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Northville Public Schools

Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan

as Described in Public Act 149, Section 98a

On August 20, 2020 Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 5913 into law as Public Act 149. Section
98a states that in order to receive state aid for 2020-2021, districts must provide for instruction
under an extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (“Plan”) that has been approved by an intermediate
district or authorizing body. The Plan does not replace the District’s/PSA’s COVID-19 Preparedness
and Response Plan, it is an additional plan that includes new assurances and sections on
educational goals, instructional delivery, grading, and equitable access. PA 149 does not apply to
districts that operate as a cyber school.

District/PSA educational goals written for all students and all subgroups must be established no
later than September 15, 2020 and submitted in their Plan to the ISD or Authorizing Body, as
applicable, no later than October 1, 2020 for approval. ISDs and PSAs will transmit the approved
plan to the superintendent of public instruction and the state treasurer.

District/PSA Extended COVID-19 Learning Plans should be submitted to the ISD or Authorizing
Body as a PDF file.
Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan

Address of School District/PSA: ​ 405 West Main Street, Northville, MI 48167

District/PSA Code Number: ​82390

District/PSA Website Address: ​

District/PSA Contact and Title:​ Mary K. Gallagher, Superintendent

District/PSA Contact Email Address: ​

Name of Intermediate School District/PSA: ​Wayne County Regional Educational Service

Agency (RESA)

Name of PSA Authorizing Body (if applicable): ​ N/A

Date of Adoption by Board of Education/Directors:​ September 22, 2020

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan

1. The District/PSA will make their board approved Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan accessible
through the transparency reporting link located on the District’s/PSA’s website no later than
October 1, 2020.

2. The District/PSA will create and make available on its transparency reporting link located on
the District/PSA’s website, a report concerning the progress made in meeting the educational
goals contained in its Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan not later than February 1, 2021, for
goals its expected would be achieved by the middle of the school year and not later than the last
day of school of the 2020-2021 school year for goals the District/PSA expected would be
achieved by the end of the school year.

3. Benchmark Assessments: The District/PSA will

○ select a benchmark assessment or benchmark assessments that is/are aligned to state
○ administer the approved benchmark assessment, or local benchmark assessment, or any
combination thereof, to all pupils in grades K to 8 to measure proficiency in reading and
mathematics within the first nine weeks of the 2020-2021 school year and again not later
than the last day of the of the 2020-2021 school year.

4. If delivering pupil instruction virtually, the District/PSA will

○ provide pupils with equitable access to technology and the internet necessary to
participate in instruction, and
○ expose each pupil to the academic standards that apply for each pupil’s grade level or
courses in the same scope and sequence as the District/PSA had planned for that
exposure to occur for in-person instruction.

5. The District/PSA, in consultation with a local health department will develop guidelines
concerning appropriate methods for delivering pupil instruction for the 2020-2021 school year
that are based on local data that are based on key metrics. ​Note:​ ​A determination concerning
the method for delivering pupil instruction shall remain at the District/PSA Board’s discretion.
Key metrics that the District/PSA will consider shall include at least all of the following:

○ COVID-19 Cases or Positive COVID-19 tests

○ Hospitalizations due to COVID-19
○ Number of deaths resulting from COVID-19 over a 14-day period
○ COVID-19 cases for each day for each 1 million individuals
○ The percentage of positive COVID-19 tests over a 4-week period
○ Health capacity strength
○ Testing, tracing, and containment infrastructure with regard to COVID-19

6. If the District/PSA determines that it is safe to provide in-person instruction to pupils, the
District/PSA will prioritize providing in-person instruction to pupils in grades K to 5 who are
enrolled in the District/PSA.

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
7. The District/PSA assures that
○ instruction will be delivered as described in this plan and approved by the District/PSA
○ the description of instructional delivery in this plan matches the delivery of instruction to
be delivered during the 2020-2021 school year,
○ the District/PSA will re-confirm how instruction will be delivered during the 2020-2021
school year thirty days after the approval of the plan, and every 30 days thereafter at a
meeting of the Board, and
○ public comment will be solicited from the parents or legal guardians of the pupils enrolled
in the District/PSA during a public meeting described in PA-149.

8. The District/PSA will ensure that students with disabilities will be provided with equitable
access to instruction and accommodation in accordance with applicable state and federal laws,
rules and regulations.

9. The District/PSA will ensure that two (2), 2-way interactions occur between a pupil enrolled in
the District/PSA and the pupil’s teacher or at least one (1) of the pupil’s teachers during each
week of the school year for at least 75% of the pupils enrolled in the District/PSA. The
District/PSA will publicly announce its weekly interaction rates at each District/PSA Board
meeting where it re-confirms how instruction is being delivered. The District/PSA will make
those rates available through the transparency reporting link located on the District/PSA
website each month for the 2020-2021 school year.

__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Superintendent President of the Board of Education/Directors

__9/22/2020___________________________________ _9/22/2020_________________________________
Date Date

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan

Learning Plan Narrative

Opening Statement
Please provide a statement indicating why an Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan is necessary to
increase pupil engagement and achievement for the 2020-2021 school year.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has impacted our school community in a number of ways. The
closure of school buildings last March through the end of the school year, and sudden shift to
emergency remote instruction had a differential impact on students and families, based on the
individual family circumstances, opportunities to connect with learning, impact of traumatic loss,
among a myriad of other factors. As a result, we anticipate a wider range and number of students
who may have significant gaps in learning than would otherwise be the case; an increased need for
social emotional and mental health support for students and staff members; an increased need to
support parents and families who are taking on a greater role in assisting their children during any
portions of time spent in distance/remote learning; and a critical need to support educators as they
hone their skill set to flexibly address the needs of students in both the virtual and physical

Given the uncertain trajectory of COVID-19 and potential impact on the 2020-2021 school year.
Northville Public Schools convened a broad-based ​NPS School Reentry Task Force​ in May, 2020
The charge given to the Task Force was “to research and develop plans for a range of potential
school re-entry scenarios, based on CDC and MDHHS guidelines, mitigate COID-19 risks and protect
the safety and wellbeing of students, families and staff members while maximizing opportunities
for student learning. Several guiding principles grounded the work of the task force and re-entry
considerations, including the following directly related to learning and growth:
● Student and staff safety must be carefully prioritized within a focus on student learning.
● Educational services and opportunities must be flexible in addressing a range of needs,
including students who may have been most challenged to access and benefit from the
spring 2020 Continuity of Learning plan.
● The best solutions or approach at one level may not be best at all levels.
● The best solutions are those that offer sustained access to quality instruction with the least
threat to safety and wellbeing.
● All solutions must include sufficient preparedness for quality distance learning to be
deployed or increased quickly under any unanticipated development.
● Solutions must have a means to flexibly bridge to another solution as circumstances evolve
over time.
● To the extent possible/practicable, offering choices within options should be considered
(i.e. distance learning options for families choosing not to send students to school for health
or other reasons; staff members in higher risk categories).

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan

As we return to school in the fall, our first priority is to ensure the well-being of all members of our
school community, and to provide opportunities for teachers and students to reconnect to school
and with each other. Given the wide range of experiences students had during the remote learning
portion of the 19-20 school year, we anticipate that students will come to school in the fall of 2020
with a wider than usual range of competencies, and potentially greater needs in the social and
emotional domains as referenced above.
As Northville Public Schools is offering a range of options depending on age level, parent choice, and
student needs (consistent with the guiding principles noted above), we need to ensure that there
are structures in place to ensure student engagement and achievement for all, from our pre-K
students through post-secondary students, and across our virtual, blended, and in-person
environments. This plan will focus on teaching and learning with an emphasis on equity for all
learners and the well-being of students, families, and staff.

Educational Goals
Please outline and describe​ the educational goals expected to be achieved for the 2020-2021
school year. The District/PSA must establish all of its goals no later than September 15, 2020.
• Specify​ which goals are expected to be achieved by the middle of the school year and which
goals are expected to be achieved by the end of the school year.
• Ensure ​that all of the following apply to the educational goals described in this section: (a)
The goals include increased pupil achievement or, if growth can be validly and reliably
measured using a benchmark assessment or benchmark assessments, growth on a benchmark
assessment in the aggregate and for all subgroups of pupils; (b) The District/PSA benchmark
assessment(s) are aligned to state standards and will be administered to all pupils K-8 at
least once within the first 9 weeks of the 2020-2021 school year and not later than the last
day of the 2020-2021 school year to determine whether pupils are making meaningful
progress toward mastery of these standards; and (c) the District’s/PSA’s educational goals
are measurable through a benchmark assessment or benchmark assessments.
• To the extent practicable, the District/PSA will administer the same benchmark assessment
or benchmark assessments that it administered to pupils in previous years.

Background Information / Overarching District Goals

Northville Public Schools is committed to our ​Purpose, Vision, Graduate Profile and 2020-2025
District Goals​, refined and launched in November 2019, following an in-depth review of our
2015-2019 District goals.
Our Purpose:
In partnership with students, parents, and all stakeholders, Northville Public Schools will
create flexible, learner-centered school communities that advance learning and leadership
within every learner while fostering the skills and dispositions necessary for success.
Our Vision:
All students will graduate from Northville Public Schools with the skills and dispositions
necessary to maximize their potential as contributing members of a global society.
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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
District Goal I​ is to ​Foster Learner Profiles that Lead to Globally Competitive Graduates through
personalization of learning; attainment of core competencies; and the alignment of
globally ready characteristics with standards and assessments.”​ ​Part A ​references our Learner
Profile / 21st Century Skills and addresses fostering growth through ​The Leader in Me habits,
International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Program Learner Profile and the NPS Graduate
Profile; along with noting each student’s active role in developing individual learning goals based
on data, developing action plans, and reflecting on progress. Likewise critical is the opportunity for
each student to explore, identify and develop their individual learning profile, areas of interest and
District Goal I, Part B​ references Academic Growth / Core Competencies, and cross references our
NPS District Improvement Plan​ goals and objectives, which were revised for the 2020-2021 school
year to include administering the NWEA benchmark assessment through 8th grade (rather than 7th
grade) to align with PA 149, Sec. 38a. Our overall District Improvement plan includes goals in the
areas of literacy, mathematical practice, science and building capacity across the core competencies
of social and emotional learning.
District Goal III ​focuses on​ Re-Imagined Curriculum and Instruction ​that is relevant, responsive,
and personalized; aligned instructionally from pre-kindergarten through graduation;customized to
encourage student ownership over time, place, path and pace; and learning environments that
reflect the technology tools of today. Part A includes aligned curriculum and a comprehensive
assessment plan reflecting a balance of formative and summative assessment. Part B focuses on
building capacity with instructional design, digital learning tools including a robust digital learning
platform, embedding high impact instructional practices into every classroom, and continued
strengthening of our ​Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework, Pre-K-12​.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)​ is a systemic, continuous-improvement framework in
which data-based problem solving and decision-making is practiced across all levels of the
educational system for supporting students. MTSS utilizes high quality evidence-based instruction,
intervention, and assessment practices to ensure that every student receives the appropriate level
of support to be successful. It focuses on the “whole child.” MTSS supports academic growth and
achievement, but it also supports many other areas. This includes behavior, social and emotional
needs. ​MTSS is a three tiered system:
Tier I​-all students are taught with evidence-based teaching practices and are screened 3
times per year to see who is and isn’t responding to Tier I instruction.
Tier II​-5-10% of students receive this targeted support in small groups. This is in addition
to core instruction. This support is layered with effective Tier I instruction using
evidence-based practices.
Tier III​-1-5% of students receive this targeted support. This support is more intense and
should also be layered with effective TierI/II evidence-based practices. Groups may be
smaller in size and the frequency of support is typically increased.

Our Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) core building teams meet on a weekly basis
throughout the year to review progress monitoring data for students in intervention. Decisions
about students who receive intervention are determined using a data-based approach by
triangulating data in the targeted area of concern. A data-based problem-solving approach is

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
utilized to drive decisions regarding student support throughout the school year. For students who
are making limited growth, the team determines whether the student needs a different intervention
or more intensive interventions (i.e. a change in Tiered support). Students are progress monitored
on a regular basis with data reviewed by the MTSS team. This cycle occurs multiple times
throughout the year, including the middle of the school year to ensure all students' learning needs
are being met.
Benchmark Assessment Goals
The NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) in reading and mathematics will be administered
to students in kindergarten through eighth grade at least twice: once in the first nine weeks of the
school year, and again prior to the last day of school.
Students with Disabilities for whom the NWEA benchmark assessment is not appropriate will be
assessed based on progress toward Individualized Educational Plan goals, including use of common
assessments to measure progress toward the Essential Elements for the Common Core.
2020-21 End of Year Reading Goal:
All kindergarten through eighth grade students will demonstrate growth in
literacy/proficiency in reading as measured by NWEA (target=at least 60% achieving NWEA
projected growth) and proficiency on state and local assessments.

● All teachers will utilize evidence based instructional practices and formative assessment to
adjust instruction and support meaningful student progress towards mastery of
Reading/ELA academic standards. District focus areas in the ​5 Dimensions of Teaching and
Learning Framework (5D+)​ include Student Self-Assessment (A1), Student Use of Formative
Assessments over time (A2), Student Goal-Setting (SE2-Ownership of Learning), and
Differentiated Instruction (CP4).
● Fall NWEA benchmark assessment results will be utilized together with classroom-based
assessments and progress monitoring tools to identify tiered intervention to support
students in making progress toward their individual reading goals and projected growth
2020-21 End of Year Math Goal:
All kindergarten through eighth grade students will demonstrate growth in mathematical
practice standards and proficiency as measured by NWEA (target=at least 60% achieving
NWEA projected growth), and proficiency on state and local assessments.

● All teachers will utilize evidence based instructional practices and formative assessment to
adjust instruction and support meaningful student progress towards mastery of
mathematical practices and standards. District focus areas in the ​5 Dimensions of Teaching
and Learning Framework (5D+)​ include Student Self-Assessment (A1), Student Use of
Formative Assessments over time (A2), Student Goal-Setting (SE2-Ownership of Learning),
and Differentiated Instruction (CP4).
● Fall NWEA benchmark assessment results will be utilized together with classroom-based
assessments and progress monitoring tools to identify tiered intervention to support

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
students in making progress toward their individual mathematics goal and projected
growth target.
Mid Year and Continuous Improvement:
As a means of continuous improvement in teaching & learning, reinforcement of evidence based
instructional practices, including the MTSS instructional framework, are embedded into NPS
professional learning opportunities. Professional learning opportunities, including updates
regarding the ongoing work of our Distance Learning team, Unit designers, Content developers, and
coaching supports for our instructional staff are outlined in the ​NPS Fall 2020 Instructional
Newsletter​, and revised as additional information and/or commonly asked questions surface.
Additionally, specific guidance for our instructional staff has been developed to support the MTSS
process in Northville Public Schools as students re-enter the teaching and learning environment for
the 2020-2021 school year:
2020-2021 SEL/MTSS Elementary Re-entry Guide
2020-2021 SEL/MTSS Secondary Re-entry Guide
Data from our MTSS process will provide information to inform our progress toward our goals over
the course of the year. Progress reports will be available on our website in February and June,
including ​publicly sharing aggregate and student subgroup performance reports on Fall and Spring
NWEA results.

Instructional Delivery & Exposure to Core Content

Please describe​ how and where instruction will be delivered during the 2020-2021 school year.
(e.g. instruction may be delivered at school or a different location, in-person, online, digitally, by
other remote means, in a synchronous or asynchronous format, or any combination thereof).

Mode of Instruction
On Tuesday, August 4, 2020, the Northville Public Schools Board of Education approved a plan to
begin the 2020-2021 school year with a Virtual Start for the month of September for elementary,
middle and high school students that will transition to an approved in-person scenario no later than
the first week of October for families selecting in-person learning.

Northville Public Schools K-12 students will begin the 2020-21 school year on a modified virtual
schedule (Virtual Start) from September 8 through no later than October 2, 2020. Cooke Center
Program School, Self-Contained Special Education Classrooms, and other Special Programs will
begin transitioning students into in-person learning throughout September. At the elementary
level, the transition to in-person learning (for those families electing this option) will be staggered,
with kindergartners beginning in-person learning on September 22, 2020 following a scheduled
parent-student classroom visitation on September 21, 2020; first and second graders will begin
in-person learning on Tuesday, September 29, 2020; and third through fifth graders transition to
in-person learning on Monday, October 5, 2020.
During the month of September, in addition to providing quality distance learning opportunities to
our students, there will be thoughtful transition planning, small group in-person support for
identified students, as well as in-school orientation and transition opportunities at each grade level.

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
The September Virtual Start will allow students and staff to develop competence around the new
and robust Learning Management System (Schoology) that allows for smooth transitions between
virtual and in-person learning in the event that intermittent school closures become necessary or
our region moves into different phases of Michigan’s Road Map.
The in-person scenario for Elementary and Cooke School students includes the option to attend full
time, Monday through Friday; while the Middle and High School in-person ​scenario is​ a 50-50
Hybrid, with students rotating between in-person and virtual learning every other day. The
in-person scenarios approved at each level allow for implementation of each of the required safety
protocols for Phase 4 of Michigan’s Roadmap, along with maximizing implementation of the highly
recommended safety protocols to the greatest extent possible in a school setting.
Parents/families across the District’s programs have the option to elect a full semester virtual
learning option that will continue uninterrupted from the start of the school year, or may opt for
the September Virtual Start that transitions into the identified In-Person scenario. These options
are further detailed in this table:

BOTH options will include QUALITY INSTRUCTION and CONTENT aligned to state 
standards, lessons and assignments, attendance that is monitored, coursework that is 
graded, assessments that are administered, student schedules for either option will be 
based on a traditional school day schedule 


In-Person Learning after   Full Virtual Learning 
September Virtual Start 
● Virtual start through September, followed by  ● Designed around a traditional school day 
transitions throughout the month of September  schedule 
into in-person learning designed by grade level.  ● Multiple opportunities for synchronous 
● Following the September Virtual Start:   (live) instruction as well as assignments of 
● Elementary​ students will attend full time,  quality digital content, designed for 
Monday through Friday, in-person in  optimizing the online learning 
cohort class groupings that may include  environment.  
rotating teachers;  ● Teachers will individualize learning needs 
● Middle School​ ​students will attend school  to each student in the Full Semester 
every other day, rotating between  Virtual Learning program utilizing 
in-person core content (Math, Science, ELA  Schoology 
and Social Studies) courses and virtual  ● Students will attend live sessions on the 
learning for elective courses.  school day schedule and will be held 
● High School​ students will also attend  accountable for completing all course 
school every other day, rotating between  assignments on the identified schedule. 
in-person instruction and virtual learning;  ● Small group and individualized instruction 
and  will be arranged throughout the semester 
● Cooke School​ students will begin with a  for students.  
partial return in September and gradually  ● Expectations for participation, 
increase in-person attendance through  assignments and attendance will also be 

Northville Public Schools Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan 10
Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
September until all students attend school  shared with all students and parents prior 
5 days per week.  to the school year beginning.

Please describe​ how instruction for core academic areas will expose each pupil to the academic
standards that apply for each pupil’s grade level or course in the same scope and sequence as the
District/PSA had planned for that exposure to occur for in-person instruction.

Note: ​The Northville Public Schools (NPS) Instructional Plan is further detailed in the ​2020-21 NPS
Continuity of Learning Plan (COVID-19)​, revised as of August 11, 2020 and cross-referenced in the
NPS COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan​, approved by the Northville Public Schools Board
of Education in August. Additionally, ​parent workshop opportunitie​s,, video-tutorials, ​technology
trouble-shooting​, ​Frequently Asked Questions​, resources, ​information​, and ​help desk contacts​ have
been made available to parents/guardians and community members in order to support parents
and families as they support their children in the learning process, as outlined on our district

Curriculum and Instruction: Academic Standards

Northville Public Schools District curriculum for core academic areas is aligned to state standards
and is housed in Atlas Rubicon. As noted above, the District’s virtual and in-person options include
quality instruction and content aligned to state standards, lessons and assignments, attendance that
is monitored, coursework that is graded, and assessments that are administered with student
schedules based on a typical school day schedule.

This summer a team of teachers, parents, principals, and administrators were brought together to
form the Distance Learning Team as part of the NPS School Reentry Task Force. The Distance
Learning Team was charged with developing quality digital content and delivery models for what
distance learning looks like for the students of Northville Public Schools. This team designed the
structure for providing comprehensive online, distance, and blended instruction and assessment
designed to meet course and grade level standards and expectations. These teams researched
available resources and developed a plan for the continuing development and implementation of
quality digital content.

The result of this work is a balanced approach to delivering the full breadth of curriculum and
instruction to every student in Northville Public Schools in K-26. Utilizing a common learning
management system, and the units of study that have always guided the learning in our classrooms,
Northville teachers developed content and lessons that can be delivered equally in person or
virtually, to be best prepared for whatever the current situation demands, ensuring every student a
full year of learning.

Please describe​ how pupil progress toward mastery of the standards described within this section
will be graded or otherwise reported to the pupil and the pupil’s parent or legal guardian.

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
In Northville Public Schools we regularly assess students at the district and classroom level to
determine if they are making progress toward meeting those standards. We place a heavy
emphasis on formative assessment. This is critical in the instructional process so that students
receive timely feedback that helps them know what they need to do to improve. It also gives the
teacher important information to know how to adjust the teaching and learning process to meet
each student's needs.

We rely on several assessment tools in addition to NWEA, our benchmark assessment. This
includes our K-5 reading inventory, the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System, which
is administered up to 3 times per year to identify and monitor student’s reading level. Those
students who are identified with reading deficiencies are progress monitored utilizing AIMSweb.
Teachers also utilize multiple common assessments across grade levels and content areas. Our
8th-10th grade students take the PSAT each Fall and Spring, with our 11th grade students taking
the PSAT in the Fall and SAT in the Spring. This data allows us to monitor and ensure that our
students are progressing academically, mastering the standards, and are career and college ready.
All of this data is tracked using our data warehouse, Illuminate. This system allows us to compile a
complete data profile on every student and monitor progress throughout the child’s educational

We make available to our parents and legal guardians the ability to see their children’s grades and
educational progress at any time via Schoology, our learning management system. Our teachers
keep up-to-date information on student grades in this system. This is in addition to the expectation
we have for all teachers that they keep parents and guardians abreast of any concerns regarding a
student’s grade through emails and phone calls. Finally, we send out to parents report cards at the
end of each marking period.

Equitable Access
​ escribe​ how the District/PSA will provide pupils
If delivering pupil instruction virtually, please d
with equitable access to technology and the internet necessary to participate in instruction.

Northville Public Schools is utilizing a single sign on option to streamline the access to all digital
resources for parents in the fall. Included in this single sign on platform is our new Learning
Management System, Schoology, which will be used exclusively in every K-26 classroom for remote
learning to provide consistency. For those students who have internet access, but don't have a
device, devices will be made available. If students have a device, but do not have internet, guidance
for setting up free internet service will be provided. Unique needs identified by individual
stakeholders will be addressed and supported through each building principal, with support,
guidance and resources from the district’s technology department. All students will have access to
grade-level/course instructional materials and text as needed to complete their work.
In addition to the alternative mode of instruction described above, our district will include, where
appropriate and needed, the following alternative modes of instruction to best meet the needs of all
students during the time when in-person instruction is not an option:

Northville Public Schools Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan 12
Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
● Utilize telephone communications including tools such as, Q Communications, and district
remote telephone services. These tools will be used to share pertinent instructional
information with students and families
● Utilize MISTAR-Q, Communication, district Gmail and communication via Schoology, to
share pertinent instructional information with students and families
● Whenever appropriate, teachers will share instructional packets with students who may not
otherwise have access. The process for requesting and receiving printed information is
communicated through teachers and principals.
● Instruction and/or materials provided by community college and university partnerships
will continue for all dual enrolled students through our partner colleges and universities as
well as through Michigan Virtual. The district will continue to pay for these courses and
resources for students who have elected these options through the course scheduling

Additionally, as parents/guardians are partners

Please describe​ how the District/PSA will ensure that students with disabilities will be provided
with equitable access to instruction and accommodation in accordance with applicable state and
federal laws, rules and regulations.

With the start of the school year, the District is in the process of reviewing students’ IEPs and 504
plans in coordination with general and special education teachers and/or providers to address any
data-driven accommodations and/or services that are needed due to known changes in students’

For students with identified special needs, intervention and support services are being integrated
into the student’s program immediately upon the start of school.

The district is transitioning from virtual to in-person learning for all students whose families have
selected in-person instruction during the month of September. ​ September 2020 Transition
schedules​ for self-contained Special Education classes, including our Early Childhood Intervention
Program, Categorical and ASD classrooms at elementary and secondary, along with the September
2020 Transition plan for Cooke Center Program​ students reflect a staggered re-entry plan and a
prioritized return to in-person classes (as does our transition plan for K-2 elementary students
referenced earlier.)

For students with disabilities where FAPE is considered face to face instruction, they will have the
opportunities to come into buildings in small groups to receive their instruction and/or support
services per their IEP. Additionally, in order to better prepare our students and families for
possible future school closure, outbreak, quarantine, all families will also have access to learning
opportunities through Schoology (which will ensure non-disruption of services). For our students
where FAPE can be delivered virtually or in person (i.e students can receive meaningful educational
benefit in either mode), teams will be working with families to determine the most appropriate
mode of delivery of service.

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Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
The district has established structures for general and special education teachers and/or providers
to collaborate and communicate regarding student performance and student needs on IEP goals
and objectives with special consideration regarding assistive technology and accessibility.

In addition our special education service providers will provide families access to programs to
work with unique student learning such as: Readtopia, Raz kids, Second Step, brain pop, IXL, moby
max, ULS, News to You, Scholastic news to assist with our students with disabilities.

The district ensures a continuation of services for students receiving speech and language,
occupational therapy, physical therapy, or social work services within their IEP. The district also
ensures a method for the continuation of evaluation for students suspected of having a disability as
well as those requiring re-evaluation.

Optional Considerations for District/PSA Extended COVID-19 Learning Plans:

1. In addition to the students with disabilities noted above, please describe how the
District/PSA will ensure that the needs of other vulnerable student populations, such as but
not limited to, early English Learners and Fledgling/struggling students, are met.

2. Please describe how the District/PSA will ensure that students will, during pandemic
learning, have continued access to programs such as, but not limited to, Early Childhood,
CTE, Early-Middle College, Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement as applicable within
the District/PSA.

In order to meet the needs of ​all​ students, including each of our vulnerable student populations, we
are continuing our robust Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
(MTSS) structure as noted above. Our district will continue
to look at the “whole child” (social emotional, behavior and
academic). We have MTSS teams at all buildings/levels and
are data driven using evidence based systems to determine
intervention needs (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3). Our MTSS teams
meet weekly, have data digs 3 times pers year, triangulate
data, and progress monitor students within intervention
cycles. Careful attention is given to those students who are
making limited growth, with the team determining whether
the student needs a different intervention or more intensive
interventions (i.e. a change in Tiered support). We will
continue to provide mental health support through several
modes of support to all students, embedded into the weekly schedules at each level. Staff and
parents will be provided a variety of resources that can be used with students to help explain our
current reality, while easing fear and anxiety where possible.

Examples of the curriculums to support our tiered interventions include Second Step, Prepare U,
QPR, Moby max, LLI, Newsela, Khan Academy, check in/check out systems. Some of our
assessment tools include: BESS and flex monitor, SRSS, Trails, and Aims web.

Northville Public Schools Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan 14
Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan

Over the summer, we had an MTSS/SEL task force that focused on implementation of our MTSS
process through the lens of re-entry. That team developed a guidance document for assessment
and instruction as we returned to school. See the following links, as referenced previously:

​2020-2021 SEL/MTSS Elementary Re-entry Guide

2020-2021 SEL/MTSS Secondary Re-entry Guide

A student survey that parents fill out in the first week of school was developed since the SEL
screener tools are not implemented until 6 weeks into the school year (when deeper relationships
are formed). This student screener provides our building teams important information about our
students as they re-enter school.

Other means of supporting students SEL mental health include, but are not limited to, the following:

● Social and Emotional/Wellness Hotline – managed by district mental health specialists.

● Regular check-ins with students (both face to face and virtual)
● Social Emotional Learning and support units incorporated into weekly teacher interactions
with students with referrals to district mental health professionals where needed.
● Deployment of Psychological First Aid for Schools protocol to support students and families
during and after traumatic events (along with new guidance document)
● Work with students in small groups (either face to face or virtual)
● Staff will continue to receive professional development on a variety of topics, including:
social-emotional learning, trauma-informed best practices, identification of students at risk,
and proper referral protocols.
● The District has and is trained on a crisis management plan that leverages available internal
and external community-based resources, which can be activated efficiently as needed.
● The District is partnering with New Hope Center for Grief Support, a local non-profit
organization and recipient of grant funds allocated to support school staff in responding to
students, families and staff who have experienced grief and loss.
● The District is partnering with Hegira Health, a leader with providing integrated behavioral
healthcare and a wide variety of mental health and substance abuse treatment services to
individuals of all ages. Hegira staff will work with Northville Public Schools to assist in the
implementation of Second Step at the middle schools and provide QPR training to high
school students as part of the suicide awareness unit with Prepare U.

All of our current English learners (ESL) were assessed for their proficiency level on the WIDA in
Spring 2020 and their level of service has been determined. For new students, their proficiency
level will be assessed on the WIDA in the first 30 days of the 2020-2021 school year.

Based on student need and collaboration with our families, our ESL instructors will offer ESL
learning opportunities in a variety of formats:
● face to face small group services
● virtual services
● push in services (via zoom or in person)
Northville Public Schools Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan 15
Northville Public Schools
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
● office hours with ESL instructors
● leveled classes (beginner/advanced) at the high school level
● push in paraprofessional support
Our ESL providers will continue to utilize the Reach Curriculum (elementary), Inside program
(middle school), Edge program (high school) for all students whether in person or virtually to meet
the needs of our English Language Learners

As consistent with the rest of the district, all Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP) families
had the option to choose a face to face or virtual option for their ½ day program. All families will
have equal access to the technology available to our general education students. All ECIP students
will be provided FAPE including specialized instruction and services per their IEP. Programs such
as Handwriting Without Tears and Schoology will assist with providing our students specialized

The District continues to offer a variety of specialized programs in virtual, in-person and/or hybrid
formats: access to CTE programming where applicable; Alternative Learning Program for Students
(ALPS) for elementary students identified as advanced learners; Advanced Placement courses;
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program and Diploma Program courses; and Dual
Enrollment courses.

Northville Public Schools Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan 16

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