Chalcedon Report 2019 Apr

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Irrational Humanism: The Reasoned

Application of a False Worldview
by Mark R. Rushdoony

O ur culture has
become increasingly
irrational in the last half
can tell me what to do,” is positioning
himself as the ultimate authority. Such
a humanist will be anarchistic in his
The assumption that reason existed
in the first place was a borrowed one,
a carry-over from the earlier Christian
century, and the pace of thinking. Most humanism views the age. The new rationalistic worldview
this trend seems to be authority of man as a collective. The of the Enlightenment merely created a
accelerating. We have highest collective voice of man is the model that presumed a world of law and
long been accustomed to the charge state, so most humanism gravitates order. This “natural law” was built into
of racism being misused as a political toward statism. the universe and available for man to
weapon but in recent days the charge was Because it sees man as “in charge,” discover by his reason. Natural law and
made that even the original Mary Poppins humanism reacts to any transcendent rationality were attributed to a distant
movie was racist. If the current doom- authority, such as the God of Scripture, “first cause” referred to as “God,” but
and-gloom climate predictions (once a with contempt. They truly believe that the name was merely a philosophical
coming Ice Age, then global warming, because they are in control, they can construct unrelated to the Jehovah of
now a generic “climate change”) are repudiate all limitations, which they see Scripture. The true supreme being of
not absurd enough, we are offered the as a vestige of belief in a transcendent Enlightenment thought was man.
absurdity of “transgenderism.” We live God. The transcendent God of Scripture
is replaced with their own immanent Darwin: Revolution, Not Reason
in an age where entertainers make it a
authority, so they act like gods because The reliance of humanists on their
point to offend and politicians offer the
they have effectively declared themselves “God” as first cause was increasingly seen
panacea of socialism, despite all historic
to be such. They may not claim the title as a concession in the nineteenth century.
and contemporary examples of its
of god but they assume the prerogatives They were borrowing from Genesis
of God. They are in charge. They believe because they did not have a worldview
The Enlightenment’s Humanism: they can decree their own truth and of their own that could give an overall
Reason, Not Revelation condemn those who do not fall in line context to their humanism.
Some of the absurdities we hear are with their agenda. They see no limit The work of Darwin shattered the
likely not even believed by those who to their authority or prerogative. They humanist’s rationalistic thinking and
shout them. Their point is, in fact, to believe they can change the world and moved it in an entirely new direction,
shout, to demand and obtain the cameras that they must rid it of the “outdated” although still a man-centered one.
and microphones (I think the reference vestiges of a Christian worldview, Instead of a reliance on a “natural law”
to Mary Poppins would be an example). beginning with its ethics. built into the universe by God to be
In doing so, they deprive others the Humanism has itself disintegrated discovered by the rationality of men,
spotlight. Beyond that demand to be into increasing irrationality in the Darwin proposed a cosmos controlled by
heard, however, there is a very real sense modern era. The humanist response to neither a sovereign nor by law, but by the
of mission and purpose behind these the Reformation was the Enlightenment, properties of matter alone. Darwin saw
seemingly bizarre claims. which emphasized reason over the former chaos, chance, and randomness as man’s
Humanism replaces the supreme movement’s stand for revelation; so context, not law or reason.
authority of God with that of man. This many textbooks on Western history have Darwinism challenged humanism
supremacy may be seen as individual or referred to the Enlightenment as the “Age as much as Christian teaching because
collective. A person who says, “No one of Reason.” his was an entirely new model, a new
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worldview based on a more consistent we seek godly reconstruction on old
rejection of Biblical revelation. Darwin foundations, they believe in the urgency
proposed that reason and rationality of their destruction. Domestic Abuse &
came very late to man’s evolutionary A faith in evolution is thus a faith in The Church - 2019
history as products of civilization. Man’s progress by destruction, and regeneration
true roots, and the dynamic of the entire by revolution. The irrationality of Spring Conference
evolutionary scenario were chaos and humanism represents a Darwinian belief
survival of the fittest. It was this violence, in creating new men and a new order
not natural law, that had advanced man. by anarchy and violence. Its “rational”
Humanism, after Darwin, embraced behavior is in terms of Darwin’s
the new mythology of man’s violent mythological past and a faith in it as
pre-history. Chaos and revolution man’s salvation.
were seen as a rejuvenating means Any worldview based on a
of forcing the next stage of human mythological past is going to fail. The
development. Darwin’s theory became future belongs to the Kingdom of God
crucial to the Marxist justification of and His Christ. Neither the anarchist
violent revolution, and all subsequent nor the statist revolutionary will create
justification of violence. Such things as a better order because hope based on
traditions, truth, and status quo were Darwin’s mythology is doomed to fail.
seen as social efforts that retarded the Humanism will fail because
necessary evolutionary dynamic of it is antithetical to the advancing
constant upheaval. Kingdom of God. It will fail because its
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Modern political and legal theory anarchism makes it self-destruct. It is not
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM CDT
has also been co-opted by Darwin’s view overcoming because vandals cannot rule;
of the regenerative power of revolution. it is imploding. Church of the Living God
Activist politicians and judges tend to 8483 Al Highway 157,
The Future
side with every so-called “progressive” Moulton, Alabama 35650
We cannot see a moment into the
social trend. According to Darwinist future, but we are called to live in terms Come join us as we learn from
theory, societies are like organisms: of one we must believe by faith. Because Martin Selbrede, Vice-President
they adapt and change, or they stagnate we cannot see the future, God has, of the Chalcedon Foundation,
and die. Tradition, including old throughout history, revealed enough of about Domestic Abuse and
Constitutional restrictions or social it for men to believe that the future is the church’s responsibility in
mores, is associated with stagnation never one of chaos or revolution but of our day on this relevant and
and death, so Darwinian legal theory His sovereign providence and grace. The important topic.
embraced radical change to eliminate people of Jesus Christ have been given
old, regressive ideas and allow the Schedule:
a greater view of the future than any in
evolution of social order. The “progress” history. This perspective should be the 10:00 AM - Lecture #1:
of progressivism is via an intentionally crux of our eschatology. Arguing the The Anatomy of Abuse
created chaos out of which it is assumed minutia of John’s Revelation misses the
a brave new world will emerge, larger message that Jesus is victorious, 11:15 AM - Lecture #2:
unfettered by the traditions of the past. and the victory will one day be obvious Circling the Wagons
To the extent those traditions represent and every knee will bow and every Lunch Break
a Christian ethic or perspective, the tongue confess it.
push for change is especially vehement. The irrationality of humanism 1:15 PM - Lecture #3:
Nothing is seen as more stagnant and is the reasoned application of its false Justice and Healing
repressive than Christianity and its worldview, its faith in man. The only 2:15 PM - Question & Answer
“backward” look at ancient revelation as response to the insanity of humanism is Session
truth. the reality of man’s accountability to the
Creator God, His grace to us in Jesus This is a FREE conference,
Confusing Times
Christ, and the future we have in His but you must register at:
We live in a world that believes in
the nobility, and even the urgency, of
destroying any tie to the past because it
has a faith that whatever it destroys will
be replaced with something better. While
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#SeekYeFirst: The Digital (R)Evolution
An Update on Chalcedon’s Continuing Online Outreach

T he landscape of communication and

media is constantly in flux, but the
true constant in all things is faith and
ideas. The word media simply means
broadcasting, and whether it’s radio
and newspaper, or television and social
media, the real issue is always what is
being broadcast and not the mediums
This is proven true especially for
Chalcedon as we continue to expand
our footprint on various forms of media
such as social media, website, podcasting,
video, and digital publishing. Even in the
online space we’re seeing that what sets
us apart are the ideas we put forward and
the faith we proclaim.
Chalcedon’s official Facebook Business Page
Algorithm: The Digital Deity
There was a time when the word and being inundated with too much that wins over the algorithms. However,
viral was a frightening term linked to content or advertising will drive users this is not really beating the algorithm
a public epidemic of sickness, but in away from the app. since the algorithm wants to know
today’s online space, viral is what one For the businesses, organizations, which video has viral potential because
seeks if he wants attention. It’s now and persons who run Facebook Pages such content keeps users engaged on the
common to hear people ask one another (Pages are like having your own website platform. This is why memes and cat
if they’ve seen a viral, or trending, video within Facebook’s platform), they feel videos, as examples, do so well raking
much the same as they once asked if the algorithm is penalizing them because up millions of views. Social media is still
another had seen the previous night’s so few of their posts are actually seen by new, but cat lovers have been around
episode of M*A*S*H. their followers (subscribers). In 2017, since ancient Egypt!
Now, content producers are the average reach of a Facebook post There is another exception to the
desperately trying to develop content was about 8.92%, and these stats haven’t rule, and that is faith and the faith
that can go viral which means something improved much. In other words, if community. Again, what’s important to
that people will share with one another you have a 100 people following your understand is that in the digital space it’s
much the same as they share a cold or Facebook Page, your post would likely what’s going on with people that matters
the flu. The challenge is not simply only be seen by 9 people or less. and not the digital platforms themselves.
creating something that can go viral, but Facebook, however, is not penalizing There may be a good many cat lovers on
now content creators are up against a these page owners, but this does mean social media, but there are just as many
mysterious and powerful digital deity that content creators must know their who love God, and the more dedicated
called the algorithm. audience and what that audience wants the Christian community, the better
The algorithm is a calculating to see. In this regard, page owners have those Facebook Pages will perform who
digital operation that determines what to know the habits and interests of their serve those communities.
content is seen online and who sees it. followers far better than they know the This is certainly the case with
For example, a typical Facebook user technical tools of social media. Again, the Chalcedon where the average reach of
would be flooded daily with “posts” from some of our Facebook posts can be as
media may change, but people and ideas
the friends, businesses, organizations, high as 50% or more. Why is this the
and periodicals they follow if Facebook’s case? Why would a bunch of memes
algorithm didn’t curate and set rules that The Faith Phenomenon featuring quotes by R. J. Rushdoony
limit what that user sees. Facebook’s There are exceptions to the rule, have such a viral effect?
objective is to keep a user on the social and when it comes to social media, it’s The reason for the greater
media platform for as long as possible the cute, the trivial, and the provocative organic reach is that those in the faith
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Watch Chalcedon Chapel Services live! Nancy & Andrea of Homeschool Help Chalcedon Q&A with Martin Selbrede

community are passionate about their teaching. As of the publishing of

beliefs, and they are more prone to share this issue of the newsletter, Mark has
Christian posts because it’s a digital streamed 98 of his weekly sermons.
form of evangelism. Sharing content on Our very own Andrea Schwartz
Facebook is an easy way to get a message has done the same with her weekly
out to more people. It’s also a way to Homeschooling Help broadcast cohosted
engage in debate with unbelievers. In by Chalcedon supporter Nancy Wilk. It
fact, whether politics or religion, one streams live on our Facebook page each
could say that much of the contemporary Tuesday at 1:00 pm (EST), and they’ve
culture war is a war of memes. published over 45 episodes to date!
Although he’s on an extended break
to tend to other projects, Chalcedon
In Chalcedon’s case, the Christian
vice-president, Martin Selbrede, has
Reconstruction community that’s
graciously donated his time to hosting
present online is small but passionate—
Chalcedon Q&A live video broadcasts
small in comparison to Facebook’s two
(62 so far) on our Facebook page where
billion users. For the average follower of
Rushdoony quotes beat Facebook’s algorithm! he spends no less than an hour after
Chalcedon’s Facebook page, it’s a joy to
Mark’s Sunday sermons to answer
see a quote, an article, or a video from doctrine? Isn’t the emphasis on God’s law questions. Martin’s theological and
Chalcedon because it both provides the so that we can help extend and advance scriptural knowledge are extensive, and
user with encouragement and education God’s Kingdom in the earth? Our Lord viewers look forward to getting their
in addition to giving them something said, “But seek ye first the Kingdom of questions answered in real time from the
they can share. Although on a much God” (Matt. 6:33a), and for Chalcedon convenience of their computer or mobile
smaller scale, this is the viral effect in this means promoting the idea of the device.
action as faithful Christians push out firstness of the Kingdom even if it’s
Chalcedon’s content to an ever-widening simply a hashtag: #SeekYeFirst. A Great Way to Keep Up!
audience. We have other online programs such
The challenge for Chalcedon then Live Streaming Video as the Out of the Question Podcast, the
becomes what sort of content should Each Sunday more and more of our weekly Men’s Roundtable Discussions,
we post? With audiences consuming online community are gathering around and our monthly Book of the Month
different forms of media whether print, their computers or mobile devices to Club discussions. If all this seems like a
audio, or video, we are laboring to participate in the live streaming video lot, it is, but we want to reach as many
meet as many as we can in the format broadcast of our Sunday Chapel Service as we can wherever we can. If you’d like
they prefer. Granted, we can’t cover all featuring expository sermons by Mark to keep up with all that we’re doing, then
platforms or media expressions, but we Rushdoony on our Facebook page. take a moment today to register for our
find that what’s most important is to We’ve often heard from Christian digital mailing list where you’ll receive
push the firstness of the Kingdom of families and individuals who struggle regular updates, schedules, articles, and
God. to find a church that teaches Christian special offers. Just visit
What greater agenda is there? Is Reconstruction, and our weekly live ChalcedonSignUp and use your best
not the Kingdom of God the primary broadcasts are a great way for them email address. Thank you for all your
purpose behind all theology and to supplement their desire for such support!

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