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The compartment of the body

The body has three compartments. The first compartment of these consists of active tissue,
which is also known as cell mass. This does most of the chemical work of the body.
The second compartment consists of supporting tissue. This is composed of bone minerals,
extracellular proteins, and the internal environment or extracellular fluid in the blood and lymph.
The third compartment is the energy reserve. This consists of fat, which lies round the principal
internal organs and in adipose tissue.
These compartments cannot be separated by physical dissection, but it is possible to measure
them indirectly. This may be done using methods such as the dilution technique.
The size of each compartment varies according the age, sex and health of the individual. In a
healthy young man the total body weight is divided approximately:
55% cell mass
30% supporting tissue
15% energy reserve
A healthy young woman has normally twice as much fat.

 Decide si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o falsas de acuerdo a la

información en el texto. Si alguna de ellas fuera falsa, justificar en castellano

1. The first compartment of the body consists of cell mass. (Verdadera)

2. The second compartment of the body is composed of bone minerals.(Falsa)

La oración está incompleta, ya que además de los minerales óseos, el segundo
compartimiento está conformado por las proteínas extracelulares, el líquido
extracelular en la sangre y la linfa.

3. The internal environment is composed of the extracellular fluid in the blood and
lymph. (Verdadera)

4. The energy reserve is composed of adipose tissue and fat which lies round the
principal internal organs. (Verdadera)

5. The compartments of the body are measurable. (Verdadera)

6. The dilution technique is the only method of measuring the compartments of the
En la afirmación dice que la técnica de dilución es el único método para medir
los compartimentos, en el texto, en cambio dice que puede hacerse usando
métodos como el de la dilución (no especifica que sea el único).

7. The sum of the sizes of the compartments is the same as the total body weight.

8. The energy reserve of a healthy young woman is approximately 30 % of her

total body weight. (Verdadera)

 Transcribir las siguientes oraciones, reemplazando la expresión subrayada con alguna
expresión que tenga el mismo significado y que aparezca en el texto. Todas las
expresiones tienen, al menos un sinónimo, en el texto referencial. La oración NO puede
modificarse, solo se reemplazará la expresión subrayada por la que corresponda.

1. In a healthy young man, approximately 55 % of the total body weight consists of

cell mass.
In a healthy young man, approximately 55 % of the total body weight consists of
active tissue.

2. The energy reserve consists of fat.

The energy reserve is the fat.

3. The supporting tissue consists partly of extracellular fluid in the blood and
The supporting tissue consists partly of the internal environment.

4. The compartments are not separable by physical dissection.

The compartments cannot be separated by physical dissection.

5. The supporting tissue makes up about 30 % of the total body weight.

The supporting tissue makes up approximalety the 30 % of the total body

6. A young woman has usually twice as much as fat as a young man.

A young woman has normally twice as much as fat as a young man.


The measurement of the Compartments of the Body

The weighing machine, which can be found in any clinic, is one of the doctor’s most useful
tools for assessing the general health of his patient. It must always be kept in mind, however,
that the body is not a uniform mass. It is composed of different compartments, each with a
different function, and different diseases affect these compartments differently. For example,
oedema, which is due to an increase in the extracellular water, is a typical feature of many
cardiac diseases. In wasting diseases too, there is a reduction in the cell mass and in the
energy reserve, but there is an increase in the supporting tissue, which is caused by oedema. If
the size of the increase in the supporting tissue equals the size of the reduction in the other two
compartments, then the total body weight remains constant. In cases like these, the weighing
machine is too crude a tool to be an accurate guide to health.
The different compartments of the body can be measured separately, but complicated
laboratory and clinical procedures are necessary. The approximate size of the cell mass may
be calculated from the size of the cell water, which is obtained from the difference between the
total body water and the extracellular water. The size of the total body water may be measured
by the dilution technique, using substances such as deuterium oxide and ethyl alcohol; these
may be administered orally or by intravenous injection. The size of the extracellular water may
be measured by injecting into the body substances such as sodium. The energy reserve can
be determined by measurements of body density. The weight of the bone minerals and the
extracellular proteins can be calculated only by finding the difference between the total body
weight and all other parts.
Measurement of the compartments of the body by these procedures has provided new insight
into how the body works in health and in disease. The procedures are too complicated,
however, for use in normal clinical practice.

Contestar en castellano las siguientes preguntas sobre el texto anteriormente leído:

1. Does a weighing machine measure the body as a uniform mass?

Si, una balanza pesa al cuerpo como una masa uniforme.

2. Does a weighing machine measure separately the compartments of the body?

No, una balanza no pesa por separado las partes del cuerpo.

3. What effect has oedema on the total body weight?

El edema no modifica el peso corporal total.

4. If the total body weight remains constant, does this prove that the patient is healthy?
Que el peso corporal total permanezca constante no significa que el paciente esté

5. Why is the weighing machine said to be a crude tool?

Se dice que la balanza es una herramienta cruda, porque no brinda información de la
salud del paciente solo informa del peso corporal total.

6. Is it possible to measure the compartments of the body in any clinic?

No, no es posible medir los compartimentos del cuerpo en cualquier clínica.

7. How is the size of the cell water calculated?

La medida del agua celular se calcula sacando la diferencia entre el agua corporal total
y el agua extracelular.

8. What experimental techniques are used in the calculation of the size of the bone
minerals and the extracellular proteins?
La técnica experimental que se usa para calcular el peso de los minerales óseos y las
proteínas extracelulares es la diferencia entre el peso corporal total y todas las demás


Sources of Energy

The fuels of the body are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These are taken in the diet. They
are found mainly in cereal grains, vegetable oils, meat, fish, and dairy products.
Carbohydrates are the principal source of energy in most diets. They are absorbed into the
bloodstream in the form of glucose. Glucose not needed for immediate use is converted into
glycogen and stored in the liver. When the blood sugar concentration goes down, the liver
reconverts some of its stored glycogen into glucose.
Fats make up the second largest source of energy in most diets. They are stored in adipose
tissue and round the principal internal organs. If excess carbohydrate is taken in, this can be
converted into fat and stored. The stored fat is utilized when the liver is empty of glycogen.
Proteins are essential for the growth and rebuilding of tissue, but they can also be utilized as a
source of energy. In some diets, they form the main source of energy. Proteins are first broken
down into amino acids. Then they are absorbed into the blood and pass round the body. Amino
acids not used by the body are eventually excreted in the urine in the form of urea. Proteins,
unlike carbohydrates and fats, cannot be stored for future use.

 Decide if the following sentences are true or false according the information in the text
above. If they are false justify them (in Spanish).

a. The fuels of the body are taken in the diet. (True)

b. Carbohydrates, fat and proteins are found only in cereal grains, vegetable oils,
meat, fish and dairy products. (False)
En esta oración dice que carbohidratos, grasas y proteínas se encuentran solo
en cereales, aceites vegetales, carne, pescado y productos lácteos. Mientras
que el texto dice que principalmente se encuentra en ellos.

c. Carbohydrates are stored in the liver as glycogen. (True)

d. Fats are stored only round the principal internal organs.(False)

Las grasas no solo se almacenan alrededor de los órganos internos
principales, también se almacenan en el tejido adiposo.

e. Proteins are essential for growth and energy.(False)

Las proteínas según el texto, son esenciales para el crecimiento y la
reconstrucción de los tejidos y pueden usarse como fuente de energía

f. Proteins are the main source of energy in most diets. (False)

Las proteínas son la principal fuente de proteínas en algunas dietas, no en la

g. Amino acids which are not absorbed into the blood are excreted in the urine in
the form of urea. (True)

h. Carbohydrates and fats cannot be stored for future use. (False)

Carbohidratos y grasas pueden almacenarse para su uso futuro.

 Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words, with expressions from
the text, which have the same meaning.

1. Cereal grains are one of the main sources of carbohydrate in the diet.
Cereal grains are one of the mainly sources of carbohydrate in the diet.

2. Glucose, which is not needed immediately, is converted into glycogen.

Glucose, not needed for immediate, is converted into glycogen.

3. Carbohydrates are stored in the liver as glycogen.

Carbohydrates are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen.

4. The liver reconverts some of its glycogen when the blood sugar concentration
The liver reconverts some of its glycogen when the blood sugar concentration
goes down.

5. If too much sugar is ingested, it is excreted in the urine.

If excess sugar is taken, it is excreted in the urine.

6. A well-balanced diet is necessary for growth and energy.

A well-balanced diet is essential for growth and energy.

7. In contrast with milk, beef contains no vitamin A and no vitamin C.
Unlike milk, beef contains no vitamin A and no vitamin C.

8. Glycogen, derived from glucose, is stored for later use.

Glycogen, derived from glucose, is stored for future use.

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