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Vajracchedikā 20 May 2018

Vajracchedikā (The Diamond Sūtra)

– parsing of Sanskrit grammar,
with literal Chinese, English translations


1. Foreword
2. Source Texts
3. Structure
4. Signature Formula
5. Repetition
6. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit
7. Causative
8. „To have‟
9. Abbreviation of Grammatical Terms
10. Sanskrit grammar and literal Chinese, English translations
11. Appendix: Yin Shun‟s textual hierarchy vs Müller‟s 32-section division

1. Foreword

This is primarily an exercise in Sanskrit grammar parsing of the Vajracchedikā

(for beginner Sanskrit readers like me). By listing alongside Dharmagupta‟s very
liternal Chinese translation, it also serves to demonstrate a particular stage in ancient
translation system of Chinese Buddhist texts, where a literal work is yet to be turned
into proper Chinese syntax. I have also provided a word-for-word literal English
translation keeping the word order largely unchanged.1

2. Source Texts

 Sanskrit

The Müller edition (1881)2 is used in this exercise. It is based on four textual
witnesses all of 18th century: two handwritten copies of an old manuscript preserved
in the Kōkiji 高貴寺 in Osaka, Japan, and two block prints from China in the Tibetan
Lañtsha script.

The more recent Harrison edition (2006)3 is also used for cross-referencing. His
complete Sanskrit reconstruction can be found on the University of Oslo website.4
The basis of the reconstruction is follows: §1-§16 (up to gaccheyuḥ) are based on

A similar Sanskrit grammar parsing work is „《金剛經梵文注解》善慧光、蓮花藏,中國人民大
學國際佛學研究中心,2013‟. Users should be aware of its many parsing errors.
F. Max Müller, ed., VAGRAKKHEDIKĀ (Vajracchedikā), in Buddhist Texts from Japan (Anecdota
Oxoniensia, Aryan Series Vol.1, Part 1), Oxford, 1881, pp. 15–46.
Harrison, Paul editor and translator 2006, Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā (with Shōgō Watanabe) and
Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā: A New English Translation of the Sanskrit Text Based on Two
Manuscripts from Greater Gandhāra, BMSC vol. III, Hermes Academic Publishing, Oslo.

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Schøyen Collection Manuscript 23855; §16 (remaining) and §17-§32 are based on
Schopen6 (with §20 missing).

Two points about the title.

1. The title Vajracchedikā („Diamond-cutter‟) is not found in the text itself. The
reply to Subhūti‟s question: “what should be the name of this discourse?” is:
„Prajñāpāramitā‟ (prajñāpāramitā nāma ayaṃ subhūte dharmaparyāyaḥ, §13).

2. The alternative Sanskrit title Triśatikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra refers to the text
as a sūtra in 300 lines. Conze noted that although prajñāpāramitā sūtras are mostly in
prose, they are named after the number of lines (or śloka in 32 syllables) they
contain.7 For verification I first worked out the total number of romanized characters
of the text, using the word count function of MS Word. I then converted this into the
total number of syllables by applying a factor of 2.75 characters per syllable. Finally
by dividing the estimated total number of syllables by 32 I arrived at about 345 lines,
which can be considered a close estimate of „300 lines‟, bearing in mind the Sanskrit
exampler used by Kumārajīva is about 22 lines less than Müller‟s (Section 3).8

 Chinese

The Dharmagupta translation included here is the Taishō T238 (隋大業年中三藏

笈多譯《金剛能斷般若波羅蜜經》605 A.D). It is the most literal (and the most
complete) of all the six Taishō Chinese translations9. It has preserved the Sanskrit
word order, cases, voices, tenses, manner of speak, etc., almost verbatim, to the point
of resembling an „interlinear version‟ of the Sanskrit. As such, its Chinese is also the
most unreadable. There is a reason for this peculiarity – it is in fact an unfinished
work, abruptly interrupted by events of the time:

“Previously Dharmagupta translated the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā-sutra (one juan) and

Pu le jing (fifteen juan). Before they could be polished, the event of Zheng usurp of power
was encountered. (Both translations) had to be abandoned. There was no time for revision.”
淪廢,不暇重修。”T55.2154, 552b26-b28)

The interruption meant that the translation was stopped at stage 5 in a translation
process typified by the following division of labour: (1) master of translation 譯主; (2)

ca. 6th-7th centrury, in Gilgit/Bamiyan script; a transliteration can be found in pp.103-111 in
Harrison & Shōgo Watanabe (2006).
G. Schopen, The Manuscript of the Vajracchedika Found at Gilgit, in Studies in the Literature of the
Great Vehicle: Three Mahayana Buddhist Texts, ed. by L. O. Gomez and J. Silk, Ann Arbor, 1989, pp.
89–139; ca 6th-7th centrury.a respective convertion factor of 2.5, 2.75, 2.7, 2.3 characters per syllable
Conze, E., 1978. The Prajñāpāramitā Literature, Tokyo, the Reyukai, p. 1.
Similarly a respective convertion factor of 2.75, 2.7, 2.3 characters per syllable produced a close
estimate of the line number of the prajñāpāramitā sūtras in 700, 2000, and 8000 lines.
姚秦天竺鳩摩羅什 Kumārajīva 譯《金剛般若波羅密經》402 A.D. (T 235); 元魏天竺菩提流支
Bodhiruci 譯《金剛般若波羅密經》509 A.D. (T 236a); 元魏留支 Liúzhī (Bodhiruci) 譯《金剛般若
波羅密經》6th Century A.D. (T 236b); 陳天竺真諦 Paramārtha 譯《金剛般若波羅密經》562 A.D.
(T 237); 唐玄奘 Xuánzàng 譯《大般若經第九會能斷金剛分》648 A.D. (T 220); 唐沙門義淨 Yi
Jing 譯《佛説金剛能斷般若波羅密經》703 A.D. (T 239).

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one who confirms the Sanskrit meaning 證義; (3) one who confirms the Sanskrit text
證文; (4) one who transliterates Sanskrit into Chinese 書字; (5) one who turns the
Sanskrit transliteration into Chinese 筆受 (bi shou, the scribe); (6) one who reworks
into meaningful Chinese syntax 綴文; (7) one who does bilingual checks 參譯; (8)
one who finalizes the text 刊定; and (9) one who does the final touch-up 潤文。10

By an odd twist of faith, the Dharmagupta translation, despite its unfinished

nature, has been included into the Buddhist Canon and is handed down to this very
day. In fact, “it represents a unique document for the history of Chinese Buddhist
translation technique.”11

Some examples of how Dharmagupta preserves the Sanskrit syntax in his

translation are shown below:

Sanskrit Dharmagupta parallel

bhagavantaṃ 世尊邊 accusative in 邊
Subhūtim 善實邊
samyaksaṃbodhim 正遍知邊
sthātavyam 住應 future passive participle in 應
pratipattavyam 修行應
pragrahītavyam 降伏應
kasya 何所 genitive in 所
ukta 語已 past participle in 已
saṁgṛhīta 攝已
tathāgatebhyas 如來等 plural in 等
arhadbhyas samyaksaṃbuddhebhyas 應(供)等 (here dative plural)
udgrahīṣyanti dhārayiṣyanti 受當 future in 當
vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti 持當 (here future plural)
asya puṇyaskandhasya-antikād 此福聚邊 dative in 邊
lakṣaṇa-saṃpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyo 相具足如來見應 conditional (i.e. abhaviṣyat) in 應
ājānāmi 解我 present indicative 1st person singular
niṣpādayiṣyāmi 成就我 in 我;
ārocayāmi 欲我 in Chinese syntax they would read:
prativedayāmi 我解
dhārayāmi 我成就
avakalpayāmi 持我
信我 我欲
adhimucye 念知我 我知
解我 etc.
vadasi 語汝 present indicative 2nd preson singular
ends in 汝
in Chinese syntax it would read:
caritvā 行已 gerund in 已
kṛtvā 作已
śrutvā 聞已

七參譯參考兩土文字使無誤第八刊定刊削冗長定取句義第九潤文 (T49.2035, 398b08-b17)
Stefano Zacchetti Dharmagupta's Unfinished Translation of the Diamond-Cleaver (Vajracchedikā-
Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra), T'oung Pao, Second Series, Vol. 82, Fasc. 1/3 (1996), pp. 137-152.

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3. Structure

Müller adopted a division of 32 sections (§), claimed to be imposed by Prince

Chaoming (Xiaotong) of Liang (501-531) 12 on Kumārajīva‟s translation. However,
such division is not reflected in any of the six extant Chinese translations including

This grammar parsing exercise clearly shows §16 to be a demarcation point.

From §17 onward, little or no new vocabularies not previously encountered are met,
and many passages are little more than repeats (often in various combinations) of
passages found in previous sections.

Philologically it is also at §16 (ending with gaccheyuḥ) that the Schøyen

Collection Manuscript 2385 ends. Here, the Schopen Gilgit text (having begun in §13
with the discussion on “dust of the earth”) continues until the end. Could this be a
tantalizing evidence for §1-§16 and §17-§32 to in fact be two separate texts which
overlap considerably in content? In terms of word count, §17-§32 (about 1,300 words)
is only 15% more than half the length of §1-§16 (about 2,000 words).

Contextually §17 is the logical start of the „second half‟ as evidenced by it asking
the same question first asked in §2: kathaṁ bhagavan bodhisattvayāna-
saṁprasthitena sthātavyaṁ kathaṁ pratipattavyaṁ kathaṁ cittaṁ pragrahītavyam
“How O Bhagavat is the mind to be abided, practised, and calmed by one who sets out
in bodhisattva vehicle is to be?”

Conze remarked that: “the first part, which ends at §13 with tenocyate
prajñāpāramiteti, is fairly coherent. This cannot be said of the second part. Even
Asaṅga, Vasubandhu and Kamalaśīla have failed to find a plausible logical sequence
behind its repetitions and abrupt transitions, and it may well be that it is no more than
a chance medley of stray sayings”.13,14

On the contrary, Ven. Yin Shun considers the text as a coherent whole and has
adopted Ji Zang‟s15 interpretation of a „two-stage pathway‟: the stage of the
prajñāpāramitā pathway 般若道次第 (up to §16), followed by the stage of the
application pathway 方便道次第 (from §17). The first stage is about understanding
the prajñāpāramitā, and the second the expedient application of it for the salvation of
sentient beings. He further sub-divided each stage into three bodhi 菩提.For the first
stage these are 發心菩提、伏心菩提 and 明心菩提 respectively the bodhi of
resolve (§3), mind-settling (§4) and enlightenment (§5-§12). For the second stage
these are 明心菩提、出到菩提 and 究竟菩提 respectively the bodhi of
enlightenment, attainment (both §17), and samyaksaṁbuddhi (§18-§31).

Conze, E., 1978. The Prajñāpāramitā Literature, Tokyo, the Reyukai, p. 63).
cf. 印順 Yin Shun《金剛般若波羅蜜經講記》1942:“本經的文義次第,是極為難解的„„
無著 Asaṅga 說:「金剛難壞句義聚,一切聖人不能入」。世親 Vasubandhu 說:「法門句義及
吉藏 (549-623),founder of the San Lun School 三論宗 in the Six Danasties/Early-Tang period.

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The concordance of Yin Shun‟s textual hierarchy 科判 (in 9-level deep) with
Müller‟s 32-section division is shown in the Appendix. Yin Shun‟s hierarchy shows
the standard three-part format of a sutra. Namely: 1. 序分 introductory session
(concorded with §1); 2. 正宗分 core session (concorded with §2-§32 up to
saṁskṛtam), and 3. 流通分 circulartory session (concorded with §32 from

Yin Shun‟s hierarchy is based on Kumārajīva‟s translation (AD 402), which has
about 22 Sanskrit lines less than Müller‟s exampler. These missing parts are found in
§§1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, and are indicated in Section 10 of this
article. On the other hand, his translation also contains texts with no Sanskrit
equivalent in Müller edition. Different Sanskrit exemplars could have been used.

Despite the fact that Yin Shun‟s hierarchy and Müller‟s division may be based on
different Sanskrit exemplars, the two systems concord reasonable well. For instance
in the „first half‟, §3 concords entirely with (bodhi of resolve); §4 entirely
with (bodhi of mind-settling), and §5-12 with There is only one
instance of „cross-over‟, where has part of its text in §14 and part in §15.
Importantly, the two systems end up „in sync‟ at §16. In the „second half‟, the unduly
lengthy §17 concords with both bodhi of enlightenment ( and bodhi of
attainment (; while §18-§31 concord with bodhi of samyaksaṁbuddhi
( However, §21-§23, and §31 show signs of „cross-over‟ in that their texts
run into different parts of Yin Shun‟s hierarchy.

4. Signature Formula

Being a prajñāpāramitā text, the main theme of the Vajracchedikā is prajñā 般若

– the insight of all things as void of a self. This theme is repeatedly expounded by the
text‟s „signature‟ argument, which comes in a two-part or three-part format. A typical
three-part format has the general form: “X is non-X (or X-less), hence it is called X”.
The following is an example from §8:

yo'sau bhagavan puṇyaskandhas-tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ, askandhaḥ sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ |

tasmāttathāgato bhāṣate puṇyaskandhaḥ puṇyaskandha iti |

this heap-of-merit spoken of by the Tathāgata is no heap (or heap-less) as spoken of by the
Tathāgata. That is why the Tathāgata says “heap-of-merit, heap-of-merit”

The middle element in such a three-part formula (e.g. askanda) can either be
considered as a karmadhāraya compound (not-, no-, or non-skanda, 非福聚) or as a
bahuvrīhi compound (skanda-less, without or having no skanda, 無福聚). Note that a
bahuvrīhi compound is essentially an adjective describing a principal outside of itself.

While all Chinese and all common English translations have opted for the
karmadhāraya reading, a Tibetan translation16 has opted for the bahuvrīhi reading.
While both interpretations are plausible, Paul Harrison considers a bahuvrīhi reading

The Śes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa, translated by Śīlendrabodhi and Ye śes sde
around the beginning of the 9th century (Derge edition), Harrison, Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā: A
New English Translation … 2006 op. cit., p. 135).

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(“devoiding or having no X”) more cogent philosophically as it better fits the

prajñāpāramitā position that “conventional language only makes sense because of the
ultimate emptiness of the things it names, embedded as they are in a network of causal
relationships”17. In othe words, all things originate conditionally. They depend on
others for their becoming, and in this sense lack an intrinsic self or are „empty‟. Their
„existence‟, as it were, is only found in our linguistic designation. This idea has been
eloquently expounded by Nāgārjuna in his Mūlamadhyamakakārikā:

yas pratītyasamutpādas śūnyatām tāṃ pracakṣmahe |

sā prajñaptis upādāya pratipad sā eva madhyamā ||
verse 24.18

That dependent origination,

we declare it to be emptiness.
Having to reference others (for its origination),
it is a provisional nominal designation – the very middlemost path.

In this exercise, I have provided the bahuvrīhi 有財釋 Chinese translation as an

alternative to Dharmagupta‟s karmadhāraya 持業釋 rendering. For example:

§5/§20: alakṣaṇaṃsaṃpat “無相具足”;

§8: askandhaḥ“無福聚”;abuddhadharmāḥ“無佛法”;
§10: avyūhāḥ“無莊嚴”;abhāvaḥ“無身”;
§13: apāramitā“無波羅蜜多”;arajas“無塵”;alakṣaṇāni“無相”;adhātu“無界”;
§14: abhūtasaṃjñā“無實想”; asaṃjñā“無想”;asatvāḥ“無眾生”;
§17: adharmāḥ“無法”;
§18: adhārā“無流轉”;
§20: apariniṣpattiḥ“無成就”;
§25: agrāhaḥ“無(執)取”;ajanāḥ“無生”;
§30: asaṃcayaḥ“無聚集”;agrāhaḥ“無(摶)取”;
§31: adṛṣṭiḥ“無見”。

5. Repetition

The Vajracchedikā is full of passages repeated verbatim or in gist. It this regard it

resembles the early Pāli texts which employs repetition as a mnemonic device.

Repetitions are seen in: §11 repeating §8; §14 repeating §6; §15 repeating §14;
§17 repeating §2, §3, §7, §14; §18 repeating §11; §19 repeating §8; §21 repeating §6;
§24 repeating §16, and §26 repeating §13. Thus it is obvious that there are more
repetitions in the „second-half‟ (from §17) repeating passages in the „first-half‟.

There are also four repeated discussions on the great heap of merits derived from
giving discourse on the sutra to others, compared with bestowing the world with
treasures or renouncing oneself. Four such passages are located in the „first-half‟.
They are repeated with heightened intensity as follows: bestowing the world system
(§8 or 校德); bestowing as many world systms as there are grain of
sands in the Ganga (§11/12 or 校德); renouncing one‟s belongings as
many times as there are gains of sands in the Ganga (§13 or 校德);

Harrison, Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā: A New English Translation … 2006 op. cit., p. 140.

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renouncing one‟s belongings as many times as there are gains of sands in the Ganga
thrice daily and for aeons (§14 or 校德). The significance of this,other
than rhetorical, is unclear.

6. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit (BHS)

BHS can be viewed as „Sanskritised Prakrit‟ or „Prakritised Sanskrit‟. It is the

result of attempts to Sanskritise early Buddhist texts commonly written in Prakrit
(including Pāli). Harrison noted (2006, op. cit.) that „Prakritic colouring‟ is obvious in
Pargiter‟s edition18, which is the earliest known Sanskrit Vajracchedikā manuscript
discovered by Aurel Stein in Dandān Uiliq in the Talamakan Desert of China. It dates
from late-5th century or early-6th century, and is fairly close in content to the
Kumārajīva‟s translation (AD 402). The prevalence of BHS (like the Pargiter) in the
Müller edition, and its almost verbatim fidelity with Dharmagupta‟s translation (AD
605), lends itself to a plausible production date of around these times.

The following BHS examples are found in the Vajracchedikā.

§ BHS grammar19 Pāli/Sanskrit equivalent

1 -kṛtya at end of bahu.cpd „the business of‟ ger. Skt. „concerned with‟
1 prajñapta „arranged (seat)‟ pp. P. paññatta
1 upasthāpya „produces a mental state, idea ger. P. upaṭṭhapeti/upaṭṭhāpeti
or emotion in oneself‟
3 sacet „if‟ ind. P. sace
4 pūrvasyāṁ „in front/in the east‟ f. sg. loc. Skt. pūrvāyām
6 paścima „last‟ adj. P. pacchima “last”
Skt. paścima “west” only
6 kāla „time‟ m. this meaning also in P., not in Skt.
6 prasāda „faith/tranquillity‟ m. P. pasāda „brightness, purity‟
Skt. prasad „grow bright, become
6 dharma-paryāya „round-of-teaching‟ m. P. dhamma-pariyāya
7 prāg eva „how much more/less‟ ind. P. pageva; Skt. kim u, kim uta
8 antaśas „so much as‟ ind. adv. Skt. antatas „lastly, finally‟
8 catuṣpādika „in four-verse‟ adj. Skt. identical
9 araṇāvihārin adj. P. identical
„dwelling in a passionless state‟
10 vyūha, vyūhā, viyūha “arrangement” m. not in Pāli
(in Mahāyāna works, implying splendour, Skt. „arrangement‟
10 antikāt (+gen.) „on the part of‟ ind. adv. Skt. „from the proximimity, within
the presence of‟
16 virāgita „estranged (a Buddha)‟ pp. Skt. „irritated, averted‟
16 upaniṣadam „comparison‟ f. sg. acc. Skt. „esoteric doctrine‟
17 abhyācakṣīta opt. 3rd sg. P. 'accuse,slander‟
18 saṁvidyate pres. 3rd sg. Skt. vidyate „there is‟
29 kalpayati „to lie down‟ pres. 3rd sg (BHS only)
32 āttamanas „enrupted‟ adj. P. attamana

E. F. Pargiter, ed., “Vajracchedika in the Original Sanskrit, Stein MS., No. D.III.13b”, in
Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkestan, ed. by A. F. Rudolf
Hoernle, Oxford, 1916, pp. 176–195.
see section 9 for grammatical abbreviations

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7. Causative

The Vajracchedikā uses many causative verbs, which are used to derive the
various causative forms such as causative gerund, causative future, causative optative,
and etc. Since many causative verbs are causative only in form but not in meaning,
the significance of their prevalence is unclear. In fact, Conze‟s English translation20
does not generally render the causatives into their causative meaning of “made to,
caused to”. In this parsing exercise, all the causatives have been highlighted and
translated into their causative meanings. Some causatives examples are shown below.

§ causative derivation grammar literal causative meaning

1 pratimukhīṃ smṛtim upasthāpya cau. ger. having made to fix (his) mind infront of him
2 pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya cau. ger. he having made to place (his knee) on the
3 prajñapyamānaḥ prajñapyate cau. pmp./ (that which) causes to be conceiving is caused
cau. pass. to have conceived
3 parinirvāpayitavyāḥ cau. fpp. it is to be made to (be) led into Nirvana
3 evam aparimāṇān api sattvān parinirvāpya na cau. ger. as such, though many sentient beings having
kaścit sattvaḥ parinirvāpito bhavati cau. pp. made to (be) led into Nirvana,
not one is made to be led into Nirvana
6 bhūtasaṃjñām utpādayiṣyanti cau. fut. they will cause to give rise to the right
7 asaṃskṛta-prabhāvitā cau. pp. it causes to be distinguished/revealed by the
8 parebhyo vistareṇa deśayet cau. opt. he should cause to demonstrate and illuminate
saṃprakāśayed in full detail to others
10 kṣetravyūhān niṣpādayiṣyāmi cau. fut. I will cause to create the magnificent (Bhudda-
10 cittamutpādayitavyam cau. fpp. (his) mind is to be made to rise up
11 ārocayāmi te … prativedayāmi cau. pres. I cause to announce and make known (to you)
12 bhāṣyeta vā saṃprakāśyeta vā cau. pres. he causes to teach or illuminate
12 dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti … cau. fut. they will cause to bear in mind, recite …
saṃprakāśayiṣyanti illuminate
13 dhārayāmi cau. pres. I cause to bear in mind
15 prakāśayiṣyate cau. fut. it will cause to illuminate
16 kṣapayiṣyanti cau. fut. it will cause to annul
17 parinirvāpayiṣyāmi cau. pres. I cause to (be) led into Nirvana
32 dhārayed deśayed vācayet … saṃprakāśayed cau. opt. he should cause to bear in mind, demonstrate,
recite … illuminate

8. „To Have‟

The Sanskrit syntax for expressing „to have‟ is achieved through combining the
genitive case with the following roots: √as (to be), √vṛt (to be), √bhū (to be), √vid (to
exist, vidyate), pra-√bhū (to have power over), √īś (to rule), and etc. There are
numerous examples of their application in the Vajracchedikā as shown below.

§ example [gen] +[root] meaning

3 bodhisattvasya [gen] sattva-saṁjñā pravarteta [√vṛt opt.] the bodhisattva would have
6 srotāpannasya [gen] evaṃ bhavati [√bhū] the srotāpanna has such (view)
9 sacet...srotāpannasya [gen] evaṃ bhaven [√bhū opt.] if... the srotāpanna would have such (view)
9 na ca me [gen]...evaṃ bhavati [√bhū] and I…have no such (view)
10 tasya [gen] evaṃ rūpa ātmabhāvaḥ syāt [√as opt.] he could have such a form of own-presence
14 me [gen] kācit saṁjñā vā asaṁjñā vā babhūva [√bhū perf.] I had not any idea or non-idea
18 saṁvidyate [√vid] tathāgatasya [gen] māṁsacakṣuḥ the Tathāgata has the phusical eye(s)
25 tathāgatasya [gen] ātma-grāhaḥ abhaviṣyat [√bhū con.] the Tathāgata would have the (grasping)
trapping of the self

Conze, E., 1973. Perfect Wisdom: The Short Prajnaparamita Texts. Totnes: Buddhist Publishing Group

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9. Abbrevation of Grammatical Terms 語法縮略詞

Genders (liṅga) 詞性
masculine 陽、feminine 陰、neuter 中

Numbers (vacana) 詞數
singular 單、dual 雙、plural 複

Persons (puruṣa) 人稱
(第) 1st、2nd、3rd (人)

Voices (upagraha) 語態
Ātmanepada (middle ending) 為自、Parasmaipada (active ending) 為他

Cases (vibhakti) 變格
nominative 主格、accusative 業格、instrumental 具格、dative 與格、ablative 從格、genitive 屬格、
locative 處格、vocative 呼格

Tenses (kālā) 時態
present (indicative) 陳述、perfect 完成、periphrastic-perfect 迂迴完成、imperfect 未完成過去、
aorist 不定過去、periphrastic-future 迂迴未來、future 未來

Moods (arthā) 語氣
imperative 命令、optative 祈願、conditional 條件、subjuctive 虛擬、injunctive 禁令

Derivatve verbs (pratyayānta-dhātu) 衍生動詞

passive 被動、causative 使役、desiderative 意欲、intensive 強意、denominative 動名詞

Participles (kṛdanta) 分詞
pap present part. (active stem) 現在分詞 (為他語態)、
pmp present part. (middle stem) 現在分詞 (為自語態)、
ppp present passive part. 現在被動分詞、
psap past active 過去主動分詞、
pp past passive part. 過去被動分詞、
fap future part. (active stem) 未來分詞 (為他語態)、
fmp future part (middle stem) 未來分詞 (為自語態)、
fpp future passive part. 未來被動分詞 (義務、必要) 分詞、
pfap perfect part. (active stem) 完成分詞 (為他語態) 、
pfmp perfect part. (middle stem)完成分詞 (為自語態)、
gerund (absolutive, indeclinable past participle) 絕對分詞、
infinitive 不定分詞 infinitive

Pronouns (sarvanāman) 代詞
ppn personal, 人稱代詞、dpn demonstrative 指示代詞、rpn relative 關係代詞、
ipn interrogative 疑問代詞、rpn reflexive 反身代詞、
pronominal adjective (依)代詞式(變格的)形容詞

Compounds cpd (samāsa) 複合詞

tatpuruṣa 依主釋、karmadhāraya 持業釋、bahuvrīhi 有財釋、dvanda 並列釋、
dvigu 帶數釋、upapada‘名動詞結合’釋、置於複合詞:前 o (-ibc)、後 o (-ifc)

Numerals (saṃkhyā) 數詞
cardinal 基數、ordinal 序數

Miscellaneous 其他
adjective 形容詞、adverb 助動詞、indecline 不變詞、pcl particle 副詞、
pfx prefix 前綴、sfx suffix 後綴、cpv comparative 比較級、spv superlative 最高級

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10. Sanskrit grammar and literal Chinese, English translations

m sg nom
 bhagavān: small-font in blue denotes grammatical abbreviations listed in Section 9;
 文: [多譯]原文;Dharmagupta Chinese translation;
 文: [多譯]無梵文對應;Dharmagupta Chinese translation without Sankrit equivalent;
 [文]: 漏譯增補;re-instated missing Chinese translation to match the Sanskrit text;
 被我所聞: 小體字為助讀用;small-font Chinese for improving readability;
 什缺„„什缺:對照 Müller 版[什譯]缺譯部分;missing Kumārajīva‟s translation vs. Müller edition;
 jetavanee' anātha-piṇḍadasyaāārāme: superscript shows reading after sandhi (selectively applied);
 BHS: Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary; MW: Monier Williams Sanskrit English Dictionary.

f sg nom
diamond cutter
~tī f sg dat ~tā f sg dat
o ā
| namaḥ bhagavatyai ārya-prajñāpāramitāyai ||
homage to the Bhagavatī the Nobel Prajñāpāramitā


ind 1st sg inst pp n sg nom m sg loc √i m sg loc ~vat m sg nom ~tī f sg loc vi-√hṛ pres 3rd sg ind
§1 evaṁ mayā śrutam | ekasmin samaye bhagavān śrāvastyāṁ viharati sma
3 4
如是 被我 所聞 於一 時 世尊 聞者 於舍衛國 遊行 住 表過去
Such by me heard Once the Bhagavat in Śrāsvatī lived past sense
m sg loc adj m sg gen m sg loc ~at adj m sg inst ~saṁgha m sg inst ind+inst ind
jetavanee' anātha-piṇḍadasya ārāme mahatā bhikṣu-saṁghena sārdham ardha-

勝林中 無親 摶施與之 園中 與大 比丘 眾僧伽 共一起 與半

at Jetawoods in Anāthapiṇḍa‟s garden with large monk-gathering together with half-
adj n pl inst n pl inst adj m pl inst m pl inst m pl inst
-trayodaśabhiḥ bhikṣu-śataiḥ saṁbahulaiḥ ca bodhisattvaiḥr mahāsattvaiḥ |
三十十三 與比丘 百 [與眾多 菩薩 摩訶薩]
-three-ten monks in the hundred (ie 1,250) with many and Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas
ind ind m sg loc √vas ger [dvanda cpd] n sg acc ā-√dā ger
atha khalu bhagavān pūrva-āhṇa -kāla-samaye nivāsya pātra-cīvaram ādāya
8 9
爾時 世尊 於前 分 時 (時) 上裙著已 缽器 上絡衣法衣 持已
Thereupon the Bhagavat in morning time having dressed bowl-and-robe having taken
f sg acc f sg acc m sg dat √viś aor 3rd sg 不定過
śrāvastīṁ mahā-nagarīṁ piṇḍāya prāvikṣat | atha khalu bhagavān śrāvastīṁ
聞者舍衛國 大 城 摶為為乞食 入 爾時 世尊 聞者舍衛國
to Śrāvastī big-city for alms entered Thereupon the Bhagavat to Śrāvastī

chedaka [adj, ifc], ~ika [sfx] „pertaining to‟
sam-√i „coming together‟, hence „congregation, time, condition‟ etc.
√hṛ “移動”,vi-√hṛ“反-移動”=“住”
Jeta „princ‟ “祇陀太子”; -vana „woods“林” ;j etavana „Jetagrove‟“祇樹園”; a-nātha („no protector‟, i.e. the poor) ”
“無親(無依怙) ” ; -piṇḍa „solid mass, alms‟“摶食”; -da „to give‟ “施與”; anātha-piṇḍada „provider to the poor‟
Sudatta is so-called, 舍衛城蘇達多长者的尊稱;anātha-piṇḍada ārāma „(his) grove‟“給孤獨園”
“三十”實為“十三”;“半十三百”:1. 再加半百即十三百 ;或 2. 十二百加上第十三百的一半;即 1,250 人
pūrva [pron adj] „prior‟; āhṇa [n] „a series of days‟, from ahar [n] „a sacrificial or festival day‟
“前分時”(“ 日初分”) =“午前”
pra-a-vikṣat [aor] „enters‟ (past action of today)

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m sg dat √car ger [bahu cpd] ger ind m √pad

11 d
mahā-nagarīṁ piṇḍāya caritvā kṛta-bhakta-kṛtyaḥ paścāt -bhakta-piṇḍa-pāta-
大 城 搏為為乞食 行已 所作已 食作已=乞食已 【然後 食 摶 墮倒入
big-city for alms having gone begged-food-having taken thereafter-food-alms-placed (in bowl)-and
√kram pp adj [dvanda cpd] n sg nom √śam ger m du acc √kṣal ger √sad aor √jña BHS pp loc
12 13e
pratikrāntaḥ pātra-cīvaraṁ pratiśāmya pādau prakṣālya nyaṣīdat prajñapta
過返回】 缽器 上絡衣法衣 收攝已 兩足 洗已 坐具世尊 於所施設之座(敷設)
returned bowl-and-robe having put away both feet having washed he sat in the arranged seat
n sg loc m sg acc √bhuj ger adj m sg acc m sg acc pra-ni-√dhā ger mukha adj f sg acc f sg acc
eva āsane paryaṅkam ābhujya ṛjuṁ kāyaṁ praṇidhāya pratimukhīṁ smṛtim
如是 座中 跏趺 結曲已 直 身 作已 現面前 念
thus in seat cross-leg posture having bent upright body having applied before-the-face full awareness
upa-√sthā cau ger adj m pl nom bhikṣu m pl nom pcl m sg nom pcl √kram adj pap m sg nom
15 ṁs o
upasthāpya | atha khalu saṁbahulā bhikṣavo yena bhagavān tena upasaṁkraman |
近住令建立已 什缺爾時 【眾多 比丘 若凡(處) 世尊 彼(處) 詣所到】
having made to produce Thereupon many monks where the Bhagavat there (they go) is going
ger ~vat m sg gen m du acc śiras n pl inst √vand ger ~vat m sg acc pradakṣiṇīkṛ
upasaṁkramya bhagavataḥ pādau śirobhiḥ abhivandya bhagavantaṁ triṣ-pradakṣiṇī-
到已 世尊之 兩足 [以頭] 頂禮已 向世尊邊 三 右繞
having approached of the Bhagavat both feet by head having saluted to the Bhagavat 3-right-circumambulations
ger num ~ta m sg loc √sad aor m pl
17 ā
-kṛtya eka ante nyaṣīdan ||1||
作已 於一 邊 坐下什缺
-having done on one side they sat down

m sg inst ind ind m sg inst ~mat adj m sg nom m sg nom f sg loc f sg loc √pat pp m sg nom
§2 tena khalu punarḥsamayena āyuṣmān18 subhūtiḥstasyām eva parṣadi saṁnipatitaḥo'
什缺彼 復 時 命者具壽 善實須菩提 於彼所 如是 眾[會中] 聚集會
At that moreover time Venerable Subhūti at that very assembly gathered
aor 3rd sg √sad pp m nom ut-√sthā ger m sg abl num m sg acc
ā ā-
abhūt saṁniṣaṇṇaḥ | atha khaluvāyuṣmān subhūtiḥ utthāya āsanāt eka aṁsam r d

[是] 坐什缺 爾時 命者 善實 起已 坐從座 一 肩

was seated Thereupon Venerable Subhūti having risen from seat one shoulder
m sg acc ger n sg acc n sg acc f sg loc √sthā cau ger pcl
uttarā-saṅgaṁ kṛtvā dakṣiṇaṁ jānu-maṇḍalaṁ pṛthivyāṁ pratiṣṭhāpya yena
上著衣 作已 右 膝 輪蓋 於地 著觸已 若凡
upper-robe having arranged right knee-cap on groud having made to touch where
pcl m sg acc √nam ger m sg acc aor 3rd sg n sg nom m sg voc
ṁs ā 20
bhagavān tena añjaliṁ praṇamya bhagavantam etad avocat | āścaryaṁ bhagavan
世尊(處) 彼(處) 合掌 [恭敬已] 向世尊邊 如是此 言 【希有(事) 世尊
the Bhagavat (is) there (in) supplication having saluted to the Bhagavat this said A rare thing O Bhagavat
n sg nom m sg voc ind m sg inst ~hat m sg inst m sg inst
21 ā
param-āścaryaṁ sugata yāvad eva tathāgatena arhatā samyak-saṁbuddhena
[最勝 希有(事) 善逝] 乃至所有[如是] 被如來 被應供 被正遍知正等正覺
an exceedingly rare thing O Sugata just so much by Tathāgata by Arhat by Fully-enlightened One

kṛta [pp]-bhakta [n]-kṛtya [ger] [bahu cpd], by beginning with a [pp] (kṛta) it carries the meaning of a gerund: „having taken
the meal‟; √bhaj „to beg‟, bhakta [n] „food, meal, boiled rice‟; kṛtya BHS: at end of adj. cpd (i.e. bahu cpd) means „business‟;
bhakta-kṛtya from Pāli bhatta-kicca lit. „the business of food‟ i.e. „a meal‟
paścāt [ind] „afterwards‟; bhakta [n] „food, meal‟; piṇḍa „solid mass, alms,‟ pāta [pp] √pat „thrown‟; piṇḍapāta ‘alms thrown
(placed) in the bowl); MW: prati-√kram „to return‟ (cf. BHS: pratikramati „to abstain‟)
BHS: prajñapta =Pāli paññatta [pp. of paññāpeti] „arranged/appointed‟, i.e. special seat‟
lit. „having made to stand near‟, cf. upasthāna [n] „standing near, coming into the presence of‟; BHS: =upasthāpayati/
upasthāpeti [cau] from Pāli upaṭṭhapeti/upaṭṭhāpeti [cau]: „produces a mental state, idea or emotion in oneself‟
pradakṣiṇīkṛ „go round from left to right‟, i.e. circumambulation; datokṣiṇa“右”
BHS: functions like Pāli āvuso „venerable‟; MW: lit. „possessing health, long-lived‟
parṣadi „assembly‟“會”;saṁnipatita „assembled‟“聚集”
lit. „Well-gone‟
MW: „open-hands placed side by side raised to the forehead as a mark of supplication‟

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m pl nom m pl nom √grah m pl pp adj m sg inst √grah m sg inst

ā 22
bodhi-sattvā mahā-sattvā anuparigṛhītāḥ parameṇa anugraheṇa | āścaryaṁ bhagavan
菩薩 摩訶薩 所攝受順攝 以最勝 攝受順攝 [希有(事) 世尊]
Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas are favoured with the greatest favour A rare thing O Bhagavat
yāvad eva tathāgaten arhatā samyaksaṁbuddhena bodhi-sattvā mahā-sattvāḥ
乃至所有[如是] 被如來 被應供 被正遍知正等正覺 菩薩 摩訶薩
just so much by Tathāgata by Arhat by Fully-enlightened One Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas
pp m sg nom ~mā adj f sg inst ~danā f sg inst n ind voc adj m sg inst
23 24
parīnditāḥ paramayā parīndanayā | tat kathaṁ bhagavan bodhisattva-yāna-
所付囑 以最勝 付囑】 彼 云何 世尊 【以菩薩 乘
are entrusted with the highest trust That how O Bhagavat by one-who-in-Bodhisattva-vehicle-
sam-pra-√sthā ~ta pp m sg inst duhitṛ m sg inst fpp n sg nom 未被分 √pad fpp n sg
26 27
saṁprasthitena kula -putreṇa vā kula-duhitrā vā sthātavyaṁ kathaṁ pratipattavyaṁ
所發行發趣 [被善男子 或 被善女人 或]住應應被安住 什缺云何 修行應應被修行什缺
sets-out by son-of-good-family or by daughter-of-good-family or is to be abided how is to be practised
n sg nom √grah fpp n sg nom ukta pp loc nom
kathaṁ cittaṁ pragrahītavyaṁ28 | evam ukte bhagavān āyuṣmantaṁ subhūtim etad
云何 心 降伏應應被降伏】 如是 語已 世尊 對命者 善實邊 如此是
how the mind is to be calmed Thus spoken the Bhagavat to Venerable Subhūti this
pcl pcl voc pcl pres 2nd sg
avocat sādhu sādhu subhūte evam etat subhūte evam etatdyathā vadasi | anuparigṛhītāḥs
言 善哉 善哉 善實 如是 如是此 善實 [如是 此 正如 汝説] 所順攝
said well-said well-said O Subhūti this (is) so O Subhūti This (is) so just as you say Are favoured
tathāgatena bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ parameṇa anugraheṇa parīnditāḥstathāgatena
被如來 菩薩 摩訶薩 以最勝 順攝 所付囑 被如來
by Tathāgata Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas with the greatest favour are entrusted by Tathāgata
ind √śru imp 2nd sg pcl pcl
bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ paramayā parīndanayā | tena hi subhūte śṛṇu sādhu ca
菩薩 摩訶薩 以最勝 付囑 彼由是 [誠然] 善實 汝應聽 善 [並且]
Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas with the highest trust Hence indeed O Subhūti you must listen well and
adv √kṛ imp 2nd sg √bhāṣ fut 1st sg mad nom tvad dat pcl saṃ-pra-√sthā ~ta pp (noun) m sg inst
31 e'
suṣṭhu ca manasi-kuru bhāṣiṣye ahaṁ te yathā bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitena
極善 [及] 意念作應作意 說當我將說 [我 為汝] 如此 以菩薩 乘 所發行發趣(者)
very-well and you must bear in mind (I) will tell I for you as follows: by one-who-in-Bodhisattva-vehicle-sets-out
sthātavyaṁ yathā pratipattavyaṁ yathā cittaṁ pragrahītavyam | evaṁ bhagavan itiy
住應應被安住 如此 修行應應被修行 如此 心 降伏應應被降伏 “如是 世尊”
to be abided as follows to be practised as follows the mind to be calmed „So is it O Bhagavat‟
adj m sg nom m sg nom m sg abl √śru aor 3rd sg 不定過
r 32
āyuṣmān subhūtiḥ bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt ||2||
命者 善實 從世尊邊 願欲聼聞
Venerable Subhūti from the Bhagavat heard

anu-pari-√grah „receive, favour‟ 攝受:佛以慈悲心收取和护持众生; anugraha [m] „conferring favour, benefits‟
parīndita [pp adj] „entrusted, presented, gratified‟
parīndānā BHS: anuparīndānā/parīndānā „the giving over, presenting‟; cf. Pāli anuparīndānā “囑累”(嘱托以事而累彼)
saṃ-pra-√sthā „to set out‟
kula [n] „family‟
„to be seized, calmed‟
ukta [pp] of √vac, ukte [loc] of circumstance; „while, in the event‟
manasi-√kṛ „bear or ponder in the mind, meditate on, remember‟
pratyaśrauṣīt [aor 3rd sg] „to lend ears to, hears‟ (aorist: action of today)

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ayam m sg gen ind saṃ-pra-√sthā ~ta pp (noun) m sg inst

§3 bhagavān asya etad avocat | iha subhūte bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitenaaievaṃ
世尊 (於此) 此 言 於此 善實 以菩薩 乘 所發趣行(者) 如是
The Bhagavat (of this) this said Here O Subhūti by one-who-in-Bodhisattva-vehicle-sets-out thus
n sg nom √pad cau fpp n sg nom yāvat m pl nom m pl nom m sg loc m sg inst

cittam utpādayitavyaṃ yāvantas subhūte sattvāḥ sattvadhātau sattva-saṁgraheṇa35
心 應被(令)發生應 【所有如其多 善實 眾生 [眾生界中] 什缺以眾生 攝受
mind is to be caused to produce as many O Subhūti beings in realm-of- beings by the gathering-of-beings
pp m sg nom adj m pl nom adj m pl nom adj m pl nom adj m pl nom rupin adj m pl nom
au 36
saṁgṛhītā aṇḍajā vā jarāyujā vā saṁsvedajā vā aupapādukā vā rūpiṇo vā arūpiṇo vā
所攝受已什缺】 卵生若或 胎生 若或 濕生 若或 化生 若或 有色 若或 無色 若或
is gathered egg-born or womb-born or wet-born or spontaneously-born or with-form or form-less or
saṃjñin adj m pl nom m sg nom ipn m m sg nom
saṁjñino vā a-saṁjñino vā naaieva saṁjñino na a-saṁjñino vā yāvāt kaścit sattva- n

有想 若或 無想 若或 非無[如是] 有想 非無 無想 [或]【所有乃至[任何]眾生
with or without apperception or likewise not with or not without-apperception (or) as far as any beings-
adj cau pmp m sg nom cau pass m sg m pl inst m pl nom adj m sg loc m sg loc
38 e' 39
dhātuḥ prajñapyamānaḥ prajñapyate te ca mayā sarve anupadhiśeṣe nirvāṇa-dhātau
界 [(令)施設着] 被(令)施設已】 彼等 及 被我 一切 無受餘於無餘依 於涅槃 界
realm (that) is being made to conceive is made conceived and all these by me into none-remaining Nirvāna-realm
pari-nir-√vā cau fpp m pl nom √mā adj m pl acc ind m pl acc cau ger m sg nom
parinirvāpayitavyāḥ | evam aparimāṇān api sattvān parinirvāpya na kaścit sattvaḥ
滅度應應被(令)滅度(般涅槃) 如是 無量 雖 眾生 (令)滅度已 無 有一任何 眾生
are made to be completely extinguished So innumerable though beings having made extinguished not any being
cau adj pp m sg nom √bhū pres 3rd sg nom gen hetu gen ind gen+√vṛt=„has‟ f sg nom
parinirvāpitaḥ bhavati | tat kasya hetoḥ | sacet42 subhūte bodhisattvasya sattva-saṁjñā

所滅度 有 什缺彼 何所 因=何之故 若 善實 菩薩有摩訶薩 眾生 觀想

is made extinguished (to be) That for what reason If O Subhūti Bodhisattva shd have idea-of-a-being
pra-√vṛt opt 3rd sg ind fpp m sg nom
pravarteta na sa bodhi-sattva iti vaktavyaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ | na sa subhūte
轉起 =若有 則不 彼 菩薩摩訶薩 名為 說應應被稱什缺彼 何所 因=何之故 不 彼 善實
(should be) not he „Bodhisattva‟ is to be called That for what reason Not he O Subhūti
gen+√vṛt =„has‟ pra-√vṛt opt 3rd sg √jīv
bodhisattvo vaktavyo yasya ātma-saṃjñā pravarteta sattva-saṁjñā vā jīva-saṁjñā vā
菩薩名 說應應被稱 [彼會有 我 想 轉起] 若眾生 想轉 [或] 壽命 想 若或
Bodhisattva is to be called who would have idea-of-self (wd be) idea-of-a-being or idea-of-living soul or
pudgala-saṁjñā vā pravarteta ||3||
人補特迦儸 想 若或 轉起=若有
idea-of-person or (should be)

Müller‟s note: Jap. witness texts have: bhagavānetadavocat i.e. without asya, and no manuscript has asy ai etad; Harrison &
Watanabe (2006): bhagavān tān avocat
saṁgraha „gathering, collection, inclusion, comprehension‟
BHS: „spontaneous birth‟
prajñapayati [cau] „causes to be known, i.e. to be conceived, defined‟
upadi [m] „the act of putting/adding to‟ ; -śeṣa [m/n] „remainder‟; anupadhiśeṣa [adj, m]„nothing-remaining-to add, absolute,
vāpayati [cau] „causes to extinguish‟
BHS sacet or sace =Pāli sace
pravarteta [opt 3rd sg] „should take place‟, used with sacet „if … should arise‟; √vṛt 1. to be, 2. „to turn, revolve‟ hence
Chinese“轉;cf. pravartate [pres 3rd sg]

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~i m sg voc m sg inst n √sthā adj pp m sg inst n sg acc √dā fpp n sg nom

§4 api tu khalu punaḥ subhute na bodhisattvena vastu-pratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam
雖然强調 復次時 善實 【不 被菩薩摩訶薩 事 住以住於事 布施 與應應被施予
And then moreove O Subhūti not by a Bodhisattva who is fixed-on-things gift is to be given
na kvacit pratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam | na rūpa-pratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam |
無 [任何] 以所住 布施 與應應被施予】 不 以住於色住 布施 與應應被施予
not anything by being-fixed-on gift is to be given Not by being-fixed-on-form gift is to be given
[dvanda cpd] m pl loc
na śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavya-dharmeṣu pratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam | evaṁ hi
不 以聲 香 味 觸 法中 以住於 布施 與應應被施予 如是 此確實
not on sounds-smells-tastes-touchables-and-dharmas by being-fixed-on gift is to be given Likewise indeed
pcl n f pl loc
sūbhūte bodhisattvena mahāsattvena dānaṁ dātavyam | yathā na nimitta-saṁjñāyām
善實 被菩薩 被摩訶薩 布施 與應應被施予 正如 不 於相(動機)想
O Subhūti by a Bodhisattva by a Mahāsattva gift is to be given Just as not upon sign (or motive)-idea
opt 3rd sg adj pp m sg nom n sg acc pres 3rd sg
api pratitiṣṭhet | tat kasya hetoḥ | yaḥ subhūte bodhisattvaḥ apratiṣṭhito dānaṁ dadāti
亦 應住 彼 何所 因=何之故 若凡 善實 菩薩摩訶薩 不住無所住 布施 與施予
also he should fix That for what reason Whatever O Subhūti Bodhisattva who is wihout fixation a gift gives away
m sg gen m sg gen adj n sg acc √mā n sg acc ud-√grah inf 不定 √man pres 2nd sg
tasya subhūte puṇya-skandhasya na sukaraṁ46 pramāṇam udgrahītum | tat kiṁ manyase
彼之所 善實 福 聚 可易不 量 受取 彼 何 汝意念
his O Subhūti merit-heap‟s not easy measure to grasp That what you think
adj n sg nom pūrvā f sg loc diś f sg loc m sg gen n sg nom inf √ah perf 3rd sg
48 r
subhūte sukaraṁ pūrvasyāṁ diśi ākāśasya pramāṇam udgrahītum | subhūtiḥ āha |
善實 可易 於前東 方中 虛空之 量 受取否 善實 言
O Subhūti easy in the Eastern quarter of space the measure to grasp? Subhūti said
voc [dvanda cpd] f pl loc adhas ind ind
no hiīidaṁ bhagavan | bhagavān āha | evaṁ dakṣiṇa-paścima -uttarāsu adha ūrdhvaṁ o v

不非也如此 世尊 世尊 言 如是 右南 後西 高北 下 上
Not indeed the case O Bhagavat The Bhagava said Likewise in the South(right)-West(back)-North(upwards)-nadir(below)-zenith(above)
f pl loc adv (m sg abl) daśa f pl loc diś f pl loc
g 49 d50 51
dik -vidikṣu samantāt daśasu dikṣu sukaram ākāśasya pramāṇam udgrahītum |
方 順不正方四隅 普周遍 十 方中 可易 虛空之 量 受取否
in the cardinal-intermediate points in contiguity in the ten directions easy of space measure to grasp?
subhūtiḥrāha | no hiīidaṁ bhagavan | bhagavān āha | evam eva subhūte yo
善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 世尊 言 如是 如是 善實如是如是若凡
Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat The Bhagavat said Just so just so O Subhūti whatever
bodhisattvaḥo'apratiṣṭhito dānaṁ dadāti tasya subhūte puṇya-skandhasya na sukaraṁ
菩薩摩訶薩 不無所住 布施 與施予 彼之所 善實 福 聚之 不 可易
Bodhisattva wihout fixation a gift gives away his O Subhūti merit-heap‟s not easy
pramāṇam udgrahītum | evaṁ hi subhūte bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitena dānaṁ
量 受取雖然復次時[如是 誠然] 善實 如是 什缺以菩薩 乘 所發趣行(者) 布施
measure to grasp Likewuse indeed O Subhūti by one-who-in-Bodhisattva-vehicle-sets-out a gift
opt 3rd sg
dātavyaṁ yathā na nimitta-saṁjñāyām api pratitiṣṭhet ||4||
與應應被施予 正如 不 於相想念頭/動機 亦什缺 應住
is to be given just as not upon sign (or motive)-idea also he should fix

“布施不應被菩薩以住於事施予, 布施應以無任何所住被施予”
nimitta [m] „sign‟ but also „motive, cause‟
su-kara, na sukaraṁ „not easy to‟, with infinitive udgrahītum
BHS pūrvasyāṁ [f sg loc] of Skt pūrvā [f]
dik [f] „cardinal point‟“方”; vidiś [f] „an intermediate point of the compass (e.g. South East)‟; dik- vidiś“順不正方”:東
[abl] used as [adv] „in contiguity or conjunction with'
diś [f] „direction'

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f sg inst m sg nom fpp m sg nom

§5 tat kiṁ manyase subhūte lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ | subhūtiḥrāha |

彼 何 汝意念 善實 以相具足 如來 見應應被見否 善實 言

That what you think O Subhūti with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen? Subhūti said
no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ |
不非也[此] 世尊 [無] 相具足 如來 見應應被見 彼 何所 因=何之故
Not indeed the case O Bhagavat Not with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen That for what reason
f sg nom f sg nom m sg inst pp f sg nom [bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom
53 ai ā
yā sā bhagavan lakṣaṇa-saṁpat tathāgatena bhāṣitā sā eva a-lakṣaṇa-saṁpat |
54 55
若凡彼 [世尊] 被如來相具足 所說 彼 如是 非無 相具足
Which that O Bhagavat feature-endowment by Tathāgata is spoken of that as such is without-feature-endowment
pp loc pcl
evam ukte bhagavān āyuṣmantaṁ subhūtim etad avocat yāvat subhūte lakṣaṇa-saṁpat
如是 語已 世尊 對命者 善實 如是此 言 所有凡 善實 相具足
Thus spoken the Bhagavat to Venerable Subhūti this said „as long as O Subhūti (there is) feature-endowment
rel adj f sg nom f sg nom [tatpu cpd] ~tas abl prep adv
tāvat mṛṣā yāvat a-lakṣaṇa-saṁpat tāvatnna mṛṣāe57iti | hi lakṣaṇaā-a-lakṣaṇa-tas
n d

所有即 虛妄 所有凡 不無相具足 所有即 不無 虛妄 名云 此誠然 相不相從相之無相

there is falsehood as long as (there is) no features-endowment there is no falsehood‟ Indeed thru. no-feature-of-features
m nom sg fpp m sg nom
tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ ||5||
如來 見應應被見
Tathāgata is to be seen

pp loc pres 3rd sg ipn pl m pl nom

a r
§6 evam ukte āyuṣmān subhūtiḥ bhagavantam etad avocat | asti bhagavan kecit sattvā
如是 語已 命者 善實 對世尊邊 如是此 言 雖然 [是否] 世尊 頗有 眾生
Thus spoken Venerable Subhūti to the Bhagavat this said Is it that O Bhagavat certain beings
fut 3rd pl adj m sg loc ~an m sg loc adj m sg loc m sg loc adj m sg loc m sg loc adj f sg loc
y e' 59
bhaviṣyanti anāgate adhvani paścime kāle paścime samaye paścimāyāṁ
當有將會 於未來 世 於後 時 於後 長時 於後分
will in future period in final day(s) in final epoch in final
adj f sg loc m √lup [loc abs] √vṛt pmp m sg loc m pl m pl loc [loc abs] adj m pl loc
pañca-śatyāṁ60saddharma-vipralopa-kāle vartamāne 61 a v
ye imeṣu evaṁ-rūpeṣu
五 百(歲) 【當正法 正破壞 時中 轉時中】 【若當彼等 此等中 如是 色類
500-years when the true-dharma is being annihilated when these such forms of
m pl loc √bhāṣ pmp m pl loc f sg acc √pad cau fut 3rd pl
sūtrānta-padeṣu bhāṣyamāṇeṣu bhūta-saṁjñām utpādayiṣyanti | bhagavān āha |
經 句中 說中正宣說時】 真實 想 發生當有將(令)生起 世尊 言
sutra-verses are being spoken of idea-of-truth they will cause to give rise to? The Bhagavat said
pcl imp 2nd sg ipn pl m pl nom
y e'
mā subhūte tvam evaṃ vocaḥ | asti kecit sattvā bhaviṣyanti anāgate adhvani
莫 善實 汝 如是 汝該語 雖然是否世尊頗有眾生 當有將會 於未來 世
not O Subhūti you such must say Is it that certain beings will in future period

MW: sampada =sampanna [ifc] in [inst] „enodwed, furnished with, possessed of‟
sampat (-ifc for sampad)
譯文倒置:lakṣaṇasaṁpat 相具足 tathāgatena 被如來
„without‟ see discussion in Section 4
Harrison & Watanabe (2006): tāvad amṛṣā iti
kecit [疑問代詞]“任何”
kāla „time‟ this meaning in BHS and Pāli only
śatya [adj] „consisting of a hundred‟; note Harrison reads Skt. pañcāśatī for „50‟
vipralopa [m] „destruction, annihilation‟; vipralopa-kāle „peirod of annihilation‟; √vṛt 1. „to be‟ or 2. „to turn‟
“當正法正破滅時”;“轉”為 √vṛt (vartamāne) „to turn‟ 之譯
[loc abs] „when being spoken of‟; sūtrānta formed like vedānta, siddhānta „a Buddhist Sūtra or the doctrines contained in it‟

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paścime kāle paścime samaye paścimāyāṃ pañcaśatyāṃ saddharma-vipralope

於後 時 於後 長時 於後分 五百(歲) 當正法 正破壞時中
in final day(s) in final epoch in final 500-years when the true-dharma is being annihilated
vartamāne yea imeṣu evaṃ-rūpeṣu sūtrānta-padeṣu bhāṣyamāṇeṣu bhūta-saṃjñām

轉時中 若當彼等此等中如是 色類 經 句中 說中正宣說時 真實 想

(being) when these such forms of sutra-verses are being spoken of idea-of-truth
√pad cau fut 3rd pl
utpādayiṣyanti | api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte bhaviṣyantiyanāgatee' adhvani
發生當有將(令)生起 雖然强調 復次時 善實 當有 於未來 世
they will cause to give rise to And then moreover O Subhūti there will be in future period
m pl nom m pl nom
bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ paścime kāle paścime samaye paścimāyāṁ pañcaśatyāṁ
菩薩 摩訶薩 [於後 時 於後 長時] 於後分 五百(歲)
Bodhisattvās Mahāsattvās in final day(s) in final epoch in final 500-years
~vant adj m pl nom ~vant adj m pl nom ~vant adj pl nom
saddharma-vipralope vartamāne guṇavantaḥ śīlavantaḥ prajñāvantaḥśca bhaviṣyanti
當正法 正破壞時中 轉時中 【戒究竟具戒功德究竟具德】 智慧究竟具慧 [將有]
when the true-dharma is being annihilated endowed with virtues morals and insight there will be
ut√pad cau fut 3rd pl
yeaimeṣuvevaṁ-rūpeṣu sūtrānta-padeṣu bhāṣyamāṇeṣu bhūta-saṁjñām utpādayiṣyanti |
[當彼等此等 如是 色類 經 句 正宣說時 真實 想 將(令)生起]
when these such forms of sutra-verses are being spoken of idea-of-truth they will cause to give rise to
m pl nom m pl nom [bahu cpd, adj] pari-upa-√ās pp m pl nom
na khalu punar te subhūte bodhisattvā mahāsattvā eka-buddha-paryupāsitā
不僅 復次時 彼等 善實 菩薩 摩訶薩 一 佛 親近供養
Not (only) moreover these O Subhūti Bodhisattvās Mahāsattvās one-buddha-reverenced
pres 3rd pl [bahu cpd, adj] √ruh pp m pl nom
ai ā 66
bhaviṣyanti na eka-buddha -avaropita -kuśala-mūlā bhaviṣyanti | api tu khalu punaḥ
當有將是 不僅 一 佛 種植 善 根 [將是] 雖然强調 復次時
will be not (only) are one-buddha-planted-merit-roots will be And then moreover
[bahu cpd, adj] pp m pl nom [bahu cpd,cpd] m pl nom
subhūte an-eka-buddha-śata-sahasra-paryupāsitā an-eka-buddha-śata-sahasraā-
善實 不僅 一 佛 百 千 親近供養 不僅 一 佛 百 千
O Subhūti not-(only)-one-hundred-thousand-buddha-reverenced not-(only)-one-hundred-thousand-buddha-
avaropita-kuśala-mūlāḥste bodhisattvā mahāsattvā bhaviṣyanti ye imeṣu evaṁ- a v
種植 善 根 彼等 菩薩 摩訶薩 當有將是 若當彼等此等中 如是
planted-merit-roots these Bodhisattvās Mahāsattvās will be when these such forms of
[karma cpd] m sg acc √labh fut 3rd pl
v 69
rūpeṣu sūtrānta-padeṣu bhāṣyamāṇeṣu eka-citta-prasādam api pratilapsyante |
色類中 經 句中 說中正說時 一 心 淨信 亦即使 得當將得
sutra-verses are being spoken of one-single-thought-(of)-serene faith even they will get
pp m pl nom m sg inst m sg inst pp m pl nom
s s
jñātāḥ te subhūte tathāgatena buddha-jñānena dṛṣṭāḥ te subhūte tathāgatena
所知 彼等 善實 被如來 以佛智 所見 彼等 善實 被如來
Are known they O Subhūti by Tathāgata with Buddha-wisdom are seen they O Subhūti by Tathāgata
n sg inst pp m pl nom pron adj m pl nom pl fpp adj m sg acc
buddha-cakṣuṣā buddhāḥste subhūte tathāgatena | sarve te subhūte aprameyam
以佛眼 [所覺知 彼等 善實 被如來] 一切 彼等 善實 無量不可量
with Buddha-eyes are awared of they O Subhūti by Tathāgata They all O Subhūti immeasurable
fpp adj m sg acc m sg acc pra-√sū fut 3rd pl √grah fut 3rd pl
asaṁkhyeyaṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ prasaviṣyanti pratigrahīṣyanti | tat kasya hetoḥ |
[不可數] 福 聚 生當將生起 取當將攝取 彼 何所 因=何之故
incalculable merit-heap will beget will acquire That for what reason

√ruh [6P] „to grow, rise, increase‟; ava-ropita [pp] „planted down‟
“不僅” [什譯]引申為:“已於無量千萬佛所種諸善根”;藏譯同
extended meaning “not just one (Buddha) …” – Conze, Harrison, Kumārajīva, Tibetan
BHS prasāda [m] „faith, tranquillity‟ “淨信”; Skt. prasad „grow bright, become placid‟“明淨”; Pāli pasāda „brightness,

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m pl gen m pl gen+√vṛt =„have‟ f sg nom √vṛt pres 3rd sg

na hi subhūte teṣāṁ bodhisattvānāṁ mahāsattvānām ātma-saṁjñā pravartate na
不無[誠然] 善實 彼等 菩薩有 摩訶薩有 我 想 轉起=有 不無
No indeed O Subhūti these Bodhisattvās Mahāsattvās have idea-of-self (to be) no
sattva-saṁjñā na jīva-saṁjñā na pudgala-saṁjñā pravartate | na api teṣāṁ subhūte
眾生 想 不無 壽命想 不無 人補特迦儸想 轉起=有 不無亦 彼等 善實
idea-of-being no idea-of-living soul no idea-of-person (to be) No also these O Subhūti
bodhisattvānāṁ mahāsattvānāṁ dharma-saṁjñā pravartate | evaṁ na adharma-saṁjñā |
菩薩有 摩訶薩有 法 想 轉起=有 [如是 無] 無法 想轉
Bodhisattvās Mahāsattvās have idea-of-dharma (to be) Likewise no idea-of-no dharma
naāapi teṣāṁ subhūte saṁjñā naāasaṁjñā pravartate | tat kasya hetoḥ | sacet subhūte
不無亦 彼等有 [善實] 想 [無] 無想 轉起=有不 彼 何所 因=何之故 若 善實
no also they have O Subhūti apperception no no-apperception (to be) That for what reason If O Subhūti
pl gen+√vṛt =„have‟ pl gen+√bhū =„have‟
teṣāṁ bodhisattvānāṁ mahāsattvānāṁ dharma-saṁjñā pravarteta sa71 eva teṣām
彼等 菩薩有 摩訶薩有 法 想 轉起=若有 彼則 如是 彼等會有
these Bodhisattvās Mahāsattvās have idea-of-dharma (to be) then as such they would have
m sg nom √bhū opt 3rd sg m sg nom m sg nom m sg nom √bhū opt 3rd sg
ātma-grāhaḥ bhavet sattva-grāhaḥo jīva-grāhaḥ pudgala-grāho bhavet | sacet
o d

我 執取 會有 眾生 執取 壽命 執取 人補特迦儸 執取 會有 若
grasping-of-self (would be) grasping-of-being grasping-of-living soul grasping-of-person (would be) If (there is)
adharma-saṁjñā pravarteta sa eva teṣām ātma-grāho bhavet sattva-grāho jīva-grāhaḥ
無法 想 轉起=若有 彼則 如是 彼等有 我 執取 會有 眾生 執取 壽命 執取
idea-of-no dharma (to be) then as such they would have grasping-of-self grasping-of-being grasping-of-living soul
pudgala-grāha iti | tat kasya hetoḥ | na khalu punaḥ subhūte bodhisattvena mahāsattvena
人補特迦儸 執取 有云 彼 何所 因=何之故 不 復次時 善實 被菩薩 被摩訶薩
grasping-of-person thus That for what reason No moreover O Subhūti by Bodhisattvās by Mahāsattvās
m sg nom fpp m sg nom ind f sg nom m sg inst √dhā ger +acc
ā d
dharma udgrahītavyo na adharmaḥ | tasmāt iyaṁ tathāgatena saṁdhāya
法 取應應被執取 不 非法 取應 【彼是故 此 義意 被如來 什缺[密意已]什缺
dharma is to be grasped no no-dharma (either) Therefore this by Tathāgata having given it‟s esoteric meaning
f pp f sg nom m m sg acc m sg acc inst pl inst m pl nom
g 73 o 74 75 r
vāk bhāṣitā kola -upamaṁ dharma-paryāyam ājānadbhiḥ dharmā eva
[話語]說 筏 喻 法本法門 解被諸理解者 法 如是
saying is spoken of „raft-simile discourse by those who understand dharma as such
√hā fpp m pl nom ind m pl nom
prahātavyāḥ prāgeva adharmā iti77,78 ||6||
捨應應被斷舍 何況 非法 [云] 】
is to be forsaken more so non-dharma‟

pcl pcl
§7 punar aparaṁ bhagavān āyuṣmantaṁ subhūtim etad avocat | tat kiṁ manyase
什缺復次再者 世尊 對命者 善實邊 如是此 言什缺 彼 何 意念
Furthermore the Bhagavat to Venerable Subhūti this said That what you think
m ipn m m sg nom m adj f sg nom f sg nom
d s ā r y
subhūte asti sa kaścit dharmo yaḥ tathāgatena anuttarā samyak-saṁbodhiḥ iti
善實【有 [彼 任何 法] [凡] 被如來應正遍知 無上 正遍知正等菩提 [名為]
O Subhūti is there any dharma which by the Tathāgata called „utmost complete-enlightenment‟

sache … sa“if … then”
“義意”疑對應後面的 saṁdhāya“密意已”
vāk [f] „speech, saying‟
upamā [f] „simile‟, upama [ifc]
BHS paryāya [m] „means, ways‟; dharma-paryāya „method (round) of teaching‟
BHS prāg eva =Pāli pageva =Skt kim u, kim uta; „how much more/less, not to speak of”“何況”
„thus the dharma is to be forsaken by those who understand the discourse of the raft-simile, more so the non-dharma‟
Harrison & Watanabe (2006) :tasmād idaṁ [n sg acc] saṁndhāya [ger] tathāgatena bhāṣitām [n sg acc] …
“是故,此話語被如來密意而後説:‘法應被諸理解筏喻法門的諸智者斷舍,何況非法。”Müller 梵本擬構參照了

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√budh pp m sg nom √diś pp m sg nom pp loc

abhisaṁbuddhaḥ kaścid vā dharmaḥ tathāgatena deśitaḥ | evam uktea āyuṣmān
所證覺】 有任何 復或 法 被如來 所說否 [如是 語已 命者]
is fully awaken to any or dharma by Tathāgata is taught? Thus spoken Venerable
m sg voc m sg gen
subhūtiḥrbhagavantam etad avocat | yathā ahaṁ bhagavan bhagavataḥo bhāṣitasyaā
善實 [對世尊 此] 言 正如 我 世尊 世尊之 [所說之]
Subhūti to the Bhagavat this said The way I O Bhagavat of the Bhagavat of the saying
m sg acc ā-√jñā pres 1st sg ipn m m sg nom
artham ājānāmi na asti sa kaścitddharmo yaḥstathāgatenaāanuttarā samyaksaṁbodhiḥr

義 解我我瞭解 無 有 [彼] 一任何 法 凡若 被如來 無上 正遍知正等菩提

the meaning I understand there is no any dharma which by the Tathāgata called „utmost complete-enlightenment‟
iti abhisaṁbuddhaḥ na asti dharmo yaḥstathāgatena deśitaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ |
[名為] 所證覺 無 有 一 法 凡若 被如來 所說 彼 何所 因=何之故
is fully awaken to there is no dharma which by Tathāgata is taught That for what reason
m sg nom pp m sg nom fpp m sg nom √lap fpp n sg non
yaḥo'asau tathāgatena dharmaḥ abhisaṁbuddho deśito vā agrāhyaḥ saḥ anabhilapyaḥ |
o' o'

若凡 此彼 被如來 法 [所證] 所說 [或]不可被取 彼 不可被說

Which this by Tathāgata dharma is fully awaken to or is taught is ungraspable it is ineffable
[bahu cpd] pra-√bhū cau pp m pl nom m nom pl
na sa dharmo naāadharmaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ | asaṁskṛta-prabhāvitā hi ārya-pudgalāḥ ||7|| 82 y
83 84
不無彼 法 非無 不無法 彼 何所 因=何之故 【無為法 所(令)顯明 [誠然] 聖 人】
There is no dharma no non-dharma That for what reason Are by-the-unconditioned-made-revealed indeed holy-persons

§8 bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte yaḥ kaścit kula-putro vā kula-duhitā
世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 若凡 有任何 善家子 若或 善家女
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti whatever son-of-good family or daughter-of-good-family
m sg acc m sg acc m sg acc [tatpu cpd] √pṛ pūrṇa pp m sg acc ger+acc
e 85 86
vā imaṁ tri-sāhasra-mahā-sāhasraṁ loka-dhātuṁ sapta-ratna-paripūrṇaṁ kṛtvā
若或 此 三 千 大 千 世 界 (以)七 寶 遍滿 作已
or this three-thousand-mega-thousand realm-of-world with seven-treasures-filled having done (filled)
m pl dat ~arhat m pl dat m pl dat n sg acc opt 3rd sg
o' o
tathāgatebhyaḥ arhadbhayaḥ samyak-saṁbuddhebhyaḥ dānaṁ dadyāt
為如來等 為應供等 為正遍知等正等正覺等 布施 與若施予 彼何意念 善實
for Tathāgatas for Arhats for the Fully-enlightened-ones gift were to give
ind √dā n sg nom ~tara cpv acc m sg acc
api nu87sa kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vā tatas nidānaṁ bahutaraṃ puṇya-skandhaṁ
o 88

雖然强調 彼 善家子 若或 善家女 若或 彼由是 因緣 更多 福 聚

now then that son-or-daughter-of-good-family on that basis more abundant heap-of-merit
√sū 5P opt 3rd sg ind voc 3rd sg ind voc 3rd sg
prasunuyāt | subhūtiḥ āha | bahu bhagavan bahu sugata sa kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vā
能生否 善實 言 多 世尊 多 善逝 彼 善家子 若或 善家女 若或
would it generate? Subhūti said many O Bhagavat many O Sugata that son-or-daughter-of-good-family

MW: pra-√bhū „becomes visible, comes forth‟; prabhāvita [cau pp] „made revealed‟ cf. Tibetan: rab tu gzhag pa'am phye ba
རབ་ཏུ་གཞག་པའམ་ཕྱེ་བ་“所顯”Mahāvyutpatti 梵藏汉《翻译名义大集》詞條 5171; or Harrison & Watanabe (2006): „made
differentiated or distinguished‟; cf. [什譯]:“一切賢聖皆以無為法而有差別 i.e. “區別”
而施設。” “差別”或爲“區別”?
sāhasra [adj] (fr. sahasra) „relating or belonging to a thousand, thousand fold, exceedingly, numerous, infinite‟; Harrison &
Watanabe (2006): „trigalactic-megagalactic‟
first member of cpd sapta-rata in [inst] sense: „with seven-treasures‟
api nu 泛指、加強語氣;„now then‟
„foundation, basis, cause, reason‟

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m sg nom
o o'
tatas nidānaṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyāt | tat kasya hetoḥ | yaḥ asau bhagavan
彼由是 因緣 多福 聚 能生 彼 何所 因=何之故 凡若 彼此 世尊
on that basis heap-of-merit would generate That for what reason Which this O Bhagavat
m sg nom pp m sg nom [bahu cpd] m sg nom
puṇya-skandhaḥstathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ a-skandhaḥ sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | tasmāt
福 聚 被如來 所說 非無福聚 彼 世尊被如來 所說 [是故
heap-of-merit by Tathāgata is spoken of is heap-less it by Tathāgata is spoken of Therefore
tathāgato bhāṣate puṇya-skandhaḥ puṇya-skandha iti | bhagavān āha | yaḥ ca
如來 說] 福 聚 福 聚 者 什缺世尊 言 若凡 [而且]
the Tathāgata says „heap-of-merit, heap-of-merit‟ The Bhagavat said Whatever and
khalu punaḥ subhūte kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vāeimaṁ tri-sāhasra-mahā-sāhasraṁ
復 善實 善家子 若或 善家女 [或] 此 三 千 大 千
moreover O Subhūti son-or-daughter-of-good-family this three-thousand-mega-thousand
loka-dhātuṁ sapta-ratna-paripūrṇaṁ kṛtvā tathāgatebhyaḥo'arhadbhyaḥ
世 界 以七 寶 遍滿 作已 為如來等 為應供等
realm-of-world with seven-treasures-filled having done (filled) for Tathāgatas for Arhats
pcl m sg abl BHS =Skt. antatas pcl
ś e
samyak-saṁbuddhebhyaḥ dānaṁ dadyāt | yaḥ ca itas dharma-paryāyātdantaśas89ś
o o

為正遍知等正等正覺等 布施 與若施予什缺若凡[並] 從此 從法本法門 乃至

for the Fully-enlightened-ones gift were to give Who and hence from this discourse so much as
adj f sg acc f sg acc ger m pl dat √stṛ m sg inst √diś cau opt 3rd sg √kāś cau opt 3rd sg
90 91
catuṣ-pādikām api gāthām udgṛhya parebhyo vistareṇa deśayet saṁprakāśayet
四句式等 [即使] 一偈 受持已 為他人等 以分別廣 若(令)宣說 若(令)開示
in four-line even just a verse having demonstrated for others in full detail were to cause to teach, illuminate
m sg nom n sg nom cpv m sg acc m sg acc √sū 5P opt 3rd sg fpp m sg acc
o d
ayam eva tatas nidānaṁ bahutaraṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyāt aprameyam
此 [如是]彼由是 因緣 更多多過 福 聚 能生 無量不可量
thus on the basis of this more abundant heap-of-merit it would generate immeasurable
fpp m sg acc ind nis-√jan pp f sg nom m pl gen m pl gen
asaṁkhyeyam | tat kasya hetoḥ | atas nirjātā hi subhūte tathāgatānām arhatāṁ
不可數 彼 何所 因=何之故 從此法門 生出[誠然] 善實 如來之 應供之
incalculable That for what reason fr. this (discourse) is born indeed O Subhūti of the Tathāgatas of the Arhats
m pl gen adj f sg nom f sg nom m pl nom
r o ś
samyaksaṁbuddhānām anuttarā samyaksaṁbodhiḥ atas nirjātāḥ ca buddhā
正遍知正等正覺之 無上 正遍知正等菩提 從此法門 生出 [及] 諸佛
of the Completely-enlightened-ones utmost complete-enlightenment fr. this (discourse) are born and Buddhas
m pl nom m pl nom
bhagavantaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ | buddha-dharmā buddha-dharmā iti subhūte
諸世尊 彼 何所 因=何之故 佛 法 佛 法 者 善實
Bhagavats That for what reason „Buddha-dharma, Buddha-dharma‟ O Subhūti
[bahu cpd, adj] m pl nom m pl nom pp m pl nom √vac pass 3rd pl
ś ai
a-buddha-dharmāḥ ca eva te tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ | tenaoucyante buddha-dharmā iti ||8||
非無 佛 法 即是因而 彼等 [被如來 所說] 彼是故 被說 名為佛法者
are Buddha-dharma-less and so they by Tathāgata are spoken of Thus they are called „Buddha-dharma‟

[karma cpd] m sg gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū pres 3rd sg 1st sg inst

§9 tat kiṁ manyase subhūte api nu srota-āpannasya evaṁ bhavati mayā
世尊言彼 何 汝意念 善實 雖然强調 流 入者有 如是(念) [有] 被我
That what you think O Subhūti now then stream-enterer has such (idea) (to be) „by me
[tatpu cpd] n sg nom √āp pp n sg nom
srota-āpatti-phalaṁ prāptam iti | subhūtiḥrāha | no hiīidaṁ bhagavan | na strota-

流 入 果 所得到 [云]否 善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 [無 流

stream-entry-fruit is attained?‟ Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat No stream-

BHS antaśas [adv] „so much as‟; Skt. antatas [ind] „from the end, lastly, finally‟
BHS/Skt: catuṣpādikā [adj], „in four-line
lit. „with particulars‟
srotas [n] √sru „stream‟ “流”, āpanna [pp] √pad „enter into, gained, acquired‟“入”;“預入、預流”
āpatti [f] „entering into a state or condition, i.e. happening, occuring‟

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pp m sg gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū
āpannasya evaṁ bhavati mayā srota-āpatti-phalaṁ prāptam iti | tat kasya hetoḥ | na hi
入者有 如是(念) 有 被我 流 入 果 所得到 云] 彼 何所 因=何之故不無誠然
enterer has such (idea) (to be) „by me stream-entry-fruit is attained‟ That for what reason Not indeed
ipn m sg acc m sg acc pp m sg nom m sg acc
d 94 o
sa bhagavan kaṁcit dharmam āpannaḥ | tena ucyate srota-āpanna iti | na rūpam
彼 世尊 一任何 [法] 入所得 彼是故 被說 名為流入者 [云] 不無 色
that O Bhagavat any dharma he has attained Thus it is called „stream-enterer‟ No form
pp (verb) m sg nom m pl acc m pl acc m pl acc fpp (noun) m pl acc m pl acc pp (verb) m sg nom
āpannaḥo na śabdān na gandhān na rasān na spraṣṭavyān (na) 95
dharmān āpannaḥ |
入取得 不無 聲 不無 香 不無 味 不無 觸 [無] 法 入取得
he has attained no sounds no smells no tastes no objects of touch no dharmas he has attained
gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū opt 3rd sg
tenaoucyate srota-āpanna iti | sacetdbhagavan srota-āpannasyaaievaṁ bhavet n

彼是故 被說 名為流入者[云]什缺彼若 世尊 流入者若有 如是(念)[ 若有]

Thus it is called „stream-enterer‟ If O Bhagavat stream-enterer should have such (idea) (should be)
opt 3rd sg m sg nom
mayā srota-āpatti-phalaṁ prāptam iti sa eva tasya ātma-grāhaḥ bhavet sattva-grāhaḥo o

被我 流 入 果 所得到 [云]彼則如是彼有所 我 執取 會有 眾生執取

„by me stream-entry-fruit is attained‟ that as such he would have „grasping-of-self (wd be) grasping-of-being
m sg nom m sg nom
jīva-grāhaḥ pudgala-grāhaḥ bhavetditi | bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte

壽命 執取 人補特迦儸 執取 會有[云]什缺 世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實

grasping-of-living soul grasping-of-person (wd be)‟ The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti
āgāmin m sg gen+√bhū √bhū n sg nom √āp pp n sg nom
d 96 d
api nu sakṛt -āgāmina evaṁ bhavati mayā sakṛt -āgāmi-phalaṁ prāptam iti |
雖然强調 一 來者有 如是(念)[有] 被我 一 來 果 所得到 [云]否
now then once-returner has such (idea) (to be) „by me once-returner-fruit is attained?‟
subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na sakṛtd-āgāmina evaṁ bhavati mayā

善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 不無 一 來者有 如是(念) [有] 被我

Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat No once-returner has such (idea) (to be) „by me
m ipn m m sg nom m
sakṛtd-āgāmi-phalaṁ prāptam iti | tat kasya hetoḥ | na hi sa kaścit dharmo yaḥ d

一 來 果 所得到[云] 彼 何所 因=何之故 不無誠然彼有任何 法 若凡

once-returner-fruit is attained‟ That for what reason Not indeed that any dharma which
n sg acc pp m sg nom ~in m sg nom
d o d ī
sakṛt -āgāmitvam āpannaḥ | tena ucyate sakṛt -āgāmī iti | bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ
一 來[性] 入所得 彼是故 被說 名為 一來 者 世尊 言 彼 何
once-returnership is attained Thus it is called „once-returner‟ The Bhagavat said That what
m sg gen ~aḥ n sg nom
manyase subhūte api nuvan-āgāmina evaṁ bhavati mayāāan-āgāmi-phalaṁ prāptam iti |
汝意念 善實 雖然强調 不 來不還者有 如是(念)[有] 被我 不 來還 果 所得到[云]否
you think O Subhūti now then non-returner has such (idea) (to be) „by me non-returner-fruit is attained?‟
subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na an-āgāmina evaṁ bhavati mayāā
r ī ā

善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 [無 不 還者有 如是(念) 有 被我

Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat No non-returner has such (idea) (to be) „by me
m ipn m m sg nom
an-āgāmi-phalaṁ prāptam iti | tat kasya hetoḥ | na hi sa bhagavan kaścitddharmo
不 還 果 所得到 [云] 彼 何所 因=何之故 【不無[誠然]彼 [世尊] 有任何 法
non-returner-fruit is attained‟ That for what reason Not indeed there (is) O Bhagavat any dharma
m n sg acc pp (verb) m sg nom
yaḥ an-āgāmitvam āpannaḥ | tena ucyate an-āgāmīīiti | bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ
o' 97 o

若凡 不 來[性] 入取得】 彼是故 被說 名為不來 者 世尊 言 彼 何

which non-returnership has attained Thus it is called „non-returner‟ The Bhagavat said That what

āpanna √pad [pp] „enter into “入”;or „attained, gained, acquired‟“得”
in Harrison & Watanabe (2006) but not in Müller
sa-kṛt [adj, o only] „once‟; āgāmin [adj] „coming, approaching‟; sakṛdāgāmin Pāli identical: „one who returns, esp. one who
returns to another form of life in saṃsāra, one who is liable to rebirth‟

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~at m sg gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū n sg nom pp n sg nom

manyase subhūte api nuvarhataḥ evaṁ bhavati mayā arhattvaṁ prāptam iti |
汝意念 善實 雖然强調 應供有 如是(念)[有] 被我 應供性 所得到 [云]否
you think O Subhūti now then Arhat has such (idea) (to be) „by me Arhatship is attained?‟
r ī ā
subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na arhataḥ evaṁ bhavati mayā arhattvaṁ
善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 [無 應供有 如是(念) 有 被我 應供性
Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat No Arhat has such (idea) (to be) „by me Arhatship
d o' n
prāptam iti | tat kasya hetoḥ | na hi sa bhagavan kaścit dharmo yaḥ arhat nāma |
所得 [云] 彼 何所 因=何之故不無[誠然]彼 世尊 有任何 法 若彼 應供 名為
is attained‟ That for what reason Not indeed there (is) O Bhagavat any dharma which (is) Arhat by name
m sg nom gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū opt 3rd sg
tenaoucyate arhan e' 98nn
iti | sacet bhagavan arhataḥ evaṁ bhavetnmayā arhattvaṁ

彼是故 被說 名為應供 者 彼若 世尊 應供有 如是(念)[ 若有] 被我 應供性

Thus it is called „Arhat‟ If O Bhagavat Arhat shd have such (idea) (shd be) „ by me Arhatship
prāptam iti sa eva tasyaāātma-grāhaḥo bhavet sattva-grāhaḥo jīva-grāhaḥ
所得到 [云][彼則]如是彼有所 我執取 若有 眾生執取 壽命 執取
is attained‟ that as such he would have grasping-of-self (wd be) grasping-of-being grasping-of-living soul
o ṁs ā
pudgala-grāhaḥ bhavet | tat kasya hetoḥ | aham asmi bhagavan tathāgatena arhatā
人補特迦儸 執取 會有 彼 何所 因=何之故【我 此是 世尊 被如來 被應供
grasping-of-person (wd be) That for what reason I am O Bhagavat by Tathāgata by Arhat
~viharin m pl gen adj m sg nom √diś pp m sg nom
samyak-saṁbuddhena a-raṇā-vihāriṇām agryaḥ nirdiṣṭaḥ | aham asmi bhagavannn
99 o
被正遍知正等正覺 諸無諍行住者之 最勝 所說】 我 此是 世尊
by the Fully-enlightene-ones of those dwelling in peace foremost pointed out I am O Bhagavat
m sg nom adj m sg nom gen+√bhū=has √bhū pres 3rd sg
arhan vītarāgaḥ | na ca me bhagavan evaṁ bhavati arhan asmiyahaṁ vītarāga iti |
nn nn

應供 離欲的 不無 我有 世尊 如是(念) [有] 我 此[是] 應供 [離欲] 者

the passion-free Arhat No and I have O Bhagavat such (idea) (to be) „I am the passion-free Arhat‟
gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū opt 3rd sg inst 1st sg acc
n nn
sacet mama bhagavan evaṁ bhavet mayā arhattvaṁ prāptam iti na māṁ tathāgato
彼若 [我有] 世尊 應如是(念)[ 若有] 被我 應供性 所得到 [云]不 對我 如來
If I should have O Bhagavat such (idea) (shd be) „by me Arhatship is attained‟ not to me the Tathāgata
√kṛ opt 3rd sg m sg nom
vyākariṣyat a-raṇā-vihāriṇām agryaḥ subhūtiḥ kula-putro na kvacitdviharati
會記說授記 諸無諍行住者之 最勝 善實 善家子 無不 [任何] 所行住
would declare: of those dwelling in peace, foremost (is) Subhūti son-of-good family (who) nothing dwells on
tena ucyate a-raṇā-vihārī a-raṇā-vihārī iti ||9||
彼是故 被說 名為無諍行住無諍行住 者
Thus it is called „dweller in peace, dweller in peace‟

§10 bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte asti sa kaścitddharmo yaḥstathāgatena
世尊 言 【彼 何 汝意念 善實 有 [彼]一任何 法 若凡 被如來
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti is there any dharma which by the Tathāgata
m sg gen m sg gen m sg gen m sg gen ind +gen √grah pp m sg nom
ā ā d102
dīpaṁkarasya tathāgatasya arhataḥ samyaksaṁbuddhasya antikāt udgṛhītaḥ |
從燈作 如來之 應供之 正遍知正等正覺之 [從„處] 所受取否】
from the proximity of Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata of Arhat of the Completely-enlightened-one is comprehended?
subhūtiḥrāha | no hiīidaṁ bhagava naāasti sa kaścitddharmo yaḥstathāgatena
善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 無 [有][彼]一任何 法 若凡 被如來
Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat there is not any dharma which by the Tathāgata

BHS: arhant [pap stem], etymologically as if „ari (enemy) +√han (destroy)‟; arhan [pap m sg nom]
BHS: araṇa or araṇā „free from passion or depravity‟; araṇāvihārin „one who dwells in a passionless state‟
„declare, predict‟
BHS: antikāt [ind, adv] used with [gen] =„on the part of‟ i.e. „from‟; MW: antika [adj] „near, proximate‟,“近”=“處)”;
antikāt [ind] „from the proximimity, within the presence of‟; cf. Harrison & Watanabe (2006) : tathāgatena [inst] dīpaṃkarāt
[abl] tathāgātād [abl] arhataḥ [abl] samyaksaṃbuddhād [abl] udgṛhītāḥ [pp]

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dīpaṁkarasya tathāgatasyāarhataḥ samyaksaṁbuddhasyāantikātdudgṛhītaḥ |

從燈作 如來之 應供之 正遍知正等正覺之 [從„處] 所受取
from the proximity of Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata of Arhat of the Completly-enlightened-one is comprehended
[kharma cpd] m pl acc
bhagavān āha | yaḥ kaścit subhūte bodhisattva evaṁ vadet | ahaṁ kṣetra-vyūhān104
世尊 言 若凡 有[任何] 善實 菩薩摩訶薩 如是 若語 我 國佛土 莊嚴
The Bhagacat said Whatever O Subhūti Bodhisattva thus were to say „I Buddhafield-splendour
niṣ-√pad cau fut 1st sg adv opt 3rd sg [kharma cpd] m pl nom
niṣpādayiṣyāmiī105iti sa vitathaṁ 106
vadet | tat kasya hetoḥ | kṣetra-vyūhāḥ kṣetra-vyūhā
成就我我將(令)成就/辦者 彼 不實如 則語 彼 何所 因=何之故 國佛土 莊嚴 [國佛土 莊嚴]
will casue to bring about‟ he falsely would speak That for what reason „Buddhafield-splendour, Buddhafield-splendour‟
[bahu cpd, adj] pp m pl nom pp m pl nom pass 3rd pl
s o
iti subhūte a-vyūhāḥ te tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ | tena ucyante kṣetra-vyūhā iti |
者 善實 不無 莊嚴 彼等 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為國佛土莊嚴 者
O Subhūti are splendour-less they by Tathāgata are spoken of Thus they are called „Buddhafield-splendour‟
pcl pcl pp (adj) n sg nom n sg nom
tasmāt tarhi subhūte bodhisattvena mahāsattvena evam apratiṣṭhitaṁ cittam
彼是故此[彼時] 善實 被菩薩 被摩訶薩 如是 不無所住 其心
Thus at that time O Subhūti by Bodhisattva by Mahāsattva in such a way unfixed the mind
cau fpp n sg nom relocated to after the ^ sign below [tatpu cpd] pp n sg nom
utpādayitavyaṁ yanna kvacitpratiṣṭhitaṁ cittamutpādayitavyam | na rūpa-pratiṣṭhitaṁ
應被(令)發生應 不無 於色 所住
is to be caused to produce Not on form-fixed
cittam utpādayitavyaṁ na śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavya-dharma-pratiṣṭhitaṁ cittam
心 應被(令)發生應 不無 於聲 香 味 觸 法 所住 心
the mind is to be caused to produce not on sounds-smells-tastes-touchables-and-dharmas-fixed the mind
n 108
utpādayitavyam^yat na kvacit pratiṣṭhitaṁ cittam utpādayitavyam | tadyathāpi nāma
應(令)發生應 [凡] 無[任何] 所住 心 應(令)發生應 【譬如說
is to be caused to produce whatever fixed (on) nothing mind is to be caused to produce As if say
m sg nom opt 3rd sg [bahu cpd] adj m sg nom n m gen+√as adj m sg nom m sg nom
d 109 110 ai
subhūte puruṣo bhavet upeta-kāyo mahā-kāyo yat tasya evaṁ-rūpa ātma-bhāvaḥ
善實 丈士夫 有若 [具身] [大身]
此凡 [他會有] 如是 色 我身自體
O Subhūti a person were to be endowed-with-a-body a hugh-body that he would have such form (of) own-body
√as opt 3rd sg [karma cpd] m sg nom
syāt tadyathāpi nāma sumeruḥ parvata-rājaḥ | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte api nu
會有 譬如說 善須彌 高山 王】 彼 何 汝意念 善實 雖然强調
(would be) as if say Sumeru the mountain-king That what you think O Subhūti now then
adj pap m sg nom
mahān sa ātma-bhāvo bhavet | subhūtiḥrāha | mahān sa bhagavān mahān sugata
【彼 大 我身 有會是否】 善實 言 大 [彼] 世尊 大 善逝
huge that own-body would be? Subhūti said huge that O Bhagavat huge O Sugata
sa ātma-bhāvo bhavet | tat kasya hetoḥ | ātma-bhāva ātma-bhāva iti bhagavan
彼 我身自體 有會是 彼 何所 因=何之故 我身自體 我身自體 [云] 世尊
that own-body would be That for what reason „Own-body, own-body‟ O Bhagavat
[bahu cpd, adj] pp m sg nom
a-bhāvaḥ sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | tenaoucyata ātma-bhāva iti | na hi bhagavan sa
不有無身 彼 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為我身 者 不無彼誠然世尊 有彼
is body-less that by Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „own-body‟ Not indeed O Bhagavat that

BHS: vyūha „in Mahāyāna works, =arrangement, implies splendour, magnificence‟“莊嚴”
„to bring about, accomplish, perform, do, make, cause to ripen‟
vitatha usually [adj] „untrue‟, here as [adv] „falsely‟
this phrase is found in Harrison & Watanabe (2006) at position^, where its Chinese parallel is also found; moved accordingly.
Harrison & Watanabe (2006) 本中,此梵句出現在^之後,對應“無所住心發生應”,移至此後行文更為流暢。
tad yathā api nāma [ind] „just as if, say‟,“譬如説”
upeta [adj] „endowed with‟ “具有”;kāya „body‟“身”;upeta-kāya [adj] „endowed with a body‟
yat [n] could be problematic, with nothing in the same gender to go with; cf. Morrison (2006) yasya evaṁ rūpa
from mahānt strong stem of mahat, mahān [pap m sg nom] „hugh‟
譯文倒置:mahān 大 sa 彼 ātmabhāvaḥ 自體(我身) bhavet 能有;“彼自體會是大否?”

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bhāvo naāa-bhāvaḥ | tenaoucyate ātma-bhāva iti ||10||

身 [無 無身] 彼是故 被說 名為我身自體 者
has a body not without-a-body Thus it is called „own-body‟

yāvatī rel adj f pl nom f sg loc nadi f sg loc

§11 bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte | yāvatyaḥo gaṅgāyāṁ mahā-nadyāṁ
世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 【所有如其多 於恒伽 大 河中
The Bhagacat said That what you think O Subhūti As many in Ganga the great river
f pl nom tāvatī rel adj f pl nom f pl nom opt 3rd pl f pl loc f pl nom f bavī adj f pl nom
s o
vālukāḥ tāvatya eva gaṅgā-nadyo bhaveyuḥ | tāsu yā vālukāḥ api nu tā bahvayaḥ
沙 彼所有即其多 如是 恒伽 大河 能有 彼等(河)中 若凡 沙 雖然强調 彼等 多沙
sands that many Ganga rivers could be In them those sands now then they many
opt 3rd pl f pl nom pcl f pl nom f pl nom opt 3rd pl
bhaveyuḥ | subhūtiḥrāha | d
tā eva tāvat bhagavan bahvayo gaṅgā-nadyo bhaveyuḥ
有能爲否 】 善實 言 【彼等 如是 所有即其 世尊 多 恒伽大河 能有
would be? Subhūti said These just as (many) O Bhagavat many Ganga rivers would be
ind cau pres 1st sg+dat 2nd sg dat
prāgeva yāḥstāsu gaṅgā-nadīṣu vālukāḥ | bhagavān āha | ārocayāmi 115
te subhūte
何況 若凡 彼中 [恒伽中] 沙】 世尊 言 欲我我(令)告知 為汝 善實
more so those in these Ganga-rivers sands Bhagavat said I cause to wish to illustrate for you O Subhūti
√vid cau pres1st sg dat yāvatī rel adj f pl loc tāvat m pl acc m pl acc
s s o117
prativedayāmi te yāvatyaḥ tāsu gaṅgā-nadīṣu vālukā bhaveyuḥ tāvatas loka-
知我(令)我開示 為汝【所有如其多 彼中 於恒伽大河中 沙 能有 彼所有即其多 世
I cause to enlighten for you: as many in those Ganga rivers sands could be that many world-
f sg nom m sg nom [tatpu cpd] √pṛ pūrṇa pp m sg acc ger+acc m pl dat
dhātūn kaścid eva strī vā puruṣo vā sapta-ratna-paripurṇaṁ kṛtvā tathāgatebhyaḥo'
界有 [任何] 如是 婦女若或丈士夫若或 (以)七 寶 遍滿 作已】 為如來等
realms any such woman or man or with seven-treasures-filled having done (filled) for Tathāgatas
arhadbhayaḥ samyak-saṁbuddhebhyaḥ dānaṁ dadyāt tat kiṁ manyase subhūte
為應供等 為正遍知等正等正覺等 布施 與若施予 彼 何 汝意念 善實
for Arhats for the Fully-enlightened-ones gift were to give that what you think O Subhūti
ind √dā n sg nom m sg acc √sū 5P opt 3rd sg
api nu sā strī vā puruṣo vā tatas nidānaṁ bahu puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyāt |
雖然强調彼婦女若或丈士夫若或 彼由是 因緣 多 福 聚 能生否
now then that woman or man or on that basis many heap-of-merit would generate?
subhūtiḥ āha | bahu bhagavan bahu sugata strī vā puruṣo vā tataso nidānaṁ

善實 言 多 世尊 多 善逝彼婦女若或丈士夫若或 彼由是 因緣
Subhūti said Many O Bhagavat many O Sugata the woman or man or on that basis
puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyātdaprameyam asaṁkhyeyam | bhagavān āha | yaḥśca
多 福 聚 能生 無量不可量 不可數 世尊 言 若彼 [而且]
heap-of-merit would generate immeasurable incalculable Bhagavat said And whatever
tāvat m pl acc m pl acc [tatpu cpd] √pṛ pūrṇa pp m sg acc
khalu punaḥ subhūte strī vā puruṣo vā tāvatas loka-dhātūn sapta-ratna-paripūrṇaṁ
復時 善實善家子婦女若或善家女士夫若或彼所有即其多 世界 (以)七 寶 遍滿
moreover O Subhūti woman or man or that many realms-of-world with seven-treasures-filled
kṛtvā tathāgatebhyaḥo' arhadbhayaḥ samyaksaṁbuddhebhyaḥo' dānaṁ dadyāt yaḥśca
作已 為如來等 為應供等 為正遍知等正等正覺等 布施 與若施予 若凡 [又]
having done (filled) for Tathāgatas for Arhats for the Fully-enlightene-ones gift were to give and whatever

ā-√ruc „to enlighten, illuminate‟; with [dat] „to be desirous of (to like, be pleased)‟; hence“欲”
note tāvat does not correlate with yāvatī; Harrison & Watanabe (2006) has tāvatī instead
first member of cpd sapta-rata in [inst] sense: „with seven-treasures‟
„any such woman or man, having filled with seven treasures, the world-realms that are as many as there could be sands in
those Ganga rivers‟;“如是,任何婦女或士夫,以七寶盛滿如其彼恒伽河中沙(一般多的)世界”

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itas pcl m sg abl BHS =antatas pcl adj f sg acc

kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vā ito dharma-paryāyāt antaśas catuṣ-pādikām120 api
e d

[善家子 或 善家女 或]由此 從法本法門 乃至 四句式等 [即使]

son-of-good family or daughter-ofgood family from this discourse so much as in four-line even just
f sg acc ger √diś cau opt 3rd sg sam-pra-√kāś cau opt 3rd sg cpv m sg acc
gāthām udgṛhya parebhyo deśayet saṁprakāśayet ayam eva tataso nidānaṁ bahutaraṁ
一偈 受持已 為他人等分別廣若(令)宣說 [若(令)開示] 此法門 如是彼由是 因緣 更多過
a verse having demonstrated for others were cause to teach, illuminate thus on the basis of this more abundant
puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyāt aprameyam asaṁkhyeyam ||11||
福 聚 能生 無量不可量 不可數
heap-of-merit would generate immeasurable incalculable

rpn m sg loc √diś m sg loc itas pcl m sg abl BHS =antatas pcl
§12 api tu khalu punaḥ subhute yasmin pṛthivī-pradeśe ito dharma-paryāyātdantaśasś
雖然强調 復次時 善實 【此中於某 地分地方中 從此 從法本門 乃至
And then moreover O Subhūti at which place from this discourse so much as
ger √bhāṣ 1Ā cau opt 3rd sg √kāś cau opt 3rd sg m sg nom
catuṣ-pādikām api gāthām udgṛhya bhāṣyeta vā saṁprakāśyeta vā sa pṛthivī-pradeśaḥś
四 句式等 [即使] 一偈 [受持已 若(令)宣說 或 若(令)開示] 若或 彼 地分方
in four-line even just a verse having demonstrated were to cause to teach or to illuminate or that place
[bahu cpd] adj m sg nom opt 3rd sg pfx [bahu cpd, adj] m sg gen m sg gen m m sg nom pl m sg acc
o122 a
caitya-bhūto bhavet sa-deva-mānuṣāsurasya lokasya kaḥ punarvādaḥ ye imaṁ
支帝如佛塔般 會是有 [共] 天 人 阿脩羅之 於世】 何必 復言 善實 【若凡彼等 此
shrine-like whould be together with (its) god-man-asuras for the world what more to speak of those who this
m sg acc adj m sg acc √dhṛ cau fut 3rd pl √vāc cau fut 3rd pl √āp fut 3rd pl
124 125
dharma-paryāyaṁ sakala-samāptaṁ dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti
法本門 [具足 究竟] 持當 將(令) 受持、荷擔 讀當將(令) 誦當將究竟通利
discourse in its entirety will cause to bear in mind will cause to recite will study
m pl dat √stṛ m sg inst cau fut 3rd pl adj m sg inst pl m sg inst
parebhyaḥ ca vistareṇa saṁprakāśayiṣyanti | parameṇa te subhūte āścaryeṇa
為他人等 及並 以分別廣 說當將(令)開示 以最勝 彼等 [善實] 以希有
for others and
in full detail will cause to illuminate With the highest they O Subhūti marvel
sam-anu-āgata pp m pl nom fut 3rd pl rpn m sg loc m sg loc śāstṛ nom sg nom pres 3rd sg pron adj m sg nom
ṁś y ā
samanvāgatā bhaviṣyanti | tasmin ca subhūte pṛthivī-pradeśe śāstā viharati anyatara
具足成就 當有將】 【 此彼中 [而且] 善實 地 分方 教師大師 遊行住 別
provided with will be In that and O Subhūti place the master dwells one-or-
pron adj m sg nom m [tatpu cpd] m sg nom
-anyataro127 vā vijña-guru-sthānīyaḥ128 ||12||
異一一 [或] 智尊重之 處代表】 相似共梵行
the other or sage-representing (him)

BHS: catuṣpādikā [adj], „in four-verse‟
MW: punarvāda [m] „repetition, tautology‟; kaḥ punarvādaḥ „what repetition‟, cf. Harrison & Watanabe (2006) „it goes
without saying‟; but cf. [什譯]、[奘譯]:“何況” „(how) much more/less‟, perhaps for kim punar ?
塔界。”[奘譯] :“復次,善現!若地方所,於此法門乃至為他宣說開示四句伽他,此地方所,尚為世間諸天、及人、
sa-kala [adj] „entire‟; samāpta [adj] „completely-obtained‟
study = ཀུན་ཆུབ་པར་བྱེད „understand all, realize all‟ paryava-√āp
anyatara-anyatara „the one, the other‟
vijñaguru [m] „sage‟;-sthānīya [fpp, cpd] „occupying the place of, representing‟ hence“智尊重處”;Harrison &
Watanabe (2006):guruthānīyaḥ
“智尊重”指僧人;[什譯]“若是經典所在之處,則為有佛,若尊重弟子”,“經典”śāstra 實為“老師”śāstā 之誤。

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pp loc ind ~an n sg nom dpn m sg nom

a r o ā
§13 evam ukte āyuṣmān subhūtiḥ bhagavantam etad avocat | kaḥ nāma ayaṁ
如是 語已 命者 善實 對世尊邊 如是此 言 何 名 此
Thus spoken Venerable Subhūti to the Bhagavat this said What name this
m sg nom ind m sg acc √dhṛ cau 1st sg pp loc
bhagavan dharma-paryāyaḥ kathaṁ ca enaṁ dhārayāmi | evam ukte bhagavān
世尊 法本門 云何 及 如此彼 持我我(令) 受持 如是 語已 世尊
O Bhagavat discourse how and that I cause to bear in mind Thus spoken the Bhagavat
f sg nom ind
130 ā
āyuṣmantaṁ subhūtim etad avocat | prajñā-pāramitā nāma ayaṁ subhūte
對命者 善實邊 如是此 言 智慧般若 彼岸到波羅蜜多 名為 此 善實
to Venerable Subhūti this said prajñāpāramitā by name this O Subhūti
m sg acc √dhṛ cau imp 2nd sg f sg nom
ai 131 ai
dharma-paryāyaḥ | evaṁ ca enaṁ dhāraya | tat kasya hetoḥ | yā eva subhūte
法本門 如是 [而且] 此彼 汝應(令) 受持 彼 何所 因=何之故 若凡 如是 善實
discourse And thus you shd cause to undertake That for what reason Whatever such O Subhūti
f sg nom pp f sg nom f sg [bahu cpd] f sg nom
prajñā-pāramitā tathāgatena bhāṣitā sā eva a-pāramitā tathāgatena bhāṣitā132 |

智慧彼岸到波羅蜜多 被如來 所說 彼 如是 非彼岸到無波羅蜜多 [被如來 所說]

prajñāpāramitā by Tathāgata spoken of that as such is pāramitā-less by Tathāgata spoken of
tena ucyate prajñā-pāramitā iti | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte api nu asti sa kaścitddharmo
o e v

彼是故被說 名為智慧彼岸到 者 彼 何 汝意念 善實 雖然强調 有 [彼 任何] 法

Thus it is called „prajñāpāramitā‟ That what you think O Subhūti now then is there any dharma
s r ī ā d
yaḥ tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na asti sa kaścit
若凡 被如來 所說否 善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 不無 有 [彼]世尊[任何]
which by Tathāgata is spoken of? Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat There is not any
dharmo yaḥ tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte yāvat
法 若凡 被如來 所說 世尊 言 [彼 何 汝意念 善實] 所有如其 善實
dharma which by Tathāgata is spoken of Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti as many
m sg loc ~tu m sg loc [tatpu cpd] rajas n sg nom ipn sg
133 d
tri-sāhasra-mahā-sāhasre loka-dhātau pṛthivī-rajaḥ kaccit tat bahu bhavet |
於三 千 大 千 世 界中 地塵大地微塵 疑問代詞 有彼 多 有應爲否
in the three-thousand-mega-thousand realm-of-world dust-of earth interrogative that many would be?
subhūtiḥ āha | bahu bhagavan bahu sugata pṛthi-vīrajo bhavet | tat kasya hetoḥ |
善實 言 多 世尊 多 善逝 彼地塵大地微塵 [應爲] 彼 何所 因=何之故
Subhūti said Many O Bhagavat many O Sugata dust-of earth would be That for what reason
n n voc ~rajas n sg nom pp n sg nom [bahu cpd] n sg nom
yat tad bhagavan pṛthivī-rajaḥstathāgatena bhāṣitam a-rajaḥ tad bhagavan tathāgatena s

若凡彼 世尊 地塵大地微塵 被如來 所說 非無塵 彼 [世尊] 被如來

which that O Bhagavat dust-of earth by Tathāgata is spoken of is dust-less that O Bhagavat by Tathāgata
o o' y s
bhāṣitam | tena ucyate pṛthivīraja iti | yaḥ api asau loka-dhātuḥ tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ
所說 彼是故 被說 名為地塵者 若凡 [而且] 彼此 世 界 被如來 所說
is spoken of Thus it is called „dust-of earth‟ Which and this realm-of-world by Tathāgata is spoken of
o r
a-dhātuḥ sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | tena ucyate lokadhātuḥ iti | bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ
非無界 [彼] 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為世界者 世尊 言 彼 何
is realm-less that by Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called realm-of-world The Bhagavat said That what
num car m pl inst
manyase subhūte dvā-triṁśatn-mahā-puruṣa-lakṣaṇaiḥstathāgataḥo'arhan samyaksaṁ-
汝意念 善實 以三十二 大 丈士夫 相 如來 應供 正遍
you think O Subhūti by means of 32-distinctive-personal-features Tathāgata Arhat the Completely
fpp m sg nom
buddhaḥ draṣṭavyaḥ | subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na dvā-triṁśatn-mahā-
o r

知正等正覺 應被見應否 善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 不 以三十二 大

Enlightened One is to be seen? Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat Not by means of 32-distinctive-

prajñā [f] „perfect wisdom‟, pāram-i-tā „reaching the further shore, complete attainment‟; Conze: „wisdom which has gone
beyond‟; Harrison & Watanabe (2006): „perfection of insight‟
with [acc] =„cause to undertake (resolve upon)‟
Harrison & Watanabe (2006) lacks the second tathāgatena bhāṣitā, so does Dharmagupta Chinese
rajas [n] „dust, dirt, pollen, mental impurity‟

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-puruṣa-lakṣaṇaiḥstathāgataḥo'arhan samyaksaṁbuddhaḥo draṣṭavyaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ |

丈士夫 相 如來 應供 正遍知正等正覺 應被見應 彼 何所 因=何之故
personal-features Tathāgata Arhat the Fully-enlightened-one is to be seen That for what reason
n pl nom n pl nom n pl nom
yāni hi tāni bhagavan dvā-triṁśatn-mahā-puruṣa-lakṣaṇāni tathāgatena bhāṣitāni
所有凡是誠然 [彼等] 世尊 三十二 大 丈士夫 相 被如來 所說
indeed those whcih O Bhagavat 32-distinctive-personal-features by Tathāgata are spoken of
[bahu cpd] n pl nom
a-lakṣaṇāni tāni bhagavanṁstathāgatena bhāṣitāni | tenaoucyante dvā-triṁśatn-mahā-
非無相 所有[彼等 世尊] 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為三十二大
are features-less they O Bhagavat by Tathāgata are spoken of Thus they are called „32- distinctive-
ī ś
puruṣa-lakṣaṇāni iti | bhagavān āha | yaḥ ca khalu punaḥ subhūte strī vā puruṣo vā
丈夫相者 世尊 言 若凡 [而且] 復時 善實 婦女 若或 丈士夫 若或
personal-features‟ The Bhagavat said And whatever moreover O Subhūti woman or man or
dina n sg loc [bah cpd] adj m pl acc m pl acc √tyaj opt 3rd sg pap 3rd sg nom
dine dine gaṅgā-nadī-vālukā-samān ātmabhāvān parityajet evaṁ parityajan gaṅgā-
【於日日 恒伽 河 沙 相等 我身自體 若捨棄 如是 捨棄着 恒伽
day in day out Ganga-river-sands-equivalent own-bodies were to renounce thus abandoning {Ganga-
adj m pl acc m acc pl m acc pl √tyaj opt 3rd sg
nadī-vālukā-samān kalpān tān ātma-bhāvān parityajet yaḥś ca itaso dharma-paryāyātd
河 沙 相等 劫 所有 彼等 我身自體 若捨棄】 若凡[而且] 從此 從法本法門
river-sands-equivalent-aeons those own-bodies were to renounce} and who from this discourse
√diś cau opt 3rd sg sam-pra-√kāś m sg nom
antaśasścatuṣ-pādikām api gāthām udgṛhya parebhyo deśayet saṁprakāśayet ayam eva
乃至 四 句等 [即使] 一偈 受持已 為他人等 若(令)宣說 [若(令)開示]分別此(舉)如是
so much as in four-line even just a verse having demonstrated for others were to cause to teach, illuminate this thus
m sg acc √sū 5P opt 3rd sg
tatasonidānaṁ bahutaraṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyāt aprameyam asaṁkhyeyam ||13|| d

彼由是 因緣 更多過 福 聚 能生 無量不可量 不可數

on the basis of (it) more abundant heap-of-merit would generate immeasurable incalculable

[tatpu cpd] m sg inst n acc pl aor 3rd sg

v r 138ā
§14 atha khalu āyuṣmān subhūtiḥ dharma-vegena aśrūṇi prāmuñcat139 saḥo'aśrūṇi
爾時 命者 善實 被法 疾轉力威力 淚 流出 彼 淚
Thereupon Venerable Subhūti by impact-of-dharma tears burst into that tears
√mṛj ger aor 3rd sg n sg nom m sg voc n sg nom m sg voc
pramṛjya bhagavantam etad avocat | āścaryaṁ bhagavan param-āścaryaṁ sugata
拭已 對世尊邊 如是此 言 希有(事) 世尊 最勝希有(事) 善逝
having wiped to the Bhagavat this said A rare thing O Bhagavat an exceedingly rare thing O Sugata
m sg nom [bahu cpd, adj] saṃ-pra-√sthā ~ta pp m pl gen
yāvat ayaṁ dharma-paryāyaḥstathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ agra
d o' 140
【所有衹要此 法本門 被如來 所說 什缺最上 乘 發趣之
as long as this discourse by Tathāgata is spoken of (who) are in-best-vehicle-set-out
m pl gen m sg dat [karma cpd] √sthā ~ta pp (as noun) m pl gen m sg dat yatas pcl gen
sattvānām arthāya śreṣṭha -yāna-saṁprasthitānām arthāya yato me bhagavan
眾生之 爲義利利益 最勝 乘 發趣者之 為義利利益什缺 】
自從此 於我 世尊
of beings for the benefit of those-who-set-out-in-the-most-excellent-vehicle for the benefis since for me O Bhagavat

√tyaj [1P] tyajat [pap stem m] tyajan [pap m sg nom] „abandoning‟
MW: „a fabulous period of time‟; BHS: „world-age‟
„were to renounce those own-bodies (in) aeons equivalent to the sands in the Ganga river‟
vega [n] „impetus, momentum, onset‟, „impact‟
pra-muc „to set free, let go, liberate, release from‟
agra [adj spv] „foremost, best‟;
śreṣṭha [adj] „most excellent, best‟
„for the benefit of beings who set out in the best vehicle, for the benefits of those who set out in the most excellent vehicle‟

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n sg nom pp n sg nom inst pcl adj m sg nom m sg nom

144 ñ v o
jñānam utpannam | na mayā bhagavan jātu evaṁ-rūpaḥ dharma-paryāyaḥ
智 生 不 被我 [世尊] 曾生來 如是 色類 法本門
knowledge was born Not by me O Bhagavat ever such form of discourse
[bahu cpd, adj] m sg nom adj m sg inst adj m sg int sam-anu-āgata pp m pl nom
śruta-pūrvaḥ | parameṇa te bhagavannnāścaryeṇa samanvāgatā bodhisattvā147
前所聞先 【以最勝 彼等 世尊 以希有 具足成就 眾生
is heard-before With the highest these O Bhagavat marvel provided with beings
pl loc [loc abs] pmp m sg loc ger m sg acc √pad cau fut 3rd pl
a 148 149
bhaviṣyanti ye iha sūtre bhāṣyamāṇe śrutvā bhūta-saṁjñām utpādayiṣyanti |
[將會] 若凡 此所 經中說中正說經時 [聽聞已] 真實想 發生當將(令)生起】
will be those who here when the sūtra is being spoken of (having heard it) idea-of-truth will cause to give rise to
f sg etad f sg nom f sg nom f sg nom [karma cpd] f sg nom
tat kasya hetoḥ | yā caaieṣā bhagavan bhūta-saṁjñā sā eva a-bhūta-saṁjñā | ai

彼 何所因=何之故 若凡[並且]此 世尊 真實想 彼 如是非無[真實] 想

That for what reason And which this O Bhagavat idea-of-thruth it as such is idea-of-thruth-less
tasmāt tathāgato bhāṣate bhūta-saṁjñā bhūta-saṁjñāeiti | na mama bhagavan
彼是故 如來 說 真實想 真實想 者【不 於我 世尊
Thus the Tathāgata says „idea-of-thruth, idea-of-thruth‟ Not for me O Bhagavat
adj n sg nom n nom m sg acc m sg acc pmp m sg acc √kḷp cau 1st sg
d 152
āścaryaṁ yat aham imaṁ dharma-paryāyaṁ bhāṣyamāṇam avakalpayāmi
希有(事) 若凡 我 此 法本門 說中正宣説中 信我我(令)信持
is extrodinary that I this dscourse when being spoken of cause to have faith in
√muc pres 1st sg pl m nom pl fut 3rd pl adj m sg loc ~an m sg loc adj m sg loc m sg loc
adhimucye | yee'papi te bhagavan sattvā bhaviṣyanti anāgate adhvani paścime kāle
y e'
解我我解悟】 若凡[而且] 彼 世尊 眾生 有當將會 於未來 世 [於後 時
cause to be clear about And who those O Bhagavat beings will be in future period in final day(s)
śatya adj f loc √lup [loc abs] √vṛt pmp adj loc
paścime samaye paścimāyāṁ pañca-śatyāṁ saddharma-vipralope vartamāne ye imaṁ
於後 長時 於後分 五 百(歲) 當正法 正破壞中 時] 若凡 此
in final epoch in final 500-years when the true-dharma is being annihilated whoever this
fut 3rd pl √dhṛ cau fut 3rd pl cau fut 3rd pl fut 3rd pl
bhagavan dharma-paryāyam udgrahīṣyanti dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti
[世尊] 法本門 受當將受取 持當將(令) 受持、荷擔 讀當將(令) 讀誦 誦當將究竟通利
O Bhagavat discourse will adopt will cause to bear in mind, recite will study
cau fut 3rd pl pl adj m sg inst pp m pl nom
parebhyaḥśca vistareṇa saṁprakāśayiṣyanti te param-āścaryeṇa samanvāgatā
為他人等 及並 以廣分別分別廣 說當將(令)開示 彼等 以最勝希有 具足成就
for others and in full detail will cause to illuminate they with exceeding marvel provided with
gen pl +√vṛt =„has‟ √vṛt fut sg
bhaviṣyanti | api tu khalu punar bhagavan na teṣām ātma-saṁjñā pravartiṣyate
有當將會 雖然强調 復次時 世尊 不無 彼等有菩薩摩訶薩我想 轉起當=將有
will be And then moreover O Bhagavat no they will have idea-of-self (will be)

Harrison & Watanabe (2006): instead of mayā Schopen (1989) has me „for me‟“於我”, this will read better with the rest of
the text;“於我,如是色類法門不曾前有所聞”
i.e. since he first became an Arhat
all Chinese translations (Dharmagupta, Kumārajīva, Xuanzang and Yi Jing) do not support „bodhisattvā‟ but „sattvā‟ instead
„when the sūtra is being said‟
note gerund used independently without an expected [acc]; absent in Harrison and Watanabe (2006)
“凡 ye 於此所 iha 正說經時 sūtre bhāṣyamāṇe 聽聞已 śrutvā 彼等 te衆生 sattvā 將(令)生起 utpādayiṣyanti 真實想
bhūta-saṃjñām;彼等 te 將 bhaviṣyanti 以最勝希有 parameṇa āścaryeṇa (而)具足成就 samanvāgatā。”
“these beings who, when the sūtre is being spoken of here (and) having heard (it), will cause to give rise to idea-of-truth,
(and) will be provided with the highest marvel, O Bhagavat‟
BHS: Pāli okappati, „has confidence in, put faith into‟; MW ava-√kḷp: „consider as possible‟
cf. Pāli adhimuccati [pass] 1. „to be drawn to, feel attached to‟; 2. „to become clear about‟ hence “解悟”=rtgos pa;BHS:
adhimucyate „actively interested in, zealous for, earnestly devoted to, intent upon‟ i.e. „belive in‟

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na sattva-saṁjñā na jīva-saṁjñā na pudgala-saṁjñā pravartiṣyate naāapi teṣāṁ

不無 眾生想 不無 壽命想 不無 人補特迦儸 想 轉起當=將有 [無 也 彼等有
no idea-of-being no idea-of-living soul no idea-of-person (will be) also they have not
kācit saṁjñā naāa-saṁjñā pravartate | tat kasya hetoḥ | yā sā bhagavan ātma-saṁjñā
任何 想 無 無想 轉起=有] 彼 何所 因=何之故 若凡 彼 世尊 我想
any apperception not without apperception (to be) That for what reason Whatever that O Bhagavat idea-of-self
[bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom
sā eva a-saṁjñā | yā sattva-saṁjñā jīva-saṁjñā pudgala-saṁjñā sāaievaāa-saṁjñā |
彼 如是非無想若及如是 [凡] 眾生想 壽命想 人補特迦儸 想 彼 如是 非無想
that as such is idea-less Whatever idea-of-being idea-of-living soul idea-of-person that as such is idea-less
[bahu cpd] adj pp m pl nom pl m pl nom m pl nom pp loc
tat kasya hetoḥ | sarva-saṁjñā-apagatā hi buddhā bhagavantaḥ | evam ukte
彼 何所 因=何之故 一切 想 遠離 此誠然 諸佛 諸世尊 如是 語已
That for what reason Are all-appreception-left-behind indeed the Buddhas the Bhagavats Thus spoken
bhagavān āyuṣmantaṁ subhūtim etad avocat | evam etat subhūte evam etat |
世尊 對命者 善實邊 如是此 言 如是 如是此 善實 如是 如是此 如言汝
the Bhagavat to Venerable Subhūti this said This (is) so O Subhūti This (is) so
[bahu cpd, adj] pp m pl nom sam-anu-āgata m pl nom pl loc [loc abs] pmp loc
s a
param-āścarya-samanvāgatāḥ te sattvā bhaviṣyanti ye iha subhūte sūtre bhāṣyamāṇe
最勝 希有 具足 彼 眾生 將有當 若凡 於此 [善實] 經中說中正說經時
Exceeding-marvel-provided with those beings will be those who here when the sūtra is being spoken of
ud-√tras fut 3rd pl sam-√tras fut 3rd pl n sg acc ā-√pad fut 3rd pl
o 155 156
na uttrasiṣyanti na saṁtrasiṣyanti na saṁtrāsam āpatsyante | tat kasya hetoḥ |
不 將驚當 不 將怖當 不 怖畏當 [將墮入] 彼 何所 因=何之故
will not tremble will not be frightened not fear will fall (into) That for what reason
[karma cpd] f sg nom f sg nom f sg nom ind =yad idam f sg acc
e ā
parama-pāramitā iyaṁ subhūte tathāgatena bhāṣitā yaduta a-pāramitā | yāṁ ca
最勝彼岸到波羅蜜多 此 善實 被如來 所說 [即 無波羅蜜多] 若凡 及而且
supreme-pāramitā this O Subhūti by Tathāgata spoken of is just pāramitā-less Whatever and
m sg nom f sg acc pres 3rd sg f sg acc adj m pl nom m pl nom m pl nom
subhūte tathāgataḥ parama-pāramitāṁ bhāṣate tām aparimāṇā api buddhā bhagavanto
善實 如來 最勝彼岸到波羅蜜多 宣說 彼 無量 亦 諸佛 諸世尊
O Subhūti the Tathāgata supreme-pāramitā speaks of it innumerable also Buddhas Bhagavats
pres 3rd pl pass 3rd sg f sg nom f sg nom
bhāṣante | tena ucyate parama-pāramitāeiti | api tu khalu punaḥ subhute yā tathāgatasya

宣說 彼是故 被說 名為最勝彼岸到 者 雖然强調 復次時 善實 若凡 如來之

speak of Thus it is called „supreme-pāramitā, supreme-pāramitā‟ And then moreover O Subhūti which Tathāgata‟s
[tatpu cpd] f sg nom [bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom pcl gen m sg nom
ai ā
kṣānti-pāramitā sā eva a-pāramitā | tat kasya hetoḥ | yadā me subhūte kaliṁga-rājā
忍彼岸到忍辱波羅蜜多 彼如是非無彼岸到波羅蜜多彼何所因=何之故 此時當...時我之 善實 惡王羯陵伽王
pāramitā-of-patience that just is pāramitā-less That for what reason When my O Subhūti King Kaliṁga
n n [dvanda cpd] n pl acc √chid aor 3rd sg √as impf 3rd sg gen+√as loc samaye loc
157 y ā n 158
aṅga-pratyaṅga -māṁsāni acchaitsīt na āsīt me tasmin samaya ātma-saṁjñā vā
分肢 別分肢 肉 割斷 不無時 是 我 有 彼中時爾時 我 想 若或
limbs-secondary-body-parts-and-flesh cut off I did not have at that time idea-of-self or
sattva-saṁjñā vā jīva-saṁjñā vā pudgala-saṁjñā vā na api me kācit saṁjñā vā
眾生想 若或 壽命想 若或 人補特迦儸想 若或不無[及]我有[任何] 想 [或]
idea-of-being or idea-of-living soul or idea-of-person or and I had not any apperception or
√bhū perf 3rd sg gen samaye f sg nom
a-saṁjñā vā babhūva | tat kasya hetoḥ | sacetnme subhūte tasmin samaya ātma-saṁjñāā
非無想 [或] 有 彼 何所 因=何之故 若 於我 善實 彼中時爾時 我想
no-apperception or (was) That for what reason If for me O Subhūti at that time idea-of-self

saṁtrāsa [adj] MW: „fearful, terrified‟; here used as a noun.
„fall into (trouble)‟
„a minor or secondary member of the body (such as the forehead, nose, chin, fingers, ears)‟
gen+√as=‟has‟, na āsīt me =„I have not‟“我沒有”

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√bhū con 3rd sg vi~ [tatpu cpd] f sg nom con 3rd sg

ā e'
abhaviṣyat vyāpāda-saṁjñā api me tasmin samaye abhaviṣyat | sacet sattva-saṁjñā
若有 瞋恨 想 亦 我有 彼中時爾時 則有 [若] 眾生 想
there were to be idea-of-malice also I (have) at that time would have had If idea-of-being
ā ā e'
jīva-saṁjñā pudgala-saṁjñā abhaviṣyat vyāpāda-saṁjñā api me tasmin samaye
壽命 想 人補特迦儸 想 若有 瞋恨 想 亦 我 彼中時爾時
idea-of-living soul idea-of-person there were to be idea-of-malice also I (have) at that time
pres 1st sg +yad adj n sg loc ~an n sg loc n nom pl
abhaviṣyat | tat kasya hetoḥ | abhijānāmiyahaṁ subhūte atīte adhvani pañca jāti-śatāni e'

則有 [彼 何之 因] 念知我憶念 我 善實 於過去 世 五 百生世

would have had That for what reason I remember I O Subhūti in the past time five hundred-births
n sg acc vādin m sg nom m sg nom aor 1st sg ind gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū perf 3rd sg
yat ahaṁ kṣānti-vādī 159 r
ṛṣiḥ abhūvam | tatraāapi me na ātma-saṁjñā babhūva ā

若凡 我 忍辱 語者 仙人 有為 彼中處 亦 我有 不無 [我] 想 有
that I asserter-of-patience sage was Where also I had no idea-of-self (had)
na sattva-saṁjñā na jīva-saṁjñā na pudgala-saṁjñā babhūva | tasmāt tarhi subhūte
不無 眾生 想 不無 壽命 想 不無 人補特迦儸 想不亦我 有想非想有彼是故 此[彼時] 善實
no idea-of-being no idea-of-living soul no idea-of-person (had) Thus at that time O Subhūti
f pl acc vi-√vṛj ger adj f sg loc
bodhisattvena mahā-sattvena sarva-saṁjñā vivarjayitvā anuttarāyāṁ
被菩薩 被摩訶薩 一切 想 捨離已 於無上
by Bodhisattva by Mahāsattva all-apperceptions having cast off in utmost
f sg loc n sg nom cau fpp n sg nom adj pp n sg nom
samyak-saṁbodhau cittam utpādayitavyam | na rūpa-pratiṣṭhitaṁ cittam
於正遍知正等正覺 心 應被(令)發生應 不 色 住於 心
in complete-enlightenment the mind is to be caused to produce Not on form-fixed the mind
utpādayitavyam na śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavya-dharma-pratiṣṭhitaṁ
應被(令)發生應 不 聲 香 味 觸 [法] 住於
is to be caused to produce not on sounds-smells-tastes- touchables-and-dharmas-fixed
cittam utpādayitavyam na dharma-pratiṣṭhitaṁ cittam utpādayitavyam
心 應被(令)發生應 不 法 住於 非無法住 心 應被(令)發生應
the mind is to be caused to produce not on dharma-fixed the mind is to be caused to produce
na a-dharma-pratiṣṭhitaṁ cittam utpādayitavyam na kvacit pratiṣṭhitaṁ
[不 無法 住於 心 應(令)發生應] 無 所任何 所住
not on no-dharma-fixed the mind is to be caused to produce (on) nothing fixed
cittam utpādayitavyam | tat kasya hetoḥ | yat pratiṣṭhitaṁ tad eva a-pratiṣṭhitam |
心 應被(令)發生應 彼 何所 因=何之故 若凡 無所住 彼 如是 無所住
the mind is to be caused to produce That for what reason Whatever is fixed that as such is unfixed
adj pp n sg nom n sg acc √dā fpp n sg nom
d o e'
tasmāt eva tathāgataḥ bhāṣate apratiṣṭhitena bodhisattvena dānaṁ dātavyam |
彼是故 如是 如來 說 以不色住 菩薩摩訶薩 布施 與應應被施予
Thus so the Tathāgata says: by an unfixed Bodhisattva gift is to be given
na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-sparśa-dharma-pratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam | api tu
不[色] 聲 香 味 觸 法 以住於 布施 與應應被施予 雖然强調
not by fixing on forms-sounds-smells-tastes-touchables-and-dharmas gift is to be given And then
n √tyaj m sg nom √kṛ fpp m sg nom
khalu punaḥ subhūte bodhisattvena evaṁ rūpo dāna-parityāgaḥ kartavyaḥ
復次時 善實 被菩薩摩訶薩 如是 [色] 捨施 應[被作]
moreover O Subhūti by Bodhisattva in such manner the act of giving up is to be done
m pl gen m sg dat f sg f sg f sg nom
sarva-sattvānām arthāya | tat kasya hetoḥ | yā ca eṣā subhūte sattva-saṁjñā
一切 眾生之 為義利故 彼 何所 因=何之故 若凡而且如是此 善實 眾生 想
of all-beings for the benefits That for what reason And whatever this O Subhūti idea-of-being
f sg f sg nom pl pl m pl nom m pl nom pl [bahu cpd, adj] m pl nom
ai ā a s s a ā
sā eva a-saṁjñā | ye evaṁ te sarva-sattvāḥ tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ te eva a-sattvāḥ |
彼 如是 非無想 若凡諸 如是 彼等 一切 眾生 被如來 所說 彼等如是 非無眾生
that just is idea-less Whatever as such these all-beings by Tathāgata are spoken of they as such are being-less

vādin „asserter, speaker, propounder‟

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~in adj m sg nom ~in adj m nom ~in adj m nom ~in adj m nom
tat kasya hetoḥ | bhūtavādī subhūte tathāgataḥ satyavādī tathāvādī ananyathāvādī
彼 何所 因=何之故 【實語 善實 如來 真諦語 如語 不異語
That for what reason Is saying what‟s real O Subhūti the Tathāgata is truth-telling is saying as it is is not saying otherwise
~in m nom
tathāgataḥ na vitathavādī tathāgataḥ | api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte yaḥ tathāgatena
如來 非 不如語誑語者 如來】 雖然强調 復次時 善實 若凡 被如來
the Tathāgata is not false-saying the Tathāgata And then moreover O Subhūti whatever by Tathāgata
m sg nom √budh pp m sg nom √diś pp m sg nom √dhyai pp m sg nom ind n sg nom f sg nom
o' o o 161 162
dharmaḥ abhisaṁbuddhaḥ deśitaḥ vā nidhyātaḥ vā na tatra satyaṁ na mṛṣā |
法 所證覺 所說 若或 所思惟 若或 不無 彼中是處 實 不無 妄
dharma is fully awaken to is taught or is meditated upon or no in there truth no falsehood
ind √andh m √viṣ pp m sg nom opt 3rd sg
tadyathāpi nāma subhūte puruṣaḥ andhakāra-praviṣṭo na kiṁcitdapi paśyet evaṁ

譬如說 善實 丈士夫 闇舍闇暗 入 不 一任何物 亦即使 可見 如是

As if say O Subhūti a man into darkness-has-entered not one thing even he could see likewise
[bahu cpd, adj √pad pp adj m sg nom] fpp m sg nom adj n ag nom n sg nom √tyaj pres 3rd sg
vastu-patito bodhisattvo draṣṭavyo yo vastu-patitaṁ dānaṁ parityajati |
【事墮墮於事之 菩薩 應被見應 若彼 事墮墮於事的 布施 與捨予】
who-has-fallen-to-the-level-of-objects a Bodhisattva is to be seen (as) one who that has-fallen-to-the-level-of-objects gift renounces
ind ~mat adj m nom sg √bhā f adj pp loc rātri f sg loc m sg loc abhi-ud-√gam pp loc
tadyathāpi nāma subhūte cakṣuṣmān puruṣaḥ prabhātāyāṁ rātrau sūryee'abhyudgate
譬如說 善實 眼者明眼的 丈士夫 【顯明 夜月 [日] 出當夜顯明(破曉)日出時】
As if say O Subhūti with eyes a man when has become dawn, the night, when the sun arises,
adj n pl acc n pl acc opt 3rd sg pp adj m sg nom m sg nom
nānā-vidhāni165 rūpāṇi paśyet evam a-vastu-patito bodhisattvo draṣṭavyo
種種 色 可見 如是 [不墮於事之] 菩薩摩訶薩 應被見應
of various-kinds forms he could see likewise who-has-not-fallen-to-the-level-of-objects Bodhisattva is to be seen (as)
o v 166
yaḥ vastu a-patitaṁ dānaṁ parityajati | api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte ye kula-putrā vā
若彼 事不墮不墮於事 布施 捨與 雖然强調 復次時 善實 若彼等 善家子 [或]
one-who-has-not-fallen-to-the-level-of-objects gift renounces And then moreover O Subhūti those son-of-good-family or
fut 3rd pl √dhṛ cau fut 3rd pl cau fut 3rd pl
kula-duhitaraḥo vāeimaṁ dharma-paryāyam udgrahīṣyanti dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti
善家女 若或 此 法本門 受當將受取 持當將(令) 受持、荷擔 讀當將(令)讀誦
daughter-of-good-family or this discourse will adopt will cause to bear in mind and recite
fut 3rd pl pp m pl nom pl
paryavāpsyanti parebhyaḥśca vistareṇa saṁprakāśayiṣyanti jñātāḥ te subhūte s

誦當將究竟通利 為他人等 及並 以廣分別分別廣 說當將(令)開示 所知 彼等 善實

will study for others and in full detail will cause to illuminate are known they O Subhūti
inst n sg cakṣus n sg inst
tathāgatena buddhajñānena dṛṣṭāḥste subhūte tathāgatena buddhacakṣuṣā buddhāḥste
被如來 以佛智 所見 彼等 善實 被如來 以佛眼 [所覺知 彼等
by Tathāgata with Buddha-wisdom are seen they O Subhūti by Tathāgata with Buddha-eyes are awared of they
pron adj m pl nom pl m pl nom fpp adj m sg acc fpp adj m sg acc
subhūte tathāgatena | sarve te subhūte sattvā aprameyam asaṁkhyeyaṁ
善實 被如來] 一切 彼等 善實 眾生 無量不可量 [不可數]
O Subhūti by Tathāgata All these O Subhūti beings immeasurable incalculable

原譯文倒置而且“如來”多出現兩次:“真語,善實!如來;實語,如來;不異語,如來;如語, 如來;非不如語,
not in Müller but in in Harrison & Watanabe (2006) and Dharmagupta
not in Müller or Harrison & Watanabe (2006) but in Dharmagupta
Here Harrison & Watanabe (2006) replaces Müller‟s vastupatito with vastupatitaṁ. This will give a better reading:
vastupatitaṁ [adj n sg nom] dānaṁ parityajati „a Bodhisatta who has fallen to the level of objects is to be seen (as) one who
renounces a gift that has fallen to the level of objects‟
如前注改動:“墮於事的菩薩 yo vastupatito bodhisattvo 應如是被見:彼捨予墮於事之布施 vastupatitaṁ dānaṃ
nānā [adv] „variously, separately, differently; often used as an [adj] =various, different; vidha [-ifc] of vidhā „kind, sort‟
yo vastu apatitaṁ dānaṁ parityajati here replaces Müller‟s yaḥ avastupatito dānaṁ parityajati according to Harrison &
Watanabe (2006). This change will give a better reading: vastu apatitaṁ [adj n sg nom] dānaṁ parityajati „gives away a gift
which has not fallen to the level of objects‟

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m sg acc pra-√sū fut 3rd pl √grah fut 3rd pl

puṇya-skandhaṁ prasaviṣyanti pratigrahīṣyanti ||14||
福聚 生當將生起 取當將攝取
merit-heap will beget will acquire

f sg nom m sg nom m sg loc

§15 yaḥśca khalu punaḥ subhūte strī vā puruṣo vā pūrva-āhṇa-kāla-samaye
若凡[而且] 復時 善實 婦女若或 丈士夫 若或 前 分 時 (時) 於初日分、午前
And whatever moreover O Subhūti woman or man or in morning time
adj m pl acc m pl acc opt 3rd sg m sg loc
gaṅgā-nadī-vālukā-samān ātma-bhāvān parityajet evaṁ madhyā-āhna-kāla-samaye
恒伽 河 沙 相等 我身自體 若捨棄 如是 中 分 時 (時) 於中日分
Ganga-river-sands-equivalent own-bodies were to renounce likewise in noon time
gaṅgā-nadī-vālukā-samān ātma-bhāvān parityajet sāya-āhna-kāla-samaye
如是晚分時恒伽 河 沙 相等 我身自體 若捨棄 [晚 分 時 (時) 於後日分]
Ganga-river-sands-equivalent own-bodies were to renounce in evening time
ayam m sg inst m sg inst adj n pl acc
gaṅgā-nadī-vālukā-samān ātma-bhāvān parityajet anena paryāyeṇa bahūni
[恒伽 河 沙 相等 我身自體 若捨棄] 以此 以法門因緣 [衆多]
Ganga-river-sands-equivalent own-bodies were to renounce from this discourse
[bahu cpd, adj] n pl acc n pl acc
kalpa-koṭi-niyuta-śata-sahasrāṇiy167ātma-bhāvān parityajet yaḥścaeimaṁ dharma-
劫 俱致 那由多 百 千 我身自體 若捨棄 若凡[而且] 此 法
aeons-10-million-million-hundred-thousand own-bodies were to renounce and whoever this discourse
√kṣip opt 3rd sg ni-√dā n sg nom ~tara cpv acc m sg acc
paryāyaṁ śrutvā na pratikṣipet ayam eva tatasonidānaṁ bahutaraṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ
本法門 聞已 不 會誹謗 此舉 如是 彼由是 因緣 更多過 福 聚
having heard not would not redicule thus on the basis of this (act) more abundant heap-of-merit
√sū 5P opt 3rd sg adj fpp m sg acc m m sg nom √likh ger cau opt 3rd sg
prasunuyāt aprameyam asaṁkhyeyam kaḥ punarvādaḥo yo
d 168
likhitvā o169
能生 無不可量 不可數 何必 復言 若凡 抄寫已 [若(令)受取]
it would generate immeasurable incalculable what more to speak of whoever having copied were cause to adopt
√dhṛ √vāc cau 3rd sg opt √āp cau 3rd sg opt dat m pl √stṛ m sg inst √kāś cau opt 3rd sg
d ś
dhārayet vācayet paryavāpnuyāt parebhyaḥ ca vistareṇa saṁprakāśayet | api tu
若(令)受持 若(令)讀誦 [若(令)究竟通利] 為他人等 及並 以廣分別分別廣 說若(令)開示 雖然强調
were cause to bear in mind, recite, study for others and in full detail were to illuminate And then
√cint adj fpp m sg nom √tul m sg nom
a' o' o'
khalu punaḥ subhūte cintyaḥ tulyaḥ ayaṁ dharma-paryāyaḥ |
復次時 善實 不可思議 不可稱量 此 法本門 彼不可思 如是果報觀察應
moreover O Subhūti is unthinkable incomparable this discourse
[bahu cpd, adj] saṃ-pra-√sthā ~ta pp m pl gen
ayaṁ ca subhūte dharma-paryāyaḥstathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ agra o' 170
此 [并且] 善實 法本門 被如來 所說 最勝 乘 發行發趣之
And this O Subhūti discourse by Tathāgata spoken of (who) are in-best-vehicle-sets-out
m pl gen m sg dat [bahu cpd, adj] √sthā ~ta pp m pl gen m pl gen m sg dat
171 a
sattvānām arthāya śreṣṭha -yāna-saṁprasthitānāṁ sattvānām arthāya | ye imaṁ
眾生之 為義利故 最勝 乘 發行發趣之 眾生之 為義利故 若凡人等 此
of beings for the benefits of those who-set-out-in-the-most-excellent-vehicle for the benefits Those who this
fut 3 pl √dhṛ cau fut 3 pl
rd rd
cau fut 3 pl fut 3rd pl
dharma-paryāyam udgrahīṣyanti dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti
法本門 受當將受取 持當將(令)受持、荷擔 讀當將(令)讀誦 誦當將究竟通利
discourse will adopt will cause to bear in mind and recite will study

koṭi [f] „10 millions‟, niyuta [m/n] „a very high number, generally a million‟; “無量百千萬億劫”[俱胝那庾多百千劫]
MW: punarvāda [m] „repetition, tautology‟; kaḥ punarvādaḥ „what repetition‟, cf. Harrison & Watanabe (2006) „to say
nothing of someone who‟; but cf. [什譯]、[奘譯]:“何況”„(how) much more/less‟, perhaps for kim punar ?
√likh „inscribe, write, copy, trace, scratch; note [ger] used without [acc]
agra [adj spv] „foremost, best‟;
śreṣṭha [adj] „most excellent, best‟
„for the benefits of beings who set out in the best vehicle, for the benefits of those who set out in the most excellent vehicle‟

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cau fut 3rd pl pp m pl nom

ś s
parebhyaaḥ ca vistareṇa saṁprakāśayiṣyanti jñātāḥ te subhūte tathāgatena
為他人等 及並 以廣分別分別廣 說當將(令)開示 所知 彼等 善實 被如來
for others and in full detail will cause to illuminate are known they O Subhūti by Tathāgata
s s
buddhajñānena dṛṣṭāḥ te subhūte tathāgatena buddhacakṣuṣā buddhāḥ te tathāgatena |
以佛智 所見 彼等 善實 被如來 以佛眼 [所覺知 彼等 被如來]
with Buddha-wisdom are seen they O Subhūti by Tathāgata with Buddha-eyes are awared of they by Tathāgata
sam-anu-āgatā pp m pl nom
sarve te subhūte sattvā aprameyeṇa puṇya-skandhenāṁ samanvāgatā bhaviṣyanti |
一切 彼等 善實 眾生 以無量不可量 福 聚 具足成就 有當將會
All these O Subhūti beings with immeasurable merit-heap provided (with) will be
√cint adj fpp m sg inst √tul √mā adj fpp m sg inst √mā m sg inst
ā ā ā
acintyena atulyena amāpyena aparimāṇena puṇyaskandhena samanvāgatā bhaviṣyanti |
以不可思議 以不可稱量 亦以不可量 [以無邊] 以福聚 具足成就 有當將會
with unthinkable, incomparable, unmeasurable, limitless merit-heap provided with will be
m pl nom m pl nom samāṃśa m sg inst m sg acc cau fut 3rd pl
sarve te subhūte sattvāḥ samāṁśena bodhiṁ dhārayiṣyanti174 | tat kasya hetoḥ |
一切 彼等 善實 眾生 我以肩 菩提 持當有將(令) 受持、荷擔 彼 何所 因=何之故
All these O Subhūti beings by shoulder the awakening will cause to bear That for what reason
√śak adj n sg nom +inf [bahu cpd, adj] adhimukti f +ka m pl inst m pl inst inf 不定+√śak
ā 175
na hi śakyaṁ subhūte ayaṁ dharma-paryāyo hīna -adhimuktikaiḥ sattvaiḥ śrotum
不[誠然] 能 善實 此 法本門 被劣小 信解者的 被眾生 聞
not indeed possible O Subhūti this discourse with inferior-inclinations by those beings to hear
dṛṣṭika m pl inst m pl inst m pl inst
ā r r r
na ātma-dṛṣṭikaiḥ na sattva-dṛṣṭikaiḥ na jīva-dṛṣṭikaiḥ na pudgala-dṛṣṭikaiḥ |
不(能) 被我見者 不(能) 被眾生見者 不(能) 被壽命見者 不(能) 被人補特迦儸見者
not (possible) by those with: view-of-self, view-of-being, view-of-living-soul, view-of-person (to hear this discourse)
[bahu cpd, adj] m pl inst m pl inst adj n sg nom +inf inf
ā 176
na a-bodhisattva-pratijñaiḥ sattvaiḥ śakyam ayaṁ dharma-paryāyaḥ śrotuṁ vāo
不 被[無]菩薩 誓 被眾生 能 [此 法門] 聞 [或]
not by those without Bodhisattva-pledge beings possible this discourse to hear or
inf inf inf n sg nom n sg nom
udgrahītuṁ vā dhārayituṁ vā vācayituṁ vā paryavāptuṁ vā | naeidaṁ sthānaṁ
受取 若或 受持荷擔 若或 讀誦 若或 誦究竟通利 若或 無 是此 處情況
to adopt or to bear in mind or to recite or to study or Not this place (case)
pass 3rd sg √diś m sg nom n n sg acc
vidyate | api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte yatra pṛthi-vīpradeśa idaṁ sūtraṁ
有是 雖然强調 復次時 善實 【此中凡„處 地分方 此 經
is And then moreover O Subhūti wherever place this sūtra
pra-√kāś cau fut 3rd sg fpp adj m sg nom m sg nom fut 3rd sg pfx [bahu cpd, adj] m sg gen
prakāśayiṣyate pūjanīyaḥ sa pṛthivī-pradeśaḥ bhaviṣyati sa-deva-mānuṣa-asurasya
廣說將(令)開示 應供養 彼 地分方 將成爲有當 [共] 天 人 阿脩羅
will casue to illuminate worshipable that place will be together with (its) god-man-asuras
m sg gen pp adj m sg nom pradakṣiṇīkṛ fpp adj m sg nom [bahu cpd] adj m sg nom
178ś o
lokasya | vandanīyaḥ pradakṣiṇīyaḥ ca sa pṛthivī-pradeśaḥ bhaviṣyati caitya-bhūtaḥ
世間之 應被禮敬 應被右繞作 及 彼 地分方 將成爲有當 支帝如佛塔般
of the world Worthy of veneration, right-circumbulations and that place will be shrine-like
sa pṛthivī-pradeśaḥ bhaviṣyati ||15||
彼 地分方 將成爲有當】
that place will be

following dhārayiṣyanti Müller also has „vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti‟, which is not in Harrison & Watanabe (2006), nor in
any of the Chinese translations. Contextually they appear superfluous, and are here removed.
BHS: cf. Pāli adhimutti [f] „strong inclination, zealous application‟; -ka forms [adj]
pratijña [adj] „affirmation to, i.e. pledge‟
nedaṁ sthānaṁ vidyate „this is not the case‟; also in Harrison & Watanabe (2006); vidyate [pass] but present indicative sense
pradakṣiṇīkṛ „go round from left to right‟, i.e. circumambulation; dakṣiṇa „right‟
“凡此經將(令)開示之處 yatra idaṃ sūtraṃ prakāśayiṣyate,彼將成為共天、人、阿修羅世間之應供養之地 sa
bhaviṣyati sa-deva-mānuṣa-asurasya lokasya pūjanīyaḥ pṛthivīpradeśa;彼將成為應被禮敬、應被右繞之地 sa bhaviṣyati
vandanīyaḥ pradakṣiṇīyaḥ pṛthivīpradeśaḥ;並且彼將成為佛塔般之地 ca sa bhaviṣyati caitya-bhūtaḥ pṛthivīpradeśaḥ.

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m pl nom duhitṛ f pl nom m pl acc adj m pl acc m pl acc

§16 api tu ye te subhūte kula-putrā vā kula-duhitaro vā imān evaṁ-rūpān sūtrāntān
若强調[凡]彼等 善實 善家子 若或 善家女 若或 此 如是 色類 經
And then those who O Subhūti son-of-good-family or daughter-of-good-family or these such forms of sūtras
fut 3rd pl √dhṛ cau fut 3rd pl cau fut 3rd pl fut 3rd pl ind fut 3rd pl
udgrahīṣyanti dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti yoniśas ca manasikariṣyanti
受當將受取 持當將(令)受持、荷擔 讀當將(令)讀誦 誦當將究竟通利 [如理 將作意]
will adopt will cause to bear in mind, recite will study wisely and will take it to heart
cau fut 3rd pl pl √bhū adj pp pl nom pres 3rd pl adj pp pl nom
parebhyaḥśca vistareṇa saṁprakāśayiṣyanti te paribhūtā 181
bhaviṣyanti su-paribhūtāḥś
為他人等 及並 以廣分別分別廣 說當將(令)開示 彼等 受輕賤 將會有當 極受輕賤
for others and in full detail will cause to illuminate they despised will be well-despised
n pl nom m pl gen m pl gen adj n pl nom
ca bhaviṣyanti | tat kasya hetoḥ | yāni ca teṣāṁ subhūte sattvānāṁ paurva-janmikāniy
[並 將會] 彼 何所 因=何之故【所有凡 彼等之 [善實] 眾生之 前生
and will be That for what reason And whatever of those O Subhūti beings (in) former-births
adj n pl nom n pl nom adj pp n pl nom m √vṛt fpp adj n nom pl pp m sg loc m sg loc f sg inst
y 182 a 183
aśubhāni karmāṇi kṛtāni apāya-saṁvartanīyāni dṛṣṭe eva dharme paribhūtatayā184
不善 業 所作已 惡趣 應被生起轉墮 所有現 如是 法中於現世 被輕賤故
impure deeds done are to be led to woes in this very life by virtue of (their) humiliation
√kṣi cau fut m sg acc anu-pra-√āp fut 3rd pl
tāni paurva-janmikāniyaśubhāni karmāṇi kṣapayiṣyanti buddhabodhiṁ caāanuprāpsyanti |
[彼等 前生 不善 業] 將消盡盡當 佛菩提 將獲得當】
those (in) former-births impure deeds will cause to annul Buddha-awakening and they will attain
adj n sg loc ~an n sg loc adj fpp m pl inst m pl inst
tat kasya hetoḥ | abhijānāmiyahaṁ subhūte atīte adhvani asaṁkhyeyaiḥ kalpaiḥ e' y r

彼 何所 因=何之故 【念知我憶念 我 善實 於過去 世 以不可數 以劫

That for what reason I remeber I O Subhūti in the past time with incalculable aeons
~tara cpv fpp adj m pl inst gen gen gen gen
asaṁkhyeyataraiḥ dīpaṁkarasya tathāgatasyaāarhataḥ samyaksaṁbuddhasya187

以更不可數過 於燈作 如來 於應供 於正遍知

with more incalculable (aeons) at Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata at Arhat at the Completely-enlightened-one
adj m sg inst ~tara adj cpv m sg inst n pl nom √bhū aor 3rd pl pl inst
pareṇa paratareṇa188 catur-aśīti-buddha-koṭi-niyuta-śata-sahasrāṇi abhūvan ye mayaā y
以先前他 以更先前他過 四 八十八十四 佛 俱致 那由多 百 千 有=出現、值遇 若凡 被我
before and way before (then) 84-ten-million-million-hundred-thousand-Buddhas there were who by me
√rañj pp m pl nom ger √rañj pp m pl n m pl nom
190 191 c
ārāgitāḥ ārāgya na virāgitāḥ | yat ca mayā subhūte te buddhā bhagavanta
所親承供養】 親承供養已不 遠離違犯、冒犯 若凡[而且]被我 善實 彼等 諸佛 諸世尊
are gratified having gratified (them) they are not estranged And that by me O Subhūti those Buddhas Bhagavats

rūpa usually [n]
„slighted, despised‟
apāya [m] apa-√i „woe, destruction, loss‟; apāya-saṁvartanīyāni [tatpu cpd], first member apāya [gen] sense: „liable to lead
to the state of woe‟
dṛṣṭe dharme Pāli diṭṭhadhamma „this world (of visibile things), i.e. here and now, this life‟
paribhūtatā √bhū [f] „humiliation‟
„whatever impure deeds done in former births that are to be led to woes of those beings, those impure deeds in former births,
by their humiliation in this very life, will cause to annul, and they will attain Buddha-awakening‟; note tāni paurva-
janmikāniyaśubhāni karmāṇi seems superfluous and is not in Dharmagupta
[gen] in [loc] sense: „at the Dīpaṃkara Tathāgata, the Arhat and the Samyaksaṃbuddha, there were (many) Buddhas‟
para [pron. adj] „beyond‟
所有具格 [inst] 表示“出現”之方式
BHS only: „propitiated, gratified, pleased (a Buddha)‟
BHS: virāgita [pp] of virāga, virāgayati [denominative] (very rare in Skt) „is averse to, offends, displeases a Buddha etc.,
estranged, offended (a Buddha)‟; cf. MW: virāga [m] „irritation, aversion‟

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n adj m sg loc m sg loc f sg loc adj f sg loc

ārāgitāḥ ārāgya na virāgitāḥ yat ca paścime kāle paścime samaye paścimāyāṁ
[所親承供養]親承供養已不 遠離違犯、冒犯若凡[而且] 於後 時 於後 長時 於後分
are gratified having gratified (them) they are not estranged and that in final day(s) in final epoch in final
adj f sg loc m √lup [loc abs] √vṛt pmp adj loc m pl acc m pl acc m pl acc
pañca-śatyāṁ saddharma-vipralopa-kāle vartamāne imān evaṁ rūpān sūtrāntān
五百(歲) 當正法 破壞 時中 轉時中正在 此 [如是 色] 經
500-years when the true-dharma is being annihilated (being) these such kinds of sūtras
fut 3rd pl √dhṛ cau fut 3rd pl cau fut 3rd pl fut 3rd pl
udgrahīṣyanti dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti parebhyaḥś ca vistareṇa
受當彼等將受取 持當彼等將(令)受持、荷擔 讀當彼等將(令)讀誦 誦當彼等將究竟通利為他人等 及並 以廣分別分別廣
they will adopt they will cause to bear in mind, recite they will study for others and in full detail
cau fut 3rd pl m sg nom m sg gen m sg abl+gen m sg nom
ā d193
saṁprakāśayiṣyanti asya khalu punaḥ subhūte puṇya-skandhasya antikāt asau
說當彼等將(令)開示 【此 復時 善實 福 聚 邊 較之 此彼
will cause to illuminate this moreover O Subhūti heap-of-merit compared with that
adj m sg nom śatatamī f sg acc f sg acc upa-√i f sg acc
paurvakaḥ puṇya-skandhaḥ śatatamīm api kalāṁ196 naoupaiti sahasratamīm api
前 福 聚】 百上百份 亦即使 數份 不 及 千上千份 亦即使
former heap-of-merit a hundredth part even does not approach a thousandth part even
f sg acc f sg acc f sg acc f sg acc
śata-sahasratamīm api koṭitamīm api koṭi-śatatamīm api koṭi-śata-sahasratamīm api
百千上份 亦即使 [俱致份 亦即使 俱致百份 亦即使] 俱致百千上份 亦即使
a100-thousandth part even a 10-millionth part even a 100-millionth part even a 100,000-millionth part even
f sg acc f sg acc f sg acc f sg acc f sg acc
koṭi-niyuta-śata-sahasratamīm api | saṁkhyām api kalām api gaṇanām api upamām
俱致 那由多 百 千上份 亦即使 僧企耶數目亦即使 迦羅計份 亦即使 計算 亦即使 譬喻
a 100,000-millionth-niyuta-th part even Number even fraction even counting even similarity
~ṣad f sg acc n sg acc √kṣam pres 3rd sg
api upaniṣadam api yāvad aupamyam api na kṣamate | sacet punaḥ subhūte
亦即使憂波泥奢比較亦即使 乃至 譬喻對比 亦即使 不及無法 【若 復 善實
even comparison even as much as resemblance even it does not permit of If moreover O Subhūti
m pl gen m pl gen duhitṛ f pl gen m sg acc opt 1st sg
teṣāṁ kula-putrāṇāṁ kula-duhitṝṇāṁ vā ahaṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ bhāṣeyam yāvat
彼等之 諸善家子之 諸善家女之 [或] 我 福聚 我若說 此所有乃至
of those son-of-good-family or daughter-of-good-family I heap-of-merit should speak of much as
pl m pl nom duhitṛ f pl nom m sg loc m sg acc pra-√sū fut 3rd pl
te kula-putrā vā kula-duhitaro vā tasmin samaye puṇya-skandhaṁ prasaviṣyanti
彼等善家子 [或] 善家女 若或 彼中 爾時 時中 福 聚 [將生]
those son-or-daughter-of-good-family at that time heap-of-merit will beget
fut 3rd pl m sg acc m pl nom √āp opt 3rd pl √kṣip m sg acc √gam opt 3rd pl
pratigrahīṣyanti unmādaṁ sattvā anuprāpnuyuḥścitta-vikṣepaṁ vā gaccheyuḥ |
取當將攝 猛狂亂 眾生 會得到順到 心狂亂心亂 [或] 會趨於到】
will acquire insanity sentint beings would attain perplexity-of-the-mind or would approach
√cint adj fpp m sg nom √tul
api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte acintyaḥ atulyaḥ ayaṁ dharma-paryāyaḥs tathāgatena
o' o'

雖然强調 復次時 善實 不可思議 不可稱量 此 法本門 被如來

And then moreover O Subhūti unthinkable incomparable this discourse by Tathāgata

antikāt [abl] used with [gen] has the meaning of „than‟ i.e. „compared with‟
與屬格連用=“較之”;比較 §10 samyaksaṁbuddhasya antikāt 從正等正覺之處;
„this merit‟ is the merit from adopting … and illuminating the sūtras; “that previous merit” is the merit of gratifying the
Buddhas and the Bhagavats; “compared with this merit, that merit does not approach even a 100th part … etc.”
kalā [f] „fraction, small part, constituent, 1/16th‟
彼前福聚 asau paurvakaḥ puṇya-skandhaḥ 較此福聚 asya puṇyaskandhasya antikāt;“彼前福聚”指供養諸佛諸世尊
Pāli: khamati „is worthy of‟; cf. MW: „allow, permit, able to‟
我若說 sacet ahaṃ bhāṣeyaṃ 彼等善家子、善家女之福聚 teṣāṃ kulaputrāṇāṁ kuladuhitṝṇāṁ puṇyaskandhaṃ 乃至
yāvat 彼等善家子或善家女 te kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vā 於爾時 tasmin samaye 將生、將攝福聚 prasaviṣyanti
pratigrahīṣyanti puṇyaskandhaṃ 眾生則成狂亂 sattvā anuprāpnuyuś unmādaṃ 或則趨於心狂亂 gaccheyuḥ citta-vikṣepaṃ

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m sg gen adj m sg nom m sg nom √kāṅkṣ fpp m sg nom

bhāṣitaḥ | asya acintya eva vipākaḥ pratikāṅkṣitavyaḥ200 ||16||
所說 彼此(法門)之不可思議 如是 果報異熟 應被希冀(期待)觀察應
spoken of Of this (discourse) such unthinkable effect is to be expected

§17 atha khaluvāyuṣmān subhūtiḥrbhagavantam etad avocat | kathaṁ bhagavan

爾時 命者 善實 對世尊邊 如是此 言 云何 世尊
Thereupon Venerable Subhūti to the Bhagavat this said How O Bhagavat
pp (noun) m sg inst fpp n sg nom fpp n sg nom n sg nom
bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitena sthātavyaṁ kathaṁ pratipattavyaṁ kathaṁ cittaṁ
被菩薩乘 所發趣行(者) 住應應被安住 云何 修行應應被修行 云何 其心
by one who in-Bodhisattva-vehicle-sets-out is to be abided how is to be practised how the mind
fpp n sg nom
pragrahītavyaṁ | bhagavān āha | iha subhūte bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitena
降伏應被降伏 世尊 言 於此 善實 被菩薩乘 所發趣行(者)
is to be calmed The Bhagavat said Here O Subhūti by one who in-Bodhisattva-vehicle-sets-out
cau fpp n sg nom m pl nom
evaṁ cittam utpādayitavyaṁ sarve sattvā mayā anupadhiśeṣe nirvāṇa-dhātau
如是 其心 應被(令)發生應 一切 眾生 無被我 於無受餘無餘依 涅槃界
thus the mind is to be caused to produce all beings by me into none-remaining Nirvāna-realm
cau fpp m pl nom m pl acc cau ger
parinirvāpayitavyāḥ | evaṁ ca sattvān parinirvāpya na kaścit sattvaḥ parinirvāpito
滅度應應被(令)滅度(般涅槃) 如是 一切而且 眾生 (令)滅度已 無 有一任何 眾生 所滅度
are made to be completely extinguished And thus beings having made extinguished not any being is made extinguished
gen+√vṛt=„has‟ pra-√vṛt opt 3rd sg
bhavati | tat kasya hetoḥ | sacet subhūte bodhisattvasya sattva-saṁjñā pravarteta
有是 彼 何所 因=何之故 若 善實 菩薩有 眾生想 轉起、趣入=若有
(to be) That for what reason If O Subhūti Bodhisattva shd have idea-of-a being (should be)
fpp m sg nom
na sa bodhisattva iti vaktavyaḥ | jīva-saṁjñā vā yāvat pudgala-saṁjñā vā pravarteta
彼則不 菩薩摩訶薩 名為 說應應被稱為 [壽命想 或] 乃至 人補特迦儸 想 [或] 轉起=若有
not he „Bodhisattva‟ is to be called Idea-of-living soul or as much as idea-of-person or should he (have)
na sa bodhisattva iti vaktavyaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ | na asti subhūte sa kaścitddharmo
不 彼 菩薩摩訶薩 名 說應應被説 彼 何所 由=何之故 無 有 善實 [彼] 一任何 法
not he „Bodhisattva‟ is to be called That for what reason There is not O Subhūti any dharma
yo bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthito nāma | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte asti sa kaścit
[凡] 菩薩乘 所發趣行(者) 名為 彼 何 汝意念 善實 【有 [彼] 一任何
which one-in-Bodhisattva-vehicle-sets-out is called That what you think O Subhūti is there anyone
m sg gen m sg gen ind+gen adj f sg acc f sg acc
s ā d203
dharmo yaḥ tathāgatena dīpaṁkarasya tathāgatasya antikāt anuttarāṁ samyak-
法 若凡 被如來 從燈作 如來之應正遍知 [從„處] 無上 正遍知正等菩提
dharma which by the Tathāgata from the proximity of Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata as utmost complete-enlightenment
pp (verb) m sg nom pp loc
saṁbodhim abhisaṁbuddhaḥ | evam ukte āyuṣmān subhūtiḥr bhagavantam etad
證覺為否】 如是 語已 命者 善實 對世尊邊 如是此
fully awakens to? Thus spoken Venerable Subhūti to the Bhagavat this
avocat | yathā ahaṁ bhagavato bhāṣitasyaāartham ājānāmi naāasti sa bhagavan kaścitd
言 [正如 我 世尊之 說之 義 我瞭解] 無 有 彼 世尊 一任何
said The way I of the Bhagavat of the saying the meaning I understand there is no O Bhagavat any
dharmo yaḥ tathāgatena dīpaṁkarasya tathāgatasya arhataḥ samyak-saṁbuddhasyaā
s ā

法 若凡 被如來 從燈作 如來之 應供之 正遍知正等正覺之

dharma which by Tathāgata from the proximity of Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata of Arhat of the Completely-enlightened-one

√kāṅkṣ related to √kam „to be expected, wish or long for‟; pratikāṅkṣitavyaḥ absent in Harrison & Watanabe (2006)
譯文倒置:“彼不” 實爲“不彼”
MW: antika [adj] „near, proximate‟,“近”=“處)”; antikāt [ind] „from the proximimity, within the presence of‟; BHS:
antikāt [ind, adv] used with [gen] =„on the part of‟

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adj f sg acc f sg acc pp (verb) m sg nom

antikāt anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbuddhaḥ | evam ukte bhagavān
邊從„處 無上 正遍知正等菩提 證覺為 如是 語已 世尊
(proximity) as utmost complete-enlightenment fully awakens to Thus spoken the Bhagavat
āyuṣmantaṁ subhūtim etad avocat | evam etat subhūte evam etat | na asti subhūte sa
對命者 善實 如是此 言 如是 如是此 善實 如是 如是此 無 有 [善實] 彼
to Venerable Subhūti this said This (is) so O Subhūti this (is) so There is no O Subhūti
d s ā
kaścit dharmo yaḥ tathāgatena dīpaṁkarasya tathāgatasya arhataḥ samyak-
一任何 法 若凡 被如來 從燈作 如來之 應供之 正遍知正等正覺之
any dharma which by Tathāgata from the proximity of Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata of Arhat of the Completely-
saṁbuddhasya antikād anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbuddhaḥ | sacet punaḥ
邊從„處 無上 正遍知正等正覺 證覺為 若 復
Enlightened One (proximity) as utmost complete-enlightenment fully awakens to If moreover
m sg nom pp (adj) m sg nom con 3rd sg acc
subhūte kaścitddharmaḥs tathāgatena abhisaṁbuddhaḥ abhaviṣyat na māṁ o' nn

善實 一任何 法 被如來 證覺 若有 不 對我
O Subhūti any dharma by Tathāgata is fully awaken to there were to be not to me
√kṛ opt 3rd sg fut 2nd sg tvad nom m sg voc adj m sg loc m sg loc
dīpaṁkaraḥs tathāgato vyākariṣyad 205
bhaviṣyasi tvaṁ māṇava 206ā e'
anāgate adhvani
燈作 如來應正遍知則記說授記 將有當 汝 行者 於未來 世
the Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata would declare „you will be O young Brahmin in a future peirod
r o'
śākyamuniḥ nāma tathāgataḥ arhan samyaksaṁbuddha iti | yasmāt tarhi subhūte
釋迦牟尼 名為 如來 應供 正遍知正等正覺 者 是故 此彼時 善實
Śākyamuni by name a Tathāgata an Arhat a Completely-enlightened-one‟ Thus at that time O Subhūti
adj f sg acc
tathāgatenaāarhatā samyak-saṁbuddhena naāasti sa kaścitddharmo yaḥ anuttarāṁ o'

被如來 被應供 被正遍知正等正覺 無 有 [彼] 一任何 法 若凡 無上

by Tathāgata by Arhat by Completely Enlightened One there is not any dharma which as utmost
f sg acc pp (verb) m sg nom
samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbuddhaḥ tasmātdahaṁ dīpaṁkareṇa tathāgatena vyākṛtaḥo

正遍知正等正覺 證覺為 彼是故 [我] 被燈作 如來 應正遍知所 記說授記

complete-enlightenment fully awakens to therefore I by Dīpaṁkara Tathāgata am declared
m sg voc ind
bhaviṣyasi tvaṁ māṇava anāgatee' adhvani śākyamuniḥ nāma tathāgataḥ arhan r o'

將有當 汝 行者 於未來 世 釋迦牟尼 名為 如來 應供

you will be O young Brahmin in a future peirod Śākyamuni by name a Tathāgata an Arhat
~tathatā f sg gen n sg nom
samyaksaṁbuddha | tat kasya hetoḥstathāgata iti subhūte | bhūta-tathatāyā etad
正遍知正等正覺 彼 何所 因=何之故 如來 者 善實 什缺真如故真如之 此
a Completely-enlightened-one That for what reason „Tathāgata‟ O Subhūti Of Suchness this (is)
n sg nom f sg gen
adhivacanam | {tathāgata iti subhūte | anutpāda-dharmatāyā etad adhivacanam |
即是增語、異名、同義 如來 者 善實 不生法故無生法之 此 即是增語、異名
synonym „Tathāgata‟ O Subhūti Of unrisen-dharma this (is) synonym
√chid m sg gen
o ai
tathāgata iti subhūte | dharma ucchedasya etad adhivacanam | tathāgata iti subhūte
世尊如來 者 善實 道法 斷之 此 即是增語、異名 如來 者 善實
„Tathāgata‟ O Subhūti Of dharma-extermination this (is) synonym „Tathāgata‟ O Subhūti
ind √pad pp m sg gen etad m nom sg
208ā ai
atyanta anutpannasya etad adhivacanam | tat kasya hetoḥ | eṣa subhūte
畢竟終究 不無生之故 此 即是增語、異名 彼 何所 因=何之故如是彼此 [善]實
ultimately of the unoriginated this (is) synonym That for what reason This O Subhūti

declare, predict“授記”
„young Brahmin‟“摩納婆(儒童)”
„to the end or beyond the end, absolutely, completely‟

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m nom sg m nom sg opt 3rd sg

anutpādo yaḥ paramārthaḥ} 209
| yaḥ kaścit subhūte evaṁ vadet tathāgatenaāarhatā

不無生 若凡 (即)最勝義什缺 若凡 有任何(人) 善實 如是 若語 被如來 被應供

unorigination which (is) ultimate truth Anyone O Subhūti thus were to say „by Tathāgata by Arhat
adj f sg nom f sg nom pp (adj) m sg nom adv
samyaksaṁbuddhena anuttarā samyaksaṁbodhiḥrabhisaṁbuddhā iti sa vitathaṁ e 210

被正遍知正等正覺 無上 正遍知正等正覺 所證覺 [者]彼 不實如

by Completely Eenlightened One utmost complete-enlightenment is fully awaken to‟ he falsely
opt 3rd sg √cakṣ 2Ā opt 3rd sg acc pap n sg inst adj n sg inst
211 e' o
vadet | abhyācakṣīta māṁ sa subhūte asatā udgṛhītena | tat kasya hetoḥ |
則語 則誹謗 對我 彼 善實 以不實 以執取 彼 何所 因=何之故
would speak Would slander me he O Subhūti with false understanding That for what reason
adj f sg acc f sg acc
naāasti subhūte sa kaścitddharmo yaḥstathāgatena anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhim
無 有 彼 善實 [彼] 一任何 法 若凡 被如來應正遍知 無上 正遍知正等正覺
There is not O Subhūti any dharma which by Tathāgata as utmost complete-enlightenment
pp (verb) f sg nom pp (adj) m sg nom
abhisaṁbuddhaḥ | yaḥśca subhūte tathāgatena dharmaḥ abhisaṁbuddho deśito vā o'

證覺為 若凡 善實 被如來 法 所證覺 所說 若或 不

fully awakens to And what O Subhūti by Tathāgata dharma that is fully awaken to is taught or
tatra na satyaṁ na mṛṣā | tasmāt tathāgato bhāṣate sarva-dharmā buddhadharmā iti |
彼中是處[無] 實 不無妄 彼是故 如來 說 一切 法 (即)佛法 者
therein no truth no falsehood Thus the Tathāgata says „all dharma are Buddha-dharma‟
tat kasya hetoḥ | sarva-dharmā iti subhūte a-dharmāḥstathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ | tasmātd
彼 何所 因=何之故 一切法一切法 者 善實 一切彼 非無法 被如來 所說 彼是故
That for what reason „All dharma‟ O Subhūti is dharma-less by Tathāgata spoken of Thus
ucyante sarva-dharmā buddhadharmā iti | tadyathāpi nāma subhūte puruṣo bhavetd
被說名 一切法 (即)[佛法] 者 譬如說 善實 丈士夫 能有
they are called „All dharmas are Buddha-dharma‟ As if say O Subhūti a person were to be
upeta-kāyo mahā-kāyaḥ | āyuṣmān subhūtiḥrāha | yaḥ asau bhagavan tathāgatena o'

具足身 大身 命者 善實 言 若凡 彼 世尊 被如來
endowed-with-a-body a hugh-body Venerable Subhūti said Who that O Bhagavat by Tathāgata
[bahu cpd, adj] m sg nom
puruṣo bhāṣita upe-takāyo mahā-kāya iti a-kāyaḥ sa bhagavanṁstathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ |
丈士夫 所說 具足身 大身 [者] 非無身 彼 世尊 被如來 所說
person is spoken of (as) „endowed-with-a-body a hugh-body‟ is body-less he O Bhagavat by Tathāgata is spoken of
tena ucyate upetakāyo mahākāya iti | bhagavān āha | evam etat subhūte | yo
彼是故 被說 名為具足身 大身者 世尊 言 如是如是此 善實如是如是若凡
Thus it is called „endowed-with-a-body a hugh-body‟ The Bhagavat said This (is) so O Subhūti Whatever
opt 3rd sg m pl acc pari-nir-√vā cau fut 1st sg
bodhisattva evaṁ vadet ahaṁ sattvān parinirvāpayiṣyām iti na sa bodhisattva iti
菩薩 如是 若語 [我]有 眾生 般涅槃滅度我我將(令)滅度【不 彼 菩薩 名為
Bodhisattva thus were to say „I beings will made to extinguish‟ not he „Bodhisattva‟
fpp m sg nom
vaktavyaḥ | tat kasya hetoḥ | asti subhūte sa kaścitddharmo yo bodhisattvo nāma |
說應應被説】 彼 何所 因=何之故有 善實 有[彼]一任何 法 若凡 菩薩 名為 (疑問句)
is to be called That for what reason Is there O Subhūti any dharma which is Bodhisattva by name?
r ī ā d
subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na asti sa kaścit dharmo yo bodhisattvo nāma |
善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 什缺[無 有 彼 任何 法 凡 菩薩 名為]
Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat There is not any dharma which is Bodhisattva by name
[bahu cpd, adj] m pl nom
bhagavān āha | sattvāḥ sattvā iti subhūte a-sattvāḥste tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ tenaoucyante
世尊 言 眾生 眾生 者 善實 非無眾生 彼等 被如來 所說什缺 彼是故 被說
The Bhagavat said „Beings, beings‟ O Subhūti are beings-less they by Tathāgata are spoken of Thus they are called

in Müller and Dharmagupta but not in Harrison & Watanabe (2006) or Conze‟s translation
vitatha usually [adj] „untrue‟, but here as [adv] „falsely‟
abhi-ā-√cakṣ BHS: cf. Pāli abbhācikkhati [intensive of abbhākkhāti] „accuse, slander, calumniate‟; MW: „to look at, to speak‟

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~an adj m pl nom adj m pl nom

sattvā iti | tasmāt tathāgato bhāṣate nir-ātmānaḥ sarva-dharmā nir-jīvā niṣ-poṣā213
名為眾生者 彼是故 如來 說 無我 一切法 無眾生 無壽命者無長養者
„beings‟ Therefore the Tathāgata speaks of „are without a self all dharmas are without a living soul are unsubstantial
adj m pl nom m pl nom opt 3rd sg m pl acc
niṣ-pudgalāḥ sarva-dharmā iti | yaḥ subhūte bodhisattva evaṁ vadet ahaṁ kṣetra-
無人補特迦儸 一切法 者 若凡 善實 菩薩 如是 若語 我 佛土
are without a person all dharmas‟ Whatever O Subhūti Bodhisattva thus were to say „I Buddhafield-
cau fut 1st sg adv
214 ī
vyūhān niṣpādayiṣyāmi iti sa vitathaṁ vadet | tat kasya hetoḥ | kṣetra-vyūhāḥ
莊嚴 成就我將(令)成就/辦[者]【彼亦如是不實名 則說應】 彼 何所 因=何之故 國土 莊嚴
splendour will casue to bring about‟ he falsely would speak That for what reason „Buddhafield-splendour
kṣetra-vyūhā iti subhūte avyūhāḥste tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ | tena ucyante kṣetravyūhā iti | o

國土 莊嚴 者 善實 非無莊嚴 彼等 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為國土莊嚴者

Buddhafield-splendour‟ O Subhūti are splendour-less they by Tathāgata are spoken of Thus they are called „Buddhafield-splendour‟
m sg nom ~an [bahu cpd] adj m pl nom √muc cau pres 3rd sg
o o y 216
yaḥ subhūte bodhisattvo nir-ātmānaḥ dharmā nirātmānaḥ dharmā iti adhimucyate
若凡 善實 菩薩摩訶薩 “無我 法 無我 法 者” (令)信解
Who O Subhūti Bodhisattva (the saying) „dharmas are without a self, dharmas are without a self‟ causes to have faith in
√khyā pp m sg nom
ā y
sa tathāgatena arhatā samyaksaṁbuddhena bodhisattvo mahāsattva iti ākhyātaḥ ||17||
彼 被如來 被應供 被正遍知正等正覺 菩薩 摩訶薩 名為 說稱為
he by Tathāgata by Arhat by the Fully-enlightened-one „Bodhisattva Mahāsattva‟ is declared as

√vid pres 3rd sg gen+√vid =‟has‟ n

§18 bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte saṁvidyate tathāgatasya māṁsa-
[世尊 言] 彼 何 汝意念 善實 有 如來有 肉
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti (to be) the Tathāgata has physical-
~sus n sg nom
cakṣuḥ | subhūtiḥ āha | evam etad bhagavan saṁvidyate tathāgatasya māṁsa-cakṣuḥ |
眼否 善實 言 如是 如是此 世尊 有 如來有 肉 眼
eye? Subhūti said This (is) so O Bhagavat (to be) the Tathāgata has physical-eye
adj n sg nom n sg nom
bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte saṁvidyate tathāgatasya divyaṁ cakṣuḥ |
世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 有 如來有 天 眼否
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti (to be) the Tathāgata has divine eye?
subhūtiḥ āha | evam etad bhagavan saṁvidyate tathāgatasya divyaṁ cakṣuḥ |
善實 言 如是 如是此 世尊 有 如來有 天 眼
Subhūti said This (is) so O Bhagavat (to be) the Tathāgata has divine eye
bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte saṁvidyate tathāgatasya prajñā-cakṣuḥ |
世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 有 如來有 慧 眼否
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti (to be) the Tathāgata has wisdom-eye?
subhūtiḥ āha | evam etad bhagavan saṁvidyate tathāgatasya prajñā-cakṣuḥ |
善實 言 如是 如是此 世尊 有 如來有 慧 眼
Subhūti said This (is) so O Bhagavat (to be) the Tathāgata has wisdom-eye
bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte saṁvidyate tathāgatasya dharma-cakṣuḥ |
世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 有 如來有 法 眼否
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti (to be) the Tathāgata has dharma-eye?
subhūtiḥ āha | evam etad bhagavan saṁvidyate tathāgatasya dharma-cakṣuḥ |
善實 言 如是 如是此 世尊 有 如來有 法 眼
Subhūti said This (is) so O Bhagavat (to be) the Tathāgata has dharma-eye

„without a soul, and unsubstantial‟
kṣetra [佛]土 vyūha 莊嚴 BHS: „arrangement; in Mahāyāna works implies splendour, magnificence‟
“彼亦如是不名說應”對應另一梵本:“so'pi tathaiva vaktavyaḥ”
cf. Pāli adhimuccati [pass] 1. „to be drawn to, feel attached to‟; 2. „to become clear about‟ hence “解悟”=rtgos pa;BHS:
adhimucyate „actively interested in, zealous for, earnestly devoted to, intent upon‟ i.e. „belive in‟
BHS: Pāli saṁvijjati =Skt vidyate 'there is, there exists'; MW: saṃvid „to know, understand thoroughly‟

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bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte saṁvidyate tathāgatasya buddha-cakṣuḥ |

世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 有 如來有 佛 眼否
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti (to be) the Tathāgata has Buddha-eye?
subhūtiḥ āha | evam etad bhagavan saṁvidyate tathāgata buddha-cakṣuḥ |
善實 言 如是 如是此 世尊 有 如來有 [佛] 眼
Subhūti said This (is) so O Bhagavat (to be) the Tathāgata has Buddha-eye
yāvatī rel adj f pl nom f sg loc f sg loc
bhagavān āha | {tat kiṁ manyase subhūte yāvatyaḥ gaṅgāyāṁ mahā-nadyāṁ
世尊 言善善善實 彼 何 汝意念 善實 所有如其 多 於恒伽 大河中
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti as many in Ganga the great river
f pl nom f pl nom
vālukāḥ api nu tā vālukāḥ tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ | subhūtiḥrāha | evam etad bhagavan

沙 雖然强調 彼 沙彼 被如來 所說否 善實 言 如是 如是此 世尊

sands now then these sands by the Tathāgata are spoken of? Subhūti said This (is) so O Bhagavat
s 218
evam etat sugata bhāṣitāḥ tathāgatena vālukāḥ |} bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase
如是 如是此 善逝 所說彼 被如來 彼沙 世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念
this (is) so O Sugata are spoken of by the Tathāgata the sands The Bhagavat said That what you think
yāvatī rel adj f pl nom f sg loc nadi f sg loc f pl nom tāvatī f pl nom f pl nom opt 3rd pl
subhūte{yāvatyo gaṅgāyāṁ mahā-nadyāṁ vālukāḥstāvatya eva gaṅgā-nadyo bhaveyuḥ
善實 所有如其多 於恒伽 大河中 沙 彼所有即其多[如是] 恒伽大河 能有所有
O Subhūti as many in Ganga the great river sands just that many Ganga rivers were to be
f pl loc f pl nom tāvat m pl nom dhatu m pl nom opt 3rd pl ipn sg bahu m pl nom
ś d s
tāsu yā vālukāḥ tāvantas ca loka-dhātavo bhaveyuḥ kaccit bahavaḥ te loka-dhātavo
彼河中[凡] 諸沙 彼所有即其多及並且 世 界 能有 疑問代詞 多 彼 世界
in those (rivers) those sands that many and realms-of-world were to be interrogative many those realms-of-world
bhaveyuḥ |}219 subhūtiḥrāha | evam etad bhagavan evam etat sugata bahavaḥ te s

有能為否 善實 言 [如是 此]多 世尊 [如是 此]多 善逝 [多] 彼

would be? Subhūti said This is so O Bhagavat This is so O Sugata many those
yāvat m pl nom m pl loc m pl loc m pl nom

loka-dhātavo bhaveyuḥ | bhagavān āha | yāvantas subhūte teṣu loka-dhātuṣu sattvāḥ
世 界 有能為 世尊 言 所有如其多 善實 彼中 世界中 眾生
realms-of-world would be The Bhagavat said As many O Subhūti in these realms-of-world beings
m pl gen f sg acc adj f sg acc dhārā f sg acc
teṣām ahaṁ nānā-bhāvāṁ citta-dhārāṁ prajānāmi | tat kasya hetoḥ | citta-dhārā
彼等之 我 種種有各種 心流注流轉 我知 彼 何所 因=何之故 心流注流轉
their I various-kinds stream-of-thoughts I know That for what reason „stream-of-thoughts
[bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom f sg nom
citta-dhārāe iti subhūte a-dhārā eṣā tathāgatena bhāṣitā | tena ucyate citta-dhārāeiti |
ai o

心流注流轉 者 善實 非流注無流轉 此 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名心流注流轉者

stream-of-thoughts‟ O Subhūti is streamless this by Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „stream-of-thoughts‟
adj n sg nom n sg nom √labh pass 3rd sg adj n nom
o 220
tat kasya hetoḥ | atītaṁ subhūte cittaṁ na upalabhyate | anāgataṁ cittaṁ
彼 何所 因=何之故 過去 善實 心 不 可得 未來 心
That for what reason Past O Subhūti mind cannot be ascertained Futre mind
adj n sg nom
naoupalabhyate | pratyutpannaṁ cittaṁ naoupalabhyate ||18||
不 可得 現在 心 不 可得
cannot be ascertained Present mind cannot be ascertained

m sg acc
§19 tat kiṁ manyase subhūte yaḥ kaścit kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vāeimaṁ
彼 何 汝意念 善實 若凡 有任何 善家子 若或 善家女 若或 此
That what you think O Subhūti whatever son-or-daughter-of-good-family this

not in Harrison & Watanabe (2006)
„(if) there were as many Ganga rivers as there are sands in the Great Ganga river, and there were (as many) realms-of-world
as there are those sands in those rivers, would those realms-of-world be many?‟
upa-√labh 1. obtain, acquire; 2.perceive, understand, ascertain

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m sg acc m sg acc [tatpu cpd] √pṛ pūrṇa pp m sg acc ger+acc

tri-sāhasra-mahā-sāhasraṁ loka-dhātuṁ sapta-ratna-paripūrṇaṁ kṛtvā
三 千 大 千 世 界 (以)七 寶 遍滿 作已
three-thousand-mega-thousand realm-of-world with seven-treasures-filled having done (filled)
tathāgatebhyaḥo'arhadbhayaḥ samyaksaṁbuddhebhyaḥo dānaṁ dadyāt api nu sa
[為如來等 為應供等 為正遍知等正等正覺等] 布施 與若施予 雖然强調 彼
for Tathāgatas for Arhats for the Fully-enlightened-ones gift were to give now then that
kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vā tatas nidānaṁ bahu puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyāt |
善家子 若或 善家女 若或 彼由是 因緣 多 福 聚 能生否
son-or-daughter-of-good-family on that basis many heap-of-merit would generate?
subhūtiḥ āha | bahu bhagavan bahu sugata | bhagavān āha | evam etat subhūte evam
善實 言 多 世尊 多 善逝 什缺世尊 言 如是 如是此 善實 如是
Subhūti said Many O Bhagavat many O Sugata The Bhagavat said This (is) so Subhūti so
etat | bahu sa kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā tatas nidānaṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyātd

如是此 多 彼 善家子 若或 善家女 若或 彼由是 因緣 多福 聚 能生

this (is) Many that son-or-daughter-of-good-family on that basis heap-of-merit would generate
adj m sg acc adj m sg acc
aprameyam asaṁkhyeyam | tat kasya hetoḥ | puṇya-skandhaḥ puṇya-skandha iti
無不可量 不可數什缺 [彼 何之 因] 福 聚 福 聚 者
immeasurable incalculable That for what reason „heap-of-merit, heap-of-merit‟
[bahu cpd, adj] m sg nom
subhūte a-skandhaḥ sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | tenaoucyate puṇya-skandha iti |
善實 非無聚 彼 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為福聚者
O Subhūti is heap-less that by the Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „heap-of-merit‟
con 3rd sg √bhās con 3rd sg
o' nn o'
sacet punaḥ subhūte puṇya-skandhaḥ abhaviṣyat na tathāgataḥ abhāṣiṣyat
若 復 善實 福 聚 若有 不 如來 則說
If moreover O Subhūti heap-of-merit there were to be not the Tathāgata would have said
puṇya-skandhaḥ puṇya-skandha iti ||19||
福 聚 福 聚 者
„heap-of-merit, heap-of-merit‟

[tatpu cpd √pad pariniṣpatti f sg inst m sg nom fpp m sg nom

§20 tat kiṁ manyase subhūte rūpa-kāya-pariniṣpattyā222 tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ |
彼 何 汝意念 善實 以色 身 成就 如來 應被見應否
That what you think O Subhūti by form-body-perfection the Tathāgata is to be seen?
r ī
subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavan | na rūpa-kāya-pariniṣpattyā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ |
善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 非不 以色身成就 如來 應被見應
Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat Not by form-body-perfection the Tathāgata is to be seen
~patti f sg nom f sg nom
tat kasya hetoḥ | rūpa-kāya-pariniṣpattī rūpa-kāya-pariniṣpattiḥriti bhagavan
彼 何所 因=何之故 色身成就 色身成就 者 世尊
That for what reason „form-body-perfection, form-body-perfection‟ O Bhagavat
[bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom pp f sg nom
a-pariniṣpattiḥ eṣā tathāgatena bhāṣitā | tena ucyate rūpa-kāya-pariniṣpattiḥriti |
r o

非無成就 此 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為色身成就者

is perfection-less this by the Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „form-body-perfection‟
f sg inst
bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ |
世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 以相具足 如來 應被見應否
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen?
r ī
subhūtiḥ āha | no hi idaṁ bhagavān | na lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ |
善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 非不 以相具足 如來 應被見應
Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat Not with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen

first member of cpd sapta-rata in [inst] sense: „with seven-treasures‟
BHS: „perfect development, the bringing to that state‟

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f sg nom
tat kasya hetoḥ | yā eṣā bhagavan lakṣaṇa-saṁpat tathāgatena bhāṣitā
彼 何所 因=何之故 此凡 [此] 世尊 相具足 被如來 所說
That for what reason Which this O Bhagavat features-endowment by the Bhagavat is spoken of
[bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom
a-lakṣaṇa-saṁpat eṣā tathāgatena bhāṣitā | tenaoucyate lakṣaṇa-saṁpatditi ||20||

非無相具足 [此] 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為相具足者

is features-endowment-less this by the Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „features-endowment‟

gen+√bhū =„has‟ √bhū 3rd sg inst

§21 bhagavān āha | tat kiṁ manyase subhūte api nu tathāgatasya evaṁ bhavati mayā
什缺世尊 言 彼 何 汝意念 善實 雖然强調 如來有 如是(念) [有] 被我
The Bhagavat said That what you think O Subhūti now then the Tathāgata has such (idea) (to be) „by me
r ī ai
dharmo deśita iti | subhūtiḥ āha no hi idaṁ bhagavan tathāgatasya evaṁ bhavati mayā
法 所說 [云]否 善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 不如來有 如是(念) [有] 被我
dharma is taught‟? Subhūti said not indeed the case O Bhagavat the Tathāgata has such (idea) (to be) „by me
opt 3rd sg
dharmo deśita iti | bhagavān āha | yaḥ subhūte evaṁ vadet tathāgatena dharmo deśita
法 所說[云]什缺 世尊 言 若凡我 善實 如是 人若語 被如來 法 所說
dharma is taught‟ The Bhagavat said Whoever O Subhūti such were to say „by the Tathāgata dharma is taught‟
adv √cakṣ 2Ā opt 3rd sg pap n sg inst adj n sg inst
e' o
iti sa vitathaṁ vadet | abhyācakṣīta māṁ sa subhūte asatā udgṛhītena | tat kasya hetoḥ |
[云彼 不實 人則語] 則誹謗 對我 彼 善實 以不實 以執取 彼何所因=何之故
he falsely would speak Would slander me he O Subhūti with false understanding That for what reason
f sg nom m m
dharma-deśanā 223
dharma-deśanāeiti subhūte naāasti sa kaścit dharmo yo dharma- d

法說說法 法說說法 者 善實 【無 有 [彼 任何] 法 若凡 法

„dharma-teaching, dharma-teaching‟ O Subhūti there is not any dharma which dharma-
√labh pass 3rd sg
deśanā nāma upalabhyate | evam uktea āyuṣmān subhūtiḥrbhagavantam etad avocat |
說說法 名為 可得】 爾時[如是 語已] 命者 善實 對世尊邊 如是此 言 雖然
teaching so-called can be ascertained (as) Thus spoken Venerable Subhūti to the Bhagavat this said
ipn pl m pl nom fut 3rd pl adj m sg loc ~an m sg loc adj m sg loc m sg loc f sg loc
y e'
asti bhagavan kecit sattvā bhaviṣyanti anāgate adhvani paścime kāle paścime samaye
[是否] 世尊 任何 眾生 當有將會 於未來 [世]頗有眾生 於後 時 於後 長時
Is it that O Bhagavat certain beings will in future period in final day(s) in final epoch
adj f sg loc śatya adj f loc √lup [loc abs] √vṛt pmp adj loc pl m pl acc adj m pl acc
paścimāyāṁ pañcaśatyāṁ saddharma-vipralope vartamāne ye imān evaṁ-rūpān
於後分 於五百(歲) 當正法 正破壞時中 轉時中 若彼等 此等 如是 色類
in final 500-years when the true-dharma is being annihilated they these such forms of
m pl acc ger fut 3rd pl [karma cpd] m pl nom
dharmān śrutvā abhiśraddhāsyanti | bhagavān āha | na te subhūte sattvā na a-sattvāḥ |
法說 聞已 將深信信當有 世尊 言 不非彼等 善實 眾生 不非 非眾生
sutra-verses having heard will have faith in? The Bhagavat said Not they O Subhūti beings not non-beings
tat kasya hetoḥ | sattvāḥ sattvā iti subhūte sarve te subhūte a-sattvāḥ tathāgatena
彼 何所 因=何之故 眾生 眾生 者 善實 一切 彼等 [善實] 非無眾生彼 被如來
That for what reason „Beings, beings‟ O Subhūti all these O Subhūti are being-less by the Tathāgata
bhāṣitāḥ | tenaoucyante sattvā iti ||21||
所說 彼是故 被說 名為眾生者
are spoken of Thus they are called „beings‟

§22 tat kiṁ manyase subhūte api nuvasti sa kaścitddharmaḥ yaḥstathāgatenaā

什缺彼 何 汝意念 善實 雖然而 有 [彼 任何] 法 若凡 被如來
That what you think O Subhūti now then is there any dharma which by the Tathāgata
adj f sg acc f sg acc pp (verb) m sg nom
anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbuddhaḥ | āyuṣmān subhūtiḥrāha | no hiīidaṁ
無上 正遍知正等正覺 證覺為否 命者 善實 言 無有彼[非也 此]
as utmost complete-enlightenment fully awakens to? Venerable Subhūti said Not indeed the case

„direction, instruction‟
nāsti sa kaściddharmo palabhyate yo dharmadeśanā nāmo“凡所謂説法,沒有任何彼法可得。”

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bhagavan naāasti sa bhagavan kaścitddharmo yaḥstathāgatenaāanuttarāṁ

世尊 [無] 有 [彼 世尊] [任何] 法 若凡 被如來 無上
O Bhagavat there is not O Bhagavat any dharma which by the Tathāgata as utmost
pp (verb) m sg nom
samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbuddhaḥ | bhagavān āha | evam etat subhūte evam etat |
正遍知正等菩提 [證覺為]什缺 世尊 言 如是 如是此 善實 如是 如是此
complete-enlightenment fully awakens to? The Bhagavat said This (is) so O Subhūti This (is) so
√aṇ adj m sg nom m sg nom √vid pres 3rd sg pass 3rd sg
r 225
aṇus api tatra dharmo na saṁvidyate o
na upalabhyate | tenaoucyate anuttarā
細微小[即使]彼中是處 法 無 有 不 可得 彼是故 被說 名為無上
subtle even therein dharma not to be cannnot be ascertained Thus it is called „utmost
samyaksaṁbodhiḥ iti ||22||
正遍知正等正覺 者

adj m sg nom m sg nom adj m sg nom

§23 api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte samaḥ sa dharmo na tatra kaścitdviṣamaḥ | tenaoucyate
雖然强調 復次時 善實 平等 [彼] 正法彼 不無中是處 有任何 不平等 彼是故 被說
And then moreover O Subhūti is the same that dharma therein nothing is different Thus it is called
adj f sg nom f sg nom ~tva n sg inst ~tva n sg inst ~tva n sg inst
anuttarā samyaksaṁbodhiḥ iti | nir-ātmatvena niḥ-sattvatvena nir-jīvatvena
名為無上正遍知正等正覺 者 以無我性故 【 以無壽命性故 以無眾生性故】
„utmost complete-enlightenment‟ By virtue of self-less-ness being-less-ness living-soul-less-ness
~tva n sg inst adj f sg nom f f nom sg f nom sg m pl inst m pl inst m pl inst
ā r r
niṣ-pudgalatvena samā sā anuttarā samyaksaṁbodhiḥ sarvaiḥ kuśalaiḥ dharmaiḥ
以無人補特伽羅性故 平等 [彼] 無上 正遍知正等正覺 以一切 以善 法
person-less-ness is the same that utmost complete-enlightenment by virtue of all wholesome dharmas
√budh pass 3rd sg m pl nom m pl nom
abhisaṁbudhyate | tat kasya hetoḥ | kuśalā dharmāḥ kuśalā dharmā iti subhūte
彼被證覺 [彼 何之 因] 善 法 善 法 者 善實
it is fully awaken to That for what reason „Wholesome dharmas, wholesome dharmas‟ O Subhūti
[bahu cpd, adj] m pl nom
ś ai
a-dharmāḥ ca eva te tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ | tenaoucyante kuśalā dharmā iti ||23||
非無法 [並] 如是彼等 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為善法者
are dharmas-less and thus they by the Tathāgata are spoken of Thus they are called „wholesome dharmas‟

yāvat m pl nom m sg loc

§24 yaḥśca khalu punaḥ subhute strī vā puruṣo vā yāvantaḥstri-sāhasra-mahā-sāhasre
若凡[而且] 復次時 善實 [婦女 或 士夫 或]【所有如其多 於三 千 大 千
Whatever and moreover O Subhūti woman or man or as many in the three-thousand-mega-thousand
m sg loc sumeru m nom pl m nom pl tāvat m pl acc rāṣi m pl acc m pl gen m pl gen
o 227
loka-dhātau sumeravaḥ parvata-rājānaḥ tāvataḥ rāśīn saptānāṁ ratnānām
世 界中 須彌 山 王 彼所有即其多 聚量 七 寶之
realm-of-world Sumerus kings-of-mountain that many piles of seven treasures
√hṛ ger m dat pl arhat m dat pl n sg acc opt 3rd sg
o' o
abhisaṁhṛtya tathāgatebhyaḥ arhadbhayaḥ samyak-saṁbuddhebhyaḥ dānaṁ dadyāt
普散聚集已】 為如來等 為應供等 為正遍知正等正覺等 布施 與若施予
having collected for Tathāgatas for Arhats for the Fully-enlightened-ones gift were to give
pcl f sg abl m sg abl
yaḥśca kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vā itas prajñāpāramitāyā dharma-paryāyātd229
e ḥ

[凡 善家子 或 善家女] 若或 由此 (從)智慧彼岸到波羅蜜多 [(從)法門]

whatever and son-or-daughter-of-good-family from this prajñāpāramitā discourse

BHS: Pāli saṁvijjati =Skt vidyate 'there is, there exists'; MW: saṃvid „to know, understand thoroughly‟
„a heap, mass, pile, group, multitude, quantity, number‟
dharma-paryāyāt not in Harrison & Watanabe (2006) (see Bibliotheca Polyglotta of Oslo Univ.), and not in Dharmagupta

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BHS =antatas pcl adj f sg acc f sg acc √grah ger m pl dat √diś cau opt 3rd sg m sg gen
ś o
antaśas catuṣ-pādikām api gāthām udgṛhya parebhyaḥ deśayet asya subhūte
乃至 四 句等 [即使] 一偈 受持已 為他人等分別若(令)宣說 【於此 善實
so much as in four-line even just a verse having demonstrated for others were to cause to teach as for this O Subhūti
m sg gen adj m sg nom śatatamī f sg acc f sg acc upa-√i
puṇya-skandhasya asau paurvakaḥ puṇya-skandhaḥ śatatamīm api kalāṁ na upaiti
福 聚 彼 前者 福 聚】 百上百份 亦即使 數份 不 及
(as for this) heap-of-merit that former heap-of-merit even a hundredth part approaches not
f sg acc √kṣam pres 3rd sg
yāvat upaniṣadam api na kṣamate ||24||
[乃至 憂波泥奢比較]亦即使 不 及
as much as comparison even not permit of

gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū pres 3rd sg m nom pl

§25 tat kiṁ manyase subhūte api nu tathāgatasya evaṁ bhavati mayā sattvāḥ
彼 何 汝意念 善實 雖然强調 如來有 如是(念) [有] 被我 眾生
That what you think O Subhūti now then the Tathāgata has such (idea) (to be) „by me beings
√muc pp m nom pl fpp m sg nom
parimocitā iti | na khalu punaḥ subhūte evaṁ draṣṭavyam | tat kasya hetoḥ |
所度脫 [云]否 不 復彼 善實 如是 (如來)應被見 彼 何所 因=何之故
are set free‟? Not moreover O Subhūti thus he is to be seen That for what reason
ā s
na asti subhūte kaścit sattvo yaḥ tathāgatena parimocitaḥ | yadi punaḥ
無 有無 善實 無有一任何 眾生 若凡 被如來 所度脫 【若 復
Not is O Subhūti any being which by the Tathāgata is set free If moreover
√bhū con 3rd sg opt 3rd sg
o' d s
subhūte kaścit sattvaḥ abhaviṣyat yaḥ tathāgatena parimocitaḥ syāt sa eva
善實 有如是任何 眾生 若有 若凡 被如來 所度脫 [能]】 彼 如是
O Subhūti any being there were to be which by the Tathāgata could be set free that as such
gen+√bhū=„has‟ √bhū con 3rd sg
ā o' o
tathāgatasya ātma-grāhaḥ abhaviṣyat sattva-grāhaḥ jīva-grāhaḥ
如來則有 我執取 則有 眾生執取 壽命執取
Tathāgata would have had grasping-of-self (would have had) grasping-of-being grasping-of-living soul
[bahu cpd, adj] m asg nom
pudgala-grāhaḥ abhaviṣyat | ātma-grāha iti subhūte a-grāha eṣa tathāgatena
人補特伽羅 執取 則有 我執取我取 者 善實 非無執取 此 被如來
grasping-of-person would have had „Grasping-of-self‟ O Subhūti is grasping-less this by the Tathāgata
m pl inst pp m sg nom m pl nom [bahu cpd, adj] m pl nom
bhāṣitaḥ | sa ca bāla-pṛthag-janaiḥ udgṛhītaḥ | bāla-pṛthag-janā iti subhūte a-janā
所說 彼 並且 被小兒凡夫生愚夫異生 所執取 小兒凡夫生小兒凡夫生者 善實 非無異生
is spoken of And that by the foolish-common-people is seized upon „Foolish-common-people‟ O Subhūti are people-less
eva te tathāgatena bhāṣitāḥ | tena ucyante bāla-pṛthag-janā iti ||25||
[如是]彼等 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為小兒凡夫生愚夫異生者
thus they by the Tathāgata are spoken of Thus they are called „foolish-common-people‟

saṁpad f sg inst fpp adj m sg nom

§26 tatkiṁ manyase subhūte lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ | subhūtiḥrāha |
彼何 汝意念 善實 以相具足 如來 見應應被見 善實 言
That what you think O Subhūti with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen? Subhūti said
ī ā o ā
no hi idaṁ bhagavan | yathā ahaṁ bhagavataḥ bhāṣitasya artham ājānāmi na
不非也如此 世尊 正如 我 世尊之 所說之 義 解我我瞭解 不
Not indeed the case O Bhagavat The way I of the Bhagavat of the saying the meaning I understand not
lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ | bhagavān āha | sādhu sādhu subhūte
以相具足 如來 見應應被見 世尊 言 善哉 善哉 善實
with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen Bhagavat said Well-said well-said O Subhūti

asya puṇyaskandhasya “於此福聚”asau paurvakaḥ puṇyaskandhaḥ“彼前福聚”„“不及”cf. §16
„if there were any being which could be set free by tathāgata‟;“善實!若能有任何被如來所度脫的衆生”
pṛthag-jana [m] lit. „seperately-born‟“異生”; BHS: „common folk‟; MW: „a man of lower caste or character or profession‟;

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evam etat subhūte evam etad yathā vadasi | na lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ |
如是 如是此善實 如是 如此 [正如] 汝語汝 不 以相具足 如來 見應應被見
this (is) so O Subhūti this (is) so just as you say Not with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen
tat kasya hetoḥ | sacet punaḥ subhūte lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥo'
彼 何所 因=何之故 彼若 復 善實 以相具足 如來 見應應被見
That for what reason If moreover O Subhūti with features-endowment Tathāgata to be seen
con 3rd sg m sg nom ~tin m sg nom
abhaviṣyat rājā api cakravartī tathāgataḥ abhaviṣyat | tasmātnnna lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā

有彼若是 王 轉輪 如來 有則是 彼是故 不 以相具足

were to be (seen) King Wheel-turning also a Tathāgata would have been Therefore not with features-endowment
tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ | āyuṣmān subhutiḥrbhagavantam etad avocat | yathā ahaṁ
如來 見應應被見 爾時命者 善實 對世尊邊 如是此 言 正如 我
Tathāgata is to be seen Venerable Subhūti to the Bhagavat this said The way I
o ā
bhagavataḥ bhāṣitasya artham ājānāmi na lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgato draṣṭavyaḥ |
世尊之 說之 義 解我我瞭解 不 以相具足 如來 見應應被見
of the Bhagavat of the saying the meaning I understand not with features-endowment Tathāgata is to be seen
f sg loc f sg loc f du acc √bhāṣ imp 3rd sg 未完
atha khalu bhagavānṁstasyāṁ velāyām ime gāthe abhāṣata |
爾時 世尊 於彼 時 此 雙伽陀 說
Thereupon the Bhagavat on that occasion these two verses uttered

pl 1st sg acc n sg inst aor 3rd pl m sg inst anu-a-√gam aor 3rd pl

ā r ā 235
ye māṁ rūpeṇa ca adrākṣuḥ ye māṁ ghoṣeṇa ca anvaguḥ |
若凡 我 以色 見 若凡 我 以聲 求
Those me by form and did see those me by sound and did seek
adv n √sṛ pp (adj) m nom pl fut 3rd pl pl m pl
mithyā-prahāṇa-prasṛtā na māṁ drakṣyanti te janāḥ ||1||
邪 解脫 行生起 不 我 將見 彼[人等]
Are engaged-in-false-abandonment not me will see these people
1. abl or 2. ind fpp m nom sg m nom pl m nom pl
dharmato buddho draṣṭavyo dharma-kāyā hi nāyakāḥ |
以/如法體 佛 見應應被見 法身 彼誠然 (即)如來導師
Through dharma (or rightly) the Buddha is to be seen dharma-bodies indeed are the guides
f nom sg ind fpp f nom sg adj f nom sg √jñā inf 不定
dharmatā ca na vijñeyā na sā śakyā vijānitum ||2||26||
什缺法體性及但不非 所識 故不 彼 不能 知了別 什缺
Dharma-nature yet is not discernable it cannot be known

f sg inst m sg inst adj f sg nom

§27 tat kiṁ manyase subhūte lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgatena anuttarā
彼 何 汝意念 善實 以相具足 被如來 無上
That what you think O Subhūti with features-endowment by Tathāgata utmost
f sg nom pp (adj) f sg nom tvad 2nd gen
r s
samyaksaṁbodhiḥ abhisaṁbuddhā | na khalu punar te subhūte evaṁ draṣṭavyam |
正遍知正等正覺 所證覺否 不 復 於汝彼 善實 如是 見應應被見
complete-enlightenment is fully awaken to Not moreover for you O Subhūti thus it is to be seen

„sought, followed‟
[bahu cpd, adj] lit. „falsely-abandonment-comes-forth‟
1. dharmatas =dharmāt [abl] „through dharma‟; or 2. dharmatas [ind] „according to law or rule, rightly justly‟
1. dharmatas =dharmāt [abl]“佛應以法見”; 或 2. dharmatas [ind]“佛應如法見”(“正確地見”)
parallels: 1. Theragāthā 469 ye maṃ rūpena pāmiṃsu ye ca ghosena anvagū | chandarāgavasūpetā na maṃ jānanti te janā; 2.
Udānavarga XXII.12: ye me rūpeṇa minvanti | ye me ghoṣeṇa cānvagāḥ | chandarāgavaśopetā | na māṃ jānanti te janā
na sā śakyā vijānitum „cannot be known (as an object)

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tat kasya hetoḥ | na hi subhūte lakṣaṇa-saṁpadā tathāgatena anuttarā

彼 何所 因=何之故 不無[誠然]善實 以相具足 被如來 無上
That for what reason No indeed O Subhūti with features-endowment by Tathāgata utmost
opt 3rd sg tvad 2nd sg dat
samyaksaṁbodhiḥ abhisaṁbuddhā syāt | na khalu punar te subhūte kaścitd
r s

正遍知正等正覺 所證覺 [能]【[不] 復時 為汝彼 善實 有任何人

complete-enlightenment fully awaken to could be Not moreover to you O Subhūti anyone
opt 3rd sg m pl inst saṃ-pra-√sthā ~ta pp (noun) m nom sg
evaṁ vadet bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitaiḥ kasyacitddharmasya vināśaḥ
如是 若語 被菩薩 乘 所發趣行(者) 有 任何之 法之 破壞滅
thus should say „by those-who-set-out-in-Bodhisattva-vehicle of any dharma the destruction
pp m nom sg m nom sg tvad 2nd sg gen
prajñaptaḥ ucchedo vā iti | na khalu punarste subhūte evaṁ draṣṭavyam |
所施設 斷 [或 云] 不 復 於汝彼 善實 如是 見應應被見】
is conceived or annihilation‟ Not moreover for you O Subhūti as such it is to be seen
tat kasya hetoḥ | na bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitaiḥ kasyacit dharmasya vināśaḥ
彼 何所 因=何之故 不無 被菩薩 乘 所發趣行(者) 有任何之 法之 破壞滅
That for what reason No by those-who-set-out-in-Bodhisattva-vehicle of any dharma destruction
o o
prajñaptaḥ na ucchedaḥ ||27||
所施設 不無 斷
is conceived no annihilation

adj m pl acc
§28 yaḥśca khalu punarḥ subhūte kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vā gaṅgā-nadī-vālukā-
若凡 復 善實 善家子 若或 善家女 若或 恒伽 河 沙
Whatever moreover O Subhūti son-or-daughter-of-good-family Ganga-river-sands-
m acc pl [tatpu cpd] √pṛ pūrṇa pp sg acc ger+acc
-samānṁlloka-dhātūn sapta-ratna-paripūrṇaṁ 244
kṛtvā tathāgatebhyaḥo'arhadbhayaḥ
相等 世 界 (以)七 寶 遍滿 作已 [為如來等 為應供等
equivalent realms-of-world with seven-treasures-filled having done (filled) for Tathāgatas for Arhats
opt 3rd sg ~ka sfx adj m pl loc ~ka sfx adj m pl loc
ś v 245
samyaksaṁbuddhebhyo dānaṁ dadyāt yaḥ ca bodhisattvo nirātmakeṣu anutpattikeṣu
為正遍知正等正覺等] 布施 與若施予 若凡[又] 菩薩摩訶薩 於無我 於無生中
for the Fully-enlightened-ones gift were to give whatever Bodhisattva in selfless (in) unoriginated
m pl nom √kṣam f acc sg √labh pres 3rd sg m sg nom n sg nom cpv m sg acc m sg acc
dharmeṣu kṣāntiṁ pratilabhate ayam eva tatas nidānaṁ bahutaraṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ
法中 堪忍 獲得 此(舉) 如是 彼由是 因緣 更多多過 福 聚
(in) dharmas forbearance attains this (act) thus on that basis more abundant heap-of-merit
√sū 1P opt 3rd sg
prasavet aprameyam asaṁkhyeyam | na khalu punarḥ subhūte bodhisattvena

應生 [不可量 不可數] 不 復 善實 被菩薩

would generate immeasurable incalculable Not moreover O Subhūti by Bodhisattva
m sg nom √grah fpp m sg nom pcl
mahāsattvena puṇya-skandhaḥ parigrahītavyaḥ | āyuṣmān subhūtiḥ āha | nanu
[被摩訶薩] 福聚 取應應被攝受 【命者 善實 言 不云何/豈非
by Mahāsattva heap-of-merit to be acquired Venerable Subhūti said Why not/Surely
bhagavan bodhisattvena puṇya-skandhaḥ parigrahītavyaḥ | bhagavān āha |
世尊 被菩薩 福 聚 取應應被攝受】 世尊 言
O Bhagavat by Bodhisattva heap-of-merit to be acquired? The Bhagavat said
√grah fpp (noun) m sg nom √grah fpp (adj) m sg nom √grah fpp (adj) m sg nom
o o
parigrahītavyaḥ subhūte na udgrahītavyaḥ | tena ucyate parigrahītavya iti ||28||
【取應應被攝受 善實 不 取應應被執取 彼是故 被說 名為取應應被攝受】
what is to be acquired O Subhūti not is to be seized upon Thus it is said „to be acquired‟

first member of cpd sapta-rata in [inst] sense: „with seven-treasures‟
utpatti [f] „arising, birth, production, origination‟; ~ka [sfx] „relating to‟

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opt 3rd sg
§29 api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte yaḥ kaścit evaṁ vadet tathāgato gacchati vā
雖然强調 復次時 善實 若凡 有任何 如是 人若語 如來 去 若或
Now then moreover O Subhūti whoever thus were to say the Tathāgata goes or
f acc sg cau pres 3rd 1st sg gen
āgacchati vā tiṣṭhati vā niṣīdati vā śayyāṁ vā kalpayati 248
na me subhūte bhāṣitasyaā
不去來 若或 住 若或 坐 若或 [床] 臥若或 [臥]如法 不 我之 善實 說之
comes or stands or sits or (in) bed or lies down not of mine O Subhūti of the saying
pass 3rd sg gata pp m sg nom
artham ājānāti | tat kasya hetoḥ | tathāgata iti subhūte ucyate na kvacit gato
義 解瞭解 彼 何所 因=何之故 如來 者 善實 被說名 無[何處] 所去
meaning understands That for what reason „Tathāgata‟ O Subhūti (he who) is called not anywhere has gone
ā-gata pp m sg nom
na kutaścit āgataḥ | tena ucyate tathāgataḥo'arhan samyak-saṁbuddha iti ||29||
d o

無[從何] 所來 彼是故 被說 名為如來 應供 正遍知正等正覺 者

not from anywhere has come Thus he is called „Tathāgata, Arhat, the Complete Enlightened One‟

yāvat rel adj n pl nom m sg loc

§30 yaḥśca khalu punaḥ subhūte kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vā yāvanti tri-sāhasra-
【若凡 復 善實 善家子 若或 善家女 若或 所有如其多 於三 千
And whatever oreover O Subhūti son-or-daughter-of-good-family as many in three-thousand-
m sg loc ~rajas n pl nom tāvat rel adj m pl gen m pl gen adj m sg acc m sg acc
mahā-sāhasre loka-dhātau pṛthivī-rajāṁsi tāvatāṁ loka-dhātūnām evaṁ-rūpaṁ maṣiṁ
大 千 世 界 地 塵大地微塵 彼 [即其多 世 界] 如是 色類 墨粉末
mega-galactic realm-of-world dusts-of-earth (that many) of the realms-of-world such form of powder
opt 3rd sg ~khyeya n sg inst n sg inst spv aṇus sam-√ci m sg nom
kuryāt yāvatdevam asaṁkhyeyena vīryeṇa tadyathāpi nāma parama -aṇu-saṁcayaḥ 249
作已若碎乃至 如是 以無量不可數 [以精進] 譬如說 最 微小 聚=極微聚】
were to do (grind) unitl with such incalculable vigour something, say most-fine-collection
tat kiṁ manyase subhūte api nu bahuḥ sa paramaā-aṇu-saṁcayo bhavet | subhūtiḥr
彼 何 汝意念 善實 雖然强調 彼多巨 [彼] 最 微小聚=極微聚 應為否有 善實
That what you think O Subhūti now then enormous that most-fine-collection would be? Subhūti
āha | evam etad bhagavan evam etat sugata | bahuḥ sa paramaā-aṇu-saṁcayo bhavet |
言 如是 如是此 世尊 [如是 此 善逝] 多巨 彼 最 微小 聚=極微聚 應為有
said This (is) so O Bhagavat this (is) so O Sugata Enormous that most-fine-collection would be
con 3rd sg
tat kasya hetoḥ | sacetd bhagavan bahuḥ paramaā-aṇu-saṁcayaḥ abhaviṣyat o'

彼 何所 因=何之故 彼若 世尊 [巨 最 微小] 聚=極微聚 若為有

That for what reason If O Bhagavat enormous most-fine-collection there were to be
m sg nom √vac con 3rd sg
na bhagavān avakṣyat parama -aṇu-saṁcaya iti | tat kasya hetoḥ | yaḥo'asau bhagavan
不 世尊 則說 最 微小 聚=極微聚者 彼 何所 因=何之故 若凡 彼 世尊
not the Bhagavat would have said „most-fine-collection‟ That for what reason Which that O Bhagavat
[bahu cpd, adj] m sg nom
paramaā-aṇu-saṁcayaḥs bhāṣitaḥ a-saṁcayaḥ sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | tenaoucyate
最 微小 聚=極微聚 所說 非無聚 彼 被如來 所說 彼是 故 被說
most-fine-collection is spoken of is collection-less that by the Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called
ā ś s
parama -aṇu-saṁcaya iti | yaḥ ca tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ tri-sāhasra-mahā-sāhasro
名為最微小聚=極微聚者 若凡 及 被如來 所說 三 千 大 千
„most-fine-collection‟ And whatever by the Tathāgata spoken of „three-thousand-mega-thousand

kalpayati [cau] BHS: as in Pāli seyyam kappeti „to lie down (in bed)‟
„collection, gathering, accumulation, heap, hoard, store, multitude, quantity‟
„whatever son-or-daughter-of-good-family were to grind such form of powder of the realms-of-world that are as many as the
dusts-of-earth in the three-thousand-mega-thousand realm-of-world, until, with such incalculable vigour, (into) something, say,
the finest-collection‟

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[bahu cpd, adj] m sg nom

loka-dhātuḥ iti a-dhātuḥ sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | tenaoucyate trisāhasramahāsāhasro

世 界 者 非無界 [彼 被如來 所說] 彼是故 被說 名為三千大千

realm-of-world‟ is realm-less that by the Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „three-thousand-mega-thousand
loka-dhātuḥ iti | tat kasya hetoḥ | sacet bhagavan loka-dhātuḥrabhaviṣyat sa eva
r d

世 界 者 彼 何所 因=何之故 彼[若] 世尊 世 界 若有 彼 如是
realm-of-world‟ That for what reason If O Bhagavat realm-of-world there were to be that as such
m nom sg [bahu cpd, adj] m sg nom
piṇḍagrāhaḥ o'252
abhaviṣyat | yaḥścaaieva piṇḍagrāhaḥstathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ a-grāhaḥ
摶取 則有 若凡 如是 如來摶取 [被如來] 所說 非無摶取
mass-seizing would have been And whatever such mass-seizing by the Tathāgata spoken of is without seizing
o ś
sa tathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | tena ucyate piṇḍagrāha iti | bhagavān āha | piṇḍagrāhaḥ
彼 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為摶取 者 世尊 言 摶取
that by the Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „mass-seizing‟ The Bhagavat said Mass-seizing
adj m sg nom an-abhi-√lap adj fpp m nom sg
ai e‟ 254o' 255 ā 256
ca eva subhūte avyavahāraḥ anabhilapyaḥ | na sa dharmo na adharmaḥ |
而且 如是 善實 不世俗語不可言説 不可說不可戯論 非[彼] 法 非 非法
and thus O Subhūti is without verbal designation is inexpressable Not it (is) dharma not non-dharma
m pl inst pp m sg nom
sa ca bāla-pṛthagjanaiḥ udgṛhītaḥ ||30||
彼而且 被小兒凡夫生愚夫異生 所執取
and it by the foolish-common-people is seized upon

opt 3rd sg f sg nom

§31 tat kasya hetoḥ | yaḥ hi kaścit subhūte evaṁ vadet ātma-dṛṣṭiḥstathāgatena

彼 何所 因=何之故若凡此誠然有任何 善實 如是 人若說 我 見 被如來

That for what reason Whoever indeed O Subhūti thus were to say view-of-self by Tathāgata
f sg nom f sg nom f sg nom
bhāṣitā sattva-dṛṣṭiḥrjīva-dṛṣṭiḥ pudgala-dṛṣṭiḥstathāgatena bhāṣitā api nu sa subhūte
所說 眾生 見 壽命 見 人補特伽羅 見 被如來 所說 雖然强調 彼 善實
is spoken of view-of-being view-of-living-soul view-of-person by Tathāgata is spoken of now then he O Subhūti
√vad pmp adj m sg nom opt 3rd sg
samyag-vadamāno 257
vadet | subhūtiḥ āha | no hiīidaṁ bhagavan no hiīidaṁ sugata
正 說 則語否 善實 言 不非也如此 世尊 不非也如此 善逝
true-speaking would be? Subhūti said Not indeed the case O Bhagavat not indeed the case O Sugata
na samyag-vadamāno vadet | tat kasya hetoḥ | yā sā bhagavan ātma-dṛṣṭiḥstathāgatena
[不 正 說 則語] 彼 何所 因=何之故 若凡 彼 世尊 我 見 被如來
not true-speaking he would be That for what reason Which that O Bhagavat view-of-self by Tathāgata
[bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom
bhāṣitā a-dṛṣṭiḥ sā tathāgatena bhāṣitā | tenaoucyate ātma-dṛṣṭiḥriti | bhagavān āha |
所說 非見 彼 被如來 所說 彼是故 被說 名為我見者 世尊 言
is spoken of is view-less that by Tathāgata is spoken of Thus it is called „view-of-self‟ The Bhagavat said
saṃ-pra-√sthā ~ta pp (noun) m sg inst m pl nom fpp m pl nom fpp m pl nom
evaṁ hi subhūte bodhisattva-yāna-saṁprasthitena sarva-dharmā jñātavyā draṣṭavyā
如是 此誠然 善實 被菩薩乘 所發趣行(者) 一切 法 知應應被知 見應應被見
Thus indeed O Subhūti by one who in Bodhisattva-vehicle-sets-out all dharmas are to be known are to be seen
fpp m pl nom fpp fpp √muc fpp m pl nom f sg loc
adhimoktavyāḥ | tathā ca jñātavyā draṣṭavyā adhimoktavyāḥ yathā na dharma-
信解應應被信解 如同 [又 應被知 應被見] 應被信解 如那樣 無不 於法
are to be faithful in In such a way and they are to be known, to be seen, to be faithful in that not upon idea-

piṇḍagrāha:piṇḍa „mass‟;grāha „seizure‟;piṇḍagrāhaḥ „seizing upon a solid mass‟
piṇḍagrāha:piṇḍa“球、丸、團塊”;grāha“執取”;piṇḍagrāhaḥ [什譯]:“一合相”;[奘譯]:“一合執”
cf. vyavahāra BHS: „designation, term‟, with implication of superficiality, lack of substance; MW: vi-ava-√hṛ „to act or
behave‟, vyavahāra [m] „wordly conventions‟
√lap „to speak, utter, talk, chatter‟; abhilapya [fpp adj] =nirabhilapya „unuttrable, inexpressable‟; cf. Pāli palāpa „idle talk‟
not found in Harrison & Watanabe (2006)
samyag in cpd for samyañc „true, correct‟; vadamāna [pmp (present middle participle)] „speaking‟
note contextually this is an interrogative phrase although it is started with „tat kasya hetoḥ‟ instead of „tat kiṁ manyase‟

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prati-upa-√sthā opt 3rd sg f sg loc

260nn ā
saṁjñāyām api pratyupatiṣṭhet na adharma-saṁjñāyām | tat kasya hetoḥ |
想 亦 應住 [不(住) 於無法想] 彼 何所 因=何之故
-of-dharma also he should set not upon idea-of-dharma-less That for what reason
f sg loc [bahu cpd, adj] f sg nom
dharma-saṁjñā dharma-saṁjñāeiti subhūte a-saṁjñā eṣā tathāgatena bhāṣitā | ai

法 想 法 想 者 善實 非 無想 此 被如來 所說
„idea-of-dharma, idea-of-dharma‟ O Subhūti is idea-less this by Tathāgata is spoken of
o e
tena ucyate dharma-saṁjñā iti ||31||
彼是故 被說 名為法想者
Thus it is called „idea-of-dharma‟

adj fpp m pl acc adj fpp m pl acc

§32 yaḥśca khalu punaḥ subhūte bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥo'aprameyān asaṁkhyeyānṁl
若凡 而且 復時 善實 菩薩 摩訶薩 無不可量 無不可數
And whatever moreover O Subhūti Bodhisattva Mahāsattva immeasurable incalculable
m pl acc [tatpu cpd] √pṛ pūrṇa pp m sg acc ger+acc m pl dat m pl dat
261 o'
loka-dhātūn sapta-ratna-paripūrṇaṁ kṛtvā tathāgatebhyaḥ arhadbhayaḥ
世 界 (以)七 寶 遍滿中 作已 為如來等 為應供等
realms-of-world with seven-treasures-filled having done (filled) for Tathāgatas for Arhats
m dat pl pcl
samyak-saṁbuddhebhyaḥo dānaṁ dadyāt yaḥśca kula-putro vā kula-duhitā vāeitasḥ
為正遍知等正等正覺等 布施 與若施予 若凡 善家子 若或 善家女 若或 如是從此
for the Fully-enlightened-ones gift were to give whatever son-or-daughter-of-good-family from this
f sg abl m sg abl BHS =antatas pcl ger
d262 ś
prajñā-pāramitāyā dharma-paryāyāt antaśas catuṣ-pādikām api gāthām udgṛhya
從智慧彼岸到波羅蜜多 [從法門] 乃至 四 句等 [即使] 一偈 受持已 分別
prajñāpāramitā discourse so much as in four-line even just a verse having adopted
√dhṛ √diś √vāc cau 3 opt √āp cau 3rd sg opt
m inst sg √kāś cau opt 3rd sg
dhārayet deśayet vācayet paryavāpnuyāt parebhyaḥś ca vistareṇa saṁprakāśayet
d d

[若(令)受持若(令)宣說]若(令)讀誦[若(令)究竟通利]為他人等 及並 以廣分別分別廣 說若(令)開示

were cause to bear in mind, teach, recite, study for others and in full detail were cause to illuminate
pcl ni-√dā n nom ~tara spv acc m sg acc √sū 5P opt 3rd sg
ayam eva tataso nidānaṁ bahutaraṁ puṇya-skandhaṁ prasunuyāt aprameyam d

此(舉) 如是彼由是 因緣 更多過 福 聚 能生 無不可量

this (act) thus on that basis more abundant heap-of-merit would generate immeasurable
√kāś cau opt 3rd sg √kāś cau opt 3rd sg
asaṁkhyeyam | kathaṁ ca saṁprakāśayet | yathā na prakāśayet | tenaoucyate
不可數 【云何 及又 廣說能(令)開示 如同 不 廣說若(令)開示】 彼是故 被說
incalculable And how would he cause to illuminate? In a way as he would not cause to reveal Thus it is said
saṃprakāśayetditi |
名為廣說能(令)開示 [者]
„he would cause to illuminate‟

BHS: pratyupatiṣṭhati „resorts to, takes one‟e position upon‟; MW: pratyupasthā (with [loc]) „to insist on‟
first member of cpd sapta-rata in [inst] sense: „with seven-treasures‟
dharma-paryāyāt not in Harrison & Watanabe (2006) and not in Dharmagupta
prakāśayati [cau] „to make visible, cause to appear, shine, illumine, show, display, manifest, reveal, impart, proclaim‟

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√kāś impf 3rd sg

265ā 266
tad yathā akāśe
[如下 昭示]
That as follows he revealed
f n m f m n
tārakā timiraṁ 267
dīpo māyāāavaśyāya budbudam |
星 翳 燈 幻 露 泡
star obscured vision lamp illusion dew bubble
n √dyut f n fpp n sg nom n sg nom
svapnaṁ ca vidyut abhraṁ ca evaṁ draṣṭavyaṃ saṁskṛtaṃ268 ||

夢 電 雲 見如是應如是被見 此有為者法
dream and lightning cloud and thus is to be seen a conditioned thing

aor 3rd sg m sg nom ~as adj m sg nom adj m nom sg m sg nom pl [dvanda cpd] m nom pl
d 269
idam avocat bhagavān āttamanāḥ sthavira subhūtiḥ te ca bhikṣu-bhikṣuṇiy-

此 語 世尊 歡喜 上座 善實 彼等 及 比丘 比丘尼
This said the Bhagavat enrupted the elder Subhūti those and monks-nuns-
m nom pl [bahu cpd] adj m sg nom m sg nom
ā ś
upāsakao-upāsikāḥste ca bodhisattvāḥ sa-deva-mānuṣa -asura-gandharvaḥ ca loko
優婆塞 優婆夷 彼等[及] [諸菩薩] [共] 天 人 阿脩羅 乾闥婆等 [及][世間]
laymen-and-laywomen those and Bodhisahttas togehter with its god-man-asuras-gandharva(s) and the world
m sg gen n sg nom √nand impf 3rd pl
bhagavato bhāṣitam abhyanandan iti ||32||
聞世尊之 所說 皆大歡喜 [云]
the Bhagavat‟s speech rejoiced (at) thus

uccheda pp f nom sg f sg nom f sg nom adj pp f nom sg

| ārya-vajra-cchedikā bhagavatī prajñāpāramitā samāptā ||
[聖 能斷金剛 薄伽梵母 般若波羅蜜多(經) 圓滿]
The Nobel-diamond-cutter Bhagavatī Prajñāpāramitā (sūtra) concluded

„in such a manner as follows‟
√kāś [1Ā] „to shine, be visible, appear‟
BHS: „darkness, obscured vision, veiling illusion‟
Müller‟s note: „it would be easy to restore the metre by reading paśyed evaṃ hi saṃskṛtaṃ, but Buddhist poets do not obey
the ordinary rules of metres, or rather their rules of quantity in pronunciation differ from those of latter grammarians…‟
BHS āttamanas [adj] from Pāli attamana „enraptured‟

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Appendix: Yin Shun‟s textual hierarchy vs Müller‟s 32-division

Yin Shun's hierarchy 印順科判 32 divn.

1. 序分 1.1 證信序 1
1.2 發起序 1
2.1 2.1.1
2. 正宗分 請說 2
般若道次第 開示次第 許說 2 正說 3
明心菩提 法身離相而見
眾生久行乃信 問
答 戒慧具足
賢聖無為同證 舉如來為證 正說
舉菩薩為證 正說 得無生忍
2.1.2 問 13
勸發奉持 示奉持行相 答 13
正說 化法離言
歎奉持功德 空生歎法美人 深法難遇歎
如來勸行歎勝 略歎勸行 正說 略歎
勸行 忍辱離相勸
廣歎顯勝 正說 獨被大乘勝

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2.2 2.2.1
2. 正宗分 問 17
方便道次第 開示次第 答 17
明心菩提 真發菩提心
出到菩提 成就法身
究竟菩提 圓證法身功德 正說 知見圓明
福德眾多 19
身相具足 20
法音遍滿 21
信眾殊勝 21-22
正覺圓成 22-23
校德 24
示現化身事業 化凡夫眾 25
現化身相 相好 正說 26-27
校德 28
威儀 29
處大千界 微塵 30
世界 30
說無我教 31
勸發奉持 別明離相 應如是知見信解 31
應如是受持誦說 32
結示正觀 32
3. 流通分 32

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