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Assignment #3

the Self

Summary of the movie “Anne Frank”

The movie is all about the life of the Jewish girl “Anne Frank” in Germany. Anne
started to realize her world is not normal and felt her rights are drifting away. Her family was
forced to register as Jews. Anne was also forced to leave school and attend a new school and
meet her new bff Jacque. On her birthday, she receives her most awaited gift which is her diary.
When war started Anne and her family decided to move away from Germany to Holland. But the
Nazi’s invaded Netherlands and the family decided to hide in much safer place.

They went to Otto’s old rooms above their house and decided to live there. There are
also other 4 Jews hiding there which are Herman, Auguste, Peter and the dentist Fritz. The
movie follows Anne her days in hiding. Anne and her family showed their family bonds together
and how sweet they are from each other. Also, how Anne develops to be a young woman and fall
in love with Peter.

But however how they tried hiding, they were caught and got arrested. The group were
taken another place which is Westerbock camp and was changed to another place Aucschwitz
where they were split up into female and male. The women are stripped for their clothing and
their hair is shorn. She is separated with his father and other men. Anne sees her old friend
Hannah a privileged prisoner and told Anne that her father is dying and her sister is alive.

In the falling action of the movie, a sick Margot and Anne spoke to each other and
went another place. They go to sleep and when Anne opened her eyes she wakes up Margot but
she doesn’t wake up. Anne realizes that Margot is dead.

After the war, Otto the father of Anne is revealed to be alive. He’s starting to find his
daughters but he didn’t get any. Otto was told Anne died after a few days ago after Margot died.
Miep Gies gave Anne’s diary to Otto. He read the diary and cried.

Movie reflection of the movie “Anne Frank”

Honestly, my heart was torn into pieces by this movie. The people who lived before
didn’t deserve all of this. I couldn’t believe that such innocent people had to go through such a
cruel life. I salute Anne Frank by being so optimistic in her life because if I was there I feel like I
can’t survive those times. I can hardly imagine what it would be like if I was her in that moment.
The movie is really inspiring on how the family bond is. They love each other so much.

In such a young age, Anne Frank is matured already for her age and very bright that
better days will come. I’m proud of her for that. And also how strong and positive she is to
overcome the happenings. I’m also happy when Anne and Peter have a good relationship with
each other because she deserves to be happy even just for a while and to know how to feel of
being a woman.

It’s really hard to think that Anne in such a young age had to go through all of this. I
can’t imagine to be separated with my family. It would be really hard for me if I wasn’t with
them. She is so strong. And this movie gave me a roller coaster ride of emotions. I felt happy,
sad, angry and scared. I’m happy because she has such a loving family. I’m sad because they had
to go through this time. I’m angry because why did they do that? Why did they include innocent
people by mass killings. I was so scared when I was watching it because I didn’t know what will
going to happen.

To conclude, this was such an eye opening type of movie because this movie has all the
package of what movies has to have. This movie taught me to be thankful of what you are and
what you have right now and to be an optimistic person like Anne. The movie has many great
meanings or lessons that you will get.

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