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Distributed Systems/Sisteme Distribuite Name/Nume: ……..……………...........Date/Data:………….

Please answer to the following questions in Romanian or English – copying text from the textbook is not accepted as valid answer.
Use your own words to answer/ Va rog raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari in romana sau engleza – copierea textului din curs nu
este acceptat ca raspuns valid. Utilizati cuvintele proprii in raspuns.

1. Give a practical example (about a concrete distributed system other than in the textbook) for the following
advantage of a distributed system over other kinds of systems: extensibility./Dati un exemplu prctic (despre un sistem
distribuit concret, altul decat cel din curs) pentru urmatorul avantaj al sistemelor distribuite fata de alte tipuri de
sisteme: extensibilitate.

2. Give a concrete example of a distributed system functionality that explain how the middleware hides the
heterogeneity at the level of: operating system. / Dati un exemplu concret de functionalitate a unui sistem distribuit
care explica cum ascunde middlewareul eterogeneitatea la nivel de: sistem de operare.

3. A remote service invocation requires (a) an asynchronous communication (b) a synchronous communication (c) a
message-oriented communication (d) a request-oriented communication (round up the correct answer/s)./O invocare de
metoda la distanta solicita (a) o comunicare asincrona (b) o comunicare sincrona (c) o comunicare orientate spre
mesaje (d) o comunicre orientate spre cereri (incercuiti raspunsul/urile corect/e).

4. Explain the difference between the multicasting and broadcasting techniques./Explicati diferentele dintre tehnicile
multicast si broadcast.

5. Each point on the horizontal line associated with a process represents an event (arrows are communications).
Consider the case when the logical clock on each process is set to count the event number (first event is numbered with
1, the second with 2). The horizontal means the real time. Apply the Lamport algorithm for logical clock
synchronization in the case of a distributed application with three processes that evolves in time like in the following
figure (put the number near the points). / Fiecare punct de pe linia orizontala asociata cu un proces reprezinta un
eveniment (sagetile sunt comunicari). Se considera cazul cand ceasul logic al fiecarui process este setat pentru a
contoriza numarul de ordine a evenimentului (primul eveniment este numerotat cu 1, al doilea cu 2). Orizontala
semnifica timpul real. Aplicati algoritmul lui Lamport pentru sincronizarea ceasurilor logice in cazul aplicatiei
distribuite cu trei procese care evolueaza in timp prezum in figura urmatoare (puneti numarul aproape de puncte).

6. Explain the difference between the detection approach and the prevention approach used in handling
deadlocks./Explicati diferenta intre abordarea tip detectie si abordarea tip evitare in tratarea impasului (deadlock).

7. What problem of distributed system is modelled with the Byzantine generals problem?/ Ce problema a sistemelor
distribuita este modelata prin problema generalilor bizantini?

8. Explain the difference between the simple broadcast and adaptive broadcast in P2P systems. / Explicati diferenta
intre difuzarea simpla si cea adaptiva in sistemele P2P.

9. Give three concrete examples of applications of ubicomp. / Dati trei exemple concrete de aplicatii ale ubicomp.

10. Explain the differences between machine virtualization and storage virtualization. / Explicati diferentele dintre
virtualizarea masinilor si virtualizarea stocarilor.

11. Comment the following key benefit of using Web services: business services through the Web. / Comentati
urmatorul beneficiu cheie in utilizarea serviciilor Web: servicii de business pe baza de Web.

12. Consider a record of our university data (title, street, no.of students). Write it in SOAP encoding style./
Considerati o inregistrare ce contine datele voastre ca student/a (titlu, strada, studenti). Scrieti-o in stilul de
codare SOAP.

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