Arise & Build 2018 July

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A Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Chalcedon Foundation | July 2018



halcedon began been doing for generations. My father
during a period of was considered a divisive voice when
upheaval. In 1965 he advocated for abandoning public
a group of conservatives schools for distinctly Christian ones.
who had previously Many of those churches had a form of
heard my father speak amillennialism that was more defeat-
asked him to move to Los Angeles. ist than the pre-tribulation rapture
They promised to organize monthly eschatology which then prevailed. My
commitments to his support if he father’s postmillennialism, which drove
would start classes and Bible studies for his outlook on the present responsibil-
them. There were no worldview orga- ity of the church, was an anomaly. The
nizations before Chalcedon. He was, modernist church offered a humanistic
in fact, told that no one would support political hope and their conservative
an organization based on ideas. He was counterparts a defeatist perspective.
told that the “real money” was in being The changes of the 1960s were
anti-communist, but he wanted to talk overwhelming. Many ideas converged
about solutions, not just problems. He
to reveal what had actually been devel-
did not believe focusing on evil would
oping for years. The nation had lost its
ever bring about righteousness.
Christian faith, and, when given the
DEFEAT AND DESPAIR opportunity, self-consciously renounced
The conservatives were still shell- it. Student revolts shut down college
shocked by the landslide loss of “Mr. campuses for weeks at a time. Anti-war
Conservative,” Barry Goldwater, the protests frequently turned violent. An
previous November. It did not help that entire subculture of hippies renounced
days before our move, Los Angeles had their parents and their culture. A “new
been engulfed in race riots in which morality” of free love abandoned the
thirty-four people died. remnants of Christian ethics. Political
The old-line denominations, con- assassinations shocked the nation. At
trolled for years by modernism, raced the time, it seemed that all this came
to advocate for everything perceived about suddenly, though a repudia-
as a matter of social justice. Conserva- tion of the past had been unfolding
tive, orthodox churches only wanted for many years. A philosophical idea
to double-down on what they had picked up from a phrase of Nietzsche

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seemed to reflect the new mood. “God be developed independently of secular
is dead,” it said, and for many it seemed conservatism.
that their whole social and cultural con- Most conservative voters did not
text was dying as well. It was hard to understand the limitations of political
put these things into a context, a world conservatism in 1965. That was the
and life view, and far harder to know audience of my father. He coined the
how to react. term Christian Reconstruction that
There was a dynamic to the hu- year, but the political concerns of his
manistic agenda of the 1960s, albeit audience were very much evident in
one of an ultimately deleterious effect. the questions asked him after every talk
It was a long-developing reaction to he gave. The frustration at the changes
the loss of Christian faith and morality (some of which did include revolution-
which resulted in a belief in the Marxist ary rhetoric and violence) was clear.
and Darwinian view of the radical
change of revolution as leading to WHAT PAST ARE WE LIVING IN?
positive results. The revolutionaries of It is the nature of conservatism to
the time (both within and without the look to the past. This is only valid to
system) believed that the destruction of the extent the past is a solid model for
what they perceived as antiquated was the future. In most cases, the example
preliminary to positive change (“surviv- of the past is only a partial model for
al of the fittest”). the future. Our Lord said “Seek ye first
the kingdom of God, and His righ-
CONSERVE OR CHRISTIANIZE? teousness; and all these things shall be
That was the context of Chalce- added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). Our
don’s origin in 1965. Political conser- future vision must be one of growth
vatism resisted many of these changes and development, not merely preser-
but had no clear worldview, only a vation. Christian Reconstruction is an
defense of what had been. Two years analogy of building on the Rock when
earlier, my father had seen the conser- so much decay and unsound work is
vative movement repudiate a distinctly evident. The first task of any recon-
Christian view of American history and struction, then, is an evaluation of what
culture. The most important conser- can and cannot be reclaimed, of what
vative funding source of the previous must be demolished and rebuilt. As
decade, the Volker Fund, had created with any cherished historic building,
the Center for American Studies as there will be voices that resist the need
a distinctly Christian think tank and to demolish. Clinging to the past is a
hired my father. His first manuscript natural tendency, but often a counter-
was This Independent Republic. When productive one.
it was privately passed out to leaders It used to be common for those
in the conservative movement it was ignorant of the times to appeal to the
widely criticized as too parochial, too purity of “the early church.” Yet the
Calvinistic, and anti-Catholic. It was early church was composed of fresh
clear that the conservative movement converts from paganism whose pre-
did not wish to identify with, much less conceived ideas of religion controlled
defend, a Christian understanding and their ideas of what Christianity ought
interpretation of history and culture. to be. They were strongly influenced by
My father was fired and the Center for dualism’s view of spirituality as anti-ma-
American Studies closed. A distinctly terial and otherworldly. Men mutilated
Christian perspective would have to themselves and inflicted punishment

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assuming this was a higher way. Monas- for many years before dissolving into
ticism’s asceticism was a milder form of irrelevance.
this idea. Theologically, these dualists Southerners lived in their political
tried to “fix” Christianity by denying past for years, repeating the damage
the literal incarnation of Jesus Christ, a done to the Constitution by the Union
heresy that persisted until the Council victory and Reconstruction. There is
of Chalcedon in A.D. 451. Much of certainly some level of truth to this,
the early church was not worthy of be- as military defeat always brings about
ing conserved because it was immature. a radical change. The way out of our
Many Christians of sound theology present Constitutional issues will not
want to rehash the Protestant Refor- be a reversal of events now 150 years
mation rather than extend it. They will past. The way out is not to go back but
dwell on the issues and formulas of 500 forward.
years ago without a thought of how The same is true of religious ortho-
those ideas transformed Europe and doxy. If we could turn back the clock,
America or how they can do so now. we would only go back to a time that
My father once recounted going into led us to the present. There is nothing
one church in such a denomination. profound in noting things were once
He was considered an outsider by many better than today. Even to the extent
and so viewed with suspicion, even that it is true, it does not bring us to
though he was thoroughly Reformed anything but romanticism and nos-
in his theology. One church leader talgia. Reformation moves in “Drive”
later recounted the fuming of another not “Reverse,” and it is the same with
in the foyer of the church while my Christian Reconstruction. We start
father spoke. The angry church leader with what we have, evaluate the extent
was asked why he had a problem with of the damage, then rebuild on what
my father. “He believes the same things is sound or start from the ground up if
we do,” the man stressed. “Then why necessary.
doesn’t he say them in the same way?”
was the response. Traditionalism may WHERE WE ARE GOING
or may not be orthodoxy. The idea of It is easy to be discouraged. Our
“standing on the shoulders” of our for- task is a seemingly insurmountable
bears should imply that we reach even one. It must have seemed that way to
higher because our outlook is extended the apostles when Jesus ascended into
by their contribution. It is not meant to heaven. They were, for the most part,
imply theirs is the final stage of devel- humble fishermen. They were given
opment and we can rest inactive and a command to go into the world and
rehearse their finished work. teach all nations when their own nation
The Fundamentalist movement had resisted the message. They had to
was a twentieth-century religious preach of the Messiah promised to the
effort to resist religious liberalism by Jews to foreign peoples after He was
retreating into the “fundamentals” of gone. They had no capital or resources,
Christian belief and holding the line. except for their faith in the certainty of
It was trying to retreat from what it the Kingdom of God and the power of
declared “non-fundamentals” and His enabling Spirit.
conserve the core doctrines of Christian In their own lifetimes, their results
faith. Its conservativism thus began were noteworthy, but not world-chang-
with a reduced message and a retreat. ing. The Kingdom, however, continued
It rehashed these points to its faithful its growth. Few men in history can

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be credited for any of the dramatic the far isles will seek Zion, and that
growth it has seen. Those who are most the knowledge of the Lord will fill the
noteworthy are those who, at a critical earth. That’s where the future is, and
time, took a stand for the faith and it will be a godly world of the future,
encouraged others to do the same. The one of technology and marvels, not
growth of the Kingdom has always comparable to the first century, or the
been like the leaven (yeast) in a loaf of sixteenth, or the eighteenth.
bread, too slow to observe. This is still Every modern marvel yet to be
true, as witness the fact that Christians envisioned will belong to the Kingdom.
still decry its state though it is larger Every time-saving invention will be its
now than ever before in history and property. Every medical marvel will
Christianity (not Islam) is the fastest expand the quality and duration of the
growing religion in the world. Thank lives of its saints. The precise image of
God the increase of His Kingdom is the Kingdom down this road is hidden
not up to our planning and oversight, to us but it will be far grander than any-
as we fail to see its very real quantitative thing we can romanticize about the past.
growth. The theology may be some- The message of Chalcedon has not
what deficient, but that was also the changed since 1965. Over fifty years
case in the early church. Immaturity later there is still change taking place
is a state before maturation. “First the and much of it is both destructive
blade, then the ear, after that the full and dangerous. By the time Jesus told
corn in the ear” (Mark 4:28). the disciples to teach all nations, the
A defeatist and retreatist mentality Roman Republic had also declined into
poisons our will to serve in the King- an absolutist empire. It continued to
dom of God and blinds us to what is dissolve over several centuries until it
now transforming areas of the world collapsed. Had the church focused on
long closed to the gospel. The King- how bad things were, they would have
dom is growing and will continue to never laid the groundwork for the next
grow. We act in terms of this certainty step, the emergence of Christendom
not because our efforts bring it about in Europe. It was far from perfect, but
but because we choose to be faithful to continued the progress down the road
what God has called us to do. which led into a future under God.
Moreover, our direction must be Still, we look, not back to the old
self-consciously forward, not backward. Christendom but to the future and the
The road ahead will not look the same maturing of the Kingdom.
as the road behind us because we are As Rome’s empire developed, it
not heading in that direction, nor was full of abuses and degeneracies.
should we desire to. Not conservation Likewise we can now see evils we did
of the past, but the Christianization of not imagine a few years ago. My father
what is and what will be is our goal. often said that we were at the end of
I do not pretend to understand the age of humanism, and that its death
most modern technology, but I have throes would be both unpleasant and
lived long enough to enjoy its advan- dangerous. It is wise to be concerned
tages. The Kingdom of God in its full- about the damage being done, but
ness lies ahead on the road we follow. we must also reflect that God is now
That road may be a long one travelled shaking the things of this world so that
by many generations yet to come, but those things which cannot be shaken
we have been told that every knee will might remain (Hebrews 12:26-27). The
bow, every tongue will confess, that conclusion (v. 28-29) of that was what

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would revive the Kingdom: bright as the promises of God.” We are
Wherefore we receiving a kingdom on the winning side of time and eterni-
which cannot be moved, let us ty. The Kingdom progresses and we are
have grace, whereby we may serve called to serve it, so we move forward
God acceptably with reverence toward the bright promises of God’s
and godly fear. For our God is a tomorrows.
consuming fire.
Mark Rushdoony is the President of the
Our duty during the shaking is Chalcedon Foundation, Ross House Books,
clear: “serve God.” That is the mes- and Storehouse Press and preaches weekly
sage of Christian Reconstruction and at the Chalcedon Chapel which is streamed
Chalcedon. live each Sunday via Chalcedon’s Facebook
“The future,” as Adoniram Jud- page at
son once said from a prison cell, “Is as donfoundation.


ince 1965, the Chalcedon Foun- their faith to every sphere of life
dation has served as the found- and thought. We’ve already gained
ing and leading ministry for the significant ground through helping
message of Christian Reconstruc- to restore Christian education, but
tion, which is simply the mission of it’s time to move into other spheres
advancing the Kingdom of God in by God’s grace, law, and power.
every area of life. Now, fifty-three We desperately need your
years later, the need for this message help to continue this mission, so
and ministry is greater than ever as please take a few moments today
we continue to face the enemy of to prayerfully consider supporting
humanism both in the world and in Chalcedon with your tax-deductible
the church. giving. We’ve enclosed a self-
Our objective is to help equip addressed, postage-paid envelope to
Christians to “take back” govern- make it easy, and you can also donate
ment from the state by means of online at:
Biblical self-government and to apply


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alcolm Glad- and I have no idea. I don’t know where
well’s books are it comes from.”
bestsellers, which There, in a nutshell, is the explana-
is something of an tion for Gladwell’s popularity: he puts
annoyance to his many the blame where humanistic, auton-
appalled critics who omous man always puts it. He has a
feel obligated to explain his enduring built-in audience because if systems
popularity. The opposition trots out and structures and environments are
the usual canards: oversimplification, to blame, then man is a victim and
reliance on anecdotes, storytelling skills not responsible for his woes. Gladwell
that leave the facts far behind, etc. Not is promoting the idea of metaphysical
one synthesis put forward by Gladwell evil, an idea launched in the Garden of
has been successfully overthrown, even Eden when personal responsibility was
when subsidiary jettisoned by Adam
details have lost their and Eve.
original luster when Enter R. J.
contrary evidence Rushdoony, who
came to light. overthrows that view
Why is Glad- by asserting that evil
well so popular? The is a moral fact: hu-
less-traveled road man responsibility is
leads to the truth of always implicated. In
the matter. respect to diagnosing
In an interview mankind’s problems,
published on May Rushdoony is the
29, 2018, Gladwell anti-Gladwell. The
explains why he em- two men couldn’t be
phasizes the things any farther apart.
he does. Gladwell’s
Malcolm Gladwell
I like ideas that approach leads to
absolve people of blame. That’s the false solutions. The false doctrine of
most consistent theme in all of my metaphysical evil requires installing
work. I don’t like blaming people’s a massive state apparatus to “solve” a
nature or behavior for things. I like problem that can only be corrected by
blaming systems and structures and regeneration of the heart. Until blame
environments for things.1 and responsibility are dealt with head-
When interviewer Dan Amira asks on, mankind’s problems only worsen.
the follow-up question, Why do you not Valid solutions start with Christian
want to blame individuals?, Gladwell self-government. Men, in fleeing from
replies, “I’ve thought about this a lot, blame and responsibility, throw them-

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selves into the hands of false saviors contrast: God made man upright (a
willing to countenance their victim- moral fact) but men seek out many
hood and apply coercion to undercut inventions, devices, contrivances, and
liberty. Manipulating “systems and schemes (metaphysical facts). Men
structures and environments” requires only set aside their devices when they’re
total control, but because those things made upright again in Christ, when
are not the actual source of mankind’s they’re self-governed under God’s law.
problems, our moral evil not only Contra Gladwell, there is only one way
remains but is actually amplified. people are absolved of blame: when
Gladwell struggled to explain why the Father makes us “holy and without
he doesn’t like to blame individuals: he blame before Him in love” (Eph. 1:4).
doesn’t know where that impulse comes Christian self-government is the
from. It comes from our sin nature, and key to solving mankind’s problems
it is only resolved by the transformation because it’s the only solution that recog-
wrought by Christ. Malcolm Gladwell, nizes the actual problem (moral evil),
a professed Christian, does not appear its solution (regeneration), and the
strategy for recovery (applying God’s

“In respect to law). This begins with equipping Chris-

tian men and women with the tools

diagnosing to rebuild moral foundations, and the

resolve to use them, “to wit, that God
was in Christ, reconciling the world
mankind’s problems, unto Himself” (2 Cor. 5:19).
Once Christians repudiate vic-
Rushdoony is the timhood, they can become more than
conquerors. We won’t look for solu-
anti-Gladwell. The tions in the wrong places, “healing the
wound of the people lightly” (Jer. 6:14,
two men couldn’t be ESV). We will live to see that “the
entering in of Thy Word bringeth light”
any farther apart.” (Ps. 119:130).

to apply his faith to this question.2 Martin Selbrede is the Vice-President

Some level of dualism is acting in him of the Chalcedon Foundation and is the
and countless other Christians to create senior researcher for Chalcedon’s ongoing
The Great Disconnect, whereby God is work of Christian scholarship, along with
effectively muzzled in the world at large being the senior editor for Chalcedon’s
that He created. publications. He is considered a foremost
No problem can be solved if expert in the thinking of R.J. Rushdoony.
A sought-after speaker, Martin travels ex-
misidentified. Faulty solutions will
tensively and lectures on behalf of Chris-
multiply, and their guaranteed failures, tian Reconstruction and the Chalcedon
one after another, will spawn only more Foundation. He is also an accomplished
vexation and loss of liberty. Humanistic musician and composer.
solutions fail “because there is no light
in them” (Isa. 8:20), i.e., they don’t magazine/malcolm-gladwell-likes-things-
speak according to His law. better-in-canada.html
“God hath made man upright, but 2. Ironically, Gladwell’s view of the Ameri-
they have sought out many inventions” can prison system come close to Rushdoo-
(Eccl. 7:29). Don’t miss the implicit ny’s views, but for different reasons.


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