Hearsay - Factsheet

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• Founded in 2009
• Headquartered in San Francisco, CA
• Co-founded by Steve Garrity, former Microsoft executive, and Clara Shih, author of
the New York Times-featured bestselling book The Facebook Era: Tapping Online
Social Networks to Market, Sell and Innovate
• Develops Hearsay Social, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) social media management
platform that acts as a layer on top of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
• Designed to help “corporate/local” companies – businesses with multiple local
branches or representatives -- manage their social media presence
• Offers the only social media management solution to comprehensively address
content, compliance, and analytics for corporate/local companies
• Lets corporate management monitor locally-created content for compliance and brand
consistency, create and distribute content and measure results
• Lets local branches and representatives choose and tailor content from corporate
marketing and post it with one click, as well as view consolidated contact records and
measure social media efforts
• Is already achieving success with companies like State Farm, Farmers Insurance and
24 Hour Fitness
• Funded by Sequoia Capital
• Maintains long-standing strategic relationships with leading social media companies.
These include Facebook, where Hearsay is a Preferred Development Consultant, and
LinkedIn, where Hearsay Social is fully integrated with the LinkedIn messaging API.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Hearsay Social?

Hearsay Social is a software-as-a-service social media management platform
developed by Hearsay Corporation that helps “corporate/local” companies manage and
measure social media efforts. Hearsay Social acts as layer on top of Facebook,
LinkedIn and Twitter. It allows organizations with local branches and representatives to
• Distribute compelling content and marketing campaigns to local Facebook,
LinkedIn and Twitter with a mouse click
• Monitor locally created content for compliance and branding consistency
• Measure the results

2. What is “corporate/local”?
“Corporate/local” refers to any branded organization that has many local branches or
representatives. “Corporate” determines branding and compliance requirements, and
measures regional or companywide results, while “local” cultivates customer
relationships and measures results on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter at the local level.

3. Who is Hearsay for?

Hearsay is for any corporate/local company: those branded organizations with many
local branches or representatives. This includes companies in industries like financial
services, insurance and real estate, as well as franchises, chains, direct sales
organizations, nonprofits and more.

4. How does Hearsay work?

Hearsay has two “views,” one corporate and one local. The corporate view lets
management monitor for compliance and branding, distribute compelling content and
campaigns to the field, and measure results. The local view lets local reps choose and
edit content for their local social media pages, generate leads and increase fans,
followers and connections.

5. What makes Hearsay different?

Hearsay Social is built from the ground up to power the new customer paradigm created
by social media. It is the only solution for distributed organizations that provides
comprehensive support for content management, compliance and analytics. It works
directly with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter through both public and private API’s to
help make these organizations social media compliant. This always-on approach
provides complete protection, whether social media is accessed within the corporate
firewall, at home, or on mobile devices. With deep roots in social media, Hearsay
Corporation is located in Silicon Valley and has close relationships with Facebook,
LinkedIn and other social media companies. Hearsay goes beyond technology to
provide vital expertise as social media evolves.

6. What technology does Hearsay Social use?

Hearsay Social uses a standard multi-tenant cloud services stack — Linux, Apache,
MySQL, and Python — along with additional high-availability load balancers, data
stores, caches, distributed queuing and workflow systems. It was designed from the
ground up to balance customizability with simplicity. We are hosted in redundant data
centers across the United States with round-the-clock operations and monitoring staff to
ensure smooth, continuous, reliable performance. Hearsay Social operates on an
extremely quick iterative development cycle, meaning that new customer-driven product
enhancements show up virtually every week.

7. How long does Hearsay Social take to install?

Because Hearsay Social is software-as-a-service (SaaS), there’s nothing to install.
Local branches and reps can be up and running literally in minutes, although – like with
any solution – some branches and reps choose to take the time to go deeper and
become power users.

8. What is “social media compliant”?

“Social media compliant” refers to the set of regulatory and governance requirements
many companies must follow when creating a social media presence. For instance, any
communication exchange between a financial advisor and potential customer must be
archived for seven years. Hearsay Social is one of the first companies to provide
comprehensive social media compliance for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

9. How much does Hearsay Social cost?

Costs vary by size of the company and specific needs. Most of our customers pay for
Hearsay at the corporate level, with little or no cost at the local level.

10. Who founded Hearsay Corporation?

Hearsay Corp was co-founded by former Microsoft executive Steve Garrity and former
Salesforce.com executive Clara Shih. Clara’s bestselling book, The Facebook Era:
Tapping Online Social Networks to Market, Sell and Innovate, has been featured in The
New York Times and is used as a marketing textbook at Harvard Business School.

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