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Instruction Manual

IVF Workstations – L100 Series

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

K-SYSTEMS congratulates you on your decision to purchase our Workstation. We

believe the Workstation will live up to your expectations.

Our Workstations are sent to you crated and we recommend that you inspect and
inventory your purchase upon receipt and prior to assembly. As our Workstations are
carefully crafted to individually specified options, there can be slight variations from
the product demonstrated in this manual.

Your new Workstation requires some assembly before use. To familiarize yourself
with the assembly process, please read the assembly manual carefully prior to

Thank you for selecting K-SYSTEMS.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Table of contents
1 GENERAL INFORMATION & SERVICE .............................................................................................. 6
2 GENERAL OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................... 7
2.1 PRE-OPERATIONAL NOTES: ................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 MOVING THE UNIT ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 INSTRUCTION OF THE OPERATING PERSONNEL ...................................................................................... 8
2.4 APPLICABILITY OF THE INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................. 9
2.5 WARRANTY .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS USED IN MANUAL ......................................................................... 10
4 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 SAFETY SYMBOLS USED ON THE UNIT ................................................................................................. 12
4.2 PRECAUTIONS / WARNINGS ................................................................................................................. 15
4.3 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................... 16
5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 17
5.1 SETUP PRECAUTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 PRE-OPERATIONAL NOTES: ................................................................................................................. 17
5.3 ELECTRO MAGNETIC AND OTHER INTERFERENCES .............................................................................. 18
5.4 AMBIENT CONDITION .......................................................................................................................... 18
5.5 MOVING THE UNIT .............................................................................................................................. 18
6 FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................ 20
6.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 20
6.1.1 Operating Principles and Features ..................................................................................... 20
6.2 LAMINAR FLOW .................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2.1 Flow Pattern Diagram ......................................................................................................... 21
6.2.2 Prefilter ................................................................................................................................ 21
6.2.3 Fan ....................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2.4 Main Filter ........................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.5 Gassing Station .................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.6 Gas Mixture ......................................................................................................................... 22
6.3 STEREO MICROSCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 23
6.4 INTERIOR LIGHT ................................................................................................................................. 23
6.5 POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................... 23
6.6 ELECTRICAL OUTLET .......................................................................................................................... 23
6.7 FRONT WINDOW ................................................................................................................................. 24
7 KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 25
7.1 THE INTERIOR LIGHT .......................................................................................................................... 26
7.1.1 Operating the Laminar Air Flow ......................................................................................... 26
7.2 HEATING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 27
7.2.1 Table Heating Unit .............................................................................................................. 27
7.2.2 Setting the Temperature ....................................................................................................... 27
7.2.3 Alarm ................................................................................................................................... 29
7.3 ALARM KEY ........................................................................................................................................ 29
7.4 KEYBOARD LOCK ............................................................................................................................... 30
7.5 KEYBOARD UNLOCK .......................................................................................................................... 30
7.6 OPERATING THE MICROSCOPE LIGHT ................................................................................................. 30
7.7 MENU FUNCTION ................................................................................................................................ 31
7.8 OVERVIEW OF MENU FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................... 32
7.9 USER MENU ........................................................................................................................................ 33
7.9.1 Timer for the Fan (FAN) ...................................................................................................... 33
7.9.2 Timer for the Heat (HEAT) .................................................................................................. 35
7.9.3 Auto-Set (A-St) ..................................................................................................................... 36
7.9.4 RS232 ................................................................................................................................... 36

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.9.5. SP (Only activated in L126 Dual/Fully heated) ....................................................................... 37

SP option is to have different Set Point, one for the right side and one for the left side. ................... 37
7.9.6. UNIT ........................................................................................................................................ 38
7.10 TIME MENU ................................................................................................................................... 39
7.10.1 Time Setting (Ti.St)......................................................................................................... 40
7.10.2 Start Set (St.St) .............................................................................................................. 41
7.10.3 Show of Time (HOUR) .................................................................................................... 42
7.10.4 UV Light on (U-on) ........................................................................................................ 44
7.10.5 UV Light off (U-of) ......................................................................................................... 45
7.11 SET-UP MENU ................................................................................................................................ 46
7.11.1 Fan Speed (Fn.SP) .......................................................................................................... 47
7.11.2 Calibrate Value Zone 1 (tn-1) ......................................................................................... 48
7.11.3. Calibrate Value Zone 2 (Tn-2) ............................................................................................... 49
7.11.3 Calibrate Value Zone 3 (Tn-3) ........................................................................................ 50
7.11.4 TN-4/TN-L (only activated in L126Dual/fully heated/T1045)......................................... 51
7.11.5 Tn-5 (only activated in L126Dual/fully heated/1045L) ................................................... 52
7.11.6 Tn-6 (only activated in L126Dual/fully heated/1045L) ................................................... 53
7.11.7 TN-T ................................................................................................................................ 54
7.11.8 Calibrate Value Heated Glass (HS-1)............................................................................. 55
7.11.9 HS-2 (only activated in L126 Dual) ................................................................................ 56
7.12 INFO MENU .................................................................................................................................... 57
7.12.1 Version Number (VER) ................................................................................................... 58
7.12.2 REST ............................................................................................................................... 59
8 DIFFERENT HEAT EXCHANGERS ..................................................................................................... 60
9 CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 65
9.1 CONNECTORS ON THE BACK................................................................................................................ 65
9.1.1 Circuit fuses ......................................................................................................................... 65
9.1.2 Mains connection ................................................................................................................. 65
9.1.3 Gas connections ................................................................................................................... 66
10 TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION ......................................................................................................... 67
10.1 CALIBRATING TEMPERATURE ON THE TABLETOP ........................................................................... 68
10.2 CALIBRATING OF HEATED GLASS ................................................................................................... 70
11 FUSES ......................................................................................................................................................... 71
12 GASSING STATION OPERATION ........................................................................................................ 72
12.1 ESTABLISH THE FLOW RATE .......................................................................................................... 72
12.2 HUMIDIFYING THE GAS MIXTURE .................................................................................................. 72
12.3 PURGING ........................................................................................................................................ 73
12.4 OPERATING THE MICROSCOPE LIGHT ............................................................................................ 73
13 TROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................................................................................................... 74
14 MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................................... 76
14.1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 76
14.1.1 Daily ............................................................................................................................... 76
14.1.2 Weekly ............................................................................................................................. 76
14.1.3 Monthly ........................................................................................................................... 76
14.1.4 Annually .......................................................................................................................... 77
14.2 SPECIFIC SERVICE OPERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 78
14.2.1 Replacing the Pre-filter................................................................................................... 78
14.2.2 Replacing the Interior Light ............................................................................................ 78
15 MONITOR.................................................................................................................................................. 79
15.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 79
15.2 CONNECTORS AND CABLES ............................................................................................................ 79
15.2.1 Composite video connector ............................................................................................. 79

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

15.2.2 Composite to S-VHS adaptor .......................................................................................... 80

15.2.3 S-VHS Video and audio connector .................................................................................. 80
15.2.4 DE – 15 Male VGA connector ........................................................................................ 81
15.3 CONNECTING THE MONITOR TO A COMPUTER ................................................................................. 81
15.3.1 VGA to DVI adaptor ....................................................................................................... 82
15.4 CONNECTING TO A CAMERA ........................................................................................................... 82
15.4.1 BNC connectors .............................................................................................................. 83
15.4.2 BNC to Composite........................................................................................................... 83
15.5 SERVICE ......................................................................................................................................... 84
16 DISPOSAL PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................... 91
17 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 92
18 ACCESSORIES ......................................................................................................................................... 95
19 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY ......................................................................................... 96
19.1 PRODUCT LIABILITY ...................................................................................................................... 96
19.2 LIMITED WARRANTY & REPLACEMENT ......................................................................................... 96
19.2.1 Replacement .................................................................................................................... 97
20 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY .................................................................................................... 98

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

1 General Information & Service


This manual contains information that is subject to copyright. All rights reserved. This
manual should not be photocopied, otherwise copied or distributed, completely or in
part, without the approval of K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec.

Users of K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec products should not hesitate to contact us if there
are any unclear points or ambiguities in this manual.

Kivex Biotec A/S
Klintehøj vænge 3-5
3460 Birkerød

Tel.: +45 45 99 56 00
Fax: + 45 45 99 56 19


Issue 2
Change note No: 413

Service address:
Please contact your local K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec distributor for details.

CAUTION If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by this manual the
safety of the user may be at risk and the equipment may be
damaged. Always use the equipment as outlined in this instruction

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

2 General Operational Instructions

2.1 Pre-operational Notes:
• The Workstation fan must be run at normal speed for at least 15 minutes prior to
working inside the Workstation.

 A green control light indicates proper operation.

• The work chamber is to be carefully cleaned and/or disinfected. Use only 70%
ethanol or the like. NEVER use ammonia or chlorinated cleaners. It is recommended
to use special lint-free wipes.

• Objects and utensils must be carefully cleaned and/or disinfected before bringing
them into the work chamber.

• Necessary utensils for use during work must be placed within reach to avoid
unnecessary movement inside the Workstation.

• For reliable operation it is important that the air-flow conditions are as undisturbed
as possible. Therefore, never overload the work chamber - insert only those utensils
necessary for the actual work.

• Put on necessary personal clothing for reducing particle emission from operator (i.e.
gloves, masks and general clean room clothing). Special attention should be given to
hands and lower parts of the arms, as these are the parts of the operator most likely
to emit particles near the product.

• All work in the Workstation must be performed with tranquil movements. Rapid arm
movements in the chamber may cause slipstreams, which will draw contaminated air
into the work chamber.

• The number of transports into the work chamber must be minimized.

• Transport of possibly contaminated material may create airflows which can

contaminate the product.

2.2 Moving the unit

The L100 is designed as a stationary unit and therefore it is not supposed to be

moved around once it has been installed in the proper way and according to
descriptions according to the Assembly Manual.

However, when it becomes necessary to move the device it is strongly recommended

that lifting equipment always is used due to weight of the device.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Use the lifting gear to move the unit by lifting in all 4 corners of the tabletop at the
same time. It is recommended that beside 1 person who is controlling the lifting gear
at least 4 more people are available supporting each side of the unit while unit is
being moved around.

Never try to lift or move the unit alone.

Never try to move the unit by lifting the middle part of tabletop.
Never use the handles founded on each side of the unit to lift the unit with.

Always make sure to wear shoes that protect your feet while moving around the unit.
During transportation on medium long and long distances it is strongly recommended
to use the original casing that was delivered with the unit.

2.3 Instruction of the operating personnel

These operating instructions describe the L100 workstation series there are made up
of the following units:

 L124 IVF Workstation,

 L125 IVF Workstation,
 L126 IVF Workstation,
 L126 DUAL IVF Workstation,
 L126 MP Workstation and
 L124 ICSI Workstation.

The L100 IVF workstations have been manufactured in keeping with the latest
technologies and developments. It has been tested during assembly and before
delivery to ensure correct operation. However it may present potential hazards to
user, it this unit is used in conditions that lies outside of its intentional way of use.

Therefore K-SYSTEMS strongly recommend that:

 Any operation on the cabinet must only bee carried out by trained and
authorized personnel.
 Any repairs to the device must be carried out, only by trained and authorized
service personnel.

CAUTION: If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by this manual, the
safety of the user may be at risk and the equipment may be damaged. Always use
the equipment as outlined in this instruction manual.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

2.4 Applicability of the instructions

 Keep these instructions close to the device. This way you ensure having easy
access to the safety instructions and important information.
 Please note that the contents of this manual are subject to change without
further notice.
 If you encounter problems that are not mentioned in this manual in detailed,
please contact your nearest K-SYSTEMS distributor for more information.

2.5 Warranty
K-SYSTEMS warrants the operational safety and correct system operation of the
whole unit under the condition that:

 The device is operated as described in the manuals

 The device has not been modified
 All service intervals are kept according to manuals
 Only original spare parts and accessories that have been approved by K-
SYSTEMS are used

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

3 Explanation of Symbols Used in Manual


Used to direct attention to a specific item.


Used to warn the user against a specific item.


Used when caution is needed.


  Recycling

Valuable raw materials can be recycled.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

4 Introduction

Thank you for choosing a K-SYSTEMS product. We will do everything in our power to
keep you happy with your purchase for many years to come.

All over the world K-SYSTEMS is known for producing quality equipment used for IVF
treatments, and with your investment in a K-SYSTEMS product you are getting
advantage of more than 2 decades of technological experience and know-how.

What’s more, your purchase guarantees you’ll receive all the information and special
offers for which you qualify through our distributer network around the world or through
our website.

Information regarding service and maintenance intervals given in this document

should be followed with care.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

4.1 Safety symbols used on the unit

The L100 contains high voltage components that may be hazardous. Therefore it is
strongly recommended that in order to reduce the risk of electric shock, the back
cover not to be removed. This equipment doesn’t contain any user serviceable parts
inside. It is therefore recommended to have qualified service personnel performing
any service needed on the equipment.

Fuse label.

High voltage hazard label.

Warning label on Mains wire (Schuko).

Main product label.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Product model label.

Warranty label – Warning.

Ground label.

K-SYSTEMS brand logo.

Earth warning

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

UV light warning (optional (only if UV-

light is installed))

Warning for 110 v countries

Warning for 230/240 v countries

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

4.2 Precautions / warnings

 The power cord is to be used for mains disconnection

 Do not use product if package is damaged.
 Do not use this product at temperatures exceeding 30 oC.
 Never use a non-K-SYSTEMS filter.
 Use only premix gas (eg.5% CO2 in air)
 Always use HEPA filter for input gas to unit.
 Read and understand the user manual completely before use.
 Make sure that the gas supply pressure is kept stable at 0.5-0.7 bar.
 Always connect power cord to a proper grounded outlet.
 Perform temperature calibration in the intervals described in the manuals.
 To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, this equipment should not be
exposed to rain or moistures and objects filled with liquids.
 Always use fuses according to the manufacturer descriptions
 Do not use device without the front windows correctly attached.
 Do not cover the air velocity sensor head.
 Always cover air velocity sensor head before any cleaning procedure of the
working area.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

4.3 Important Safety Instructions

 Read this safety instruction carefully before using equipment.

 Always keep these instructions.
 Heed all warnings.
 Follow all instructions.
 Do not use this apparatus near water.
 Do not block any ventilation openings.
 Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves
or other apparatus that produce heat.
 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding-type plug. A grounding
type plug has two blades and a third prong is provided for your safety. In the
provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult and electrician for
replacement of the obsolete outlet.
 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs,
convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
 Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
 Use only with the cart, stand specified by the manufacturer or sold with the
 Unplug the apparatus during lightning, storms or when unused for a long
period of time.
 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
 Servicing is required according to service manual or if the apparatus has
been damaged in any way, such as if the apparatus have been dropped,
exposed to rain or moisture, or does not operate normally.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

5 General description



5.1 Setup precautions

In order to avoid any possible damages’ to this system please follow all setup
precautions described in this chapter.

Finding a suitable location

Place this unit on a flat, hard and stable surface.

Never place other heat generating equipment under the tabletop.

Space for ventilation

Place this unit in a location with adequate ventilation to prevent internal heat build up.
Allow at least 2 cm clearance from the rear, 30 cm from the top and 20 cm from left
and right to prevent overheating.

Avoid high temperature, moisture, water and dust

This unit must not be exposed to dripping or splashing.
This unit is intended for indoor purposes only.

5.2 Pre-operational Notes:

 The Workstation fan must be run at normal speed for at least 15 minutes prior to
working inside the Workstation.

A green control light indicates proper operation.

 The work chamber is to be carefully cleaned and/or disinfected. Use only

70% ethanol or the like. NEVER use ammonia or chlorinated cleaners. It is
recommended to use special lint-free wipes.

 Objects and utensils must be carefully cleaned and/or disinfected before bringing
them into the work chamber.

 Necessary utensils for use during work must be placed within reach to avoid
unnecessary movement inside the Workstation.

 For reliable operation it is important that the air-flow conditions are as undisturbed
as possible. Therefore, never overload the work chamber - insert only those
utensils necessary for the actual work.

 Put on necessary personal clothing for reducing particle emission from operator
(i.e. gloves, masks and general clean room clothing). Special attention should be

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

given to hands and lower parts of the arms, as these are the parts of the operator
most likely to emit particles near the product.

5.3 Electro magnetic and other interferences

All electronic devices, especially electronic equipment containing radio senders
and/or receivers such as mobile phones, computers, and antennas, give off electro
magnetic emissions. This is radiation that is a by-product of electrical or magnetic
activity. Unfortunately, the emissions from such devices can interfere with other
devices, causing potential problems.

Equipments can be affected by electromagnetic interference from other devices, in

two major ways. One is direct effects through proximity with other devices; another is
electrical interference over the power lines.

Therefore it is strongly recommended to:

- Make sure that all devices emitting electromagnetic radiation are kept a
reasonable distance away from L100 IVF workstations in order to avoid any
potential electro magnetic or other interferences.

- Have separate power circuits that are intended for use for medical equipment

5.4 Ambient condition

In order to maintain operational safety and correct function of the equipment, one
must ensure that this unit is installed at a location that meets the ambient conditions
listed below.

 The temperature within the room must be between 20 oC – 30 oC

 The relative humidity must not exceed 75% (non-condensing)
 The location must be equipped with appropriate ventilation system
 Unit must be kept away from heat generating devices
 The flooring of the location must be hard, non flammable and flat
 The power outlet should be out of causal reach to prevent accidental shot off.
 Make sure that the device is correctly attached to ground using grounding-type

5.5 Moving the unit

The L100 is designed as a stationary unit and therefore it is not supposed to be
moved around once it has been installed in the proper way and according to
descriptions in the assembly manual.

However, when it becomes necessary to move the device it is strongly recommended

that lifting equipment always is used due to weight of the device.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Use the lifting gear to move the unit by lifting in all 4 corners of the tabletop at the
same time. It is recommended that beside 1 person who is controlling the lifting gear
at least 4 more people are available supporting each side of the unit while unit is
being moved around.

Never try to lift or move the unit alone.

Never try to move the unit by lifting the middle part of

Always make sure to wear shoes that protect your feet while moving around the unit.
During transportation on medium long and long distances it is strongly recommended
to use the original casing that was delivered with the unit.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

6 Features
6.1 General Description
The IVF K-SYSTEMS L100 Series is a complete Workstation for human and animal
reproduction. It has a warmed stainless steel table plate. The table plate maintains a
preset temperature in the range 35-43°C. The L124/L126 is heated by means of an
electronically controlled heating system.

The vertical laminar airflow passes through a HEPA main filter and protects the cell
culture against contamination.

6.1.1 Operating Principles and Features

The Workstation provides a confined workspace in which stable vertical unidirectional
flow (laminar flow) provides protection for the product handled against particulate
contamination from the surroundings and the operator.

All operations take place through the front opening. Pressure in the work chamber
keeps the clean air flowing from the work chamber to the surroundings, avoiding the
introduction of particulate contamination to the work chamber.

6.2 Laminar Flow

The L124/L125/L126 IVF Workstation is supplied with two laminar flow modes

· The Normal Mode must be used when working inside or nearby the laminar flow

· The Stand-by Mode maintains the Workstation interior under aseptic conditions,
but working inside the Workstation or near the Workstation may cause changes
in the airflow.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

6.2.1 Flow Pattern Diagram

6.2.2 Prefilter

Air entering the Workstation is pre-filtered with an

efficiency of 83 %.

Warning: Only use original K-SYSTEMS VOC filters

6.2.3 Fan

The air is drawn into the fan in the top of the Workstation
where it is pressurized. From the pressure plenum the air
passes through the HEPA main filter.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

6.2.4 Main Filter

The filter efficiency of the HEPA main filter is 99.995% of particles 0.3 µm (D.O.P.

The air flows from the main filter through the work chamber in a vertical unidirectional
flow of clean air. Immediately before reaching the tabletop, the air separates and
flows out through the back wall, and through the work opening. The air returns to the
suction opening of the Workstation passing through the surrounding space.

6.2.5 Gassing Station

Most of the culture media which is used in assisted

reproduction techniques is sensitive to changes in pH,
therefore it is important to flush the media with CO2.
The pH of the media in the test tubes and dishes may be
controlled by flushing with appropriate gas mixtures.
- Adjustable Flow Rate
- Gas Washing Bottles
- Gassing nozzles built into the table plates.
- Digital flow display

For more information about the GH01 see chapter Fejl! Henvisningskilde
ikke fundet..

The pre-mixed CO2 gassupply is connected to the back of the

IVF Workstation. It is being heated and humidified by the gas
washing bottles placed in the innerwall of the IVF workstation –
and coming out through the gassing nozzles built into the table
plate. An incubator hood should be places above the nozzles at
all time.

The flow rate can be adjusted as well as read at the display in

the innerwall.

For optimal use, only destrilized water should be used.

6.2.6 Gas Mixture

Please follow indications from culture media provider for correct handling of media.
Culture media must be maintained at a pH of about 7.4, if then this can be obtained
by gassing with an atmosphere of 5% CO2.

The most frequently used gas mixtures are 5% CO2-in-air, and 5% CO2, 5% O2
(oxygen) and 90% N2 (nitrogen).

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

6.3 Stereo Microscope

A stereo microscope with light source is
installed in the table plate. For the IMP
Version of the L-type Workstation, an
inverted microscope can also be installed.

Mount the microscope stand by placing the

light pillar on top of the table plate and insert
the screws from underneath the table plate.

6.4 Interior Light

Provides overhead illumination.

6.5 Power Supply

The power supply is 220-240V/50Hz or 110-115V/60Hz.

6.6 Electrical outlet

Warning! Do not put any metal parts or fingers into the power supply plug.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

6.7 Front Window

Warning! Do not remove clamps fasten to the window. This can cause the
window to fall down.

Placement of clamps
Picture of clamps

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7 Keyboard Functions

K-SYSTEMS Microscope Light Source

Fan On, Reduced Fan Speed, Fan Off

Alarm, Disable/Enable Acoustic Alarm

Interior Light On and Off

Heated Surface On and Off

Adjust Set-Temperature

Keyboard Lock/unlock

Hold both keys for 3 sec. to enter the

menu or exit the menu

Temperature Display: Change

between left and right on the display
(L126 Dual or fully Heated)
Change between left and right camera
(L126 Dual and L126MP)

Change between hour and

temperature reading

Heat area on/off (only L126 Dual Fully


Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.1 The Interior Light

Action Key
Press the switch to turn the interior light
on, indicated by the yellow light.
Press again and the interior light turn off.

7.1.1 Operating the Laminar Air Flow

Action Key
Activating the laminar flow.

Press one time and the fan will run at full

speed, indicated by the green light
(normal model).
A five digit number will run though the
display showing the total hour count for
the HEPA filter.

Press one more and the fan will operate

at reduces speed, indicated by the green
light flashing (standby mode).

Press one more time and the fan will

switch off, and the time will be shown.

Notice: There will be an alarm

when the fan has run for 17.000 hours,
indicating that the HEAP filter must be
checked. When the alarm goes on the
fan can still be used.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.2 Heating System

7.2.1 Table Heating Unit

Action Key
Press one time and the HEAT will turn
on. The display shows the actual table
Press again and the HEAT will be turned

7.2.2 Setting the Temperature

Action Key
Press the button with the symbol SP, the
display will flash between the Set-point
temperature and the unit that the
temperature is shown in.
Hold down the SP button and press the
up or down key to change the set-point
temperature. When the Set-point is set
release both keys

 If SP and arrow UP or DOWN are pressed continuously the temperature

setting will change quickly. To change the temperature slowly, press one
step at a time.

In case of L126 Dual, T1045, fully heated 2x400 or fully heated 4x400, there is
possibility to have separately Set Point for each heat exchanger.

Press arrow down to change between right and left temperature reading.

If it is on right temperature reading:

Action Key
Press the SP key, and display will flash
between "r °C"/” r °F” and the set-point
temperature. ("r °C"/” r °F” means the
set-point for right side)
Hold down the SP button and press the
up or down key to change the set-point
temperature. When the Set-point is set
release both keys

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

If it is on left temperature reading:

Action Key
Press the SP key, and display will flash
between "L °C"/” L °F” and the set-point
temperature. ("L °C"/” L °F” means the
set-point for left side)
Hold down the SP button and press the
up or down key to change the set-point
temperature. When the Set-point is set
release both keys

 It's only possible to have two set-points if the SP function in the menu is set to "L-r"

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.2.3 Alarm
The L124 and L126 Workstations have an alarm which warns if the
temperature is either too high or too low; the system has also an error mode
alarm. The alarm is a visual red light in the keyboard display and a pulsating
alarmation tone. The first time the bench is powered up and the first time it is
powered up after a power shortage, there tells that it is the first time, this alarm can
be turned off by pushing the SP button

When the heating system is first activated, it will warm until set-temperature has been
reached. During this period the alarm will not be activated.

Following messages can be shown on the display in case of alarm:

Display Message
Temperature alarm on zone-1. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on zone-2. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on zone-3. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on zone-L. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on zone-r. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on zone-4. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on zone-5. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on zone-6. See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchangers
Temperature alarm on the heat area. See chapter 8
Different Heat Exchangers
Error mode reset workstation by disconnection the power
(sound can’t be muted)

 Warming up from 20°C to 37°C takes approximately 45 minutes without warming

Blocks on the table. After placing an aluminum block on the table, it may take up to
30 minutes for the block temperature to stabilize, depending on the initial block

7.3 Alarm key

Action Key
When the Workstation has an alarm,
press the alarm key to mute the sound.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.4 Keyboard Lock

Action Key
Press SP and the temperature alarm key
at the same time resulting in keyboard
When pressing a random key, accept the
microscope light, the display will show
"lock", while keyboard is locked.
Kindly note that the alarm still can mute.

7.5 Keyboard Unlock

Action Key
Press SP and the temperature alarm key
at the same time resulting in keyboard

7.6 Operating the Microscope Light

Action Key
The microscope light source can be
turned on and adjusted when using
K-SYSTEMS light source (LS-11/12), by
pressing either (increase intensity) or
(decrease intensity).

The microscope light is switched off by

simultaneously pressing both switches
( and ) and then releasing them.

 Always turn off the light when it is not in use. This will increase the lifetime of the bulb.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.7 Menu function

The L-124 and L-126 Workstations have a number of advanced functions the user
can access via the menu.

Action Key
Enter the menu function by pressing and
holding the arrow UP and DOWN keys
for 3 seconds:

The letters “USER” (the first head menu) will then appear in the display. To exit the
menu press the up and down keys and hold them for 3 seconds again.

The menu consists of the four main menus listed in the following figure.

Action Key
Press UP or DOWN keys to navigate
within the menu.

Press Set Point once to enter each head-

menu. Press and hold the Set Point key
to change values within one of the
options in each menu.

A short explanation is also listed in each box. For further detail consult the
description on the following pages.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.8 Overview of Menu Functions

* not on all models.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.9 User Menu

When the display reads "USER" press SP button to enter the user-menu, or press
down button to move to next head menu. To exit the menu press and hold key up
and down for 3 seconds.

Action Key Display

Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu. The
first head menu “USER” will
appear in the display.
Press SP once to enter the USER-

Press DOWN key to move to next

main menu.

Press and hold UP+DOWN key for

3 seconds to exit the menu.

7.9.1 Timer for the Fan (FAN)

Warning! Please keep fingers away from running fan.

The FAN option is used for the fan to turn on at a certain time.

 This function only works in conjunction with St.St. If St.St is set to 8.00 and fan
function is on, the fan will automatically turn on at 8.00 using 24 hour clock.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Follow these steps to navigate in the FAN option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
The menu "USER" will appear in
the display.
Press SP key once "FAN" option
appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

change values.

While holding the set point key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select between
"OFF" "FAST and "SLOW".
When the required setting is
activated, let go of the setpoint
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

 A dot will turn on in the right side of display, indicating that the Heat function is active.

If you are setting Fan to fast “-FA-”, will the fast speed for fan be activated at the
St.St time.
If you are setting Fan to slow “-SL-”, will the slow speed for fan be activated at the
St.St time.
(When the fan is set to "-FA-" or "-SL-" a little dot will indicate in the right side of the

For instance:
If St.St is set up to 8.00 and function is set to “-FA-“, the fan will automatically turn on
at 8.00.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.9.2 Timer for the Heat (HEAT)

The HEAT option is used for the heater to turn on at a certain time.

 This function only works in conjunction with St.St. If St.St is set to 8.00 and heat
function is on, the heater will automatically turn on at 8.00 using 24 hour clock.

Follow these steps to navigate in the HEAT option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

The option "USER" will appear in

the display.
Press SP once, then press key
DOWN until the option heat
appers in the display.

Press and hold setpoint key to

change values.

While holding the setpoint key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select between
"ON" and "OFF".

When the required setting is

activated, let go of the setpoint
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

A dot will turn on in the right side of display, indicating that the Heat function is active.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.9.3 Auto-Set (A-St)

The A-St (Automatic Start) option is used to repeat the timer (St.St) function every
day of the week.

 This function works in conjunction with St.St, FAN and HEAT. If St.St is set to 8.00
and heat function is on, the heater will automatically turn on at 8.00 every day.

Follow these steps to navigate in the A-St option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
The menu "USER" will appear in
the display.
Press SP once, then press DOWN
key until the option "A-st" appears
on the display.
Press and hold setpoint key to
change values.

While holding the setpoint key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select between
"ON" and "OFF".
When the required setting is
activated, let go of the setpoint
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

 If this function is set to ‘on’ the Heat and/or Fan function will be repeated every day,
but if A-St function is set to ‘off’ the Heat and/or Fan function will only be activated
automatically one time.

7.9.4 RS232
(Serial communication data logging of the temperature conditions.)
The use of this function warrants extra equipment software and on some base
models addition of a Serial PCB.
The parameters on or off will not affect normal usage when serial communication is
not connected.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.9.5. SP (Only activated in L126 Dual/Fully heated)

SP option is to have different Set Point, one for the right side and one for the left side.

Follow these steps to navigate in the SP option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
The menu "USER" will appear in
the display.
Press SP once, then press DOWN
key until the option “SP” appears
in the display.
Press and hold setpoint key to
change values.

While holding the setpoint key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to choose between
‘onE’ or ‘L-r’
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

If SP is set to “one” there is one temperature set-point for right and left side of the
If SP is set to “L-r” there is two different set-points, one for the right side, and another
for the left side.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.9.6. UNIT
In the UNIT option the displayed temperature unit can be set to either degrees
Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Follow these steps to navigate in the UNIT option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
The menu "USER" will appear in
the display.
Press SP once to enter the user

Press key DOWN until the option

"UNIT" appears in the display.

Press and hold setpoint key to

change values.

While holding the setpoint key,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the required
When the required type has been
selected let go of the setpoint key.
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.10 Time Menu

This is the head menu for the time and timer menu items see the following
subsections for the description of the time and timer menu items.

Follow these steps to navigate in the TIME menu.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
The first menu "USER" will appear
in the display.
Press key DOWN once and the
menu "-ti-" appears in the display.

Press SP to enter the time menu.

Press DOWN to move to next

main menu.
Press UP to move to previous
main menu.
Press and hold key UP+DOWN to
exit the menu.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.10.1 Time Setting (Ti.St)

The Ti.St (Time Set) option is for setting the time.

Follow these steps to navigate in the Ti.St option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press DOWN until the menu "-ti-"

appear in the display.
Press SP key once and the option
"Ti.St" appears in the display.

Press and hold setpoint key to

change values.

While holding the setpoint key in,

press arrow UP to change the
minutes and arrow DOWN key to
change the hour.

When the time is set, let go of the

setpoint key.
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.10.2 Start Set (St.St)

The St.St (Start Set) option is the timer function for the heat and the Fan.
By using this option, time can be saved as the Workstation can be ready for use
before procedures start in the morning.

 This function will only work correctly if the clock is set (ti.St).

Follow these steps to navigate in the St.St option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press DOWN key until the menu

"-ti-" appear in the display.
Press SP once to enter the time

Press DOWN key until the option

"St.St" appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

change values.

While holding the set point key

down, press the arrow UP to
change the minutes and arrow
DOWN key to change the hours.

When the time is set, let go of the

set point key.
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

St.St is connected with HEAT and FAN. It must be chosen when the timer starts. To
turn the heater on, please see the option HEAT/FAN, subsection 7.9.1 and 7.9.2

The options are: Heat (on/off) Fan (slow speed/ fast speed/ off)
These can be combined with the timer in any way desired. By using this option time
can be saved as the Workstation can be ready for work before the staff comes to the
clinic. For instance: If you want the heater to turn on at 08.00 but no fan: set St.St
(timer) to 8.00 and set the HEAt to "on".
Always make sure when the timer function is being used, that the heated area
 is clear of any objects that might be damaged by the heat or adversely affected
by it in any way. Caution should always be exercised when a heated area is
turned on without any supervision.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.10.3 Show of Time (HOUR)

The HOUR option gives the opportunity to show the time on the display when the
heat is off.

Follow these steps to navigate in the HOUR option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the menu "-

ti-" appear in the display.
Press SP to enter the time menu.

Press key DOWN until the option

"HOUR" appear in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

see the actual setting.

While holding the set point key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select between
"ON" and "OFF".

When the required setting is

activated, let go of the set point
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

If you want to see the time on the display when the heat is turned on, please follow
these steps to switch between time and temperature.
Action Key Display
Press and hold set point key.

While holding the setpoint key in,

press the HEAT key one time,
then let go of the setpoint key. The
display now shows the time.
To change back to the
temperature reading, press and
hold SP.
While holding the setpoint key in,
press the HEAT key once, then let
go of both keys. The display now
shows the temperature.

If the function HOUR is set to ‘on’, and the workstation is off, the time will be shown
on the display.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.10.4 UV Light on (U-on)

This function is only activated if UV-light is installed in the workstation.
With this option it’s possible to set a start time for the UV-light. To set the on-time
follow instructions below.

Follow these steps to navigate in the U-on option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the menu "-

ti-" appear in the display.
Press "SP" to enter the time menu.

Press key DOWN until the option

"u-on” appears in the display.

To set the timer press and hold


Press key down to set the hour

and key up to set the minuets.

Press key UP+DOWN to turn off

the timer.
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

This function only works correct if Ti.St is set.

When the UV-light is on, don’t stand front of the workstation.

 To turn of the UV-light press any key

CAUTION: Never turn on the UV-light when specimens are

kept on the tabletop or persons are near the Workstation.
This Ultraviolet Light label should be posted outside laboratories
containing equipment capable of generating ultraviolet light
above the MOSH published recommended exposure limit (REL)
for occupational exposure. At 254nm, the wavelength for
ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), the REL is 0.006 joules
per square centimeter (0.006 J/cm2). The permissible irradiance
for an 8 hour workday exposure is <0.2 W/cm2 or 6000

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.10.5 UV Light off (U-of)

This function is only activated if UV-light is installed in the workstation.
With this option it’s possible to set at timer for the UV-light.
The light will automatic turn off at “uv-of”

Follow these steps to navigate in the “uv-of” option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the menu

"-ti-" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter time

Press DOWN key until the option

"u-of" appears in the display.

To set the timer press and hold


Press key down to set the hour

and key up to set the minuets.

Press and hold UP+DOWN key for

3 seconds to exit the menu.

 This function only works correct if Ti.St is set.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11 Set-up Menu

This is the main menu point for setting up fan speed and calibrating of the different
heat zones and the airflow.

Follow these steps to navigate in the SETUP menu.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

The first main menu "USER"

appears in the display.
Press DOWN key until the menu
setup appears in the display.

Press SP key to enter the setup


Press DOWN key to move to next

main menu.

Press UP key to move to previous

Press and hold UP+DOWN keys
to exit menu.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.1 Fan Speed (Fn.SP)

This function gives the possibility to change the fan speed.

Follow these steps to navigate in the St.uP option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the option

"St.Up" appears in the display.
Press SP once and the option
"Fn.Sp" appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

change values.

While holding the Set Point, use

the arrow key to change between
‘90’, ‘95’, ‘100’ and ‘120’.

When the required time is set, let

go of Set Point.

Press and hold UP+DOWN key for

3 seconds to exit the menu.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.2 Calibrate Value Zone 1 (tn-1)

The Tn-1 option is for calibration of temperature on Zone-1. (See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchanges)

If there is an offset between the value shown on display and any measurements
made with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected.
The new temperature reading will be kept as the displayed value, with temperature
control conducted on this basis. When the power is disconnected default values will
be restored. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the Tn-1 option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
Press key DOWN until the menu
"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup
menu .

Press key down until the option

"tn-1" appears in the display.

Press and hold setpoint key to see

current value.

While holding the setpoint key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the
calibration value.
When the required value has been
selected let go of the setpoint key.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Note: Always wait for the temperature to be stabilized before calibrating!

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.3. Calibrate Value Zone 2 (Tn-2)

Tn-2 option is for calibration of the temperature on Zone-2. (See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchanges)

If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected. The new
temperature reading will be kept as the displayed value, with temperature control
conducted on this basis. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the Tn-2 option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
Press key DOWN until the menu
"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup

Press key down until the option

"tn-2" appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

see current value.

While holding the set point key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the
calibration value.
When the required value has been
selected let go of the set point key.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.3 Calibrate Value Zone 3 (Tn-3)

Tn-3 option is for calibration of temperature on Zone-3. (See chapter 8 Different Heat

If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected. The new
calibration value will be kept as the displayed value, with temperature control
conducted on this basis. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the Tn-3 option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
Press key DOWN until the menu
"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup

Press key down until the option

"tn-3" appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

see current value.

While holding the set point key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the
calibration value.
When the required value has been
selected let go of the set point key.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.4 TN-4/TN-L (only activated in L126Dual/fully heated/T1045)

The Tn-4/TN-L option is for calibration of temperature on Zone-4/Zone-L, only one
option is active. (See chapter 8 Different Heat Exchanges)

If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected.
The new calibration value will be kept as the displayed value, with temperature
control conducted on this basis. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the Tn-4/tn-L option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
Press key DOWN until the menu
"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the setup

Press key down until the option
"tn-4" / “tn-L” appears in the
Press and hold set point key to
see current value.

While holding the set point key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the
calibration value.
When the required value has been
selected let go of the set point key.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.5 Tn-5 (only activated in L126Dual/fully heated/1045L)

Tn-5 option is for calibration of the temperature on Zone-5. (See chapter 8 Different
Heat Exchanges)

If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected.
The new calibration value will be kept as the displayed value, with temperature
control conducted on this basis. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the Tn-5.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
Press key DOWN until the menu
"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup
menu .

Press key down until the option

"tn-5" appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

see current value.

While holding the set point key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the
calibration value.
When the required value has been
selected let go of the set point key.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.6 Tn-6 (only activated in L126Dual/fully heated/1045L)

Tn-6 option is for calibration of temperature on Zone-6. (See chapter 8 Different Heat

If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected.
The new calibration value will be kept as the displayed value, with temperature
control conducted on this basis. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the Tn-6 option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.
Press key DOWN until the menu
"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup

Press key down until the option

"tn-6" appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

see current value.

While holding the setpoint key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the
calibration value.
When the required value has been
selected let go of the setpoint key.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.7 TN-T

TN-T option is for calibration the temperature in the tunnel. This function will only
apply in a workstation with tunnel.

If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected.
The new calibration value will be kept as the displayed value, with temperature
control conducted on this basis.

Follow these steps to navigate in the TN-T option.

Action Key Display

Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the menu

"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup
menu . Press key DOWN until the
option “tn-t” appears in the display.

Press and hold set point key to

see current value.

While holding the set point key in,

press either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to select the
calibration value.
When the required value has been
selected let go of the set point key.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Note: Always wait for the temperature to be stabilized before calibrating!

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.8 Calibrate Value Heated Glass (HS-1)

This option will only apply if K-SYSTEMS heated glass stage is installed in the
workstation and is for calibrating the heated glass.

HS-1 option is for calibration of temperature on K-Systems Heated Glass (in case of
L126 Dual Right side Heated Glass).
If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected.
The new calibration value will be kept. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the HS-1 option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the menu

"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup

Press key DOWN until the option

"HS-1" appears in the display.

Press and hold SP key to see

current value.

While holding the SP key in, press

either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to change the value.

When the required value has been

selected let go of the keys.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Note: Always wait for the temperature to be stabilized before calibrating!

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.11.9 HS-2 (only activated in L126 Dual)

This option will only apply if K-SYSTEMS heated glass stage in left side of a

If there is an offset between the value on the display and any measurements made
with a high precision external temperature sensor, this can be corrected.
The new calibration value will be kept. See chapter 10: Temperature calibration.

Follow these steps to navigate in the HS-2 option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the menu

"StuP" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the Setup

Press key DOWN until the option

"HS-2" appears in the display.

Press and hold SP key to see

current value.

While holding the SP key in, press

either the arrow UP or arrow
DOWN key to change the value.

When the required value has been

selected let go of the keys.
Press and hold UP and DOWN
key for 3 seconds to exit the

Note: Always wait for the temperature to be stabilized before calibrating!

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.12 Info Menu

Follow these steps to navigate in the INFO menu.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu. First
main menu “USER” will appear in
the display.
Press down key until the menu
“info” appears in the display.

Press “SP” once to enter the info


Press “up” button to get back to

previous head menu.

Press and hold UP and DOWN

key for 3 seconds to exit the

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.12.1 Version Number (VER)

This function allows you to read the logic and hardware version.

Follow these steps to navigate in the VER option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the option

"info" appears in the display
Press SP once to enter the info
The option “VER” will appear in
the display.
Press and hold setpoint key to
read the current version.

Press and hold UP+DOWN key for

3 seconds to exit the menu.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

7.12.2 REST
The REST function will restore all factory set values.

 Calibration value in the Stnp menu will remain and not be reset.
 All setup values will remain and not be reset.

Follow these steps to navigate in the REST option.

Action Key Display
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to enter the menu.

Press key DOWN until the option

"Info" appears in the display.
Press SP once to enter the "Info"

Press key DOWN and the option

"REST" appears in the display.
Press and hold SP.

Press either the Up key or DOWN

key to reset.

When the display shows "----", *let

go of both keys.
Press and hold UP+DOWN key for
3 seconds to exit the menu.

*This means all factory values have now been restored.

All user data will be lost when resetting.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

8 Different Heat Exchangers

K-SYSTEMS workstations have different heat exchangers.
Find the type of head exchangers your workstation have, and find out which tune
value belongs to which heat area.

Single T845/MP (3xregulation) right side

Type: T845/MP
Size: 800x430 mm
Size-MP 700x430
Regulation: 3

The safe area is located 50mm from the

edge. In this case there are three
different temperature sensors that may
need to be calibrated. Each zone most
be calibrated separately, to calibrate
“zone 1", measure only temperature in
“zone 1".

The red zone on the picture is “cross heat” zone; don’t measure the temperature in
the cross heat zone.

Single T845/MP
(3xregulation) left side
Type: T845/MP
Size: 800x430 mm
Size-MP: 700x430
Regulation: 3

The safe area is located 50mm

from the edge. In this case
there are three different
temperature sensors that may
need to be calibrated Each
zone most be calibrated
separately, to calibrate “zone
1", measure only temperature
in “zone 1".

The red zone on the picture is “cross heat” zone; don’t measure the temperature in
the cross heat zone.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

T1045 (4xregulation)

Type: T1045
Size: 1000x430 mm
Regulation: 4

The safe area is located 50mm

from the edge.
In this case there are four different
temperature sensors that may
need to be calibrated.
Each zone most be calibrated
separately, to calibrate “zone 1",
measure only temperature in
“zone 1".

The red zone on the picture is “cross heat” zone; don’t measure the temperature in
the cross heat zone.

T1045L (4xregulation)

Type: T1045L Zone-4 Zone-3 Zone-2 Zone-1

Size: 1000x430 mm
Regulation: 4

The safe area is located 50mm

from the edge.
In this case there are four different
temperature sensors that may
need to be calibrated.
Each zone most be calibrated
separately, to calibrate “zone 1",
measure only temperature in
“zone 1".

The red zone on the picture is “cross heat” zone; don’t measure the temperature in
the cross heat zone.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Dual 2xT845 (6xregulation)

Type: 2xT845
Size: 2x800x430 mm
Regulation: 6

The safe area is located 50mm from the edge.

In this case there are three different temperature sensors on each side that may not
be calibrated.
Each zone most be calibrated separately, to calibrate “zone-1”, measure only
temperature in “zone-1”.
The red zone on the picture is “cross heat” zone; don’t measure the temperature in
the cross heat zone.

Fully heated 2xT400 (4xregulation)

Type: Fully heat 2xT400
Size: 800x430 mm

The safe area is located 50mm from the

edge. In this case there are two
different temperature sensors on each
side that may not be calibrated. Each
zone most be calibrated separately, to
calibrate “zone-1”, measure only
temperature in “zone-1”.

The red zone on the picture is “cross heat” zone; don’t measure the temperature in
the cross heat zone.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

2x Fully heated 2xT400 (4xregulation)

Type: 2x Fully heat 2xT400
Size: 2x 800x430 mm

The safe area is located 50mm from the edge.

In this case there are two different temperature sensors on each side that may need
to be calibrated. Each zone must be calibrated separately, to calibrate “zone-1”,
measure only temperature in “zone-1”.
The red zones on the picture are “cross heat” zones; don’t measure the temperature
in the cross heat zone.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Fully heated 4xT400

Type: Fully heat 4xT400
Size: 1000x430 mm

The safe area is located 50mm from the edge.

In this case there are two different temperature sensors on each side that may need
to be calibrated. Each zone must be calibrated separately, to calibrate “zone-1”,
measure only temperature in “zone-1”.

The red zones on the picture are “cross heat” zones; don’t measure the temperature
in the cross heat zone.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

9 Connections
The L100 workstations have connection on the back and inside.

9.1 Connectors on the back

On the back of the L100 there is 8 circuit fuses, a main connector and main switch
there also house a mains fuse, and the gas inlet.

In the following subsections, these connectors are explained in more details.

9.1.1 Circuit fuses

This equipment is protected by fuses. The fuse ratings are printed on the label
attached next to the fuse holders. Which fuses to use can be seen in chapter 11

  Please note that some of the fuse holders may be empty due to various
configuration possibilities. Only replace with same type fuse.

9.1.2 Mains connection

Mains are connected with the cable supplied with the unit. If this is not present or
does not fit contact your distributor or K-SYSTEMS. Do not use a non-original cable.
This could be dangerous and will void the warranty.

Before connecting the mains check the L100 markings on the side and verify that the
yellow mains label reflects the correct voltage.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

When marked ‘220-240 VAC’ the L100 can be connected to mains in the range:

 220 - 240V AC 50Hz

If the markings correspond with the local mains power the unit can be connected and
switched ON.



 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding-type plug.

A grounding type plug has two blades and a third prong is provided
for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet,
consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.

9.1.3 Gas connections

If the L100 is connected to gas bottles be sure to use a high quality regulator that can
be adjusted around the required 0.5-0.7 bar (7.25 – 10.15 psi).

If the L100 is connected to plumbed gas circuits verify that the pressure is in the
correct range.

Connect the gas to the inlet on the L100 with a suitable silicone tube. 1 pcs. are
supplied with the unit. Contact your local distributor or K-SYSTEMS if these are

Inlet should have a gas source of 5-6% premixed CO2 in air.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

10 Temperature calibration
The number of temperature regulators and where the temperature can be measured
can be seen in chapter 8 Different Heat Exchangers

In order to be able to perform the temperature test the following items are needed:

 Precision thermometer

 Falcon® or Nunc® dish with integrated PT-

100 sensor mounted in the dish.

 Oil based Liquid

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

10.1 Calibrating temperature on the tabletop

To locate the zones on the workstation, see chapter 8 Different heat exchangers.
In this chapter the temperature validation of the tabletop is explained in more details.
For each zone two measurements are taken on each side of the center of the zone,
an example of where to measure can be seen in Figure 10-1, this is for a single
T845-2 right side.

Figure 10-1: Single T845-2 right side with measurement spots.

 Always measure the temperature on the whole tabletop before any

adjusting is conducted. Refusing to do so will causes heat crossover to
other zones and makes it very difficult to adjust the temperature.

Follow these steps for a detailed instruction of how to validate/calibrate the

temperature of the tabletop.

1: Switch on the workstation ( ) and the fan ( ). Then wait for at least 40
minutes for the temperature to stabilize at set (e.g. 37.0 oC).

2: Place the dish containing oil based liquid and temperature sensor on the

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

3: Wait for the temperature to get stabilized.

When temperature is stabilized write down the value and move on to the next
spot within the same zone.

4: When the temperature of both of spots has been measured, the average value
must be calculated using the following formula:

Temp1tn  x  Temp2tn  x
Temp _ avrtn  x  ,
- where ‘x’ is the number of zone

5: If there are more zones go through step 2 and 4 for each zone.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

When all average values are calculated, they should be compared with what is
being shown by the system. This is done by entering the menu and checking the
values. Adjust only if the calculated values are different than the ones displayed
by the system for each zone.

Please refer to subsection 7.11.2 to subsection 7.11.6 for more

information regarding the tune functions for the tabletop.

 Extreme care must be taken here, as any wrong changes or

adjustments will have a direct affect on the surface temperature of
the tabletop.

10.2 Calibrating of heated glass

The heated glass is calibrated in the same way as the tabletop; accept there are only
taken one measurement in the middle of the glass.

Please refer to subsection 7.11.8 for more information regarding the tune
functions for the heated glass.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

11 Fuses

115 V 230 V
FS1 10A 6,3A
FS2 2A 2A
Fan1 2A 2A
Fan2 2A 2A
Light 0,5A 0,5
Tranf 4A 2A
Aux 6,3A 4A

Fan2 is only used in case of L126.

Extra Transformer is used in case of :

 L126 Dual
 T1045 Heat Exchanger
 L126 2x fully heated
 L126 fully heated
Aux is only used if monitor or power plug is

Do not insert foreign objects in fuse holders. Insert only corresponding

 fuses. Do not use liquid cleaning agents directly on fusebox.

To replace the main fuse open the fuse holder in the main connector as shown use a
T10Ah (250V) only.

To replace fuses please use a suitable screwdriver, before doing so please unplug
the workstation.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

12 Gassing Station Operation

Gas Mixture Connection

The gas supply is connected at the back of the


A maximum regulated gas mixture pressure is 0.5 –

0.7 bar (7.25 – 10.15 psi).

Exceeding this pressure could damage your


12.1 Establish the Flow Rate

The flow rate is adjusted by a needle valve connected to a flow meter. Regulating
range is 0-50 litres per hour.
In general a flow rate should be chosen between 5 and 20 litres per hour, depending
on the application and how often the CO² incubation hood is lifted.

12.2 Humidifying the Gas Mixture

In order to reduce evaporation from the culture media, humidification of the gas
mixture is necessary.

• The built-in gas washing system optimizes

the humidifi cation.

• By flowing the gas through the table plate,

the temperature and humidity of the gas
are maintained.

• Fill the gas washing bottles to 2/3 with

sterile water.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

12.3 Purging

When the CO2 hoods are opened the gas mixture is

partly replaced with asmospheric air. It is therefore
necessary to work rapidly and only to lift the gassing
hoods when it is absolutely necessary.
The atmospheric air must be replaced with the correct
gas mixture as quickly as possible.
The regulating valve may be set to a higher flow rate
for some seconds and afterwards must be turned
back to the lower value.

12.4 Operating the Microscope Light

The L124 and L126 may be fitted with various types of microscopes. Please see the
appropriate instruction manual for operating the microscope.

Action Key
The microscope light source can be
turned on and adjusted when using K-
SYSTEMS light source (LS-11 or LS12),
by pressing either UP (increase intensity)
or DOWN (decrease intensity).

The microscope light is switched off by

simultaneously pressing both switches
(UP and DOWN) and then releasing

Note Always turn off the light when it is not in use. This will increase the lifetime of
the bulb. For further information please se K-SYSTEMS Light Source Manual
(LS-11 or LS12).

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

13 Trouble Shooting
Heating System
Symptom Cause Action
No heating, display is The heating switch Press the heating switch.
off. is off.
No heating. The alarm is on. The temperature is more than 0.5 °C off
set temperature.
No heating. Set Point is to low Raise the Set Point
No heat on one side, Heat area is OFF Turn on the heat area by pressing "HEAT"
display flashing off and the DOWN button at the same time.

Laminar Flow
Symptom Cause Action
Alarm when the fan HEPA filter needs to Contact K-SYSTEMS distributor for check
turns on be checked and replacement if needed

Humidification System
Symptom Cause Action
No Gas Flow. Gas washing Bottle Re-fill the Gas Washing Bottle.
is empty. Check and tighten gas connections on the
Loose tube back of the Workstation.
connection. Check and tighten the bottle connections.
Blocked gas Remove and clean the dispersion nozzles.
dispersion nozzle.
Nothing on Display. Loss of power. Check power cord.
Check fuses.

Symptom Cause Action
Missing segment in Failure in the PCB. Replace the PCB. Contact your K-
display - Absent or SYSTEMS Distributor for details.
erratic function of
operation buttons.
Key not working on Failure in keyboard Replace the keyboard

Microscope Light
Symptom Cause Action
No Microscope Light. Light is switched off. Press and hold the UP button
Bad light bulb. Replace the bulb - refer to appropriate
light source manual.
Faulty electrical Check all connections to the light source.
Keyboard Replace the whole keyboard. Contact
Distributors for details.
Blown fuse. Check the fuse. Replace. Contact your K-
Distributors for details.
Defective light Replace the pcb
source pcb

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

AntiVibration System (L126MP)

Symptom Cause Action
Vibration. The floating table Center the floating table plate so it does
plate is touching the not touch the rest of the Workstation.
table plate of the
Loose tightening Tightening the four securing bolts.
Grease on the Clean the springs with 70% alcohol.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

14 Maintenance
14.1 Routine Maintenance
14.1.1 Daily

The IVF Workstation is a low maintenance unit designed to be both easy to use and
clean, plus it is durable due to its construction.

All surfaces should be cleaned with an 70% alcohol solution on a clean cloth or lint-
free paper towel.
 Clean all surface components by wiping gently with gauze.
 To remove fingerprints or oil smudges, wipe with gauze slightly
moistened with a mixture • of either (70%) and alcohol (30%).

 Since solvents such as ether and alcohol are highly flammable, they must be handled
carefully. Be sure to keep these chemicals away from open flames or potential
sources of ignition – electrical equipment must be switched off. Also remember to
always use these chemicals only in a well ventilated room.

 If smudges are difficult to clean, wipe them with a soft cloth slightly
moistened with a diluted neutral detergent.
 The heated area is able to withstand some water spills. However,
precautions are still necessary if water is spilled on the surface. Unplug
the power cord, and then wipe dry with a dry cloth immediately.

 If water gets inside the unit, contact your K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec representative to
check electrical safety.

14.1.2 Weekly
Wipe the exterior of the Workstation with a mild detergent of house-hold type.
Antistatic spray can be used for cleaning the front window.

14.1.3 Monthly

To clean and to avoid contamination of the humidification system it is recommended

to clean the system
once or twice per month according to usage.

Rinsing of Humidification System Procedure:

1 Turn off the gas flow.

2 Empty the gas washing bottles.
3 Pour approximately 40ml 70% alcohol into each gas washing bottle.
4 Set the gas washing bottles back into the gassing station.
5 Remove the gas dispersion nozzles using a small piece of tape as shown:

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

6 Turn on the gas flow to approximately 30l/h and leave the flow running for one
7 Take some tissue paper and clean the gassing hole within the table plate with 70%
alcohol while the gas is flowing.
8 After an hour, turn the gas flow off and empty the remains of the 70% alcohol left in
the bottles.
9 Rinse the bottles with sterile water to ensure complete removal of the alcohol from
the humidification system.
10 Fill the gas washing bottles to 2/3 with sterile water.
11 Re-establish gas flow to the system at 20 - 25 l/h and leave it running for 20
12 Turn off the gas flow.
13 Refitting the gas dispersion nozzles to the table plate complete the cleaning

Every 3. months change the pre-filters.

14.1.4 Annually
Reliable operation of the Workstation is based on the following conditions:
 Correct air velocities
 Efficiency of installed HEPA-filter

These parameters should be tested by a qualified technician after approx. 17.000

hours of operation or at least once a year.

Testing of air velocities involves measurements of the air velocity in the vertical
unidirectional flow. (see also enclosed test report.)

Testing of the efficiency of the installed HEPA-filters. By means of special measuring

equipment – particle counter or photometer – the effectiveness of the HEPA filter is
tested. (See test report.)

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

14.2 Specific Service Operations

14.2.1 Replacing the Pre-filter

The pre-filter should be checked at regular intervals.

Every 3. months change the pre-filters.

14.2.2 Replacing the Interior Light

1. Disconnect the Workstation power cable at the
2. Remove the Plexiglass lamp cover, gently grasp
the light bulb by the ends, rotate the light bulb 90°
until it loosens.
3. Carefully remove the bulb.

Replacement is reverse of removal.

Light tube for L124:

Ø = 16 mm ; L = 1149 mm; 28 Watt

Light tube for L126:

Ø = 16 mm ; L = 1449 mm; 35 Watt

For Model L126, it is recommended that 2 persons

rotate the light tube one at each end for removal.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

15 Monitor
15.1 Description

The K-systems monitor is a high grade LCD dual-input flat panel monitor. It features
a 19”” TFT Liquid Crystal Display with anti-glare treatment. A super wide 170°
viewing angle and 1600X1200 resolution.

The K-Systems monitor has got 3 inputs allowing it to be connected to most types of
computers, cameras or video units. One is digital (VGA) and the two others are
analog inputs (composite and S-VHS).

As standard a Composite (yellow) cable and a VGA cable (blue or black) will be
connected to the monitor when the workstation is sent from K-Systems. The monitor
will be set up for Auto switching between the signals. This means that the monitor will
recognize the input type itself and adjust the picture to it. When there is no signal the
monitor will remain black.

NOTE: Only connect one type of signal to the monitor at the time or use the switch
function on the keyboard.

See below for a description of the types of connectors and suggested alternative
connection possibilities.

15.2 Connectors and cables

15.2.1 Composite video connector

This is for a camera or video recorder.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

15.2.2 Composite to S-VHS adaptor

K-Systems supply a converter piece that will allow S-VHS input on the composite

15.2.3 S-VHS Video and audio connector

(Not connected as standard from the factory)

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

15.2.4 DE – 15 Male VGA connector

This cable is for a computer to use the monitor as screen.

15.3 Connecting the monitor to a computer

This is done by attaching the VGA cable (blue or black) to the output connector of the
computer. If the computer only features a DVI output a VGA to DVI adaptor, that K-
Systems does not supply, must be used.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

15.3.1 VGA to DVI adaptor

15.4 Connecting to a camera

CCD cameras come equipped with varied types of connectors. Most common would
be Composite or S-VHS. In this case it is just a question of connecting the yellow
cable to the camera or using the composite to S-VHS adaptor supplied with the K-
Systems Workstation.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

15.4.1 BNC connectors

Some cameras also use a BNC connector. In this case a converter piece that K-
Systems do not supply must be sourced.

15.4.2 BNC to Composite

Converts the BNC connector on the camera to a female composite that will fit the
installed cable on the Workstation.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

15.5 Service

To access the monitors inputs the back panel of the K-Systems Workstation must be
taken off. Only authorized and trained persons should do that.

The monitor features a jog wheel on the lower right hand side. When this is pressed
a held for a second a menu will appear on the monitor. The menu is described in
detail in the following pages.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

16 Disposal procedure
Cabinet devices or the whole unit contains re-usable materials. All components (with
the exception of the HEPA filter) can be discarded after having been cleaned and

Please note that the filters from this device must be discarded in accordance with the
applicable national regulations for special solid waste.

 Below table contains a list of the recyclable components.

Component Material
Tableplate Stainless steel
Exterior housing Steel – painted
Interior housing Aluminum – painted
Device back panel Steel – painted
Printed circuit board Enclosed electronic components mounted on a
PCB board
Front window(s) Polycarbonate windows, w. UV protection.
Light source Aluminum, anodized.

Contamination Hazard!
 Since this device might have been used for processing and treating infectious
substances, it might be contaminated.
Prior to disposal, the whole device (including light source) must be

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

17 Technical Specifications

Dimensions L124 L125 L126

Overall 2015x1246x735mm 2015x1546x735mm – 2015x1846x735mm –
Dimensions – (79.3 x 49 x 29”) (79.3 x 79 x 29”) (79.3 x 72.6 x 29”)
(H x L x D)

Table Plate 1225x490mm – (48 1526x553mm – 1825x490 – (72 x 19”)

x 19”) (60x22”)
Warmed Optional Optional Optional

Power L124 L125 L126

Power 850 watt 850 watt 1250 watt
Mians 230V or 115V 230V or 115V 230V or 115V
Mains 50Hz/60Hz or 60 50Hz/60Hz or 60 Hz 50Hz/60Hz or 60 Hz
Frequency Hz
Current 5.6 or 11.2A 5.6 A or 11.2A 6A or 12A

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Technical Specifications (continued)

Specifications L124 L125 L126
Heating System Electrical controlled Electrical Electrical controlled
heating system controlled heating system
heating system
Temperature Range Ambient - 43.0 °C Ambient – 43.0 Ambient - 43.0 °C
Temperature +/-0.2 ˚C +/-0.2 ˚C +/-0.2 ˚C
Temperature Digital Readout Digital Digital Readout
Set/Read Readout
Laminar Flow Vertical Vertical Vertical
Mains Power Supply 230V 50 Hz, 230V 230V Hz, 230V 230V Hz, 230V 60
60 Hz, or 115V 60 60 Hz, or 115V Hz, or 115V 60 Hz
Hz 60 Hz
Fuse, Workstation 6.3 / 10A, slow blow 6.3 / 10A, slow 6.3 / 10A, slow blow
Heating Rate 0.3°C/minute 0.3°C/minute 0.3°C/minute
Audible/Visual alarm Audible/Visual Audible/Visual alarm
for filter change out alarm for filter for filter change out
of range change out of of range
temperature. range temperature.
PreFilter Ashrae 52/76 (grav.) Ashrae 52/76 Ashrae 52/76 (grav.)
corresponding to (grav.) corresponding to
EUROVENT 4/5 corresponding EUROVENT 4/5
classification EU 3 to EUROVENT classification EU 3
EU 3
Main HEPA Filter Classification H-14 Classification Classification H-14
with resistance of H-14 with with resistance of
130 Pa and an resistance of 130 Pa and an
efficiency of MPPS 130 Pa and an efficiency of MPPS
of 99.995%. efficiency of of 99.995%. Grid on
Grid on the inlet. MPPS of the inlet.
Distribution cloth on 99.995%. Distribution cloth on
the outlet. Grid on the the outlet.
Dimensions: inlet. Dimensions:
1214x464x69 mm. Distribution 1814x464x69 mm.
Order Code: 011153 cloth on the Order Code: 011154
Order Code:

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

Technical Specifications (continued)

Equipment L124 L125 L126

Max. 2 safety wall sockets
– each of them can be
loaded to 4A Max.
Required 10A / 10A 10A / 10A 10A / 10A (if Dual
Mains Cut- 16A/16A)
Sound 51 +/- 2 dB (A) 51 +/- 2 dB (A) 51 +/- dB (A)

Component Material Treatment

Front and Side Polycarbonate/Glass
Workstation Mild Steel Plate EN 10130 60 μm polyestercoating
Body DC01 pretreated to corrosion class 1
(FePO1) Aluminum AW-1050
Stand Mild Steel Tube EN 10219-1 60 μm polyestercoating
Stainless Steel Tube ST1203 pretreated to corrosion class 1
127/DIN 2462

Mild Steel Plate EN 10130 60 μm polyestercoating

DC01 pretreated to corrosion class 1
Aluminum EN AW-1050
Aluminum EN AW-1050
Heating Aluminium Heat Exchanger
System with copper element
Tabletop Stainless steel - AISI 304

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

18 Accessories
 Light Source LS10 / LS11 / LS12
 Warming Blocks
 Mixed Gas Supply
 Gas Washing Bottles

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

19 Product Liability and Warranty

19.1 Product Liability
Because K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec has no control or influence over the conditions
under which this device is used, over its method of use or administration, or on
handling of the product after it leaves its possession, K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec takes
no responsibility for the results, use and/or performance of the product. K-SYSTEMS
Kivex Biotec expects that use of the product will be confined to trained and expert
In no event shall K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec be liable for any direct or indirect
damages including incidental, consequential or special damages, arising out of or in
connection with the use or performance of the product.
If K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec provides you with technical documentation, this does not
authorize you to perform repairs, adjustments or alterations on the device or
No representative of K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec and no vendor of the product is
authorized to change any of the foregoing terms and conditions, and the purchaser
accepts the product subject to all terms and conditions herein, subject always to any
contrary provisions which are necessarily implied by stature or law notwithstanding
the within terms and conditions.

19.2 Limited Warranty & Replacement

K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec warrants to the purchasers of all devices and products
manufactured by K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec, the product was prepared and tested in
accordance with good manufacturing practices and guidelines and are in compliance
to the CE norms issued by the competent authority.
In the event of product failure under normal use, due to defects in material or
workmanship, within a period of thirteen months (13) months from the date of
shipment of the Product and from the point of origin, the product will be repaired, or
at K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec option, replaced, at no charge. This limited warranty
does not apply to products subjected to abnormal use or conditions, improper
storage, damaged by accident, misuse or abuse, improper line voltage, products
whose serial number has been altered, to products not shipped in accordance with
the recommendations of K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec, and/or to products altered or
serviced by anyone other than K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec authorised distributors.
Distributor is responsible for the labor and travel costs during this period.

This limited warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties whether written,
oral, expressed or implied. In particular, K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec does not warrant
that the product is suitable for the needs of the purchaser and there are no
warranties given as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose other than
the one specified in K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec literature that accompanies every
specific product. K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec assumes that the Purchaser is
experienced in the use of this device and is able to judge from his/her own expertise
the suitability or otherwise of the product for the intended use.

K-SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec reserves the right to change or discontinue this product
without prior notice.

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

19.2.1 Replacement
As mentioned in the Limited Warranty, The decision whether to provide any remedy
or whether to refund any portion of the purchase price shall be at the discretion of K-
SYSTEMS Kivex Biotec.
Before returning a product for any reason, please contact your nearest K-SYSTEMS
Kivex Biotec distributor for assistance and instructions.
Only for all customers in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, please take direct contact
with our head office at:

Tel: +45 4599 5600; Fax: +45 4599 5619; email

This manual is Issue 2, Juli 2013

Instruction manual for L100 workstation

20 Declaration of Conformity

Instruction manual for L100 workstation


Klintehøj Vænge 3-5 • DK-3460 Birkerød • Denmark
Tel. +45 4599 5600 • Fax: +45 4599 5619 • E-mail:


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