Promotion Strategies

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Promotion is a technique for delivering information about a product and it is the most

important aspect of marketing mix. It is the part of marketing that specifically involves

communicating company or product information to targeted customers. So, Tefal should

always think out of the box for the promotion strategies to bet the other competitors such as

Phillip, Panasonic, Toshiba and other brands because this is what usually makes customers

aware of you, attracted It is the part of marketing that specifically involves communicating

company or product information to targeted customers to your brand, interested in buying and

ultimately, loyal customers. 

i. Advertising

Non-personal communication is a method used by Tefal to inform potential

buyers about their products. Advertisement in television usually using the celebrity

power. For example, celebrities share their favourite product and brands will attract

consumer to consume it too. Tefal use Sheila Rusly, Chef Ily Sulaiman and other

public figures as their brand ambassador to promote RK705840 10 in 1 multicooker.

Tefal also promote this multicooker product in magazines or billboard. Besides, Tefal

also use media as their promotion strategy. Medias that they use are such as their own

website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Today, media has become the

major medium between customer and producers. Tefal has their own website where

customer can purchase their products directly without having to go to any outlets.

Furthermore, they also come up with new activities and launch of new range products

on their website frequently with various diversified ideas and innovations. Tefal also

active on social media as a part of their promotion. They interact and react to

customers post regularly.

ii. Sales Promotion

This method is always used to provide an attraction to perspective buyers. The

strategy of Tefal use for their sales promotion through having the road show all

around the well-known malls in Malaysia. On the roadshow, all the person can use

feel the 10 in 1 multicooker product directly and viewing it on the spot itself where

customers no longer need to go for Tefal’s outlet just to have a look how their new

products look like. This is to attract more person to buy and use it. They also have a

discount on that road show so that they are many customers buy it on that show as it is

much cheaper than the other day and it is very limited to a few people. Currently

Tefal is increasing its involvement in sales promotion with ‘Meriahkan Raya

Bersama Kami’ tagline for the upcoming Happy Eid Day which is just around the

corner. Besides, online shopping website also provide free gifts, coupon and discounts

are offered to buyers to attract them to buy the product.

iii) Personal Selling:

Tefal also use personal selling as their promotional strategy. As we all know,

personal selling is where businesses use people or the "sales force" to sell product

after meeting face-to-face with the customer. The Tefal sellers promote the product

through their attitude, appearance and specialist product knowledge. They aim to

inform and encourage the customer to buy, or at least trial the product. Products with

relatively high prices, or with complex features, like Tefal 10 in 1 multicooker are

often sold using personal selling. A customer can get advice on how to apply the

product and can try different products. Tefal was personally involved with the

promotion of the products including touring mall around Malaysia for upcoming Tefal

products and products that are already available in the market. Tefal also attracts more

consumers by building strong relationships with famous personals like well-known

artists such as Sheila Rusly and Chef Ily who can influence people to use Tefal’s

products, where these people will be Tefal’s brand ambassador in Malaysia which can
easily manipulate people as these ambassadors are very influential people in the


iv) Public Relation:

Public relation is the practice of managing the spread of information between

an individual or an organization such as a business, government agency, or a non-

profit organization and the public. Public relations may include an organization or

individual gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news

items that do not require direct payment. Public relation is the idea of creating

coverage for clients for free, rather than marketing or advertising. For Tefal, they use

the indirectly promotion approach with the production company. Therefore, this type

of indirectly approach which goods travel from the producer, through an intermediary

or intermediaries to the consumer. As for Tefal consumers can purchase their products

through their official website. The aim of public relations is to inform the public,

prospective customers, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders and

ultimately persuade them to maintain a positive or favourable view about the

organization, its leadership, products, or political decisions. Furthermore, Tefal also

build strong relationships with its customers to make sure they are granted with high

level satisfaction of services and Tefal also does after sales services too which gives a

peace in mind for their product users as well as an assurance and warranty too.

v) Direct Marketing:

Direct marketing is often used by Tefal as a tool to promote multicooker product. It is

a targeted form of marketing that presents information of potential interest to a

consumer that has been determined to be a likely buyer. This method shows that the

product is directly to the customer. In this process, the 10 in 1 multicooker products

are straight away distributed to the outlets and malls such as Giant and Aeon where

consumers be able to get hold of the product and purchase it by trying plugged on the

product to see either it works or not and they also can check the quality of the product

by their own.

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