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Assessment No.

Course ADM6205 Model Ethics for a Value Driven Organisation

Term/Year Term 2, 2019/2020 [202020]
Program Advanced diploma in accounting
Assessment Name Assessment 2 - project Date Week 8

Student ID Number A00035320 Block Code FADACT201

First Name Rabaa Family Name BinAmro
Student Declaration
I certify that the work presented is my own. It does not contain any material that is subject to
copyright or that has been submitted previously for assessment (Unless specifically requested by
Student Signature Rabaa Date24-3-2020
Elements Assessed
LO2: Assess the value of institutional ethics
PC2.1: Analyse and report on any value driven organisation with a clear ethical strategy
PC2.4: Assess the importance of adhering to organisational policies for internal departments such as
HR, Finance and Operations
LO3: Evaluate the link between ethics and corporate social responsibility
PC3.2: Analyse the contemporary models of corporate social responsibility
LO4: Review a current ethical issue in a business
PC4.1: Identify and research a current ethical issue affecting a selected business
PC4.2: Review and report on how the business could improve the ethics of their operations whilst
meeting objectives and ensuring good employer/employee relationships
PC4.3: Design a suitable ethical code or ethical framework for your organization

Assessment Instructions

This assessment is project based. Conduct the research as per instructions, collect necessary
information and answer related questions.
Assignment should be done individually and uploaded into BB. Make sure you do not copy from
internet. Plagiarism will be detected in BB.
It weighs 35% of your overall mark. Details are provided on the following page.

IMPORTANT: Copying is a serious offence and will be dealt with as per ADVETI policies.

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Assessment No. 2

Range Level
90 - Distinction: Your achievement is outstanding relative to the course requirements.

75 - 89% Merit: Your achievement is significantly above the course requirements.

60 - 74% Competent: Your achievement satisfactorily meets course requirements.

0 - 59% Not Competent: Your achievement does not meet course requirements.

Assessment Result

Teacher’s Feedback and Comments

Student’s Comments

Assessment Event Feedback Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I have received and Student’s Signature
understood feedback from my teacher
about this assessment event. Date

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Assessment No. 2

I confirm that I have provided feedback Teacher’s Signature

about this assessment to this student.

Task 1 (PC3.2) (6 marks)

Analyze and explain differences among contemporary models of corporate social responsibility:

Model: Carrol’s Four-part Pyramid

Model: Intersecting Circles

Model: Concentric Circles

In order to mention the differences among contemporary models of corporate social

responsibility, it is worth noting that we define and describe a simple description of each of

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Model 1 - The CSR Pyramid

It is called the Carroll Pyramid, and it is a four-part pyramid as shown in Figure (1). This
pyramid includes corporate social responsibility as defined by society in categories, where
corporate social responsibilities are divided into four types:

Economic (making profits), legal responsibility (following laws and rules), ethics (ethical
decisions the company makes), charitable responsibility (for the company to be good with
others and help them).

The goal of using the Carroll Pyramid is to depict the conceptual model of CSR where
corporate social responsibility is made up of several components. The main key to placing it
within a pyramid is to signify that it is of different importance so that the most important is
the economic responsibility of the company and then other responsibilities follow. Legal
responsibility is the following responsibility, then the moral responsibility that defines the
company's practices and activities that it performs in society. Ultimately, the pyramid
describes a set of obligations that a socially responsible company must follow
simultaneously, even if they are of diminishing importance.

Model 2- Intersecting circuits is a model of corporate social responsibility

In this CSR model, we note two things:

There are mutual relationships between all areas in which the company has a social
responsibility towards society.

Unlike the Carroll model (the pyramid of social responsibility), there is no arrangement of the
importance of the types of responsibility that the company must follow.

The pyramid fails to fully define the nature of social responsibility and does not indicate the
intersections common to these four types. The interchangeability of these types is an integral
part of them and hence the pyramid's failure to express intersections is important. The cross-
circuit model says that social responsibility is a set of externally related topics. It is in a state
of permanent interaction with each other and the responsibility of the company as a whole

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seeks always to resolve disputes between these types and emphasize the need for harmony
between each other.

Companies should focus on adopting a humanistic outlook.

Model 3- Concentric Circles

The original model consists of three concentric, cross-circles circles that are functionally
divided as follows:

The inner-circle represents the primary responsibility of the business (corporate social
responsibility such as economic function, products, and economic growth). As for the middle
circle, it represents the ethical circle (the company's awareness of the ethics group when
implementing its primary social responsibility, setting social priorities, and following values
and principles). The outer circle represents emerging responsibilities that are not yet
elaborated. In this model, no legal responsibility has been presented clearly such as that
presented in the pyramid and it is assumed to exist hidden between the economic and moral

It should be noted here that there is a difference between the concentric circles model and the
pattern of the concentric ring since in the concentric circle's system each internal member is a
member of the more extensive outer circle and not vice versa. In other words, economic
responsibility also has social and moral aspects, and so on.

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Assessment No. 2

Task 2 (PC2.1 and 2.4; PC4.1 and 4.2) (24 marks)

Visit these websites and familiarize yourself with their content:

Research above listed websites, read carefully their content and make sure you understand it to be
able to answer following questions. Make sure to write answers by your own words, not by copying
from online resource.

PC4.1: Identify and research a current ethical issue affecting a selected business

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Assessment No. 2

The OECD guidelines call on all multinationals and businesses to take clear policies and put
in place systems to avoid impacts that harm human rights and work to mitigate the resulting

Hotel companies are multinational companies, and due to the laws of human rights
organizations and workers this has led to the fear of investors, owners, and customers, which
prompted hotel companies to take steps towards achieving sustainability and putting the
necessary effort into their operations, but there are still some challenges.

Legislative bodies in the Arab Gulf always strive to protect the rights of their labor force
from exploitation, so they document the poor conditions experienced by expatriates to work
in them through the press and NGOs.

Therefore, the issue studied here is the issue of workers who work in hotel companies in
Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, especially in light of the World Cup in Qatar 2022 and
Expo 2020 and the study of the risks that they may be exposed to in hotel companies and take
a decision on the steps that must These types of companies must follow them in order to

protect their migrant workers. (24 marks) (20.5 marks)

PC2.1: Analyze and report on any value driven organisation with a clear ethical strategy

a) What ethical issue currently affects hotel business in Dubai and Qatar? (1 mark)
The ethical issue affecting hotel companies in Qatar and Dubai is the employment problem in

hotel companies. √- (0.5 mark)

b) Organization that published data is ….. (1 mark) ? (0 mark)

The company whose data and information is shared is the Radisson Hotel Group.

c) Explain how did this non-government organization research that issue? (1 mark)
This non-governmental organization has searched for the problem by conducting
questionnaires and opinion polls in which companies ask some answers and ask them for
a set of rules and ethics that follow them. In some questions, the company asked the hotel
companies who agreed to conduct the questionnaire to provide it with a link to the set of

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ethics rules that the company followed in its way to protect human rights with all workers

in that company. √ ( 1 mark)

d) Selected company (hotel) is ….. (1 mark)

Radisson Hotel Group (Carlson Rezidor hotel group √ (1 mark)

e) What challenges does hotel business face regarding migrant workers in the company’s daily

operations in Dubai? List minimum 5 practices (5 marks) ( 4.5 marks)

Challenges faced by the company:

- Control all operations facing them at all levels √-

- Resources change when they involve service providers or third parties. √

- The problem of the language spoken by multinationals where the company was forced
to develop the code of rights through drawings, posters, or various forms in order for
there to be a full understanding by every one of the mechanism for the company to

follow the set of human rights norms. √

- Inability to document what workers are exposed to well so that the company is not
being exploited or implicated unintentionally in the wrong use of human rights and
therefore the company is forced to bear operational, legal and financial


- Integration with laws√

f) What company currently does to ensure ethical business practices are in place? List
minimum 5 practices (5 marks) (3.5 marks)
The company does many things to ensure ethical business practices, including:

- Hiring people with high-level ethical standards as it examines the employee’s

sincerity, respect, and ability to communicate effectively with others. √

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- Directing all its business and objectives towards customers to give them a great

experience in dealing with the hotel. √-

- Encouraging all workers and employees in the hotel company to present their best in

order to achieve the company's goals and help their growth. √ -

- Adherence to human rights covenants and work in accordance with them and take

responsibility for all actions.√-

- Ensuring that everything that the organization does is in its interest and leads to

greater confidence on the part of clients.√-

- Ensure that all workers, employees, and the environment also receive benefits and


PC4.2: Review and report on how the business could improve the ethics of their operations whilst
meeting objectives and ensuring good employer/employee relationships

g) Keeping in mind current ethical issue and company’s responses in survey, give minimum 5
ideas how selected company could improve ethical practices and ensure good
employer/employee relationships ( 5 marks) (5 marks)
The company can solve this ethical issue and perform many practices that help it to improve
the relationship between employees and owners of the company and improve the ethical
practices it operates. Among the most important of these steps, in my opinion:

- Proper selection of employees and subjecting them to ethical tests before hiring them

and ensuring their ethics and ability to work.√

- Informing the employee of the work that he will be asked to do and placing him on a

full study of all tasks that may be assigned to him.√

- Correct publishing of all workers' rights and their education, raising awareness of
them and conducting training courses for them that increase their awareness and their

capabilities to discuss their rights and duties. √

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- Setting a set of rules that lead to a fair and good division of labor and salaries to

ensure a fair and adequate minimum wage that does not oppress persons. √

- Resolving disputes and disputes peacefully√

- Providing a safe and sound work environment.√

PC2.4: Assess the importance of adhering to organisational policies for internal departments such as
HR, Finance and Operations

h) Why is it important that internal departments such as HR, Finance and Operations of
selected company adhere to company’s policies? (2 marks) (2 marks)
The importance of the company's internal management (human and financial resources
and special operations) adherence to the policies set by the company is important for
several reasons. The first reason is that the administration abides by the regulatory policy
means that you follow the laws on which the company was established and thus know all
the rights and duties and ensure that no mistakes are made against workers or employees.
The company gains the respect of customers when they operate according to the rules and
regulations. As for the second reason, the company's commitment to its policy leads to a
corresponding commitment on the part of the employees of that policy and laws, and
preserving the general atmosphere from the spread of abusive behaviors or practices, thus
avoiding the company from being exposed to legal violations, paying fines or being tried

by one of the former employees of the company. √

i) All internal departments as well as all employees must adhere to company’s CODE OF
BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS. Access this code at the following link
%20Business/pdfs/CarlsonCodeofBusinessConductandEthics.pdf) and find out what is
expected from all employees regarding: (3 marks) ( 3 marks)
- GUEST, CUSTOMER AND CLIENT RELATIONS: mutual respect, not taking money from them and
not accepting gifts under any name or circumstance. Employees should also endeavor to

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ensure that the company's suppliers and partners comply with the contract principles (respect,
dignity, health and safety and environment-friendly work). In addition to environmental

protection. √


confidentiality of the information and not publish information that is not public, especially
employees who have access to information about the company because they are able to be the
cause of the problems. Confidential information includes company accounts, commercial
information, business methods, or marketing plans, where all employees are expected to work

to protect that information and not to publish it. √

- COMMUNICATIONS: The company's success is related to the success of communication. All

types of audio-visual and reading communication must be appropriately and accurately and
convey the correct information. No employee should disclose information, and it is the duty
of employees not to lose sight of any information contained in a report, conversation or

message. All employee dealings must follow this standard as well. √

Task 3 (PC4.3) (10 marks)

PC4.3: Design a suitable ethical code or ethical framework for your organization

a) Design a suitable ethical code or ethical framework for students in your Institute. Make sure
to include ethical principles and values that are most important to you in minimum 10
points/paragraphs (provide examples wherever possible). Also include introduction and final
word in your document. (10 marks)

ethical framework for students:

Being students at an institute imposes on us a commitment to the many rules and

ethics that we must follow in order to protect our rights and protect this institution and
its rights and to ensure that we obtain the correct knowledge from the right place.

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Therefore, following our set of rules and ethics is not only in order to guarantee the
rights of the institute but for us in the first stage and for us to work together to achieve
our success and the success of the institutions that we will work with later and the
success of the educational institution from which we obtain our study badges.

Among the most important things we must do:

- Adherence to academic deadlines and not wasting our time or the time of our
professors or students who work with us, because this precious time must not be
wasted, but rather that we use it in a proper way that will benefit us all.

Not to steal study materials or jobs from other people.

Not to steal the science or information that was reached by anyone without
mentioning the source or reference that we relied upon.

-Not to divulge secrets and deal professionally and professionally with all the internal
information of the institute, even if we know that information by accident and not on

Ensure that all students are treated with respect and that problems that negatively
affect students, employees, and employees of the institution are not fabricated.

-Ensure that the true image of the institution is shown abroad and not to seek to
discredit it

Follow all the rules and ethics stipulated by the Institute's internal policy.

Putting our problems on the internal management of the institute in a civilized way
and seeking to help them solve these problems.

-Attributing our knowledge and culture to

this institution, which helped us to obtain that information and not forgetting its merit
to us.

-Effective communication based on respect between students and professors and

making use of their information.

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Assessment No. 2

Total marks: _____/40

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