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Do aliens exist, and how the look

One of the most interesting questions since humans have discovered space was, do aliens
exist. I believe that they exist, because of one reason space is extremely big, so there are
many possible planets where life can exist, which also knew as exoplanets. But will we be
able to see them? I don’t think so, because they are so far in space, maybe thousands, even
millions of light-years from us. I don’t know why, but there is a global opinion that aliens are
green. I have a little different opinion. I think that there are many types of aliens like there
are different animals on Earth. Maybe some of them are green, but maybe there are pink
aliens with seven legs and six arms. But the more interesting question for me than, do aliens
exist, is does intelligent life exist. It is harder to say because we don’t know the real reason
why we are intelligent. I believe that there are infinity universes, which is also called the
multiverse, so in every universe, there is just one intelligent planet. This means that in our
universe we are unique, but in some other universe, we maybe don’t exist. In conclusion, I
just want to say that there are many theories about aliens, but there is just one truth and I
believe that we will discover it soon because I am really excited about this.

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