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Getting Ready for Post-COVID-19 Opportunities

…a publication of
The world is going to change a whole lot after the COVID-19 pandemic. Systems will
change, lifestyle will change, work systems will change, transportation systems will
change, more businesses will spring forth, new ideas will be birthed, there will be
joint ventures and partnerships and much more.

Post-COVID-19 Opportunities has already started as many businesses are positioning

themselves for it. Online meetings have been going on with platforms like Zoom
Video Technologies but just a few days ago Facebook announced that they will be
increasing the number of persons for their Facebook messenger to five people. That
is the kind of adjustment we are talking about. Instagram Live Video has become
the new place for teachings, sermons, engagement, sharing thoughts, discussing
ideas, telling stories, narrating history and many other things one would have been
holding conferences for. With the emphasis on social distancing, the internet has
come to the rescue with video platforms already springing up to feel this gap.

Yes, that is the word. There is a gap created by COVID-19 and in those gaps, you
will find opportunities.

In this post, I will be bringing some of those gaps that have been created by this
pandemic (COVID-19) and in trying to bridge the gap you will hopefully find an
opportunity and take them. It can be to start a business, a start-up, create a product
or service.

1. Food: I heard something interesting days ago that Eko Hotel (one of the tops
in Nigeria) is now doing deliveries for food. A market is a place where people
have a lot of body contact and as such, it is one of the places that will take
time to come back to normal. But before then, many people will be
patronizing food vendors who do deliveries. Special delicacies like Pizza,
Shawarma and more may not need one to visit the stands or shops to get
them; it will simply be delivered to you. Social distancing and the idea of it
may not stop any time soon.
2. Logistics: Without breaking the flow of deliveries, logistics business will be on
the spike. Many people will have to open their logistics businesses to fill the

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gap that will be created because the ones available may not be enough to
serve the demand for deliveries. So that’s one perfect idea for you.
3. E-Commerce: Going further with this trend, e-commerce will experience a
boom. If people cannot go to market places, shops and public places to get
what they need and want; online shopping will be the next wave of buying
and selling things. Even though it has always been here, more people will
start using it. The first point of call should be to decide what you want to sell.
A clue would be to find what people use to buy (before COVID-19) but would
have to stop going out to buy it except they shop online for it. It can be
toiletries, clothes, luxury items (like mobile phones); in fact, most household
items will need to be shifted online. So, you ask yourself; what can I sell
online. Remember e-commerce can now be done with platforms like
Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and different online community. I am quite
sure many of them will be adding payment platforms for vendors and retailers
to get paid. Imagine collecting your payment through Instagram, Facebook
and WhatsApp.
4. Website Development: Let me take my thought further concerning e-
commerce website. There are millions of shops, supermarkets and supermalls
everywhere that don’t have an online presence. They will need a website or
an e-commerce store to increase their sales and attend to customers who will
no longer feel comfortable coming out. Such stores will need management as
well; so that can mean a job opportunity in Supply Chain Management or
Store management.
5. Digital Marketing: This is one area that has created opportunities for many
yet many businesses remain unserved. Offline businesses (any business at all)
will need online presence; that will be more opportunities and jobs for those
who can help them build and manage one. So, build your skills and get ready!
6. Car Dealing: I saw a publication that one of the top car producers (can’t
remember which one now), has decided to increase production or open more
plants for the production of cars. This is simple; people and commuters to
work will no longer be comfortable going to work on public transport. So,
more private cars will be needed and more will be bought. If you are in a

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place like Africa where second-hand cars are used, you can leverage on that
and provide cars that are not costly to own one. Once you can fill the gap of
providing cheap cars (in a time of crushing economies), you will win this big
7. Fuel/Gas Supply: Don’t forget the whole idea of this pandemic is the scare in
people to go out. So, if you can find a way to supply this particular daily need
of fuel and gas to those who need them, then you can be sure to cash out as
8. Internet Provider: If you notice, most of the services and opportunities will be
driven by the internet. And as it is today, many internet providers are not
doing so well to the satisfaction of their customers. Now maybe the time to
be a provider and deliver an internet service that can serve this Internet-
driven world. Can Your Internet Make Video calls and Meetings seamless and
9. Education: This is a whole new level. Imaging the education system of the
world now shifting to online because of social distancing. From the basic for
children to advanced learning for adults. There are many education and
online learning platforms but there is enormous room for more. While each
one has their way of providing online learning, there are millions of ways new
platforms can do it and even achieve good results and education of their
users. Online radios or regular radio stations or TV stations might need to be
explored for distant learning during this time.
10.Joint Ventures: Now, this might be the most important point here. Not
everyone might have the means to start a business now with the impact that
the COVID-19 has had economically but you can partner with others. Your
skill can be a niche in a particular business that is starting or resuming their
operations while adjusting to the changes. If you are good at content
creation, you can partner with a graphic artist who works for new businesses
on branding to offer your content creation services for their websites, social
media accounts, etc. There are more; if you are into food instead of getting
your delivery bikes, you can partner with those who have logistics bikes or
vans to work together and help each other.

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I know you have heard of the New World Order; this is the perfect example of it.
While this lockdown has been different for most people; what did you use yours to
do? Are you ready for what is about to come? Is your business and your skill ready
for what has already hit us? I have just offered your timeless truths and ideas on
how to prepare your business for the future (that is Now).

I hope you run with it, Thanks for reading!

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