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Where to straighten its target NASA

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,

/ˈnæsə/) is an independent agency of the United States Federal
Government responsible for the civilian space program, as well
as aeronautics and aerospace research.

In my opinion, if NASA is targeting a planet I think one of the

first option is Mars,because:
-is a pretty big planet(144,8 milion km²),but unfortunately is
smaller than earth that have 510.1 million km².
-it has close features with earth, in the past ever since the
beginning of astronomy, since the man was able to see the
stars with the help of the telescope, the planet Mars has
aroused interest due to its surface bounded by canals and
canyons. It was believed that rivers flow through them, and
that the planet could be inhabited. One hundred years later, in
1964, the Mariner 4 spacecraft arrived on Mars. The scientists'
disappointment must have been bitter, because they found an
empty planet with no sign of vegetation, water or life. So the
idea that the planet could be inhabited became fiction.In the 40
years since Mariner 4, I have learned a lot about Mars from
many probes sent to it. We now know that the temperature on
the surface of Mars varies between -143 ° C at the poles and +
27 ° C at the equator. The planet Mars has a very rare
atmosphere (about 1% of the Earth's pressure), without liquid
water, and the incident UV radiation combined with the
extremely oxidizing soil make the surface of the planet Mars a
very hostile place of life. However, from images showing
channels and wide river networks and from images of Mars
Exploration Rovers showing sedimentary layers and alteration
of water layers, we realized that in the first half billion For years
of its history, Mars has been a humid and warm place with a
thick atmosphere.Planet Mars could sustain lifeResearchers at
Goddard Conceptual Image Lab have created an animation that
attempts to reconstruct the past of the red planet. According to
their current data, they suspect that, at one point, the Martian
atmosphere allowed the existence of water, and the planet was
warm and remote from the seas, rivers and lakes, as did Earth.
Planet Mars 4 billion years ago It is estimated that the volume
of water present would have been sufficient to cover the entire
planet with a 500-meter deep layer. However, such a surface
required the existence of a different, warmer, closer
atmosphere to that of the Earth. In the video images, made to
illustrate a new NASA mission investigating the Martian climate,
one can see the deterioration of living conditions on the planet.

(Mars 4 years ago)

The planet Mars can be colonized
In the 1930s, in SF films, a concept called Terraformare
appeared, that is, the transformation of a planet in order to
make it habitable like Earth. In the 1960s, scientists began to
think more seriously about this idea.
In order to answer the question of whether teraformation on
Mars is possible, we must first know what it takes to make life
exist and whether Mars fulfills these conditions. At present, the
planet Mars cannot sustain liquid water on its surface due to
the low temperatures and rarefied atmosphere (atmospheric
pressure is below the triple point of water, which is the
pressure under which a material can exist only in solid or
gaseous state. , regardless of temperature). Besides liquid
water, the most elementary life forms on Earth need only an
atmosphere with which to exchange gas. More complex
organisms have more stringent and numerous requirements -
plants need a small amount of oxygen, animals require higher
atmospheric pressure - but microorganisms are less

( Planet Mars - North Pole)

Planet Mars has frozen carbon dioxide (CO2 ice) in polar caps
and absorbed into the ground, which could be released if the
planet were warm. It would thicken the atmosphere and heat
the planet even more. Heating would cause the ice water
detected in the polar caps to melt. It seems that Mars appears
to have two key ingredients needed to sustain life. In addition,
but once Mars is heated by some method, it would be a
positive response in the release of carbon dioxide from polar
caps and soil, thickening of the atmosphere, warming of the
planet, release of water and the resulting conditions that allow
water in the liquid state to persist to the surface.
• placing mirrors on the orbit of Mars to reflect more light on
the Martian surface
• scattering of dark dust on the poles to reduce their albedo (ie
brightness) so that they absorb more solar energy
• release into the atmosphere of pronounced greenhouse gases
to warm the planet.
There are groups that work to make the first two ideas
applicable. But we have already implemented the idea of
greenhouse gases on Earth - making it, at least for the moment,
the most promising method of teraformation.Pronounced
greenhouse gases are molecules that are very efficient at
absorbing energy released from the planet's surface, and then
radiating this energy both upward into space - to be lost forever
- and down to the surface of the planet, heating it up. so much
more. These gases work in a similar way to a blanket. But we
don't want any blanket! For example, carbon dioxide would be
like a thin sheet, while perfluoropropane (C3F8) would be like a
thick wool blanket. So we would like to use pronounced
greenhouse gases - with high heating potentials, which have
atmospheric life times (thousands to tens of thousands of
years) - to reduce the feed rate. A final key issue would be the
choice of greenhouse gases that do not affect the current and
future ozone layer of Mars (as opposed to CFC -
chlorofluorocarbon).Detailed atmospheric models show that
one of the best greenhouse gases to be used is
perfluoropropane and the total amount required is
approximately 26,000 times higher than similar gases (CFC,
perfluorocarbon and hydrofluorocarbon) released on Industrial
Earth. every year. This means that we cannot produce these
gases on Earth and then deliver them to Mars. Instead, these
gases should be produced on Mars. Thus, the teraformation
would most likely start when we started colonizing Mars and
there would be both technological and industrial power to
create the necessary factors for greenhouse gas
production.Currently, greenhouse gases are changing the Earth
drastically and unwanted, so that their use on Mars would
seem irresponsible or simply wrong. However, climate change
on Earth is undesirable because there is already a highly
evolved ecosystem that is intimately linked to the climate. But
there is no such ecosystem on Mars: chemical and
photographic investigations have shown that life does not
proliferate on Mars and does not control its environment.
There may be latent organisms or organisms living
underground. As good explorers and scientists, and in
accordance with the planetary protection treaty, we should
methodically explore the planet Mars in search of possible
forms of life before contaminating our scientific investigations
with terrestrial organisms or causing competition between
terrestrial and terrestrial life. Martian. Mandatory, in the early
stages of teraformation, we expect Mars to return to the way it
was in its early history - when life had begun - thus giving active
survivors or latent organisms a chance to exit and hibernate.
recreates the biosphere. Teraforming the planet Mars would
allow us to colonize and explore the planet much easier, having
to wear only oxygen masks, without the need for space suits in
the high pressure atmosphere.
In the universe there a lot of planets that we can live on ,but in
my opinion Mars is the best. Here is an video that show the
evolution of this planet:

Another planet that can maintain life on and can be the target
of NASA is Ross-128B:
The exoplanet Ross 128 b is the closest temperate planet
orbiting an inactive red dwarf star, as far as they have been
discovered so far. Located a short distance from Earth, in
astronomical terms, the planet Ross 128 b is considered to be
more habitable than Proxima b:
The researchers hope that future studies will provide more
clues about the existence and composition of the exoplanet
atmosphere. Ross 128 is a red dwarf star at 11 light years (3.4
parsecs) from Earth, in the direction of the constellation Virgo
(Virgo). Ross 128 is moving to the Solar System and, according
to astronomical calculations, in about 79,000 years will be the
closest star to us. Using the HARPS instrument located at the La
Silla Observatory in Chile, astronomers discovered a planet
orbiting around the star. Ross 128 b is quite similar to Earth,
having an estimated mass 1.35 times larger than that of our
planet. The exoplanet is 20 times closer to its star than the Sun
Earth, having an orbital period of 9.9 days. But the Ross 128
star is much smaller than the Sun and the planet receives about
1.38 times more energy than the Earth. Under these conditions,
astronomers believe that Ross 128 b could have temperatures
between -60 ° C and +20 degrees Celsius. Compared to Proxima
b, Ross 128 b is considered more suitable to support life,
because the Ross 128 star has a much lower activity than the
Proxima Centauri red dwarf star. Astronomers claim that the
exoplanet will be able to be further investigated with the help
of ELT (Extremely Large Telescope), due to open in 2024.
Here is a video that show how is the planet and how far is from

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