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  Field Exploration - Education

CANVAS is a LMS (Learning Management System) that create an ecosystem for

schools, Universities, Colleges to build a digital learning environment by simplifying
teaching and enhance the learning of the students. CANVAS is important for the field of
education cause it is the world’s Fastest-Growing Learning Management Platform, it
also makes education easier to go with, more efficient and effective all around for
students by helping Teachers or Instructors to innovate and students to succeed.
b. CANVAS is built by Instructure, the technology company that makes smart software
that makes people smarter. That company also creates another software for the
employee development for managers and employees called BRIDGE
c.  The company is based in Salt Lake City, UT. USA is reputed for its plenteous
Universities estimated to more than 5400 Universities. About 3000 Universities use
CANVAS for their students learning experience and among all of them , 36  are in
UTAH which also use CANVAS, so it is obvious to  see the  environment and the impact
that would have on software based on Education.
d. CANVAS is  built using Ruby on Rails (Links to an external site.)  backed by
a PostgreSQL (Links to an external site.) database. It incorporates JQuery (Links to an
external site.), HTML5 (Links to an external site.), and CSS3 (Links to an external
site.) to provide a modern user interface. There are also mobile versions (Android, IOS)
built using Java.
e. Canvas is designed and supported for Web, Android and IOS.
f- It has changed and enhanced how Teachers or Instructors should teach effectively
and efficiently and how students should learn to succeed.
g- I would want to work for such a company if I was being given the opportunity or had
the chance because there will be more to learn with a company which is a leader in field
of Industry. It would always be a pleasure to work for big companies that have a lot
experiences and projects done.
SOURCES: (Links to an external
                 to an external site.

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