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English Class Week # 5


− To Identify the present, and past Perfect in sentences and Paragraphs

− To Practice the use at adjectives in present and past participle

Activity Nº 1

Practice in Pairs the Following conversation What’s playing?

Astrid: Do you want to see a movie tonight?

Edy: Hmm. Maybe. What´s playing?Tal vez.

Astrid: How about the new Fast and Furious Film?

I hear it´s really exciting.

Edy: Actually, the last one was boring

Astrid: What about the movie based on stephen King´s new novel?

Edy: I don´t know. His books are usually fascinating, but I don´t like horror

Astrid: well, What do you want to see?

Edy: I´m interested in the new Sandra Bullock movie. It looks good.

Astrid: that´s fine with me. She´s a wonderful actress

Edy: I love her movies

Astrid: also Ilike so much them, she is a very good actress

Edy: ok see you at eight pm

Astrid:I'll be on time there

Edy: bye

Astrid: bye, bye

NOTE: Imagine Goodbye Expressions

Activity Nº 2

Answers the Following Questions:

1º What Kinds of movies are you interested in?

favorite movies are action and suspense

2º What Kinds of movies do you find boring?

I find drama movies boring

3º Who are your favorite actors and actresses?

Actors: Actresses:
Vin Diesel Scarlett johansson
Dwayne Johnson Charlize Theron
Will Smith Zoe Saldana
Robert Downey Jr. Melissa McCarthy
Morgan Freeman
Ryan Reynolds

4º What are your 3 favorite movies in English?

My favorite movies in:

2.Lord of the Rings

Vocabulary: look at your Dictionary.

A Animation Animación
b Classics Clasicas
c Mysteries Misterios
d Comedies Comedias
e Thrillers Trailer
f ActionAdventure Accion Aventura
g Science Fiction Ciencia Ficcion
h Romance Romance
i Documentaries Documentales
j Horrors Horror
k Drama Drama

Activity Nº 3

Look at you Dictionary and complete the chart with synonyms From the

List: absurd – bizarre – disgusting – dreadful – dumb – Fabulous – fantastic –

horrible – marvelous – odd – silly – outstanding – ridiculous – terrible – unusual
– weird

Awful Wonderful Stupid Strange

Disgusting Factastic Adsurd Bizarre
Dradful Fabulous Dumb Odd
Horrible Marvelous Silly Unusual
Terrible Outstanding Ridiculous Weird

Activity Nº 4

Participles as adjectives

Present Participle:
Stephen king´s books are fascinating

Past Participles:
I´m fascinated by stephen king´s books


Complete the Sentences with the correct Participle.

Example: 1º why are we watching this boring movie?

Are you bored with it?(boring / bored)

2º Kristen Stewart is an amaizing actress.

I´m amazed by her talent. (Amazing / amazed)

3º Are you interested in computer – generated special effects? The latest 3-D
movies are very interesting.
(Interesting / interested)

4º I had an embarrasing Experience the last time I went to the movies. I

started to cough, and I couldn´t stop. I was really embarrased.
(Embarrasing / embarrased)

5º I think that great books make great movies.Ifi find a book fascinating, I´m
usually fascinated by the movie also. (Fascinating / fascinated)

Activity Nº 5

To identify present and past perfect in paragraphs and sentences.

EXPLANATION (30 Minutes)

Present Perfect:

Subj + Aux have/has + Verb in participle + complement

EXAMPLE: Mi mama ha limpiado su casa hoy

S: My mom has cleaned her house today
Q: Has she cleaned her house today?
N: She hasn´t cleaned her house today
SA: Yes, she has
No, she hasn´t

Past Perfect:

Subj + Aux had + Verb in participle + complement

EXAMPLE: Mi mama había limpiado su casa en la mañana.

S: My mom had cleaned her house in morning / Mimamáhabíalimpiadosu casa por la mañana
Q:Hadshecleanedherhouse in morning/ ¿Había limpiado su casa por la mañana?
N:Shehadn´tcleanedherhouse in morning /Ella no había limpiado su casa en la mañana
SA: Yes, she had
No, she hadn´t

WORKSHOP IN CLASS (20 minutes Hour)

1. Order the sentences in present and past perfect
a. You/ how many / have / movies / this mont/?
You have how many movies this mont?
b. She / seen/ the letters/ several times / has
She has seen the letters several times
c. Have / each other / for twenty years/ We / loved
We have loved eache other for twenty five years
d. forgotten / He / what/ has / I / said
He has forgotten what i said
e. to study / My cousin/ to Europe / has gone.
My cousin has gone to study to Europe

F. Imagine and write 3 positive sentences in Present and Past Perfect with regular


a. I have worked for my uncle

b. They have completed the project
c. I have played this game several times


d. I had worked for my uncle

e. They had completed the project.
f. I had played this game several times.

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