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1000 Tank Types and Calibration

Contents Page

1010 General 1000-2

1020 Tank Types 1000-2
1021 Non-Pressurized Stationary Shore Tanks
1022 Pressurized Stationary Shore Tanks
1023 Marine Vessel Cargo Tanks
1024 Tank Cars
1025 Tank Trucks
1030 Tank Calibration Methods 1000-16
1031 Calibration Methods
1032 Comparison of Methods
1033 Errors Associated with Tank Measurement
1034 Tank Recalibration
1035 Calibration of Tank Trucks and Tank Cars
1036 Calibration of Tanks on Ships and Barges

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

1010 General
Static measurement often involves measurements in storage tanks. Determination of
liquid volumes in a tank before and after a product movement may be used for
custody transfer calculations. The liquid volume in the tank may be used for inven-
tory control or tax purposes. The determination of liquid volume is usually not by
direct measurement; rather, it is calculated from the liquid level, temperature, the
correlation of level/volume, and other measurements (e.g. free water, sediment and
Tanks are constructed in different shapes and sizes depending on their service.
Regardless of these differences, they must be calibrated prior to use, and the result
of the tank calibration is a tank calibration table. The tank calibration table provides
the correlation between the liquid level (or the level above the liquid) and the
observed volume, based on certain conditions.
This section discusses:
• Various types of tanks in common use.
• Methods of tank calibration.

Safety Precaution:
Personnel involved with the gauging of petroleum and petroleum related
substances should be familiar with their physical and chemical characteris-
tics, including potential for fire, explosion and reactivity, and appropriate
emergency procedures. They should comply with individual company safe
operating practices and local, state and federal regulations including the use
of proper protective clothing and equipment.

1020 Tank Types

Broadly speaking, tankage for storage or transportation falls into two main groups:
pressure tanks and non-pressure tanks. For each group, tankage can be further cate-
gorized as follows:
• Stationary shore tanks
• Marine vessel cargo tanks
• Tank cars
• Tank trucks
Each of these categories may be further divided by tank type. For the purpose of
this manual, this section discusses in superficial terms various categories and types
of tanks commonly in use, and tank appurtenances involved in tank measurement.

1021 Non-Pressurized Stationary Shore Tanks

Stationary shore tanks include underground and aboveground tanks.

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Petroleum Measurement Manual 1000 Tank Types and Calibration

Underground storage tanks are often used in retail stations. They are relatively
small in size, and are installed as horizontal tanks. Double wall (fiberglass, or steel)
construction is common for newer tanks, which may be equipped with leak detec-
tion sensors.
Aboveground storage tanks represent the majority of large capacity tanks for petro-
leum and petroleum products. Two types of non-pressure, or atmospheric, storage
tanks are in common use: fixed roof tanks and floating roof tanks.

Fixed Roof Tanks (Without Internal Floating Roofs)

These are conventional tanks with fixed roofs - cone roof, dome roof, or flat roof
type. They are designed for atmospheric or near-atmospheric pressure (e.g. a few
inches of water column of pressure due to use of an inert gas or nitrogen to occupy
the vapor space), or for a vacuum. They are designed for the storage of low or inter-
mediate vapor pressure for a stock. Figure 1000-1 shows various shapes of fixed
roof tanks.
Manual gauging operations are carried out through a gauge hatch installed on the
tank top, preferably adjacent to the top of the stairway. The gauge hatch may be on
the roof, or extended from the roof by a pipe to a gauging platform. Note that:
• If more than one gauging hatch exists, only one hatch should be used for
gauging, namely the hatch used to establish the reference point during calibra-
• The gauging hatch should be closed and secured at all times other than when
measuring activities are taking place.
• The gauging hatch should be large enough, typically 8 inch (200 mm)
minimum, for manual gauging, taking tank temperatures, and samples.

Floating Roof Tanks

Two types of floating roof tanks are available: external, open floating roof tanks
and internal floating roof tanks (Figure 1000-2). The latter looks like a fixed roof
tank, but contains a floating roof (“pan or pontoon roof”) inside the tank.
☞ Caution Pan roofs do not provide positive flotation.
Floating roof tanks are designed for the storage of volatile hydrocarbons and should
always be gauged from the gauging platform on top of the tank, via a stilling well.
The stilling well should have one or two rows of slots or holes of about 1 inch
(25 mm) width on opposite sides and continuing above the maximum liquid level.
The stilling well should extend to within 12 inches (300 mm) of the bottom of the
tank. For better accuracy, the stilling well should be supported either:
• On the bottom of the tank, with the centerline of the stilling well 18-30 inches
(450-800 mm) from the tank shell, or

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

Fig. 1000-1 Various Types of Fixed Roof Tanks

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• By a hinge connected to the bottom course of the shell. The hinge-supported

stilling well should be designed to minimize vertical movement of the stilling
well. The upper end of the stilling well and the sliding guide should be
designed to allow free vertical movement of the tank shell caused by bulging or
expansion of the tank shell.
Refer to API MPMS, Chapter 3.1B, Standard Practice for Level Measurement of
Liquid Hydrocarbons in Stationary Tanks by Automatic Tank Gauging, for more
By Archimede's Principle, the floating roof, when floating, will displace the liquid
equal to the weight of the roof. The level of the liquid in the tank measured by tank
gauging will reflect this displacement. When the floating roof is partially supported
by its legs (i.e. the level is in the “critical zone”), the quantity and level of the liquid
caused by the partial weight of the roof becomes difficult to calculate or measure
(Figure 1000-3).
Snow and rain water on a floating roof changes the weight of the roof and thus
affects the accuracy of the measurement of the liquid in the tank.
In certain locations, still pipes without slots or holes are used to comply with local
air pollution regulations. A “solid” stilling well can lead to serious errors in level
and temperature measurements and should not be used when accurate tank measure-
ment is needed (e.g. for custody transfer, or inventory control). The errors are due
to liquids of different densities and temperatures inside and outside the stilling well
(Figure 1000-4).
In addition to a water drain valve, floating roof tanks must have a roof water drain
valve to avoid sinking the roof in a heavy rainfall, or as result of applying firewater.

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

Fig. 1000-2 Various Types of Floating Roof Tanks

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Fig. 1000-3 Floating Roof Potential Inaccuracies

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

Fig. 1000-4 Effect of “Solid” (Non-Slotted) Stilling Well on Level Measurement

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1022 Pressurized Stationary Shore Tanks

The most common types of pressure storage tanks are spheres, horizontal cylinders
(known as “bullets” or “sausages”), and spheroids, as shown in Figure 1000-5. Tank
measurements for these must be performed without opening the tank.

Fig. 1000-5 Pressure Storage Vessels

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

1023 Marine Vessel Cargo Tanks

Non-Pressurized Marine Vessel Tanks
Marine vessels and barges have multiple compartments or cargo tanks. Most ships
and barge tanks have clearly defined gauge hatches through which all manual
measurement may be taken. However, many ships are equipped with an inert gas
system (IGS) and the tanks are “blanketed” or purged with flue gas. This makes it
very difficult to perform open gauging. In addition, U.S. Coast Guard regulations
will not allow open measurement after 1995. As a result, many ships have a second
gauging hatch, which includes a vapor lock valve near the aft bulkhead of the cargo
Cargo tanks often are not the same size (Figure 1000-6). Center tanks are usually
much larger than the tanks on the sides “wing tanks”).

Fig. 1000-6 Marine Vessel Cargo Tanks (78,000 DWT Vessel; 10,000 DWT Barge)

Pressurized Marine Vessel Tanks

Most LPG ships and barges (Figure 1000-7) can be compared in design to dry
cargo vessels containing a number of separate LPG containers in the cargo hold
area. Figure 1000-8 shows typical piping arrangements in a LPG cargo tank.
Shipboard measurement is covered in Section 1900, Marine Measurement, and
Section 2000, Measurement Aboard LPG Barges.

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Fig. 1000-7 Marine Vessel Cargo Tanks (LPG Vessel)

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

Fig. 1000-8 Typical Piping Arrangement in an LPG Cargo Tank

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1024 Tank Cars

Non-Pressurized Tank Cars
Tank cars (Figure 1000-9) are constructed to comply with the regulations and speci-
fications of the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Association of Amer-
ican Railroads (AAR).

Pressurized Tank Cars

The amount of liquid a pressure tank car (Figure 1000-9) is permitted to carry is
governed by regulations and depends on the relative density and temperature of the
liquid. The DOT and the AAR regulations and specifications must be complied
with in connection with this and all other aspects of construction and operation of
tank cars.
Measurement of the liquid in tank cars is discussed in Section 1500, Tank Car

Fig. 1000-9 Tank Cars

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

1025 Tank Trucks

Non-Pressurized Tank Trucks
Tank truck (Figure 1000-10) containers should be constructed to comply with DOT
regulations and specifications, state codes and other regulatory requirements where
The quantity in a tank truck may be measured by one of the following methods:
• Meter (e.g., light products terminals).
• Weigh scale (e.g., asphalt, lube oil).
• Manual gauging with a gauge stick and a portable thermometer.

Pressurized Tank Trucks

Pressurized tank trucks are required to meet strict regulatory requirements in regard
to their construction and carrying capacity. The quantity in a pressurized tank truck
may be measured by one of the following methods:
• Weigh scale.
• Semi-automatic level indicating device (e.g. rotary gauge or slip tube), with
temperature by a dial thermometer on the truck.
Measurement of liquid in tank trucks is discussed in Section 1400, Tank Truck

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Fig. 1000-10 Tank Trucks

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1030 Tank Calibration Methods

Tank calibration refers to the process of accurately determining the capacity or
partial capacity of a tank, and expressing this capacity as a volume or mass for a
given linear increment or height of liquid.
The activity is often referred to colloquially (and sometimes erroneously) as “strap-
Currently, the following API measurement standards on tank calibration are
contained in the API MPMS, Chapter 2, Tank Calibration. These standards are:
Chapter 2.2A Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks by the Manual Tank
Strapping Method
Chapter 2.2B(1) Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks Using the Optical
Reference Line Method (1989)
API Standard 2551 Measurement and Calibration of Horizontal Tanks (1965)
API Standard 2552 Measurement and Calibration of Spheres and Spheroids (1966)
API Standard 2554 Measurement and Calibration of Tank Cars (1966)
API Standard 2555 Liquid Calibration of Tanks (1966)
Chapter 2.7(2) Calibration of Barge Tanks (1991)
Chapter 2.8A Calibration of Tanks on Ships and Oceangoing Barges (1991)
API RP 2556 Recommended Practice for Correcting Gauge
Tables for Incrustation (1968)
(1) The Optical Reference Line method is an alternate to the manual tank strapping method.
(2) The standard supersedes the previous API Standard 2553, Standard Methods for Measurement and Cali-
bration of Barges.

1031 Calibration Methods

At present, there are three main methods of calibrating storage tanks:
• Circumferential Measurement (“Strapping”)
• Liquid Calibration
• Optical Measurement
A brief description of each method is provided below.

Circumferential Measurement
This is the most well-known calibration method, and involves measuring the
circumference of the tank with a specially tensioned tape, at least two positions per
shell plate (ring). Figure 1000-11 shows this diagrammatically.
A volumetric table is then geometrically calculated and formatted in relation to
vertical height from a bottom datum point to top.

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Fig. 1000-11 Circumferential Measurement Calibration Method

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

Liquid Calibration
Liquid calibration uses fresh, clean water and a positive displacement (PD) meter
which was calibrated with a reference, to fill the tank. Although this is the most
accurate method of tank calibration, it is not practical for large tanks due to the time
and expense required.
For small tanks, process vessels, tank trucks and tank cars, a certified volumetric
tank may be used for liquid calibration. This is sometimes known as the “water
gauge plan” method, and it can also be very accurate.

Optical Measurement
Various new measurement methods based on optical or electro-optical technologies
continue to be developed. These methods usually involve optical equipment similar
to that used for site surveys, or electronic equipment.
The Optical Reference Line method (Figure 1000-12), for example, requires
circumferential measurement by strapping only at the bottom course of the tank
shell. It then measures the deviations in tank diameter at other predetermined hori-
zontal and vertical stations by using an optical device.
Notes regarding optical measurement. Whichever calibration method is used, the
calibrator will also need to take into account factors affecting capacity such as:
• Deadwood - Pipes, heating coils, mixers, and/or ladders inside the tank, the
negative or positive effect of which must be calculated.
• Tilt - If the tank is out of vertical, a correction must be applied.
• Bottom - The bottom configuration (flat, coned up, coned down) must be ascer-
tained and the tank capacity table corrected.
• Floating roof - The weight of the floating roof must be calculated and compen-
sation made for its effect on the tank capacity table.
• Critical zone - Estimate/calculate the liquid displaced by partial flotation of the
floating roof when the liquid level is in the critical zone.

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Fig. 1000-12 Optical Reference Line Method

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1032 Comparison of Methods

Circumferential Measurement (Strapping)
This is the traditional method used in the U.S. and is considered the conventional
method. However, this method is very labor intensive, especially for large tanks,
due to the requirements of the calibrator and others to handle bosuns chairs, tape
positioners and the like. There are safety hazards in the use of bosun chairs. Error
can be made by misreading the tape. On the positive side, the method is well
known, the equipment is inexpensive, and the expertise required is relatively low. If
properly performed, the accuracy can be good, and can be expected to be within
0.05 to 0.1 percent.

Liquid Calibration
This is the most time-consuming method, especially for large tanks. Generally,
teams of men are required on a 24-hour basis, working in shifts so there is no pause
in the liquid flow. Care must be taken in obtaining liquid level, metered volume,
and temperature readings.
Liquid calibration is considered to be the most accurate method of determining the
effect of deadwood, floating roof, etc. It also takes into account any shell irregulari-
ties, tilting, static (liquid) head correction, and tank bottom flexing (to a certain
extent). The method is suitable for small tanks and for tanks requiring accurate tank
capacity tables.

Optical Measurement
This is probably the easiest and most efficient method. It reduces manpower require-
ments to two men. The risk of fatigue and consequent error present in the circumfer-
ential method is reduced to a minimum as all readings are made at grade. It is also
much less time-consuming since only a reference strapping is needed at the bottom
course of the tank shell. A disadvantage is that this method is relatively new, and
any error in the reference circumferential measurement affects the calculation of the
entire tank calibration table.

1033 Errors Associated with Tank Measurement

A number of factors relating to tank calibration may contribute to errors or biases
for determination of liquid volume. The combination of these errors can result in
over 0.25 percent of the tank measurement.

Effect of Liquid Head Stress

As a tank is filled, it takes a barrel shape, or bulge. The formula for calculating tank
shell expansion or bulging due to the static head (or liquid head) were not incorpo-
rated in the pre-1965 API Standard. Tables to which this correction have not been
applied are liable to be 0.02 to 0.12 percent in error. Where accurate tank measure-
ment is required, liquid head stress correction should be used. This can be accom-
plished by recalculating the tank capacity table, or by re-calibrating the tank.

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When the tank service is changed, the density or API gravity often changes. If the
difference between the densities/API gravities is small, for example, less than 20
percent or 10 degrees API, the change in liquid head stress correction is probably

Effect of Temperature on Tank Shell

Tank calibration tables (or “tank capacity tables”) are calculated based on a temper-
ature. This temperature is usually the reference temperature, for example, 60°F or
15°C. When tank operating temperatures are relatively constant but different from
the reference temperature, the tank calibration tables should be specified for and
calculated at that temperature.
The corrective formula for calculating the expansion and contraction of steel tank
shells due to liquid temperature is provided in API MPMS, Chapter 2, Tank Calibra-
tion. In general, this effect is small for unheated product service. With products
stored at an elevated temperature, for example, in excess of 120°F, and the tank cali-
bration tables based on a reference temperature, of 60°F, the error due to the lack of
correction could be as much as 0.15 percent.

Effect of Tilt
Where soil and foundation conditions are less than satisfactory, tanks may develop
a tilt. In this situation, the liquid surface is elliptical in shape rather than circular,
and the capacity per unit of gauging height is greater than would be the case if the
tank were truly upright. API MPMS, Chapter 2, Tank Calibration, provides the
equation for correction in the case of tilted tanks.

Effect of Built-up Incrustation

Internal incrustation (i.e. build-up) has the same effect upon tank capacity as dead-
wood. The error in measurement from any one tank may be slight, but the accumu-
lated error from one field, one tank farm, or a tank over a period of time could be
Chevron's recommended practice is to clean tanks which have a build-up that
effects accurate measurement, however where it is not possible to keep the internal
surface of the tank shell clean, a correction factor taking account of the reduction in
tank capacity may be applied. The formula for this correction is provided in the
API Recommended Practice (RP) 2556 (1968).

Tank Bottom Deformation

Tanks built on soft soil may be subject to bottom flexing; i.e., the tank bottom caves
down as the tank is filled or rises when it is emptied. This can lead to understating
the quantity by as much as 0.1 percent. The extent of tank bottom deformation
depends on various factors and may not be easy to quantify. The API MPMS,
Chapter 3, Tank Gauging, describes a method to determine bottom deformation.

Tank Aging, Deformation and Modification

Tanks may become distorted by over-pressurization, fire, explosion, unnatural
stresses, etc. Internal corrosion reduces metal thickness and increases capacity.

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual

Riveted-tanks may develop joint slippage. Tanks subjected to internal modifications

may sustain altered floor levels, altered “deadwood” capacities, or different roof
floating characteristics.

Erroneous Tables
If a recurring loss takes place on a particular product over a long period of time, it
is worth questioning the accuracy of the tank calibration table. It is possible that
computational error took place at the time of the original tank calibration. Poor cali-
bration could result in a systematic average tank error of 0.1 percent.

1034 Tank Recalibration

Frequency of Tank Recalibration
A general recommendation as to frequency is not possible. Recalibration should be
considered when:
• A tank has developed bad shell deformation.
• Internal modifications (e.g. floating roof, tank bottom plate, deadwood, datum
plate and support) have taken place.
• A riveted tank was last calibrated ten years ago.
• Inspection of the bottom course suggests a large changes in tank diameter,
thickness and tilt.
If the tank is used in custody transfer and the value of product is high, more
frequent inspection (i.e. verification of bottom course) and recalibration should be

Recomputation of Tank Capacity Table

Tank table should be recomputed when encountering:
• Large variation in liquid temperature, ambient temperature or both since they
will affect the net tank shell temperature.
• Large change of specific gravity of the liquid in the tank since this changes
liquid head correction.
• Tank tilt.
• Tank bottom deformation.
• Incrustation.
Even for full recalibration, the cost is between $1,000 to $2,000. The following
example may put this cost in perspective:
Assume a gasoline tank of 200,000 bbl working capacity and the daily
throughput is 30,000 bbls, the 7 day's throughput at $1.00 per gallon represents
$8,820,000. This equates to 11 millions bbls worth $458,640,000 yearly. A

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tank error of 0.1 percent acting in a loss direction will result in a loss of 11,000
bbls a year worth $420,000. If calibration table accuracy is improved by only
0.05 percent, a loss reduction of $210,000 is achievable.

1035 Calibration of Tank Trucks and Tank Cars

The volume capacity of tank truck and tank cars may be determined in one of the
following three ways:
• By filling the tank with a quantity of water measured by discharge from a cali-
brated tank or tanks (i.e. using the “water gauge plant” procedure,
Figure 1000-13).
• By filling the tank with water and weighing the car before and after filling (i.e.
using the “water-weighing” procedure).
• By computing the volume from external measurements of the tank and
deducting for the thickness of walls, laps, etc. (i.e. using the “strapping” proce-

1036 Calibration of Tanks on Ships and Barges

Tanks on ships and ocean-going barges can be calibrated using one of the following
• Liquid calibration.
• Calibration by measurement.
• Calibration from vessel drawings.
The procedures for these methods are described in API MPMS, Chapter 2.8A, Cali-
bration of Tanks on Ships and Ocean going Barges.
For smaller coastal and inland waterway barges, similar methods can be used. Refer
to API MPMS Chapter 2.7, Calibration of Barge Tanks.
Although liquid calibration is considered the most accurate, it is used relatively
rarely for large ships such as VLCCs (“Very Large Crude Carriers”) due to the prac-
tical difficulties posed by the size of ship's tanks compared with smaller barges.
The most commonly used method is calibration by ship's drawings. That is, tank
capacities are calculated geometrically from the “blueprint” dimensions of each
tank. The capacities of the deadwood (internals) are also calculated. The incre-
mental gauge heights in a ship's calibration table is usually 1/4 inch, or 5 mm.
Ship's calibration tables produced in this manner are inherently less accurate than
shore tank tables.

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1000 Tank Types and Calibration Petroleum Measurement Manual
Fig. 1000-13 Typical Water Gauge Plant Layout
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