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Japanese Sound effects in Manga and what they


A gu = grabbing, pulling (see also gaba, gui, gyu) pari pari = crackle, as of energy or electricity.
Quieter than bari bari.
a = general interjection: oh, uh, ah gu = what you sound like when you're sleeping
(see also supigu, ku, suka, suya, gussuri.) Gu and parin = crash, clash
a! = exclamation of surprise, alarm, amazement, ku are similar to zzzzz. Supigu is peaceful sleep.
relief, frustration, fury: Oh! Ack! Agh! Ah! K-san says "it's sort of a whistling sound." pasa = rustling, e.g. cloth sliding, paper
Argh! Also inarticulate sound of pain or passion: moving
Ah! Oh! gu = stomach growling (see also ku, kyururu)
pasha = splashing, as with the hand (see also
aaaa! = same as above, but more so gucha = smashing, crushing (see also gusha) pisha) For a big splash, see zabun.

aa = yes, okay, sure guchi guchi = wet sound? twisting sound? pashi = impact: smack! click! (see also bashi,
We're not sure. nashi)
aa(aaa)n = opening the mouth wide, as in
"Say ah!" Used when feeding or being fed by gui = grab (see also gaba, gu, gyu) pata pata = flap flap
gui = gulp patata = spatter spatter
aan, an = cry of passion (see a!)
gunya = sudden mental realization patan = door slamming (see also batan)
acha = remorse
guon = the sound of a dryer. For the sound of a pechanko, peshanko = flattened, crushed
agi agi = bite bite, gnaw, sink your cute little washing machine, see goun
peko = bow
fangs into (see also agu agu, kaji)
guooo = a roar. Can be a fire sound, often used
for Hiei's fire attacks (Cf. bo, goooo, po) peko peko = bow over and over (grovel)
agu agu = bite bite (see also agi agi, kaji)
gura = stagger, move shakily (see also zuru) pero, pero pero = licking (see also bero)
ahaha = laughter (see also ha ha ha for
masculine laughter, and ho ho ho for refined
guri = to give noogies peron = rolling up or down, or flipping
feminine laughter)
gusha = squeeze, grab, crush (see also gucha) petan, petanto = smooth, flat. Also, to flop
arayotto, hoisatto = K-san: "These are down on the floor.
used when one is doing some physical task and gussuri = deep sleep (see also gu, ku, suka,
finishing it easily. One uses either or both of supigu, suya) pi = beep, peep, any other short high-pitched
them at a time." sound
gutta, guttari = droopy, wilted, limp. Used to
describe people or plants. (see also kuta) pi, picha, pichon = drip (see also po,
B pochan, pota)
gutto, guutto = extreme concentration, also
ba = sudden impact. English equivalents would strong emotion pichi = flap, bounce, snap (see also bichi)
be: bam, bang, crash, ka-boom, thump, thud,
wham, whomp, etc. (See also bagu, baki, ban, guzu = whine, grumble (see also boso, busu, piiii = shrill sound, beeper, telephone, whistle
bashi, bata, batan, bokan, bun, dan, doka, don, gyaa)
doshin, dote, ga, ka, kon, paka, pan, pashi, patan, piii piii = chirp chirp
poka, pon, to, ton, among others.) gwahaha = evil laugh, same as bwahaha,
fwahaha, gahaha piku, pikuri = blink, noticing something.
bachi = crackle (see also bari, biri) May be from piku = twitch = pricking up the
gya = shriek (see also kya) ears.
bagu = impact
gya = grab (see also gaba, gyu) piku = twitch
baki = impact (one of the most common impact
sounds) or other very loud sound gyaa gyaa = whine, grumble (see also boso, pin pon = ding dong, bell (see also kin kon)
busu, guzu)
ban = bang! bam! piri = tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening a
gyo = shock potato chip bag ) see also biri
ban = sometimes added to a scene for dramatic
effect, to show that something astonishing or gyu, kyu = grab, squeeze, twist (see also gaba, piri piri = sharp sensation, as of pain,
important has happened (see also don) gya) electricity, spiciness. Can be the sharpness or
electricity of a glare.
bara bara = rattle rattle (see also chara chara, gyuu, gyuun = fast motion (see also byu, hyu,
gara gara) pyu) pisha = splashing, as with the hand (see also
pasha) For a big splash, see zabun.
bari bari = crunch, as in eating. K-san: "Pori
pori is the quietest crunching. Pori pori is for H pishi = crack (as of a whip), smack (see also
cookies; bari bari is for chips. Kori kori is for bishi)
broccoli and asparagus." (see also kori, pari, ha! = sound of surprise or realization. Can mean
pori) catching breath in shock or panic. pita = stopping

bari bari = scratch scratch (see also giri giri, ha, haa haa = panting, exhalation pito = gentle touch
kiri kiri)
ha ha ha = laughter (masculine laughter, as piyo = peep
bari bari = rip rip (see also biri biri) opposed to ho ho ho, which is refined feminine
po, pochan, pota = drip, plunk. Pochan =
laughter) (see also ahaha)
bari bari = crackle, crackle? Anyway, energy kerplunk! (see also pi, picha, pichon, pochi)
or electricity, just like biri biri. Pari pari is a hakkiri = clear, unambiguous
quieter crackle, just as pori is a quieter crunch po = flame, light. Can also be blushing. For
than bari. (see also bachi) hamu = bite, chew, glomp, as in Lively Little other fire sounds see bo, gooo, guooo. Other light
Hiei-chan glomping onto a spoon sounds include paa, kaa.
basa = rustling, e.g. cloth sliding, paper
moving (see also pasa) hara hara = to fall gently, like a flower petal.... Po = Po's nom de plume. Has nothing to do with
sound effects, and everything to do with Tinky
bashan = medium splash (see also zabun for a hata = soft, quiet landing noise. (for a louder Winky, Dipsy, and Laa Laa.
very big splash) rattle see gata)
pochi pochi = something happening steadily,
bashi, bashito = impact (see also nashi, hau hau = gobbling (see also gatsu, paku) as in water dripping
he he he = heh heh heh (laugh) poi = throwing or tossing something
bata, batan = impact, often used for falling
down hena hena = worn out, exhausted. (see also poka = impact
heto heto)
batan = door slamming (see also patan) poka poka = warmth of the sun
henshin = transformation (as from Tsukino
batchiri = precise, proper, accurate Usagi to Sailor Moon). We've seen it used at least pon = impact, fairly quiet
once as a sound effect.
becho = dropping something. K-san says it pon, pom = sound of magical transformation
means dropping something sticky (and see beto hero hero = spineless, limp, or pliable (see also or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke
beto), but we've seen it used for Yuusuke mero, pura, puran) (see also bon, dororonpa)
dropping Kuwabara. Maybe Kuwabara was
sticky at the moment. heta = collapsing, sitting down in despair or pootto = dazed, obsessed
bee, bee da = rudeness, what you say when pori pori = eating, crunching, softer than 'bari
you stick out your tongue and pull down your heto heto = worn out, exhausted. (see also bari.' K-san: "Pori pori is the quietest crunching.
eyelid at someone. From 'Bero bero akkan-bee hena hena) Pori pori is for cookies; bari bari is for chips.
(or akanbei).' Like the mocking Western 'nya Kori kori is for broccoli and asparagus." (see also
nya!' hiee = exclamation: eek, yikes bari, kori, pari)

bero = peeling back hiii, hiiie = shriek poro, poto = dropping something, something
rolling (see also koro, koron)
bero bero = licking over and over, stronger hihiin = high-pitched whinny, as of a horse
than pero potsun = aloneness, separation
hiku, hiku hiku = shaking, as with anger or
betari = people or objects that stick together sobs (compare to shiku) puchi puchi = pop pop, crackle crackle
(physically or metaphorically)
hiku = hiccup puku, pukupuku = swelling, something
beto beto = sticky, gummy swollen (see also buku)
hiri hiri = continuous pain or irritation
bi, biiii = highpitched sound: shriek, wail (see pun pun = bad-smelling
also kiiii) hiso hiso = whisper whisper
pu pu pu, upupupu = yet another strange
bicha bicha = small splash (see also bashan hiya hiya = fear, worry laugh (see also fu fu fu)
for medium splash, zabun for big splash)
hn = huh, hrumph, humph. Traditional spelling of pura pura, puran = limp, floppy (see also
bichi bichi = flopping, smacking Hiei's traditional interjection. When anybody else hero, mero)
says it, we've rendered it huh or humph..
biku, bikun, bikkun = surprise (see also puri puri = anger (see also puuu)
piku) hoisatto, arayotto = K-san: "These are used
when one is doing some physical task and puru = shake, quiver (see also puri, furu)
biri = electricity, energy finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them
at a time." pusu = puncturing, penetrating
biri biri = tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening
a potato chip bag (see also bari, piri) ho ho ho = laughter, specifically, refined pusu pusu = the sound of something
feminine laughter. (see also ahahaha, ha ha ha for smoldering or smoking (see also busu busu)
biron = tongue hanging out masculine laughter)
puu = puff
bishi = whip, slap, smack, depending on the hoka hoka = warmth, heat (internal or puuuu = anger (see also puri puri)
degree of power external)
puutto = snort, honk, toot (from a horn or any
bo = flame, fire (see also gooo, guooo, po). W- honobono = peaceful, harmonious, tranquil bodily orifice ^_^)
san: "'Bo' is like the 'whoosh' of a gas range
turned on." hooo = wind pyu = fast motion (see also byu, gyu, hyu)

bo = sluggish and exhausted (see also doyon) hote hote = toddle toddle (see also tote)
bochan = kerplunk (see also pochan) hu, hua (fu, fua) = sigh
bochi bochi = something happening steadily, hu hu hu = (or fu fu fu) a strange laugh
as in water dripping
hu-e = cry, wail (see also e, miiii) R
bokan = sudden impact
hun = huh, hrumph, humph (see hn)
runtata = music. In this case, used for
boketto = gazing vacantly something Hiei-chan is humming. Run is a slow
hunka hunka (funka funka) = sniff sniff
beat and tata quick beats. (see also bunchacha)
boko = boiling, bubbling. Can also be any 'pop'
or bursting sound. (see also buku) hyoi = popping up suddenly, quick movement
such as reaching
bon = sound of magical transformation or S
appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see hyoko = popping up suddenly
also pon/pom, dororonpa) sa, saa = hissing, rain, water running (softer
hyu, hyun = quick movement, such as the leaps sound than zaa, which can also be rain)
bosa bosa = unkempt, also sitting around Hiei makes, or Kurama's whip moving (see also
lazily byu, gyu, pyu) sa, saaaa = rustling, wind

boso boso = muttering, speaking in a hushed, hyuuuuu = cold wind, lonely wind sa, sasa = quick motion
unclear voice. M.J. says of boso, busu, and musu:
sa, saku = step
"All of them what muttered sulky Japanese
sounds like--'bananas bananas' said through the I
sara sara = smooth, light, dry
nose, so to speak; because you don't complain
out loud." (see also busu, guzu, gyaa, musu) icha icha, ichakura ichakura =
sasu sasu = rubbing
displaying affection in public. K-san: "touching
bota = dripping, possibly something thick and carrying on." Acting spoony. ^_- sawa, sawayaka = cool, refreshing,
dripping, like blood. Compare to pi, picha, po, something that makes you feel refreshed (see
pota. (see also dara dara for thick liquid dripping) ira ira = fume fume. It's also been suggested that
also suka)
this is the sound of clenched or grinding teeth.
boto boto, bote = falling sesseto = working steadily
iso iso = moving blithely, happily
botsu = whoosh shaaa = something slicing through air:
buchi = snap. Can be used metaphorically, J
such as when Hiei snaps under the pressure of shaka shaka = scrape scrape
learning he's a father. ja, jaaaa = water/liquid flowing or rushing, or
any other hissing sound (see also jo, ju, zu) shapu shapu = splash (see also zabun)
buchi buchi = ripping, tearing
ja ja ja = hiss hiss hiss (such as the sound of shiiin = the sound of staring, of silence, or of
buchu = kiss (see also chu, nchu, uchu) Kurama frying something) remaining frozen/ motionless. Often used in djs
to indicate that a character is moved beyond
buku, bukubuku = swelling, something jabon = big splash (see also shapu, zabu, and words, stunned beyond words, or just generally
swollen (see also puku) bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes) beyond words. (see also jiiiin)
buku, bukubuku = boiling, bubbles jaki = glint of something sharp shiku shiku = sobbing, whimpering
bui = 'V' for victory. Sound of fingers making jan, jan jan = tada! shire = shrug (we think) Definitely a strange
the V-sign. 'don't look at me' look.
jiiiiii, jiiiin, jiiiito, jiiiton = the sound of
bunchchacha = music. Yes, really. Bun is a staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ shittori = moist. Also calm, soothing.
slow beat and cha cha quick beats. (see also motionless. Often used in djs to indicate that a
runtata) character is moved beyond words, stunned beyond shizu = move solemnly
words, or just generally beyond words. (see also
bun, buun = swish shiiiin) As a word, jitto emphasizes being shobo shobo = sadness, moping
motionless, jiitto emphasizes the duration of being
buun = buzz, whir, as of an insect still. shu = quick movement, fabric rubbing, swish
buran = hanging, dangling jiku jiku = numbness shuuuu = fog, mist, steam
burororo = sound of a loud motor, as of an jiro, jiro-jiro-to = a hard look. 'Jiro-jiro-to' shubo = the sound of a flame igniting, e.g.
automobile (see also oooo) means 'in a fixed, staring manner.' lighting a lighter. (Maybe shu = quick
movement/rubbing plus bo = light.)
Buru = a head being shaken violently in the jiri, jiri jiri = something scraping on the
negative ground. Sometimes used for a charater inching shun = W-san: "This sound describes
forward or backward something wilting. It can be used for people, to
busu busu = the sound of something describe being sad."
smoldering or smoking. Used for the embers jitabata = flail one's arms and legs (or one's tail,
after Hiei's fire attacks. (see also pusu pusu) in the case of 'The Mermaid Princess' ) (compare shuru, shururu, shurun = snaking
to dotabata for running around in confusion) motion. Often used for Rose Whip or other vines
busu, busu busu, usuto, butsu = or tendrils snaking around.
muttered complaining (see boso, guzu, gyaa, jiwa = tears welling up
musu) sorya = what to yell as you attack; a fighting
jiwa jiwa = slowly but steadily taunt or war cry. (see also dorya, ora, orya, uraa)
buwa = explosion
jo, joro joro = water/liquid flowing or pouring sosokusa = running away quickly, beating a
buyo buyo = squishy and swollen, (see also dara dara, jururu, zururu) hasty retreat
jururu = drool (see also dara dara, jo, zururu) sowa sowa = restless, fidgety (as in 'Ammari
bwahaha = evil laugh, same as fwahaha, sowasowa shinaide!' (Don't get so fidgety!), the
gahaha, gwahaha first line of 'Lum no Love Song')
byu = quick movement, such as the leaps Hiei su = breathe in (compare to fu, breathe out)
makes (see also hyu, gyu, pyu) ka(a) = light (see also pa, po)
su = slow movement, e.g. cloth slowly slipping
ka, kan = heels going click, footsteps off, someone moving smoothly
kaa = face turning red, blushing (see also po) sube sube = smooth
chapon, chapu = plunk (water sound) (see
also shapu) kacha = the click of something opening, such as subu = see tsubu
a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also gacha)
chara chara = rattle, clatter, jingle (see also sui = smooth movement, as of a good skater
bara bara, gara gara) kaji = bite, gnaw, sink your little fangs into (see
also agi, agu, kari) suka = whooshy sound. K-san: "the sound of
chi, ch' = Various translators: "I think of it as a swinging a baseball bat and missing." Togashi
tongue-clicking noise." "It means 'shit.'" "I think kaku = scratching, running a hand through hair, frequently uses it for punches missing.
it's better translated as 'damn' since it's about the paddling a hand in water
equivalent in vulgarity." "Probably a--mm, vocal suka = something sparse. K-san: "When you
referent, would you call it?--to chikushou, kaku, kakun = shaking, wobbling, losing get a big box which is light for its size, and you
another of the 'oh shit' words." You can see why balance (see also gaku) shake it, and the packing material makes rustling
we decided to leave it as ch'. ^_^ sounds, that's suka suka. Or when you put on a
kapan = rattle, open (compare to batan, patan for big pair of jeans, you say 'These are suka suka
chichichi = how you call a cat closing) (too big).'"

chi chi = high shrill noise kara = empty suka, suya = sleeping (see also gu, ku,
chira, chirari, chiron = quick sideways karakara = bone dry
glance suka, sukari, sukkiri, sukato = feeling
karan = rattle, open of refreshment. K-san: "for example, when you
chiri chiri = curly, frizzy drink a carbonated drink on a hot day." (see also
kari kari = something scratching on something sawa, sawayaka)
chiri chiri = tingle of heat, shiver of cold (see else, e.g., a pen on paper, somebody's little fangs
also zoku for shiver) on your head sukon = plunk, plonk

chirin = chime kasa, kase = rustle. Commonly used for a suku = getting up, standing up
quiet footstep in the grass, also can be paper, cloth,
chiyahoya = fuss over, butter up or other material rustling. sunari = slender, smooth, graceful (see also
choki choki = cutting, as with knives or katsu katsu = clomp clomp
scissors supa, supari = cutting or breaking
kehen = cough (see also geho, gofu, goho, kon, something (see also zuba)
chokon = small and quiet koho)
supigu = peaceful sleep, a whistling sound
chu = kiss (see also nchu, uchu) kerori = unaffected, casual, unimpressed (see also gu, ku, suka, suya)

chu = suck (as through a straw) ki = glare, the glint of a dagger eye suppa suppa = puff puff

chun chun = chirp chirp (see also pii pii for kii = squeak, high-pitched sound, as in a door supo = pop? Anyway, the sound of tight
peep peep) squeaking something being pulled off (or pulled out), such
as Hiei's boot coming off his foot, or an arrow
kiiiii! = long high-pitched sound: brakes coming out of Hiei-chan's head.
D squealing, hysterical scream (see also biiii for
shrieking) surari, surarito = long and straight, slim,
da da da, daaaaaaaa = running away slender (see also sunari)
(see also do do do, ta, ta ta ta) kichi kichi = full, jam-packed
suru = slow movement, e.g. cloth slowly
dan = bang, boom, sudden impact kichin, kichinto = meticulously, carefully slipping off....

dara dara = continuous dripping of thick kin kon, kan kon, kin koun (and suta = landing (as in after you've jumped)
liquid, like blood, sweat, saliva drool (see also jo, other variations) = ding dong, as of a
jururu, zururu) school bell (see also pin pon) sutatata = running

dere dere = sloppy, loose. Also to go goofy kippari = flatly, definitely, clearly (to say suten = falling
over someone, to fawn. something this way)
sutetete = a little kid running fast
do = big impact kira, kiran, kirari = twinkle, shine, glint (see
also gira) suton = sit
do = heartbeat, the loudest kind! (see also doki
doki, dokun, tokun) kiri kiri = scratching or scraping, less vigorous
than giri T
do do do do = footsteps, especially heavy
footsteps, running (see also da) kiri kiri = business, haste taaaaa = dashing, running (see also da, do do
do, tatata)
do do do do = quick punches kishi = creaking (see also gishi)
tappuri = full, stuffed
Dobi = missed kick kochoku = frozen, paralyzed
tatatata = running lightly
doka = impact koho = cough (see also goho, kehen, kon)
tehe = teehee, giggle
doki doki = heartbeat (see also dokun, tokun) koi = come on (as a fighting phrase)
teka teka = shiny, smooth surface
dokun = harder heartbeat (see also doki, tokun) koi koi = come, come, beckoning
teku teku = walking (see also to to to, toko
don = BIG impact kokun = swallow (see also goku, gokun) toko)

don = sometimes added to a scene for dramatic kokuri, kokkun = nod ten ten tenmari tentemari = traditional
effect, to show that something astonishing or song to accompany bouncing a ball
important has happened (see also ban) kon = quiet impact, such as knocking at a door
tere = abashed. K-san: "Embarrassed in a
dondon = continuous action kon = soft cough (see also goho, kehen, koho) happy way. Like when you're asked out on a date
by somebody you like, you go 'tere.'"
dopyu = spurting (as in blood) K-san: "The kopo = pouring
'pyu' is the spurting (quick action, just like 'pyu' to = quiet impact, e.g. a soft landing from a
on its own), and the 'do' emphasizes it, just as in kori = crunch, as in eating. K-san: "Pori pori is jump
'dosu.'" the quietest crunching. Pori pori is for cookies;
bari bari is for chips. Kori kori is for broccoli and to to to = walking (see also teku, toko)
doron, dororonpa = the sound of magical asparagus." (see also bari, pari, pori)
transformation (see also bon, pon, pom) to, ton, tonde = jumping
kori kori = scraping
dorya = what to yell as you attack; a fighting tobo tobo = dejected walking
taunt or war cry. (see also ora, orya, sorya, uraa) koro, koron = dropping something, something
rolling or tumbling (see also poro) toko toko = walking (see also teku teku)
dosa = thud of something heavy (often a person
or body) hitting the floor koshi koshi = rubbing, wiping (see also goshi, tokun = harder heartbeat (see also dokun)
doshin = impact ton = fairly quiet impact
koso, kossori = sneaky, doing something
Dosshu = a cut through bone stealthily tontonton = chopchopchop (as of food) or
any other light continuous action (see also
dosu = spurting. K-san: "The 'su' is the koto, kotsun = little clink, like the sound of a dondondon)
spurting, and the 'do' emphasizes it, just as in glass being put down or a tear gem falling.
'dopyu.'" toppuri = night falling, the sun disappearing
kotsu kotsu = slowly but surely
dotabata = running around wildly, as in panic tote = toddle toddle (see also hote)
or confusion (compare to jitabata for flailing) ku = sleeping (see also gu, supigu, suka, suya)
tsu = A small tsu on its own in a word balloon
dote = impact, falling. W-san: "This sound is ku, ku ku, ku ku ku = giggle in the throat puzzled us for a while. We tried various things,
often used in reference to the frequent, usually but finally M.J. came up with what we think is
comical falls toddler are always taking. With ku, kukyururu, kyururu = stomach the best solution. "I hear it as a slightly high-
adults it means a careless, slapstick fall." rumbling, tummy growling pitched 'uh' made by catching your breath in your
throat." So from now on we're translating it as
doyon = sluggish and exhausted, depressed kudo kudo = repetitive 'uh.'
(see also bo)
kuha = yawn (see also fua, fa) tsu, su = rain
E kukaa = sleepy breathing tsu, tsuuuu = bzzzzzzzz (insect sound)

e! e? = what! huh? We usually translate this as kukuri = distinct, clear tsubu = eyes (and only eyes) closing
'eh?' although the Japanese 'e?' is less colloquial
kun kun = smelling tsun tsun = bad-smelling, stinky (see also
and informal than the Western 'eh?'
pun pun)
kune kune = wiggling like a snake (see also
e, eeee = cry, wail (see also hu-e, miiii)
nyoro nyoro) tsuru, tsurun = sliding, also used for
ee = yes, okay, sure something smooth or slick
kunka kunka = sniff sniff (as of smelling).
eeto = (said by a character) um, er, uh. What (see also funka, hunka, nku) tsutsutsu, sususu = sliding
you say while you're thinking of what to say.
kura = dizziness (see also fura) tsuya tsuya = shining, glowing (the way
ehen = we've had this translated as both 'ahem!' Kurama looks in the morning ^_^)
kurin = curling (as in the movement of tentacles
and 'haha!'
or an unhappy dog's tail)
ei = shriek U
kuru = turning
u = ugh, urgh, ulp! A grunt or growl of surprise,
kusha, kushu, kushun = sneeze: ker-choo!
F pain, or anger.
kusu = little laugh uchu = kiss (see also buchu, chu, nchu)
fua, fuwa, fa = yawn
kuta, kutari = droopy, wilted, limp. Used to ugogo = choking
fu, fua (hu hua) = sigh, blowing breath out describe people or plants. (see also guttari)
(as in blowing out a candle)
uka uka, ukkari = daydreaming, not paying
kya = shriek (see also gya) attention
fu fu fu (hu hu hu) = a strange laugh.
M.J.: "The evil chuckle in the back of the throat." kyapi kyapi = happy noisy girlish chattering ukkun = swallow, gulp (see also gokun,
(see also ku ku ku, pu pu pu)
kyoro kyoro = looking this way and that,
fuki fuki = wiping searching for something with the eyes umu = uh, uh-huh, hmm (see also fumu)
fumi = step, stomp kyu, gyu = grab uni = the noise you make with your mouth
fumu (humu) = hmmph, hmm, uh-huh (see when you're waking up
kyururu, ku, kukyururu = stomach
also umu) rumbling, tummy growling unsho = effort (see also nsho, yoisho)
funka funka (hunka hunka) = sniff
unzari = bored, fed up
sniff, inhale (see also nku, kunka) L
uraaa, uryaaa = roar, war cry (see also
fura = yawn (see also fua) ((none)) dorya, ora, orya, sorya)
fura = drift
ura ura = swaying
fura = dizziness (see also kura) M
uto = nodding off
fura, fura fura = wobble, totter meki meki = quick progress
utsura = half-asleep
fura, furi, furu = tremble, quiver (see also mero mero = limp, floppy (see also hero, pura,
puran) uttori = enraptured by beauty
meso meso = whimper, sniffle uuu = sound of anger: Urrgh!
fusa = abundant, soft hair. (Or, in these stories,
somebody touching it.)
miii = cry, wail (see also e, hu-e) uwaaaa! = exclamation: Auuugh!
fuwa, fuwato = gentle movement, lifting or uzo uzo = menace. A sound that evil creatures
floating Miin miin = The sound of cicadas in the
summer and nasty plants make. (see also gi gi and go go
fuwari, funwara = even gentler, calmer
movement than fuwato mishi mishi = creak creak

fwahaha = evil laugh, same as bwahaha, moji moji = shyness V

gahaha, gwahaha
moku = eating, munching (see also mugu) ((none))

momi = groping (this one comes up a lot, sadly)

mu, musu, mumuu, muun = grimace,
ga = yet another impact word anger, sulkiness. It's been suggested that the sound wa! = (a character saying it) Wow! Ack!
of 'mu' is a sort of closed-mouth grunt--perhaps
gaba = grab (see also gashi, gu, gui, gya, gyu,
ku, kyu)
similar to the sound of disapproval Marge Simpson waa, waaa waaa = (a crowd's) excited roar
makes? (see also wai wai, wara wara)
gaba gaba = gurgling
mugu, muku = eating, munching with closed wai = (a character saying it) feminine
gaba gaba = too big (as of clothes) mouth (see also moku) exclamation of delight. M.J. says of 'wai' and
'wai wai,' "Both are also kid's language for
gacha, gachari = the click of something muka muka = sick, nauseated delight, is why female characters say it to be
opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt cute, I think."
(see also kacha) muku = getting up, sitting up
wai wai = (as a background effect) noise,
gahaha = evil laugh, same as bwahaha, munyu = The sound of groping--usually a girl's excitement, lots of people talking (see also wa,
fwahaha, gwahaha chest wara wara)

gakin = clash mura mura = sexual arousal waku, waku waku = excitement. K-san:
"Happy cute excitement."
gaku = shaking, wobbling (see also kaku,
kakun) N wan wan = bow wow

gakun, gakunto, gakuri = to collapse, n? = Hm? Huh? wara wara = crowd noise (see also waa, wai
fall wai)
n = a grunt, as of surprise, effort, sleepiness, pain,
gapu = big bite, chomp (see also paku) or passion. We've had translators render the actual wasa wasa = rustle rustle?
sound in different ways: mm, n, nh, ngh, ng, ung,
gan = revelation, usually horrible unh. Lately we've been going with nh or ng. wata wata = flap flap

GAAA-N = BIG revelation, always horrible nade nade = stroke stroke, pet pet
gangan = strong or violent action nashi = smack (see also bashi, pashi)
gara gara, garan = clatter, rattle (see also nchu = kiss (see also buchu, chu, uchu)
bara bara, chara chara)
ni, niko, nikori = smile, grin (see also nipa, Y
gasa, goso = rustle, stealthy movement nita)
yaho, yahoi = yoohoo! hey! hi!
gashan = crash, impact (see also gashin, nipa(a) = brilliant smile, grin (see also niko,
gochin) nita) yakimoki = fretting, worrying
gashi = grab (see also gaba, gyu) nisho = effort (see also nsho, nshotto, yoisho) yanwari = soft, gentle
gashin = crash, impact (see also gashan, nita = sinister smile (see also niko, nipa) yare-yare = one of the words/phrases we've
gochin) left in the original. What you say when you're
niyari, nyari = leer frustrated, exasperated, or giving up: Oh, well.
gasshiri = solid
What the heck. Good grief.
nku = sniff sniff, inhale (see also funka, hunka,
gata, gatan = to reel in shock from a kunka) yoisho = effort (see also nsho, unsho)
nnuuu = see nuuu yoji = the sound a cockroach makes when
gata, gatan = to fall or collapse
crawling up your back. May be related to jiri jiri,
noro noro = slowness
gatsu gatsu/gatu gatu = gobble food which is inching.
(see also hau hau, paku) nsho, nshotto = effort (see also nisho, unsho,
yoro, yororo = stagger, waddle, walk shakily
gaya = excited crowd sound
yusa = shaking (something)
nukenuke, nukenuketo = nonchalantly (to
gebo = throwing up speak or act that way)
gefu = belch, burp nuru, nuru nuru, nurun = greasing,
soaping, making slippery
geho = cough (see also goho, kehen, kon, za, za za za = footstep on grass, walking
koho) nuuuu = menace. W-san: "'Nuu' is often used quickly or running through grass or bushes
when something unknown, mysterious, or big
gennari = exhausted appears out of nowhere." za = generic white noise sound, can be tv static,
geshi geshi = not sure about this. At times it nyari, niyari = leer
seems to be a wiping sound like goshi ; at others ZA! = strong, energetic movement.
either a squashing or rustling sound. Maybe a nyoro nyoro = W-san: "Something long and
general cloth sound? thin like a snake moving along with a wriggling za za, zaa zaaa = rustling, e.g., wind
motion." (see also kune kune) rustling in leaves, grass
gi gi, giiee = sounds Kurama's plants (and
other evil plants) make. (for other menacing zaa = rain (louder rain than saa)
sounds see go go go and uzo uzo) O zaba, zabu, zabun = big splash (see also
giku, gikuri = surprise (see also biku, piku) oi = hey!
jabon, shapu, and bashan, picha, pisha for
smaller splashes)
gin = glare, stare at (see also giro)
oisho, yoisho, nsho, nshotto, nisho = ZAKU! = cross between za and zoku?
gira = twinkle, shine, glint (see also kira, kiran) effort, strain: Oof! Umph!
zashu = lash, slash
giri giri = scratching, grinding, more vigorous oo! = approving exclamation: Oh! Whoa!
than kiri (see also bari bari) zawa = rustle. May be specific to plants, we've
oooo = wind howling seen it used for trees and Kurama's power rising.
giri giri = at the limit, to have no time or space
to spare oooo = menacing roar, animal or mechanical zawa = crowd noise
(such as the roar of an engine) (see also buroro)
giro = glare, stare at (see also gin) ze, zei = wheeze, gasp
ora ora = what you say when you punch
gishi = creaking (see also kishi) somebody repeatedly. A fighting taunt or war cry; zoku, zotto = chill or shiver (see also chiri)
we've had it loosely translated as "Take that!" "Try
Gitai-go = not a sound effect, but the Japanese this!" (see also dorya, orya, sorya, uraa) zooon = rumbling, shaking
word for onomatopoeia, or sound effects.
oro oro = shock, surprise, befuddlement, zu = drool or other liquid flowing
go go go go = general menace, a threatening confusion. (You don't usually say it, though, unlike
atmosphere. (for other menacing sounds, see gi Kenshin.) zu = sip, slurp (see also zuzu)
gi and uzo uzo)
orya = what to yell as you attack; a fighting taunt zu, zun = vigorous motion
gochin = impact. W-san: "Another comical or war cry. (see also dorya, ora, sorya, uraa)
collision sound." (see also gashan, gashin) zu(uu), zu(uu)n = disappointment,
osoru osoru = timidly sadness. W-san: "It often describes things
gofu = cough sinking, and can mean a sinking heart."

goho, gohon = a deep, wet cough, also P zuba, zubari = to slice or cut with a single
vomiting up water (see also geho, gofu, kehen, blow (see also supa)
kon, koho) pa(a) = light, shining (see also ka, po)
zugagaga, zugogogo = combination of
goku, gokun = gulp, swallow (see also pachi = K-san: "A sharp, snappy sound." Can be vigorous action and menace? Anyway, loud
kokun) click, crackle, clap, crack, etc. We've seen it used drastic things happening.
for opening eyes, bursting veins, clapping, and
goooo = a roar. Can be a fire sound, often used zuki = sharp pain
indeterminate ominous things happening.
for Hiei's fire attacks (see also bo, guooo, po)
zumo, zumomomo = menace, looming
paka = opening, separating. W-san: "A sound
goro goro = purr purr describing something opening in half. Like when zunguri = dumpy
Peachboy came out of his giant peach, the sound
goro, goron = rolling over. It's supposed to the peach made was 'paka.'"
be something heavy rolling over, but we've seen zuri, zuriri, zuru = stagger when walking,
or fall back in shock (see also gura)
it used for tiny little Hiei rolling. Maybe it means paka = snap
he's rolling heavily.
zuru = sip, slurp (see also zuzu)
paku = closing mouth on food, chomp (see also
goshi = scrubbing, rubbing, wiping (see also gapu) zuru = strong movement, more vigorous than
paku paku = opening and closing mouth,
goso = rummage, rustle eating, gobbling. This is where Pac-man came zuru, zuru zuru = something heavy
from! (see also hau, gatsu) dragging or being pulled
goun = the sound of a washing machine.
Really. At least, we've seen it used for that pan = sudden impact zururu = slurp (see jururu)
specifically by two different djka. The sound of a
dryer, however, is guon (see the difference?) pan pan = pat, pat or smack, smack, as of zusasa = zu (vigorous) plus sasa (quick
dusting hands (or oneself) off motion). We've seen it used for a quick scuttling
gowa gowa = stiff, rigid
pari = crunch, as in eating (see also bari, kori,
pori) zuzu = sip (see also zuru)

Originally found at www.oop-ack.com/manga/soundfx.html

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