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Journal of
Copyright © 2015 American Scientific Publishers
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
All rights reserved Vol. 15, 6533–6540, 2015
Printed in the United States of America

Functionalization of Titanium Alloy Surface by Graphene

Nanoplatelets and Metal Oxides: Corrosion Inhibition
Jayanta Mondal1 , Lauri Aarik1 , Jekaterina Kozlova1 , Ahti Niilisk1 , Hugo Mändar1 ,
Uno Mäeorg2 , Alda Simões3 , and Väino Sammelselg1 2 ∗
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Tartu, 50411, Estonia
Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Tartu, 50411, Estonia
ICEMS and Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Corrosion inhibition of metallic substrates is an important and crucial step for great economical as
well as environmental savings. In this paper, we introduce an extra thin effective corrosion inhibitive
material having layered structure designed for protection and functionalization of Ti Grade 5 alloy
substrates. The coating consists of a first layer made of thin graphene nanoplatelets, on top of
which a multilayer Al2 O3 and TiO2 films is applied by low-temperature atomic layer deposition. The
amorphous structure of the metal oxide films was confirmed by micro-Raman and X-ray diffraction
analysis. Corrosion inhibition ability of the prepared coatings was analyzed by open circuit potential,
potentiodynamic plot and by voltammetric analysis, in aqueous potassium bromide solution. The
open circuit potential of theby
Delivered graphene-metal oxide coated
Publishing Technology to:substrate
Väino showed much passive nature
than bare substrate or graphene On:
coated or Tue,
only 27 Oct
metal oxide2015 19:48:19
coated substrates. The localized cor-
Copyright: American
rosion potential of the graphene-metal Scientific
oxide coated, Publishers
only metal oxide coated, and bare substrates
were found 5.5, 3.0, and 1.1 V, respectively. In addition, corrosion current density values of the
graphene-metal oxide and only metal oxide coated substrates showed much more passive nature
than the bare and graphene coated substrates. Long immersion test in the salt solution further
clarified the effective corrosion inhibition of the graphene-metal oxide coated substrate. The ana-
lyzed results reflect that the graphene-metal oxide films can be used to prepare better and effective
corrosion inhibition coatings for the Ti Grade 5 alloy to increase their lifetime.
Keywords: Titanium Alloy, Graphene Nanoplatelets, Metal Oxides Laminate, Atomic Layer
Deposition (ALD), Corrosion Inhibition.

1. INTRODUCTION resistive graphene coatings applied on Fe, Cu, and Cu–Ni

Ti Grade 5 alloy, indicated also as Ti alloy or Ti- alloy surfaces,10 11 corrosion inhibitive graphene coatings
6Al-4V, was the first Ti alloy developed for aerospace on Fe and Cu surfaces,12–14 and microbial corrosion resis-
applications.1 Under various environments, titanium spon- tance of metallic substrates covered with graphene layer.15
taneously forms a passive layer of oxides on its surface, In spite of these promising reports, it is a great challenge
which plays a decisive role to determine its corrosion to develop better, effective and stable corrosion inhibitive
resistance.2 In the alloy, however, several oxides of iron, coatings using graphene material. In order to protect the
aluminum and vanadium are reported to form in the pas- metal surface, uniform and defect less coating of graphene
sive layer, which affect the protective properties of the is needed. Thin films made of CVD graphene or graphene
passive film.3 Many efforts have been made to improve nanoplatelets prepared from natural graphite usually pro-
the corrosion resistance of this alloy.4–9 Recently, barrier vide incomplete coverage, leaving local defects at which
properties of graphene have been reported in the literature, corrosion or unwanted oxidation processes may easily
which apparently increase the stability of several metals develop, while serious doubts remain regarding the capa-
and alloys. For example, reports are found on oxidation bility of industrial production of coated systems with good
adhesion. In our early studies, we investigated whether

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. graphene oxide (GO) or reduced graphene oxide (rGO)

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2015, Vol. 15, No. 9 1533-4880/2015/15/6533/008 doi:10.1166/jnn.2015.10775 6533

Functionalization of Titanium Alloy Surface by Graphene Nanoplatelets and Metal Oxides: Corrosion Inhibition Mondal et al.

nanoplatelets can act as corrosion inhibitors and found that was analyzed with Fourier Transform Infrared spectro-
both of them revealed great potential for control of corro- scope (FTIR; BXII, Perkin Elmer) using potassium bro-
sion of metal substrates.16 However, modifications of these mide (KBr) beam splitter and deuterated triglycine sulfate
materials are highly needed to prepare durable coatings. (DTGS) detector. All measurements were carried out by
So far, we have reported graphene oxide-polypyrrole (GO- micro-attenuated total reflectance (-ATR) cell using ZnSe
PPy) composite as a modification of this material.17 18 internal reflection element.
In the present work, we report further modification The surface morphology of Ti/rGO/laminated,
of this material as graphene-metal oxide composite. The Ti/laminated, Ti/rGO coated, and bare Ti alloy substrates
graphene-metal oxide coating was prepared using atomic were studied with high-resolution scanning electron
layer deposition (ALD) technique. The corrosion inhibi- microscope (HR-SEM; Helios NanoLab 600, FEI). The
tion ability of this coating was tested on Ti alloy substratesstructural properties of the coatings were analyzed using
using different electrochemical analysis techniques. The Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction (XRD; SmartLab,
results exhibit that the new coating has excellent corrosion Rigaku using CuK radiation) studies.
inhibition ability. Inspection of the coating was also made by producing
cross sections with Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron
Microscope (FIB-SEM, Helios NanoLab 600, FEI). The
2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS corrosion inhibition ability of the substrates was assessed
Graphene oxide nanoplatelets were prepared from graphite by monitoring the open circuit potential (Eoc  and by
powder (lateral dimensions ≤2 m, thickness 2–6 nm, voltammetry and Tafel plots. All the electrochemical mea-
surface area 750 m2 /g, carbon content >98 wt%; Strem surements were done in 1 M aqueous KBr solution at
Chemicals) by modified Hummer’s method.19–21 The room temperature. The Eoc was measured under contin-
reduction of GO dispersion was carried out using iron uous immersion, for a period of 2 h. Potentiodynamic
powder and 37% hydrochloric acid (HCl) at room tem- polarization was carried out in two ways: one in the poten-
perature (22 ± 2  C). The detail preparation procedure is tial range −250 to +250 mV with scan rate 0.125 mV/s
reported in our early studies.16 22 The Ti Grade 5 alloy to determine passive current (presented as Tafel plots) and
(Sengewald) pieces of 20 mm × 20 mm (substrates) were the another with scan rate of 10 mV/s, for assessment
polished with abrasive paperDelivered
P240 and by
cleaned in an ultra- of the trans-passive potential. Reference 600 Potentio-
Publishing Technology to: Väino Sammelselg
sonic bath using ethanol and isopropanol (Alfa Aesar). In stat/Galvanostat
IP: On: Tue, 27 (Gamry Instruments) was used for all the
Oct 2015 19:48:19
each solvent cleaning process was carried out for American electrochemical
30 min- Scientific measurements. Continuous immersion test
utes. The thin rGO coating on the Ti alloy substrate was in 1 M KBr aqueous solution for a period of 40 days was
prepared by spin coating (Spin Coater CSS-05, PI-Kem) also carried through to investigate the coating durability.
at 1000 rpm. The 800 L of ∼0.2 mg/mL concentra-
tion water-ethanol rGO dispersion was used to coat the 3. RESULTS
substrates subsequently. The Al2 O3 and TiO2 films were The Raman spectra of the raw graphite powder, GO and
deposited on the rGO coated substrates by atomic layer rGO nanoplatelets on silicon (1 0 0) surface. The carbon
deposition (ALD) method. Throughout this text, the multi- material shows characteristic G and D bands-Figure 1. The
layer Al2 O3 and TiO2 films will be referred as “lami- G band at 1582 cm−1 arises from first order scattering of
nate.” The ALD deposition performed was as followed: phonon E2 g symmetry at the  point of the first Brillouin
The Al2 O3 and TiO2 films were deposited in a flow-type
low-pressure ALD reactor23 in a stream of pure nitrogen
gas (99,999%, AGA Estonia) at 125  C. The substrates
were coated with 200 cycles of Al2 O3 using precursors
Al(CH3 3 (TMA; 98%, Strem Chemicals) and Millipore
H2 O at the substrate temperature of 125  C with the ALD
sub-cycle periods of 3/2/2/5 s. Then, 200 cycles of TiO2
was deposited using TiCl4 (99.9%, Strem Chemicals) and
H2 O as precursors at the same substrate temperature with
the ALD sub-cycle periods of 2/2/2/5 s. The above growth
procedure was repeated for three times in order to accom-
plish six metal oxide nanofilms.
Both GO and rGO nanoplatelets were deposited onto
silicon substrate and studied with -Raman Spectroscope-
Microscope (in via Raman Microscope, Renishaw), with a
laser beam of 514 nm using 10% of the laser maximum Figure 1. Raman spectrum of graphite, graphene oxide, and reduced
intensity. The extent of reduction of the GO nanoplatelets graphene oxide on Si(1 0 0) surface.

6534 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 6533–6540, 2015

Mondal et al. Functionalization of Titanium Alloy Surface by Graphene Nanoplatelets and Metal Oxides: Corrosion Inhibition

zone of graphite and involves in-plane bond stretching of C–H, O C–H, C O, and C C stretching vibrations
sp2 carbon pairs,24 25 whereas the D band at 1350 cm−1 were also found, at 2924, 1706, 1567, and 1382 cm−1 ,
arises from breathing mode of K (kappa) point phonons of respectively.35–38 After chemical reduction, the high inten-
A1 g symmetry. The D band appears only in disordered car- sity peaks assigned strongly diminished, although some
bon materials and its intensity is connected to the presence bands were maintained in the rGO spectrum. The band
of six-fold aromatic rings.24–26 High values for the ratio of corresponding to O–H groups appeared at 3427 cm−1 ,
the integrated intensities of the D and G bands (ID /IG  are which was also observed for the KBr matrix, whereas
usually taken as an indication of disorder in the graphitic the band at 1633 cm−1 can be assigned to stretching of
structures. In the present case, the ID /IG ratio values for the adsorbed water molecules.39–41 During the reduction
graphite and GO were found 0.97 and 0.90, respectively. step, the carboxyl groups present in the GO are not eas-
The lower ratio value for GO indicates well ordered struc- ily reduced.42 These groups could remain untouched dur-
ture in the material. After chemical reduction, the ID /IG ing reduction process and are most probably localized
ratio was increased to 1.18, suggesting an increase of the at the edges of graphene nanoplatelets. Their presence
disorder level of the material. A similar increase of the should not deleteriously influence the electronic properties
ratio ID /IG has been reported in the literature.27–32 Alter- of graphene nanoplatelets. The spectra also contain a com-
natively, this increase could result from the smaller lateral ponent from the skeletal vibration of un-oxidized graphitic
scale of graphene flakes, which would increase the con- domains.39–42
centration of defects.27 33 However, it has been suggested The rGO coated sample was reasonably homogeneous
also that GO is an amorphous state and that the graphitic and had good surface coverage by the rGO nanoplatelets-
state can only recover after reduction, which means that Figure 3(a). A few pores seen at the surface are not
the ID /IG ratio cannot be directly compared between these expected to extend throughout the coating, as it consists of
two states.25 34 The presence of a large number of hydroxyl several layers of graphene nanoplatelets. When the lami-
and epoxy groups in the GO structure decrease the rela- nate is applied directly on the substrate, the oxides take
tive number of aromatic rings, diminishing the intensity round-shaped features that seem to follow roughly the
of 2D band.28 Such decrease in aromaticity agrees well morphology of the substrate-Figure 3(b). When applied
with the low electrical conductivity of GO. After chemical onto the GO layer, however, the morphology of the lam-
reduction, most of the oxygenated functional groups were inate to:
is Väino
quite different—Figure 3(c). The surface has
Delivered by Publishing Technology Sammelselg
removed, increasing both the aromaticity and the electrical
IP: On: Tue, a27well-defined
Oct 2015 19:48:19
globular structure, with small grains, of
conductivity in the rGO structure. This reduction American
Copyright: process Scientific Publishers
approximately 0.1 m; this structure is typical for amor-
could be limited if the aromatic areas in rGO are small
phous metal oxides and the nucleation and growth of metal
and thus the relative intensity of D band is in sum increas-
oxides on the rGO surface is clearly good as the laminate
ing, leading to the increase of ID /IG ratio. The S3 band
−1 covers the surface homogeneously. The cross section of the
observed at 2882 cm is the combined reflection of D and
Ti/rGO/laminated substrate-Figure 3(d)-shows a thin dark
G bands.
layer of rGO nanoplatelets covered by a striped structure
The extent of reduction of GO material was analyzed by
that corresponds to the six sublayers of metal oxides lam-
FTIR spectroscopy as well. The spectrum of GO-Figure 2-
−1 inate, finally covered with Pt protective coating deposited
shows two strong peaks at 3422 and 1117 cm . The first
locally with the FIB (grey granulated sheet). The coat-
one was due to stretching vibration of both structural O–H
ing has a total thickness of ∼200 nm and it is compact
groups and adsorbed water molecules, whereas the sec-
and continuous, thus covering homogeneously the rGO
ond one was due to typical C–O structural vibration. The
film. The first Al2 O3 sublayer, deposited directly onto the
rGO surface, covers the graphene layer well, which is
not common for CVD or micromechanically extracted nat-
ural graphene.43 This means that some water molecules
or OH-groups were physisorbed on the surface of rGO
nanoplatelets before the growth and act as active sites
for the adsorption of the aluminum precursor and helping
nucleation as well as growth of the Al2 O3 .44 The adsorp-
tion of small molecules such as H2 O, NH3 , O3 and NO2
on graphene has been reported because of a partial charge
transferring from graphene to N/O atoms.45–48 Moreover,
due to defective structure of the rGO nanoplatelets it can
be also easier to cover with metal oxide films using ALD
Figure 2. FTIR spectrum of graphene oxide (dotted line), and reduced It is known that nucleation of TiO2 directly onto
graphene oxide (solid line). graphene is difficult, as the basal plane of graphene is

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 6533–6540, 2015 6535

Functionalization of Titanium Alloy Surface by Graphene Nanoplatelets and Metal Oxides: Corrosion Inhibition Mondal et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3. HR-SEM images of surfacesDelivered by Publishing

of (a) rGO, (b) Al2 O3 /TiO2Technology to:rGO/Al
laminated, and (c) Väino Sammelselg
2 O3 /TiO2 laminated Ti-5 substrates; and of (d) FIB-made
cross-section of rGO/Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminatedIP:
substrate. On: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 19:48:19
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
unreactive.49 50 With this procedure, the growth of TiO2 on the graphene surface. The ID /IG peak ratio before and
film becomes easier, as it is applied on the Al2 O3 layer. after lamination was found of 0.95 and 0.97, respectively.
The alumina film thus acts as an “adhesion layer,” mak- The G peak positions for the above were measured at 1595
ing the growth of TiO2 film easier than on the graphene and 1592 cm−1 , respectively. These changes indicate that
surface directly. the oxygen of the Al2 O3 film is not chemically bonded
The Raman spectra of the rGO with and without lami- with rGO nanoplatelets. For chemically bonded oxide, the
nate (Fig. 4) shows a change in ID /IG ratio as well as a shift ID /IG ratio should have increased and the G band posi-
of G band after ALD lamination, which provide informa- tion should have downshifted significantly.44 51 Some low
tion about the nature and structure of the metal oxide films intensity bands at 170, 438, and 613 cm−1 can also be
observed in Figure 4 and reveal an amorphous structure of
the oxide film, as expected for films grown at relatively
low temperature.50 52–54
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for the both lam-
inated substrates, with and without rGO film-Figure 5-
confirms that the deposited oxides are amorphous. In fact,
the introduction of the rGO layer affected the relative
intensity of the main peaks, but the diffraction peaks mea-
sured are the same and correspond to the spectrum of tita-
nium alloy.
The corrosion inhibition of titanium and its alloys in
chloride medium is recognized as remarkably good. The
naturally formed passive oxide layer on it is quite stable
against moist chloride, ClO−2 , hypochlorous acid, and salts
like NaCl, KCl, NH4 Cl, MgCl2 , BaCl2 , CuCl2 , and FeCl3
Figure 4. Raman spectrum of rGO/Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminated, and rGO neutral solutions.55 However, passive metals and alloys can
coated Ti-5 substrates. be prone to pitting corrosion under aggressive conditions,

6536 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 6533–6540, 2015

Mondal et al. Functionalization of Titanium Alloy Surface by Graphene Nanoplatelets and Metal Oxides: Corrosion Inhibition

Figure 7. Tafel plots of the bare, rGO coated, Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminated,
and rGO/Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminated substrates measured in 1 M KBr aqueous
Figure 5. XRD pattern of the rGO/Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminated (curve 1) and
Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminated (curve 2) Ti-5 substrates, and a model pattern for
pure Ti.
around −200 mV, whereas the sample with the laminate
only had a shift of −400 mV, which indicates that it was
more susceptible to the cathodic polarization, i.e., more
particularly in the presence of some halide salts. Among
halide salts, bromides seem to be the most aggressive to
From the potentiadynamic plots, the passive current den-
titanium alloys.56 For that reason, the corrosion inhibition
ability of the prepared coatings was studied in aqueous sity (Ipass  was determined and is presented in Table I. The
potassium bromide solution. rGO film increases the passive current, possibly due to
As a primary investigation the polarization analysis of increased surface conductivity or active area, whereas the
the substrates were carried out for 2 hours in continuous samples with the laminate (both with and without the rGO
immersion. The open circuit potential of the various sys- underneath) had the lowest passive current dissolution. The
tems is plotted in Figure 6. slope of the cathodic branch of the polarization plots is
Delivered by Publishing Technology the to: Väino
same in all Sammelselg
cases, indicating that the reduction reac-
The potential was quite stable IP: in all the samples On:forTue, tion
27 Oct 2015 19:48:19
the duration of the experiment, whichCopyright:
is normal American is probably
for pas- Scientific Publishers the same, which at this pH should be the
sive systems and reveals stable systems, with no signs of reduction of dissolved oxygen. The pitting potential was
pitting corrosion. The OCP of all the systems was in the determined from fast anodic polarization curves shown
region of passivity according to the Pourbaix diagrams. 57 in Figure 8. The pitting potential (Epitt  of the bare and
Still, the laminate caused a shift to more active potentials, rGO-coated substrates were found 1.1 and 0.4 V, respec-
probably due to the presence of the aluminum oxide. The tively. The E pit for the only laminated and rGO/laminated
systems with the rGO layer (both with and without the substrates were found as high as 3.0 and 5.5 V, respec-
laminate) had a shift of ∼100 mV in the anodic direction. tively. Above analysis, suggests that the rGO/laminated
The polarization plots given in Figure 7 were obtained coating exhibits much better inhibition ability than others
starting from a cathodic potential. The corrosion poten- by increasing Eoc and lowering Ipass density. The inhibi-
tials obtained from the curves are all shifted in cathodic tion ability is thus significantly increased upon introduc-
direction compared to the OCP values, due to the changes ing rGO nanoplatelets film between metallic substrate and
induced by the cathodic part of the experiment on the sur- metal oxide layers. The detailed analysis result is given in
face and also in the local pH. The potential shifts were all Table I.
Finally, the surface microstructures of the substrates
were investigated upon long-term immersion test in the
salt solution. The bare substrate was remarkably destroyed
after the test (Fig. 9), whereas the rGO and just lami-
nated substrates were affected by corrosive bromide anions

Table I. Open circuit potential (Eoc , passive current density (Ipass , and
pitting potential (Epit  values.

Sample Eoc (mV, SCE) Ipass (nA/cm2 ) Epit (V, SCE)

Ti bare −40 22 1.1

Ti/rGO 70 140 0.4
Ti/laminate −120 003 3.0
Figure 6. Open circuit potential (Eocp) of the bare and coated sub-
Ti/rGO/laminate 80 01 5.5
strates measured in 1 M KBr aqueous solution.

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 6533–6540, 2015 6537

Functionalization of Titanium Alloy Surface by Graphene Nanoplatelets and Metal Oxides: Corrosion Inhibition Mondal et al.


Figure 8. Voltammetry plots of the bare, rGO coated, Al2 O3 /TiO2 lam-
inated, and rGO/Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminated Ti-5 substrates measured in 1 M
KBr aqueous solution.

(Figs. 10 (a), (b)). At the same time rGO/laminated sub-
strate remained unaffected—no visible coating delamina-
tion or coating breakdown was noticed (Fig. 10(c)).

The graphene nanoplatelets was prepared by chemical
reduction of graphene oxide dispersion. Homogeneous and
good surface coverage property of the nanoplatelets was
confirmed by SEM images and FIB-made cross sections.
The adhesion, stability and passivity of the graphene
nanoplatelets were increased by covering with amorphous
Al2 O3 and TiO2 layers usingDelivered by Publishing
atomic layer Technology to: Väino Sammelselg
deposition tech-
nique. The formed amorphous metal oxide films effec- On: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 19:48:19
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
tively minimized the defects in the graphene coating. The (c)
polarization, Potentiodynamic polarization and Voltamme-
try analyses reflect that the better and effective corro-
sion protective coating can be prepared by graphene-metal
oxide composite coating. The pitting potential for the
graphene-metal oxide coating determined is well above
the oxidation potential for oxygen evolution, which is a
consequence of the dielectric properties of the films. An
excellent correlation was observed between the passive

Figure 10. HR-SEM images of the (a) rGO coated, (b) Al2 O3 /TiO2
laminated, and (c) rGO/Al2 O3 /TiO2 laminated substrates after 40 days
exposure in 1 M KBr aqueous solution.

current and the pitting potential, i.e., the lower the passive
current, the higher the pitting potential. The reduced GO
does not impart any protection to the Ti substrate, whereas
the best performance is given by the rGO/Al2 O3 /TiO2 coat-
ing. The cathodic branch of the curves has nearly the same
slope in all the systems, but in different current values. In
Figure 9. HR-SEM image of uncoated Ti alloy substrate after 40 days fact, the cathodic reaction is favored on the rGO compared
exposure in 1 M KBr aqueous solution. to the bare substrate.

6538 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 6533–6540, 2015

Mondal et al. Functionalization of Titanium Alloy Surface by Graphene Nanoplatelets and Metal Oxides: Corrosion Inhibition

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