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Bihar and the U.S.

are facing a strikingly similar

situation in the most unlikely manner. Should the
elections be held according to the schedule?
Meta Description
This article discusses the Bihar and the U.S. Elections that are scheduled in
November 2020. It gives an overview of whether such elections should be held when
the Coronavirus Pandemic severely hits both the states.
The Coronavirus Pandemic has taken the whole world by surprise and has put the
society on a standstill. It had brought about uncertainties in all sectors, including the
political sector. Social distancing has become a necessity, and the public, in general, is
trying to avoid large gatherings in order to restrict the community spread of the
virus. India and the United States of America are by far the worst-hit countries, with
over 1,532,125 and 4,488,483 cases, respectively. Even though they are the worst hit,
both the countries have their elections scheduled this year in the month of
November. While the U.S. will be holding their Presidential elections, the state of
Bihar is also gearing up for the assembly elections.
In India, the Election Commission is in charge of the elections that are scheduled in
November, and there seems to be no postponement of the polls since the E.C. has
already started their preparations. The preparations are in full swing even after
Bihar is witnessing a massive spike in COVID-19 cases and several political parties
including the RJD, Congress and LJP are calling for the postponement of Assembly
election due to the widespread. Similarly, the delay of the U.S. elections is also highly
unlikely even though it is technically possible.

Changes In The Election Process

It is a well-known fact that the primary method of containing the spread of the virus
is by ensuring proper social distancing. With the growing number of Coronavirus
cases, this has become a necessity. When it comes to politics, the virus has severely
disrupted the usual interactive way of the campaigning and the assembly driven
processes. There is a massive shift toward online campaigning. The impact can also
be seen on the administering of these elections.
In the U.S. elections are extremely decentralized, which is why the states usually
make their own decisions on how to move forward with conducting the elections.
Five states in the U.S. have already undertaken the polls entirely by mail, but this
doesn’t seem like a viable option. Voting by mail is both costly as well as time-
consuming. It requires a lot of preparations, which includes printing mail-in ballots,
making provisions of pre-paid return postage to ensure the process does not
marginalize more impoverished communities. This method of conducted elections
also assumes that the states have all the addresses stored, which is not always the
case. The state will also have to bear the cost of Extensive public campaigning, which
will be needed to ensure that all the voters are aware of the new way. States have
also set out the option for in-person voting but with proper social distancing
In India, the law requires the Election Commission to hold elections within six
months of the five-year term of the Lok Sabha or the assembly. However, these
elections can be called off and postponed under extraordinary circumstances. When
it comes to the Bihar Elections, the E.C. shall be conducting the elections as per
schedule, though, specific guidelines have been laid down to ensure proper social
distancing at the polling booths. Apart from this, provisions have been made for a
postal ballot for the Covid-19 patients and voters over the age of 65.

Should The Elections Be Held At All?

Elections are indeed essential for all democracies, but due to the seriousness of the
coronavirus pandemic, the stakes are high, and the repercussions can be severe.
Countries like Singapore have conducted elections during the pandemic, but the
footfall was low, and the lines were huge, posing a considerable risk to the health of
the voters. With social distancing guidelines and quarantine rules in place, organizing
and holding the elections will definitely not be a smooth process. Those who have to
vote in person will be at a higher risk because they will have to navigate through
huge lines and come in close proximity with the staff.
Even if the number of polling booths is increased to ensure social distancing and
lesser rush at the voting stations, the burden will increase on the election
commission or the States. This will not only increase the burden but will also prove
to be costly, as they will have to employ and train more personals. Even after
standing six feet apart and taking all necessary measures, several voters contracted
the virus during Wisconsin's primary elections. Therefore, it is safe to state that
conducting elections during the outbreak poses a considerable risk to the welfare of
the public. More so at this point in time, the focus should be on containing the spread
of the virus as in both countries the law permits postponement of elections in
extraordinary circumstances.

Suggestions To Contain Spread During the Elections:

Now that both the countries have decided to go ahead with the elections, even
though the same is not advisable. The following suggestions must be kept in mind in
order to ensure safety-

 Expand and allow a vote by mail facilities as far as possible.

 Carry out excessive campaigning to familiarize the voters with the new
 In cases where a vote by mail is not possible, it is essential to ensure proper
social distancing and a touch-free experience as far as possible.
 Increase the number of polling booths in order to reduce rush at the voting
 If increasing the number of polling booths is not possible, the duration of time
should be increased.
 The polling booths should be outside the containment zones and should have
proper facilities such as sanitizing units; regular sanitization and they should
be located at well-ventilated locations.
 Provisions for postal ballots should be made for those in hospitals and
containment areas.
Impact Of Elections During The Pandemic:

The United States of America and India are the worst-hit nations when it comes to
the coronavirus pandemic. With cases increasing in number every single day it
becomes imperative for the state to stop the spread of this virus by hook or by crook.
The government, while conducting the elections, spends a lot of money and
resources. These resources are utilized in campaigning, organizing rallies and
electronic advertisements. And when the nation is struggling and is going through an
economic slowdown, it is not advisable to spend these resources on elections.
Instead, they should be utilized towards public utilities such as health care.

Apart from this, the most critical reason for postponing is to safeguard the interests
of the general public. Ideally, Elections should be the opposite of “social distancing”.
They should bring people together and enable them to exchange ideas and start
conversations about the change that is needed in society. Conducting elections in
such a situation will not only instil fear and doubt in the minds of the general public
but will also pose a risk in the community spreads of the virus.


Elections can be considered as the soul of any democracy. It empowers people to

choose their representative. The COVID-19 outbreak, however, is acting as a speed
breaker when it comes to the holding of elections. Both Bihar and the U.S. are facing a
strikingly similar situation in the most unlikely manner. As both the states have
elections due in November and both refuse to postpone them. Ensuring a hindrance
free election this November will not be simple or cheap. If the elections are properly
executed like the recent election in South Korea, it will be nothing short of a miracle.
At polling booths where hundreds of people come together, it is impossible to
prepare a foolproof plan, which will ensure a hundred percent safeties.
Apart from this, it will also be challenging to accommodate the huge number of
voters in one polling booth in an area, which will increase the financial burden of the
election commission as well as the state. As discussed even the postal ballot is not a
viable option as it is not very economical. But if it is said that there is always a
positive or an opportunity in crisis, This pandemic can help the two nations to invest
in a better and more inclusive election process which ensures both safety as well as
the containment of the spread of the virus.

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