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Writing - test 1

While on holiday in New Zealand, you were very upsset when you lost your backpack. You
reported this to the police. Now, some time later, you are back home and, to your
amazement, you receive through the post your backpack with all its contents except your
passport, together with an unsigned note.
a. Write a letter to the Editor of the Auckland News, describing what happened, and
conveying your thanks to the person who found your backpack; you would also like
to repay the cost of sending the backpack to you (about 200 words).

Dear Sir,
A while ago when I was on holiday in New Zealand, in Auckland to be precise, I had
the inconvenience to lose my backpack which contained some important belongings of
It has been a while since I returned home and so I lost my confidence that somehow I
could still retrieve my backpack; until one day when I received a package through the
post, although I haven’t ordered anything. I was surprised to see my backpack, which at
first sight looked like it contained all my possessions. After a closer look I realized my
passport was missing, which is not a big problem giving the fact that as soon as I got
home I went and remade it. I was so happy that my camera, along with the three rolls of
film, and my diary were there because they are very valuable to me and contain a lot of
precious memories and dear moments. I also found an unsigned note from who was
kind enough to send it back to me. I can only guess how expensive the process was and
as a thank you, I would like to repay all the cost that were included in the process.
As the note was anonymous I reached to you and hopefully with your help I will be
able to find out who it is. If you find out please contact me via email at-------, or on the
phone at------.
Thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Ioana Iftime.
b. Write a brief letter to the New Zealand police containing relevant information about
the returned backpack (about 50 words).

Dear Sir,
I am writing to inform you that I received the backpack I reported missing while I was
in New Zealand and it contained all missing belonging, except the passport, but it’s
not a problem since I have a new one now and that one is marked at expired so
whoever hat it can’t use it.
Thank you for the help.
Ioana Iftime.

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