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Docs) 4" a] E Es 4 uo fo} = oO a = S3ONINOG OXFORD PYF Series Editors: Bil Bowler and Sue Parrinter The Lost World Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Text adapration by Susan kings strated by Anders Westerberg Se ptr Come Bole ESSBAGH, borne Enh Soto bt bout fra Shree {Goa Trend sty a he Si fee OXFORD ctor ste wat sant eer long. dk halt, erst sions AGI so ~ Gladrs Mangeton wes made fr 1 Wat de ou low abt dnaser and eter anima fh te i he love, We were ns good ends but ting mone We sat samt fy the ind Un Br terse, wd a agg oS tT anh a ke i a : —-e tumed 10 me, an sid: sna trie: | ieaeeaien 1 vowoanct |e "hee a feeling dat you're going to eek me to matey Re 400, Nod. Pease don't ‘ow dif you kr” 1 ska, very spe ‘Women avays Brot! she replied "Tt ot you thick tha sings ate neers They ae? We goa frends we talk so openly ana so easy tops Weenatae ers oe Wha ia teak Nerns,2 Be at ie tay Hom eat g sonnes ow biawas ie? © ssctees ony Mat aaditante porte ow aia with nears thom? 0rTV programmes have you But L want more than that, Gladys: want to hold you ts ny arms. Twat ‘Because I Jove another mat she rele [ladys saw the surpese ony fe 1h, Gladys why can't you loze mei" ‘Oh, Pve newer met in she laughed an explained. “He's stun dem tn my Bead “Tell me about his Usa "Wal, he posstly os your fe, bat « Tha. what? Vek “Tel me, dys, us tell me whe so nn Lent change esa harder man than you. He ma who does brave things, and has strange advestures. He 18 aman who ean Took ot eth inthe fice nd ot a” “But we cant all have adventures | sald. tnd where are we never found one hese great avonture "They ae all agound us. Bo ts onty the great men whe feo them And 1 now that Cesar, 1 at to money @ facnous ina, ‘And why nol” Fs seddenly, snd fps (0 my Ft ‘Yes. do something great nthe word, Hill And, when Tee dn it ‘Gladys puta sot hand over my mast ‘Don't say anolber word, You're already half an hour late foe the fe, ne day. when yon"ve won you place nthe ‘work wel tal about Hogan, ‘hat was how He all bege.AS F olted for fy ust the lnk, rsiny’ Londen streets, something was burg Hose me. T wos thontythree, a unimportant soung Reporter on the Dilly Grete newspaper bat {fl inside me the fot Fre of Sst lowe. Yondght, was sure, 1 would Bod something that would change my Me T ou find gret thing to do, 1 bravo adventure somewhere ot the wor il Two win my Glady's Jove, So, that cold Novemter evening, {aeried at the ole of the Gesete wih mp ef of hese Hs, Mca, the news elitor, as ths desk, [alas Uke ok! Meee snd [hoped that he Bod ne, 1 hear that you ae doing very sll Mr Malone he sl Ins ki Seotsh olce, "You have writen sme ory ea "Tank you.’ F answered Now, how eu 1 help you Sin. T.. . T have something to atk yous Do you think that you could possbly sand me somewhere wih a lot of adventure and danger? I es to write something good foe he Gite, Cee il? ‘Were you thinking of angwhere special: ‘Not rent But some very diel. want something really hava” Proassr aor award ‘hatenger “Oh door mo, Me Afslone, hats very brave of yn! repled McAnile. Do you really want to lowe your lle so youna* ‘No.1 want to fn out what may Be really means. ‘Me Malone, thedaysof young repertrsguing on dingerous ‘xlverttos are pst, rafal, those days ecitors only give obs ike thc to famous repertes he sid. But then a sudden sole came to his face, "Wll a minute! {have a Hea, Why ‘don't you go and see Professor Challesgr* Pnofesioe Challenger! "The famous xoologtst” was my surpriod eopb ‘Dhn't he break the arm of that rpertce Fron Me Fn ‘es ut Tm hoping that gou'l have bettr ack, And you sald chat you west danger da’ you? Hore re some nots foe you to bopin wth Ne guue me « puper snd 1 read it icky “tt si sad to Meee putting the piera my poser. "tdom understand Why eT ose co tale to this a woe cu ‘ta hes he dons enna Mes’ rnd, rel face Ike op Harvery efferent idaasfrom | Goin his newspape. snr gle eg: uta bi, ‘mihing ‘Te spent a year alone, 9 pace sexngoioe ia Soul Ameria, No ane sous vere dF was, He came back (Condon lst yuer, ante seld one fr two things atoct his tare but ‘hn pepe started ding questions ani he topped taking 9 fel. Ber something wonderful agpened tees ~ oe the man’s & Mae Mist people think he's a lar So now he hts aaybay who ‘asks him questions and be throws reporiersdowsas. hats yor mam, Me Malone. Go and sc wat you thn of him. ‘nd thet wes the end of the eonsersiton, Lent out and aaa» for a ong tne Tooke into the browa, slondy waters of the SSE E Fiver Thane, loklng for ideas. Then. suddenly | knew what "rent to do, [want ot one to se Tarp Henn sefemt, nd an 1d rend of mine “Cinllonge sid Hoy. Te was the man who came Dac. from South Ameren wilh that impose story Hes st be discovered some strange animals there, There were evs some photogs, but aby Balleves that theyre rel “Tarp Henry showed me some of Challengers books, and opened the largest one, Mer a Tong time, {fond ewe words which 1 could nearly understand Tote them on & paper and Begin ny’ te Dear Pastor Clone ne ott song ho has wo Ben gy Ingest your works "You ne Tnughed Henry. 1 wont om wet asking If dhe grea Pruessor would Kady agroe to oe me on Wedenday, ttle slot sone of the ies by hiebook e's w dangerous mun. said Hor: renin my Jace‘, teil for you, T don’t dink teat el ans thie My fiend wow stoma, At ete sich that Watnesdey maentng 1 eae keocking on the front door of Challenger's fine nase. with fa leter fr the Professor in ny hand. Witt isee ttn the Profesor at his home ia move Pick oul nt belle what save He bd tke tiost enormous head that 1 ave ever seen, 9 very big budy and great atry and tis fee was an angry ea cole, and his grat beard was Bloe- Mack, He seems vives sot and Looked at mie with eyes of a wery deep ges eto Wel” he sd, at bt aie iid 10 tak tke a sient bul the Profesor did not ‘wo dnty al be as fe repories! Did you realy chink that you var asthe reat Challenger Challenger Juma ta bis fet, an 1 wa serie to soe thot he was only a short mau, ‘Maen Ie attacked 1, Hs aut Dody wa on top of, and a 1 oop of cand mouth wes fall of his ber Ou boes went Aiylng out ofthe room, and we suey feud ‘ourscles in the streets plicemary stood esd a, wth Ui ook ba ie han What all thi, then?” he asket louking atthe Profesor ‘You vere In trouble or the same thing at ‘month wert you? He opened fis book and started ta ‘No eos do's Hs ge begs Fn fai. te did men The paceman stopp writing 1d eld the ero of people fo the avec to go away. The Professor looked at me, with a stall se tn his deep ey evs ‘Cone of Ive not dsb with you set A teu, fllowes him nt the house. We went back into his on where he showed me a coneteble chat pe beget, “I uaualy ave wine for povple fom the newspapers. But your words to that policeman shoved me thst you ae, pechapa, Mile beter tan the cesta theo. That why # rowght you back, ‘vw you ki two years aan, Very few white people have visited the sll, ut Ftd journey to South America rivers heh ran Inc the great Amuzon Rive “Une ight Iwas «lige dnp te Foret 3eIndans hore took me 10 soe very white mum 8 one of thet Joes, When Varsve he was aed dnd Desde bir ay 4 bug, When F opened 1 saw the nome ‘an ares in Amica Fo Fm something ee 1 as {Us book of his dvatetngs. Look at i close He stopped. took anol ty, dmg book fom is desk sand gave Ht to aie, Thuse wore drains of Hadas, and 2 eture of «white wn, ith the words fan Car ue below 3 The othr deuwogs wore of animal and bled oe shing unusual here Csi and frend the pgs. The next eewing intreged me mote. Htshowved sone tary bash. dank vo elif ‘hey facto the pane, Ie & grost red wal oth gem tres all wong the tp. One gre, el roel stood tine next 10 the ci Nest «Joka the lst poe’ sold che Profesor, sng Turned the page, and nearly serezmed as Joking at ‘st, strate ail. had sal head, sor log, tun enomnass boe-grey body, perhaps ne metres kong, ‘Now look ot thi’ he sid, and he shone mae & bom, Ik tas about teen centinetees feng, ith some dry skin at lone end. fou it by che Amecian’s bag. The same bone ina man’s body Be this he went on, and be showed me {bone about one contimore long. ‘So you ean see tt came ‘oom a very large anal, And the sn on the ena tls yo thatthe bone isnot wey OB, Wel, wht do you think? Wht fa? 1m afraid thot Peo ide spied Then CH tell you young man. This done belongs to a ‘dinosaur, The drawing Is of @ dinosaur to. Sion think that they all ded malioos of years ego, but T ean tell yuu that some dnosauss eke stil aie today. So wt do you im deeply utroete. 1 sat Nox the Profesor showed me a large, very dark photogenph. Tooke att closely could se wt eoriwous wall of eis beside them stood» ei stuge rock, with 8 “Link i the sam place es the draing {sd ‘es. ura things fom Maple White's eamp there, Now, look at thst tee, Can yom see someting there A lege sl ‘Nota bind’ replied Challenger. Would you Ike to se oe of swing “The Pelesoe opera box. and took ut ong bone with some grey skin om tt. Then he opened a book ow Wis desk and showed me a picture of sane Ing animal. “This is a plctute of the pterodactyl. he sid, “and that penta 1s a drowing of the bones tn u plerodactyl's wing, eee opted atthe Wook, and atthe bore. And was une tHE ‘Pols, hs Jt the gs thing in the word Youre an" ‘4 great sclentlst who has found a lost wrk Sooner ‘The Professor sit ack i hs fai tlh apres em smile on ls fice, "And Ul you soe ay noe ving ings there ita "Ne Fhearal many strange sous fom de tap of the eli, b up there weiecme bout Lena not fn way tel "aut ow did the smal ot there? “They have been there for a ong in roplisd Challeaer The rest of the World hangs and all the inossure ded. Dt fe on those cls has stayed the some for milion of. rfc sw ss Yo mt le wh sonar Ths rs bt syle ne Spi po el th fn Ba ig ry sin, Ae elghylt tae tse meeting othe Zoli natty a have ad eta ak the sper, He ato, at ; edhe ing int er | IA Yea een ore IC el try my 8 ZOQP cory; piags the tte oe. Vill you came? INS PPPS Fi ie ne sao th eon on u seen snc bo hs Ele oo ‘ak fre Kd sl be pee wt tide "ow wl tpt a ord sn our nee oyu unsant Sov. snes he ent tls too ch ef morte ine aye you ot eighty L Wea th Aer Mie tte 4 sword of what he man say. sald Tarp Heng. sl we were ht Bor the baaving dinnoe together that ut what about he dra Aloosaut" | asked ullengir deewr it himselh sneered Henry. ‘And the ‘Me took them Kom bis dinner plate as Hey Tegan to worry: Poshaps Tarp Henry 88 right? Maybe ‘Challenger was just ood Te {Wu you came tothe meting Haake “There aren't inany peuple ix London who Uke € so kno What f thor’ teouble” ‘evry thought for wl, bt athe ase Yo come "The greet wom at the Zoologica Intute was elroy fll when ove served, here sure okL mn and young men, ofessors with white boards, and eine suing stunts ‘One by one. the sclentits took thee sen a the Tong table ‘aL the font ofthe room, ad the students called someting foe Challenge When everyone wes quiet, the speaker Bogan fs alk. Me aliton spoke of Ge begins of fe on Earth, He talked of the great dinosaurs, and sit lavklly thos treble animals were all deed long ine before men ariel in the work ‘Question roared «voice am the font table Mr Waldeon ited hile tho he sal the i and loudly. ‘Question! roared the voles once ante ean, one ‘Thespeaker looked ound, and say Challenger He was sting back, ws is eyes lad, and w ange sie 1 bis face 1 soe! said Mie Walon, Te ts my fend Pofesse hutlenge The students al laughod, and thespeaker went on, But every tne that Me Wuldeon sp roaeed “‘Queston!” and the ero! laughed more and more bout diaagu, the Professor loudly. Me Waldron becumne uncomfortable and ange, and is tak soon ended. Challenger then std vp. 1 Ike to thank the speoker fr is intresting Ile 1k Me Walon believes that dinars all died miions of years But 1 kao that 4p. Tis beonuse he hus newer sen an those animals are stil here wh today: How do hse know boonuse H have ved thee sere places, I know bcs F have sen the Thee wes mach showing and laughing frm the cro and woe alle “an Who sud thai" road Chaenger. bis eyes om Be. ICs thes for wonderiol things. and they beleve nothing. Stupid people! ‘The ceed wt wih They amped to tel fet, and shone great elscovrers We ry to el people about But thea the Profesor eld up bis two geeat bands. andthe oom stvlybeeame quot again, Everyboxy rus Ustentng. 1 have discovered lost wld, Will any of you go to ad ut my words ae rue Suonmeree soo up fom the soe, Yee tall hin, spe. an "You say that you have sten dinosaurs, ‘But you donot ell os nee these eninals fare, or have we can Bind her. he sad in Is cold. dry otc, tel you i you ggzee to come to South Ansetca tis me to se the dinosaurs for {yourself WH you do that ‘es, Tl came Semmens vey he ccd eh ‘ery wel, Dut cyl be effclt and dangers journey, 0 we need a younger man with cs Wao wil go wh ashe Challenge, aking into the ero There ae portent tein every fot man's worl for esr Siuddenty whet Gladys meant. A secon lotr, was om my Rts wth o's fe which change eestood ~ this was ‘Tarp Heary pullng at my cov Sit down, Malone! Don't be so stupid he was saying to Av the same tin, few seats ta trot of me, a tal thn san wth dork red hi was aso staning up 1 1s ‘Name! Nar” shouted the erowd My nome Us Malone. Tm a reporter ftom the Daily And Fm Lod Jess Roxton’ sid the all wa with the red hate ‘ve alkeady Been up the Amazon. I know it wel So this was Lend Joha Reston. the famous trweler and sports, [thought "Wey well. Both these men will evel with Peoksor Swonmetlse aad myself? et Challenger Then the doors opened and the noisy crows pasa ut ita the set, taking me with them. T ound myself atone vader the sc set Tigh, tinkng aboat Gladys end the auotuces that were waiting fr me. Selden a hand eouchod ry arm, Hurt and saw the sing fee of Loe ohn Mr Maton will yo came ever toy placer 1d Mee to talk to you, 1 fll tel Jon to bis Pat, On the walle thore were reany things trom his sporting days, and anal heads and sos fom bis riany tmls, We sit dove. a Hoe Jon wlth thin fac, and skin that wa ed fn yeas outside od wind, His ejee were a stsenge it bse colo ke the eleae wetor of @ mountain take ‘We aed to gt seb) he sats "Novy, youl eed gn re wond, tk out a ‘aut brown, and she elle fom ¥ and gave it to me opeced a botde of goad wine He was tll, al ve the sun He opaned « tl eupbunrd made of d “any ost ip to South Amerie help some tn slaves in Fru he sul fought agtost the slavedevers Shore wet this gun. Do yout we hese cuts of 1 ey tne hile a hig cut bre fr Pes Lopes, the worst of Use. abot i othe Patomjo Rise thrce years vn! ‘Theo Lord fob asked, “What db you know sboet Challenger [old hits stout my morning with the Professor server Eade a ex witha Rife. Th Thelese that every wand of hi sory $6 ere ld Cord John. ‘Tknew Sout America wry wel Ws blazes. west tnd mom beaut place fn the worl, Anvthing Is passe there — nnything, And If thee le somethog new out there, pechaps we'll be the men who dlsonee . Why not" A. wook eter uid goodye to geo. rin Ragland, und got on a ship that was sing across the grest Aan Ocean ‘Who Kea wat we wll nd on the other se? ot en ftet a confortable crowing, we rein Broa, ad ook er bat to the tnn of Masao. om Bene wwe began our jausuey deep isto the Amazon forest Loe fon wn mse and the two protescrs. who argued about everyihing, he two cid, We also fd with us ‘he Indians. nd fine steong servant called Zarbe. Also In our group were Gomes ard Manuel. tv men fen Per who knew about the Amazon, and who were happy to help ais wth our trae. We sled up the Amazon fn too shall boas, We made sure thatthe prosors wore In dlfrent boss, and rst ot tvng + ep sound sil around us. Our Indians stopped suddenty, very aa ‘What Is 1a the Journey went well. For two days we sae no ot ‘hinge The on the hid day we hoard stan Tala eeu i" sad Gone Mae Arann fins ane ‘watching us. AIL hut day the drum hllied ws, That night when ws made our camp we made osrihos realy for a pusble tack, Bet no ateck care, andthe next diy a sad The drums became gister and qletn nd then we head en no more. fate that morning, Challenger suddenly sted Aba! “shore iis! and pointed to & sige, thin tee beside the vr used that tee to fad ny’ wy ns sie. Hel ile ‘tom here the dock green plants of the fnes floor wl stn fom one side of the ver and fara short while we'l se it fren river plants. Tht isthe door inn sere worl ‘Ghllonger wow nig, We ound the place, pusbed though tue ir plans ad sald ino a tunnel of si gen wight. he tall res mat at the top, making @ green woof high above us. Gold sunlight fe soy down through the tes Weiog sang, bn eos to the quit wer alow. sma We saed sey along a Hr that vas aslo las meee? and beh sdlamonde Arnal He was ll annd us too. EE Dig red and ue ed De over or beds, a a tas iced oo een lear waters wih ih lange asl nd of every sola But we dno as or erste a, Ate re days id ou bts, a ened on Chatlenger an Sammesoe wet ilarglng ht even. hone dscnered tht the profesrs bo had the sae nang. ool ell De Ungworth We fund tat when athe St ne fighting professors soon became fiends opal, ‘Due new road took us out of the green tonne and up a hula, ayer the forest boctme toner That we fd stoup of four large, backend stones on Ue ground was Chutlenger’scauplze fon hs lat journey We went up aud up. and the ground Beeame more ook. AEE nine days we boo, ‘nd cane into open lly ground. We clined the Hest bil same oat ofthe ees pus tbraugh a est of and Challenger suey stopped, snd potted to the rig Abst opened pe of grent wings and lew sly nto some ali we in ed Se SSE Took Stmmerlee shouted Challenger‘ pleradacty A plero-nothna std Susmeree. wey a thi, cold smile an Ive fae, ‘was a bla bid Challenges great foce wane purple, bute sai nothing tnd we went on ith er Journes. Aer n short wile T heatd Lord Joha's gue vlee tn my ear “Tse ole sa ae no ide oa was at Pv see many birds fo my He end Ty sure had sew bin Tater that day we chimed a seco il ad het, a last ‘we savour journey's end. In Boat af ws stor 4 great all of hgh, cet lis ~ the elf of Maple Whe devine. ‘hot night we made our camp irmeately under the eli ‘Close to us sol the hgh, plntele of rook, wih its one arent ewe on top. Bot the lf al the plunge were about {oo ured metees hgh. was ld and ely place nnd sve could eeu never cin up 1 the plateau fons there So when morning cars, we dele to walk along the bottom, of the cil, hang fee way ‘The ground woe eves, and our journey was slow ene tet. But then we found somthing which brought us hope Te wns of eam, wlth sone empty bolls. foe tim, and iv old Ameen newspepe Took her!” said Lard Jobn, ending wt a 86 hese the ump. “Sonnody’s drawn a ‘Well then. me mast follow 1 si Challenge We flowed the arte, but tank usta seth tribe Ist below thee thre ws ugh al of bab Many of lst were seven meres hh with sharp tps, Suddenly sw something whe ing tnd che Bombo wlll ‘ose an sai the dry bones ef mn ody, ee waged Clothes. an expansive wth, and a sve pe ly Beside the bones, On the war wa the nate of 1 New York shop, and fo the sr pes were the lters fC. ‘An American calla) James Colker taelled wth, Maple ‘White, sold Challenger. Took atthe fetes the pn, The re Cole's bones. thers no question about it sarron osha! ‘And 1 think T can tl you bow he met hs dot sid ord Jone fl fram the eis — or simeone ecw him 1s sre that Lard Joh seas right. We all looked tip at the lif: ack seas ime fsto ou herds about this sang plac, ais trie dangers or three ong dps we walked slowly sound ne bollom of tee, Mu we found ‘otek the get wal f rook Then on thefts day sa sorting, ws gmee tw now hope, Tews another sro We Bell te Indians to nese out cap while the tof us lowed Athearn. AC Eet yo od nothing Pt thon Te fob qutk jes sav = a dak cleo the fe of the rock ew the ssoutl of a eave. We clmbal up to the ease, cd there we four! thie anon Gone nd Merl sag at the mouth the caw, while we anede our way tte the Back hole, So this wos how Maple White got up to te pate! ‘ie falloved the dal hse! for about ty metres. bg fil the time. But then, ee et a wal af Belen rocks "hero fa fallen in called Lae Jo We could go no further, Cakapply we tured our, and smack our way baek to our carp. Fewving Gomer andl Mane sal up at he mouth of the cave, ‘We arrived at out cansp sil and Ged, Then suddenly an cenormiot rock el fom aban, aly ling al ‘We sti Hy past us, si came from up there" ealled Goren, pting at the elffyp. Wes leoked a, but say nothing, at one thing was sues tute = somone, oe somatiing up there wes tring to kilt, Mast as was wld, unten pce, amd fl of danger. Bur. when we look at that booutlfal geeen plateau, we ll wanted 42 scone is secrets and mystery. None of as twas romly t0 go book 1 Landon se Then. one night. something worderfil happened, someting that changed everyting For us, We were siting around our eam, and our done, a large chicken, was cooking on the fie, Selden out of the dark sg, someting flew dow att We Howat wp save two enormous wings of gous sta, & Fg this neck, & horrible red ee. an ~ to may pret surprise ~ a hued sal sheep teeth, A second fate twas ying back tat the ight ith our dinner 5s tet, Yoo a tong time, nobody could say @ word, At Tas Sainmerie spoke ina quiet. shaking. vote. Prose Challenge rly ar dey sme s. ‘Then the two sclentats shook hands fr the fist time, The night the pleraeyl stole our dinner was erly a great ight The lst food ne moter atl But we stil could not get wp tothe platens, Aer ste days walking sound the cB. we arelved back at our stating lace, the racy pinnae, Whe lay darn to seo tht nt Teould see Challenger sting unhappily on # rock. great hod was in he hands, aad Be ‘was thinking dees But tbe next morning, Challenger was bright sad ming. and sratking up an! dows proualy eve the unswet”e sé, ldiag his head! bg. an Donia to the pinnacle of rock We coll see that eimbing the planacle was not smposibe Dos what then. “et us got tothe top fst the Profesor went on, tn a loud, tsportnt voice, ‘Tete, 6, E, Challenge wil show pou Is plan, Challenger wa n Sine mountaineer and with the hsp of| 4 strong. fysmeie rope, he climbed the pions eel ‘ter shout en how, the one of us were all et the tp, together vith Gomes wal Manas. Brom that gh place, 1 could sce everything — the rocky open gsound bslow the ll che yal wl of bao, ther the rent dark geen forest which went on fortwo thousand mies. Iwas abate ght et chatlanger's hy bus This was. ny young fren he sid, ‘Never lk bck My eye meno othe ptea, ts edge wos perhaps welve mates ay from hase we soot. So nest, but til fa looked dove, and saw our servants on Uke Aron, below Profesor Summerlee was looking easily i potle's one great te This Is teresting” he sold, W's ust Uke wn Hag te 1H i roped Challenger. Us a fend from heme sn steaage cowry An, bellew me ht Woe wil be eu ian “That's HF shouted Lae John. Beige! ‘Ye, my soo sa, a bridget sel Challenger Ie realy was a ery clovor ides. tt was my ob, a6 the youn the nwemsaneee tee Challenger gave me the axe and old ne eens to she eel ‘real cut, Aer neal an hou of ork with the axe, The seat tre fll, One end of it lay a our feo. and the other fend Ky on the plateau, Thou & ord we each shock Jhands ith Challenge. Challenger binsel! crosed the brie Ost. Summerice foowed bir Twent next. anther ford John. So at les the four of us were stsing in the lost world of Maple White, We walked a shcet way into the tees hen sudan es ond strongest mab, 10 pone 5 Thon he end Manne! climbed downy the nna df Lon Jia sa down om the ground, with 1 fe ke rey stone “sm Sale, You'll neh rouble bess led amex’ bor ve Been sa sup, Wy hd enk? K tothe elge ‘We looked over to the pinnacle and say that out god Pate, The yidge was servant Zao ava elbing pa fat 9 he coud no Longer there! AF wat sat do mon sre heeled tow won aoe doe, snd fe belo Toul se ur ut the tp. “The Indians are lesen, but on a, ek, toes nt pleas hon we 1isay woth you We told Zanbo to theow one en of the rope to us. Tho he tel ng tothe other end of the rope nd ee pled i he shout rss. We dd thls maay tunes, and whan evening came. we ‘owe {an Lard Joh cial bel, nad focd. water. guns. and eversthing fr ‘es, an there you'll sta! screed Goines with loud ‘hat night I wroie fog later 19 McA Tnugh, "We nearly Kk yo with thet atone et the svete soi ‘Manos the next but this is better. fs slower and mone terrible. the fe 11 wil therm Wis perhaps ew hot sum wil whiten your bones nd nobudy wil hd them, ‘There was no way to get down ftom the plstend. Tt gas When you up there, think af Ped Laer, You shat 0 sat and rote, inthe ight, cd MORAN ge ay bm thee years ag oa the Putomsiy River [nhs brothet! nls strange Wor, ad thatthe was no hope for Fenty emernber in’ us realy no hope o Tim iat we at sed Lf, after brea ‘ean only have one mare ~ the name ofthe mun who elsovsed i, Thisis Maple White Land’ ssid Challenger. ‘ll ngreed We made our camp as safe os posse, buiding a wall of seep plants arom i then we began our frst Fouroey into Maple White Land, ‘The plateau was fall of until dings. One sient ‘iseovered many Unteresing plants and flowers, Hate that fist mocning, we fund some great footpetnts i he ea ‘and folowed them excitedly Then, bese the ees, We sa a truly wonderfl sight ~ a family of Ave enormous gres- ecen dinosaurs. They vere nearly svat. mets Jonge We fwntcha them fom bchlad the wees hile they toe ate ect mouthfale of plants, Aer a long wile, they moved sloly into the forest. The peotesursLokel Joy What wore they? asked Coed ob "puanodons answered Summorlo,Nillons of year ag, gland was fall of tguenodons. thew they dad thre ‘on this lato. thay anes Mer about fee Klometeer we sane to & lange group of roeks. We hurd some strange sons, and quietly nd carefully we lke over the rocks, The place ws full of Derails, thore were thousands of the things siting end lite Ike of stagnant water The sll ns tree ‘hen they saw us, One lle the other. dey sed up into the sky and few around usin a argo Hing, Silden they stacked. A great grey wing knocked Challenger to the round, and [felt sharp teeth on my’ nesk. Another of the monsters sew at Someries, ging bin a rest, blonly ‘cut across his face. Tard Joa polntod Nis rile atthe sk, shot, and a pterodactyl fll 0 the gros. The others few hlgher tata the sy. "Nos! shouted Lord John. en ee ou es We escape ack 19 our cong, thoking that he dy's dventates wore at eel Bat a suprise met us, Our things wece Bing all over the ground One th of meat ees open. our cameras ee broken, cue box bullets Tayi pices and there ere Inletseveryubere. But thee wes not a. single fooieint ing t9 oF from the eam. Perhaps someone oF somabing used tbe large tee ni our ommp co cross wer ‘our igh camp walls AL once fa denpeing danger all round 0 Whose ees vee ‘washing ue han those dank toes? What dangene wee igi ba the sont fest? ‘That wight 1 wont to bl wath my oad Fl af these Hews Wie tn rng thes Hon Joa ad me w sang question, "Tsay Malone. Remeber the pce where those dying things wore? Well do you tumember the earth vere, near the water? “Ves, Ido J slid, 1 was very sft ~ and Bw ‘tats sght, So, beac «esi snd wae sa, ‘he nextday we det that we need 9 map of Maple White Lota Ths tne, was the one who had the dever ‘aes. There as an enormous toe bes ar cup, Reruns [eo elit ys, and see more of the patent, Mg frend Felpad ie to gt up nto he tse at once. a high up sn the gree te, when suddenly T saw scmthing ~ a face wee ooking into my face We was Tong snd hin, with swage, slasy grey eyes. and great sharp teeth, Iva the face of en ape-man Fora second I suv avd hay body ump trough he toes, nd then fe llsappeared. ora toute. Heat ot more. Bt Une [shed sy in, snd soon T cou sce allo the pita ~ forests, 123 racks, and in the centre, a Bent ke, On the other side of the Jake were same tall cliffs. with dark hols ithe se of the Porhogs they wore ees J the sell evoing sight, Fdreiy map of ewrytbing, Then Exoide my wa back dw the tro, und 1 the othecs about aaeting wath the ape, later we put names en the min, ‘What shall we en this ake" asked Challenger, "You saw tue, young ends you must give Hanne, Cake Malone. if you tes Well 1 ald, blushing. a tke 10 call tke Gays That ght, the mon ws eight, and 1 could net seep at up and quel et the comp. (1 never forget that dk, lonely walk through the sient fret Alter some hours Fae verter betwen the thes. Lake Clejani ake Clady ~ bay to front of me, sue and beaut the bright moe. (Om tho other se of ts take I cond ree the tall te with chair vound dav holes, Ist now there wes and something isle the eaves ~ soinethng bight 1 hharning. Best So there sve mon living on the leon! could even see the camplires darken fora second oF 1, ‘when people waked frost of the, Tay there fora long tine watciag shoe wd fos. Aina came to det, stage end Seputfl anieals. Then came a rea dns, oda sal Hen, shoe legs hore lee trey bent and big sharp plates along ts back. “Where hive 1 seen that monster before I thought. Then 1 remember 1 vos the dino from Maple Whie's eraning. At half post wo, I Dogan my Journey back through the ork rest. When I was shout halfavay back to the camp, had tong, dep grove Band me, Toned foster andthe sound became louder ana lose Something wa illowiog me. My akin row eo turned round, and skenly 1 say ~ an enormous dinosase, standing more than tse metres tall Ie gave «Toul eae nal Ise ts enormous sharp teth, a the eed ood around sts horrible mouth, hs was a mesesting dnoszun. one of the mst teretble monsters that ha eve hie, 1 turned and ran, But the minster’ grat laps cued ete nd nearer tom, ad is rae becsne ler al de. rn and an, faster than 1 have eve re my LS hot body else end me, Ther there was a sden eras. 1 va ling da, dea, lato someting deep and deck, Whar epena ny eyes agin, all was qulet, Abone me right stars fu u cele of black sky T was in 1 soul see deep bole. fa he cere of the hale stood a tall ticks as sharp kis sd el with Blood, as was weap. made ‘by the poole ofthe plateau, A heaey animal that fl into Fe cowl never cm out aga Bu for mn St wos not Alleut, Before long Twa at the top Inking out and istentng The dose was Dt aay By ve The siy was alendy beginning to whiten, and Ife the Cold wind of morsing on my fae a8 I weat 09 home But snothor surprise was walting for me there, The eanp was tempt. Our things lay broken on the ground ad there wos ‘lad on the grass. Lam around wld calling may tend ames, but oo answer came, All ut dy Lwted fo ther. 1 ewuldsse our goo snvnntZambo, sting by bis compre far below, at the Botton of the ifs. Bar up here on the plnteut I nts lane, At las 1 Sl cep thinking boat xy thee heave frends Ihave never ft 30 eld or so Jones Nae next morning I fl: somebody touch ny anand any and wont to my gun, Then [open mig eyes and I sow Lord Jol on his knees Ly side His clothes were ragged sand det alti oce was erated ‘and bloody, ad his eyes wee wd ‘Qulek, young lend” he shouted. ‘et the ees! Gat sone fool! Now rant ‘Arse ater, Lon fon and I wore running though the forest, with a ile under cach arm, and our hands fall of fod, AC lost he pall me 1 the grown. her” he sai. “think that wee safe Here” ‘Whats happaned” 1 waked. "Where are the professor “the apemen got ual HL vas eaely fn the morning, They jumped out of the ter on to us They look Lhe soa bul they talk vw strange amgwoge, ane Bight seth sche tad stones, hes re a big 98 me, a strong While Lord fom as teling me ths he wes ooking gly From lo to ght al hese, i bis un eu a shad The tok us tothe tower. dragging lonatke aims ho sald, “When we got there, they Us us up, une kp ts pesoners. it whet about you?” old fm st my adsertures fo the night “You say you saw cates’ he wonton. “Rll. we've sen the Inns vb he there. Bea a Caenger sans they lucy found thelr way up fom te forest fur tothe slates mc Jater dhs the opemen, They lve oa that side of te pate, the apomen tive on this sie, and there's a Moody war Fvtween them, Yestenay the women eaught Lele af these Ilans, and brought then Back at priors. ‘Now, do you remember that forest of sharp bermboo sticks? Well i's just under Apetowa, and that's the jumpingt Place for thelr pisones. One by one, the tine of Hallas ad to jump theclif while everyone watcha. The barsboo ‘went through those poor men like knkes. twas hort Wl 1 wos sure thot we syre et, But they decided to Beep together velth ss of the knsans, unl todan 1 escaped this moroing by Keeling my guard in the stomach, and 1 roa back to the camp to get the ris. Just then we Reurd strange noses eomag nour Ssh! Here they came!” Hock! through the tres un athe epee, "They lad ‘one behind the ene. short logs. goat round backs and Tog mens whieh touched the ground. 116k my gan Xo. nother” sail Loed job. ‘Wal ave batter Bick pen ground, where they can't run as fst as ws Lets wai awhile ‘We Ind brent m our bldg ae, then began ou Sse oh fond carol walkthrough the forest fer a ord Jo fell den bekind some tress, pulling me doven vw "tre ere! [hope dhat wee not two Hae” he sal. very tts | fooked through the tes wil never forgt the sight whieh met my eyes. On open groin. nese the edge of the cher wore about fundrod of the ze, haley apemen, In font of them stood a line of ptsoners~ Bee fndians. and two white men ~ Challenger and Summon ‘Than the clef of the apemen held ip hie and, Two large apesmen caught an Indian Wy ls log und arm, ond threw hm over the ede of the elif, The apesmen then all ‘0 the edge, and watched the pe fai fall aw horeile death Tep all Iughed and sera its fos then waited for the next eu. ‘Ths ine Ht wes Sommerlee. The ban spe-men pulled his tall thin body co the edge of the elf Challenger turned to the biel, moving his arms about veil The chief posed CChtengor sway, a eld ph and ut then th loud crash from Lord John's rile. and the chit fell to the ground. He was doa ‘Shoot at them!" shouted Lord John. ‘Shoct. iy box shoot! Wostot nd set, og nd epuin. Theapo-mien ran around wily They could not undertandl where this demdly cin ws fling fom, Then, all atone, they ef tr prisoners, and escape into The tes ‘Challenger an 1 took poor Summeree, and an with a, Tord John tan behind us, shooting at the ayesmen wha vere Jumping down ws from the tes. They flowed us. seroaming. for mone than aes Than the noe sapped ad when we need st cue eng, we sa that we were alone, But we mere not alone fOr long, A mlnute Later there was sot ecying sound ouside the walls of our eamp. We looked ‘ont and saw the four Hsdans from the cil! edge. They ran tou, and threw themselves at Lord Johns Feet, up. lal men, we sd Lag os, "Dea ne what cn we do ith these ile We need fo take then home. of course. saié Challenger. ar aay. we head the sun of pemen’ ected voles, ‘We mast more, and mote icky" sald Loe Jo, I am hour later. we wore al efor ogesace Ta the forest, ‘here we rested our ted bodes. We were sure that the apesmen woul not fd us there, and the Incans svon become less afeaid. They ware small with soft ced skin snide tices, One of then, a proa young wan called areas. was ler thelr chit "The peat day we sent one of the Enns to ge water but the did not come back fr @ long tine wale le way {no the forest Jock for hia, and the sa sounehing bing fo the ground. S¢ vas the bndy of the Tian, T ast bad tome t cell my fend, before to fg Bley amis exe dow om the eee. Two strong and closed arin my neck, and pall my head back, Lea pale of wi hy ses, and a mouth fl of long shar tet, The hoped harder on my neck, Thore wis a lagig In ay ey, end sure danced fy front of my eyes. 1 Reatd the sound = ‘fle and then everything woat Hack, When Toke, ees tn oor hiding place. and ord Jon ‘vas ging me water. Challenge en Sumnerle ston behind hin, looking world ‘Wie nearly Lost you ere, young mn’ sl Lord. ob, We now knew that the apemen were all around us. watching our every move, ley that atervoon we Kft our Didingplace. The horrible res of the pene rang in the ‘trees bead us. Ouine young Ino bie walked in trot neat cnme the other tw Hodis, and last come four very trod dey and tidy whe men, ‘Wo eecha the lke in he Inte aernacn. I oa a Be ight A undead sna boats ete sein aseoss the He's assy Water f0 meet us. The mes ht the boats sted with jos wn they saw theie young chet They arte onthe beach. tnd theew themselves joyfully at is eet Marcas fines the old chef, antived wearing a Beau animal shin, Mazes polnted at us and seid a few yous to his futher The chief shook our hands. then all the tndlens fell ow atu fe. 181 very Uncomfortable wt hls and and Loe Jon ft the same, But ld se that Sumner Challenger ved ‘8h yes he sid, looking down at them wth a proud smile These people know a. iiportant man when they see one. 1 us lor that the snlns wore res or We, Bah mt hd arvows, and a bamboo wath a sharp bone at the end. ‘Thay sat on acta and gat 40 tak Wel! sald Lor foun. ‘in lng to go with our ttends hero. and fit those apesmen. What about you? agreed at once Challeng: 0, wae ready to ght And tn the end even Summer sid tha he would conse will us Tialy noxt morning, four or Ave handrod Indios caine topather to meet ther enemy. We wailed at tel ides. wth four guns rea We eid not neod to wait long. There was atl. ih Screaming. and suidenly the epemen en out fom the tees. ‘With sharp sticks and stones, they ax to the centre of the Shin Te, Bat withthe Trge bois ad shor legs. they cvtld not move fst enough, Indian urrows sho them doa, be lle the other ‘he fight then moved nto the tees. Have the ape mon were me dyer. hyd nthe toes, hee dwn shop stones. snd jumped dou on eth their pret eay bles. we om, ed oo ht Dat the adn were lever and faster, ad at sk ney athe apes ly kd The ape cha were il ale ran to the elif edge. They looked back, and sae that the I ons were flowing them. And with fone kn, eile sens, the last ape ‘nan jutsped to thei dats, his hos been great day fn the story ofthis count: sid challenger “The ape people ofthe cl work hve lsoppeered, and the platens none Telonga to the new worl = the world of me, t was the for us to go hee ‘The Idans were out fends, but they would not bsp ws to Tewe. IF we aed thor, ey just smd end shook their beads. Only Maret, the ehie's so, luokod at us sad and showed that he Felt sory for us, So we mine or camp Tesde the Ike. and wel fond & way C0 escape The lake was a wondeful place: The sckntss joyfully studied all de strange and Beaute aimals whic Hed a find around Rs cane waters, Tad mot leone exmetly hx bot Lond Jon was tery Snterested in some sot, blue eat che lakeside. One day met him wearing a stange round ceage. mae of bamboo, ‘hore are you going Ike tha" Vase hm. “Vox going to ace those pterdalys nttesing things, but ol loo kin, That's why en wensing this on alo going to get a baby for Challenger’ he vopied and walled away. “Ther one evening Marat eae to our earyp, asd gave ne ‘loco of ve bare He posted 10 the cases above bes, ad pa Bape to he uth to shove hat this wat eee. Tho he Tet tok the br to he Blight. and wal looked it had Hack Hines on ce nest 69 the “hoe is 2 sid Challenger “Wing? don't know Tsu. “But Tm sare that its something ‘portant: a Tt that ee got sld Lord John. “How many Enos SESE gre there! Highteea? And how many eave openings? Hgteent 1 blive that ifs a map of the eave” “He pointed up tothe caves when he gave to me” Cs sald Lord Jon, excite “You seo that hat shows the cave which i deepest. ‘One that gout through to the oer side | shouted. ‘At once, we went up the stone stats to the case mouths, busing caf dhat nobody saw us, We found the cae, the second from the lll, adit to We flawed the wmpty ture! cond tthe right, but then we met a all of rock. Ie was the onl of he lannel! Bur thon 1 foeked t the bak. ‘outa, end sdenly 1 understood The rap showed a fork fn the tua ‘Te got tC shut eamning back “ollow me Twat rlabt. A tle way back, there wt & gecat block ‘opening inthe wall to our right twas the linger arm of the tunnel We vain down , and we stddenty wow brat ght a the en, (tvs the toc ‘We're Rhrough, boys. wee through” shouted Lon fo We tok eg ts hoe ad st that we were pegs thirty motes from the bottoms of the ci. So we ran back rudy fr out escape. One Tange square ‘box. which belonged to Professr Challenges, gave us some 1 our camp, 10 rouble, but our other things ware light and eony to cary. ‘hat night we weet JN the camp, and climbed guletly up the stone sta, ust when we git t the entrance of the ‘ave ye head the sang sa ery of en anal on the eke Was It the voice of Msple Wise Land saving goodie? We forms, ind went foto the dark me ‘We soon ano a the otro of the tac then, with the help f one ly-rste rope we elie dawn off hee Te the cary morning we wore at Zambos camp, ani a ew weeks Iter we srre on ship, sling home to England ‘va news went bore ws and large crv of reporters met ‘ou ship when i asuod, Hut weal nt say woe to them ‘ie were saving our sry forthe meeting atthe Zoologeal Inge the nox evntng The meting wa st elght o'clock. but the peat room was ‘ul ong, bore that tine. Thousands of peopie wore waiting for us, ngtber sith ll he most fancus scents in Burope, fhe” » but wat about Gladys? son a eou, hureed to er Frome T knocke! exciey om fer dor head ne we font Insc, pushed past hor surpriscd servant, apd ae Sato dhe ‘sung room, She was sting bythe wide ew across the room, and took both her ads is my hanes ‘lady! sl, oil. My nds ‘Sho Hooked at mo. very surprised and pulled er hands wy. ‘cudyst What te the mute” {asl “You are my Gladys, seent you ~ litle Gladys urgorto! ‘No she rele.“ ao Gladys Pots, hl Is my Iusbor re was sll mm with ted hate. sing tn the corner nas chat ~ my ss eae found self shaking bands with hin ‘Tm sore she sul. ‘Bat you went off to the ether side of the world ad et me, Si {don't think tat you ever loved sme very deeply ‘roe to the ile ran “Tet me vmsething, ose ad you do IP What Rave you Alone in your life? Hive you been on any adventures? Done anything dangerous? Disovered anthing wonderll "Wall, sl the man. ‘ve always vorko in bak Goodbye!" 1 atk, and wont off Inco the might, wth ‘thousand dren faings burning Inside me. the nest evening, my tavelling frends and tall had laser at Tord John's Met. Aer dinner, we sat togstber. smoking tnd tlking about our ackentues, Aer a whe, Lond John opened cups, ad tok out sal Box ‘Do yout reneibor the place where the pleredctls ved? he sai “Well 1 sae somthing interesting thee. It was 8 hole, ful of son blue earth. Nowy, He only ewe sean tht fnce bore it was al the gest Me Bers annond Mie i Astral So ent a happy day dower the perder Place, and us ts what T go He opened the box. File I Wegeenctly oF thy Ero stones "F did't tll you shout it atthe tne: becauce F wasn't ‘ute So yesterday J took one of them tothe tnest amond> cutter it London. He took rom his pocket a bel right Alsmond. And this is Uhr stone nove He seys that wl fet two Trndeed thousand pounds for this foe. That's ty Ahonen pounds french of ws. Well what wil you do with your Bly thousand, Challenger start nay owen suman. Th Us answered the Petes ‘And you, Summers! I stop teaching. and then have tie to write a book, 1H se ny Hy thousand co go back nd vie the dear old pltean again’ sald Lord Jon, Bnd of course you. young Malone, will use your money to get mace’ Not just yot Hs, thik if you wi Mave mes ke to go with you ‘thoat a word, Lard Joba held oat strong, breve ard terme actos the table, aways ante t0 do

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