Damp Proofing

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Damp Proof Course

The moisture in a building is called
Damp proofing –
The process preventing the entry of
moisture into the building by giving some
treatments during the construction of building
is called damp proofing.
Damp Proof Course
Causes of Dampness
Raising of ground water table
Rain water penetration
Exposed tops of the wall
Inadequate slope to flat roof.
Poor quality of material (Uses of porous
material ) and Poor quality construction (
bad workmanship)
Insufficient lap of covering material.
Effect of dampness
Causes efflorescence on building surface,
results in the disintegration of bricks
Floor covering tiles are damaged because
may loose adhesion with the base floor
Corrosion of metals etc.,
Dampness promotes and accelerates growth
of termites.
Methods of Damp prevention
 Houses at higher elevation
 Exposed wall minimum 340 mm
 Rich mortar 1 : 3
 Cornices and string courses should be provided at
window sills.
 Water proofing plastering 1 : 3 with water
proofing component
Methods of Damp prevention
 Cornices and string courses
should be provided at
window sills.
Materials used for damp proofing

Flexible Semi Rigid Rigid

materials materials Materials


Materials used for damp proofing
 Flexible materials
Hot bitumen, Bituminous felts, Bituminous
sheet, Plastic sheet (polythene sheet), Metal sheet
of Lead, Copper & Aluminium .
The commonly used material for DPC
Semi Rigid materials
 Mastic Asphalt
Rigid Materials

 1st class Bricks, (Dense Bricks)

 Dense stones,
 Slates
 Cement concrete layer, D.P.C at plinth level
 Mortar layer etc.,
Rigid Materials
 Cement concrete layer, D.P.C at plinth level
Rigid Materials

 Slates
Hot bitumen or Hot Asphalt –
This is first heated and spread over the
bedding of concrete wall, thickness 3 mm.

Excellent Damp Proof Course (offers

Bituminous felts (6 mm thick sheet)
 Available in rolls of normal wall widths is
laid on over cement mortar
 Over lap 10 cm
Sheet of Lead or Alum
 Act as a membranes for damp proofing.

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