyalists during the occupation of the Azamgarh region,
Uprising of 1857; he also incited his and executed by hanging in 1859.
neighbours to raise their arms against [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi
the British authorities; caught by the Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
British at the time of their raids on Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
the Banda region and charged with
ësedition, plundering and rebellioní, Debeedeen: Belonged to Banda, the
he was sentenced to death in August North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
1858 and executed by hanging. Pradesh); he participated in the
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 the British forces in the Banda region;
(IX) (1858), MSAB] he was caught during an engagement
with the British troops in Banda, and
Debee: Born in Allahabad, the North- charged with ëmurder and rebellion
Western Provinces (now Uttar against the Britishí; he was sentenced
Pradesh); he was a bearer in the to death with confiscation of property
service of a British officer in in May 1858 and executed by
Allahabad, but left it to join hands hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda
with the rebels during the Uprising Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
of 1857; he accompanied the rebel Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
force in attacking and plundering the
British properties; he was captured Debeedeen: Resident of Gonda, the
by the British troops in the course of North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
an encounter, and charged with Pradesh); Koaree [Koeri]; he joined
ëplundering the Government hands with the rebel forces during
property and taking part in the the Uprising of 1857, and fought the
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death British on several occasions; caught
in June 1857 with confiscation of his by the British army during an
property; he was executed by engagement, he was accused of
hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny ëplundering the British property and
Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta, rebellion against the Britishí; he was
UPRAA; TIM, p.217] sentenced to death and hanged in
170 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP, position in Fatehpur in 1857, and

Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Srs.), UPRAA] Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta,
Debeesh: Born in Etah, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Debi Singh: Resident of v. Achhroo,
Pradesh); Tailor; he took part in the Muttra [Mathura], the North-
fight against the British during the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uprising of 1857; he also offered Pradesh); Farmer; he joined hands
financial support to the rebels of his with the rebels forces in their fight
area for buying arms and attacking against the British during the
the British establishments; he was Uprising of 1857; he was captured by
captured after the British re- the British troops in the course of an
occupation of this area and charged encounter in Mathura, and charged
with ëplundering the Government with ëplundering and rebellion
property and rebellion against the against the Britishí; he was sentenced
Britishí; he was sentenced to death to death in 1858 and executed by
and executed by hanging in 1861. hanging. [Mutiny Records, Mathura
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) p.35]
(1858), MSAB]
Dedla Ram: Born in v. Panchiro,
Debi Baksh: Resident of Etawah, the Bharatpur State (now distt.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Bharatpur), Rajputana Agency (now
Pradesh); he took part in the Rajasthan); he was formerly a Sepoy
Uprising of 1857, and fought against in the 1/8 Punjab Regiment of the
the British forces at several places,; British-Indian Army; motivated by
he also offered financial support to patriotism, he shifted his loyalty to
the rebellious local people and the Indian National Army in 1942 and
encouraged them to attack and kill fought against the Allied Forces in
the British; he died while resisting different battlegrounds of the South-
the advancing British army in Etawah East Asian countries; died fighting
in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Etawah his enemies in 1944. [INA Papers,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] F.Nos.1,2,5,12,/INA, NAI; WWIM,
II, p.74]
Debi Chand: Belonged to Futtehpore
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Deeba: Belonged to the Oudh [Awadh]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Province (now Uttar Pradesh]; joined
took part in the Uprising of 1857, and the anti-British forces and took active
also encouraged his neighbours to part in fighting against the British
fight against the British; he was during the 1857 Uprising; he also
captured by the British troops during incited others to join the fight against
their offensive against the rebel the British and plunder their
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 171

properties; he was caught by the Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]

British troops at the time of their
raids on the Jaunpur area and Deen Bux: Resident of Banda, the North-
charged with ësedition, murder and Western Provinces (now Uttar
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death Pradesh); he participated in the
and hanged in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858- the British forces at several places in
59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.37] the Banda region; he was captured
during the British re-occupation of
Deeldar Khan: Resident of Mynpoory Banda, and charged with ëplundering
[Mainpuri], the North-Western and rebellion against the Britishí, he
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); was sentenced to death in August
Pathan; he was a Sepoy in the B. 1858 and hanged soon thereafter.
Company of the British-Indian army; [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
he stopped serving the British during Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
the Uprising of 1857 and joined hands (IX) (1858), MSAB]
with the rebels to fight against the
British rule; he was caught in 1858 Deen Dayal: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
while confronting the British forces, Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
and sentenced to death on the soon after the outbreak of the 1857
charges of ëdesertion and mutiny Uprising; along with his fellows, he
against the British authoritiesí. marched towards Delhi while
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny fighting against the British forces; he
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP escaped to his region after the British
(1858-59), UPSAL] reoccupation of Delhi in September
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting
Deen allee: Resident of Banda, the the advancing British army in the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
Pradesh); Sheikh; he led a group of Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59),
rebels during the Uprising of 1857 UPSAL]
and fought the British forces at
various places in Banda; he also Deena: Belonged to Banda, the North-
incited the local inhabitants to raise Western Provinces (now Uttar
their arms and kill the British; he was Pradesh); he took part in the fighting
caught by the British troops in one against the British forces in the Banda
of their attacks on the rebels in Banda; region during the Uprising of 1857;
charged with ësedition, murder and he also participated in plundering the
instigating the rebellion against the British properties and looting the
Britishí, he was sentenced to death Government treasury to meet the
in September 1858 with confiscation military expenses of the rebels; he
of his property; he was executed by was caught by the British troops
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda during their re-occupation of Banda,
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, and charged with ëplundering the
172 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Government property and rebellion Uprising of 1857; he also provided

against the Britishí, sentenced to money to the local rebels for buying
death with confiscation of property arms and encouraged them to kill the
in August 1858; he was executed by goras (British); he was caught in the
hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny midst of an engagement with the
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, advancing British troops in Banda,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) and charged with ë murder and
(1858), MSAB] aiding the rebellion against the
Britishí, sentenced to death with
Deenanaath: Belonged to Tulhwapar, confiscation of property in May 1858;
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the he was executed by hanging. [Mutiny
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
Pradesh); Brahmin; he joined hands UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
with the rebels of his area during the (1858), MSAB]
Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British on several occasions; he Deero Singh: Resident of Moorwa,
was caught by the British in the Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
course of an encounter in the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in Pradesh); he joined hands with the
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi rebels of his area during the Uprising
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, of 1857, and fought the British forces
Vol. No.51 (VIII) (1858), MSAB] on several occasions; caught by the
British in the course of an engage-
Deenauh Sahoy: Belonged to ment, he was accused of ëplundering
Cheterkonee, Ghazeepoor the British property and rebellion
[Ghazipur], the North-Western against the Britishí; he was sentenced
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); to death and hanged in 1860. [Mutiny
Thakoor [Thakur]; he fought the Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny
British forces at several places in Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857;
he also offered financial support to Deesa: Belonged to v. Hyderpore,
the local rebels for buying arms to Allygurh [Aligarh], the North-
attack the British establishments; he Western Provinces (now Uttar
was caught by the British after they Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he
re-occupied of the Ghazipur region, participated in the Uprising of 1857
and executed by hanging in 1859. and also rallied others around him
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny to march to Delhi and challenge the
Basta, UPRAA] British rule; he was caught by the
British after the defeat of the rebel
Deendial: Resident of Banda, the North- forces and charged with ësedition and
Western Provinces (now Uttar plundering the Government property
Pradesh); he took part in the fighting during the rebellioní; he was
against the British during the sentenced to death in 1859 and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 173

executed by hanging. [Mutiny his land settlement policy of 1923-24.

Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, In this settlement the Biswedari rights
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) of the Rajputs were forfeited and the
(1858), MSAB] land tax had been increased by fifty
per cent. Though all agriculturists
Deesah Sahoy: Resident of Ghazeepoor were affected adversely by it, the
[Ghazipur], the North-Western Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); the news of this kisan gathering, the
Thakoor [Thakur]; he fought the Maharaja sent his State Army to
British on several occasions in counter the rallyists at Neemuchana.
Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857; The troops surrounded the village,
he also supported his neighbour- blocked all the exit points from it and
hood in fighting the British; he was opened fire on the protesters without
caught after the British re-occupation any prior warning of dispersal. Deiya
of the Ghazipur region, and executed was hit by bullets in the indiscrimi-
by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, nate firing and died on the same day.
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Simultaneously, the village was also
set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
Deewan Singh: Resident of Bairathee, Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
Azimgurh [Azamgarh], the North- TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
Western Provinces (now Uttar Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he fought F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
the British forces at several places in RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
Azamgarh during the Uprising of F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
1857; he offered financial support to
the rebels of his area for buying arms Demo Bai: Resident of v. Bhilwa, distt.
and attacking the British Seoni under Jubbulpore [Jabalpur]
establishments; he was caught by the administrative division, Central
British army after their reoccupation Provinces and Berar (now Madhya
of the Azamgarh region, and Pradesh); w/o Jhattu Bhoi; Gond.
executed by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Involved in the Forest Satyagraha
Records, NWP, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, (Civil Disobedience movment) in
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) Seoni district, she was present when
(1858), MSAB] a raiding police party had been
surrounded by more than 4,000
Deiya: Belonged to teh. Thanaghazi, agitators at Turia village on 9 October
Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), the 1930. In panic the police party opened
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); indiscriminate firing, resulting in the
Kumar [Kumhar] (potter); took part death of 3, including Demo Bai. [H/
in a meeting of the kisan agitators Poll, F.Nos.23/54/1930; 23/58/1930;
held at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 (FR) 10/1930, NAI; FFMPC, I, p.631]
to remonstrate against the
Maharajaís mal-administration and Denu Shah: Born in Furruckabad
174 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

[Farrukhabad], the North-Western Deochurun: Resident of Banda, the

Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
was a Sepoy in the British-Indian Pradesh); he participated in the
Army, but left the service during the Uprising of 1857 and fought against
outbreak of 1857 Uprising, and the British forces at various places in
fought at various places against the the Banda region; he also incited the
British; he was caught by the British local people to take to arms against
troops during an engagement and the firangis (British) and their loyalists;
executed by hanging on 9 July 1858. he was caught by the British troops
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl advancing towards Banda, and
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] charged with ësedition and rebellion
against the Britishí; sentenced to
Denu Singh: Resident of Furruckabad death with confiscation of property
[Farrukhabad], the North-Western in July 1858, he was executed by
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny
Ganesh Singh; Rajput; he was a Sepoy Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
in the 23rd Regiment of the British- UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII)
Indian army, posted for some time (1858), MSAB]
at Tirhut, Bihar; he left the British
service during the Uprising of 1857 Deojeet: Resident of Ghoor ke Mandee,
and took part in the fighting the Agra, the North-Western Provinces
British forces in the Farrukhabad (now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he
region; he was caught by the British was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with
troops in the course of an armed the Contingent Guards of the Agra
encounter and executed by hanging Central Prison; he left the British
in 1857. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. service during the Uprising of 1857
(Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), and joined hands with the rebels of
UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.32] the Agra region; he took part in
several engagements against the
Denu Singh: Resident of Madhopur, British in the Agra-Mathura area; he
Mohamadabad, Farookhabad died in the British attacks on the
[Farrukhabad], the North-Western rebels in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Ganesh Singh; Rajput; he was under Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB]
the service of the 23 rd Regiment
Native Infantry of the British army Deojeet: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh]
but left the service and joined the Province (now in Uttar Pradesh);
Uprising of 1857; he was caught by Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy
the British and charged with in the A. Company of the British-
ëdesertion and mutinyí; he was Indian army; he left the British
sentenced to death and executed on service during the Uprising of 1857
9 July 1857. [Mutiny Record, fought against the British at several
Farrukhabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] places; he died in 1858 while resisting
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 175

the advancing British forces. [Mutiny authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,

Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858- Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
59), UPSAL]
Despat Bundela: Resident of
Deoki Sonar: Resident of Bairiya, distt. Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh; he
Ballia, the United Provinces (now joined the Uprising of 1857 and
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Rekhad Sonar. played a leading part in organizing
A farmer and a political activist, he the rebel forces in the Bundelkhund
took part in the ìQuit Indiaî region; he also fought against the
movement of 1942. While participa- British in association with the Rani
ting in a protest demonstration that of Jhansi and other rebel leaders; he
was fired upon near the Bairiya police was killed by a British agent soon
station on 18 August 1942, Deoki after the suppression of the Uprising.
Sonar received severe bullet injuries [Mutiny Records, F/ Poll.
and died of these on the same day. Consultation no. 75/80 (1868), NAI;
[H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
RORCG; WWIM, I, p.79; BCA, p. 113]
Desraj: Resident of Humeerpoor
Deosen: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] [Hamirpur], the North-Western
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
fought against the British in the participated in the Uprising of 1857
Awadh region during the Uprising and fought against the British forces;
of 1857; he was caught by the enemy he also offered financial assistance to
in the course of an engagement, and his neighbours and incited them to
imprisoned on the charge of raise their arms against the firangis
ërebellion against the Britishí; he died (British); he was later caught by the
in detention in 1858. [Mutiny British army, and convicted on the
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) charges of ëaiding and abetting the
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] rebellion against the Britishí; he was
sentenced to life imprisonment with
Deota Persaud: Belonged to Agra, the confiscation of property in 1859; he
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar died in captivity. [Mutiny Records,
Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the B. Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Company of the British-Indian army;
he left the British employment Dev Dutt: Born in Agra, the North-
during the Uprising of 1857 and Western Provinces (now Uttar
joined hands with the rebels for Pradesh); he took part in fighting
fighting against the British rule; he against the British rule during the
was caught in 1858 while resisting the Uprising of 1857, and also incited the
British forces, and sentenced to local people to take part in
death on the charges of ëdesertion plundering the British properties;
and mutiny against the British caught by the British troops in the
176 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

course of an encounter, and accused on 11 December 1931 in the Jabalpur

of ëmurder, plundering and rebellion District Jail. [H/Poll, F.Nos.23/54/
against the Britishí, he was sentenced 1930; 23/58/1930, 3/6/42; 3/11/43,
to death and executed by hanging in NAI; FFMPC, I, pp.18-19; IR, pp.136-
1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny 138]
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I,
No.43B (1859), MSAB] Dev Nath Panday: Resident of v.
Khiridih, p.o. Atrauli, ditt.
Dev Karan: Belonged to Sehore, Madhya Azamgarh, the United Provinces
Pradesh; Chaprasi; with his associates, (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Sunder
he joined the rebel forces under Fazil Panday. While a demonstration was
Mohammad Kahn of Ambapani and being held on 23 August 1942 in
fought against the British forces; connection with the ìQuit Indiaî
given away by a British agent after movement at Atrauli, the police
the fall of the Rahatgarh fort, he was reached there to stop it, and despite
handed over to the British; he was its organisersí offer to disperse after
executed by hanging on 25 march holding a peaceful meeting, opended
1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. No. II, fire on its participants. A participant,
NAIB] Dev Nath Panday was hit by bullets
on his chest, fell down and died on
Dev Narain: Born in 1913, resident of the spot. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42,
distt. Balaghat, under Nagpur NAI; SSKS, 27, p. tra; BCA, p. 126]
administrative division, the Central
Provinces and Berar (now Dev Parikshit: Hailing from Jhansi State
Maharashtra State), s/o Bhagwandin. (now Uttar Pradesh); took part in the
Serving in the Great Indian Peninsula rebellion against the British in Jhansi
Railway and having developed a during the Uprising of 1857; he
wider perspective of the country and fought against the British troops
its people, he was entrenched in the when they struck back in 1858 under
revolutionary movement that he the leadership of Sir Hugh Rose; Dev
joined as an adolescent. He was arrested and tried for his anti-
collaborated with two of his British role; he was executed in 1858.
comrades in planning the murder of [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
one British Lieutenant Hacks, Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I,
executing it on board the Punjab Mail No.43B (1859), MSAB]
at Dongargaon, distt. Rajnandgaon,
on the night of 23 July 1931 and Dev Raj Panday: Hailed from v.
absconding thereafter. He was, Khiridih, p.o. Atrauli, ditt.
however, arrested for his Azamgarh, the United Provinces
involvement in the Punjab Mail (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Sunder
Murder Case and detained in Panday. While a demonstration was
Khandowa Jail. Tried and being held on 23 August 1942 in
condemned to death, he was hanged connection with the ìQuit Indiaî
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 177

movement at Atrauli, the police 1942, arrested twice and put behind
reached there to stop it, and despite the bars for his involvement in the
its organisersí offer to disperse after movement; he was arrested again
holding a peaceful meeting, opened and imprisoned in the Tehri State Jail
fire on its participants. One of the on 13 December 1943; he died in the
participants, Dev Raj Panday, jail on 25 July 1944. [PCJ Papers, Acc.
received severe bullet wounds and No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA),
succumbed to these after a few days. NAI; SSKS, GD: pp. 1-2; BSAS: p.137]
[H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS,
27, 1973, p. tra; WWIM, I, p.262] Deva Din: Resident of Allygurh
[Aligarh], North-Western Provinces
Dev Sagar Singh: Resident of v. (now uttar pradesh); he took part in
Dhannapur, distt. Benaras, the the Uprising of 1857 and also
United Provinces (now Uttar encouraged other people to raise
Pradesh). He took a leading part in a arms and overthrow the firangi-
mob attack on Dhannapur Thana to hukumat (British rule); he moved over
avenge the deaths of 3 protesters in to Delhi, joined hands with the rebels
the police firing on a rally, held on there and fought the British troops;
16 August 1942 during the ìQuit he was caught by the British after
Indiaî movement. Four policemen, their reoccupation of Delhi, and
along with Inspector-in-Charge of the charged with ësedition and rebellion
police station, were killed by the against the Britishí; he was sentenced
attacking mob on the same day. He to death and shot dead in 1857.
was arrested and was made an [Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt (Delhi
accused in that incident. After the Div.), F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
trial for two and a half years, three
persons were sentenced to death, Devaki Singh: Resident of v. Jarasai,
including Dev Sagar Singh. As Dobhi Taluqa, Jownpore [Jaunpur],
accused no. 44, he was hanged in late the North-Western Provinces (now
1944. [H/Poll. 1 No. 3/31/44, NAI; Uttar Pradesh); Zamindar; he joined
SSG, 4, pp. 66-67] the rebel forces during the Uprising
of 1857 and fought in several
Dev Suman: Born on 15 May 1915, v. encounters with the British troops in
Jeil, Tehri Garhwal, Garhwal the Jaunpur region; he was captured
Division, United Provinces (now by the British in one of their raids on
Uttarakhand); s/o Hari Ram Bareini, the rebel forces and charged with
took an active part in Salt Satyagraha ëmurder and rebellion against the
of 1930; became a member in the Britishí; he was sentenced to death
standing committee of Lok Parishad and executed by hanging from a tree
in 1936; prolific writer on the socio- near a village in Jaunpur in 1858.
political issues of Tehri Garhwal [Mutiny Records, Jaunpur Mutiny
State; participated in the ìQuit Indiaî Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.34]
movement in Garhwal division in
178 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Deval Gujar: Belonged to Barar area of movement, he participated in the

Bundi State (now distt. Bundi), burning of the Dhanapur police
Rajasthan; took part in the peasant station and was arrested in this
movement in the Barar region of connection. He was sentenced to
Bundi State in 1922 against the death and died on the gallows at
atrocities of the Bundi ruler Varanasi in late 1942. [H/poll F.No.
(Raghuveer Singh). In the 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.90]
neighbouring Bijoliya in Mewar State
in the meantime, a peasant movement Deve Din: Resident of Humeerpoor
against Begar (forced labour) and [Hamirpur], the North-Western
other Jagirdari atrocities had Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
successfully been led by Vijay Singh participated in the Uprising of 1857
Pathik. The Bijoliya movement and fought against the British forces
inspired the peasants in the Barar at various places; he also incited the
area to stand against Begar, Salami local people to raise their arms
(bribes), high rate of rent, and lag- against the firangis (British) and their
bags (cesses) and demand a larger loyalists; he was caught by the British
batai (share of crops). Deval Gujar, troops at the time of their
under the influence of Pandit advancement on Hamirpur, and
Nanuram (a popular leader of the charged with ë sedition and rebellion
Haroti region), took part in against the Britishí; sentenced to
mobilizing the kisans. He travelled death with confiscation of his
all over the State for organizing Kisan property in 1859, he was executed by
Conferences at Namana, Gararda, hanging. [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur
Dabi and Barundhan villages. On 2 Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
April 1922 when a Kisan Conference
was being held at Dabi, Deval Gujar Devee Gontia: Belonged to the Jabalpur
with a National flag in his hand and region, Madhya Pradesh; he joined
started singing: ëPran Mitro Bhale hi hands with the rebels of his region
gawana Par na Jhanda yeh Niche during the Uprising of 1857 and
Jhukanaí, a police party under the fought against the British forces;
Superintendent of police suddenly caught by the British in the midst of
arrived and opened fire on the an engagement, he was executed by
gathering. Deval Gujar received hanging on 15 December 1857.
severe gun shots and died on the [Mutiny Records, Poll Deptt. F. No.
spot. [RSSS, pp.70-71; Sujas, No.4, 10 (1858), MPSAB; TFWI, I, p. 144]
June-July 1998, Jaipur, pp.64-65; AMR,
1913-1947, p. 132] Devee Pershad: Resident of Banda, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Devasagar Singh: Resident of v.Negura, Pradesh); he took part in the
distt. Benaras (Varanasi), the United Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). As a the British in the Banda region; he
saboteur of the ìQuit Indiaî also provided arms to the locally
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 179

aggrieved and incited them to fight by the advancing British army in

against the firangis (British); he was Deoria and executed by hanging in
caught during an engagement with 1857. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc.
the British army in Banda, and (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59),
charged with ëmurder and the UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.35]
rebellion against the Britishí; he was
sentenced to death in June 1858 and Devi Ram: Resident of v. Chandpur,
executed by hanging soon thereafter. distt. Ballia, the United Provinces
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Nandu. He
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 took part in a demonstration heading
(IX) (1858), MSAB] towards the Bairiya police station on
18 August 1942 during the ìQuit
Deveshwar: Belonged to p.o. Nabiganj, Indiaî movement. When the
distt. Mainpuri, the United Provinces marchers were approaching the
(now Uttar Pradesh). He received Thana, the police opened fire on them.
severe lathi blows during the ìQuit Devi Ram received serious bullet
Indiaî movement when the wounds in the firing and died of
demonstration in which he was these on the spot. [H/poll F.No. 3/
taking part had been lathi-charged 30/42, NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.90]
by the police at Nabiganj.
Subsequently, he succumbed to his Devi Ram: Resident of v. Padrauna,
injuries. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; Deoria, the North-Western Provinces
SSKS, 30, pp. ja& jha] (now Uttar Pradesh); joined hands
with the anti-British forces of his
Devi Baksh: Belonged to Gonda, the region during the Uprising of 1857;
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar he accompanied the rebels in their
Pradesh); Raja of Gonda; he took fight and provided them with various
part in the Uprising of 1857 and led services; caught by the British troops
his small army in battles against the during an encounter, he was
British forces on several occasions executed by hanging in 1858 on the
from 1857 to the end of 1858; he was charges of ëmurder, plundering and
killed while fighting the British in rebellion against the British. [Mutiny
1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
(Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
UPSAL; WWIM, III, pp.34-35]
Devi Singh: Belonged from Jhansi State
Devi Rai: Born at Padrauna, Deoria, the (now Uttar Pradesh); joined the anti-
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar British rebel forces during the
Pradesh; s/o Ishwari Pratap Rai; Uprising of 1857 in defence of Jhansiís
Farmer; he joined hands with the self-governance; took part in
rebels of his area during the Uprising attacking and killing the British in
of 1857 and fought at several places Jhansi; caught in the course of the
in the Deoria region; he was caught British raids on the region in April
180 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

1858, tried and sentenced to death district; in the course of fighting he

on charges of ërebellion and aiding was defeated, captured, sentenced to
the rebellioní; executed in 1859. capital punishment and hanged.
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny [Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, NAIB; Poll
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB;
(IX) (1858), MSAB] WWIM, III, p. 35]

Devi Singh: Resident of Jhansee [Jhansi], Devi Singh: Resident of teh.

Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt.
forces in fighting the British during Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now
the Uprising of 1857; he also took part Rajasthan); Thakur. He participated
in plundering the British properties in the kisan agitatorsí meeting held
and passing the proceeds on to the at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
rebels for their utilization; he was remonstrate against the Maharajaís
captured and executed in 1859 by the oppressive administration and his
British at the time of their land settlement policy of 1923-24. In
reoccupation of this area. [Mutiny this settlement the Biswedari rights of
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) the Rajputs were forfeited and the
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] land tax increased by fifty per cent.
Though all agriculturists were
Devi Singh: Resident of Jhansi State affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
(now Uttar Pradesh); took part in the suffered the most. Hearing the news
Revolt of 1857 against the British of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja
dominance over Jhansi; joined the sent his State Army to counter the
rebels and also participated in driving rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
out the British from Jhansi; he was surrounded the village, blocked all
caught by the British in the course of the escaping routes from it and
fighting in April 1858 and charged opened fire on the protesters without
with ërebellion against the British any prior warning. With many others,
authorityí; sentenced to death, he Devi Singh received bullet wounds
was executed soon thereafter. in the indiscriminate firing and died
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny on the spot. Simultaneously with this
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 assault, the village was set on fire by
(IX) (1858), MSAB] the State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No.
315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May,
Devi Singh: Resident of Seoni, 14 June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings,
Jubbulpore Division, the Central Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13
Provinces and Berar (now Madhya November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers,
Pradesh); took a prominent role in Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA),
spreading the Uprising of 1857 in the NAI]
southern part of C.P. and Berar;
organised an anti-British rebel force Devi: Resident of Nimar, Malwa region,
and challenged the Britishers in Seoni Central India Agency, Indore, (now
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 181

Madhya Pradesh); took part in the serving his sentence in the jail, he
Uprising of 1857 at Mandleshwar died of severe police tortures,
against the oppressive British policies probably in 1922. [H/poll. F.No. 563/
of public health, forest and land III/1922, NAI; NAI: SSKS, vol. 22, p.
revenues. He and his associates tried ja]
hard to retain their position in
Mandleshwar and Dhar but failed Dewa: Resident of Allahabad, the North-
against the superior British forces. Western Provinces (now Uttar
Captured and sentenced to Pradesh); he served as Dhobi in the
transportation for life, Devi breathed 6 th Native Infantry of the British-
his last in an overseas jail. [Mutiny Indian army; he left the job to join
Papers, Vol. III, NAIB; Poll Deptt, the Uprising of 1857; accompanied
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB; WWIM, the rebels in their marches and
III, p.34] rendered his services to them at
various places; he was caught by the
Devideen: Resident of Raipur, aroused British troops during their raids on
by the speech that Hanuman Singh, Allahabad, and charged with
Magazine Lashkar in the British ëplundering and taking part in the
Army (who assassinated Major rebellioní; sentenced to be hanged till
Cidwel at his residence on 18 January death in June 1857; he was executed
1858) delivered before a sepoy soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records, PP.
audience on the same day; Devideen Further Paper No. 6; TIM, p.218]
joined the rebel soldiers in Raipur;
involved in killing British army Dewah: Belonged to Budaon [Badaon],
officers; with 16 other rebel soldiers, the North-western Provinces (now
he was arrested by the British; tried, Uttar Pradesh); Aheer; he joined
convicted and sentenced to death; hands with the rebels of his area
hanged in Raipur on 22 January 1858. during the Uprising of 1857 and
[Parliamentary Papers, (Mutiny) marched towards Delhi while
Further Papers, No.4, 1857-58, NAI, fighting against the British forces; he
CKI, 1740-1947, p.171] returned to his region after the fall
of Delhi in September 1857; he was
Devta Din: Resident of v. Karauhuan, caught by the British after their
p.o. Kharwaihan, distt. Kheri (now reoccupation of this area and hanged
Lakhimpur Kheri), the United on the charges of ëmurder and
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o rebellion against the Britishí. [Mutiny
Shiv Ratan Lal. He was arrested by Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
the British police and accused of UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII)
violating prohibitory orders during (1858), MSAB]
the Non-Cooperation movement in
1921. In the trial he was awarded two Dewan Ali Mughal: Resident of v.
yearsí rigorous imprisonment and a Ghamir Mushalam, distt. Jammu,
fine of hundred rupees. While Jammu and Kashmir; s/o Rajab Ali
182 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Mughal. He actively joined the part in the ìQuit Indiaî movement

procession taken out at Rajouri on 1 in Nainital in 1942; arrested by the
October 1931 during the political colonial authorities for his
movement for responsible involvement in activities of sabotage
government in Jammu and Kashmir and destruction of public properties;
State. He was killed on the same day imprisoned in Bareilly Central Jail,
in the State Armyís firing upon the died in detention in 1943. [PCJ
procession. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156,
J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.187; 157 (PA), NAI; SSKS, GD: pp. 1-2;
WWIM, II, pp.76-77] BSAS: p.137]

Dewan Singh: Born in 1901 at v. Patti Dewan Singh: Resident of v. Rasulpur,

Shail, distt. Almora, Kumaon distt. Bulandshar, the United
Division, United Provinces (now Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
Uttarakhand); s/o Gulab Singh; left the British-Indian Armyís Hong
agriculturalist; participated in the Kong-Singapore Royal Artillery
ìQuit Indiaî movement in Almora in service as Naik to join the Indian
1942 against the British; when the National Army. After his induction
protest demonstration he took part into the INA, he was placed in the
was fired upon by the police, he Intelligence Group as a Section
received grave bullet wounds and Officer and was killed in the battle
died of these. [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. field on the Burma (Myanmar) front
706, F.Nos. 180 (PA), NAI; WWIM, I, fighting the British in 1944. [INA
p.97] Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM,
II, p.77]
Dewan Singh: Born in v. Saiga, distt.
Bulandshahr, the United Provinces Dewan Singh: Resident of v. Siri, distt.
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Musar Tehri-Garhwal, Garhwal Division,
Singh. Previously he served the the United Provinces (now
Hong Kong-Singapore Royal Uttarakhand); s/o Makhan Singh;
Artillery of the British-Indian Army served as a Sepoy in the 5/8 Punjab
as Naik. Later, he voluntarily joined Regiment of the British-Indian Army;
the Indian National Army as a left it and joined the Indian National
havildar [hawaldar] in its Intelligence Army in 1942 in Malaya as Lance-
Group. On his deployment in Burma Naik in its 4th Guerrilla Regiment,
(Myanmar), he fought against the while advancing towards India, his
British forces and died there in the regiment came under British air
battle field in 1944. [INA Papers, F. attack near Mandalay (in Myanmar),
No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.77] he was killed in this raid. [INA
Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA
Dewan Singh: Resident of Pahar Kota, (1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM,
Nainital, Kumaon Division, United II, p.77; EBIFF, I, p. 187]
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); took
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 183

Deya Persad: Resident of Katra, Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA

Allahabad, North-Western Provinces (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.78]
(now Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands
with the rebels of his locality during Dhamsingh Dukhel: Resident of Banda,
the Uprising of 1857 and fought the North-Western Provinces (now
against the British forces in Uttar Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the
Allahabad; he also took part in seizing Native Infantry of the British-Indian
the British treasury and using its army, left it and joined hands with
contents for buying arms; he was the rebels during the Uprising of
caught by the British troops at the 1857; he fought against the British
time of their raids on Allahabad, and forces at various places in the Banda
charged with ëlooting and rebellion region, and incited the people to raise
against the Britishí; he was executed their arms to end the firangi-hukumat
by hanging from a tree in 1857. (British rule); he was captured during
[Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny an engagement with the advancing
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, British troops in Banda, and charged
No.43B (1859), MSAB] with ëdesertion and murder of
Europeans during the rebellioní; he
Dhairoraj: Resident of Ghazeepoor was sentenced to death in July 1858
[Ghazipur], the North-Western and executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
fought the British at several places UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X)
in Ghazipur during the Uprising of (1858), MSAB]
1857; he also offered financial support
to the neighbourhood for buying Dhan Bahadur Gurung: Born in v.
arms and attacking the British; he was Fattulian, Dehra Dun, the United
caught by the British after their re- Provinces (now Uttarakhand); he was
occupation of the Ghazipur region, a Soldier in the 2/2 Garhwal Rifles
and executed by hanging in 1859. of the British-Indian Army; he
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny shifted his loyalty to the Indian
Basta, UPRAA] National Army in 1942 and served it
as Naik in the 2nd Guerrilla Regiment;
Dham Singh: Resident of the Garhwal while fighting against the Allied
Division, the United Provinces (now forces in Burma (now Myanmar) he
Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the was killed on the battle front in 1944.
5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/
Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.111]
to the Indian National Army in 1942
and served it as Sepoy in the I st Dhan Singh: Resident of v. Jamilian,
Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting distt. Almora, Kumaon Division, the
against the Allied forces at Mitha United Provinces (now
Haka, Burma (now Myanmar) he was Uttarakhand); formerly serving in
killed in the battle field in 1944. [INA the British-Indian Army, he shifted
184 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

his loyalty to the Indian National Rajasthan); Shekhawat. He

Army in Malaya in 1942 and served participated in the kisan agitatorsí
it as Havildar in the 3/1 Guerrilla meeting held at Neemuchana on 14
Regiment, fought against the British- May 1925 to demonstrate against the
led Allied forces in various battle Maharajaís oppressive administration
fields and died in the course of and his land settlement policy of
fighting in 1944. [INA Papers, 1923-24. In this settlement the
F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA (1945), Biswedari rights of the Rajputs were
379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM, II, forfeited and the land revenue
p.78-79; EBIFF, I, p.189] increased by fifty per cent. Though
all agriculturists were affected
Dhan Singh: Resident of v. Loharkhet, adversely by it, the Rajputs suffered
distt. Almora, Kumaon Division, the the most. Hearing the news of the
United Provinces (now kisan gathering, the Maharaja sent his
Uttarakhand); recruited in the Indian State Army to counter the rallyists
National Army in 1942 and served at Neemuchana. The troops
as a Sepoy in its 3/1 Guerrilla surrounded the village, blocked all
Regiment; while fighting the British the exit routes from it and opened
on the war front he laid down his fire on the protesters without any
life in action. [INA Papers, prior warning. Dhan Singh was
F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA (1945), seriously injured in the indiscrimi-
379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM, II, nate firing and died. Simultaneously,
p.78; EBIFF, I, p.189] the village was also set on fire by the
State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-
Dhan Singh: Hailed from v. Patti Mala J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14
Danpur, distt. Almora, Kumaon June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings,
Division, the United Provinces (now Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13
Uttarakhand); served as a Sepoy in November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers,
4/14 Hyderabad Regiment of the Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA),
British-Indian Army; abandoned it to NAI]
join the Indian National Army in 1942
which he served as Sepoy in the 1st Dhani Chand: Born and brought-up in
Guerilla Regiment; fought against the Jamilian, distt. Almora, Kumaon
British-led Allied forces on the Burma Division, the United Provinces (now
[Myanmar] front and lost his life in Uttarakhand); he voluntarily joined
the battlefield. [INA Papers, the Indian National Army in 1942 in
F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA (1945), Malaya and was posted in the 1 st
379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM, II, Guerilla Regiment as a Sepoy; while
p.78; EBIFF, I, p.189] confronting the British-led Allied
forces, he was killed in action in 1945.
Dhan Singh: Resident of teh. [INA Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/
Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt. INA (1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI;
Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now WWIM, II, p.80; EBIFF, I, p. 190]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 185

Dhankuji: Resident of Gwalior State the States to lay siege on Mangarh

(now Madhya Pradesh); Thakur; hill and disperse the gathering. On
organized the rebel troops and 17 November 1913 the combined
played a leading role in the Uprising troops attacked the Bhil position and
of 1857 against the British forces in the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai
Jhansi; while en-countering the Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did
British attempts at re-occupying not give up till many of them were
Jhansi in 1858, he was caught by the injured, 900 captured and 25,
enemy; sentenced to death on including Dhanna, killed. The
charges of ërebellion against the incident did awaken the tribesmen
Britishí, he was executed in 1858. so much that Motilal Tejawat had not
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny found it difficult to mobilise them in
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 1921-22 against forced labour and
(IX) (1858), MSAB] high rate of land revenue. [F/Poll
Proc (Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March
Dhanna: Resident of Banswara State 1914; Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI;
(now distt. Banswara), Rajputana BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47
Agency (now Rajasthan); took part (referred in connection with the
in the Bhagat Bhil movement in incident)]
southern Rajasthan that Govindgiri
started in 1907, preaching Dhansingh: Resident of Patan, Madhya
monotheism among the Bhils and Pradesh; he took part in the Uprising
Kolis of Dungarpur and Banswara of 1857 and fought the British forces
States. Soon Govindgiriís socio- in the Patan region; he was caught
religious endeavour changed into a by the British forces during their
politico-economic movement, against raids on the rebel camps and was
the extraction of Begar (forced labour) executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny
and exploitation of the Bhils by the Papers, Vol. No. II, NAIB]
petty officials of the Dungarpur and
Banswara States and Sunth (a small Dharam Raj Singh: Belonged to
state in Gujarat). Dhanna was one Ramgarh, the North-Western
among those thousands of Bhagat Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Bhils who joined this movement and joined hands with the rebels in their
warned the Dungarpur and fighting against the British during the
Banswara rulers in the first week of Uprising of 1857, and faced the
November 1913, either to remove the British forces at several places in the
main grievance of the Bhils or to face Amorha state (now in distt. Basti);
the overthrowing of the Statesí he was caught by the British troops
authority to oppress and ill-treat at the time of their attacks on
them. The militancy of the Bhils and Amorha, and executed by hanging
their gathering in Mangarh hill so from a ëPipal Treeí in 1858. [Mutiny
unnerved the British that they sent Records, Monument of Chhawani,
their own troops along with those of cited in LL1857, pp.20-26]
186 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Dharam Raj Singh: Resident of Basti, the Chhatarpur district in Madhya

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took part in a public
Pradesh); he took part in the meeting at Singpurís Charanpaduka
Uprising against the British rule in Maidan on 15 January 1931, to
1857, and fought at different places protest against the highhandedness
against the British troops; he was of the Maharaja and Zamindars and
caught by the British during their their collection of excessive cesses,
offensive on the Basti region, and high taxes and irregular exactions.
executed by hanging from a tree in The State invited the Political Agent
1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. of Bundelkhand (Fisher) and his 25
(Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), Malwa Bhil Corps to join the State
UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.35] Police under the Dewan of
Chhatarpur State for dispersing the
Dharam Singh: Born in v. Deoli, p.o. gathering. Following some verbal
Merakhur, distt. Agra, the United exchanges and jostling with the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). After protestors at the venue, the Political
his joining to the Indian National Agent asked the forces to teach the
Army he became Lance-Naik in the peasants a lesson. Consequently the
3 rd Guerrilla Regiment. He was forces lathi-charged and fired 40
deployed on the Burma (Myanmar) rounds of bullets on the protestors;
front to fight against the British-led Dharamdas was shot and died of his
Allied forces where he lost his life in bullet wounds. [H/Poll, F.No. 18-
an encounter with the enemy in 1944. XII/30, F. No. 18/31, F. No. 22/31,
[INA Papers, F.No.1/INA, NAI; NAI; F/Poll; F.No. 230-P (Secret)/
ROH, pp. 680-681 WWIM, II, p.80] 1931, NAI; MPSGCD, pp. 55-57;
MPMAKLA, pp. 199-2005]
Dharam Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
Division, the United Provinces (now Dharamdev Misr: Resident of v.
Uttarakhand); earlier he was a Soldier Summanthai, distt. Ballia, the United
in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
British-Indian Army but shifted his Gokul Misr. A 12 years old, he joined
loyalty to the Indian National Army the demonstration marching towards
in 1942, and served it as Sepoy in the Bairiya Police Station at the height
Ist Guerrilla Regiment; he fought the of the ìQuit Indiaî movement at the
British forces on several occasions in age of 12. When the demonstrators
Burma (now Myanmar) and was were fired upon by the police,
killed in action at Trawang in 1944. Dharamdev received fatal bullet
[INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/ wounds and died on the spot on 18
INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p.81] August 1942. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/
42, NAI; BCA, p. 113]
Dharamdas: Hailed from v. of Khirwa,
teh. Laundi, Chattarpur State, Dharikshad Rai: Born in v. Amwa Khas,
Bundelkhand Agency (now p.o. Karwatahi, distt. Deoria, Uttar
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 187

Pradesh; s/o Devi Sharan Rai. He movement. He was killed in a police

was killed in the police firing while firing at Ballia in August 1942 while
taking part in an agitation in Deoria participating in a stormy demonstra-
in 1942 during the ìQuit Indiaî tion. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
movement. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, RORCG; WWIM, I, p.100]
NAI; RORCG; SSKS, 36, pp. 25, 26 &
kha] Dhian Singh: Hailed from v.
Tendukhera, Gaddawara, distt.
Dharma Nath Tewari: Resident of v. Narshingpur, Nerbudda Division,
Summanthai, distt. Ballia, the United the Central Provinces and Berar (now
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He Madhya Pradesh); s/o Bishram
took part in a demonstration going Singh; chief of Gond tribes of
towards Bairiya Police Station Madanpur; previously he fought
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement. against the British expansion in the
The demonstrators were fired upon Bundela region in 1842, lost and was
by the police and Dharma Nath deprived of his traditional rights;
Tewari received severe bullet taking advantage of the outbreak of
wounds in the firing. He succumbed 1857 and its effects on the Central
to these on the spot on 18 August India, Dhyan Singh organised an anti-
1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; British rebel force, re-occupied
RORCG; WWIM, I, p.359; BCA, p. 113] Deori, Chawarpatha and Tendukhera
from the British in 1857 and
Dhedoo: Resident of Jhansee [Jhansi], challenged the authorities in the Bhil-
Uttar Pradesh; he fought against the inhabited areas by using guerilla
British during the Uprising of 1857; tactics; he was captured during an
he also participated in attacking and engagement with Captain Terman-
plundering the British establish- led British troops; executed by
ments; he was caught by the British hanging from a mango tree in May
at the time of their re-occupation of 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, NAIB;
this area; charged with ëplundering, WWIM, III, p. 36]
murder and rebellion against the
Britishí, he was sentenced to trans- Dhillanshah Gond: Resident of
portation for life with confiscation of Madanpur, Narsinghpur, Madhya
his property in 1859; he died in Pradesh: he led a group of rebels of
detention before his transportation. his area during the Uprising of 1857
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl and fought the British and the allied
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] forces at several places; he was
caught by the British police and
Dhela Dusadh: Born in 1910 at v. Neori, executed by hanging on 23 May 1858.
distt. Ballia, the United Provinces [Mutiny Records, Narrative of
(now Uttar Pradesh). He took part Events, Narsinghpur Collectorate 16-
in the anti-British demonstrations 22 November 1858, MPSAB]
organized during the ìQuit Indiaî
188 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Dhingoo: Resident of v. Bhula, Sirohi of 1857 and played a leading role in

State (now distt. Sirohi), the organizing the rebel forces in his
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); area; he was caught by the British
Bhil (tribe). He took part in the no- during an engagement and sentenced
rent campaign known as the Ekki to life imprisonment on the charge
(unity) movement for securing relief of ëmurder and rebellion against the
from the harassment of the State Britishí; he died in captivity in the
officials, high rate of land revenue Chunar fort on 18 July 1858. [Mutiny
(Hasil), Lag-bags (cesses) and Begar Records, Poll Deptt. Vol. No. 22
(forced labour) in the Bhil-Girassia (1870), MSAB]
villages of Valoria, Bhula and
Nawawas in the Rohera tehsil of Dhiri Singh: Resident of v. Chulhapali
Sirohi State in April-May 1922. On 5 Agra, the North-Western Provinces
May 1922, the Sirohi State troops and (now Uttar Pradesh); took a leading
the Mewar Bhil Corps suddenly part in aiding and organizing anti-
attacked the agitators of the villages British forces during the Uprising of
of Valoria, fired upon them, burnt 1857; he led the rebels in attacking
their huts, corn and cattle, plundered the British establishments in the Agra
their goods and chattels, and, drove region, he was captured on the scene
them off to the hills. Dhingo received of action and executed by hanging
serious bullet wounds in the firing from a tree in 1857; his landed
along with other ten Bhil agitators, property was also confiscated by the
and died on the same day. The British. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc.
Rajasthan Seva Sangh called (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL;
brutalities and bloodshed by the WWIM, III, p.36]
Sirohi and British troops as The
Second Bhil Tragedy in the Sirohi Dhoka Singh: Belonged to Western
State. [NR, 18 June 1922, RSAB; AMR, Malwa region, Central India Agency,
1913-1947, pp.101-103] Indore, (now Madhya Pradesh); he
raised an anti-British local force,
Dhinhu: Resident of v. Pakauli, distt. when the wave of the 1857 Rising
Deoria, Uttar Pradesh; s/o Jivan Teli. reached the area; he and his troops
He participated in a protest march confronted the British troops in a
organized during the ìQuit Indiaî number of battlefields in the hope of
movement at the Ramlila ground. dealing the British authorities a
When the police opened fire on the heavy blow; he died while fighting
demonstrating crowd Dhinu died in against British troops at Sitamau.
the firing in 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/ [Mutiny Papers, Vol. I, NAIB; Poll
30/42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS, 36, pp. Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB;
25, 26 & ka] WWIM, III, p.36]

Dhiraj Singh: Resident of Datia, Mahdya Dholo: Resident of Dungarpur State

Pradesh; he took part in the Uprising (now distt. Dungarpur), the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 189

Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); (referred in connection with the

took part in the Bhagat Bhil incident)]
movement in southern Rajasthan that
Govindgiri started in 1907, preaching Dhotal: Resident of Imlea, Rewa, the
monotheism among the Bhils and North-Western Provinces (now in
Kolis of Dungarpur and Banswara Madhya Pradesh) Bhoonhar; he
States. Soon Govindgiriís socio- joined hands with the rebels of his
religious endeavour changed into a area during the Uprising of 1857, and
politico-economic movement, against fought the British forces on several
the extraction of Begar (forced labour) occasions; he was caught by the
and exploitation of the Bhils by the British in the course of an
petty officials of the Dungarpur and engagement and hanged. [Mutiny
Banswara States and Sunth (a small Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny
state in Gujarat). Dholo was one Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
among those thousands of Bhagat
Bhils who joined this movement and Dhowkhul Khan: Born in Iradutnugger,
warned the Dungarpur and Agra, the North-Western Provinces
Banswara rulers in the first week of (now Uttar Pradesh); Mulkanah; he
November 1913, either to remove the was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the
main grievance of the Bhils or to face Contingent Guards of the Agra
the overthrowing of the Statesí Central Prison; he gave up the British
authority to oppress and ill-treat service during the Uprising of 1857
them. The militancy of the Bhils and and joined the rebels of the Agra area;
their gathering in Mangarh hill so he fought the British troops on
unnerved the British that they sent several occasions in the Agra-
their own troops along with those of Mathura region; he was killed by the
the States to lay siege on Mangarh advancing British army at the time
hill and disperse the gathering. On of its attacks on the rebels in 1858.
17 November 1913 the combined [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
troops attacked the Bhil position and UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai (1858), MSAB]
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did
not give up till many of them were Dhukaldhan: Hailed from Banswara
injured, 900 captured and 25, State (now distt. Banswara),
including Dholo, killed. The incident Rajasthan; took part in the Bhagat
did awaken the tribesmen so much Bhil movement in southern Rajasthan
that Motilal Tejawat had not found that Govindgiri started in 1907,
it difficult to mobilise them in 1921- preaching monotheism among the
22 against forced labour and high rate Bhils and Kolis of Dungarpur and
of land revenue. [F/Poll Proc Banswara States. Soon Govindgiriís
(Internal-A), Nos. 8-67, March 1914; socio-religious endeavour changed
Nos 18-22, August 1914, NAI; into a politico-economic movement,
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 against the extraction of Begar (forced
190 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

labour) and exploitation of the Bhils Army and fought against the Allied
by the petty officials of the forces in Burma. He was killed by
Dungarpur and Banswara States and the enemy soldiers during in an
Sunth (a small state in Gujarat). encounter on the Burma (Myanmar)
Dhukaldhan was one among those front in 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.1/
thousands of Bhagat Bhils who INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 676-677 WWIM,
joined this movement and warned II, p.81]
the Dungarpur and Banswara rulers
in the first week of November 1913, Dhum Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
either to remove the main grievance Division, the United Provinces (now
of the Bhils or to face the Uttarakhand); he was a Naik in the
overthrowing of the Statesí authority 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
to oppress and ill-treat them. The Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
militancy of the Bhils and their to the Indian National Army in 1942
gathering in Mangarh hill so and served it as Naik in the I st
unnerved the British that they sent Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting
their own troops along with those of against the British forces in Burma
the States to lay siege on Mangarh (now Myanmar) he was killed in
hill and disperse the gathering. On action at Trawang in 1944. [INA
17 November 1913 the combined Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA
troops attacked the Bhil position and (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.81]
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did Dhumeer Singh: Belonged to Jhansee
not give up till many of them were [Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he joined the
injured, 900 captured and 25, rebel forces in fighting against the
including Dhukaldhan, killed. The British during 1857 Uprising; he also
incident did awaken the tribesmen participated in looting the British
so much that Motilal Tejawat had not treasury and passing its proceeds to
found it difficult to mobilise them in the rebels for meeting their military
1921-22 against forced labour and expenses; he was arrested by the
high rate of land revenue. [F/Poll British army during its re-occupation
Proc (Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March of the Jhansi region; charged with
1914; Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI; ëlooting, murder and rebellion
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 against the Britishí, he was sentenced
(referred in connection with the to death in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
incident)] Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-
59), UPSAL]
Dhum Singh: Belonged to distt.
Muzaffarnagar, the United Provinces Dhunee Ram: Belonged to Mundee Syed
(now Uttar Pradesh). He was earlier Khan, Agra, the North-Western
a Sepoy in the Punjab Regiment of Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
the British-Indian Army. He shifted Brahmin; he was under the British
his loyalty to the Indian National as one among the Contingent Guards
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 191

of the Agra Central Prison; he 11; TR, 31 May 1925, RSAB]

participated in a secret conspiracy to
liberate the prisoners during the Dhuniya: Hailed from Jura (near
Uprising of 1857, and escaped with Merpur), Udaipur (Mewar) State
them while leaving the British (now distt. Udaipur), Rajputana
service; he took part in several Agency (now Rajasthan); Bhil. He
clashes with the British forces in the joined the Bhil tribal agitation against
Agra region; he died in 1858 while the Begar (forced labour), the
fighting against the advancing British atrocities of the Jagidars, and the
army. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny increased land tax, at Merpur, May-
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, June 1922. The Jagirdars of Merpur and
No.43B (1859), MSAB] of other neighbouring Jagirs received
British military (Mewar Bhil Corps)
Dhuni: Hailed from v. Kharipur in help from the Mewar State to
Udaipur (Mewar) State, Rajputana suppress the agitators. The soldiers
Agency (now Rajasthan). With of Mewar Bhil Corps encircled the
thousands of kisans, he actively agitators and opened fire on them.
participated in the peasant With others, Dhuniya was also
movement in the Bijolia Jagir where severely injured in the firing and died
86 irregular cesses were imposed on on the same day. [NR, 11 June 1922,
cultivators by the Thikanedars. The RSAB]
exorbitant exactions led the Bijolia
peasants in 1905, and again in 1913- Dhunput Rai: Born in Futtehpore
1916, to collectively refuse to cultivate [Fatehpur], the North-Western
lands and threatened a mass Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he
migration to the neighbouring areas. joined hands rebel forces during the
The Bijolia agrarian movement Uprising of 1857 and fought against
received a further thrust when it was the British troops at various places
linked up with the national in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region; he
movement by an ex-revolutionary, also participated in plundering the
Vijay (Bijoy) Singh ìPathikî, and an British properties; he was killed by
official, Manik Lal Verma (who later the British troops in the course of an
became the Chief Minister of encounter in 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Rajasthan) of Udaipur, and both of Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./
whom led a ìno-taxî campaign in Per.Srs.), UPRAA]
Bijolia in 1916. Hundreds of peasants,
including Dhuni, were arrested, Dhuree: Belonged to Mohanpoora,
detained and severely tortured by Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
the Jail authorities in or Central Jail, North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Udaipur. Dhuni, Anjaan, Krishan Pradesh); Aheer; he joined hands
Meena and Shribhagwan could not with the rebels of his area during the
bear these inhuman feudal tortures Uprising of 1857 and fought the
and died in detention. [BKAI, pp. 100- British forces on several occasions;
192 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

he was caught by the British army in Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy

the course of an encounter in the in the B. Company of the British-
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in Indian army; he left the British
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi service during the Uprising of 1857
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, and joined hands with the rebels for
Vol. No.53 (X) (1858), MSAB] fighting against the British rule; he
was caught in 1858 while resisting the
Dhurma: Resident of v. Ramnugur, British forces, and sentenced to
Allygurh [Aligarh], the North- death on the charges of ëdesertion
Western Provinces (now Uttar and mutiny against the British
Pradesh); Jat; he participated in the authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra
Uprising of 1857 and also rallied his Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
neighbourhood to march to Delhi to Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
fight against the British; he was
caught by the British after the defeat Dhurvarao/Dharma Rao: A famous
of the rebel forces and charged with Muria Leader and Talukdar of
ësedition and plundering the Lingagiri Talukóan area of fifty
Government property during the square miles consisting of ten villages
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death in south Bastar, Bastar State (now in
in 1858 and executed by hanging. distt. Bastar), and the Central
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny Provinces and Berar (now
Basta, UPRAA] Chhattisgarh). Encouraged by the
news of rebellion against the East
Dhurum Singh: Resident of Allygurh India Company in the north, the anti-
[Aligarh], the North-Western British Muria leader called upon
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Bhairamdeva, the Bastar ruler, to join
participated in the Uprising of 1857 the rising against the British
and also incited the local people to authority. He organised three
raise their arms for overthrowing the thousand Murias and Telagas and
firangi-hukumat (British rule); he attacked the newly set up British
marched in to Delhi, joined hands establishment in Bastar. Following
with the rebels there and fought the several clashes with the British, the
British troops; he was caught by the army of Dhurvarao/Dharma Rao lost
British after their reoccupation of the battle on 3 March 1858 to the
Delhi, and charged with ësedition and British forces under Charles Elliott.
rebellion against the Britishí; he was Captured and sentenced to death,
sentenced to death and shot dead in Dhurvaraoís Taluk was confiscated
1857. [Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. and passed on to the Bhopalpatanam
(Delhi Div.) F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] Zamindar for the services he
rendered to the British Government.
Dhurum Singh: Resident of Mynpoory [ROBD of the Raepore District, No
[Mainpuri], the North-Western Sl, dated 27th May 1856, Junagarh,
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); and Capt. C.I.R. Glasfurd, 1862;
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 193

Lieut. Elliot Dept Commissionerís Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the

Notes, C.1856, cf HTPB, PP.64-66] Uprising of 1857 and fought the
British at various places in the
Dhyarun: Resident of Banda, the North- Unnao-Kanpur region; he also
Western Provinces (now Uttar encouraged the rebels to attack the
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces British establishments and plunder
during the Uprising of 1857 and their properties; he was killed
fought against the British forces at during an engagement with the
various places in the Banda region; British army in Unnao in 1857.
he also incited the local people to [Mutiny Records, Unnao Mutiny
raise arms and go for killing the goras Basta, UPRAA]
(British); he was caught by the British
troops at the time of their re- Dila: Born in 1880 at v. Baria Geeth Patti,
occupation of the Banda region, and distt. Uttarkashi, Garhwal Division,
charged with ësedition, plundering the United Provinces (now
and rebellion against the Britishí, Uttarakhand); s/o Dalpati; joined the
sentenced to death with confiscation peasantsí movement in the summer
of property in May 1858, he was of 1930 against the oppression of the
executed by hanging. [Mutiny Tehri Garhwal State and its
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, imposition of heavy taxes on
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) agriculturalists. The authorities
(1858), MSAB] arrested, Dila and sentenced him to
imprisonment. Subjected to tortures
Dial: Belonged to Allahabad, the North- in the Tehri Central Jail, Dila died in
Western Provinces (now Uttar detention. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/54/
Pradesh); he was a Nujeeb [Najib] of 1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; WWIM, II,
jail under the British authorities, but pp.82-83; SSKS, GD: p.2]
left it and participated in the
Uprising of 1857; he fought against Dildar Khan: Resident of Mayeethan,
the British forces at various places in Agra, the North-Western Provinces
the Allahabad region and also incited (now Uttar Pradesh); Pathan; he was
the people to take to arms against the a Duffadar [Dafadar] with the
firanig hukumat; he was caught by the Contingent Guards of the Agra
British troops during their raids on Central Prison under the British
Allahabad, and convicted on the Government; he left the British
charges of ërobbery and rebellion service during the Uprising of 1857
against the Britishí; he was sentenced and joined the rebel forces; he fought
to death in July 1857 and executed the British troops at several places;
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, he died in 1858 in a confrontation
Further Paper No.1, NAI; TIM, p.204] with the advancing British army.
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Didar Baksh: Resident of Unnao, the UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
North-Western Provinces (now (1858), MSAB]
194 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Diler Khan: Resident of Humeerpoor Army to confront the rallyists at

[Hamirpur], the North-Western Neemuchana. The troops
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he surrounded the village, blocked all
joined the rebel forces during the the exits from it and opened fire on
Uprising of 1857 and fought against the protesters without any prior
the British; he also incited the people warning. Many peole received severe
to raise their arms against the firangis gun shots in the indiscriminate firing,
(British) and overthrow their including Diler Singh, who died on
exploitative rule; he was killed at the the spot. Simultaneously, the village
time of an engagement with the was also set on fire by the State
advancing British troops in 1858; his troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23
property was confiscated and handed of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June
over to the British supporters. 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta
[Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November
Basta, UPRAA] 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
Diler Khan: Resident of Kotwali,
Allahabad, the North-Western Dilleah: Belonged to Allahabad, the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
participated in the Uprising of 1857 Pradesh); Passie (Pasi); he joined the
and fought against the British in the fighting against the British during the
Allahabad region; he was caught by Uprising of 1857, and also
the British troops in the course of an encouraged others to attack the
encounter and hanged from a tree in British establishments in Allahabad;
1857. [PP, Further Paper (Mutiny) he was caught by the British at the
No.1, NAI] time of their offensive against the
rebels in Allahabad, and charged
Diler Singh: Resident of teh. Bansoor with ëplundering, murder and
[Bansur], Alwar State (now distt. rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now sentenced to death in July 1857, and
Rajasthan); Rajput. He participated in hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny
a kisan meeting held at Neemuchana Records, PP, Further Paper No.1,
on 14 May 1925 to protest against the NAI; TIM, p.224]
Maharajaís misgovernance and his
land settlement policy of 1923-24. In Diller Khan: Belonged to Banda, the
this settlement the Biswedari rights of North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the Rajputs were forfeited and the Pradesh); he participated in the
land revenue had been increased by Uprising of 1857, and accompanied
fifty per cent. Though all the rebels on various occasions in
agriculturists were affected adversely plundering and seizing the British
by it, the Rajputs suffered the most. property/treasury in the Banda
Hearing the news of this kisan region; he was killed in 1858 while
gathering, the Maharaja sent his State defending the Banda region from an
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 195

advancing British army. [Mutiny confronting the British army in an

Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, encounter at Bailley Guard,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) Lucknow in November 1857. [Mutiny
(1858), MSAB] Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
Dilsher Khan: Resident of Nimar, (1858), UPSAL]
Madhya Pradesh; he led a group of
local rebels during the Uprising of Dip Singh: Hailed from v. Kharsi, p.o.
1857 and fought against the British Borunda, Jodhpur State, Rajputana
troops at Mandaleshwar; he was Agency (now Rajasthan); he was
caught by the advancing British forces formerly a male Nurse attached to
in Nimar and charged with ëleading the 16 th Field Ambulance of the
the rebellion against the Britishí; British-Indian Army; shifted his
sentenced to death and executed in loyalty to the Indian National Army
1859. [Mutiny Records, Judl Deptt. in 1942 and he served it as Naik
Vol. No. 32 (1859), MSAB; WWIM, Sepoy in the 4th Guerilla Regiment;
III, p. 37] he fought against the British-led
forces on the Burma (now Myanmar),
Diman Barial Singh: Belonged to Jhansi front and died in an encounter there
State (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined in 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos.1,2,5,12,/
the rebel forces against the British in INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.83]
Jhansi during the Uprising of 1857;
took part in the raiding and Dito: Belonged to v. Siawa, Sirohi State
plundering the British Residency in (now distt. Sirohi), the Rajputana
1857; while defending Jhansi from the Agency (now Rajasthan); s/o Dhulo;
British onslaught in June 1858 led by Girassia (tribe). He took part in the
Hugh Rose in June 1858, Diman was Bhil-Girassia revolt of 1922 in the
captured and put on trial on the Siyawa, Valoria villages of Sirohi
charges of ëmurder and rebellion State against the atrocities of the
against the British.í He was Sirohi ruler, his land settlement
sentenced to be hanged by the policy, Begar (forced labour) and
military court in 1858. [Mutiny cesses. In this settlement the
papers, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, 1862, Malgujari had been increased, along
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B with the imposition of fresh taxes.
(1859), MSAB] Dito was one among those two to
three thousand Bhils who gathered
Dina Nath: Resident of Lucknow, the at Siawa village on 4 and 5 April 1922
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in and decided that they would not give
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the the increased Malgujari, the Begar
resistance against the firangi-hukumat (forced labour), and any other cess
(British rule) during the Uprising of to the State. Hearing the news of the
1857 and fought the British forces at Bhil gathering, the State Army and
different places; he died while 200 soldiers of the Mewar Bhil Corps
196 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

led by Major Richards, reached Siawa villages. ìOn the night of 25 th

and opened fire on the Bhil on 12 February, the combined forces
April 1922 without any prior surrounded the Ulnar hill on which
warning. Some of the Bhils could the men of Netanar village [the
manage to escape and fled to the hills. rebels] were supposed to be
But many others, including Dito, encamped. The movement was well
received serious bullet wounds in the executed, and all the aboriginals
firing and Dito died on the same day. [tribals] were captured.î Doda Peda
Simultaneously with this firing, the was one among those arrested,
village was looted and set on fire by charged with ìwaging war against
the troops. [NR, 30 April and 18 June the crownî, and tried between 13
1922, RSAB; AMR, 1913-1947, pp.101- March and 28 April 1910 (known as
102] the Jagdalpur trial). He was sentenced
to two yearsí rigorous imprisonment,
Doa Allee: Hailed from Unnao, the and detained in Bastar Jail. In June
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar 1910, with other seventy eight rebels,
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces Doda Peda was shifted to the Raipur
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 Central Jail, where he died (before 7
Uprising; along with his fellows, he November 1910) due to tortures by
marched towards Delhi while the jail authorities. [F/Poll
fighting against the British forces; he (Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910,
escaped to his region after the British NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail,
reoccupation of Delhi in September Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting HTPB, pp.245-57; BTRB, p.75]
the advancing British army in the
Unnao region. [Mutiny Records, Dodhai: Hailed from v. & p.o. Chaura,
Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] distt. Gorakhpur, the United
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
Doda Peda: Belonged to Dantewara, Samjhawan Bhar. As the people were
Bastar State (now in Chhattisgarh); demonstrating during the Non
took part in the Adivasi (tribal) Cooperation movement, the British
Bhumkal ñ revolt of 1910 in the police of Chauri Chaura thana
Jagdalpur area of Bastar against the suddenly opened fire on them,
feudal and colonial exploitation, and causing deaths and injuries to many.
in the tribesí anxiety for maintaining When they ran out of ammunition
their distinct ways of life. On 16 and found the gathering infuriated
February 1910, following the direct by the firing, the policemen retreated
confrontation (Indrawati-ford battle) and hid themselves inside the police
between the rebels and the British station. Some in the crowd sprayed
where many on the rebel side died. kerosene oil on the building and set
Doda Peda and few others escaped it on fire, killing all the 23 policemen,
from the scene and rallied round the inside. Dodhai was accused of taking
neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar part in the Chauri Chaura case,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 197

sentenced to death and hanged on 2 Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he

July 1923. [H/poll, F.No. 563/III/ joined hands with the rebels of his
1922, NAI; TR, 14 January 1923, area during the Uprising of 1857 and
RSAB; SSKS, 36, p. 1 & 10] fought against the British on several
occasions; he was caught by the
Domushah alias Oojeer: Hailing from British following an encounter in the
Hamirpur (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Gorakhpur region, and hanged in
Doorjun Singh; took part in the 1858. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
Uprising of 1857 against the British; Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I,
participated in driving the British No.43B (1859), MSAB]
away from Jhansi and its
neighbouring areas; in the course of Doodh Nath: Born in 1882 in v. Gahmar,
the fighting he was caught by the distt. Ghazipur, the United Provinces
British forces and put behind the bars (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Chhedi
in the Alipur jail as an under-trial; Koeri; Farmer. He participated in a
later, he was sentenced to death in procession on 10 August 1942 that was
1859. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny taken out from his village in
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, connection with the ìQuit Indiaî
No.43B (1859), MSAB] movement. He received severe bullet
wounds when the police fired upon
Donga: Belonged to v. Gothra, Jaipur the procession and he died on the
State (now in distt. Sikar), Rajputana same day. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42,
Agency (now Rajasthan); s/o Hukma; NAI; WWIM, I, p.98]
Jat. He took part in a meeting of the
kisan agitators held at Kudan in May Doodhan: Born in v. Narahi, distt. Ballia,
1934 to demonstrate against the the United Provinces (now Uttar
Jagirdarsí atrocities, high rate of land Pradesh). He was killed in the police
tax, and its forcible collection. firing on a demonstration in which
Hearing the news of this peasantsí he was taking part during the ìQuit
gathering, a Senior Police Officer Indiaî movement in Ballia in 1942.
(with a police party) reached there, [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
and ordered for lathi charge to be RORCG; WWIM, II, p.84; BCA, p. 118]
followed by firing on the agitators.
Many people were injured in this Doodil: Resident of Imlea, Rewa, the
unprovoked attack. Donga, with his North-Western Provinces (now in
brother Tiku, received serious Madhya Pradesh); Lohar; he joined
wounds in the firing and died on the hands with the rebels of his area
spot. [Rajasthan, 13 May 1934, RSAB; during the Uprising of 1857, and
SKAI, p.118] fought the British forces on several
occasions; he was caught by the
Doobey Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor, British in the course of an
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the engagement, and hanged in 1858.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
198 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. II, executed by hanging. [Mutiny

No.43C (1859), MSAB] Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
Doojan: Resident of Saugor (Sagar), (1858), MSAB]
Madhya Pradesh; he joined hands
with the rebels of his area during the Doolah Ram: Resident of Jalaisur, Muttra
Uprising of 1857 and fought against [Mathura], the North-Western
the British forces in the Sagar region; Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
he was caught by the British in the Kaith; he was a Duffadar [Dafadar] in
midst of an engagement and hanged the Contingent Guards of the Agra
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Poll Deptt. Central Prison under the British
Vol. No. 60 (1859), MSAB] Government; he left the British
service during the Uprising of 1857
Doojaul Singh: Resident of Jhansi, Uttar and joined hands with the rebels in
Pradesh; he participated in the their fighting against the British rule;
Uprising of 1857 and also incited his he fought the British troops at several
neighbourhood to take to arms places, and died in 1858 while
against the British; he fought the resisting the advancing British army.
British forces at several places; he [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
was caught by the British after the UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
defeat of the rebel forces in his (1858), MSAB]
region, and charged with
ëplundering and rebellion against the Doolareh: Resident of Ghazeepoor
Britishí; he was sentenced to death [Ghazipur], the North-Western
in 1858 and executed by hanging. Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi (Div.) fought the British forces at several
Mutiny Basta, File Sl. No.117, places in Ghazipur during the
UPRAA; AG (1859), MPSAB] Uprising of 1857; he was caught at
the time of the British re-occupation
Dookhee: Resident of Banda, the North- of the Ghazipur region, and executed
Western Provinces (now Uttar by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Pradesh); he took part in the fighting Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
against the British during the
Uprising of 1857; he also provided Dooli Singh: Resident of teh.
money to the local rebels for buying Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt.
arms and encouraged them to kill the Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now
firangis (British) and their loyalists; Rajasthan); Shekhawat; joined the
he was caught by the British troops kisan agitatorsí meeting held at
at the time of their advance in Banda Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
and charged with ëmurder and aiding demonstrate against the Maharajaís
the rebellion against the Britishí, and oppressive administration and his
sentenced to death with confiscation land settlement policy of 1923-24. In
of his property in July 1858, he was this settlement the Biswedari rights of
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 199

the Rajputs were forfeited and the British-Indian army but left it as soon
land tax increased by fifty per cent. as the 1857 Uprising broke out; he
Though all agriculturists were joined the rebels and fought against
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs the British troops in the Banda region;
suffered the most. Hearing the news he also encouraged his counterparts
of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja in the British army to come over to
sent his State Army to confront the the rebel side and fight the firangis
rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops (British); he was caught by the British
surrounded the village, blocked all during an engagement and sentenced
the exit points from it and opened to death in September 1858 on the
fire on the protesters without any charges of ëdesertion, mutiny and
prior warning. Dooli Singh was murder during the rebellioní; he was
seriously injured in the indiscrimi- executed by hanging. [Mutiny
nate firing and died. Simultaneously Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
with this assault, the village was also UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar (1858), MSAB]
Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925; Doorga Purshad: Resident of Benares
Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29, [Varanasi], Uttar Pradesh; Brahmin;
F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936, he was a Sepoy in the C. Company
RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, under the British-Indian army; he left
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] the British employment during the
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
Doollah Raee: Born in Bailungunj, Agra, with the rebels to fight against the
the North-Western Provinces (now British rule; he died in 1858 while
Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a resisting the advancing the British
Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the forces. [Mutiny Records, Agra
Contingent Guards of the Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
Central Prison; he left the British Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
service during the Uprising of 1857
and joined the rebels of the Agra area; Doorga Roy: Belonged to Tulhwapar,
he fought the British troops in several Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
battle grounds in the Agra-Mathura North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
regions; he was killed by the Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined
advancing British army during its hands with the rebels of his area
attacks on the rebel positions in 1858. during the Uprising of 1857 and
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, fought against the British on several
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) occasions; he was caught by the
(1858), MSAB] British following an encounter in the
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in
Doorga Persad: Belonged to Banda, the 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
200 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Doorga Singh: Resident of the North- inhabitants and incited them to attack
Western Provinces (now Uttar the British offices; he was caught at
Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was the time of a British raid and charged
a Sepoy in the B. Company of the with ëaiding and abetting the
British-Indian army; he left the rebellion against the Britishí; he was
British service during the Uprising sentenced to death in August 1858
of 1857 and joined hands with the and executed by hanging. [Mutiny
rebels for fighting against the British Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
rule; he was caught in 1858 while UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
confronting the British forces, and (1858), MSAB]
sentenced to death on the charges of
ëdesertion and mutiny against the Dowlut Ram: Resident of Vuzeerpoora,
British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra, the North-Western Provinces
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. (now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] was a Sepoy in the A. Company of
the British-Indian army; he left the
Doorga: Resident of Banda, the North- British service during the Uprising
Western Provinces (now Uttar of 1857 and joined hands with the
Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he rebel forces; he died in 1858 while
participated in the Uprising of 1857 resisting the advancing British forces.
and fought against the British forces [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
in the Banda region; he also provided Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
financial support to the local rebels (1858-59), UPSAL]
and encouraged them to attack the
firangis (British) and their loyalists; Dowlut Singh: Resident of Agra, the
he was caught during the British North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
advance in Banda, charged with Pradesh); he was a Burkundauz
ëaiding and abetting the rebellion [Barqandaz] in the Contingent Guards
against the Britishí, and sentenced to of the Agra Central Prison; he left
death with confiscation of his the British employment during the
property in July 1858; he was Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebel
executed by hanging thereafter. forces of the Agra region; he fought
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny the British in various engagements
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 in the Agra-Mathura area; he died in
(VII) (1858), MSAB] the midst of British attacks on the
rebels in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra
Doorga: Resident of Jhansi, the North- Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Western Provinces (now Uttar Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]
Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
area and fought against the British Dowlut: Belonged to Ghazeepoor
at various places of Banda during the [Ghazipur], the North-Western
1857 Uprising; he also provided Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
financial support to the local fought the British forces at several
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 201

places in Ghazipur during the during the Uprising of 1857; he also

Uprising of 1857; he also offered helped the rebels with arms and
financial support to other for buying money, and encouraged them in
arms; he was caught after the British attacking and plundering the British
re-occupation of the Ghazipur region, establishments; soon after the defeat
and executed by hanging in 1859. of the rebels in the Fatehpur region,
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny he was caught by the British troops
Basta, UPRAA] and sentenced to death in 1858 on
the charges of ëaiding and abetting
Drogoo: Resident of Nimar, Madhya the rebellion against the Britishí; he
Pradesh; s/o Madar Bux; he fought committed suicide in the jail before
against the British forces at several his execution. [Mutiny Records,
places in the Nimar region during the Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./
Uprising of 1857; he was caught by Per.Srs.), UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.38]
the British army in the course of an
engagement at Mandleshwar, and Dukee: Hailed from Unnao, the North-
executed by hanging in December Western Provinces (now Uttar
1857. [Mutiny Records, Poll. Deptt. Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
Vol. No. 60 (1859), MSAB; WWIM, soon after the outbreak of the 1857
III, p. 37] Uprising; along with his comrades,
he marched towards Delhi while
Dubee Singh: Resident of Jhansi, Uttar fighting against the British forces; he
Pradesh; he participated in the escaped to his region after the British
Uprising of 1857 and also incited his reoccupation of Delhi in September
neighbourhood to raise its arms 1857, he died in 1858 while resisting
against the British rule; he fought the the advancing British army in the
British forces at several places in the Unnao region. [Mutiny Records,
Jhansi region; he was caught by the Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
British after the defeat of the rebel
forces, and charged with ëplundering Dukhanti: Hailed from v. Ratanpur, p.o.
and rebellion against the Britishí; he Gauri Bazar, distt. Deoria, Uttar
was sentenced to death in 1858 and Pradesh; s/o Jokhan Gaderi. He was
executed by hanging. [Mutiny one of those volunteers engaged in
Records, Jhansi (Div.) Mutiny Basta, sabotage in connection with the
UPRAA; AG (1859), MPSAB] ìQuit Indiaî. When taking part in the
destruction of a road bridge over
Dubey Pundit Gayadin: Born in 1803 Majhla Nala in Deoria, Dukhanti was
at v. Korain, Futtehpore [Fatehpur], fired upon by the police, and died of
the North-Western Provinces (now his bullet injuries on the same day in
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Pundit Sitaram 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
Dubey; Zamindar; he joined hands RORCG; SSKS, 36, pp. 25, 26 & ka,
with the rebels of his area and fought Kha]
against the British at several places
202 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Dukhi Koeri: Born in v. Khoripur, distt. administration, thousands of them

Ballia, the United Provinces (now gathered in Munshiganj for
Uttar Pradesh). He received serious demanding their leadersí immediate
bullet wounds in the police firing release. When the gathering
while participating in a demonstra- appeared to have turned hostile, the
tion in Ballia during the ìQuit Indiaî police opened fire on it, killing Dukhi
movement. He died of his injuries in on the spot. [H/poll. F.No. 563/III/
August 1942 at the age of 20. [H/Poll. 1922, NAI; SSKS, 8, p. ja; BCA, p. 119]
F.No. 3/30/42, SSKS, 2, p.303]
Dulal Shah: Born in Humeerpoor
Dukhi Ram Katua: Resident of v. [Hamirpur], the North-Western
Katuapur, p.o. Mau Nath Bhanjan, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
dist. Azamgarh, the United Provinces joined hands with the rebels during
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Dewan the Uprising of 1857 and fought
Katua. When the Congress leaders against the British; he provided
were arrested by the colonial financial support to the local rebels
administration in the wake of the and also incited the neighbourhood
ìQuit Indiaî movement, a protest to raise its arms against the firangis
demonstration was organized and it (British) and overthrow their
advanced towards Bazar Thana from exploitative rule; he was killed while
D.A.V. School at around 11 oíclock fighting the British troops in 1858; his
on 14 August 1942. They were lathi- property was confiscated thereafter.
charged by the police when they [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny
reached near the police station. The Basta, UPRAA]
lathi-charge so enraged the marchers
that they began to pelt stones on the Dulare Gond: Resident of Nimar,
police personnel. When the mob Madhya Pradesh; he participated in
seemed uncontrollable, the police the Uprising of 1857 and fought
opened fire on them. Dukhi Ram against the British forces on several
Katua was hit by a revolver bullet occasions; he was caught and hanged
fired by the Deputy Superintendent by the British army in 1858. [Mutiny
of Police. He fell down and died on Records, Poll Deptt. Vol. No. 60
the spot. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, (1859), MSAB]
NAI; BCA, p. 125; SSKS, 27, p. sha;
WWIM, I, p.99] Dularey Lal Tiwari: Born in 1905 in v.
Nunara, distt. Fatehpur, the United
Dukhi: Resident of distt. Rai Bareli, the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
United Provinces (now Uttar Shiv Narain Tiwari. He first took part
Pradesh). The police arrest of the in the Civil Disobedience movement
kisan leaders during the Non- of 1930 and later actively joined the
Cooperation movement (1921) was agitation against payment of stiff
deeply resented by the kisans of the land revenue led by his father.
district. Shouting slogans against the Confronted by the police, he along
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 203

with his brother, uncle and other Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
inhabitants of his village had put up Pradesh); joined hands with the rebel
a brave resistance against them. forces in fighting against the British
When the Tehsildar shot his father during the Uprising of 1857 in the
(Shiv Narain Tiwari), resulting in his Lucknow regions; he was captured
death, Dularey attacked and killed by the British troops during their
him on the spot. He was arrested, reoccupation of the region, and
tried for murder and sentenced to imprisoned for life on the charges of
death. He died on the gallows in the ërebellion against the Britishí; he died
Naini Central Jail (Allahabad) in 1932. in detention. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
[H/poll F.No. 33/54/30, NAI; Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59),
WWIM, I, p.364] UPSAL]

Dulat Singh: Belonged to Etawah, the Dulganjun: Resident of Ghazeepoor

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar [Ghazipur], the North-Western
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
rebels during the Uprising of 1857, joined the rebels of his area and
and fought the British at several fought the British at several places
places in Etawah; he also provided in Ghazipur during the Uprising of
financial support to the local rebels 1857; he was caught at the time of
and encouraged them to destroy the the British re-occupation of the
British establishments; he was killed Ghazipur region, and executed by
by the advancing British army in the hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Etawah region in 1858. [Mutiny Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA] Dulgunjisi: Resident of Banda, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Duleep Singh: Resident of Gwalee, Pradesh); he participated in the
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- fighting against the British forces in
Western Provinces (now Uttar the Banda region during the Uprising
Pradesh); he joined hands with the of 1857; he also participated in
rebels of his area during the Uprising plundering the British property and
of 1857, and fought the British forces looting the Government treasury to
on several occasions; he was caught meet the military expenses of the
and accused of ëplundering the British rebels; he was caught by the British
property and rebellion against the troops at the time of their advance
Britishí; he was sentenced to death in Banda, and charged with
in 1860 and hanged soon thereafter. ëplundering the Government
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Fatehpur property and rebellion against the
Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), Britishí; sentenced to death with
UPRAA] confiscation of property in May 1858,
he was executed by hanging soon
Dulela Singh: Resident of Lucknow, the thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda
204 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] [Ghazipur], the North-Western

Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Duljeet Singh: Hailed from Bareilly, fought the British forces at several
Uttar Pradesh; he joined hands with places in Ghazipur during the
the rebel forces soon after the Uprising of 1857; he also offered
outbreak of the 1857 Uprising and financial support to others for buying
marched towards Delhi while arms and attacking the British
fighting against the British; he establishments; he was caught by the
escaped to his region after the British British after their re-occupation of the
reoccupation of Delhi in September Ghazipur region, and executed by
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
the advancing British army in the Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59), Dulput: Resident of Banda, the North-
UPSAL] Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); Rajpoot[Rajput]; he
Duljeet: Resident of Kanpur, the North- participated in the Uprising of 1857
Western Provinces (now Uttar and fought against the British forces
Pradesh); he joined the rebel force in the Banda region; he also provided
of his area during the Uprising of financial support to the local rebels
1857, and fought against the British and encouraged them to attack the
forces in Kanpur; he also offered firangis (British) and their allies; he
financial support to the local people was caught during the British re-
for buying arms and encouraged occupation of the Banda region, and
them to attack the firangis (British); charged with ëaiding and abetting
he died while resisting the advancing the rebellion against the Britishí; he
British army in the Kanpur region in was sentenced to death with
1857. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur confiscation of property in May 1858;
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] he was executed by hanging soon
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda
Dullaosh: Resident of Ghazeepoor Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
[Ghazipur], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Dulraj: Resident of Mynpoory
joined hands with the rebels of his [Mainpuri], the North-Western
area and fought the British forces at Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
several places in Ghazipur during the Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy
Uprising of 1857; he was caught by in the B. Company of the British-
the British during their re-occupation Indian army; he left the British
of the Ghazipur region, and executed employment during the Uprising of
by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, 1857 and joined hands with the rebels
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] for fighting against the British rule;
he was caught in the course of the
Dulpauthnath: Born in Ghazeepoor British re-occupation in 1858, and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 205

sentenced to death on the charges of Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with

ëdesertion and mutiny against the the rebels and fought the British in
British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow during the Uprising of
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; 1857; he also participated in
Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), plundering the British properties and
UPSAL] seizing their treasury; he died while
confronting the British army at
Dumoduree: Inhabitant of Etawah, the Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in March 1858.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was Basta, UPRAA]
a Sepoy in the C. Company under the
British-Indian army; he left the Durga Persad: Resident of Lucknow, the
service during the Uprising of 1857 Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
to join the rebel forces in fighting Pradesh); he took part in the
against the British rule; he was resistance against the firangi-hukumat
caught in 1858 while resisting the (British rule) during the Uprising of
British offensive, and sentenced to 1857 and fought the British forces on
death on the charges of ëdesertion different occasions in the Lucknow
and mutiny against the British region; he was killed by the British
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra army in an encounter at Bailley
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Guard, Lucknow in November 1857.
Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
Dunkee Singh Lumbudou: Resident of (1858), UPSAL]
Cawnpore (Kanpur), the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Durga Prasad: Resident of Raipur,
Pradesh); inspired by the Rising in aroused by the speech that Hanuman
1857, he joined the rebel forces and Singh, Magazine Lashkar in the
participated in the onslaughts on the British Army (who assassinated
British establishments in Kanpur in Major Cidwel at his residence on 18
June 1857; when the British were January 1858) delivered before a
recovering their lost ground in sepoy audience on the same day;
Kanpur between July and December Durga Prasad joined the rebel
1858, he was arrested by them and soldiers in Raipur; involved in the
accused of ëtaking part in the killing of British army officers; with
rebellion against the Britishí; Dunkee 16 other rebel soldiers, he was
Singh was sentenced to death in arrested by the British; tried,
December 1857 and executed soon convicted and sentenced to death;
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur hanged in Raipur on 22 January 1858.
Mutiny Basta, 1857, UPRAA] [Parliamentary Papers, (Mutiny
Further Papers), No.4, 1857-58, NAI,
Durg Pal Singh: Resident of Lucknow, CKI, 1740-1947, p.171]
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
206 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Durga Singh: Belonged to Jaunpur, the [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Basta, UPRAA]
Pradesh); s/o Shiv Lal Singh; he took
part in the rebellion of 1857; he was Durrowa: Belonged to Nugla Noonair,
involved in various incidents of Mynpoory [Mainpuri], the North-
fighting the British, plundering of the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Government properties and Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he took
murdering the British officials; part in the Uprising of 1857 and
following his arrest, he was put on fought against the British forces on
trial on the charge of ëloot and several occasions; he was caught by
murderí and awarded capital the British during their operation
punishment; he was hanged till death against the rebels, and executed by
on 13 September 1858. [Mutiny hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Records, Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Duyaa Ram: Born in Futtehpore
Durga: Resident of Allygurh [Aligarh], [Fatehpur], the North-Western
the North-Western Provinces (now Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the participated in the Uprising of 1857,
Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged and also led his neighbours into
other people to raise their arms and fighting against the British; he
overthrow the firangi-hukumat offered financial support to the
(British rule); he marched on to Delhi, rebels for buying arms and
joined hands with the rebels there encouraged them to go for
and fought the British troops; he was overthrowing the firangi-hukumat
caught by the British after their (British rule); he was killed by the
reoccupation of Delhi, and charged British forces during their re-
with ësedition and rebellion against occupation of Fatehpur in 1857.
the Britishí; he was sentenced to [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
death and shot dead in 1857. [Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.),
F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] Dwara: Belonged to v. Hyderpore,
Allygurh [Aligarh], the North-
Durga: Resident of Jalalabad, the Oudh Western Provinces (now Uttar
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar Pradesh); Aherya; he joined hands
Pradesh); cultivator; along with his with the rebels of his area during the
village fellows, he refused to oblige Uprising of 1857 and fought the
the British forces with rasad British forces at several places; he
(provisions) at Jalalabad during the was caught by the British after the
Uprising of 1857; he was captured by defeat of the rebels and charged with
the British for this and hanged in ëmurder and plundering the
November 1857; his entire village was Government property during the
also ransacked by the British troops. rebellioní; he was sentenced to death
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 207

in 1859 and executed by hanging. various places in Lucknow during

[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny the Uprising of 1857; he also joined
Basta, UPRAA] others in plundering the British
properties; he died while confronting
Dwarika Prasad: Born in 1920 in distt. the British army at Qaiserbagh,
Allahabad, the United Provinces Lucknow, in March 1858. [Mutiny
(now Uttar Pradesh). On 14 August Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
1942 when a procession was UPRAA]
organized in connection the ìQuit
Indiaî movement in Allahabad, he Dwarka Singh: Hailed from Bareilly,
took part in it as a student. He Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel
received severe bullet wounds when forces soon after the outbreak of the
the police fired on the protesters and 1857 Uprising; along with his fellows,
died on the same day. [H/Poll, F.No. he marched towards Delhi while
3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.100] fighting against the British forces; he
escaped to his region after the British
Dwarka Das Rai: Resident of Lucknow, re-occupation of Delhi in September
the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now 1857, he died in 1858 while
Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the confronting the advancing British
Uprising of 1857, and led the rebels army in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny
in fighting the British authorities in Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP
Lucknow on several occasions; he (1858-59), UPSAL]
died while resisting the British army
at Talab Jarnail Bagh, Lucknow in Dwarka: Belonged to Allahabad, the
1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Pradesh); Brahmin; he participated in
the fighting against the British during
Dwarka Das: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the the Uprising of 1857, and also incited
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar others to take on the British in
Pradesh); he took part in the armed Allahabad; he was caught by the
resistance against the firangi-hukumat British at the time of their raids on
(British rule) during the Uprising of the rebels in Allahabad, and charged
1857, he also encouraged his with ëmurder and rebellion against
neighbourhood to join it; he died the Britishí; sentenced to death in
fighting the British forces at Bailley June 1857, and hanged; his property
Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857. was also confiscated. [Mutiny
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta,
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh UPRAA; PP, Further Paper No.1,
(1858), UPSAL] NAI; TIM, p.222]

Dwarka Singh: Born in Lucknow, the Dwarka: Belonged to Etawah, the North-
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he fought the British at Pradesh); he took part in the
208 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Uprising of 1857, and also incited the he fought against the British troops
local people to attack the British at many places in the Banda region;
establishments; he was killed while caught by the British at the time of
confronting the advancing British an engagement and charged with
army in the Etawah region in 1858. ëmutiny, murder and rebellion
[Mutiny Papers, Etawah Mutiny against the Britishí, he was sentenced
Basta, UPRAA] to death in September 1858 and
executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Dwarka: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B
Pradesh); he took part in the (1859), MSAB]
Uprising of 1857 and also incited
others to join the resistance against Dyal: Belonged to Kamasin, Banda, the
the firangi-hukumat (British rule); he North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
was killed by the British army during Pradesh); he participated in the
an encounter at Bailley Guard, Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Lucknow, in November 1857. the British forces in the Banda region;
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny he was caught during an engagement
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh with the British troops in Banda, and
(1858), UPSAL] charged with ëmurder and rebellion
against the Britishí; sentenced to
Dyal Singh: Resident of Banda, the death with confiscation of property
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar in July 1858, he was executed by
Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
British-Indian army, left it to join the Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
rebels during the Uprising of 1857; Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 209

Ebadut Khan: Resident of Kumbul General Roberts following the
Kutra, Agra, the North-Western sacking of the Agency House;
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); captured by the British troops and
Pathan; he took part in the Uprising sentenced to death, he was hanged
of 1857 and fought the British on near the Agency House, Kota, in
several occasions in the Agra region; 1860. [F/Poll, Nos 1-2, September
he was caught by the British during 1858; F/Poll ëAí, Nos 428-36,
their operations against the rebels, February 1858, Nos 3146-47,
and executed by hanging in 1858. December 1858, WWIM, III, p.74;
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny RSG, pp.96-97; RKSS, pp.124-43 Sujas,
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 No 4, June-July 1998, Jaipur, p.81]
(IX) (1858), MSAB]
Edoo: Resident of Cawnpore (Kanpur),
Ebaz/Ewag Khan alias Khewas Khan: the North-Western Provinces (now
Resident of Kota State (now distt. Uttar Pradesh); Coffee seller; joined
Kota), Rajputana Agency (now the Revolt of 1857 against the British
Rajasthan); s/o Inayatullah Khan; in Cawnpore (Kanpur) and surroun-
soldier in the Kota State Army; joined ding areas; he participated in
the military and civil uprising against attacking and destroying the British
the British Government in Kota in Residency in Cawnpore (Kanpur)
1857; led by Mehrab Khan (Risaldar and other British outposts nearby in
in the Kota State Army) and Lala June 1857; he was later caught by the
Jaidayal (the civilian leader of the British in the course of the fighting
rebels), he took part in the attack on and charged with ërebellion against
the British Political Agentís house in the British authorityí; sentenced to
Kota on 15 October 1857 where the death, he was executed in 1858.
Political Agent, Capt. C.E. Burton, [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny
and his two sons were killed; fought Basta, 1857, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.
against the British forces led by No.53 (X) (1858), MSAB]
210 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Elahee: Hailed from Unnao, the North- [Aligarh], North-Western Provinces

Western Provinces (now Uttar (now uttar pradesh); he took part in
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces the Uprising of 1857 and also
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 motivated others to fight against the
Uprising; along with his associates, firangis (British); he marched on to
he marched towards Delhi while Delhi, joined hands with the rebels
fighting against the British forces; he there and fought the British forces
escaped to his region after the British at several places; he died while
re-occupation of Delhi in September confronting the advancing British
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting army in Delhi in September 1857.
the advancing British army in the [Mutiny Papers, Bundle No.57, NAI;
Unnao region. [Mutiny Records, Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) (1858),
Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] MSAB]

Elalee Buksh: Born in Mundee Syud Etimad Ali Khan: Resident of Lucknow,
Khan, Agra, the North-Western the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
Shaikh; he was a Burkundauz Uprising of 1857 and played a leading
[Barqandaz] with the Contingent role in guiding the rebel forces of his
Guards of the Agra Central Prison; area; he led the rebels in attacking
he left the British service during the the British authorities and their
Uprising of 1857, joined hands with establishments in Lucknow; he died
the rebels of the Agra area and while fighting against the British
fought the British troops in several army at Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny
engagements in the Agra-Mathura Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
region; he died in repelling the UPRAA]
British attacks on the rebels in 1858.
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Ewaz Khan: Born in Wuzeerpoora, Agra,
UPRAA] the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh);Mewattee [Mewati];
Emam Khan: Resident of Teela Ajmeroo he was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz]
Khan, Agra, the North-Western with the Contingent Guards of the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Agra Central Prison; he left the
Mewatee [Mewati]; he took part in British employment during the
the Uprising of 1857 and fought the Uprising of 1857, joined hands with
British forces at a number of places the rebels and fought the British
in Agra; he was caught by the British troops in several engagements in the
during their operations against the Agra-Mathura region; he was killed
rebels, and executed by hanging in by the advancing British troops
1858. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny during their attacks on the rebels in
Basta, UPRAA] 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA]
Enayet Allee: Belonged to Allygurh
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 211

Faiyaz Allee: Born in Agra, the North- MSAB; WWIM, III, p.39]
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Faizoollah Beg: Resident of Shekooabad,
rebels of his region during the Mynpoori [Mainpuri], the North-
Uprising of 1857, and fought against Western Provinces (now Uttar
the British at several places in Agra, Pradesh); Moogul [Mughal]; he was
he was caught by the British troops a Duffadar [Dafadar] in the Contin-
and accused of ëmurder and rebellion gent Guards of the Agra Central
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Prison under the British Govern-
to death with confiscation of his ment; he left the British service
property, and executed soon during the Uprising of 1857 and
thereafter in 1858. [Mutiny Records, joined hands with the rebels for
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] fighting against the British rule; he
marched towards Delhi along with
Faiz Allee: Resident of Bareilly, Uttar others, and engaged the British
Pradesh; he took part in the Uprising forces at several places; he died in
of 1857 and joined the rebel forces 1858 while resisting the British
under the leadership of Khan attacks. [Mutiny Records, Agra
Bahadur Khan, the rebel leader and Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
ruler of Bareilly; he fought against
the British forces at several places in Fakhiroodeen: Belonged to Futtehpore
the Rohilkhand area; he was captured [Fatehpur], the North-Western
by the British during their re- Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he
occupation of the Bareilly region, and joined hands with the rebel forces
charged with ëplundering and during the Uprising of 1857 and
rebellion against the Britishí; he was fought against the British at several
sentenced to death with confiscation places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region;
of his property and executed in 1860. he also provided financial support to
[Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X) (1858), the local people and encouraged them
212 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

to storm the British positions; he was Faquir Mohomed: Belonged to Agra, the
killed by the British troops in the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
course of an encounter in 1857. Pradesh); he joined hands with the
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny rebels in fighting against the British
Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA] during the Uprising of 1857 and also
incited others to take part in it; he
Fakiray: Born in v. Bhaisora, distt. was caught by the British troops in
Benaras (Varanasi), the United the course of an engagement, and
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o charged with ësedition and rebellion
Dashrath Ram, a farmer. He actively against the Britishí; sentenced to
participated in the ìQuit Indiaî death with confiscation of his
agitations in 1942 and was shot and property, he was executed by
killed in the indiscriminate police hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
firing on the agitators in August 1942. Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
[H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM,
I, p.102] Faquirey: Resident of Futtehpore
[Fatehpur], the North-Western
Faqir Ali: Born in distt. Srinagar, Jammu Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
and Kashmir; s/o Nasir-ud-Din. A participated in the Uprising of 1857,
committed political worker, he and persuaded his neighbours to join
contributed significantly to the the fight against the British; he also
organizing of the movement for encouraged his comrades to go for
responsible government in Jammu overthrowing the firangi-hukumat
and Kashmir State. While leading a (British rule); he was captured by the
demonstration in 1931 for its sake British troops during their attacks on
near the mosque at Gaw Kadal, Sri- the rebels in a village in Fatehpur in
nagar, he was killed in the indiscrimi- 1857; he was hanged in 1857. [Mutiny
nate State Police firing on the Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta,
demonstrators. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, UPRAA]
J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, p. 87; FSK,
pp. 48-49; HMKJAMH, p. 324] Farhat Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
Faqir Gujar: Resident of v. Saj, distt. Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o the rebels of his area in their fighting
Samundah Gujar. He joined a rally against the British forces during the
at Rajouri on 1 October 1931 to Uprising of 1857, and also incited
castigate autocracy and demand others to take to arms against the
responsible government in Jammu British; he was killed confronting the
and Kashmir. He was killed on that British army in the battle of Chinhat,
day in the firing on the rallyists by Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny
the State Army soldiers. [File No. IV, Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, UPRAA]
II, p.87]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 213

Farhaz Khan: Belonged to Records, Jaunpur Mutiny Basta,

Boolandshahur [Bulandshahar], the UPRAA]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he took part in fighting the Fasahat Jahan: Born at v. Mahul,
British and plundering their Azamgarh, the North-Western
properties in the Bulandshahar areas Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Raja
during the Uprising of 1857; he also of Mahul; he took a leading part in
encouraged others in his locality to the Uprising of 1857; he offered
join the rebels; he was arrested by financial support to many rebels and
the British and charged with encouraged them to attack the British
ësedition and rebellion against the officials and plunder their properties;
Britishí; sentenced to imprisonment he himself led a group of rebels in
for life in March 1859, he died in fighting the British forces at different
prison. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. places in the Azamgarh region; he
(Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), was captured by the British during
UPSAL] their onslaught on the region, and
charged with ëaiding and abetting
Farzand Khan: Resident of Humeerpoor the rebellion against the Britishí; he
[Hamirpur], the North-Western was sentenced to death and executed
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he by a British officer with a sword in
participated in the Uprising of 1857 1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc.
and fought against the British forces (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59),
at several places in the Hamirpur UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.40]
region; he also led a group of rebels
in seizing the British treasury; he was Fateh Mohammad Beg: Belonged to
captured during the British re- distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
occupation of the Hamirpur area, and Kashmir; s/o Iqbal Beg. He took a
charged with ëlooting and rebellion leading part during the political
against the Britishí, he was sentenced movement for responsible
to death in 1859 and hanged soon government in Jammu and Kashmir.
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, When he was heading a protest rally
Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] against the autocratic rule at Uri
(Baramulla), the State Army soldiers
Fasahat Jahan: Belonged to Jaunpur, suddenly opened fire on it in 1931,
North-Western Provinces (now uttar killing many, including Beg, on the
pradesh); he deserted the British- spot. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
Indian Army and joined the rebel Srinagar; HMKJAMH, p. 323]
forces in Jaunpur to fight against the
British rule during the Rising of 1857; Fateh Mohammed Beg: Born in 1874 in
he also participated in the plundering v. Sarseal, distt. Baramulla, Jammu
of British properties; he was caught, and Kashmir; s/o Iqbal Beg. He
sentenced to death and executed by joined the political movement for
hanging on 6 January 1858. [Mutiny responsible government in Jammu
214 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

and Kashmir and took part in a Uprising of 1857 and fought against
demonstration at Uri (Baramulla) to the British forces at several places in
protest against the autocratic rule in the Sagar region; he was caught by
the State. He was killed in 1934 when the British army in the course of an
the State Army fired upon the engagement and hanged in 1857.
demonstrators. [File No. IV, 8; [Mutiny Records Poll Deptt. Vol. No.
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, 60 (1859), MSAB]
Vol.1, p.73; WWIM, II, p.]
Fateh Singh: Hailed from the Garhwal
Fateh Shah Khan: Resident of the Division, the United Provinces (now
Rohilkhand region, Uttar Pradesh; he Uttarakhand); he was a Naik in the
took a leading part in the Uprising 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
of 1857 as one of the chief lieutenants Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
of the rebel leader, Khan Bahadur to the Indian National Army in 1942
Khan of Bareilly; he fought in several and served it on the same rank in the
battles against the British troops in Ist Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting
the Rohilkhand region; he was caught against the British forces in Burma
by the British following the defeat (now Myanmar) he was killed in
of the rebels forces, and charged with 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
ëmurder, plundering and rebellion 403/INA,NAI; WWIM, II, p.88]
against the Britishí; he was sentenced
to death and executed in 1858. Fateh Singh: Resident of teh. Sardhana,
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl distt. Meerut, the United Provinces
Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; (now Uttar Pradesh). In connection
WWIM, III, p.40] with the ìQuit Indiaî movement, the
Congress workers organized a
Fateh Singh alias Futty: Resident of protest meeting at Bhabhauri village
Nimar, the Central India Agency, in Sardhana tehsil on 18 August 1942.
Indore, (now Madhya Pradesh); s/o The police suddenly reached the
Kesari Singh; joined the anti-British venue, encircled it and lathi-charged.
rebel forces during the Uprising of Eventually they also opened fire
1857 in Malwa region; under the killing at least five persons and Fateh
leadership of Sita Ram he took part Singh was one among them. [H/Poll,
in a number of encounters against the F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 16, p. da;
British; in the course of fighting at WWIM, II, p.88]
Nimar he was caught and executed
by hanging. [Mutiny Papers, I, NAIB; Fazal Haq: Resident of Shahjahanpur, the
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
MSAB; WWIM, III, p.40] Pradesh); maulavi; he took a
prominent part in the Uprising
Fateh Singh Dangi: Resident of Hirapur, against the British rule in 1857, led a
Madhya Pradesh; he joined hands group of rebels, and fought in several
with the rebels of his area during the engagements with the British forces;
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 215

he was killed in an encounter with British authorities; he proceeded to

the British troops near Etawah in Delhi, joined the rebel forces there,
December 1857. [Mutiny Records, and fought the British on different
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- occasions; he was killed while
59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.40] confronting the advancing British
forces in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny
Fazil (Miss): Resident of distt. Srinagar, Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt,
Jammu and Kashmir. She participated Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
in a rally organized by the women
of the city against the autocracy of Fazl-i-Haqq (Allama): He was a Maulavi
the Maharaja during the agitation for from Khairabad (now in distt Sitapur,
responsible government in Jammu Uttar Pradesh); Sarishtadar of Delhi
and Kashmir. Just when the Residency; he left the British service
procession reached at Maisuma Bazar to join the Uprising of 1857; as a
on 24 September 1931, the State scholar, he rendered important
Army unprecedentedly opened fire services to the rebelsí cause by
on the women protestors. Fazil was framing a ëConstitutioní for the
killed in that firing on the spot. [File Rebelsí Government in Delhi. After
No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; the fall of Delhi in September 1857,
KFFF, p. 405] he returned to Khairabad and rallied
the rebel forces there; he was
Fazil: Resident of Bag Muzaffar Khan, captured by the British after their re-
Agra, the North-Western Provinces ocupation of the Khairabad region,
(now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the and sentenced to the transportation
rebel forces of his area during the for life; transported to the Andamans
Uprising of 1857 and went up to in 1858 where he died later on.
Bulandshahar while fighting against [Mutiny Papers, NAI; AS; BSZWD]
the British; he also took part there in
an attack on the British officers and Fazl-Ullah Khan: Hailed from Bareilly,
their establishments; caught by the Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel
British in the course of an engage- forces soon after the outbreak of the
ment, he was hanged in 1858 on the 1857 Uprising; along with his fellows,
charges of ëmurder of the British he marched towards Delhi while
officers and plundering the fighting against the British forces; he
Government property during the escaped to his region after the British
rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi re-occupation of Delhi in September
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] 1857; he died in 1858 while resisting
the advancing British army in the
Fazle Husain: Belonged to the North- Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
Western Provinces (now Uttar Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59),
Pradesh); he took part in the UPSAL]
Uprising of 1857 and also motivated
his neighbourhood to attack the Feda Ally: Resident of Atrowlee,
216 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Allygurh [Aligarh], the North- authorities and their establishments

Western Provinces (now Uttar in Lucknow on several occasions; he
Pradesh); Syud [Syed]; he took part died while fighting against the
in the Uprising of 1857 and also British army at Sikanderbagh,
incited his neighbourhood to raise Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
arms to challenge the British rule; he Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
fought the British forces at several
places and was caught by the British Fida Husain: Resident of Lucknow, the
after the defeat of the rebel forces; Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
charged with ësedition and Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
plundering the Government property Uprising of 1857, and also incited
during the rebellioní, he was others to raise their arms against the
sentenced to death in 1858 and British; he fought the British forces
executed by hanging. [Mutiny at different places in Lucknow; he
Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, File Sl. was killed while confronting the
No.117, UPRAA] British army in the battle of Chinhat,
Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny
Feku Bhagat: Resident of v. Tair Buzurg, Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
p.o. Maanipur, ps. Khampar, distt. UPRAA]
Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. He was killed
in the police firing in Deoria while Finiya: Resident of Bikaner State (now
trying to unfurl the Indian flag distt. Bikaner), the Rajputana Agency
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement (now Rajasthan); Grocer. Along with
in 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; the villagers of Udrasar and the
RORCG; SSKS, 36, pp. 25, 26 & Kha] representatives of Bikaner Praja
Mandal, Finiya went to meet the
Feroze Shah: Resident of Jhansi, Uttar Bikaner ruler in 1936 to protest
Pradesh; he fought against the British against the atrocities of the State
forces at various places in Jhansi Police. But the Maharaja did not meet
during the Uprising of 1857; more them and the police atrocities
active in pouncing upon the enemy continued. To punish him for daring
in the forest areas, he was killed in to protest, the police arrested Finiya,
an encounter on 26 August 1859. charged him with theft, took him to
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl the Kotwali (Police Station) and
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] beaten him to death. The police men
brought his dead body and left it in
Fida Husain (Salar): Belonged to front of his shop. Next morning, the
Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh) Executive Committee of Bikaner
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he Praja Mandal reacted sharply to
joined the Uprising of 1857 and Finiyaís death, passed a Resolution
played a significant role in organizing on the increase of police atrocities in
the rebel forces of his region; he led the State and submitted it to the Prime
the rebels in attacking the British Minister of the State. Finiyaís death
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 217

did not go in vain, it strengthened (Sagar) region, Madhya Pradesh; he

the Praja Mandal movement in participated in the Uprising of 1857
Bikaner. [H/Deptt (Bikaner State), and fought the British forces in his
F.No. C V, 1930, RSAB; BJA, pp. 48- area; caught by the British during an
49] encounter in the Sagar region; he was
executed by hanging in 1857. [Mutiny
Freechi/Fariza: Born in 1895 in Mohallah Records, Poll Deptt. Vol. No. 60
Jalal Sahib, distt. Baramulla, Jammu (1859), MSAB]
and Kashmir; d/o Ghulam Rasul
Bahroo and w/o Khawaja Razaq Joo Futeh Singh: Chowdhury [Choudhri] of
Bohru. She actively joined the Futtehpore [Fatehpur], the North-
political movement for responsible Western Provinces (now Uttar
government in Jammu and Kashmir. Pradesh); a leading figure in the
When the procession, in which she Uprising of 1857, he organised the
was taking part, faced the State Police local rebels and led them in attacking
firing at Kheryarbal (Baramulla) in the British establishments in Fatehpur
1931, she hurled a kangri on a police and its adjoining areas; he was
officer and disfigured his face. captured by the British forces and
Consequently, she was fired upon sentenced to death in June 1859 on
with vengeance and she succumbed the charge of ëaiding and abetting
to her bullet injuries later on. [File rebellion against the Britishí. [Mutiny
No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
KFFF, p. 404; WWIM, II, p.89; NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
HMKJAMH, p.324]
Futey Singh: Resident of Kanpur, the
Fukeer Bux: Resident of Gorackpore North-Western Provinces (now uttar
[Gorakhpur], the North-Western pradesh); he joined hands with the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); rebels of his area during the Uprising
Zamindar; he led the local rebels in of 1857, and fought against the
fighting the British in the Gorakhpur British forces at places in Kanpur; he
region during the Uprising of 1857; also supplied arms to the local people
he also provided the rebel forces and encouraged them to plunder the
with arms and ammunitions, as well British properties; he was killed
as with money; he was arrested by while resisting the advancing British
the British at the time of their re- army in the Kanpur region in 1857.
occupation of the area; charged with [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny
ëmurder and rebellion against the Basta, UPRAA]
Britishí, he was sentenced to death
in February 1859. [Mutiny Records, Futta: Resident of Nimar, the Central
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- India Agency, Indore, (now Madhya
59), UPSAL] Pradesh); joined the rebel forces
during the Uprising of 1857; while
Funda Singh: Belonged to the Saugor fighting against the British forces at
218 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Mandleshwar in 1857, he was troops in an encounter in 1857.

captured by the enemy and sentenced [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
to transportation for life. Futta Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA]
passed away as a captive in an
overseas jail. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. I, Fuzal Imam: Resident of Agra, the
NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
(1858), MSAB; WWIM, III, p.42] Pradesh); he took part in the
Uprising of 1857, and also
Futteh Singh: Belonged to Allygurh encouraged other people to take part
[Aligarh], the North-Western in fighting the firangi-hukumat (British
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he rule); he fought the British troops in
participated in fighting against the Agra and was captured by them in
British rule in Aligarh during the the course of an engagement, and
Uprising of 1857; he also marched on accused of ëmurder and rebellion
to Delhi, joined hands with the rebels against the Britishí; he was sentenced
there and fought the British troops to death in 1858 with confiscation of
at several places; he was killed his property, he was executed by
during a confrontation with the hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
advancing British army in Delhi in Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
September 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858),
Bundle No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. MSAB]
No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
Fyz Allee: Resident of Banda Khas, the
Fuz Allee: Belonged to Futtehpore North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he rebels of his area during the Uprising
joined the rebel forces during the of 1857, and fought the British forces
Uprising of 1857, and fought against on several occasions; caught by the
the British troops in the Fatehpur- British in the course of an
Kanpur region; he also provided engagement, he was hanged in 1859.
financial support to the rebels and [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
encouraged them to attack the British Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
officers; he was killed by the British (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 219

Gabar Singh: Resident of the Garhwal (now Myanmar) front in 1944. [INA
Division, the United Provinces (now Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA
Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the (1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM,
5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- II, p.89; EBIFF, I, p.225]
Indian Army; he volunteered to join
the Indian National Army in 1942 Gabdu: Resident of v. Neemuchana, teh.
and served it as Sepoy in the I st Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State (now
Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting distt. Alwar), Rajputana Agency
against the Allied forces in Thailand (now Rajasthan); s/o Jagi. He joined
he was killed at Bangkok in 1945. the meeting of the kisan agitators held
[INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/ at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
INA, (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.89] protest against the Maharajaís mal-
administration and his land
Gabar Singh: Resident of v. settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Chakargoan, distt. Tehri-Garhwal, settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Garhwal Division, the United Rajputs were forfeited and the land
Provinces (now Uttarakhand), served revenue had been increased by fifty
in the British-Indian Army as a Sepoy per cent. Though all agriculturists
and deployed on the Singapore- were affected adversely by it, the
Malaya front against the Japanese Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing
forces in December 1941; captured by the news of this gathering of the kisan
the Japanese in February 1942, he agitators, the Maharaja sent his State
became a Japanese prisoner of war; Army to counter the rallyists at
shifted his loyalty to the Indian Neemuchana. The troops surroun-
National Army in 1942 and joined it ded the village, blocked all the escape
as a Sepoy in its 1 st Guerrilla routes from it and opened fire on the
Regiment; fought against the British- protesters without any prior warning
led Allied forces and sacrificed his of dispersal. Many of the agitators,
life while fighting on the Burma including Gabdu, received serious
220 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

bullet wounds in the indiscriminate Central India Agency, (now Madhya

firing and Gabdu died of these. Pradesh). Joined Ratlam State Praja
Simultaneously with this firing, the Mandal, and fought for civil liberties
village was set on fire by the State and responsible government in
troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 Ratlam State in January 1941. He was
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June arrested on the false charge of
1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta illegally procuring arms and was sent
No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November to Ratlam jail. He became critically
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, ill in jail, and was released on the eve
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] of his death at Ujjain in September
1941. [AISPC Papers (Ratlam State),
Gadadhar Nath Pandey: Resident of v. F.No. 148, NMML]
Daya Chhapra, distt. Ballia, the
United Provinces (now Uttar Gahar Singh: Born in v. Bamanwas;
Pradesh). He actively participated in Nizamat (teh.) Bansoor, Alwar State
a stormy demonstration that (now distt. Alwar), the Rajputana
marched for seizing the Bairiya police Agency (now Rajasthan); s/o Kishan
station on 18 August 1942 during the Singh; Shekhawat. He participated in
ìQuit Indiaî movement. He was the kisan agitatorsí meeting held at
severely wounded in the police firing Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
near the Thana and died of it on the remonstrate against the Maharajaís
same day. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, mal-administration and his land
NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.262; BCA, settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
p. 113] settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Rajputs were forfeited and the land
Gadadhar Tiwari: Resident of Jubbulpore revenue enhanced by fifty per cent.
(Jabalpur), Saugor and Nerbudda Though all agriculturists were
Division, the Central Provinces and affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
Berar (now Madhya Pradesh); suffered the most. Hearing the news
served as a Sepoy in the British- of this peasant gathering, the
Indian army; unable to put up with Maharaja sent his State Army to take
the ill-treatment of his senior British the rallyists on Neemuchana. The
officers, he attacked his companyís troops surrounded the village,
Adjutant, Mr. Miller, with his musket blocked all the escaping routes from
on 16 June 1857; overpowered by the it and opened fire on the protesters
other soldiers and detained in their without any prior warning. Gahar
custody, he was blown off in public Singh received severe gun shots in
by a canon despite the medical the indiscriminate firing and died on
officerís declaring him as mentally the spot. Simultaneously, the village
unstable. [Mutiny Papers, III, NAIB; was also set on fire by the State
MPGJ, p.84] troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June
Gafoor Khan: Born in 1918, Ratlam State, 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 221

No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November Pradesh); he joined hands with the

1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, rebels of his area during the Uprising
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] of 1857, and fought the British forces
on several occasions; caught by the
Gajadhar Singh: Belonged to v. Garhi British in the midst of an engage-
Sahja, teh. Etmadpur, distt. Agra, the ment, he was hanged in 1861.
United Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, NWP, Fatehpur
Pradesh). In 1930 Agra witnessed a Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.),
Congress-backed kisan agitation for UPRAA]
non-payment of taxes during the
Civil Disobedience movement. When, Gajendra Singh: Hailed from v. Askok
consequent to this ìno-taxî Thamu, distt. Almora, Kumaon
campaign, the peasants of Garhi Sahja Division, the United Provinces (now
village received some reprieve from Uttarakhand); enrolled as a Sepoy in
land taxes, a few Zamindars of the the Indian National Army in 1942 in
tehsil maneuvered ñ with the help of Malaya and was posted in its 3 rd
local officials ñ to secure confiscation Guerrilla Regiment; fought against
warrants for non-payment. They the British on various battle fronts
induced the police to start and died in the course of heavy
confiscating the peasantsí crops and fighting at Maymy,o Burma (now
cattle, resulting in serious kisan- Myanmar) on 26 September 1944.
police clashes. Gajadhar Singh ñ one [INA Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/
of the kisan resisters ñ was involved INA (1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI;
in a clash such as these, and died of WWIM, II, p.91; EBIFF, I, p. 226]
police firing on the spot. [H/Poll,
F.Nos. 23/54/1930, NAI; SSKS, 33, Gajju Panday: Hailed from Jaunpur,
p. 46 & 47; WWIM, I, p.105] North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); s/o Shiv Sahai Panday; he
Gajadhar Singh: Resident of Lucknow, joined the rebellious force of the 1857
the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uprising; he took part in attacks on
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the the Government officials and British
the Uprising of 1857 and led the loyalists and was involved in killing
rebels in attacking the British a Patwari (local revenue official); he
authorities and their establishments was captured and charged with
in Lucknow at several places; he died ëmurderí and received capital
while fighting against the British punishment; he was hanged till death
army at Mohammad Bagh, Lucknow on 30 October 1858. [Mutiny Records,
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Gamal Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
Gajadhur Singh: Resident of Gwalee, Division, the United Provinces (now
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- Uttarakhand); earlier he was a
Western Provinces (now Uttar Havildar [Hawaldar] in the 5/18
222 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Garhwal Rifles of the British-Indian places in the Sagar region during the
Army but shifted his loyalty to the Uprising of 1857; caught by the
Indian National Army in 1942 and British troops in the midst of their
served it on the same rank; he died operations against the rebels, he was
while fighting against the Allied executed by hanging in 1857. [Mutiny
forces in Burma (now Myanmar) in Records, F/ Poll, Consultations nos.
1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 581-92, 30 Oct (1857, NAI]
379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.91]
Ganesh Panday: Hailed from v. Turtipur,
Gandarohi Singh: Born in v. Kandol, distt. Ballia, the United Provinces
Etawah, the North-Western (now Uttar Pradesh). He was
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o arrested on the charge of taking part
Bhagat Singh; Jagirdar; he led an in anti-British activities during the
armed group of rebels in attacking ìQuit Indiaî movement in August
and plundering the British 1942. He died (at the age of 45) in jail
establishments during the 1857 in the same year on account of the
Uprising; he also propagated against inhuman tortures he suffered there.
the British and encouraged his [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; BCA,
neighbours to join the rebellion; he p. 120]
was captured during an engagement
with the British troops, and charged Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi: Born in 1890
with ësedition, plundering and in a Srivastava Kayastha family at his
rebellion against the Britishí; he was maternal grandfatherís place.
sentenced to death with confiscation Resident of v. Haithgaon, distt.
of his all properties, and executed in Fatehpur (near Kanpur), the United
1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
(Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] Jagat/Jai Narain, an Assistant
Teacher in the Anglo-Vernacular
Gandhurva Singh: Resident of v. School at Mooangavali (in Gawalior
Pindara, Pargana-Malthaun of Saugor State). He received his early
(Sagar), Madhya Pradesh; he joined education at home and at his fatherís
hands with the rebels of his area school in Gwalior. Passed his
during the Uprising of 1857 and matriculation in 1907, but poverty
fought the British forces in the Sagar prevented him from pursuing higher
region; he was captured by the education, though he continued his
British in the course of an private studies. He worked for some
engagement and hanged on 20 March time in the currency office at Kanpur,
1858. [F/ Poll (Sup. Proc), S. No. 1351, but resigned from it to become a
30 Dec (1859)] teacher in Prathvinath High School
for some time. Gradually he
Ganesh Khangur: Resident of the Saugor developed a taste for journalism by
(Sagar) region, Madhya Pradesh; he reading the Hindi dailies, started
fought the British forces at several writing in Hindi on social and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 223

educational problems and soon January 1924. Chosen the President

attracted the attention of Mahavir of U.P. Provincial Congress
Prasad Dwivedi. He joined Saraswati Committee, he remained a member
ñ the renowned monthly Hindi of the U.P. Legislative Council
magazine published from Allahabad between 1926 and 1929. Ganesh
óand assisted Mahavir Prasad Shankar Vidyarthi was closely
Dwivedi in running it from 1911 to connected with the revolutionary
1913. In November 1913 Vidyarthi movement of Northern India with
himself started a Hindi paper, Pratap, Kanpur as its centre of activities.
from Kanpur and continued as its Famous revolutionariesóChandra-
founder-editor till his death in 1931. shekhar Azad, Vijay Kumar Sinha,
The newspaper suffered from Bhagat Singh, Batukeshwar Dutt and
financial difficulties and often earned others were close to him and got help
the Governmentís displeasure. But and inspiration from him. Vidyarthi
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi was criticised those Hindus who thought
unperturbed and the reading public merely in terms of a Hindu Rashtra
remained supportive. Pratap under and also those Muslims who dreamt
his editorship became the topmost only of Kabul and Mecca. An Indian
among the Hindi nationalist papers nation for him consisted of all the
of Northern India and it was people living in the country and not
regarded as the symbol of nationalist dominated by any particular religion
aspirations. Vidyarthi also became or sect. When communal riots flared
an active member of the Indian up in Kanpur in March 1931,
National Congress and of the Home Vidyarthi fearlessly tried his best to
Rule movement. By his complete establish communal peace and saved
freedom from any communal bias, he the lives of many Hindus and
endeared himself to all parties and Muslims. While visiting riot-affected
communities. Peasants at several area in Kanpur on 25 March 1931 he
places in U.P. rose against the was murdered at the age of 41 by
atrocities of the zamindars in 1920 and the frenzied communal rioters.
the police fired upon them at Rai Throughout his life he fought against
Bareilly. Vidyarthi vehemently the evils of communalism and died a
criticised the Government and the martyr for the establishment of
zamindars for their high-handedness. communal harmony. [MOMI, p.106;
He was accused by the British SSG,4, Shahidnama, pp.86-7; EISFF,
Government for spreading unrest p.227; DNB, IV, pp.423-25; TLD,
and was arrested before their forcing pp.248-50, 309-12; Ptp.20, 26 March
Pratap to deposit a security of Rs. 1923, 21 April, 29 September, 21
15,000/-. He was released in May October and 1 December 1924; GSVR,
1922, re-arrested in 1923 for his 4, pp.7-55]
speech delivered as the President of
Fatehpur District Political Ganesh: Resident of distt. Aligarh, Uttar
Conference, and was released in Pradesh; younger brother of Dev
224 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Dutt. He was tied with a tree and Ganeshjoi: Resident of Jhansi State,
severely beaten by the police for not Bundelkhand Agency, the Central
telling the whereabout of his brother India (now Uttar Pradesh); inspired
ñ an absconder ñ in the Aligarh by the Uprising of 1857 and resenting
Station Bomb Incident during the the interference in the Jhansi affairs,
ìQuit Indiaî movement. Ganesh (an he joined the rebel forces and
8/9 years old child) could not bear participated in attacking the British
the police atrocities and died on the establishments in Jhansi and its
spot in August 1942. [H/Poll, F.No. neighbouring areas; when the British
3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 34, p. ja] were recovering their lost ground in
Jhansi in 1858, he was captured by
Ganesh: Resident of Unnao, the North- them; accused of ërebellion against
Western Provinces (now Uttar the Britishí, Ganeshjoi was sentenced
Pradesh); he took part in the to be executed in 1858. [Mutiny
Uprising of 1857 and fought the Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
British at different places in the UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B
Unnao-Kanpur region; he also (1859), MSAB]
encouraged the neighbourhood to
attack the British establishments and Ganga Datt: Born in 1909 in v. Khumand
plunder their properties; he was Patti, Distt. Almora, Kumaon
killed while confronting the British Division, the United Provinces (now
army in Unnao in 1857. [Mutiny Uttarakhand); s/o Tika Ram;
Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta, agriculturalist; joined the Congress
UPRAA] Party and took part in a procession
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement
Ganesh: Resident of v. Khajura, at Sumand Patti (Almora) in 1942; the
Chhatarpur State, Bundelkhand British armed personnel came down
region, the Central India Agency to stop its progress and opened fire
(now Madhya Pradesh); agricultural on the processionists; Ganga Datt
labour. He supported the no-tax was shot dead in the firing along with
movement that was taking place in his brother, Kheemanand. [PCJ
Chhatarpur State in 1930 under the Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156,
leadership of Pandit Sukhdev, Jagat 157 (PA), NAI; WWIM, I, p.106; SSKS,
Singh and Ram Sahai Tiwari. When KD: p.3; BSAS: p. 129]
he refused to pay the phenomenally
increased land revenue, the Collector Ganga Dhar Marahatta: Resident of
and his police personnel had so Jhansi State (now Uttar Pradesh);
severely beaten him up at his joined the anti-British rebel forces
residence that he died on the spot. during the Uprising of 1857; he took
[F/Poll, F. No.230 (1931); H/Poll, part in attacking and killing the
F.Nos.12-14 (1931); 2 (41) (1931); 18- Britishers in the Jhansi region; caught
XII (1930); 18-31 (1931), NAI; CDG during the British raids on the area
p.247-49] in April 1858 and sentenced to death
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 225

on charges of ërebellion and aiding against the British and aiding the
the rebellioní, he was executed soon rebellioní, Ganga Singh was
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi sentenced to death in December 1857
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, and executed soon thereafter.
Vol. II, No.43C (1859), MSAB] [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny
Basta, 1857, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol.
Ganga Persad: Belonged to Lucknow, No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the Ganga: Resident of Humeerpoor
Uprising of 1857, and also incited his [Hamirpur], the North-Western
neighbourhood to raise its arms Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
against the British; he fought at participated in the Uprising of 1857
several places against the British and and fought against the British forces
died in the battle of Chinhat, in the Hamirpur region; he also
Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny provided all assistance to the rebels
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, during their onslaughts on the British
UPRAA] strongholds; he was caught during
the British re-occupation of
Ganga Sagar Dikshit: Resident of v. Hamirpur, and charged with ëmurder
Sikandarpur, distt. Farrukhabad, the and rebellion against the Britishí,
United Provinces (now Uttar sentenced to death in 1859; he was
Pradesh); s/o C.K. Diskshit. Before hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny
shifting his loyalty to the Indian Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
National Army in 1942 as a Havildar UPRAA]
[Hawaldar] in the 1st Bahadur Group,
he was in the service of the British- Gangadhar Mahatta: Resident of Jhansi
Indian Army as Havildar [Hawaldar]- (now Uttar Pradesh); participated in
Storekeepar. He fought on the the Uprising of 1857 by joining the
Burma front against the British-led rebel forces and fighting the British
Allied forces and lost his life in the troops in the Jhansi region in 1857-
battle ground in 1944. [INA Papers, 58; Gangadhar was caught by the
F. No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.82] British troops during their re-
occupation of Jhansi and charged
Ganga Singh: Resident of Cawnpore with ëaiding and taking part in
(Kanpur), the North-Western rebellion against the Britishí, he was
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); sentenced to death in 1858. [Mutiny
during the Uprising of 1857 he joined Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
the anti-British rebel forces in the UPRAA]
month of June and fought the British
in order to throw them out of Gangadhar: Born in 1912 in v. Beyawara,
Kanpur; in July 1857 he was caught Rajgarh State (now distt. Rajgarh), the
by the British troops, re-occupying Central India Agency (now Madhya
Kanpur and charged with ërebellion Pradesh); s/o Harlal Sahu. As an
226 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

executive member of the Prajamandal firing while taking part in a protest

in the State, he took prominent part rally during the ìQuit Indiaî
in the national movement in 1943. He movement in August 1942. [H/Poll,
was arrested by the State police and F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I,
tortured to death in the Rajgarh jail p.108]
in 1943. [JPP, June, 1943, MSAB;
MPKSSKS, III, p.111] Gania Singh: Resident of v. Bisaloo, teh.
Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State (now
Gangadhar: Resident of Jhansee [Jhansi], distt. Alwar), the Rajputana Agency
Uttar Pradesh; soon after the (now Rajasthan); Shekhawat. He
outbreak of the Uprising of 1857, he participated in a meeting of the kisan
joined the rebellious forces and agitators at Neemuchana on 14 May
fought in various regions of Jhansi; 1925 to remonstrate against the
he was caught by the British during Maharajaís mal-administration and
their operations against the rebels in his land settlement policy of 1923-24.
Jhansi, and charged with In this settlement the Biswedari rights
ëplundering, murder and rebellion of the Rajputs were forfeited and the
against the Britishí; he was sentenced land revenue had been increased by
to death and executed in 1859. fifty per cent. Though all
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl. agriculturists were affected adversely
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] by it, the Rajputs suffered the most.
Hearing the news of this gathering
Gangaram: Resident of Mundee Syed of the kisan agitators, the Maharaja
Khan, Agra, the North-Western sent his State Army to counter the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
Brahmin; he was a Duffadar [Dafadar] surrounded the village, blocked all
in the Contingent Guards of the the exit points from it and opened
Agra Central Prison under the British fire on the protesters without any
Government; he left the British prior warning. Gania Singh received
service during the Uprising of 1857 fatal bullet wounds in the
and joined hands with the rebels in indiscriminate firing and died on the
their fighting against the British rule; spot. Simultaneously with this firing,
he died in 1858 while defending the village was set on fire by the State
against the advancing British army. troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta
(1858), MSAB] No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
Gani Lal: Hailed from v. Banapur, distt. F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
Etawah, the United Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Khem Lal, a Ganjam Singh: Hailed from distt.
Farmer, educated up to second Narsinghpur, Nerbudda Division,
standard in school. He died in police the Central Provinces and Berar (now
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 227

Madhya Pradesh); rich landlord; 1858. [Mutiny Records, Poll Deptt.

joined the anti-British rebel forces Vol. I, No. 43B (1859), MSAB]
during the Uprising of 1857 in
Narsinghpur district and Ganzi/Gazi Khan: Resident of Raipur,
continuously fought for regaining the Central Provinces and Berar (now
power and position he lost to the Chhattisgarh); Havildar in the British-
British; he was killed in an ambush Indian Army; aroused by the speech
by the British troops. [Mutiny that Hanuman Singh, Magazine
Papers, II, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. Lashkar in the British Army (who
No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB; WWIM, assassinated Major Cidwel at his
III, p.43] residence on 18 January 1858)
delivered before a sepoy audience on
Ganpat Pandey: Born in 1914 at v. the same day; Ganzi/Gazi Khan
Gopalpur, distt. Ballia, the United joined the rebel soldiers in Raipur;
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o involved in killing British army
Raghunath. He voluntarily officers; with 16 other rebel soldiers,
participated in a procession taken out he was arrested by the British; tried,
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement. convicted and sentenced to death;
He died when the processionsts hanged in Raipur on 22 January 1858.
were fired upon by the police in [Parliamentary Papers ñ reg. Mutiny
August 1942. [H/poll. F.No. 3/30/ further Papers, No.4, 1857-58, NAI,
42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.262; BCA, p. 118] CKI, 1740-1947, p.171]

Ganpati Nonia: Resident of v. Kolwar, Gaohur Allee: Belonged to Futtehpore

distt. Ballia, the United Provinces [Fatehpur], the North-Western
(now Uttar Pradesh). He took part Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
in the anti-British demonstrations took part in the Uprising of 1857, and
organized during the ìQuit Indiaî led his neighbours into fighting the
movement. He was killed at the age British; he also encouraged the local
of 24 in a police firing at Ballia in rebels to go for overthrowing the
August 1942 while participating in a firangi-hukumat (British rule);
volatile protest demonstration. [H/ captured by the British troops at the
Poll. F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 2, time of their raids on Fatehpur in
p.204] 1857, he was hanged. [Mutiny
Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta,
Ganput: Belonged to Garhakota, Saugor UPRAA]
(Sagar), Madhya Pradesh; he joined
hands with the rebels of his area Gauhar Allee: Resident of Allahabad, the
during the Uprising of 1857 and North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
fought against the British at several Pradesh); he joined hands with the
places in the Sagar region; he was rebels of his locality during the
caught by the advancing British army Uprising of 1857 and fought against
and executed by hanging on 5 March the British in Allahabad-Fatehpur
228 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

region; he also took part in seizing Gauhur Allee: Resident of Banda, the
the British arms and distributing North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
these among the rebel ranks; he was Pradesh); he joined hands with the
captured by the British troops during rebels during the Uprising of 1857
their attacks on Allahabad, and and fought against the British forces
hanged from a tree in 1857 on the in the Banda region; he also
charges of ëtheft and rebellion propagated against the British rule
against the Britishí. [Mutiny Records, and incited the people to raise their
Allahabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; arms to end the firangi-hukumat
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), (British rule); he was caught during
MSAB] an engagement with the advancing
British troops in Banda and charged
Gauhar Allee: Resident of Paharee, with ësedition and murder of
Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North- Europeans during the rebellioní; he
Western Provinces (now Uttar was sentenced to death in August
Pradesh); he participated in the 1858 and executed by hanging.
Uprising of 1857 and fought against [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
the British forces in the Hamirpur Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
region; he also assisted the rebels in (IX) (1858), MSAB]
various ways during their campaigns
against the British strongholds; he Gaura Bai Katai: Born in 1902, resident
was caught during the British attacks of v. Chichli, teh. Gadarwara,
on Hamirpur, and charged with distt.Betul, Nerbudda division, the
ëmurder and rebellion against the Central Provinces and Berar (now
Britishí, sentenced to death in 1859; Madhya Pradesh); w/o Pati Ram
he was hanged soon thereafter. Katia; weaver. She was involved in
[Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny the ìQuit Indiaî movement at Chichli
Basta, UPRAA] and died in the indiscriminate police
firing on the agitators on 23 August
Gauhar Khan: Hailed from Bareilly, 1942. [H/Poll (FR), F.Nos. 18/8/1942,
Uttar Pradesh; he joined hands with FFMPC, II, p. 437]
the rebels of his area soon after the
outbreak of the 1857 Uprising; along Gauree Shanker: Resident of Kanpur, the
with his fellows, he marched towards North-Western Provinces (now uttar
Delhi while fighting against the pradesh); he joined the rebel force
British forces; he escaped to his of his area during the Uprising of
region after the British re-occupation 1857, and fought against the British
of Delhi in September 1857, he died rule at a number of places in Kanpur;
in 1858 while resisting the advancing he incited the local people and
British army in the Bareilly region. encouraged them to attack the firangis
[Mutiny Records, F/Abst. Proc. (British); he died while resisting the
(Poll), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] advancing British army in the
Kanpur region in 1857. [Mutiny
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 229

Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta, 1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; SSKS, GD,

UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) 14, p.1]
(1858), MSAB]
Gaus Khan: Belonged to Humeerpoor
Gauree: Resident of Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-Western
[Hamirpur], the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the Uprising of 1857
participated in the Uprising of 1857 and fought against the British forces
and fought against the British in the at several places in the Hamirpur
Hamirpur region; he also propagated region; he was captured during the
against the firangi-hukumat (British British re-occupation of Hamirpur,
rule) and incited the people to and charged with ëplundering and
overthrow it; he was caught during rebellion against the Britishí, he was
an engagement with the advancing sentenced to death with confiscation
British army, and convicted on the of property in 1859 and hanged soon
charges of ësedition and rebellion thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
against the Britishí, he was sentenced Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
to death with confiscation of property
in 1859 and executed by hanging. Geegla: Resident of Ghazeepoor
[Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny [Ghazipur], the North-Western
Basta, UPRAA] Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
fought the British forces at several
Gauru alias Gora: Born in 1907 in v. Badli places in Ghazipur during the
Dashgi, distt. Uttarkashi, Garhwal Uprising of 1857; he also offered arms
Division, the United Provinces (now to others for attacking the British
Uttarakhand); s/o Sinkiya. He took officials; he was caught by the British
part in the peasantsí agitation during after their re-occupation of the
the Civil Disobedience movement in Ghazipur region, and executed by
1930 against the Tehri-Garhwal State hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
rulerís exorbitant land revenue Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
demand, and also against the
implementation of new forest laws. Geerdharee: Resident of Ghazeepoor
He attended in this connection the [Ghazipur], the North-Western
public meeting called at Baman Tiladi Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
maidan to protest against the killing Thakoor [Thakur]; he joined the
of two innocent peasants by the State rebels and fought the British forces
police on 20 May 1930. In the midst at several places in Ghazipur during
of the proceedings the State armed the Uprising of 1857; he also offered
police force led by the Dewan financial support to other rebels for
Chakradhar arrived and opened fire buying arms and attacking the British
on the meeting, resulting in the forces; he was caught by the British
killing of 17 persons, including Gauru during their re-occupation of the
on the spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/54/ Ghazipur region, and executed by
230 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, fought the British forces at several

Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] places in Ghazipur during the
Uprising of 1857; he also offered
Geerdhur: Resident of Futtehpore financial support to the rebels for
[Fatehpur], the North-Western buying arms to attack the British
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he establishments; he was caught by the
participated in the Uprising of 1857 British forces after their re-
and fought against the British troops occupation of the Ghazipur region,
at various places in the Fatehpur- and executed by hanging in 1859.
Kanpur region; he was killed by the [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
British troops in the course of an Basta, UPRAA]
encounter in 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./ Genda Singh: Born 1829, at v. Harar,
Per.Srs.), UPRAA] Futtehpore [Fatehpur], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Geerdhuree: Resident of Futtehpore Pradesh); s/o Thakur Kharag Singh;
[Fatehpur], the North-Western he took a leading part in the Uprising
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he against the British in 1857; he
participated in the Uprising of 1857, provided financial support to the
and also encouraged his neighbours rebels and encouraged them to attack
to fight for overthrowing the firangi- the British establishments; he also led
hukumat (British rule) ; he was a group of rebels and fought in
captured by the British troops during several encounters with the British
their re-occupation of Fatehpur in in Fatehpur; he was caught
1857, and hanged soon thereafter. subsequently by the British and
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny executed by hanging in 1857. [Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA] Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta
(Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA; WWIM, III,
Geetaram Aukhrilal: Resident of p.44]
Chamoli, Garhwal Division, the
United Provinces (now General Fatehadaula: Resident of
Uttarakhand); was arrested for his Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh)
involvement in the ìQuit Indiaî Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
movement in Chamoli district in 1942; joined the Uprising of 1857 and
succeeded in escaping from jail in played a leading role in training the
1942, he died while at large in 1943. rebel forces of his region; he led the
[H/Poll, F. Nos.3/16/42, 3/30/42, rebels in attacking the British
NAI; SSKS, GD: pp. 1-2; BSAS: p.137] authorities and their establishments
in Lucknow on several occasions; he
Genda Roy: Resident of Dhurnee, was killed during the fight against
Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North- the British army at Hazratganj,
Western Provinces (now Uttar Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 231

Ghaffar Channa: Belonged to distt. took part in such a protest demons-

Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o tration organized at Shopian
Fateh Channa. He joined the political (Islamabad) on that very day. While
movement for responsible the procession was being taken out
government in Jammu and Kashmir noisily, the State military force
when it was growing intense. He was intervened in its advancement. The
killed in the firing by State Army protesters had resented the military
soldiers on the day he participated action and demanded free passage
in a demonstration against the which was stubbornly refused. In the
autocratic rule at Uri (Baramulla) in ensuing clash between two, the
1934. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, military suddenly opened indiscrimi-
Srinagar] nate firing on the rallyists in which
Ghani Butt Kawa was killed on the
Ghafoor Allee: Resident of Banda, the spot at the age of 35. [File No. V, 8;
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF,
Pradesh); he participated in the pp.409-10; EBIFF, I, p. 256; WWIM,
Uprising of 1857 and fought against II, p. 95]
the British forces in the Banda region;
he also arranged financial support for Ghani Darzi: Born in 1901 in distt.
the local people and incited them to Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu and
take up arms against the firangis Kashmir; s/o Ramazan. When the
(British); he was caught during an people of Islamabad observed a
engagement with the British troops complete hartal on 23 September 1931
in Banda, and charged with ësedition, to register their protest against the
aiding and abetting the rebellion arrest of Sheikh Mohammad
against the Britishí; sentenced to Abdullah ñ a prominent leader of the
death with confiscation of his movement for responsible govern-
property in July 1858, he was ment, he (a tailor by profession) took
executed by hanging soon thereafter. part in the protest demonstration
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny organized at Shopian (Islamabad).
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 While the procession was
(IX) (1858), MSAB] vociferously moving on, the State
military force intervened to stop it.
Ghani Butt Kawa: Born in 1896 in v. In the ensuing scuffle between the
Gaginag, distt. Islamabad two, the military force suddenly
[Anantnag], Jammu and Kashmir; s/ opened indiscriminate firing on the
o Rahman Butt. When the people of rallyists in which Ghani Darzi was
Islamabad observed a complete hartal killed on the spot. [File No. V, 8;
to register their protest against the MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF,
arrest of Sheikh Mohammad pp.409-10; EBIFF, I, pp. 255-56;
Abdullah ñ a prominent leader of the WWIM, II, p. 95]
movement for responsible
government on 23 September, he Ghanshyam Das: Inhabitant of
232 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Lucknow, the Oudh [Awadh] 18/9/1942, NAI; FFMPC, I, p. 157]

Province (now in Uttar Pradesh); he
fought the British forces during the Ghaurun: Resident of Banda, the North-
Uprising of 1857, and also Western Provinces (now Uttar
encouraged other people to raise Pradesh); he participated in the
their arms against the British; he was Uprising of 1857 and fought against
killed in an engagement with the the British forces in the Banda region;
British army in the battle of Chinhat, he also provided financial support to
Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny the local rebels and incited them to
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, raise arms against the firangis (British)
UPRAA] and their loyalists; he was caught
during an engagement with the
Ghasee: Resident of Cawnpore (Kanpur), British troops in Banda, charged
the North-Western Provinces (now with ësedition, aiding and abetting
Uttar Pradesh) joined the rebel forces the rebellion against the Britishí, and
during the Uprising of 1857 in sentenced to death with confiscation
Kanpur; participated in attacking the of his property in June 1858; he was
British civilians and troops in the executed by hanging thereafter.
Kanpur region; he was caught in the [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
course of the British raids on Kanpur Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I,
between July and December 1857, No.43B (1859), MSAB]
sentenced to death on charges of
ërebellion against the Britishí in Ghaus Allee: Inhabitant of Faizabad, the
December 1857, and executed soon Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel
Mutiny Basta, 1857, UPRAA; Poll forces during the 1857 Uprising and
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] started for Lucknow; he fought
against the British at several places
Ghasi Ram: Resident of v. Mating, distt. in Lucknow city; he was caught by
Durg (created in 1905), Chhattisgarh the British army in the midst of an
division, Central Provinces and encounter and hanged at Machhi
Berar (now Chhattisgarh); s/o Bhawan, Lucknow, in June 1857.
Loknath. Actively involved in the [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
ìQuit Indiaî movement, and also in Basta, UPRAA; Abst. Proc. (Judl
the spreading of the Congress Deptt.) Oudh (1857), UPSAL]
influence in the Hindu Mahasabha-
dominated Durg. He was arrested Ghaus Allee: Resident of Banda, the
and put behind the bars (in Raipur North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
District Jail under Section 129 Defence Pradesh); Sheikh; he joined hands
of India Rules) on 31 October 1942. with the local rebels during the
Ill-treatments and tortures caused his Uprising of 1857 and took part in their
untimely death in detention on 27 marches to attack the British
February 1943. [H/Poll (FR), F.Nos. establishments in the Banda region;
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 233

he also incited his neighbours to raise Indiaî movement in Doharia to

arms and kill the goralog (British); he resolve to end the British rule and
was caught by the advancing British earn their freedom. When the people
troops in Banda, and charged with came in direct confrontation with the
ësedition, murder of Europeans and administration and the situation
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death went out of control, the police opened
in July 1858 and executed by fire on the agitating satyagrahis and
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda killed 11 persons. Ghiraw Barai was
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, among those killed in the firing on
Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] the same day. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/
42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS, 36, p. 2 &
Ghaus Khan: Belonged to Banda, the 26]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he participated in the Ghiru: Hailed from v. Patia under Garhi
Uprising of 1857, and accompanied Jagir in Banswara State (now distt.
the rebels on various occasions in Banswara), the Rajputana Agency
plundering and seizing the British (now Rajasthan); took part in the
property/treasury in the Banda Bhagat Bhil movement in southern
region; he died in 1858 while fighting Rajasthan that Govindgiri started in
against an advancing British army in 1907, preaching monotheism among
Banda. [Mutiny Records, Banda the Bhils and Kolis of Dungarpur and
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Banswara States. Soon Govindgiriís
Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] socio-religious endeavour changed
into a politico-economic movement,
Ghazi Khan: Resident of Kanpur, the against the extraction of Begar (forced
North-Western Provinces (now uttar labour) and exploitation of the Bhils
pradesh); he joined the rebels of his by the petty officials of the
area during the Uprising of 1857, and Dungarpur and Banswara States and
fought against the British forces at Sunth (a small state in Gujarat). Ghiru
several places in Kanpur; he also was one among those thousands of
offered financial support to the local Bhagat Bhils who joined this
people and encouraged them to movement and warned the
attack the British establishments; he Dungarpur and Banswara rulers in
died while resisting the advancing the first week of November 1913,
British army in the Kanpur region in either to remove the main grievance
1857. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur of the Bhils or to face the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] overthrowing of the Statesí authority
to oppress and ill-treat them. The
Ghiraw Barai: Born in v. Bikurha, p.o. militancy of the Bhils and their
Pali, distt. Gorakhpur, the United gathering in Mangarh hill so
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). On unnerved the British that they sent
23 August 1942, approximately 25000 their own troops along with those of
people gathered during the ìQuit the States to lay siege on Mangarh
234 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

hill and disperse the gathering. On Uprising of 1857; he died in 1857 in

17 November 1913 the combined the course of an engagement with the
troops attacked the Bhil position and British army. [Mutiny Records,
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai Muzaffarnagar Mutiny Basta,
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did UPRAA]
not give up till many of them were
injured, 900 captured and 25, Gholam Abbas: Resident of Atrowlee,
including Ghiru, killed. The incident Allygurh [Aligarh], the North-
did awaken the tribesmen so much Western Provinces (now Uttar
that Motilal Tejawat had not found Pradesh); Syud [Syed]; he played a
it difficult to mobilise them in 1921- leading part in the Uprising of 1857
22 against forced labour and high rate and also rallied his neighbourhood
of land revenue. [F/Poll Proc to rise against the British rule; he led
(Internal-A), Nos. 8-67, March 1914; the rebel forces and fought the British
Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI; at several places; he was caught by
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 the British after the defeat of the
(referred in connection with the rebels and charged with ëleading the
incident)] rebels, sedition and plundering the
Government property during the
Ghisooah: Belonged to Allahabad, the rebellioní; he was sentenced to death
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar in 1858 and executed by hanging.
Pradesh); he was a Chowkidar [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
[Chaukidar] under the British, but left Basta, UPRAA]
it to join the rebel forces in their
fighting against the British during the Gholam Alie: Resident of Furruckabad
Uprising of 1857; he also took part in [Farrukhabad], the North-Western
plundering British properties and Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took
supplying their proceeds to the rebels part in the Uprising of 1857 when it
for meeting their military expenses; broke out in the Farrukhabad region;
he was caught by the British at the he also prompted his neighbours to
time of their attacks on the rebels in join in the fighting against the British
Allahabad, and accused of having and plundering their properties;
ëplundered and rebellion against the caught by the British soldiers during
Britishí; he was sentenced to death an engagement, he was hanged on 8
in July 1857 and executed by November 1858 for ëtaking part in the
hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, rebellion and inciting others for ití.
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.206] [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Gholam Abbas: Belonged to
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Wesern Gholam Allee: Belonged to Rohilkhand,
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Uttar Pradesh; he was a Sepoy in the
fought against the British at several 62nd Native Infantry of the British-
places in Muzaffarnagar during the Indian army; he shifted his loyalty
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 235

to the ëHindustanií forces during the rebels of his area during the Uprising
Uprising of 1857, and fought against of 1857, and fought the British forces
the British in the Rohilkhand region; on several occasions; caught by the
he was captured by the British at the British in the course of an
time of their re-occupation of the area engagement, he was accused of
charged with ëmurder and rebellioní, ëplundering the British property and
he was sentenced to death in July rebellion against the Britishí; he was
1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. sentenced to death and hanged in
(Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] 1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
Gholam Hoosein: Resident of Srs.), UPRAA]
Moradabad, the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Ghoolam Allee Khan: Resident of
joined hands with the rebel forces Lucknow, the Oudh [Awadh]
during the Uprising of 1857; he took Province (now Uttar Pradesh); took
part in attacking the British and part in the Uprising of 1857; fought
plundering their properties; in the against the British troops in Lucknow
course of fighting, he was caught by on various occasions and also
the British forces and tried for participated in looting British
ëplundering and rebellioní; sentenced properties; he was caught by the
to death, he was reported to have enemy during their re-occupation of
been executed on 16 May 1859. the region and sentenced to death in
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl 1858 on the charges of ëlooting,
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] plundering and rebellioní. [Mutiny
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
Gholam Khan: Hailed from Bareilly, Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel
forces soon after the outbreak of the Ghoolam Ghaus: Resident of Jhansi,
1857 Uprising; along with his fellow Uttar Pradesh; he was master gunner
rebels, he marched towards Delhi in the army of Maharani Lakshmi Bai
while fighting against the British of Jhansi; he fought valiantly in
forces; he escaped to his region after several armed engagements with the
the British re-occupation of Delhi in British during the Uprising of 1857;
September 1857; he died in 1858 while he was killed while fighting in
resisting the advancing British army defence of Jhansi against the
in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny advancing British army in June 1858.
Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
(1858-59), UPSAL] Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.45]

Ghoochur: Resident of Bhudhohee, Ghoorba: Resident of Munwan,

Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Pradesh); Aheer; he fought the
236 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

British forces on several occasions in Ghulam Ahmad (Maulana): Hailed from

Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857; Mohallah Mir Sahib, distt. Baramulla,
he was caught by the British army at Jammu and Kashmir; s/o Abdul
the time of their re-occupation of the Gaffar. He participated in the
Ghazipur region, and executed by political movement for responsible
hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, government in Jammu and Kashmir
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] State. He joined a demonstration at
Baramulla against the autocratic rule
Ghorain Singh: Resident of of the Maharaja in 1934. When the
Shahjehanpore [Shahjahanpur], the rallyists had been fired upon by the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar State Armyís soldiers, Ghulam
Pradesh); he joined the anti-British Ahmad was killed on the spot. [File
forces and fought against the British No. V; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar]
during the Rising of 1857; he also
provided financial support to the local Ghulam Ahmad Dar: Belonged to
rebels and incited others to take part Mohallah Naushadra, distt. Srinagar,
in the rebellion; he was caught by the Jammu and Kashmir. A participant
British soldiers in the midst of a in the political campaign for
combat and charged with ëaiding and responsible government in Jammu
abetting the rebellion against the and Kashmir State, he joined the
Britishí; sentenced to transportation demonstration outside the Central
for life in 1859, he died in prison Jail in Srinagar to protest against the
before his sentence began. [Mutiny detention of Abdul Qadeer Khan
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) (arrested on 25 June 1931), a
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] prominent leader of the movement.
When the demonstrators waited
Ghosee: Resident of Humeerpoor outside the jail, five of them were
[Hamirpur], the North-Western unprovokedly arrested by the police
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he at the instance of the Governor. The
joined hands with the rebel forces high-handed arrests so infuriated the
during the Uprising of 1857 and demonstrators that they began to
fought against the British forces at raise anti-government slogans,
various places in the Hamirpur demanded the immediate release of
region; he was captured in course of their leader, and also sought the
an encounter with the advancing permission for watching the
British army in Hamirpur, and proceedings of his trial. Instead of
charged with ëmurder and rebellion giving permission, the Governor
against the Britishí; he was sentenced (Trilok Chand) ordered the police to
to death with confiscation of his open fire on them. Ahmad Dar
property in 1859 and executed by received severe bullet wounds in the
hanging. [Mutiny Records, police firing on 13 July 1931and
Hamirpur, Bundle No. 4, UPRAA] succumbed to those injuries on the
same day at the age of 50. [File No.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 237

V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; The on 23 September 1931 to register their

Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC, pp.88-89; protest against the arrest of Sheikh
KFFF, pp. 373-9; FSK, pp. 48] Mohammad Abdullah ñ a prominent
leader of the movement for
Ghulam Ahmad Kalbaf Butt: Resident responsible government ñ he took
of Mohallah Fateh Kadal, distt. part in a protest demonstration
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. A organized at Shopian (Anantnag).
participant in the political movement While the vociferous procession was
for responsible government in Jammu moving on, the State military force
and Kashmir State, he joined the intervened to stop it. In the ensuing
demonstration outside the Central clash between the two, the military
Jail in Srinagar to protest against the force suddenly opened
detention of Abdul Qadeer Khan indiscriminate firing on the rallyists
(arrested on 25 June 1931) ñ a in which Ghulam Ahmad Malik was
prominent leader of the agitation. killed on the spot at the age of 50.
When the demonstrators waited [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
outside the jail, five of them were Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10; WWIM, II,
suddenly arrested by the police at the p. 181; HMKJAMH, p. 327]
instance of the Governor (Trilok
Chand). The arrests so infuriated the Ghulam Ahmad Rather: Resident of
demonstrators that they began to Mohallah Naushadra, distt. Srinagar,
raise anti-government slogans, Jammu and Kashmir. Taking part in
demanded the immediate release of the political movement for
their leader, and also sought the responsible government in Jammu
permission for watching the and Kashmir State, he joined the
proceedings of the trial. Instead of demonstration outside the Central
giving permission, the Governor Jail in Srinagar on 13 July 1931 to
ordered the police to open fire on protest against the detention of
them. In the police firing Ghulam Abdul Qadeer Khan (arrested on 25
Ahmad Kalbaf was killed on the spot June 1931), a prominent leader of the
on 13 July 1931at the age of 32. [File agitation. When the demonstrators
No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; waited outside the jail, five of them
GCR, c.f. FSK, pp. 48, 73; The Hindu, were suddenly arrested by the police
28 July 1931; AC, pp.88-89; KFFF, pp. at the instance of the Governor. The
373-9; WWIM, II, p.2; FSK, p. 71; arrests so infuriated the
HMKJAMH, p. 323] demonstrators that they began to
raise anti-government slogans,
Ghulam Ahmad Malik alias Ahad demanded the immediate release of
Zargar: Born in 1881 in distt. their leader, and also sought the
Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu and permission for watching the
Kashmir; s/o Habib Malik; proceedings of the trial. Instead of
Goldsmith. When the people of giving permission, the Governor
Islamabad observed a complete hartal (Trilok Chand) ordered the police to
238 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

open fire on them. Ahmad Rather (1858), MSAB]

received fatal wounds in the firing
and died on the same day at the age Ghulam Ghaus Khan: Resident of Pir
of 30. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Gate, Mirapur, Muzaffarnagar, the
Srinagar; GCR, c.f. FSK, pp. 48, 73; North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
The Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC, pp.88- Pradesh); joined the rebel forces of
89; KFFF, pp. 373-9] his village against the British soon
after the outbreak of the Uprising of
Ghulam Ahmad Zev: Resident of distt. 1857; he was caught by the British
Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu and troops during an engagement and
Kashmir. When the people of charged with ëmurder and rebellion
Islamabad observed a complete hartal against the Britishí; he was sentenced
on 23 September 1931 to register their to death and hanged in 1858. [Mutiny
protest against the arrest of Sheikh Records, Abst. Proc. Judl. Deptt.
Mohammad Abdullah ñ a prominent NWP, Vol.74 (1858), UPSAL; WWIM,
leader of the movement for III, p.46]
responsible government ñ he took
part in the protest demonstration Ghulam Hasan Khan: Born in 1913 in
organized at Shopian (Islamabad). distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.
While the procession was moving on A carpet-weaver by occupation, he
vociferously, the State military force was an activist in the National
intervened to stop it. In the ensuing Conference-led movement for
clash between the two, the military responsible government in Jammu
force suddenly opened and Kashmir. He participated in 1946
indiscriminate firing on the rallyists in a demonstration to protest against
in which Ghulam Ahmad Zev was the Maharajaís autocratic rule at the
killed on the spot at the age of 36. Khankah-i-Mualla in Srinagar. When
[File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, the State Army opened fire on the
Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10] demonstrators, Ghulam Hasan Khan
was hit and died then and there. [File
Ghulam Ali: Born in the North-Western No. IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he EBIFF, Vol.1, p.294; WWIM, II, p.96;
took part in the fighting against the HMKJAMH, p.326]
British during the Uprising of 1857
and also incited his neighbourhood Ghulam Hussain Malik: Belonged to
to join the struggle and overthrow distt. Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu
the British rule; he proceeded to and Kashmir; s/o Shahid Ghulam
Delhi, joined the rebel army there, Ahmad Malik. When the people of
and fought the British at different Islamabad observed a complete hartal
places; he died while resisting the on 23 September 1931 to register their
advancing British troops in Delhi in protest against the arrest of Sheikh
1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll. No.57, Mohammad Abdullah ñ a prominent
NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V) leader of the movement for
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 239

responsible government ñ he took in distt. Srinagar, Jammu and

part in the protest demonstration Kashmir; s/o Samad Butt. A
organized at Shopian (Anantnag). committed political worker, he
While the vociferous procession was played a significant role in organizing
moving on, the State military force the political movement for
intervened to stop it. In the ensuing responsible government in his native
scuffle between the two, the military place in Jammu and Kashmir. He was
force suddenly opened indiscrimi- arrested by the Maharajaís police and
nate firing on the rallyists in which detained in 1932. He died as a result
Ghulam Hussain Malik was killed on of severe caning during his
the spot. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, confinement in the Kothi Bagh police
J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10; station in Srinagar. [File No. IV, 8;
WWIM, II, pp. 182; HMKJAMH, p. MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF,
327] Vol.1, p.114; WWIM, II, pp.51-52;
HMKJAMH, p. 323]
Ghulam Hussain: Born in 1915 in v.
Fatuchogan, distt. Jammu, Jammu Ghulam Mohammad Halwai: Born in
and Kashmir; s/o Allah Datta; He 1906 in distt. Srinagar, Jammu and
actively participated in a Kashmir; s/o Rahmat Halwai. A
demonstration in connection with the participant in the political movement
Roti Agitation (demanding for for responsible government in Jammu
cheaper food) on 23 September 1943 and Kashmir State, he joined the
in Jammu. He was killed on the spot demonstration outside the Central
when the State police opened fire on Jail in Srinagar to protest against the
the demonstrators. [File No. V, 8; detention of Abdul Qadeer Khan
MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp. (arrested on 25 June 1931), a
442-45; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.294; WWIM, prominent leader of the agitation.
II, p.97; FSK, p. 71; HMKJAMH, p.324] When the demonstrators waited
outside the jail, five of them were
Ghulam Khan: Belonged to Banda, the suddenly arrested by the police at the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar instance of the Governor. The arrests
Pradesh); he participated in the so infuriated the demonstrators that
Uprising of 1857, and accompanied they began to raise anti-government
the rebels on various occasions in slogans, demanded the immediate
plundering and seizing the British release of their leader, and also
property/treasury in the Banda sought the permission for watching
region; he died in 1858 while fighting the proceedings of the trial. Instead
against an advancing British army in of giving permission, the Governor
Banda. [Mutiny Records, Banda (Trilok Chand) ordered the police to
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, open fire on them. In the police firing
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] Ghulam Mohammad Halwai was
killed on the spot on 13 July 1931at
Ghulam Mohammad Butt: Born in 1907 the age of 25. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
240 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

J&KSA, Srinagar; GCR, c.f. FSK, pp. proceedings of the trial. Instead of
48, 73; The Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC, giving permission, the Governor
pp.88-89; KFFF, pp. 373-9; (Trilok Chand) ordered the police to
HMKJAMH, p.324] open fire on them. In the police firing
Ghulam Mohammad Naqash was
Ghulam Mohammad Khan: Born in 1906 killed on the spot on 13 July 1931at
in Pulwama, distt. Islamabad the age of 22. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
(Anantnag), Jammu and Kashmir; s/ J&KSA, Srinagar; GCR, c.f. FSK, pp.
o Amir Khan. He took active part in 48, 73; The Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC,
a rally held at Pulwama (Anantnag) pp.88-89; KFFF, pp. 373-9; WWIM, II,
in February 1934 to protest against p.96; HMKJAMH, p.326]
the autocratic rule of the Maharaja
of Jammu and Kashmir and to Ghulam Mohammad Soofi: Resident of
demand responsible government. Mohallah Dari Bal, distt. Srinagar,
When the State Army soldiers opened Jammu and Kashmir. A participant
fire on the rallyists, he was killed in in the political movement for
the firing on the same day. [File No. responsible government in Jammu
V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, and Kashmir State, he joined the
Vol.1, p. 295; WWIM, II, p. 97; demonstration outside the Central
HMKJAMH, p.326] Jail in Srinagar to protest against the
detention of Abdul Qadeer Khan
Ghulam Mohammad Naqash: Born 1909 (arrested on 25 June 1931), a
in Mohallah Kani Kadal, distt. prominent leader of the agitation.
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o When the demonstrators waited
Sultan Naqash, a wood-carver by outside the jail, five of them were
profession. Participating in the suddenly arrested by the police at the
political movement for responsible instance of the Governor. The arrests
government in Jammu and Kashmir so infuriated the demonstrators that
State, he joined the demonstration they began to raise anti-government
outside the Central Jail in Srinagar slogans, demanded the immediate
to protest against the detention of release of their leader, and also
Abdul Qadeer Khan (arrested on 25 sought the permission for watching
June 1931), a prominent leader of the the proceedings of the trial. Instead
agitation. When the demonstrators of giving permission, the Governor
waited outside the jail, five of them (Trilok Chand) ordered the police to
were suddenly arrested by the police open fire on them. In the police firing
at the instance of the Governor. Ghulam Mohammad Soofi received
These arrests so infuriated the fatal bullet wounds on 13 July
demonstrators that they began to 1931and died of it at the age of 20.
raise anti-government slogans, [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
demanded the immediate release of Srinagar; The Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC,
their leader, and also sought the pp.88-89; KFFF, pp. 373-9; FSK, p. 48;
permission for watching the WWIM, II, p. 309; HMKJAMH, p. 330]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 241

Ghulam Mohammad: Born in 1898 in agitation. When the demonstrators

Pulwama, distt. Islamabad waited outside the jail, five of them
(Anantnag), Jammu and Kashmir; s/ were unprovokedly arrested by the
o Ghulam Rasool. He actively partici- police at the instruction of the
pated in the political movement for Governor (Trilok Chand). The arrests
responsible government in Jammu so infuriated the demonstrators that
and Kashmir State. He was killed at they began to raise anti-government
Pulwama on 5 January 1933 while the slogans, demanded the immediate
anti-autocracy procession he was release of their leader, and also
taking part had come under the State sought the permission for watching
Armyís firing. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, the proceedings of the trial. Instead
J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.295; of giving permission, the Governor
WWIM, II, p.97; HMKJAMH, p.326] ordered the police to open fire on
them. In the police firing Ghulam
Ghulam Mohammed Teli: Born in 1886 Nabi Kalawal was killed on the spot
in Nowshera, distt. Srinagar, Jammu on 13 July 1931 at the age of 27. [File
and Kashmir; s/o Ghulam Rasool No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
Teli. An oil merchant by occupation, GCR, c.f. FSK, pp. 48, 73; The Hindu,
he joined the procession held at 28 July 1931; AC, pp.88-89; KFFF, pp.
Nowshera demonstrating against the 373-9; WWIM, II, p.140]
autocratic rule of the Dogra Raja and
demanding responsible government Ghulam Nabi Shawal: Born in 1922 in
for the subjects in Jammu and distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir;
Kashmir State in 1931. When the s/o Qadir Shawal. A shopkeeper and
protesters were fired upon by State a committed political worker of the
Army soldiers Ghulam Mohammad National Conference, he played a
Teli was killed in the firing on the significant role in the political
spot. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, movement for responsible
Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.97; EBIFF, I, government in Jammu and Kashmir
p. 295; FSK, pp. 48-49; HMKJAMH, State. He was arrested in 1946 on the
p.324] charge of taking part in the
movement against the Maharaja in
Ghulam Nabi Kalawal: Born in 1902 in 1946. He died in detention in the
Mohallah Pandan, distt. Srinagar, Central Jail of Srinagar in the same
Jammu and Kashmir; s/o Abdul year. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
Kalwal. Participating in the political Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.298;
movement for responsible HMKJAMH, p. 322]
government in Jammu and Kashmir
State, he joined the demonstration Ghulam Qadir Ganai: Born in 1896 in
outside the Central Jail in Srinagar distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
to protest against the detention of Kashmir; s/o Mohammad Ganai;
Abdul Qadeer Khan (arrested on 25 Butcher. He was arrested by the State
June 1931), a prominent leader of the police on the charge of participating
242 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

in the political movement for s/o Ahmed Hakroo. A boatman by

responsible government in Jammu profession and an activist in the
and Kashmir. Taking him into movement for responsible govern-
custody, the police flogged him to ment in Jammu and Kashmir, he
death on the same day at Baramulla joined the rally taken out against the
in 1934. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, Maharajaís autocratic rule in 1931.
J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.226; When the rallyists were fired upon
WWIM, II, p.91] by the State police near the Jama
Masjid in Srinagar, he was killed in
Ghulam Qadir Khan: Belonged to this random firing shouting slogan
Mohallah Bahandin, distt. Srinagar, against the Maharaja. [File No. IV, 8;
Jammu and Kashmir. Taking part in MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF,
the political movement for Vol.1, p.400]
responsible government in Jammu
and Kashmir State, he joined the Ghulam Rasool Sheikh: Born in 1903 in
demonstration outside the Central distt. Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu
Jail in Srinagar to protest against the and Kashmir; s/o Qadir Sheikh.
detention of Abdul Qadeer Khan When the people of Islamabad
(arrested on 25 June 1931) ñ a observed a complete hartal on 23
prominent leader of the agitation. September 1931 to register their
When the demonstrators waited protest against the arrest of Sheikh
outside the jail, five of them were Mohammad Abdullah ñ a prominent
suddenly arrested by the police at the leader of the movement for
instance of the Governor. The arrests responsible government ñ he (a
so infuriated the demonstrators that tailor) took part in the protest
they began to raise anti-government demonstration organized at Shopian
slogans, demanded the immediate (Anantnag). While the vociferous
release of their leader, and also procession was moving on, the State
sought the permission for watching military force intervened to stop it ñ
the proceedings of the trial. Instead to the resentment of the protestors.
of giving permission, the Governor In the ensuing clash between the two,
(Trilok Chand) ordered the police to the military force suddenly opened
open fire on them. In the police firing indiscriminate firing on the rallyists
on 13 July 1931 Ghulam Qadir Khan in which Ghulam Rasool Sheikh was
was fatally wounded and died of killed on the spot at the age of 28.
injuries on that very day at the age [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
of 22. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10; WWIM, II,
Srinagar; The Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC, pp. 299-300; HMKJAMH, p. 329]
pp.88-89; KFFF, pp. 373-9; FSK, pp.
48; HMKJAMH, p.326] Ghulam Rasool Wani: Born in 1872 in
v. Barasipora, distt. Baramulla,
Ghulam Rasool Hakroo: Born in 1903 in Jammu and Kashmir; s/o Maqsood
distt. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; Wani. A farmer and a participant in
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 243

the movement for responsible Ghulam Rasul Dora/Bakro: Resident of

government, he joined a protest rally Mohallah Gotapura, distt. Srinagar,
at Hindwara to protest against the Jammu and Kashmir. Taking part in
Maharajaís autocratic rule in the the political movement for
Jammu and Kashmir State. When the responsible government in Jammu
demonstrators were fired upon by and Kashmir State, he joined the
the State Army in February 1932, he demonstration outside the Central
was killed in the indiscriminate firing Jail in Srinagar on 13 July 1931 to
on the spot. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, protest against the detention of
J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.347] Abdul Qadeer Khan (arrested on 25
June 1931), a prominent leader of the
Ghulam Rasul Dar: Hailed from Mohallah agitation. When the demonstrators
Ahmad Kadal, distt. Srinagar, Jammu waited outside the jail, five of them
and Kashmir. Participating in the were suddenly arrested by the police
political movement for responsible at the instance of the Governor
government in Jammu and Kashmir (Trilok Chand). The arrests so
State, he joined the demonstration infuriated the protesters that they
outside the Central Jail in Srinagar began to raise anti-government
to protest against the detention of slogans, demanded the immediate
Abdul Qadeer Khan (arrested on 25 release of their leader, and also
June 1931), a prominent leader of the sought the permission for watching
agitation. When the demonstrators his trial proceedings. Instead of
waited outside the jail, five of them giving permission, the Governor
were arrested by the police without ordered the police to open fire on
provocation at the instance of the them. Ghulam Rasul Dora/ Bakro
Governor. The arrests so infuriated received fatal wounds in the firing
the demonstrators that they began and died on the same day at the age
to raise anti-government slogans, of 27. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
demanded the immediate release of Srinagar; The Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC,
their leader, and also sought the pp.88-89; KFFF, pp. 373-9; FSK, pp.
permission for watching the 48]
proceedings of the trial. Instead of
giving permission, the Governor Ghulam Shah: Resident of Humeerpoor
(Trilok Chand) ordered the police to [Hamirpur], the North-Western
open fire on them. In the police firing Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Ghulam Rasul Darzi was killed on the participated in the Uprising of 1857
spot on 13 July 1931at the age of 23. and fought against the British forces
[File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, at various places in the Hamirpur
Srinagar; GCR, c.f. FSK, pp. 48, 73; region; he was captured during the
The Hindu, 28 July 1931; AC, pp.88- British re-occupation of the
89; KFFF, pp. 373-9; HMKJAMH, p. Hamirpur area, and charged with
324] ëplundering and rebellion against the
Britishí, he was sentenced to death
244 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

with confiscation of property in 1858 Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the

and hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny Contingent Guards of the Agra
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, Central Prison; he left the British
UPRAA] service during the Uprising of 1857
and joined hands with the rebels of
Ghuman Singh: Resident of v. Bilali, the Agra region; he assisted the rebel
(teh.) Bansoor, Alwar State (now forces in several armed confronta-
distt. Alwar), the Rajputana Agency tions in the Agra-Mathura area; he
(now Rajasthan); Rajput. He was killed by the advancing British
participated in the kisan agitatorsí army at the time its raids on the
meeting held at Neemuchana on 14 rebels in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra
May 1925 to remonstrate against the Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Maharajaís mal-administration and Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
his land settlement policy of 1923-24.
In this settlement the Biswedari rights Ghumroo: Hailed from Unnao, the
of the Rajputs were forfeited and the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
land revenue had been increased by Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
fifty per cent. Though all agricultu- soon after the outbreak of the 1857
rists were affected adversely by it, Uprising; along with his fellow
the Rajputs suffered the most. rebels, he marched towards Delhi
Hearing the news of this gathering, while fighting against the British
the Maharaja sent his State Army to forces; he escaped to his region after
counter the rallyists at Neemuchana. the British re-occupation of Delhi in
The troops surrounded the village, September 1857; he died in 1858 while
blocked all the escape routes from it resisting the advancing British army
and opened fire on the protesters in the Unnao region. [Mutiny
without any prior warning of Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta,
dispersal. Many of the agitators, UPRAA]
including Ghuman Singh, received
severe gun shots in the indiscriminate Ghunu Singh: Resident of Belaunja, the
firing and Ghuman Singh died of North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
these. Simultaneously, the village Pradesh); s/o Bustee Rai; Bhaut; he
was also set on fire by the State was under the service of the 23 rd
troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 Regiment Native Infantry of the
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June British army but left the service and
1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta joined the Uprising of 1857; he was
No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November caught by the British and charged
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, with ëdesertion and mutinyí; he was
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] sentenced to death and executed on
9 July 1857. [Mutiny Record,
Ghummoo: Belonged to Gutteah, Agra, Allahabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh); Sweeper; he was a Ghure Jogi: Resident of v. Tarauli, distt.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 245

Mathura, the United Provinces (now 1859, and his property was also
Uttar Pradesh). During the ìQuit confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
Indiaî movement, a protest Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
demonstration was taken out to UPSAL]
show public resentment against the
British rule. An active participant in Gian Singh Bisht: Resident of
the demonstration, he was arrested Uttaranchal, enrolled in the Azad
when it headed for seizing the Thana. Hind Fauz (Indian National Army) as
While serving a sentence in jail he fell a Lieutenant, posted in Burma (now
ill under unhygienic circumstances, Myanmar) to confront the British,
and was taken to the hospital where and moving towards the Imphal
he died in 1942. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/ front, he and his men were sent to
30/42, NAI; SSKS, 25, p. bha] occupy a strategic hill near the Indo-
Burma border; engaged in a fierce-
Ghuttra: Belonged to Jhansi State, Uttar fighting with the British troops for
Pradesh; s/o Govind Dass; about two hours, they succeeded in
agricultural labourer; joined the anti- forcing the enemy to evacuate from
British rebel forces during the its position on 16 March 1945;
Uprising of 1857 in Jhansi; involved causalities on both sides were heavy
in the rebellion of the Kudhmaha, and Gian Singh, with more than forty
Elaqua and Gwalior areas; he was INA soldiers, lost his life in the battle.
arrested by the British troops at the [INA Papers, F.Nos.379/INA (1946);
time of their recovery of this area and NAI; WWIM, II, p.43]
charged with ësedition, aiding and
abetting the rebellioní, he was Gian Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
executed in April 1858. [Mutiny Division, the United Provinces (now
papers, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Uttarakhand); he was a Lance-Naik
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the
MSAB] British-Indian Army; he shifted his
loyalty to the Indian National Army
Ghuzenffur Hossein Khan: Belonged to in 1942 and served it as Naik in the
Furrukhabad [Farukhabad], the Ist Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar against the Allied forces in Burma
Pradesh); he joined hands with the (now Myanmar) he was killed in the
rebel forces in Farukhabad during battle field in 1944. [INA Papers,
the Uprising of 1857; he incited F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA (1946), NAI;
others to join the fight against the WWIM, II, p.98]
British and also provided them with
financial help; he was caught by the Giany: Born in the Oudh [Awadh]
British troops and sentenced to death Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
on the charges of ëtreason, murder joined hands with the rebel forces in
and rebellion against the British their fight against the British during
authorityí; he was executed in July the Uprising of 1857; he was captured
246 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

by the British troops during an Regiment of the British-Indian Army;

encounter in his village, and executed in 1942, he shifted his loyalty to the
by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Indian National Army and served it
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858- as soldier in the 3 rd Guerrilla
59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.46] Regiment; he fought against the
British led Allied Forces on the
Gilli Ram: Resident of v. Chandan, p.o. Burma (now Myanmar) front, he
Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur State died in the battlefield in 1944. [INA
(now in distt. Karauli), the Rajputana Papers, F.No.498/INA (1945), NAI;
Agency (now Rajasthan); previously WWIM, II, p.99]
he was employed as Sepoy in the 1/
8 Punjab Regiment of the British- Girdharee: Resident of Agra, the North-
Indian Army; he left it to join the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Indian National Army where he Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
served as Sepoy in the 2nd Guerrilla in the B. Company of the British-
Regiment; he fought against the Indian army; he left the British
Allied Forces on the Burma (now service during the Uprising of 1857
Myanmar) front and died fighting the and joined hands with the rebels for
enemy in 1944. [INA Papers, fighting against the British rule; he
F.No.498/INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, was caught in 1858 while resisting the
II, pp.98-99] British forces, and sentenced to
death on the charges of ëdesertion
Ginnon: Belonged to Allahabad, the and mutiny against the British
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
rebels in fighting the British forces Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
during the Uprising of 1857; he also
incited the local people to attack the Girdharee: Resident of the Oudh
British and plunder their properties; [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
he was caught by the British troops Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
at the time of their raids on the in the A. Company of the British-
Allahabad region, and convicted on Indian army; he left the British
the charges of ërobbery and rebellion service during the Uprising of 1857
against the Britishí; sentenced to and fought against the British at
death in July 1857, he was executed several places; he died in 1858 while
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, resisting the advancing British forces.
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.215] [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
Giraj Singh: Hailed from v. Jailgaon, (1858-59), UPSAL]
p.o. Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur
State (now in distt. Karauli), Girdhari Lal: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
he served as Sepoy in the 1/8 Punjab Pradesh); he took part in the armed
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 247

resistance against the firangi-hukumat he was sentenced to life

(British rule) during the Uprising of imprisonment with confiscation of
1857 and fought the British forces at property in 1859; he died in captivity.
different places in the Lucknow [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny
region; he was killed by the British Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
army in an encounter at Bailley (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857.
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Girwar Singh: Born in 1831, Rahatgarh,
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh Saugor (now Madhya Pradesh); s/o
(1858), UPSAL] Dev Singh; during the Uprising of
1857, joined the rebel forces under
Girdhari: Resident of distt. Benaras the leadership of Nawab Fazil Ali
(Varanasi), the United Provinces Mohammad Khan at Rahatgarh;
(now Uttar Pradesh). He was fought against Hugh Roseís British
arrested for participating in a force who came to re-occupy the
demonstration taken out in Rahatgarh fort in January 1958;
connection with the ìQuit Indiaî captured in the encounter and tried
movement. He was inhumanly for anti-British role, Girwar Singh
tortured in the jail by the police and was executed by hanging in the front
died there in August 1942. [H/poll gate of Rahatgarh fort on 29 January
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.114] 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. III, NAIB;
Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858),
Giriraj Singh: Born in v. Jailgaon, distt. MSAB]
Jaipur, Rajasthan; he was a soldier in
the 1/8 Punjab Regiment of the Girwur Singh: Resident of Shahjehanpor
British-Indian Army; later he shifted [Shahjahanpur], the North-Western
his loyalty to the newly established Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Indian National Army in 1942 and Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy
served as a soldier in its 3rd Guerrilla in the B. Company of the British-
Regiment; he was killed in action Indian army; he left the British
while resisting the British forces in service during the Uprising of 1857
Burma (now Myanmar) in 1944. [INA and joined hands with the rebels for
Papers, File No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM, fighting against the British rule; he
II, p.99] was caught in 1858 while
encountering the British forces, and
Girund: Resident of Humeerpoor sentenced to death on the charges of
[Hamirpur], the North-Western ëdesertion and mutiny against the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
joined the Uprising of 1857 and NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
incited others to fight against the Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
British forces; he was caught by the UPSAL]
advancing British army, and charged
with ërebellion against the Britishí; Gobind Singh: Resident of Banda, the
248 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar in the Kanpur region in 1857. [Mutiny

Pradesh); he took part in the Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta,
Uprising of 1857 and fought against UPRAA]
the British on various occasions in the
Banda region; he also incited the local Gokul Brahmin: Resident of Didonia,
people to plunder and seize the Bijawar State, the Central India
British property/treasury, and pass Agency (now Madhya Pradesh); took
the contents on to the rebels for part in agitations against the Bijawar
meeting their military expenses; he State Durbarís exorbitant land
was captured by the British troops revenue exaction from the peasants.
during their re-occupation of the Inspired by the peasant mobilization
Banda region, and charged with in the neighbouring Chhatarpur
ëplundering the Government State, he rallied about 150 peasants
property and rebellion with around him and took them to the
violenceí; he was sentenced to death Magistrate of Rampura to vent out
with confiscation of property in June their grievances. The Magistrate
1858 and hanged soon thereafter. responded by ordering the police to
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny open fire on them. The firing resulted
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 in a number of deaths and injuries,
(X) (1858), MSAB] and it killed Gokul on the spot.
[JBDR, pp.44-45]
Gobind: Resident of Aulumgung
[Alamganj], Agra, the North- Golab Singh: Resident of Bulandshahar,
Western Provinces (now Uttar the North-Western Provinces (now
Pradesh); he was a Naick [Naik] in Uttar Pradesh); participated in the
the A. Company of the British-Indian Uprising of 1857 and fought British
army; he left the British service authorities; he was arrested by the
during the Uprising of 1857 and British forces in the course an
fought against the British at several engagement and put on trial on the
places; he died in 1858 while resisting charge of ërebellion against the
the advancing British forces. [Mutiny British authorityí; sentenced to
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, imprisonment for life, he died in Jail
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- in 1859 while undergoing
59), UPSAL] imprisonment. [Mutiny Records,
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-
Gokool Chund: Belonged to Kanpur, the 59), UPSAL]
North-Western Provinces (now uttar
pradesh); he joined hands with the Golam Russool Khan: Resident of
rebels of his area during the Uprising Bijnaur, the North-Western
of 1857, and also incited the local Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
people to take up arms and attack the earlier he was a Sawar in the British-
firangis (British); he was killed while Indian Army, but left it during the
resisting the advancing British army Uprising of 1857 for taking part in
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 249

fighting the British troops in the Gadarwara, distt. Betul, the Central
Delhi-Haryana region; he was caught Provinces and Berar (now Madhya
by the British forces and convicted Pradesh); s/o Raoji Seth; retailer. He
of ëdesertion and mutiny against the participated in the ìQuit Indiaî
British authorityí; sentenced to movement from Chicholi, arrested
death, he was executed by hanging there on 21 August 1942 and put in
at Jhajar in 1857. [Mutiny Records, the Nagpur District Jail, he died in
Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.), F.No.3 detention in 1943. [PCJ Papers, Acc.
(1858), HSAP] No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA),
Golam Sufder Khan: Belonged to
Gwalior, (now in Madhya Pradesh); Gona Purangwa: Resident of Chhatarpur
Mughal; he went to Delhi and took state, the Central India Agency (now
part in fighting against the British at Madhya Pradesh). Took part in the
the time of the Uprising of 1857; he anti-state peasantsí movement
was caught by the British during their against the atrocities and feudal
re-occupation of Delhi in September exactions in Chhatarpur state.
1857, charged with ërebellion against Attended the peasantsí meeting at
the Britishí; he was sentenced to Singpur village (Charanpaduka
death and executed by hanging on 8 compound) on 15 January 1931. The
January 1858. [Mutiny Records, Judl. combined forces of the State and the
Deptt. (Delhi Div.), F.No.3 (1858), British Indian Army raided the
HSAP] meeting place and opened fire on the
gathering; it killed 7 persons,
Golami: Hailed from Allahabad, the including Gona Parangwa, and 26
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar others left wounded. [F/Poll; F.
Pradesh); he participated in fighting No.230 (1931); H/Poll; F.Nos.12-14
the British forces in Allahabad- (1931); 2 (41) (1931); 18-XII (1930); 18-
Fatehpur area during the Uprising of 31 (1931), NAI; CDG p.247-49]
1857; he also incited the local people
to plunder and seize the British Gonda: Resident of Kherwara in
wealth; he was caught by the British Udaipur (Mewar) State (now distt.
troops in the course of their raids on Udaipur), the Rajputana Agency (now
the Allahabad region, and charged Rajasthan); took part in the Bhagat
with ërobbery and rebellion against Bhil movement in southern Rajasthan
the Britishí; he was sentenced to that Govindgiri started in 1907,
death with confiscation of property preaching monotheism among the
in July 1857 and executed by hanging Bhils and Kolis of Dungarpur and
soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records, PP, Banswara States. Soon Govindgiriís
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.215] socio-religious endeavour changed
into a politico-economic movement,
Golman Seth: Born in 1897, resident of against the extraction of Begar (forced
Chichli (now Chicholi) teh. labour) and exploitation of the Bhils
250 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

by the petty officials of the administration and his land

Dungarpur and Banswara States and settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Sunth (a small state in Gujarat). settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Gonda was one among those Rajputs were forfeited and the land
thousands of Bhagat Bhils who tax had been increased by fifty per
joined this movement and warned cent. Though all agriculturists were
the Dungarpur and Banswara rulers affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
in the first week of November 1913, suffered the most. Hearing the news
either to remove the main grievance of the gathering of the peasant
of the Bhils or to face the agitators, the Maharaja sent his State
overthrowing of the Statesí authority Army to confront the rallyists at
to oppress and ill-treat them. The Neemuchana. The troops
militancy of the Bhils and their surrounded the village, blocked all
gathering in Mangarh hill so the escape routes from it and opened
unnerved the British that they sent fire on the protesters without any
their own troops along with those of prior warning. Many of the agitators,
the States to lay siege on Mangarh including Goodha, received severe
hill and disperse the gathering. On gun shots in the indiscriminate firing
17 November 1913 the combined and Goodha Singh died of these.
troops attacked the Bhil position and Simultaneously, the village was also
the tribesmen resisted shouting ëëJai set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
Guru Govind Maharajíí. They did Judl. F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
not give up till many of them were TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
injured, 900 captured and 25, Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
including Gonda, killed. The incident F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
did awaken the tribesmen so much RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
that Motilal Tejawat had not found F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
it difficult to mobilise them in 1921-
22 against forced labour and high rate Goolab Khan: Resident of the Nimar
of land revenue. [F/Poll. Proc. region, Madhya Pradesh; he fought
(Internal-A), Nos 8-67, March 1914; against the British forces at several
Nos.18-22, August 1914, NAI; places during the Uprising of 1857;
BMBSR, pp.20-21, 30-31, 39-41, 45-47 he was caught by the British in one
(referred in connection with the of their raids on the rebel forces in
incident)] the Nimar region, accused of ëmurder
and rebellioní; he was sentenced to
Goodha Singh: Resident of teh. transportation for life in 1858; he died
Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt. in captivity in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now Judl Deptt. Vol. 32 (1860), MSAB;
Rajasthan); Rajput. He took part in WWIM, III, p. 43]
the kisan meeting held at Neemuchana
on 14 May 1925 to remonstrate Goolab Shah: Resident of Bhopal,
against the Maharajaís oppressive Madhya Pradesh; he joined hands
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 251

with the rebels during the Uprising uttar pradesh); he took part in the
of 1857 and fought the British and Uprising of 1857 and also motivated
the allied forces at several places in others to rise against the firangi-
Bhopal; he also took part in the hukumat (British rule); he marched on
defence of the Rahatgarh fort against to Delhi, joined hands with the rebels
the British army; he was caught by there and fought the British troops;
the British after the fall of the fort he died while encountering the
and executed by hanging on 25 advancing British army in Delhi in
February 1858. [Mutiny papers, Vol. September 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll
II, NAIB] No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48
(V) (1858), MSAB]
Goolab Singh: Resident of Jhansee
[Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he fought Goolab: Resident of Garhakota, Saugor
against the British and participated (Sagar), Madhya Pradesh; he fought
in the plundering of their properties against the British forces at several
during the Uprising of 1857; he was places during the Uprising of 1857;
caught by the British forces in the he also supplied arms to the local
course of their operation against the rebels to fight the British rule; he was
rebels in 1859; he was sentenced to caught in the midst of an engagement
death in 1859 on the charges of by the British and executed by
ëplundering, murder and rebellion hanging on 5 March 1858. [Mutiny
against the Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Records, Poll Deptt. Vol. I, No. 43 B
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- (1859), MSAB]
59), UPSAL]
Goolah Singh: Resident of Kotealah,
Goolab Singh: Resident of the Oudh Agra, the North-Western Provinces
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar (now Uttar Pradesh); he was a Sepoy
Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was in the C. Company under the British-
a Sepoy in the A. Company of the Indian army; he left his service
British-Indian army; he left the during the Uprising of 1857 and
British service during the Uprising joined hands with the rebels for
of 1857 to join the rebels of his area fighting against the British rule; he
to take part in the fight against the was caught in 1858 while confronting
British rule; he fought against the the advancing British forces, and
British at several places; and died in sentenced to death on the charges of
1858 while resisting the advancing ëdesertion and mutiny against the
British forces. [Mutiny Records, British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-59), Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Goolam Ali Khan: Belonged to Agra,
Goolab: Resident of Allygurh [Aligarh], the North-Western Provinces (now
the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Pathan; he was a
252 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.60

Contingent Guards of the Agra (1859), MSAB]
Central Prison; he left the British
employment during the Uprising of Goondur Ally: Belonged to
1857 and joined the rebel forces of Mohanpoora, Gurruckpoor
the Agra region; he fought the British [Gorakhpur], the North-Western
on several occasions in the Agra- Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Mathura area; he was killed by the Sheikh; he joined hands with the
advancing British army in the midst rebels of his area during the Uprising
of its raids on the rebels position in of 1857 and fought the British on
1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny several occasions; he was caught by
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 the British forces in the course of an
(IX) (1858), MSAB] encounter in the Gorakhpur region,
and hanged in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Goolaub: Resident of Jugunpoor, Agra, NWP, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh); Mullah; he was a Goonsaee: Hailed from v. Oorain,
Sepoy in the A. Company of the Mynpoori [Mainpuri], the North-
British-Indian army; he left the Western Provinces (now Uttar
British service during the Uprising Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was
of 1857 and fought against the British a Sepoy in the Permanent Armed
at several places; he died in 1858 Guard at the Agra Central Prison; on
while resisting the advancing British his being deputed at Bulandshahar
forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra on escort duty, he left the British
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. service in June 1857 to participate in
Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] the Uprising of 1857. Along with the
other rebels, he marched towards
Goomanee: Born in Gushaen, Mynpoory Delhi and joined their struggle
[Mainpuri], the North-Western against the British; he died while
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o fighting against the advancing British
Moolay; Thakoor [Thakur]; he took army in defence of Delhi in
part in the fight against the British September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
during the Uprising of 1857; he also Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny
offered financial support to the Papers, Coll. No. 57, NAI]
rebels of his area for buying arms and
to attack the British establishments; Goordial: Resident of Shahjehanpor
he was captured after the British re- [Shahjahanpur], the North-Western
occupation of this area and charged Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
with ëplundering the Government Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the B.
property and rebellion against the Company of the British-Indian army;
Britishí; he was sentenced to death he left the British service during the
in 1861 and executed by hanging. Uprising of 1857 to join hands with
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, the rebels of his area and fight
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 253

against the British rule; he was with the rebels of his area during the
caught in 1858 while resisting the Uprising of 1857 and fought against
British forces, and sentenced to the British on several occasions; he
death on the charges of ëdesertion was caught by the British forces in
and mutiny against the British the midst of an encounter in the
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Gorakhpur region, and hanged in
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]

Goordut: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] Gopal Roy: Belonged to Cheterkonee,

Province (now in Uttar Pradesh); Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the A. Western Provinces (now Uttar
Company of the British-Indian army; Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he
he left the British service during the fought the British forces at several
Uprising of 1857 and fought against places in Ghazipur during the
the British at several places; he died Uprising of 1857; he also supported
in 1858 while resisting the advancing the rebels financially for buying arms
British forces. [Mutiny Records, to attack the British establishments;
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; he was caught by the British after
Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-59), their re-occupation of the Ghazipur
UPSAL] region, and executed by hanging in
1859. [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur
Goordyal: Belonged to Agra, the North- Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his Gopal Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
locality during the Uprising of 1857, Division, the United Provinces (now
and also incited others to take part Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
in attacking the firangi-hukumat 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
(British rule); fighting the British at Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
different places in Agra, he was to the Indian National Army in 1942
caught by the British troops in an and served it as Sepoy in the I st
engagement; accused of ësedition, Bahadur Group; he fought the British
murder and rebellion against the forces at several places in Burma
Britishí, he was sentenced to death (now Myanmar) and died in action
in 1858 with confiscation of his in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
property, and executed by hanging 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra p.101]
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Gopal: Resident of Unnao, the North-
Goorshoy: Belonged to Mahomedabad, Western Provinces (now Uttar
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the Pradesh); he took part in the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Uprising of 1857 and fought the
Pradesh); Aheer; he joined hands British forces at various places in the
254 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Unnao-Kanpur region; he also incited Diwan ñ Meghwan Bohra) to register

others to attack the British their protest. As a reprisal, the State
establishments and plunder their officials ordered the police to open
properties; he was killed during an fire on them. Gopilal was seriously
encounter with the British army in injured in the firing among many
Unnao in 1857. [Mutiny Records, others, and died on the same day.
Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] [Sujas, No.4, June-July 1998, Jaipur,
Gopi Ram: Resident of v. Budhpura, p.o.
Dadri, distt. Bulandshahr, the United Goray Lal: Resident of v. Buapur, distt.
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He Etawah, the United Provinces (now
was a Sepoy in the Punjab Regiment Uttar Pradesh); s/o Khem Lal,
of the British-Indian Army before farmer. He died in police firing while
shifting loyalty to the Indian National taking part in a protest rally during
Army. On his joining to the INAís 3rd the ìQuit Indiaî movement in August
Guerrilla Regiment as Naik, he was 1942. [H/Poll; F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
sent on the Burma front to take part WWIM, I, p.118; BCA, p. 118]
in the pitched battles against the
British troops. He was killed in the Goree Shunker: Resident of Kaimgung,
battle field near Pyinmara, Burma Furruckabad [Farrukhabad], the
(now Myanmar) in March 1945. [INA North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Papers, F. No. 403/INA, NAI; ROH, Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the B.
pp. 688-689 WWIM, II, p.102] Company of the British-Indian army;
he left the British service during the
Gopilal Mahaeshwari: Resident of Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
Bundi (city), Bundi State (now distt. with the rebel forces against the
Bundi), the Rajputana Agency (now British rule; he was caught in 1858
Rajasthan). When the Bhatiyani Rani while resisting the advancing British
of Bundi State died in 1931, Ramnath troops, and sentenced to death on the
Kudal was asked to cut his hair and charges of ëdesertion and mutiny
perform the rite of cremation as per against the British authoritiesí.
the practice of Begar in the State. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
Ramnath refused to cut his hair and Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
also to take part in the cremation rite (1858-59), UPSAL]
as Begar. On the order of the ruler,
the police arrested Ramnath, tied him Gorishankar Singh: Hailed from v.
with a rope and dragged him by a Neemuchana, teh. Bansoor [Bansur],
horse. Ramnath could not bear the Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), the
wounds and died. After his death a Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
public meeting was held in the market Shekhawat. He took part in a kisan
of Bundi town, and its participants, meeting at Neemuchana on 14 May
including Gopilal, marched in a 1925 to remonstrate against the
procession to Mahakma Khas (office of Maharajaís mal-administration and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 255

his land settlement policy of 1923-24. the Maharaja sent his State Army to
In this settlement the Biswedari rights counter the rallyists at Neemuchana.
of the Rajputs were forfeited and the The troops surrounded the village,
land revenue had been increased by blocked all the escape routes from it
fifty per cent. Though all and opened fire on the protesters
agriculturists were affected adversely without any prior warning of
by it, the Rajputs suffered the most. dispersal. Goru Singh received fatal
Hearing the news of this peasant bullet wounds in the indiscriminate
gathering, the Maharaja sent his State firing and died on the spot.
Army to counter the rallyists at Simultaneously with this firing, the
Neemuchana. The troops village was set on fire by the State
surrounded the village, blocked all troops. [Alwar Judl; F.No. 315-J/23
the exit points from it and opened of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June
fire on the protesters without any 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta
prior warning of dispersal. No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November
Gorishankar Singh was seriously 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No 706,
injured in the firing and died on the F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
same day. Simultaneously with this
assault, the village was set on fire by Goru/Gora: Born in 1907, v. Kasmda,
the State troops. [Alwar Judl; F.No. distt. Uttar Kashi, Garhwal Division,
315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, United Provinces (now in
14 June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Uttarakhand); he was supportive of
Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 the local agriculturistsí discontent in
November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, the Tehri-Garhwal State over sudden
Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), increase in land revenue and
NAI] imposition of taxes on forest lands
and cattle-grazing fields. The
Goru Singh: Hailed from v. Gioori, teh. discontentment resulted in the arrest
Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State (now of some peasant leaders on 20 May
distt. Alwar), the Rajputana Agency 1930 in Teladi. When a village mob
(now Rajasthan); Shekhawat. He gathered to oppose the arrests, the
participated in a meeting of the kisan police resorted to firing on it, killing
agitators held at Neemuchana on 14 two. The killings so inflamed the
May 1925 to protest against the villagers that they convened a protest
Maharajaís mal-administration and meeting next day (21 May) on the
his land settlement policy of 1923-24. Baman Teladi maidan to give vent
In this settlement the Biswedari rights to their feelings. Goru/Gora joined
of the Rajputs were forfeited and the this civilian protest meeting which
land revenue had been increased by was soon surrounded by the armed
fifty per cent. Though all forces of the Durbar under its
agriculturists were affected adversely Dewan, Chakradhar. The meeting
by it, the Rajputs suffered the most. dispersed when it was fired upon by
Hearing the news of this gathering, the State forces, and later on 17 of its
256 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

peasant-participants were killed near in 1860 at Bareilly. [Mutiny Records,

the Jamuna river, including Goru/ Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
Gora. [H/Poll; F.No. 23/54/1930, Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
23/58/1930, NAI; WWIM, II, p.103;
SSKS, GD, p.1] Govind Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
Division, the United Provinces (now
Gouri Shankar Rai: Belonged to v. Uttarakhand); he was a Lance-Naik
Madhubani, distt. Ballia, the United in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o British-Indian Army; shifted his
Ram Brikch Rai. He took part in a loyalty to the Indian National Army
demonstration marching towards in 1942 where he was posted as Naik
Bairiya Police Station during the in the Ist Guerrilla Regiment; while
ìQuit Indiaî movement. When the fighting against the British forces in
demonstrators were fired upon by Burma (now Myanmar) he was killed
the police, Gouri Shankar Rai on the battle ground in 1944. [INA
received severe bullet wounds and Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA
died on the spot on 18 August 1942. (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.104]
[H/poll; F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; BCA,
p. 113] Govind: Born in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh;
he joined the rebel forces under the
Gouri Shankar Sonar: Born on 26 leadership of Khan Bahadur Khan
January 1923 in v. Sukhpura, distt. (the rebel leader of the Rohilkhand
Ballia, the United Provinces (now region), and took part in fighting
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Jamuna Ram. A against the British at several places
businessman by profession, he during the 1857 Uprising; he was
participated in the ìQuit Indiaî caught by the advancing British army
movement. He was fatally wounded and executed by hanging in 1860 at
in the police firing while Bareilly. [Mutiny Records, Mutiny
demonstrating against the British Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
rule. He died on the spot in August NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III,
1942. [H/poll; F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; pp.68.69]
BCA, p. 121; WWIM, I, p.118]
Gowara Sahu: Hailed from V. Kanki,
Govind Singh: Resident of Bareilly, distt. Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh; s/
Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel o Upakga Gowara; educated in a local
forces under the leadership of Khan school up to the primary standard;
Bahadur Khan (the rebel ruler of the agriculturalist. Took a leading role
Rohilkhand region) during the in the Flag Satyagraha at Nagpur in
Uprising of 1857, and participated in 1923; involved in the anti-British
fighting against the British forces at demonstration in Balaghat in support
a number of places; he was captured of the ìQuit Indiaî movement in
by the British army advancing on 1942. Arrested in August 1942; and
Rohilkhand and executed by hanging sentenced to 12 monthsí imprison-
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 257

ment, he fell critically ill in the jail served it as Naik in the Ist Guerrilla
and died after his release on medical Regiment; while fighting against the
grounds. [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, British forces in Burma (now
F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA), NAI; Myanmar) he died on the battle
MPSSZB, EBIFF, 1, p.341] ground in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos.
1/INA, 379/INA (1946), NAI;
Gowrah: Resident of Humeerpoor WWIM, II, p.105]
[Hamirpur], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Grecee Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor,
joined the rebels during the Uprising Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
of 1857 and fought against the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
British; he also incited the local people Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he
to raise their arms against the firangis joined hands with the rebels of his
(British) and overthrow their area during the Uprising of 1857 and
exploitative rule; he was killed in an fought against the British on several
engagement with the British troops occasions; he was caught by the
in 1858; his property was confiscated British during an encounter in the
later on. [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur, Gorakhpur region, and hanged in
Bundle No. 4, UPRAA] 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Gowurdhan: Belonged to v. Keerwarba, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Muttra [Mathura], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Gried Singh: Belonged to Kotwali,
Pradesh); he participated in the Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh; s/o Luchee
Uprising of 1857 and assisted the Singh; he joined hands with the
rebel forces in plundering the British rebels of his area during the Uprising
properties; he was caught by the of 1857 and marched towards Delhi
British after the defeat of the rebels while fighting against the British
and charged with ëplundering the forces; he returned to his region after
Government property during the the fall of Delhi in September 1857;
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death he was caught by the British after
in 1859 and executed by hanging. their re-occupation of this area and
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny hanged in 1859 on the charges of
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 ëmurder and rebellion against the
(IX) (1858), MSAB] Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Grajpal Singh: Inhabitant of the Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Garhwal Division, the United
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); earlier Gujandhur Teewary: Belonged to the
he was a Lance-Naik in the 5/18 Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh; he
Garhwal Rifles of the British-Indian was a Sepoy in the 52 nd Native
Army but shifted his loyalty to the Infantry of the British-Indian army,
Indian National Army in 1942, and but left his service during the
258 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Uprising of 1857 and joined hands Belonged to the former Tonk State
with the rebels of his area; he was (now in distt. Tonk), the Rajputana
caught by the British in the course of Agency (now Rajasthan); Gunner in
an engagement; he was blown away the Tonk State Army; joined the rebel
with a cannon on 10 October 1857 at soldiers of Tonk State Army who
Narsinghpur. [Mutiny Records, revolted against the Tonk Nawab
narrative of Events, 5-11 October and the Britishers; he marched with
1857, Narsinghpur Collectorate, the rebels towards Delhi in 1857 to
MPSAB] join the Mughal Emperor in battles
against the British at several places;
Gujjoo: Belonged to Allahabad, North- Gul Mohammed died while fighting
Western Provinces (now Uttar against the British forces in Delhi in
Pradesh); he was a Kidmatgar 1857. [F/ Poll; F.No. 12, 1857, NAI;
[Khidmatgar] under the British, but MR; Sujas, No 4, June-July 1998,
left it during the Uprising of 1857 to Jaipur, p.80; RMSS, pp.8-12; RSG,
render his services to the rebels p.12]
fighting the British; he also incited
the local people to attack the British Gul Mohammed: Resident of Karauli,
and plunder their properties; he was Karauli State (now distt. Karauli), the
caught by the British troops at the Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
time of their marches on the younger brother of Risaldar Mehrab
Allahabad region, and convicted on Khan (the leader of rebel soldiers in
the charges of ërobbery and rebellion Kota State); Jamadar in the Kota State
against the Britishí; sentenced to Army; joined the military and civilian
death in July 1857, he was executed rising against the British rule in 1857
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, in Kota; fought in several battles
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.204] against the joint forces of the
Maharao (Kota ruler) and the British;
Gukul: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh participated in the attack on the
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar Agency House, Kota, on 15 October
Pradesh); he took part in the fighting 1857, in which Captain C.E. Burton
against the firangi-hukumat (British and his two sons were killed; Gul
rule) during the Uprising of 1857 and Mohammed was captured by the
also incited others to attack the Maharaoís soldiers and killed in
British establishments; he was killed March 1858. [F/Poll; F.Nos.1-2,
by the British army in the course of September 1858; F/Poll ëAí, Nos 428-
an encounter at Bailley Guard, 36, September 1860; F/Poll;
Lucknow, in November 1857. F.Nos.3146-47, December 1858, NAI;
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny RKSS, pp.124-43; Sujas, No 4, June-
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh July 1998, Jaipur, p.80; RMSS, pp.8-
(1858), UPSAL] 12; RSG, p.92]

Gul Mohammed Nishanchi, Hafiz: Gulab Rai: Resident of Amjhera State,

Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 259

Malwa region, the Central India days; caught by the enemy on 28

Agency, Indore, (now Madhya January 1858 and charged with
Pradesh); Dewan of Amjhera State; ërebellion against the Britishí, he was
he succeeded in organising a rebel executed by hanging at the Rahatgarh
force by assembling mercenaries, Fort on 29 January 1858. [Mutiny
patriots and deserters of the British- Papers, Vol. IV, NAIB; Poll Deptt,
Indian Army and the State-owned Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]
armies in July 1857 for throwing the
British out from the State; with Gulab Singh Gosain: Resident of
permission of his Highness Raja Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western
Bakhtawar Singh (ruler of Amjhera), Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took
he invaded and occupied the part in the Uprising of 1857 and
Bhopawar Political Agency (British joined the rebel forces in their attacks
Residency of Amjhera State) on 3 on the British quarters; he was
July 1857; however, continuous caught by the British troops in the
political and military pressures from course of their raids and hanged
the powerful pro-British Indore State from a tree in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
of Holkar and Captain Hutchinson Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-
of the British troops, resulted in Raja 59), UPSAL]
Bakhtawar Singhís losing his nerves
and surrendering his Dewan, Gulab Gulab Singh: Hailed from Jabalpur,
Rai, to the British as the rebel leader Madhya Pradesh; s/o Luxman Singh;
responsible for plundering and studied up to VII standard; attracted
devastating the British Residency by the August Kranti of 1942, he
properties at Bhopawar; the hero of joined the anti-British protest
Amjhera State became overnight a demonstrations on 19 September
political victim of his weak ruler; he 1942. Following a scuffle with the
was hanged till death on 11 July 1857. police force, the protestors were
[Mutiny Papers, II, NAIB; WWIM, III, indiscriminately fired upon; Gulab
p.43; ROCIM, pp. 141-42] Singh was seriously injured in the
police firing, hospitalised for some
Gulab Shah: Born in 1798, Bhopal State time and passed away on 5
(now Madhya Pradesh); s/o Sheith November 1942. [PCJ Papers, Acc.
Shah; joined the anti-British rebel No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA),
forces of the Nawab of Ambapani; NAI; MPSSZB, EBIFF, I, p.351]
participated in attacking and
throwing out the Britishers from Gulab Singh: Hailed from v. Pago, distt.
Ambapani, Sehore and Rahatgarh Tehri Garhwal, Garhwal Division,
areas in 1857; when the British the United Provinces (Uttarakhand);
reinforcement under Hugh Rose a Sepoy in the 18th Garhwal Rifles of
came to re-occupy the Rahatgarh fort the British-Indian Army, he left it in
on 24 January 1858, Gulab Shah 1942 and joined the Indian National
fought furiously against it for four Army in 1942 as a Sepoy in its 3rd
260 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Guerrilla Regiment; fought against escape and moved towards Nepal;

the British forces on the Burma (now later on, he was reported to have
Myanmar) front; died in an encounter been killed by the British forces near
with the enemy in 1945 [INA Papers, the Nepal boarder in 1858. [Mutiny
F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA (1945), Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM, II, NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
p.107; EBIFF, I, p.351]
Gulaooden: Hailed from Hinduan, a
Gulam Rassool: Belonged to Futtehpore town in Jaipur State (now in distt.
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Sawai Madhopur), the Rajputana
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Agency (now Rajasthan); took part
participated in the Uprising of 1857, in the 1857 Uprising in Jaipur State
and also encouraged his neighbours and was arrested; the Jaipur State
to fight against the British rule; he troops stationed at Hinduan became
was captured by the British during rebellious in the meantime and
their re-occupation of Fatehpur in rescued Gulaooden and other rebels;
1857, and hanged soon thereafter. he was soon re-captured and sent to
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Agra by the Political Agent of Jaipur.
Basta, UPRAA] Gulaooden was tried at Agra and
executed. [F/Cons, S.C 30 April
Gulam Sheikh: Resident of Allahabad, 1858/149-150 A, NAI; Mil/Deptt.
the North-Western Provinces (now No. M-06-1 (Pts.) Pad No.1/2, F. No.
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebels 01, Pt.5/3, Jaipur State Records, RSAB
of his locality during the Uprising of cited in RSG, V 2, pp.90-91]
1857 to take part in fighting the
British; he also participated in seizing Guleen: Hailed from Raipur, aroused by
the British treasury and using its the speech that Hanuman Singh,
contents for buying arms; he was Magazine Lashkar in the British
caught by the British troops in course Army (who assassinated Major
of their marches on Allahabad, and Cidwel at his residence on 18 January
hanged from a tree in 1857 on the 1858) delivered a speech before a
charges of ëlooting and rebellion sepoy audience on the same day;
against the Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Guleen joined the rebel soldiers in
Allahabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Raipur; took part in the killing of
British army officers; with 16 other
Gulan Singh: Belonged to v. Birua, rebel soldiers, he was arrested by the
Seetapore [Sitapur], the North- British; tried, convicted and
Western Provinces (now Uttar sentenced to death; hanged in Raipur
Pradesh); he participated in attacking on 22 January 1858. [Parliamentary
and plundering the British in his area Papers ñ reg. Mutiny further Papers,
during the Uprising of 1857; while No.4, 1857-58, NAI, CKI, 1740-1947,
the British troops were conducting a p.171]
raid on his village, he managed to
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 261

Guli Rai: Born in 1902 at v. Chaura, distt. Regiment as Sepoy. He was killed
Ballia, the United Provinces (now while he was confronting the British
Uttar Pradesh). He took part in the forces in 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.379
agitation taking place in his native (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p. 107]
place in Ballia during the ìQuit Indiaî
movement of 1942. He was beaten Guman Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
to death in a protest rally that the Division, the United Provinces (now
police indiscriminately lathi-charged. Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
[H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
RORCG; WWIM, I, p.284; BCA, p. 119] Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
to the Indian National Army in 1942
Gulzar: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh and served it as Sepoy in the I st
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar Guerrilla Regiment; he fought
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces against the British forces at several
during the Uprising of 1857 and places in Burma (now Myanmar) and
participated in attacking and was killed in action in 1944. [INA
plundering the British quarters; he Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA
died while fighting against the (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.108]
British army at Qaiserbagh,
Lucknow, in March 1858. [Mutiny Guman: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
UPRAA] Pradesh); he joined hands with the
rebels of his locality during the
Gulzari Lal: Resident of Kalhi, Jabalpur, Uprising of 1857 and fought the
Madhya Pradesh; s/o Kunji Lal. He British forces in different
took part in the ìQuit Indiaî engagements; he was killed by the
movement in 1942; active in his British army in an encounter at
locality, he was arrested and Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in
sentenced to imprisonment. Put in November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
the Jabalpur District Jail; he was Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
subjected to severe physical tortures, Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
resulting in his death in detention in
1930. [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, Gumbheeru: Resident of distt.
F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA), NAI; Futtehpore [Fatehpur], the North-
MPSSZB, EBIFF, I, p.384] Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); took part in the Uprising
Gulzi Ram: Resident of v. Khora, Alwar of 1857 and fought against the British
State (now distt. Alwar), Rajputana in Fatehpur and its surrounding
Agency (now Rajasthan); served as areas; he also plundered the British
Sepoy in the 7/8 Punjab Regiment of treasury in the locality and passed
the British-Indian Army; he shifted the booty on to the rebel forces for
his loyalty to the Indian National defraying their military expenses; at
Army and served in its 3rd Guerrilla the time of the British re-occupation
262 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

of the area, he was caught by the in their fighting against the British;
authorities and put on trial for he was caught at the time of a
ëplundering and rebellion against British advance into the Banda
the Britishí; sentenced to transpor- region and charged with ëmutiny
tation for life in 1859, he died in and murder of Europeansí;
jail before the commencement of sentenced to death in July 1858 with
sentence. [Mutiny Records, Abst. confiscation of his property; he was
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), executed by hanging. [Mutiny
UPSAL] Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
Gunduroo: Born in 1870 in v. Dhakara, (1858), MSAB]
Patti Kamla, distt. Uttarkashi,
Garhwal Division, the United Gunesh: Born in Mynpoory [Mainpuri],
Provinces (now in Uttarakhand); the North-Western Provinces (now
s/o Sagroo. He actively participated Uttar Pradesh); Burhaee [Barahi]; he
in the Civil Disobedience movement took part in the fight against the
in 1930, and was arrested by the British during the Uprising of 1857;
Tehri-Garhwal State police in this he also offered financial support to
connection. Sent to Tehri jail, he died the rebels of his area for buying arms
in imprisonment in 1932. [H/Poll, and attacking the British establish-
F.No. 23/54/1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; ments; he was captured by the British
SSKS GD, 14, p.2] forces, and charged with ëplundering
the Government property and
Gunesh Pathak: Resident of the North- rebellion against the Britishí; Gunesh
Western Provinces (now Uttar was sentenced to death in 1860 and
Pradesh); he participated in the executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Uprising of 1857, and encountered Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
the British forces at several places in UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
Etawah; he also offered financial (1858), MSAB]
support to the local people and
encouraged them to attack the firangis Gunesh: Resident of Banda, the North-
(British); he was killed while resisting Western Provinces (now Uttar
the advancing British army in the Pradesh); he participated in the
Etawah region in 1858. [Mutiny Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta, the British forces in the Banda region;
UPRAA] he also provided financial support to
the local rebels and encouraged them
Gunesh Singh: Resident of Banda, the to attack and kill the firangis
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar (British) and their faithfuls; he was
Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the 6th caught during the British advance
Native Infantry of the British-Indian in Banda, charged with ëmurder,
Army, left it during the Uprising of aiding and abetting the rebellion
1857 and joined hands with the rebels against the Britishí, and sentenced
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 263

to death with confiscation of his soon after the outbreak of the 1857
property in June 1858; he was Uprising; along with his associates he
executed by hanging thereafter. marched towards Delhi while
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny fighting against the British forces; he
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. escaped to his region after the British
No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB] re-occupation of Delhi in September
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting
Gunesh: Resident of Peepul Mundee, the advancing British army in the
Agra, the North-Western Provinces Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/
(now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59),
was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with UPSAL]
the Contingent Guards of the Agra
Central Prison; he left the British Gunga Deen: Hailed from Jalaun, the
employment during the Uprising of North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
1857 and joined hands with the rebels Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a
of the Agra region; he fought the Havildar [Hawaldar] in the Armed
British troops in several engage- Guards Contingent at the Agra
ments in the Agra-Mathura area; he Central Prison; he left the British
was killed by the advancing British service in June 1857 for joining the
forces during their attacks on the Uprising of 1857. Along with his
rebels in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra comrades, he marched towards Delhi
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, and took part in the fight against the
Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB] British; he was killed during an
encounter with the advancing British
Guneshee: Hailed from Allygurh army in the Delhi region in
[Aligarh], North-Western Provinces September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
(now Uttar Pradesh); he took part in Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny
the Uprising of 1857 and also Papers, Coll No. 57, NAI]
encouraged others to raise their arms
for overthrowing the firangi-hukumat Gunga Deen: Resident of Koonani,
(British rule); he marched on to Delhi, Jaloun, the North-Western Provinces
joined hands with the rebels there (now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he
and fought the British troops; he was was a Havildar [Hawaldar] in the A.
caught by the British after their re- Company of the British-Indian army;
occupation of Delhi, and charged he left the British service during the
with ësedition and rebellion against Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the Britishí; he was sentenced to the British at several places in his
death and executed in 1857. [Mutiny region; he died in 1858 while resisting
Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.) the advancing British forces. [Mutiny
F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-
Guneshwa: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar 59), UPSAL]
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
264 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Gunga Din: Resident of Humeerpoor and joined the rebelsí fighting against
[Hamirpur], the North-Western the British; he died while resisting
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he the advancing British army in the
took part in the Uprising of 1857 and Delhi region in September 1857.
fought against the British forces at [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
various places; he also incited the UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57,
neighbourhod to raise its arms NAI]
against the firangis (British) and their
loyalists; he was caught by the British Gunga Pershaud: Hailed from Bareilly,
troops at the time of their Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel
reoccupation of the Hamirpur region, forces soon after the outbreak of the
and charged with ësedition and 1857 Uprising; along with his fellow
rebellion against the Britishí; rebels, he marched towards Delhi
sentenced to death with confiscation while fighting against the British
of his property in 1859, he was forces; he escaped to his region after
executed by hanging. [Mutiny the British re-occupied of Delhi in
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, September 1857; he died in 1858 while
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) resisting the advancing British army
(1858), MSAB] in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny
Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP
Gunga Din: Resident of Kanpur, the (1858-59), UPSAL]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he took part in the Gunga Ram: Resident of Futtehpore
Uprising of 1857, and fought against [Fatehpur], the North-Western
the British at several places in Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he
Kanpur; he also incited the local joined hands with the rebel forces
people to attack the British during the Uprising of 1857 and
provisions; he was killed while fought against the British at various
fighting against the advancing British places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur
army in the Kanpur region in 1857. region; he also provided financial
[Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny support to the local rebels and
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 encouraged them to attack and
(IX) (1858), MSAB] plunder the British offices; he was
killed by the British troops in the
Gunga Pershad: Resident of Agra, the course of an encounter in 1857.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Jemadar Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA]
[Jamadar] in the Armed Guards
Contingent at the Agra Central Gunga Singh: Hailed from Allygurh
Prison; he left the British service in [Aligarh], North-Western Provinces
June 1857 to participate in the (now Uttar Pradesh); he participated
Uprising of 1857. Along with his in the fighting against the British rule
comrades, he marched towards Delhi during the Uprising of 1857 and also
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 265

encouraged other people to raise Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),

arms and go for killing the firangis UPSAL]
(British); he moved in to Delhi, joined
the rebel forces there and fought the Gunga: Resident of Banda, the North-
British at several places; he was Western Provinces (now Uttar
caught by the British after the fall of Pradesh); he participated in the
Delhi, and charged with ësedition, Uprising of 1857 and fought against
murder and rebellion against the the British forces at several places in
Britishí; he was sentenced to death the Banda region; he was captured
and shot dead in 1857. [Mutiny during the British re-occupation of
Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.) the Banda area, and charged with
F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] ëplundering and rebellion against the
Britishí, he was sentenced to death
Gunga Singh: Inhabitant of a village in in May 1858 and hanged soon
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
joined the rebel forces of his area Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
during the Uprising of 1857 and
fought against the British army at a Gungadeen: Hailed from Allahabad,
number of places in the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Muzaffarnagar region; he was Pradesh); he was a Nujeeb [Najib]
captured by the British in the thick under the British authority, but left
of an encounter, and sentenced to it to participate in fighting the British
death on the charges of ëmurder and forces in Allahabad-Fatehpur area
rebellion against the Britishí; he was during the Uprising of 1857; he also
executed on the gallows in 1857. incited local people to plunder and
[Mutiny Records, Muzaffarnagar seize the British wealth; he was
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, caught by the British troops during
p.98] their attacks on the Allahabad area,
and charged with ësedition and
Gunga Singh: Resident of Furrukhabad rebellion against the Britishí; he was
[Farukhabad], the North-Western sentenced to death with confiscation
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); of property in July 1857 and executed
earlier he was a Subedar in the 41st by hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny
Native Infantry of the British-Indian Records, PP, Further Paper No.1;
army; left it during the Uprising of TIM, p.206]
1857 and took part in the fighting
against the British in the Farukhabad Gungadhur: Resident of Murahi-
region; caught by the British during Churdha, the Saugor (Sagar) region,
an engagement, he was charged with Madhya Pradesh; Lambardar; he led a
ëdesertion, murder and rebellioní; he group of rebels during the Uprising
was sentenced to death and executed of 1857 and fought the British forces;
in July 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. he was caught by the British troops
266 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

in the course of an encounter and 1857 and fought the British forces on
executed by hanging in 1857. [Mutiny several occasions; caught by the
Records, F/Poll. Consutations nos. British troops during an engagement,
581-92, 30 Oct (1857), NAI] he was executed by hanging on 23
November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Gungapashard: Resident of Bah, Agra, Poll Deptt. F.No. 10B (1857), MPSAB;
the North-Western Provinces (now TFWI, I, p. 127]
Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a
Havildar [Hawaldar] in the A. Gunnaram: Resident of Ghazeepoor
Company of the British-Indian army; [Ghazipur], the North-Western
he left the British service during the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands Thakoor [Thakur]; he fought the
with the rebel forces to fight against British forces at several places in
the Companyraj; he fought against the Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857;
British at several places in his region; he was caught by the British after
he died in 1858 while resisting the their re-occupation of the Ghazipur
advancing British forces. [Mutiny region, and executed by hanging in
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, 1859. [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
59), UPSAL]
Gunnesh: Belonged to Allahabad, the
Gungooab: Resident of Banda, the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined in the fighting
Pradesh); he took part in the against the British during the
Uprising of 1857 and fought against Uprising of 1857, and also
the British forces at various places in encouraged his neighbours to attack
the Banda region; he also incited the the British establishments in
local people to raise their arms Allahabad; he was caught by the
against the firangis (British) and their British at the time of their raids on
loyalists; caught by the British troops the rebels in Allahabad, and charged
at the time of their advance in Banda, with ëmurder and rebellion against
and charged with ësedition and the Britishí; he was sentenced to
rebellion against the Britishí; he was death in July 1857, and hanged; his
sentenced to death with confiscation property was also confiscated.
of his property in July 1858; he was [Mutiny Records, PP, Further Paper
executed by hanging thereafter. No.1; TIM, p.223]
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, Gunnesh: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
No.43B (1859), MSAB] Pradesh; he joined the rebels of his
area soon after the outbreak of the
Gunjan Singh: Belonged to the 1857 Uprising; along with the fellow
Narsinghpur region, Madhya rebels, he marched towards Delhi
Pradesh; he joined the Uprising of fighting against the British forces; he
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 267

escaped to his region soon after the troops in the course of their advance
British re-occupation of Delhi in in Banda, and charged with
September 1857; he died in 1858 while ëplundering the Government
resisting the advancing British army property and rebellion against the
in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny Britishí; sentenced to death with
Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP confiscation of property in June
(1858-59), UPSAL] 1858; he was executed by hanging
soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
Gunnesh: Resident of the Oudh Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858),
Pradesh); Koomhar [Kumhar]; he MSAB]
was a Sepoy in the A. Company of
the British-Indian army; he left the Gur Narain: Resident of Lucknow, the
British service during the Uprising Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
of 1857 and fought against the British Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
on several occasions; he died in 1858 the rebels of his area during the
while resisting the advancing British Uprising of 1857 and fought the
forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra British forces on different occasions;
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. he died while confronting the
Proc. Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] British army at Bailley Guard,
Lucknow, in November 1857.
Gunni: resident of v. Kunsiya, Jabalpur, [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Madhya Pradesh; s/o Mohan Gond; Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc.
he participated in the Uprising of Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
1857 and fought against the British
in the Jabalpur region; he was caught Gur Sing: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh]
by the British in the course of an Province (now Uttar Pradesh);
encounter and sentenced to death on Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy
17 February 1858 on the charge of in the A. Company of the British-
ërebellion against the Britishí. Indian army; he left the British
[Mutiny Records, Poll F.No.3 (1858), service during the Uprising of 1857
MPSAB] and fought against the British at
several places; he died in 1858 while
Gunsoo: Resident of Banda, the North- resisting the advancing British forces.
Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
Pradesh); he participated in the Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
fighting against the British forces in (1858-59), UPSAL]
the Banda region during the Uprising
of 1857; he also participated in Gurbaksh Singh: Resident of v.
plundering the British property and Bahdara, p.o. Chhanir, Bikaner State
looting the Government treasury to (now distt. Bikaner), the Rajputana
meet the military expenses of the Agency (now in Rajasthan); formerly
rebels; he was caught by the British he was a Sepoy in the 7/6 Rajutana
268 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Rifles of British-Indian Army, but Western Provinces (now Uttar

shifted his loyalty to the Indian Pradesh); he joined the fighting
National Army in Malaya in 1942; he against the British during the
fought against the British forces on Uprising of 1857; he also provided
the Burma front as Sub-Officer in the financial aid to the local rebels and
INAís 1st Bahadur Group; he lost his incited them to attack the firangis
life in Burma (Myanmar) in the course (British); he was caught by the British
of heavy fighting in August 1944. troops in the course of an engagement
[INA Papers, F.Nos.460/INA, 12/ and was charged with ëmurder,
INA, 464/INA, 2/INA, NAI; WWIM, plundering and rebellioní; he was
II, p.109] sentenced to death with confiscation
of his property in August 1858, and
Gurdoo: Resident of Banda, the North- executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Western Provinces (now Uttar Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B
during the Rising of 1857 and fought (1859), MSAB]
against the British in Banda and its
surrounding areas; he was caught by Gurmuk Singh: Inhabitant of Lucknow,
the British army at the time of their the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
re-occupying of the area; convicted Uttar Pradesh); he fought the British
of the charge of ërebellion against the forces at different places in Lucknow
Britishí, he was sentenced to trans- during the Uprising of 1857 and also
portation for life in 1859, but died in incited others to storm the British
jail before the commencement of establishments; he was killed while
sentence. [Mutiny Records, Abst. confronting the British army at
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), Qaiserbhagh, Lucknow, in March
UPSAL] 1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Gurga: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces Gurwar Singh: Belonged to Unnao, the
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uprising; along with his comrades in Pradesh); he took part in the
arms, he marched towards Delhi Uprising of 1857 and fought the
fighting against the British; he British forces on various occasions in
escaped to his region after the British the Unnao-Kanpur region; he also
re-occupation of Delhi in September participated in the plundering of the
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting British properties; he was killed
the advancing British army in the during an encounter with the British
Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/ army in Unnao in 1857. [Mutiny
Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59), Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta,

Gurhoo: Resident of Banda, the North- Gussa Singh: Born in Gushaen,

Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 269

Mynpoory [Mainpuri], the North- with confiscation of property and

Western Provinces (now Uttar executed by hanging from a tree in
Pradesh); s/o Net Ram; Thakoor 1860. [Mutiny Records, Allahabad
[Thakur]; he took part in the Collectorate, Basta, UPRAA; Poll
fighting against the British during Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858),
the Uprising of 1857; he also offered MSAB]
financial support to the rebels of his
area for buying arms and for Gyadeen: Born in Ghazeepoor
attacking the British establishments; [Ghazipur], the North-Western
he was caught by the British after Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
the re-occupation of Mainpuri and joined the rebel forces and fought the
charged with ëplundering the British at several places in Ghazipur
Government property and rebellion during the Uprising of 1857; he was
against the Britishí; he was caught by the British after their re-
sentenced to death in 1861 and occupation of the Ghazipur region,
executed by hanging. [Mutiny and executed by hanging in 1859.
Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D Basta, UPRAA]
(1859), MSAB]
Gyadeen: Resident of Banda, the
Guturoo: Resident of Lucknow, the North-Western Provinces (now
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the Uprising of 1857 and plundered the
Uprising of 1857, and also British properties at various places
encouraged others to raise their arms in the Banda region; he was caught
against the British; he fought the by the British troops at the time of
British at different places, and died their re-occupation of Banda, and
in the battle of Chinhat, Lucknow, convicted on the charges of
on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny Records, ëplundering and rebellion against
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; QT] the Britishí, sentenced to death in
1858; he was executed by hanging
Guzunffor Allee: Resident of Allahabad, and his property was also
the North-Western Provinces (now confiscated thereafter. [Mutiny
Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
Uprising of 1857 and fought against UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
the British forces at various places in (1858), MSAB]
the Allahabad region; he also stood
by the local people in their fight Gyan Chund Sharma: Belonged to
against the British; he was captured Sisauli, Muzaffarnagar, the North-
during the British raids on the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Allahabad sector, and charged with Pradesh); Pandit; he participated in
ëmurder and rebellion against the the Uprising of 1857 and also incited
Britishí; he was sentenced to death others to join the rebel forces for
270 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

fighting against the British rule; he sentenced to death in 1859 and

was captured by the British soon hanged. [Mutiny Records,
after the defeat of the rebel forces Muzaffarnagar Mutiny Basta,
and charged with ësedition and UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.135]
rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 271

Habeeba: Born in 1833 in a village in Habib Dar:Born in 1902 in v. Kothpore,
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western distt. Anantnag, Jammu and
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); she Kashmir; s/o Shaban Dar. He joined
participated in the armed opposition the protest rally at Bijbihara
to the British rule during the (Anantnag) in 1934 held against the
Uprising of 1857, and also mobilised autocratic rule of the Maharaja during
her neighbourhood to raise its arms the movement for responsible
against the British; she was caught government in Jammu and Kashmir
when the British attacked the State. The rallyists were fired upon
Muzaffarnagar region, and executed by the State Army as soon as they
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, reached the market-place. Habib Butt
Muzaffarnagar Mutiny Basta, was killed in that firing on the spot.
UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.49] [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.69; EBIFF,
Habib Butt: Born in 1899 in distt. Vol.1, p. 173; HMKJAMH, p. 322]
Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir;
adopted s/o Khizr Butt. A Habib Kamrazi: Born 1899 in Bijbihara,
participant in the movement for distt. Anantnag, Jammu and
responsible government in Jammu Kashmir. A labourer; he joined the
and Kashmir. He joined a protest protest rally at Bijbihara (Anantnag)
rally against the tyrannical rule of the in 1934 held against the autocratic
Maharaja at Pulwama (Anantnag) in rule of the Maharaja. It grew out of
February 1934. When the State Army the political movement for
soldiers opened fire on the rallyists, responsible government in Jammu
he was killed in the firing on the same and Kashmir. The rallyists were fired
day. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, upon by the State Army soon as they
Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.115; WWIM, reached in the market-place. Habib
II, p.52; HMKJAMH, p. 323] Kamrazi was killed in that firing on
the spot. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
272 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.2, p.666; firing upon the rallyists. [File No. V,
WWIM, II, p.141; HMKJAMH, p. 326] 4; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
HMKJAMH, p. 331]
Habib Khan: Resident of Etawah, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Habib Wani: Born in 1901 in distt.
Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
area during the Uprising of 1857, and Samad Wani. When the people of the
fought against the British forces in district observed a complete hartal on
several engagements; he also offered 23 September 1931 to register their
financial support to the rebels and protest against the arrest of Sheikh
incited many others to attack the Mohammad Abdullah ñ a prominent
firangis (British); he died while leader of the movement for
resisting the advancing British army responsible government ñ he took
in the Etawah region in 1858. [Mutiny part in the protest rally organized at
Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta, Shopian (Anantnag). While the
UPRAA] vociferous procession was moving
on, the State military force intervened
Habib Ullah Saraf: Born in 1906 in distt. to stop it. In the ensuing clash
Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o between the two, the military force
Mahada Joo Saraf. As a student of suddenly opened indiscriminate
class tenth, he participated in the firing on the rallyists in which Habib
political movement for responsible Wani was killed on the spot at the
government in Jammu and Kashmir age of 30. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
State. He joined a demonstration at J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10;
Baramulla to protest against the WWIM, II, pp. 347]
autocratic rule of the Maharaja in
1931. When the procession reached Hafiz Abdus Sama: Belonged to the
Kheryarbal, the State Armyís soldiers Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
suddenly started firing, in which Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
Habib Ullah Saraf was killed on the the rebels of his area in their fighting
spot. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, against the British forces during the
Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.287] Uprising of 1857, and also incited
others to take to arms against the
Habib Wani: Born 1909 in Maliknag, British rule; he was caught by the
distt. Anantnag, Jammu and British army and hanged in June
Kashmir; s/o Maqsood Wani. He 1857. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
actively participated in the political Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
movement for responsible
government in Jammu and Kashmir. Haider Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the
While participating in a rally to Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Uttar
protest against the despotic State Pradesh); he participated the
ruler at Maliknag in 1931, he was Uprising of 1857 and led the rebels
killed on the spot in the State Armyís in attacking the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 273

establishments in Lucknow at several Lucknow, in November 1857.

places; he died while fighting against [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
the British army at Bridge of Boats, Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
Lucknow in 1858. [Mutiny Records, (1858), UPSAL]
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Hajee Ruheem: Hailed from Bareilly,
Haider Khan: Belonged to Lucknow, the Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in forces soon after the outbreak of the
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the 1857 Uprising; along with his fellow
fighting against the British during the rebels, he marched towards Delhi
Uprising of 1857, and also while fighting against the British
encouraged others to rise against the forces; he escaped to his region after
firangi-hukumat (British rule); he was the British re-occupation of Delhi in
killed by the British army in an September 1857; he died in 1858 while
encounter at Bailley Guard, resisting the advancing British army
Lucknow in November 1857. [Mutiny in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
(1858), UPSAL]
Haji Amin: Resident of Nimar, the
Haider Khan: Born in Agra, the North- Central India Agency, Indore (now
Western Provinces (now Uttar Madhya Pradesh); a popular leader,
Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his he organized the anti-British rebel
area during the Uprising of 1857, and forces and led an armed revolt
fought the British at several places against the pro-British ruler in
in the Agra-Mathura region; he was Mandleshwar during the Uprising of
caught by the re-occupying British 1857; in course of the fighting he was
troops and accused of ëmurder and captured by the British army and
rebellion against the Britishí; executed in 1859. [Mutiny Papers, IV,
sentenced to death with confiscation NAIB; WWIM, III, p.50]
of his property; he was executed by
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Hakim Abdul Haq: Resident of Alwar,
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Rajasthan; he joined the rebels of his
area during the Uprising of 1857, and
Haikaru Das: Resident of Lucknow, the fought the British forces in the Alwar
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar region; he was caught by the British
Pradesh); he took part in challenging army in the course of an engagement
against the firangi-hukumat (British and hanged in 1857. [Mutiny Records,
rule) during the Uprising of 1857 and Poll Deptt. Part I, Vol. No. 44 (1858),
engaged the British forces in MSAB]
different battle grounds; he was
killed by the British army in an Hakeem: Born in Muttra [Mathura], the
encounter at Bailley Guard, North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
274 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Pradesh); he participated in the Political Agent of Bundelkhand

fighting against the British rule at the (Fisher) and his 25 Malwa Bhil Corps
time of the Uprising of 1857; he also to side with the Dewan [Diwan] and
took part in plundering the the State police in dispersing the
Government properties and using meeting. Following some verbal
their proceeds for buying arms; he arguments and jostling, the Political
was caught by the advancing British Agent asked his officers and corps
army in the Mathura region, and to teach the peasants a lesson.
charged with ëmurder and Thereafter, the armed forces lathi-
plundering during the rebellioní; charged and fired 40 rounds of
sentenced to death in 1858 with bullets on the protestors; Halkai Ahir
confiscation of his property, he was was hit by the bullets and died on
hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny the spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 18-XII/30,
Records, Mathura Mutiny, Basta, F. No. 18/31, F. No. 22/31, NAI; F/
UPRAA] Poll; F.No. 230-P (Secret)/1931, NAI;
MPSGCD, pp. 55-57; MPMAKLA, pp.
Hakim Taffazzul Hosein: Resident of 199-2005]
Alygurh [Aligarh], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Halkai Singh Charkhar: Belonged to
Pradesh); he fought the British forces distt. Hamirpur, the United
on several occassions in Aligarh Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
during the Uprising of 1857; caught was a prominent political worker and
by the British at the time of their one of the leading figures of the Praja
raids on the rebels, he was executed Parishad of Hamirpur. He played a
by hanging in 1857 on the charges of significant part in organizing
ëmurder and rebellion against the agitations against the colonial rulers.
Britishí; his property was also Arrested and imprisoned in a jail, he
confiscated [Mutiny Records, Aligarh died in 1940 on account of severe
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt. torture by the police. [H/Poll, F.No.
Part-1, Vol. No. 44 (1858), MSAB] 3/11/42, NAI; WWIM, II, p.59]

Halkai Ahir: Resident of v. Bandhiaea, Halkayeen Singh: Resident of mohallah

teh. Laundi, Chhattarpur State, Charkhari, distt. Hamirpur, the
Bundelkhand Agency (now United Provinces (now Uttar
Chhatarpur district in Madhya Pradesh). In the wake of the
Pradesh); he joined a public meeting Individual Satyagraha of 1940-41, he
at Singpurís Charanpaduka Maidan demonstrably moved about the town
on 15 January 1931 to voice the with a Congress flag in his hand as
peasantsí protest against the Stateís an act of defiance of the district
forced collection of cesses and high authoritiesí prohibitory orders.
taxes, as well as against the irregular Suddenly the police fired upon him
feudal extractions by the Zamindars. for this, and he died in a hospital in
The Durbar [Darbar] invited the 1941 due to severe bullet wounds.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 275

[H/Poll, F.No. 3/11/42, NAI; WWIM, proceeds from these to the rebels for
II, p.112] defraying their military expenses;
caught by the British army in Jhansi;
Hameed Husein: Belonged to Bareilly, he was charged with ëplundering,
Uttar Pradesh; he was a Munshif in murder and rebellion against the
Bareilly under the British, but left it Britishí; he was sentenced to death
to join hands with the anti-British and executed in 1859. [Mutiny
rebel forces during the Uprising of Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
1857; he also encouraged others to NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
take up their arms against the British
authorities; he was sentenced to the Hanif Alli: Resident of Sumbul [Sambal],
transporta-tion for life soon after his the North-Western Provinces (now
capture by the British on the charges Uttar Pradesh); a Tehseeldar
of ëdisloyalty and rebellion against [Tehsildar]; he played an active role
the British authorityí; he died in in organizing the local rebels in
detention in 1859 before his fighting against the British during the
transportation. [Mutiny Records, Uprising of 1857; he also provided
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- finances to the ëHindustani forcesí for
59), UPSAL] meeting their military expenses; he
was caught by the British and put on
Hamid Alli: Resident of Sumbhul trial on the charge of ëaiding and
[Sambal], Moradabad, the North- abetting rebellion against the Britishí;
Western Provinces (now Uttar sentenced to death and executed in
Pradesh); he was a Tehseeldar April 1859 in Sambal. [Mutiny
[Tehsildar]; during the Uprising of Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
1857, he led the local anti-colonial NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
forces in his region; also provided
material support to the rebels fighting Hanif Darji: Resident of v. Guramma,
against the British rule; he was p.o. Indara, distt. Azamgarh, the
captured and put on trial on the United Provinces (now Uttar
charge of ëbeing a leader and Pradesh). In the wake of the ìQuit
instigator of rebellioní; sentenced to Indiaî movement, the police
death in June 1859 by the Assistance inspector and the force under him at
Commissioner on Special Duty. the Madhuban police station had
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl been ordered to raid the Congress
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] office in Dubari Division, put down
the National flag flying over it and
Hamir Singh: Born in Pali, Jhansee destroy everything within. This
[Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he joined the incident on 13 August 1942 inflamed
rebel forces in fighting the British the sentiments of the people and they
army during the 1857 Uprising; he started gathering near the police
also took part in plundering the station from every part of the district
British properties and passed on the on 15 August 1942. The demonstra-
276 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

tors thereafter sought the Thana in- 1945. [INA Papers, F.No.379/INA
Chargeís permission for putting up (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p. 113]
the National flag on the top of the
police station which he rudely Hansa: Resident of Humeerpoor
refused on the pretext of the District [Hamirpur], the North-Western
Magistrateís presence inside. When Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
the agitatorsí request was thus participated in the Uprising of 1857
turned down, they expressed their and fought against the British forces
dissatisfaction by pelting stones on at several places in the Hamirpur
the Thana edifice and were fired upon region; he also propagated against
by the police from inside the building. the firangis (British) and incited the
In this firing a number of people were local people to overthrow the firangi-
shot dead and Darji happened to be hukumat (British rule); he was
the one among those who had been captured during the British re-
killed on the spot. [H/poll, F.No. 3/ occupation of Hamirpur, and charged
30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 124; SSKS, 27, with ësedition and rebellion against
pp. ma, ya, ra la; WWIM, I, p.128] the Britishí, he was sentenced to
death with confiscation of his
Hans Raj: Resident of v. Banjarpur, distt. property in 1858 and hanged. [Mutiny
Bulandshahr, the United Provinces Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
(now Uttar Pradesh). Before his UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
joining the Indian National Army, he (1858), MSAB]
had served the British-Indian Army.
As an INA soldier in the 3rd Guerrilla Hanuman Singh: Belonged to teh.
Regiment, he was deployed to fight Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State (now
the British soldiers on the Burma distt. Alwar), the Rajputana Agency
(Myanmar) front where he lost his (now Rajasthan); Rajput. He
life in the battle-field in 1944. [INA participated in a meeting of the kisan
Papers, F. No. 403/INA, NAI; ROH, agitators held at Neemuchana on 14
pp. 698-699] May 1925 to protest against the
Maharajaís mal-administration and
Hans Ram: Hailed from Alwar, Alwar his land settlement policy of 1923-24.
State (now distt. Alwar), the In this settlement the Biswedari rights
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); of the Rajputs were forfeited and the
he was in the service of the British- land revenue had been increased by
Indian Army as a Soldier in the 4/19 fifty per cent. Though all
Hyderabad Regiment; left it in 1942 agriculturists were affected adversely
and enrolled with the Indian by it, the Rajputs suffered the most.
National Army; he was placed in the Hearing the news of this peasant
1st Guerrilla Regiment as a Sepoy and gathering, the Maharaja sent his State
took part in fighting the British-led Army to counter the rallyists at
forces on the Burma (now Myanmar) Neemuchana. The troops
front; he died in action at Kalewa in surrounded the village, blocked all
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 277

the exit points from it and opened (provisions) at Jalalabad during the
fire on the protesters without any Uprising of 1857; consequently, he
prior warning of dispersal. Hanuman was caught by the British troops and
Singh was hit by bullets in the hanged in November 1857; his entire
indiscriminate firing and died on the village was also looted by the British
spot. Simultaneously, the village was force. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
also set on fire by the State troops. Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
[Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925,
RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925; Har Narain: Born in 1914 in distt.
Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29, Allahabad, the United Provinces
F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936, (now Uttar Pradesh). As a University
RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, student he participated in the public
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] procession taken out on 4 January
1932 in protest against the arrest of
Hanuman: Born in Agra, the North- Mahatma Gandhi in Bombay during
Western Provinces (now Uttar the Civil Disobedience movement.
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces He was trampled to death in a melee
during the Uprising of 1857, and occasioned by the district policeís
fought the British at several places violent lathi-charge in Johnstonganj
in Agra; caught by the British troops (Allahabad) on the same day. [H/
closing in on Agra, he was accused Poll, F.Nos. 3/6/42, 3/11/42, NAI;
of ëmurder and rebellion against the WWIM, I, p.129]
Britishí, he was sentenced to death
in 1858 with confiscation of his Har Persad: Resident of Etawah, the
property and executed by hanging North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll region during the Uprising of 1857,
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] and fought against the British on
several occasions; he also offered
Hanuman: Hailed from v. Palhari, Distt. financial support to the rebels locally
Jaipur, Rajasthan; joined the Indian and encouraged them to attack the
National Army in Malaya and served firangis (British); he died while
as Lance Naik; died fighting against resisting the advancing British army
the British forces at Kalema, Burma in Etawah in 1858. [Mutiny Papers,
(Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
F.Nos.1/INA, 379/INA (1946),
NAI;WWIM, II, p.113] Har Sahai: Resident of Lucknow, the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
Hanuman: Inhabitant of Jalalabad, the Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in the rebels of his area and fought the
Uttar Pradesh); cultivator; along with British forces during the Uprising of
the other villagers, he refused to 1857; he also incited other people to
oblige the British forces with rasad raise their arms against the British;
278 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

while resisting the British army, he 1942, he remained a prisoner of war

died in the battle of Chinhat, till the political intervention of the
Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny Indian Independence League on his
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, behalf; joined the Indian National
UPRAA] Army as a Major in 1943; leading his
troops towards the Imphal front by
Har Singh: Resident of the Garhwal passing through Burma (now
Division, the United Provinces (now Myanmar) on the Indo-Burma
Uttarakhand); earlier he was a Soldier border, he confronted the enemy and
in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the laid down his life while performing
British-Indian Army but decided to his duties in 1945. [INA Papers,
shift his loyalty to the Indian F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA (1945),
National Army in 1942 and served it 379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM, II,
as Lance-Naik in the I st Guerrilla p.114]
Regiment; while fighting against the
British forces in Burma (now Harak Singh: Resident of v.
Myanmar) he died on the battle Narsinghbari, distt. Almora, the
ground in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. United Provinces (now Uttara-
1/INA, 498/INA (1945), NAI; khand); originally a Sepoy in the
WWIM, II, p.114] British-Indian Army, he left it and
joined the Indian National Army in
Harak Singh: Hailed from v. Narsingh 1943 and served as a Major; fought
bari, distt. Almora, the United against the British forces on the
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); earlier Burma (now Myanmar) front; he
he was a Sepoy in the British-Indian died in an encounter with the enemy
Army; he shifted his loyalty to the in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos.1/INA,
Indian National Army in Malaya in 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
1943 and served as a Major; he died p.114]
while confronting the British forces
on the Burma (Myanmar) front in Harda Singh: Resident of Lucknow, the
1944. [INA Papers, File No. 1/INA, Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
NAI; WWIM, II, p.114] Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
the rebels of his area during the
Harak Singh: Resident of v. Uprising of 1857 and fought the
Narsinghbari, distt. Almora, Kumaon British forces in different
Division, the United Provinces (now engagements in the Lucknow region;
Uttarakhand); a Sepoy of the British- he was killed while encountering the
Indian Army, he was deployed in the British army at Bailley Guard,
South-East Asian front to fight the Lucknow, in November 1857.
Japanese during the World War-II in [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
December 1941; subsequent to the Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
British defeat in the hands of the (1858), UPSAL]
Japanese Army in Malaya in February
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 279

Hardan Singh: Hailed from v. forces in the course of an encounter in

Narainpur, (teh.) Bansoor [Bansur], 1857; his property was confiscated later
Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), the on. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p. 51]
Rajput. He participated in a meeting
of the kisan agitators held at Hardayal: Hailed form Kama, Bharatpur
Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to State (now distt. Bharatpur), the
protest against the Maharajaís Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
oppressive administration and his Bhatnagar; younger brother of
land settlement policy of 1923-24. In Jaidayal (the civilian leader of the
this settlement the Biswedari rights of rebels in Kota); sepoy in the Kota
the Rajputs were forfeited and the State Army; under the leadership of
land revenue had been increased by Mehrab Khan (leader of the rebel
fifty percent. Though all agricultu- soldiers in Kota) and Jaidayal, he
rists were affected adversely by it, participated in the military and civil
the Rajputs suffered the most. uprising against the British and the
Hearing the news of this gathering, ruler of Kota State in 1857 in Kota;
the Maharaja sent his State Army to involved in the attack on the British
counter the rallyists at Neemuchana. Political Agentís House in Kota on
The troops surrounded the village, 15 October 1857, in which Captain
blocked all the exit points from it and C.E. Burton and his two sons were
opened fire on the protesters without killed by the rebels; fought against
any prior warning. Hardan Singh was the British troops under the command
injured in the indiscriminate firing of General H.G. Roberts at Kota and
and died on the same day. Simulta- was killed in March 1858. [RKSS, pp.
neously, the village was also set on 124-43; RSG, p.93 Sujas, No 4, June-
fire by the State troops. [Alwar Judl, July 1998, Jaipur, p.80; F/Poll; F.Nos.
F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 324-27, August 1859; F/Poll; Nos 1-
May, 14 June 1925; News-papersí 2, September 1858; F/Poll ëAí, Nos
Cuttings, Basta No 29, F.No. 2, 428-36, February 1858, NAI]
Riyasat, 13 November 1936, RSAB;
PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, Hari Datt: Belonged to distt. Alwar, the
191 (PA), NAI] Rajputana Agency, (now Rajasthan);
previously served as a sepoy in the
Hardayal Singh: Resident of v. Dhirpura, 4/12 Hyderabad Regiment of the
Agra, the North-Western Provinces British-Indian Army; later joined the
(now Uttar Pradesh); Zamindar; he Indian National Army as a soldier in
played a leading part in organizing the 1st Guerrilla Regiment; sustained
the local rebels in the Agra region injuries while confronting the British
during the Uprising of 1857; he forces and died in the Mayo
himself fought in several armed Hospital, Burma (Myanmar) in 1944.
confrontations with the British [INA Papers, File No. 1/INA, NAI;
troops; he was killed by the British WWIM, II, p.116]
280 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Hari Mohan Singh: Belonged to distt. 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
Pratapgarh, the United Provinces Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
(now Uttar Pradesh); served as a to the Indian National Army in 1942
Sepoy in the British-Indian Army; and served it as an Intelligence
switch over to the Indian National Officer; he was killed by the British
Army in 1942 and served as a forces in Burma (now Myanmar)
Havildar [Hawaldar]; fought against during an attack on his camp in 1944.
the British forces on the Kaladon front [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/
in Burma (Myanmar) and died in INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.272]
action there in 1944. [INA Papers, File
No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.116] Hari Singh: Belonged to v. Mehanpore,
teh. Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State
Hari Ram: Hailed from v. Baidpura, distt. (now distt. Alwar), the Rajputana
Bulandshahr, the United Provinces Agency (now Rajasthan); Rajput; took
(now Uttar Pradesh). Before his part in kisan meeting held at
joining the Indian National Army, he Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
had served the British-Indian Army. protest against the Maharajaís mal-
As an INA soldier in the 3rd Guerrilla administration and his land
Regiment, he was deployed to fight settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
the British soldiers on the Burma settlement the Biswedari rights of the
(Myanmar) front where he lost his Rajputs were forfeited and the land
life in the battle-field in 1944. [INA revenue had been increased by fifty
Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. per cent. Though all agriculturists
698-699 WWIM, II, p.116] were affected adversely by it, the
Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing
Hari Singh Dimar: Resident of Saugor the news of this kisan gathering, the
(Sagar), Jubbulpore (Jabalpur) Maharaja sent his State Army to
Division, the Central Provinces and confront the rallyists at Neemuchana.
Berar (now Madhya Pradesh); joined The troops surrounded the village,
the rebel forces fighting against the blocked all the escape routes from it
British rule in the Uprising of 1857 in and opened fire on the protesters
the Jabalpur region; under his without any prior warning of
leadership many British outposts dispersal. Many of the agitators,
were continuously attacked and including Hari Singh, received
plundered; later the British troops serious bullet wounds in the
captured him and sentenced him to indiscriminate firing and Hari Singh
capital punishment. He was executed died of these. Simultaneously, the
on 14 July 1857. [Mutiny Papers, IV, village was also set on fire by the
NAIB; WWIM, III, p.52] State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-
J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14
Hari Singh Rawat: Resident of the Tehri- June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings,
Garwal, the United Provinces (now Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13
Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 281

Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), on the spot on that day. [H/poll,
NAI] F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 125;
SSKS, 27, pp. la & wa; WWIM, I,
Hari: Born in 1919 at v. Sultanpur, distt. p.132]
Ballia, the United Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh). He participated in a Harikrishna Upreti: Resident of v.
protest rally organized at Rasra in Meleepar, Deghat, p.o. Choukot,
August 1942 during the ìQuit Indiaî distt. Almora, Kumaon Division,
movement. Receiving bullet injuries United Provinces (now Uttara-
when the police opened fire on it, he khand); cultivator; took part in a
died of these on the spot. [H/poll procession during ìQuit Indiaî
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG; movement at Deghat (Almora) in
WWIM, I, p.130; BCA, p. 118] 1942; the procession was fired upon
by the British forces and Upreti was
Haridwar Rai: Born in 1902 at v. seriously injured; he subsequently
Narainpur, distt. Ballia, the United succumbed to his injuries. [PCJ
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156,
was arrested on the charge of taking 157 (PA), NAI; WWIM, I, p.370; SSKS,
part in anti-British activities during KD: p.3; BSAS: p. 130]
the ìQuit Indiaî movement in August
1942. He died in jail in 1942 on Haripal Singh: Belonged to Dhirauli, the
account of the inhuman tortures he North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
suffered there. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/ Pradesh); he joined the fighting
42, NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.285; against the British during the
BCA, p. 120] Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
the advancing British army during an
Harihar Singh: Resident of v. Mahuar, encounter in the Amorha State (now
p.o. Indra, distt. Azamgarh, the in distt. Basti), and executed by
United Provinces (now Uttar hanging from a ëPipal Treeí in 1858.
Pradesh); 25 yearsí old; teacher. On [Mutiny Records, Monument of
17 August 1942 the people of Kopa Chhawani, cited in LL1857, pp.20-26]
Division attacked Indra railway
station as a part of the sabotage plan Hariram: Born in 1904, in v. Kamda, p.o.
for the ìQuit Indiaî movement. They Jalya, teh. Rajgadi, distt. Uttarkashi,
unfurled the National Flag there and the United Provinces (now
destroyed all official documents. Uttarakhand); s/o Ruipram;
Receiving the information from the participated at the time of the Civil
Station Master, the District Disobedience movement in the
Magistrate, along with his police peasant agitation against the
force, hurried to the spot. While the oppressive rule of the Tehri Garhwal
protesters were leaving the station ruler, his exorbitantly high revenue
they were fired upon by the police. demand and the unjust forest laws;
Harihar Singh was killed in the firing attended a meeting organized by the
282 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

peasants at Baman Tiladi maidan in (known as the Jagdalpur trial).

the summer of 1930 to protest against Seventy eight of the rebels, including
the State police firing and the killing Harma Muria, were put behind the
of 2 innocent peasants on 20 May bars in Bastar Jail. Later in June 1910
1930. While the meeting was in Harma Muria was shifted to the
progress, the State armed police Raipur Central Jail and died (before
force, led by Dewan Chakradar, 7 November 1910) due to tortures by
surrounded the venue and opened the jail authorities. [F/Poll
fire on the gathering. It resulted in (Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910,
the deaths of 17 persons and injuries NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail,
of many. Hariram was shot dead on Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf
the spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/54/1930; HTPB, pp.245-57]
23/58/1930, NAI; WWIM, II, p.103;
SSKS, GD: p.1] Harman: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh]
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); joined
Harma Muria: Hailed from Pusmar, hands with the rebels in fighting the
Jagdalpur area in Indrawati valley, British during the Uprising of 1857;
Bastar State (now Chhattisgarh); he also incited his neighbours to take
took part in the Adivasi (tribal) up arms against the British; caught
Bhumkalórevolt of 1910 in the by the British troops in an engage-
Jagdalpur region of Bastar against the ment in Awadh in 1858, he was
feudal and colonial exploitation, and imprisoned for life on the charges of
in the tribesí anxiety for maintaining ësedition and rebellion against the
their distinct ways of life. On 16 Britishí; he died in detention by the
February 1910, following the direct end of 1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
confrontation (Indrawati-ford battle) Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59),
between the rebels and the British, UPSAL]
where many people died on the rebel
side, Harma Muria and few others Harmohan Singh: Resident of distt.
escaped from the scene and rallied Pratapgarh, the United Provinces
round the neighbouring Ulnar and (now Uttar Pradesh). He joined the
Netanar villages. ìOn the night of Indian National Army as a Havildar
25th February, the combined forces [Hawaldar]. He, along with his unit
surrounded the Ulnar hill on which soldiers, attacked a well-defended
the men of Netanar village [the enemy position on the crest of a hill
rebels] were supposed to be in the Kaladan sector (Indo- Burma
encamped. The movement was well border). While storming the enemy
executed, and all the aboriginals position and demolishing it, he was
[tribals] were captured....î Along killed in severe exchange of fire in
with others Harma Muria was April 1944. [INA Papers, F. No. 403/
arrested, charged with ëwaging war INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 696-697 WWIM,
against the Crowní, and tried II, p.116]
between 13 March and 28 April 1910
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 283

Harnam Singh: Born in 1828 in Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; QT]

Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Harpal Singh: Resident of v. Dhirauli
Kura Singh; took active part in Babu, Basti, North-Western
fighting the British forces in Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Muzaffarnagar during the Uprising joined the rebel forces during the
of 1857; he was captured by the Great Rising of 1857 in attacking and
British troops while defending his plundering the British establishments
areas from the enemy attack, and in his neighbourhood; he was caught
executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny by the British troops in the course of
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) an encounter and hanged from a tree
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] at Chhaoni, Basti in 1857. [Mutiny
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
Harnarain Agrahari: Resident of v. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Dhannapur, distt. Benaras, the
United Provinces (now Uttar Harpal: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh
Pradesh). He took a leading part in a [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
mob attack on Dhannapur Thana to Pradesh); he joined hands with the
avenge the deaths of 3 protesters in rebels of his area and fought against
the police firing on a rally held on 16 the British during the Uprising of
August 1942 during the ìQuit Indiaî 1857; he was killed in the battle of
movement. Four policemen, along Chinhat, Lucknow, while resisting
with Inspector in-Charge of the the British troops on 20 June 1857.
police station were killed by the [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
attacking mob on the same day. He Basta, UPRAA; QT]
was arrested and was made an
accused in that incident. After the Harpall Singh: Resident of Muzaffar-
trial for two and a half years, three nagar, the North-Western Provinces
persons were sentenced to death, (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
including Harnarain Agrahari. As fighting against the British during the
accused no. 44, he was hanged in late 1857 Rising in his area; he also incited
1944. [H/Poll. 1 No. 3/31/44, NAI; his neighbours to attack the British
SSG, 4, pp. 66-67] and their loyalists and plunder their
houses and offices; he was caught by
Harpal Singh: Resident of Lucknow, the the British while marching for an
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in attack on a British establishment, and
Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the hanged in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
rebelsí fighting against the British Abst. Proc. Judl. Deptt. NWP, Vol.74
during the Uprising of 1857, and also (1858), UPSAL]
encouraged other people to attack the
British; he was killed by the British Hasan Beg: Resident of Lucknow, the
in an encounter in Chinhat, Lucknow, Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny Records, Pradesh); he fought the British forces
284 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

during the Uprising of 1857 and also different places; he was killed by the
encouraged others to challenge the British in the midst of an engagement
firangi-hukumat (British rule); he was at Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in
killed by the British army in an November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
engagement at Bailley Guard, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Lucknow, in November 1857. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh Hasan Khan: Resident of Puthra,
(1858), UPSAL] Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Hasan Khan: Belonged to Futtehpore Pradesh); he participated in the
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he the British forces at several places in
took part in the Uprising of 1857, and the Hamirpur region; he also
led the rebels locally into fighting propagated against the firangis
against the British; he also offered (British) and incited the local people
financial support to them and to overthrow their rule; he was
encouraged them to go for captured during the British re-
overthrowing the firangi-hukumat occupation of the Hamirpur, and
(British rule); he was killed by the charged with ësedition and rebellion
British during their raids on Fatehpur against the Britishí, he was sentenced
in 1857. [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur to death with confiscation of his
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] property in 1859 and hanged. [Mutiny
Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
Hasan Khan: Resident of Agra, the UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar (1859), MSAB]
Pradesh); he joined hands with the
rebels of his area during the Uprising Hasan Mohomed Khan: Resident of
of 1857 and fought at several places Furruckabad [Farrukhabad], the
in Agra; he was caught by the British North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
army in the course of an engagement, Pradesh); he led the local rebels in
and accused of ëmurder and rebellion fighting the British during the
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Uprising of 1857; he also provided
to death and executed by hanging in financial and physical support to the
1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny rebels of the nearby areas; he was
Basta, UPRAA] arrested by the British during their
re-occupation of the region; charged
Hasan Khan: Resident of Lucknow, the with ëaiding and leading the rebellion
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar against the Britishí, and sentenced to
Pradesh); he participated in the death in February 1859. [Mutiny
resistance against the firangi-hukumat Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
(British rule) during the Uprising of NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
1857, and fought the British army at
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 285

Hashim Allee: Born in Faizabad, the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he

Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar participated in the Uprising of 1857,
Pradesh); he joined hands with the and led a group of rebels into fighting
rebel forces during the Uprising of against the British; he also offered
1857 and proceeded to Lucknow; he financial support to these rebels; he
fought against the British in several was captured by the British troops
engagements in Lucknow city; he during their raids on Fatehpur in
was caught by the British army and 1857, and executed soon thereafter.
hanged at Machhi Bhawan, Lucknow, [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
in June 1857. [Mutiny Records, Basta, UPRAA]
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1857), Hatim: Resident of Jalalabad, the Oudh
UPSAL] [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
Pradesh); cultivator; along with his
Hashmat Gujar: Resident of v. Palanger, village fellows, he refused to oblige
distt. Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir; the British forces with the supply of
s/o Jhanda Gujar. He actively rasad (provisions) at Jalalabad during
participated in the political move- the Uprising of 1857; he was caught
ment for responsible government in by the British troops and hanged in
Jammu and Kashmir State. He was November 1857; his entire village was
killed in the State Armyís firing on a also ransacked by the British
demonstration he took part at Rajouri soldiers. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
in October 1931, to protest against Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
the Maharajaís autocratic rule in the
State. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Hazari Lal: Belonged to Lucknow, the
Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.118] Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the
Hasmat Khan: Belonged to Bareilly, fighting against the British during the
Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel Uprising of 1857, and also encoura-
forces under the leadership of Khan ged others for overthrowing the
Bahadur Khan (the rebel leader of British power; he died while
the Rohilkhand region), and fought confronting the British army in the
against the British forces at several battle of Chinhat, Lucknow, on 20
places during the Uprising of 1857; June 1857. [Mutiny Records,
he was captured by the advancing Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
British troops in an encounter, and
executed by hanging in 1860 at Hazari Ram Pandey: Born on 10 June
Bareilly. [Mutiny Records, Abst. 1878 in v. Bankat Baraut, distt.
Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), Allahabad, the United Provinces
UPSAL; WWIM, III, pp.68.69] (now Uttar Pradesh). Before his
participation in the ìQuit Indiaî
Hatim Alee Beg: Resident of Futtehpore demonstration as a political mobiliser,
[Fatehpur], the North-Western he had already served more than ten
286 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

yearsí imprisonment for taking part engagement in the Allahabad area

in several political movements and hanged from a tree in 1857. [PP,
against the British Government. In Further Paper No.1]
August 1942 he received severe bullet
wounds in the police firing on the Heera Lall: Born in Ghuttea, Agra, the
procession he led, and succumbed to North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
these injuries on the same day. [H/ Pradesh); Kaith; he was a
Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the
p.262] Contingent Guards of the Agra
Central Prison; he left the British
Hazrat Ali: Resident of v. Kheri, employment during the Uprising of
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western 1857 and joined the rebel forces of
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took the Agra area; he fought the British
part in the Uprising of 1857 and in several engagements in the Agra-
accompanied the rebels in their Mathura region; he was killed by the
attacks on the British positions; he advancing British soldiers in the
also provided arms and ammunitions course of their attacks on the rebels
to the rebels; he was captured by the in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra
British troops in one of their raids Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
on his village and executed by Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- Heera Lall: Resident of Ghazeepoor
59), UPSAL] [Ghazipur], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Hazrat Khan: Resident of the Oudh Thakoor [Thakur]; he joined the
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar rebel forces of his area and fought
Pradesh); he joined hands with the the British at several places in
rebels in fighting and overthrowing Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857;
the British during the Uprising of he also offered financial support to
1857; he participated in the rebel other rebels for buying arms; he was
attack on the British troops in his caught at the time of the British re-
village; he was captured there by the occupation of the Ghazipur region,
British and hanged in1858. [Mutiny and executed by hanging in 1859.
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] Basta, UPRAA]

Hedayut Khan: Resident of Kotwali, Heera Loll: Resident of Etawah, the

Allahabad, the North-Western North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Pradesh); he joined hands with the
participated in the Uprising of 1857 rebels of his area during the Uprising
and fought against the British in the of 1857, and fought against the
Allahabad region; he was caught by British forces at various places; he
the British troops in the course of an also incited the local people to attack
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 287

the British offices; he was killed while rebels during the Uprising of 1857,
confronting the advancing British and also encouraged other people to
army in Etawah in 1858. [Mutiny take part in fighting against the
Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta, firangi-hukumat (British rule); he
UPRAA] fought the British at several places
in the Agra-Mathura region; caught
Heera Loll: Resident of Shahjehnpoor by the British troops in the midst of
[Shahjahanpur], the North-Western an engagement, and accused of
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); ësedition and rebellion against the
Kaith; he was a Sepoy in the C. Britishí, he was sentenced to death
Company under the British-Indian 1858 with confiscation of his
army; he left the British employment property; he was executed by
during the Uprising of 1857, joined hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
hands with the rebels and fought Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
against the British; he was caught in
1858 while resisting the advancing Heera Singh: Hailed from Allygurh
British forces, and sentenced to [Aligarh], the North-Western
death on the charges of ëdesertion Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
and mutiny against the British participated in the Uprising of 1857
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra and also incited the local people to
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. raise arms against the firangi-hukumat
Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] (British rule); he marched into Delhi,
joined hands with the rebels there
Heera Singh: Belonged to Agra, the and fought the British troops; he was
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar caught by the British after their re-
Pradesh); he was a Sepoy in the occupation of Delhi, and charged
Armed Guards Contingent at the with ësedition and rebellion against
Agra Central Prison; he left the the Britishí; he was sentenced to
British service in June 1857 to take death and shot dead in 1857. [Mutiny
part in the fighting against the British Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.)
during the Uprising of 1857. Along F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
with others, he marched towards
Delhi and joined the rebel forces Heera Singh: Resident of Lucknow, the
there; he died while resisting the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
advancing British army in the Delhi Pradesh); took part in the Uprising
region in September 1857. [Mutiny of 1857 in the Lucknow region; he
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, fought against the British forces on
UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57, various occasions, and was
NAI] eventually, caught by the British
during a confrontation; he was
Heera Singh: Born in Agra, the North- imprisoned on the charges of ëmurder
Western Provinces (now Uttar and rebellioní and sentenced to death
Pradesh); he joined hands with the in April 1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
288 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), at several places in Etah. He died in

UPSAL] 1858 while resisting the advancing
British forces. [Mutiny Records,
Heera Singh: Resident of Shaharanpur, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
the North-Western Provinces (now Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
Uttar Pradesh), Brahmin; he came to UPSAL]
Delhi during 1857 Uprising and
joined hands with the rebel force Heera: Resident of Humeerpoor
against the British; he was caught by [Hamirpur], the North-Western
the British troops during their re- Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
occupation of Delhi in September participated in the Uprising of 1857
1857, charged with ërebellion against and fought against the British forces
the Britishí, he was sentenced to at several places in the Hamirpur
death and executed by hanging on region; he also led a group of rebels
10 December 1857. [Mutiny Records, in seizing the British treasury; he was
Judl. Deptt., (Delhi Div), F.No.3 captured during the British re-
(1858), HSAP] occupation of Hamirpur, and charged
with ëlooting and rebellion against
Heera: Resident of Charsoodurwaza, the Britishí, he was sentenced to
Agra, the North-Western Provinces death in 1858 and hanged soon
(now Uttar Pradesh); he was a thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
Duffadar [Dafadar] with the Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Contingent Guards of the Agra
Central Prison under the British Herdeo Singh: Hailed from v.
Government; he left the British Khirkhera, Alwar State (now distt.
service during the Uprising of 1857 Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now
to join the rebelsí fight against the Rajasthan); Shekhawat. He took part
British rule; he marched towards in the meeting of the kisan agitators
Delhi along with the fellow rebels at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
and fought the British at several remonstrate against the Maharajaís
places; he died in 1858 while resisting mal-administration and his land
the British onslaught. [Mutiny settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, settlement the Biswedari rights of the
UPRAA] Rajputs were forfeited and the land
revenue increased by fifty per cent.
Heera: Resident of Etah, the North- Though all agriculturists were
Western Provinces (now Uttar affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy suffered the most. Hearing the news
in the A. Company of the British- of this gathering the Maharaja sent
Indian army; he left the British his State Army to counter the rallyists
service during the Uprising of 1857 at Neemuchana. The troops
and joined hands with the rebels of surrounded the village, blocked all
his area; he fought against the British the escape routes from it and opened
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 289

fire on the protesters without any May, 14 June 1925; Newspapersí

prior warning. With many others, Cuttings, Basta No 29, F.No. 2,
Herdeo Singh received bullet Riyasat, 13 November 1936, RSAB;
wounds in the indiscriminate firing PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166,
and died on the spot. Simultaneously, 191 (PA), NAI]
the village was set on fire by the State
troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 Hidayeet: Resident of Furruckabad
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June [Farukhabad], the North-Western
1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); soon
No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November after the outbreak of the Uprising of
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, 1857, he joined hands with the
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] ëHindustanií forces in the
Farrukhabad region, and fought
Het Singh: Resident of v. Neemuchana, against the British at various places;
teh. Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State he also delivered anti-British
(now distt. Alwar), the Rajputana speeches exhorting others to fight
Agency (now Rajasthan); Thakur. He against the British; he was caught by
joined the kisan agitatorsí meeting the British and sentenced to
held at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 imprisonment for life in 1858 on the
to protest against the Maharajaís mal- charges of ësedition and rebellion
administration and his land against the Britishí; he died in jail.
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl
settlement the Biswedari rights of the Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Rajputs were forfeited and the land
revenue increased by fifty per cent. Hikmatullah Pathan: Resident of
Though all agriculturists were Kanpur, the North-Western
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
suffered the most. Hearing the news was a Deputy Collector at Fatehpur
of this gathering of the kisan under the British Government; he
agitators, the Maharaja sent his State maintained secret liaison with the
Army to deal sternly with the rebel leaders during the Uprising of
rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops 1857, and joined them after they
surrounded the village, blocked all succeeded in capturing the Fatehpur
the escape routes from it and opened region; he worked as chief of the
fire on the protesters without any rebel administration in Fetehpur, and
prior warning of dispersal. Many of played a prominent role in re-
the agitators, including Het Singh, organising the rebel forces; he was
received serious bullet wounds in the captured by the British after the
indiscriminate firing and Het Singh defeat of the rebels and executed by
died of these. Simultaneously with hanging from a tree in 1858. [Mutiny
this firing, the village was set on fire Records, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta,
by the State troops. [Alwar Judl, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.55]
F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31
290 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Himachal Singh: Born in 1826 at Thana Indian Army; he volunteered to join

Bhavan, Muzaffarnagar, the North- the Indian National Army in 1942
Western Provinces (now Uttar and served it as Section Officer in the
Pradesh); Thakur; he participated in I st Guerrilla Regiment; while
the Uprising against the British rule confronting the British forces on the
in 1857, and also incited the local Burma (now Myanmar) front, he
people to attack the British died in action in 1943. [INA Papers,
establishments; he was killed while F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA (1945), NAI;
fighting against the British forces in WWIM, II, p.120]
Muzaffarnagar in 1858. [Mutiny
Records, Muzaffarnagar Mutiny Himmut Singh: Resident of Goodree
Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.55] Mansoor Khan, Agra, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Himachal Singh: Resident of Pradesh); Thakur; he was a
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Contingent Guards of the Agra
joined the rebel forces in their Central Prison; he left the British
fighting against the British during the employment during the Uprising of
Uprising of 1857; he accompanied the 1857 and joined hands with the rebels
rebels in their attack on the British of the Agra region; he fought the
holdings, and assisted them in every British troops in several engage-
possible way; he was killed at last in ments in the Agra-Mathura area; he
the course of an attack on his area by was killed by the advancing British
the British in 1858. [Mutiny Records, forces during their onslaughts on the
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- rebels in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra
59), UPSAL] Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Himmat Singh Patel: Resident of
Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh; he Hingun Khan: Belonged to Allahabad,
fought the British forces at several the North-Western Provinces (now
places in the Narsinghpur region Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the
during the Uprising of 1857; he was fighting against the British during the
caught by the British troops during Uprising of 1857, and led the rebels
an engagement in 1857; he was in attacking and killing the British in
executed by hanging. [Mutiny Allahabad; he was caught by the
Records, Poll. F. No. 10B (1857), British in one of their raids on the
MPSAB; TFWI, I p.61] rebels in Allahabad, and charged
with ëmurder and leading the
Himmat Singh: Resident of the Garhwal rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Division, the United Provinces (now sentenced to death in July 1857, and
Uttarakhand); he was a Quarter- hanged; his property was also
Master Havildar [Hawaldar] in the 5/ confiscated. [Mutiny Records, PP,
18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.225]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 291

Hingun Khan: Resident of Allahabad, against the British at Charbag on 25

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar September 1857, he was killed by the
Pradesh); he was a Chuprasee enemy on the battle ground. [Mutiny
[Chaprasi] under the British authority, Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
but left it during the Uprising of 1857 UPRAA; L 1857, p.158]
and rendered his services to the rebel
forces in their fighting against the Hira Lal Sharma: Resident of distt.
British in the Allahabad region; he Benaras (Varanasi), the United
also incited local people to raise their Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
arms against the firangis (British); he Sharma. He took part in a procession
was caught by the British troops at at the Dasaswamedh Ghat during the
the time of their attacks on the ìQuit Indiaî movement on 13August
Allahabad area, and charged with 1942. He received bullet wounds in
ërebellion against the Britishí; he was the police firing on the processio-
sentenced to death in July 1857 and nists there and died of those injuries
executed by hanging. [Mutiny on the spot. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/
Records, PP, Further Paper No.1; 42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.333; BCA, p.
TIM, p.206] 107]

Hingun Mussulman: Resident of Hira Singh: Beonged to Alwar,

Allahabad, the North-Western Rajasthan, he joined the Uprising of
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he 1857, and trained a group of rebels
joined hands with the local rebels to fight the British forces in the
during the Uprising of 1857 and Alwar region; along with his
fought against the British troops in associates, he also marched towards
the Allahabad-Fatehpur region; he Delhi to assist the Delhi rebel forces
was caught by the British in one of and fought the British; he was caught
their raids on Allahabad, and in the course of an engagement and
charged with ëmurder and rebellion hanged in 1857. [Mutiny Records,
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Poll Deptt. Part 1, Vol. No. 44 (1858),
to death in June 1857 with MSAB]
confiscation of his property; he was
executed by hanging. [Mutiny Hira Singh Manral: Born in v. Songaon,
Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta, Distt. Almora, the United Provinces
UPRAA; TIM, p.218] (now Uttarakhand); he was in the
service of the British- Indian Army
Hira Lal Hakim: Belonged to Lucknow, as a Sepoy till 1943; then he decided
the Awadh Province (now Uttar to shift his loyalty to the Indian
Pradesh); he joined hands with the National Army and joined it in
rebel forces and fought the British Malaya; he was sent to fight the
on various occasions during the Allied forces on the Burma
Uprising of 1857; commanding (Myanmar) front, he died there in
Lashkar (Division) of rebel army 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos.1/INA,
292 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, Agency, Indore (now Madhya

p.188] Pradesh); staunch follower of
Shahzada Firuz, a charismatic Muslim
Hira Singh: Born on 8 July 1818 in v. Haji, leader of the 1857 Rising, who
Nanta, Kota State (now distt. Kota), drove the British out from Mandsaur
Rajputana (now Rajasthan); Risaldar with the help of hundreds of his rebel
in the Kota State Army; participated followers in August 1857; he also
in the military and civil uprising played a prominent role in leading
against the British and the Maharao Shahizadís rebel forces in attacking
of Kota State in 1857; joined the rebel the British Cantonment at Mahidpur
soldiers who attacked on the Political on 8 November 1857 and in resisting
Agency at Kota on 15 October 1857, the British reinforcement near
resulting in the murder of Captain Khichipura; in the battle of Gauria on
C.E. Burton, Political Agent, and his 23 November 1857, he died fighting
two sons; also participated in the against the British troops. [Mutiny
siege of Kota Fort in November 1857; Papers, IV, NAIB; WWIM, III, pp.55-
Hira Singh was killed while fighting 56]
against the loyal troops of the
Maharao of Kota. [F/Poll, Nos 1-2, Hira Singh: Resident of v. Hingutgarh,
September 1858; F/Poll ëAí, Nos 428- distt. Benaras (Varanasi), the United
36, February 1858, NAI; Sujas, No 4, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
June-July 1998, Jaipur, p.80; RSG, took part in the Salt Satyagraha of
p.93, RKSS, pp.124-43] 1930, as well as in the ìQuit Indiaî
movement of 1942. On 13 August
Hira Singh: Resident of Almora, 1942 when the police fired on the
Kumaon Division, the United saboteurs for their attempt at setting
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); served the Dhanapur police station on fire,
as Sepoy in the 4/19 Hyderabad he was severely wounded in that
Regiment in the British-Indian Army; firing and died there on the spot. [H/
shifted his loyalty to the Indian poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I,
National Army in Malaya in 1942 and p.137]
joined the 1 st Guerilla Regiment;
deployed on the Burma (now Hiraman: Resident of v. Narahi, distt.
Myanmar) front to confront the Ballia, the United Provinces (now
British-led Allied forces; his regiment Uttar Pradesh); s/o Raghunath. He
faced an air-raid at Toungoo Camp, took active part in the ìQuit Indiaî
Burma, in July 1944 and he was killed movement of 1942. He was killed
in it. [INA Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, when the British police fired on an
498/INA (1945), 379/INA (1946); anti-British demonstration he
NAI; EBIFF, II; p.474] participated at Ballia in 1942. [H/poll
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG;
Hira Singh: Resident of Mandsaur town, WWIM, II, p.121; BCA, p. 118]
Malwa region, the Central India
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 293

Hiramani Upreti: Resident of v. by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP,

Meleepar, Deghat, p.o. Choukot, Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.203]
distt. Almora, Kumaon Division,
United Provinces (now Uttara- Hoolas: Resident of Allahabad, the
khand); cultivator; he, along with his North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
brother Harikrishna, participated in Pradesh); he was a sepoy in the
a procession during the ìQuit Indiaî Native Infantry of the British-Indian
movement at Deghat (Almora) in army, left the service to join hands
1942; when the British forces tried with the rebel forces during the
to stop the procession and opened Uprising of 1857; he fought against
fire on it, Hiramani and his brother the British troops at various places
were wounded seriously and died in the Allahabad-Fatehpur region; he
soon thereafter. [PCJ Papers, Acc. was caught by the British during an
No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA), encounter in Allahabad, and
NAI; WWIM, I, p.370; ; SSKS, KD: p.3; sentenced to death in June 1857 on
BSAS: p. 130] the charges of ëdesertion and
rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Hisamuddaula: Resident of Lucknow, hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny
the Oudh (Awadh) Province (now Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta,
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with UPRAA; TIM, p.217]
the rebels during the Uprising of 1857
and led the rebel froces in attacking Hoolashee: Belonged to Oudh [Awadh]
the British authorities in Lucknow on Province (now Uttar Pradesh);
several occasions; he died while Rajput; he came to Delhi during the
fighting against the British army at Uprising of 1857 and took part in
Hazratganj, Lucknow in 1858. fighting against the British troops; he
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny was caught by the British at the time
Basta, UPRAA] of their re-occupation of Delhi in
September 1857, charged with
Hookimah: Belonged to Allahabad, the ërebellion against the Britishí, he was
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar sentenced to death and executed by
Pradesh); he participated in the hanging on 18 January 1858. [Mutiny
Uprising of 1857 and fought against Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div),
the British force at several places in F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
the Allahabad region; he also took
part in plundering the British Hosein Khan: Resident of Banda, the
properties and using the proceeds for North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
buying arms; he was caught by the Pradesh); Subsequent to his active
British troops during their attacks on participation in the Uprising of 1857,
the rebels, and charged with ëhaving he was captured by the British troops
plundered the property and rebellion during their advancement in the
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Banda region; on the charges of
to death in July 1857 and executed ëtaking part in the rebellion against
294 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

the Britishí, he was hanged in 1858 British troops during an encounter

and his property was confiscated and and charged with ëdesertion and
handed over to the British loyalists. mutinyí; he was sentenced to death
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny and executed by hanging on 25 July
Basta, UPRAA] 1857. [Mutiny Records, Poll. Deptt.
Vol. I, No. 43 B (1859), MSAB]
Hoseinbux: Belonged to Allahabad, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Hubeeb: Resident of Ghazeepoor
Pradesh); he was a Chuprasee [Ghazipur], the North-Western
[Chaprasi] under the British authority, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
but left it and participated in the fought the British forces at several
Uprising of 1857;he was with the places in Ghazipur during the
rebels to fight the British at various Uprising of 1857; he also offered
places in the Allahabad region and financial support to the neighbour-
also incited the people to raise arms hood for buying arms and attacking
against the firangi-hukumat (British the British; he was caught by the
rule); he was caught by the British British after their re-occupation of the
troops during their raids on the Ghazipur region, and executed by
Allahabad area, and convicted on the hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
charges of ërobbery and rebellion Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
against the Britishí; he was sentenced
to death in July 1857 and executed Hudayut Khan: Resident of Banda, the
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.209] Pradesh); a participant in the Uprising
of 1857, he was caught by the British
Hoshyar Khan: Belonged to Futtehpore troops during their operation in the
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Banda region and hanged on the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he charges of ëtaking part in the rebellion
participated in the Uprising of 1857, against the Britishí; his property was
and encouraged his neighbours to also confiscated and handed over to
join the fight against the British; he the British loyalists. [Mutiny Records,
was captured by the British troops Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
in the course of an encounter in Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB]
Fatehpur in 1857, and executed soon
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Hudoot Singh: Resident of Moorwa,
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Hriday Shah: Belonged to Madhya Pradesh); he joined hands with the
Pradesh; he was in the service of the rebels of his area during the Uprising
British-Indian army but left it during of 1857, and fought the British forces
the Uprising of 1857; he fought on several occasions; caught by the
against the British forces in the British in the course of an
Mandla region; he was caught by the engagement, he was accused of
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 295

ëplundering the British property and charged with ëmurder and rebellion
rebellion against the Britishí; he was against the Britishí; he was sentenced
sentenced to death and hanged in to death and executed in 1857.
1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP, [Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Div.) F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
Srs.), UPRAA]
Hunooman Pershaud: Resident of
Hulari: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh Allahabad, North-Western Provinces
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar (now Uttar Pradesh); he participated
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces in the Uprising of 1857 and fought
and fought the British at various against the British forces at various
places in Lucknow during the places in the Allahabad region; he also
Uprising of 1857; he also took part in incited the local people to take up
plundering the British properties to (thier) arms against the firangis
raise funds for buying arms; he died (British); he was caught by the British
while confronting the British army troops during their attacks on the
at Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in March Allahabad area, and charged with
1858. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow ërobbery and rebellion against the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Britishí; he was sentenced to death
in July 1857 and executed by
Hulli Bhoi: Resident of Harrakot, hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP,
Panchmarhi, Madhya Pradesh; joined Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.209]
the anti-British rebel forces of
Jagirdar Vibhuti Singh and acted as Hur Lall: Resident of Mynpoory
the commander of the fight against [Mainpuri], the North-Western
the British troops during the Uprising Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
of 1857; he fought continuously from Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the B.
1859 till his capture by the British Company of the British-Indian army;
forces in January 1860, imprisoned he stopped serving the British during
for long in the Jabalpur Central jail, the Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
he was put on the gallows in 1862. with the rebels to fight the British;
[Mutiny Papers, III, NAIB; WWIM, he was caught in 1858 while resisting
III, p.57] the British troops, and sentenced to
death on the charges of ëdesertion
Humeed Beg: Hailed from Allygurh and mutiny against the British
[Aligarh], North-Western Provinces authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
(now Uttar Pradesh); he took part in Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
fighting the British during the Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Uprising of 1857 in Aligarh for some
time, and thereafter marched on to Hurbhan: Resident of Uta, Gwalior (now
Delhi, and joined hands with the Uttar Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he
rebels; he was caught by the British was a Sepoy in the A. Company of
soon after the fall of Delhi, and the British-Indian army; he left the
296 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

British service during the Uprising he left the British service during the
of 1857 and joined hands with the Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
rebels of his area; he fought the with the rebel forces to fight against
British forces at several places; he the British rule; he fought the British
died in 1858 while confronting the at several places and he died in 1858
advancing British forces. [Mutiny while resisting the advancing British
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst.
59), UPSAL] Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]

Hurchurn Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor, Hurdeva: Born in Bulandsharer, the

Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took part in the Uprising
Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he of 1857 and fought the British at
joined hands with the rebels of his various places in Bulandshaher; in
area during the Uprising of 1857 and course of fighting he was captured
fought the British forces on several by the British and put on trial on the
occasions; he was caught by the chargers of ëplundering and
British in the course of an encounter rebellion.í He was convicted and
in the Gorakhpur region, and hanged sentenced to the transportation for
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, life; prior to the carrying of his
Jhansi (Div.) Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] sentence, he died in the Meerut Jail
Hospital on 29 June 1859. [Mutiny
Hurdeo: Born in Rawutparha, Agra, the Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Pradesh); Uheer [Aheer]; he was a
Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the Hurdut Singh: Resident of Gwalee,
Contingent Guards of the Agra Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
Central Prison; he left the British Western Provinces (now Uttar
service during the Uprising of 1857 Pradesh); he joined hands with the
and joined the rebel forces of the rebels of his area during the Uprising
Agra area; he fought the British at of 1857, and fought the British forces
several places in the Agra-Mathura on several occasions; he was caught
regions; he died in the midst of the by the British in the course of an
British attacks on the rebels in 1858. engagement, accused of ëplundering
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, the British property and rebellion
UPRAA] against the Britishí, sentenced to
death and hanged. [Mutiny Records,
Hurdeo: Resident of Kuchaihree Ghaut, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./
Agra, the North-Western Provinces Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
(now Uttar Pradesh); Thakoor
[Thakur]; he was a Sepoy in the A. Huree Singh: Hailed from Banda, the
Company of the British-Indian army; North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 297

Pradesh); he joined hands with the positions in 1858. [Mutiny Records,

rebels during the Uprising of 1857, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
provided financial support to the local Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB]
rebels and incited them to raise their
arms against the firangis (British); he Hurjeet: Resident of the North-Western
was caught in the course of an Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
engagement with the British troops Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the B.
in Banda, and charged with ësedition, Company of the British-Indian army;
aiding and abetting the rebellion he left the British service during the
against the Britishí, he was sentenced Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
to death with confiscation of his with the rebels to fight against the
property in May 1858 and executed British; he was caught in 1858 while
by hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny resisting the British forces, and
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, sentenced to death on the charges of
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) ëdesertion and mutiny against the
(1858), MSAB] British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
Hurgobind Singh: Zamindar of mouzah Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
Mundawul, Goruckpore [Gorakh- UPSAL]
pur], the North-Western Provinces
(now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the Hurnarain Roy: Resident of Jhukhan,
rebels during the Rising of 1857 and Azimgurh [Azamgarh], the North-
fought against the British; at several Western Provinces (now Uttar
places in Gorakhpur; arrested by the Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he fought
British forces, and charged with the British forces at several places in
ëmurder and rebellioní; he was Azamgarh during the Uprising of
sentenced to death in July 1859. 1857; he also offered financial support
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl to the rebels for buying arms to
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] attack the British establishments; he
was caught by the British at the time
Hurgobind: Born in Jugunpoor, Agra, of their re-occupation of the
the North-Western Provinces (now Azamgarh region, and executed by
Uttar Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the NWP, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
Contingent Guards of the Agra Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D (1859),
Central Prison; he left the British MSAB]
service during the Uprising of 1857
and joined hands with the rebels of Hurnarm: Resident of, the North-
the Agra area; he fought the British Western Provinces (now Uttar
troops in several engagements in the Pradesh); Nayee [Nai]; he was a
Agra-Mathura regions; he was killed Sepoy in the A. Company of the
by the advancing British army at the British-Indian army; he left the
time of its attacks on the rebel British service during the Uprising
298 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

of 1857 and fought against the British took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
at several places in his region; he also encouraged other people to raise
died in 1858 while resisting the their arms and overthrow the firangi-
advancing British forces. [Mutiny hukumat (British rule); he marched on
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, to Delhi, joined hands with the rebels
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- there and fought the British troops;
59), UPSAL] he was caught by the British after
their re-occupation of Delhi, and
Hurree Singh: Hailed from muza charged with ësedition and rebellion
Jugunpoor [Jaganpur], Agra, the against the Britishí; he was sentenced
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar to death and shot dead in 1857.
Pradesh); he was a Naick [Naik] in [Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi
the Armed Guards Contingent at the Div.) F.No.3 (1858), HSAP]
Agra Central Prison, but left the
British service in June 1857 to join the Husain Ali Khan: Resident of Lucknow,
Uprising of 1857. Along with his the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
comrades, he marched towards Delhi Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the
and joined the rebel forcesí armed fight against the British during the
struggle against the British rule; he Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged
died in September 1857 while others to raise their arms for
fighting the advancing British army overthrowing the British power; he
for the defence of Delhi. [Mutiny was killed by the British army in an
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, encounter at Bailley Guard,
UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57, Lucknow, in November 1857.
NAI] [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
Hurree Singh: Resident of Jugunpoor, (1858), UPSAL]
Agra, the North-Western Provinces
(now Uttar Pradesh); Tanwar; he was Husain Bakhsh: Belonged to the North-
a Naick [Naik] in the A. Company of Western Provinces (now Uttar
the British-Indian army; he left the Pradesh); he took part in the
British service during the Uprising Uprising of 1857 and also helped his
of 1857 and fought against the British neighbourhood in fighting against the
at several places in his region; he British authorities; he proceeded to
died in 1858 while resisting the Delhi, joined the rebel forces there,
advancing British forces. [Mutiny and fought the British in several
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, engagements; he died while
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- confronting the advancing British
59), UPSAL] army in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny
Papers, Coll. No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt,
Hursookh Lall: Resident of Allygurh Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
[Aligarh], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Husein Allee: Belonged to Kanpur, the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 299

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the anti-British

Pradesh); he joined hands with the rebel forces during the Uprising of
rebels of his area and fought against 1857; also took part in attacking the
the British rule during the Uprising British establishments in Kanpur in
of 1857; he was killed while resisting June 1857; when the British were
the advancing British army in the making a comeback in Kanpur
Kanpur region in 1857. [Mutiny between July and December 1857, he
Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta, was caught by them; accused of
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) ëtaking part in plundering and
(1858), MSAB] rebellion against the Britishí, Khan
was sentenced to death in December
Husein Bux: Resident of Etawah, the 1857 and executed soon thereafter.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny
Pradesh); he took part in the Basta UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50
Uprising of 1857, and fought against (VII) (1858), MSAB]
the British forces in several
engagements; he also incited the local Hussun Allee: Hailed from Unnao, the
people and encouraged them to North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
attack the British; he died while Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
resisting the advancing British army soon after the outbreak of the 1857
in Etawah in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Uprising; he marched towards Delhi
Etawah Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] while fighting against the British
forces; he escaped to his region after
Husein Khan: Resident of Katra, the British re-occupation of Delhi in
Allahabad, North-Western Provinces September 1857; he died in 1858 while
(now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the resisting the advancing British army
rebel forces of his area during the in the Unnao region. [Mutiny
Uprising of 1857 and participated in Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta,
the fighting against the British; he UPRAA]
also took part in seizing the British
treasury and making use of its Hussun Beg: Hailed from Allygurh
contents for buying arms; he was [Aligarh], the North-Western
caught by the British troops in the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
course of their marches into gave financial support to the local
Allahabad, and accused of ëtheft and rebels during the Uprising of 1857
rebellion against the Britishí; he was and incited them to kill the firangis
hanged from a tree in 1857. [Mutiny (British); he also marched on to Delhi,
Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta, joined hands with the rebel forces
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) there and fought the British on
(1858), MSAB] several occasions; he was caught by
the British after their re-occupation
Hussain Khan: Resident of (Kanpur), the of Delhi, and charged with ëaiding
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar and abetting the rebellion against the
300 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Britishí; he was sentenced to death Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to

and executed in 1857. [Mutiny remonstrate against the Maharajaís
Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.) oppressive administration and his
F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] land settlement policy of 1923-24. In
this settlement the Biswedari rights of
Hussun Khan: Belonged to Allahabad, the Rajputs were forfeited and the
the North-Western Provinces (now land tax increased by fifty per cent.
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel Though all agriculturists were
forces in their fighting against the affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
British during the Uprising of 1857; suffered the most. Hearing the news
he also took part in plundering the of this gathering, the Maharaja sent
British properties and using their his State Army to counter the rallyists
proceeds for meeting the military at Neemuchana. The troops
expenses; he was caught by the surrounded the village, blocked all
British in the course of their attacks the exit routes from it and opened
on the rebels in Allahabad, and fire on the protesters without any
accused of ërobbery and rebellion prior warning. Huwa Singh received
against the Britishí; he was sentenced deep bullet wounds in the
to death in July 1857 and executed indiscriminate firing and died on the
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, spot. Simultaneously, the village was
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.204] also set on fire by the State troops.
[Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925,
Hutta Kulloo: Resident of Aligarh, the RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
Pradesh); coinciding with the F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
spreading of the Uprising of 1857, he RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
joined hands with the anti-colonial F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
forces against the British in Aligarh
and its surrounding areas; he was Hybut Khan: Resident of Humeerpoor
caught by the British army in the [Hamirpur], the North-Western
midst of fighting in Aligarh; Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
imprisoned on the charge of ëmurder joined hands with the rebels during
and rebellion against the British the Uprising of 1857 and fought
authoritiesí; he died in detention in against the British forces at various
April 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst. places; he also incited others to assist
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), the rebels in fighting against the
UPSAL] firangis (British); he was killed in an
engagement with the British army in
Huwa Singh: Hailed from v. Alampore, Hamirpur in 1858; his property was
Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), the confiscated later on. [Mutiny
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
Rajput; participated in a meeting of UPRAA]
the kisan agitators held at
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 301

Hyder: Resident of Allahabad, the captured by the British during their

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar raids on Allahabad, and charged with
Pradesh); he was a Chaprassie ësedition and taking part in the
[Chaprasi] in a Government office; he rebellion against the Britishí;
left the service to join the Uprising sentenced to death, he was hanged
of 1857; he also incited other people in 1857. [Mutiny Records, Allahabad
in his work place to join the rebels in Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; TIM, p.220]
fighting aginst the British rule; he was
302 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Ibrahim Ali Khan alias Abdullah North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Khan: Resident of Jaipur State (now Pradesh); he joined the rebels in
distt. Jaipur), the Rajputana Agency fighting the British forces during the
(now Rajasthan); s/o Abdul Karim Uprising of 1857; he also participated
Khan; took part in the 1857 rebellion in attacking and plundering the
in Jodhpur; arrested from Paota, British establishments; he was caught
Jodhpur State (now distt. Jodhpur), in the course of a combat and charged
sent to the Assistant Political Agent, with ëplundering, murder and
Kanod, and hanged. [F/Deptt, Part rebellion against the Britishí;
A, F. No. 7-9, dated May 1860; F/ sentenced to death, he was executed
Deptt, Poll No. 180, dated 19 in July 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
Novemebr 1860; NAI, cited in RSG, Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
V 2, pp.92-93] UPSAL]

Ibrahim Khan: Resident of Malwa, the Ilahee Bux: Resident of Futtehpore

Central India Agency [now Madhya [Fatehpur], the North-Western
Prradesh]; formerly served as a Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Sepoy in the Native Infantry of the joined hands with the rebel forces in
British-Indian Army; he deserted it fighting against the British during the
and joined the rebel forces; took part Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
in the Uprising of 1857 in the Malwa the British troops and charged with
region; in the course of fighting he ëmurder and rebellion against the
was captured by the British troops Britishí; sentenced to death in
and given the capital punishment on December 1858, his property was also
26 February 1857. [Mutiny Papers, III, confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
NAIB; WWIM, III, p.58] Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
Ikbalmund Khan: Belonged to
Furrukhabad [Farukhabad], the Ilahi Bakhsh II: Resident of the North-
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 303

Western Provinces (now Uttar decided to volunteer his services to

Pradesh); he took part in the the Indian National Army and joined
Uprising of 1857 and also offered it in Malaya. On his becoming a
arms to the rebels for attacking the regular of the INA, he was sent to
British authorities; he proceeded to Burma (Myanmar) front for taking
Delhi, joined the rebel forces there, part in the battles against the British.
and fought the British in several He died there in action in 1944. [INA
engagements; he died while fighting Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; WWIM,
the advancing British forces in II, p.122]
defence of Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny
Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Illahee Buksh: Born in Shahgunj, Agra,
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh); Shaikh; he was a
Ilahi Bakhsh: Belonged to the North- Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the
Western Provinces (now Uttar Contingent Guards of the Agra
Pradesh); he took part in the Central Prison; he left the British
Uprising of 1857 and also stood by employment during the Uprising of
his neighbourhood in their fighting 1857 and joined the rebels of the Agra
against the British forces; he marched region; he fought the British at
towards Delhi, joined the rebels several places in the Agra-Mathura
there, and fought the British in area; he was killed by the advancing
different engagements; he was killed British forces in the course of their
while resisting the advancing British onslaught on the rebels in 1858.
forces in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, UPRAA]
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
Illahee Bux: Resident of Meerut, the
Ilahi Bux: Belonged to Kanpur, the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Sheikh; he went up to Delhi
Pradesh); he took part in the to join the rebels in fighting the
Uprising of 1857, and encountered British during the Uprising of 1857;
the British at several places in he also provided financial support to
Kanpur; he also offered arms to the the rebel forces for procuring arms
local people and encouraged them to and ammunitions; he was captured
attack the firangis (British); he died by the British at the time of their re-
while defending Kanpur against the occupation of Delhi in September
advancing British army in 1857. 1857; charged with ëaiding and
[Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny abetting the rebellion against the
Basta, UPRAA] Britishí; he was sentenced to death,
and executed by hanging on 18
Ilam Chand: Born in v. Saraspur, distt. January 1858. [Mutiny Records, Judl.
Meerut, the United Provinces (now Deptt. (Delhi Div), F.No.3 (1858),
Uttar Pradesh); s/o Munna Ram. He HSAP]
304 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Illahi Baksh: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar ëplundering and rebellion against the
Pradesh; Shaikh; he was a Sepoy in Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Allahabad
the Armed Guards Contingent at the Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Agra Central Prison; he left the
British service in June 1857 to Illahi Bux: Resident of Futtehpore
participate in the Uprising of 1857. [Fatehpur], the North-Western
Along with others, he marched Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
towards Delhi and joined the rebelsí participated in the Uprising of 1857,
fighting against the British; he died and encouraged his neighbours to
while resisting the advancing British raise their arms against the British
army in the Delhi region in rule; he also offered financial support
September 1857. [Mutiny Records, to the rebels for buying arms; he was
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny killed by the British troops during
Papers, Coll No. 57, NAI] their attacks on Fatehpur in 1857.
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
Illahi Buksh: Resident of Bijnorr [Bijnor], Basta, UPRAA]
the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh); Sheikh; he was a Illahi Khan: Belonged to Humeerpoor
Sepoy in the B. Company of the [Hamirpur], the North-Western
British-Indian army; he left the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
British employment during the took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands fought against the British forces at a
with the rebels for taking part in number of places in the Hamirpur
fighting against the British rule; he region; he also provided arms to the
was caught in 1858 while resisting the local rebels and encouraged them to
British forces, and sentenced to attack the British establishments; he
death on the charges of ëdesertion was caught during an engagement
and mutiny against the British with the British troops, and charged
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP, with ëmurder, aiding and abetting the
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] sentenced to death with confiscation
of property in 1859 and executed by
Illahi Bux: Resident of Allahabad, the hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
Pradesh); he joined hands with the UPRAA]
rebels of his locality during the
Uprising of 1857 and participated in Imad Alee: Hailed from Allahabad, the
the fight against the British; he also North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
took part in plundering the British Pradesh); he was a Chuprasee
establishments; he was caught by the [Chprasi] under the British authority,
British troops in the course of their but left it and participated in the
raids on Allahabad, and hanged from Uprising of 1857; he took part in
a tree in 1857 on the charges of fighting the British at various places
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 305

in the Allahabad area and also incited advancing British troops in Banda,
the people to raise their arms against and charged with ësedition, aiding
the firangi-hukumat (British rule); he and abetting the rebellion against the
was caught by the British troops Britishí; sentenced to death with
during their raids on the Allahabad confiscation of his property in May
region, and convicted on the charges 1858, he was executed by hanging.
of ërobbery and rebellion against the [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
Britishí; he was sentenced to death Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
in July 1857 and executed by (IX) (1858), MSAB]
hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP,
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.209] Imam Allee: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
Pradesh; Shaikh; he was a Sepoy in
Imam Ali: born in 1788, distt. Saugor, the Permanent Armed Guards at the
Jubbulpore Division (now Madhya Agra Central Prison; he was deputed
Pradesh); s/o Meer Sultan Ali; served at Bulandshahar on escort duty, but
as British authorityís security guard left the British service in June 1857
at Rahatgarh fort; he deserted it and to join the Uprising of 1857. Along
joined Nawab Fazil Mohammad with others he marched towards
Khanís anti-British rebel troops Delhi and took part in fighting
during their occupation of Rahatgarh against the British; he died while
in October 1857; he fought from 24 confronting the advancing British
to 28 January 1858 against the British army in the Delhi region in
troops who came to re-occupy September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Rahatgarh Fort under Sir Hugh Rose; Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny
in the course of the fighting he was Papers, Coll No. 57, NAI]
captured and charged with ësedition
and rebellion against the Britishí; he Imam Allee: Resident of Saugor (Sagar),
was executed by hanging at Madhya Pradesh; s/o Mir Sooltan
Rahatgarh Fort on 29 January 1858 Allee; he joined hands with the rebels
along with thirty rebels during the Uprising of 1857 and
(approximately). [Mutiny Papers, fought against the British and the
Vol. VI, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 loyalist forces in the Sagar region; he
(IX) (1858), MSAB] took part in the defence of the
Rahatgarh fort against the British
Imam allee Khan: Resident of Banda, the onslaught; caught after the fall of the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar fort, he was executed by the British
Pradesh); he took part in the army on 25 February 1858. [Mutiny
Uprising of 1857 and fought against Papers, Vol. No. II, NAIB]
the British forces in the Banda region;
he also offered financial support to Imam Ally Shah: Born in v. Khujuwur,
the local people and incited them to Meerut, the North-Western
kill the firangis (British); he was caught Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
during an engagement with the Faqueer; he took part in the Uprising
306 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

of 1857 and also incited his [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
neighbourhood to raise its arms Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
against the British rule; he fought the (1858-59), UPSAL]
British forces in several engage-
ments; he was caught by the British Imam Baksh: Resident of Banda, the
after the defeat of the rebel forces in North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the Meerut region, and charged with Pradesh); Sheikh; he led a group of
ëmurder and plundering the rebels during the Uprising of 1857
Government property during the and fought at several places in Banda;
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death he also propagated against the British
in 1858 and executed by hanging. and announced: ëthe firangis (British)
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi (Div.) are against the honour and religion
Mutiny Basta, File Sl. No.117, of Hindoostanisí, incited the local
UPRAA; AG (1859), MPSAB; QT, people to destroy all symbols of
p.45] British authority; he was caught by
the British during their re-occupation
Imam Ally: Resident of Banda Khas, the of the region, charged with ësedition,
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar aiding and instigating the rebellioní;
Pradesh); he joined hands with the he was sentenced to the transporta-
rebels of his area during the Uprising tion for life in August 1858 and died
of 1857, and fought the British forces in detention at the time of
on several occasions; he was caught transportation. [Mutiny Records,
by the British following an Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
engagement, accused of ëplundering
the British property and rebellion Imam Bux: Born in Bengal but resided
against the Britishí; and sentenced to in the Saugor (Sagar), Madhya
death in 1860. [Mutiny Records, Pradesh; s/o Sheikh Nabi; he
Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll participated in the defence of the
Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] Rahatgarh fort against the British
army during the Uprising of 1857; he
Imam Ally: Resident of Vuzeerpoora, was caught after the fall of the fort
Agra, the North-Western Provinces and executed by the British at
(now Uttar Pradesh); Syed; he was a Rahatgarh on 25 February 1858.
Sepoy in the B. Company of the [Mutiny Papers, Vol. No. II, NAIB]
British-Indian army; he left the
British employment during the Imam Bux: Resident of Allahabad, the
Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebels North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
of his area for overthrowing the Pradesh); he led a group of rebels
British rule; he was caught in 1858 during the Uprising of 1857 and
while resisting the advancing British attacked the British establishments at
forces, and sentenced to death on the several places in the Allahabad
charges of ëdesertion and mutiny region; he also supplied arms to the
against the British authoritiesí. local people and encouraged them to
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 307

fight against the firangis (British); he British forces in the Malwa region
was caught by the British troops at during the Uprising of 1857; was
the time of their raids on the captured by the enemy from the front
Allahabad area, and charged with and executed at Shahjahanpur in 1857.
ëaiding the rebellion against the [Mutiny Papers, III, NAIB; WWIM,
Britishí, sentenced to death in 1859 III, p.59]
and executed by hanging in 1860.
[Mutiny Records, Mutiny Basta, Imam Khan: Resident of the Oudh
UPRAA] [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Pradesh); Mewatee; he was a Sepoy
Imam Bux: Resident of the Oudh in the A. Company of the British-
[Awadh] Province (now Uttar Indian army; he left the British
Pradesh); he participated in the service during the Uprising of 1857
Uprising of 1857 soon after it broke and fought against the British at
out in his area; he accompanied the several places; he died in 1858 while
rebel forces on several occasions in resisting the advancing British forces.
plundering and attacking the British [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
quarters; he was caught during an Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
engagement with the British and (1858-59), UPSAL]
executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Iman Allee: Resident of Banda, the
Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he participated in the
Imam Din: Resident of Etawah, the Uprising of 1857 and fought against
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar the British forces in the Banda region;
Pradesh); he took part in the he also provided financial support to
Uprising of 1857, and fought against the neighbours and encouraged them
the British forces in several to raise arms against the firangis
engagements; he also offered (British); he was caught during an
financial support to the local rebels engagement with the advancing
and encouraged them to attack the British army in Banda, and convicted
firangis (British); he was killed while on the charges of ësedition, aiding
resisting the advancing British army and abetting the rebellion against the
in Etawah in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Britishí, he was sentenced to death
Etawah Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] with confiscation of property in May
1858 and executed by hanging.
Imam Khan: Resident of Malwa, the [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
Central India Agency, Indore (now Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
Madhya Pradesh); served as Risaldar (IX) (1858), MSAB]
in the Native Infantry of the British-
Indian Army till he deserted it in Imdad Allee: Belonged to Faizabad, the
1857; he joined the rebel forces and Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
took part in fighting against the Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
308 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

the rebel forces of his area during the joined hands with the rebels of his
Uprising of 1857 and proceeded to locality during the Uprising of 1857
Lucknow; he fought against the and fought against the British forces
British at several places in Lucknow in Allahabad; he also took part in
city; captured by the British army in seizing the British wealth and using
the course of an engagement, he was it for the rebel causes; he was caught
hanged at Machhi Bhawan, Lucknow, by the British troops at the time of
in June 1857. [Mutiny Records, their raids on Allahabad, and
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; charged with ëplundering and
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1857), rebellion against the Britishí; he was
UPSAL] hanged from a tree in 1857. [Mutiny
Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta,
Imdal Ali: Belonged to Boolundsheher UPRAA]
[Bulandshahar], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Inam: Resident of Humeerpoor
led the local rebels in fighting the [Hamirpur], the North-Western
British forces during the Uprising of Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
1857; he was caught by the British participated in the Uprising of 1857
troops in the course of an engagement and fought against the British in the
and imprisoned on the charge of Hamirpur region; he also propagated
ëbeing a leader of rebellioní; against the firangi-hukumat (British
sentenced to death in August 1859, rule) and incited the local people to
his property was also confiscated by overthrow it; he was caught during
the British authorities. [Mutiny an engagement with the advancing
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) British army, and convicted on the
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] charges of ësedition and rebellion
against the Britishí; sentenced to
Imtiyaz Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the death with confiscation of property
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in in 1859, he was executed by hanging.
Uttar Pradesh); he fought against the [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur Mutiny
British forces on several occasions Basta, UPRAA]
during the Uprising of 1857, and also
incited others to resist the firangi- Inamdar Khan: Resident of Allygurh
hukumat (British rule); he died while [Aligarh], the North-Western
confronting the British army at Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Bailley Guard, Lucknow in took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, also incited others to attack the
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. British establishments; he marched
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] on to Delhi, joined the rebel force
there and fought the British troops;
Inam Khan: Belonged to Katra, he was caught by the British after
Allahabad, the North-Western their re-occupation of Delhi, and
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he charged with ësedition and rebellion
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 309

against the Britishí; he was sentenced the foreign rule; she was caught by
to death and shot dead in 1857. the British and executed on the
[Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi gallows in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Div.) F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] Muzaffarnagar Mutiny Basta,
Inamdar Khan: Resident of Banda, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Inder Singh: Belonged to the Garhwal
Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his Division, the United Provinces (now
area in fighting the British forces Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
during the Uprising of 1857; he was 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
caught by the British while defending Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
his area against an advancing British to the Indian National Army in 1942
army in Banda; charged with and served it as Lance-Naik in the Ist
ëmurder and rebellion against the Guerrilla Regiment; he died while
Britishí, he was sentenced to death fighting against the British forces in
in September 1858 and executed by Burma (now Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.123]
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
Inder Singh: Resident of v. Jhubian-
Indashaw Narain: Resident of Cawnpore Brahminandian, p.o. Ramgarh, distt.
(Kanpur), the North-Western Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir. He
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); volunteered his services to the Indian
participating in the Uprising of 1857, National Army and joined it in
he joined the rebel forces to fight Malaya as a soldier in its 3rd guerrilla
against the British in the Kanpur Regiment. Soon after his induction,
region in June 1857; he was captured he was sent to Burma (Myanmar) to
by the British troops during their re- confront the Allied forces and he died
occupation of Kanpur, tried and there in an exchange of fire in 1944.
charged with ërebellion against the [INA Papers, 1/INA, NAI; ROH,
Britishí, Indashaw was sentenced to pp.700-701; WWIM, II, p.123]
death and executed in the latter half
of 1857. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Indergiri Gosain: Hailed from distt.
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Hoshangabad, Central India Agency
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] (now Madhya Pradesh); s/o Tulsi
Giri. He was arrested on the charge
Inder Kaur: Resident of Muzaffarnagar, of his actively participating in the
the North-Western Provinces (now ìQuit Indiaî movement in 1942. He
Uttar Pradesh); she participated in had been on hunger strike for a
the armed struggle against the British month during his imprisonment in
authorities during the Uprising of Hoshangabad jail. An attempt to
1857, and also inspired other people force-feed him by the jail authorities
to raise their arms for overthrowing resulted in his death late in 1942. [H/
310 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Poll F.No.97-C, 1942, MSAB; anti-British ìQuit Indiaî movement

MPKSSKS, V, p.325] in 1942 in Hosangabad region, he
was arrested and sentenced to 9
Inderjeet Singh: Resident of Gwalee, monthsí rigorous imprisonment. Put
Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North- in Hosangabad District Jail, on 29
Western Provinces (now Uttar March 1943 on account of ill treatment
Pradesh); he joined hands with the and physical tortures died in jail
rebels of his area during the Uprising premises. [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
of 1857, and fought the British forces F.Nos. 155, 156, 157 (PA), NAI;
on several occasions; caught by the MPSSZB, EBIFF, I, p.325]
British forces during an engagement,
he was hanged in 1861. [Mutiny Indu Bikram Singh: Hailing from
Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny Cawnpore (Kanpur), the North-
Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA] Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); joined the anti-British rebel
Inderjit: Resident of Rampur Takuwa, forces during the Revolt of 1857; took
p.o. Chaura, distt. Gorakhpur, the part in the rebelsí attacks on the
United Provinces (now Uttar British settlements in Kanpur and its
Pradesh); s/o Shri Bharosa. While the neighborhood in June 1857; caught
people were demonstrating against by the British during their recapture
the authorities during the Non of this area between July and
Cooperation movement, the British December 1857, and charged with
police of Chauri Chaura police station ëtaking part in the rebellion against
suddenly opened fire on them, killing the Britishí; sentenced to death in
and injuring a number of protesters. December 1857, he was executed
When they ran out of ammunition soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
and found the gathering infuriated, Kanpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
the policemen retreated and hid Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
themselves in side the police station.
Some in the encircling crowd sprayed Indu Narain: Resident of Faizabad, the
kerosene oil over the building and Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
set it on fire, killing all the 23 Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the
policemen inside. Arrested and tried 1857 rebellion against the British rule,
in the Chauri Chaura case, Inderjit proceeded to Lucknow, and fought
was sentenced to death and hanged against the British in several
on 2 July 1923. [H/poll, F.No. 563/ engagements there; he was caught by
III/1922, NAI; TR, 14 January, 1923, the British army and hanged at
RSAB; SSKS, 36, p. 1 & 10] Machhi Bhawan, Lucknow, in June
1857. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
Indragini Gosain: Resident of v. Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Abst. Proc.
Rampur, distt. Hosangabad, Madhya (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1857), UPSAL]
Pradesh; s/o Tulsigiri, educated up
to the primary level. Involved in the Inyat Hussain: Hailed from Bhopal State,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 311

the Central India Agency (Now January 1858. [Mutiny Records, Judl.
Madhya Pradesh); served as Jamadar Deptt. (Delhi Div), F.No.3 (1858),
in the Cavalry Regiment of the HSAP]
Bhopal State Army; the outbreak of
the Uprising of 1857 in northern and Irshee Singh: Resident of Cawnpore
central regions of India inspired him (Kanpur), the North-Western
and his comrades to rise against the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
British Residency; he played a Zamindar; took a leading part in the
prominent role in the attacks on the Uprising of 1857 and merged his own
British forces at Sehore in 1857; in the followers with the anti-British rebel
course of fighting he was captured forces; while encountering the British
by the enemy along with hundreds attempts at re-occupying Kanpur in
of rebels; tied onto the canon of a June 1857, he was caught by the
field gun, he was blown to death on British forces; sentenced to death on
13 January 1858. [Mutiny Papers, V, charges of ërebellion against the
NAIB; WWIM, III, pp. 59-60] Britishí, and sent on the gallows in
December 1857; his estate and other
Iradat Jahan: Belonged to Jaunpur, the properties were confiscated. [Mutiny
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta,
Pradesh); he deserted the British- UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
Indian Army and joined the anti- (1858), MSAB]
British forces in Jaunpur to fight
against the British rule during the Isaaree Pershad: Resident of Banda, the
Rising of 1857; he also took part in North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the plundering of British properties; Pradesh); he participated in the
he was caught, sentenced to death Uprising of 1857 and fought against
and executed by hanging on 6 January the British forces at a number of places
1858. [Mutiny Records, Jaunpur in the Banda region; he was captured
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] during the British re-occupation of
the Banda region, and charged with
Irrah Ram: Hailed from Oudh [Awadh] ëplundering and rebellion against the
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he Britishí; he was sentenced to death
travelled to Delhi for taking part in with confiscation of his property in
the anti-British fighting during the July 1858 and hanged thereafter.
Uprising of 1857; he also incited [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
others to join the fight against the Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
British and march to Delhi; he was (IX) (1858), MSAB]
caught by the British troops in the
course of their operations in Delhi in Isavi Singh: Belonged to Jaunpur, the
September 1857; charged with North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
ësedition and rebellion against the Pradesh); s/o Sultan Singh; he joined
Britishí, he was sentenced to death the rebel forces in fighting the British
and executed by hanging on 18 at Jaunpur during the Uprising of
312 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

1857; he also took part in robbing a State (now distt. Jaipur) the
Government godown and killing its Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
custodian, Davis, on the spot; he was served as Sepoy in the 7/8 Punjab
caught, put on trial on the charge of Regiment of the British-Indian Army;
ëmurder and robberyí and sentenced shifting his loyalty to the Indian
to death; he was hanged till death National Army, he served in its 3rd
on 1 June 1858. [Mutiny Records, Guerilla Regiment; confronting the
Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll British forces, he died fighting in
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.379/INA
(1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.124]
Ishee Prasad: Resident of Cawnpore
(Kanpur), the North-Western Ishwar Singh: Resident of v. Kharora,
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Alwar State (now distt. Alwar), the
actively participated in the rebellion Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
against the British in Cawnpore Served in the 7/8 Punjab Regiment
(Kanpur) during the Uprising of 1857; of the British-Indian Army as a Sepoy
he also took part in resisting the till 1942; later shifted his loyalty to
British army when it struck back in the Indian National Army and served
December 1857; in the course of the its 3 rd Guerrilla Regiment; while
fighting Prasad was caught and tried fighting against the British-led Allied
for his anti-British role and executed forces on the Burma (Myanmar) front
in December 1859. [Mutiny Records, he was killed in 1944. [INA Papers,
Kanpur Mutiny Basta, 1857, UPRAA; F.Nos.439/INA (1946); 498//INA
Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D (1859), (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p. 124]
Ishwari Pandey: Resident of Azamgarh,
Ishree: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] the North-Western Provinces (now
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); soon Uttar Pradesh); he was Sepoy in the
after the outbreak of the Uprising of British-Indian army; he refused to
1857, he joined the rebel forces in obey the orders of his European
fighting against the British in the officers during the 1857 Uprising and
Awadh region; he also provided joined hands with his comrades in
financial support to the fellow rebels attacking the British forces; he was
for meeting their military expenses; caught and hanged in 1857 on the
he was captured by the British in 1858 charges of ëdesertion and murder
and imprisoned on the charges of during the rebellioní. [Mutiny
ëaiding and abetting the rebellion Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.),
against the Britishí; he died in NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III,
detention there. [Mutiny Records, p.60]
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-
59), UPSAL] Ishwari Shukla: Belonged to teh.
Haraiya, Basti, the North-Western
Ishwar Singh: Belonged to Jaipur, Jaipur Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 313

joined hands with the rebels of his Collectorate, Basta No.3, UPRAA]
area during the Uprising of 1857, and
fought against the British troops on Isree: Resident of Allahabad, the North-
various occasions; he also provided Western Provinces (now Uttar
financial support to the rebels and led Pradesh); Buneah [Bania]; he took
them to attack the British part in the fighting against the British
establishments; he was captured by during the Uprising of 1857, and also
the British troops at the time of their offered financial support to other
attack on the Basti region, and rebels for buying arms; he was
executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny captured by the British troops at the
Records, Abst. Proc. Judl. Deptt. time of their raids on the rebels in
NWP, Vol.74 (1858), UPSAL] Allahabad, and charged with
ëmurder and rebellion against the
Ismail Khan: Belonged to Lucknow, the Britishí; sentenced to death in July
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in 1857, and hanged; his property was
Uttar Pradesh); he fought the British also confiscated. [Mutiny Records,
forces at several spots in Lucknow PP, Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.223]
during the Uprising of 1857, and also
encouraged others to take part in the Iswarey: Resident of Etawah, the North-
resisting of the firangi-hukumat Western Provinces (now Uttar
(British rule); he was killed by the Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
British army in an encounter at area in their fight against the British
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in during the Uprising of 1857, and also
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, encouraged the local people to attack
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. and destroy the firangis (British); he
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] died while confronting the
advancing British army in the
Isooree: Resident of Banda, the North- Etawah region in 1858. [Mutiny
Western Provinces (now Uttar Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta,
Pradesh); he participated in the UPRAA]
fighting against the British during the
Uprising of 1857; he also incited the Iswari Shukla: Resident of Belare, the
local people to raise their arms North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
against the firangis (British) and their Pradesh); he joined hands with the
loyalists; he was caught by the British rebels of the Amorha state (now in
troops at the time of their distt. Basti) during the Uprising of
advancement into the Banda region, 1857, and fought the British at several
charged with ësedition and rebellion places; he was caught by the British
against the Britishí, he was sentenced troops in the course of their attacks
to death in July 1858 with confiscation on the Amorha rebels, and executed
of his property; he and his family by hanging from a ëPipal Treeí in
members were hanged together in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Monument of
1858. [Mutiny Records, Banda Chhawani, cited in LL1857, pp.20-26]
314 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Itwar: Born in 1912 at v. Tanguniyan, army in an encounter at Bailley

distt. Ballia, the United Provinces Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857.
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Khetu [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Bhar. He was one of the kisan Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
saboteurs who took part in (1858), UPSAL]
destroying the railway track near
Siyar village during the ìQuit Indiaî Jabal Singh: Belonged to v. Ghat, Alwar
movement. When the activists were State (now distt. Alwar), the
fired upon by a military patrol party Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
there, Itwar was shot dead on the s/o Man Singh; Shekhawat. He
spot in August 1942. [H/poll, F.No. participated in a meeting of kisan
3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 122; WWIM, agitatorsí held at Neemuchana on 14
I, p.142] May 1925 to protest against the
Maharajaís mal-administration and
Iuzzut Aheer: Resident of Gurruckpoor his land settlement policy of 1923-24.
[Gorakhpur], the North-Western In this settlement the Biswedari rights
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he of the Rajputs were forfeited and the
joined the rebel forces in fighting land revenue increased by fifty per
against the British during the cent. Though all agriculturists were
Uprising of 1857; he took part in the affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
attacking and plundering the British suffered the most. Hearing the news
establishments in the Gorakhpur of this gathering, the Maharaja sent
region; he was caught by the British his State Army to counter the rallyists
and imprisoned in Gorakhpur Jail on at Neemuchana. The troops
the charges of ëplundering and surrounded the village, blocked all
rebellion against the Britishí; he died the exit points from it and opened
in jail in 1859 during his trial. [Mutiny fire on the protesters without any
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) prior warning. Jabal Singh was
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] injured in the indiscriminate firing
and died on the same day.
Izharat Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the Simultaneously, the village was also
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
Pradesh); he took part in the Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
other people to raise their arms Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
against the firangi-hukumat (British F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
rule); he fought the British forces at RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
different places in the Lucknow F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
region; he was killed by the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 315

Jabal Singh: Resident of Muzaffarnagar, V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar;
the North-Western Provinces (now WWIM, II, p.125]
Uttar Pradesh); took active part in
supplying arms and providing Jabbar Ganani: Born in 1898 at Sopore,
financial support to the anti-British distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
rebel forces during the Uprising of Kashmir; s/o Fateh Ganani; When the
1857; he also participated in the political movement for responsible
defence of his area whenever the government in Jammu and Kashmir
British troops raided it; he was was spreading in 1931, he actively
caught in the course of one of the joined it. As a participant of a protest
British attacks and executed by demonstration in that connection at
hanging in 1858; his property was Sopore, he was killed in the State
also confiscated later on. [Mutiny policeís firing on the demonstrators.
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, J&KSA,
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.226; WWIM,
II, p.91]
Jabar Khan: Born in 1902 in v. Madan
Chogal, distt. Baramulla, Jammu and Jabbar Mir: Born in 1896 in v. Dardasun,
Kashmir; s/o Ramzan Khan. A ps. Reshigund, distt. Baramulla,
farmer by occupation, he actively Jammu and Kashmir; s/o Aziz Mir.
participated in the political A farmer, he joined a rally at
movement for responsible govern- Hindwara to protest against the
ment in Jammu and Kashmir. He despotic rule of the Maharaja in
joined an agitation at Hindwara in Jammu and Kashmir at the height of
Baramulla district in February 1932, the movement for responsible
organized against the Maharajaís government there. When the
autocracy in the State. He was killed demonstrators were fired upon by
on the same day in the State Armyís the State Army in February 1932 he
firing on the demonstrators. [File No. was killed in this indiscriminate firing
316 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

on the spot. [File No. IV, 8; MMCR, on the peasants and chasing them
J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.195; resulting in the injuries to 30 people.
HMKJAMH; p. 327] Out of 4 seriously injured peasants,
Jadia was the one who succumbed
Jadheewa: Resident of Banda, the North- to his injury at the dawn of 18 January
Western Provinces (now Uttar 1941. [SPC No.7 pp.1-42]
Pradesh); Brahmin; he participated in
the Uprising of 1857 and incited his Jagan Nath Mal: Resident of v. Barauli,
neighbours to take up their arms p.o. Khukhundu, distt. Deoria, the
against the British and British United Provinces (now Uttar
loyalists; he also financed the rebel Pradesh); s/o Prag Mal. He took part
marches to attack the British army in a procession at Barhaj Bazar during
camps; caught during a British ìQuit Indiaî movement. He, along
operation in the Banda region, and with few Congress volunteers,
charged with ëaiding and abetting marched ahead of the crowd and
the rebellioní, he was sentenced to began shouting slogans in the face of
death in August 1858 and executed the Superintendent of the Police,
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda Hoogwork. Incensed by the noisy
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, arrogance, the police suddenly
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] opened fire on the demonstrators.
Being at the front, Jagan Nath Mal
Jadia: Resident of Ratlam, Sailana, Malwa was hit in the first round of firing
Agency, Central India, Madhya and died on the spot in August 1942.
Pradesh; belonged to Bhil [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
community. The Holkar State RORCG; SSKS, 36, p. 25]
governmentís declaration of Bamnia
Mandi as ëfree marketí, and the Jagan Ram: Resident of v. Gowta, p.o.
repealing there of import & export Mandora, Jaipur State (now distt.
taxes, attracted the peasants of its Jaipur), the Rajputana Agency (now
neighbouring states; Jadia alongwith Rajasthan); earlier served in the 7/8
70 peasants, including women and Punjab Regiment of the British-Indian
children, were going to this market Army as Lance Naik; in 1942 he
to sale their raw cotton of 66 maunds joined the Indian National Army and
on 17 January 1941. While the served the 3rd Guerilla Regiment in
peasants were crossing the Jhabua the same rank; fought on the Burma
State territory near the boarder of (Myanmar) front against the Allied
Indore State, the awaiting the Jhabua Forces and died in action in 1944.
State police & custom officialsí team [INA Papers, F.No.498/INA (1945),
of 25 persons, led by Custom NAI; WWIM, II, p.126]
Superintendant Bidwai, had
encircled this peasantsí group from Jagannath Bhai: Born in 1904 in v.
all directions without giving any form Papreha, distt. Banda, the United
of warning; they also started firing Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 317

Bharosey. A Manager of a Khaddar Jagat Singh: Inhabitant of the Garhwal

Bhandar in Banda town, he was Division, the United Provinces (now
arrested by the British police for his Uttarakhand); he was a Havildar
involvement in the Civil [Hawaldar] in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles
Disobedience Movement in 1932. He of the British-Indian Army; shifted
died in jail in 1932 on account of the his loyalty to the Indian National
police tortures. [H/poll F.No. 3/11/ Army in 1942 where he was placed
42, NAI; WWIM, II, p.126] the same rank in the 3rd Battalion;
took part in several battles against
Jagat Singh: Born in v. Bamanwas, teh. the British forces in Burma (now
Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State (now Myanmar) and was killed in action
distt. Alwar), the Rajputana Agency in 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA,
(now Rajasthan); Rajput. He took 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
part in a kisan agitatorsí meeting at p.127]
Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
demonstrate against the Maharajaís Jagatbali Sonar: Hailed from v. p.o. Pali,
mal-administration and his land distt. Gorakhpur, the United
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
settlement the Biswedari rights of the Gopal Sonar. During the ìQuit Indiaî
Rajputs were forfeited and the land movement a mass gathering of almost
revenue increased by fifty per cent. 25000 people took place on 23 August
Though all agriculturists were 1942 in Doharia. There the partici-
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs pants expresed the determination to
suffered the most. Hearing the news win their countryís freedom by
of this gathering, the Maharaja sent throwing the British out of India.
his State Army to counter the rallyists When the gathering turned restless
at Neemuchana. The troops and the protestors directly
surrounded the village, blocked all confronted the administration on 23
the exits from it and opened fire on August 1942, the police opened fire
the protesters without any prior on them. Jagatbali Sonar was among
warning of dispersal. Many people those killed in the firing on the spot.
received severe gun shots in the [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
indiscriminate firing, including Jagat RORCG; SSKS, 36, p. 2 & 26]
Singh, who died on the spot.
Simultaneously with this assault, the Jagdish Prasad Sharma: Belonged to
village was set on fire by the State mohallah Bhatti, dist. Moradabad, the
troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 United Province (now Uttar
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June Pradesh); s/o Pandit Babu Ram. He
1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta was killed in a police firing while
No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November taking part in the procession taken
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, out during the ìQuit Indiaî
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] movement at Dariba Paan on 10
August 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42,
318 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

NAI; RORCG; SSKS, 12, p. cha] Agra Central Prison under the British
Government; he left the British
Jagdish Prasad Sharma: Born in distt. service during the Uprising of 1857
Moradabad, the United Provinces and joined hands with the rebels in
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Babu Ram their fighting against the British; he
Sharma. He was critically injured marched towards Delhi along with
when the police opened firing on the other rebels and encountered the
demonstrating mob at Moradabad British at several places; he died in
during the ìQuit Indiaî movement. 1858 while resisting a British
He died later on the same day in onslaught. [Mutiny Records, Agra
August 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.333] Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB]

Jagdish Prasad Sharma: Hailed from Jaglal Singh: Resident of v. Marhi, Dobhi
distt. Moradabad, the United Taluqa, Jownpore [Jaunpur], the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Babu Ram Sharma. He took part in Pradesh); Zamindar; he joined the
the demonstration organised during rebel forces during the Uprising of
the ìQuit Indiaîmovement from the 1857 and fought in several
Moradabad High School on 10 engagements with the British troops
August 1942. The protesters, which in the Jaunpur region; he was
included the students of the school, captured by the British in course of
were later fired upon by the British their raids on the rebel forces and
police. Many were injured in that charged with ëmurder and rebellion
indiscriminate firing and one, Jagdish against the Britishí; he was sentenced
Prasad, was killed on the spot on that to death and executed by hanging
day. [H/Poll F. No. 3/80/42 & KW, from a tree near a village in Jaunpur
NAI; SSG, 4, pp. 94; BCA, p. 115] in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Jaunpur
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III,
Jageshar: Born in v. & p.o. Hata, distt. pp.61-62]
Deoria, Uttar Pradesh; s/o Shiv
Harkh Lonia. He was killed in police Jagmail Singh: Resident of v. Togna, p.o.
firing while taking part in an Chaproli, distt. Meerut, the United
agitation in Deoria in 1942 during the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
ìQuit Indiaî movement. [H/poll was formerly a soldier in the Hong
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS, Kong- Singapore Royal Artillery of
36, pp. 25, 26 & ka] the British-Indian Army. He shifted
his loyalty to the Indian National
Jaggarnauth: Resident of Muttra Army and served as Sepoy in the 2nd
[Mathura], the North-Western Guerrilla Regiment. He fought the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); British army on the Burma
Brahmin; he was a Duffadar [Dafadar] (Myanmar) front and died in the
with the Contingent Guards of the battle field in 1944. [INA Papers, F.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 319

No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 704-705 the Police custody after three days
WWIM, II, p.127] of arrest. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42,
NAI; RORCG; WWIM, I, p.145]
Jagmeg Singh: Resident of v. Tagama,
p.o. Barat, distt. Meerut, the United Jahangeer Khan: Belonged to the Saugor
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He (Sagar) region, Madhya Pradesh; he
was previously a Sepoy in the Hong fought against the British forces in
Kong-Singapore Royal Artillery of the Sagar region during the Uprising
the British-Indian Army. He shifted of 1857; he was caught by the British
his loyalty to the Indian National troops in the course of an engagement
Army and served in the 3rd Guerrilla and executed by hanging in 1857.
Regiment as a soldier. On his [Mutiny Records, Poll Deptt. Vol. III,
deployment on the Burma front, he No. 43D (1859), MSAB]
fought with the Allied forces and
died in action in 1944. [INA Papers, Jahangir Khan: Belonged to Lucknow,
F. No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 706- the Awadh Province (now Uttar
707 WWIM, II, p.127] Pradesh); he was joined hands with
the rebel forces during the Uprising
Jagoo: Resident of Allahabad, the North- of 1857; fought the British on several
Western Provinces (now Uttar occasions and encouraged the rebel
Pradesh); he joined hands with the regiments to attack the British
rebels of his locality during the strongholds; led the rebels in
Uprising of 1857 and fought against fighting the advancing British forces
the British; he also took part in (under Colonel Muir) at Dilkusha-
ransacking the British treasury and bagh, Lucknow, on 5 March 1858
using its contents for buying arms; where he was killed by the enemy in
he was caught by the British troops the course of fighting. [Mutiny
at the time of their marches into Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
Allahabad, and hanged from a tree UPRAA; L1857, p.249]
in 1857 on the charges of ëplundering
and rebellion against the Britishí. Jahangir Khan: Resident of Bhopal State
[Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny (now Madhya Pradesh); s/o Namdar
Basta, UPRAA] Khan, took part in the Uprising of
1857 against the British in Saugor
Jagrup Ram: Belonged to v. Rithi, distt. district; joined the rebels under the
Jaunpur, the United Provinces (now leadership of Nawab Fazil
Uttar Pradesh), farmer. He took part Mohammad Khan of Ambapani and
in the ìQuit Indiaî movement of 1942 participated in attacking and
and was arrested in this connection plundering the British establishments
in 1943. During his detention for at Ambapani, Sehore and Rahatgarh
interrogation, the police brutally in 1857; during the last week of
assaulted and tortured him. Due to January 1858, he fought against the
these inhuman tortures, he died in British troops who came to re-occupy
320 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Rahatgarh Fort under Hugh Rose; in Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
the course of the fighting he was Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
captured by the enemy and sent on
the gallows on 29 January 1858. Jai Bai: Resident of Cawnpore (now
[Mutiny Papers, Vol. IV, NAIB; Poll Kanpur) in the United Provinces
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] (now Uttar Pradesh); joined the rebel
forces during the Uprising of 1857
Jahangir: Inhabitant of Jalalabad, the and participated in attacking and
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in plundering the British establishments
Uttar Pradesh); cultivator; along with in Kanpur; at the time of the British
the other villagers, he refused to recovery of Kanpur in 1857, he was
oblige the British forces with the captured by them; accused of ëtaking
supply of rasad (provisions) at part in plundering and rebellion
Jalalabad during the Uprising of against the British,í he was executed
1857; he was caught by the British in 1857. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur
troops for this and hanged in Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
November 1857; his entire village was
also looted by the British soldiers. Jai Lal Singh (Raja): Resident of
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Lucknow, the Oudh [Awadh]
Basta, UPRAA] Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
was a Wazir (minister) in the court of
Jaharia: Belonged to distt. Bulandshahar, Begum Hazrat Mahal (the Rebel
the United Provinces (now Uttar Government at Lucknow in 1857); he
Pradesh). The protest demonstration took a prominent part in organizing
he took part during the Salt the rebel forces in Lucknow and
Satyagraha was accosted by the provided all kinds of support for their
police and ordered to stop fighting against the British; he also
proceeding. When they refused to participated in the resistance against
obey the order, the police opened fire the advancing British forces, and
on it at Gulawati village on 12 while doing so, he was captured by
September 1930. Jaharia was killed the British and executed on 1 October
in this police firing on the spot. [H/ 1858. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc.
Poll, F.No. 23/54/1930, NAI; SSKS, (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
6, p. chha]
Jai Mangal Singh: Born in v. Borasar,
Jahur Beg: Resident of Banda Khas, the Dobhi Taluqa, Jownpore [Jaunpur],
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar the North-Western Provinces (now
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Uttar Pradesh); Zamindar; he led the
rebels of his area during the Uprising local rebel during the Uprising of
of 1857, and fought the British forces 1857 and fought the British at several
on several occasions; caught by the places in the Jaunpur region; he was
British in an engagement, he was caught by the British forces in the
hanged in 1859. [Mutiny Records, course of their attacks on the rebels
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 321

and charged with ëmurder and Sepoy in its 3rd Guerilla Regiment;
rebellion against the British; he was reported to be killed in 1945 in a
sentenced to death and executed by bloody encounter with the British
hanging from a tree near a village in troops on the Burma (now Myanmar)
Jaunpur in 1858. [Mutiny Records, front. [INA Papers, F.No.498/INA
Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p.124]
WWIM, III, pp.63-64]
Jaidayal: Born on 4 April 1812, in Kama,
Jai Narayan Singh: Belonged to Bhanpur Bharatpur State (now distt.
(Dumariyaganj), the North-Western Bharatpur), Rajputana (now
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Rajasthan); Bhatnagar, well-
joined hands with the rebels of the educated; AgencyVakil of Kota State;
Amorha state (now in distt. Basti) aided by Mehrab Khan, Risaldar in the
during the Uprising of 1857 and Kota State Army, he organised and
fought the British forces at several led the military and civilian uprising
places; he was caught by the British against the Kota ruler and the British
when they marched into this region, in Kota in 1857; being the chief
and executed by hanging from a civilian leader of the rebellion, he,
ëPipal Treeí in 1858. [Mutiny Records, along with Mehrab Khan, was
Monument of Chhawani, cited in responsible for directing the military
LL1857, pp.20-26] operations against the British;
involved allegedly in provoking the
Jai Singh: Belonged to Atwa, the North- rebel soldiers to attack the Agency
Western Provinces (now Uttar House, Kota, on 15 October 1857,
Pradesh); he joined hands with the where Captain C.E. Barton ñ the
rebels of the Amorha state (now in British Political Agentóand his two
distt. Basti) during the Uprising of sons were killed by the rebels;
1857, and took part in the fighting following the siege of Kota, Jaidayal
against the British forces at several and Mehrab Khan took over the
places; he was caught by the charge of administration of Kota
advancing British forces and State for several months; he led the
executed by hanging from a ëPipal military and civilian resistance
Treeí in 1858. [Mutiny Records, against the British attack in 1858;
Monument of Chhawani, cited in after the defeat of the rebels by the
LL1857, pp.20-26] British-led forces in March 1858, he
fled towards the Sheopur river and
Jai Singh: Resident of v. Gopawali, Jaipur took shelter in the territory of Raja
State (now distt. Jaipur), the Man Singh of Parone for few months;
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); afterwards, he marched towards
he was in the service of the British- Kalpi (small state in Bundelkhand)
Indian Army as a Sepoy in the 7/8 and he stayed with Thakur Daulat
Punjab Regiment; later he decided to Singh of Undarki (under Gwaliar
join the Indian National Army as State) for two months; disbanding his
322 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

army in Bikaner State, he travelled British in the midst of an encounter

to Alwar State incognito with high in the Gorakhpur region, and hanged
rewards on his head from the rulers in 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
of Kota and Jaipur; betrayed by an Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
informer disciple, and arrested in
village Bairat of former Jaipur State Jalal-ud-Din: A Sepoy in the Native
on 15 April 1860, he was brought to Regiment of the British-Indian Army,
Jaipur and then shifted to Deoli posted at Agra, the North-Western
where he was tried in the court of Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
W.H. Benan, Political Agent of took part in the Uprising of 1857 by
Haroti; charged with ëactively refusing to obey his British officers
involved in the attack on the Agency and joining hands with the rebel
House in Kotaí and convicted of the forces in their fighting against the
crime of the ëmurder of Major Burton British; he escaped towards
and his two sonsí, Jaidayal was Rajasthan after the defeat of the rebel
sentenced to death and executed by forces at Agra; he was captured by
hanging near the Agency House in the British-allied forces in Rajasthan
Kota on 17 September 1860. [F/Poll, but rescued by the rebels after
F.Nos. 324-27, August 1859; F/Poll; sometime; he was recaptured by the
Nos 1-2, September 1858; F/Poll ëAí, British during an engagement and
Nos 428-36, February 1858, NAI; sent to Agra; sentenced to death on
Sujas, No 4, June-July 1998, Jaipur, the charges of ëdisloyalty, murder
p.81; WWIM, III, pp.62-63; RKSS, and rebellion against the Britishí, he
pp.124-43; RSG, pp.93-95] was executed by hanging in 1858.
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Jaijit Singh: Resident of v. Ramsinghpur, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.64]
distt. Benaras (Varanasi), the United
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He Jalim Singh: Resident of Kurhul,
participated in the ìQuit Indiaî Mynpoory [Mainpuri], the North-
movement of 1942. He was killed in Western Provinces (now Uttar
the police firing on an anti-British Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was
rally he took part at his native place a Sepoy in the B. Company of the
in August 1942. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/ British-Indian army; he left the
42, NAI; BCA, p.123; WWIM, II, p.128] British service during the Uprising
of 1857 and joined hands with the
Jaikurrun Roy: Belonged to Shairpoor, rebels to fight against the British; he
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the was caught in 1858 while confronting
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar the British forces, and sentenced to
Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar]; he death on the charges of ëdesertion
joined hands with the rebels of his and mutiny against the British
area during the Uprising of 1857 and authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
fought against the British on several Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
occasions; he was caught by the Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 323

Jalleem: Resident of Garhakota, Saugor State (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined

(Sagar), Madhya Pradesh; he joined the anti-British rebel forces during
the Uprising of 1857 and fought the the Uprising of 1857; involved in
British at several places in the Sagar fighting the British in Jhansi and its
region; he was caught by the British adjoining areas; he was arrested by
troops during an engagement and the British troops during their
executed by hanging on 5 March 1858. recovery of this area and charged
[Mutiny Records, Vol. No. 56 (1859), with ësedition, aiding and abetting
MSAB] the rebellioní, he was sentenced to
death in 1858, and executed soon
Jallu Ram: Resident of Jammu and thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
Kashmir State. He earlier served the Mutiny Basta, 8, UPRAA]
Dogra Regiment of the British-Indian
Army as a Sepoy. Soon after his Jamahar Khan: Born in Lucknow, the
joining the Indian National Army in Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
1942, he was sent to the Burma Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
(Myanmar) front. He was killed the rebels of his area and fought the
during a fierce engagement with the British at several places during the
British troops in 1944. [INA Papers, Uprising of 1857; he was killed by
F. No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, p. 707] the British army in an encounter in
Chinhat, Lucknow, on 20 June 1857.
Jama Wani: Hailed from distt. Islamabad [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
[Anantnag], Jammu and Kashmir; Basta, UPRAA]
s/o Samad Wani. When the people
of Islamabad observed a complete Jamal Vigy: Hailed from distt. Islamabad
hartal on 23 September 1931 to register [Anantnag], Jammu and Kashmir;
their protest against the arrest of s/o Karim Vigy. When the people of
Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah ñ a Islamabad observed a complete hartal
prominent leader of the movement on 23 September 1931 to register
for responsible government ñ he took their protest against the arrest of
part in the protest demonstration Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah ñ a
organized at Shopian (Islamabad). prominent leader of the movement
While the vociferous rallyists were for responsible government ñ he took
moving on, the State military force part in the protest demonstration
intervened to stop them. In the organized at Shopian (Islamabad).
ensuing clash between the two, the While the vociferous rally was
military force suddenly opened moving on, the State military force
indiscriminate firing on the rallyists intervened to stop it. In the ensuing
in which Jama Wani was killed on the clash between the two, the military
spot. [File No. V, 4; MMCR, J&KSA, force suddenly opened indiscrimi-
Srinagar; HMKJAMH, p. 331] nate firing on the rallyists in which
Jamal Vigy was killed on the spot at
Jamahan Singh: Hailing from Jhansi the age of 25. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
324 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10; was arrested and imprisoned in the

WWIM, II, p. 345] Tehri State Jail; his health suffered a
set back on account of ill-treatment
Jamalu Din: Resident of Banda, the and he died in detention in 1931.[ H/
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Poll, F.No. 23/54/1930; 23/58/1930,
Pradesh); he joined hands with the NAI; WWIM, II, p.130; SSKS, GD: p.2]
rebel forces during the 1857 Uprising
and fought actively at various places Jamdar Singh: Born in v. Khertu, p.o.
in Banda; he also incited his Hindaun, formerly in Jaipur State
countrymen ëto attack and kill the (now in distt. Karauli) the Rajputana
firangis (British) who have Agency (now Rajasthan); served as
dishonoured themí; captured by the Sepoy in the 1/8 Punjab Regiment of
British troops at the time of their the British-Indian Army;
operation in Banda and charged with subsequently he joined the Indian
ësedition and rebellion against the National Army and served its 3 rd
Britishí, he was sentenced to death Guerilla Regiment; confronted the
in August 1858 and hanged soon Allied forces on the battle fronts and
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda died fighting the enemy in Burma
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, (now Myanmar) in 1944. [F.No.498/
Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] INA (1945), NAI]

Jamaluddin: Resident of Lucknow, the Jamila: Born in 1835 in a village in

Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Mazaffarnagar, the North-Western
Pradesh); he encouraged his Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); she
neighbourhood to take part in the took part in the Uprising against the
resistance against the firangi-hukumat British rule in 1857, and also incited
(British rule) during the Uprising of others to raise their arms for
1857 and himself fought the British overthrowing the firangi-hukumat
forces in different places in the (British rule); she was captured by
Lucknow region; he was killed by the British forces and executed on the
the British army in an encounter at gallows in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in Muzaffarnagar Mutiny Basta,
November 1857. [Mutiny Records, UPRAA; WWIM, III, pp.64-65]
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL] Jammuna Mali (Mrs.): Resident of v.
Gherauwan, distt. Ballia, the United
Jaman Singh: Born in 1881 v. Kaseru, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh).
distt. Uttar Kashi, Uttar Pradesh; While she was grazing her cattle
s/o Lachhoo Singh; participated in the nearby, the unnerved policemen in
peasantsí movement against the the village fired on her in the chaos
oppressions of the Tehri-Garhwal of the ìQuit Indiaî movement. She
State and the imposition of heavy died on the spot in August 1942. [H/
taxes on cultivators in 1930; Jaman poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG;
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 325

WWIM, I, p.147] [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny

Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
Jamna Das: Resident of Cawnpore, (1858), UPSAL]
(Kanpur), the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took Jamuna Prasad: Born in January 1899 in
part in the Uprising of 1857 in Bewar, distt. Mathura, the United
Kanpur; participated in fighting Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
against the British troops during the Ayodhya Prasad. Before taking part
first half of 1857; caught by the British in the ìQuit Indiaî movement of 1942
troops during their re-occupation of he had been involved in other
Kanpur and charged with ërebellion political agitations against British
against the Britishí, Jamma Das was rule. He was killed in the police firing
sentenced to death in December 1857. on a protest rally at Bewar on 14
[Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny August 1942. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/
Basta UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, 42, NAI; WWIM, II, p.130]
No.43B (1859), MSAB]
Jamuna Rai: Born in 1900 at v. Chetan
Jamna Prasad Tripathi: Hailed from p.s. Kishore, distt. Ballia, the United
Bewar, disst. Mainpuri, the United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Nawal Rai. A farmer political activist,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi. When the he received serious bullet wounds in
frontline Congressmen were being police firing while participating in a
arrested by the colonial police at the demonstrations taken out during the
wake of the ìQuit Indiaî movement, ìQuit Indiaî movement. He
the people strongly protested. As the succumbed to his injuries in August
protesters marched towards Bebwar 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
police station and approached the RORCG; WWIM, I, p.285]
Thana, the police started firing in
which Jamna Prasad Tripathi was Jamuna Singh: Born in 1914 at v.
killed on the spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/ Chittapisaon, distt. Ballia, the United
30/42, NAI; SSKS, 30, pp. ja& jha; Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
WWIM, I, p.365-66] was arrested in August 1942 on the
ground of his taking part in the
Jamshed Ali: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the agitation during the ìQuit Indiaî
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar movement. He was imprisoned and
Pradesh); he joined the fighting died in jail in the same year on
against the firangi-hukumat (British account of severe physical tortures.
rule) during the Uprising of 1857 and [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM,
also provided financial support to I, p.147-148; BCA, p. 120]
other rebels for buying arms; he was
killed by the British army in the Jan Begum: Belonged to Mohallah
course of an encounter at Bailley Khawajapura, teh. Nowshera, distt.
Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857. Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir; w/o
326 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Abil Lone. A supporter of the service soon after the outbreak of the
agitation for responsible Uprising of 1857 and also succeeded
government, she joined a rally at in persuading other army-men to join
Nowshera in 1931 to protest against the fight against the British; he was
the Maharajaís autocratic rule in captured by the British forces in the
Jammu and Kashmir. When the course of fighting in Muzaffarnagar;
rallyists were fired upon by the State charged with ëmutiny and murder of
Army, Jan Begum was killed in that the British officalsí, he was sentenced
indiscriminate firing on the spot at to death in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
the age of 35. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-
J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, p. 404] 59), UPSAL]

Jan Mahomed: Belonged to Uchnera, Jand Singh: Belonged to v. Neemu-

Agra, the North-Western Provinces chana, teh. Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar
(now Uttar Pradesh); Sheikh; he took State (now distt. Alwar), the
part in the Uprising of 1857 and Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
fought against the British forces at a Thakur. He participated in a meeting
number of places; he was caught by of the kisan agitators held at
the British during their offensive Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
against the rebels, and executed by demonstrate against the Maharajaís
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, misgovernance and his land
Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Rajputs were forfeited and the land
Janba: Resident of Nimar, Malwa region, revenue increased by fifty per cent.
the Central India Agency (now Though all agriculturists were
Madhya Pradesh); played a leading affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
role in organizing the rebel forces in suffered the most. Hearing the news
the Nimar area against the British of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja
during the Uprising of 1857; while sent his State Army to counter the
confronting the British troops led by rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
Captain Keating at Beejgarh on 9 surrounded the village, blocked all
October 1858, along with 19 brave the exit points from it and opened
rebels, he laid down his life for the fire on the protesters without any
cause of freedom of Bhopal. [Mutiny prior warning of dispersal. Jand
Papers, V, NAIB; WWIM, III, p. 65] Singh received severe gun shot
wounds in the indiscriminate firing
Janbaz Khan: Resident of and died of these. Simultaneously
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western with this assault, the village was set
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
was a Duffadar [Dafadar] in the 4th Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
Irregular Cavalry of the British- TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
Indian army; he left the British Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 327

F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936, advancing British army in Delhi in

RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, September 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48
(V) (1858), MSAB]
Janee Aga Shankar: Resident of Allygurh
[Aligarh], the North-Western Jankee Singh: Resident of Aligarh, the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
participated in the Uprising of 1857 Pradesh); he took part in the fight
and fought the British forces on against the British during the
several occasions in Aligarh; he was Uprising of 1857, and also
caught by the British during their encouraged the local people to attack
operations against the rebels, and the British offices in the Aligarh
was hanged in 1857 on the charges region; he was caught by the British
of ëmurder and rebellion against the at the time of their re-occupation of
Britishí; his house was also razed to Aligarh, and accused of ëtheft,
the ground. [Mutiny Records, Aligarh murder and rebellion against the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt. Britishí; he was sentenced to death
Part-1, Vol. No. 44 (1858), MSAB] in 1858, and hanged soon thereafter.
[Mutiny Records, Proc. F/Deptt.
Jangi Singh: Resident of v. Manipar, p.o. (Judl), NWP, Vol. 74 (1858), UPSAL]
Samoghar, distt. Gorakhpur, the
United Provinces (now Uttar Janki Chaube: Resident of distt. Deoria,
Pradesh). He joined the Indian Uttar Pradesh. He participated in a
National Army in Burma. On his protest rally during the ìQuit Indiaî
deployment, he fought against the movement at a place named Sewarahi
British forces in the battles near in Deoria. He was killed when the
Irrawadi River and Popa Hills, Burma police fired upon the agitating people
(Myanmar). He was killed in a grim in 1942. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
exchange of fire with the enemy RORCG; SSKS, 36, pp. 25, 26 & ka]
forces in the battle-field in 1944. [INA
Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. Janki Kumari: Born in 1929 at v. Bankwa,
702-703 WWIM, II, p.131] distt. Ballia, the United Provinces
(now Uttar Pradesh). She actively
Jankee Ram: Resident of Allygurh participated in the demonstration
[Aligarh], North-Western Provinces organized at her native place during
(now uttar pradesh); he took part in the ìQuit Indiaî movement. She was
the Uprising of 1857 and also killed in police firing on the
encouraged other people to raise protesters in August 1942. [H/poll,
their arms and overthrow the firangi- F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 121;
hukumat (British rule); he came over WWIM, I, p.150]
to Delhi, joined hands with the rebels
there and fought the British troops; Janki Prasad: Born in 1911, resident of
he died while confronting the v. Piparia Kalan, Jubbulpore Division,
328 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Central Provinces & Berar (now at Jhansi, and fought against the
Madhya Pradesh); s/o Ram Prasad; British forces under the leadership
took part in an anti-Government of Rani Lakshmi Bai; he also supplied
demonstration in connection with the arms to the local rebels and
Civil Disobedience movement; on the encouraged them to attack the British
charge of causing public unrest, he positions; he was killed while
was arrested and sentenced to four fighting in the defence of the Jhansi
monthsí rigorous imprisonment; fort during the British attacks in 1858.
died in detention. [H/Poll, F.Nos. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
23/54/1930; 23/58/1930; NAI; H/Poll Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.65]
(FR) 18/4/30; NAI; EBIFF, II, p.584]
Jaskaran Misra: Resident of Lucknow,
Janmohan Singh: Hailing from Jhansi the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
State (now Uttar Pradesh); he Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel
participated in the Uprising of 1857 forces of his region and fought the
and joined the rebel forces in fighting British at various places in Lucknow
the British troops in the Jhansi region during the Uprising of 1857; he also
in 1857-58; he surrendered to the participated in the plundering of the
British troops during their re- British properties; he was killed
occupation of Jhansi, tried and while fighting the British army at
charged with ërebellion against the Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in March 1858.
British and aiding the rebellioní; [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Singh was sentenced to be executed Basta, UPRAA]
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Jaswant Singh: Resident of Jhansee
[Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he
Janu Kunwar: Hailing from Jhansi State participated in the fighting against
(now Uttar Pradesh); took part in the the British during 1857 Uprising; he
Uprising of 1857 against the British also accompanied the rebels in
in Jhansi; under the leadership of attacking and looting the British
Rani Lakshmi Bai he participated in offices and the treasury; caught by
the destruction of British residency the British during the re-capture of
at Jhansi; later in 1858 he fought this area, and charged with ëlooting,
against the British offensive on murder and rebellion against the
Jhansi; in the course of the fighting Britishí, he was sentenced to death
he was killed by the enemy in 1858 in 1859. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
at Jhansi. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
(Div.) Mutiny Basta, 11, 1862, UPSAL]
Jaswant: Resident of Faizabad, the Oudh
Janu Kunwar: Resident of Jhansie [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
[Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
participated in the Uprising of 1857 of his area during the Uprising of
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 329

1857 and proceeded to Lucknow; he [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny

fought against the British troops at Basta, UPRAA]
various places in Lucknow city; he
was caught by the British army in an Jawahar Rai: Resident of Faizabad, the
encounter and hanged at Machhi Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
Bhawan, Lucknow, in June 1857. Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Uprising of 1857, proceeded to
Basta, UPRAA; Abst. Proc. (Judl Lucknow and fought against the
Deptt.) Oudh (1857), UPSAL] British at several places; he was
caught by the British army there, he
Jat Ram: Resident of v. Udham, p.o. was hanged at Machhi Bhawan,
Murson, distt. Aligarh, the United Lucknow, in June 1857. [Mutiny
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
was formerly a soldier in the British- UPRAA; Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
Indian Army. He shifted his loyalty Oudh (1857), UPSAL]
to the Indian National Army and
served as havildar [Havaldar] in the Jawahar Rajput: Belonged to Saugar
3rd Guerrilla Regiment. He fought the [now Sagar] Jubbulpore Division, the
British troops in various battles in Central Provinces and Berar (now
Burma (Myanmar) and lost his life in Madhya Pradesh); joined the anti-
action in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No. British rebel forces during the
1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 704-705 Uprising of 1857 in Saugor district;
WWIM, II, p.132] he took part in raiding and
ransacking the British outposts; later
Jatan: Resident of v. & p.o. Gauri Shukl, he was captured by the enemy and
distt. Deoria, the United Provinces awarded capital punishment on 14
(now Uttar Pradesh) s/o Chanarman. July 1857. [Mutiny Papers, V, NAIB;
He was killed in the police firing WWIM, III, p.66]
while taking part in an agitation in
Deoria in 1942 during the ìQuit Jawahar Singh: Resident of Jubbulpore
Indiaî movement. [H/poll F.No. 3/ (Jabalpur), Central Provinces and
30/42, NAI; RORCG; SSKS, 36, pp. Berar (now Madhya Pradesh); he
25, 26 & ka] organized a rebel force by collecting
the local anti-British elements and
Jawahar Ali Khan: Resident of joined the Uprising of 1857 in the
Lucknow, the Oudh (Awadh) Jubbulpore region; he fought against
Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he the British forces at Gadaghat on 23
joined the Uprising of 1857 and led October 1857, and died in the
on several occasions a group of rebels battlefield. [Mutiny Papers, VI,
in attacking the British authorities NAIB; WWIM, III, p.66]
and their establishments in Lucknow;
he died while fighting against the Jawahar Singh: Resident of Nimar,
British army at Lucknow in 1858. Malwa region, the Central India
330 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Agency (now Madhya Pradesh); (now Uttar Pradesh); he took a

joined the anti-British rebel forces prominent part in the Uprising of
during the Uprising of 1857; played 1857 and led the rebel army at
a leading role in fighting against the Kanpur and fought in several
British troops at Mandleshwar in engagements against the British
1857; he was captured, sentenced to forces; he become the chief-
transportation for life and died in lieutenant of Nana Saheb; Jawala
detention in the Andamans. [Mutiny Prasad was also present at Satichaura
Papers, VI, NAIB; WWIM, III, p.66] Ghat with Tantiya Tope, Azimullah
Khan, Bala Saheb and Tikka Singh
Jawahar Singh: Resident of the Garhwal when the British were leaving
Division, the United Provinces (now Kanpur; Jawala Prasad was captured
Uttarakhand); earlier a Soldier in the by the British and sentenced to death;
5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- he was executed on the gallows at
Indian Army, he shifted his loyalty Satichaura Ghat, Kanpur, on 3 May
to the Indian National Army in 1942 1860. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur
and served it as Sepoy in the 3 rd Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; TIM, p.180;
Battalion; while fighting against the WWIM, III, 68]
British forces at several places in
Burma (now Myanmar) he was killed Jawala Singh: Born in 1880 in v. Palar,
in the battle field in 1944. [INA distt. Uttarkashi, Garhwal Division,
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA the United Provinces (now in
(1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.132] Uttarakhand); s/o Jamna Singh. An
active participant in the Civil
Jawahir Singh: Resident of Shahjehanpor Disobedience movement in 1930, he
[Shahjahanpur], the North-Western was arrested by the Tehri-Garhwal
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); State police for his taking part in the
Pathan; he was a Sepoy in the B. agitations against the State ruler. He
Company of the British-Indian army; was sent to Tehri jail where he died
he left the British employment in imprisonment in 1931. [H/Poll,
during the Uprising of 1857 and F.No. 23/54/1930; 23/58/1930, NAI;
joined the rebels to take part in the SSKS GD, 14, p.2]
fight against the British rule; he was
caught in 1858 while resisting the Jawala Singh: Born in 1880, resident of
British forces, and sentenced to v. Palar, distt. Uttarkashi, Garhwal
death on the charges of ëdesertion Division, the United Provinces
and mutiny against the British (Uttarakhand); s/o Jamuna Singh;
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP, took part in the peasantsí movement
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. against the ruler of Tehri-Garhwal
Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] State and his durbarís newly imposed
land revenue and forest measures in
Jawala Prasad: Belonged to the Kanpur the summer of 1930; he was arrested,
region, the North-Western Provinces imprisoned and tortured, resulting
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 331

in his death in Tehri Central Jail Regiment of British-Indian Army;

premises in 1931. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/ later he decided to join the Indian
54/1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; WWIM, National Army as Sepoy in its 3rd
II, pp.82-83; SSKS, GD: p.2] Guerrilla Regiment; he fought battles
on the Burma (Myanmar) front
Jawan Singh: Born in v. Neemuchana, against the Allied forces; he lost his
(teh.) Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State life in the course of heavy fighting in
(now distt. Alwar), the Rajputana 1945. [INA Papers, F.No.498/INA
Agency (now Rajasthan); Thakur. He (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p. 132]
participated in the kisan agitatorsí
meeting held at Neemuchana on 14 Jay Loll: Resident of Peepul Mundee,
May 1925 to remonstrate against the Agra, the North-Western Provinces
Maharajaís mal-administration and (now Uttar Pradesh); Kaith; he was
his land settlement policy of 1923-24. a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the
In this settlement the Biswedari rights Contingent Guards of the Agra
of the Rajputs were forfeited and the Central Prison; he left the British
land revenue enhanced by fifty per service during the Uprising of 1857,
cent. Though all agriculturists were joined the rebel forces of the Agra
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs region and fought the British in
suffered the most. Hearing the news several engagements in the Agra-
of this peasant gathering, the Mathura area; he was killed by the
Maharaja sent his State Army to take advancing British troops during their
the rallyists on at Neemuchana. The attacks on the rebels in 1858. [Mutiny
troops surrounded the village, Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
blocked all the escape routes from it UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
and opened fire on the protesters (1858), MSAB]
without any prior warning. Jawan
Singh received severe gun shots in Jeddhu: Belonged to Mahomedabad,
the indiscriminate firing and died on Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
the spot. Simultaneously with the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
firing, the village was set on fire by Pradesh); Aheer; he joined hands
the State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. with the rebels of his area during the
315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, Uprising of 1857 and fought against
14 June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, the British on several occasions; he
Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 was caught by the British army in the
November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, course of an encounter in the
Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), Gorakhpur region, and hanged in
NAI] 1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Jawar Singh: Resident of v. Jali, Jaipur
State (now distt. Jaipur), the Jedev: Resident of Ghazeepoor
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); [Ghazipur], the North-Western
he was a Sepoy in the 11/5 Punjab Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
332 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

fought the British at several places Army and served it till 1942 when
in the Ghazipur region during the he switched over his loyalty to the
Uprising of 1857; he also offered Indian National Army and joined its
financial support to his neighbour- 2 nd Guerilla Regiment; deployed
hood for buying arms and attacking against the British on the Burma
the British forces; he was caught by (now Myanmar) front, he fought on
the British after their re-occupation the Mount Popa (Central Myanmar)
of the Ghazipur region, and executed in April 1944 and was killed in action.
by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, [INA Papers, F.No.498/INA (1945),
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] NAI; WWIM, II, p. 132]

Jeekhoo: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar Jeevaram Aheer: Born in Chitkon, Dobhi
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces Taluqa, Jawnpore [Jaunpur], the
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uprising; along with the fellow rebels Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
he marched towards Delhi while during the Uprising of 1857 and
fighting against the British; he fought the British in different
escaped to his region after the British engagements in the Azamgarh
re-occupation of Delhi in September region; he was captured by the
1857; he died in 1858 while resisting British troops in Senapur village, and
the advancing British army in the executed by hanging from a mango
Bareilly region. [Mutiny Records, F/ tree in May 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP (1858-59), Jaunpur Mutiny Basta. UPRAA;

Jeeloo: Belonged to Mohanpoora, Jegoor Pandey: Resident of Muriahoo,

Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the Jaunpore [Jaunpur], the North-
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); Sheikh; he joined hands Pradesh); he joined hands with the
with the rebels of his area during the rebels of his area during the Uprising
Uprising of 1857 and fought against of 1857, and fought the British forces
the British on several occasions; he on several occasions; he was caught
was caught by the British forces in by the British in the midst of an
the course of an encounter in the engagement, accused of ëplundering
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in the British property and rebellion
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi against the Britishí, sentenced to
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] death and hanged in 1860. [Mutiny
Records, NWP, Fatehpur Mutiny
Jeet Ram: Resident of v. Bias, Jaipur State Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), UPRAA]
(now distt. Jaipur), the Rajputana
Agency (now Rajasthan), s/o Jejah: Belonged to Banda, the North-
Lachchhoo; enrolled as a Sepoy in the Western Provinces (now Uttar
Jat Regiment of the British-Indian Pradesh); Brahmin; he propagated
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 333

against the British rule during the [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
Uprising of 1857 and incited his Basta, UPRAA]
neighbours to raise their arms against
the firangis (British); he was caught Jeolal: Belonged to Gopalpoor, Benares
by the British troops at the time of (Varanasi), Uttar Pradesh; Brahmin;
their advancement into the Banda he fought the British forces at several
region, charged with ësedition, places in Ghazipur during the
murder and rebellioní sentenced to Uprising of 1857; he also offered
death in July 1858 with confiscation financial support to the local rebels
of his property, he was executed by for buying arms to attack the British
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda establishments; he was caught by the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, British after their re-occupation of the
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] Ghazipur region, and executed by
hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
Jemadar: Resident of Aligarh, the North- Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he participated in the Jethu Prasad: Resident of v. Tharrapar
fighting against the British during the alias Ghaghra, distt. Gorakhpur, the
Uprising of 1857, and also United Provinces (now Uttar
encouraged others to attack the Pradesh). On 23 August 1942
British forces; he was caught by the approximately 25,000 people
British in one of their raids on the gathered during the ìQuit Indiaî
rebels in Aligarh, and charged with movement in Doharia to resolve to
ësedition, murder and rebellion end the British rule and earn their
against the Britishí; he was sentenced freedom. When the people came in
to death in 1858, and executed soon direct confrontation with the
thereafter; his property was also administration and the situation
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Proc. went out of control, the police opened
F/Deptt. (Judl), NWP, Vol. 74 (1858), firing on the agitating satyagrahis and
UPSAL] killed 11 persons. Jethu Prasad was
among those killed in the firing on the
Jeodhun: Resident of Munwan, same day. [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42,
Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North- NAI; RORCG; SSKS, 36, p. 2 & 26]
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); Aheer; he fought the Jewa Ram: Resident of Agra, the North-
British forces at several places in Western Provinces (now Uttar
Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857; Pradesh); Kaith; he was a Sepoy in
he also offered financial support to the B. Company of the British-Indian
the rebels for buying arms to attack army; he left the British service
the British establishments; he was during the Uprising of 1857 and
caught by the British after their re- joined hands with the rebels to fight
occupation of the Ghazipur region, the British forces; he was caught in
and executed by hanging in 1859. 1858 while resisting the British
334 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

troops, and sentenced to death on the Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
charges of ëdesertion and mutiny Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]
against the British authoritiesí.
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Jewarakhua: Resident of Banda, the
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
(1858-59), UPSAL] Pradesh); he fought against the
British army during the Uprising of
Jewa: Resident of Banda, the North- 1857; he also provided financial
Western Provinces (now Uttar support to the rebels for buying
Pradesh); he participated in the arms; caught in the course of a British
Uprising of 1857, attacked the British operation in the Banda region and
establishments and plundered their charged with ëmurder, aiding and
property in the Banda region; he also abetting the rebellioní, he was
provided financial support to his sentenced to death in August 1858
neighbours and incited them to raise and hanged. [Mutiny Records, Banda
their arms against the firangis Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
(British); he was caught during an Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB]
engagement with the advancing
British troops in Banda, and Jhabru: Hailed from Jagir Dhangarmaou,
convicted on the charges of Mewar State (now in distt. Udaipur)
ëplundering, sedition and rebellion the Rajputana Agency (now
against the Britishí, and sentenced to Rajasthan); joined the agitators of
death with confiscation of property Yorav, Nimari, Bhansroadgarh,
in June 1858; he was executed by Parsoli, Begun and Dhangarmaou
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda Jagirs in January 1922. They were
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, agitating against the atrocities of the
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] Mewar police and local British
officials committed on the kisans of
Jewahir: Resident of Banda, the North- Sooras, Barlayas and Mandalgarh of
Western Provinces (now Uttar the Mewar State. Many of the
Pradesh); he joined the rebels of processionists, including Jhabru,
Banda during the Uprising of 1857 were arrested and imprisoned in the
and fought ardently against the Udaipur Fort Jail. Jhabru was badly
British troops; he also led a group of beaten up in the jail and died of it.
rebels in plundering the British [NR, 29 January 1922, RSAB]
establishments and seizing their
treasury; he was caught in the course Jhahmut Ali: Resident of Bareilly, Uttar
of a British operation in Banda, Pradesh; Sheikh; he went up to Delhi
charged with ëplundering and for taking part in fighting the British
rebellion against the Britishí; he was during the Uprising of 1857; he also
sentenced to death with confiscation provided financial support to other
of his property and executed by rebels for continuing the fight; he
hanging in 1858. [Mutiny Records, was caught by the British troops
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 335

during their re-occupation of Delhi Jhandu: Resident of Tajgung [Tajganj],

in September 1857; charged with Agra, the North-Western Provinces
ëaiding and abetting the rebellion (now Uttar Pradesh); he was a Sepoy
against the Britishí, he was sentenced in the A. Company of the British-
to death and executed by hanging on Indian army; he left the British
18 January 1858. [Mutiny Records, service during the Uprising of 1857
Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div), F.No.3 to join the rebels of his area; he
(1858), HSAP] fought against the British at several
places in Agra; he died in 1858 while
Jhakoo Deen: Resident of Banda, the resisting the advancing British forces.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
Pradesh); he played an important Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
role during the Uprising of 1857 in (1858-59), UPSAL]
conveying the messages of rebellion
from one place to another; he also Jhankar Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
acted as a spy of the rebel forces, Division, the United Provinces (now
went to the British camps and Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
gathered information about their 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
movements; he was caught during a Indian Army; he left the British
British attack on the Banda region, service in 1942 to join the Indian
charged with ëspying and rebellion National Army and served it as
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Sepoy in the 3rd Battalion; he died
to death in September 1858 and while fighting against the British
hanged. [Mutiny Records, Banda forces in Burma (now Myanmar) in
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, 1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/
Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.132]

Jhandoo Singh: Inhabitant of Bag Jhao Looneeah: Resident of Chail,

Muzuffur Khan, Agra, the North- Allahabad, the North-Western
Western Provinces (now Uttar Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a participated in the fighting against
Duffadar [Dafadar] in the Contingent the British during the Uprising of
Guards of the Agra Central Prison 1857, and also encouraged others to
under the British Government; he plunder the British establishments in
left the British service during the Allahabad; he was caught by the
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands British at the time of their attacks on
with the rebels for fighting against the rebels in Allahabad, and charged
the British rule; he died fighting in with ëtheft, murder and rebellion
1858 while confronting the British against the Britishí; he was sentenced
army. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny to death in July 1857, and hanged;
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 his property was also confiscated.
(X) (1858), MSAB] [Mutiny Records, PP, Further Paper
No.1; TIM, p.223]
336 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Jhaoo Singh: Resident of, the North- time of their recovery of Jhansi and
Western Provinces (now Uttar charged with ërebellion against the
Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was Britishí; sentenced to death in 1858,
a Sepoy in the A. Company of the he was executed soon thereafter.
British-Indian army; he left the [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
British service during the Uprising Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
of 1857 and fought against the British (IX) (1858), MSAB]
at several places in his region; he
died in 1858 while resisting the Jhingan: Hailed from Jaunpur, the
advancing British forces. [Mutiny North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, Pradesh); s/o Makaran; he joined the
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858- rebel forces during the Uprising of
59), UPSAL] 1857; he took part in killing a British
officer and was arrested for his
Jhau Lal: Resident of Sagar Sarai, distt. involvement in the murder; he was
Moradabad, the United Province sentenced to death and was hanged
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Tota Ram on 18 November 1857 at the age of
Jato. He was killed during the ìQuit 30. [Mutiny Records, Jaunpur Mutiny
Indiaî movement when the Basta, UPRAA]
procession in which he participated
was fired upon by the police in 1942. Jhoons Singh alias Jhannoo Singh: Born
[H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; in 1912, resident of v. Nagadgaon,
RORCG; SSKS, 12, p. cha] distt. Uttarkashi, Garhwal Division,
the United Provinces (now Uttara-
Jheodhun: Belonged to Mahomedabad, khand); s/o Kharag Singh; joined the
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the peasant protest during the Civil
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Disobedience movement in 1930
Pradesh); Aheer; he joined the rebel against the oppressive Tehri-
forces of his area during the Uprising Garhwal State and its imposition of
of 1857 and fought the British army high taxes. When the District
on several occasions; he was caught Magistrate came with a police party
by the British in an encounter in the in Dandal village to confiscate
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in peasantsí lands for non-payment of
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi taxes, the peasants resisted on 20 May
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, 1930 and were fired upon; Jhoons
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] died in the firing. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/
54/1930; 23/58/1930, NAI; WWIM,
Jhihen Singh: Resident of Manikpur, II, p.5; SSKS, GD: p.1]
Jhansi State (now Uttar Pradesh);
Thakur; he was leading the rebel Jhora Siraha: Resident of Bastar State
troops during the Uprising of 1857 (now distt. Bastar), the Central
in the Jhansi region; Jhihen was Provinces and Berar (now
arrested by the British troops at the Chhattishgarh); took prominent part
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 337

in the agitation of the Murias against Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.204]
the steady loss of forest rights and
the joint exploitation of forest Jhuggoor: Resident of Munwan,
contractors and landlords (or those Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
revenue officials who had turned Western Provinces (now Uttar
hereditary owners of land under the Pradesh); Aheer; he fought the
ìThikedariî system), in league with British forces at several places in
the British authorities. The agitation Ghazipur during the Uprising of
resulted in the Muria risings between 1857; he was caught by the British
January and March 1876 in Marenga, forces following their re-occupation
Kurungpal and Jaldalpur; and in of the Ghazipur region, and
Jagdalpur in May 1876 Jhora Siraha executed by hanging in 1859.
led a large number of rebels to lay [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
siege on the Bastar rulerís palace. The Basta, UPRAA]
Government reacted by sending a
strong contingent of the army under Jhulkan Lodhi: Belonged to Madhya
Macgregor, the Deputy Commissio- Pradesh; he took part in the Uprising
ner of Sironcha, to break open the of 1857 and fought against the British
encirclement. In the ensuing forces in the Mandla region; he was
engagement many of the rebels were caught by the British troops during
arrested and put behind the bars; an engagement and charged with
Jhora Siraha was also captured and ëdesertion and mutinyí; he was
shot dead by the British soldiers. [F/ sentenced to death and executed by
Poll (Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of hanging on 25 July 1857. [Mutiny
1910, NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail, Records, Poll. Deptt. Vol. I, No. 43 B
Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf (1859), MSAB]
HTPB, pp.178-93]
Jhummoo: Belonged to Gutteah, Agra,
Jhubba Khan: Hailed from Allahabad, the North-Western Provinces (now
the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Sweeper; he was a
Uttar Pradesh); he participated in Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the
fighting the British forces in Contingent Guards of the Agra
Allahabad-Fatehpur area during the Central Prison; he gave up the British
Uprising of 1857; he also incited the service during the Uprising of 1857
local people to plunder and seize the and joined hands with the rebels of
British wealth; he was caught by the the Agra region; he assisted the rebels
British troops in the course of their in several engagements in the Agra-
raids on the Allahabad region, and Mathura area; he was killed by the
charged with ërobbery and rebellion advancing British troops during their
against the Britishí; he was sentenced attacks on the rebels in 1858. [Mutiny
to death with confiscation of property Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
in July 1857 and executed by hanging UPRAA]
soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records, PP,
338 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Jhummun Lall: Resident of v. Kurhul, joined in this connection the Dandel

Mynpooree [Mainpuri], the North- village protestersí march towards the
Western Provinces (now Uttar State capital on 20 May 1930. Soon as
Pradesh); Kaith; he was a Jemadar the rallyists reached Ranighati, they
[Jamadar] with the Contingent Guards were stopped by the State Police and
of the Agra Central Prison; he subsequently fired upon, under the
escaped with his arms on 23 June District Magistrateís order. Jhuna
1857 to join hands with the rebel Singh was killed in the firing on the
forces during the Uprising; he moved spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/54/1930; 23/
towards Delhi with other rebels to 58/1930, NAI; SSKS GD, 14, p.1]
fight against the British there; he was
killed in 1857 in an encounter with Jhunku Singh: Hailed from Kairaha
the British army. [Mutiny Records, Bazar, distt. Rai Bareli, the United
Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh).
While leading a demonstration in
Jhummun Singh: Inhabitant of 1921, highlighting the kisansí
Wazeerpoora, Agra, the North- grievances against the provincial
Western Provinces (now Uttar administration in Kairaha Bazar;
Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Jhunku Singh was confronted by a
Duffadar [Dafadar] in the Contingent police Inspector who tried to snatch
Guards of the Agra Central Prison away the national flag from his
under the British Government; he hands. Failing in his bid, the
left the British service during the Inspector fired on Jhunku Singh, who
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands died of his bullet wounds soon
with the rebels in fighting against the thereafter. [H/poll. F.No. 563/III/
British rule; he marched towards 1922, NAI; SSKS, Vol. 8, p. Ta]
Delhi along with his fellow rebels
and fought the British at various Jhunnoo: Belonged to Allahabad, the
places; he died in 1858 while North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
confronting the advancing British Pradesh); he took active part in
army. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny fighting the British troops in
Basta, UPRAA] Allahabad during the Uprising of
1857; he was caught by the British in
Jhuna Singh: Born in 1912 in v. the course of an encounter in
Nagadgaon, distt. Uttarkashi, Allahabad, and charged with ëtaking
Garhwal Division, the United part in the rebellioní; he was
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); s/o sentenced to death in June 1857 and
Kharag Singh. He participated in the executed by hanging; his property
peasant agitation against the was also confiscated. [Mutiny
oppressive Tehri-Garhwal Stateís Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta,
imposition of heavy land revenue UPRAA; TIM, p.220]
and other taxes during the Civil
Disobedience movement in 1930. He Jhuri Singh: Belonged to the Oudh
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 339

[Awadh] Province (now Uttar Records, Jaunpur Mutiny Basta,

Pradesh); took a leading part in UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.66]
organizing the rebel forces and
attacking the British and their Jhuri Singh: Resident of Jaunpore
loyalists during the 1857 Uprising; he (Jaunpur), the North-Western
also provided financial support to the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
rebels for meeting their military joined hands with the rebels of his
expenses; he was caught by the area during the Uprising of 1857 and
British during an engagement and fought the British forces in several
hanged in 1858 on the charges of engagements; he was caught by the
ëaiding and leading the rebellioní, his British in an encounter and
property was also confiscated. executed by hanging in 1858; his
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl entire property was also
Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] confiscated. [Mutiny Records,
Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
Jhuri Singh: Belonged to v. Parupur in WWIM, III, p.66]
the Benares State (now in distt.
Varanasi), Uttar Pradesh; Zamindar; Jhuta Ram: Belonged to distt. Jaipur State
he organised a group of armed men (now distt Jaipur), the Rajputana
during the Uprising of 1857 and Agency (now Rajasthan); he was in
attacked the British establishments at the service of British-Indian Army as
various places; he carried out several a Sepoy in the 1/8 Punjab Regiment
attacks against British positions in the till 1942; there after he shifted his
Beneras, Mirzapur, Allahabad and loyalty to the Indian National Army
Jaunpur regions; he died in the by enrolling himself as a soldier in
course of an operation against the the 3rd Guerrilla Regiment; he laid
British forces in May 1858. [Mutiny down his life while fighting the
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), British forces on the Imphal front in
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, June 1944. [INA Papers, File No.
p.66] 379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
Jhuri Singh: Born in Jawnpore
(Jaunpur), the North-Western Jhuta Singh: Resident of Jaipur State,
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); (now distt. Jaipur) the Rajputana
Zamindar; he took a leading part in Agency (now Rajasthan); served as
the Uprising of 1857 by organizing a Sepoy in the 7/8 Punjab Regiment of
group of armed men and fighting the British-Indian Army; left it in 1942
against the British forces; he also to join the Indian National Army;
provided financial support to the local serving its 3rd Guerilla Regiment, he
rebels and encouraged them to attack was deployed in Burma (now
the British establishments; he was Myanmar) to confront the British-led
killed during the British attack on the Allied forces; while fighting on the
rebel positions in 1858. [Mutiny Imphal (Manipur) front he received
340 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

grievous wounds and succumbed to Pradesh; s/o Durag Singh Gond, an

his injuries there in July 1944. [INA agriculturalist. At the age of 35, he
Papers, F.No.498/INA (1945), NAI; was convicted under Sections 120 (B),
WWIM, II, p.133] 436 and 435 IPC and 35 (4) Defence
of Indian Rule, awarded ten yearsí
Jindoo: Resident of v. Valoria, Sirohi rigorous imprisonment and put in
State (now distt. Sirohi), the Betul and Nagpur jails, respectively,
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); primarily for his role in the ìQuit
Bhil (tribe). He took part in the no- Indiaî movement of 1942 in the
rent campaign known as the Ekki Central Provinces and Berar region.
(unity) movement for obtaining relief During his term in jail, he passed
from the harassment of the State away on 16 September 1943. [PCJ
officials, Hasil (high rate of land Papers Acc. No. 706; F.Nos 155, 156,
revenue), Lag-bags (cesses) and Begar 157 (PA), INA; JGP, 08 (1930),
(forced labour) in the Bhil-Girassia MPSAB; FFMPC, I, pp.68]
villages of Valoria, Bhula and
Nawawas in the Rohera Tehsil of Jiya Lal: Hailed from Nimbahera, in
Sirohi State in April-May 1922. In Tonk State (now distt. Tonk), the
order to teach these agitators a Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
lesson, the Sirohi State troops and the Amil Patel of Nimbahera town;
Mewar Bhil Corps attacked the refused to carry out the orders of the
agitators of the village of Valoria, on British Political Agent, Mewar State,
5 May 1922; the troops fired upon Captain C.L. Showers, to suppress
them, burnt their huts, corn and the rebellion at Nimbahera;
cattle, plundered their goods and organised the rebel forces for the
chattels and drove them away to the defence of Nimbahera and offered
hills. In the course of the military tough resistance when the British
operations, Jindoo received serious troops attacked the town; captured
bullet wounds in the firing along with by the British soldiers after the defeat
other ten Bhil agitators, and died on of rebels. Jiya Lal was blown away
the same day. The brutalities and from the cannon in a public parade
bloodbath during the military of the British troops in December
campaign besmirched the reputation 1857. [RGS, p.95 Sujas, No 4, June-
of the Sirohi and the British July 1998, Jaipur, p.81; WWIM, III,
Governments, and made the p.67]
Rajasthan Seva Sangh to stigmatize it
as The Second Bhil Tragedy in the Sirohi Jiya Loll: Belonged to Etawah, the
State. [NR, 18 June 1922, RSAB; North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
TSDTMR, 1881-1947, pp.173-174; Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
AMR, 1913-1947, pp.101-103] area and participated in their
confrontation with the British during
Jirra: Born in 1907; resident of v. the Uprising of 1857, and also incited
Salidhana, distt. Betul, Madhya the local people to attack the firangis
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 341

(British); he died while resisting the Singh; Zamindar; he took a prominent

advancing British army in Etawah in part in the Uprising of 1857, came in
1858. [Mutiny Papers, Etawah Mutiny contact with various rebel leaders of
Basta, UPRAA] the area, and participated in several
engagements against the British
Jodh Singh: Hailed from v. Gioori, teh. forces at Bilanda and Fatehpur; he
Bansoor [Bansur], Alwar State (now also led a group of rebel guerrillas in
distt. Alwar), the Rajputana Agency launching attacks on a number of
(now Rajasthan); Shekhawat. He British military posts; later he was
participated in a meeting of the kisan captured by the British and executed
agitators held at Neemuchana on 14 by hanging from a tree in April 1858.
May 1925 to protest against the [Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny
Maharajaís mal-administration and Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA; WWIM,
his land settlement policy of 1923-24. III, pp.67-68]
In this settlement the Biswedari rights
of the Rajputs were forfeited and the Jodha: Resident of Humeerpoor
land revenue had been increased by [Hamirpur], the North-Western
fifty per cent. Though all agricultu- Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
rists were affected adversely by it, participated in the Uprising of 1857
the Rajputs suffered the most. and fought against the British forces
Hearing the news of this gathering, in the Hamirpur region; he also
the Maharaja sent his State Army to provided financial support to his
counter the rallyists at Neemuchana. neighbours and incited them to raise
The troops surrounded the village, their arms against the firangis
blocked all the escape routes from it (British); he was caught during an
and opened fire on the protesters engagement with the advancing
without any prior warning of British army, and convicted on the
dispersal. Jodh Singh received charges of ësedition, aiding and
serious bullet wounds in the abetting the rebellion against the
indiscriminate firing and died on the Britishí; he was sentenced to death
spot. Simultaneously with this firing, with confiscation of property in 1859
the village was set on fire by the State and executed by hanging. [Mutiny
troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June UPRAA]
1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta
No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November Joga Chand: Resident of v. Kuala, distt.
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, Almora, Kumaon Division, the
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] United Provinces (Uttarakhand);
served as a Sepoy in the 4/19
Jodha Singh: Resident of v. Ataiya Hyderabad Regiment of the British-
Rasulpur, Futtehpore [Fatehpur], the Indian National Army till he shifted
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar his loyalty to the Indian National
Pradesh); Thakur; s/o Bhawani Army in 1942 and joined its the 3rd
342 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Guerrilla Regiment at the same rank; exploitation, and the tribal anxiety for
deployed on the Burma (Myanmar) maintaining their distinct ways of
front, he died encountering the life. On 16 February 1910, following
British led Allied forces in 1945. [INA the direct confrontation (Indrawati-
Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA ford battle) between the rebels and
(1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI; WWIM, the British where many of the rebels
II, p.134; EBIFF, II, p. 605] died, Jogi and few others escaped
from the scene and rallied round the
Joga Singh: Belonged to the Garhwal neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar
Division, the United Provinces (now villages. ìOn the might of 25 th
Uttarakhand); earlier he was a Lance- February, the combined forces
Naik in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of surrounded the Ulnar hill on which
the British-Indian Army but shifted the men of Netanar village [the
his loyalty to the Indian National rebels] were supposed to be
Army in 1942 and served its 3 rd encamped. The movement was well
Battalion as Havildar [Hawaldar]; executed, and all the aboriginals
while fighting against the British [tribals] were captured.î Jogi was
forces in Burma (now Myanmar) he one among those who had been
was killed on the battle ground in arrested, charged with ìwaging war
1944. [INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, against the Crownî, and prosecuted
498/INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, along with others on 23 April 1910
p.134] under Sections 25/436/395. He was
sentenced to eight yearsí rigorous
Jogeer: Belonged to Mahomedabad, imprisonment with a fine of Rupees
Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the 100, and detained in Bastar Jail.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Later, in June 1910 Jogi was shifted
Pradesh); Aheer; he joined hands to the Raipur Central Jail, where he
with the rebel forces of his area died (before 7 November 1910)
during the Uprising of 1857 and suffering ill-treatment and tortures
fought against the British on several by the jail authorities. [F/Poll
occasions; he was caught by the (Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910,
British army in an encounter in the NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail,
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi HTPB, pp.245-57; BTRB, p.80]
(Div.) Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Johar Khan: Belonged to Lucknow, the
Jogi: Born in v. Bastar, pargana Rayker Awadh Province (now Uttar
in Jagdalpur area (now the. Pradesh); he fought against the
Jagdalpur), Bastar State (now in British forces on several occasions in
Chhattisgarh); s/o Boya Parja; took Lucknow during the Uprising of
part in the Adivasi (tribal) Bhumkal 1857; he was shot dead by the firangi
ñ revolt of 1910 in Jagdalpur area of (British) army in September 1857.
Bastar against the feudal ñ colonial [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 343

Basta, UPRAA; L1857, p.159] against the British authoritiesí.

[Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
Johree: Resident of Muttra [Mathura], Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP
the North-Western Provinces (now (1858-59), UPSAL]
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel
forces in fighting the British at the Jooah Singh: Belonged to Allahabad, the
time of the 1857 Uprising; he also North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
incited the local people to ransack the Pradesh); he participated in the
Government treasury; he was caught Uprising of 1857 and fought against
by the advancing British army in the the British forces at several places in
Mathura region, and accused of the Allahabad region; he also incited
ëmurder and plundering the other people to raise their arms
Government property during the against the British and plunder
rebellioní; sentenced to death in 1858 British establishments; he was caught
with confiscation of his property, he by the British troops during their
was hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny attacks on the rebels in Allahabad,
Records, Mathura Mutiny Basta, and accused of having ëplundered
UPRAA] the property, sedition and rebellion
against the Britishí; he was
Joijee Mull: Belonged to Etawah, the sentenced to death in July 1857 and
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar executed by hanging. [Mutiny
Pradesh); he participated in the Records, PP, Further Paper No.1;
Uprising of 1857 and fought against TIM, p.206]
the British in the Etawah region; he
was caught in the course of a combat Joodhun: Resident of Munwan,
by the British and imprisoned in Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North-
Etawah Jail on the charges of Western Provinces (now Uttar
ërebellion against the Britishí; he died Pradesh); Aheer; he fought the
in jail in 1859 while facing his trial. British forces at several places in
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857;
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] he also offered financial support to
the rebels for buying arms and
Jongraj: Belonged to the North-Western attacking the British establishments;
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he was caught by the British after
Pathan; he was a Sepoy in the B. their re-occupation of the Ghazipur
Company of the British-Indian army; region, and executed by hanging in
he left the British service during the 1859. [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
with the rebels for fighting against
the British rule; he was caught in 1858 Jooglall: Resident of Jhukhan, Azimgurh
while confronting the British forces, [Azamgarh], the North-Western
and sentenced to death on the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
charges of ëdesertion and mutiny Rajpoot [Rajput]; he fought the
344 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

British forces at several places in Joykipoon; Resident of Banda, the

Azamgarh during the Uprising of North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
1857; he offered financial support to Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he took
the rebels for buying arms and part in the Uprising of 1857 and
attacking the British establishments; fought against the British forces in
he was caught by the British army the Banda region; he also provided
after their re-occupation of the financial support to the rebels and
Azamgarh region, and executed by encouraged the neighbourhood to
hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, attack the firangis (British) and their
NWP, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, allies; he was caught during the
UPRAA] British re-occupation of the Banda
region, and charged with ëaiding and
Joohara: Belonged to Chandpore, Bijnaur abetting the rebellion against the
[Bijnor], the North-western Britishí, sentenced to death with
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Jat; confiscation of property in June 1858;
he joined hands with the rebels of he was executed by hanging later on.
his area during the Uprising of 1857 [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
and marched towards Delhi while Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50
fighting against the British forces; he (VII) (1858), MSAB]
returned to his region after the fall
of Delhi in September 1857, caught Jubbah: Resident of Mylasheka,
by the British after their re- Allygurh [Aligarh], the North-
occupation of this region and hanged Western Provinces (now Uttar
in 1858 on the charges of ëmurder Pradesh); Aherya; he joined hands
and rebellion against the Britishí. with rebels of his area during the
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny Uprising of 1857 and fought the
Basta, UPRAA] British forces at several places in the
Aligarh region; he was caught by the
Jot Ram: Resident of v. Sone, p.o. Chuera, British after the defeat of the rebel
distt. Mathura, the United Provinces forces and charged with ëmurder and
(now Uttar Pradesh). He was a Sepoy plundering the Government property
in the 4/19 Hyderabad Regiment of during the rebellioní; he was
the British-Indian Army. He decided sentenced to death in 1858 and
to shift his loyalty to the Indian executed by hanging. [Mutiny
National Army and joined its 1 st Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
Guerrilla Regiment as a soldier. After UPRAA]
his deployment, he took part in
confronting the British in Burma Jugat: Resident of the Jabalpur region,
(Myanmar) and was reported to be Madhya Pradesh; s/o Devee Gontia;
killed by the enemy on the battle he took part in the Uprising of 1857
ground in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No. and fought against the British forces
1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 708-709 at several places in the Jabalpur
WWIM, II, p.135] region; he was caught by the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 345

troops during an engagement and establishments; he was caught by the

executed by hanging on 15 British and charged with ëinstigating
December 1857. [Mutiny Records, rebellion against the Britishí;
Poll Deptt. F. No. 10 (1858), MPSAB; sentenced to imprisonment for life in
TFWI, p. 144] 1858, he died in detention. [Mutiny
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
Juggut Singh: Resident of Benares Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
[Varansi], Uttar Pradesh; took part
in the Uprising of 1857 soon after its Jugunnath: Resident of the Oudh
breaking out in the Benares region, [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
and fought against the British troops Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
at various places; he also provided in the A. Company of the British-
financial support to other rebels for Indian army; he left the British
meeting their military expenses; he service during the Uprising of 1857
was captured by the British troops and joined the rebel forces to fight
during their recovery of this area, against the British rule; he fought
and charged with ëaiding the rebels against the British at several places,
and taking part in the rebellioní; he and died in 1858 while resisting the
was sentenced to the life imprison- advancing British forces. [Mutiny
ment and died in detention in 1858. Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] 59), UPSAL]

Jugnath: Resident of Kanpur, the North- Juguroo: Resident of Banda, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined
rebels of his area during the Uprising the rebel forces of Banda in attacking
of 1857, and fought the British forces the British establishments during the
at several places in Kanpur; he also Uprising of 1857; he also provided
encouraged the local people to attack financial support to the rebels to meet
the firangis (British); he was killed their military expenses; he was
while resisting the advancing British caught by the British during their
army in the Kanpur region in 1857. operations in this area and sentenced
[Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny to the transportation for life; he died
Basta, UPRAA] during his transportation in 1859.
[Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
Jugun Nath: Resident of Lucknow, the Basta, UPRAA]
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Pradesh); he took active part in Juhurree Khan: Resident of
mobilising those around him to join Wuzeerpoora, Agra, the North-
the fight against the British during Western Provinces (now Uttar
the Uprising of 1857; he also led the Pradesh); Mewattee [Mewati]; he was
rebels in attacking the British under the British service with the
346 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Contingent Guards of the Agra on, the State military force intervened
Central Prison; he was a participant to stop it. In the ensuing scuffle
in the secret conspiracy to liberate the between the two, the military force
prisoners during the Uprising of suddenly opened indiscriminate
1857; he escaped with them while firing on the rallyists in which Juma
leaving the British service; he took Wani was killed on the spot at the
part in several encounters with the age of 19. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
British forces in the Agra region; he J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp.409-10;
died in 1858 while fighting against WWIM, II, p. 347]
the advancing British army. [Mutiny
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Jumaheer: Belonged to Jhansi State (now
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) Uttar Pradesh); joined the rebel
(1858), MSAB] forces during the Uprising of 1857
against the British rule; while
Jujjoo: Belonged to Allahabad, North- defending Jhansi from the advancing
Western Provinces (now Uttar British forces, he was caught and
Pradesh); he took part in the charged with ërebellion against the
Uprising of 1857 and fought against British,í and sent behind the bars in
the British forces at various places in Hamirpur and Allyour jails; tried for
the Allahabad-Fatehpur region; he his involvement in the rebellion and
also incited the local people to rise an attempted jail-break, he was
against the firangis (British) and sentenced to death and executed in
overthrow their exploitative rule; he 1859. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
was caught by the British during an Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
engagement in Allahabad and (IX) (1858), MSAB]
executed by hanging in 1857. [Mutiny
Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta, Jumaheer: Resident of Agra, the North-
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) Western Provinces (now Uttar
(1858), MSAB] Pradesh); he joined hands with the
rebels during the Uprising of 1857
Juma Wani: Born in 1902 in distt. and reached Bulandshahar fighting
Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu and the British; he also took part there in
Kashmir; s/o Samad Wani. When the an attack on the British officers and
people of Islamabad observed a their establishments; he was caught
complete hartal on 23 September 1931 by the British in the midst of the
to register their protest against the engagement and hanged in 1858 on
arrest of Sheikh Mohammad the charges of ëmurder of the British
Abdullah ñ a prominent leader of the officers and plundering the Govern-
movement for responsible govern- ment property during the rebellioní.
ment ñ he took part in the anti- [Mutiny Records, Bulanadshahar
Darbar demonstration organized at Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Shopian (Islamabad). While the
vociferous procession was moving Jumahur: Resident of Kanpur, the North-
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 347

Western Provinces (now Uttar UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP

Pradesh); he joined hands with the (1858-59), UPSAL]
rebels of his village during the
Uprising of 1857, and fought against Jumyut: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh]
the British forces at several places in Province (now in Uttar Pradesh);
Kanpur; he also offered financial help Sheikh; he was a Sepoy in the A.
to the local rebels and encouraged Company of the British-Indian army;
them to attack the firangis (British); he left the British service during the
he was killed while resisting the Uprising of 1857 and joined the fight
advancing British army in Kanpur in against the British at several places;
1857. [Mutiny Records, Kanpur he died in 1858 while resisting the
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; PP, Further advancing British forces. [Mutiny
Papers No. 1; TIM, p. 103] Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-
Jumahur: Resident of the Oudh [Awadh] 59), UPSAL]
Province (now Uttar Pradesh);
Mahajun [Mahajan]; he was a Sepoy Juned Alam: Born in 1905 at v. Qurban
in the A. Company of the British- Sarai, distt. Ghazipur, the United
Indian army; he left the British Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
service during the Uprising of 1857 Hikmat Ali. He took part as a
and fought against the British at saboteur in an attack on the Nandganj
several places in his region; he died railway station during the ìQuit
in 1858 while resisting the advancing Indiaî movement. When the police
British forces. [Mutiny Records, opened fire at the railway station, he
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; was shot dead in August 1942. [H/
Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858-59), Poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, II,
UPSAL] p.135]

Jumshair Khan: Resident of Budaon Jung Khan: Hailed from Futtehpore

[Badaon], the North-Western [Fatehpur], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he
Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the B. joined the rebel forces during the
Company of the British-Indian army; Uprising of 1857 and fought against
he left the British service during the the British at various places in the
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands Fatehpur region; he also led a group
with the rebels for fighting against of rebels and marched towards
the British rule; he was caught in 1858 Kanpur; he was killed by the British
at the time of the British re- troops in the course of an encounter
occupation of the area, and sentenced near Kanpur 1857. [Mutiny Records,
to death on the charges of Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./
ëdesertion and mutiny against the Per.Srs.), UPRAA]
British authoritiesí. [Mutiny
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, Jungbahadoor Singh: Hailed from
348 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Unnao, the North-Western Provinces Rajasthan); he was a Sepoy in the 1/

(now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the 8 Punjab Regiment of the British-
rebel forces soon after the outbreak Indian Army; shifted his loyalty to
of the 1857 Uprising; along with his the Indian National Army; serving
fellows, he marched towards Delhi its 3rd Guerilla Regiment, he fought
while fighting against the British the British forces on the Burma (now
forces; he escaped to his region after Myanmar] front and died in action
the British re-occupation of Delhi in in 1944. [INA Papers, F.No.498/INA
September 1857; he died in 1858 while (1945), NAI]
resisting the advancing British army
in the Unnao region. [Mutiny Juwhir Singh: Belonged to Jhansee
Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta, [Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he joined the
UPRAA] rebel forces of his area during the
Uprising of 1857; fought against the
Jungee Khan: Resident of Moradabad, British and plundered their
the North-Western Provinces (now properties in the course of the
Uttar Pradesh); took part in the upheaval; he was caught by the
Uprising of 1857 and incited others British army when it launched an
to join the fight against the British; attack on this area in 1858; charged
he was caught by the British troops with ëplundering, murder and
during their operation in the rebellion against the Britishí, he was
Moradabad region, and sentenced sentenced to death in 1859. [Mutiny
to death in 1859 on the charges of Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
ëmurder and rebellion against the NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Abst.
Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), Jwala Prasad: Resident of Cawnpore
UPSAL] (now Kanpur) in the United
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Juwala Naik: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the raised an anti-British force during the
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Uprising of 1857 in Kanpur; took a
Pradesh); he joined hands with the leading role in destroying the British
rebels of his area and fought the Cantonments, settlements and
British forces at various sites in outposts in the city and its adjoining
Lucknow during the Uprising of areas; in the course of the fighting
1857; he lost his life in an encounter he was captured by the enemy in 1857
with the British army at Qaiserbagh, and sentenced to death; Jwala Prasad
Lucknow, in March 1858. [Mutiny was hanged on 3 May 1860 at Satti
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, Chaura Ghat in Kanpur. [Mutiny
UPRAA] Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta,
Juwan Singh: Hailed from v. Jali, p.o.
Mandona, Jaipur State (now distt. Jypal Singh: Resident of Gwalee,
Jaipur), the Rajputana Agency (now Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 349

Western Provinces (now Uttar by the British in the midst of an

Pradesh); he joined hands with the engagement and hanged soon
rebels of his area during the Uprising thereafter. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
of 1857, and fought the British forces Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
on several occasions; he was caught Srs.), UPRAA]
350 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Kabardi Khan: Resident of Madhya Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59),
Pradesh; served as Jamadar in the UPSAL]
Native Infantry of the British-Indian
Army, left it in 1857 when he was Kabir Alley Khan: Resident of
posted in Barwani region, coinciding Moradabad, the North-Western
with the mutinies breaking out in Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
different British cantonments in took a leading part in fighting against
Northern and Central India in 1857; the British during the Uprising of
he organized an anti-British rebel 1857, and also took part in organizing
force and led it in several raids on the rebel activities in Moradabad; he
the British positions in Barwani; he was captured by the British troops
was killed in an ambush laid by at the time their re-occupation of the
Captain Keatings of the British army Moradabad region, and executed by
in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, VI, NAIB; hanging in April 1858. [Mutiny
WWIM, III, p.68] Records, Fatehpur Mutiny, Basta
(Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA; WWIM, III,
Kabir Ali Khan: Belonged to p.68]
Moradabad, the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); Kabir Shah Azad: Born in 1881 in distt.
participated in fighting against the Islamabad [Anantnag], Jammu and
British during the Uprising of 1857; Kashmir. When the people of
he also led the rebels quite often in Islamabad observed a complete hartal
attacking and plundering the British on 23 September 1931 to register their
quarters; he was captured by the protest against the arrest of Sheikh
British troops following their Mohammad Abdullah ñ a prominent
regaining the Moradabad area, and leader of the movement for
executed by hanging on 27 April responsible government ñ he took
1858; his property was also part in the demonstration organized
confiscated. [Mutiny Records, Abst. for this purpose at Shopian
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 351

(Islamabad). While the procession Pradesh); he was a Kidmutgar

was advancing vociferously, the State [Khidmatgar] of a Captain (British
military force intervened to stop it. military officer); he left his job during
In the ensuing clash between the two, the Uprising of 1857 and joined the
the military force suddenly opened rebels in their fighting against the
indiscriminate firing on the rallyists British forces in Allahabad; he was
in which Kabir Shah Azad was killed caught by the British in one of their
on the spot at the age of 50. [File No. raids on the Allahabad region, and
V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, charged with ëmurder and plunder
pp.409-10; WWIM, II, pp. 135-36; during the rebellioní; sentenced to
HMKJAMH, p. 326] death in June 1857, he was executed
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP,
Kabir Shah Khan: Born in Bareilly, Further Paper No.6]
Uttar Pradesh; he joined the rebel
forces under the leadership of Khan Kadir Allee: Resident of Banda, the
Bahadur Khan (the rebel leader of North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the Rohilkhand region), and fought Pradesh); he participated in the
against the British forces during the Uprising of 1857 and also incited his
1857 Uprising; he was captured by neighbours to join the rebel side and
the British army advancing on the fight against the goralog (British); he
Moradabad region; and executed by was caught during an engagement
hanging in 1860 at Bareilly. [Mutiny with the British troops in Banda, and
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), imprisoned on the charges of
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, ësedition, murder and rebellion
pp.68.69] against the Britishí; he was sentenced
to death with confiscation of property
Kabul Singh: Belonged to v. Duhai, p.o. in May 1858 and executed by
Muradnagar, distt. Meerut, the hanging. [Mutiny Records, Banda
United Provinces (now Uttar Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
Pradesh). He had served the British- Vol. II, No.43C (1859), MSAB]
Indian Armyís 4/19 Hyderabad
Regiment as Jemadar [Jamadar] Kadir Buksh: Belonged to Nuyabas,
before volunteering his services to Agra, the North-Western Provinces
the Indian National Army as Captain (now Uttar Pradesh); Shaikh; he was
in its 1st Guerrilla Regiment. He was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the
killed defending his unitís position Contingent Guards of the Agra
near Arakan (Burma/Myanmar)) in Central Prison; he left the British
the Allied forcesí air-raid in July 1944. employment during the Uprising of
[INA Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; 1857 and joined hands with the rebels
ROH, pp. 708-709] of the Agra region; he fought the
British troops in several engage-
Kadeer: Resident of Allahabad, the ments in the Agra-Mathura area; he
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar was killed by the advancing British
352 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

troops in the course of their attacks and rendered his services to the rebel
on the rebels in 1858. [Mutiny forces in their fighting against the
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, British in the Allahabad region; he
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B also incited local people to raise arms
(1859), MSAB] against the firangis (British); he was
caught by the British troops at the
Kadir/Qadir Sheikh: Born in 1901 in time of their attacks on the Allahabad
distt Islamabad. (Anantang), Jammu area, and charged with ërebellion
and Kashmir; s/o Ahmad Sheikh. A against the Britishí; he was sentenced
supporter of the movement for to death in July 1857 and executed
responsible government, he took part by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP,
in a procession at Pulwama in Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.206]
Anantnag district in February 1934
to protest against the Maharajaís Kadur Beg: Hailed from the Oudh
autocratic rule in Jammu and Kashmir [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
State. The rally he joined came Pradesh); Mughal; he was a Jemadar
suddenly under fire by the State [Jamadar] in the Permanent Armed
Army and he died of his bullet injury Guard at the Agra Central Prison;
on the spot. [File No. V, 8; MMCR, following his deputation at
J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II, p.300; Bulandshahar on escort duty, he left
HMKJAMH, p. 329] the British service in June 1857 to
participate in the fight against the
Kadir: Born in Wuzeerpoora, Agra, the British during the Uprising of 1857.
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Along with the other rebels, he
Pradesh); Sheikh; s/o Madar Bux; he marched towards Delhi and joined
joined the rebel forces during the the rebel forces there; he died while
Uprising of 1857 and went up to fighting against the advancing British
Bulandshahar while fighting against army in the Delhi region in
the British; he was caught there by September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
the British in the course of an Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny
engagement and hanged in 1858 on Papers, Coll No. 57, NAI]
the charges of ëmurder of the British
officers and plundering the Kaeem Khan: Resident of Nimar,
Government property during the Madhya Pradesh; he fought against
rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi the British forces during the Uprising
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, of 1857; caught by the British troops
Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] in midst of an engagement in the
Nimar region in 1857, he was
Kadirbux: Resident of Allahabad, the sentenced to death. [Mutiny
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Records, Poll Deptt. Vol. No. 106
Pradesh); he was a Chuprasee (1859), MSAB]
[Chaprasi] under the British authority,
but left it during the Uprising of 1857 Kaihuree Khan: Resident of Khutaina,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 353

Agra, the North-Western Provinces and fought against the British at

(now Uttar Pradesh); Mulkana; he several places; he died in 1858 while
was a Burkundauz [Barqandaz] in the resisting the advancing British army.
Contingent Guards of the Agra [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Central Prison; he left the British UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X)
service during the Uprising of 1857 (1858), MSAB]
and joined hands with the rebels of
the Agra region; he fought the British Kaka: Resident of Harijan Mohallah,
troops at several palces in the Agra- Rehari, distt. Jammu, Jammu and
Mathura area; he was killed by the Kashmir; s/o Dehru. An active
advancing British forces during their opponent of the Maharajaís autocratic
attacks on the rebels in 1858. [Mutiny rule in the State, he participated in a
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, protest rally in Jammu on 23
UPRAA] September 1943 in connection with
the Roti Agitation (demanding
Kaila Kirar: Born in 1887, resident of v. cheaper food). He was killed on the
Nahia, distt. Betul, Nerbudde, the spot in the State Armyís firing on the
Central Provinces & Berar (now protestors. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
Madhya Pradesh); s/o Shri Ram J&KSA, Srinagar; KFFF, pp. 442-45;
Kirar; agriculturalist. Participated in WWIM, II, p.137; FSK, p. 71]
the ìQuit Indiaî movement in the
Nerbudde division in 1942; police Kala Jaral: Resident of v. Badah Kohna,
raided his residence, shot him there, distt. Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir;
and left him wounded seriously in s/o Najibullah Jaral. He actively
August 1942, admitted in the participated in the political move-
Badnoor hospital, he succumbed to ment for responsible government in
his injuries on the next day. [PCJ Jammu and Kashmir State. He was
Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, killed in the State armyís firing on a
157 (PA), NAI; MPSSZB, p.42; EBIFF, demonstration he joined at Rajouri
II, p.642] in October 1931 to protest against the
autocratic rule in the State. [File No.
Kaiwul Ram: Resident of Kummulain- V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF,
poor, Shahjehanpoor [Shahjahanpur], Vol.2, p.643; WWIM, II, p.138]
the North-Western Provinces (now
Uttar Pradesh); Kaith; he was a Kala Thakar: Resident of v. Darbal, distt.
Duffadar [Dafadar] in the Contingent Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o
Guards of the Agra Central Prison Dewan Ali Thakar. He took part in a
under the British Government; he protest rally at Rajouri on 1 October
left the British service during the 1931 during the political movement
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands for responsible government in Jammu
with the rebels for challenging the and Kashmir State. He lost his life in
British rule; he marched towards the State policeís firing on the rally
Delhi along with the fellow rebels on that day. [File No. V, 8; MMCR,
354 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

J&KSA, Srinagar; EBIFF, Vol.2, p.643; death on the charges of ëdesertion

WWIM, II, pp.137-38] and mutiny against the British
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
Kalai Khan: Belonged to Lohaike Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
Mundee, Agra, the North-Western Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Pathan; he was a Burkundauz Kaley Khan: Resident of Banda, the
[Barqandaz] in the Contingent Guards North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
of the Agra Central Prison; he left Pradesh); he took part in the
the British employment during the Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands the British forces at several places in
with the rebels of the Agra region; the Banda region; he also provided
he fought the British troops in several arms to the local rebels and
engagements in the Agra-Mathura encouraged them to attack the British
area; he was killed by the advancing establishments; he was caught during
British army in the course of its an engagement with the reinforced
attacks on the rebels in 1858. [Mutiny British troops in Banda, and charged
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, with ëmurder, aiding and abetting the
UPRAA] rebellion against the Britishí;
sentenced to death with confiscation
Kale Ram: Resident of v. Khorindo, p.o. of his property in May 1858, he was
Malagarh, distt. Bulandshahr, the executed by hanging soon thereafter.
United Provinces (now Uttar [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
Pradesh). Before shifting his loyalty Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50
to the Indian National Army he had (VII) (1858), MSAB]
served the Punjab regiment of the
British-Indian Army. After joining Kali Bai: Hailed from v. Rastapal,
the INA as Naik in the 3rd Guerrilla Dungarpur State (now distt.
Regiment, he was deployed to fight Dungarpur), the Rajputana Agency
the British in Burma (Myanmar) (now Rajasthan); a girl aged twelve
where he died in action in 1944. [INA years. Involved in an occurrence in
Papers, F. No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. Dungarpur State which had its origin
718-719] in the Maharawalís opposition to Bhil
education and the schools for Bhil
Kaley Khan: Resident of Agra, the students. He ordered the State Police
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar to close down all schools for Bhils
Pradesh); Pathan; he was a Sepoy in which the Rajasthan Sewa Sangh,
the B. Company of the British-Indian Dungarpur, had set-up. When
army; he stopped serving the British Saingabhai, a Bhil and a Master
service during the Uprising of 1857 (teacher) of one such school at
and joined the rebels of his area; he Rastapal village, refused to abide by
was caught in 1858 while fighting the the Police Superintendentís order (19
British forces, and sentenced to June 1947) to close it down, he was
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 355

badly beaten, tied with a rope to the affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
police truck and dragged on. Kali Bai suffered the most. Hearing the news
saw this cruel enactment from the of the kisan gathering, the Maharaja
field, bravely rushed to Masterjiís sent his State Army to counter the
help and cut off the rope from the rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
truck with her sickle. On being fired surrounded the village, blocked all
upon by the State police for this brave the escape routes from it and opened
act, a critically injured Kali Bai died fire on the protesters without any
in Dungarpur hospital on 20 June prior warning of dispersal.
1947. [RSSS, pp.66-69; Sujas, No.4, Kalicharan Singh received severe gun
June-July 1998, Jaipur, pp.66-68; shots in the indiscriminate firing and
NAKB, pp.10-12] died on the spot. Simultaneously
with this assault, the village was set
Kali Din: Resident of Futtehpore on fire by the State troops. [Alwar
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB;
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925;
joined hands with the rebel forces Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta No 29,
during the Uprising of 1857 and F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936,
fought against the British at various RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706,
places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region; F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI]
he also provided financial support to
the rebels in the neighbourhood and Kalika Prasad alias Shivpal: Resident of
encouraged them to attack and v. Kahla, distt. Pratapgarh, Uttar
plunder the British establishments; Pradesh; s/o Shivbadan. When the
he was killed by the British troops in local Congress workers organised a
the course of an encounter in 1857. rally at Kahla village in 1931 in favour
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny of non-payment of taxes, the police
Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA] intervened and tried to make some
arrests. This act was strogly resented
Kalicharan Singh: Resident of v. by the gathering, and it led to the
Neemuchana, (teh.) Bansoor, Alwar policeís sudden opening of fire.
State (now distt. Alwar), the Kalika Prasad alias Shivpal was the
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan); one who was killed in the firing on
Rajput. He participated in the kisan the spot. [H/Poll, F.No. 23/58/30,
agitatorsí meeting held at NAI; SSKS, 13, p. cha]
Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
remonstrate against the Maharajaís Kalika Prasad: Belonged to v. Pyarepur
mal-administration and his land p.o. Mau Nath Bhanjan, ditt.
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this Azamgarh, the United Provinces
settlement the Biswedari rights of the (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Banarsi.
Rajputs were forfeited and the land When the Congress leaders were
revenue increased by fifty per cent. arrested by the colonial administra-
Though all agriculturists were tion in the wake of the ìQuit Indiaî
356 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

movement, a demonstration was (now Uttar Pradesh); Thakur of

organized, and it advanced towards Marwari; joined the anti-British rebel
Bazar Thana from D.A.V. School at forces during the Uprising of 1857;
around 11 oíclock on 14 August 1942. while encountering the British
The protesters were lathi-charged by attempts at re-occupying Jhansi in
the police when they reached the 1858, he was caught by the enemy
police station. In retaliation, the and sentenced to death on charges
marchers began to pelt stones on the of ërebellion against the Britishí; he
police personnel. Finding the mob to was executed soon thereafter.
be unrelenting the police fired on it. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
Kalika Prasad was severely wounded Basta, UPRAA]
in the firing, suffered from his
injuries for three weeks and died Kalka: Resident of Banda, the North-
thereafter. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, Western Provinces (now Uttar
NAI; BCA, p. 125; SSKS, 27, p. sha; Pradesh); Mallee (Mali); he joined the
WWIM, I, p.162] rebels of Banda and fought against
the British during the Uprising of
Kalika: Resident of Futtehpore 1857 he also took part in the seizing
[Fatehpur], the North-Western of the British treasury and giving
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he away its contents to the rebels for
joined hands with the rebel forces buying arms; he was caught by the
during the Uprising of 1857 and British at the time of their re-
fought against the British at various occupation of Banda; charged with
places in the Fatehpur-Kanpur region; ëplundering, looting and rebellioní,
he was killed by the British troops in he was sentenced to death in July
the course of an encounter in 1857. 1858 and executed by hanging.
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutniy
Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA] Basta, UPRAA]

Kalika: Resident of Unnao, the North- Kalka: Resident of Banda, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he participated in the Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he
Uprising of 1857 and fought the participated in the Uprising of 1857
British forces in the Unnao-Kanpur and fought against the British in his
region; he also incited other rebels area; he also encouraged his
in attacking the British neighbours to take up their arms
establishments and plundering their against the British; he was captured
properties; he was killed during an during the British attack on Banda
encounter with the British army in and charged with ëaiding and
Unnao in 1857. [Mutiny Records, abetting the rebellion against the
Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] British authoritiesí; he was sentenced
to death with the confiscation of his
Kalinder Singh: Resident of Jhansi State property in September 1858, and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 357

executed by hanging. [Mutiny hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny

Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,

Kalla: Born in 1828, v. Mohammadgarh, Kallu Ram: Resident of Motilal Bagh,

Bashoda, Bhopal State (now Madhya distt. Sitapur, the United Provinces
Pradesh); s/o Nathhe Khan Pathan; (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Telu Ram.
follower of Nawab Fazil Mohammad On 18 August 1942, many people
Khan; took part in the Uprising of from various parts of the district
1857 against the British in Saugor gathered in Motilal Bagh for taking
[now Sagar] district; while part in a demonstration organized in
confronting the British reinforcement connection with the ìQuit Indiaî
under Hugh Rose at Rahatgarh fort movement. Kallu Ramñ a school
from 24 to 28 January 1858, he was studentñ also joined the gathering.
caught by the enemy troops; charged Soon the policemen reached the
with ërebellion against the British,í location, lathi-charged to disperse the
Kalla was executed by hanging at the crowd and opened fire on them.
entrance of the Rahatgarh fort on 29 Kallu Ram received severe bullet
January 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. injuries in this indiscriminate firing
III, NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X) and succumbed to these on that day.
(1858), MSAB] [H/poll F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
RORCG; SSKS, 16, pp. pa & bha]
Kalley Khan: Resident of Kotwali,
Allahabad, the North-Western Kallu: Hailed from Jaunpur, the North-
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Western Provinces (now Uttar
participated in the Uprising of 1857 Pradesh); he took part in the
and fought against the British at rebellion of 1857; he participated in
various places in the Allahabad looting and assaulting the British
region; he was caught by the British officers and their men; he was
troops in course of an encounter in arrested, tried for assaulting the
Allahabad and hanged from a tree British and received death sentence;
in 1857. [PP, Further Paper No.1] he was hanged on 22 September 1857.
[Mutiny Records, Jaunpur Mutiny
Kalloo: Born in Agra, the North-Western Basta, UPRAA]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
joined the Uprising of 1857, and Kaloo: Belonged to Allahabad, the
fought the British forces at several North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
places in Agra; he was captured by Pradesh); he participated in the
the advancing British troops in Agra, fighting against the British during the
and accused of ëmurder and rebellion Uprising of 1857, and also
against the Britishí; sentenced to encouraged others to attack the
death in 1858 with confiscation of his British establishments and kill the
property, he was executed by firangis (British) in Allahabad; he was
358 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

captured by the British troops at the Yeu, Burma (Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
time of their offensive against the Papers, File No. 379/INA (1946),
rebels in Allahabad, and charged NAI; WWIM, II, p.140]
with ëattack, murder and rebellion
against the Britishí; he was sentenced
to death in July 1857, and executed Kalyan Chandra: Born in 1895 in v.
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, PP, Auraiya, distt. Etawah, the United
Further Paper No.1; TIM, p.224] Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
Ganesh Prasad. A shopkeeper by
Kaluram: Resident of Patharia; distt. occupation, he took an active part in
Saugor [now Sagar], Jubbulpore the ìQuit Indiaî movement. He
Division, the Central Provinces and received severe bullet wounds in the
Berar [now Madhya Pradesh]; police firing on the protest rally he
employee of Nawab of Kamdar; participated at Auraiya on 12 August
joined the anti-British rebel forces 1942. He died on the same day due
during the Uprising of 1857 in the to those injuries. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/
Saugor region and took part in the 30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.162]
destruction of British settlements and
outposts at Ambapani, Sehore and Kamal Dar: Born in 1892 in v. Madan
Rahatgarh; they also succeeded in Chogal, distt. Baramulla, Jammu and
driving the British away from Kashmir; s/o Qadir Khan. He
Rahatgarh Fort in October 1857; actively participated in the political
when the reinforcement under Hugh movement for responsible
Rose came to re-occupy the fort on government in Jammu and Kashmir.
24 January 1858, Kaluram was He joined a demonstration at
captured by the British troops and Hindwara in Baramulla district in
charged with, ëplundering and February 1932 to protest against the
rebellion against the British Maharajaís autocratic rule in the State.
authorityí, Kaluram was executed by He was killed in the firing by the
hanging at the entrance of the State Army soldiers on the
Rahatgarh Fort on 29 January 1858. demonstrators. [File No. IV, 8;
[Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, NAIB; Poll MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; WWIM, II,
Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), p.69; HMKJAMH, p. 322; HMKJAMH,
MSAB] p. 322]

Kalwa Ram: Born in v. Katesra, distt. Kamal Din: Resident of Banda, the
Bharatpur, Rajasthan; served in the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
1/5 Punjab Regiment of the British- Pradesh); he provided financial
Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty support to the local rebels during the
to the Indian National Army in 1942 Uprising of 1857, and incited them
and served as a Sepoy in its 3 rd to attack and kill the Europeans; he
Guerrilla Regiment; he lost his life in himself also participated in
the enemy air attack on his camp at defending his area against the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 359

onslaught; caught by the British the Maharao of Kota State in 1857;

troops and sentenced to death on the led the rebel soldiers of Kota State
charges of ëmurder and instigating Army and launched an attack on
the rebellioní, he was executed by Patanpole in November 1857 against
hanging in 1858; his property was the troops of Thakur Laxmandas, (a
also confiscated. [Mutiny Records, loyal Jagirdar of the Maharao);
Banda Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Kamdar Khan died while fighting at
Patanpole. [F/Poll, F.Nos. 1-2,
Kamal Singh: Belonged to v. Mirzapur, September 1858; F/Poll ëAí , Nos 424-
distt. Azamgarh, the United 36, February 1858, NAI; Sujas, No 4,
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o June-July 1998, Jaipur, p.81; WWIM,
Dhayan Singh. He was arrested in III, p.70; RMSS, pp.8-12; RKSS,
August 1942 by the British police for pp.124-43; RSG, p.96]
his involvement in the
demonstrations during the ìQuit Kamdar Khan: Born in 1823 at Berchha,
Indiaî movement. He was sentenced Bhopal State, the Central India
to five years rigorous imprisonment. Agency (now Madhya Pradesh); s/o
Serving his term in jail, he died on Namdar Khan Pindari; pensioner of
account of severe tortures. [H/poll, Bhopal State; participated in attacking
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 123] and pushing back the Britishers from
Ambapani, Sehore and Rahatgarh
Kamala Prasad Vishwakarma: Resident areas during the Uprising of 1857;
of v. Qasimpura, distt. Azamgarh, the when the British reinforcement under
United Provinces (now Uttar Hugh Rose came to re-occupy the
Pradesh); s/o Beni Madhav fort on 24 January 1858, Kamdar
Vishwakarma. He took part in the Khan was caught by the British
ìQuit Indiaî movement as a student troops and executed by hanging at
of standard ninth and received bullet the Rahatgarh Fort on 29 January
wounds in the police firing. Later, he 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. VI, NAIB;
was arrested and sentenced to six WWIM, III, p.70]
monthsí rigorous imprisonment. He
died in detention on 9 August 1942 Kamdar Khan: Born in 1823, distt.
on account of severe tortures by the Saugor [Sagar] (now Madhya
jail authorities. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/ Pradesh); joined the anti-British rebel
42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.374] forces during the Uprising of 1857 in
Rahatgarh and its neighbouring
Kamdar Khan: born in 1819 in Kota State areas; took part in attacking and
(now distt. Kota), the Rajputana plundering the British establishments
Agency (now Rajasthan); educated in and occupying the Rahatgarh Fort
Persian and Urdu; officer in the Kota from them in October 1857; Kamdhar
State Army; took active part in the was arrested by the British troops
civil and military uprising in Kota during their recovery of Rahatgarh
against the British government and Fort in January 1858 and sentenced
360 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

to death on the charges of ëtreason, an engagement, he was hanged in

murder and rebellion against the 1858 on the charges of ëmurder of the
British,í he was executed by hanging British officers and plundering the
at Rahatgarh Fort on 29 January 1858. Government property during the
[Mutiny Papers, Vol. VI, NAIB; Poll rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
MSAB] Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB]

Kammodsingh Kori: Belonged to the Kanahiya Lal: Resident of Lucknow, the

Saugor (Sagar) region; he participa- Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
ted in the Uprising of 1857 and Uttar Pradesh); he took part in the
fought against the British in armed resistance against the firangi-
association with Gungadhar; he was hukumat (British rule) during the
captured by the British troops during Uprising of 1857 and fought the
an encounter in the Sagar region in British forces in several engagements
1857 and executed by hanging. in the Lucknow region; he was killed
[Mutiny Records, F/ Poll Consulta- while encountering the British troops
tions nos. 581-92, 30 Oct (1857), NAI] at Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in
November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Kamoo Khan: Born in Futtehpore Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
[Fatehpur], the North-Western Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
joined the Uprising of 1857, and led Kanahiya Singh: Belonged to teh.
the rebels of his area in fighting the Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt.
British; he also offered financial Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now
support to the rebels and encouraged Rajasthan); Thakur; took part in a
them to go for overthrowing the meeting of the kisan agitators held at
firangi-hukumat (British rule); he was Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
killed by the British troops at the time remonstrate against the Maharajaís
of their raids on Fatehpur in 1857. mal-administration and his land
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Basta, UPRAA] settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Rajputs were forfeited and the land
Kana: Belonged to Serai Suhur, tax had been increased by fifty per
Futehpore Secree [Fatehpur Sikri], cent. Though all agriculturists were
the North-Western Provinces (now affected adversely by it, the Rajputs
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel suffered the most. Hearing the news
forces during the Uprising of 1857 of this kisan gathering, the Maharaja
and went up to Bulandshahar sent his State Army to counter the
fighting against the British; he took rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
part there in an attack on the British surrounded the village, blocked all
officers and their establishments; the exit points from it and opened
caught by the British in the course of fire on the protesters without any
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 361

prior warning of dispersal. Kanahiya F.Nos. 18/8/1942, NAI; FFMPC, II,

Singh was badly hit by bullets in the p. 264]
indiscriminate firing and died on the
same day. Simultaneously, the village Kangel: Resident of Benares [Varansi],
was also set on fire by the State (now in Uttar Pradesh); Aheer; he
troops. [Alwar Judl; F.No. 315-J/23 joined hands with the rebels of his
of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14 June area during the Uprising of 1857, and
1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Basta fought the British forces on several
No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 November occasions; caught by the British in an
1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, encounter, he was accused of
F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), NAI] ëplundering the British property and
rebellion against the Britishí,
Kandhari Singh: Resident of Lucknow, sentenced to death and hanged in
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now 1860. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
Uttar Pradesh); he led a group of Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per.
rebels of his area during the Uprising Srs.), UPRAA]
of 1857 and fought the British at
various places in Lucknow; he also Kanha: Belonged to v. Valoria, Sirohi
spearheaded their attacking and State (now distt. Sirohi), the
plundering the British properties; he Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
died while confronting the British Bhil (tribe), s/o Rajha Bhil; b/o
army at Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in Martyr Lekha; took part in the Bhil-
March 1858. [Mutiny Records, Girassia no-rent campaign known as
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] the Ekki (unity) movement for
obtaining reliefs from the
Kandhi Lal Awasthi: Born in 1971, harassment of the State officials in the
resident of Jubbulpore [Jabalpur], the Bhil-Girassia villages of Valoria,
Central Provinces and Berar (now Bhula and Nawawas in the Rohera
Madhya Pradesh); s/o Babu Lal Tehsil of Sirohi State in April-May
Awasthi; cultivator. He was educated 1922. In order to teach these agitators
up to IV standard. He was involved a lesson, the Sirohi State troops and
in organizing a large meeting in the Mewar Bhil Corps attacked them
Jabalpur in connection with the ìQuit in the village of Valoria on 5 May
Indiaî movement. Since it was taking 1922; the troops fired upon them,
place on 6 September 1942 in defiance burnt their huts, corn and cattle, and
of prohibitory order, the authorities forced many of them to take to the
tried to break the meeting, and hills. This caused the termination of
following the ensuing melee, Kandhi the Ekki movement in Valoria, and
Lal was arrested. Sentenced to one resulted in Kanhaís being struck with
month and a half under and Section a bullet and dying on the spot. The
129 (1) (a) Defence of India Rules and savagery and bloodshed during the
put in the Jabalpur Central Jail, where military operations besmirched the
he died in detention. [H/Poll (FR), reputation of the Sirohi and British
362 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Governments and drove the British. He lost his life there in a close
Rajasthan Sewa Sangh to label it as The encounter in 1944. [INA Papers, F.
Second Bhil Tragedy of the Sirohi State. No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 708-709]
[NR, 18 June 1922; AMR, 1913-1947
pp.101-103; TSDTMR, 1881-1947, Karamat: Resident of Lucknow, the Oudh
pp.173-174] [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Pradesh); he took part in the
Kanhaiya Singh: Inhabitant of the resistance against the firangi-hukumat
Garhwal Division, the United (British rule) during the Uprising of
Provinces (now Uttarakhand); he was 1857 and fought the British forces in
a Naik in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of different engagements in the
the British-Indian Army; he left the Lucknow region; he was killed by
British service in 1942 to join the the British army in an encounter at
Indian National Army in 1942 and Bailley Guard, Lucknow, in
served it as Havildar [Hawaldar] in November 1857. [Mutiny Records,
the 3 rd Battalion; he died while Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
fighting against the British forces in Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858), UPSAL]
Burma (now Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA Karan Singh: Hailed from v. & p.o.
(1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.143] Bilaspur, distt. Bulandshahr, the
United Provinces (now Uttar
Kanjur: Resident of Etawah, the North- Pradesh). Earlier he served the
Western Provinces (now Uttar Punjab Regiment of the British-Indian
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Army as a soldier and later decided
rebels of his area during the Uprising to move into the Indian National
of 1857, and fought against the Army. He joined INAís 3rd Guerrilla
British forces at several places in Regiment as a havildar [Havaldar]
Etawah; he also offered financial and was subsequently sent to Burma
support to the local people and for taking part in the battles against
encouraged them to attack the firangis Allied forces. He was killed in a
(British); he was killed while resisting advancing British forcesí air raid at
the advancing British army in the Yazin (Burma/Myanmar)) in March
Etawah region in 1858. [Mutiny 1945. [INA Papers, F. No. 1/INA,
Papers, Etawah Mutiny Basta, NAI; ROH, pp. 714-715]
Karan Singh: Resident of v. Baragaon,
Karamal Singh: Resident of v. Khori p.o. Khorla, Jaipur State (now distt.
Bari, p.o. Bhatni, distt. Gorakhpur, Jaipur), the Rajputana Agency (now
the United Provinces (now Uttar Rajasthan); served in the 1/8 Punjab
Pradesh). He voluntarily joined the Regiment of the British-Indian Army;
Indian National Army as a soldier he shifted his loyalty to the Indian
and was deployed in Burma National Army and served its 3 rd
(Myanmar) to fight against the Guerilla Regiment; while fighting
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 363

against the Allied Forces on the 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57,
Burma (now Myanmar) front he was NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
killed in 1945 [INA Papers, (1858), MSAB]
F.No.498/INA (1945), NAI; WWIM,
II, p.146] Karim Khan II: Resident of the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar
Karim Baksh II: Belonged to the North- Pradesh); he joined the Uprising of
Western Provinces (now Uttar 1857 and also incited his
Pradesh); he took part in the neighbourhood to take up arms
Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged against the British; he proceeded to
the local people to fight against the Delhi, joined the rebel forces there,
British rule; he proceeded to Delhi, and fought the British soldiers in
joined the rebel army there, and several engagements; he was killed
fought the British forces in several while fighting the advancing British
engagements; he was killed while forces in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny
confronting the advancing British Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt,
forces in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB]
Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt,
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] Karim Khan: Resident of Karauli, Kota
State (now distt. Karauli), the
Karim Baksh: Resident of Lucknow, the Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan);
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in younger brother of Mehrab Khan ñ
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with leader of the rebel soldiers in Kota;
the rebels of his region during the a sepoy in the Kota State Army;
Uprising of 1857, and also joined the military and civil uprising
encouraged others to attack the against the Maharao of Kota State
British; he fought in a number of and the British Government in Kota
engagements against the British and in 1857; involved in the attack on the
died in the battle of Chinhat, Political Agency, Kota on 15 October
Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny 1857 in which Captain C.E. Burton,
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, the Political Agent, and his two sons
UPRAA; QT] were killed by the rebels; fought
against the British forces on 30 March
Karim Baksh: Resident of the North- 1858; captured by the British troops
Western Provinces (now Uttar and hanged. [1857 KSS, p.151]
Pradesh); he joined the fighting
against the British during in the Karim Khan: Resident of the North-
Uprising of 1857 and also incited the Western Provinces (now Uttar
local people to raise their arms Pradesh); he took part in the fighting
against the British; he proceeded to against the British during the
Delhi, joined the rebel army there, Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged
and died while confronting the his neighbourhood to raise its arms
advancing British forces in Delhi in for overthrowing the foreign rule; he
364 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

proceeded to Delhi, joined hands service during the Uprising of 1857

with the rebel forces there, and and joined hands with the rebel
fought the British in different forces to challenge the Comapanyraj;
engagements; he was killed while he was caught in 1858 while resisting
confronting the advancing British the advancing British troops, and
forces in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny sentenced to death on the charges of
Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, ëdesertion and mutiny against the
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
Karshala: Born in Jalalabad, the Oudh Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59),
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar UPSAL]
Pradesh); cultivator; along with his
neighbourhood, he refused to oblige Kashee Nath: Resident of Cawnpore
the British forces with the supply of (Kanpur), the North-Western
rasad (provisions) at Jalalabad during Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
the Uprising of 1857; consequently, worked as Mohasiri in the
he was caught by the British troops magistrateís court at Cawnpore; he
and hanged in November 1857; his took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
entire village was also looted by the joined the rebel forces in fighting
British army. [Mutiny Records, against the British in Kanpur and the
Lucknow Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] surrounding areas in the first half of
1857; when the British were
Kasea: Resident of Bairee, Kanpur, the recovering their lost ground in
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Kanpur in the second half of 1857, he
Pradesh); Lodh; he joined hands with was arrested by them and accused
the rebels of his area during the of ëtaking part in the rebellion against
Uprising of 1857, and fought the the Britishí; Kashee Nath was
British forces on several occasions; sentenced to death in December 1857
caught by the British during an and executed soon thereafter.
engagement, he was accused of [Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny
ëplundering the British property and Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. II,
rebellion against the Britishí; he was No.43C (1859), MSAB]
sentenced to death and hanged in
1861. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Kashee Pershad: Resident of Jhansi,
Fatehpur Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Uttar Pradesh; s/o Luckman Pershad;
Srs.), UPRAA] took part in attacks on the British
forces during the Rising of 1857; he
Kasee: Resident of Mynpoory also provided financial support to the
[Mainpuri], the North-Western rebel forces; caught by the British and
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); charged with ëaiding and abetting
Thakoor [Thakur]; he was a Sepoy the rebellioní; he was sentenced to
in the B. Company of the British- transportation for life in January 1859,
Indian army; he left the British and died in prison before
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 365

transportation. [Mutiny Records, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o

Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- Bhirgun. While the people were
59), UPSAL] demonstrating during the Non-
Cooperation movement, the British
Kashee: Belonged to Boolundshuhur police of Chauri Chaura thana
[Bulandshahar], the North-Western suddenly opened fire on them,
Provinces (Uttar Pradesh); he resulting in the deaths of many
participated in the Uprising of 1857 protesters. When they ran out of
and also offered financial support to ammunition and found the gathering
the local rebels against the British; infuriated, the policemen retreated
he fought the British forces at several and hid themselves inside the police
places in Bulandshahar; he was station. Some in the encircling crowd
caught by the British after the defeat sprayed kerosene oil over the
of the rebel forces and charged with building and set it on fire, killing all
ëmurder, aiding and abetting the the 23 policemen, inside. Kashi
rebellioní; he was sentenced to death Charan was accused of participation
in 1860 and executed by hanging. in this well-known Chauri Chaura
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny case, sentenced to death and hanged
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 on 2 July 1923. [H/poll. F.No. 563/
(IX) (1858), MSAB] III/1922, NAI; TR, 14 January 1923,
RSAB; SSKS, 36, p. 1 & 10]
Kashee: Resident of Banda, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Kashi Din: Resident of Lucknow, the
Pradesh); he took part in the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in
Uprising of 1857 and fought against Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with
the British forces in the Banda region; the rebels of his area and fought
he also provided financial support to against the British during the
the rebellious local people and incited Uprising of 1857; he also incited
them to kill the firangis (British); he others to raise their arms against the
was caught during an engagement British; he died while confronting the
with the advancing British army in British army in the battle of Chinhat,
Banda, and charged with ësedition, Lucknow, on 20 June 1857. [Mutiny
aiding and abetting the rebellion Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta,
against the Britishí, and sentenced to UPRAA; QT]
death with confiscation of his
property in August 1858; he was Kashi Nath: Belonged to Jhansi State
executed by hanging. [Mutiny (now Uttar Pradesh); joined the anti-
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, British rebel forces during the
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X) Uprising of 1857 in defence of Jhansiís
(1858), MSAB] self governance; took part in
plundering the British properties and
Kashi Charan: Resident of v. & p.o. killing them in Jhansi and its
Chaura, distt. Gorakhpur, the United neighbourhood; caught at the time
366 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

of the British raids on the region in fired upon by the police, he received
1858 and sentenced to death on fatal bullet wounds and died on the
charges of ëplundering, rebellion spot in August 1942. [H/Poll, F.Nos.
against the Britishí, he was executed 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.172]
soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records,
Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Kasi: Hailed from Surya Pol Darwaja,
Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] Bharatpur State (now distt.
Bharatpur), the Rajputana Agency
Kashi Prasad: Resident of distt. Benaras (now Rajasthan); Chamar. The
(Varanasi), the United Provinces Bharatpur police caught twenty two
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Panaru. He Chamars, including Kasi, from the
took part in a highly charged Surya Pol Darwaja on 23 March 1922,
procession at the Dasaswamedha and ordered them to graze the
Ghat during the ìQuit Indiaî animals of the Bharatpur ruler under
movement on 13August 1942. He Begar (forced labour). Kasi and others
received bullet wounds in the police refused to give Begar and reminded
firing there and died of those injuries the Maharaja of Bharatpur that he
on the same day. [H/poll F.No. 3/ himself had previously issued a
30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p.171-172; Proclamation to prohibit begar, and
BCA, p. 107] hence they should not be forced to
perform it. The Maharaja was furious
Kashi Rai: Resident of Jalalabad, the at this lowly-bornís audacity and
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in ordered the police to imprison and
Uttar Pradesh); cultivator; along with punish them. All the 22 persons were
his village fellows, he refused to then put behind the bars and
oblige the British forces with the mercilessly flogged by the police.
supply of rasad (provisions) at Kasi was one among those four
Jalalabad during the Uprising of persons who were so severely
1857; for this, he was caught and flogged and tortured by the police
hanged by the British troops in that he died in detention. Kasiís
November 1857; his entire village was death did not go in vain, and sparked
also looted by the British. [Mutiny off an agitation of the Chamars of that
Records, Lucknow Mutiny Basta, area. They gathered in large number,
UPRAA] demonstrated against the Bharatpur
ruler and created a powerful
Kashi Ram: Belonged to v. Barhan, distt. movement against Begar. [NR, 2 April
Agra, the United Provinces (now 1922, RSAB]
Uttar Pradesh). A labourer by
occupation, he participated as a Kasim Allee: Resident of Paharee,
saboteur in attacking the Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North-
Governmentís seed godown at Western Provinces (now Uttar
Barhan during the ìQuit Indiaî Pradesh); he took part in the
movement. When the saboteurs were Uprising of 1857 and fought against
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 367

the British on various occasions in the the North-Western Provinces (now

Hamirpur region; he also incited the uttar pradesh); he joined hands with
local people to raise their arms and the rebels in their fighting the British
kill the goralog (British); he was rule during the 1857 Uprising; he was
captured by the British during their caught by the British troops in one
advance in Hamirpur, and sentenced of their raids on Allahabad, and
to death on the charges of ësedition, charged with ëlooting Government
murder of Europeans and rebellion treasury and rebellioní; he was
with violenceí; he was hanged in sentenced to death with confiscation
1859. [Mutiny Records, Hamirpur of his property in June 1857; he was
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] hanged soon thereafter. [Mutiny
Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta,
Kasim Khan: Resident of Futtehpore UPRAA; TIM, p.219]
[Fatehpur], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Kaushal Kumar: Resident of v.
took part in the Uprising of 1857, and Naraingarh, distt. Ballia, the United
also incited his neighbours to join Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o
hands with the rebels; he offered Murli Singh. He was an active
financial support to other rebels and political worker and played a leading
encouraged them to try to overthrow role in organising agitations during
the firangi-hukumat (British rule); he the ìQuit Indiaî movement in Ballia.
was caught by the British troops He was killed in police firing near
during their raids on Fatehpur in Bairiya police station on 18 August
1857, and executed soon thereafter. 1942 in an attempt at hoisting the
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny National Flag on the Thana building.
Basta, UPRAA] [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI;
RORCG; WWIM, I, p.172]
Kasmi Ally Khan: Resident of Zumma,
Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North- Kaushal Ram: Resident of v. Chauke
Western Provinces (now Uttar Chapra, distt. Ballia, the United
Pradesh); Pathan; he fought the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). He
British forces at several places in was arrested in August 1942 on the
Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857; ground of his taking part in the
he also arranged financial support for agitation let loose during the ìQuit
the rebels to buy arms and attack the Indiaî movement. He was
British establishments; he was caught imprisoned and died in jail in the
by the British army after their re- same year on account of severe
occupation of the Ghazipur region, physical tortures. [H/poll, F.No. 3/
and executed by hanging in 1859. 30/42, NAI; BCA, p. 120]
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA] Kaushal: Born in v. Naraingarh, distt.
Ballia, the United Provinces (now
Kasseegeer Ghosain: Born in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh); s/o Murli Singh. As
368 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

a political activist he played an Kedar Singh Basurchia: Resident of v.

important part in organizing a protest Ghagha, distt. Gorakhapur, the
march to the Bairiya police Station at United Provinces (now Uttar
the height of the ìQuit Indiaî Pradesh). In 1943, he offered his
movement on 18 August 1942. The services voluntarily to the Indian
protesters were indiscriminately National Army and joined it at
fired upon by the British police when Malaya. He was sent in Burma
they reached the thana. Kaushal (Myanmar) to fight against the British
received fatal bullet wounds in his forces where he took part in several
attempt at unfurling the National pitched-battles and died there in
Flag on the police station building, action in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No.
and succumbed to his wounds on that 1/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.28]
very day. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/42,
NAI; BCA, p. 112] Kedar Singh Basurchia: Resident of v.
Ghagha, distt. Gorakhapur, the
Kazim Ali: Inhabitant of Lucknow, the United Provinces (now Uttar
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar Pradesh). In 1943 he offered his
Pradesh); he joined the fighting services voluntarily to the Indian
against the British during the national Army and joined it in
Uprising of 1857, also encouraged his Malaya. He was sent in Burma
neighbourhood to take part in the (Myanmar) to fight aginst the British
resistance against the firangi-hukumat forces where he took part in several
(British rule); he was killed by the pitched battles and died there in
British army in the course of an action in 1944. [INA Papers, F. No.
encounter at Bailley Guard, 1/INA, NAI; WWIM, II, p.28]
Lucknow, in November 1857.
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Kedar Singh: Hailed from v. Garigaon,
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh Distt. Almora, the United Provinces
(1858), UPSAL] (now Uttarakhand); he was a soldier
in the 4/19 Hyderabad Regiment of
Kedar Nath: Resident of Lucknow, the the British-Indian Army before
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar joining the Indian National Army as
Pradesh); he took part in the a Sepoy in the 1st Guerrilla Regiment;
confrontation with the British during was killed in action against the British
the Uprising of 1857, and fought the forces in Burma (Myanmar) in 1945.
British forces in different [INA Papers, F.Nos.1/INA, 379/INA
engagements; he was killed by the (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.150-51]
British army in the course of an
encounter at Bailley Guard, Keermal Singh: Resident of Ghazeepoor
Lucknow, in November 1857. [Ghazipur], the North-Western
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh Rajpoot [Rajput]; he fought the
(1858), UPSAL] British at several places in Ghazipur
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 369

during the Uprising of 1857; he also [Ghazipur], the North-Western

offered financial support to others Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
for buying arms and plundering the joined the rebels and fought the
British properties; he was caught by British forces at several places in
the British after their re-occupation Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857;
of the Ghazipur region, and executed he was caught by the British after
by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, their re-occupation of the Ghazipur
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] region, and executed by hanging in
1859. [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur
Keerut: Resident of Humeerpoor Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
[Hamirpur], the North-Western
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Kesar Singh: Born in v. Mooni, distt.
participated in the Uprising of 1857 Tehri-Garhwal, the United Provinces
and also incited others to join the fight (now Uttarakhand); s/o Shri Rattan
against the firangis (British); caught Singh; originally a Mess Waiter in the
by the British army, and convicted 1/13 F.F. Rifles of the British-Indian
on the charges of ëthe rebellion Army before joining the Indian
against the Britishí, he was sentenced National Army as a Sepoy in its 1st
to life imprisonment with Guerrilla Regiment in 1942; was
confiscation of property in 1859; he killed in action against the British
died in captivity. [Mutiny Records, forces in Burma (now Myanmar) in
Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] 1945. [INA Papers, F.Nos.1/INA,
379/INA (1946), NAI; WWIM, II,
Kehewan: Belonged to Banda, the p.153]
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Keshav Rao Makode: Born in 1925,
rebels during the Uprising of 1857 resident of v. Prabhatpattan, distt.
and fought against the British forces Betul, Nerbudda division, the
at several places in the Banda region; Central Provinces and Berar (now
he also incited his neighbours to raise Madhya Pradesh); s/o Balaji.
arms and kill the firangis (British) and Educated in a local school up to VII
their allies; he was caught by the standard, he joined the anti-British
British troops at the time of their demonstrations in Betul and raised
advancement in Banda, charged with slogans in support of the ìQuit Indiaî
ësedition and rebellion against the movement in 1942. Took an active
Britishí, and sentenced to death with part in sabotaging the Government
confiscation of his property in July properties like forest depots and post
1858; he was executed by hanging offices. Arrested with other activists,
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda Keshav was charged under Sections
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, 147/332 I.P.C., and awarded two
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] yearsí rigorous imprisonment on 20
October 1942. Suffering from
Keorath: Resident of Ghazeepoor Tuberculosis in jail, he was released
370 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

before the completion of his term and Army, he received training in

died at home a few days later. [H/ espionage and secretly landed on
Poll (FR), F.Nos. 18/8/1942, 18/9/ Indian soil to gather information of
1942, NAI; FFMPC, I, p. 75] the British-Indian armyís movements
for the INAís use. However, soon
Keshuree Lall: Resident of Meerut, the after his arrival in India, he was
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar caught by the British forces, tried and
Pradesh); s/o Jaubboo; Kaith; he received death sentence in a Court
joined hands with the rebels of his Martial trial on 8 February 1945. He
area during the Uprising of 1857, and was hanged in Delhi Central Jail on
fought the British forces on several 3 May 1945 at the age of 24. [H/Poll
occasions; caught by the British in the (Sec), F. No. 2/2/43; Poll (I) F. No.
course of an engagement, he was 6/357, NAI; SSG, 4, pp. 72-73]
accused of ëplundering the British
property and rebellion against the Kewal Ram: Resident of v. Barhan, distt.
Britishí; he was sentenced to death Agra, the United Provinces (now
in 1858 and hanged thereafter. Uttar Pradesh). A labourer by
[Mutiny Records, NWP, Fatehpur occupation, he participated as a
Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.), saboteur in the attack on the
UPRAA] Governmentís seed godown at
Barhan during the ìQuit Indiaî
Kesree: Resident of Allygurh [Aligarh], movement. When the saboteurs were
the North-Western Provinces (now fired upon by the police, he received
uttar pradesh); he took part in the serious bullet wounds and died on
Uprising of 1857 and also encouraged the spot. [H/Poll, F.Nos. 3/30/42,
others to raise their arms and NAI; WWIM, I, p.175]
overthrow the firangi-hukumat
(British rule); he marched to Delhi, Khairat Ali: Resident of Lucknow, the
joined hands with the rebels there Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
and fought the British troops; he was Pradesh); he fought the British forces
caught by the British soon after their at different places in Lucknow
re-occupation of Delhi, and charged during the Uprising of 1857; he also
with ëmurder and rebellion against joined the local rebels in plundering
the Britishí; he was sentenced to the British properties; he died while
death and shot dead in 1857. [Mutiny confronting the British army at
Records, Judl. Deptt. (Delhi Div.) Qaiserbagh, Lucknow, in March 1858.
F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
Basta, UPRAA]
Kesri Chand Sharma: Resident of v.
Kunjawa Chakrawta, distt. Khairati Khan: Resident of Bhopawar,
Dehradun, the United Provinces Amjhera State, Malwa region, the
(now Uttarakhand); s/o Shiv Dutt. Central India Agency (now Madhya
While serving the Indian National Pradesh); employed as a peon of the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 371

Political Agency in the Bhopawar movementís band of saboteurs,

British Residency (Amjhera State); he Khajan Singh went to Chamraula
left his job during the Uprising of station on Delhi-Tundla line on 28
1857, joined the rebel forces and August 1942 for cutting down the
accompanied them against the pro- railway tracks. As soon as the
British ruler at Dhar in 1857; in the volunteers reached the point to
course of fighting he was captured execute their plans, the policemen,
by the British troops and executed already guarding the location, had
in 1858 [Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, opened fire on them. Khajan Singh
NAIB; WWIM, III, p. 73] received severe bullet wounds and
died on the spot on that day. [H/
Khaja Bux: Born in Bareilly, Uttar Poll, F.Nos. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 33,
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces p. 71; WWIM, I, p.177]
under the leadership of Khan
Bahadur Khan (the rebel leader of Khaju Singh: Resident of Nimar, Malwa
the Rohilkhand region), and marched region, Central India Agency (now
to several places for attacking the Madhya Pradesh); joined the Bhima
British forces during the 1857 Naikís rebel forces, took part in
Uprising; he was captured by the organizing the rebel forcesí raiding
advancing British army in an the British positions in the Nimar
encounter, and executed by hanging region during the Uprising of 1857;
in 1860 at Bareilly. [Mutiny Records, he was captured by the British troops
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- in 1859, sentenced to rigorous
59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, pp.68.69] imprisonment and died in detention.
[Mutiny Papers, Vol. II, NAIB;
Khajab Bundish: Resident of Nimar, WWIM,III, p. 75]
Malwa region, the Central India
Agency (now Madhya Pradesh); Khajya Nayak: Resident of the Central
inspired by the Uprising of 1857 he Indian Agency (now Madhya
took upon himself the important task Pradesh); a Bhil; one of the prominent
of organizing the anti-British rebel Adivasi leaders who led the armed
force in Nimar in 1859. Following his revolt in 1857 against the Company
rebel forces raids on the British raj; his army was of 800 to 1000
positions at Mandaleshwar, he was strong, and all of them belonged to
captured and executed in 1859. indigenous Bhil tribes; his main
[Mutiny Papers, Vol. VI, NAIB; targets were the rich local Zamindars
WWIM, II, p.73] and the British officialdom; his
militancy continued even after 1857
Khajan Singh: Hailed from v. Nagla and his troops troubled the British
Dhokal, teh. Etmadpur, distt. Agra, movements along the Ghats by
the United Provinces (now Uttar attacking and looting their
Pradesh); s/o Chhiddu Narain Singh. belongings; he was killed by a
A volunteer in the ìQuit Indiaî conspirator from the British side in
372 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol.II, NAIB; towards the Nepal border, and
IVR, 2004, pp.65-66] ultimately was captured by the
British; sentenced to death on the
Khalil Prasad: Belonged to Faizabad, the charges of ëleading the rebellion and
Oudh [Awadh] Province (now in waging war against the Britishí; he
Uttar Pradesh); he participated in the was executed by hanging in the Old
rising against the British in 1857, Kotwali at Bareilly in March 1860.
proceeded to Lucknow and fought [Mutiny Records, Mutiny Records,
against the British forces at several Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-
places in Lucknow city; he was 59), UPSAL; Rampur State Mutiny
caught by the British army during an Papers, UPRAA]
encounter and hanged at Machhi
Bhawan, Lucknow, in June 1857. Khan: Resident of Jhansi State (now
[Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny Uttar Pradesh); joined the rebel
Basta, UPRAA; Abst. Proc. (Judl forces during the Uprising of 1857
Deptt.) Oudh (1857), UPSAL] and participated in attacking the
British establishments in Jhansi and
Khan Bahadur Khan: Resident of its neighboring areas in 1857-58; at
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh; he was a the time of the British re-occupation
grandson of Hafiz Rahmat Khan, the of Jhansi in 1858, he was captured by
last ruler of Rohilkhand; he joined the them and put behind the bars in the
rebel forces during the Uprising of Hamirpur and Allyour jails; on
1857, led them on several occasions account of his involvement in the
in their onslaughts on the British rebellion, as well as in an attempted
establishments, and assumed control jail-break, Khan was executed in
over the Rohilkhand area; becoming 1859. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
the leader of the rebels, and the Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. III,
proclaimed ruler of the region as the No.43D (1859), MSAB]
viceroy of the Mughal Emperor,
Bahadur Shah ëZafarí, he appointed Khantar Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
a committee of eight persons, Division, the United Provinces (now
consisting of Hindus and Muslims, Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
to conduct the rebel administration 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
within his area, and ruled over Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
Rohilkhand for about one year; he to the Indian National Army in 1942
foiled the British attempts at creating and served it as Sepoy in the 3 rd
rifts among the rebel forces and Battalion; he fought against the
forbade cow-slaughter in reverence British forces at several places in
to the Hindu sentiments; he also Burma (now Myanmar) and was
levied taxes for waging war against killed in a battle in 1944. [INA Papers,
the British, engaged the British forces F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA (1946), NAI;
in several battles, but lost the crucial WWIM, II, p.154]
battle of Bareilly; he withdrew
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 373

Khedan Ahir: Resident of v. Sherpur Khejar Khan: Belonged to distt. Saugor

Kalan, distt. Ghazipur, the United [Sagar], (now Madhya Pradesh); took
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); s/o part in the Uprising of 1857 against
Veer Nayak Rai. While he was trying the British in Saugor region under the
to hoist the National Flag on the command of Nawab Fazil
Muhammadabad Tehsil Office during Mohammad Khan of Ambapani; he
the ìQuit Indiaî movement, the participated in the overrunning of the
police shot and killed him on the spot British settlement at Rahatgarh Fort
in August 1942. [H/poll, F.No. 3/30/ in October 1857; between 24 and 28
42, NAI; BCA, p. 111] January 1858 he fought against the
British troops during their re-
Khedoo: Resident of Bhoolchuk, occupation of Rahatgarh fort; while
Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur], the North- fighting the enemy forces and facing
Western Provinces (now Uttar reverses, he and fellow rebels
Pradesh); Brahmin; he fought the decided to leave the fort; soon after
British forces at several places in leaving it, Khejar Khan and others
Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857; were nabbed at Narsinghpur Marg
he also offered financial support to by Captain Sulley of the British army,
the rebels for buying arms to attack sentenced to death on the charges of
the British establishments; he was ëtreason, murder and rebellion
caught by the British after their re- against the British,í he was executed
occupation of the Ghazipur region, in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. II,
and executed by hanging in 1859. NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII)
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny (1858), MSAB]
Basta, UPRAA]
Khem Singh: Resident of Almora,
Kheemanand: Born in 1930, resident of Kumaon Division, the United
v. Khumand Patti, Distt. Almora, Provinces (now Uttarakhand);
Kumaon Division, United Provinces enlisted as Sepoy in the Indian Army
(now Uttarakhand); s/o Tika Ram; Medical Corps of the British-Indian
agriculturalist; became a Congress Army; fought in the World War II
worker and started taking part in the against the Japanese army and
ìQuit Indiaî processions and became a prisoner of war in its hands
meetings; joined an anti-British in Malaya; he shifted his loyalty to
procession at Sumand Patti (Almora) the Indian National Army in 1942
in 1942; the British armed personnel and served it as a Naik in its 3 rd
came down to stop its advance and Guerilla Regiment; he was killed in
opened fire on the processionists; he action in Burma (Myanmar) in 1944.
and his younger brother, Ganga Datt, [INA Papers, F.Nos.403/INA, 498/
were shot dead in the firing. [PCJ INA (1945), 379/INA (1946); NAI;
Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155, 156, EBIFF, II; p.723]
157 (PA), NAI; WWIM, I, p.178; SSKS,
KD: p.3; BSAS: p. 129] Khem Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
374 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Division, the United Provinces (now revenue had been increased by fifty
Uttarakhand); earlier he was a Soldier per cent. Though all agriculturists
in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the were affected adversely by it, the
British-Indian Army but shifted his Rajputs had been the hardest hit.
loyalty to the Indian National Army Hearing the news of the gathering
in 1942, and served its 3rd Battalion of the peasant agitators, the Maharaja
as Sepoy; he was killed on the in sent his State Army to counter the
Burma (now Myanmar) front by the rallyists at Neemuchana. The troops
British forces in 1944. [INA Papers, surrounded the village, blocked all
F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA (1946), NAI; the escape routes from it and opened
WWIM, II, p.155] fire on the protesters without any
prior warning. Many of the agitators,
Kheree: Resident of Banda, the North- including Khetar Singh, received
Western Provinces (now Uttar severe bullet wounds in the
Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he indiscriminate firing and Khetar
provided arms and money to the Singh died of these. Simultaneously,
rebels of his area during the Uprising the village was also set on fire by the
1857, and incited them to attack and State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315-
kill the firangis (British); he also J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14
participated in the capturing of the June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings,
British treasury and supplying its Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13
contents to the rebels; he was caught November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers,
by the British troops during their Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA),
operations in the Banda region; NAI]
charged with ëmurder, aiding and
abetting the rebellioní, he was Khialee Ram: Resident of Kurhul,
sentenced to death in August 1858 Mynpoory [Mainpuri], the North-
and executed by hanging. [Mutiny Western Provinces (now Uttar
Records, Banda Mutiny Basta, Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Sepoy
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX) in the C. Company under the British-
(1858), MSAB] Indian army; he left the British
service during the Uprising of 1857
Khetar Singh: Resident of teh. and joined hands with the rebels and
Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt. fought against the British; he was
Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now caught in 1858 while resisting the
Rajasthan); Rajput. He took part in advancing British forces, and
the kisan meeting held at Neemuchana sentenced to death on the charges of
on 14 May 1925 to remonstrate ëdesertion and mutiny against the
against the Maharajaís oppressive British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
administration and his land Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Rajputs were forfeited and the land Khizr Butt: Born in 1881 in Shopian, distt.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 375

Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir; s/o the rebellion against the Britishí; he
Lassa Butt; Shopkeeper. He was sentenced to death in May 1858
participated in a demonstration at and executed by hanging; his
Shopian on 21 September 1931against property was also confiscated
the autocratic rule during the political thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Banda
movement for responsible govern- Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt,
ment in Jammu and Kashmir State. Vol. No.53 (X) (1858), MSAB]
He was critically wounded in a lathi-
charge by the State police on the Khoda Bux: Resident of Kotwali,
protestors, and succumbed to his Allahabad, the North-Western
injuries on that very day. [File No. Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
V, 8; MMCR, J&KSA, Srinagar; joined hands with the rebels of his
WWIM, II, p.52; EBIFF, Vol.1, p.115; area during the Uprising of 1857 and
HMKJAMH, p. 323] fought against the British troops; he
also took part in looting the British
Khoda Bux: Resident of Allahabad, the treasury and using its contents for
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar buying arms; he was caught by the
Pradesh); he took part in attacking British in the course of their marches
and plundering the British into Allahabad, and hanged from a
establishments during the 1857 tree in 1857 on the charges of ëlooting
Uprising; he also encouraged the and rebellion against the Britishí.
people of his locality to join the rebel [Mutiny Records, Allahabad Mutiny
forces; he was captured by the British Basta, UPRAA]
at the time their attack on Allahabad,
and charged with ëplundering and Khodabux Bhisie: Belonged to
rebellion against the Britishí; he was Allahabad, the North-Western
sentenced to death by hanging in Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
June 1857 and executed soon took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, joined hands with the rebels in
Allahabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; fighting the British forces; he also
TIM, p.220] incited the local people to attack the
British and plunder their properties;
Khoda Bux: Resident of Banda, the he was caught by the British troops
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar during their raids on the Allahabad
Pradesh); he participated in the region, convicted on the charges of
Uprising of 1857 and fought against ëplundering and rebellion against the
the British forces in the Banda region; Britishí; sentenced to death in July
he also provided financial support to 1857, and executed by hanging.
his neighbours and encouraged them [Mutiny Records, PP, Further Paper
to raise their arms to fight the firangis No.1; TIM, p.207]
(British); he was caught during the
British re-occupation of Banda, and Khoodee: Belonged to Mahomedabad,
charged with ëaiding and abetting Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the
376 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar ëdesertion and mutiny against the

Pradesh); Aheer; he joined hands British authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records,
with the rebels of his village during Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
the Uprising of 1857 and fought Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
against the British on several
occasions; he was caught by the Khooman: Resident of Gwalee,
British forces in the course of an Mirzapoor [Mirzapur], the North-
encounter in the Gorakhpur region, Western Provinces (now Uttar
and hanged in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Pradesh); he joined hands with the
NWP, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; rebels of his area during the Uprising
Poll Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B (1859), of 1857, and fought the British forces
MSAB] on several occasions; caught by the
British in a fierce engagement, he
Khooman Singh: Resident of Cawnpore was tried and hanged in 1860.
(Kanpur), the North-Western [Mutiny Records, NWP Fatehpur
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Mutiny Basta (Ur./Per. Srs.),
headed a rebel group during the UPRAA]
Uprising of 1857 and fought against
the British troops in the Kanpur Khooman: Resident of Shahjehnpoor
region in the months of June and July [Shahjahanpur], the North-Western
1857; he was caught by the British Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
troops at the time of their re- Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the C.
occupation of Kanpur and charged Company under the British-Indian
with ërebellion against the British and army; he refused to serve the British
aiding the rebellioní; Khooman Singh during the Uprising of 1857 and
was sentenced to death in December joined the rebelsí fighting against the
1857 and executed soon thereafter. British rule; he was caught in 1858
[Mutiny Records, Kanpur Mutiny while confronting the British forces,
Basta, UPRAA] and sentenced to death on the
charges of ëdesertion and mutiny
Khooman Singh: Resident of against the British authoritiesí.
Surrooppoor, Etawah, the North- [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Western Provinces (now Uttar UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-
Pradesh); Thakoor [Thakur]; he was 59), UPSAL]
a Havildar [Hawaldar] in the C.
Company of the British-Indian army; Khoomanee Khan: Resident of Badaon;
he left the British employment the North-Western Provinces (now
during the Uprising of 1857 and Uttar Pradesh); Mewatee [Mewati];
joined the rebel forces to fight against he took part in the Uprising of 1857
the British rule; he was caught in the and fought against the British forces
course of an engagement with the in Badaon on several occasions; he
British forces, and sentenced to was caught by the British during their
death in 1859 on the charges of operations against the rebels, and
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 377

executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny fought the British forces on a number

Records, Jhansi/Agra Mutiny Basta, of occasions in Aligarh; caught by the
UPRAA] British in the course of their attacks
on the rebels, he was executed by
Khooshal: Resident of Shahjehnpoor hanging in 1857 on the charges of
[Shahjahanpur], the North-Western ëmurder and leading the rebels
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); rebellion against the Britishí; his
Aheer; he was a Sepoy in the C. house was also razed to the ground.
Company under the British-Indian [Mutiny Records, Aligarh Mutiny
army; he left the British service Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt. Part-1, Vol.
during the Uprising of 1857 and No. 44 (1858), MSAB]
joined hands with the rebels for
fighting against the British rule; he Khowshallee: Resident of Agra, the
was caught in 1858 while confronting North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the British forces, and sentenced to Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
death on the charges of ëdesertion during the Uprising of 1857 and went
and mutiny against the British up to Bulandshahar while fighting
authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, Agra against the British; he also took part
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. there in an attack on the British
Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] officers and their establishments; he
was caught by the British in the midst
Khoosyal Khan: Resident of Allahabad, of an encounter and hanged in 1858
the North-Western Provinces (now on the charges of ëmurder of the
uttar pradesh); he was Nujeeb [Najib] British officers and plundering the
under a Commissioner in Allahabad, Government property during the
but left the post to join the Uprising rebellioní. [Mutiny Records,
of 1857; he also incited many others Bulanadshahar Mutiny Basta,
to fight against the British; he was UPRAA]
caught by the British during an
engagement in Allahabad, and Khub Singh: Resident of Kanpur, the
charged with ëdisloyalty and North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
rebellion against the Britishí; Pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
sentenced to death with confiscation area during the Uprising of 1857, and
of his property in June 1857; he was fought against the British troops at
executed by hanging. [Mutiny several places in Kanpur; he also
Records, Allahabad Mutiny Basta, offered financial support to the local
UPRAA; TIM, p.218] people and encouraged them to
attack the firangis (British); he was
Khowaja Nujuf Allee: Belonged to killed in the course of an engagement
Allygurh [Aligarh], the North- with the advancing British army in
Western Provinces (now Uttar the Kanpur region in 1857. [Mutiny
Pradesh); he led a group of rebels Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta,
during the Uprising of 1857 and UPRAA]
378 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Khuda Bakhsh: Resident of the North- Khuda Buksh: Resident of the Oudh
Western Provinces (now Uttar [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
Pradesh); he took part in the Pradesh); Sheikh; he was a Sepoy in
Uprising of 1857 and also incited his the A. Company of the British-Indian
neighbourhood to take to arms army; he left the British service
against the British authorities; he during the Uprising of 1857 and
proceeded to Delhi, joined the rebel joined hands with the rebel forces to
forces there, and fought the British fight against the British rule; he
in several battles; he was killed while fought against the British at several
confronting the advancing British places, and died in 1858 while
army in Delhi in 1857. [Mutiny resisting the advancing British forces.
Papers, Coll No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny
Vol. No.48 (V) (1858), MSAB] Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
(1858-59), UPSAL]
Khuda Baksh: Born in Agra, the North-
Western Provinces (now Uttar Khuddim: Resident of Lucknow, the
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
rebels in their fighting the firangi- Pradesh); he fought the British forces
hukumat (British rule) during the in different engagements, and also
Uprising of 1857; he was caught by encouraged others to take part in the
the British troops in the course of an resistance against the firangi-hukumat
engagement, and accused of ëmurder (British rule) during the Uprising of
and rebellion against the Britishí; he 1857; he was killed by the British
was sentenced to death in 1858 with army in an armed clash at Baily
confiscation of his property; he was Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857.
executed by hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
[Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
UPRAA] (1858), UPSAL]

Khuda Baksh: Resident of Jhansi, Uttar Khuggoo: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar
Pradesh; he was the commander of Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces
the Cavalry in the army of Rani soon after the outbreak of the 1857
Lakshmi Bai; he played a significant Uprising; along with his associates,
role in organizing and directing the he marched towards Delhi while
rebel forces against the British fighting against the British forces; he
during the Uprising of 1857; he escaped to his region after the British
fought back persistently the British re-occupation of Delhi in September
armyís offensive on the Jhansi fort; 1857; he died in 1858 while
he was killed by the British while confronting the advancing British
fighting on 4 June 1857. [Mutiny army in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny
Records; Jhansi Mutiny Basta, Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP
UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.75] (1858-59), UPSAL]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 379

Khullak Singh: Resident of Ghazeepoor Khusal Singh: Belonged to the Garhwal

[Ghazipur], the North-Western Division, the United Provinces (now
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he Uttarakhand); he was a Naik in the
fought the British forces at several 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
places in Ghazipur during the Indian Army; he shifted his loyalty
Uprising of 1857; he was caught by to the Indian National Army in 1942
the British after their re-occupation and served it as Naik in the I st
of the Ghazipur region, and executed Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting
by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records, against the British forces at Trawang,
Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Burma (now Myanmar) he was killed
on the battle ground in 1944. [INA
Khundoo Singh: Resident of Mundee Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA
Syud Khan, Agra, the North-Western (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p.156]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Brahmin; he was a Burkundauz Khusal Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
[Barqandaz] with the Contingent Division, the United Provinces (now
Guards of the Agra Central Prison; Uttarakhand); he was a Naik in the
he left the British service during the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebels Indian Army; he decided to shift his
of the Agra area; he fought the loyalty to the Indian National Army
British in several engagements in the in 1942 and served it as Havildar
Agra-Mathura regions; he was killed [Hawaldar] in the 3rd Battalion; he died
by the advancing British troops in the fighting the British forces in Burma
course of their attacks on the rebels (now Myanmar) in 1944. [INA
in 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.156]
Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB]
Khushal Singh: Born in v. Julianwala,
Khurugjeet: Resident of the Oudh distt. Mirpur, Kashmir State (now
[Awadh] Province (now in Uttar Jammu and Kashmir). He was a
Pradesh); Nayee [Nai]; he was a Jemadar [Jamadar] in the British-
Sepoy in the A. Company of the Indian Armyís 1/13 Frontier Forces
British-Indian army; he left the Regiment before shifting his loyalty
British employment during the to the Indian National Army in 1942.
Uprising of 1857 and joined hands He joined the INA as Captain in the
with the rebel forces to fight against Reinforcement Group and died in
the British rule; he fought against the Singapore in March 1944 in an
British at several places in his region; encounter with the British forces.
he died in 1858 while resisting the [INA Papers, 1/INA, NAI; EBIFF,
advancing British forces. [Mutiny Vol.2, p.768]
Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh (1858- Khushal: Belonged to distt. Meerut, the
59), UPSAL] United Provinces (now Uttar
380 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Pradesh). He shifted his loyalty from Khwaja Baksh: Hailed from Bhopal State
the British-Indian Armyís Punjab (now Madhya Pradesh); s/o Namdar
Regiment to the Indian National Khan, joined the rebel forces during
Army. On joining the INA, he was the Revolt of 1857 against the British
placed as a soldier in the 3rd Guerrilla in Saugor [Sagar] district; involved
Regiment and deployed to confront in attacking and plundering the
the British in Burma (Myanmar) British settlements at Ambapani,
where he died fighting in the battle Sehore and Rahatgarh under the
field, possibly in 1944. [INA Papers, command of Nawab Fazil
F. No. 1/INA, NAI; ROH, pp. 720- Mohammad Khan of Ambapani; he
721] fought from 24 to 28 January 1858
against the British troops who came
Khushi Ram: Born in Bareilly, Uttar to re-occupy Rahatgarh Fort under
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces Hugh Rose; in the course of the
under the leadership of Khan fighting he was caught by the enemy
Bahadur Khan (the rebel supremo in and executed by hanging on 29
the Rohilkhand region) during the January 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. I,
Uprising of 1857, and took part in NAIB; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X)
fighting against the British at several (1858), MSAB]
places; he was caught by the
advancing British army and executed Khwaja Baksha: Belonged to Singhana
by hanging in 1860. [Mutiny Records, town of Jaipur State (now in distt.
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858- Jhunjhunun), the Rajputana Agency
59), UPSAL; WWIM, III, p.76] (now Rajasthan); s/o Abdal [Abdul]
Khan; sepoy in the British Army (his
Khwaj Baksh: Resident of Mundee father was also employed in
Sooth, Agra, the North-Western Regiment No.3, Dera Ghazi Khan);
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); along with other Sowars [Sawars], he
Mewattee [Mewati]; he served under deserted the regiment, came to
the British as one among the Singhana via Jodhpur and joined the
Contingent Guards of the Agra rebels; Khwaja Baksha was arrested
Central Prison; he joined a secret in May 1858, sent to the Assistant
conspiracy to liberate the prisoners Political Agent of Kanod and
during the Uprising of 1857, and executed soon thereafter. [Jaipur State
escaped with them while leaving the Milt/Deptt, Pt. II/Minor Head 6/
British employment; he took part in Records No. 01/Pt. 5/5, RSAB, cited
several encounters with the British in RSG, V 2, pp.96]
forces in the Agra region; he died in
1858 while fighting against the Khwaja Bux: Resident of Jhansi State
advancing British army. [Mutiny (now Uttar Pradesh); joined the rebel
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, forces in Jhansi in 1857 and fought
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.53 (X) against the British interferences in
(1858), MSAB] Jhansiís affairs; took part in raiding
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 381

the British settlements and outposts Khyrattee: Hailed from Unnao, the
in Jhansi and its surrounding areas; North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
caught during the British re- Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
occupation of the region in 1858 and soon after the outbreak of the 1857
sentenced to death on charges of Uprising; along with the other rebels,
ëtaking part in the rebellion against he marched towards Delhi while
the Britishí, he was executed soon fighting against the British forces; he
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi escaped to his region after the British
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, re-occupation of Delhi in September
Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858), MSAB] 1857; he died in 1858 while resisting
the advancing British army in the
Khyolee: Born in Meerut, the North- Unnao region. [Mutiny Records,
Western Provinces (now Uttar Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
Pradesh); he participated in the
Uprising of 1857 and also incited his Kidar Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
neighbourhood to raise their arms Division, the United Provinces (now
against the British rule; he fought the Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the
British forces at several places in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British-
Meerut region; caught by the British Indian Army; he left the British
after the defeat of the rebel forces service to join the Indian National
and charged with ëmurder and Army in 1942 and served it as Sepoy
plundering the Government property in the 3 rd Battalion; while fighting
during the rebellioní, he was against the British-Allied forces in
sentenced to death in 1858 and Burma (now Myanmar) he was killed
executed by hanging. [Mutiny on the battle ground in 1944. [INA
Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta, Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA
UPRAA] (1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.157]

Khyratee: Resident of Agra, the North- Kindariya/ Kondariya: Born in v.

Western Provinces (now Uttar Benglur, Pargana Kaikagarh in
Pradesh); following the outbreak of Jagdalpur, Bastar State (now in
the 1857 Uprising, he joined the local Chhattisgarh); took part in the
rebels in attacking and plundering Adivasi (tribal) Bhumkalórevolt of
British establishments in Agra; he 1910 in the Jagdalpur area of Bastar
was caught by the British army and against the feudal and colonial
put on trial on the charges of exploitation, and also for maintaining
ëplundering and rebellion against the the tribalsí distinct ways of life. On
Britishí; sentenced to transportation 16 February 1910 he took part in a
for life in February 1859, he died in direct confrontation (the Indrawati-
captivity before the sentence could ford battle) between the rebels and
begin. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. the British where many of the rebels
(Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] were killed. Kindariya/ Kondariya
and few others escaped from the
382 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

scene and rallied round the Kirpaji Dhakar: Hailed from v.

neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar Amarpura, teh. Begun, Mewar State
villages. ìOn the night of 25th (now distt. Udaipur), the Rajputana
February, the combined forces Agency (now Rajasthan); Dhakars
surrounded the Ulnar hill on which (Kirpaji and Rupaji) took part in the
the men of Netanar village [the anti-Begar agitation against the
rebels] were supposed to be atrocities of the Jagirdars. Vijai Singh
encamped. The movement was well ìPathikî, President of Rajasthan Seva
executed, and all the aboriginals Sangh, had already launched a
[tribals] were captured ....î successful peasant movement in
Kindariya/ Kondariya was one Bijolia, near Begun Thikana, against
among those who had been arrested, Begar and atrocities of the Jagirdars.
charged with ìwaging war against It created a stir in Begun, and
the Crownî, and tried along with encouraged Kirpaji and Rupaji
others between 13 March and 28 Dharkars to mobilize peasants in
April 1910 (known as the Jagdalpur Begun and other neighbouring
Trial). Seventy eight of the rebels, Thikanas against giving Begar and
including Kindariya/ Kondariya, paying Lag-Bags (cesses). This led the
were detained in Bastar Jail and later Mewar State to depute G.C. Trench,
in June 1910 they were shifted to the the Revenue Commissioner, along
Raipur Central Jail, where he died with an armed force, to deal with the
(before 7 November 1910) due to ill- agitating Begun peasants. About 500
treatment and tortures by the jail peasants gathered at Govindpura to
authorities. [F/Poll (Confidential), discuss matters with Trench. But
Nos 60, 29 of 1910, NAI; Jail Records, instead of meeting the peasants,
Central Jail, Raipur, List of Bastar Trench haughtily ordered the armed
Prisoners, cf HTPB, pp.245-57] force to burn the village on 13 July
1923. When Kirpaji and Rupaji came
Kirpa Singh: Belonged to the Garhwal forward to handle the situation, the
Division, the United Provinces (now troops opened fire, resulting in the
Uttarakhand); he was a Havildar deaths of Kirpaji and Rupaji along
[Hawaldar] in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles with nine others. [RSSS, pp.73-94;
of the British-Indian Army; shifted Sujas, No.4, June-July 1998, Jaipur,
his loyalty to the Indian National pp.68-70; AMR, 1913-1947, pp.69-70]
Army in 1942 where he was placed
on the same rank in the Ist Bahadur Kiser Singh: Resident of Allygurh
Group; while fighting against the [Aligarh], the North-Western
Allied forces at several places in Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Burma (now Myanmar); he was took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
killed during an enemy air attack on also motivated others to rise against
his camp at Myitkina in 1943. [INA the firangi-hukumat (British rule); he
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA moved into Delhi, joined hands with
(1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p. 157] the rebels there and fought the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 383

British troops on several occasions; same day. [Mutiny Papers, II, NAIB;
he died while confronting the WWIM, III, pp. 76-77]
advancing British forces in Delhi in
September 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll Kishan Singh: Hailed from v. Guruda
No.57, NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 Patti, distt. Almora, Uttar Kumaon
(V) (1858), MSAB] Division, the United Provinces (now
Uttarakhand); s/o Trilok Singh;
Kishan Ram: Born in 1806, resident of educated up to the middle standard;
Ambapani, Bhopal State, the Central joined the Gandhi Ashram at
India Agency (now Madhya Chanauda; participated in the ìQuit
Pradesh); employee of Jagirdar Nawab Indiaî movement in Almora
Fazil Mohammad Khan of Ambapani; (Chanauda) in 1942; caught in the
he joined the anti-British rebel forces British armed troopsí indiscriminate
led by his employer during the firing while taking part in a protest
Uprising of 1857; participated in demonstration; received severe
attacking the British outposts at bullet wounds and died on the spot.
Ambapani, Sehore and Rahatgarh; [PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 155,
confronted the British reinforce- 156, 157 (PA), NAI; WWIM, I, p.181;
ments under General Hugh Rose at SSKS, KD: p.3; BSAS: pp. 129-30]
Rahatgarh fort between 24 and 28
January 1858; captured by the enemy Kishen Singh: Belonged to Agra, the
on 29 January 1858 and sentenced to North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
death, Kishan Ram was hanged on Pradesh); participated in the Rising
30 January 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Vol. of 1857 and fought against the British
V, NAIB; WWIM, III, pp.76-77] in Agra and its surrounding areas;
he was caught by the British forces
Kishan Ram: Hailed from Ambapani, and convicted on the charges of
Madhya Pradesh; worked as ëmurder, plundering and rebellion
Secretary of Nawab Fazil against the Britishí; sentenced to be
Mohammad (Jagirdar of Ambapani); hanged in January 1859. [Mutiny
along with his employer, he joined Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
the anti-British rebel forces during NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
the ëUprising of 1857í in the
Ambapani area; took a prominent Kishen Singh: Resident of Furrukhabad
part in fighting the British troops in [Farukhabad], the North-Western
several places; while confronting the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
British troops at Rahatgarh fort on was a Trooper in the 9th Light Caralry
30 January 1858, his rebel force lost of the British-Indian army; he was
to the enemy; and on being captured scheduled to be executed by the
along with other rebels, he was British on 20 June 1858 for rebellion
executed on 30 January 1858 at and mutiny; Later on, Special
Rahatgarh fort; 17 arrested rebels Commissioner of Farrukhabad
were also killed on the spot on the observed ëas Kishen Singh was not
384 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

present at the time of the mutiny of Kishoondeyal Roy: Resident of

his regiment, a discrimination ought Budeelpore, Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur],
to have been made and the the North-Western Provinces (now
punishment be limited to Uttar Pradesh); Bhoonhar [Bhunhar];
transportation for lifeí. He died he fought the British forces at several
serving the sentence. [Mutiny places in Ghazipur during the
Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) Uprising of 1857; he also offered
NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] financial support to the rebels for
buying arms to attack the British
Kishna Singh: Resident of teh. establishments; he was caught by the
Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt. British army after their re-occupation
Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now of the Ghazipur region, and executed
Rajasthan); Thakur. He participated by hanging in 1859. [Mutiny Records,
in the kisan agitatorsí meeting held Ghazipur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
demonstrate against the Maharajaís Kishore Singh: Resident of v. Garhi
mal-administration and his land Sahja, teh. Etmadpur, distt. Agra, the
settlement policy of 1923-24. In this United Provinces (now Uttar
settlement the Biswedari rights of the Pradesh). In 1930, a Congress-backed
Rajputs were forfeited and the land kisan movement for non-payment of
revenue increased by fifty per cent. taxes was launched during the Civil
Though all agriculturists were Disobedience movement in Agra.
affected adversely by it, the Rajputs Consequent to this ìno-taxî
suffered the most. Hearing the news campaign, the peasants of Garhi Sahja
of this gathering the Maharaja sent village received some reprieve from
his State Army to counter the rallyists land taxes. However, a few Zamin-
at Neemuchana. The troops dars of the tehsil maneuvered with the
surrounded the village, blocked all help of local officials to secure
the exit points from it and opened confiscation warrants for non-
fire on the protesters without any payment. They induced the police to
prior warning of dispersal. Many start confiscating the peasantsí crops
People received severe gun shots in and cattle, resulting in serious kisan-
the indiscriminate firing, including police clashes. Kishore Singhóone of
Kishna Singh, who died on the spot. the kisan resistersówas involved in
Simultaneously, the village was also a clash such as these, and died of
set on fire by the State troops. [Alwar police firing on the spot. [H/Poll,
Judl, F.No. 315-J/23 of 1925, RSAB; F.Nos. 23/54/1930, 23/58/1930, NAI;
TR, 31 May, 14 June 1925; News- SSKS, p. 46 & 47; WWIM, I, p.181]
papersí Cuttings, Basta No 29, F.No.
2, Riyasat, 13 November 1936, RSAB; Kishoree Singh: Resident of Agra, the
PCJ Papers, Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
191 (PA), NAI] Pradesh); Nayee [Nai]; he was a
Sepoy in the A. Company of the
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 385

British-Indian army; he left the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he

British service during the Uprising was a Sepoy in the Permanent Armed
of 1857 and fought against the British Guards at the Agra Central Prison;
at several places; he died in 1858 on his being deputed at
while resisting the advancing British Bulandshahar on escort duty, he left
forces. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Agra the British employment in June 1857
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA Mutiny to participate in the Uprising of 1857.
Records, NWP, Etawahh Mutiny Along with the other rebels, he
Basta, UPRAA] marched towards Delhi and joined
the rebel forces there; he was killed
Kishun Aheer: Born in Chitkon, Dobhi during an engagement with the
Taluqa, Jawnpore [Jaunpur], the advancing British army in the Delhi
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar region in September 1857. [Mutiny
Pradesh); he joined hands with the Records, Agra Mutiny Basta, S. No.
rebel forces during the Uprising of 69, UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No.
1857 and fought the British in several 57, NAI]
engagements in the Azamgarh
region; he was captured by the Kisree Singh: Born in Bag Muzuffur
British troops in Senapur village, and Khan, Agra, the North-Western
executed by hanging from a mango Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
tree in May 1858. [Mutiny Records, Brahmin; he was a Burkundauz
Jaunpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; [Barqandaz] in the Contingent Guards
WWIM, III, p.67] of the Agra Central Prison; he left
the British employment during the
Kishun Singh: He was a Naik in the Uprising of 1857, joined hands with
British Indian army, posted at the rebels of the Agra area and
Aligarh, the North-Western fought the British troops in several
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he engagements in the Agra-Mathura
left the British service when the Great region; he was killed in the midst of
Uprising of 1857 broke out and joined the British attacks on the rebels in
the rebels in attacking the British 1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny
troops; he also provided financial Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50
support to the rebels of Aligarh and (VII) (1858), MSAB]
played an active role in organizing
their campaigns; he was captured by Kmata: Belonged to Unnao, the North-
the British during an armed Western Provinces (now Uttar
engagement and executed by hanging Pradesh); he took part in the
on 3 July 1858. [Mutiny Records, Uprising of 1857 and fought the
Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858- British forces at a number of places
59), UPSAL] in the Unnao-Kanpur region; he also
incited the rebels to attack the British
Kisoon Singh: Hailed from Muttra establishments and seize their
[Mathura], the North-Western properties; he was killed while
386 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

confronting the British army in few others escaped from the scene
Unnao in 1857. [Mutiny Records, and rallied round the neighbouring
Unnao Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] Ulnar and Netanar villages. ìOn the
night of 25th February, the combined
Koba Gond: Hailed from Betul, forces surrounded the Ulnar hill on
Nerbudda division, Central which the men of Netanar village [the
Provinces and Berar (now Madhya rebels] were supposed to be
Pradesh). Joined the Forest encamped. The movement was well
Satyagraha under the leadership of executed, and all the aboriginals
Seth Deepchand in Betul in the first [tribals] were captured....î Kola Majhi
half of August 1930. When about 500 was one among those who had been
locals (belonging to Gond and Korku arrested, charged with ìwaging war
tribes) gathered at Banjardhal on 22 against the Crownî, and tried along
August 1930 to protest against the with others between 13 March and
Governmentís Reserved Forest 28 April 1910 (known as the
Policies, the police used force to Jagdalpur Trial). With seventy eight
disperse the gathering, and the other rebels Kola Majhi was detained
ensuing clash resulted in the injuries in Bastar Jail and later in June 1910
of many tribesmen and the death of shifted to the Raipur Central Jail,
a policeman. Next day (23 August where he was tortured to death
1930) the agitators had to face the (before 7 November 1910). [F/Poll
fury of police reinforcement under (Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910,
the Superintendant of Police, Betul NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail,
district, and in the resultant fight Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf
Koba Gond was hit in the police firing HTPB, pp.245-57]
and died on the spot. [H/Poll,
F.No.77/1930, NAI; MPDGB, p.66; Konjal Shah: Hailed from the
Betul district Case File No. 77 of 1930; Bundelkhand region; he fought
MPDG, Betul p.66] against the British forces during the
Uprising of 1857, and also provided
Kola Majhi: Hailed from Jagdalpur financial support to other rebels of
region, Bastar State (now in his area; he was shot dead by the
Chhattisgarh); joined the Adivasi British agent for his rebellious
(tribal) Bhumkal ñ revolt of 1910 in activities. [Mutiny Records, F/ Poll
the Jagdalpur area of Bastar against Consultation nos. 107-8 (1858), NAI]
the colonial and feudal exploitation,
and in the tribesí anxiety for mainta- Kooma: Born in Ghazeepoor [Ghazipur],
ining their distinct ways of life. On the North-Western Provinces (now
16 February 1910, following the Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel
direct confrontation (Indrawati-ford forces of his area and fought the
battle) between the rebels and the British forces at several places in
British where many people died Ghazipur during the Uprising of 1857;
among the rebels, Kola Majhi and he was caught by the British after
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 387

their re-occupation of the Ghazipur he left the British service during the
region, and executed by hanging in Uprising of 1857 and joined the rebels
1859. [Mutiny Records, Ghazipur to challenge the British authority; he
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA] was caught in 1858 while resisting the
British forces, and sentenced to
Koonar Singh: Resident of Jhansee death on the charges of ëdesertion
[Jhansi], Uttar Pradesh; he led the and mutiny against the British
local rebel forces in fighting against authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
the British during the Uprising of Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
1857; he also provided financial Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
support to the rebels and incited
others to take part in the revolt; he Koondun Lall: Hailed from Kuchaihree-
was arrested by the British army at ghat Agra, the North-Western
the time of its operations against the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
rebels, and put on trial on the charges Kaith; he was a Sepoy in the B.
of ëplundering, murder and Company of the British-Indian army;
instigating rebellion against the he left the British employment
Britishí; sentenced to be hanged by during the Uprising of 1857 and
the neck till death on 10 August 1858, joined hands with the rebels for
his property was also confiscated. fighting against the British rule; he
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl was caught in 1858 while confronting
Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] the British forces, and sentenced to
death on the charges of ëdesertion
Koondee: Belonged to Kotwali, Bareilly, and mutiny against the British
Uttar Pradesh; Thakoor [Thakur]; he authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
joined hands with the rebels of his Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
area during the Uprising of 1857 and Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
marched towards Delhi while
fighting against the British forces; he Koondun Singh: Belonged to Madhya
returned to his region after the fall Pradesh; he fought against the British
of Delhi in September 1857; he was forces during the Uprising of 1857;
caught by the British following their he was caught by the British in the
re-occupation of this area and hanged course of an engagement in 1857 and
in 1859 on the charges of ëmurder executed by hanging. [Mutiny
and rebellion against the Britishí. Records, Rev. Deptt. F. No. 19 (1857),
[Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny MPSAB]
Basta, UPRAA]
Koondun Singh: Resident of Allygurh
Koondnarain: Resident of Humeerpoor [Aligarh], the North-Western
[Hamirpur], the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took part in the Uprising of 1857 and
Kaith; he was a Sepoy in the B. also encouraged other people to raise
Company of the British-Indian army; their arms and kill the British; he
388 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

marched on to Delhi, joined hands Koorleey: Resident of Mirzapore

with the rebels there and fought the [Mirzapur], the North-Western
British troops; he was captured by Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took
the British army after the fall of part in attacking and plundering the
Delhi, and charged with ësedition and British establishments during the
rebellion against the Britishí; he was Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
sentenced to death and shot dead in the British in the course of their
1857. [Mutiny Records, Judl. Deptt. operations in Mrizapur and
(Delhi Div.) F.No.3 (1858), HSAP] sentenced to imprisonment for life in
August 1858 on the charges of
Koonja: Resident of Cawnpore (Kanpur), ëplundering, murder and rebellioní;
the North-Western Provinces (now he lost his life in jail. [Mutiny
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the anti- Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
British rebel forces during the Revolt NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
of 1857 in Kanpur; also encountered
the British attempts at re-occupying Koosulla: Belonged to Banda, the North-
Kanpur in the second half of 1857; Western Provinces (now Uttar
caught by the enemy, and sentenced Pradesh); he participated in attacking
to death on charges of ërebellion and killing the Europeans during the
against the Britishí, he was executed Uprising of 1857; he also encouraged
in the latter part of 1857. [Mutiny his neighbours to attack the firangis
Records, Kanpur Mutiny Basta, (British); captured by the British
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII) troops at the time of their raids on
(1858), MSAB] Banda and charged with ëmurder
and rebellion against the Britishí, he
Kooray: Belonged to Serai Suhur, was sentenced to death in August
Futehpore Secree [Fatehpur Sikri], 1858 and executed by hanging; his
the North-Western Provinces (now property was also confiscated.
Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel [Mutiny Records, Banda Mutiny
ranks during the Uprising of 1857 and Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52
went up to Bulandshahar fighting (IX) (1858), MSAB]
against the British; he took part there
in an attack on the British officers Koram Brahmin: Belonged to Jabalpur,
and their establishments; he was Madhya Pradesh; s/o Thakal
caught by the British in the course of Brahmin; he took part in the fighting
an encounter and hanged in 1858 on against the British during the
the charges of ëmurder of the British Uprising of 1857; he was caught by
officers and plundering the the British forces and charged with
Government property during the ërebellion against the British;í; he was
rebellioní. [Mutiny Records, sentenced to death on 17 February
Bulanadshahar Mutiny Basta, 1858. [Mutiny Records, Poll Deptt. F.
UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.51 (VIII) No. 3 (1858), MPSAB]
(1858), MSAB]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 389

Korlk: Belonged to Jagdalpur area in during the Uprising of 1857, and

Bastar State (now in Chhattisgarh); fought against the British at various
took part in the Adivasi (tribal) places in Etawah; he also incited the
Bhumkal ñ the revolt of 1910 in the local people to attack the firangis
Jagdalpur region of Bastar against the (British); he was killed while resisting
feudalñcolonial exploitation, and for the advancing British army in Etawah
the Tribal anxiety to preserve their in 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Etawah
distinct ways of life. On 16 February Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
1910, following the direct confronta-
tion (Indrawati-ford battle) between Kowulgir: Born in Gushaen, Mynpoory
the rebels and the British where [Mainpuri], the North-Western
many people died on the rebel side, Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Korlk and few others escaped from took part in the fight against the
the scene and rallied round the British during the Uprising of 1857;
neighbouring Ulnar and Netanar he also offered financial support to
villages. ìOn the night of 25th the rebels of his area for buying arms
February, the combined forces and to attack the British establish-
surrounded the Ulnar hill on which ments; he was captured by the British
the men of Netanar village [the after their re-occupation of this area
rebels] were supposed to be and charged with ëplundering the
encamped. The movement was well Government property and rebellion
executed, and all the aboriginals against the Britishí; he was sentenced
[tribals] were captured....î Korlk was to death and hanged in 1861. [Mutiny
arrested with others, charged with Records, Jhansi Mutiny Basta,
ìwaging war against the Crownî, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.52 (IX)
and tried between 13 March and 28 (1858), MSAB]
April 1910 (known as the Jagdalpur
Trial). Seventy eight rebels, including Kripal Singh Rawat: Resident of the
Korlk, were sentenced to rigorous Tehri-Garhwal, the United Provinces
imprisonment and put behind the (now Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier
bars in Bastar Jail. Later in June 1910 in the 2/18 Garhwal Rifles of the
they were shifted to the Raipur British-Indian Army; he shifted his
Central Jail, where Korlk died loyalty to the Indian National Army
(before 7 November 1910) suffering in 1942 and served it as Naik in the
ill-treatment and tortures. [F/Poll 3rd Guerrilla Regiment; while fighting
(Confidential), Nos 60, 29 of 1910, against the British forces in Burma
NAI; Jail Records, Central Jail, (now Myanmar) he was killed in the
Raipur, List of Bastar Prisoners, cf battle field in 1944. [INA Papers,
HTPB, pp.245-57] F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/INA (1945), NAI;
WWIM, II, p.272]
Koshar Singh: Resident of Etawah, the
North-Western Provinces (now uttar Kripal Singh: Resident of the Garhwal
pradesh); he joined the rebel forces Division, the United Provinces (now
390 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Uttarakhand); he was a Soldier in the Krishna Kumar: Born on 1 August 1928

5/18 Garhwal Rifles of the British- in v. Basura, distt. Mainpuri, the
Indian Army; he left the British United Provinces (now Uttar
service and joined the Indian Pradesh); s/o Puttu Lal. He took part
National Army in 1942; he served the in the ìQuit Indiaî movement as a
INA as Sepoy in the 3rd Battalion; he school student of class VII. He
was killed during fighting against the received severe bullet wounds in the
British forces in Burma (now police firing on a protest rally he
Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers, joined at Bewar on 8 August 1942.
F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA (1946), NAI; He died on the spot along with two
WWIM, II, p.163] other protesters. The Amar Shahid
School at Mainpuri was later
Krishan Meena: Resident of v. Kharipur established to commemorate their
in Udaipur (Mewar) State, the martyrdom. [H/Poll, F.No. 3/30/42,
Rajputana Agency (now Rajasthan). NAI; WWIM, I, p.185; SSKS, 30, p.Ja
With thousands of kisans, he actively & Jha]
participated in the peasant
movement in the Bijolia Jagir where Krishna: Resident of Faizabad, the Oudh
86 irregular cesses were imposed on [Awadh] Province (now in Uttar
the cultivators by the Thikanedars. The Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces
exorbitant exactions led the Bijolia of his region during the Uprising of
peasants in 1905, and again in 1913- 1857 and proceeded to Lucknow; he
1916, to collectively refuse to cultivate fought against the British at various
lands and to threaten a mass places in Lucknow city; he was
migration to the neighboring areas. caught by the British army in the
The Bijolia agrarian movement course of an encounter and hanged
received a further thrust when it was at Machhi Bhawan, Lucknow, in June
linked up with the national 1857. [Mutiny Records, Lucknow
movement by an ex-revolutionary, Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Abst. Proc.
Vijay (Bijoy) Singh ìPathikî, and his (Judl Deptt.) Oudh (1857), UPSAL]
associate, Manik Lal Verma of Bijolia.
They led a ìno-taxî campaign in Kudu Yadav: Born in v. Janghai, distt.
Bijolia again in 1916. Hundreds of Jaunpur, the United Provinces (now
peasants, including Krishan Meena, Uttar Pradesh), farmer. He
were arrested, detained and severely participated in the demonstration
tortured by the Jail authorities in organized during the ìQuit Indiaî
Central Jail, Udaipur. Krishan Meena movement at his village and was
and his collaborators, Anjaan, Dhuni arrested by the police. At the time of
and Shribhagwan could not bear detention he was subjected to
these inhuman feudal tortures and inhuman tortures in the jail and died
died in detention. [BKAI, pp.100-11; of these in August 1942. [H/poll
TR, 31 May 1925, RSAB] F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; RORCG;
WWIM, I, p.185]
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 391

Kuhur Singh: Belonged to Futtehpore [Aligarh], the North-Western

[Fatehpur], the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh): he participated in the Uprising of 1857
joined the Uprising of 1857 and and also motivated others to take part
fought against the British forces at in the fighting against the British; he
various places in the Fatehpur- came over to Delhi, joined hands
Kanpur region; he also provided with the rebels there and fought the
financial support to the rebels and British troops on various occasions;
encouraged them to raise their arms he died while fighting the advancing
against the British authorities; he was British forces in Delhi in September
killed by the British troops in the 1857. [Mutiny Papers, Coll No.57,
course of an engagement in 1857. NAI; Poll Deptt, Vol. No.48 (V)
[Mutiny Records, Fatehpur Mutiny (1858), MSAB]
Basta (Ur./Per.Srs.), UPRAA]
Kulian: Resident of Muttra [Mathura],
Kujree: Hailed from Unnao, the North- the North-Western Provinces (now
Western Provinces (now Uttar Uttar Pradesh); Choukeedar
Pradesh); he joined the rebel forces [Chaukidar]; he joined the rebel forces
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 during the Uprising of 1857 and went
Uprising; he marched towards Delhi up to Bulandshahar while fighting
while fighting against the British against the British; he took part there
forces; he escaped to his region after in an attack on the British
the British re-occupation of Delhi in establishments; caught by the British
September 1857; he died in 1858 while in the course of an engagement, he
resisting the advancing British army was hanged in 1858 on the charges
in the Unnao region. [Mutiny of ëmurder of the British officers and
Records, Unnao Mutiny Basta, plundering the Government property
UPRAA] during the rebellioní. [Mutiny
Records, Bulanadshahar Mutiny
Kulean Singh: Belonged to Lucknow, Basta, UPRAA]
the Oudh [Awadh] Province (now
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with Kullee: Belonged to Serai Suhur,
the rebel forces in Lucknow during Futehpore Secree [Fatehpur Sikri],
the 1857 Uprising; took part in the North-Western Provinces (now
attacking the British and plundering Uttar Pradesh); he joined the rebel
their offices; caught by the British forces of his area during the Uprising
troops, he was sentenced to death in of 1857 and participated in attacks on
April 1858 in the charges of the British officers and their
ëplundering, murder and rebellioní. establishments; he was caught by the
[Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl British in the midst of an engagement
Deptt.) Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL] and hanged in 1858 on the charges
of ëmurder of the British officers and
Kuleemoodeen: Resident of Allygurh plundering the Government property
392 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

during the rebellioní. [Mutiny fought the British at various places;

Records, Bulanadshahar Mutiny he died in 1858 while resisting the
Basta, UPRAA] advancing British army. [Mutiny
Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
Kullendur Singh: Resident of Jhansi, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, No.43B
Uttar Pradesh; he took part in the (1859), MSAB]
Uprising of 1857 and also incited
others to raise their arms against the Kullian Singh: Resident of Jagdishpur,
British rule; he fought the British Lucknow, the Oudh [Awadh]
forces at various places; he was Province (now Uttar Pradesh); he
caught by the British after the defeat joined the Uprising of 1857 and
of the rebels in his area, and charged travelled up to the Delhi and
with ëplundering and rebellion Haryana regions fighting the British
against the Britishí; he was sentenced forces; he also persuaded many
to death in 1858 and executed by others to join the rebels; he was
hanging. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi caught by the British troops in
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; AG (1859), Haryana in 1857 and charged with
MPSAB] ësedition and rebellion against the
Britishí; he was sentenced to death
Kullenjar Singh: Belonged to and executed at Jhajjar. [Mutiny
Cheterkonee, Ghazeepoor Records, Abst. Proc. (Judl Deptt.)
[Ghazipur], the North-Western Oudh (1858-59), UPSAL]
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
fought the British forces at several Kullien: Resident of Gouslee, Agra, the
places in Ghazipur during the North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
Uprising of 1857; he was caught by Pradesh); Brahmin; he was a Naick
the British troops after their re- [Naik] in the A. Company of the
occupation of the Ghazipur region, British-Indian army; he left the
and executed by hanging in 1859. British service during the Uprising
[Mutiny Records, Ghazipur Mutiny of 1857 and fought against the British
Basta, UPRAA] at several places in his region; he
died in 1858 while resisting the
Kullian Dass: Belonged to Mayeethah, advancing British forces. [Mutiny
Agra, the North-Western Provinces Records, NWP, Agra Mutiny Basta,
(now Uttar Pradesh); Brahmin; he UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-
was a Duffadar [Dafadar] in the 59), UPSAL]
Contingent Guards of the Agra
Central Prison under the British; he Kulloo: Belonged to Nuyabas, Agra, the
left the Government service during North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
the Uprising of 1857 and joined hands Pradesh); Shaikh; he was a
with the rebels in their fighting Burkundauz [Barqandaz] with the
against the British rule; he marched Contingent Guards of the Agra
towards Delhi along with others and Central Prison; he left the British
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 393

employment during the Uprising of Kulwant Singh: Belonged to Phirauli

1857 and joined the rebel forces of Babu, the North-Western Provinces
the Agra area; he fought the British (now Uttar Pradesh); he joined the
in several engagements in the Agra- rebel forces of the Amorha state
Mathura region; he died in the course (now in distt. Basti) during the
of British attacks on the rebels in Uprising of 1857, and fought the
1858. [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny British at several places; he was
Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. I, caught by the British during their
No.43B (1859), MSAB] offensive on the rebel position, and
executed by hanging from a ëPipal
Kulloo: Hailed from Bareilly, Uttar Treeí in 1858. [Mutiny Records,
Pradesh; he joined the rebel forces Monument of Chhawani, cited in
soon after the outbreak of the 1857 LL1857, pp.20-26]
Uprising; along with his fellow rebels
he marched towards Delhi while Kulyan: Belonged to the Hoshangabad
fighting against the British forces; he region, Madhya Pradesh; he joined
escaped to his region soon after the hands with the rebels of his area
British re-occupation of Delhi in during the Uprising of 1857 and
September 1857; he died in 1858 while fought against the British at several
confronting the advancing British places; he was caught by the British
army in the Bareilly region. [Mutiny army in the course of an engagement
Records, F/Abst. Proc. (Poll), NWP in 1857 he was executed by hanging
(1858-59), UPSAL] on 17 October 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Poll Deptt. Vol. No. 106 (1859, MSAB]
Kuloo: Resident of Allahabad, the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar Kumal Khan: Hailed from Coel/
Pradesh); he was a Chuprasee Allygurh [Aligarh], the North-
[Chaprasi] under the British authority, Western Provinces (now Uttar
but left it during the Uprising of 1857 Pradesh); Pathan; he participated in
and rendered his services to the rebel the Uprising of 1857 and also incited
forces in fighting against the British his neighbourhood to take to arms
in the Allahabad region; he also against the British and join the march
incited the local people to fight towards Delhi; he fought the British
against the firangis (British); he was forces at several places in the
caught by the British troops at the Aligarh-Delhi region; he was caught
time of their attacks on the Allahabad by the British after the defeat of the
area, and charged with ërebellion rebel forces and charged with
against the Britishí; he was sentenced ëmurder, sedition and rebellion
to death in July 1857 and executed against the Britishí; he was sentenced
by hanging. [Mutiny Records, to death in 1860 and executed by
Allahabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; hanging. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi
TIM, p.207] Mutiny Basta, UPRAA]
394 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Kumar Mallah: Born in 1916 in v. happened to be one who had been

Mayodpur, distt. Azamgarh, the killed on the spot on that day. [H/
United Provinces (now Uttar poll, F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; SSKS, 27,
Pradesh); s/o Akloo Mallah. He pp. ma, ya, ra la]
participated in the protest
demonstration at Madhuban during Kumbee Singh: Belonged to Budaon
the ìQuit Indiaî movement. When [Badaon], the North-western
the police opened fire on the Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
agitators, Kumar Mallah received Thakoor [Thakur]; he joined hands
severe bullet injuries and died on the with the rebels of his area during the
same day in August 1942. [H/Poll, Uprising of 1857 and marched
F.No. 3/30/42, NAI; WWIM, I, p. towards Delhi while continuing to
186] fight against the British forces; he
returned to his region after the fall
Kumar Manjhi: Hailed from v. of Delhi in September 1857, caught
Mirdatpur, p.o. Indara, distt. by the British after their re-
Azamgarh, the United Provinces occupation of this area and hanged
(now Uttar Pradesh); s/o Aklu. In the in 1860 on the charges of ëmurder
wake of the ìQuit Indiaî movement, and rebellion against the Britishí.
the police inspector and the force [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Mutiny
under him at the Madhuban police Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. III,
station had been ordered to raid the No.43D (1859), MSAB]
Congress office in Dubari Division,
put down the National flag flying Kumlaput: Belonged to Shahjehanpoor
over it and destroy everything [Shahjahanpur], the North-Western
within. This incident on 13 August Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
1942 infuriated the people and they Brahmin; he was a Sepoy in the B.
started gathering near the police Company of the British-Indian army;
station on 15 August 1942 from every he left the British employment
part of the district. The demonstra- during the Uprising of 1857 and
tors thereafter sought the Thana in- joined hands with the rebels for
Chargeís permission for putting up fighting against the British rule; he
the National flag on the top of the was caught in 1858 while resisting the
police station, which he curtly British forces, and sentenced to
refused on the pretext of the District death on the charges of ëdesertion
Magistrateís presence inside. When and mutiny against the British
the agitatorsí request was thus authoritiesí. [Mutiny Records, NWP,
turned down, they began to pelt Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mil.
stones on the Thana edifice and were Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-59), UPSAL]
fired upon by the police from inside
the building. In this firing a Kumoo: Resident of Humeerpoor
substantial number of people were [Hamirpur], the North-Western
shot dead and Kumar Manjhi Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 395

participated in the Uprising of 1857 and executed by hanging. [Mutiny

and fought against the British forces Records, Banda Mutiny Basta,
in the Hamirpur region; he was UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D
captured during an engagement with (1859), MSAB]
the British troops, and charged with
ëmurder and rebellion against the Kumroodeen: Hailed from Badaon, the
Britishí; he was sentenced to death North-Western Provinces (now Uttar
with confiscation of property in 1859 Pradesh); Shaikh; he was a Jemadar
and executed by hanging soon [Jamadar] in the Armed Guard
thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Contingent at the Agra Central
Hamirpur Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Prison; he stopped serving the British
Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D (1859), from June 1857 in order to join the
MSAB] Uprising of 1857. Along with other
rebels, he marched towards Delhi
Kumraj Thapa: Resident of the Garhwal and participated in the fight against
Division, the United Provinces (now the British; he was killed during an
Uttarakhand); he was a Havildar encounter with the advancing British
[Hawaldar] in the 2/1 Garhwal Rifles army in the Delhi region in
of the British-Indian Army; he September 1857. [Mutiny Records,
shifted his loyalty to the Indian Agra Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Mutiny
National Army in 1942 and served it Papers, Coll No. 57, NAI]
in the same rank in the Ist Bahadur
Group; he was killed by the British Kumroodeen: Resident of Budoun
forces in Burma (now Myanmar) [Badaon], the North-Western
during an engagement in 1944. [INA Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 379/INA Sheikh; he was a Sowar [Sawar] in the
(1946), NAI; WWIM, II, p.329] C. Company under the British-Indian
army; he left the service during the
Kumroodeen Khan: Resident of Banda, Uprising of 1857 and joined hands
the North-Western Provinces (now with the rebels for fighting against
Uttar Pradesh); he joined hands with the British rule; he was caught in 1858
the rebels during the Uprising of 1857 while confronting against the British
and fought against the British forces forces; he was sentenced to death on
at various places in the Banda region; the charges of ëdesertion and mutiny
he also propagated against the British against the British authoritiesí.
rule and incited the people to raise [Mutiny Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
their arms to end the firangi-hukumat UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. NWP (1858-
(British rule); he was captured during 59), UPSAL]
an engagement with the advancing
British troops in Banda, and charged Kundan Singh: Inhabitant of the
with ësedition and murder of Garhwal Division, the United
Europeans during the rebellioní; he Provinces (now Uttarakhand); he was
was sentenced to death in May 1858 a Soldier in the 5/18 Garhwal Rifles
396 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

of the British-Indian Army; he killed by the British in the course of

shifted his loyalty to the Indian an engagement in 1857. [Mutiny
National Army in 1942 and served it Records, Poll Deptt, Vol. No. 50 (VII)
as Lance-Naik; he fought the Allied (1858), MSAB; TFWI, II, p.71]
forces in Burma (now Myanmar) and
was killed in the battle field in 1944. Kunwar Gopal: Resident of Etawah, the
[INA Papers, F.Nos. 1/INA, 498/ North-Western Provinces (now uttar
INA (1945), NAI; WWIM, II, p.166] pradesh); he joined the rebels of his
area in their fighting against the
Kungul Roy: Belonged to Mahomeda- British during the Uprising of 1857,
bad, Gurruckpoor [Gorakhpur], the and also incited the local people to
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar attack the firangis (British); he died
Pradesh); Rajpoot [Rajput]; he joined while confronting the advancing
hands with the rebel forces of his British army in the Etawah region in
area during the Uprising of 1857 and 1858. [Mutiny Papers, Etawah Mutiny
fought against the British on several Basta, UPRAA]
occasions; he was caught by the
British during an encounter in the Kunwar Singh: Resident of v. Ganai
Gorakhpur region, and hanged in Gangoli, Almora, Kumaon Division,
1858. [Mutiny Records, NWP, Jhansi the United Provinces (now
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Uttarakhand); he was a Sepoy in the
Vol. No.52 (IX) (1858), MSAB] 4/19 Hyderabad Regiment of the
British-Indian Army; shifted his
Kunjun: Born in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh; loyalty to the Indian National Army
he joined the rebel forces during the in Malaya in 1942 on being released
Uprising of 1857 and fought the from the Japanese prison and served
British at several places under the in its 1st Guerilla Regiment; he died
leadership of Khan Bahadur Khan fighting the British in Burma
(the rebel leader of the Rohilkhand (Myanmar) in 1944. [INA Papers,
region); he was captured by the F.Nos.403/INA, 498/INA (1945),
British troops advancing on the 379/INA (1946); NAI; EBIFF, II;
Rohilkhand, and executed by p.794]
hanging in 1860 at Bareilly. [Mutiny
Records, Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. Kunwarsingh: Belonged to Madhya
(Judl Deptt.), NWP (1858-59), Pradesh; he joined hands with the
UPSAL; WWIM, III, pp.68.69] rebels of his area during the Uprising
of 1857 and fought the British forces;
Kunwar Daleep Singh: Resident of the he was captured by the British in the
Bundelkhand region, Madhya course of an engagement and
Pradesh; he joined hands with the executed by hanging in 1858. [Mutiny
rebels of his area during the Uprising Records, Poll Deptt, Vol. No. 50 (VII)
of 1857 and fought the British forces (1858), MSAB; TFWI, II, p.94]
in the Bundelkhand region; he was
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 397

Kura Singh: Resident of Thana Bhavan, and charged with ëplundering and
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he sentenced to death with confiscation
participated in the Uprising of 1857 of property and executed by hanging
and fought against the British on from a tree in 1860. [Mutiny Records,
several occasions; he was caught by Allahabad Mutiny Basta, UPRAA;
the advancing British troops and Poll Deptt, Vol. No.50 (VII) (1858),
charged with ëplundering the MSAB]
Government property and rebellion
against the Britishí; he was sentenced Kureem Bux: Resident of Allygurh
to imprisonment for life in 1858; he [Aligarh], the North-Western
died in captivity in 1859. [Mutiny Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); he
Records, Muzaffarnagar Mutiny joined the rebel forces of his region
Basta, UPRAA; WWIM, III, p.78] during the Rising of 1857 and fought
the British on several occasions in
Kuramut Allee: Belonged to Aligarh; he was caught by the British
Boolundshahur [Bulandshahar], the in the course of an engagement and
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar hanged in 1857 on the charges of
Pradesh); he joined the ëHindustani ëmurder and rebellion against the
forcesí in fighting against the British Britishí; his property was also
during the Rising of 1857; he also confiscated. [Mutiny Records,
took part in plundering the British Aligarh Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll
properties as a means of financially Deptt. Part-1, Vol. No. 44 (1858),
supporting the rebels. He was MSAB]
arrested by the British forces at the
time of their re-capturing of Kureem: Resident of Agra, the North-
Bulandshahar, and convicted of his Western Provinces (now Uttar
ëbeing instigator in the rebellion Pradesh); Sheikh; s/o Fazul; he joined
against the Britishí; he died in the rebel forces during the Uprising
imprisonment in 1859 in Buland- of 1857 and went up to Bulandshahar
shahar. [Mutiny Records, Abst. Proc. while fighting against the British; he
(Judl Deptt.) NWP (1858-59), UPSAL] took part there in an attack on the
British officers and their establish-
Kureem Bux: Belonged to Allahabad, ments; caught by the British in the
North-Western Provinces (now Uttar midst of an engagement, he was
Pradesh); he participated in the hanged in 1858 on the charges of
Uprising of 1857 and fought against ëmurder of the British officers and
the British forces at various places in plundering the Government property
the Allahabad area; he also during the rebellioní. [Mutiny
supported the local people in their Records, Bulanadshahar Mutiny
attacks on the British establishments; Basta, UPRAA]
he was captured during the British
offensive on the Allahabad region, Kureemoola: Belonged to Allahabad, the
398 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

North-Western Provinces (now Uttar and charged with ëmurder and

Pradesh); Sheikh; he was a rebellion against the Britishí; he was
Chaprassee [Chaprasi] under the sentenced to death with confiscation
British, but left it to render his of property in 1859 and executed by
services to the rebels fighting the hanging soon thereafter. [Mutiny
British at the time of the Uprising of Records, Hamirpur Mutiny Basta,
1857; he also took part in plundering UPRAA; Poll Deptt, Vol. III, No.43D
the British properties and supplying (1859), MSAB]
the proceeds to the rebels for buying
arms; he was caught by the British Kurngjeet: Hailed from v. Lakhua,
troops at the time of their attacks on Etawah, the North-Western
the Allahabad rebels, and charged Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh);
with ëhaving plundered the property Nayee [Nai]; he was a Sepoy in the
and rebellion against the Britishí; he Permanent Armed Guards at the
was sentenced to death in July 1857 Agra Central Prison; during his
and executed by hanging. [Mutiny deputation at Bulandshahar on escort
Records, PP, Further Paper No.1; duty,he left the British service in
TIM, p.210] June 1857 to join the Uprising of 1857.
Along with his other comrades, he
Kureem-oolah: Belonged to Busharut- marched towards Delhi to take part
gunj, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh; Pathan; in the rebelsí fighting against the
he joined hands with the rebels of British; he died while confronting the
his area during the Uprising of 1857 advancing British army in the Delhi
and marched towards Delhi while region in September 1857. [Mutiny
fighting against the British forces; he Records, Agra Mutiny Basta,
returned to his region after the fall UPRAA; Mutiny Papers, Coll No. 57,
of Delhi in September 1857, caught NAI]
by the British after their re-
occupation of this area, he was Kusal Singh: Resident of teh.
hanged in 1858 on the charges of Thanaghazi, Alwar State (now distt.
ëmurder and rebellion against the Alwar), the Rajputana Agency (now
Britishí. [Mutiny Records, Jhansi Rajasthan); Thakur; took part in a
Mutiny Basta, UPRAA; Poll Deptt, meeting of the kisan agitatorsí held
Vol. I, No.43B (1859), MSAB] at Neemuchana on 14 May 1925 to
demonstrate against the Maharajaís
Kurmut Sheikh: Resident of Puthra, misgovernance and his land
Humeerpoor [Hamirpur], the North- settlement policy of 1923-24. In this
Western Provinces (now Uttar settlement the Biswedari rights of the
Pradesh); he participated in the Rajputs were forfeited and the land
Uprising of 1857 and fought against revenue had been increased by fifty
the British forces in the Hamirpur per cent. Though all agriculturists
region; he was caught during an were affected adversely by it, the
engagement with the British troops, Rajputs suffered the most. Hearing
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 399

the news of this gathering of the kisan Uttar Pradesh); he participated in

agitators, the Maharaja sent his State attacking and plundering the British
Army to counter the rallyists at offices at the time of the Uprising of
Neemuchana. The troops surroun- 1857; he was caught by the advancing
ded the village, blocked all the exits British army in an engagement in the
from it and opened fire on the Mathura region, and accused of
protesters without any prior warning ëmurder and plundering the
of dispersal. With many others, Kusal Government property during the
Singh received fatal bullet wounds rebellioní; sentenced to death in 1858
in the indiscriminate firing and died with confiscation of his property, he
on the spot. Simultaneously, the was executed by hanging soon
village was also set on fire by the thereafter. [Mutiny Records, Mathura
State troops. [Alwar Judl, F.No. 315- Mutiny, Basta, UPRAA]
J/23 of 1925, RSAB; TR, 31 May, 14
June 1925; Newspapersí Cuttings, Kushmant Rai: Resident of Lucknow, the
Basta No 29, F.No. 2, Riyasat, 13 Oudh [Awadh] Province (now Uttar
November 1936, RSAB; PCJ Papers, Pradesh); he participated in fighting
Acc. No. 706, F.Nos. 166, 191 (PA), the British forces during the Uprising
NAI] of 1857, also incited others to raise
their arms for overthrowing the
Kushal Singh: Resident of v. Salfa, firangi-hukumat (British rule); he was
Muzaffarnagar, the North-Western killed by the British army in the
Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh); took course of an encounter at Bailley
part in attacking and plundering the Guard, Lucknow, in November 1857.
British establishments in his [Mutiny Records, Lucknow Mutiny
neighbourhod during the Uprising of Basta, UPRAA; Mil. Abst. Proc. Oudh
1857; he was captured by the British (1858), UPSAL]
in the course of an engagement in
Muzaffarnagar, and executed by Kusru Gond: Resident of Madhya
hanging in 1858 on the charges of Pradesh; he joined the rebels of his
ëplundering and rebellion against the area during the Uprising of 1857 and
Britishí; his property was also fought the British forces; he was
confiscated later on. [Mutiny caught by the British in the course of
Records, Abst. Proc. Judl. Deptt. an encounter and executed by
NWP, Vol.74 (1858), UPSAL] hanging in 1857. [Mutiny Records,
Poll Deptt, Vol. No. 52 (IX) (1858),
Kushdeo: Belonged to Muttra [Mathura], MSAB]
the North-Western Provinces (now
400 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, M. Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and J&K (1857-1947) 401


Official Papers (Archival Records):
Alwar State Judicial Department, RSAB
Banaras Conspiracy Case Proceedings/Judgment, 1914, NAI
Crown Representative Records, NAI
Delhi Conspiracy Case, Trial No.6 of 1914, Proceedings/Judgement, NAI.
Foreign Political ñ Crown Proceedings (Consultation), NAI
Foreign Political (Secret Consultation), NAI
Home Department, Bikaner State, RSAB
Home Department, J&KSA
Home Department, Jodhpur State, RSAB
Home Judicial, NAI
Home Political (Fortnightly Reports), NAI
Home Political, NAI
Home Department; Indore, Gwalior & Bhopal, MPSAB
Jubbulpore [Jabalpur] Division Records, MPSAB
Lahore Conspiracy Case Judgment, 1930, NAI
Lahore Conspiracy Case Proceedings, 1929-30, NAI
Military Department, NAI
Mutiny Papers, NAI, NAIB,
Mutiny Records, 1857-60, UPSAL, UPRAA & MPSAB
Parliamentary Papers ñ Regarding Mutiny Further Papers, NAI
Political Department, MSAB
Rajputana Agency Records, NAI

Non-Official Papers (Individual/Institutional):

All India Statesí Peopleís Conference, NMM&L
Indian National Army Papers, NAI
402 Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) Vol. 2, Part I(A-K)

Phool Chand Jain Papers, NAI

Prajamandal Papers, RSAB

Glancy Commission Report, J&KSA, Srinagar
Report of the Bastar Dependency of the Raepore [Raipur] District
Tottenham, R. Report on the Reorganization of the Central Government, Government of

Abhyudaya (Hindi Weekly), Allahabad, NMM&L
Akhbar-e Gwalior, 1858-59, MPSAB
Dehli Urdu Akhbar, 1857, NAI
Jiyaji Pratap Paper, 1920-1947, MPSAB
Naveen Rajasthan (Hindi Weekly), 1920-34, RSAB
Pratap (Hindi Weekly), Kanpur, NMM&L
Princely India (Weekly), 1926-27, RSAB
Rajasthan (Hindi Weekly), 1922-24, RSAB
Sadiqul Akhbar, 1857, NAI
Tarun Rajasthan (Hindi Weekly), 1920-35, RSAB
The Hindu 1931, NMM&L
The Hindustan Times 1946, NMM&L
The Sainik, 1922, RSAB
The Times of India, 1946, NMM&L
Tilism-i Lakhnau, 1857, NAI

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The Communist Review, September 1922, Vol.3 No.5
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Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Indore ñ M.P. Government Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Jabalpur ñ M.P. Government Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteer: Nagpur ñ M.P. Government Bhopal

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