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CROWD Tennessee

2020-2022 Fellowship (Part Time)

Program overview
The Southern Coalition for Social Justice, CIVIC TN and partners leading TN democracy organizing will
support CROWD Academy graduates to serve as regional CROWD Fellows for 12 months starting in the
summer of 2020, with the opportunity to extend their contracts through May 2021. Fellows will learn
skills critical to support their community and partner organizations in their organizing efforts to monitor
and intervene in the 2020-2022 redistricting cycle at every level.

Program Description
Fellows will be matched with a host organization that maintains a presence in the community where they
will be working. The Fellow may be involved in determining who the host organization is.

Fellows will create a 12-month individualized plan with a timeline and concrete goals on how they will
(1) educate their community on the redistricting process and intervention points; (2) monitor the
redistricting process as it pertains to their community; and (3) be available to draw and propose
alternative maps using map-drawing software.

Fellows will execute their individualized plan with support, resources, and ongoing training from the staff
of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, CIVIC TN, and their host partner organization. Additionally,
fellows will receive a laptop and a license to map-drawing software.

Fellows will meet quarterly for on-going training and to share experiences across communities.

At the end of their first year, the Fellow and their supervisor will assess whether they would like to
continue to a second year, but fellows who can make a 2-year commitment to the project will be

Fellow is committed to:

Work with a host organization, SCSJ, and CIVIC TN Staff
Attend on-boarding session (virtual Maptitude “boot camp,” consisting of approximately 3 4-hour
sessions the week of July 27th)
Attend quarterly trainings during their fellowship
Create and implement an individualized plan with goals by the completion of the fellowship
Initially, completing the 12-month fellowship and evaluating whether to continue to the second year

Eligibility for interested applicants:

Has a connection to the priority region (preference will be given to residents)
Is a CROWD Academy graduate
Experience completing basic tasks on a Windows computer
Strong interest in learning new technology
Demonstrated experience in community or electoral organizing
Access to reliable transportation

NOT required: Prior experience using map drawing software or in-depth knowledge of the redistricting

Women, people of color, and LGBTQ people are strongly encouraged to apply.

Each fellow will be employed part-time at an hourly rate of $17/hour for a maximum of 20 hours per
week for a 12-month period. Mileage (over 50 miles) and additional expenses incurred will be

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