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Research Methodology is a blue print of the Study conducted. The purpose of this chapter is to
focus on the methodology of the study and the process and methods according to which the
research was executed. The outline of this chapter includes the statement of the research
problem, the Objectives of the Study, Hypothesis to be tested, the type of Research Design and
related methodology i.e. tools and procedures which included the population of the study,
sampling procedure and sample size, conceptualization of the main concepts, data collection
techniques and data analysis techniques of the study.

3.1 Statement of the Problem

• In most of the developing countries like India, Small Scale & medium scale Industries
constitutes an important and crucial segment of the industrial sector. They play an important
role in employment creation, resource utilization and income generation and helping to
promote changes in a gradual and phased manner. They have been given an important place
in the framework of Indian planning since beginning both for economic and ideological
reasons. Studies suggest that manufacturing sector is a pioneer in introducing work life
balance initiatives even though there is no legislative compulsion; there are no specific
studies to understand the awareness of employees in small and medium scale industries
about such policies & their impact on employee job satisfaction, absenteeism, individual
performance, organizational culture and employees retention . Under such circumstances it
is essential to understand the Human Resource Management Initiatives in the Indian
manufacturing sector in the direction of work life Balance and the impact of such initiatives
on employees job satisfaction, absenteeism, individual performance, organizational culture
and employees retention particularly in small and medium scale organization.
• There has been larger degree of research about stress management, talent management in
the western context, however not much work has been dine in Indian context highlighting
the study of work life balance initiatives and its impact on small and medium organization
in selected manufacturing sector units with respect to Mumbai.

• The studies done so far have not touched manufacturing sector units in Mumbai. so the topic
of this study is concerned about the study of work life balance initiatives and its impact on
small and medium organization in selected manufacturing sector units with respect to

3.2 Objectives of the Study

Based on the research gaps identified the objectives of the study can be states as follows:
1. To study the impact of HRM practices on job satisfaction as regards work-life balance on
small and medium organization.
2. To assess the control of employees absenteeism of individual employee’s and
organizations related to work-life balance.
3. To assess the impact of work-life balance program on the individual employee’s
performance factors.
4. To study the organizational culture and work-life balance of the employees on small and
medium organization.
5. To understand HRM practices to manage employee’s retention as regards work-life
balance on small and medium organization.

3.3 Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the above objectives following hypothesis are initiated:

H01: There is no impact of HRM practices on job satisfaction as regards work- life balance
on small and medium organization
H11: There is impact of HRM practices on job satisfaction as regards work- life balance on
Small and medium organization

H02: There is no control of employee absenteeism of individual employee’s and organizations

related to work-life balance.
H12: There is control of employee absenteeism of individual employee’s and organizations
related to work-life balance.

H03: There is no impact of work-life balance program on the individual employee’s
Performance factors.
H13: There is impact of work-life balance program on the individual employee’s
Performance factors.

H04: There is no association between organizational culture and work-life balance of the
employees on small and medium organization.
H14: There is association between organizational culture and work-life balance of the
employees on small and medium organization.

H05: HRM practices do not manage employee’s retention as regards work-life balance on
Small and Medium organization.
H15: HRM practices manage employee’s retention as regards work-life balance on Small and
Medium organization.
3.4 Research Methodology
This chapter outlines the research method used for this study, which includes data collection,
sample selection, type and contents of questionnaire, processing of data and finally interpretation
of the data. The study embraces both qualitative and quantitative research approaches.

3.4.1 Descriptive Study:

The present study is a descriptive study. In this study there are five independent variables: 1. Job
Satisfaction of Employees 2. Employees Absenteeism 3. Employees Performance 4.
Organizational Culture and 5. Employees Retention. Work life balance will be considered as the
dependent variable in the study.

3.4.2 Primary Research

Data collection is done in two stages: in the first stage a pilot survey was conducted to ascertain
the research parameters and to test the validity and reliability of the instruments used in the
study. In the second stage the primary data was collected using the instruments in the study.
Instruments used were Questionnaires to two categories of samples and an Interview Schedule to
collect data from the Human Resource Managers of small and medium organization.

3.4.3 Secondary Research

The Secondary Data are very important for the start of any research. It is with the help, of
secondary data any researcher can start framing the structure of the research. Secondary data are
collected from various available sources through desk research including literature survey and
referring e-libraries etc. Review of literature and other available information from various
published and unpublished reports, Journals, books, newspapers etc (including databases like
Ebsco, Pro-quest, India Business Insight Databases and others).

3.5 Utility of the Study:

The findings are targeted toward the following

1. From personal viewpoint- the self as the target.

To study an accelerated and more beneficial method to implement a HRM practices on
Small and medium organization with special reference to work-life balance.

2. From an organization viewpoint-the organization as a target.

• This study will be beneficial to small and medium manufacturing organizations
striving to create a culture that is inclusive rather than exclusive. Additionally, this
study utilized the research instrument developed and tested, on individual
employee's job satisfaction, absenteeism, performance factors, organizational
culture, retention of employees that evaluates the work life balance of the employees
in the organization. The optimum outcome of this research project would be that
human resources professionals and practitioners along with top managers would find
the information presented in this study useful in assessing the employee work life
balance in their organizations.
• To highlight and record issues faced during the implementation of HRM practices in
detailed manner , so that when any similar exercise is carried out in manufacturing
sector specifically in small and medium organization, to recommend the use of a
well-founded HRM practices based on the experiences / findings recorded, which
may be used to better plan the exercise.

3.6 Scope of the Study:
The scope of the research is to understand the impact on small and medium organization
in the direction of work life balance initiatives in the selected manufacturing sector units
with respect to Mumbai. The organizations covered under the survey are various
manufacturing industries located in different places in Mumbai. As work life balance is
more of a concern for employees and that can bring a huge transformation at the
organizational and individual levels. Maintain proper work life balance for the employees
working in small and medium organization is a huge challenge for manufacturing sector
units; the scope is restricted to study such employees‘and Human Resource Managers
perceptions on work life balance.

3.7 Sample Design & Sample size

The sample size for the study is 350. The sample comprises of employees & Human

resource managers from small and medium manufacturing sector units at Mumbai. The

Sampling method used is convenience sampling. The research scholar used formal and

Known sources to collect data directly from employees & Human resource managers.

The sample size for the study is determined using the following formula.

Consider z = 1.96 (it is standard for 95% level of confidence)

Standard deviation calculated from pilot study = 9.56 (app)

Margin of error = 1.25

Minimum requirement of data is of 225 respondents.

z value represents the z score from the standard normal distribution of the confidence level
desired by the researcher. Conventionally 95% confidence level is accepted. Same is accepted
for the present study. The sample size derived for the study is 225. The research scholar has
approached around 70 small and 40 medium organizations through formal routes of

communication. Some companies have promptly replied saying that they cannot provide the
information required while others have not responded at all in spite of repeated attempts.
However the 100 sample organizations have responded positively. Hence they have been
approached and data was collected. However for analysis purpose only 250 employees and 100
Human resource managers questionnaires were considered as the remaining were incomplete to
the extent that they had to be rejected.

The sample distribution comprises of the following.

Type of organization Small manufacturing Medium manufacturing Total Small & Medium
sector units sector units manufacturing sector units
Employees 135 115 250
Human Resource 70 30 100
Total 205 145 350
Table No. 3.1 Sample distribution of Small and Medium Manufacturing Sector Units

Sample Size Justification

The sample size was finally fixed based on the statistical formula

Where in N= number of samples, Z=1.96 at 95% confidence level, E= Margin of Error,

σ= Standard Deviation

Sample Size in the Study

Sample size for employees:

Standard deviation calculated from pilot study in Mumbai = 9.56

Sample size = (1.96 * 9.56/ 1.25) ^2 = 225 (250)

3.8 Data sources

 Available Secondary data were studied to understand the available literature related to the
topic of interest. The secondary data referred include various published and unpublished
reports, journals, periodicals, books, newspapers, etc. (including databases like Pro-quest,
India Business Insight Database and others)

 Primary data was crucial to the study of work life balance initiatives in the sample
organizations and the impact of such initiatives on Small and medium manufacturing
sector employees. For the purpose of collecting the data from the employees as well as
Human Resource Manager of sample organizations, sample organizations were
approached through formal routes of communication. Organizations agreed to provide the
data only after a written assurance is given to them that the data would be used only for
research purpose.

3.9 Data collection Method

Two set of questionnaires were prepared to collect opinions of employees and Human resource
managers working in small and medium manufacturing sector units at Mumbai

Questionnaire method of data collection was used for collecting the primary data. The

questionnaire used was a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire had eight sections.

 The first section contained questions on demographic profile of the sample respondents.
 The second section contained questions to understand the work profile of the
 The third section contained questions so as to understand the awareness, perceptions of
sample respondents about organizational work life balance initiatives .The questions
were related to employee critical variables on work life balance.
 The forth section of the questionnaire contained questions on job satisfaction of the
employees working in small and medium organization in selected manufacturing sector
 The fifth section of the questionnaire contained questions on absenteeism of the
employees. The questions were related to employees reasons for absenteeism & how to
control absenteeism in the organization
 The sixth section contained questions so as to understand the impact of work life balance
on employee’s performance as individuals.
 The seventh section of the questionnaire contained questions on organizational culture
which consist of joining culture, working culture and supervisory culture of the

 The eighth section contained questions on retention level of employees so as to
employee continue to work in any organization.
Five point Likert scale was used to solicit data on most of the variables. An online
questionnaire was also created as some organizations insisted on mail survey only as they
Can‘t afford to spare time for the survey during working hours.

3.10 Data Processing

The data collected with help of the questionnaire was analyzed with the help of the statistical
package SPSS 20. The mean scores arrived would be put to various statistical analysis using
various statistical tools in order to test the research hypothesis.

3.11 Pre study

This was done by conducting a pilot study on small and medium manufacturing sector units at
Mumbai. A structured questionnaire was developed for the pilot study. Based on the results of
the pilot study some changes were incorporated in the questionnaire. The experience of
conducting a pilot study is quite enriching. Pilot Study was conducted in 100 small and medium
manufacturing sector units at Mumbai to test the reliability of the instruments.

3.12 Limitations of the Study

1. The study was carried out with assumptions regarding time, study area and sample size
2. The study would have had greater accuracy if responses had been incorporated from the
Corporate on the work life balance in selected manufacturing sector units.
3. Collecting the information from small and medium manufacturing sector units from
employees and Human Resource Manager was one of the difficult tasks faced by the
4. The data those were collected with the permission of the management might not be that
impartial and it would have affected the veracity of the data collected.
5. The restriction of the research only to major cities is another important limitation of the
6. The study of Work Life Balance was limited to manufacturing sectors in Mumbai.

7. In future with a longer span of time similar studies can carried out in the large Scale

3.13 Scope for Future Research

1. There is limitless degree for further investigation of the components influencing on work

life balance of the employees in large manufacturing organizations and service industries.

2. To what extent work-life balance matters to large organization.

3. Furthermore, work life balance practices can be looked at in the middle of commercial
ventures, and their effect on representative profitability and employment fulfillment can be
concentrated on.

4. Similar study can be conducted in other cities of India.


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