Domination October 2010 Edition

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Volume - 1 Issue – 09 October 2010

DoMS-ranked 17th

Corporate Social
Revisiting the past
-Lijjat papad
Exuberance 2010
From Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers,
I welcome you to this month’s edition with great news about our very own
Department of Management which we fondly call DoMS.
DoMS, IIT Roorkee has been ranked 17th in the 8th BT-Nielson Marquee B-School
rankings, which is India's Best B-School Survey published in the Special Issue of Business
Today dated October 3, 2010. All credit for this goes to consistent efforts of students,
guidance from faculty members alongside our Industry – Academia well wishers.
In this edition we have showcased achievements of our students who cleared some
of the world class certifications like Chartered Financial Analyst (C.F.A.), Financial Risk
Manager (F.R.M.), Six Sigma certification for quality, NSE’s Certification for Financial
Markets (N.C.F.M.) , where they showed there true spirits of “DoM-i-Nation” lookout for
the achievers in section – “DoMinance”
Last couple of editions we dedicated to Green Theme, now we try to pay a little
tribute to a very society we live in. With growing inclination toward holistic and inclusive
growth a new dimension into entrepreneurship: social entrepreneurship has been
identified. The relevance of Social Entrepreneurship holds well in today’s business
scenario and hence the theme for this edition “Social Entrepreneurship.” The cover
story “Social Entrepreneurship” & “Corporate Social Enrepreneurship” deals with the
role, importance and the implications of Social Entrepreneurship with respect to today’s
business scenario.
Extending the concept of social entrepreneurship, the article on the success story of
“Lijjat Papad” exemplifies microfinance and the lessons to be learnt from this story are
dealt with in the article.
Further, as we know Organisational Behaviour has gained a lot of relevance in the
functioning of Modern day organisations. The ‘Elite Talks’ section covers the enriching
lecture on Organisational Behaviour by our distinguished guest Ms. Seema Sanghi ,
Director Fore School of Management.
The ‘Hocus-Focus’ section covers the upcoming events of DoMS; Umang ’10 comes
back this time with the theme “NGOs and Rural Marketing”. Jigyasa ’10 – A national
level paper presentation on “Management Education in India: An agenda for Reform”
to be held this month would cater to the analytical minds and prove to be a great
platform for learning.
You cant afford to miss our ever interesting and creative ‘Chlorophyll’ section, which
highlights the multifarious talents of Domsonians. For the inquisitive minds, the
‘Qutopia-09” brings a theme centric quiz.
Until next time, keep Exploring and keep Learning!
- Humbly Yours – Team “DoM-I-Nation”
Animesh Agrawal
Editor – “DoMination”
(Department of Management Studies, IIT-Roorkee.)
Table of Contents
1 4
Corporate Social Social
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
Varun Mittal Parag & Rohini

DoMS, IIT-Roorkee DoMS, IIT-Roorkee

7 9 Elite Talks
Revisiting The past: The House of an Corporate
“Importance of Organizational
Lijjat pappad Behaviour in corporate world.”
Rishi Arora Ms Seema Sanghi
DoMS, IIT-Roorkee Ex Director FORE school of management

12 Hocus-Focus 11 Dominance
Showcasing Talent that received its
well deserved recognition.

14 17
Creative Section Qutopia - 9
Its wise to learn, Its GOD like to create

Chlorophyll 19 Event @ DOMS

-Fresh Green Creativity, right from Exuberance 2010

the roots of DOMS through the
leaves of this newsletter

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

“Corporate Social Entrepreneurship”
- Varun Mittal
DoMS, IIT-Roorkee
A contemporary way of doing business The big players of the market have
“…In the event of a sudden loss of large pool of resources at their disposal,
oxygen from the cabin, a mask will drop which they utilize in the development of
down from the overhead panel above the society as part of their CSR activity
you…” whereas the PSCs have limited resources
but are growing and competing to be able
How many times have you cared to pay to match shoulders with the top players.
attention to the safety instructions while As a result, their main focus is on self-
on the plane? Do you really care or feel sustainability and they try to utilize the
any inclination for those instructions to be potential of their resources on achieving
directed at you? However, one of those their primary goal of self-prosperity rather
instructions is of critical importance… than taking an active part in social
“…put on your own oxygen mask first advancement.
before attending to children and other Now, here we should think of a solution
passengers.” No points for guessing why. by which the PSCs primary concern could
The same situation can arise at various be addressed and at the same time,
points in our lives where we may be called making them do their bit for the society,
upon to assist others, out of courtesy or which is defined as “CORPORATE SOCIAL
may be, out of compulsion, by way of ENTREPRENEURSHIP, CSE”.
money, fundraising, personal care, etc.
This is the very base which forms the Corporate Social Entrepreneurship
essence of what has came to be known as (CSE)
“Corporate Social Entrepreneurship”.
CSE has been defined by Austin,
Potential Society Contributors Leonard, Reficco and Wei-Skillern (2006)
We wonder why only top notch players as
of the market are recognized for their
“the process of extending the firm’s
contribution to the society. This is because
domain of competence and corresponding
they are involved in what is called as
“Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”. opportunity set through innovative
leveraging of resources, both within and
Other two categories (Potential Society
outside its direct control, aimed at the
Contributors, PSCs) with respect to
contribution to the society could be: First simultaneous creation of economic and
are those who are contributing to the social value.”
society but not significant enough because In simpler language, CSE can be
of limited resources and second are those
defined as identifying opportunities for
who cannot get themselves involved in
social activities because of very limited and/ or championing socially responsible
resources but would like to make their activity; in addition to helping the firm
contribution in the future as they grow. achieve its business targets.

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

“Corporate Social Entrepreneurship”

Double Value Creation This may offend some because it

underlines the personal interests of the
James Austin and Ezequiel Reficco state
organizations but in the light of CSE, we
that “CSE, like all entrepreneurship, is not
can see it as an idea whereby a company
about managing existing operations or CSR
can achieve its business objectives by
programs; it is about creating disruptive
creating and implementing innovative and
change in the pursuit of new opportunities.
valuable social solutions that are good for
It combines the willingness and desire to
business as well as the society.
create joint economic and social value with
the entrepreneurial redesign, systems A company‟s thinking about current
development, and action necessary to activities and objectives towards the CSR,
carry it out.” CSE gives an advantage for has shifted from CSR as a cost or risk
synergistic generation of economic and mitigation effort to CSR as a strategic goal
social value. that brings in new revenues. This can be
inferred from IBM‟s global survey
The penetration of the social realm
conducted to gauge how deeply the CSR
into corporate strategy has gathered
issue has penetrated the core of the
momentum in the last years.
corporations – its strategies and
Societal Marketing operations. They surveyed more than 250
As goods become more commoditized, business executives worldwide.
and as consumers grow more socially Survey Results:
conscious, some well-known companies like
Over two-thirds (68 percent) of the
Bodyshop, Timberland and Timberland are
business leaders surveyed by IBM are
adding social responsibility as a way to
focusing on CSR activities to create new
differentiate their brands and reputations
revenue streams (see Figure 1).
as well as their products and services and
achieve notable sales and profit gains.
They believe customers will increasingly
look for signs of good corporate citizenship.
McDonald promotion of a statewide
childhood immunization campaign in
Oklahoma was based on Corporate Social
Marketing in which they advertised
themselves along with serving socially.
Attaining sustainable growth
CSR is little more than corporate green
washing - the voluntary adoption of a
token social or environmental initiative
intended to enhance a company's
corporate image. At its best, CSR may Over half (54 percent) believe that their
provide the starting point that businesses companies‟ CSR activities are already
need to begin moving toward giving them an advantage over their
sustainability. competitors.
“Corporate Social Entrepreneurship”

IBM works with public and not-for- reduction in fuel consumption.

profit organizations to make the World
Starbucks entered into a partnership
Community Grid available to a volunteer
with Conservation International to foster
force of more than 210,000 people who
environmentally sustainable coffee
donate the idle processing power of their
production among small farmers in
computers to create a “virtual
Chiapas, Mexico. This nonprofit
supercomputer” devoted solely to
organization brought in its environmental
humanitarian research. The program is
expertise and its capacity to work with
strategic to IBM because it demonstrates
small farmers while Starbucks chipped in
how leading-edge technologies the
with its knowledge of quality coffee
company has been developing can meet
production and its marketing channels.
major global challenges, and it gives the
This entrepreneurial combination of
company feedback on the performance of
distinctive competencies created a
those technologies in real world
process that developed new production
techniques and new supply of organic
Because the positive financial impact coffee for Starbucks, which in turn
of such strategies is often indirect, efforts generated significant income
aren’t always sustained. But in order to enhancements to the farmers and
have a lasting impact on society and on improved environmental conditions in the
the business, they must be maintained growing areas. This initial partnership
and leveraged. expanded to other countries and even led
to the reformulation of Starbucks‟ basic
Demonstrating cost savings is another
coffee procurement criteria and
means to engender sustained support.
procedures giving it a competitive edge in
Companies are finding that many CSR
operational costs.
initiatives, including those that reduce
energy consumption or benefit the Challenges
environment, help reduce overall cost
The challenges are immense in
structures or increase productivity. For
applying the idea of CSE in the
example, Catalyst Paper Corporation, a
organizations as it needs social
Canadian pulp and paper company, uses
innovations which could be leveraged in
its own by-products (biomass) to power
achieving the social goals as well as the
its operations. It also regains heat from
business goals of the organizations. PSCs‟
effluence to warm process water and
expertise in the area of social value
thereby further reduces its carbon
creation is quite limited which makes it a
emissions. Together with efficiency gains
risk taking strategy for them. However,
and a switch to natural gas, the company
business is all about taking risks and this
has lowered its greenhouse gas
is something PSCs can learn from the
emissions by 70 percent and its energy
most successful companies around the
use by 21 percent since 1990. In 2005
and 2006 alone, the company saved
US$4.4 million through a 2 percent

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Social Entrepreneurship 4
- Parag & Rohini
DoMS, IIT-Roorkee
INTRODUCTION: profit,‟ using blended value business
models that combine a revenue-
Entrepreneurs are innovative, generating business with a social-
highly-motivated, and critical thinkers. value-generating structure or
When these attributes are combined component. A social entrepreneur in
with the drive to solve social problems, the 21st century will redefine
a Social Entrepreneur is born. Although entrepreneurship as we know it due to
academics and lay observers generally their progressive business models.
agree what a social entrepreneur is,
there is still ambiguity surrounding the The uniqueness of the social
definition of a “social enterprise.” Social entrepreneurship approach becomes
entrepreneurship is the work of a social more apparent when seeing it in
entrepreneur. A social entrepreneur is action. Here are three typical models
someone who recognizes a social for social entrepreneurship.
problem and uses entrepreneurial Social Business – It is a for-profit
principles to organize, create, and
manage a venture to make social business with a social agenda that
change. holds a higher priority than maximizing
profits. Its core products or services
Social entrepreneurship is an are designed to directly address a
innovative blend of social action and
social need, or to fund a social cause.
entrepreneurial strategies. These new
enterprises take a variety of forms, and Also called "not just for profit (NJFP)
come in all sizes. Some are organized businesses" or "for-profit social
as for-profit businesses dedicated to enterprises," these ventures use
social change. Others are non-profit business income to finance their good
organizations paying their own way works
with income-earning enterprises.
Non-profit Social Enterprise - A
WHERE THE DIFFERENCE LIES: non-profit organization addressing
Whereas a business entrepreneur social problems that derives a
typically measures performance in substantial portion of its income from
profit and return, a social products and services it sells to those
entrepreneur assesses success in who can pay, rather than relying solely
terms of the impact s/he has on society on grants and donations.
as well as in profit and return. While
social entrepreneurs often work Pro Bono Practice - A professional
through nonprofits and citizen groups, services group of one or more lawyers,
many are now working in the private health practitioners, consultants, or
and governmental sectors and making other professionals designed primarily
a real impact on society. to serve people unable to pay. The
The main aim of a social group earns its income by charging full
entrepreneurship as well as social fees to other clients, selling additional
enterprise is to further social and products and services to those who can
environmental goals for a good cause. pay, or finding sponsors for their work.
Although social entrepreneurs are often It's a simple model that allows even
non-profits, this need not be
incompatible with making a profit. the smallest business to have an
Social enterprises are for „more-than- impact.

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Social Entrepreneurship 5

THE INDIAN PERSPECTIVE Societies Registration Act, 1860, the following

societies can be registered under the Act:
„charitable societies, military orphan funds or
One well known contemporary social societies established at the several
entrepreneur is Muhammad Yunus, founder presidencies of India, societies established for
and manager of Grameen Bank and its the promotion of science, literature, or the
growing family of social venture businesses, fine arts, for instruction, the diffusion of
who was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in useful knowledge, the diffusion of political
2006. education, the foundation or maintenance of
In India, a Social Entrepreneur can be a libraries or reading rooms for general use
person, who is the Founder, Co-Founder or a among the members or open to the public, or
Chief Functionary (may be President, public museums and galleries of paintings
Secretary, Treasurer, CEO, or Chairman) of a and other works of art, collection of natural
social enterprise, which is primarily a NGO, history, mechanical and philosophical
which raises funds through some services inventions, instruments or designs.
(often fund raising events and community Section-25 company
activities) and occasionally products. RIPPAN
According to section 25(1)(a) and (b) of
KAPUR of „Child Rights and You‟ and
the Indian Companies Act, 1956, a section-25
JYOTINDRA NATH of “Youth United”, are such
company can be established „for promoting
examples of Social Entrepreneurs, who are
commerce, art, science, religion, charity or
the founders of the respective
any other useful object‟, provided the profits,
if any, or other income is applied for
In India non profit / public charitable promoting only the objects of the company
organisations can be registered as trusts, and no dividend is paid to its members.
societies, or a private limited non profit
company, under section-25 companies. Non-
profit organisations in India (a) exist “Not everyone can be
independently of the state; (b) are self-
governed by a board of trustees or „managing Gandhi, but each of us
committee‟/ governing council, comprising
individuals who generally serve in a fiduciary
has the power to make
capacity; (c) produce benefits for others, sure our own lives
generally outside the membership of the
organisation; and (d), are „non-profit- count – and it is those
making‟, in as much as they are prohibited
from distributing a monetary residual to their
millions of lives that
own members. will ultimately build a
Trusts: A public charitable trust is better world.”
usually floated when there is property
involved, especially in terms of land and -- Jeffrey Skoll
Society: According to section 20 of the

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Social Entrepreneurship 6

The Different Social Enterprise Forms in Comparison

Section 25 Company Society Trust

Charitable, Literary, Charitable, Socially

Objects Non-profit activities
Scientific, etc beneficial

Indian Companies Act Societies Registration

Statute/Law Public Trusts Act 1950
1956 Act 1860

Complex legal Normally only Settle or

Alternation of objects Simple procedure
procedure can modify

Complex procedure, 3-6

Formation Simple and easy Simple and easy

Formalities of
Few restrictions Very few restrictions
Management Company law have to
imposed under the Act imposed under the Act
be observed.

To be held as per Annual meeting as per

No provisions laid
Meetings provisions of law which law and Rules of the
are quite extensive. society

Various offences and Few offences and

Penalties lapses attract severe penalties have been Very negligible
penalties. prescribed

Legal status with Legal status with

Legal Status Full legal status
certain limitations limitations

Statutory Regulation Exhaustive but mature Very limited Nominal

Not possible without Possible without

Removal of members Not applicable
consent consent

Dissolution or takeover
Very difficult Possible Possible
by state

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Revisiting the Past: Lijjat Papad
- Rishi Arora
DoMS, IIT-Roorkee

A unique organization of the woman, by the woman, for the woman.

rainy season, because of which the work
had to be stopped for four months.
Attempts to open new branches at two
places proved to be futile one after the
other. Self-reliance was the policy and no
monetary help was to be sought (not
even voluntarily offered donations), so
the funds were always a bottleneck due
to which there was a cap on the extent of
production. But, with the time and the
“Karram Kurram”... Does it ring a bell sweat of the member sisters, Lijjat was
in our mind? Yes, it does. Almost a able to overcome all problems it faced.
decade and a half ago, we used to watch
By the end of third year, it had more
this very popular advertisement of Lijjat
than 300 members working for it. The
Papad on Doordardarshan channel. Some
annual sales of papads touched Rs. 1.82
of us might still remember the jingle
Lakh figure in 1962-1963. It then
“Khurram Khurram” in which a bunny
registered itself as a society and also
would come with papads in both of his
acquired a new place as its production
hands. And that papad pack can be seen
in many Indian kitchens nowadays. Few,
however, know about the success of Today, the organisation is wide-
Lijjat Papad as a social entrepreneurship spread, with its Central Office at Mumbai
venture. and its 72 Branches and 27 Divisions in
different states all over India. It has
„Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad‟
achieved sales of over Rs.520
started in 1959 on the terrace of a
crores with exports itself exceeding
residential building in Mumbai with 7
Rs. 24 crores. Membership has also
women and a borrowed sum of Rs. 80 as
expanded from an initial number of 7
initial capital. The objective was to
sisters from one building to over
empower women by providing them
42,000 sisters throughout India. It has
employment opportunities and to
also expanded itself in the line of
improve their economic status. It
products and apart from papads, it also
leveraged the ordinary Indian household
manufactures various products like
woman‟s greatest skill i.e. cooking. It
Khakhra, Appalam, Masala, Vadi, Gehu
aimed at producing quality products at
Atta, Bakery Products, Chapati, SASA
reasonable prices.
Detergent Powder, SASA Detergent Cake
Like any other start-up, the earlier (Tikia), SASA Nilam Detergent Powder,
days of Lijjat Papad were not smooth. SASA Liquid Detergent.
There were issues like drying of papad in

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Revisiting the Past: Lijjat Papad

The success of Lijjat Papad lies in its their education is not hurt.
principles and values. The organization is
The organization has seen many
a synthesis of 3 different concepts –
milestones during its auspicious life. It
Concept of Business, Concept of Family
received an award from Khadi & Village
and Concept of Devotion.
Industries Commission as a "Best Village
Concept of Business - All its dealings Industry" for the period 1998-1999 to
are carried out on a sound and pragmatic 2000-2001. On 6th September 2003, the
footing - Production of quality goods and Institution received the Economic Times
at reasonable prices. It has never and Award of "Businesswomen of the Year
nor will it in the future, accept any 2001-02 for Corporate Excellence". Lijjat
charity, donation, gift or grant from any was featured in various T.V. Channels,
quarter. On the contrary, the member which include BBC World in the
sisters donate collectively for good programme "Business Bizarre".
causes from time to time according to
In a country like India where women
their capacity.
are seen as inferior to men, Lijjat Papad
Concept of Family - Its member has set up a very strong example that
sisters have adopted the concept of women can also make it big. The only
mutual family affection, concern and thing that is needed here is to have faith
trust. All affairs of the institution are in oneself.
dealt in a manner similar to that of a
So, the next time you visit any grocery
family carrying out its own daily
store and pick up the Lijjat pack,
household chores.
acknowledge the hard work put-up for
Concept of devotion - For the years in building this organization
member sisters, employees and well
wishers, the institution is never merely a
place to earn one's livelihood - It is a
place of worship to devote one's energy
not for her personal benefits but for the
benefit of all. In this institution work is
worship. The institution is open for
everybody who has faith in its basis
Apart from its core values, it also
focuses on its social responsibility. Lijjat
provides scholarships to the children of
the papad roller sister members who
pass out in 10th and 12th standard every
year so as to enable the Lady Members
to encourage their children for education.
It also has a policy of 18 years as a
minimum age of entry for girls so that

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee


-An excerpt from the talks with Ms. Seema Sanghi

Dr. Seema sanghi received her Ph.D. from University of Rajasthan. She is the Ex
Director of FORE school of management ,New Delhi.She is a well-known trainer in
soft skills, mentoring, competency mapping, assessment, and psychometric testing.
She has conducted training and consultancy programs for a number of public and
private-sector organizations. Her major consultancy were with Maruti Suzuki India
Ltd (formerly Maruti Udyog), Alcatel ADI, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
(HPCL), Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Ltd (GHCL), and the World Health Organization
(WHO). Dr Sanghi received the Mother Teresa Award in 2003 and the Excellence in
Education Award in 2004. She has received three gold medals and national
scholarships for academic excellence. Her research interests are in the areas of
competency mapping, psychometric testing, job satisfaction, ethics, cross-cultural
studies, and motivational complexity. She has published over 90 articles and
research papers in various magazines and journals. Books authored by Dr. Sanghi
include Towards Personal Excellence, The Handbook of Competency Mapping,
Organizational Behavior and Institutional Governance.
Apart from the professional world, Dr. Sanghi is a creative person and enjoys
painting and creating handicrafts. She is a strong believer in the power of

Ms Seema Sanghi visited the Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee on September 5th

2010. Here are her views on “Importance of Organizational Behaviour in Corporate

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee



-An excerpt from the talks with Ms. Seema Sanghi

Under the supervision of Dr. S.N. ladder. She elucidated the role of
Ragnekar and with the help of students, “Behavioural Skills” in defining our
an enlightening session was conducted for strengths, weaknesses and role in an
the MBA first year students on September organization.
5, 2010 on the topic “Importance of
On the request of Dr. S.N. Rangnekar,
Organizational Behaviour in Corporate
she also shared her experience of co-
World” by Ms. Seema Sanghi
authoring the book “Organizational
Ms. Seema Sanghi started her talk by Behaviour” with us.
sharing her experiences of life. According
On being asked about the problem
to her life is less technical but more of
faced by an introvert in the organisation,
practical and it is the nature of humans to
Ms. Sanghi talked about the two(personal
learn from experiences. She said that
and professional) behaviours of an
every person should assess himself and
individual and emphasised that an
must know about his/her strengths and
individual may remain introvert in his
weaknesses. She also talked about the
personal life but for achieving growth in
difference between a team and a group
professional life he needs to be more
which is one of the most basic yet the
extrovert as a professional.
most confused term among masses. The
basic difference is that the team consists As a response to the question, “How a
of people with complementary skills and manager can influence employees of
there is interdependency among the organisation to work cohesively towards
members of team while a group consists achieving the goal? “, she pointed out the
of people of different skills and the four employee categories which are star
members are less dependent on each performer, horses, problem child and
other. She explained the difference by dead wood. A star performer is the most
comparing our class and Indian cricket productive for an organisation and just
team. In Indian cricket team the players requires some motivation, a horse
are dependent on each other for the requires the direction ,problem
success and even the non performance of child(employee in some problem) requires
one player affects the team while it is not consulting while a deadwood (less skilled
the same case in class where each and less motivated employee) requires
individual is responsible for his/her own both skill set and motivation to achieve
success. She stressed on the importance the goal in an organisation .
of “People Skills” in the life of managers The enlightening and interactive
and entrepreneurs and insisted that session came to a conclusion with a vote
emphasis on it would be even scaled up of thanks by the class representative.
as we climb higher rungs of the corporate
-Contributed by Deep & Shruti
DoMS, IIT-Roorkee
Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

σ Parag Kasrekar
σ Prashanth M
Vamsi Somesh has σ Niranajan Rajpurohit
cleared FRM are now 6 Sigma certified

Neelesh Pal
Karthik R
Ramit Bansal
Rahul Mondkar
have cleared CFA Level-1

CMDM: Animesh Agrawal
Cash Module: Ramit Bansal
Basic & Derivative : Vamsi Somesh
Financial Markets- Beginner's Module:
Rishi Arora & Sudeep Dakua
Equity Derivatives-Beginner's Module :
Udit Gupta

Department of Management
Department Studies,
of Management Studies,IIT
Umang, an annual event at Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, aims to bring
together the academia and non-government organizations to facilitate exchange of views and
opinions on various social causes.
From the past four years, we have been organising Umang on the various themes like
„Developing Strategic Framework for NGOs‟, „Rural Technologies‟ ,„Microfinance‟, and “Social
Entrepreneurship”. The theme for Umang 2010 is “NGOs and Rural Marketing”.

Guest Speakers:
Name Designation & Organization Name Designation & Organization
President, Foods for Patanjali Ms. Deepti Assistant Manager, Nabard Regional
Mr. C L Kamal Ayurved Ltd. Pant Office, Dehradun.
Mr. Hemant District Development Manager, Mr. Asit B. Director, Maa Sharda Rural
Tewary NABARD, Haridwar Mazumdar Development and Health Organisaton,
Mr. R. Mr.Ashutosh Director of Programming for Tata
Thirunavukkarasu Director, Operations, Meso Loan. Kumar Jagriti Yatra
Mr. Swapnil Kant Executive Director for Tata Jagriti Mr. V Divisional Controller (Field
Dixit Yatra Narasimhan Operations), Hariyali Kisaan Bazaar

Department of Management
Department Studies,
of Management Studies,IIT
Jigyasa is a national level paper presentation contest and the annual flagship event of DoMS IIT
Roorkee. The topic this year is " Management Education in India , An Agenda for Reforms".
Formal management education in India dates back to the 1950’s and since then it has grown in
sync with the ever growing Indian economy. With India becoming a global force to reckon with,
the need for leaders who can take the responsibility of carrying the country forward, is
exponentially increasing. This makes the Management Education more important and a key force
to carry the Nation’s fortune forward on the right path.
The event expects the participants to explore the various types of reforms such as Social,
Educational, Entrepreneurial, Economic etcetera and build a model or a framework so as to
facilitate the initiation of one or more of these reforms by using the Management Education
System as a tool. All these reforms need to be brought about considering the present socio-
economic condition of the society as a whole.

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

-Fresh Green Creativity, right from the roots of DOMS
through the leaves of this newsletter

Love the heart
that hurts you,
but never hurt
the heart that
loves you.

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee


On seeing your awesome eyes wild

lingering on your lips that beautiful smile
with voice as sweet as flowing nile
and with that seducing magnetic style.

Oh! My love
you make my barren heart fertile
letting thoughts in my mind go volatile
you inspire me to travel that extra mile
your glowing face can make mad
even a genius versatile.

But then I see

A child of seven on the other side of gate
washing with soft hands a dirty plate
being scolded by her mistress for being late
sometimes beaten by master for small mistake.

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee


And for him saying that India shining means

if you don't have bread why don't you eat cake?
After that a woman of sixty comes to my house quite
her children have kicked her out and left her to the
wanting some work to earn her living this story she

Sufferings of these children and women

I want to eradicate
I from the depth of my heart
want to improve their state
their poverty I want to eliminate.

And so your awesome eyes

beautiful smile and love can wait . . . .

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee


- Rajneesh & Anirudh

DoMS, IIT-Roorkee
It’s Exquizite, Kills your Quriosity and adds to your Quizdom. Need we say
more? ‘Qutopia’ – A Utopia of the best Biz Quiz Tidbits to wreck your brains!
Mail in your answers to The winner will have
their names published in the next issue. Answers in the next issue of

1) Dhruv Lakra
(MBA Graduate from Said Business School, Oxford University)
which employs mute people.

2) well-known contemporary social entrepreneur who

founded Grameen Bank and its growing family of social venture
businesses and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006

which comes out
to be over Rs 4000 crores
building and running free schools, a university and a museum of
art. Who is this person, who was also awarded Padma Bhushan in

4) As founder of modern nursing, she established the first school for

nurses and fought to improve hospital conditions. She
exemplified classic social entrepreneurship. Name this great lady?


6) Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the spiritual leader with
the vision of creating a stress-free, violence-free society, this
organization has reached out to over 300 million people in 140
countries. Name this world‟s largest volunteer based, humanitarian
and educational Non-Governmental Organizations?

Department Management
Management Studies,
Studies, IIT Roorkee
IIT Roorkee

1. It was established as “The Native Share & Stock Brokers

Association” in 1875 and was the oldest of its kind in Asia. What?
2. In 1940, in San Bernardino, California, Two brothers named Dick
and Mac started this restaurant .It became famous in 1948 for the
introduction of “Speedee Service System” and its original mascot
was a man with a chef ’s hat on top of a hamburger shaped head
whose name was “Speedee.” Later Ray Crock purchased it and
brought about a revolution in the industry. What are we talking
3. Name the company where Dhirubhai Ambani began his
professional career in before starting Reliance Industries.
4. Created by Swede Lars Olsson Smith, this brand is not only known
for its products but also the consistent and attractive ad campaigns
that it carries. What are we referring to?
5. Janus, Chicago, Memphis, Millennium, Whistler, Longhorn &
Vienna. Identify the connect?

The Answers of Qutopia-7 were: Winners are:

1. The Bombay Stock Exchange
2. Mc. Donald food chain restaurants • Shekhar Arya from Intel
3. A.Besse & Co.(Aden)Ltd • Siddharth Atray Capgemini.
• Rohit Jain, TCS
4. Absolut Vodka
5. Codenames of different versions of
Microsoft Windows releases.

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

Event @ DOMS 19

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee

The Team
Animesh Agrawal
Akanksha Tikku
Rama Pruthi
Siddharth Srivastava
Sushant Sharma Arushi
Rohini Sharma Himanshu Mishra
Deep Pathak Prashant Nath
Sudeep Dakua Varun Goel
Pallavi Arora Mayur & Arjun
Udit Gupta
Mukesh Rathi
Design Team:
Animesh Agrawal
Shruti Goel
Anuj Mody
Varun Mittal
Parag Kasrekar & Rohini Sharma
Welcome Rishi Arora
On-board Harsh Singh
Rajneesh & Anirudh
Prashant Nath Endley
Comments / Feedback Mail to:
Tel: 01332-285014, 285617, Fax: 01332-285565
Do Visit:
Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee,
Roorkee Uttarakhand-247667
Animesh Agrawal:,, Mb: 09368090764

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