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ChalcedonReport M I N I S T R Y N E W S F R O M T H E C H A L C E D O N F O U N D A T I O N® JUNE 2020

Connecting Christians:
The Next Step in Chalcedon’s Mission
By Lee Duigon

ith so much of the world’s
business shut down in The
Great Quarantine of 2020,
Chalcedon board member Ford Schwartz
has undertaken a big job—doing his
best to make sure Chalcedon’s many
supporters are able to connect with the
ministry … and with each other.
“These are the most incredible,
wonderful, gifted people I’ve ever talked
to in my life,” Ford said. “I’ve learned
so much from them. To me, this is the
magic of Chalcedon.”
He’s phoning them all, one by one:
everybody who’s a regular donor to the
Chalcedon Foundation. It’s a long list.
Ford has been a Chalcedon Chalcedon board member, Ford Schwartz, and his wife, Andrea (Chalcedon’s resident education expert)
board member for twenty years. The spirit. And there are differences of Selbrede, a complete magazine archive
supporters, he said, “are a great benefit to administrations, but the same Lord. And covering several decades’ worth of
the ministry. Because of their donations, there are diversities of operations, but it books and articles by R.J. Rushdoony
we can predict our income and pay bills. is the same God which worketh all in all and Chalcedon’s staff and free-lance
But more than that, it’s a way of putting … For as the body is one, and hath many contributors, and an extensive library of
yourself into a ministry you love.” members, and all the members of that books that can be read online, many in
Much of his inspiration is provided one body, being many, are one body…”). Kindle or hard copy.
by Chalcedon’s founder, the late R.J. You don’t have to be a pastor to be a And if you click “Connect” (https://
Rushdoony—“who very quickly put at servant of the Kingdom. That’s a big part, you’ll have
ease this idea that pastors have a calling of Chalcedon’s message: we all serve the free access to some special resources:
above and beyond everyone else’s. If you same Lord, each in our own way.
have a calling, it’s your calling. Wherever Homeschooling Helps, with videos;
you are, whatever you do, you have a The Role of Chalcedon’s Website Chalcedon podcasts; the Chalcedon
calling to carry out your business in a A great deal of work by a great many Teacher Training Institute, for
righteous way.” We are reminded of people has gone into the creation and homeschooling families; and the Men’s
St. Paul, who taught that the church construction of Chalcedon’s website, Roundtable—weekly sessions featuring
has many members, all with different In addition to mature discussion of some of R.J.
functions but all working together daily posts and updates, it features videos Rushdoony’s lectures. These are recorded
for Christ’s Kingdom (for instance, 1 of sermons and lectures by Chalcedon’s so that users who’ve missed a session
Corinthians 12:4-6, 12: “Now there president, Rev. Mark Rushdoony, and can view it later. The Teacher Training
are diversities of gifts, but the same our chief in-house scholar, Martin Institute features readings, lectures,
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position papers aimed at enhancing “These are the most counseled so far. They are of all ages,
viewers’ ability to convey and mentor many different professions and careers,
“a Biblically consistent and orthodox incredible, wonderful, ministry supporters for decades and
worldview over every area of their lives.” gifted people I’ve ever newcomers, too. We will not mention
You’ll run out of years before you them by name, to protect their privacy.
run out of resources on Chalcedon’s talked to in my life,” Ford We’ll just show the snapshots.
website. “We have a Florida pastor who’s been
said. “I’ve learned so much
Ford is working to make all of with our ministry for thirty years,” Ford
Chalcedon’s supporters aware of these from them. To me, this is the said, “and is currently consulting with
resources and help them learn to use Christian businessmen on ways of solving
magic of Chalcedon.” problems that are Biblical, applying faith
them. Frequently he has to connect the
supporters so that they can receive our and the Word to business and to dealing
regular email updates and notifications. with government resources. This guy
There is so much that needs to reads everything! I’m always amazed by
Many supporters need help in getting set
be taught, he said. And so much to be his knowledge. This man is bringing the
up; and one by one, he’s providing it.
learned. faith into the lives of businessmen.” (You
Building a Fellowship “We discovered, for instance,” don’t have to go to Central Africa to be a
“God in His providence,” Ford said, Ford said, “that a lot of Christians, and missionary.)
“has spread out our people widely, all Christian-owned businesses, weren’t “There’s a woman who’s been with
over the country, all over the world. True, getting together. Why weren’t they doing Chalcedon forty years, since she joined
it does make it harder to round them business with each other? We had to find a study group and began to listen to
up. Some of them are rather isolated, out; and my wife, Andrea, went online Rushdoony’s lectures, back in the 1970s
and we’re working to bring these isolated and asked that question. She took a and 80s. She’s been sharing with me her
supporters into contact with others. survey, and we got answers. life, a life guided by God’s Word, with so
“Modern communications “Some said they just didn’t want many challenges and so many wonderful
technology has made it much easier to negotiate that hard with Christian things that have happened to her.”
for them to share their faith, once they brothers, and didn’t want to go to court Ford recalled an experiment
learn how to use that technology. The and sue a Christian business if they were attempted by some of Chalcedon’s early
Chalcedon website can help them with unsatisfied. Some businessmen said, ‘I donors and supporters who were eager
the heavy lifting—even if it’s just a don’t want them [Christian customers]: to hear Rushdoony in person. They set
relatively little thing, like arranging for they always want the lowest prices and up a community—not a commune—
them to receive the regular emails.” whatever I do is not good enough.’” called “the Ranch,” for that purpose. The
The technology, he said, has been a R.J. Rushdoony, he said, “has the Ranch didn’t prove to be permanent; but
blessing. answer for them. Neither side is being still the Word was preached. And heard.
“It used to be very hard, sometimes taught how to apply God’s law-word “Once upon a time we had to go
very expensive, if not impossible, to make it work in a fallen world full around and knock on doors if we wanted
to ship to faraway people the books of broken people. This is why it’s so to talk to people,” Ford said. “It wasn’t
and materials they needed,” he said. important to explain and teach how the most efficient way to go about our
“Shipping a whole crate of heavy books God’s law works. Rushdoony’s teaching is mission. We couldn’t reach everybody.
to a rural Christian school in Kenya— so profound, so rich. He was miles ahead Individuals want to meet others of like
you can imagine how hard that could be. of anybody else in teaching this.” mind, but they wound up asking, ‘Where
“Now it’s much easier. Now we’ve Ford cited the example of a Christian are the people who are interested?’
got the books archived online: people who started a security and alarm “Well, now we can knock on doors
everywhere can now read them and use business. “His whole life changed when in Kenya, thanks to the new technology.”
them, if they have a computer handy. he realized what Rushdoony was saying. One question that he’s often asked
“In ancient times, the Romans built by new supporters, Ford said, is “We’re so
One calling is not higher than others. It’s
good roads all over their empire; and outnumbered—what good can we do?”
your calling. This man learned how to
the early Christians used those roads to “Rushdoony’s answer was that they
apply the Word to his own business—
spread the Word. Now we can use the may be outnumbered, but they’re so
and then to his business community.”
wonderful roadways of the Internet. much better prepared, more so than their
“We have so many solid supporters Who Are Chalcedon’s Supporters? parents, that many of them will wind up
in our ministry, and now they have the What Ford wanted to do most in in positions of great influence—doctors,
means to communicate and fellowship this interview was to share snapshots, lawyers, government. What we see does
together, no matter where in the world as it were, of some of Chalcedon’s not mean that we are not having an
they are.” supporters whom he’s contacted and impact on the culture.”
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He recalled a board meeting “It’s an incredible Chalcedon Releases
Chalcedon had, years ago, around the
time of George W. Bush’s election as anointing,” Ford said, “to get the NEW Edition of
president (“the hanging chad election”), to talk to the people who’ve The Institutes of
which featured a major surprise.
“A reporter from Rolling Stone supported Chalcedon over Biblical Law, Vol. 1
showed up at that meeting,” he said.
the last fifty years. We’ve
“Rolling Stone! And he was there because
they thought that we had turned the
election in Florida”—the state whose
seen what has been done, A fter receiving the
publishing rights from
Presbyterian and Reformed
votes proved decisive in the outcome. and we look forward to Publishing, we embarked on
More Snapshots what God can do with it in a long, tedious process of
“It’s an incredible anointing,” Ford republishing this important
the future.” book by correcting
said, “to get to talk to the people who’ve
supported Chalcedon over the last fifty longstanding typographical
years. We’ve seen what has been done, at first “lukewarm towards Christian
errors as well as making
and we look forward to what God can do Reconstruction but has supported it ever it more usable by adding
with it in the future. since, in honor of what Rushdoony did extensive indexing not found
“I’ve got so many stories from these when they needed him.” in the original.
people’s lives, that now, when I’m talking A supporter in Georgia, “in
to newer people, I have so much more management at a huge waste dump,” The new edition features a
context to share with them.” listens to Rushdoony’s lectures in his car general index, history index,
Ford himself is over 70, but many as he commutes back and forth to work. Scripture index, and a works
of the supporters he’s been talking to An 88-year-old California woman, cited index which makes
are older than that. But he looks to the with her husband in a care facility, had
example of Rushdoony: “He never let his
this volume an even more
no computer, no email address. “But she useful tool in the work of
age get in the way.” had just been given an iPhone,” Ford
So let’s close with a few more reconstruction.
said, “and I let her know she could go to
snapshots. our address and get our updates on her
There’s a woman in Virginia “who We’re thrilled to have the
phone. She joyfully called back later that
got involved from her now-deceased day with an email address, and we got complete rights to this book,
father’s avid interest in the ministry. Now her updates set up.” and it’s available now for
she’s in a women’s study group based on An avid jogger in Colorado, 80 purchase at our site!
Andrea’s ‘Institutes’ teacher training.” years old, very active in her local church,
In Tennessee there’s an airline pilot, loved Martin Selbrede’s articles on Dr.
not yet 30 years old, who has just ordered Punyamurtala Kishore’s revolutionary
quite a few Chalcedon books to study new treatment for opioid addiction, for
while the airline is shut down. “He’s which his home state of Massachusetts
hoping to find the right like-minded girl persecuted him. This supporter writes
to marry.” poems to love and honor God.
In Maryland, “A young man had There are many, many more, Ford
an argument with a well-read Christian, said, and they know “Our culture is
which he lost badly. This loss ignited his facing horrendous problems just now.
reading, as he then knew he had a lot to But those with a Biblical understanding
learn. Now he’s a long-term supporter have the answers to those problems; and
with a full Rushdoony library.” God has us all spread out to force us to
In North Carolina, a long-term share those answers.”
supporter “was at a church with a school
Lee is the author of the Bell Mountain
which Rushdoony defended as an expert
witness.” (In the 1970s R.J. Rushdoony
Series of novels and a contributing editor 1046 pages with indices
for Chalcedon’s periodicals. Lee provides
traveled all over the country to defend commentary on cultural trends and relevant
homeschool families and church schools issues to Christians, along with providing
Get your copy today at
from efforts by unfriendly governments cogent book and media reviews. Lee has his
to shut them down.) The supporter was own blog at

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Our Threatened Freedom
During an unprecendented time in modern history, citizens are witnessing the
overreach of civil government—especially at the state and local level—and Chalcedon
is meeting them with a message we’ve always taught.

omeone recently commented on The problem is the first tendency
our Facebook page asking what we of many is to revolution, protest, and
were doing in light of the present rebellion which represent short term
“tyranny.” The reference is to the actions solutions that do not consider the future.
by governors, mayors, police, and the like Again, Rushdoony writes, “Opposition
during the current lockdowns. Truth be does little good without Christian
told, we’re doing what we’ve always done reconstruction in terms of God’s law-
because the menace of statism is hardly word.” (Ibid., p. 32f).
a novelty. One would be hard pressed to
Doubling Our Efforts
find another Christian organization so
Christians reach for politics
dedicated to the issue as Chalcedon has
because they believe politics holds
been since 1965.
promise for a faster solution than any
One of the problems, however,
long-term strategy such as Christian
that we’ve experienced throughout the
Reconstruction. However, they’re also
decades is the ignorance that the average
learning that they should’ve been wiser in
citizen—and the average Christian—has
their past by taking steps to better secure
about the ever-present threat of statism.
their jobs, save more money, store basic
Now, with the introduction of a possible
household necessities, and strengthen
pandemic, that threat of statism is
their immune systems. These are all
suddenly very real.
examples of a long-term approach based
In our recent episode of the
upon forward thinking. Is Christian
Chalcedon Podcast, Mark Rushdoony
Reconstruction that much of a stretch?
said, “Now people are seeing the
This is why the most important
problem. They’re seeing the overreach.
thing we all can do is to double our
They’re seeing this authoritarian
efforts in communicating Christian
assumption that the government can do
Reconstruction to an audience that’s
anything it decides is necessary and good.
more willing to hear.
And the Constitution is in effect a dead
It’s also a great opportunity to
letter to them. They’ve even extended
share resources with others such as
it to churches, which in the long run, I
Rushdoony’s book Our Threatened
think, may be a good thing because it’s
Freedom: A Christian View on the Menace
important that people see government
of American Statism. We’ve recently
overreach… more and more Christians Rushdoony’s books provide us with endless shared many “memes” on social media
now are aware of the problems of statism citations that are challenging Christians online.
based upon citations from the book
than they were six or eight weeks ago.” The answer is always Christian which are catching on with new viewers
The Answer! Reconstruction, and what we’ve daily!
For Chalcedon, this represents been given through this crisis is an We’ve also focused the last two
another opportunity to communicate our opportunity to teach fellow believers episodes of our new podcast on this
message to more and more Christians as about the realities of statism and the topic, and if you’ve not heard those, then
they look for answers moving forward. solutions that the Scriptures provide us. visit https://chalcedonpodcast.libsyn.
Obviously, the restrictions will be lifted, On page 33 of Sovereignty, com.
but a precedent has been set. Will the Rushdoony writes, “[W]hat God There are also video versions of
average Christian look to politicians as requires of us is to take back government our podcast which are available on our
the answer, since it was politicians—even from the state by our tithing to finance YouTube channel at https://youtube.
conservative ones—who threatened their Christian reconstruction, and by our com/RushdoonyTV. Avail yourself of
freedom? own actions in our spheres of life.” these and please share them!
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