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Journal of Alloys and Compounds 698 (2017) 807e813

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Graphene oxide-reinforced aluminum alloy matrix composite

materials fabricated by powder metallurgy
Hansang Kwon a, *, Jayanta Mondal b, Khaled AloGab c, Va€ino Sammelselg b,
Miyazaki Takamichi d, Akira Kawaski d, Marc Leparoux e, **
Department of Materials System Engineering, Pukyong National University, Sinseonro 365, Namgu, 608-739, Busan, Republic of Korea
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Ravila 12c, Tartu, 50411, Estonia
National Centers for Advanced Materials, KACST, PO Box 6086, Riyadh, 11442, Saudi Arabia
Department of Materials Processing Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, 980-8579, Japan
Laboratory of Advanced Materials Processing, EMPA-Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Feuerwerkerstrasse 39, 3602, Thun,

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Graphene oxide (GO) powder was dispersed in an AlMg5 matrix using high energy ball milling. The
Received 20 June 2016 obtained blend was then completely densified by hot pressing. No further hardening processing step was
Received in revised form performed. Nevertheless, only 1 vol% of GO in the Aluminum alloy matrix leads to a significant
9 December 2016
improvement of the mechanical resistance. The ultimate tensile strength (540 MPa) and the macro
Accepted 15 December 2016
Available online 24 December 2016
hardness (166 HV) are increased by a factor of 2 compared to the same AlMg5 alloy without nano-
particulate material and compacted under the same conditions. The bending strength is even increased
by a factor of 4 reaching a value over 800 MPa. The GO powder can be applied as a mechanical rein-
Aluminum-magnesium5 (AlMg5)
forcement to other scenarios such as polymer and ceramic systems.
Graphene oxide (GO) © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tensile strength
Flexural strength
Powder metallurgy

1. Introduction interested in graphene oxide- (GO-) reinforced composite mate-

rials, which are relatively cheap and easy to mass produce [6e8].
Superlight materials with high mechanical strengths are always Graphene oxide was first prepared in 1859 by Brodie [9], who
in demand in many industrial fields, especially those that produce treated graphitic powder with a mixture of potassium chlorate in
transportation machines, such as automobiles, trains, ships, and concentrated fuming nitric acid. In the subsequent years, graphene
aviation technologies. Carbon nanotubes [1] and graphene [2], oxide was mainly used as an expanded graphite intermediate;
which are both carbon allotropes, are strong candidates for high however, the discovery of graphene resulted in enormous interest
performance next generation structural materials because of their in graphite oxide, itself [10]. GO is composed of single layers of
chemical stabilities and good mechanical, electrical, and thermal graphene with O, OH, and COOH groups attached to it, while
properties. However, because of their very fine sizes and shapes, graphite oxide is composed of layers of GO that are partly preser-
strong chemical interactions, and lack of suitable dispersion and ving the graphitic bonds between the layers [11]. However, one of
fabrication methods, such nanomaterials are relatively difficult to the advantages of GO is its dispersability in water, other solvents,
handle and embed into metal matrix composite systems [3e5]. and different matrixes, due to the presence of the oxygen consisting
Recently, numerous researchers and scientists have become functionality radicals [12]. GO could, therefore, be used for
dispersion strengthening of materials. Recently, some studies
related to GO-reinforced composite materials have been reported.
Studies have been mainly focused on reduced graphene oxide
* Corresponding author. (RGO) reinforced metal matrix composites. However, studies on
** Corresponding author.
graphene oxide (GO) reinforced metal matrix composites are rela-
E-mail addresses: (H. Kwon),
(M. Leparoux). tively limited at present [13e16].
0925-8388/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
808 H. Kwon et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 698 (2017) 807e813

In this study, we have fabricated and characterized GO- transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM, Hitachi, Japan). A
reinforced Al alloy matrix composite materials without any pre- Zwick ZHU 2.5 Martens hardness tester was used to obtain
liminary graphene oxide reduction process. Mechanical properties, indentation modulus (EIT) and Vickers hardness (HV10) values ac-
such as tensile strength, elongation, and deflection flexural cording to standard EN-ISO 14577:2003 [18]. A loading speed of
strength of the composites were measured and are discussed. The 0.2 mm/min, an unloading speed of 0.1 mm/min, a maximum load
microstructures of the composites were also observed in order to of 100 N, and a dwell time of 15 s were used. At least five mea-
interpret the mechanical properties. surements were performed on each material. Tensile tests were
performed using flat dog bone samples with thicknesses of 3.0 mm
2. Experimental procedure and Lo values of 10 mm, in accordance to EN-ISO 6892-1:2010 [19].
The tests were carried out using position control and a strain rate of
Gas-atomized aluminum-magnesium5 (AlMg5) alloy powder 3  103 1/s, in a universal testing machine (Walter þ Bai AG,
(ECKA Granules, purity 99.5%, particle size < 63 mm) and self- Switzerland). At least four specimens were tested per sample. Four-
prepared graphene oxide (GO) powder (5e20 nm thickness and point bend tests were performed using a 150 kN servo-hydraulic
~1 mm in length), were used as matrix and reinforcement materials, test machine (Walter þ Bai and DionSTAT software). Sample di-
respectively. The GO powder was synthesized at the University of mensions were approximately 3  5  22 mm. The test fixture
Tartu from graphite powder (Strem Chemicals) using the modified upper span length (Li) was 6.5 mm and the lower span length (L)
Hummers method [17] followed by drying out the GO water- was 19.5 mm (span ratio 1/3). Testing was carried out using posi-
immersion in air at room-temperature. The AlMg5 powder and tion control and a constant speed of 1 mm/min. XRD patterns were
the GO particles were mixed in a planetary ball mill (Retsch GmbH, measured with an X'Pert Pro diffractometer (PANAlytical) with a
PM400) for 20 h, in an argon atmosphere, at 360 rpm, using Ø10- Cu-Ka radiation source (l ¼ 1.54056 Å, 45 kV and 40 mA) and a
mm balls with a 10:1 ball-to-powder weight ratio. As process linear detector (X'Celerator), in a 2q range of 20e80 . A step size of
control agent 20 wt% heptane was used. Blends with a composition 0.0167 and a scan rate of 0.05 /sec were used. Grain sizes and
of AlMg5-1 vol% GO were prepared. The milling vessels containing lattice strain were calculated from these patterns using the Scherrer
the blends were transferred to a glove-box with a controlled inert equation [20]. Raman spectroscopy was performed using a red He-
argon atmosphere before opening. The milled powder was Ne ion laser with a wavelength of 633 nm (Leica) to evaluate dis-
passivated for almost one week because the freshly milled powder order in the graphene oxide structure.
was in a highly activated energy state and could have easily
oxidized/burned upon contact with air. After passivation, the 3. Results and discussion
composite powder was placed in a high-temperature steel mold.
The mold was then heated in air to the desired pressing tempera- Irregularly shaped, raw, polycrystalline AlMg5 particles of
ture, 550  C, for 1.5 h and transferred rapidly (less than 5 s) to a various sizes (from approximately 100 nm to several micrometers
uniaxial press (Walter þ Bai AG, Switzerland). A pressure of in diameter) are shown in Fig. 1 (aec). The raw graphite oxide (GO)
570 MPa was then applied to the composite powder for 4 s. The particles were settled from the water suspension. As no additional
resulting samples had a 30 mm diameter and were approximately functionalization of the GO nanosheets was done the sheets tend to
5 mm in thickness. coagulate into a stacked multilayer state as shown in Fig. 1def and
The densities of the composites were measured based on the they were not individually separated. The morphologies of the
Archimedes' method, according to ISO 3369:1975. The micro- high-energy ball milled AlMg5-1vol% GO particles (Fig. 2a) were
structures of the chemically etched (30% NaOH) composites and more spherical that those of the raw AlMg5 particles (Fig. 1a).
fracture surfaces were observed by high resolution cold field After milling, the size distribution of the blend particles be-
emission scanning electron microscopy (Hitachi, FE-SEM S-4800), comes broader with particles from approximately ten to hundred
energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and high-resolution micrometers in diameter, however the shape is less angular as in

Fig. 1. (aec) SEM micrographs of raw AlMg5 alloy powder particles, (d and e) raw graphene oxide (GO), and (f) TEM image of graphene oxide.
H. Kwon et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 698 (2017) 807e813 809

Fig. 2. (a) SEM micrographs of high-energy ball milled AlMg5-1vol% GO composite particles and (b and c) higher resolution images of those particles.

Table 1
Grain sizes and lattice strains of hot-pressed samples of pure AlMg5 and GO-reinforced AlMg5 matrix composites.

Sample Density (g/cm3) Hardness HV10 ± 2.3 Indentations modulus (GPa) ± 1.5 Grain size [nm] ± 10% Lattice strain [%] ±0.05

Al5Mg bulk material 2.64 (100) 70 53 187 0.158

Al5Mg-1vol%GO composite 2.64 (100) 66 73 92.3 0.095

the raw Al-alloy powder. In general, grain growth occurs easily the GO powder shows a very low peak intensity [22]. The XRD
during ball milling by cold-welding [21]. However, the particles patterns of the raw AlMg5 powder, AlMg5-1vol% GO power, and the
obtained by milling not only showed grain growth by cold-welding, HPed composite are similar. No secondary phase was observed in
they also showed grain growth due to agglomeration of fine par- the patterns, even though the composite was fabricated at 550  C.
ticles generated during the high-energy ball milling process. Ag- In general, Al can easily react with carbon to form carbides. How-
glomerations of very fine particles are shown for instance in Fig. 2b ever, we could not detect any carbide phase because of the
and c, and have been observed in all composite powders. The following two reasons. Firstly, we believe that no residual carbon
milling parameters used seem to result in an efficient energy was present in the raw GO powder. And secondly, when exposed to
transfer from the balls to the powders through the heptane process air at room temperature, Al self-passivates and forms a thin stable
control agent. It was difficult to observe GO particles in the blends aluminum oxide (Al2O3) layer, which prevents the direct contact of
by electron microscopy meaning that they were trapped in the soft Al and carbon [23]. From XRD measurements (Fig. 3), the grain size
AlMg5 particles and/or well dispersed throughout the AlMg5 of Al in the HPed composites were found to be approximately
matrix. 93 nm, just under half the size of the grain of the pure AlMg5 bulk
The hot-pressed (HPed) AlMg5-1 vol% GO composites were fully material, as indicated in Table 1. The lattice strain values showed a
densified, as indicated in Table 1. Fully dense pure AlMg5 bulk similar trend. It is understood that small grain and high lattice
material samples, fabricated using the same parameters, were strain values are the result of significant grain deformation induced
prepared for comparison (Table 1). by high-energy milling.
Fig. 3 shows XRD patterns of the raw materials, AlMg5-1vol% GO The Vickers hardness of the HPed composites is more than twice
powder, and HPed composite. It is difficult to detect light elements that of the pure AlMg5 bulk material. Their indentation modulus
by ordinary XRD because of their low electron densities. As a result, was also higher than that of the pure AlMg5 bulk material, 73
instead of 53 GPa, respectively, as indicated in Table 1. The exper-
imental modulus of pure AlMg5 is lower than its theoretical
modulus (around 70 GPa). It is believed that the indentation
modulus means the modulus of the indentation, not the modulus of
the bulk AlMg5 materials. And those differences was also con-
taining with different experimental conditions and errors. How-
ever, the composite was enhanced over 30% of the modulus and
those enhancements could mainly be due to pinning effects (grain
growth restrictions) associated with the addition of the GO
Fig. 4 shows SEM and TEM micrographs prepared perpendicu-
larly to the pressure direction of the HPed composites. Grain
boundaries were clearly observed after the chemical etching pro-
cess (5% NaOH) (Fig. 4 aec). It is worth to note that most of the
visible pores and crevasses were generated during chemical
etching, without which, no grain boundaries could be observed.
Nevertheless, TEM observation did not reveal any significant pores
or cracks in the composites. The composite grain sizes determined
by TEM were slightly different between about 20 and 200 nm that
those determined by XRD analysis (Fig. 4def and Table 1). However
the XRD and TEM average values are showing the same tendency.
As can be seen in Fig. 4g, ten layers of stacked graphene oxide,
closely adhered to a matrix Al grain, were clearly observed in the
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of the GO powder, the pure AlMg5, the AlMg5e1vol%GO powder,
and the AlMg5e1vol%GO composite. HPed composite.
810 H. Kwon et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 698 (2017) 807e813

Fig. 4. (a) SEM micrographs of a representative AlMg5-1vol% GO composite, (b and c) SEM images of its microstructure, (def) TEM micrographs of the composite and (g) high-
resolution TEM of graphene oxide with an FFT (inset bottom right).

In general, graphene oxide typically retains the layered struc- relative to the G-peak compared to the raw GO. This may result
ture of its parent graphite. However, the layers seen in Fig. 4g are from a damage of the graphene structure during high-energy me-
buckled and their interlayer spacing (~0.7 nm) is approximately chanical ball milling. However, the presence of the G-band means
twice that of graphite [24]. The thickness of the GO (FFT is also that the graphitic structure of GO was still present in the Al alloy
indicated) layers was observed to be approximately 1.1 nm. Both matrix after milling. The D and G-bands could not be observed
values are well in agreement with the values generally reported in anymore in the bulk composite. It is then worth to note that small
the literature [25]. quantities of GO are investigated, only 1 vol% in the AlMg5 matrix.
Furthermore, the raw GO dry powder, the AlMg5-1vol% GO Moreover, during milling, the GO particles are at least partially
powder blend and of the HPed bulk AlMg5-1vol% GO composite damaged and also embedded into the soft aluminum grains. The
were characterized by Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 5). The typical primary laser beam can in last case not reach the GO structure
Raman spectrum of a single-layer graphene has a defect-induced anymore. These effects may be enhanced by the hot compaction
peak (D-band, 1350 cm1), a sp2-induced peak (G-band, densification process.
1585 cm1), and a second order D peak (2D-band, 2685 cm1). Finally, the mechanical performances of the elaborated com-
Indeed, the 2D peak is always present in graphene [26]. In general, posites were assessed through tensile and bending tests. For each
the quality of a graphene sample can be evaluated through the composite plate, three tensile samples were prepared and all the
relative intensities of the D- and the G-bands. The graphene oxide tested samples showed similar stress-strain curves. This repro-
used in this study showed a 2D peak smaller than the G-one, ducibility indicates that the GO was homogeneously dispersed
meaning that the raw GO contains some amount of few-layer thin throughout the AlMg5 matrix. An example of the tensile response
sheets of graphene oxide (Fig. 5). However, no 2D-band was of the AlMg5-1vol% GO composites is shown in Fig. 6. The average
observed in the powder blend and in the bulk composite. The ball tensile strength and elongation exhibited were approximately
milled powder blend showed a higher D-band peak intensity 560 MPa and 10%, respectively. This average strength value is over
two times that of pure bulk AlMg5 densified under the same hot
pressing conditions (around 230 MPa, Table 2). Yield strength
increased from 130 MPa for bulk AlMg5 to approximately 200 MPa
in the composite. However, the elongation at rupture of the com-
posites was approximately 40% lower than that of pure bulk AlMg5.
The bending properties of the AlMg5-1vol% GO composite were
measured using a four-point bending test. Pure bulk AlMg5 was
also tested for comparison. The results are summarized in Table 2.
The flexural strength obtained for the composites was almost
four times higher than that of pure bulk AlMg5 and reached a
strength around 800 MPa. However, the composite's deflection
values were much lower than those of pure bulk AlMg5 even
though in the latter case the tests had to be stopped because the
deformation exceeded the testable range (Fig. 7). One composite
sample out of the three tested showed a yielding effect with two
tangents (ly and ld) as shown in Fig. 6b [27], while the two other
samples did not (Fig. 7c).
In general, strengthening mechanisms of metals includes work
Fig. 5. Raman spectra of the GO powder, the AlMg5-1vol% GO powder blend, and the
AlMg5-1vol% GO composite. hardening, grain boundary strengthening, solid solution
H. Kwon et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 698 (2017) 807e813 811

concept of critical fiber length. The improved tensile strength of the

composites (GO fibers were regarded as discontinuous and unidi-
rectional fibers) is calculated by the Kelly-Tyson equation as
sc ¼ sf Vf 1  þ s0 m 1  Vf (2)

where Vf, sf, and sm represent the volume fraction of fibers, the
strength of fibers and the strength of the matrix, respectively. We
assumedsf to be 25 GPa [30]. In addition, Vf is 1 vol% and s0 m is
230 MPa lc represents the length of GO fiber when the composite
material is broken. It may be said thatlc is equal tol. The theoretical
value of sc is calculated to be 358 MPa, which is lower than the
experimental value. This difference could be because of the pres-
ence of other strengthening factors.
Furthermore, the enhanced yield strength of the composite
Fig. 6. Tensile strength of three samples of a representative AlMg5-1vol% GO induced by grain refinement is estimated using Hall-Petch formula,
as follows [18]:
strengthening, precipitation hardening, and dispersion strength- sGR ¼ K D0:5
C  D0:5
m (3)
ening. For composites containing continuous, unidirectional fibers,
the tensile strength can be predicted according to the simple rule of
where K is a constant (0.04 MPa for Al [18,31]), Dc and Dm are the
mixtures [28],
average grain size of the HPed composite and pure AlMg5,
  respectively. sGR is calculated to be 38 MPa, which is much smaller
sc ¼ sf vf þ 1  vf sm (1) than the improved yield strength of 200 and 610 MPa, as observed
from the tensile and bending tests.
where sc is the tensile strength of the composite, sf is the tensile However, theoretically calculated enhancement values are
strength of the fibers, vf is the volume fraction of the fibers, and sm much different from the experimentally achieved values. This im-
is the matrix stress at the failure strain. We define the failure strain plies that another strengthening parameter accounts for the
as the strain at the maximum stress. In this approach, the basic strength increment of the HPed composite, with considerable and
assumptions are that fibers and matrix are perfectly bonded and reasonable errors between the experimental and theoretical con-
that the strain in the fibers is equal to that in the matrix. However, ditions. Further investigation of specific strengthening mechanism
in the case of discontinuous, unidirectional fibers, the strain in the should be investigated based on shear-lag model, Orowan looping,
fibers and that in the matrix are not equal since the fibers are thermal mismatch, clack bridging, and so on, which will be our next
separated by matrix materials at the fiber ends. Since the modulus project.
of matrix is lower than that of the fibers, the longitudinal strain is Fig. 8 shows SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of the
higher than that in the adjacent fibers. One approach to deal with composite samples that demonstrated yielding and non-yielding
this problem was proposed by Kelly and Tyson [29] using the behaviors. More small dimples were observed at the surface of

Table 2
Measured mechanical properties of the hot-pressed pure AlMg5 and the graphene oxide reinforced AlMg5 matrix composites.

Samples Tensile test Bending test

Tensile strength 0.2% Yield strength Elongation Flexural strength 0.2% Yield strength Deflection
(MPa)±2.1 (MPa)±3.8 (%)±0.2 (MPa)±8.6 (MPa)±3.8 (mm)±0.08

AlMg5 Alloy Bulk material 260 130 25 210 150 0.99 (Stop)
AlMg5-1vol%GO composite 556 200 10 813 610 0.66

Fig. 7. Flexural strength and deflection of (a) bulk AlMg5, (b) AlMg5-1 vol% GO composite with yielding, and (c) AlMg5-1 vol% GO composite without yielding.
812 H. Kwon et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 698 (2017) 807e813

Fig. 8. SEM micrographs of the fractured surface of (aec) the AlMg5-1vol% GO composite sample that exhibited yielding during the bending test and (c) the AlMg5-1vol% GO
composite sample that did not.

the non-yielding samples than at the surface of the yielding one, as SEM-EDS because of spatial resolution limitations. However, with
can be seen in Fig. 8c and f. In general, soft metallic materials EDS, it was possible to observe the carbon distribution despite the
exhibit more significant dimple formations at fracture surfaces, as a nanosized nature of the carbon in the Al alloy matrix. The carbon
result of their high ductility compared to hard materials such as appeared to be uniformly dispersed throughout the composite, as
ceramics. However, the different dimple ratios of these two com- seen in Fig. 9e.
posite samples mean that the two samples had a different ductility. Considering that most of the carbon is coming from the starting
Indeed, the ductility of the non-yielding samples was superior to graphene oxide, from these characterizations, it seems that the
that of the yielding one (Fig. 7b and c). For all bending specimen, mechanical ball milling investigated here is an efficient process for
some flat regions were found on their fracture surface as shown in dispersing GO particles in Al alloy powders. The homogeneity of the
Fig. 8b and e (white circles). Such flat regions are generally GO particles into the Al-matrix seems also to be confirmed by the
observed for brittle high strength materials. SEM and TEM observations as well as indirectly from the
The composition (GO dispersion) of the HPed AlMg5-1 vol% GO outstanding mechanical performances of the composites. Gener-
composite was analyzed by EDS mapping (Fig. 9). Al, Mg, C, and O ally, in metal matrix composites reinforced with nanoparticles the
were observed, Al and Mg being the main elements. It is very strengthening is obtained by grain refinement, Orowan mecha-
difficult to observe individual nanosized carbon-based particles by nism, dislocation densities induced by thermal mismatch and load

Fig. 9. SEM micrographs and EDS analyses of the fracture surfaces of the AlMg5-1vol% GO composite. (a) SEM micrographs of the composite, and EDS maps of (b) aluminum, (c)
magnesium, (d) oxygen, and (e) carbon.
H. Kwon et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 698 (2017) 807e813 813

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KACST, as well as by Estonian Ministry of Education and Science 1159e1163.
projects TK117 and IUT2-24.

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