Service Blueprint of A Ladies Saloon: Physical Evidence

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Service Blueprint of a Ladies Saloon

Glass Styling tools Debit
Front desk Styling Booking
Physical Door Hair card
reception area Locker area: Calendar Door
Evidence with products machine,
couch & chair, Closet Chairs & Appointmen Sidewalk
Plant chairs & Desk
magazines Mirrors t Card Desk
decor Mirrors Computer

Walk in Discuss
Give extra Follow Haircut &
through Greet Leave
CUSTOMER Payment at about the
belongings stylist other
main Receptionist the
ACTIONS front desk next
to locker to chair actions
glass saloon

Line of Interaction
Greet Process Book
Onstage Take Guide Provide
Customer Payment keeping Greet by
Contact belongings customer desired guard
Note arrival follow up
to locker Return
Person to chair services appointment
in Calendar belongings

Line of Visibility

Backstage Store Get

Contact belonging belongings
in locker from closet
Line of internal interaction

Electricity, Wi-Fi, phone Manage Billing

and other technical Inventory System

Onstage flowchart from 3 (a) as follows:

Greet Customer and Note arrival in Calender

Take Belongings to locker

Guide customer to chair

Provide desired service

Process Payment & return belongings

Bookkeeping follow up appointment

Greet by guard

Here the stars are the possible failure point. These are:

 When the salon notes down the arrival and desired services, they might make mistake in
rush hour stress as the system is handwritten and not automated through any computer
or software.
 In a people processing service there’s always a room for failure in the main service part.
It’s difficult to meet customer’s expectation. It’s sort of a provider GAP.
 In rush hour the stuffs might mistake in queuing belongings in right order. In order to fix
this problem, they must maintain better queuing strategy.
 Human error also might take place in bookkeeping follow up appointment stage and
create a service failure.

In the support process, there also another failure point. That is:

 Managing Inventory is a complex job in a saloon. There are a lot of services and lot of
materials required to execute each and every service perfectly. They manually manage
their inventory, in order to that they often take a lot of time to find out expected
materials for a desired service. Sometimes they don’t even find one and use alternative
or offer another type of course.


I think Customer GAP-1 is the easiest service gap to close. When a business doesn’t know what
its customers are expecting that creates Customer GAP-1. To close this gap few efforts are
required where as to close other gaps requires difficult and a lot of processes. To close
Customer GAP-1 increasing direct interactions between managers and customers to improve
understanding and turning information and insights into action will suffice. As it’s a short and
simple process that’s why I believe Customer GAP-1 is the easiest service gap to close.

I think Provider GAP-3 is the hardest service gap to close. Rather than customer’s gap, provider
gaps are more complex and follow a large list close. Provider GAP-3 is about delivery of the
service. It’s not easy to maintain or establish an error less service delivery process. Once a
service firm closes its provider GAP-3 it runs its business with no hassle at all. To do so a service
business need to take a long plan to close the gap. It’s tough and complex but it’s fruitful.

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