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Straightforward Intermediate Unit Test 8

Answer key
1 thieves
2 stolen
3 headlines
4 newspapers
5 evidence
6 witnesses
7 motorway
8 limit
9 c) judge
10 b) driving (licence)
11 a) news coverage
12 b) evidence
13 c) right-wing
14 mobile
15 seatbelt
16 no parking
17 one-way
18 licence

19 would
20 hadn’t
21 have read
22 hadn’t
23 wouldn’t
24 give
25 would
26 hadn’t
27 would
28 would
29 asked
30 wouldn’t
31 have stolen
32 hadn’t had
33 hadn’t hit
34 wouldn’t
35 hadn’t shouted
36 would have heard
37 had heard

Straightforward Intermediate Unit test 8

Answer key p 1
Functional language
38 Can I get anything for you?
39 I’ll do that if you like.
40 Let me pay for that.
41 Do you want me to take you?
42 That’s really kind of you.
43 Would you like me to help you?
44 Can I
45 it’s OK
46 Shall I
47 Would you like
48 would be great
49 Do you want me
50 all right

Straightforward Intermediate Unit test 8

Answer key p 2

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