The United States and The Muslim World Opportunities and Challenges of The Future

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Alethea Carr

Justin Pearl
November 7th, 2018

The United States and The Muslim World Opportunities and Challenges of the Future

Dr. Dardery claims to advocate for democracy and human rights and rule of law for all
marginalized groups on the face of the earth. He was a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh
where he received his masters and PhD. He claims to be spiritually born on January 25th because
that was when he started living despite actually being born in April. On January 25th, the
Egyptian Revolution took place supposedly setting him free. Dr. Dardery has escaped oppression
first hand and he uses his experiences with that and his experience as a Foreign Policies Member
of the Parliament to influence people still today on resistance to Egyptian oppression. He spoke
at Seton Hill to spread awareness of challenges that we are facing in our society today. Dardery
believes he cannot stay silent about our differences that are currently being used to dehumanize
each other. He is trying to break down the stereotype around Muslim people and Islam faith by
showing we can work together for the betterment of humanity. Americans in the United States
tend to generalize Muslim people because we do not know enough about each other.
Islamophobia is a word commonly used to describe the hatred that exists amongst young
Americans towards Muslims that creates oppression that is very dangerous to the relationship
between the U.S. and Islam. This pattern of human wickedness that marginalizes and
discriminates against groups of people is very dangerous and according to Dardery needs to be
recognized so we can stop denying the Islamic nature and their people. Dardery went on to talk
about the Foreign Policy of the United States and how it contributes to the attitude that exists
amongst young Muslims towards the United States. America only seems great if you live in it,
while from the outside we are very oppressive towards groups like Muslims. Certain groups like
ISIS contribute to the Islamophobic attitude of the United States. Dardery believes we need to
establish interpersonal relationships and find solutions to our common problems. He believes
there are good people on both sides and we need to come together to destroy the bias and racism
that exists today. Dardery opened my eyes to the possibility of asking our own government why
they are supporting values of the Egyptian dictatorship that is oppressing their own people. Our
own tax money is contributing to the great divide that exists between Americans and Muslims
and we need to change that to stop the heavy hatred against Muslim groups of people.

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