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Anal. Chem.

1998, 70, 119R-177R

Infrared Spectroscopy
Marianne L. McKelvy,*,† Thomas R. Britt,† Bradley L. Davis,† J. Kevin Gillie,*,‡ Felicia B. Graves,† and
L. Alice Lentz†

Analytical Sciences Laboratory, The Dow Chemical Company, U.S.A., Midland, Michigan 48667, and
Applied Extrusion Technologies, 15 Reads Way, Newcastle, Delaware 19720

Review Contents bands, the infrared spectrum, may be used to characterize the
Overview of Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy 119R material. Infrared spectral information may be used to identify
Books and Reviews 119R the presence and amount of a particular compound in a mixture.
Databases, Software, and Algorithms 120R Different classes of chemical compounds contain structural
Infrared Accessories and Sampling Techniques 122R units that absorb infrared radiation at essential similar frequencies
Quantitative Analysis 122R and intensities within that class of compound. These bands are
Spectra-Structure Correlation 124R called “group frequencies”. The infrared spectroscopist uses
Hypenated Techniques 125R knowledge of these group frequencies to predict the structures
Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy 126R
of unknown molecules when standard infrared spectra are not
Reflectance Techniques 127R
available. Sample collection and presentation accessories exist
Single-Crystal and Bulk Analysis Applications 127R
Thin-Film Applications 127R which allow the analyst to collect spectra as solids, liquids, and
Interfacial Applications 128R vapors and in solution, at various temperatures, and while
Adsorption and Surface Reaction Applications 128R undergoing mechanical deformation. Experiments conducted
Attenuated Total Reflectance 129R under such conditions assist the spectroscopist in the determi-
Diffuse Reflectance 130R nation of the structures of molecules in different phases as well
Emission 130R as structure-property relationships of materials.
Process and in Situ Analysis 131R Modern instrumentation allows the collection of infrared
Environmental Analysis 139R
spectra of materials at low-picogram levels. The ability of infrared
Carbon and Carbon Complexes 141R
spectroscopy to examine and identify materials under such a wide
Chemical Reactions/Organic Chemistry 142R
variety of conditions has earned this technique the premier
Hydrogen-Bonding Studies 142R
Catalysis Studies 143R position as the “work horse” of analytical science.
Solvent/Matrix Effects 143R
Organic Reactions/Characterization 144R BOOKS AND REVIEWS
Food and Agriculture 144R A compilation of IR and Raman spectra of inorganic compounds
Biochemistry 146R was published (A1). A book regarding infrared spectroscopy of
Literature Cited 157R biomolecules provided a comprehensive review of this area (A2).
This work contains references to studies of protein structures,
This review covers the published literature for the period nucleic acids, ultrafast spectroscopy, lipids, enzymes, and cell
November 1995 to October 1997 on aspects of infrared spectros- surface polysaccharides. A textbook prepared as an instructional
copy that are relevant to chemical analysis. Our review is directed aid in the study of vibrational spectroscopy was presented (A3).
to papers written in English or in certain aspects of IR spectros- A book detailing applications of infrared spectroscopy in electro-
copy that are of particular interest to one or more of the coauthors. chemistry was published (A4). Computerized applications of
Where some overlap may occur in a particular area, a few selected infrared spectroscopy, such as data manipulation, databases,
references to Raman or FT-Raman spectroscopy are included. multivariate techniques, and spectrometer networking, were
detailed (A5).
OVERVIEW OF ANALYTICAL INFRARED Internet sites that deal with infrared spectroscopy and instruc-
tional issues were listed (A6). Group frequency assignments for
Infrared radiation is commonly defined as electromagnetic
the major bands in 20 common polymers were compiled (A7).
radiation with frequencies between 14 300 and 20 cm-1 (0.7 and
Methods for obtaining characteristic group frequencies were
500 µm). When a normal molecular motion such as a vibration,
reviewed (A8). Resources and references for interpretation of
rotation, rotation/vibration, or lattice mode or a combination,
difference, or overtone of these normal vibrations results in a spectra were discussed (A9, A10).
change in the molecule’s dipole moment, a molecule absorbs Several general reviews of vibrational spectroscopy were
infrared radiation in this region of the electromagnetic spectrum. presented (A11-A13). The application of far-IR spectroscopy was
The corresponding frequencies and intensities of these infrared reviewed (A14). The infrared spectroscopy of radicals was
reviewed (A15). The role of step-scanning interferometers was

The Dow Chemical Co. reviewed by several authors for the study of polymeric systems

Applied Extrusion Technologies. (A16, A17) and for transition metal complexes (A18). Progress
S0003-2700(98)00006-7 CCC: $15.00 © 1998 American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 119R
Published on Web 04/24/1998
in the use of mid-IR optical fibers was presented (A19). Develop- A review of spectroscopic techniques for characterization of
ments in infrared microspectroscopy were discussed (A20). catalysts was presented, with discussion as to technological
Emission spectroscopy was reviewed (A21). Reflection-absorp- improvements in this area (A74). Catalyst intermediate studies
tion spectroscopy and its applications were discussed (A22). were reviewed (A75). Reviews of infrared spectra of inorganic
Other infrared techniques for the analysis of surfaces were also nitrides were presented (A76, A77). Characterization of zeolites
explored (A23). The applications of microcolumn LC/FT-IR were by spectroscopic techniques was summarized (A78-A80). The
discussed (A24). application of spectroscopic techniques in the study of metal
A comprehensive review of infrared and Raman spectroscopies complexes was discussed (A81-A85). Metal oxide catalysts were
of polymeric systems was published (A25). This publication the basis of several reviews (A86, A87). The spectroscopy of
covers the entire field of analytical chemistry of polymer systems; materials adsorbed on metal surfaces was reviewed (A88, A89).
no other attempt will be made within the format of the current Infrared spectroscopic techniques used to characterize metal-
review to expand on this treatment of polymer systems. Several electrolyte interfaces were presented (A90). Characterization of
reviews with summaries of the application of mid-IR spectroscopy Grignard reagents was summarized (A91).
to particular industries or product areas were presented for the The role of infrared and Raman spectroscopy in the study of
following: dyes (A26), wood products (A27, A28), textiles (A29), semiconductor alloys was reviewed (A92). Identification of defects
petrochemicals (A30), pharmaceuticals (A31-A33), medicine in semiconductor materials as monitored by IR microspectroscopy
(A34), materialography (A35), and ionomers (A36). was discussed (A93). Gap states in superconductors were studied
A tutorial on the use of quantitative analysis via spectroscopic by infrared spectroscopy (A94).
data, with emphasis on sensitivity and selectivity measurements,
was published (A37). Chemometric procedures for quantitative DATABASES, SOFTWARE, AND ALGORITHMS
analysis via infrared spectroscopy were reviewed (A38-A40). A review of databases associated with UV-visible, NMR, IR,
Quantitative analysis of glass structure and properties was sum- Raman, and mass spectral databases has been reported (B1). Also
marized (A41). included was a brief discussion of Moessbauer, NQR, XPS, and
General applications of near-IR spectroscopy were reviewed CD databases. A strategy for knowledge acquisition in the
(A42-A45). Applications of this technique to analysis of agri- collection of IR spectra involving automated generation of cor-
cultural products (A46) and the food industry were presented relation tables has been reported. These tables are converted
(A47-A50). Biological and medical applications were also into rules that can be used to infer the existence of molecular
reviewed (A51). A comparison of near-IR and mid-IR procedures substructures from the IR spectrum of an analyzed compound
for process analysis along with a discussion of the fundamentals (B2). Two computer programs have been designed for aiding
of these techniques was offered (A52). The use of multivariate the library handing and microbial identification from IR spectra.
techniques as an aid to spectral interpretation was extensively The programs run on IBM-PC compatibles (B3). Other reviews
reviewed (A53). Interpretation of near-IR spectra was discussed on IR characterization included obtaining group frequency char-
(A54). Calibration models and standardization of near-IR instru- acterization (B4) preprocessing methods and data transformations
ments were reviewed (A55). (B5) and automatic spectrum interpretation techniques (B6). The
A review of the use of thermo-IR spectroscopy to study the main features of GEISA-PC, an IBM-PC software package designed
interaction between organic pollutants and clay minerals was for the use and management of large scaled databases of the
presented (A56). Open-path IR to monitor volcanic plumes was atmosphere physics and spectroscopy interests, were presented
discussed (A57). (B7).
Ab initio calculations of unstable organic molecules and The performance of an IR library search system has been
reactive intermediates were discussed (A58). The use of spec- examined using four different similarity measures for spectral
troscopic methods in the study of carbohydrate chemistry was search (B8). A combinatorial library of catalyst candidates, each
reviewed (A59). The role of infrared spectroscopy in the consisting of a different metal element supported on alumina, has
characterization of surface colloids at solid-liquid interfaces was been screened for hydrogen oxidation catalytic activity. This
presented (A60). The literature pertaining to the use of IR method offers some promise for screening and optimizing catalyst
spectroscopy to study ion solvation and ion association was formulations more efficiently than current methods (B9). A novel
reviewed (A61). method for searching spectral libraries with spectra of mixtures,
Protein structure analysis was discussed (A62-A64). Isotope- using a mix-match search algorithm, was tested extensively with
edited infrared spectroscopy for the study of biomolecules was good results (B10).
discussed (A65, A66). An extensive review of the IR spectra of Several articles have been published in relationship to the
lipids was presented (A67). The use of IR to study liposomes development of IR spectral databases or to enhancement of the
and biomembranes was presented (A68). Biomedical applications, effectiveness of these databases to the spectroscopist. A knowl-
such as diagnosis of disease states and tissue analysis, were edge base has been proposed that adopts a set of rules that
reviewed (A69). Infrared measurement techniques for the express the laws of spectra interpretation and the experience of
analysis of biofluids were compared (A70). Analysis of steroids special field experts in order to imitate the reasoning process of
with spectroscopic methods was reviewed (A71). Reviews of the the human brain in relation to the group frequency correlation of
application of IR to the study of photosynthetic reaction centers organophosphorus compounds (B11). A strategy for the auto-
were presented (A72). Studies of the spectroscopic determination matic generation of correlation tables for IR spectral interpretation
of bacterial cell structure were discussed (A73). has been proposed (B12). A combination of the IDIOTS algorithm
120R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
with the algorithm by Blaffert has been used to improve comput- problem for thermal imager performance (B33). A method for
erized structure elucidation (B13). Hierarchical organization of the measurement of concentrations of an analyte present in a
a knowledge base with IR spectral bands has been used to improve biological fluid has been developed using NIR and an outlier
expert system spectral interpretation (B14). Computerized IR detection method (B34). An algorithm for the NIR-based portable
band assignment programs have been developed. One program tissue oximeter has been developed and tested (B35). An
employs information from 700 functional groups to develop its improved simulation of vibrational spectra for larger molecules
knowledge database (B15). A basis for simulating IR- and Raman- that removes artifacts has been developed by a direct transfer of
active spectra of large-molecule systems has been developed using Cartesian molecular force fields and electrical property tensors
the internal coordinate correlation based on molecular dynamics instead of internal coordinates (B36).
algorithms and an autocorrelation function (B16). The develop- Passive FT-IR remote sensing techniques have been used in
ment of a computerized IR spectral library from scanned and the automated detection of trichloroethylene vapor in the presence
digitized IR spectra has been discussed (B17). A review covering of a variety of IR background signatures. Using piecewise linear
two strategies used in discriminate high-dimensional spectral data discrimination developed in this study, successful detection of
analysis has been written. One method involves a preprocessing trichloroethylene was achieved in 96% of the cases studied (B37).
method followed by a low-dimensional classifier. The other An automated method for calculating the IO spectrum of open-
method involves a high-dimensional classifier capable of handling path FT-IR spectra has been developed and implemented to
large numbers of variables (B18). correct for totally absorbing atmospheric species and instrument
Nonparametric piecewise linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) drifts (B38). A rationing algorithm has been developed for the
has been employed to develop an automated detection scheme quantitative analysis of the passive FT-IR spectrum of chemical
for FT-IR remote sensing interferogram data (B19). A method plumes. The algorithm removes the background, eliminates the
has been developed for the simple and effective approximation of spectrometer internal signature, and enables quantitative examina-
the optical constants of neat liquids (B20). The issues of cross- tion of the spectral transmission (B39). A special algorithm for
validation and missing data have been investigated relative to the the analysis of a cross structure of the temperature and concentra-
partial least-squares (PLS) algorithm. Both a full EM algorithm tion of emitting components for nonuniformly heated gas flows
and a reduced EM algorithm are discussed (B21). A comparison using radiometric measurements in the IR band of a spectrum
of PLS and artificial neural networks in the prediction of concen- has been proposed (B40). Testing of the MOPITT algorithm test
trations of compounds involved in the fermentation process of radiometer (MATR) has been done to provide support for the
ethanol has been reported (B22). The use of calculations of prelaunch testing of the data retrieval algorithms for the MOPITT
absorption bands and absorption intensities in conjunction with satellite instrument (B41). Improvements have been made in the
present day theoretical methods have been used in the quantitative Nimbus 7 limb IR monitor algorithms to improve the predictions
IR analysis of compounds (B23). An algorithm for passive FT-IR of ozone levels in the lower altitudes (B42). Stratospheric atlases
has been developed for implementation in air-monitoring systems, of high-resolution IR absorption spectra have been prepared from
with specific emphasis on military gases as measured from a balloon-borne spectrometer systems by the University of Denver.
helicopter or tank (B24). An adaptation on an algorithm for plume These atlases contain spectra at 0.02- and 0.002-cm-1 resolutions
signature data analysis has been examined for open-path FT-IR (B43). Observations of solid-state absorption features due to H2O
data reduction (B25). A new information content-based look-up ice, CO ice, and silicate dust have been reported in the study of
table technique for the fast computation of near-monochromatic the Herbig-Haro nebula in the R Coronae Australis dark cloud
atmospheric transmittance in the IR that is well suited for satellite (B44). A computer program for the interpretation of IR spectra
and airplane observations has been developed (B26). A self- of organic compounds has been developed (B45). Solvent-induced
modeling mixture analysis has been demonstrated using the frequency shifts have been modeled using a continuum defined
Simplisma and Tsimplisma approaches (B27). Computer simula- by its static and high-frequency dielectric constants and application
tion of the IR spectra of substituted bicyclic and tricyclic amidines, to formaldehyde has been demonstrated (B46). A computer
hexahydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine-3,6-diones, and hexahydroimi- program has been developed for automatic assignment of an IR
dazo[1,2-a]imidazo[1,2-d]pyrazine-3,8-diones has been verified spectrum to create a knowledge database containing the informa-
using GC/FT-IR/MS (B28). Using a second derivative with PLS tion of 700 functional groups (B47). The integrated spectrum of
techniques, NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used interstellar metal-rich globular clusters has been synthesized using
to determine the active compounds in a pharmaceutical prepara- the HR diagram and a stellar library (B48).
tion (B29). A software-based digital signal processing method A method for accurate film thickness measurement has been
has been used to demodulate the photoacoustic responses of step- developed that separates the effects of interference and absorption
scan FT-IR photoacoustic measurements without any additional effectively (B49). FT-IR has been used as a continuous emission
hardware (B30). The interpretation of multivariate calibration and monitor for on-line measurements of most volatile organics and
rule induction classification models can be significantly improved some inorganic compounds. This instrumentation can be used
by adopting a new representation of data profiles containing for the monitoring of stack emissions and thermal treatment
identifiable peaks using nonlinear curve fitting (B31). A meth- processes (B50). A review of structural and spectroscopic
odology has been developed for the in situ IR monitoring and properties of transition metal compounds covering a variety of
analysis of solid-phase organic reactions (B32). A simple PC- modeling topics has been written (B51).
based scientific spreadsheet has been used to construct a math The problem with discontinuities in piecewise direct standard-
software package which provides a compliant solution to a design ization (PDS) has been identified and a procedure for its elimina-
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 121R
tion has been proposed (B52). A genetic algorithm has been of the optical transfer function (B71). A recommendation of the
applied to optimization of PLDA with specific application to remote use of a weighted optimization for numerical correction of
sensing data (B53). A joint neural network has been developed spectrometric data has been proposed for resolution improvement
by combining gas-phase IR spectra with mass spectral data to techniques (B72). A process to use multivariate signal responses
predict 26 different molecular substructures from multispectral to analyze a sample has been proposed (B73). Principle compo-
information. The combined database gives better prediction of nent analysis (PCA) has been applied to discriminate rapidly
functional groups than either the IR or MS databases alone (B54). between extractable compounds that are indigenous to papers and
A comparison of direct-deposition FT-IR and supercritical fluid FT- nonindigenous compounds using SFE/SFC/FT-IR techniques
IR spectra of quinones and barbiturates showed significant enough (B74). Infrasoft International (ISI) has developed NIR spectros-
variations of these spectra with KBr disk IR spectral libraries to copy programs that have been used in the determination of water,
produce occasional incorrect identifications (B55). An IR spectral oil, and protein content in food and agricultural products (B75).
library was prepared for the characterization of 55 nerve agent A software-based method has been developed to remove spikes
homologues using GC/FT-IR spectroscopy (B56). Resolution in NIR spectra measured with Ge detectors (B76). NIR has been
enhancement of the IR linear dichroic (IR-LD) spectra of partially used in refractive index modeling with PLS for hydrotreated gas
oriented molecules in a liquid crystal has been studied using oils (B77).
reference Fourier self-deconvolution (RFSD) (B57). Application A review has been published on the use of chemometrics in
of an analog-digital converter to measurements made with a NIR calibrations with emphasis on criteria and procedures for the
charge-coupled device (CCD) has enabled a resolution enhance- transfer of methods between instruments (B78).
ment in the spectral features without limiting the measuring range
of the CCD (B58). NIR and NIT for use in the agriculture and INFRARED ACCESSORIES AND SAMPLING
food industries have been developed by which the instruments TECHNIQUES
Articles were published on the use of Teflon tape (C1) and
can be calibrated at the factory and can be used the day the
disposable cards (C2, C3) as sample supports for IR spectroscopy.
instrument is received (B59). Genetic algorithms have been
A universal sampling tool for analysis of liquids and solids by IR
implemented in automated wavelength selection procedures to
was described (C4). The use of rotational casting for preparation
build multivariate calibration models based on partial least-squares
of thin polymer films for IR analysis was discussed (C5). New
methods for NIR (B60). A modification of the standardization
cells reviewed in the literature include a micro-FT-IR cell (C6), a
method of Shenk and Westerhaus for calibration model transfers
high-pressure IR cell for studying the interactions of polymers
between NIR instruments has shown an improvement by use of
and supercritical fluids (C7), modified NIR powder reflectance
locally weighted regression (B61). Standardization of near-IR
cells (C8), a fiber-optic transmission cell for on-line SFE/FT-IR
spectrometric instruments using the piecewise direct standardiza-
(C9), and a channel flow cell for attenuated total reflectance
tion method has been improved by modification of the algorithms
(ATR)/FT-IR measurements of species at an electrode (C10). A
(B62). NIR pattern recognition has been improved using the
scanning near-field IR microscope (C11) and a design enhance-
wavelet packet transform (B63). A recommendation has been
ment to increase the spatial resolution of FT-IR microscopes (C12)
made that offers some improvement on the discrepancies ob-
were reported.
served on NIR analysis of living tissues (B64). A pattern
A review described four sample devices for NIR (C13). The
recognition algorithm has been combined with near-IR reflectance devices included a fiber-optic system, a robotic system, the use
spectroscopy to function as a nondestructive analytical technique of HPLC vials for scanning liquids in a sealed container, and a
for identifying dyes present in textiles (B65). Application of a moving blend cell. The use of an adapted FT-IR microscope to
forward selection in the subsets selected by a genetic algorithm follow a photoinitiated polymerization reaction was discussed
for linear regression of near-IR spectroscopic data has been shown (C14). A ceramic sample heater for variable-temperature diffuse
to overcome some the selection of irrelevant variables (B66). A reflectance FT-IR analysis of solids was described (C15). The
detailed study of 13 conflicting patterns of change in cytochrome mechanochemical reactions that take place during preparation of
c oxidase redox status from near-IR spectroscopy have identified alkali halide disks were discussed in a review (C16). A new FT-
possible sources of error that could cause the discrepancies (B67). IR imaging technique has been developed by combining a focal
A multivariate calibration procedure based on the use of a genetic plane array detector with a step-scan Fourier transform interfer-
algorithm to guide the coupling of band-pass digital filtering and ometer (C17). The use of a movable two-dimensional Hadamard
PLS regression has been applied to near-IR spectroscopy for the mask and an FT-IR spectrometer for chemical mapping was
analysis of glucose in biological matrixes, resulting in better described (C18). Portable IR analyzers used for repetitive analysis
correlation of results (B68). The vibrational spectra of (FeSi2 has were reviewed (C19).
been calculated by molecular dynamics simulations with a tight
binding potential and verified by IR measurements on small QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS
monocrystals (B69). NIR and NIT instruments for use in the A review has been written related to FT-IR emission spectros-
agriculture and food industry have been shown to be useble on copy of solids. Also included in this review were a correction
the same day as delivery by using a precalibration procedure. equation for the single-beam emission spectra, proper data
Recommendations for enhancing the accuracy of the instrument manipulation procedures, and the use of a linear emission intensity
were also presented (B70). The spatial resolution of IR systems scale for quantitative work. Also included was a discussion on
used in IR thermography has been enhanced by use of a digital multilayer samples (D1). A review of the application of quantita-
image restoration technique based on the accurate determination tive FT-IR spectroscopy to aqueous solutions has been written
122R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
(D2). This review was targeted at the evaluation of the ATR Detection limits with relative standard deviations were reported
technology. A variety of instrumentation and parameters were (D21).
used in the analysis. Results of these variations on the end results A calibration model based on DRIFT spectroscopy has been
are discussed. The examination of glasses with IR spectroscopy developed for the rapid estimation of the chemical composition
has been reviewed with emphasis on obtaining information on of radiata pine wood samples. The model has been shown to
static dielectric constants and the calculation of semiempirical predict extractives, lignin, and carbohydrates (D22). Attenuated
calculations of vitreous solids’ IR spectra (D3). A review has also total reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to monitor
been written on the use of multivariate quantitative infrared the epoxidation of indene to indene oxide using multivariate
analysis (D4). This review is focused at providing a tool to assess statistical methods (D23).
quantitative methods and evaluate their conformity to ASTM A methodology has been developed for selection of the best
practices. A review of several methods for quantitative analysis calibration sample subset for principle component regression
of gas-phase samples using FT-IR has focused on particular analysis (D24). This method has been applied to both UV-visible
advantages and disadvantages (D5). A review of the trends in spectroscopy and near-IR spectroscopy effectively with a consider-
chemometrics as applied to NIR spectroscopy has been reported able reduction in cost. A calibration strategy has been proposed
with discussion of building databases of calibration samples, for dealing with difficult calibrations using NIR spectroscopy
regression models, and calibration transfer (D6). (D25). A preprocess step, dubbed piecewise mutiplicative scatter
A method has been developed for the utilization of synthetic correction (PMSC), has been successfully applied to NIR calibra-
calibration spectra in calibration of instrumentation to provide tion spectra for the analysis of homogenized beef samples (D26).
quantitative analysis of gas-phase IR spectra (D7). This method This technique has shown up to 52% improvement on prediction
uses the multiple atmospheric layer transmission (MALT) pro- error. A noninvasive NIR quantitative measurement instrument
gram to create synthetic spectra that closely approximate real has been developed with removable finger inserts of various sizes
to enable variable sample size insertion for analysis (D27). A
measured spectra. This technique has proven useful in lung open-
method has been developed for the quantitative NIR spectroscopic
path and solar FT-IR spectroscopy. A nonlinear multivariate
analysis of biological liquids without the use of any detection
infrared analysis method has been used to research octane
reagents (D28). NIR spectroscopy with multivariate calibration
number (RON) and other physical properties (D8). FT-IR with
has been used in the quantitative determination of glucose,
curve fitting has been used in conjunction with NMR for the
fructose, sucrose, citric acid, and malic acid in dried orange juice
quantitation of various components in rolling oils without their
samples (D29). An FT-NIR instrument equipped with a fiber-optic
separation (D9). FT-IR was used for quantitation of mineral oil
probe has been used to measure levels of resorcinol in water
deposition on plant leaves (D10). FT-IR has been used in
between 9 and 35% independent of temperature (D30). A PLS
conjunction with solid-state NMR (13C-SP/MAS) to determine
method has been developed for NIR in the analysis of orange
structural parameters of low-rank Czech coals (D11). An FT-IR
juices (D31). Using NIR with a partial least-squares model, a
method has been developed to rapidly screen soil samples for
method has been developed for the simultaneous determination
hazardous waste site (D12). The method was originally developed
of ethanol, glycerol, fructose, glucose, and residual sugars in
to identify and quantify microgram concentrations of explosives
botrytized grape sweet white wines (D32). A NIR method has
in soil samples, but offers promise to detection of volatiles,
been developed for the quantitative determination of resorcinol
semivolatiles, and pesticides. A method has been developed for
in aqueous solutions for industrial applications (D33). A NIR
the quantitative analysis of multicomponent mixtures with un- technique has been developed using artificial neural networks to
known individual spectra (D13). This method involves a two- study tobacco nicotine (D34). The application of FT NIR for
step optimization procedure which allows for high precision quantitative and qualitative analysis has been discussed (D35).
results. A scanning IR polariscope with high spatial resolution Quantitative determination of hemoglobin in turbid medium has
has been developed for the inspection of residual strains in III-V been demonstrated using NIR spectroscopy (D36). Statistical and
compound wafers (D14). FT-IR has been used to determine artificial network pattern recognition techniques have been applied
quantitative equilibrium constants between CO2 and Lewis bases to NIR spectra of soy sauce samples and related to differences in
(D15). Step-scan FT-IR photoacoustic spectroscopy has been used food flavorings (D37). A rapid FT-NIR spectroscopic method has
to quantify the content of brivudine and dithranol in a petrolatum/ been developed for quantitative determination of peroxides in
drug ointment (D16). The FT-IR extinction/scattering technique edible oils. The method is based on a PLS calibration model and
has been used to evaluate fuel vapor concentration in various spray offers an alternative to the iodometric method, avoiding the solvent
conditions (D17). FT-IR has been used to quantitatively analyze and reagent disposal problems (D38). A method and apparatus
levels of NH3 and HCN in hot combustion gases taken from the for the noninvasive measurement of intravascular ketone body
combustion chamber of boilers fueled by coal (D18). An FT-IR concentration has been reported (D39). A patent application has
method has been developed for measuring norditerpenoid alka- been filed for a method to determine tissue hemoglobin levels
loids in larkspurs. The method was calibrated using high-pressure using NIR spectroscopy (D40). A method of variable selection
liquid chromatography and gravimetric methods (D19). A com- for quantitative NIR determination of glucose concentrations has
bination of remote infrared differential absorption lidar experi- been shown to reduce the number of calibration samples with no
ments with a computational approach has been used to measure loss in reliability (D41). The combination of NIR and mid-IR
four organic gases (D20). A fully automated procedure has been spectra has been shown to provide improvements in calibration
developed for FT-IR determination of caffeine in soft drinks. results in the assay of lignin, cell wall digestibility, and dry matter
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 123R
digestibility on a variety of samples (D42). A PLS calibration (D63). FT-IR spectroscopy has been used for the quantitative
method has been successfully applied to NIR spectroscopy for determination of dodecylbenzenesulfonate and tripolyphosphate
the measurement of malt quality constituents in whole grain in solid compound samples of detergents (D64).
(D43). The use of toluene as a test for the calibration of an FT- A gas flow equilibrium vapor cell has been shown to allow for
NIR spectrometer in the analysis of the hydroxyl content of the quantitative analysis of vapor-phase species using Beer’s law
ethoxylated fatty acid produced a stable calibration over 120 days (D65). Using an equilibrated vapor cell with a closed-loop
(D44). A procedure to standardize across a network of instru- circulation, vapor-air mixtures of volatile organic compounds in
ments has been proposed (D45). PCA has been applied to the water were examined. Mixtures of methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol,
study of the dissociation process of oleyl alcohol using FT-NIR acetone, and 2-butanone were found to follow Beer’s law at less
spectroscopy (D46). than 50 Torr (D66). An FT-IR classical computational method
A comparison of the quantitative properties of IR vibrational has been applied to the direct quantitation of multicomponent gas
circular dichroism (VCD) and Raman optical activity (ROA) has mixtures of organic compounds. The method has been used to
been done in the analysis of trans-pinene, cis-pinane, R-pinene, characterize mixtures of up to 10 compounds (D67).
and β-pinene (D47). Correlation was observed for the two FT-IR microspectroscopy has been used for the quantitative
techniques for the strongly chiral and strongly achiral vibrational study of solid-phase resin-bound chemical reactions of species
modes. The use of quantitative VCD in the analysis of proteins containing deuterium (D68). An artificial coalification series has
has been discussed with specific reference to effects of spectral been analyzed by FT-IR microscopy using a diamond anvil
resolution, sample concentration, cell selection, and spectral compression cell. The method has been applied to Mahakam coal
normalization (D48). (type III organic matter) (D69).
FT-IR with PLS techniques has been used in the simultaneous FT-IR in conjunction with gravimetric methods has been used
on-line determination of gases in smoke from burning textiles in the quantitative analysis of CO chemisorbed on Pt surfaces
(D49). The compounds determined using this technology include (D70). FT-IR spectroscopy has also been used in the study of
the following: water, CO2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, C3H4O, HCl, HBr, antiepileptic medications (D71). A combination of IR and MS
HCN, and HF. The shelf life of nitrocellulose containing single- techniques have been used to determine the extinction coefficients
base propellants has been determined using FT-IR and PLS of adsorbed CO on Rh/SiO2 catalyst (D72). Water adsorption
calibration techniques (D50). A PLS method has been developed on H-ZSM-5 zeolite has been evaluated using FT-IR spectroscopy
using transmission FT-IR spectroscopy for the analysis of aldehyde (D73). IR spectroscopy analysis has been used in conjunction
formation and anisidine value of thermally stressed oils (D51). A with nuclear reaction analysis in characterizing molar absorptivity
PLS method has been developed for the quantitative FT-IR analysis of hydroxyl bands in high-hydroxyl-content silica glasses (D74).
of fatty acid esters (D52). A multiple model approach has been A nondestructive pulsed IR quantitative evaluation of defects in
used to evaluate polyolefin formulations using discriminant metal surfaces has been developed for the inspection of aluminum,
analysis with process, chemistry, and spectroscopic information steel, and turbine blades (D75).
(D53, D54).
Using principle component regression (PCR) and PCA, a SPECTRA-STRUCTURE CORRELATION
classification method has been developed for the analysis of sugar The SO2 stretching vibration in metal saccharinates for Na,
cane juices (D55). This method allows for the qualitative Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Pb have been studied using IR
classification of spectra without knowledge of their chemical spectroscopy (E1). An IR spectral study was made of kaolinite
composition. The effect of PCA on mid-IR spectroscopy data has samples before and after dehydroxylation and rehydration. The
been examined to determine the effects of instrumental instability surface areas of the samples were observed to effect the OH
on results (D56). stretching frequencies (E2). IR spectroscopy has been used to
FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to monitor gases generated interpret structural changes in silica glasses. Shifts in the Si-O
during chemical inhibition of fuel pool fires burning in the air stretching band was used to monitor changes in average Si-O-
(D57). This technique was used in the analysis of acid gases Si bond angles (E3). IR and Raman spectroscopy have been used
formed when Halon 1301 was used to extinguish fires. FT-IR in the study of 1,3,5-tri-tert-butylpentalenes (E4). NMR and IR
spectroscopy has been utilized in the study of nitric acid ices spectroscopies have been used to characterize the effects of
formed from vapors containing water (D58). Passive FT-IR physical surroundings and chemical structure information of
remote sensing has been used in the analysis of effluent plumes, carbonyl stretching frequencies in various solvents (E5). Density
such as controlled gas releases, power plant emission stacks, and functional theory has been applied to the investigations of
chemical manufacturing facilities (D59). harmonic force fields, vibrational frequencies, and IR intensities
Reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to examine the of transition metal complexes (E6). The IR spectra of TiO2,
electrochemical mechanism for ethylene glycol oxidation by sodium titanates, and natisite have been examined, and differences
polycrystalline platinum (D60). IR spectroscopy has been used in the IR spectra have been correlated with structural features
in the study of fullerene (D61). Information on intermolecular (E7). The IR bands of cis- and trans-CHdCH and vinyl CHdCH2
interactions are also discussed. groups of model compounds and polybutadienes have been
Oxidation of mesocarbon microbeads has been followed by compared (E8). Group frequency assignments have been com-
thermogravimetric and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques (D62). The piled for major IR bands observed in 20 common polymers (E9).
quantitative determination of fluconazole has been demonstrated In a review article, some methods of obtaining characteristic group
using KBr pellets of the material and the transmission technique frequencies, including empirical correlations, were discussed
124R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
(E10). Two-dimensional FT-IR correlation analysis was applied and Ru 5-cyclopentadienyl carbonylmetallocarboxylates were
to both the mid-IR and NIR regions to investigate changes in the obtained in THF at -78 °C. The effect of the counterions on CO2
secondary structure of β-lactoglobulin in D2O solvent systems. A complexation was discussed (E30).
mechanism for the change from the β sheet to the R helix was
proposed (E11). A review has been written on the two- HYPHENATED TECHNIQUES
dimensional FT-IR and NIR correlation spectroscopies in the GC/FT-IR was used in the study of trimethylsilyl derivatives
studies of temperature-dependent spectral variations of self- of 10 hydroxy- and methoxyhydroxyflavonoid compounds. The
associated molecules (E12). The theory of fuzzy sets has been correlation between retention and gas-phase IR data was shown
applied to specific IR spectrum-structure correlations (E13). to be useful in structural identification of compounds with very
Grazing-angle FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to study the similar chromatographic behavior. The carbonyl frequencies were
monolayer structure of self-assembly molecules with novel amido shown to give information on the presence of substituting agents
linkages (E14). The secondary structure of photosystem II (F1). GC/MS and direct-deposition GC/FT-IR were applied at
reaction centers isolated from pea has been deduced from the same level of sensitivity to the study of minute concentrations
quantitative analysis of the component bands of the IR amide I of volatiles in green leaves (F2). The IR spectra of six monomeric
spectral region determined by FT-IR (E15). A method for gaseous aromatic N-methyleneamines were reported from GC/
determining the orientation of individual bonds within complex FT-IR experiments (F3). Gas chromatography/matrix isolation/
macromolecules from polarized IR measurements on oriented FT-IR (GC/MI/FT-IR) were used to confirm the identities of
single crystals has been described (E16). The peroxide bond of trimethylsilyl derivatives of trichothecene mycotoxins found in
inorganic and organic peroxides have been studied by IR and grains (F4). A comparison of pyrolysis GC and FT-IR spectros-
Raman spectroscopies. The results of the study are a narrower copy indicated the latter was able to discriminate fiber makeup
range of frequencies for the vibration (845-875 cm-1) (E17). The better (F5). FT-IR and gas chromatography were used to study
experimental vibrational frequencies of s-trans-1,3-butadiene were model samples containing various petroleum products and field
used to determine the scale factors for its quantum mechanical samples of the Vltava River. This study showed IR and GC to be
force field. This information was then used to determine the suitable to determine concentrations of 10-102 mg/L of lower
location of the s-gauche rotamer band in the IR spectrum of the and middle petroleum fractions in water (F6). GC/FT-IR has been
gas phase (E18). The spectral structure arising from the pucker- used in the qualitative and quantitative determination of 1,2-
ing vibration of perfluorocyclobutane has been modeled with a propanediol in Acyclovir cream (F7). Diffuse reflectance FT-IR
quadratic-quartic potential (E19). Two-electron correlation theo- spectroscopy has been used to qualitatively and quantitatively
ries, second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation, and d functional determine drugs (heroin, cocaine, codeine) separated by thin-
methods have been adopted to obtain fully optimized structures layer chromatography (F8). GC/FT-IR has been used as a rapid
of styrene, trans-stilbene, and cis-stilbene. The relationship of method to distinguish cis and trans R,R-disubstituted piperidines
intermolecular and intramolecular forces was discussed (E20). and pyrrolidines (F9). GC/FT-IR has been used to identify 42
The IR spectra of some hydroxy aromatic Schiff bases have been monosaccharides as their trimethylsilyl ethers (F10). GC/MS
recorded. The bands due to CdN and OH groups were assigned and GC/FT-IR have been used to determine ferrocenes (F11).
and discussed in terms of molecular structure (E21). The GC/FT-IR has been successfully used in the identification of
structures of the size-selected hydrogen-bonded phenol-(H2O)n disaccharides after conversion to their methylsilyl ethers (F12).
clusters were investigated by analyzing the OH stretching GC/FT-IR and CCD Raman spectroscopy has been used to
vibrational spectral in S0, S1, and the ionic states. The charac- differentiate cyclopentane- and cyclohexane-containing com-
teristics of the different states were discussed (E22). The spectral pounds. The GC/FT-IR was viewed as a method to determine
characteristics of absorption bands of free and bound H-bonded individual naphthenes while the CCD Raman was viewed as a
molecules of substituted anilines in solution were determined by means to measure bulk mixture properties (F13). GC/FT-IR has
FT-IR spectroscopy (E23). Solvent effects on N-(3-chloro-2-benzo- been used to identify various fatty acids (F14). The total olefins
[b]thienocarbonyl)-N′-ethylthiourea were studied by examining the in gasoline can be determined on-line by process GC or FT-IR
changes in the IR bands belonging to the NH and CO bonds spectroscopy. The FT-IR method uses PLS correlation calibration
(E24). Spectral deconvolution, using a specially developed and takes approximately 0.2 min per determination (F15).
program, was used to characterize Co adsorbed onto alumina- Continuous FT-IR monitoring in conjunction with off-line pyrolysis
supported bimetallic catalysts containing either Fe or Ni (E25). GC/MS was used to evaluate the oxidation of fossil organic matter
A review on matrix IR spectroscopy of intermediates with low- in Miocene and Silurian sediments. The oxidation of the organic
coordinated carbon, silicon, and germanium atoms has been matter in the two sediments was compared (F16). The identifica-
written (E26). An FT-IR study of the bonding of methoxy on Ni- tion of volatile organic compounds generated during polymer
(100) has been used to evaluate the effects of coadsorbed sulfur, processing has been performed by the use of TG-GC/IR-MS
carbon monoxide, and hydrogen. Differences observed were spectroscopy (F17). A review on the application of multidimen-
attributed to changes in the metal-oxygen bond (E27). The FT- sional GC/MS and GC/FT-IR to the analysis of components in
IR spectra of six para-substituted aniline deriviatives and nine 1-p- complex matrixes has been written (F18). The analysis of
aminophenylazoles and benzazoles have been recorded (E28). The dimethylphenanthrenes by direct-deposition GC/FT-IR has been
fundamental IR absorption band for CO in solution in four reported with quantitative procedures described (F19). GC/FT-
chlorinated solvents has been reported. The changes in solute- IR has been shown useful in the determination of the stereochem-
solvent interaction were discussed (E29). The IR spectra of Fe istry of carbon-carbon double bonds conjugated with a vinyl
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 125R
group (F20). Off-line pyrolysis GC/MS/FT-IR was used to Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) FT-IR spectroscopy has
investigate oxidation of fossil organic matter in Miocene and been used in the characterization of the reaction mechanism of
Silurian sediments (F21). The photochemical degradation of Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 (F38). Thermogravimetric FT-IR methods were
dichoroprop and 2-naphthoxyacetic acid in water has been studied applied to characterization of used turbine engine lubricants
by GC/MS and GC/FT-IR. The photodegradation pathways were during a reclamation effort. A themogravimetric/secondary
described (F22). An aqueous smoke flavoring employed in the oxidation/FT-IR method was developed to determine trace levels
food industry has been studied using GC/MS/FT-IR spectroscopy. of chlorinated contamination. The detection limit was reported
The components were identified and discussed (F23). Headspace as 300 ppm (w/w) (F39). TGA/FT-IR has been used to study
GC/FT-IR has been used to study the in situ thermal decomposi- the thermal degradation of PMMA (F40). A review has been
tion products of O-ethyldithiocarbonate on mineral surfaces (F24). written on the applications of thermogravimetric analysis com-
DRIFTS has been coupled with GC to correlate changes in the bined with FT-IR spectroscopy. This review covers characteriza-
IR spectrum of a zeolite with the composition of the gas phase tion of coal, source rock, heavy hydrocarbons, biomass, waste
(F25). materials, and plastics (F41). Thermogravimetry/IR/mass spec-
On-line trace enrichment combined with column LC/FT-IR trometric analysis (TG/IR/MS), a relatively new technology, has
microspectroscopy has been used in the identification of herbi- been applied to the analysis of paper mill deposits as a rapid means
cides in river water. The identification limits for the herbicides of identifying contamination sources (F42). Thermogravimetry/
studied were reported (F26). Reversed-phase liquid chromatog- FT-IR spectroscopy have been used in the analysis of recycled
raphy has been used with FT-IR by means of a solvent elimination cellulose pulps (F43). TC/FT-IR spectroscopy has been used in
interface. Features studied included postcolumn band broadening, the study of the incineration and pyrolysis of polyethylene, PVC,
phase separation efficiency, evaporation efficiency, and extraction and PET (F44). TG/MS/FT-IR has been applied to the study of
yield. This technique was applied to phenylureas and quinones. post-cross-linking and decomposition of a phenolic resin (F45).
FT-IR detection was demonstrated at the submicrogram per A TG/FT-IR system was used in the study of modified phenolic
milliliter level (F27). Reversed-phase liquid chromatography with hardeners and curing of an epoxy resin. The technique was used
solvent elimination and FT-IR microscopy have been applied to in the study of the evolved gases during the decomposition of
the characterization of additives in PVC and polypropylene at the 2,6-dimethylol-o-cresol and the product modification with hexahy-
low-nanogram range (F28). HPTLC/FT-IR has been used on- drophthalic acid anhydride (F46).
line to identify LSD, MBDB, and atropine in an in situ measure-
ment (F29). A review on microcolumn liquid chromatography
A time-resolved IR double-resonance technique involving the
FT-IR has been written with attention to various approaches (F30).
use of two CO2 lasers was employed in a study of the transfer of
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) has been used with FT-IR
vibrational energy between ozone and oxygen or nitrogen at 200-
spectroscopy in studies of compositional distribution in copoly-
300 K (G1). Oxidation of the lubricant in the ring pack of a
mers, impurity profiling, and branching in polyolefins (F31). Film running diesel engine was detected by time-resolved FT-IR (G2).
morphology of polymer systems (polyethylene-polystyrene blends) Time resolution of 200 fs was achieved during time-resolved IR
have been studied by SEC-FT-IR (F32). A particle-beam LC/FT- and UV-visible spectroscopy by means of an ultrafast laser
IR interface has been employed in the investigation of the effect apparatus (G3). Time-resolved FT-IR was used in a comparison
of chromatographic conditions, such as mobile-phase composition, between cytochrome P-450cam carbon monoxide complex bound
elution process, and stationary phase, on protein secondary with (1R)-camphor and same complex bound with (1S)-camphor
structure. Qualitative and semiquantitative measurements were (G4). A review was given on time-resolved diode laser IR
possible (F33). The applicability of IR spectrometric detection reflection-absorption spectroscopy (G5). The reaction initiated
in liquid chromatography, based on solvent elimination prior to by pulse radiolysis of SF6/NO gas mixtures was investigated by
IR scanning, has been enlarged to gradient separations by time-resolved IR and UV spectroscopy (G6).
adaptation of a capillary column switching system and addition Femtosecond time-resolved IR spectroscopy was used to detect
of a postcolumn makeup liquid (F34). A mobile-phase elimination the reactive intermediates in an alkane C-H bond activation by
interface originally designed for liquid chromatography IR spec- organometallic compounds at room temperature (G7). A review
troscopy has been shown to perform exceedingly well for packed- of the application of time-resolved IR spectroscopy for the study
column SFC/FT-IR. The technique was used in the separation of organometallic photochemicals in solution was presented (G8).
of Irganox 1076 (F35). Principle component analysis was applied The use of time-resolved IR spectroscopy to probe excited states
to discriminate rapidly between extractable compounds that are of transition metals was discussed (G9). Time-resolved infrared
indigenous to papers and nonindigenous compounds on the basis spectroscopy was used to study the photolysis of 2-(methoxycar-
of their IR spectra. This method was applied with on-line SFE/ bonyl)phenyl azide and Cr(CO)4(2,2′-bipyridine) (G10, G11). The
SFC/FT-IR spectroscopy to yield an automated analysis of photochemistry of certain metal carbonyl species dissolved in
compounds that can be extracted from very complex matrixes supercritical noble gases or carbon dioxide was the focus of a
(F36). The orthogonal projection approach has been applied to study using time-resolved IR and UV spectroscopy (G12). Time-
the analysis of a reaction product by HPLC and LC/FT-IR in which resolved IR spectroscopy was applied to the study of the
overlapping peaks were observed. The resolution of the overlap- photochemical rearrangement of a rhenium dimetallacyclobutene
ping peaks into individual chromatograms and IR spectra were (G13). The propargyl radical produced by the UV photolysis of
discussed (F37). allene was detected by time-resolved IR diode laser spectroscopy
126R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
(G14). The products produced by the photochemical ring opening IR spectroscopy in heterogeneous catalysis studies was reviewed
of 1,3-cyclohexadiene were investigated by time-resolved step-scan (H9). The use of synchrotron radiation for reflection absorption
FT-IR spectroscopy (G15). The experimental results for one- and studies of surfaces was described (H10). New data on water
two-dimensional time-resolved FT-IR spectroscopy of liquid crys- incorporation in glass as determined by IR reflectance spectros-
tals were presented (G16). Time-resolved FT-IR was used to copy were reviewed (H11). The Raman and IR reflection spectra
monitor behavior of ferroelectric liquid crystals in an electric field of AlN (H12), BN (H13), GaN (H14) were reviewed. The analysis
(G17). A nematic solution of 2-naphthaldehyde in an electric field of photocopy toners by diffuse reflectance, attenuated total
was studied by time-resolved step-scan FT-IR (G18). A multi- reflectance, microscopic reflection-absorption, and microscopic
channel FT-IR spectrometer for single-event time-resolved spec- IR techniques was evaluated (H15).
troscopy was described (G19). Attenuated total reflection surface- Single-Crystal and Bulk Analysis Applications. The
enhanced IR absorption spectroscopy combined with time-resolved crystal field transitions for Nd3+ were studied by Raman and far-
IR spectroscopy were used in monitoring electrochemical reac- IR reflectance spectroscopies (H16). Polarization-dependent far-
tions (G20). Step-scan time-resolved FT-IR emission spectroscopy IR reflectivity measurements were made on single crystals of
was used to study the photodissociation of ethylene at 193.3 nm anatase TiO2 (H17). The relaxation effect of IR reflectance spectra
(G21). of nanocrystalline composite oxides was investigated (H18).
A nanosecond time-resolved IR spectrometer with a photovol- Raman and IR reflectivity spectroscopies were used to study the
taic MCT detector was described (G22). A review was published TeO2 crystal (H19) and the GaN crystal (H20). Hexagonal barium
that encompasses both experimental and theoretical studies of titanate was studied by Raman and IR reflectivity spectroscopies
the vibrational relaxation of small molecules in solution (G23). (H21). Polarized IR reflection spectra of TlClO4, TlBF4, and NH4-
The bacteriorhodopsin photocycle was measured by time-resolved BF4 single crystals were analyzed (H22). Bismuth disproportion-
ATR/FT-IR spectroscopy (G24). Nanosecond time-resolved FT- ation in BaBiO3 was studied by infrared and visible reflectance
IR spectroscopy was also used to study the early stages of the spectroscopies (H23). Yttrium and lanthanide copper oxides were
bacteriorhodopsin photocycle (G25). Time-resolved FT-IR was studied by X-ray diffraction and IR reflectance spectroscopy (H24).
applied to the investigation of the last steps of the photocycles of The far-IR reflectance spectra of bismuth cuprates were analyzed
Glu-204 and Leu-93 mutants of bacteriorhodopsin (G26). Pico- (H25). Phase transition dynamics in layered crystals were
second tunable IR pulses were used in a time-resolved spectro- investigated by IR reflectance and Raman spectroscopies (H26).
scopic experiment to study the vibrational energy transfer in Cobaltite spinels were characterized by IR reflectance spectros-
nitromethane explosives (G27). Time-resolved impulse photo- copy (H27). The formation and characterization of Si/SiO2
acoustic measurements of gases and solids were obtained with a multilayer structures by oxygen ion implantation into silicon was
step-scan FT-IR spectrometer (G28). Picosecond time-resolved studied by FT-IR reflectance spectroscopy (H28).
near-IR was used to study the excited states of C70 (G29). Cofacially stacked phthalocyanines doped with iodine were
The release of ATP from “caged ATP” and partial reactions of studied by IR reflectance spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (H29).
the Ca2+-pumping cycle of Ca2+-ATPase were followed by time- The application of reflectance micro-FT-IR spectroscopy to analyze
resolved FT-IR spectroscopy (G30-G32). A review discussed the coal macerals was described (H30). Protonated and deuterated
use of time-resolved infrared spectroscopy to follow events in ices compressed under high pressure showed IR reflectance
protein folding (G33). The IR chemiluminescence of the products evidence of a phase transition (H31). The application of infrared
for the NO + NCO reaction was monitored with time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy to mineral exploration was described
FT-IR (G34). The intermediates in the migratory insertion of CO (H32). The coordination states of molybdenum and the nature
into the metal-alkyl bond of manganese carbonyls were detected of copper ion sites in superionic glasses was investigated (H33).
by time-resolved FT-IR spectroscopy (G35). Far-IR reflectance investigations of lead borate and lead alumi-
noborate glasses were described (H34). FT-IR microreflectance
REFLECTANCE TECHNIQUES measurements of the CO32- ion content in glasses were discussed
Symmetry, selection rules, and nomenclature in surface spec- (H35). Polymer characterization by specular reflectance using
troscopies was reviewed (H1). The application of FT-IR, diffuse an FT-IR microscope was evaluated (H36). Microreflectance FT-
reflectance, and attenuated total reflectance techniques toward the IR techniques for the forensic examination of documents was
analysis of soil materials was discussed (H2). A review described discussed (H37). The application of real-time reflectance IR
the investigation of molecular chemisorption at single-crystal metal spectroscopy to the study of photopolymerization reaction rates
surfaces by reflection absorption IR spectroscopy (H3). Recent of stereolithography resins was developed (H38). Aspects in
advances in the use of IR and Raman spectroscopies for the interpreting results of reflectance and attenuated total reflectance
characterization of polymer/polymer and polymer/substrate in- spectra of semiconductor systems were discussed (H39). A
terfaces was reviewed (H4). The theory and practice of external method was developed for the in situ investigation of corrosion
IR reflection absorption spectroscopy as applied to films at the of copper in a gaseous environment (H40). The potential of IR
air/water interface were described (H5). Time-resolved diode reflection-absorption spectroscopy for the study of high-temper-
laser IR reflection-absorption spectroscopy and its application was ature oxidation of metals and alloys was demonstrated (H41).
discussed (H6). A book described the theory and practice of Thin-Film Applications. Reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy
attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy of polymers (H7), while was used as a tool for surface inspection and contamination
a review discussed the analysis of adhesives, sealants, and coatings detection (H42, H43). A method was developed that eliminated
by the same technique (H8). The use of diffuse reflectance FT- the problem of interference fringes in reflection spectra of
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 127R
photoresist films (H44). The current approach in using IR hexadecanoic acid monolayers at the air/water interface (H75).
reflectance spectroscopy for thin-film measurement in the semi- The interfacial behavior of water molecules at a gold electrode
conductor industry was outlined (H45). Semiconducting iron surface was analyzed (H76).
silicide films were characterized (H46). Polarized IR reflection Adsorption and Surface Reaction Applications. Infrared
spectroscopy was used to identify boron nitride film phases (H47). reflection-absorption spectroscopy has been used extensively to
FT-IR spectra of borophosphosilicate films obtained by metal- characterize adsorbed molecules on a variety of substrates and
backed configurations were compared to those obtained by to monitor surface reactions. Butene isomer reaction products
conventional transmission (H48). IR reflectance and transmit- evolved during the course of a surface reaction were identified
tance spectra of chalcogenide glass layers were analyzed (H49). (H77). The photolytic decarbonylation of iron pentacarbonyl
Cupric oxide in thin-film form was studied by IR reflectance adsorbed on a silica film was studied (H78). Adsorption and
spectroscopy (H50). Thin carbon films constructed from oriented reactions of formic acid on nickel surfaces was investigated (H79).
carbon nanotubes were studied (H51). Molecular association in The reactions of water and ethanol with a silicon surface were
thin films of mesogenic cyanophenyl derivatives was investigated studied (H80). Copper corrosion products formed by atmospheric
by reflection IR spectroscopy (H52). The infrared spectra of oxide corrosion were characterized (H81). Nitroglycerin photodecom-
films were modeled for microstructural analysis (H53). Silicon position on titania surfaces was measured (H82). The catalytic
oxynitride thin films were characterized (H54). Thin films of decomposition of 2-propanol was studied over molybdenum-iron
lubricating oils on metal surfaces were examined by polarization oxide catalysts (H83). The chemisorption of hydrogen at a silicon
modulation reflection-absorbance spectroscopy (H55). Iron surface was studied (H84). The mode of deactivation and coke
oxide films deposited on a magnesium oxide substrate were formation in H-SSM-5 zeolite during ethylbenzene dispropor-
examined (H56). IR reflection-absorption spectra of aluminum tionation was investigated (H85). The infrared spectra of neutral
hydrides on a silicon oxide surface were done using a buried metal and ionic hydrogen-bonded complexes formed by interaction of
layer substrate (H57). A spectroscopic study was done on the a series of bases with H-Y, H-ZSM-5, and H-mordenite were
self-assembling processes of organophosphates on evaporated compared with analogous adducts formed on H-Nafion (H86).
silver films (H58). The optimization of IR reflection spectroscopy The dehydrocyclization of submonolayer coverages of 1-hexene
for the quantitative determination of borophosphosilicate glass to benzene on a copper single-crystal surface was reported (H87).
parameters was described (H59). FT-IR reflection-absorption The nitridation of GaAs surfaces was observed (H88). The
spectroscopy was used for in situ observation of photoinduced interaction of amyl xanthate with chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, and
vapor deposition polymerization of N-vinylcarbazole (H60, H61). tennantite was studied (H89). Nitrous oxide generated by the
The redox-induced orientation change of a self-assembled mono- reduction of nitrite on a platinum electrode was monitored (H90).
layer of 11-ferrocenyl-1-undecanethiol was studied (H62). The role In situ infrared measurements of the reductive and oxidative
of hydrogen bond and metal complex formation in amino acid removal of a nonanethiol monolayer from a gold single crystal
monolayers was investigated using IR reflection-absorbance were made (H91). The adsorption and oxidation of carbon
spectroscopy (H63). The effects of substrates on the IR spectra monoxide on palladium was studied (H92). Kinetic studies of the
of Langmuir-Blodgett films was discussed (H64). Structure reactivity of ethylene on platinum surfaces were done (H93). An
disordering during surface pressure relaxation of Langmuir films in situ study was done of the electrooxidation of methanol on Pt-
of stearic acid was studied (H65). The structure and phase Ru electrodes (H94). Mixed self-assembled monolayers were
transitions in a Langmuir monolayer of tetracosanoic acid was used as a model surface to study the adsorption of dimethyl-
measured (H66). Stearic acid and cadmium stearate films were methylphosphonate and water vapor (H95). Reflection-absorp-
characterized by external reflection IR at various angles of tion IR spectroscopy was used to study the H/D scrambling
incidence (H67). Monolayer and multilayers of ferroelectric liquid reactions during the conversion of ethylene to ethylidyne in
crystals were characterized by polarization-modulated IR reflec- coadsorbed layers on platinum (H96). The melting of ordered
tion-absorption spectroscopy (H68). The vibrational spectros- monolayers of n-hexane, n-octane, and n-decane adsorbed on
copy of thin films of water adsorbed on metal surfaces under platinum was studied (H97). The chemical adsorption of 1-hexene
ultrahigh vacuum were discussed (H69). on ruthenium was studied (H98). The bonding and orientation
Interfacial Applications. Samples at air/water and air/metal of L-alanine on copper was determined (H99). Adsorption of
interfaces were measured by differential polarized reflectance ethene on clean and ethylidyne-covered platinum surfaces was
spectroscopy (H70). The molecular order of chiral monolayers investigated (H100).
at the air/water interface was determined by infrared reflection- The reflection-absorption IR spectra of chlorine adsorbed on
absorption spectroscopy (H71). Monolayers of behenic acid a silver surface were characterized (H101). Several adsorbates
methyl ester at the air/water interface and air/deuterated water on a copper surface were investigated at cryogenic temperatures
interface were used for the quantitative determination of chain (H102). The chemisorptive behavior of CO on several monome-
tilt angles (H72). Interfacial molecular interactions between tallic and bimetallic Pd, Cu, and Au catalysts was investigated
ferroelectric liquid crystal and poly(vinyl alcohol) films were (H103). The various phases occurring in dichlorodifluoromethane
investigated by IR reflection-absorption spectroscopy (H73). physisorbed on graphite were studied (H104). Thin films of nitric
Electromodulated FT-IR reflectance spectroscopy was used to acid hydrates and ammonium nitrate adsorbed on gold foil were
investigate the interaction of tetramethylthiourea with a polycrys- characterized (H105). Isotopic characterization was done of NO
talline gold electrode (H74). Partial chain deuteration was used adsorption, dissociation, and coadsorption with CO on platinum
as a probe of conformational order of different regions in (H106), as well as reduction of NO (H107). The spectrum of
128R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
iron pentacarbonyl adsorbed on gold surfaces was characterized using microscopical internal reflection spectroscopy (H139). The
(H108). The spectra of 1-prooxide and a set of deuterated use of diamond in an ATR design for analysis of highly corrosive
1-propoxides on a copper surface were obtained and characterized liquids was reported (H140). The evaluation of collector adsorp-
(H109). The adsorption of NO on a polycrystalline platinum foil tion phenomena by infrared internal reflectance spectroscopy of
was studied (H110). Two types of linear CO were observed transferred Langmuir-Blodgett films (H141). A new chemical
adsorbed on a copper electrode, while only one type was observed sensor based on ATR FT-IR spectroscopy was fabricated by
on a silver electrode (H111). The adsorption and reactivity of coating an ATR crystal with a hydrophobic mesoporous silica film
NO on copper was studied (H112). In situ and ex situ infrared which can extract hydrophobic analytes (H142).
studies of the nature and structure of thiol monolayers adsorbed ATR was used to monitor the decontamination reactions of
on cuprous sulfide were done (H113). Surface chemistry occur- chemical warfare agents (H143). The developmental changes in
ring during electroreduction of CO on electrodes modified with the content of carbohydrates and nitrogen-containing compounds
conducting polymer and inorganic conductor films was measured in amaranth plants was measured (H144). The effects of pH and
(H114). The spectrum of 2,5-dihydroxybenzyl mercaptan ad- metal ions on the conformation of bovine serum albumin in
sorbed on gold electrodes was obtained using attenuated total aqueous solution was studied (H145). Diffusion coefficients of
reflectance and reflection-absorption techniques (H115). Far IR sodium p-aminosalicylate in sheep nasal mucosa and dialysis
spectra of copper and platinum electrode surfaces were studied membranes were determined (H146). The skin barrier function
(H116). The adsorption and reduction of nitrate ions on gold and was evaluated by measuring the rate of transepidermal water loss
platinum electrodes was studied (H117). The coordination, by an in vivo ATR method (H147). The kinetics of adenosine
bonding, and configurational transitions for benzene and pyridine 5′-triphosphate hydrolysis was measured (H148). The infrared
adsorbed on platinum and copper were studied by reflection- spectra of aqueous solutions of acetohydroxamic acid in soil and
absorption IR spectroscopy (H118). Silicon surfaces treated with groundwater, and of suspensions of goethite with adsorbed
an HF solution were used to study the behavior of adsorbed F acetohydroxamic acid, were measured (H149).
atoms (H119). Reflectance absorbance spectra of methyl and Thin amorphous silicon layers on crystalline silicon substrates
ethyl formates chemisorbed on nickel were found to be consistent were characterized by infrared multiple internal reflection spec-
with surface coverage-dependent rotational isomerization (H120). troscopy (H150). Surface processes occurring during chemical
The orientation of adsorbed deuterated and isotopic ethoxides vapor deposition of silica through tetraethoxysilane onto GaAs
on a copper surface was measured (H121). The adsorption of were monitored by ATR (H151). Amorphous silicon monohydride
cyclohexane on clean and O-modified nickel surfaces was studied films were characterized before and after reaction with atomic
(H122). A study was done of D2O ice deposited on self-assembled deuterium (H152). The hydrogen-bonding features of reacting
alkanethiolate monolayers to measure cluster formation and film surfaces during hydrogenated amorphous silicon deposition
substrate/adsorbate interaction (H123). A thin film of poly(o- were investigated (H153). Dissociative adsorption of methyl
phenylenediamine) coated on a platinum electrode was character- iodide on silicon was followed by multiple internal reflection
ized (H124). The molecular structures of self-assembled bimo- spectroscopy (H154). In situ real-time measurements of chemical
lecular films on gold and silicon surfaces were studied (H125). etching processes were made on silicon surfaces in ammonium
The orientation effects in physisorbed multilayers on copper were fluoride solution (H155). The interfacial water near the hydro-
investigated (H126). An in situ study of 4-cyanopyridine adsorp- philic surface of a silicon single-crystal internal reflection element,
tion on a gold electrode was done (H127). Propyne chemistry and the hydrophobic surface of a polymer-coated germanium
on nickel and copper surfaces was characterized, using analogies single-crystal reflection element was characterized (H156, H157).
with ethyne adsorption (H128). A study was carried out on the An FT-IR ATR method was described for quantitative in situ
coadsorption of D2O with preadsorbed K on cobalt (H129). analysis of the adsorption and rinsing removal of surfactants from
Monolayers of octadecylsiloxane were formed on silicon and glass silicon surfaces (H158).
surfaces and studied by polarization- and angle-dependent external In situ ATR investigations of water, HSiCl3, and Co2(CO)8 on
reflection IR spectroscopy (H130). An in situ study measured zinc selenide surfaces were done (H159). The nature of acid sites
the coadsorption of perchlorate and bisulfate ions with adsorbed present in cation-exchanged montmorillonite was studied by ATR
Tl on platinum (H131). In situ IR reflection spectroscopy was (H160). Bonding mechanisms of salicylic acid adsorbed onto illite
used in the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of heteroge- clay were examined (H161). Hydration processes at the bentonite
neous adsorbed monolayers on a semiconductor electrode (H132). surface were studied (H162). The adsorption of polyamine, poly-
The adsorption of methanol on nickel oxide grown on nickel was (acrylic acid), and poly(ethylene glycol) on montmorillonite was
studied (H133). The adsorption of ethylene on nickel was studied investigated (H163). The interaction mechanism of sodium
(H134). dodecyl sulfonate with mineral fluorite was studied by ATR
Attenuated Total Reflectance. A review was given on efforts (H164). The chelation of titanium oxide, zirconium oxide, and
to find spectroscopic evidence for or against the formation of aluminum oxide surfaces by catechol, 8-quinolinol, and acetylac-
bilayer islands of adsorbed surfactants (H135). A technique for etone was studied by a new in situ ATR spectroscopic method
depth profiling using multiple-angle ATR FT-IR was described (H165). Real-time monitoring of electrochemical reactions by
(H136). A potential problem due to dispersion effects on infrared attenuated total reflectance/surface-enhanced IR spectroscopy was
spectra in attenuated total reflectance was described (H137). described (H166). An order-disorder process in Langmuir-
Variable-angle ATR spectroscopy was used for depth profiling of Blodgett films of dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride was
stratified layers (H138). Spectra of copy toners were obtained studied (H167). Trace levels of organic impurities in hydrofluoric
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 129R
acid solutions were measured using a clean silicon ATR crystal The application of diffuse reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy
to extract the organic impurities (H168). DMSO self-association toward heterogeneous catalyst studies was reviewed (H202). The
in acetonitrile solutions was investigated (H169). The hydrolysis state of palladium on the surface of titanium dioxide-based carriers
of trimethyl phosphate in aqueous solutions was studied (H170). was investigated (H203). The interaction of cobalt cations with
Polarized infrared ATR spectroscopy was used for the three- coordinated molecular oxygen species on Co-ZSM-5 emission
dimensional structural analysis of long-chain compounds (H171). control catalysts was studied (H204). The adsorption of paraffins
The adsorption of acetic acid on n-CdTe photoelectrodes in on simple oxides was studied (H205). Acid-base properties of
aqueous and nonaqueous solutions was studied (H172). Real- the surface of zirconia and zirconia modified with yttria were
time in situ ATR monitoring of mesoporous silicate syntheses was studied (H206). A kinetics and diffuse reflectance study of low-
performed (H173). The extent of adsorption and the spatial chain temperature carbon monoxide oxidation over Au-TiO2 catalysts
orientation of adsorbed alkyl phosphate surfactants on alumina was done (H207). In situ temperature-programmed diffuse
were studied (H174). The poly(p-phenylene vinylene)/chromium reflectance studies of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts were described (H208).
interface was characterized by ATR (H175). The electrochemical The active surface species and the reaction mechanism were
doping and protonation processes of polyaniline were described studied in the vapor-phase hydroformylation of ethene over Co/
using in situ FT-IR-ATR (H176). In situ FT-IR-ATR spectros- SiO2 promoted with various noble metals (H209). The reaction
copy was used to characterize the reduced form of polyaniline mechanism of catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides by propene
(H177, H178). in the presence of oxygen has been studied (H210). TiO2-
Diffuse Reflectance. An investigation was done to determine supported W- and Mo-selective catalytic reduction catalysts were
whether increasing the scanned sample area would improve studied before and after poisoning with As3+ oxide (H211).
results obtained by diffuse reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy (H179). Colloidal hematite adhered onto silver and mercury electrodes
Diffuse reflectance was combined with gas chromatography as a was studied (H212). Evidence of alloy formation was observed
coupled technique for the characterization of catalysts (H180). in a study of CO adsorption on a bimetallic Pt-Pd catalyst
Diffuse reflectance was used to evaluate cleanliness of rough supported on NaY zeolite (H213). The direct thermal interaction
surfaces (H181). Solid-phase reactions of solid resin beads were of elemental fluorine with hydrogenated and oxidized diamond
investigated using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (H182). The surfaces was investigated (H214). Diffuse reflectance spectros-
surface composition of AlN samples exposed to atmospheric air copy was used to characterize the adsorbed species when zirconia
was analyzed as a function of their preparation method (H183). is exposed to aqueous oleate and oleic acid over a range of pH
The structure of hydroxylated alumina surfaces were characterized (H215). Adsorption complexes of triacylglycerol and oleic acid
(H184). The use of diffuse reflectance for the nondestructive on silica gel and synthetic magnesium silicate were observed
inspection of organic films on sandblasted metals was discussed (H216). The thermal and adsorbed-water effects of a (3-amino-
(H185). The application of diffuse reflectance in the preservation propyl)triethoxysilane layer modified onto the surface of silica gel
of historical monuments by monitoring salt migration was de- were examined (H217). Boron nitride films deposited on steels
scribed (H186). Determination of the anti-sap-stain chemical from borazine were investigated (H218). The properties of
didecyldimethylammonium chloride on wood surfaces by diffuse different chromium oxide phases in the catalytic reduction of NO
reflectance was shown to be effective (H187). In situ analysis by NH3 was studied (H219).
was performed on catalytic surfaces of membrane electrode
assemblies in working fuel cells (H188, H189). A study was done EMISSION
on the reversibility of CdGeON sensors toward oxygen (H190). The use of FT-IR emission spectroscopy as a tool for the study
The modifications afforded by chemical treatments to the main of chemical reactions was reviewed (I1). Another review dis-
functional groups of a bituminous coal were characterized (H191). cussed the use of FT-IR emission spectroscopy in observing
The catalytic removal of soot from diesel exhaust gases was electronic, rotational-vibrational, and pure rotational transitions
studied (H192). Diffuse reflectance spectra of explosives were (I2). The potential of near-IR emission spectroscopy for real-time
studied (H193). A comparison of several FT-IR sampling tech- monitoring of gas-phase molecules was described (I3).
niques, including diffuse reflectance, was investigated for the The means to detect, visualize, and survey different kinds of
characterization of cement systems (H194). gases within industrial and energy processes, technological
The structural nature of polyacrylates adsorbed on alumina infrastructure, landfill bodies, and indoor and outdoor environ-
from aqueous solution was investigated (H195). Adsorption ments were discussed (I4). Exhaust gases from aircraft engine
interactions of bipyridines with the surfaces of different alumina- plumes were analyzed through remote sensing using FT-IR
pillar interlayered clays were studied (H196). The photochemistry emission spectroscopy (I5-I7). A new technique was described
of nitrates with alkali halides was studied (H197). The thermal that makes possible the laboratory IR emission study of gases of
derivatization of porous silicon was measured using diffuse atmospheric interest, specifically CFC-12 (I8). A design for an
reflectance spectroscopy (H198). The formation of ethyl tert-butyl open-path atmospheric monitor that uses both emission and
ether on H-modenite was measured (H199). A series of dealu- absorption spectroscopies was discussed (I9). Remote sensing
minated hydrogen mordenites were investigated with and without FT-IR emission spectroscopy was applied to the study of Freon-
probe molecules CO and H2 (H200). The analysis of volatile 12 thermal fragmentation in an alcohol/air flame (I10). FT-IR
organic chemicals adsorbed onto bentonitic clays was discussed emission spectroscopy was used to measure nitric acid and ozone
(H201). in the winter polar atmosphere (I11).
130R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
The cure chemistry and kinetics of aerospace epoxy resins interfacial oxides formed under steady-state anodic polarization
and prepregs were measured in real-time by FT-IR emission of p-silicon in fluoride electrolytes has been studied using
spectroscopy (I12). The in situ analyses of reaction intermediates difference in situ IR spectroscopy (J7). The promoted electrooxi-
and adsorbed species during chemical vapor deposition of silicon- dation of aqueous sulfur dioxide at platinum electrodes has been
based films by infrared emission spectroscopy were described studied in acidic medium with the aid of cyclic voltammetry and
(I13). The sulfidation of molybdenum oxide has been studied in situ FT-IR spectroscopy (J8). The five oxidation states of
by XPS and IR emission spectroscopy (I14). The dehydroxylation osmium carbonyl clusters have been characterized in the elec-
of a series of the kaolinite clay minerals has been investigated by trochemical redox processes using in situ FT-IR (J9). The
FT-IR in situ emission spectroscopy (I15, I16). activation and reduction of CO2 on a functional dual-film electrode
The FT-IR emission spectra of several different molecular has been studied by in situ FT-IR spectroscopy (J10). In situ far-
species have been studied. These include the OH and OD stretch IR spectra of the surface films on Cu and Pt in aqueous solutions
of HOI and DOI (I17), the vibration-rotation bands of ND (I18), have been obtained using a synchrotron source (J11, J12). A
the vibration-rotation bands of the CD radical (I19), and the comparison of static linear polarization selection and a new real-
spectra of ScH and ScD (I20). Similarly, the emission spectra of time technique has been done for the in situ FT-IR spectroelec-
CoH (I21), BN (I22), Ge-As-S and Ge-Ga-S glasses doped trochemical studies of copper electrodes. The species analyzed
with Dy3+ (I23), and LaH and LaD (I24) were studied. The in this comparison were the thiocyanate ion, imidazole, and
emission spectrum of FeF was observed in the near-infrared region glucose (J13). In situ FT-IR spectroscopy has been employed in
(I25), while the radiative decay of hot two-dimensional plasmons the study of the electrode/electrolyte solutions at pH values of
in AlO‚3GaO‚7As/GaAs heterostructures was studied by far- 1.2-3.4. The adsorbate associated with the anomalous peaks in
infrared emission spectroscopy (I26). The far-infrared laser the cyclic voltammetry of Pt(111) in sulfate- and bisulfate-
emission spectra of ammonia isotopomers were reported (I27). containing solution was examined (J14). In situ FT-IR has been
The blackbody infrared radiative dissociation of bradykinin and used to examine the effects of incorporating redox-active pendant
its analogues was measured (I28). [Ni(tetraazamacrocycle)]2+ in poly(3-methylthiophenol) on Pt
The vibrational relaxation of isomerizing alkyl halide complexes electrodes (J15). The underpotential deposition (UPD) of copper
of perylene were measured by stimulated emission spectroscopy and thallium on a Pt(111) electrode in a sulfuric acid solution was
(I29). Plasmas of fluorinated hydrocarbons under conditions studied by time-resolved in situ IR spectroscopy and electrochemi-
similar to those used in semiconductor surface processing were cal scanning tunneling microscopy. Surface changes were re-
analyzed using time-resolved FT-IR emission (I30). The time- ported (J16). In situ electrochemical FT-IR spectroscopy has been
resolved FT-IR absorption and emission spectra of species extended to the study of a real carbon-supported platinum-
produced in hollow cathode molecular discharges were character- ruthenium catalyst. Results of the electrooxidation of methanol
ized (I31). A new method was described that obtains time- and at bulk Pt, Pt particles, and carbon black-supported Pt-Ru
energy-resolved emission spectra using a step-scan FT spectrom- electrodes were discussed (J17). The oxidation of propene in
eter combined with correlational analysis techniques, providing aqueous HClO4 solution was studied on polycrystalline Au
superior dynamics and signal-to-noise ratios (I32). The quantita- electrodes using differential electrochemical mass spectroscopy
tive aspects of FT-IR emission spectroscopy and the simulation (DEMS) and in situ FT-IR spectroscopy. Reaction pathways and
of emission-absorption spectra were reviewed (I33). products were discussed (J18). In situ FT-IR spectroscopy has
been used in the study of the oxidation of 2-propanol on Pt(111),
PROCESS AND IN SITU ANALYSIS Pt(110), and Pt(100) electrodes. The reaction intermediates were
FT-IR spectroscopy has been used in conjunction with in situ characterized for functional groups (J19). Linear polarization
ellipsometry to characterize the deposition of amorphous hydro- absorption ratios were determined from data for carbon monoxide
genated silicon from a remote argon/hydrogen plasma. The FT- and bisulfate anion adsorbed on Pt single-crystal electrodes (J20).
IR results indicated a hydrogen content of 9-25 atom % (J1). IR The adsorption of sulfate species at polycrystalline gold electrodes
transmission spectra with submonolayer resolution of the initial were studied with in situ FT-IR spectroscopy in a HF/KF buffer
growth of amorphous hydrogenated Si deposited by F2 laser solution of pH 2.8. This method allowed for the clear distinction
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) have been reported. The between adsorbate and solution features (J21). The redox
technique allows for the evolution of the H content and bonding processes of poly(thiophene-3-methanol)-modified Pt electrodes
configuration on a Si substrate to be monitored during nucleation were studied by cyclic voltammetry, in situ optical beam deflection,
and growth (J2). The H content and stoichiometry of silicon and FT-IR techniques. FT-IR results were used to study the
suboxides in a plasma parallel PECVD system have been deter- insertion and release of ions into and from the polymer films (J22).
mined by FT-IR spectroscopy (J3). In situ IR spectroscopy has The electrochemical oxidation of thiourea on a Pt electrode was
been used to confirm the formation of gold-tetramethylthiourea studied at different potentials using voltammetry and in situ FT-
(TMTU) complexes from the etching of Au(111) electrode IR spectroscopy. The chemical changes during the reaction were
surfaces in the presence of TMTU (J4). In situ FT-IR spectroscopy discussed (J23). The coadsorption of nitriles and CO on Cu-
has been used in the study on the nature of the metal complex- ZSM-5 were studied using in situ FT-IR spectroscopy (J24). The
immobilized polyaniline/Prussian blue-modified electrode in the vibrational properties of CN-pseudohalide ions adsorbed on a
electroreduction of CO2 in an aqueous solution (J5). Neutral H2O Pt(110) single-crystal electrode in aqueous neutral solution were
and H3O+ adsorbed on a Pt(111) electrode from acid solutions studied using in situ visible-IR sum frequency generation. The
have been identified by in situ IR spectroscopy (J6). The adsorption behavior of both ions depends drastically on the
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 131R
electrode potential and on the immersion potential (J25). The the anionic species were discussed (J42). The decomposition
adsorption of nitrate ions on Au and Pt electrodes in acid solutions reaction of methyltrichlorosilane was investigated by an in situ
was studied in acidic solution using in situ FT-IRS. Coordination IR spectroscopic method. The decomposition products were
on the Au electrodes and reaction products was discussed (J26). characterized (J43). In situ IR spectroscopy has been used to
Under- and overpotential deposition of hydrogen on polycrystalline study the interaction of polypeptides and proteins with monomo-
platinum, Pt(100), Pt(110), and Pt(111) surfaces in sulfuric acidic lecular films of phospholipids (J44). FT-IR spectroscopy has been
medium was monitored by IR-visible sum-frequency generation used in the study of new molecular precursors of titanium oxide
(J27). The urea adlayers formed at the surface of Pt(100) for the sol-gel process (J45). In situ FT-IR has been applied to
electrodes immersed in urea-containing solutions were character- the study of the conversion of methane to methanol in a gas
ized in situ by cyclic voltammetry and FT-IR spectroscopy. The mixture with Fe-Al-P-O catalysts (J46). The absorptions of
bonding orientation of the urea at the surface of the electrode SO2 and CO2 to fresh and aged forms of CaO and Ca(OH)2 have
was discussed (J28). The ethanol electrooxidation on a coelec- been investigated using in situ IR spectroscopy. This study
trodeposited Pt-Ru catalyst was studied by in situ FT-IR spec- focused on the chemistry of SO2 with the deterioration of
troscopy. Only CO2 was detected under the experimental con- calcareous stone monuments (J47). In situ time-resolved FT-IR
ditions that produced acetaldehyde, acetic acid, and CO2 for a Pt spectroscopy was used to study particulate formation in radio
catalyst (J29). In situ FT-IR spectroscopy was used to characterize frequency discharges in mixtures of silane, Ar, and N. An
doped films of poly(5-amino-1-naphthol) electrodes. These elec- explanation of the results was discussed (J48). FT-IR was used
trodes were effective in the reduction of chlorate anions (J30). to probe the nanostructures of novel polymer/organically modified
The electrosorption of CO and CO2 from aqueous solutions of silicon oxide hybrids obtained from sol-gel reactions of mixtures
various pH values on polycrystalline Ni and Pd electrodes has of tetraethoxysilane and diethoxydimethylsilane in perfluorosul-
been studied using in situ IR spectroscopy techniques. Various fonic acid films (J49). FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study the
adsorbed species were identified (J31). With the help of in situ gas-phase thermal decomposition of [Y(TMHD)3], [CU(TMHD)2],
multistep FT-IR spectroscopy, two types of adsorbed geminal CO and [Ba(TDFND)2‚tetraclyme] under vacuum and at high tem-
have been observed for the first time at an electrochemically peratures (J50). In situ IR spectroscopy has been used in the
modified Rh electrode (J32). The adsorption of CO and interme- determination of high-pressure phase diagrams of methane/heavy
diate species in the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to hydro- hydrocarbon mixtures (J51). In situ FT-IR spectroscopy has been
carbons on a Cu electrode was examined using in situ IR employed in the monitoring of the SiC deposition in an industrial
spectroscopy (J33). CVI/CVD reactor. The gaseous species observed were discussed
The interaction of hydrogen with ZrO2 at high temperatures (J52). In situ FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study syndiotactic
has been studied by in situ FT-IR spectroscopy. A proposed poly(methyl methacrylate) films exposed to high pressure and
mechanism for the uptake of hydrogen by the surface of the supercritical CO2. The effect of mobility changes on spectral
zirconia was proposed (J34). The role of surface hydrides and features was discussed (J53). The electrochemical reduction of
fluorides in the Si-CVD process was studied by in situ FT-IR CO2 by electrogenerated LNi(0), where L was 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-
spectroscopy (J35). The electrochemical reduction of CO2 by bipyridine or 1,10-phenanthroline, was studied using in situ FT-
electrogenerated 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine-Ni and 1,10-phenan- IR spectroscopy (J54). Activation and reduction of CO2 on the
throline-Ni complexes was studied by in situ FT-IR spectroscopy. bis(1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonato)iron(II) complex-
The reactions of the carbonyl species with these complexes were fixed polyaniline/Prussian blue-modified electrode was studied by
discussed (J36). In situ FT-IR has been employed to study the in situ FT-IR spectroscopy. The site of attachment of the CO2
formation of NH3 during reduction of NOx with propane on H/Cu- was discussed (J55). FT-IR has been integrated with a sampling
ZSM-5 in the presence of excess oxygen (J37). A photogravi- system and control software as a continuous emission monitor
metric analyzer with FT-IR has been developed for the monitoring for the analysis of volatile organic materials and some inorganic
of removal of nitroglycerin from a reaction process. The FT-IR compounds (J56). In situ FT-IR has been used to characterize
was used to analyze the nitroglycerin photodecomposition prod- the oxidative degradation of working polymeric light-emitting
ucts on the surface of immobilized titania (J38). In situ FT-IR devices with active layers of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′ethoxyhexoxyl)-
spectroscopy has been used for the investigation of the interaction 1,4-phenylenevinylene] (J57). The electrooxidation of methanol
of chlorinated ethylenes (vinyl chloride, 1,1-dichloroethylene, on single-crystal surfaces was characterized by the formation of
trichloroethylene, and perchloroethylene with the surface of strongly adsorbed intermediates. Adsorbed species from this
chromium-exchanged zeolite Y (Cr-y) catalyst. The analysis was reaction were detected by in situ FT-IR spectroscopy (J58). The
performed at different temperatures between 25 and 300 °C (J39). reactions of acetaldehyde on the surface of CeO2, Pd/CeO2, Co/
In situ FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to study the effect of CeO2, and Pt/Co/CeO2 were examined by FT-IR spectroscopy.
temperature on the acid-bridged OH groups of mordenite zeolite Identification of the reaction products was discussed (J59). IR
with Si/Al ratios between 5.56 and 23.60 (J40). The initial activity spectroscopy has been used in the analysis of the uniform drying
of chromia/alumina catalyst in butane dehydrogenation was process of the paper process. This analysis gives information
studied in a flow reactor using on-line FT-IR gas analysis. The about temperature distributions along the paper track, supplying
time resolution for this analysis was on the order of seconds (J41). better process control (J60). Toluene alkylation with methanol
The mixed-valence isopolyanion Mo6O193- was investigated by over zeolites has been studied using FT-IR (J61). FT-IR spec-
means of cyclic voltammography, in situ FT-IR, and UV-visible/ troscopy of CO adsorbed at liquid nitrogen temperatures on zeolite
near-IR spectroelectrochemical methods. The characteristics of K-L has aided in the understanding of the interaction of the CO
132R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
with the zeolite surface (J62). IR measurement of single layers absorbance of the four fundamental IR-active modes in the high-
and coextruded plastic films has been reported. The application resolution IR spectrum (J81). In situ FT-IR spectroscopy was used
of this to measure film thickness has been discussed (J63). to monitor the production of air toxics during the pyrolysis and
ATR FT-IR was used in the analysis of the in situ adsorption combustion of benzene and o-dichlorobenzene. The effects of
of alkyl- and (perfluoroalkyl)trichlorosilane molecules on Si temperature and Cl concentration on the formation of polynuclear
substrates. The information from this analysis was used to aromatic hydrocarbons were discussed (J82). In situ FT-IR was
determine the Gibbs surface excess of adsorbed surfactants (J64). used to study the polynuclear peroxo complexes formed in a
Real-time ATR FT-IR monitoring of M41S-type mesoporous silicate H2O2- cerium(IV) decatungstate ion-reacting system. The effect
syntheses were performed which allowed the observation of of H2O2 concentration on complexes and reactions was discussed
simultaneous changes in both the organic and inorganic phases (J83). The polymerization of 2,2′-thienylpyrrole and the redox
of the mixtures (J65). The chemistry of Si(100) and -(111) behavior of the resulting polymer film electrodes were studied
surfaces during immersion in dilute HF solutions was studied by by FT-IR ATR experiments. The polymerization process was
multiple internal reflection IR spectroscopy (J66). In situ real- studied in aqueous solutions of different pH containing NaClO4,
time ATR IR measurements of chemical-etching processes on LiClO4, and NaBF4 (J84). The electrochemical redox processes
Si(111) and Si(100) surfaces in NH4F solutions have been carried of poly(thienylpyrrole) in acetonitrile solutions containing Bu4-
out for the first time (J67). The chemical nature of the Si(100) NClO4 or Bu4NPF6 were investigated using FT-IR-ATR spectros-
and Si(111) surfaces during immersion in dilute HF solution was copy (J85). The effect of moisture on a model silane coupling
investigated using ATR FT-IR spectroscopy (J68, J69). The agent-modified adhesive bond was studied using FT-IR ATR
dissolution of silicon oxides in hydrofluoric acid at the surface of spectroscopy. The silane studied was vinylbenzyl(trimethoxysilyl)-
a chemically oxidized silicon surface has been characterized by propylethanediamine hydrochloride (J86). In situ FT-IR ATR
ATR IR with a spectrochemical cell (J70). A new ATR FT-IR setup spectroscopy has been used to gain a picture of the base-acid
has been used for the in situ spectroscopic study on the ZnSe transition of leucoemeraldine, the reduced form of polyaniline in
crystal surfaces in the range of 600-4000 cm-1. This technique electrolytes containing KPF6/HPF6, NaClO4/HClO4, and NaReO4/
was used to study very thin water films on the crystal surface HReO4 (J87, J88). The electrochemical doping and protonation
and the formation of polysiloxane films with Si-H bonds at the process of polyaniline processes have been described using in-
surface (J71). The vibrational properties of 2,5-dihydroxybenzyl situ FT-IR-ATR spectroscopy (J89). In situ FT-IR MIR spectros-
mercaptan irreversibly adsorbed on gold electrodes were exam- copy has been used in the study of the electrosynthesis and redox
ined in 0.1 M HClO4 by ATR FT-IR and by FT-IR RAS techniques. process of poly(1,5-diaminonaphthalene) (J90). Analytical expres-
The surface features were discussed (J72). In situ FT-IR/internal sions have been derived within the Leveque approximation, for
reflection spectroscopy has been used to study interfacial water the steady-state concentration profile of a reactant or stable
near the hydrophilic surface of a Si single-crystal internal reflection product generated via first-order kinetics at an electrode in a
element. A depth profile of the H2O structure was examined and channel-type electrochemical cell under fully developed laminar
reported (J73). In situ ATR FT-IR spectroscopy was used the flow. This study has implications on the application of quantitative
examine the extent of adsorption and spatial chain orientation of ATR FT-IR in a channel-type spectrochemical cell (J91). The
adsorbed alkyl phosphate surfactant molecules on alumina. The adsorption of acetic acid on the n-CdTe photoelectrode in aqueous
effects on surface properties were discussed (J74). In situ and nonaqueous solutions has been studied using ATR FT-IR
cylindrical internal reflection FT-IR (CIR-FT-IR) was used to spectroscopy (J92). Theoretical aspects of the application of in-
examine the behavior of subcritical and supercritical hydrocarbons situ attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy to the study
processing over a Y-type zeolite at high temperatures and of a channel-type spectrochemical cell have been developed (J93).
pressures (J75). The effect of coke formed by the conversion of The in situ FT-IR internal reflectance spectroscopy (FT-IR IRS)
ethylbenzene as well as ethylene on the sorption capacity and analysis of interfacial water near hydrophilic and hydrophobic
diffusivity of benzene and ethylbenzene in H-ZSM-5 was inves- surfaces has led to a better understanding of the water structure
tigated by an in situ FT-IR technique. The coke species formed near these regions (J94). In situ ATR FT-IR spectroscopy has
during this test were characterized (J76). Using in situ FT-IR ATR been used to investigate the polymerization of aniline on the p-Si
spectroscopy, the electrochemical polymerization process of 2,2′- electrode. From this work, a mechanism of the polyaniline
thienylpyrrole monomer in electrolytes containing LiClO4, synthesis has been proposed (J95). An ATR IR sensor has been
Bu4NClO4, Bu4NBF4, and Bu4NPF6 was studied (J77). The developed and constructed to monitor the progression of chemical
investigation of the base-acid transition process of emeraldine reactions during processing (J96). A model-assisted feedback
(polyaniline) has been carried out by in-situ FT-IR spectroscopic control algorithm was developed to manipulate the mold temper-
methods (J78). ATR FT-IR spectroscopy, in conjunction with FT- ature and control the curing during liquid composite molding of
Raman, was used to elucidate the mechanism of the reaction of siloxane (J97). In situ IR spectroscopy has been used to study
benzonitrile and hydrogen peroxide in alkali medium (J79). In and model the hydrogenation steps in ethylene hydroformylation
situ high-resolution FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study the on 4 wt % Rh/SiO2 (J98).
photopolymerization of C60 film. A C60 dimer structure was The adsorption of phosphate species on the well-ordered
postulated from the results of this analysis (J80). In situ high- Au(111) single-crystal surfaces has been studied with in situ FT-
resolution FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study the orientation IR spectroscopy. The spectral features of the adsorbed H2PO4-,
phase transition of a H2O-free C60 film by examining the HPO42-, and PO43- have been identified (J99). The surface
temperature dependence of line shift, half-width, and integrated roughness and porosity during the photoelectrochemical etching
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 133R
process has been studied by in situ FT-IR spectroscopy using the in situ IR spectra of ruthenium(II) bipyridyl dicarboxylic acid
multiple internal reflection techniques (J100, J101). TiO2 single adsorbed to Degussa P25 and sol-gel TiO2 films. The site
crystals were studied in aqueous electrolyte with in situ FT-IR. adsorption structure was discussed (J121). The adsorption of CO
Both photoinduced evolution of oxygen from the water and the on the Au(332) surface was studied by LEED, surface potential
oxidation of model organic compounds can be followed with this measurements, temperature-programmed desorption, and IR
technique (J102). The role of surface hydrides and fluorides in spectroscopy. The IR band at 2120 cm-1 was observed to move
the Si CVD process has been studied by in situ FT-IR spectros- to lower wavenumbers with increasing coverage (J122). The
copy. The conditions for replacement of hydrides by fluorides adsorption and reaction of CO on La2O3 has been examined with
and subsequent etching were reported (J103). The anodic UV reflectance and FT-IR spectroscopy. The structural features
dissolution of p-Si in fluoride media has been studied using in of this interaction were discussed (J123). The stretching fre-
situ IR spectroscopy for various compositions of the electrolyte. quency of adsorbed CO (IR) and the 195Pt NMR of Pt catalysts on
The IR spectra of the oxide layer revealed information on the zeolite-NaY have been correlated. The chemisorption results of
disorder of the oxide in the current plateau (J104). In situ FT-IR this study indicate that a steric effect as well as an electronic effect
spectroscopy was used to study the adsorption of NO and the was operating (J124). FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to study
reaction of NO with O2 on H-, NaH-, CuH-, and Cu-ZSM-5 the protonic sites of HXSM-5 zeolite effects on adsorption of
zeolites. Decomposition of NO was observed for all catalysts, but methane at low temperatures. These sites are the active sites
the rates were observed to differ significantly for the different for methane conversion at high temperatures (J125). The phy-
materials (J105). The adsorption of acetone and its coadsorption sisorption of CO at low temperatures on a catalyst of H-mordenite
with CO were studied on a solid-state ion-exchanged Cu-ZSM-5 embedded into an amorphous silica alumina matrix was investi-
catalyst using in situ FT-IR spectroscopy. Changes in the C-O gated by FT-IR. The technique provides a means of characterizing
stretching vibrational frequencies of the adsorbed species were the porosity of the catalyst (J126). The low-temperature methane
characterized (J106). The adsorption of MeCN and its coadsorp- adsorption and coadsorption of methane and CO on HZSM-5 and
tion with CO on a solid-state ion-exchanged Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst Mo/HZSM-5 were investigated by FT-IR spectroscopy. The
were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (J107). In situ IR absorbance assignment of observed bands was discussed (J127). The
spectra of NaVO3 was obtained at pressures up to 300 kbar. Two coordination geometry of Cu ions within zeolites was studied using
distinct phase transformations were observed (J108). In situ FT- photoluminescence and IR spectroscopy (J128). Gravimetric
IR microscopy has been utilized in the study of the nature, measurements with FT-IR analysis were used in the quantitative
strength, and reactivity of the sorption sites of single crystals of analysis of CO chemisorption on Pt/H zeolites (J129). The
the microporous gallophophate cloverite. Two kinds of structural reactivity of Pt metal clusters supported on KL zeolite toward CO
hydroxyl groups were identified (J109). Dehydrated Cd-ex- was studied by FT-IR spectroscopy at various pressures (J130).
changed zeolite HY reacted with H2S to give (CdS)4 in zeolite hosts The interaction of CO and N2 with ferrisilicate MFI-type zeolites
has been studied by IR spectroscopy. The coordination around has been studied by FT-IR spectroscopy. The surface chemistry
the Cd atoms was discussed (J110). The characterization of the of the interaction was discussed (J131). The chemistry of the
coordination geometry or Cu ions included within zeolites was interaction of dimethyl ether with H-ZSM-5 zeolites has been
carried out with in situ XAFS, photoluminescence, and IR mea- studied using in situ IR spectroscopy (J132). The effects of
surements (J111). The adsorption of phosphate species on structural defects and alloying of Pt/ZnO on adsorbed CO
Pt(111) and Pt(100) has been monitored by FT-IR spectroscopy chemistry have been studied using FT-IR spectroscopy (J133).
(J112). The adsorbed residue originating from the contact of SO2 The surface reactions of CCl4 with zeolites have been examined
with smooth platinum electrodes was characterized by in situ FT- by FT-IR spectroscopy. The Fermi resonance observed was
IR and cyclic voltammtery in 1 M HF solutions. A potential explained by reaction intermediates (J134). The IR spectra of CO
dependent spectral feature ranging between 980 and 1020 cm-1 adsorbed at 77 K on ZnO ex-carbonate, on CoO and on CoO-
was reported (J113). FT-IR spectroscopy has been employed to ZnO solid solutions have been characterized (J135). The adsorp-
investigate the effect of both the deposition parameters and tion and oxidation of CO over gold supported on ZnO and TiO2
subsequent thermal processing on phosphosilicate glass (J114). were studied by FT-IR and mass spectroscopy. Two kinds of sites
In situ IR has been used to study ethylene hydroformylation on the particles were identified (J136). The structure of adsorbed
catalyzed by silica-supported [Rh12(CO)3O]2- cluster anions. The CO on nanostructured Pt-Ru electrode surfaces has been
counterions in the study were Li+, Na+, K+, and Zn2+ (J115). In examined by FT-IR spectroscopy (J137). IR spectroscopy has
situ IR studies of the oxydehydrogenation reaction of propane over been used in the study of metal support interactions in the
VPO/TiO2 catalyst indicated the Lewis acid sites are linked to adsorption of CO on supported platinum in Pt/LTL and Pt/SiO2
COx formation and Brønsted sites to propene formation (J116, catalysts (J138). CO adsorption on high-loading Ni/MgO samples
J117). The reactivity of adsorbed CO toward H on Rh/SiO2 treated at 800 and 900 °C was studied by IR spectroscopy. Linear
catalyst has been examined by IR spectroscopy. The effect of and bridged monocarbonyls were characterized (J139). IR
linear CO and bridged CO on the reaction was discussed (J118). spectroscopy was used in the study of the CO stretching mode
In situ FT-IR was used to study the oxygen adspecies on SrF2/ with respect to Brønsted and Lewis acidity of dealuminated acid
La2O3 catalyst during the oxidative coupling of methane (J119). ZSM 5, ultrastable Y, fluorinated USY, and Y zeolites. Changes
The electrooxidation of CO adsorbed on polycrystalline Pt, Ru, in the OH IR bands on the surface of the zeolites were discussed
Pt0.5Ru0.5, and Pt0.7Ru0 was studied by in situ IR spectroscopy (J140). The measurement of the shift in the stretching frequency
(J120). Internal reflection spectroscopy has been used to obtain of Brønsted hydroxyl groups on adsorption of a weak base has
134R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
been proposed as a quantitative measurement of the strength of FT-IR spectroscopy. The IR spectra from p- and s-polarization
acid sites in zeolites. This information might prove useful in the were discussed (J160). Physically adsorbed acetonitrile, THF,
development of catalysts (J141). The IR spectrum of CO adsorbed diethyl ether, and methanol-d in supercritical SO2 on silica gel
on Ni(100) has been shown to display an additional high-frequency were studied by FT-IR at pressures up to 15 MPa (J161). The
band at approximately 2200 cm-1. This absorbance has been acid properties of pure and sulfated zirconias were studied by FT-
attributed to the internal stretching mode of CO molecules weakly IR spectroscopy of adsorbed CO and NH3 probe molecules. Two
bonded to the Ni surface atoms (J142). The picosecond mid-IR types of Brønsted acidic centers and two types of Lewis acid
pump-probe experiments were used to study vibrational relax- centers were identified (J162). The oxidation state of Rh/Al2O3
ation of CO bound to synthetic metalloporphyrins with different catalyst was investigated by XPS and IR spectroscopy of adsorbed
metal atoms (Fe, Ru, Os), different axial nitrogenous ligands, and CO (J163). The dynamics of adsorbed species on Rh/SiO2 catalyst
differently substituted porphyrins (J143). Ag clusters were during CO hydrogenation to form methane was studied by in situ
prepared by either gas aggregation or matrix aggregation. The IR spectroscopy combined with steady-state isotopic transient and
clusters were embedded in CO and CO/Ar matrixes, and the CO pulsing CO methods (J164). In situ MIR IR studies of semicon-
stretch frequency of the monolayer coverage was discussed ducting electrode surfaces have provided information of surface
(J144). The structure and hydrogen bonding of solid N1-alkyl- chemistry of HF-rinsed silicon (J165).
arylthioureas was studied by 13C CP/MASS and IR spectroscopy. The adsorption and decomposition of N2O over ZrO2 has been
It was concluded that, with the exception of cyclic dimers of N1 studied in situ by in situ diffuse reflectance IR Fourier transform
propenethioureas, hydrogen bonding occurs at N1 and N2 of the DRIFT, TPD, TPR, and XPS. The surface chemistry was dis-
structure (J145). The electrooxidation of CO adsorbed on cussed (J166). An in situ DRIFTS technique was used in the study
polycrystalline Pt, Ru, and Pt-Ru alloys has been studied by in of the active surface species and the reaction mechanism of the
situ IR spectroscopy. The effects of increased Ru content on the vapor-phase hydroformylation of ethene over Co/SiO2 promoted
IR spectrum of the CO stretch vibration were discussed (J146). with various noble metals (J167). DRIFT spectra of two humic
The Cu2+ ion sites in copper-exchanged ZSM-5 for activation and sodium salts have been recorded to study structural changes
methanol synthesis have been studied by XPS and FT-IR spec- caused by heating (J168). In situ DRIFT spectroscopy has been
troscopy (J147). The adsorption of CO and the coadsorption of introduced as a method for studying the catalytic surfaces of
CO and H2 on Ni/Al2O3 catalyst were studied by FT-IR. The membrane electrode assemblies in working fuel cells (J169). The
interaction of the CO molecules with the surface was described catalytic surfaces of membrane electrode assemblies in direct
(J148). The adsorption of CO2 and CO2/H2 on SiO2-supported methanol/oxygen fuel cells were investigated in situ by FT-IR
Cs-doped Cu catalyst has been examined by FT-IR spectroscopy. diffuse reflection spectroscopy. Possible mechanisms for metha-
Two forms of adsorbed carboxylate were identified also (J149). nol, formaldehyde, and formic acid oxidation at the anode surfaces
The adsorption of CO, NO, and C2H4 and reaction of CO+H2 on were discussed (J170). In situ DRIFT spectroscopy was used to
well-dispersed FeOx/TIO2 and FeOx/Al2O3 catalysts were studied study both the adsorbed and desorbed species produced on high-
with pulse adsorption and temperature-programmed desorption surface-area anodes (Pt-Ru, Pt black) and cathodes (Pt black)
of NO and FT-IR. The adsorption properties and reaction products of direct methanol/oxygen fuel cells (J171). In situ DRIFT
of the study were discussed (J150). Some Ru and Co carbonyl spectroscopy has been used in the study of chromia on titania
clusters in zeolite pores were prepared by a ship-in-bottle catalysts containing different chromium oxide phases used for the
technique and characterized by FT-IR and EXAFS (J151). Some low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide by
Cu and Cu-Ni-on-silica catalysts were characterized by IR ammonia (J172). In situ DRIFT spectroscopy has been utilized
spectroscopy of adsorbed CO. The interactions of surface species in the high-temperature study of OD stretching vibrations on the
were discussed (J152). The adsorption of CO and CO2 on two surface of various Li ceramics. The frequency of the stretching
series of palladium-based catalysts was compared by IR spectros- vibration of the OD group has a strong correlation with the LI/O
copy (J153). The adsorption of Co on CuO/SiO2 and Cu-ZSM-5 ratio of the ceramics (J173). Hydroxyl groups on the surface of
catalysts was studied by IR spectroscopy (J154). The vibration Li2O were studied by DRIFTS at high temperatures under
frequencies of adsorbed CO molecules on Pd/MgO(100) have controlled D2O and D2 partial pressures (J174). Temperature-
been examined by fast FT-IR spectroscopy (J155). Both linear programmed DRIFT spectroscopy has been proposed to follow
and bridged forms of adsorbed CO on Pt/ZrO2 catalyst have been in situ temperature-programmed reduction and the temperature-
observed using FT-IR spectroscopy (J156). IR spectroscopy has programmed programmed desorption experiments of catalyst
been used to study the decomposition of CO2 on a copper- systems. TPDRIFTS studies of desorption and reduction of a
containing methanol catalyst (J157). The transient nature of conventional V2O5/TiO2 catalyst have been carried out (J175). The
adsorbates for the reaction of NO with CO over a 4 wt % Rh/SiO2 reaction mechanism of catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides by
catalyst has been studied by in situ IR spectroscopy combined propene in the presence of O2 has been studied by in situ DRIFT
with pulse transient techniques (J158). The reactivity of adsorbed spectroscopy (J176). In situ FT-IR ATR spectroscopy with mass
CO toward H has been studied using a temperature-programmed spectroscopy were used in the kinetic investigation of the reaction
reaction technique coupled with IR spectroscopy. This combina- mechanism of CO2 methanation over a catalyst (J177). The
tion provided information on the structure and reactivity of oxygenation functions issued from the oxidative thermal treatment
adsorbates, activation energy, and kinetic data for the CO of mesocarbon microbeads at 320 °C were investigated by
hydrogenation reaction (J159). The adsorption of CO on the DRIFTS. Some information about the reaction kinetics and
MgO(100) surface prepared in situ was studied using polarization mechanism were discussed (J178).
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 135R
In situ reflection IR spectroscopy with electrochemical modula- The potential-dependent structure change and irreversible
tion was used to study the coadsorption of anions for the system anodic decomposition reaction of a 2-(11-mercaptoundecyl)hy-
Tlads/Pt(111) in dilute H2SO4 and HClO4. Possible structures of droquinone monolayer on a gold electrode surface in 0.1 mol/L
the Tl-ClO4 and Tl-HSO4 adlayers at Pt(111) were discussed HClO4 solution was studied by electrochemical in situ FT-IR
(J179). The potential-dependent structural change and irreversible reflectance absorbance spectroscopy (J196). The effects of Ar,
anodic decomposition of the self-assembled monolayers of 3-mer- H2/AR, and H2/O2/Ar downstream microwave plasmas on the
captopropanenitrile and of 8-mercaptooctanenitrile on gold elec- surface structure and properties of poly(vinyl chloride) films have
trode were studied by SNIFTIRS (J180). SNIFTIRS has been used been studied using in situ IR reflection-absorption spectroscopy
in the study of the structure of the double layer for the system (J197). Real-time IR reflectance spectroscopy has been employed
Pt(hkl)/acetonitrile with tetraethylammonium perchlorate and to identify the hydrogen incorporation and release process that
sodium perchlorate electrolytes (J181). The SNIFTIRS results control the final hydrogen content of hydrogenated amorphous
obtained on polyaniline films containing heteropoly anions in acidic silicon films (J198). In situ IR reflectance absorbance spectros-
solutions have been reported. The report focused on the behavior copy has been used to detect reaction products resulting from
of the anions during the redox switching of the polymer (J182). the etching of Si in Cl2 plasmas. The species in the gas phase
SNIFTIRS has been used to probe the concentration change of and at the surface were characterized (J199). The electrochemical
the perchlorate anion in the electrochemical double layer at behavior of an azobenzene containing a self-assembled monolayer,
Au(100) (J183). SNIFTIRS and two internal reflectance modes 10-[4-(phenylazo)phenoxy]decane-1-thiol, was examined by in situ
have been used in the study of the surface chemistry of Li FT-IR reflection absorption spectroscopy. The process and
electrodes and nonactive electrodes polarized to low potentials architecture were discussed (J200). In situ reflectance IR spec-
in LiC(SO2CF3)3 solutions in 1,3-dioxolane and THF (J184). The troscopy was used in the real-time monitoring of the metallorganic
electrooxidation of hypophosphite ions on polycrystalline nickel vapor-phase epitaxy growth of InGaAsP films (J201). In situ IR
in alkaline solutions was studied using cyclic voltammetry, ellipsometry was used to demonstrate the efficiency of several
chronoamperometry, and in situ IR spectroscopy (J185). SNIF- plasmas in the removal of hydrocarbon contamination from
TIRS studies on the electrooxidation of hypophosphite at poly- metallic surfaces prior to film deposition (J202). In situ IR
crystalline and single-crystal Ni electrodes indicated a process reflection spectroscopy has been combined with spectral simula-
dependent upon the structure of the crystal plane exposed for tion in the study of monolayers of ethyl xanthate formed at a
the electrolyte (J186). The subtractively normalized interfacial controlled potential on cuprous sulfide (J203). An approach to
FT-IR technique has been applied to the in situ IR spectroscopic the use of IR reflectance spectroscopy for thin-film measurement
study of electrochemical doping of poly(N-vinylcarbazole). The in the semiconductor industry has been described. The multilayer
doping of ClO4- anion was shown to be limited by cross-linking thickness and doping concentration of IC wafers can be deter-
of the polymer (J187). Subtractive normalized FT-IR spectroscopy mined by a single-angle, unpolarized IR reflectance measurement
studies were performed on the electroreduction of CO2 at a Cu using an FT-IR spectrometer (J204). Reflectance IR spectra of
electrode, using isotopically labeled CO2 and HCO3- in H2O and tungsten oxide films have been used to determine the refractive
D2O (J188). index and extinction coefficients (J205). The behavior of diethyl
In situ external reflection FT-IR spectroscopy was performed carbonate electrolyte on lithium with a surface film was examined
during cyclic voltametric polymerization of poly(p-phenylene) films by in situ FT-IR spectroscopy. Solvent penetration of the film and
(J189). Nitridation of GaAs(001) surfaces grown by MBE was reaction with the lithium was observed (J206). In situ IR
observed by detection of reflectance change caused by the absorption spectroscopy was measured for a hot-filament diamond
formation of Ga-N and As-N bonds by reflection FT-IR spec- growth process. Absorptions of CH4 and C2H2 were detected
troscopy (J190). In situ external reflection absorption FT-IR (J207). In situ IR absorption was used to monitor diamond films
spectroscopy was used to understand the dynamics of the organic/ prepared by hot-filament CVD. The presence of C2H2 in the
inorganic interface during crystal growth. The dynamics of diamond film was proposed as the active radical in diamond
template-directed calcite crystallization were studied (J191). In growth (J208). The enhancement of copper growth in the
situ reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to study the chemical vapor deposition of Cu(II) by auxiliary reagents has been
adsorbed species, reactive intermediates, poisoning intermediates, monitored by FT-IR spectroscopy (J209). In situ IR reflection-
and reaction products of the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol absorption spectroscopy has been used for conformational analysis
on Pt-Ru electrodes (J192). In situ IR reflectance spectroscopy of different regions of partially deuterated fatty acid and phos-
combined with spectral simulation has been applied to the study pholipid Langmuir films (J210). A versatile, thin-layer cell to
of the supramolecular structure of ethyl xanthate (C2H5OCS2-) perform in situ IR spectroelectrochemistry has been used to
species on cuprous sulfide. The identity of adsorption products monitor the electrochemical reaction of oxyhalide electrolytes
was discussed (J193). External reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy (J211). The interaction of hydrophobic and hydrophilic species
was used to study the electrochemical deposited poly(o-phen- at the surface of minerals has been studied using in situ FT-IR
ylenediamine) on a Pt electrode. The film was doped with ClO4- reflection spectroscopy and ATR FT-IR spectroscopy (J212). In
and the resulting features were characterized (J194). IR reflec- situ IR spectroscopy was used to monitor the adsorptive and
tance spectroscopy for thin-film measurement has been applied catalytic events occurring at the gas/solid interfaces during
in the semiconductor industry. This technique has been used 2-propanol decomposition over pure and MnOx-modified aluminas
for the multilayer thickness and doping concentration determina- (J213). The atomic layer controlled deposition of silicon nitride
tions (J195). has been studied by FT-IR reflection absorption spectroscopy
136R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
(J214). The real-time in situ observation of deposition and re- alcohol to aldehydes and ketones on resin support (J235).
evaporation of N-vinylcarbazole polymer on a Ag-coated glass plate Methodology for the in situ IR monitoring and analysis of solid-
was performed using FT-IR RA spectroscopy (J215). Real-time phase organic reactions has been developed. This technique has
in situ FT-IR RA spectroscopy has been used to evaluate the vapor been applied to the analysis of solvent diffusion into and subse-
deposition polymerization of N-vinylcarbazole (J216). Reflectance quent washout from aminomethyl polystyrene beads (J236). The
FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study the abnormal optic proper- interaction of allylbenzene with oxide catalyst surfaces having
ties of adsorbed CO on a dispersed Pt layer on different substrates different surface characteristics has been investigated by FT-IR
(J217). Reflectance absorbance IR spectroscopy has been used spectroscopy (J237).
to study the adsorption and oxidation of CO on Pt(110) (J218). A prototype FT-IR-based measurement system designed for
Reflectance absorbance IR spectroscopy has been used to ob- continuous emission monitoring has been tested in full-scale and
served the reversible phase transition between chemisorbed CO pilot plant-scale fossil fuel-fired combustors. The results of these
on Cu(100) with physisorbed overlayers (J219). FT-IR RA spectra applications are discussed (J238, J239). IR absorption spectra of
obtained for a set of D- and isotopic carbon-labeled ethoxides molecular clusters formed in a supersonic free jet expansion were
adsorbed on the Cu(111) surface have been used to determine measured at various conditions. Cluster size and distribution were
the orientation of the adsorbed ethoxide (J220). The thermal discussed (J240). Emission IR spectroscopy has been demon-
desorption of CO and NO on MO2C has been studied using strated to be an effective technique for in situ analysis of reaction
reflectance absorbance IR spectroscopy (J221). The adsorption intermediates and adsorbed species during chemical vapor deposi-
and desorption of CO and hydrogen on K-modified Ir(111) has tion of Si-based films at high temperatures (J241). In situ IR
been studied using reflectance absorbance IR spectroscopy (J222). spectroscopy was used to study the intermediates of the reaction
Polarization modulation IR reflectance absorption spectroscopy of NOx reduction with propane in excess O2 on Cu-ZSM5- zeolites
has been applied for the first time to the study of the adsorption (J242). FT-IR technology has been successfully applied to the
of CO on Co(001) (J223). RAIRS has been used to identify and monitoring of emission gases from an oil refinery. This technique
characterize three distinct coverage-dependent phases for CO on monitors CO2, SO2, NOx, NH3, and HCl in the presence of H2O
Co(1010). The orientation of the CO on the surfaces was (J243). Gas-phase FT-IR has been applied to the on-line analysis
discussed (J224). The adsorption of cyclohexane on clean and of effluents containing trimethylamine and methanol quantitatively
O-modified Ni(111) surfaces was studied by RAIRS. The orienta- using PLS (J244).
tion of the cyclohexane at the surface was discussed (J225). NIR spectroscopy has been used to develop a method for the
Adsorption of CO on Ni(100) surfaces has been studied by determination of lubrication properties of oils (J245). On-line NIR
reflectance absorption IR spectroscopy (J226). In situ reflectance monitoring to a polyol process resulted in a decrease in production
FT-IR has been used for the evaluation of the photoinduced of out-of-specification material and increased the plant throughput
reaction at an aqueous solution/semiconductor interface of a (S)- (J246). A proposal for the use of mid-IR spectroscopy to provide
lysine solution (J227). The coadsorption of H2O and SO3 linear calibration numbers to calibrate on-line NIR monitors with
molecules on Pt(111) has been studied by reflectance-absorption nonlinear features has been suggested (J247). On-line NIR in
IR spectroscopy. The structure at the surface of the electrode hostile environments has been shown to be advantageous in many
was shown to be a double layer (J228). Reflectance-absorbance incidents. The calibration problems have been noted, but the
IR spectroscopy in conjunction with scanning tunneling micros- highly precise results from the NIR is a strong drawing point
copy has been used to study the structure of irreversibly adsorbed (J248). A report has been written on the practicality of keeping
cyanide adlayers on a Pt(111) electrode (J229). The nitrous oxide NIR working in an industrial environment. Calibration model
generated by the electrochemical reduction of nitrite on a transfer and maintenance were two topics covered (J249). NIR
polycrystalline platinum electrode in aqueous HClO4 was moni- spectroscopy has been applied to the noninvasive on-line detection
tored by in situ FT-IR reflection adsorption spectroscopy. IR of cortical spreading depression in the pentobarbital-anesthetized
observations were found to agree with on-line mass spectrometry rat (J250).
(J230). The interfacial behavior of water molecules at a polycrys- An automated system for the on-line monitoring of powder
talline gold electrode surface in aqueous sodium halide solutions blending processes has been developed and applied to give a real-
was studied by in situ FT-IR reflection absorption spectroscopy. time determination of blend homogeneity (J251). NIR spectros-
Frequency shift dependence on the electrolyte anion was observed copy has been evaluated as an on-line technique to monitor the
(J231). homogeneity of a pharmaceutical blend containing 10% sodium
The acidity of cloverite was studied by in situ FT-IR microscopy benzoate, 39% microcrystalline cellulose, 50% lactose, and 1%
of sorption of probe molecules with varying basicity. Changes in magnesium stearate. The experiments were carried out using
the cloverite lattice were discussed (J232). Spatially resolved IR fiber optics, a commercially available NIR spectrometer, and a
microscopy was used in conjunction with the contact method to blender (J252).
conduct in situ diffusion experiments of photocured polymer- The suitability of diffuse reflectance NIR spectroscopy as an
dispersed liquid crystals (J233). In situ diffusion and miscibility on-line method to monitor process streams was tested in a pilot
studies of polymer-dispersed liquid crystals dissolved in a polymer plant-scale oil sand extraction plant. The feasibility of monitoring
matrix were carried out using FT-IR microscopy. This technique feed stream conditions was demonstrated by principal component
was used to study the miscibility of a liquid crystal (E7) in poly- analysis of the measured spectra (J253). Diffuse reflectance NIR
(butyl methacrylate) (J234). Single-bead FT-IR microscopy was spectroscopy was applied in an at-line process analytical interface
used for the real-time monitoring of the catalytic oxidation of to determine moisture content in bulk hard gelatin capsules. No
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 137R
sample pretreatment was required, and the analytical time was Imaging NIR radiometry has been employed successfully for
1-2 min (J254). radiance measurements of the closed coupled atomization of nickel
The need for stable, high-quality process NIR and IR spectro- base superalloys. The technique provides opportunities for real-
scopic analysis has been discussed. Steps to condition the time process control feedback (J274). A spatially resolved IR
samples prior to analysis have been presented (J255). A method imaging technique has been developed to monitor the linear
has been developed for the NIR monitoring of the cracking adsorbed CO coverage on supported catalyst surface to better
property of a feed to a steam cracking process (J256, J257). NIR understand the dynamics of spatitemporal patterns on heteroge-
using a ripple calibration technique has been described and neous catalyst (J275).
applied to the characterization of web thickness and coating NIR spectroscopy has been used as a process monitor for the
monitoring (J258). A new on-line process control spectrometer anionic polymerization of styrene and isoprene in cyclohexane and
for measurements from the UV to the IR has been developed and in THF (J276). In situ real-time NIR monitoring has been
tested in combustion gas analysis of a waste incineration plant demonstrated in the reaction of phenyl glycidyl ether with aniline
(J259). A high-pressure and temperature in situ transmission IR and bisphenol A diglycidyl ether with 1,8-diaminonaphthalene in
reactor cell has been developed and applied to the study of and epoxy resin-amine reactions (J277). The esterification
adsorbates in CO hydrogenation and NO-CO reaction on Rh/ reaction between acid or anhydride and an alcohol has been
SiO2 (J260). A transmission IR cell of simple construction has monitored by NIR spectroscopy for both small molecules (J278)
been developed to study heterogeneous catalysis in situ. The cell and polyesters (J279). NIR has been used to measure and control
was demonstrated on the catalytic NOx removal (J261). A properties of polyamide formation in the manufacturing of poly-
generalized mathematical treatment has been developed that amide yarn (J280). The application of IR and UV photometers in
enables the quantitative analysis of various in situ spectroscopic the continuous monitoring of product purity has been discussed
experiments involving detection of solution-phase species gener- (J281). The thermal elimination of NaCl from sodium chloro-
ated at the surface of a rotating disk and ring disk, channel, and acetate, a polymerization reaction that takes place between 150
tube-type electrodes under steady state (J262). An attempt at and 200 °C in the solid state, has been monitored by in situ IR
application of modern IR spectroscopy as a noncontact-nonde- spectroscopy. The polymerization process, intermediates, end
structive technique for evaluation of chemical processes has led groups, and byproducts have been explained from these results
to an improved sample handling system. Use of this has been (J282). Direct control of fermentation by on-line NIR spectroscopy
recommended for off-line as well as on-line applications (J263). A has been described (J283). NIR spectroscopy has been shown
fixed-volume sample of a reaction mixture of a chemical process to provide tighter process control, greater process knowledge,
has been injected into a liquid carrier stream. The stream was and improved product quality assurance in fermentation process
passed through an IR detector which was used to monitor a analysis (J284). NIR spectroscopy has been applied to the process
species of the reaction mix (J264). Chemometrics has been control of antithrombin III production using a partial least-squares
applied to the NIR monitoring of the manufacturing of ethyl algorithm (J285). NIR spectroscopy has been applied to the
glucoside fatty ester (J265). postconsumer package identification. A correct classification rate
A closed loop on-line NIR spectrometer has been used in the of better than 97% for six major types of packages in household
analysis of the gasoline blending process. This has enabled the garbage was reported (J286).
operation to gain tighter control of the octane number of their An aqueous supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) FT-IR spec-
process (J266). On-line prediction of 10 gasoline properties troscopy technique was used to monitor dodecane in water
including research and motor octane numbers, vapor pressure, ranging from 200 to 12.5 ppm (J287). A simple on-line SFE FT-
API gravity, and aromatic contents were carried out using NIR IR transmission cell has been used to obtain both qualitative and
spectroscopy and fiber optics (J267). NIR spectroscopy with fiber quantitative information about analytes in supercritical fluids
optics has been used in on-line determination of hydrocarbon (J288).
gases at a petrochemical plant in mixtures of ethane, ethene, A review has been written on the available spectroscopic
propane, and propene (J268). Fiber-optic FT-IR spectroscopy has techniques for the in situ study of combustion chemistry occurring
been applied to the in situ monitoring of input partial pressures in an internal combustion engine chamber (J289).
of organometallic precursors in a vertical rotating-disk OMVPE FT-IR spectroscopy has been used in the study of fluorine
reactor (J269). A novel H2O-cooled mid-IR fiber-optic probe with dopant levels in plasma-enhanced chemical-deposited fluorinated
calcogenide fibers and a ZnSe internal reflection element has been silica glasses. The effects of dopant levels on peak positions,
use in the in situ analysis of an acid-catalyzed esterification reaction areas, film thickness, and physical properties were reported (J290).
in toluene at 110 °C (J270). An IR fiber-optic sensor has been FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to monitor exhaust gases
developed for the in situ detection of chlorinated hydrocarbons produced from the plasma-supported gas-phase cleaning of
and other pollutant species in water (J271). NIR process applica- PECVD facilities (J291).
tions focused on the use of fiber optics and probes to interface to A list of Internet sites has been presented which may be of
the process have been carried out in single-point and multiple- interest to anyone dealing with IR and near-IR spectrochemical
point NIR process analysis. The technique has been reported to analysis (J292). A new mathematical correction method has been
produce a result in 45 s or less (J272). NIR spectroscopy using developed for on-line film thickness determination for FT-IR
fiber optics has been applied as a monitor of homogeneous and analysis incorporating both optical interference and absorption
heterogeneous reactions. This technique has been applied methods (J293). FT-IR spectroscopy has been applied to the
directly to full-size chemical reactors (J273). analysis of pollution prevention systems in ceramic processing
138R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
(J294). FT-IR has been applied to the determination of chemical ab initio calculations and GC/MS/FT-IR (K6). The absorption
concentrations of constituent classes of hydrocarbon feed to a of SO2 and CO2 on CaO and Ca(OH)2 was studied by in situ IR
catalytic cracking process (J295). Discriminant analysis using (K7). Results from this study may aid in understanding how
principle components of mid-IR spectral data has been shown to polluted air can lead to the deterioration of stone monuments and
be a powerful quality validation tool for manufacturing processes buildings. IR and X-ray diffraction methods for determination of
(J296). Initial studies on open-path FT-IR for measurements at a quartz in coal and airborne dust were compared (K8).
refinery, chemical plant, and natural gas processing facility have Motor oil contamination in sandy loam was determined using
proven promising. The effects of water vapor interference have near-IR reflectance spectroscopy (K9). Hazardous organic com-
been reduced using software algorithms (J297). The open-path pounds were detected in sandy soil using IR fiber-optic sensors
FT-IR technology was applied for a four-week period around the (K10). An IR method to screen soil samples from waste sites for
process area of an industrial chemical facility. Methods for dealing explosives, pesticides, and some volatile or semivolatile organics
with background collection, quality assurance techniques, predic- was discussed (K11). Explosives in soils were detected via the
tion modeling, and data storage, presentation, and retrieval were pyrolysis products using tunable infrared laser differential absorp-
discussed (J298). The translational energy of CO2 produced from tion spectroscopy (TILDAS) (K12). An FT-IR spectrometer and
CO oxidation on Pd foil at 600 K was studied using high-resolution fiber-optic probe were used for real-time analysis of soil for organic
IR chemiluminescence spectroscopy. The rotational structure of contaminants (K13). FT-IR was among the techniques used to
certain vibrational transitions was fully resolved using a FT-IR investigate the inorganic compounds present in coal ash from
spectrometer operating at 0.006-cm-1 resolution (J299). This power plants (K14). The use of a polypropylene filter and IR for
technique has also been applied to the catalytic oxidation of CO the quantitative determination of respirable cristobalite in airborne
on Pt(110), Pt(111), and polycrystalline Pt surfaces. The vibra- dust was reported (K15).
tional temperatures of the resulting products were discussed Chemometrics and a near-IR analyzer that uses acoustooptic
(J300). A combined IR and MS technique has been used to tunable filter (AOTF) spectrometry were employed to identify
determine extinction coefficients of adsorbed CO on the 4% Rh/ organic contaminants in pretreated wastewater (K16). Volatile
SiO2 catalyst. The procedure provides a fast and accurate method organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in water using solid-
for the determination of extinction coefficients of adsorbed surface phase microextraction of the VOCs into Parafilm and IR analysis
species (J301). The structure of a triruthenium ketenylidene of the Parafilm (K17). Chlorinated pesticides in water were
cluster deposited on MgO, SiO2, and SiO2-Al2O3 has been concentrated into a chloroparaffin-plasticized PVC coating on an
examined by FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy (J302). A cell and ATR element or optical fiber and analyzed by FT-IR (K18). A
optics design for in situ far-IR spectroscopy study of electrode Teflon-coated silver halide optical fiber was evaluated as a sensor
surfaces using synchrotron radiation has been discussed. Precau- for the FT-IR analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbons in water (K19).
tions necessary for good results were also discussed (J303). Herbicides in river water were identified by liquid chromatogra-
Explanations on application of interferometer- and grating-based phy/FT-IR (K20). Low concentrations of hydrocarbons in water
IR spectrometers on process analysis with calibration strategies were detected by coupling an aqueous supercritical fluid extraction
have been published (J304). vessel to an FT-IR spectrometer (K21). An evanescent field
Octane number has been calibrated successfully with accuracy absorbance sensor operating in the near-IR region was used for
and precision sufficient for ASTM conformance using an acous- the detection of hydrocarbons in water (K22). A filter-based
tooptic process spectrometer (J305). Oxidation of CO over a infrared analyzer for measurement of oil contaminants in water
palladium/zirconia catalyst obtained from an amorphous Pd25Zr75 was described (K23). Reports were published on the evaluation
precursor was investigated by time-resolved FT-IR spectroscopy of IR sensors capable of detecting oil spills on water at night (K24,
(J306). Two types of adsorbed geminal CO have been observed K25). The nondispersive IR organic carbon analyzer and the CO2
for the first time at an electrochemically modified Rh electrode coulometer were compared as methods for the determination of
using in situ multistep FT-IR spectroscopy (J307). The reaction dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in water (K26).
of dimethylaluminum hydride with photochemically deposited Examples were given to illustrate how process analysis
hydrogenated amorphous silicon was studied in situ with polariza- monitors can be used for pollution control (K27). The desorption
tion modulation IR spectroscopy (J308, J309). of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, H2O) from a thin film of poly-
(methyl methacrylate) was followed by FT-IR (K28). The impact
ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS of the ban on the manufacture of Freon 113 was discussed in
A review of the environmental applications of near-IR spec- relation to the IR analysis of water or soil for hydrocarbons (K29).
troscopy was presented (K1). The use of FT-IR for monitoring A paper was published that describes the design and use of a
processes at coal-fired power plants was reviewed (K2). FT-IR micromachined, integrated optical bench for a carbon dioxide IR
was included along with other spectroscopic techniques in a sensor (K30). Quality assurance measurements for consistent
review of methods for studying combustion chemistry in an instrument operation and performance prediction of passive FT-
internal combustion engine chamber (K3). The use of IR IR data collection systems for air analysis were developed (K31).
techniques such as DRIFT and ATR for soil analysis was described In another paper, the quality assurance aspects for FT-IR analysis
in a review (K4). using a short cell and high concentrations of gases were
FT-IR, NMR, and chromatographic techniques were used in considered (K32).
the differentiation of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin isomer pairs Gas analysis is an important aspect of monitoring the environ-
(K5). Seven tetrachlorobutadiene isomers were identified using ment. A number of devices for the analysis of gases by IR
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 139R
spectroscopy were described in various papers. These include a reviewed for the period from 1969 to 1992 (K67). Chlorine
tubular IR waveguide sensor with a functionalized self-assembled monoxide was detected in the lower stratosphere via FT-IR
monolayer (K33), fiber-optic sensors for on-line gas monitoring measurements (K68). Ground-based FT-IR was used in the
(K34), a portable FT-IR, real-time, gas analyzer (GASMET) (K35), determination of the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere
an IR imaging volatile organic carbon field sensor (K36), an (K69-K71). A passive remote IR sensing system for monitoring
intercavity diode laser near-IR spectrometer (K37), and a dual- atmospheric pollution was discussed (K72). The CO column
cell extractive FT-IR ambient air monitor (K38). abundance in the atmosphere over Tokyo was measured by IR
Sources of noise in FT-IR instruments used for trace gas (K73). Column densities of various trace gases were obtained
analysis were the subject of an investigation (K39). Heated by high-resolution FT-IR solar absorption spectrometry (K74).
extractive FT-IR was used for the analysis of volatile emissions Considerations for using IR to determine the distributions of nitric
from production facilities (K40). Fugitive emissions (carbon acid and nitric oxides in the Earth’s atmosphere were discussed
tetrachloride, 1,3-butadiene, propane) from piping components (K75). The use of a ground-based FT-IR spectrometer as a remote
were analyzed with a portable IR analyzer (K41). Trace gas monitoring device for pollutants such as CFCs was reported (K76).
analysis was carried out by means of a Midac FT-IR equipped The influence of aerosols and cloud absorption on the FT-IR
with a multipass cell and Grams/386 software (K42). FT-IR was determination of atmospheric pollutants was studied (K77). Mid-
used for time-resolved air monitoring for methyl bromide con- IR measurements of the atmosphere above the South Pole yielded
centrations after fumigation of buildings (K43). Ammonia and information about water vapor content, trace gases, temperature
HCl were detected in flue gases using a GASMET gas analyzer profiles, and aerosols (K78). Trace gases in the atmosphere
(K44). The IR spectra of 18 hydrochlorofluorocarbons and (including HCl and ClONO2) were detected from a high-resolution
hydrofluorocarbons were measured and used to calculate radiative FT-IR spectrometer operating from a stabilized balloon gondola
forcing and global warming potentials (K45). A portable FT-IR (K79). A high-resolution FT-IR spectrometer carried on an aircraft
was used for the measurement of hexahydrophthalic anhydride and used for remote sensing of atmospheric emission was
in air at a manufacturing site (K46). Volatile organic compounds described (K80). The HBr profile in the stratosphere was
and some inorganic compounds were detected on-line using an measured via far-IR emission spectroscopy (K81). A review
FT-IR spectrometer as a continuous emission monitor (K47). IR covered the remote sensing of Earth’s atmosphere from space
spectroscopy and gas correlation techniques were used for the via IR (K82). Another review discussed far-IR remote monitoring
visualization of gas flows (K48). FT-IR was used for the deter- of the atmosphere (K83). An FT-IR that will be placed on a
mination of consumer exposure to solvents during paint stripping satellite (CESAR) and used to monitor trace gases in the
operations (K49). An algorithm was developed for quantitative atmosphere was described (K84). A review discussed the use of
analysis of the FT-IR spectrum of a chemical plume (K50). mid-IR tunable diode lasers for monitoring trace gases in the
Several papers outlined the use of FT-IR spectroscopy for the atmosphere and remote sensing of exhaust gases (K85). An
analysis of emissions from the burning of coal (K51-K54). FT- airborne tunable diode laser IR spectrometer (FLAIR) was used
IR has also been used as a continuous emission monitor for stack in the measurement of trace gases in the troposphere (K86).
gas at an oil refinery (K55) and incinerator (K56). In situ and NIR tunable diode laser systems that use fiber optics were
extractive FT-IR techniques for the analysis of compounds from described. The instruments can be used for stack monitoring
incineration of chlorinated hydrocarbons were discussed (K57). (K87). An IR emission spectrometer carried on an aircraft was
Quantitative analysis of the toxic gases produced during chemical used to monitor a number of gases from wildfires in the western
quenching of JP-8 fuel fires was performed using FT-IR spectros- United States (K88). Methods for achieving background sup-
copy (K58). FT-IR spectroscopy and a chemometric technique pression to facilitate FT-IR monitoring of volatile organic com-
(partial least squares) were investigated as a means to obtain the pounds were discussed (K89). Fourier transform near-IR spec-
concentrations of compounds in the smoke from burning textiles troscopy was used for remote monitoring of volatile organic
(K59). compounds (K90). Remote sensing of smoke stack plumes was
Sampling techniques and FT-IR methods for analysis of achieved with high-resolution FT-IR spectroscopy (K91, K92). The
nonmethane organic gases in automotive exhaust were presented feasibility of remote measurement of HNO3 and SO2 in aircraft
(K60). The gases from aircraft engine exhaust were analyzed by exhaust gases was investigated through computer modeling of
an on-board FT-IR spectrometer (K61). An emission FT-IR the IR spectra of the exhaust plume (K93). Industrial fugitive
technique was used to detect water, carbon dioxide, and carbon emissions of hydrocarbons were measured by the FT-IR tracer
monoxide in aircraft engine exhaust (K62). Nitric oxide, nitrogen method (FTM) (K94). A new remote optical fiber sensor for near-
dioxide, and water were measured in aircraft engine exhaust with IR detection of CO2 was reported (K95). Near-IR vapor sensors
a tunable IR diode laser system (K63). FT-IR spectroscopy was were developed that depend on the detection of compounds
used in a study of vehicle exhaust emissions from oxygenated adsorbed on thin-layer chromatography plates (K96). An in situ
fuel blends (K64). Four analyzers are normally used to test monitor for underground waste sites uses an FT-IR system and a
vehicle emissions for CO, CO2, NOx, and total hydrocarbons for fiber-optic reflectance probe (K97). A fiber-optic IR reflectance
the IM240 inspection test. The results from an FT-IR analyzer probe was also used in the remote detection of trichloroethylene
were compared to those of the four analyzers (K65). FT-IR was in soil (K98). Band-pass digital filtering and linear discriminant
used in studying the catalytic conversion of NOx (K66). analysis were applied to portions of the interferogram data from
The use of IR spectrometry for the analysis of certain gases a passive FT-IR system in order to detect trichloroethylene vapor
(such as ClO, NO, and HCl) in the upper atmosphere was in the presence of other chemicals (K99). The reactions of
140R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
alumina powder with halomethanes were studied by in situ FT- CARBON AND CARBON COMPLEXES
IR as part of an investigation of the impact of alumina from solid- Carbon cluster anions, trapped in an Ar matrix, were studied
propellant rocket motors on the chemistry of the stratosphere spectroscopically. New bands found in the IR spectra were
(K100). assigned to asymmetric stretching modes of the C3, C5, C7, and
The application of open-path FT-IR at three Shell Oil sites was C9 anions (L1). The IR spectra of neutral linear carbon clusters
discussed (K101). An automated open-path FT-IR system was were studied in Ne, Ar, and Kr matrixes. Thermal annealing and
used to monitor volatile organics from a wastewater treatment high-level ab initio and density functional theory calculations were
plant (K102). The gases produced from controlled biomass fires used to locate unknown bands of C8 and C9 clusters (L2). The
were detected by open-path FT-IR at 0.12-cm-1 resolution (K103). n7 stretching mode of the linear C9 carbon cluster has been
The use of open-path near-IR tunable diode lasers for the detection observed at 1601.0 cm-1. Comparison to isotopic shifts and
of fugitive emissions was reported (K104, K105). Air pollutants theoretical calculations confirm the assignment (L3). Two previ-
in a petrochemical industrial park were measured with open-path ously identified fundamentals, n4 of the linear C7 cluster, were
FT-IR remote sensing techniques (K106, K107). Indoor tracer confirmed using 13C isotopic shifts and theoretical calculations
gas concentration profiles were obtained with an open-path FT- (L4).
New assignments for the silent-mode vibrational frequencies
IR spectrometer and computed tomography (K108). These two
in C60 are proposed that are consistent with the Raman and IR
techniques were also used to obtain two-dimensional maps of air
spectra, isotopically induced frequency shifts, and theoretical
pollutants (K109). Open-path FT-IR analysis of emissions from
calculations (L5). The room-temperature IR and Raman spectra
volcanoes and extractive FT-IR analysis of gases from polluted
for the pressure-induced rhombohedral, tetragonal, and orthor-
groundwater were discussed in a study describing the use of FT-
hombic C60 polymers and the C60 photopolymer have been
IR for environmental monitoring (K110). Open-path FT-IR in
explored (L6-L8). Fluorinated C60 fullerenes were examined
combination with synthetic calibration was found to be useful for
spectroscopically (L9). A quantitative IR method has been
the analysis of smoke from biomass fires (K111). The effects of
established for the determination of C60/C70 concentrations in
spectral resolution on open-path FT-IR measurements were
mixtures (L10).
investigated (K112-K114). The U.S. EPA has contracted the
The influence of the method of deposition on the atomic scale
development of standardized procedures (document TO-16) for
structure of amorphous hydrogenated carbon has been analyzed
obtaining quantitative data from FT-IR remote sensors. The
using IR spectroscopy and inelastic neutron spectroscopy (L11).
contents of these procedures were described (K115). Details
The bonding configurations of hydrogen in hydrogenated amor-
were provided on methods for estimating emission rates from
phous carbon (a-C:H) has been studied using IR spectroscopy
nonhomogeneous fugitive sources using open-path FT-IR (K116).
and thermal effusion experiments (L12). IR spectroscopy was
The results of an open-path FT-IR field study of air pollutants by
used to examine thin solid films of hydrogenated amorphous
the API and U.S. EPA were presented (K117). Both FT-IR and
carbon under conditions near decomposition (L13). Structural
UV systems were used at a Superfund site in an evaluation of
changes induced by nitrogen doping amorphous hydrogenated
open-path fenceline monitoring and emission rate estimation carbon films hacw been investigated using IR and photolumines-
(K118). Open-path FT-IR and UV were also used to monitor cence spectroscopy (L14). An IR analysis of amorphous hydro-
volatile organics during excavation at a petroleum refining site genated carbon films has been performed to determine the sp3/
(K119). Modeling techniques to estimate emissions from air sp2 ratio (L15).
pollution sources by open-path FT-IR were reported (K120). Infrared and Raman spectroscopies were used to characterize
Quality assurance programs for open-path FT-IR air monitoring the structural changes that occurred in hydrogenated diamond-
at 20 U.S. industrial plants and waste sites were reviewed (K121). like carbon film upon implantation with heavy energetic ions
A fence line FT-IR monitoring system around the perimeter of an (L16). The interactions of hydrogen and methyl radicals with
industrial facility was described (K122). An exposure chamber diamond (C111) surfaces were examined using IR-visible sum-
was used in the evaluation of the accuracy of an open-path FT-IR frequency vibrational spectroscopy (L17).
spectrometer (K123). The use of open-path FT-IR for measure- The interactions between acetone and pure carbon surfaces
ment of air pollutants in industry and agriculture was discussed and carbon surfaces doped with cations (Ni2+, Cu2+, Cr3+) were
(K124). The design of an open-path atmospheric monitor contain- explored. The IR spectra indicate that acetone can be both
ing an acoustooptic tunable filter for emission spectroscopy and physisorbed and chemisorbed on the pure carbon surfaces.
lasers for mid-IR and far-IR absorption spectroscopy was described Acetone can also be used to probe the surface for Lewis acidic
(K125). The methodology used in open-path FT-IR monitoring sites (L18).
of a process area was presented along with recommendations for The measurement of C13/C12 ratios in carbon samples
improvement (K126). The results of open-path FT-IR measure- converted to CO2 gas can be accomplish using IR spectroscopy
ments at a Kodak industrial complex and the Hanford site were (L19). Pressure broadening of the 2350-cm-1 band permitted
reported (K127, K128). A paper detailed the use of a program to isotope ratio differences of 0.02 at. % above the natural abundance
calculate open-path FT-IR reference spectra for temperatures at of 1.11 at. % to be detected (L20).
which no spectra are available (K129). A report was presented The far-IR spectra of carbon disulfide under high pressure in
on the methods used in a training course in Taiwan on open-path a diamond anvil cell did not reveal a solid-state phase transition.
FT-IR technology (K130). Calibration of an open-path FT-IR The intramolecular bonding weakens at high pressure and the
spectrometer via multipass cells was described (K131, K132). intermolecular bonding increases at the pressures studied (L21).
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 141R
The distribution of functional groups in coal macerals can be aminoquinolines in carbon tetrachloride solutions were examined
examined using reflectance IR microspectroscopy. The technique (M11).
yielded information on the character of aliphatic chains of vitrinite Near-infrared was used to study the hydrogen bonding
and liptinite macerals from high-volatile bituminous coal and can between thioacetamide and N,N-disubstituted benzamide deriva-
be used to study the degree of oxidation and reactivity of vitrinite tives in CCl4 (M12). The hydrogen-bonding influence on the
and semifusinite (L22). Specular reflectance IR microspectros- molecular vibrational spectra of liquid methanol was studied by
copy was also used to account for reflectance anomalies seen in molecular dynamics simulation (M13). The IR bending vibrational
the Brent coal series of the North Sea. The variations in the band of water in aqueous haloethanol mixtures was studied as a
chemistries of the vitrinites and oxidation biased the reflectance measure of hydrogen-bonding strength (M14). FT-IR studies of
measurements (L23). Self-deconvolution and curve-fitting of the hydrogen bonding between unsaturated esters and several alco-
IR spectra of coal varying in rank were used to gain additional hols were correlated with the enthalpy of hydrogen bond forma-
information on structural changes that occur during coalification tion (M15). The infrared absorption spectra of acetone and
(L24). Chemical treatment modification of coal samples was methanol mixtures in a solid argon matrix showed H-bond
followed using diffuse reflectance IR spectroscopy (L25). The interactions (M16). The integrated intensities of bent hydrogen
weathering process in stockpiled coals, including zones where bonds in o-dialkylaminomethyl phenols and deuterated analogues
signs of high oxidation and self-ignition, were studied using IR were measured (M17). An infrared study was done of intramo-
spectroscopy (L26). lecularly hydrogen-bonded aromatic carbonyl-containing com-
The coal properties of volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash, carbon, pounds in various solvents (M18). The hydrogen bonds in
different crystal phases and melts were determined for a group
hydrogen, and vitrinite reflectance could be successfully deter-
of alcohols derived from 2,2-dimethylpropane (M19). Substituent
mined from models based on derivative diffuse reflectance IR
effects on hydrogen bonding were measured for ortho-substituted
spectroscopy (L27). Compressed infrared data from osculating
nitrobenzenes and 2,4-dinitrobenzenes in chloroform and aceto-
polynomials gave slightly better correlations for these same
nitrile (M20). Complexes of five pyridines and nine pyridine
properties of coal (L28).
N-oxides with 2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenol were studied by infrared
The middle oil fractions of high-temperature coal tar were
spectroscopy (M21). The far-infrared hydrogen bond vibration
examined and chemical components identified using gas chro-
was studied as a function of the pKa of the donor or acceptor
matography/infrared spectroscopy (L29).
molecules for systems of complexes (M22).
Chemical changes that occurred during thermal decomposition
The self-assembling properties of pyridone and the structure-
of rockrose to produce char and activated carbon have been
breaking effects of organic solvents were investigated (M23). The
examined using IR spectroscopy (L30). IR spectroscopy has been
self-association of several N-urethanyl-L-amino acids in carbon
used in a comprehensive program to elucidate the structure and
tetrachloride was investigated by FT-IR (M24). A potassium salt
reactivity of carbon black (L31). Multicomponent absorption of acetylenedicarboxylic acid was used as a model to study a
kinetics of gases in activated carbon was studied by a batch strongly hydrogen-bonded system (M25). The hydrogen bond
absorber IR technique and compared to a model for predicting structure in benzoic acid solutions was investigated (M26). The
multicomponent dynamics in a differential adsorption bed system influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the structure
(L32). and photoisomerization of urocanic acid derivatives was studied
(M27). The hydrogen bond energies of crystalline carboxylic acid
CHEMICAL REACTIONS/ORGANIC CHEMISTRY salts were determined (M28). Differences in the types of
Hydrogen-Bonding Studies. Infrared studies of the hydra-
hydrogen bonding occurring in oxamic, malonamic, and succi-
tion of di-, tri-, tetra-, and pentamethonium halides supported the
namic acids in the solid state were investigated (M29, M30).
formation of planar hydrate clusters (M1, M2). The hydrogen- Hydrogen bond structures of partially methylated p-tert-butylcalix-
bonded complexes between N-methylsuccinimide and phenols [6]arenes were investigated in both solution and the solid state
were investigated (M3). The associative interactions of hydrop- by FT-IR (M31). Infrared was used to characterize the crystal
eroxides to form hydrogen-bonded dimers and complexes with and molecular structure of new diketone enols designed to have
cycloalkanones were studied (M4). Hydrogen bonding in imida- known packing features (M32). The interaction by hydrogen
zolium salts was studied, and the implications for the structure bond formation of 1,1,1-trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanol with some
and solvent properties of the ionic liquids were discussed (M5). ethers and acetone in CCl4 was investigated (M33).
The infrared spectra of associated molecules of N-methylacetamide An infrared study was done in the region of the fundamental
were calculated and compared with experimental data (M6). The NH stretching vibration for six N-methylbenzamide-aromatic
intra- and intermolecular H bonds between the H on the N and donor systems (M34). The infrared spectra of butyl halides
the ferrocenyl for N-methylferrocene aniline compounds were dissolved in CCl4 and deuterated DMSO were investigated to
studied (M7). The FT-IR spectra of the H-bonded complexes determine the degree of hydrogen bonding occurring (M35).
between HCl and substituted pyridines, benzimidazole, purine, Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 8-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-1-
and 4-aminopyrimidine were investigated (M8). Crown ether naphthylamine was studied (M36). An FT-IR study of the proton
complexes with urea and thiourea showed significant differences polarizability and Fermi resonance effects as a function of
in their respective interactions (M9). The influence of hydrogen temperature for hydrogen-bonded systems in Mannich bases of
bonding in 3-hydroxyazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane pentachlorophenolate 2,2′-biphenol was done (M37). The temperature effects on
was described (M10). The geometry and complexing ability of hydrogen-bonded complexes of NH donors with proton acceptors
142R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
were studied (M38). Peak shifts in the infrared spectrum of oxidation and oxydehydrogenation for n-butane conversion over
benzoic acid crystals when compressed with methylated additives magnesium chromate and a magnesium-vanadate catalyst were
were investigated (M39). The equilibrium kinetics and vibrational characterized (M66). The interaction of propane and propene and
energy transfer between the free acid Et3SiOH and its 1:1 of C1-3 oxygenates on cobalt oxide surfaces was studied (M67).
hydrogen-bonded complex with acetonitrile were studied using In situ FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study oxygen-adsorbed
picosecond time-resolved IR double-resonance spectroscopy (M40). species over SrF2/Nd2O3 (M68). The selective oxidation of
Catalysis Studies. The infrared spectral methods of studying nitrosobenzene to nitrobenzene by metal oxides was studied
catalysis mechanisms were reviewed (M41). Acetonitrile adsorp- (M69). The adsorption, decomposition, and oxidation of methyl
tion onto hydroxylated zirconium dioxide and the mechanism of chloride on tin oxide catalysts were investigated (M70). Infrared
hydrolysis were studied by in situ FT-IR spectroscopy (M42). The spectroscopy was used in characterizing the bonding geometry
hydration of acetonitrile toward acetamide by a silica-supported of the carbonyl group during hydrogenation on Pd/SiO2 catalysts
rhodium catalyst was investigated (M43). A study was made of (M71). The hydrogenation of propyne on a range of supported
the interconversion of isomeric unsaturated C4 nitriles over palladium catalysts was investigated (M72). The hydrogenation
strongly basic Na/NaY (M44). The cracking of 1,3,5-triisopro- and dehydrogenation of isobutene on platinum were monitored
pylbenzene over deeply dealuminated Y zeolite was monitored (M73).
by infrared spectroscopy (M45). The IR spectra of species formed Several infrared studies have characterized the adsorption,
from the adsorption of butene isomers on 12-tungstophosphoric reaction mechanism and products of NO and NOx reduction over
acid showed primarily saturated C-C bonds (M46). The selective a variety of catalysts (M74-M83). The products and mechanism
synthesis of 2-methylnaphthalene over a variety of zeolites was of the gas-phase reaction of NO3 radicals with 2-butyne in purified
studied (M47). Infrared was used to characterize zinc-promoted air were investigated (M84). The chemical transformations of
H-ZSM-5 catalysts used for conversion of propane to aromatics silica-supported iron rhodium complexes and the catalysis of
(M48). A diffuse reflectance study was used to monitor the state propylene hydroformylation were investigated (M85). The inter-
of an H-mordenite catalyst during ethyl tert-butyl ether synthesis actions of supported RhO and Co- and Fe-promoted RhO with the
(M49). Methanol adsorption and dehydrogenation over stoichio- silica surface were studied by infrared spectroscopy (M86). The
metric and nonstoichiometric hydroxyapatite catalysts were adsorption of methanol and formaldehyde on rhodium-containing
characterized (M50). IR spectroscopic investigations were per- catalysts was studied (M87). The skeletal isomerization of butene
formed of the adsorption and surface reactions of CH3Cl over by alumina-supported tungsten oxide catalysts was studied (M88).
acidic, basic, and neutral zeolite catalysts (M51). Kinetic studies Infrared studies characterized the isomerization of methyl formate
using in situ FT-IR characterized the mechanism of methanol and ethyl formate chemisorbed on nickel (M89).
synthesis over a zirconia-supported catalyst (M52). The H/D Solvent/Matrix Effects. The conformational behavior of
isotope-exchange reactions of adsorbed formate and methoxy trimethyl phosphate was studied by infrared spectroscopy in the
species with D2 on zirconia were investigated (M53). The low- liquid phase and as 1% solutions in a wide range of solvents (M90).
temperature adsorption of methyl chloride and methyl iodide on Rotational isomerism of desyl chloride in solvents of varied
silica-supported Pt catalysts was studied (M54). The conversion dielectric constants was examined by infrared spectroscopy (M91).
of methyl radicals to methanol and formaldehyde over vanadium Conformational isomerism and self-association of calixarene in
oxide catalysts was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy (M55). nonpolar solution were studied by FT-IR (M92). The molecular
Infrared spectroscopy and temperature-programmed desorption states of alkali metal acetates in glacial acetic acid were investi-
were used to investigate the chemistry of methyl iodide adsorbed gated (M93). Solvation of lauric acid was investigated in different
on silica-supported copper nanoparticles (M56). The interaction solvents by infrared and Raman (M94). Aqueous ATR FT-IR
of propene and butenes with a butene oxydehydrogenation catalyst spectra of 24 aliphatic monocarboxylates were correlated with the
was studied (M57). The decomposition of perfluorodiethyl ether pKa values of these acids (M95). An infrared study of R-haloacetic
on alumina was studied at 300 and 500 K (M58). An infrared acids in solution was done (M96). The infrared spectra of cyclic
study of chromium carbonyl complexes on silica-alumina showed and noncyclic ureas in solution were interpreted with respect to
ligand loss resulting in an active ethene polymerization catalyst structures and interactions with a variety of solvents (M97). Using
(M59). Infrared studies of methylation of pyridine over zeolites model spectra of toluene and cyclohexane and variable-tempera-
were performed to understand the correlation between catalyst ture spectra of chlorocyclohexane, curve resolution of infrared
acidity and activity/selectivity for the reaction (M60). The profiles from nonconformational mixtures and conformational
reaction products from acetone decomposition on silver were equilibria is discussed (M98). The tautomeric (enol-keto) and
identified by infrared spectroscopy (M61). Infrared was used to dimeric equilibria of 2-hydroxypyridines and 1,3-cyclohexanedi-
study the interaction of Ge(n-C4H9)4 with the surface of partially ones in chloroform and/or CCl4 solutions were studied by FT-IR
dehydroxylated alumina and silica-alumina (M62). The adsorp- (M99). The interactions in binary mixtures of acetone and
tion of 4,4′-bipyridine on the surfaces of silica, alumina, and titania chloroform-d were studied by infrared and Raman spectroscopies
was characterized by infrared spectroscopy (M63). (M100). The dynamics of the carbonium ion solvated by molec-
The mechanisms in the oxidation and dissociative chemisorp- ular hydrogen was studied (M101, M102). The solvent-induced
tion of ethanol on platinum electrodes were characterized by shift of the fundamental vibrational mode of the carbonyl group
infrared spectroscopy (M64). Infrared was used to study the in 2-butanone was measured in 27 solvents (M103). Self-
adsorption and oxidation of propene on multiphase Bi, Mo, and association of medium-chain alcohols in n-decane solutions was
Co catalysts (M65). The mechanisms of light alkane catalytic studied by the infrared absorption of the fundamental OH
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 143R
stretching vibration (M104). An experimental and theoretical The ab initio MO method was used to study the decomposition
study of the structure and aggregation of diphenylguanidine in of carbamic acid and its thio and sila derivatives (M129). Diffuse
nonpolar and low-polarity solvents was performed (M105). In- reflectance FT-IR was used to study two humic sodium salts and
frared measurements of N-acetyl- and N-benzoylaminopyridines structural changes caused by heating (M130). The thermal
in a set and in mixtures of solvents were discussed in terms of decomposition of acetic anhydride was monitored by vacuum-UV
bulk and solute-solvent interactions (M106). The solvation of absorption and IR emission (M131). The evolved products from
2-hydroxypentylphosphonates was studied (M107). Liquid mix- the melting, vaporization, and thermal decomposition of alkyl- and
tures of pyridine with carbon disulfide, benzene, and carbon arylureas were analyzed by IR spectroscopy (M132). The
tetrachloride were studied in the far-infrared region as a function decomposition reaction of methyltrichlorosilane was investigated
of concentration and temperature (M108). The solvation of by in situ IR spectroscopy (M133). The analytical capacity of FT-
amides and peptides was studied by infrared and NMR (M109). IR for the analysis of works of art was discussed (M134). The
Solute/solvent interactions of 1-substituted 2-pyrrolidinones and mineralization of cellulose and protein fibers was investigated
related compounds in a variety of solvents were studied by infrared using FT-IR microscopy (M135). Motor oil degradation was
spectroscopy (M110). Infrared spectroscopy of the OH stretching characterized by IR spectroscopy (M136).
vibrations of hydrogen-bonded tropolone complexes was discussed The stabilization of water-soluble surfactants at the air/water
(M111). Tautomerism of thioguanine was studied using matrix interface with gegenion complexation was studied by IR spec-
isolation infrared spectroscopy (M112). The infrared spectra of troscopy (M137). A Raman/IR spectroscopic study investigated
some hydrogen halide salts of methamphetamine were observed the stoichiometry and conformation of the azacrown moiety in
to display significant variations dependent upon the alkali halide sodium complexes of azacrown ethers (M138). Near-infrared
matrix in which the salt was dispersed for analysis (M113). absorption was used to characterize and measure the association
Organic Reactions/Characterization. A review described constants of the inclusion complexes between aromatic com-
the use of ab initio infrared spectra in the identification of highly pounds and cyclodextrins (M139). IR spectroscopy was used in
reactive organic molecules and intermediates (M114). Changes establishing the structure of complexes of phenols with com-
occurring in the infrared spectrum of ethylene-CO alternating pounds containing SOx groups (M140). The formation of com-
copolymer as a function of temperature were analyzed (M115). plexes of picric acid with hexamethylbenzene, 2-iodoaniline, and
The reaction products generated by pulsed flash pyrolysis of 1-aminoanthracene was examined using FT-IR spectroscopy
(M141). The interaction of 2-chloro-3,5-dinitropyridine with aniline
2-ethynyl-1,1,1-trimethyldisilane were characterized by matrix
and its derivatives and the structure of the formed complexes were
isolation IR spectroscopy (M116). Isomeric silylenes were gener-
studied using IR and electronic absorption spectroscopy (M142).
ated by pulsed flash pyrolysis and identified by matrix isolation
Several 1:1 chloranilic acid-amine complexes were studied by
IR spectroscopy (M117). The methane elimination during silation
IR, UV, and NMR (M143). The complex formation between
of partially dehydroxylated alumina was studied (M118). The
o-cresol and propionitrile was investigated by FT-IR (M144).
kinetics and products of the gas-phase reactions of silanes and
Complexes formed by phenols with 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-1-methyl-
siloxanes with hydroxyl radical and atomic chlorine were studied
2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]pyrimidine were studied as a function of the
by FT-IR and mass spectrometry (M119). The highly substituted
pKa of the phenols by FT-IR (M145). Infrared measurements of
cyclohexane derivatives synthesized from the Michael-Michael
the kinetics and decomposition pathways of aqueous urea and
aldol condensation of chalcones with cyanoacetylurea and cy-
guanidinium nitrate were described (M146).
anoacetylpiperidine were characterized by IR and NMR (M120).
Infrared spectroscopic studies of photoinduced reactions of
The interconversion of isomeric unsaturated C4 nitriles in the
methyl radical in solid para-hydrogen were described (M147). The
presence of butyllithium was investigated by means of FT-IR and
ultraviolet photolysis of acetyl and propionyl radicals was studied
UV-visible spectroscopy (M121). FT-IR spectroscopic studies
by infrared emission spectroscopy (M148). The composition of
were performed on the mechanisms of the halogen atom-initiated
aerosol generated in the photooxidation of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene
oxidation of haloacetaldehydes (M122). The products and mech-
was investigated in a smog chamber experiment using IR
anisms for the gas-phase reactions of the nitrate radical and
spectroscopy (M149). IR characterization of the UV photoinduced
haloethenes were studied (M123). The hydrothermolysis kinetics reactions of matrix-isolated 1-diazido-1-germacyclopent-3-ene was
and pathways of guanidinium nitrate and urea in were described described (M150). The photochemistry of phenyl azides bearing
as examples of the use of IR spectroscopy for determining the 2-hydroxy and 2-amino groups was studied by matrix isolation
rates and pathways of hydrolytic decomposition reactions of spectroscopy (M151).
organic and inorganic compounds in aqueous media in conditions
up to 400 °C and 350 atm (M124). Quantitative characterization FOOD AND AGRICULTURE
of protolytic reactions of o,o′-dihydroxyphenylazonaphthyls using Near-IR spectroscopy continues to be a focus of application in
IR spectroscopy was described (M125). The reaction of ketenes the food and agricultural industries. The proceedings from two
in pyridine matrixes to form ketene--yridine ylides was observed conferences provide a good review of the varied applications (N1,
by IR spectroscopy (M126). The decomposition products of N2). A review of infrared spectroscopy and microspectroscopy
ethylenediammonium dinitrate through hydrothermal reactions as related to food applications has been presented (N3). Applica-
were studied (M127). The results of studies on the protonation tion of photoacoustic spectroscopy in the near-IR and mid-IR
of a series of sulfinamides using IR and NMR were reported regions to determination of the principal components of food has
(M128). also been reviewed (N4).
144R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
Mid-IR and near-IR spectroscopy techniques have been applied reference methods (N37). Near-IR spectroscopy can also be
in the dairy industry. By using the second derivative of the IR applied to the analysis of oil and moisture (N38) and fat content
spectrum, simplified models could be developed to determine the of salmon (N39).
fat and protein contents of raw milk (N5). Determination of fat, The prediction of total dietary fiber in cereal and grain products
protein, casein, and noncasein in milk by near-IR (N6) is reported. (N40) and the effect of residual moisture on total dietary fiber in
Fermented milk composition was also examined using near-IR cereals (N41) have been examined using near-IR reflectance
spectroscopy (N7). Mid-IR techniques have been adapted to spectroscopy.
determine microorganisms (especially Clostridium) in dairy (N8). Infrared microspectroscopy has been used to elucidate the
The composition of cheese was examined using optothermal near- microstructural details of phase-separated polysaccharide-protein
IR and mid-IR attenuated total reflectance (N9) and near-IR mixtures (N42). Near-IR reflectance spectroscopy can provide a
reflectance spectroscopy (N10). nondestructive method to predict the solubility and digestibility
The examination of sugars for composition and quantitation of protein heated under high pressure (N43). Determination of
using mid-IR and near-IR has been reported. A multivariate heme and nonheme iron in raw muscle meats is possible using
analysis of the infrared spectra of biological samples allows for near-IR spectroscopy (N44). Pressure-induced changes in food
the quantitation of a mixture of sucrose, fructose, and glucose components measured using a diamond anvil cell and mid-IR
(N11). The theoretical recoverable sugar (TRS) can be predicted spectroscopy were compared to temperature-induced gel forma-
from near-IR spectra and can be used to assess the quality of cane tion (N45). The adsorption of triacylglycerol and oelic acid on
and beet sugar sources (N12). Sucrose can be determined in synthetic magnesium silicate was studied using diffuse reflectance
raw sugar cane juices using spectral data from mid-IR attenuated FT-IR spectroscopy and compared to magnesium silicates used
total reflectance (N13). The thermal degradation of sugar cane to treat degraded frying oil (N46). It is possible to perform starch
bagasse through to carbonization has been studied using mid-IR content determination on digestive samples using near-IR spec-
spectroscopy (N14). Sugar refinery streams can be analyzed
troscopy (N47).
using near-IR spectroscopy (N15, N16).
The temperature effects and calibration methods have been
Edible oils and fats have been analyzed using IR spec-
studied to demonstrate the feasibility of using mid-IR spectroscopy
troscopies. A review of the application of mid-IR to edible oil
for determination of major compounds of alcoholic fermentation
analysis stresses key elements associated with developing suitable
fat and oil analysis (N17). IR spectroscopy is compared to
The ability to differentiate meat speciation, the detection of
chromatographic techniques for the determination of trans fatty
frozen or thawed meat, and semiquantitative analysis of meat
acids in oils and fats (N18-N20). Supercritical fluid extraction
mixtures using mid-IR ATR have been demonstrated (N49). Near-
of oils in food samples coupled to a high-pressure flow cell has
IR is also suggested as a technique for differentiating frozen and
been used to monitor the vinylic C-H band to determine the
unfrozen beef (N50). The phospholipid content of intramuscular
amount of unsaturated fat (N21). Near-IR spectroscopy is
fat can be determined using the band between 1282 and 1020 cm
demonstrated for determination of palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids -1 (N51). Polarized IR microspectroscopy can be used to assess
in edible oils (N22). Classification of edible oils and fats with
the orientation of the mineral and matrix components of calcified
regard to their origin can be accomplished using mid-IR spec-
tissue (N52).
troscopy (N23). A mid-IR spectroscopic technique for determining
Near-IR spectroscopy has been used to screen the crude
the solid fat index of oils and fats was developed (N24).
Fruit, fruit juices, and vegetables have received the attention glycinin fraction and the effects of growing temperature and
of mid-IR and near-IR spectroscopies. Determination of sugars genotype on this fraction (N53). The effects of bound water on
and acid in a variety of fruit juices has been accomplished (N25- the mid-IR spectrum of glycinin was also studied (N54). The
N28). Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons in citrus essential oils have ruminal protein content in roasted soybeans can be estimated from
been identified using cryofocusing GC/IR (N29). Adulteration the near-IR spectrum (N55). Near-IR spectroscopy can be used
of raspberry purees can be detected using mid-IR spectroscopy to quantitate moisture, protein, and starch in buckwheat flours
and attenuated total reflectance sampling (N30). A nondestructive but failed to correlate with the amylose and tannin content (N56).
method for determination of soluble solids in tomatoes based on Several quality characteristics in rice by analysis of whole-grain
near-IR spectroscopy has been demonstrated (N31). The growth milled samples can be measured using near-IR reflectance
period of Japanese pear fruit was monitored using the constituent spectroscopy (N57).
sugar concentrations (N32). Biochemical changes in peaches Determination of forage composition was not improved by
associated with ripening during storage were followed using mid- using models based on a combination of both mid-IR and near-IR
IR (N33). spectra over models based on just a single spectral range (N58).
Identification and detection of adulteration of coffees using both The value of Leucaena, a fast-growing tree used in the tropics for
mid-IR and near-IR spectroscopy have been reported. DRIFT and forage, can be evaluated using near-IR spectroscopy with differ-
ATR sampling techniques are suggested as alternatives to wet ences observed between species, varieties, and hybrids (N59).
chemical methods (N34, N35). Partial success was demonstrated The prediction of energy value of compound feeds for swine and
in using near-IR to discriminate between coffees prepared from ruminants based on near-IR spectroscopy is slightly better than
several different beans (N36). other analytical methods (N60). Partial success in determining
The components of sausage products were simultaneously the composition of biomass feedstock has been accomplished
determined using near-IR transmission with precision as good as using near-IR spectroscopy (N61).
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 145R
Near-IR spectroscopy can be used as a rapid-scanning tech- This symposium report with three references discusses the
nique for the determination of chemical compositions of plantation molecular structure of penicillin transition metal complexes (O16).
eucalypti woods (N62). Residues and extracts from eucalyptus This paper describes the interference of volatile anesthetics with
wood have been characterized by IR spectroscopy, UV spectros- infrared analysis of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide tested in
copy, and HPLC (N63). the Draeger Cicero EM using sevoflurane (O17). From the two
It is possible to determine the resistance of sugarcane to wagging frequencies of the para amino group identified by IR and
sugarcane borer infestation using predictive models based on the laser Raman spectroscopy in the local anesthetic benzocaine, the
near-IR spectrum of stalk surface wax (N64). External and inversion barrier height and optimum inversion angle of this group
internal insect infestation in stored wheat grain could be detected were calculated and reported (O18). The interaction of calf
using near-IR reflectance spectroscopy (N65). Mid-IR spectros- thymus DNA with aspirin is investigated in aqueous solution, and
copy has shown that significant differences may exist within the FT-IR and laser Raman difference are used to determine drug
plasma membrane ATPase of corn roots (N66). binding sites, sequence preference, and DNA secondary structure,
A sensor based on a polymer-coated attenuated total reflectance as well as the structural variations of aspirin-DNA complexes in
element of a silver halide optical fiber and mid-IR spectroscopy aqueous solution (O19). This paper discusses in situ FT-IR and
has achieved a 2 ppm limit of detection for atrazine and alachlor calorimetric studies of the preparation of a pharmaceutical
in water (N67). The use of infrared techniques applied to organic intermediate (O20). Raman and FT-IR were used to analyze the
and inorganic soil materials has been reviewed (N68). interaction of the antibiotic lasalocid with DPPC membranes
(O21). The mechanism of action of Timolor, used in the treatment
BIOCHEMISTRY of ocular hypertension in glaucoma, was studied using FT-IR
To determine the effects of age on bone quality, human bone spectroscopy (O22). The equilibria and structures of some
tissue taken from adult subjects deceased from violent death was azobarbiturate and benzylidene barbituate compounds were
analyzed by means of FT-IR in the diffuse reflectance mode (O1). investigated based on different spectral and pH-metric methods
FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of human brain tissue are presented (O23). This work presents FT-IR spectra of tetracycline and
in this article (O2). This paper describes a nondispersive IR ampicillin, the major drugs used for the treatment of fatal bacillary
spectrometer for the measurement of the 13CO2/12CO2-ratio in and coccal infections (O24). FT-IR, along with DCS, has been
breath samples (O3). Untreated and bleached hair samples were used to study the interaction between a new antineoplastic drug
analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy for cysteic acid and cysteine and diastearoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers (O25).
S-thiosulfate using different data manipulations and various FT-IR spectroscopy has been applied to the investigation of
sampling techniques (O4). Absorption spectra of human teeth synovial fluids aspirated from arthritic joints (O26). Glycogen
sections were measured by FT-IR to identify absorption peaks for levels in the tissue samples obtained from carcinomas and normal
amides I, II, and III, carbonate, and phosphate (O5). To establish sections of the human lungs were studied by measuring the IR
age-related lipid composition-membrane structure relationships, band intensities due to glycogen (O27). This review with 44
the hydrocarbon chain structure of lipid membranes from the references has been written on the use of IR spectroscopy for
human lens cortex and nucleus was examined by infrared and diagnosis and determination of prognosis of malignant neoplasia
near-infrared spectroscopies (O6). The feasibility of obtaining such as breast and endometrial carcinomas (O28). This paper
reproducible spectra of skin oils from individuals with a very describes the analysis of urinary calculi by infrared spectroscopy
simple, noninvasive technique is reported (O7). Direct vapor (O29). Tumor progression to the metastatic state involves
generation FT-IR spectrometry is a new procedure proposed for structural modifications in DNA markedly different from those
a direct determination of ethanol in plasma and whole blood (O8). associated with primary tumor formation. These modifications
The secondary structure of myelin basic protein in reconstituted alter vibrational and rotational motion and are discussed in this
central nervous system myelin was studied FT-IR spectroscopy article (O30). FT-IR microscpectroscopy, combined with principal
(O9). A new method of IR spectroscopic imaging is described component analysis, was applied in the study of exfoliated cervical
and applied to the instantaneous, noninvasive mapping of the cells to investigate the techniques feasibility as a biodiagnostic
molecular constituents of unprocessed brain tissue (O10). A tool for cervical cancer (O31). Newly developed FT-IR spectro-
simple and rapid method for the analysis of poly(ethylene glycol)- scopic analysis techniques were applied to the diagnosis of
400 (PEG-400) in human urine is described using FT-IR spec- adulthood disease and to reveal the role of unsaturated fatty acids
trometry (O11). Mid- and near-IR spectra of viable and clipped in neuronal function (O32). Determination of whewellite, uric
human finger nails are presented (O12). Toluene and a mixture acid, weddellite, dahllite, and struvite in their mixtures was studied
of the isomeric xylenes are common organic solvents that have by X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy (O33). The IR spectra
been implicated in false ethanol results produced by older models of organic constituents of urine from cancerous bladders of some
of the Intoxilyzer 5000, a breath alcohol analyzer that uses IR patients were recorded and classified (O34). The secondary
spectrophotometry to quantitate ethanol in breath samples (O13). structure and the thermal stability of human liver and heart fatty
This review with 87 references is of experiments in which the acid-binding proteins were analyzed, in the absence and in the
photoreactions of the visual pigments rhodopsin and octopus presence of oleic acid, by FT-IR spectroscopy (O35). The authors
rhodopsin were investigated by FT-IR spectroscopy (O14). This determined the structural changes in the bladder carcinoma cell
paper reviews a study to analyze the IR spectra of a liquid- line J82-NVB induced by navelbine using FT-IR spectroscopy
simulating simulating food and an artificial saliva following (O36). The anticoagulant effect of tungstophosphoric acid salt
exposure to resin composites (O15). was studied by IR spectroscopy (O37). FT-IR spectra of 75
146R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
biopsies from 55 cases of breast carcinoma were studied in of sufficiently high quality to be useful for gas-phase spectroscopic
comparison with histomorphometry and were found to be very identification of chemical contraband (O57). A review with 13
different from the spectra of normal tissues (O38). The transmis- references has been written on technique, drug distribution and
sion IR spectra of exfoliated endocervical mucin-producing co- sampling homogeneity for drug hair analysis (O58). FT-IR was
lumnar epithelial cells and the ATR IR spectra of the single- used to survey and compare heroin seized throughout Israel in
columnar cell layer on the endocervical tissues has been measured 1992 to detect salt forms and additives and compare the powders
and compared with the corresponding IR spectra of the ectocer- for intelligence and investigation purposes (O59). A review has
vical squamous cells and squamous epithelium (O39). The been written on the use of IR spectrometry in the analysis of
authors report the conformation of intersubunit region from three narcotics (O60).
serotypes of influenza A virus and the MAP-1 peptide, with and Preliminary investigations of solvent and temperature effects
without the fusion peptide, as revealed by comparative CD and upon the IR spectra of organophosphorus pesticides were carried
FT-IR spectroscopy measurements (O40). out and are discussed in this article (O61). This article discusses
FT-IR and laser Raman difference spectroscopic techniques the use of IR spectrometry to determine the configurations of
were used to establish correlations between spectral modifications water molecules absorbed in isolated plant cuticles (O62). The
and drug binding mode, sequence specificity, DNA melting, and authors discuss FT-IR and Raman spectroscopic evidence for the
conformational changes, as well as structural variations of calf incorporation of cinnamaldehydes into the lignin of transgenic
thymus drug-DNA complexes in aqueous solution (O41). The tobacco plants with reduced expression of cinnamyl alcohol
secondary structure of P2 protein, isolated from bovine peripheral dehydrogenase (O63). The IR absorption characteristics of a
nervous system myelin, in reconstituted myelin was studied using highly alkaline soil and its derivatives were studied, and efforts
FT-IR spectroscopy (O42). Unoriented films of calf thymus Na were made to detect polluting metals in the soil by studying the
DNA were prepared and studied by Raman and IR spectroscopy characteristics of their IR curves (O64). This article discusses a
(O43). FT-IR spectroscopy, along with X-ray diffraction and FT-IR investigation of the structural differences between two lipid
electron microscopy, was used to study apatite crystals isolated binding proteins extracted from plants (O65). Eleven actino-
from chicken and bovine calcified cartilage (O44). This article mycete melanins from Brazilian soils were characterized by IR
describes the spectroscopic analysis of the FT-IR spectra of pig analysis (O66).
citrate synthase using the factor analysis method (O45). Aqueous This paper focuses on the increasing use of FT-IR spectroscopy
dispersions of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, calf lung surfactant, for the analysis of biomacromolecules (O67). The effect of
and an organic solvent extract of calf surfactant were examined temperature on the secondary structure of β-lactoglobulin was
by FT-IR spectroscopy in the presence and absence of calcium studied by FT-IR (O68). The polymorphic phase behavior of a
(O46). This paper discusses the possibility of detecting in a homologous series of saturated 1,2-diacylphosphatidylglycerols
semiquantitative manner alterations in the collagen content of was studied by FT-IR, DSC, and NMR (O69). The secondary
heart tissue following myocardial infarction (O47). Infrared was structure of apolipoprotein B-100 in low-density lipoprotein sub-
used to study the effects of pH and KCl on the conformations of fractions was analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy (O70). FT-IR
creatine kinase from rabbit muscle (O48). The authors apply difference spectroscopy with self-deconvolution and second-
high-fidelity FT-IR imaging to noninvasively generate image derivative methods as well as curve-fitting procedures are applied
contrast in sections of monkey brain tissue and to relate these to the interaction of Al and Ga cations with proteins of the
data to specific lipid and protein fractions (O49). The interaction photosystem II-enriched membranes in order to determine the
of diethylstilbestrol with calf thymus DNA was investigated with cation binding mode, the protein conformational changes, and the
FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy (O50). The interaction of calf structural properties of metal-protein complexes (O71). The FT-
thymus DNA was studied with Al and Ga cations using FT-IR IR spectra of adenosine in the polycrystalline state were recorded
spectroscopy (O51). FT-IR spectroscopy was used to investigate as part of a series of normal coordinate analyses of nucleic acid
the secondary structure of boar sperm proacrosin to determine components and their analogues (O72). A review has been
structural changes following protein autoactivation to β-acrosin written with 20 references on bioorganometallic chemistry in
and to study the effect of suramin binding on protein secondary receptorology and analysis (O73). FT-IR and molecular modeling
structure (O52). FT-IR was used to study the conformational have been used to characterize the interaction of Ca2+ with
differences of ovine and human corticotropin releasing hormone hydroxy and non-hydroxy fatty acid species of cerebroside sulfate
(O53). FT-IR was used to obtain conformational data on the (O74). FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to determine the cation
monomeric form of insulin, which is believed to be the physi- content of alginate thin films (O75). The FT-IR spectrum of the
ologically active form of the hormone (O54). The secondary oxygen-evolving center was analyzed by using spinach PSII
structure of human fibrin from normal donors and from bovine membranes perturbed in various ways such as calcium depletion,
and suilline plasma was studied by FT-IR and a quantitative chloride depletion, H-D exchange, and 15N-labeling (O76).
analysis of its secondary structure was suggested (O55). FT-IR Comparison of the effects of amikacin and kanamycins A and B
spectroscopy combined with a resolution enhancement technique on dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol bilayers was investigated by
has been used to characterize pressure-induced structural changes FT-IR spectroscopy (O77). The QA and the QB binding sites of
in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (O56). Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 reaction centers have been investi-
The goal of this work was to develop a portable and rapid laser- gated by FT-IR spectroscopy (O78). A review with many refer-
based air sampler for detection of specific chemical contraband ences has been written covering applications of the separation
and to compile a spectral database in both the near- and mid-IR and characterization of peptides and proteins by liquid chroma-
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 147R
tography, mass spectrometry, FT-IR spectroscopy, CD, and NMR in biological solutions by investigating interactions between the
(O79). A review with 30 references has been written on the cation and sucrose molecules (O101). The secondary structure
potentially powerful technique for determining the interaction of native D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was com-
configurations of water molecules in macromolecular systems pared with its partially folded intermediate and aggregated states
(O80). The aim of this study was to analyze the Raman and IR obtained during guanidine hydrochloride denaturation using
spectra of eight common mammalian bile acids in order to identify transmission FT-IR and micro-FT-IR measurements (O102).
intermolecular interactions between hydroxyl and carbonyl groups Environmental chemicals are known to induce a higher degree
(O81). An infrared spectroscopic study was conducted on the of hydroxyl radical-mediated damage in DNA. FT-IR and principal
conformational fluctuation and ion permeation of lipid bilayers components analysis were used to test the hypothesis that this
doped with azobenzene derivative (O82). The reconstitution of exposure leads to new forms of DNA (O103). FT-IR spectroscopy
the retinal-containing protein bacteriorhodopsin from the apopro- was applied to cytochrome P 450 to analyze the protein secondary
tein and retinal has been studied by FT-IR difference spectroscopy structure (O104). FT-IR spectra have been obtained from solid
(O83). This article focuses on the recent advances in IR egg white lysozyme (O105). An IR spectroscopic study has been
spectroscopy that have made it possible to study structural and conducted on the structure and phase behavior of long-chain
dynamic properties of biomembranes and model systems at the diacylphosphatidylcholines in the gel state (O106). Pilot experi-
molecular level by spectral analysis (O84). Conformational studies ments were performed to analyze the potential of FT-IR spectros-
of the cyclic L,D-lipopeptide surfactin were investigated by FT-IR copy for classification and identification of actinomycetes (O107).
spectroscopy (O85). Structural changes of R-lactalbumin in The author has recently reported the use of a combination of
response to pH, ionic strength, sugars, and heat treatment were multidimensional statistical analysis and FT-IR spectroscopy for
investigated by DSC and FT-IR spectroscopy (O86). FT-IR the quantitative determination of sugars in a biological sample
spectroscopy was used to characterize the stretching vibrations (O108). A spectroscopic study was conducted on polymer/protein
of the ester carbonyl groups and the amide I vibration of the amide interactions in composite films (O109). FT-IR studies have been
group of N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine bilayers (O87). FT-IR carried out to investigate the secondary structure and thermal
spectroscopy of dry, multilayer films has been used to study γ stability of hen egg white avidin and its complexes with biotin
radiation and UV-C light-induced lipid peroxidation in 1,2- and with a biotinylated lipid derivative (O110). A review with 32
dilinoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes (O88). The references has been written on the use of FT-IR spectroscopy in
secondary structures of two forms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae determining analytes in blood and characterization of disease
palsma membrane H+-ATPase were examined by FT-IR spectros- states (O111). Differences in conformational dynamics of bovine
copy (O89). The vibrational modes of photoactive yellow protein pancreatic RNase A and RNase S were investigated using 1H-2H
and its photoproduct were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (O90). exchange in conjunction with FT-IR spectroscopy (O112). The
FT-IR spectroscopy was used to identify the molecular sites in secondary structure of the black-eyed pea trypsin/chymotrypsin
vesicles constituted of phosphatidylglycerol (PGV) and photosys- inhibitor was analyzed from the FT-IR spectrum of the protein in
tem II (PSII) that determine the formation of the PSII-PGV D2O solution (O113). The conformation and stability of recom-
complex and the sites affected by Mg(II) (O91). The kinetic binant tetrameric human tryrosine hydroxylase isoenzyme 1 was
behavior of human serum albumin adsorbed on a reversed-phase studied by IR spectroscopy (O114). Highly purified adenylate
support was studied by FT-IR spectroscopy and chromatographic kinase was characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy. Analysis of the
methods (O92). The results of Raman and IR spectroscopic FT-IR spectra and estimation of secondary structure revealed a
investigations of the vibrational model of dimethyl phosphorothio- global protein structure similar to that of other adenylate kinase
ate anion are reported (O93). This review with 32 references enzymes (O115). This paper reports the spectroscopic charac-
presents different techniques of FT-IR spectroscopy to investigate terization of two de novo peptides (O116). The effect of H/D
microorganisms in biofilms (O94). This review has many refer- exchange on a FT-IR difference spectrum between the S1 and S2
ences and summarizes the main conformation-sensitive regions states of the oxygen-evolving center in photosystem II has been
of phospholipid IR spectra and details three recent applications investigated (O117). A review with many references has been
of new FT-IR methods that provide quantitative information about written discussing the main conformation-sensitive regions of
phospholipid microphase separation and acyl chain conformation phospholipid FT-IR methods that provide quantitative information
(O95). Two computer programs were designed for helping in about phospholipid microphase separation and acyl chain confor-
library handling and microbial identification by means of their IR mation (O118). A three-component model for the lipid barrier of
spectra (O96). The hydration of ω-gliadins and partially deami- the stratum corneum consisting of ceramide III, cholesterol, and
dated and esterified ω-gliadins was studied by FT-IR spectroscopy perdeuterated palmitic acid has been characterized by FT-IR
(O97). Results obtained by FT-IR spectroscopy on the influence spectroscopy (O119). FT-IR spectroscopy demonstrates that
of Ca2+ binding on the secondary structure of calsequestrin are lyophlization alters the secondary structure of recombinant human
reported (O98). FT-IR spectra were reviewed for glycine oligo- growth hormone (O120). Thermal denaturation processes of
mers and polyglycine (O99). The conformational variability of chicken egg white ovomacroglobulin and human serum R-2-
the basic subdomain of c-Jun was assessed through the study of macroglobulin with and without chymotrypsin have been studied
the secondary structure of its N-terminal peptide and C-terminal (O121). An FT-IR spectroscopic study was conducted to deter-
peptide fragments using FT-IR spectroscopy (O100). FT-IR mine protonation, conformation, and hydrogen bonding of nico-
spectroscopy using principal component analysis and principal tinamide adenine dinucleotide (O122). Grouping of Spherobacter
component regression were used for the determination of K+ ions mitis strains grown on two different growth media was made by
148R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
FT-IR spectroscopy (O123). Effects of R-tocopherol and R-toco- several coiled coil proteins have been shown to possess unusual
pheryl acetate on dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine multilayers have features in the amide I′ region (O145). The authors of this paper
been investigated by FT-IR and Raman spectroscopies (O124). used FT-IR to measure secondary structures of isolated domains
Changes in conformation of oligosaccharides, and the constraints of types III and IV intermediate filament proteins and of the
imposed by hydrogen bonding with the solvent, were studied by solution tetramers and the filaments formed by type III intermedi-
means of FT-IR and Raman (O125). A review with many ate filament proteins (O146). A review with 142 references has
references has been written outlining four approaches, FT-IR, been written on the determination of protein secondary structure,
Raman, CD and calorimetry, to probing protein and peptide IR spectrometry measurement of H-D exchange in proteins, and
properties (O126). This paper describes a spectrophotometer probing protein structure at the level of individual chemical groups
dedicated to the polarization modulation IR reflection-absorption (O147). This article discusses the use of 13C-labeled molecules
spectroscopic study of monolayers spread at the air/water in the conformational analysis of proteins by FT-IR spectroscopy
interface (O127). FT-IR measurement disclosed formation of a (O148). FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to compare S-cis and
thiol ester bond between a cysteine of arylmalonate decarboxylase S-trans conformations of planar dithiooxamides (O149). A review
and an active site-directed inhibitor strongly suggesting that the with 20 references has been written on an IR spectroscopy-based
enzyme initially activates the substrates in a similar mechanism multicomponent assay of biofluids such as whole blood, urine,
(O128). The thermotropic phase behavior of aqueous dispersions and synovial fluid (O150). The redox reactions of the cytochrome
of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and its analogues was examined c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans were investigated in a thin-
by DSC, and the organization of these molecules in those hydrated layer cell designed for the combination of electrochemistry under
bilayers was studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (O129). This review anaerobic conditions with UV-visible and IR spectroscopies
with 83 references was written on the properties of lipid vesicles (O151). Hydrated sites in biogenic amorphous calcium phos-
studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (O130). Examination of L-tyrosine phates have been studied by infrared spectroscopy (O152).
spectra by various IR techniques allows some conclusions on the Similarities in the architecture of the active sites of Ni hydroge-
molecular interactions in the examined systems (O131). A review nases and Fe hydrogenases have been detected by means of
with 23 references has been written on the relative advantages infrared spectroscopy (O153). The adsorption of a membrane
and disadvantages of various spectroscopic techniques for identify- protein of flagellar FliF and its derivatives onto chemically
ing and measuring concentrations of multicomponent mixtures modified surfaces has been studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (O154).
(O132). The authors discuss infrared spectroscopic studies of FT-IR spectra of a dilute solution of N-acetyl-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 have
vancomycin and its interactions with N-acetyl-D-Ala-D-Ala and N,N′- been measured and reported (O155). Changes in the secondary
diacetyl-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala (O133). This paper discusses spectro- structure of adsorbed IgG and F(ab′)2 was studied by FT-IR
scopic characterization of the interferon-γ and analogue II in spectroscopy (O156). An unusually high hydrogen-deuterium
hydroorganic solution or adsorbed on an hydrophobic chromato- exchange of the CHIP28 protein (aquaporin) from red blood cells
graphic support (O134). The secondary structures of staphylo- was observed by FT-IR spectroscopy (O157). Cyanide binding
coccal nuclease have been assigned and semiquantitatively to the heme-copper binuclear center of bo-type ubiquinol oxidase
estimated from the deconvoluted FT-IR spectrum (O135). FT-IR from Escherichia coli was investigated with FT-IR and EPR
spectroscopy has been used to investigate the structure and spectroscopies (O158). A combination of CD and IR spectroscopy
temperature stability of the acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo helps to build a molecular picture of the thermal denaturation and
californica (O136). The cyanide complex of iron(II) myoglobin conformational changes of β-lactoglobulin (O159). An FT-IR
was studied by FT-IR spectroscopy and compared with complexes spectroscopy study was conducted to determine conformational
of microperoxidase and hemoglobin (O137). FT-IR spectroscopy order of phospholipids incorporated into human erythrocytes
has been used to investigate the structural properties of the (O160). A new method for the determination of R-amylase activity
channel-forming integral membrane protein present in phospho- in aqueous solutions and human serum by FT-IR spectroscopy is
lipid vesicles suspended in aqueous media (O138). The plant proposed (O161). The authors of this paper synthesized and
growth hormone auxin and its natural analogue, as well as their studied by FT-IR spectroscopy monosalts of diamides as models
synthetic congeners, were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (O139). for the active site of aspartic proteinases (O162). In situ and ex
FT-IR spectroscopy was used to investigate the local structure situ structural analysis of phospholipid-supported planar bilayers
around the chromophore of rhodopsin and its change upon was studied using infrared spectroscopy and atomic force micros-
photoisomerization (O140). Chemical changes in the medium, copy (O163). A comparative study using IR spectroscopy was
induced by the fermentative species Lactobacillus plantarum and conducted to determine the interaction of two lipid binding
Lactobacillus brevis and by the enzymic action of a proteolytic, proteins with membrane lipids (O164). FT-IR and FT-Raman
spoilage species, were analyzed using FT-IR spectroscopy (O141). spectra of 5′-dAMP were determined and a normal coordinate
A complete set of vibrational spectra obtained from several analysis of the mononucleotide was carried out (O165). The aim
spectroscopic techniques has been used in order to assign the of this study is to demonstrate the reliability of the use of FT-IR
vibrational modes of uracil on the basis of an ab initio scaled spectroscopy to monitor conformational changes when a protein
quantum mechanical force field (O142). FT-IR has been used to is adsorbed under chromatographic conditions on silica material
analyze protein conformational stability on surfaces (O143). (O166). Variants of recombinant staphylokinase were investigated
Structural differences between two genetic variants of bovine by FT-IR spectroscopy for a correlation between thermal stability
β-lactoglobulins in aqueous solutions were characterized using and structural features of staphylokinase and the selected mutants
FT-IR and CD spectroscopies (O144). The FT-IR spectra of (O167). FT-IR spectroscopy studies of lipoxygenase showed
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 149R
changes in the amide I′ band which correlate to structural changes influence of conformational equilibrium of the matrixes on excited-
of the enzyme (O168). Free amphipathic peptides and peptides state processes, which in turn can provide information on the
bound to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine were studied directly at structure and dynamics in solutions of these materials (O191).
the air/water interface using polarization modulation IR reflection FT-IR spectroscopy was used to investigate the kinetics of
absorption spectroscopy (O169). The possibility of using FT-IR secondary structure formation during refolding of small globular
spectroscopy to detect subtle differences in the molecular dynam- proteins triggered by temperature jump or fast denaturant dilution
ics in biomembranes is discussed (O170). This paper reports the (O192). FT-IR difference spectroscopy was used to study the
spectroscopic characterization of two de novo peptides (O171). behavior of native rhodopsin and its mutants expressed in DOS
Mid-IR pump-probe experiments were used to study vibrational cells solubilized in dodecyl maltoside and reconstituted into lipids
relaxation of CO bound to synthetic heme and porphyrin com- (O193). FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to study the thermally
plexes with different metal atoms and different promixal ligands induced exchange characteristics of those backbone amide
(O172). Mitochondrial F1 ATPase from beef heart was treated protons which persist in H-D exchange at ambient conditions in
with different buffers to modulate the nucleotide content of the RNase A, in wild-type RNase T1 and some of its variants, and in
enzyme and then analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy (O173). The the histone-like protein Hbsu (O194). This review with 51
interaction between superoxide dismutase and dipalmitoylphos- references is of the development over the past thirty years of IR
phatidylglycerol bilayer was studied with FT-IR spectroscopy spectroscopic investigations of natural and synthetic melanins
(O174). The structure, water absorbability, and mechanical (O195). Vibrational CD and FT-IR methods for prediction of
properties of the blend membranes of regenerated silk fibroin in protein secondary structure are systematically compared using
poly(vinyl alcohol) were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (O175). selective regression analysis (O196). FT-IR spectra were obtained
The detection and structure of water molecules inserted in for mammalian calmodulin and two of its fragments produced by
biomembranes by FT-IR spectroscopy is discussed and an example limited proteolysis (O197). The authors investigated Raman and
is given of the study of the structures of the two main types of IR spectra of the Watson-Crick type of the guanine‚cytosine base
water molecules that are found in leaf cuticles (O176). The use pair and of the individual guanine and cytosine nucleic acid bases
of isotope-enhanced FT-IR spectroscopy and ESR spin-labeling to by ab initio Hartree-Fock theory (O198). The effect of the nature
examine the conformation of the 23-residue peptide of the of the third-strand sugar on the geometry and stability of triple
N-terminal fusion peptide of the HIV-1 gp41 protein were examined helixes with a pyrimidine motif was studied by FT-IR spectroscopy
(O177). FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study the effects of (O199). FT-IR was used to study the proper orientation of
Triton X-100 treatment on the purple membrane of Halobacterium membranes containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on crys-
halobium ET1001 (O178). FT-IR and optical spectroscopy have tals (O200). FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to investigate the
been used to characterize the binding of NO to the oxidized form secondary structure, disulfide reduction, and thermal behavior of
of the heme cd1 nitrite reductase from Pseudomonas stutzeri JM300 recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
(O179). FT-IR spectroscopy was used to study thermally induced factor in aqueous solution (O201). This review with 149 refer-
H exchange in RNase A, RNase T1, and various RNase T1 mutants ences is of applications of FT-IR spectroscopy to the structural
in relation to the melting transition of the protein (O180). FT-IR study on the function of bacteriorhodopsin (O202). High-
and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy were used to study resolution two-dimensional NMR complemented by FT-IR and CD
the interaction of C-reactive protein from Limulus polyphemus with has been employed for the elucidation of three-dimensional
phosphorylcholine groups both in aqueous solution and im- solution structure of several synthetic peptides corresponding to
mobilized on solid supports (O181). FT-IR spectroscopy is shown the calcium binding domains of the 148 residue protein calmodulin
to be a rapid method for the identification of Candida at the species (O203). IR spectra of helical poly(β-phenethyl-L-aspartate) in
level (O182). FT-IR has been used to study the thermotropic 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane were observed as a function of temper-
phase behavior of mixed vesicles made up by lipopolysaccharides ature (O204). This paper discusses the selective enhancement
and phospholipids (O183). The FT-IR difference spectra of and subsequent subtraction of atmospheric water vapor contribu-
4-amidinophenylmethanesulfonyl-thrombin and -trypsin com- tions from FT-IR spectra of proteins (O205). The conformation
plexes are discussed (O184). The interaction of cisplatin and its of puroindoline-a and -b, two basic lipid-binding proteins isolated
analogues with the phospholipid molecules of human erythrocyte from wheat seedlings, has been studied for the first time by IR
membranes was studied using IR and NMR methods (O185). The and Raman spectroscopy (O206). FT-IR spectroscopic studies of
authors discuss a method for the classification of biological FT- hydration of such as phosphatidylcholines are discussed (O207).
IR spectra prior to quantitative analysis (O186). The secondary FT-IR spectra of collagen films set in a vacuum chamber have
structure of calmodulin from Brassica campestris pollen was been measured as a function of time (O208). Resonance Raman
studied by FT-IR spectroscopy and the CD method (O187). The and FT-IR spectra are reported for free-base tetraphenylbacterio-
application of IR to an analysis of yeast cytochrome oxidase is chlorin and its isotopomers (O209). FT-IR has been used to
discussed (O188). This review with four references discusses a quantitatively examine the secondary structure of imprinted
study of enzyme-ligand binding of chymotrypsin with amino acid proteins in anhydrous media (O210). This review with 135
derivatives using infrared spectroscopy (O189). The thermally references discusses the IR spectroscopy of lipids (O211). The
induced denaturation of three chymotrypsin complexes, acyl- metastability of dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine has been
enzyme cinnamoyl chymotrypsin, phenylmethylsulfonyl chymo- studied by FT-IR spectroscopy, both in the absence and in the
trypsin, and proflavin chymotrypsin, was examined (O190). Short presence of R-tocopherol (O212). Structural changes in the
linear peptides were synthesized and studied to investigate the complex formation between transducin and metarhodopsin II, the
150R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
activated form of photolyzed rhodopsin, in the visual transduction (O235). This review is of structures of cell surface polysaccha-
process were analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy (O213). The rides as determined by FT-IR spectroscopy (O236). A review has
photooxidation of the primary electron donor in several photo- been written of the use of IR spectroscopy in identifying the base
system I-related organisms has been studied by light-induced FT- composition of nucleic acids, polymorphism of duplex DNA, etc.
IR difference spectroscopy (O214). FT-IR spectroscopy was used (O237). A review with references has been written of various
to quantitatively assess the secondary structure of proteins in applications of FT-IR spectroscopy to the study of hydrated lipid
aqueous-organic mixtures ranging from pure water to a pure assemblies and biomembranes (O238). This review is of a
solvent (O215). The influence of hydration and hydrostatic computational IR procedure for simulating the amide I band
pressure on the conformation and local interactions of phosphati- envelopes in globular proteins, transition dipoles, etc. (O239). A
dylinositol has been investigated using IR spectroscopy (O216). review with 75 references is presented on the use of FT-IR
The FT-IR spectra of photocycle intermediates of sensory rhodop- spectroscopy for the study of enzyme systems (O240). This
sin II from Natronobacterium pharaonis were measured (O217). article is the first one of a series aimed at determining the
FT-IR spectra indicate that the pressure-induced liquid crystal-to- numerous interaction configurations adopted by water molecules
gel transition of dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol involves a confor- in macromolecular systems using FT-IR spectrometry (O241).
mational change making the glycerol Csn-1-Csn-2 bond more Model systems for the hydrogen-bonded chain in the active center
parallel to the bilayer surface and resulting in increased carbonyl of maltodextrinphosphorylase are synthesized and studied by FT-
group hydrogen bonding (O218). FT-IR spectroscopy has been IR spectroscopy (O242). FT-IR was used with other analytical
used to characterize Langmuir-Blodgett films of purple mem- techniques to analyze the structural organization and thermal
branes deposited on Ge crystals at different surface pressures stability of two spermhesins (O243). A study was undertaken of
(O219). The secondary and tertiary structures of the choline- the interaction of the Mg ion with the anionic phosphatidylglyc-
dependent major pneumococcal autolysin LytA amidase and of erol, and FT-IR was used to identify the Mg(II) binding sites
its COOH-terminal domain have been investigated by CD and FT-
(O244). FT-IR and site-directed isotope labeling has been used
IR spectroscopy (O220). A selective solubilization process of
as a probe of local secondary structure in the transmembrane
behenic acid in mixed Langmuir films by 2-propanol was demon-
domain of phospholamban (O245). The experimental and theo-
strated by IR spectroscopy (O221). A review with 24 references
retical investigation of the vibrational spectra of cytosine and
focuses on FT-IR and Raman spectroscopies in the study of
protonated cytosine was performed (O246). IR spectroscopy has
proteins and other biological molecules (O222). This paper
been used to determine gel-state miscibility in long-chain phos-
discusses the IR analysis of protein unfolding caused by disulfide
phatidylcholine mixtures (O247). FT-IR and EXAFS spectroscopic
reduction (O223). Infrared studies of the types of coordination
techniques have been used to characterize Cu and Zn complexes
of the side-chain carboxylate anion to a metal cation have been
with deoxycholate, a derivative of deoxycholic acid which is an
studied for protein-metal interactions (O224). The authors
important physiological bile acid (O248). FT-IR spectroscopy was
discuss the first systematic structural and conformational char-
applied to investigate the conformational aspects of synthetic
acterization of a complete family of diribonucleotide analogues in
polynucleotides upon binding of berenil and pentamidine (O249).
aqueous solution by Raman and IR spectroscopies (O225). The
FT-IR spectra have been recorded both as a function of time and
authors studied the spectral variation of mixed and separated
after prolonged exposure to buffer to study the structural changes
homopolymeric RNA and DNA systems under conditions that lead
that lead to both the ligand- and lipid-dependent channel-inactive
to conformational variation using FT-IR and CD (O226). Hydrogen-
bonding formation between guanine and cytosine was studied by states of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (O250). FT-IR
vibrational spectroscopy (O227). Fluorescence and FT-IR spec- spectroscopy was used to investigate interactions of the cryopro-
troscopic studies were used to define the role of the disulfide bond tective agents glycerol and DMSO with Bradyrhizobium japonicum
in the calcium binding in the 33-kDa protein of photosystem II (O251).
(O228). Light-induced FT-IR difference spectra of P840 upon its Gas chromatography/Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
oxidation have been measured with the reaction center complex was used to examine a selection of 42 monosaccharides and
from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum (O229). Mid- related compounds obtaining unambiguous identification (O252).
IR spectra of pure sucrose solutions and of biological solutions The results of an international trial proficiency test are described.
containing sucrose and potassium ions were investigated by Compounds relevant to the Chemical Weapons Convention were
principal component analysis (O230). Conformational disorder analyzed in rubber, paint and two soil samples using GC, GC/
in liquid alkenes and in the L R and H phases of some unsaturated MS, and GC/FT-IR (O253). Direct-deposition GC/FT-IR, along
phospholipids has been monitored by FT-IR spectroscopy (O231). with GC/MS, was used to identify trace components of plant
Upon the removal of water, proteins undergo a major, reversible substances (O254). GC/FT-IR, along with other chromatography
rearrangement of their secondary structure, as revealed by FT- techniques, was used to identify R-phenylethylamine in judicial
IR spectroscopy (O232). The hydration of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glyc- samples (O255). Purge-and-trap PLOT capillary GC/FT-IR was
erophosphoethanolamine has been studied by FT-IR spectroscopy used to identify volatile organic compounds in blood samples
applied to macroscopically oriented films in comparison to related (O256). The use of GC/FT-IR of methylsilyl ethers of disaccha-
phospholipids (O233). FT-IR (ATR) was used to probe the rides to positively identify disaccharides is reported (O257). This
kinetics of hydrogen/deuterium exchange in Manduca sexta paper examines the photochemical transformations of dichloro-
apolipophorin-III (O234). IR spectroscopy was applied to the prop and 2-naphthoxyacetic acid in aqueous solution by combined
investigation of normal and oxidatively modified hepatic nuclei GC/MS and GC/FT-IR analyses (O258).
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 151R
This paper focuses on the time-resolved infrared and steady- difference spectroscopy was combined with the step-scan tech-
state Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of native and mutant nique and compared to conventional transmission spectra of
reaction centers of R. sphaeroides (O259). Time-resolved FT-IR biological matter (O277). ATR FT-IR was used to study the effect
spectroscopy was used to characterize the structure and dynamics of phosphatidylglycerol on the percutaneous penetration of drugs
of the last step in the photocycle of the light-driven proton pump through the dorsal skin of guinea pigs in vitro and analysis of the
bacteriorhodopsin (O260). Two bathointermediates of the bac- molecular mechanism (O278). The secondary structure of fi-
teriorhodopsin photocycle were distinguished by nanosecond time- bronectin (FN) adsorbed to polymer surfaces was investigated in
resolved FT-IR spectroscopy (O261). Rapid-scan FT-IR spectros- a quantitative manner using FT-IR ATR techniques (O279).
copy and time-resolved single-wavelength IR spectroscopy have Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange rates were recorded on thin
been applied to study the mechanism of the photochemical release lysozyme films by ATR FT-IR spectroscopy as a function of the
of ATP from its P3-[1-2-nitrophenyl)ethyl] ester (caged ATP) pH of the solution from which the films were prepared (O280).
(O262). Infrared absorbance changes of the sarcoplasmic reticu- The stratum corneum structure was examined by ATR FT-IR and
lum Ca2+-ATPase arising from three partial reactions of its Ca2+- X-ray scattering after prolonged in vitro iontophoresis. ATR FT-
pumping cycle were triggered by the photochemical release of IR studies showed that iontophoresis induced an important and
ATP from caged ATP and were followed in real time using rapid- reversible increase in the hydration of the outer layers of stratum
scan FT-IR spectroscopy (O263). Changes in the vibrational corneum, but no increase in lipid fluidity could be detected
spectrum of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in the course (O281). Representative values for amide I absorptivities were
of its catalytic cycle were followed in real time using rapid-scan obtained for 15 different films of globular proteins spread from
FT-IR spectroscopy (O264). This paper details a comparative water solutions (O282). Attenuated total reflection FT-IR spec-
analysis of the refolding kinetics of RNAse A by time-resolved troscopy was used to follow the adsorption of the globular protein
FT-IR spectroscopy (O265). This review and discussion focuses lysozyme from aqueous (D2O) solution onto a silicon surface
on fast events in protein folding initiated by laser-induced tem- (O283). This paper discusses and illustrates amide hydrogen/
perature jump and probed by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy deuterium exchange kinetics in protein films recorded by attenu-
(O266). Time-resolved FT-IR difference spectroscopy was used ated total reflection infrared spectroscopy (O284). An ATR FT-
to characterized the amplitude, frequency, and kinetics of the IR spectroscopic technique was developed for the estimation of
absorbance changes induced in the IR spectrum of sarcoplasmic the methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) 5000 content of the methoxy
reticulum Ca2+-ATPase by Ca2+ binding at the high-affinity poly(ethylene glycol) 5000-modified protein bovine copper-zinc
transport sites (O267). superoxide dismutase (O285). Attenuated total reflectance FT-
A review and discussion has been written that covers applica- IR difference spectroscopy was used in the study of the formation
tions to biological membranes and to surface chemistry (O268). of metarhodopsins (O286). A combination of ATR and FT-IR was
ATR was used to investigate the structure of purified P-glycopro- used to measure the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle (O287). This
tein functionally reconstituted into liposomes. A quantititative paper discusses the influence of gangliosides on phospholipid
evaluation of the secondary structure and kinetics of 2H/H model membranes as studied by ATR FT-IR spectroscopy and the
exchange of the P-glycoprotein were performed both in the structural information obtained (O288). ATR FT-IR, along with
presence and in the absence of Mg-ATP, Mg-ATP-verapamil, and angle-dependent XPS and AFM, was used to investigate mussel
Mg-ADP (O269). Examination of intact living bacterial cells was adhesive protein adsorption on polystyrene and poly(octadecyl
made by ATR spectroscopy. Typical examples demonstrate that methacrylate) (O289). ATR FT-IR was used to investigate the
ATR FT-IR spectroscopy makes it possible to classify and dif- effects of 10 phospholipids on the in vitro percutaneous penetration
ferentiate between microorganisms in vivo (O270). ATR was used of prednisolone through the dorsal skin of guinea pigs (O290).
to elucidate the hydration behavior and molecular order of The sorption of the plasma proteins human serum albumin (HSA)
phospholipid/ganglioside bilayers (O271). A method of measur- and human fibrinogen (FIB) onto hemodialysis cellulose sub-
ing fecal lipids by ATR that requires no solvents was developed strates was investigated by the surface sensitive ATR FT-IR
using partial least squares (O272). The secondary structure and spectroscopy (O291). The effects of pH and the presence of metal
orientation of the viral fusion protein hemagglutinin reconstituted ions An2- and Cd2+ on the conformation of bovine serum albumin
in planar members was found to assume a tilted conformation were investigated using ATR FT-IR spectroscopy (O292). Fourier
during membrane fusion as determined by ATR (O273). Polarized transform IR horizontal-attenuated total reflectance (FT-IR/IR/
attenuated total internal reflectance was applied to study the IR H-ATR) spectroscopy was employed to determine the diffusion
dichroism of the amide I transition moment in gramicidin A in a coefficients of sodium p-aminosalicylate (PAS) in sheep nasal
supported phospholipid monolayer and Ac-Lys2-Leu24-Lys2-amide mucosae and dialysis membranes (O293). Attenuated total
in oriented multibilayers (O274). ATR was used to investigate reflection FT-IR spectroscopy in conjunction with statistical
the secondary structure of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase of methods has been used as a new approach to rapidly discriminate
corn roots and compare it to the FT-IR spectra of the Neurospora three isogenic strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosassusceptible, less
crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase and the H+-ATPase and the susceptible, and highly resistant to imipenemsand to follow the
H+/K+-ATPase from hog stomach (O275). This paper describes structural modifications related to an outer membrane imperme-
a new analytical technique for the study of adsorption of sarco- ability (O294).
sinate surfactants on live human skin as evidenced by the presence DRIFTS was used as an in situ detection method for the
of spectral bands at frequencies characteristic of C-D bonds from qualitative and quantitative analysis of heroin, cocaine, and codeine
the deuterio surfactant upon examination by ATR IR (O276). ATR after separation by thin-layer chromatography (O295). DRIFTS,
152R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
along with scanning electron microscopy and other chemical single-term derivative ratio calibration (O317). The authors of
analyses, was used to study the fungal degradation of Eucalyptus this paper discuss their investigation of the development of a
grandis (O296). Fourier transform powder diffuse reflectance sensor suitable for continuous noninvasive monitoring of blood
infrared spectroscopy was used to evaluate particle size of bulk glucose concentrations in diabetic patients (O318). This paper
powders in pharmaceutical preparations (O297). This study focuses on selective calibration models generated for glucose over
reports a quantitative correlation between specific FT-IR absorp- the 1-20 nM concentration range by use of partial least-squares
tion peak intensity of phenytoin to its particle size in the bulk as regression analysis of near-IR spectra from 5000 to 4000 cm-1
well as in powder blends of pharmaceutical preparations (O298). (O319). Calibration models have been generated and evaluated
This paper reports the use of DRIFTS to determine the concentra- for the measurement of glucose, glutamine, ammonia, lactate, and
tions of surface-adsorbed organics present as mixtures on ben- glutamate in aqueous solutions by near-infrared spectroscopy
tonitic clays (O299). DRIFTS was used to rapidly identify (O320). The authors of this article describe a multivariate
Streptococcus and Enterococcus species (O300). This paper calibration procedure that is based on the use of a genetic
describes the quantitation of cefepime‚2HCl dihydrate in cefepime‚ algorithm to guide the coupling of band-pass digital filtering and
2HCl monohydrate by DRIFTS and powder X-ray diffraction partial least-squares regression (O321). This paper explores the
techniques (O301). complications of determining the concentration of glucose in vivo
A review with 140 references has been written of biomedical by near-IR spectroscopy due to the effects of optical changes
applications of FT-IR and Raman microspectroscopy, spectral caused by fluctuations in temperature, tissue water content, and
imaging, and mapping (O302). Fourier transform IR microscopy concentration of other analytes. An investigation was conducted
was used to monitor spatial variations in the quality and quantity to determine the magnitude of the changes in diffuse reflectance
of the mineral phase in calcified turkey tendon (O303). A method and transmittance from changes in glucose (O322). A variable
has been developed to obtain large red crystals of cytochrome selection method that reduces prediction bias in single factor
bc1 complex from beef heart mitochondria and the structure of partial least-squares regression models was developed and applied
the complex by micro-FT-IR spectroscopy has been investigated to near-IR absorbance spectra of glucose (O323).
(O304). Synchrotron FT-IR microspectroscopy has been used for Near-IR reflectance spectra of numerous frozen sections of
in situ characterization of β-amyloid in human Alzheimer’s disease carcinomatous tissue and frozen sections of normal surrounding
tissue (O305). Fourier transform IR microspectroscopy was fibroglandular tissue from patients with breast cancer are pre-
applied to in situ detection of cholesterol ester stored in athero- sented and discussed (O324). The authors of this study demon-
sclerotic plaques in New Zealand white rabbits (O306). This paper strate the possibility of using near-IR absorption and excitation
details the FT-IR microspectroscopy of three distinct types of plant spectroscopy as accurate and rapid techniques to distinguish
tissues, nutshells, bamboo, and potato tubers (O307). The ability between normal and cancer breast tissues (O325). This paper
of FT-IR microscopy to analyze crystal deposits in tissues, illustrates how near-IR spectroscopy can discriminate between
especially in biopsy samples, was test and reported (O308). This normal and carcinomatous human breast tissues (O326). In this
paper details the use of FT-IR microscopy to study solute (drug study, the authors have attempted to use near-IR reflectance to
and protein)/polymer interactions that affect solute diffusion in map the variability in water content across the stratum corneum
and subsequent release from swellable dosage forms based on in vivo (O327). A new NIR technique based on a pseudorandom
environmentally responsive, pH-sensitive polymer networks (O309). modulation/correlation method is being developed for noninvasive
A newly developed microscopic FT-IR spectrometry combined tissue diagnosis applications (O328). This paper discusses the
with differential scanning calorimetry has been used to investigate characterization of biological tissues using Fourier transform near-
simultaneously the thermal response and IR spectral changes in infrared spectroscopy. Changes in the skin due to sunlight and
protein structure in porcine stratum corneum after pretreatment other environmental factors are reported (O329). The results of
with skin enhancers (O310). FT-IR microspectroscopy has been this study clarify the influence of probe geometry on near-infrared
used to study the changes in mineral and matrix content and spectroscopic measurements obtained from the surface of a turbid
composition replicate biopsies of nonosteoporotic human osteonal biological tissue (O330). This paper focuses on determining the
bone (O311). Using FT-IR microspectroscopy, the average feasibility of near-IR analysis for quantitating urea, creatinine, and
translational diffusion coefficients of bile salt-lecithin mixed protein in urine (O331).
micelles diffusing in amylopectin gel of varying concentration were Using continuous near-IR spectroscopy, the oxygenated state
measured (O312). FT-IR microscopy was used to detect mineral of hemoglobin and the redox state of cytochrome c oxidase in
changes in a mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta, an the cerebral tissue of newborn piglets were studied (O332). This
inheritable disease characterized by skeletal deformities and brittle paper examines noninvasive methods for determination of the
bones (O313). FT-IR microscopy has been used to deduce the hemoglobin content of arterial blood and the water content of skin
role of type X collagen in endochondral ossification (O314). (O333). The authors of this paper used near-IR spectroscopy to
This paper reports a completely noninvasive measurement of study noninvasive changes in cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation
blood glucose using near-infrared waves (O315). In this article, in the frontal and parietal cortex during performance of a verbal
near-IR spectroscopic measurements of hemoglobin concentration fluency task in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (O334). Acute
in whole blood, which are potentially useful in a pulse oximeter responses of brain oxygenation were studied during postural
modified for noninvasive hemoglobinometry, are presented (O316). change using near-IR spectroscopy. NIRS is shown to be useful
This paper discusses the hemoglobin content of whole blood being to monitor cerebral oxygenation during postural change in
measured with a simple light-transmittance procedure using a humans (O335). This paper focuses on the use of a combination
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 153R
of near-IR spectroscopy and discrete wavelength near-IR imaging feces since the well-known Kjeldahl method is rather complex,
to noninvasively monitor the forearm during periods of restricted time-consuming, and expensive (O354). The purpose of this study
blood outflow and interrupted blood inflow (O336). A review has was to determine whether the initial rate of hemoglobin and
been written that discusses the relationship between spectral data myoglobin deoxygenation during immediate postexercise is-
and β-lipoprotein content determined by routine turbidimetry chemia, a reflection of muscle O2 consumption, can be a quantita-
(O337). The objective of this study was to explore whether tive measure of muscle oxidative metabolism (O355). This paper
measurements in the near-IR spectral region can be related to compares three methods for fecal fat measurement in the presence
hemoglobin content of the human whole blood (O338). This of long- and medium-chain triglycerides and fatty acids (O356).
paper focuses on a clinical study comparison where near-IR spectra This paper describes a method for estimating the cerebral blood
and analyte reference data were collected on serum samples from volume and transit time in neonates from quick oxygen increases
a mixed diabetic/nondiabetic population. The objective of the measured by near-infrared spectrophotometry (O357). The
study was to compare calibrations developed from spectral data authors of this paper describe the use of second derivative near-
sets collected by different operators under the same experimental IR spectroscopy to measure absolute deoxyhemoglobin concentra-
conditions but separated in time (O339). This investigation tions in tissue (O358).
focuses on the availability of oxygen in the human vastus medialis The authors of this paper explore the potential sources of
muscle and the tympanic, skin forehead, quadriceps, and rectal discrepancies between living tissue near-infrared spectroscopy
temperatures during exercise test and postexercise with nonin- algorithms (O359). The analytical strategies are described for
vasive near-IR spectroscopy (O340). Near-IR was used to study the ferrylmyoglobin/ABTS radical monocation assay for measur-
noninvasively the influence of aging on changes in the local ing total antioxidant activity, which is a measure of the collective
concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin, reduced hemoglobin, H-donating abilities of the antioxidants in the samples and is based
and total hemoglobin during activation of brain function (O341). on the interaction between antioxidants in the sample with the
This study focuses on the assessment by near-IR on the consump- 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical mono-
tion of oxygen for the vastus medialis muscle that works cation, which is highly chromogenic (O360). Asparagine and
supporting the weight of the human body (O342). The authors glutamine concentrations were determined in binary aqueous
of this paper have used second-differential near-IR spectroscopy solutions with near-IR absorption spectroscopy and are described
of water to determine the mean optical path length of the neonatal in this paper (O361). This paper explores structure-base
brain (O343). This report outlines the use of near-IR spectroscopy calculations of the optical spectra of the LH2 bacteriochlorophyll-
to measure cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation after hepatic trans- protein complex from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila (O362).
plantation (O344). The aim of this study was to evaluate the Conflicting patterns of change in cytochrome c oxidase redox
efficiency, validity, and practicability of near-IR reflectance analysis status have been obtained between different near-IR spectropho-
compared with standard methods for measurement of fecal tometers when measurements were made during tissue ischemia.
carbohydrates (O345). This paper describes a novel, noninvasive This study identifies possible sources of error that could be the
method for measuring peripheral venous oxygen saturation in cause of the discrepancy (O363). The potential of near-IR
newborn infants using near-IR spectroscopy with venous occlusion reflectance spectroscopy for nondestructively probing structural
(O346). The principle and possibility of bone tissue analysis by changes in protein during the process of denaturation was
near-IR spectroscopy are described (O347). This paper explores investigated (O364).
the potential of near-IR spectroscopy in the clinical laboratory. This review with 111 references focuses on the photobiological
Potential in vitro applications of NIR spectroscopy include analysis application of nonlinear visible/NIR spectroscopic techniques,
of serum, whole blood, plasma, breast milk, feces, bone, urine, exemplified by the primary processes of bacterial photosynthesis
cerebrospinal fluid, and tissue for analytes. In vivo applications (O365). A multichannel reflectance measurement system was
of NIR spectroscopy include measurement of brain and tissue developed that uses near-IR measurements for topographic imag-
oxygenation and cerebral blood volume and flow characteristics, ing inside biological tissue (O366). Near-IR reflectance spectros-
oximetry measurements, quantitation of cytochrome, and body copy has been used for rapidly and reproducibly measuring the
fat composition. The possibility of measuring blood analytes NIR spectra of mainstream smoke collected on Cambridge filter
noninvasively is also discussed (O348). Investigation of rapid pads and quantifying the chemical composition from the spectral
near-IR spectroscopy in combination with fiber optics for biomedi- data (O367).
cal sensing is presented in this paper (O349). This review with The authors continuously measured hepatic absorbance of
16 references focuses on biological and medical applications of indocyanine green using near-IR spectroscopy after iv bolus
near-IR spectrometry (O350). This paper describes functional injection in rabbits and their study suggests the advanced utility
brain mapping using multichannel NIRS by applying motor as a comprehensive liver function test (O368). The aim of this
stimulation in humans (O351). The authors of this paper studied study was to examine the possibility for predicting purine nitrogen
cerebral oxygen metabolism during hypoxia to demonstrate and total nitrogen content as a marker of microbial protein in
whether the redox state of cytochrome aa3, as measured by near- duodenal digesta samples of sheep by near-IR spectroscopy
IR spectrophotometry, reflects the brain energy level (O352). FT- (O369). To examine the feasibility of optical monitoring of cellular
NIR spectra have been measured for native and thermal denatured energy states with tissue-transparent near-IR light, the absorptions
pepsin in a solid state to find a marker band for the secondary and fluorescence characteristics of Rhodamine 800 in isolated rat
structure of proteins (O353). Near-IR spectroscopy has been liver mitochondria and hepatocytes were investigated (O370). This
investigated as a tool for determining the amount of nitrogen in paper focuses on the simultaneous prediction of the concentrations
154R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
of glucose, glutamine, lactic acid, ammonia, and antibody in the possibility of applying near-IR reflectance spectrometry to the
culture broth of mouse-mouse hybridoma by near-infrared control of the production cycle of ranitidine hydrochloride tablets
reflectance spectroscopy (O371). The objective of this work was (O390). Investigation of rapid near-IR spectroscopy in combina-
to determine whether the Dy content of ruminal digesta samples tion with fiber optics for biomedical sensing is investigated (O391).
labeled by pulse-dosing intraruminally with Dy-labeled forages This review with 15 references was written on reflection and
could be determined by near-IR reflectance spectroscopy (O372). transmission NIR spectrometry direct analyses of pharmaceuticals
Rat carcass characteristics were determined by classical chemical without the need of forming aqueous solutions (O392). This paper
analyses, near-IR reflectance, and total body electrical conductivity, demonstrates the use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
with the aim to establish a rapid, reliable, and soft method for to identify pharmaceutical products by the direct measurement
numerous body composition predictions (O373). Near-IR spec- of tablets or capsules in a blister packing (O393). The authors
troscopy was applied to rat liver allografts for assessing nitric oxide demonstrate the use of near-IR spectroscopy for assessing the
synthesis and tissue oxygenation as a means of monitoring the progress of reactions leading to compounds for evaluation as
refection response following liver transplantation (O374). In this antituberculosis drugs (O394).
study, near-IR spectroscopy was applied to the prediction of the This overview is given of the use of near-IR spectrometry for
concentration of nutrients and products in culture broth of a screening characteristics of corn and soybean (O395). Near-IR
mouse-mouse hybridoma (O375). Near-IR transmission spec- transmission spectroscopy was explored for single-seed oil de-
troscopy has proven to be a more efficient and convenient termination of meadowfoam (Limnanthes spp.) (O396). The
analytical method for the determination of poly(ethylene glycol) mimosine contents of Leucaena foliage, Acacia tannins, and total
used as a flow rate marker for the liquid phase in rumen digestion phenols from leaf, bark, and pod were analyzed by a near-IR
kinetics studies (O376). Cortical spreading depression (CSD) has reflectance spectrophotometer (O397). The purpose of this study
been implicated in the migraine aura and in stroke. This study was to investigate whether near-IR reflectance spectroscopy and
demonstrates near-IR spectroscopy for the first time as capable chemometric methods can be used as a rapid and simple
of noninvasive on-line detection of CSD in the pentobarbital- procedure to predict the leachability of pesticides from soil
anesthetized rat (O377). A continuous-wave near-IR spectroscopy samples (O398). A near-IR spectroscopic assay has been devel-
system co-operated with an NMR spectrometer has been devel- oped for in situ monitoring of lipolysis in water-in-oil microemul-
oped for the regional correlation of nitrosyl hemoglobin formation sions stabilized by soybean lecithin (O399). The authors of this
in gerbil head under hypoxia (O378). Near-IR, in conjunction with paper describe a method of control of fermentations by means of
measurement of cerebral blood flow, was used in rabbits with on-line near-infrared spectrometry (O400).
experimental bacterial meningitis to determine whether there was The authors of this paper describe the applications of near-IR
evidence for cerebral energy depletion and alterations in the spectroscopy to fermentation process analysis (O401). By use
cerebral vascular bed with infection (O379). Cortical spreading of near-IR spectroscopy, simultaneous, multiple-constituent estima-
depression was monitored noninvasively by near-IR spectroscopy tion of important bioprocess parameters can be obtained in a time
in male Wistar rats (O380). The authors of this paper have shown frame that was previously unattainable (O402). This article
that an inexpensive dual wavelength near-IR tissue oxygen monitor discusses the potential use of near-IR spectroscopy for analyzing
may be very useful to detect myoglobin oxygenation in a volume strongly absorbing highly light scattering samples for bioprocess
of tissue as small as the isolated buffer-perfused rat heart (O381). analysis (O403). The dynamics of electronic and thermal relax-
The paper discusses near-IR depth-resolved measurement of ation of the heme in myoglobin have been determined from
drug concentrations during diffusion through a matrix (O382). subpicosecond time-resolved near-IR absorbance spectra of pho-
This paper is a description of the analytical applications of near- toexcited myoglobin (O404). Near-IR is used to determine
IR spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical industry (O383). A study cerebral blood volume and cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity (O405).
was performed on the pharmaceutical components in tablets. Near- Light-induced release of ADP and ATP from respective caged
IR spectroscopy was shown to measure with satisfactory accuracy nucleotides produced small distinct difference IR spectra of
and reliability within the validity limits of calibration (O384). Near- creatine kinase (CK), indicating that ADP and ATP binding to
IR spectroscopy was used for the on-line measurement of moisture CK promoted different structural alteration (O406). FT-IR differ-
during granulation and drying of pharmaceuticals (O385). Near- ence spectroscopy has been used to probe structural changes in
IR spectroscopy was used to qualitatively assess the homogeneity membrane proteins (O407). The effects of both neutral and
of a typical direct compression pharmaceutical powder blend anionic lipids on the structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine
consisting of hydrochlorothiazide, Fast-flo lactose, croscarmellose receptor have been probed using IR difference spectroscopy
sodium, and magnesium stearate (O386). The authors of this (O408). This paper examines FT-IR difference spectra of tyrosine
paper discuss a calibration line adjustment to facilitate the use of D oxidation and plastoquinone QA reduction in photosystem II
synthetic calibration samples in near-infrared spectrometric analy- (O409). Redox FT-IR difference spectroscopy using caged
sis of pharmaceutical production samples (O387). Near-IR electrons reveals contributions of carboxyl groups to the catalytic
spectrometry was used to quantify metoprolol succinate in mechanism of heme-copper oxidases (O410). FT-IR difference
controlled-release tablets (O388). The viability of using principal spectroscopy and 13C-labeled bicarbonate techniques investigate
component analysis and soft independent modeling of class bicarbonate binding to the none-heme iron of photosystem II
analogy analysis of the near-IR reflectance spectra of illicit (O411). The photocycle of 124-kDa phytochrome A from Avena
methaqualone tablet formulations as an aid in sample differentia- sativa was studied by FT-IR at low temperatures. Difference
tion was investigated (O389). This investigation focused on the spectra between the parent and the intermediates were obtained
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998 155R
and show characteristic spectral features which allow a clear proteins (O431). An ultrafast laser apparatus was developed that
distinction between the different intermediates (O412). The allows time-resolved UV-visible and IR spectroscopy to be
tyrosine D radical FT-IR difference spectrum obtained in photo- performed with a time resolution of 200 fs (O432). The authors
system II membranes has been compared to FT-IR difference of this paper present data from mutated photosynthetic reaction
spectra of tyrosine and phenol radicals generated by UV irradiation centers where a change in the energetics of the special pair P
at low temperature (O413). The photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin leads to a speed up of the electron-transfer step away from P
(BR) regenerated with all-trans-9-demethylretinal was investigated (O433). Picosecond IR vibrational echo experiments on a protein,
by time-resolved rapid-scan FT-IR difference spectroscopy (O414). myoglobin-CO, are described in this article (O434, O435). In this
A review with 54 references has been written of light-induced FT- article, picosecond IR vibrational echo experiments on a mutant
IR difference spectroscopy of the quinone vibrations in protein/ protein, H64V myoglobin-CO, are described and compared to
quinone interactions in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center experiments on wild-type myoglobin-CO (O436). The authors of
(O415). FT-IR difference spectroscopy was used to investigate this paper discuss the application of step-scan FT-IR spectroscopy
Z,E isomerization of the R-84 phycoviolobilin chromophore of with nanosecond time resolution to the photocycle of carbonyl-
phycoerythrocyanin from Mastigocladus laminosus (O416). Light- Hb (O437). A nanosecond step-scan FT-IR investigation of the
induced FT-IR difference spectroscopy was used to investigate KL to L transition in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle is discussed
protein and bacteriopheophytin response to QA reduction in in this article (O438). Femtosecond IR spectroscopy of low-lying
photosynthetic bacterial reaction centers from R. sphaeroides and excited states in the reaction center of R. sphaeroides are discussed
Rhodopseudomonas viridis (O417). Difference FT-IR spectra were in this paper (O439). These authors discuss femtosecond IR
recorded for the formation of the photointermediates and isor- studies of photosynthetic reaction centers (O440). The authors
hodopsin from octopus rhodopsin at low temperatures (O418). of this paper present transient absorbance spectra of the reaction
Time-resolved FT-IR difference spectroscopy was used to char- centers from the bacterium R. sphaeroides (O441).
acterize the amplitude, frequency, and kinetics of the absorbance Marianne L. McKelvy is a Research Leader in the Spectroscopy Group
of the Analytical Sciences Laboratory of the Dow Chemical Co., U.S.A.
changes induced in the IR spectrum of sarcoplasmic reticulum She received her B.S. degree from the University of Detroit, Detroit, MI
(SR) Ca2+-ATPase by Ca2+ binding at the high-affinity transport (1979) and the M.S. (1982) and Ph.D. (1985) degrees in polymer
chemistry from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY. She joined the Dow
sites (O419). Low-temperature FT-IR difference spectroscopy has Chemical Co. in the Analytical Sciences Laboratory in 1984, where she
identified a pH-dependent polarity change at the heme-copper is involved in solving polymer problems using infrared spectroscopy. Her
research interests involve the characterization of polymers using vibra-
binuclear center of the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase from R. tional spectroscopy and infrared microspectroscopy. She is a member of
the Coblentz Society, the Society for Applied Spectroscopy, and the
sphaeroides (O420). Molecular reaction mechanisms of proteins American Chemical Society.
have been monitored by nanosecond step-scan FT-IR difference
Thomas R. Britt is a Project Leader in the Analytical Science Group
spectroscopy (O421). This paper details the light-induced QA/ of the Louisiana Division of Dow Chemical Co., U.S.A. He received his
QA FT-IR difference spectrum of the photoreduction of the B.S. (1976) from Millsaps College, Jackson, MS, M.S. (1981) from the
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, and the Ph.D. (1981)
primary quinone (QA) in reaction centers from R. spaeroides from the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. He joined
Dow in 1982 and has worked in new polymer development and on-line
(O422). An infrared difference spectroscopy investigation was analyzer development. For the past 9 years, he has worked in the
conducted of the conformational changes of arginine kinase Instrumental Analysis group, applying FT-IR and FT-Raman spec-
troscopies in the solution of production and research problems. His
induced by photochemical release of nucleotides from caged interests are polymer characterization and the application of FT-IR and
nucleotides (O423). FT-IR spectroscopy has been used to assess FT-Raman microspectroscopies to understanding polymers and their
the bonding interactions of the quinone carbonyls of QA (asym-
Bradley L. Davis is a Research Leader in the Materials Science Group
metric binding) and QB (more symmetric) and compared to those of the Analytical Sciences Laboratory, The Dow Chemical Co., U.S.A.
proposed in the X-ray structures (O424). A combination of protein He received a B.A. degree from Rice University in 1972 and a M.A. from
The University of Texas at Austin in 1974. He joined Dow in 1974 where
electrochemistry and spectroscopy was used to determine the he has been involved primarily in the application of infrared spectroscopy
midpoint potentials of the cofactors and the redox-induced toward solving production and research problems. His research interests
include polymer characterization, determination of molecular structure,
difference spectra of cyt b and cyt c1 (O425). The authors of this and characterization of polymer surfaces. He is a member of the Society
for Applied Spectroscopy and the Coblentz Society.
paper report the first TyrDo/TyrD FT-IR difference spectrum
obtained in spinach PS II membranes (O426). RNA/diethylstil- J. Kevin Gillie is a Research Scientist in the Research and Development
group at AET Films, located in New Castle, DE. His current responsibili-
bestrol interactions were studied by FT-IR difference spectroscopy ties include directing the analytical sciences laboratory at AET Films.
(O427). This paper examines the analysis of the polymer/ Since joining AET Films, he has focused on applying a variety of analytical
techniques to the complex development, manufacturing, and application
antibody/antigen interaction in a capacitive immunosensor by FT- of oriented polypropylene films. He received a B.S. in chemistry from
James Madison University in 1983 and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry
IR difference spectroscopy (O428). This review has been written from Iowa State University in 1989. Prior to joining AET Films, he
with many references related to light-induced FT-IR difference worked in the Analytical Sciences Laboratory for The Dow Chemical Co.
He has eight years of experience applying vibrational spectroscopy to solve
spectroscopy of the primary electron donor in photosynthetic complex industrial and materials problems.
reaction centers (O429). Felicia B. Graves is a Research Specialist in the Molecular Spectros-
This review with references is of techniques and applications copy Group with The Dow Chemical Company, U.S.A. She received her
B.S. from Jackson State University, Jackson, MS in 1982, and M.S.
of ultrafast IR spectroscopy to biomolecules, pulse-probe methods (1988) and Ph.D. (1991) from the University of Southern Mississippi,
in biology, etc. (O430). This article discusses the rapid advances Hattiesburg, MS. She joined the Dow Chemical Co. in the Separation
Sciences group in 1991 and, in 1993, joined the Molecular Spectroscopy
in the generation of intense tunable ultrashort mid-IR laser pulses group, where she has been involved primarily in applications of infrared
and UV-visible spectroscopy. Her research interests included the develop-
which allow the use of ultrafast IR pump-probe and vibrational ment and applications of GC-IR-MSD for materials characterization.
echo experiments to investigate the dynamics of the fundamental She is a member of the American Chemical Society, the Society for Applied
Spectroscopy, and the National Organization for the Professional Ad-
vibrational transition of CO bound to the active site of heme vancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers.

156R Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 12, June 15, 1998
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