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earlier this week.

She then led the

MORAGA club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests today included:
ROTARY John Donnelly – Rotarian and
District 5160 Membership Chair
NEWSLETTER Flor Huart – called in from Paris.
September 22, 2020 Flor was a past Youth Exchange
student in Moraga formerly from
Argentina. She is now working for
Next Meeting: September 29 Amazon Web Services in France.
Program: Central Sanitation
Greeter: Ron Mucovich

We are now conducting regular

meetings by Zoom or by phone!

To participate next week:
Zoom connection information for next week’s
meeting will be distributed early next week.
Flor Huart with Carol and Gary Irwin

Upcoming Speakers: Mary Caburi, Joseph Schneider

Oct 6 – Steven Ahonen- Hope Academy
Oct 13 – Moraga Juniors
our newest member and our
Oct 20 - Moraga Town Council speaker, Heather Tiernan from the
Candidates Community Warning System
Dec 1 – DG visit: Mark Roberts (CWS).
~~Happy Bucks~~
Twelfth Meeting of the 2020/2021
Rotary Year This was a week of many happy
President Brian South rang the
Flor Huart was happy to visit our
bell to open our meeting.
club meeting today.
The invocator, Linda May, offered
some quotes From Supreme Court
Justice, Ruth Ginsberg.who died
Roger Gregory offered a High ~~Club Business and Other
Five for our new member, Joe Information~~
Moraga Rotary Spaghetti and
Dianne Wilson was also happy for Meatballs Dinner This Thursday,
our new member, Joe.
Gary Irwin offered a High $5 for
Flor’s visit. Carol Irwin added her
$5 for Flor’s visit as well.
Joe Schneider also offered $5 for
his first meeting at Moraga Rotary
as a member.
Debbie Roessler offered a couple Our first “virtual” fundraising event
of bucks for Flor’s club visit and will be held on Thursday
Linda May’s birthday. September 24th at La Finestra
Rich Render offered to take Joe restaurant, here in Moraga. The
through the intricacies of fines and reservations are currently closed.
other Rotary financial wizardry. We have sold over 280 dinners.

~~ Birthdays ~~
Linda May is celebrating her
birthday today. She and Frank
plan an outdoor patio dinner at
Reve Restaurant in Lafayette. The
club sang a virtual Happy Birthday.
We were almost in tune.
Debbie Koo celebrated her 70th
birthday with a marathon family
Zoom call. She also was surprised
with a family video. Debbie had
the fine free hat for September but
donated $70 to the club anyway.

Thanks, Rich for Advertising the Event

The price includes a $10 donation

to Moraga Rotary. Meals may be
picked up in front of the restaurant. about 1 and 1 to 4PM. Rich says
Specific pickup times were lunch at 12:30PM and beer with
selected when ordering the meal. takedown at 4PM. See below for a
flyer describing E-Waste in more
Thanks, in advance to everyone
who worked on this new event. A
particular thanks to Jennifer Club Brochures
Brophy for setting up and running
Evi Michon announced that a
the event website.
sticker has been prepared to
New Member Induction with replace the Moraga Country Club
Covid with Zoom as our meeting location
on our club brochures. Let Evi
know if you have any brochures
that need updating.
The Club Mystery Box
The guess the mystery box is being
restocked by President Brian.
Our guessing game continues next
New Member Joseph Schneider with President Brian
You can confidentially submit ideas
Membership Chair Roger (or donations) for box items to
Gregory, and President Brian met Brian. The box is about 10" X 10".
with new member Joseph
Schneider over the weekend to Stay tuned for next week’s
give him his membership packet mystery.
and welcome materials. We will do Call for Greeters and Speakers
an official induction the right way
when we are back in person. The club really needs
Welcome to Moraga Rotary, greeters/Invocators. We have the
Joseph! following club members signed up.
Please help fill out the October
E-Waste Project • 9/29 – Ron Mucovich
The E-Waste event will be held Please help fill the Open spots.
this Saturday, Sept 26Th. The It is Fun, it’s Easy! Call Herb
event runs from 10AM until 4PM.
There will be two shifts – 10 until
Wehmeyer on 925-376-9478 to
reserve your date.
Debbie Roessler also needs
speakers. She says a good source
of potential speakers are news
articles in the local papers. Per
Debbie, “You can find speaker
ideas everywhere.” Note that a list
of upcoming speakers is listed on
our website. Log on to our club
website to get the latest speaker Heather Tiernan of CWS
The messages broadcast try to be
Program specific as to areas affected, what
Brian South introduced our is happening, and what people
speaker, Heather Tiernan, need to do . The system is now
Manager of the Community able to be much more granular as
Warning System which is part of to what geographic areas are
the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s affected. CWS works with other
Department. She has been in her agencies, such as police and fire,
current position for eight years. to coordinate events and actions,
She and her family are residents of So how can alerts be heard while
Concord. we are asleep? One thing is to
Heather began by describing the keep a phone (not muted) in your
services provided (and not bedroom at night. Heather
Provided) by CWS. The demonstrated how to setup your
emergency broadcast system is smartphone to let emergency calls
used when there is an imminent ring through. A battery powered
threat to human life or health. National Weather Service Radio
would only sound if there is an
Examples of its use include fire actual emergency.
evacuation orders, missing people,
power lines down or smoke or So how does CWS communicate
chemicals in the air. emergencies to the community?
One way is phone calls through AT
& T landlines and other registered
devices. Text messages and
emails can also be sent to
registered devices. CWS also The meeting was adjourned with a
broadcasts through Facebook and ringing of the Moraga Rotary Bell
Twitter and also through their own and a wish for a good week to all.
website – See you on the Zoom next week!
Federally managed emergency
tools, including the Emergency
Alert System, Wireless Emergency
Alerts and National Weather
Service Radios, are also used to
broadcast alerts.
Two action items here, One,
register your devices either by
phone or on the CWS website and
two, consider buying a battery
powered National Weather Service
Brian South thanked Heather. A
classroom first aid medical kit will
be sent to Moraga schools in her
name. Thanks, Heather for your
fine presentation today.
~~Final Words~~
Brian South announced that the
“Encore” card raffle had a prize pot
this week of $50.Barbara Bruner
was selected to play the game this
Barbara chose the Ace of
Diamonds – the drawn card was
the Ace of Hearts. The pot
Remains at $50 next week – so
stay tuned.
If you would like to be included in
the raffle send in your one-time
contribution of $10 to Rich
Moraga Rotary Directors 2020/2021
President Brian South
President Elect Brian South
Past Co-Presidents Evie Michon & Debbie Koo
Executive Secretary Evie Michon
Secretary Jennifer Brophy
Treasurer and Youth Services Chair Rich Render
Club Administrator Debbie Roessler
Foundation Chairman John Erickson
Community Service Chairman Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations Chairman Gary Irwin
Fundraising Chairman Frank May
International Service Chairs Dianne Wilson & Debbie Koo
Membership Chairman Roger Gregory
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Linda May
Advisor to the Board John Erickson
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman
District Governor 5160 Mark Roberts
President, Rotary International Holger Knaack

This month’s Newsletter Editor – Frank May

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