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Critical thinking Skills

Presented by:

Sufyan Ali
Tauqeer Abbas
Zain Abid
Objectives of the training:

To explain what is critical thinking and how we

can use different techniques to improve our
critical thinking abilities and skills for affective
decision making in our lives.
Expected Outcomes of the

After the training, you will be able to understand

different affective techniques which can be used
while making judgments and decisions through
thinking critically.
 “Critical thinking is a way of deciding whether a
claim is true, partially true, or false.”
Video 1:
Critical thinking explained
Components of Critical Thinking
Critical thinking consists of a skill-set and attitude.
There are six major components of critical thinking:
 • Interpretation
 • Analysis
 • inference
 • explanation
 • evaluation
 • self-regulation
Attitude towards critical thinking:
This component helps a critical thinker to
evaluate these questions:
• Do you try to solve problem using reasoning?
• Are you willing to reconsider what you believe?
• Which thing is more important, the skill or the
Changing belief & attitude based upon results is
3 Easy Techniques To Improve
Critical Thinking Skills
Technique no.1

‘How does someone know that?’

 How does someone know what they claim to
 Do they claim through the result of a reliable
-It increases the likelihood of claim to be true.
Bad ways that people use
when they claim to know things:
Someone told them.
Saw it on internet/TV.
Everyone knows it.
 not a reliable way to reach accurate
Good reasons/ways to know:
Knowing something from evidence is best way to
come to knowledge.
-logics, proofs….
Dunning Kruger Effect
 When one lack metacognitive tools to make
reliable judgments.
Technique no.02

‘Counter Examples’

The odd numbers 3,5,7 are prime therefore, all odd numbers are
prime (False)

Everything natural is good for you. (False)

Where there is smoke, there is fire. (False)

Video 2:
How Not To Be Stupid:
A Guide To Critical Thinking
Technique no. 03

How could my belief be wrong?

What conditions have to be in place so my belief

could be an error?

Create possibility of Doubts.


Are cellphones safe?

Do they cause brain tumor?
Video 3:
Cellphones cause brain tumor
Thank You

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