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Graph theory is a delightful playground for the exploration of proof

techniques in discrete mathematics. And graphs serve as a mathematical
models to analyse successfully many concrete real word problems.
Graph theory is rapidly moving into the main stream of mathematics.
Certain problems in physics, chemistry, communication science,
computer technology, genetics psychology, sociology and linguistics can
be formulated as problems in graph theory. Also many branches of
mathematics, such as group theory, probability topology have
interaction with graph theory.

Some puzzles are various problems of a practical nature have been

instrumental development of various topics in graph theory. The genetic
concept of graphs arose by abstracting some properties common to the
diagram representing various physical systems like the molecular
structure of a chemical compound, the inter connection I an electrical
network, or a railway network or interrelation among asset of peoples. A
graph is a binary relation on a set of objects. Euler is known as the father
of graph theory. The famous Koings Berg bridge problem has been the
inspiration for the development of Euclidian of graph theory.

This project is mainly concreted on the study about perfect

graphs. Perfect graphs include many important families of graphs, and
serve to unify results relating colorings and cliques in those families.

The first uses of the phrase “Perfect Graphs appear to be 1936,
paper of Claud Berg. Perfect graphs arose natural in the applications of
graph theory to communication theory. This is one of the largest classes
of graphs finding applications to computer science



1.1 Definition ; Graphs

A graph is an ordered triple G = {V (G), E(G), IG (G)} where V(G) is a

non empty set, E(G) is a set disjoint from V(G) and IG is an incidence map
that associate with each element of E(G).

Elements of V(G) are called vertices or nodes of G

Elements of E(G) are called edges or lines of G

If for the edge ‘e’ of G, IG (e) = {u, v } we write IG (e) =uv



V(G) = { V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 }

E(G) = {e1, e2, e3, e4, e5,}

1.2 Definition ; Loop

An edge whose end vertices are coincident, it is called loop.


G; e

1.3 Definition ; parallel edge

Let G be a graph. If two or more edges of G have the same end vertices,

Then these edges are called parallel edges.


G; e1

v5 e5 v2

e2 e3

v3 v4

Here e1 and e5 are parallel edges.

1.4 Definition ; Neighbours(Adjacent)
Two vertices which are joined by an edge are said to be
adjacent or neighbours.

1.5 Definition ; Neighbourhood set

The set of all neighbours of a fixed vertex v of G is called neighbourhood set of

v and is denoted by N(v).

1.6 Definition ; Simple Graph

A graph is called simple graph, if it has no loops and no parallel



1.7 Definition ; Order

The number of vertices of a graph G is called order of G.


V1 V2

1.8 Definition ; Size
The number of edges of a graph G is called the size of G.

1.9 Definition ; Finite Graph

If the order of a graph is finite, then the graph is called finite.

Otherwise it is infinite.

1.10 Definition ; Complete Graph

A simple graph G is said to be complete, if every pair of
distinct vertices of G are adjacent in G. A complete graph with n
vertices is denoted by Kn.


K1 ; V1

K2 ; V1 V2


K3 ;

V2 V3

V1 V2


V3 V4

1.11 Definition ; Bipartite graph
A graph is bipartite if its vertex set can be partitioned into two
non empty subsets X and Y such that each edge of G has one end in X
and othesr end in Y, the pair (X, Y) is called a bipartition and graph is
denoted as G(X, Y).


V1 V2


V3 V4

Here X = {V1, V3}

Y = {V2, V4}

Therefore this is bipartite graph.


V1 V2

V4 V3 V3

This is not a bipartite graph.

1.12 Definition; Complete bipartite graph
A simple bipartite graph is said to be complete bipartite, if every
vertex of X is adjacent to Y.

If G(X, Y) is complete with |X|=p, |Y|=q. Then G(X, Y) is denoted Kp,q.

A complete bipartite graph of the form K1, q is called a star.

Example; K3,3

V1 V2 V3

V4 V5 V6

1.13 Definition; Complement of a graph

Let G be a simple graph. The complement of G is denote by Ǧ

Is a simple graph with V(Ğ) = V(G) and two vertices in Ğ are adjacent if

and only if they are not adjacent in.


G; V1 V2 Ğ; V1 V2

V3 V4 V3 V4

1.14 Definition; Self complementary graph

A simple graph G is said to be self complementary, if Ğ is isomorphic to


Example; G; Ğ;

V1 V4 V3 V2

V2 V3 V1 V4

1.15 Definition ; Sub graph

Let H be a graph with vertex set V (H) and edge set E (H) and

Similarly let G be a graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). Then
we say that H is a sub graph of G , if V(H) C V(G) and E(H) C E(G).


G; V1 V2

V5 V6

V8 V7

V4 V3

H1; V1 V2

V4 V3

H2; V5 V6

V8 V7

H1 is a sub graph of G and H2 is not sub graph of G.

1.16 Definition ; Proper sub graph

If H is a sub graph of G , The we write H C G but H ≠ G , that is

V(H)≠V(G) or E(H) ≠ E(G) ,then H is called a proper sub graph of G.

1.17 Definition Spanning sub graph

A spanning sub graph of G is a sub graph H with V(H) = V(G), that is

G and H have the same vertex set.

1.18 Definition ; Induced sub graph

If U is a nonempty subset of the vertex set V of the graph G, then

the sub graph G[U] induced by U is defined to be the graph having
vertex at U and edge set consisting of those edges of G that have both
ends U.

1.19 Definition ; Clique

A clique in a graph is a set of pair wise adjacent vertices.

Example ; V1

G; V2


V3 V4

Here {V1, V5, V4 } is a clique.

Therefore clique number ω(G)=3.

1.21 Definition ; Independent set (or stable set)

The independent set (or stable set ) in a graph is a set of pairwise non
adjacent vertices.


G; V1 V2

V4 V3

Here { V1, V3} an independent set.

1.22 Definition ; Independent number of a graph

Independent number of a graph is the maximum size of an

Independent set of vertices . It is written as α(G).


V1 V2

V4 V3

Here {V1 ,V 3} {V2, V4} are independent sets.

1.23 Definition ; Clique covering number

The clique covering number θ(G) of a graph G is the minimum

number of clique in G needed to cover V(G).


V1 V2

V4 V3

1.24 Definition ; Line graph

Let G be a loop less graph, the line graph of G denoted by L(G), is a

simple graph whose vertices are one-one correspondence with edges of
G and two vertices in L(G) are adjacent if and only if corresponding
edges are adjacent in G.

Example ;

G; V1 V3 V5

e1 e2 e3 e4 e5

V2 V4 V6


o o o o o

e1 e2 e3 e4 e5

1.25; Definition ; Incidence matrix

The incident matrix M(G) is the n by m matrix in which entry mij is

one if vi is an end point of ej and otherwise 0.


G; a d


b e

M(G); z

A b c d e

w 1 1 0 0 0

x 1 0 1 1 0

y 0 1 1 1 1

z 0 0 0 0 1

1.26 Definition; Degree of a vertex

The degree of a vertex v is the number of incident

edges. It is denoted by d(v).


V1 V2

V4 V3
d(V1) = 2 d(V2) = 3
d(V3) = 2 d(V4) = 3

1.27 Definition; K- regular

If for some positive integers K, d(V) = k for every vertex v of the

graph G, then G is called k-regular . A graph is said to be regular, if it is k-
regular for some non negative integer k.

Example ;


V1 V2

V4 V3

d(V1) = d(V2) = d(V3) = d(V4) = 3

Therefore G is a 3-regular graph.


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