Wow (Then Began To Walk Towards His Direction.) Do I Know You? It's Seems I've Seen This Face Somewhere Good Afternoon Handsome

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Episode one

Scene one


Situation: Camera pans on Henry walking down the street looking clean and
handsome as usual, a girl name LIGHT walkup to him.

Location: Street, Sitting room, Mechanic workshop, Roadside, under tree,




{Walking in a street going somewhere, he observe as ladies and women look and
glance at him then he smile and said} I'm Henry. {He said to himself and then
adds} I am here for you bitches.

Few minutes later


{Walkout of a store going somewhere but on sighting Henry, she smile and said }
wow {then began to walk towards his direction.} Do I know you? It’s seems
I’ve seen this face somewhere good afternoon handsome.

Probably yes and probably no, good afternoon beautiful! {He pause smile and
thought} dam you got this.


Thank you! I might have seen you somewhere recently but as it is now I can’t say
where in particular. Anyway nice to meet you {she street out her arm to him so
that they can shake hands then she smile}

Nice to meet you too! {Still holding her hand he smiles too} what’s your name?


Light {she smile}


Light like L.i.g.h.t?


Yes light {she spells her name too and said} I’ve to go now.


Not so fast {he pull her back by the hand} can I have your phone number?


No! {She walks away without looking back, leaving him there standing like a


{Still standing watching as the distance increases between them.}Dam! Nigga you
fail on this one.





{On a phone conversation with a lady} you’re too beautiful to be treated as an old
woman just because you’ve kids.


You’re not serious, but believe me when I say I enjoy your company every time we
talk like we’re doing now and when I am right next to you.


That’s interesting; I hope you will not feed another man with my food, please
excuse me! {he held the phone away from his mouth then stretch out his arm to
shake hands with J. Thomson a mechanic we can say according to his dressing.
Then Henry made a sign to the J. Thomson to indicate he is on a phone
conversation} baby are you there?


You’ll pay for wasting my call card.


{Walks towards a swivel chair and sit down} Oh you’re trying to tell me that I'm
not worth wasting more than just call card on?


Ofcos no!


Very well then, I'm at a friend’s workplace talk to you later.


Alright! I love you.

{Ends call then place the phone on a table, his hand on his chin he thought} I don’t
need your love; what I need is the fucking money.


Scene three

{ext} -same day - MORNING

Mechanic workshop

j. Thomson

{Walk towards Henry who is seated under the shade.} Finally you are here after
days of talking to you about coming back here to learn one or two things.


I'm not here because I'm ready; I'm here because I'm bored at home. So J. Thomson
don’t get it twisted.

j. Thomson

You’re not different from my little brother.


Hey! Remember I am Henry not him.

j. Thomson

Are you hungry? {Signal one of the boys working with him to come}


Hell no bro, I can’t be home and still be hungry.

j. Thomson

Sorry I thought you weren’t coming from home.


Go back to work; I cannot stand anyone shouting on our heads later.

j. Thomson

Don’t worry I got all covered just few ones left.


Go fix them when you’re done working and fixing them, then we can gist.

j. Thomson

Alright bro, but what will you be doing?


Same as old!

j. Thomson

Suit yourself plus enjoy the music on a low key. {Slowly he walks of shot smiling}


Mad man get to work {smiling he bring out an earpiece from his pocket slut it on
the phone then to his ears, adjust his sitting position placing his back on the chair
rest his head upwards and then close his eyes after}


Scene four

{ext} same day -evening -roadside


What the hell do you think you are doing pausing, me up and down?


Calm down it hasn’t gotten to that, too much engagement that’s all. {Lifting his
hands into the air}

Are you avoiding me?


My angel no! I wouldn’t dare.


If so hope inn lets go spend some time together.


Angel not today, I'm waiting for my aunt to come pick me we’re going to a
hospital to visit a family friend, who was hospitalize few days ago.


Finally! It will be an opportunity to meet your family member.


No! Not today and not like this please, what if we leave it for another time.


{watch him as he struggle to explain she thought within her, fear is written all over
your face and speak out} I hope you’re not lying to me.


Ofcos not! {Finish and get out before she sees us both I need the money she’s
giving me today he thought} remember you are everything an angel is!


Okay. {She smile start the car and zoom}


Oh God thank you for saving me. {Another car stop right in front of Henry, took a
step open door enter and zoom off}

Scene five

{ext} -next day -street


Hey! Hey!! {In a hurry to catch up with Henry}


Hi! But my name is not hey, it’s Henry. {He slow down}


Good evening, I am sorry and I am so sorry for the other day.


No problem such is life, and I understand you were in a hurry?


No! I mean yes I was, going somewhere?


Going nowhere just and I'm on a stroll plus enjoying nature.


Henry, can I keep company?


To what do I owe this offer?


Nothing I just need someone to talk to.


What if I decline?

Please don’t I’ll be happy if you decline, I just need someone to talk to that’s all.


Bad timing I really want to be alone now. {He told himself what an effortless
opportunity to be feed by this beauty}I’m not in good mood now, some other time


Do you wish to payback, what happen on the other day? I'm sorry just wish we
could be friends.


I don’t anymore friends, I have enough already just go!


{Walk ahead of him disappointed} why is it so hard for people to care about other
people’s challenges other than their own.


{Took some steps and begun speaking out loud to himself.} I know you’ll come
again, anyway thanks for making me feel needed and important.


Silly boy, who is making you feel important?


Some beauty!


You’re important especially in the kitchen for me oh, but in some other places or
things; I think you are a liability!

Bastard! You’ll find out about me soon.


Scene six

{int} –day- evening-PALOR

J. Thomson

Bro how are we going to spend the weekend?


No idea but let that crazy boy finish bathing, he might have an idea.

J. Thomson

How was work today?


Work was splendid and your?

J. Thomson

Mine was all right at least I didn’t get shouted on nor insulted today by any


Good! I’ve got bad news from my work place.

J. Thomson

Bad what?


Bad news our manager was found dead.

J. Thomson
{He adjusts his sitting position to listen attentively} you don’t mean it, how did it


I have no idea. We were told the police have commenced investigation on the


{Henry walk into the sitting room with a towel tied to his waist.} You have no idea


Go and put on clothes, J’s girl is on her way here.

J. Thomson

Please wear something and cover those packs of yours, I don’t trust women with a
man as you.


Don’t worry, answer my question and off I go to cover my nakedness. {He

remains standing until a knock came from the door.}


{Got up from where he is seated to push Henry back to the bedroom but paused,
they all turn to the door as they heard a knock on it, Tamras change direction and
walk towards the door.} Yes wait I'm coming.

J. Thomson

{Then turn to signals Henry to go inn and put on clothes.}


{Walk towards the bedroom in a hurry leaving J. Seated while Tamras is not yet
back inn but step out instead.}

Scene seven

{int} -few hours later same day-NIGHT- PALOR

J. Thomson

Tamras said their manager is dead, anyway found dead.


Okay that’s what you guys were talking about when he said he has no idea?

J. Thomson



Hmmm! How was the meeting with your girlfriend she look nice today.

J. Thomson

Thanks man, it was okay even though we spend the hold day arguing about stuffs.
Forget about that any weekend plans?


Actually, no bro but let’s see how it goes; we still have today and tomorrow to

J. Thomson

Okay! Where is T. I thought both of you went out together?



J. Thomson

Oh okay Henry I have been thinking.


What about? {He stands up and walks into the kitchen and return with a bottle of
wine and two glass cups.}

J. Thomson

About you! I think you’re smart enough to know that you need education. What I
mean to say is further your education from where you stop.


I’ve been thinking too, the truth is you’re absolutely right! {He smile}

J. Thomson

Good! {He smile too and reach for the glass of wine Henry pour for him on the
table took it up and sip} so when do you begin.


On a second thought education is not my thing.

J. Thomson

Is that what you think?


Not what I think, it’s what I know.

J. Thomson

Can you tell me why, I need to understand?


{Henry rush to drink up the wine left in his glass then look at J in the face and
said} J. T I’ve got an AP, I wouldn’t want to miss it. {He stands up carry the bottle
of wine and his glass take it into the kitchen come back and walk towards the
door} please take care, see you in few hours time.

J. Thomson
Bye! {He sits back on the couch drink his wine u, then stand up walk into the


Scene eight

{ext}- next day- morning-STREET


{Seated under a tree holding a letter written to him by his sister ALLIA reading its
content} Dear Henry.

I write to you because I lost my mobile phone, even though I cannot

explain how it happened. I miss you a lot, when are you coming back home? Mom
is worried about you; she said her guts tell her you’re in trouble.

You have to come and see her soon; LARRY tells me to thank you for the shoes
that it’s fit perfectly well. Thank you for the clothes they are beautiful but brother
mom rejects her gift.

She said the only gift that will make her happy is to see you together with the
family. Bad news or good news I don’t know Henry dad have marry that aunty
DORCAS, I write to you about in the last later. Aunty Dorcas is now living with
dad, but anyway she is not that bad. Because she takes care of mom when she was
down with severe cough and fever anytime I and Larry go to school.

But truth be told dad has stop paying our school fees, he said our brother Henry is
a wealthy man now since he has the mind of starting a business for his mother he
said he believe you can take care of our needs too.

I don’t know what to say until you confirm what dad said about you, mom said we
shouldn’t worry that the God that give her the children won’t let them lack as long
as she lives. I hope you have adjusted from the lifestyle you lived here years back.

Another thing have you heard about the sexual transmitted disease known as HIV?
If yes, read more learn more, and remember life is not your own.

From your sister ALLIA kisses.

{He bows his head after reading the content then squeeze his face using both
hands. He stands up fold the paper put it in the back pocket of the jeans he’s
wearing then walking out of shot raising his hand to say hi to some passerby}


Scene nine

{int} -same day-hotel -Tamras working place-DAY


Good day ma’am and welcome!


{She smile} thank you, can I speak with you for a sec?


Yes ma’am!


Sorry to bother you here, I'm Henry’s girlfriend; I saw both of you walk out of here
sometime ago. I made inquiry and I learn that you in particular work here.


Okay! What can I do for you?


I want to know what is going on with Henry because; he is refusing to pick neither
my calls nor reply messages I sent to him. Anyways forgive my bad manners the
name is Peace Andrews {she stretch out her arm to shake hands with Tamras then
wait for him to respond}


Nice meeting you my name is Tamras but you can call me Abbas.

My pleasure! Abbas


{Standing next to peace he thought how can I discharge this lady because I cannot
just tell her anything about Henry even though I want to he is a man like me.
Calling him without knowing why he has been avoiding her in the first place will
be wrong.}


Anything you want to tell me? You’re silent for some……. {He cut in}


Oh yes I'm sorry ma’am Henry is not in town, he lost an uncle so he travel for the
burial in the village.


O.M.G. May his soul rest in peace.




Please tell him to call me once he’s back to town, thank you. {She turns to leave}


{Watch as she walks away shaking her butt even though the shaking of the butt
was not intentional he held his head.} Dam! What a jackpot.


{Walks to a taxi open the door and enters the taxi zoom off out of the hotel
premises} I hope you just told me the truth.


Scene ten
{int} -day – home-BEDROOM


{Laying on the bed having a phone conversation speaking to her mother} Mom I
need to speak with you please.


I don’t have time to speak on the phone right now.


You say that always even when you are home you say you are tired, that the talk
can wait, you can’t keep postponing my request I'm your daughter for goodness


Calm down I'm busy okay.


You always say that every now and then. {She throws the phone into the multiple
pillows on her bed. Angrily gather the blankets and sink her head into it, she sobs
for some minute}

Dr Justin

{Open the door walk into the room then to the bed where light sink her head in the
blanket. He stretch his hand to her head silent for sometime then he said} Light do
you know do you know why I your father choose the name Light for you?


No dad!

Dr Justin

Come here! {He opens his arms wide to receive her, she move close to him at the
same time wiping tears off her face. He held and kissed her forehead and then
went on to say} all the wealth you see under the Dabo’s name came as a result of
your coming into our arms.


I don’t understand! {She adjust her sitting in his arms to look into his face as he

Dr Justin

That’s right whatever you need tell me and I’ll give it to you or it shall be done for


I need my parent that’s the greatest thing you can give me please.

Dr Justin

Okay hmmmmm! {He squeeze his face and thought for a second then he said with
a smile} granted!


God bless you daddy. {She hugs him}

Dr Justin

No God bless you!


And what about my name Light, of all the names in this world.

Dr Justin narration

Before I got married to your mother I was a master degree holder, I had beautiful
ideas design for the future and I was executing one from the list of ideas I designed
already. I had no problem with cash then I decide to settle down so I and your
mother got married.
Your mother is a graduate of business administration while I as at that time I was
already a small scale business man with my qualification.

We began to experience hardship even though we were not really poor after we got

After our wedding we receive a gift to fly abroad for our honeymoon, but your
mother had a second thought about the journey so we change plans and sold the
tickets to some other couples and then establish a better business together.

Few years later after we grew our business to a level then your mother agree to
start having children, few months later finally she conceived.

At the eight month we lost the baby, he died in your mums’ belly. Some months
later the business and warehouse destroy by fire from nowhere.


What! How come no one ever told me this?

Dr Justin

Calm down and listen baby girl, I started running from office to office, bank to
bank, friends to friends but none helped us.

Months later there was this spot were rich and wealthy guys always handout in the
evenings, I went there every evening until someone approach me and said you
need millions of naira to start again and as it is bro you have nothing and even if I
want to help I wouldn’t have such amount to give out to you. Trust me when I say
no one cares among us here, your friends in business, family and etcetera.

But I do have a suggestion for you meet me here by 12: am tomorrow. I went to
that same spot at the stipulated time and waited for him, he took me to place where
the so called goddess disclose to me that your mother is pregnant and that the baby
will be the best sacrifice to use in other to fight the darkness and poverty in the
Dabo’s family.

She also said that the baby will be a she! That her light will safe my generation,
go! once the baby is born bring her to me.

Scene eleven


Dr Justin

If there is anything I take note of in all her noise was Light. I fell in love with you
even before meeting you. Then I began to pray to the maker saying, if what I heard
about your coming is true then he should please bless us with the resources but at
most what pleases him alone. I promise upon my life during the prayer that the
child will not be kill by my quest for riches.

Few days before your mums delivery date I got a call stating that I have been
awarded a contract I already lose interest in. finally the baby came mummy called
me because I was away from home and said daddy what shall we call her? I said


I don’t know what to say.

Dr Justin

Don’t say anything! Light when I heard you yelling and requesting audience from
your mum on the phone, I knew it was the right time to tell you these words.

Light clears darkness.

Light makes everything beautiful.

Light in its absence all is lost. Take charge of your life forget about your mum and
also forget about me. We might be here today, what about tomorrow it is not
certain nor promised.

Always be happy and depend on yourself more, only demand when you can’t
provide. Ask questions when you don’t understand and seek help when you need it
I love you.

I love you more dad!

Dr Justin

I promise I’ll talk to your mum. {He stand up to leave her bedroom then paused}
mind you baby girl Justin junior and Jessica are looking up to you and the need
you even more than you need us. {He proceeds to walk out of the room he open
and close the door.}


I promise you that the decision you made to keep me alive, bring you an unending


Camera fades

Episode two

Scene one

{int}- evening day - peace’s house-BEDROOM


Swear to me if you are not avoiding me.


{Laying next to her on the bed} I won’t swear!


What? {She lifts her head from the pillow to look at him then lay straight

You heard me. {He adjusts to a sit up position and thought I don’t care if you
choose to bounce.}

Henry ever since I made up my mind on you; and then express how I feel you
just change towards me.

On whose permission did you made up your mind?


{She turned slowly in surprise to look at him in the face as if looking for
something then calmly she said} Henry please!

Please what? {Made gestures with his arms open and with his face squeezed


I love you! And I will do anything just ask.


{Angrily he pull off the blanket from his body leaving just boxers because they
have just finish making out. he go down from the bed, stands up walk towards the
bathroom and went in.} You can’t do this to me.


{Rush from the bed to the bathroom door then pause} did you say something?

Please madam can I have space to think and even talk alone? {Water pouring on
his head from the shower, his hands on his head washing off the soap then he said
calmly to her} I never loved you!


You don’t have to tell me, I know! {Slowly she walk away from the bathroom
door into the}

Scene two

{int} -next day –morning- Henry’s HOUSE


{Standing in front of the kitchen door with one of his legs fold backwards on the
wall thinking, with his head raised up staring into the ceiling and his hands folded
on his chest. While in the kitchen he is cooking something pot on gas cooker with
the flames on} Dad did not try at all, he married Dorcas? And come to think of it
the stupid girl accepted and why I don’t know. She didn’t even call to say she is
getting married or sent a text even, what a wicked world.

Hmmmmm! Mom with her own wahala which one is, I'm in trouble {he smile and
said} her guts must be lying to her this time.

{His phone begin to ring continuously from the sitting room, he jump from where
he stand into the kitchen to check he open the pot then close it and then ran into
the sitting room to pick his ringing phone} hello!


Hello can you hear me?


Yes honey {he smile} calling at the right time, I’ve been thinking about you.

Okay that’s nice to hear.


Honey you’re not sounding lively as usual hope you’re well.


Are you alone? I have something that no one needs to hear but just you.


Oh yes shoot!


There is war on ground…….. {He cuts in}


{Busted to a loud and long laugh then said} which of the countries? Because for us
in Nigeria war is not a new thing don’t forget every Nigerian is use to it. {Still


Dam it asshole I'm serious; can you stop laughing and be serious too?


I know you to be a serious person, because there is seriousness in your blood, in

the way you sex and even in the way you appear physically honey you’re a serious


You’re a mad man.


I love the sound of that!



I wish you deed that laying on my chest, you also know that exhaling the air you
breathe out intoxicate me plus it makes me want you more.


Enough of this now and listen to me.


No! Pick me up I'm horny after you feed me then we can talk. {He ends call and
sank into the couch then stand up in hast run into the kitchen} oh no I burn the
food, hmmmmm! Its worth it can’t wait to see you soon.


Scene three

{ext} –compound- DAY


{Sat in the compound of her fathers’ house thinking and talking to herself} where
did I even see this Henry guy before meeting him in person? Dam it! Light you’re
still young girl you cannot be forgetting things like old people do.

Aah! Now I gotcha {she smile as she remembers} the first time was at daddy’s
mechanic place. But what was he doing there? Well who cares but you are thinking
and talking to yourself about it. No!

Dam it you fail to control you again. {She got up in anger and walk towards the
main entrance of the house flapping her slippers carelessly on the floor she open
the door step in and close it, leaving the magazine that fail from her laps on the
ground where she sits earlier.}

few minutes later

Tania {housemaid}
{Knock on the door}


Yes come in.


Madam you left your book outside.


Tania it’s not a book, it’s a magazine.


Okay madam {she looks at the magazine while she waits for instructions on what
to do with it from Light}


Keep it on the drawer. {Turn her body to face the other side of the bed}


Okay madam. {Walks towards the drawer when light call out her name}


Tania just pass it to me, I am sorry for stressing you.


Okay madam! {She walks to light then give the magazine return to the door open
and close it}


Scene four

{Ext} -Workshop –day

j. Thomson
{On a phone conversation with an angry customer} I am very sorry, I was sick that
day so I left the car for my second to work on while I go home to rest and the idiot
left the car for one of the boys. I sincerely do apologize on behalf of my workshop
we are sorry. It won’t happen again


If you don’t come over here to find a solution to this problem I will get the police
to arrest you.

j. Thomson

Alright sir I will on my way in an hour’s time.


I can’t give you an hour, come right now.

j. Thomson

{Stump his foot on the ground thought, aah these man your wahala too much} okay
I will be on my way.


Hello! Are you there?

j. Thomson

Hello sir, hello! Hello!!…………. {He ends the call when he is about to place the
phone on the desk next to him the phone began ringing again he look the phone in
disgust} what kind of problem is this today, two people at the same time STEVEN
will not kill me.


I hope you heard what I said earlier, I don’t have one hour to waste.

j. Thomson

Okay sir, I’ll see you there.


I'm waiting.

j. Thomson

Bye sir!


Don’t forget your tools.

j. Thomson

{Furious bring down his hand with the phone down slowly and end the
conversation quietly} STEVEN will never do this to me again. {Shouts} Steven get
the bag lets go fix the problems you create; I won’t face this alone. {He enters a
car start the engine reversing then stop} get in Steven! {Blurred camera show
someone run to the other side open the door enter and the car zoom off}


Scene five

{int}- Sitting room- late evening


{Seated on the couch watching a movie titled Acrimony by Tyler Perry, while J.
Thomson sit next to him both of them have glass of wine each sipping from.} Seen
Henry today at your place today?

j. Thomson

Yes brief.


That guy is not honest with us, about who he really is even after moving in with us
for some years now.

j. Thomson
I don’t have to remain you that Henry is over reserve type. {Sit up then turn to
Tamras} wait a minute, why are you saying this?


A lady came to my work place asking about Henry.

j. Thomson

Be serious what kind of talk is this and where or how did she know you’re
connected to Henry that she’ll come asking you.


She confirm to seeing Henry and I walking out of the hotel premises sometime
ago, and then she came and make inquiry and find out that I in particular work
there. So she decides to come speak with me and learn why Henry has been
avoiding her calls.

j. Thomson

And what did you tell her? {Sip the wine and refill the glass cup from the bottle}


I told her that Henry is out of town for an uncle’s burial.

j. Thomson

My God Tamras, that’s how you discharge the babe? What a professional liar you


Instead of you to clap for me, for saving the asshole you call me a professional
liar? I’ll sell him out when next this kind of shit happens.

j. Thomson

No! No!!No!!! Please don’t do that even though he is an asshole sometimes he is

still our brother by housing. But wait o! You don tell am?

No I forget and he has to pay me for covering his ass, have you eating this

j. Thomson



The food burnt, I wonder what he was doing at the same time he was cooking.

j. Thomson

This is the first time Henry burnt food during his cooking, I'm sure something took
his mind or better still he sleep off. {He face the television with full focus}


I see!


Scene six

{int} -day –sitting room


{Seated on the couch writing a letter, before him on the table is a gift box wrapped
beautifully} Dear Allia

I am well both mentally and physically I miss you and

everyone so much, how is that village boyfriend of yours is he still disturbing you?
I hope not but if yes let me know.

How is moms health hope she is better, what about your father and his second wife
your step mother aunty DORCAS as you all call her, I hope they’re all doing well
and good.
How about my main man LARRY, tell him enrry misses him a lot and I’ll create
time to come visit plus the next gift box will be for him.

I read about what you said about dad neglecting his responsibility especially stop
paying your school fees. But not to worry we will do all we to pay and please
handle moms’ business with care both of you so that it can pay your school.

Lest I forget, I read your words of encouragement and also I see your question
about my life style and the so-called sexual transmitted disease HIV you talk

I read about it in magazines and also online, but not to worry your brother is a safe
player. This other side of the story is just for you alone; I met a well-to-do girl call
Peace she wants Henry to marry her but I declined, another gift for you open and
find out for yourself kisses from Henry to you dear sister Allia.

Henry Tokkus.


Scene seven

{Ext} –Day-evening- street


Henry I have been waiting for you at this spot {slowly she walks towards him as
him as he stop after taking few steps.} Good afternoon.


Waiting for me, what do you want?


Want to see you that’s all.


Nice, now that you’ve seen me can I go?

Yes you’ll but give me a sec. {she search her pockets to pocket for a piece of
paper until she found it and hand it and hand it to him.}


What’s this?


My number, call me anytime you want thanks for your time. {She walks ahead of
him and soon disappears.}


I wish I had told you I don’t need it.

Few seconds later



{Still walking enters a stop close the door behind her}

Mrs. Justin

Where are you coming from?


From a friends place we were hanging out somewhere.

Mrs. Justin

Who is that friend of yours do I know her?


Not a she is a he!

Mrs. Justin

A he? Light are you mad? When did you start keeping boyfriends?

Mom he is not a boyfriend or lover as you’re suspecting, this is just somebody my

spirit agrees with and I am trying to know him. That’s all mum.

Mrs. Justin

I its high time I get your dad to prepare you for school abroad this time it’s by
force and you won’t say no! {She smile and look at light in a disgusting way} go
fetch my handbag and legs go home, your dad must hear this.


Mom please don’t take it like that, I swear I just told you the truth.

Mrs. Justin

Keep it to yourself {I’ve just got an opportunity and I’ll utilize it, she tell herself in
her mind}


{Grumble and walk into the main part of the store and return with the handbag
walk to the jeep park outside the store}


Scene eight

{ext}- Mechanic workshop-day


{Receive call seated at J. Thomson workshop the usual place he sits whenever he
is in the here.} Hello! Good evening, what do you want?


Good evening angel, I’ve good news for you.


What is it about?

Remember I promise to get you an international passport?


Is the good news?


Not only that, remember I apply for scholarship on behalf with the Ukrainian


What about it.


It’s out! {So much excitement in her voice}




Just that? No excitement, no thanks, no celebration?


Yes! In case if you will ask me why is because I'm not interested anymore.


It’s alright take care.


No! No!! Wait I’m sorry if that hurts. {Bye for now ends the call and relax}

j. Thomson

I heard your response, who was on the other end of the phone?

Some lady!

j. Thomson

What is she offering you that you said you ain't interested?


{He sits up to face J. Thomson.} Do you really want to know?

j. Thomson



Alright here is the list, first is marriage, next is international passport, then
scholarship to study abroad…… etc.

j. Thomson

And you declined?



j. Thomson

All this offers? {He shakes his head and paused look at Henry then said} no poor
person will grant you things like this on a platter of gold.



j. Thomson

Henry hates me but I will say it, you’re a disgrace to manhood. {Spit on the ground
right in front of Henry then walks away in anger.}

I agree I am for now.


Scene nine

{ext}- Bar- evening


{On a phone conversation} Mercy Haruna, how are you doing longest time?


Doing just good and you?


I want to see you here, at the place where I first met you.


For what naw, I thought you said I wasn’t your type?


That was then today the spirit of your ancestors have visit you with a touch and so
you’ve found favor in my side Mercy Haruna come I want to see you.


Listen to me you arrogant fool you are not my type and please delete my number.


{He drop the phone on the table he was drunk and hardly move}


Hello madam he is acting helpless already bye.


Scene ten


{Pulling Henry out of the chair where he is sits with the help of another waiter
they carried him into a tinted glass car, put him inside close the door receive and
envelop from the driver and the car zoom off.}


I pray we don’t get into trouble for doing this.


Don’t worry no trouble is coming to us; I will make sure of that!

Few minutes later

Madam Gloria

{On a phone conversation seated in a jeep at compound of her guest house}Janta

I’ve brought your guy inn.


Okay please keep him safe.

Madam Gloria

Okay make sure you come early bye


I will thank you.

Madam Gloria

{She end the can step out of the car then call out the gateman name} Danjuma
come and help this man out and take him inside.


Welcome ma’am, Kinsley and Victor dey inside.

Madam Gloria

Okay call them for me. {She close the door of the jeep walk towards the main
entrance of the house}Kinsley, Victor comes out please {she wait for them to open
the door and come out then point at the jeep get what is inside and bring it to one
of the rooms}


Who is this guy?


Not our business.


Ofcos is our business; I hope he is not our replacement.


Aah! Oh boy na this guy? Waiting carry him enter madam glo hand naw?


You know am?


Idiot! Look him face nah.


Oh! Ooh!! Nhmmm him name na Henry abi?


Yes the guy wey pay our drinks lie to the bouncers and the hotel owner that we are
together that night.


Kai! Walahi you’re there.


Let’s take him inside first as requested by madam, learn his offence then plan on
how to help him.


Danjuma go open the door idiot what are you listening to?


Okay sir. {Run to the door and open and hold for them to come in carrying Henry
out of the back sit}


Episode three

Scene one

{int}-guest house-day


{Wake up feeling droopy turn sees himself in an unrecognized place, he thought

‘how did I get here and where am I’? struggle to get out of bed surprise to be
wearing yesterdays clothes, try to open the door but its lock he knock until he can
here footsteps approaching he walk back to the bed}


{Peep into the room then walk to Henry} oh you’re awake.


Who are you, where is this?


I'm Kinsley as for the second question I will not answer, what is your connection
with Madam Glo Henry?

Who is madam Glo? And how did you know my name?


Madam Glo is a dangerous woman that’s all you need to know; let’s live the
discussion at that. I'm going to tell her you are awake but act like you’re still dizzy
because she expects you to be weak but my friend and I will not feed you with coc


Just act that’s all, Is she going to kill me?


There’s only one way to find out, if she is going to kill you, {he showed him a
photo from his phone but Henry has no idea who, she was and his offence that
brought him here}


I have no idea.


That’s a no I presume. {Show Henry the photo again} do you know her?


Yes, I don’t know her.


Okay then do what I told you earlier until we know why she brought you here. {He
stands up and walk out of the room living Henry seated wearing a confuse look.}


Scene two

Dr Justin

Light my dear your mother accuse you of having a boyfriend how true is this


Thanks dad! It’s true that I have a male friend, but he is not my lover as mom
insinuating or concluding.

Dr Justin

Your mom said her friend call, her twice to confirm seeing you with a young man
who they believe has no positive intensions towards young woman. But rather
lewd and deceive them to bed and destroy their future.


Do you believe that about anybody just because they don’t look or dress

Dr Justin

Light I am not on any ones’ side, but I'm telling you that your mother is determine
to send you abroad out of fear of the unknown.


Do you believe mom cares about anyone? Sorry to ask you this she is your wife
and my mother, but does she loves us?

Dr Justin

Yes she loves you and she loves us all.


Okay dad you know her better, but tell me do you trust her completely?

Dr Justin

Light! Light!! Light!!! Forget and forgive life itself is a gift from the maker.

Dad I will make you proud as long as I live. {She throws her legs forward making
the swing to move}

Dr Justin

{He call his driver with his phone} Bring me the package.


Dad, when is Aunty AMELIA visiting?

Dr Justin

{Stood up from the swing remove his tie from his collar} Light please close those
beautiful eyes.


Okay dad.

Dr Justin

You’re so beautiful. {He use the tie to blind fold light}





J. T Henrys’ phone number is not connecting again, after I’ve called about 6times.

J. Thomson

I'm confused about the whole thing, and my only concern is that he should be find
wherever he is. I hate to admit it but the truth is I'm scared.

I’ve advise you about this guy but you wouldn’t listen, I have also told you to insist
on getting to know someone from his family and friends he is connected to, here in
the city that can at least help in situations like this but you fail.

J. Thomson

Please! Tamras it is not the right time to place blames; the best thing to do now is
to tell it to God. This has never occurred ever since Henry joins us, or are you not
with us in this house again you would have just gone ahead to know his people


I will go hang around my workplace to see, if that Peace lady will come looking
for me to ask about him then I’ll relate the issue with her.

J. Thomson

Relate with her for why now?


Relate with her because she can help file a case on our behalf, because the way I
see her, she is madly in love with Henry and is capable of doing anything for him.
Especially she can find a way




Why would dad surprise me with an international passport, visa, and an account?
Come to think of it he begs me to keep the account information a secret from
everyone especially mum.

What is really happening in this house, I think I’ll beg dad to disclose to me why
he made such a decision to hand me his account without fear. And also he should
please let me attend university in Nigeria, after all this was where he and mum all
studied why is mine different?
Mum is a chameleon she things she is smart; I’m ready for your wickedness. God
help me to find a way to get Tania in to daddy’s’ heart please. {She rise from the
bed open the door step out and close the door}


J. Thomson

Okay I wish you luck with that. {Stand up from the couch walk toward the kitchen}
I’m hungry.


You see why you need to fast and pray for quick response from God?

J. Thomson

{Speaking from the kitchen with a loud voice} I will do that definitely.


I miss him already even though I hate his guts. {He stands up walk towards the





{Seated in her car alone having a phone conversation} Janta you haven’t show up
even once why or are you trying to set me up?


Aah madam glo set you up why? Some serious came up, that’s why.

Whatever the case maybe I can’t keep him more than eight hours and start
counting now. Someone might be looking for him and the police might track his
cell phone to me.


Forget about that, the boys’ families are poor and they’re not here in the city so
how would they know?


I don’t care; all I need you to know is if I go down you go down too. Forget
friendship {she pause to light a cigarette} if you don’t come tonight, I will release
him. {She ends the call pause smile and fill whole place with smoke and said} he is
so cute and irresistible.


Few house later {int}-Dr Justin’s house- night

Mrs. Justin

Light always go in and check on your sister Jessica she is laying in my room, I'm
going out.


Mom can you come and see Tania? Just few minutes please.

Mrs. Justin

I have an important meeting to attend to now, so the answer is no!


Mummy just come and take a look at Tania, suggest what to do then I’ll do the rest
while you go for your meeting please.

Mrs. Justin

No you listen to me slut….. I hate your stubborn guts. {She walks out in anger
ceasing her handbag from the table.}

{Grab the glass cup on the table next to her and throw it to the wall} you’ll regret
this, just pray nothing happens to dad. You’re out of consideration because you
don’t know what it is to be a mother. {She opens a door peep inside to see
Tania}Tania I'm coming let me call Doctor Johnson to come see you.


Scene five



This idiots call men, what can I do to get Henry needing me?


If a man does not value you, he does not need.


Babe look at me, even though my father disowned me because of some silly
excuses I still give the impression of being admirable.


Yes! You appear excellent and responsible even. {Laugh}


Henry is not a money guy, he cooks, he is peaceful, calm and gentle, sex and
massage excellently plus naturally careless but I can deal with that.


If you can live with staying disowned and broke, I trust you to survive anything
coming your way.


Not anything babe, I’ve change, I am not the strong woman you knew back then.

You forget your name so soon? Aah! {She smile} Lady gaga, but why the worry
and troubles all because of a poor young man?


Babe to be candid with you, I hate the way you refer to him like that, even if he is
poor, I value and cherish him ultimately. My love for Henry has nothing to do with


I'm sorry lady {she pause and smile looking at peace then both shouts} gaga.


Scene six



{Thinking and speaking out to himself} why lock me in a room if sex is the only
thing you want from me. Three days gone and yet I'm still here God please sent
someone to rescue me.

Mamas’ warning in Allias’ letter has come to pass, the maid in this house refuse to
talk to me and to make it worst the other guy Kinsley’s friend refused to even talk
to me.

The so called madam Glo keep saying boss lady will come and that I know her but
up till date no one came.



Kinsley madam Glo is fucking this Henry guy, what do we do?

Nothing as long as it is this Henry guy nothing we shall do.


Why? Just because he manage to bail us out that night?


You’re so ungrateful, if you continue like this I will tell madam and trust me I will
kill you myself if she gives the order.


I was just joking.


Joke or not joke this Henry guy leaves us alive. {Seated at the dining table door
open someone walk into the sitting room} welcome ma’am! Visitors’ room is open.

Few hours later



{Pull Henry off the car held him for sometime then release him believing he has
gain stamina still holding him} I hope you can locate your house or should we help


{Jeans, cap and long sleeves} No thanks you have done enough, I can help myself
from here.


Okay call me anytime, I saved my number on the phone for you goodnight. {Walk
back to the front door of the car and open enter victor start the car and they zoom
off leaving Henry standing like a stature} I pray he make it home.

Why are you so concern about him? Isn’t it a normal thing for a guy bail a guy out
in clubs when there is trouble?


Shut up and drive, you are sick in the head. {Pull the sit belt wear it as victor
speed the off in anger} please kill us.


Scene seven

{int}-peaces ‘house- night


{Open her door and found Henry on the floor she drag him into her parlor and
shut the door} Who did this to you? {In her night gown}


No one {reluctantly he respond and thought to himself} telling her the truth will
start a fire on the mountain. {Then he speak out} I took something.


Liar! {She barks and frown her face} I know you have been missing for some days


Angel that’s not true.


Really? Why then did you come here at this dead hour of the night? Why didn’t
you go to your friend then?


You got me! The truth is I need you that’s why I'm here, I miss you a lot.

Enter any room of your choice feel comfortable but first thing in the morning leave
my house.


Angel ……….. But that’s harsh.


{Turn her back to him and thought to herself} I wish you could just grab and
squeeze me in your arms right away but hell no! You are still a liar. {She speaks
out loudly after taking some steps away from Henry walking towards her
bedroom.} Whatever


{Got up gently walk into the room and pull off his clothes walk into the bathroom
with boxers.}


{Come around peeping because he left the door open she snick in and watch him
bath then snick out after she satisfy her urge to seeing him naked}


Scene eight

{int}- Morning- peaces ‘house-day


{Walk in to the room where Henry lay still sleeping with a mug in hand carrying
hot substance inside it she keep it on the table then walk to Henry. Wake him up to
sitting position then bring the hot mug and give it to Henry} please drink up it will
help you.


{Receive the mug look into it and then look back at peace} thank you.

Drink up. {She sits at the edge of the bed}


It’s hot I’ll wait a little.


You need it to work fast in your system or slow?


Fast……….. But {cut in}


{Cut in not looking at Henry} But nothing! Drink up.



J.T last night Henrys number said switch off.

j. Thomson

Don’t worry someone call me last night to say that Henry is now safe.


Which number they use call you?

j. Thomson

His number ofcos! {He turns to look at Tamras} he is fine trust me.


His number? Hmmmmm! Are you sure that this Henry guy is not up to something?

j. Thomson
Sorry Tamras I got work to do please, I came last night with a customer’s vehicle I
have to arrive the workshop early before the owner come before me. And please
take care of you bye. {he stand up and left the sitting room}


Now you are behaving just like Henry you see?


Scene nine

{int}-Morning-peaces ‘house-bedroom


Hello! {On a phone conversation}


Hi! Where have you been?


Do you think I don’t know? {Wore a white singlet with his legs covered with
blanket adjust to sitting position but still on the bed}


Silly! I miss your touch can we meet up?


No! I'm the way you want me to be. Thanks for pushing me into another woman’s
arms loser!


Trust me if you try anything I will expose you.

No you trust me if you try anything I will expose remember I have nothing to lose,
thank you and bye!


Few hours later


{Still lay on the bed alone began to have series of thought coming to his mind} I
have messed up big time. Lose myself to the world and now its consuming me.
Lost if I may say, is that right to say? I am lost today but I will be found tomorrow.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!! Will be an opportunity to begin again, please pick up
yourself. {He smile and said} mums words how beautiful!


That was beautiful but if I may ask, what was that about? {She walks into the room
wearing a bum short and bra}




The gentle smile that sweeps through your face, like the morning breeze that
sweeps through fresh plant, it was beautiful.


Nothing I remember moms words.


I wish I could remember something that mum said to me and smile like that too.
But you know what I never listen to the woman even on her dying bed.

Come here angel remember you’re everything an angel is. {He hold her in his
arms turn her over to face him and then kiss fore head and lips} you’re angel and
you’re sweet!





{Dress in a short gown strolling and thinking and talking to herself in her
bedroom} Henry hasn’t called me yet, I wish I had his number. I'm sure no matter
how heartless he is, he will call me still if not now soon.

All my effort to track him at that spot fails, could it be that something happen to
Henry? Hmmmmm!

As for mum what on earth will be important to her that she will insist on going
without caring to just take a glance at Tania? Plus she refers to me as slut.

Me! Light the biological daughter of Dr Justin Dabo. What is mom afraid of?
What is she hiding, and what is taking her attention from us?


Madam your sister is awake and crying, I've tried to calm her but she ain't keeping
quiet I think she needs you.


Where is she?


Her room!


Please bring her to me at the dining table.


Okay ma. {She turns to leave lights bedroom walk out and close the door behind


Jessica I don’t know what will be of you and Justin Jr when I'm gone. {She walks
to the bed pick her phone then walks out of her room the shut door}


Scene eleven

{int}-evening-peaces’ house-bedroom


Welcome madam from where are you coming? {He smile and said} let me act


From the boutique and a friends place!


You’re welcome. How is she doing?


Great! And how are you feeling now?


Feeling excellent! Now, that you’re here. {He opens his arms wide to welcome her
as she walks towards him with a beautiful smile they hug} you’re everything an
angel is.


{as they are yet speaking a knock come from the main door, she stand up but
Henry pull her down by the hand and stand up instead}why?

I will get the door wait for my return. {He smile and walk out of the bedroom}


Few seconds later


{Open the door and saw a man with flower in hand standing} Who are you?


{Stand in front of Henry with roses in hand without uttering a word but smile}


{Voice from the sitting room} Henry who is there?


Come see for yourself. {He stood by the door showing Henry you ain't welcome


{Walk to the stood close to Henry saw the guy and grab her mouth using her hands
then open} I can’t believe this!


{walk back into the house to his room without a word then return all dress up, he
look at peace and the man who is sitting in the parlor with peace and said} I'm
leaving enjoy your world.


Henry please don’t leave………… I will explain.

{Walkout without uttering a word or thinking twice} bye {even thought he knows
she didn’t hear him}


Camera fades

Episode four

Scene one



{An Okada drove Henry to J. Thomson’s mechanic workshop after Henry paid him
he turn and drive off. Henry sighted J. Thomson under a car then walk straight to
him calmly} J. Thomson good afternoon.

j. Thomson

{Shouted from under the car} Henry welcome back and good afternoon.


Good afternoon, J. T I'm here to borrow your key I misplace mine.

j. Thomson

Go check the jeans trouser hanging on the wall or the box, good to see you.


Can you come out for a sec?

j. Thomson

No bro I have to finish this, we’ll talk at home when I return.


Okay! Sorry I have to go now.

j. Thomson
No problems go get some rest, shower and eat something but avoid over thinking


Thank you! See you at home bye. {He walks towards the shed of the workshop to
look for the key.

j. Thomson

{Continuously hitting an iron under the car Henry do not know what but he can
hear the sound which indicate J.T is on a serious work down there}


Some hours later

{int}-day-henrys house


{Camera pans on Henry in the kitchen turning the gas cooker off just finish
cooking. Wash the dirty plates he use during the cooking and then return to the
bedroom, pull off his clothes grab a towel then went straight into the bathroom
had a shower then return to the bedroom apply cream on his body and then wear
clothes lie down on the bed. Few minutes he jump out of the bed sit and thought let
me write you Allia a letter.

He then grab a book from the wall rope and a pen and went into the parlor
keeping the book carelessly on the table, before returning to the couch to seat
down, he got up again walk to the kitchen to bring a bottle water from the
refrigerator back into the parlor seat down then open the water to drink close it
again and smile for the first time ever since he left peace’s house in anger earlier

Dear Allia.

How are you? As for me I am well physically but mentally I am off balance. How
is my main man Larry doing? I hope he is performing well at school. Don’t dare
laugh because I talk about school here today.
And how is the sweetest mom in the whole universe, I hope she is coping with
daddy’s wahala calmly. Tell her enrry is missing her a lot and cannot wait to see,
hold and hug her soon.

I believe you are in good health and performing well as to helping mama at home. I
also hope you are not allowing those village boys disturb your reasoning, I hope
you have not yet forgotten that you are expecting admission.

Tokays secret is just for your ears and eyes as you read this letter, let no one read
it. I was kidnapped and rape by some woman I don’t even know why, but I know
who ordered the other woman to kidnap me, I’ll start a war with her.

I’ll make sure I capture them one after the other, rape her and her daughters infact
everybody around her that is female, they should just pray God touch and soften
my heart before next week if not, the cocaine she fed me with I will feed her and
the girls with it too.

In case of anything happens to me please don’t expose this to any body and don’t
regret knowing my secrets, always know that I am with you even now that I am
writing to you.

{He lean his back on the couch and thought about the two last paragraphs can you
really do all you said in the letter about your rapist?} Hmmmmm!


Scene two

{int}-day-bedroom-Dr justins house


Tania come in. {She lies on the bed and then sits up as Tania step into the room
from where she was standing by the door}


Okay madam. {She enter close the door walk further a little then pause}

Go grab a sit place it here and sit down we have some discussion to do.


Okay madam.


Its just me and you in this house, you will not refer to me as madam in the cause of
this discussion.{She smile grab Tania’s hand} I am very sorry for all you’ve gone
through in this house and my mother’s hand.


Okay ma……… {Cut in}


Dam it Tania! You have to do what I say, calm down I don’t need all that.




Excellent! Now we can begin, I am sorry again for everything and I have not
forgotten that you’re my friend, infact best friend. Listen to me Tania daddy and
mummy have already made arrangement for me to travel abroad.


What? Which means; I can’t keep working in this house then.


Listen to me first dear, let me finish.


I am sorry.

I want you to stay and care for Justin Jr and Jessica daddy will pay you for all that I
have been paying you to do for me in particular. I explain your family’s situation
to daddy and why I pay you additional money. Plus he knows we are friends from
Ola school.


Thank you very much.


You have to stay in this house make sure you know more of moms’ phone
conversation discussion with friends and ……… {She went silent as the door
opens Dr Justin peep into the room she went on to say} welcome daddy.


Welcome sir! {She stands up bow as she greets} good afternoon sir.

Dr Justin

Good to see you girls sitting down together. {Still standing by the door}


Daddy you need something? {She walks to him and hug him}

Dr Justin

Yes! I need these damsels to allow me to have lunch with them now! {He smile}


Tania lets go set the table for the boss, oh your boss and my daddy! {They all
walkout of the room close the door camera fades}


Scene three

{int}-Day-peaces house-parlor

Enough of the gist about your, travels and tours {Walk into the sitting room
holding a handbag in hand she keeps it on the couch and sink into it}


What do you want us to talk about? {Sink into the couch waiting for responses that
never come from peace he went on to say} what’s up with the change of mood?


Just feeling bad {she bow her head a little hiding tears from her eyes then she wipe
them off and jump to her feet, walk towards the bathroom wash and clean her face
then return to the parlor all refreshed}


Feeling bad? My God you are crying angel why? {He looks concern and shock}


I messed up look at me now, I'm nothing but an ordinary girl, after all the life at
school, fighting and pushing people that were not up to my class out of my life just
because my father is a big shot in the country, now the same people I push out are
far better than me; I'm left with nothing but shame and a worthless life to die with.


What are you driving at?


Ain't you surprise you found me like this?


My dear nothing is wrong with you; in fact you appear more attractive and calm to

My mother is dead; everyone in the family blames me for it. Daddy went to the
extent of disowning me, push me out of the mansion and he publish it on the news


This is unbelievable. {Shock and surprising look on his face} how come I'm just
hearing about this?


Its six years now I'm yet to hear from my siblings not even greetings from them.
They claim that daddy warn them seriously to cut ties with me, if not similar will
happen to anyone cut.


Angel everything that happens to any human being in this world, do you know that
God is aware?


{She responds with disgust of his talk about God.} God is aware and he let it
happened. Is that what you are preaching?


It the fact, God is aware of our problems and troubles plus our crimes. Have you
ask yourself this question why did he let all this happen to you?




Scene four

{int}-peaces house-day

After listening to your explanation I understand that you are in some way blaming
God even though you have never allow yourself to know him and his ways.


Are you now preaching?


{Smile and look straight to her face even though they are seated far apart and
said} I will tell you the truth always. When you were misbehaving stubbornly,
disobeying, disrespecting and stealing from the family did you ever stop and ask
God why?


Don’t you dare talk about that, I was a child and I didn’t know what I was doing.


Answer me yes or no.




But you ask God why consequent to your father disowning you, yes! Okay permit
me to say that you are selfish and even wicked to yourself by not seeing how
wrong you are and plea for forgiveness instead you went on adding problems and
sin upon sin on yourself.


Thank you, you’ve made your point and I understand you perfectly well. {She
stands up walk towards the door open it} you can use the door now; don’t forget
one thing never you come back here again.


You’ve not change why?


Stand up and get the hell out of house. {Still holding the door open for Ethan to
show him I mean business}


{Stand up adjusts his collar walk towards the door, he stood facing her he said}
think about it, and please tell Henry I'm sorry. {He smile}


Get out! {she yell loudly as he step out she bang the door carelessly and went back
straight to pick the roses he brought} some nerves you got there, insulting me in
my own house. {She places them in the trash can and walk away angrily to the


Scene five

{ext}-evening day-street


{Walking down the street enjoying the fresh air and nature as usual, he has an
earpiece on his ear listening to music when he sight a young lady opening the gate
of the house for a car that is reversing to go out he slowed down then pause} hey!
How are you? {He notice she is not responding even though she want to, he then
step back in a hurry bring out his phone pretend to be conversing to avoid who
was driving out and suspicions until the car disappears} hello I'm waiting to have
a chat with you.


I'm coming let me shot the gate. {She hurriedly shot the gate and come out to meet
Henry} good evening.


Good evening sweetheart.


You have to hurry and leave the premises my brother will soon be back.


{Smile and said} I thought you will say he is your boyfriend, anyway in that case
just give your number, and let’s talk on the phone to avoid trouble for the both of
us. What do you say beauty!


08020200001 the name is Nancy bye. {She turns and walks to the gate open it and
walk into the compound}


{He smile still standing trying to save the number, when he finish saving it he walk
away from the premises to proceed with his stroll} thank you {even though he is
aware she did not hear him}

Some minutes later

{Still walking on his stroll in another street he had someone call out his name he
then thought that can’t be light} OMG she is.


Henry where have you been? {She walks towards him from another street}


I'm I suppose to explain or respond to that? {Even though deep down his heart he
feels like saying light I'm sorry but his pride won’t let him.}



Okay! I've been with my girl and she warns me to stay away from girls like……
{She cut in}


Girls like me right?


Oh yes!


Scene six

{ext}-Road-taxi-day evening


Thank you for accepting to go on a ride with me {sitting in a moving taxi with
Henry beside her but seated far apart from each other}


You’re welcome! The thing is I want to get some things off my mind but I wasn’t
sure how.


The ride and my presence will help you.


Okay! Looking forward to that


Okay! {She smile}


So where are we heading to or, what is our destination?

Nowhere! I'm just avoiding getting seen by my mom’s nosy friends. {She changes
the look on her face} it’s so annoying that one cannot just get freedom from parent
to live freely.


About your moms friends, has it ever occurred?


Yes! Those few times I came out to see you.


Wooh! Then why did you come out today again?


I'm not doing anything wrong; I’ll keep coming out unless I lost you.


No! That won’t happen.


Really? {She opens her arms and hugs him unexpectantly} thank you.


You want a friend now; you’ve got him in Henry welcome to my world.


My name is Light Justin Dabo, I am the first born of the Justin’s family, and I have
a brother Justin Jr and a sister Jessica Justin Dabo. And.........


Wait a minute which of the Dabo is it the popular business man or every other
Dabo in the street of Kaduna.

{Smile} the popular business man.


{He relaxed and thought} so you are that bitches daughter? {He smile} wow it’s an


Scene seven

{int}-Day-peace’s house


{Seated in front of the TV but lose interest began thinking} I was having a good
time with Henry before that idiot came and sent Henry away in anger.

Why didn’t you sent him away? That would have been rude of me. Rude of you
but you still did send him away, you went on telling him never to come back again.

Yes he deserves it for talking nonsense to my face. {She stands up and walks
towards the kitchen return with a plate of sliced apples the sit down again} peace!
Peace!! You don’t deserve anything you’ve got, God is giving you an opportunity
to change, learn about him live for him and work for him if possible.

For what now, look what Ethan did to my mind, now I'm beginning to sound like
him, hmmmmm! God forbid I rather die.



Honor? For what, I’m just like anyone else human with blood and flesh.


Hmmm! Why are you stocking me? {He observe as the taxi driver is struggling
with the car than he ask} sir is there a problem?

Taxi driver
I am sorry sir, we just run out of fuel. {He manages and parks the car hitting
himself twice with his head}


O.M.G. What kind of carelessness is this and we are at this lonely spot.


It’s okay! {She turn to the driver} don’t worry sir, but is there any place that you
can go buy fuel? We’ll wait for you here.

Taxi driver

Yes ma, but there is a problem I've no money on me.


Jesus! What kind of a driver are you? {He search his pocket found money then he
gave the man 1500 naira} we are waiting hurry up. {He opens the doors step out of
the car then he request Light to join him} don’t sit there like a princess step out for
fresh air.


{Smile and step out of the car, then went round the car to meet Henry by the other
side sounds of passing cars from time to time. She looks intently at the grasses} I
love green.


{Turn and look at her} that’s why you’re a Nigerian {both of them laugh and walk
away from the car}


{She runs as she sighted a flower in the grasses to pluck it.}




{Excuse Light to receive a call, some few minutes he return.} That was my girl


It’s alright a guy like you should have a girlfriend.


So! You’re not bothered that you might get into trouble with your mum for staying
out late? {Sit down near her beside the taxi}


I am but no matter what I do, she’ll always have something negative to say.


You sound like you don’t have a good relationship with your mum.


Yes I don’t! Plus I'm not ashamed to say it, and what about you?


Ofcos I have an excellent relationship with my mom, she thought me how to do

things must ladies may not be able to do. And even though she is not here in the
city, I do appreciate that she is my mother.


I'm happy for you, when next I see you, you’ll have to tell me about your mum.


{Laugh} for how much?

{She smile and bring out money from her small handbag stretch her hand to Henry
and said} count it,


{Shame on his face} I can’t take it, I was just joking earlier {he push her hand with
the money back and said} keep it.


Pay the driver from it, the rest buy call card with it and call me tonight.


{Thought you’re far older than this girl, but what does it matter she is from a
wealthy home and you? You’re nothing but a gigolo} Light I am sorry do it
yourself, thanks a lot and mind you it has not affect our friendship.



Taxi driver

I am sorry.


{Stand up leaving Light on the ground still seated} welcome back

Taxi driver

Thank you sir!


{stand up from where she is seated and walk a little to the spot where she pluck
flowers earlier and pluck some more, then walk back to the Henry and the driver
were waiting for her already they enter the car and zoom off} this are for you

{Look at light and said} Don’t get too attached to me. {He receive the flower and
said} thank you they are beautiful as you.


{Smile without a word but concentrating on looking outside as the car moves.}


Scene nine



Welcome bro!


Thank you how was work?


Work was good but stressful, where are you from?


Sorry about the stress coming from stroll {stand up from the couch went into the
kitchen and return with a bottle of water and glass cup, he sit down open the water
turn it into the cup drink and keep the cup.} where’s J. Thomson?


He went to see his girl.




How is Peace?

{Look at Tamras in surprise} how did you know her?


She visits me at my workplace, asking me your where about.


When and how did she know you’re my friend?


She was she sighted us coming from the hotel premises so she went in made
inquiry and learn that I in particular work there. So when you began acting funny
she had no one to go to. That was why she decides to come see me, anyway that
happen before your disappearance.


And you never mentioned it to me.


I thought J. T gist you that’s why I never talk about it.


No he didn’t maybe it escaped his memory.


{Thought within him} what’s up with you guys always defending each other? {He
turn look at Henry then said} possibly.


Thank you having my back.


She came back again after you disappeared.

I disappeared? I was kidnapped.


Palong but no ransom was paid can you explain that, and now you are staying out


Yes no ransom was paid because the maker intervenes.


I find it hard to believe you.


Believe whatever you like. {Stand up carrying the bottle and glass into the kitchen
and then walk through the parlor he open the door step out and close it}


Scene ten

{int}- Night- bedroom- Dr Justin’s house

Mrs. Justin

Daddy Light why are you bend on spoiling your daughter? {Sitting up position on
the bed while Dr Justin lay down facing ceiling}

Dr. Justin

A responsible mother should understand and know when a child is speaking the
truth and admitting to a crime at all times.

Mrs. Justin

What do you mean a responsible mother, are you accusing me of being

irresponsible? {In an angry tone}

Dr. Justin
If not so, why were you expecting me to shout and punish her even after she admit,
explain and apologize? For everything

Mrs. Justin

{Thought don’t let him get angry, you know his condition and even if you want him
dead, you’ve to be careful until you find out the truth about the huge secret bank
account he is hiding from you.} Honey! I am so sorry; don’t be lighted up in anger
so quick now?

Dr. Justin

Don’t talk about something you know you should be blamed for.

Mrs. Justin

When is light suppose to leave for school?

Dr. Justin

I will be in my room talk tomorrow. {He got up from the bed put on his slippers
stand up to walk out of the room he pause when he heard her say}

Mrs. Justin

I'm pregnant.

Dr. Justin

Congratulations to us {He turn to proceed with his journey out when he stop and
said} I guess I'm not the father.

Mrs. Justin

{Thought} I can’t wait to get rid of you

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