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Draft as of 05.05.


Terms of Reference on
Stress Counselling through Podcast in Response of COVID-19
1. Background
The ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China,
in December 2019. As of 5 May 2020, more than 3,442,234 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in over
215 countries and territories1, resulting in approximately 239,740 deaths.2 The COVID-19 pandemic was
confirmed to have spread to Nepal when its first case tested positive in Kathmandu on 24 January 2020.
As of 5 May, Nepal has tested thousands of people so far with 82 confirmed cases, 16 people in recovery
and 106 in isolation and thousands in quarantine.3 As the COVID-19 outbreak spreads, the Government
of Nepal (GoN) is undertaking unprecedented measures to slow and interrupt the transmission of COVID-
19. These include measures such as closing borders, banning international flights, imposing quarantines
and lock down. The GoN has formed a committee to coordinate the preparedness and response efforts
including the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Ministry of Urban
Development, Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force. The GoN has announced a complete lock
down effective from 23 March prohibiting all movement on the roads, vehicle and on foot with limited
exceptions. The GoN has also announced on a relief package to lessen the impact of the disease on the
economy in addition to identification of designated hospitals across the country and procurement of
medical equipment including personal protective equipment (PPE). Meanwhile, Information, Education
and Communication (IEC) materials mainly focusing on key behaviours to prevent spread of the disease
have been disseminated via several forums and media with regular updates regarding COVID-19 from
UN Women’s ongoing efforts on COVID-19 prevention and response
With an aim to support the GoN in preparing and responding to the COVID 19 outbreak, the Humanitarian
Country Team (HCT) has developed the COVID-19 Nepal: Preparedness and Response Plan (NPRP).
Further, the UN has activated the Provincial Focal Point Agency System to support coordination between
the international community and the GoN at the provincial Level.

In line with the UN’s efforts, UN Women has adopted a developmental lens to respond to the current
humanitarian crisis across its programming areas namely inclusive governance and women’s economic
empowerment (WEE). The ongoing efforts of UN Women entails; conducting a series of dialogues with
women’s rights networks, civil society partner organizations, government counterparts and sister UN
agencies to ensure that its programming actions respond to the priorities identified by key stakeholders,

2Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak situation published by WHO. Available at:
3 Situation Report published by Ministry of Health and Population. Available at:

Draft as of 05.05.2020

developing and disseminating key advocacy messages on GESI in COVID -19 response, and designing a
comprehensive package to support women from the excluded groups.

1. Justification
Based on past experiences in Nepal and elsewhere, it is recognized that emergencies can exacerbate
existing vulnerabilities. The specific nature of COVID-19 prevention measures also bring in sharp focus
vulnerabilities linked to psycho-social and mental health4, which may cause tremendous psychological
distress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).5 Undeniably, social distancing, confinement,
isolation and quarantine all act as additional stressors. Restrictions of movement, social distancing,
avoiding physical contact with family members and friends, lockdown, closure of schools and workplaces,
sudden and near-constant stream of news reports including many rumors and misinformation, are
particularly challenging to people’s mental wellbeing. People are experiencing wide range of thoughts,
feelings and reactions including:

• Anxiety/fear/sadness
• nightmares
• Racing/uncontrollable thoughts
• Exhaustion
• Frustration, irritability, or anger
• Restlessness or agitation
• Feeling helpless
• Other emotional or mental health changes
Due to fear of getting infected, rapid changes in way of life, disrupted plans and restriction and
uncertainty, people are concerned for their own and their loved ones’ health and safety thus these
experiences are all understandable. It is essential to care and address public mental health during and
following major catastrophes through distributing timely, accessible and reliable information; providing
psycho-social support; and protecting human rights, especially of those whose rights are often overlooked
or violated during a crisis of this nature.6
Disease outbreaks and emergencies affect women, girls, men, boys, and persons of all genders differently.
More resilient people may function well, whereas others may be severely affected and may need
specialised supports.7 There is a high risk that all forms of gender-based violence (GBV) may increase
during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating more demand and greater need for services. Women’s activist
in Nepal and other countries have reported increased cases of GBV including domestic violence8 due to
restrictions on mobility, extended isolation and other social distancing, with limited options for accessing

CARE International. Gender Implications of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Development and Humanitarian Settings. 16 March 2020.
Dibash Kumar Das. “In China, COVID-19 Outbreak Leads to Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms”. 17 March 2020.
6 WHO Statement – Physical and mental health key to resilience during COVID-19 pandemic. Available at:

7 IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency. 2008. f
8 Suvexa Pradhan Tuladhar, “Staying home during coronavirus curfew confines Nepali women with their abusers”, 27 March 2020,

Draft as of 05.05.2020

support services. Support to GBV survivors may be disrupted when front-line service providers and
systems are overburdened and preoccupied with COVID-19 response.9
Therefore, it is important to ensure access to services for women and most vulnerable population facing
stress including remote case management and psycho-social support; and to mitigate impacts of social
distancing and segregation.10 The NPRP also recommends the need to strengthen hotlines and alert
mechanisms; enhance access to information to the most vulnerable populations in order, support the
delivery of psychological first aid and psycho-social services and support psycho-social well-being of
affected population and their families traumatized by pandemic, including those hospitalised or in
quarantine to regulate further exacerbate vulnerabilities. Similar recommendations were reiterated in the
key advocacy messages endorsed by the HCT 11 and the Charter of Demand submitted by women’s group
to the GoN.12
A COVID-19 Social Media Survey 2020, conducted with 1,618 participants by Transcultural Psychosocial
Organization Nepal (TPO Nepal) revealed that 42 per cent of respondents suffered from at least one
psychosocial problem whereas 26 per cent suffered from two or more psycho-social problems such as
restlessness, fearfulness, anxiety and worry and sadness.13

In the current context, with social distancing and self-quarantine measures enforced, the reliance on
digital mediums and online platforms has gone up significantly. At the same time, there is an increase in
the circulation of misinformation, false news, rumors and myth about the virus on digital platforms,
causing unnecessary panic and confusion among people. Correct information and psycho-social
counselling, provided as part of early prevention and response to pandemic, can have significant impact
on minimizing mental health concerns and developing positive coping strategies.

With this backdrop, noting the importance of mental and emotional well-being during emergencies, NCO
is seeking the services of an organisation to develop a series of podcasts on psycho-social support mainly
focusing on stress and anxiety management targeting vulnerable population including women and youth
in the midst of the current outbreak of COVID-19.

A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal
device for easy listening. In the current contexts, podcasts can serve as an accessible digital medium to
connect and support the people who are going through a stressful situation and provide and ensure
circulation of accurate information, to stem the spread of rumors and inaccurate information. It can be
used to support people dealing with mental health issues as it allows the listener to identify with another
person and has become a popular medium for sharing information and podcasts that discuss psychology
and mental health have garnered widespread audiences. As podcast is mobile friendly, it can be easily
accessed on different platforms including Facebook, YouTube, twitter, SoundCloud, apple podcast and
google podcast. This intervention will primarily focus on women and youth in urban areas with access to
mobile technology to download podcasts. However, an abridged version of the podcast will be made
available to local communities of Province 2 and Sudurpaschim Province through radio broadcasting in
local languages.

9 The first 100 days of COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific: A Gender Lens. office
eseasia/docs/publications/2020/04/ap_first_100 days_covid-19.pdf?la=en&vs=5426
The COVID-19 Outbreak and Gender.

12 Gender Equality update 14. Gender in the COVID-19 Response, April 2020

Draft as of 05.05.2020

2. Objectives
The main objective of this initiative is to support vulnerable population including women and youth to
address their anxiety and fear related with the pandemic, by identifying, addressing and disseminating
accurate information and possible interpretations with non-prescriptive suggestions in response to the
psychological issues in the current context of COVID-19 through podcast and local FM stations.
The objectives of this initiative are:
• To develop and design a platform for people to express and share psychological problems they
are dealing with due to the ongoing pandemic
• To provide counselling and psycho-social support to cope with the stress
• To provide information on various approaches that can be practiced by people in their daily lives
to deal with the consecutive fear of the disease through expert counselors
• To provide and ensure circulation of accurate information, to stem the spread of rumours and
inaccurate information

3. Scope of Work
To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the select agency is expected to carry out the below activities
in close collaboration with UN Women Nepal.
Design and Content
• Design 20 podcast episodes with certified experts/counsellors from the country to present
non-prescriptive 'coping mechanism' which can be adopted by the audience as a tool to deal
with their stress and anxiety.
• Engage with certified experts/counsellors to provide counselling and psycho-social support
and inform people regarding the possible interpretation of the reasoning for their thoughts.
The episodes will focus on different topics including stress faced by elderly, youth, women
(including pregnant women’s concerns), vulnerable communities including frontline workers
and LGBTIQ groups. Similarly, some broad view of the current scenario, types of psychological
problems people go through in a crisis of this nature and different ways people can adapt to
cope with the psychological distress will be covered. The standard guidelines and protocols
on GBV should be followed including information on referral pathways while providing
psycho-social counselling to survivors. A detailed methodology should be attested along with
the proposal elaborating approaches that will be followed to ensure gender sensitivity and
confidentiality safeguarding the rights, needs and preferences of women and excluded
• Develop a brief outreach strategy to ensure reach to target audiences; primarily women,
excluded groups and youth networks. The strategy should include proposed structure and
approaches for the implementation of the strategy.
• Ensure availability of the recorded podcast in both video and audio formats. The video format
should have subtitles in English language.
• Disseminate the recorded podcast via all major podcast platforms such as SoundCloud,
Anchor, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, etc. In addition, the video version should be
made available on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other Social Media channels for easy
access and reach.

Draft as of 05.05.2020

• Translate and disseminate the abridged version of the podcast into two languages through
radio broadcasting in local radio channels in Province 2 and Sudurpaschim Province namely
Maithali, Bhojpuri, Doteli, and Tharu. Different strategies such as social media strategy of
push marketing, peer-to-peer referral, social media marketing, digital community groups
should be considered to ensure maximum access. The recorded podcast should also be shared
with different women’s groups, youth groups, including with former and current UN Trainees
to ensure maximum reach.
• Circulate accurate information, to stem the spread of rumours and inaccurate information.
Information should include recommendations, briefs and rumor tracking developed by the
UN and the government.
Feedback collection

• Collect questions and feedback from the audience, including from the Province 2 and
Sudurpaschim Province, and discuss during the question and answer segment. The questions
should be collected through google question form and from the comments sections on
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, other Social Media websites where the podcast is made available
and local radio partner in two Provinces. Informed consent and confidentiality must be
maintained while collecting questions and feedback.
• Based on feedback collected from the audience and through youth networks, revise/modify
topics of subsequent episodes.

4. Expected Deliverables, Timeframe and Schedule of Payment

The duration of the contract will be from May 2020 to December 2020.

Deliverables Tentative Payment Remarks

Inception Report with May 20% Disbursement will be made after UN Women’s
detailed work-plan, approval and acceptance of the workplan
methodology and inclusive
outreach strategy
20 recorded podcasts of 30 June to
minutes in Nepali language November
(with English subtitles)
disseminated through
SoundCloud, Anchor, Apple
Podcast, Google Podcast,
Spotify, Facebook, YouTube
and Twitter
20 episodes of half an hour June to
radio broadcast of the November
abridged version of all
podcast series in 2 local
languages in Province 2 and
Sudurpaschim Province

Draft as of 05.05.2020

namely Maithali, Bhojpuri,

Doteli, and Tharu
Summary analysis of issues End of 20% Disbursement will be made after UN Women’s
identified/feedback November approval of the deliverable
received along with log
sheet of questions received
from audiences as annex
(including information on

Final project completion 15th of 75 % The final payment will be made after the
report December approval and acceptance of the final report

5. Requirement for the Agency

• A non-profit, non-governmental organization registered under the District Administration Office
and the Social Welfare Council
• At least five years of progressive experience in engaging with youth, gender equality, and social
• Availability of experienced in-house content writer, researchers, IT expert, and podcast
developers on a range of issues related to GESI, psycho-social support and mental health . Key
personnel should be familiar with standard protocols and ethical guidelines on GBV
• Excellent technical capacities to ensure smooth and high-quality content
• Experience in designing and conducting training and workshop focusing on stress management,
leadership and communication
• Experience in developing podcasts will be added an advantage
• Availability of in-house certified experts/counselors or existing (formal) partnerships with
accredited psycho-social organizations
• Well established partnerships with media houses and community radio channels and existing
grassroot networks to ensure reach to target audience

6. Required Qualifications and Experience of the Counselor

• Master’s degree in psychology, psychiatry, clinical social or mental health from recognized

Experience and skill

• Minimum of seven to ten years of demonstrable work experience in providing psychological
counselling on stress management, mental health training and supervision, with special emphasis
on managing critical incident stress
• Current/past affiliation with accredited mental health institutional or psycho-social organisation
• Additional certification, training and or experience in a broad range of related fields, such as stress
management, psychological disease, behavioral problems, psycho-social programming, gender-
based violence will be an asset
• Experience of providing counselling from a feminist lens and exhibit strong feminist values
• Well-developed communication, leadership and team-building skills

Draft as of 05.05.2020

• Experience of providing trauma counselling in humanitarian action will be an added advantage

• Counselor should follow standard UN Women and WHO guidelines and ethical standards related
to GBV, while developing content and delivering service
7. Guiding Principle
The implementation of the proposed activities should be guided by the following principles:

• Gender equality and social inclusion

• Intersectionality
• Participation of inclusive excluded group (Dalit groups, migrant workers, Madhesi group,
Muslim group, disability groups, people living with health complication)
• Leave No One Behind Principle
• Transparency, accountability, and good governance
• Human rights-based approach
• Conflict Sensitivity and confidentiality including Do-No-Harm.

8. Geographic Locations

Activities Location
Podcast Different platforms including Facebook, YouTube, twitter,
SoundCloud, apple podcast and google podcast

Radio Broadcast Sarlahi, Rautahat, Sunsari, Bajura, Doti, Kailali of Province 2 and
Sudurpaschim Province in partnership with local radio stations in UN
Women Programme districts

9. Approach
The selected organization should:
• Ensure partnerships with experts in providing psycho-social counselling
• Ensure partnerships with media houses and community radio channels
• Ensure the participation of diverse and inclusive populations
• Ensure application of Do No Harm principle
10. Reporting Obligations
• Deliverables have been highlighted under section 3 and 4
• All purchase of equipment should be supported by at least three quotations
• “Ownership” of any equipment and supplies procured through UN women funds shall rest with
UN women until such time as ownership thereof is transferred
• A final comprehensive report of all activities (including scripts, photographs, summary analysis of
issues identified/feedback received along with log sheet of questions received from audiences)
will be submitted to the UN Women at the end of the contract
• The agency will discuss updates and issues with UN Women as and when required
• Final financial statement for the actual expenditure will be submitted in the interim for the release
of subsequent payment

Draft as of 05.05.2020

• The agency should design content, collect questions, feedbacks and provide counseling, ensuring
confidentiality and respecting the Do Not Harm principle.
• The agency should ensure compliance with the recent UN Women and WHO guidelines and
ethical standards, while developing content and delivering services
11. Contribution to UN Women’s Strategic Note
This assignment will contribute to the following outcomes and outputs of Strategic Note 2018-2022 of UN
Output 1.1.3
Activity: NPL_D_1.1.3.2 Strengthen the existing and support the establishment of new platforms for
excluded groups', including women's organisations and networks' to advance feminist leadership and joint
engagement with sub-national government to dialogues on inclusive governance and other GESI issues
such as gender-discriminatory social norms and harmful practices, taking forward the Nepal Planet 50:50
NPL_O_2 Increased engagement of partners in support of UN Women’s mandate
NPL_O_2.1.2 Partnership for inclusion- Leaving no one behind (LNOB) Strengthen existing and initiate
new partnerships to advance gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in line with the NCO's 2019
Diversity Strategy: developing and implementing joint advocacy efforts; fostering young leaders of all
genders in coalition building across different social movements; supporting thought workshops with
women leaders to promote feminist leadership, promoting a coordinated and coherent approach of DPs
through co-chairing the IDPG GESI WG; enhancing the capacity of all three tiers of government,
development partners and civil society on GESI- all with an emphasis on gender discriminatory social norm
12. Intellectual Property

All information pertaining to this assignment (audio, digital, project documents, etc.) belonging to the
client under this consultancy shall remain the property of the Client (UN Women) who shall have exclusive
rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the

13. Application Procedure

Applicants are required to submit the following:
• Letter of Interest, stating why you consider your firm suitable for the assignment
• A technical proposal: with a description of methodology, approach and implementation of the
assignment. The proposal should detail how gender sensitivity and sensitivity to affected persons
will be ensured, and the rights, needs and preferences of women and excluded groups
safeguarded. The technical proposal should also include a brief outreach strategy indicating the
approaches that will be adopted to ensure maximum outreach to reach target audiences, mainly
women, excluded groups and youth networks
• CVs of technical personnel proposed for this project highlighting their qualifications and
experience in similar initiatives
• Proposed list of topics for podcasts/radio programme and suggested speakers/counsellors (with
• Company profile

Draft as of 05.05.2020

• Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together
with any other expenses) related to this assignment, including all administration cost, overheads,
printing and production cost etc. Financial proposal should submit in separate Financial envelop.

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