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The Colpitts Oscillator

I. Objectives
The purpose of this simulation is to demonstrate the characteristics and operation of a Colpitts oscillator.
As is the case with other LC oscillators, the Colpitts oscillator is used for higher frequencies, typically between 1 and 500

II. Discussion
The flow of this experiment is nearly the same as the Experiment No. 7. . I followed the manual and the
procedures as this is the only way to come up and finish the experiment. In setting Interactive Range, zero should be the
initial condition. As for the oscillator, it is needed to wait for the frequency to stabilize before calculating it. Compare
calculated and measured. Attach the analyzer of the spectrum to the oscillator. Restart the simulation, wait for it to stabilize,
we can now calculate for the gain and L1 and replace the old values with the one we just calculated.


III. Conclusion

I had troubles while finishing the simulation its because it is not oscillating. So I rerouted it again to understand
where I was wrong. This is what I found on it. In order to get oscillation at a given frequency, you need a loop gain of >=1
at that frequency with a phase shift of 0. In other words, your amplifier inverts from the base to the collector. You need to
provide another 180 degrees of phase shift and maintain a gain of at least one. Ideally, your tank is tuned so that this only
happens in a quite narrow range of frequencies. (You want your tank to have a phase shift of -180 at fosc)

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