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Foundation| September 2018
| March 2019



n this issue of Arise & temporary political concerns and illus-
Build we depart from trates how to re-anchor the discussion.
our usual format by It is precisely because “the entering in
publishing two smaller of Thy Word bringeth light” (Psalm
pieces by Dr. Phillip G. 119:130) that Dr. Kayser’s analyses
Kayser alongside this move us in the right direction.
brief survey of their importance. If you Second, note carefully the key
are not aware of Dr. Kayser’s ongoing implication of Dr. Kayser’s appeal to
work at his website, biblicalblueprints. Scripture, namely, that God has already
org, you should acquaint yourself with spoken clearly enough for us to know what
this important thinker’s contributions to do. Dr. Kayser is not providing some
to the cause of Christ. “new word from the Lord” at all—he
The building of the Kingdom of is appealing to the old words, and for
God proceeds in a decentralized way, good reason. Allow me to paraphrase
with many individuals leading the way some older commentators discussing
in their areas of expertise as they apply the teaching of Zech. 7:7 so that you
the Scriptures to the problems of our might grasp what I’m driving at:
day. Many of the paths that such men Let men consult what God spoke
pioneer will grow into highways that through the former prophets. There
saints of the future will walk in. Their was the answer to Israel’s problems;
faithful work will abide, and their there is the answer now. The people
errors will be set aside as iron sharpens want new directions. They need the
iron. We need such men to show us old. Zechariah would do a grave
how to better use the light of God’s injustice to all the former prophets if
Word in our world. he were to answer as though they had
First and foremost, it is important never spoken.
to grasp that political problems do not So too Dr. Kayser would do a
have political solutions. In fact, from a disservice to “the law and to the testi-
political standpoint, problems aren’t to mony” if he didn’t speak according to
be solved but rather perpetuated. The them, but launched into his analyses
moment you step into Saul’s armor, autonomously. Thankfully, he speaks
you’ve already lost the battle. We must and writes as one who understands that
move the discussion off the shifting if “the spirits of the prophets is subject
sand of politics onto the firm rock of to the prophets” (I Cor. 14:32) then
Scripture. Dr. Kayser takes two con- today’s teachers are under the same

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obligation of faithful stewardship over note that his proposed solutions actual-
the precious deposit they were entrust- ly do solve the problems without extend-
ed with (2 Tim. 1:14). ing government beyond its legitimate
Third, it is important to grasp that scope.
the Biblical solutions that Dr. Kayser Sadly, in our day and age, provid-
articulates in these two cases (two of ing actual solutions, based on Scripture
countless such controversies that he has no less, has become the new unfor-
sought to shine Biblical light upon) lift givable sin. But men and women of
the weight of governmental tyranny off character, dedicated to the task to arise
of the people and expand the domain and build, will operate along such lines
of liberty. “Where the Spirit of the Lord as Dr. Kayser has laid out. There will
is, there is liberty” (2 Cor. 3:17). David be those reading these articles who will
says he walks at liberty because he seeks ask themselves, “How can I apply such
God’s precepts (Psalm 119:45). Apply- reasoning to the issues that burn within
ing God’s Holy Word to contemporary my bosom concerning our nation?”
problems liberates men. Applying man’s And they will take heart from Dr. Kay-
solutions enslaves men, often in the ser’s examples and move forward with
name of solving their problems. In hu- that much more courage.
manism, the cure is usually worse than It takes courage to propose Biblical
the disease. Today, great plans are being solutions to today’s crises and to act
floated by next-generation politicians, faithfully upon them. Thankfully, such
and they will impose more wretched courage is contagious. There’ll be no
tyrannies than before should their plans way that humanists or pietists will be
be enacted. able to put the toothpaste back into the
Fourth, Dr. Kayser is aware of the tube once God’s people have a sense of
pretext used to float humanistic solu- what Biblical solutions would actually
tions to society’s worst problems. Ex- look like.
pansion of governmental power (what
Dr. Kayser calls Orwellian overreach Martin Selbrede is the Vice-President
of the Chalcedon Foundation and is the
in one of his articles) is the common
senior researcher for Chalcedon’s ongoing
factor among every legislative propos-
work of Christian scholarship, along with
al. Psalm 94:20 informs us that the being the senior editor for Chalcedon’s
wicked frame mischief using the law, so publications.
we’ve been warned in advance and are
1. Dr. Kayser himself concedes that his
suffering the consequences of several
approach to pornography would likely be
centuries of rebellion against the true controversial among his fellow Christians.
Lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22). One aspect of If there is a better Biblical formulation to
the “mischief” the psalmist refers to is be had, one that honors the whole counsel
the persistence of the original problem, of God, no one would welcome it more
with new ones being multiplied on top vigorously than he would. As has well been
of it. said, “the pioneer is the guy with an arrow
Which brings us to the fifth and in his back.”
final observation. While we freely
acknowledge that Dr. Kayser’s analyses
and solutions are not the final word1
on the matters being discussed (because
we acknowledge that God might shine
more light upon those issues than we
currently possess), it is important to

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he American Com- treated the census as a gross overreach
munity Survey of state authority despite the fact that
is an Orwellian David’s census was far less intrusive than
overreach of federal the American Community Survey is.9 1
powers that should be Chronicles 21 makes clear that David’s
resisted by Americans. later census was Satanic in its origin (v.
It is a survey that invades privacy by 1), was “abominable to Joab” (v. 6) and
asking about the presence of flush to God (v. 7), was a great sin (v. 8), was
toilets, the amount of income that you foolish (v. 8), resulted in God’s judg-
earn, whether there is a business in ment upon Israel as a whole (vv. 9-17),
your home, how much you spend on and required atonement before the
utilities, where you work, what time judgment could be averted (vv. 18–27).
you leave for work, how you get to People have sometimes been puz-
work, how long it takes you to get to zled over why the people were judged
work, etc. when this was David’s sin. But it is
This national survey is both un- clear that the Bible expected limited
biblical and unconstitutional. And (as and accountable government, and if
illustrated by recent hacks into classi- the people did not resist tyrannical acts,
fied information on federal employees) they deserved what they got. Unfor-
it is dangerous to have our personal tunately, the people of David’s time
information located in such a central passively acquiesced to his overreach of
warehouse. What are we to think of power, with only Joab resisting.
this Biblically? So what constituted the overreach?
According to the Bible, any gath- It was simply that David ignored five
ering of census information beyond the of seven restrictions given in Numbers
basics needed during time of war was 1–2. Though David’s census was a
unlawful. The national census of Israel simple enumeration, it unfortunately
in Numbers 1–2 only authorized 1) a involved 1) Levites, 2) citizens who
simple enumeration,1 2) of males,2 3) were under twenty, 3) citizens who
twenty years old and above,3 4) who were not able to go to war, 4) was
were able to go to war,4 5) who had vol- involuntary (being opposed even by
untarily joined with Moses for battle,5 Joab), and 5) it did not take place
6) who were not part of the clergy,6 7) during a time of battle. In other words,
and if it took place during a time of it was not a purely military issue.10 All
war.7 In other words, it was a simple of this Biblical information gives ample
enumeration for military purposes, not grounds for Christians to oppose the
a massive collection of information. American Community Survey.11
When David restricted his earlier In addition to Biblical grounds,
census to these seven criteria of God’s the American Community Survey
law, he was blessed by God.8 But when could also be resisted on Constitutional
David later engaged in a census that ig- grounds, based on the following three
nored five of the seven restrictions, God criteria.

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First, it violates the intent of Article them to serve. Judges 5:2 expresses this bal-
I, section 2, clause 3 in three ways: 1) ance when it says, “When the people will-
It is an ongoing never-ending survey ingly offer themselves, bless the LORD.”
rather than a survey that happens once 6. God made it very clear that “the tribe of
Levi you shall not number” (1:49; see also
every ten years. 2) It is asking ques-
1:47; 2:33).
tions that go way beyond the simple 7. The word “war” clearly defines this
enumeration needed to ascertain how enumeration fourteen times. And the term
many representatives a state may have. “army” or “armies” is used 22 times to
3) The race questions go way beyond make it clear that it was an enumeration of
the original intention of representation the army.
“excluding Indians not taxed.” 8. In 2 Samuel 18 it is clear that this census
Second, the intrusive questioning was of military men, under military cap-
violates the Fourth Amendment12 in tains and Generals, in a time of war.
three ways: 1) People are no longer 9. David’s census was a simple counting.
10. For more information on how such
secure in their persons, houses, papers,
actions were defined by God as tyrannical,
and effects when agents can demand see the critique of Saul and Solomon in Dr.
information through threats of fines. 2) Robert Fuguate’s monograph, Toward a
The survey is certainly an unreasonable Theology of Taxation, pp. 23–25. The bulk
search and seizure of information that of his argumentation also appeared in three
is not warranted in the Constitution. 3) consecutive articles by Dr. Fugate published
People are treated as criminals for not in Chalcedon’s Faith for All of Life between
allowing agents without a warrant into July and December 2012.
their homes. 11. For a more detailed analysis of the
Third, it is unconstitutional because evil of the national census, see the three
sermons on 2 Samuel 24 by Phillip Kayser,
the content of the survey is not autho-
PhD, at http://www.dominioncovenan-
rized in the Constitution, and the Con-
gress has no authority that is not “herein and http://www.dominioncovenantchurch.
granted” in the Constitution.13 com/?page_id=8&sermon_id=684 and
Phillip G. Kayser, PhD. is the author of com/?page_id=8&sermon_id=685
over 60 books and booklets. For fifteen 12. The Fourth Amendment states, “The
years Dr. Kayser has been involved in right of the people to be secure in their
coaching church planters, mentoring sem- persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
inary students, and teaching seminars on unreasonable searches and seizures, shall
Biblical leadership internationally. Phil is not be violated, and no Warrants shall
the pastor of Dominion Covenant Church. issue, but upon probable cause, supported
Many of his books are available for free by Oath or affirmation, and particularly
download at describing the place to be searched, and the
1. The word “number” or “numbered” persons or things to be seized.”
occurs 54 times in these two chapters. 13. Article I, section 1. This establishes the
2. The word “male,” “man,” or “men” is necessity of a strict constructionist interpre-
mandated seven times in these two chap- tation of the Constitution.
3. The phrase “twenty years old and above”
occurs 15 times in these two chapters.
4. The criterion that each one numbered be
“able to go to war” is mentioned 14 times
in these two chapters.
5. Deuteronomy 20:5–9 made it very clear
that citizens both had a duty to serve and
that the civil government could not force


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orrified by the against them. However, it must be kept
evils of pornogra- in mind that even pornographers have
phy, evangelicals the protections of Biblical due process,
frequently propose that which includes proscriptions against
the federal government entrapment,6 sting operations,7 and
monitor, control, and coerced testimony,8 and which includes
regulate the internet. This is asking the protections such as the requirement of
same government that defends and two or three actual witnesses,9 public
promotes sexual perversion to protect trial,10 the right to face and cross exam-
us from sexual perversion—absurd! ine your accusers,11 etc.
But it is the only solution that a lawless Evangelicals rightly recognize that
church can envision. This article will our culture is not ready to follow Bibli-
seek to show a better way. cal law, but they wrongly conclude that
There is no question about the fact we therefore must use statism to solve
that pornography has become a crisis the problem.
in our nation, destroying marriages, God’s solution is conversion and
harming children, clogging the televi- discipleship, revival and reformation; it
sion networks and internet with filth, is bottom up transformation, not top
and filling our nation with rapists, down force. When we bypass grace, we
perverts, and child abusers. But with usually end up leaving the limited civil
every crisis there are tyrants ready to government that God has ordained and
“fix” the problem by asking for more begin to look to the civil government
control. We need to recognize that the to be our savior. But if Christians across
very government offering to fix the this nation would truly take advantages
problem has been part of the problem of the means of grace and the standard
by decriminalizing adultery, sexual of God’s law as sufficient for every
perversions, and homosexuality. problem in life (2 Tim. 3:16–17), we
Rather than using the evidence would begin to see culture transformed.
(pornography) of potential criminal Let us arise and build by laying
acts as an excuse to control all internet aside carnal weapons and picking up
activity, pornography could be used the mighty weapons given by God (2
as additional circumstantial evidence Cor. 10:4–6).
to prosecute pornographers who are (c) 2019 Phillip Kayser. All rights reserved.
accused of the crimes of rape,1 incest,2 Published by the Chalcedon Foundation
adultery,3 certain types of fornication,4 with full permission of the author.
and homosexuality.5
1. Deut. 22:25–30
Once Biblically defined criminal 2. Lev. 18:6–19; 18:20; 20:11–17
acts have been proven, those who 3. Lev. 20:10; 21:9; Deut. 22:21–24; John
produce, distribute, and sell porn could 8:4–11 [see the command to the lawful
be tried as accomplices to the crimes, authorities]; 1Tim. 1:10)
and the porn could be used as evidence 4. Deut. 22:13–21


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5. Lev. 18:22; 20:13; 1Kings 15:11–12; “For David had said to him, “Your blood
22:46; 2Kings 23:7; Rom. 1:32; 1Tim. 1:10 be on your own head. Your own mouth
6. The scribes, Pharisees and Herodians testified against you when you said, ‘I killed
repeatedly tried to find Christ guilty of a the LORD’s anointed.’”
crime by entrapment (Mark 3:2; 12:13; 9. The case had to be established with a
Luke 6:7; 11:54; 20:26; etc.). Entrapment minimum of two witnesses, and in some
was something known in ancient times (1 situations, three (Deut. 19:15). Perhaps the
Sam. 28:9) but shunned by the righteous (1 provision for the optional three witnesses
Kings 3:16-28—they knew these were har- was judicial discretion when there was
lots, but citizens had not pressed charges) doubt.
and condemned in Scripture (Daniel 6; Jer. 10. Scripture did not countenance a Star
5:26; Ps. 141:9–10). Chamber kind of trial. All trials needed to
7. Sting operations and other diligent be public or “in the gates” (Deut. 16:18;
searches for evidence can only be engaged 17:5; cf. Deut. 21:19; 22:15; 25:7; Amos
in after a citizen has brought charges (Deut 5:12,15; Zech. 8:16; cf. historical prece-
13:12–14; 19:15–21; Jer. 5:26; implied in dent in Exodus 18:13). The court was to
lack of it with the harlots in 1 Kings 3, etc.). be neither secretive nor interventionist,
8. There was to be no coerced testimony but rather to receive appeals from the grass
(even Achan whom God had already tried roots. In this case the crime “is found” by
and convicted was only asked to give a citizens (17:2) and “it is told” to the court
voluntary confession in Josh 7:9-26). The (17:4). Lawsuit must initiate from the peo-
teaching that a person is innocent until ple and the trial must be a public trial (cf.
proven guilty is only found in Biblical Deut. 21:19; 22:15; 25:7). This provision
religion. No torture or other methods to prevents the civil government from turning
extort confessions was allowed. Thus Paul the court into an intimidation machine.
rightly protested when he was treated as Everything about this description speaks
guilty until proven innocent (Acts 16:37) against secret trials away from the eyes of
and the trial of Christ (as much of a the public.
Kangaroo court as it was!) was stymied in 11. The accused had the right to face his
their attempt to prove Christ guilty. This accusers and question them (Job 40:2;
however does not mean that a person Psalm 50:21; Is. 50:8). There was to be
cannot be condemned when he testifies to cross examination of the testimony of the
his own guilt. See for example 2 Sam. 1:16: witnesses (Prov. 18:17; Deut. 19:18).



randing is a buzz- In 1981, Chalcedon was listed in a
word used online, major news magazine as the think tank
and it’s taken from for the then growing Religious Right.
the advertising industry After that, the “position” this ministry
to describe the posi- held in the mind of the marketplace
tion that a business or was that of a politically-driven organi-
product holds in the mind of the mar- zation bent on imposing Biblical law
ketplace. We’re all familiar with major on an unwilling population. If you
brands, but the idea of “positioning” perform a simple Google search for
can affect persons, movements, politi- Chalcedon, you’ll quickly see that that
cians, and so on—even ministries. perception is still the predominant one.


A&B Issue_06 March, 2019.indd 6 2/15/19 1:02 PM

One thing that I’ve learned is that Therefore, what is Chalcedon’s
you can’t write enough articles or books position in the marketplace of ideas
to eliminate a false perception, and and institutions? It is to be a think
my father himself never bothered with tank for the self-governing Christian,
such efforts either because he was not which means our mission is Christian
one to let his opponents set his agenda. education in order to “summon the re-
He simply focused on advancing the deemed to God to their responsibilities
mission of Christian Reconstruction. in Christ our King.”
However, Chalcedon does serve a I recently sent a letter to you about
purpose similar to that commonly held this very purpose and asked you to
by think tanks with the difference being partner with Chalcedon in the great
that we do not write position papers for mission of Christian education by be-
bureaucrats nor create policies for pol- coming a Chalcedon Underwriter. That
iticians. That’s because we do not serve letter was not intended for mere fund-
the state but rather the self-governing raising. It was about so much more.
Christian. If this mission of Christian education
Our position papers are for God’s is what’s needed at this time, then our
true government in the earth: His support of that mission becomes a duty
people. If we have any policies it’s that more than a donation.
of the Kingdom of God and how it
should be applied in family, school, THE VITAL ROLE OF AN UNDERWRITER
work, charity, and more. My father In other words, without your regu-
summarized it this way: lar financial support Chalcedon’s efforts
suffer because I am not able to create
The purpose of Chalcedon is to apply
God’s word to every area of life and
a predictable budget to accommodate
thought and to summon the redeemed our projects. This is why the role of an
to God [and] to their responsibilities Underwriter is so vital to us. The Chal-
in Christ our King.2 cedon Underwriter is one who commits
Obviously, every area of life in- to the monthly support of this ministry
cludes the civil government, but Chris- through their tax-deductible giving.
tian Reconstruction is hardly desirous Would you prayerfully consider
of ushering in a Christian utopia by a partnering with Chalcedon today as
revolutionary seizing of political power. an Underwriter? We have three levels
Quite the contrary. We have a long- of support to choose from, and they
term mission when it comes to bring- all come with handsome benefits,
ing this world to Christ. Once again, although for you what’s most import-
my father states the matter succinctly: ant is supporting a ministry that best
represents your beliefs.
Not revolution but regeneration, not
Signing up as a Chalcedon Under-
coercion but conversion, is our way
of changing the world and furthering
writer is easy. You can do it right away
the Kingdom of God. This is the heart at our website by visiting http://chalce-
of Christian reconstruction. The heart I look forward to hearing
of Biblical law is that it makes us the from you soon.
basic government of society in and
1. R. J. Rushdoony, Roots of Reconstruction
through our personal and family life, (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1991), xi.
through our vocations, churches, and 2. Ibid., 281.
schools. In Biblical law, civil gov-
ernment is a very limited and minor
sphere of rule and power.2


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