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Anodic Dissolution of Pure Aluminum during Electrocoagulation

Process: Influence of Supporting Electrolyte, Initial pH, and Current
Khaled Mansouri,† Karim Ibrik,‡ Nasr Bensalah,*,†,‡ and Ahmed Abdel-Wahab‡

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, University of Gabes, Cite Erriadh, Zrig 6072, Gabes, Tunisia

Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Education City, P.O. Box 23874, Doha, Qatar

ABSTRACT: In this work, effects of some experimental parameters (supporting electrolyte, initial pH, and current density) on
aluminum corrosion and anodic dissolution of aluminum during electrocoagulation process were investigated. Potentiodynamic
polarization tests, impedance spectroscopy measurements and potentisotatic current density transients were used to evaluate
corrosion parameters and verify effects of supporting electrolyte and initial pH on aluminum corrosion. The presence of NaCl and
Na2SO4 shifted the corrosion potential toward more cathodic potentials, indicating that corrosion of aluminum is catalyzed by the
presence NaCl and Na2SO4. On the contrary, the presence of NaH2PO4 increased the corrosion potential, which indicates that the
presence of NaH2PO4 inhibits the corrosion of aluminum. Galvanostatic electrolyses demonstrated that measured concentrations of
aluminum exceeded theoretical values calculated using Faraday’s Law. The excess in dissolved aluminum produced during
galvanostatic electrolyses is primary due to the chemical dissolution of aluminum, which is more significant at highly alkaline
conditions. A final pH of value around pH 9 was observed in the presence of NaCl for pH values in the range pH 411 which can be
explained by buffering effects of aluminum hydroxides.

1. INTRODUCTION surface has also been suggested by some researchers.1416

The passivity of aluminum sacrificial electrodes was extremely However, literature lacks attention to the effect of experimental
problematic for the treatment of industrial effluents by parameters such as nature and concentration of supporting
electrocoagulation.14 Passive films are readily formed on the electrolyte, pH, and current density on the rate of destruction
surface of aluminum and its alloys in open air and in water.5,6 The of the aluminum protective film that forms on sacrificial alumi-
corrosion resistance of aluminum depends largely on the forma- num anodes, which in turn influences the overall rate of the
tion of a native oxide film on its surface. The aluminum oxide film electrochemical reactions and mechanisms involved in electro-
is relatively chemically inert, exhibiting the passive behavior of coagulation.2227 The aim of this study is to obtain information
aluminum. The formation of this passive film that adheres to the on the corrosion behavior of aluminum sacrificial anodes and
anode surface prevents the dissolution of aluminum and restricts evaluate the effects of supporting electrolyte nature and con-
charge transfer between solution and electrodes. Passivation of centration, pH, and current density on electrochemical dissolu-
sacrificial anodes leads to excessive consumption of electricity tion of aluminum. Two main experimental sets were carried out
and reduces the efficiency of wastewater treatment by electroco- to achieve the objective of this study. First, the corrosion
agulation. behavior of an aluminum anode in different electrolytes (NaCl,
The rate of corrosion of sacrificial aluminum anodes depends Na2SO4, and NaH2PO4) was examined using potentiodynamic
mainly on two mechanisms: formation and build-up of a passive polarization tests. Second, the effect of pH and current density
aluminum-oxide layer and subsequent partial destruction of that parameters on the electrochemical dissolution of aluminum
layer through pitting.712 Aluminum is much more susceptible to was studied using galvanostatic electrolysis of aluminum
pitting than other metals, and a variety of anions that may exist in electrodes.
the solution can bring about pitting. In most practical cases of
aluminum corrosion, the chemical reaction of anions adsorbed 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
on the surface of the aluminum oxide film with cationic Al species
in the oxide lattice significantly affect the overall aluminum 2.1. Chemicals and Analytical Methods. All reagents used
dissolution reaction. This chemical reaction causes the local were of analytical grade obtained from Fulka or Acros. Relevant
breakdown of the passive oxide film, which is often followed by aqueous solutions were prepared by dissolving lab grade reagents
pitting corrosion.1113 (NaCl, Na2SO4, NaH2PO4) in deionized water obtained from a
Few researchers1421 have suggested the addition of support-
ing electrolytes, such as sodium chloride (NaCl), to reduce the Received: June 6, 2011
passivation of working electrodes and to increase the conductiv- Accepted: October 5, 2011
ity of the medium. Additionally, application of a sinusoidal Revised: October 3, 2011
intensity to prevent the formation of a deposit on electrode Published: October 05, 2011

r 2011 American Chemical Society 13362 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 13362–13372
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ARTICLE

Milli-Q system (Molsheim, France), with resistivity >18 mΩ at

25 °C. Working electrodes were comprised of aluminum plates
cut from a pure aluminum sheet (99.99% purity) of 2 mm
thickness. Prior to each experiment, the aluminum working
electrode was manually finished using successively finer grades
of abrasive paper, polished with 0.3 μm alumina, rinsed with
1.5 M HCl followed by rinsing with deionized water, and then
dried before immersion in the electrolyte solution. Samples were
taken periodically and analyzed for dissolved aluminum concen-
tration and pH value. Concentration of dissolved aluminum
during galvanostatic electrolysis was determined by atomic absorp-
tion spectrometry (Zeeman spectrophotometer HITACHI
Z-6100) after acidification using nitric acid (4 N HNO3 ).
The pH of the aqueous solutions was measured using inoLab
WTW pH-meter, equipped with a combined glass electrode Figure 1. Changes of open circuit potential with time during immersion
(METROHM). The conductivity was measured using a con- of aluminum plate in aerated deionized water. Operating conditions:
ductivity meter (MeterLab, type CDM230) equipped with a anode: pure Al specimen (1 cm2); reference electrode: SCE; T = 25 °C.
conductivity cell comprised of two platinum electrodes. Mor-
phological observations of the aluminum electrode surfaces were galvanostatic electrolyses process, the aqueous solution (0.2 dm3)
conducted using a metallurgical trinocular microscope (AuxiLab, was vigorously stirred using a magnetic stir bar (200 rpm), and
model ZUZI 173/2) after galvanostatic electrolyses. the temperature was held constant at 25 °C. Aqueous solution
2.2. Potentiodynamic Polarization and Potentiostatic Cur- pH was adjusted using 0.1 M NaOH or HCl to achieve the
rent/Time Measurements. Potentiodynamic tests were used to desired initial pH values for each experiment.
evaluate the pitting behavior and passivity of aluminum in
0.10.4 M NaCl, 0.1 M Na2SO4, and 0.1 M NaH2PO4 aqueous 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
solutions. Potentiodynamic polarization experiments of alumi-
num were performed with a three-electrode cell (Radiometer 3.1. Study of Aluminum Corrosion by Potentiodynamic
C145/170) using a potentiostat/galvanostat (PGZ 301 20 V 1A) Polarization. In order to better understand the influence of
controlled by Voltalab 40 software to allow data acquisition. A supporting electrolyte on the electrochemical corrosion of
platinum plate and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) were aluminum, open circuit potential and potentiodynamic polariza-
respectively used as auxiliary and reference electrodes. The tion experiments were performed in an attempt to explain the
working electrode was a 1 cm2 pure aluminum plate (99.99%) phenomena occurring on the anode surface. Figure 1 displays the
inserted into a PTFE sample holder (Radiometer PEK 29). The changes of an aluminum electrode in the open-circuit potential
electrochemical potential was scanned positively starting from (OCP) with immersion time in deionized water at room
2.0 V up to +2.0 V vs SCE at a scan rate of 0.5 mV s1. The temperature. The OCP instantly increased from an initial value
potentiostatic current/time transient measurements were carried of 795 mV/SCE to a value of 670 mV/SCE, and it remained
out after a two step procedure as follows: the working electrode constant at this value with minor fluctuations with time around
was first held at the starting potential 2.0 V/SCE for 1 min to this value. The immediate increase of OCP can be explained by
attain a reproducible electroreduced electrode surface; then the the growth of Al(OH)3 film on the surface of the Al electrode.
electrode was suddenly polarized in the positive direction to a The fluctuation of the OCP can be attributed to the changes of
potential equal Epit for 30 min, after that current transient was pH near the Al electrode surface. Based on these results, a
recorded. corrosion potential value (Ecorr) of 670 ( 5 mV/SCE can be
2.3. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Electro- deduced for pure Al in aerated aqueous solutions. This value is
chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were very similar to those reported in the literature.28,29
carried out using a potentiostat/galvanostat (PGZ 301 20 V 1A) Figure 2 shows anodic and cathotic potentiodynamic polariza-
controlled by Voltalab 40 software to allow data acquisition of tion curves obtained from pure Al plates at a scan rate of 0.5
corrosion potentials (Ecorr) of aluminum electrodes immersed in mV s1 in aerated aqueous solution without supporting electro-
aerated solutions. After determination of steady-state current at lyte. As can be seen from Figure 2, both anodic and cathodic
Ecorr, peak-to-peak sine wave voltages (10 mV) were super- branches display a typical Tafel behavior. Accurate evaluation of
imposed on the resting potential at frequencies between 100 kHz corrosion potential (Ecorr) and corrosion current density (jcorr)
and 10 mHz. The EIS diagrams are shown in Nyquist form was made using the Tafel extrapolation method30,31 and pre-
(shown where. If they are shown in a figure, please indicate the sented in Figure 2. The anodic polarization curve shows an
figure no.). extremely active dissolution followed by a limitation at high
2.4. Galvanostatic Electrolyses. Anodic dissolution of alu- current densities. Corrosion potential (Ecorr) of aluminum as
minum was carried out under galvanostatic conditions. The determined by the Tafel extrapolation method is very compar-
electrolyses experiments were performed in a one compartment able to that determined previously by open circuit potential
thermostatted electrolytic cell (parallel rectangular aluminum measurements: Ecorr= 668 mV/SCE. Corrosion current (jcorr)
electrodes, 24 cm2, interelectrode gap 2 cm). Aluminum electro- of aluminum electrode was equal to 2.6 μA cm2.
des were connected to a digital DC power supply (Monacor PS- Figure 3-a shows potentiodynamic polarization curves obtained
430) operating under galvanostatic options, providing current from an aluminum plate in aerated aqueous solutions containing
and voltage in the range of 030 A and 020 V, respectively. 0.1 M of NaCl, Na2SO4, or NaH2PO4 under alkaline conditions
The cell voltage was recorded using a potentiometer. During the (pH = 9) at a scan rate of 0.5 mV s1. The potentiodynamic
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Figure 2. Potentiodynamic polarization curve of aluminum in aerated

deionized water, and extrapolation Tafel method. Operating conditions:
anode: pure Al specimen (1 cm2); cathode: Pt wire; reference electrode:
SCE; pH = 7; scan rate: 0.5 mV s1; T = 25 °C.

polarization plot without supporting electrolyte was also pre-

sented in the same figure for comparison (in this case the current
density is expressed in μA cm2). Figure 3 shows that the anodic
electrode behavior in the presence of supporting electrolyte was
completely different from that observed in aerated deionized
water without supporting electrolyte. Also, the behavior of the
anodic polarization branches in the presence of supporting
electrolyte do not display the expected log/linear Tafel behavior
over the whole applied range of potential. The observed curva- Figure 3. (a) Potentiodynamic polarization curves of aluminum in
ture of the anodic branch may be attributed to the deposition of aerated aqueous solutions containing different supporting electrolytes.
corrosion products on the aluminum surface to form a non- (b) Different parts of polarization curve: charge transfer, anodic
passivation, and pitting corrosion. Operating conditions: anode: pure
passive surface film. Aluminum showed a classical passive region
Al specimen (1 cm2); cathode: Pt wire; reference electrode: SCE; pH =
in which current remained almost unaffected by the change in 9; electrolyte concentration: 0.1 M; scan rate: 0.5 mV s1; T = 25 °C.
applied potential. This can be observed as a current density
plateau in Figure 3-b. However, the current density increased
abruptly after reaching a certain value of electrode potential caused by the diffusion of Al3+ ions, which is produced by the
which is the pitting potential (Epit). The pitting corrosion was anodic reaction, from the metal surface to the bulk solution.
preceded by uniform thinning of the hydroxide/oxide protective Therefore, the results presented in Figure 4 show that the
film that prevails over pitting corrosion prior to the pitting diffusion tail at impedance plot which indicates the beginning
potential. After reaching Epit, current density continued to of metastable pitting. In addition, the depressed semicircle could
increase very slightly with increasing potential. As can be be due to microscopic surface roughness and the presence of a
observed, the nature of the electrolyte greatly affects corrosion porous corrosion product film. The diameter of low frequency
current density and corrosion potential. The values of corrosion semicircle changes among supporting electrolytes. The diameter
current density and corrosion potential in solutions containing of the semicircle in the presence of NaCl is smaller than that in
different electrolytes are shown in Table 1. the presence of NaH2PO4 or Na2SO4 which suggests that the
The presence of NaCl or Na2SO4 shifted the corrosion potential passive film formed on pure aluminum in the presence of
toward more negative values, indicating that corrosion of aluminum NaH2PO4 or Na2SO4 is more protective to corrosion. This is
is catalyzed by the presence NaCl or Na2SO4. In contrast, the in accordance with the results of polarization curves.
presence of NaH2PO4 increased the corrosion potential, which These observations can be summarized as follows:
indicates that the presence of NaH2PO4 inhibits the corrosion of - The addition of supporting electrolyte increases the ionic con-
aluminum. Moreover, the experimental results indicated that the ductivity of the solution, which is a determining factor in any
corrosion rate of aluminum is highest in the presence of NaCl electrochemical process. The increase in conductivity has a
because the corrosion current density is the largest. significant influence on the kinetic parameters of electrochem-
Figure 4 shows the Nyquist plot obtained on pure aluminum in ical reactions and it increases the corrosion rate of aluminum.
aqueous solutions containing 0.1 M of NaCl, Na2SO4, or NaH2PO4. - For alkaline pH conditions, the corrosion of aluminum leads
The shapes of the Nyquist plots corresponding to these conditions to the formation of a porous layer consisting of amorphous
include one small semicircle at the high frequency region, one Al(OH)3 and crystalline Al2O3 on the surface of the anode.4,17,26
depressed semicircle, and a diffusion tail which appears inclined This layer is characterized by a heterogeneous structure and
to the Real Impedance axis at 45° at the low frequency region. In irregular pores. This layer significantly reduces the corrosion
general, the capacitance no longer affects the total impedance rate of aluminum, but it cannot fully protect the aluminum
value in the diffusion tail portion. The diffusion process can be surface. The increase of anode potential damages this layer
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Table 1. Results of Potentiodynamic Polarization of Alumi-

num Determined by the Tafel Extrapolation Method in the
Presence of Different Supporting Electrolytesa
corrosion potential corrosion current
electrolyte Ecorr (mV) density jcorr (μA cm2)

without supporting electrolyte 668 2.6

0.1 M NaCl 1212.7 21
0.1 M Na2SO4 1056.0 8.7
0.1 M NaH2PO4 518.5 4
Experimental conditions: pH = 9; electrolyte concentration: 0.1 M;
scan rate: 0.5 mV s‑1; T = 25 °C.

Figure 5. (a) Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy spectra and (b)

Figure 4. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy spectra obtained on potentiostatic current density transients at pitting potentials obtained
pure aluminum in aerated aqueous solutions containing different from pure aluminum in aerated aqueous solutions containing different
supporting electrolytes. Operating conditions: anode: Al specimen concentrations of NaCl. Operating conditions: anode: pure Al specimen
(1 cm2); cathode: Pt wire; reference electrode: SCE; pH = 9; electrolyte (1 cm2); cathode: Pt wire; reference electrode: SCE; pH = 9; scan rate:
concentration: 0.1 M; scan rate: 0.5 mV s1; T = 25 °C. 0.5 mV s1; T = 25 °C.

through the diffusion of anionic species toward the anode by

migration. Anionic exchange reactions between hydroxide ions in Figure 5-b initially remained constant with time at a value close to
and anions of the supporting electrolyte occur and form soluble zero up to an induction time of about 600 s, and then it rapidly
aluminum complexes. This exchange also causes the direct increased to a certain value at which it remained constant. The
dissolution of the passive layer of Al(OH)3 and Al2O3. All of ascending current after induction time can be attributed to the
these phenomena constitute the pitting corrosion of aluminum. growth of pit. It is noted that the pitting of pure aluminum increased
by increasing chloride ions concentration. These ions are character-
Pitting corrosion is responsible for the increase in current
ized by their ability to penetrate through the Al(OH)3/Al2O3 film
density right after the passivation plateau, as shown in Figure 3-b.
forming soluble complexes.2628 The increase of chloride concen-
The pitting potential of aluminum is the potential of passivation
tration further decreases corrosion potential and minimizes the
breakdown for which there is an acceleration of the corrosion
difference between pitting potential and corrosion potential as can
process by diffusion of anions through the pores of the Al(OH)3
be observed from Table 2. At a potential close to Epit, Cl ions are
layer. It appears that pitting corrosion depends greatly on the
strongly adsorbed, and polarization curves show an increase in the
nature of supporting electrolyte because the value of potential
current density. This indicates an enhanced promotion of the pas-
Epit varies among different electrolytes. In the presence of NaCl,
sive film hydration and hence its degradation as described by the
pitting corrosion occurs at a much lower potential than that in the
following reactions
presence of Na2SO4 or NaH2PO4 electrolytes. This is most likely
due to the size of chloride ions, which are relatively smaller than Al2 O3 þ 6Cl þ 6Hþ / 2AlCl3 þ 3H2 O
sulfate and phosphate ions.
Figure 5-a and -b provides typical Nyquist plots and potentio- AlðOHÞ3 þ Cl / AlðOHÞ2 Cl þ OH
static anodic current transients, respectively obtained from pure
aluminum specimen at a potentials equal to open circuit potential AlðOHÞ2 Cl þ Cl / AlðOHÞCl2 þ OH
in aerated aqueous solutions containing different NaCl concen-
trations. The results presented in Figure 5-a show that the diameter
of low frequency semicircle increased with NaCl concentration AlðOHÞCl2 þ Cl / AlCl3 þ OH
suggesting that the passivity of the oxide film decreases with NaCl
concentration increase. However, the anodic current density shown AlCl3 þ Cl / AlCl4 

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Table 2. Corrosion and Pitting Potentials Obtained from

Potentiodynamic Polarization Curves of Aluminum in the
Presence of NaCl at Different Concentrationsa
corrosion potential pitting potential
electrolyte Ecorr (mV) Epit (mV) Epit-Ecorr (mV)

without electrolyte 668.0 - -

0.1 M NaCl 1212.7 646.0 566.7
0.15 M NaCl 1223.8 662.0 561.8
0.2 M NaCl 1255.5 707.0 548.5
Experimental conditions: pH = 9; scan rate: 0.5 mV s1; T = 25 °C.

In the presence of sulfate ions, the observed pitting was much

lower than that observed in the presence of chloride ions. In the
case of solutions containing sulfate, the passive layer of Al(OH)3/
Al2O3 is partially dissolved, and consequently the rate of elec-
trochemical corrosion of aluminum is lower. Whereas in the
presence of phosphate ions, no pitting was observed due to the
formation of insoluble complexes of AlPO4 that further inhibit
the corrosion of aluminum.3235
Figure 6-a shows potentiodynamic polarization curves for pure
aluminum immersed in 0.1 M NaCl aerated aqueous solutions at
different pH values of 2, 5, 7, 9, and 11. Similar behavior of
potentiodynamic polarization was observed for all tested pH
values. However, a shift of corrosion potential was observed
when pH was changed from neutral pH to acidic or alkaline pH
values. Indeed the corrosion potential in neutral solution is the
lowest. The beginning of pitting is not visible in these cases since
the pitting potentials Epit coincided with the corrosion potentials Figure 6. (a) Potentiodynamic polarization curves and (b) electro-
Ecorr. From these results, it can be concluded that the main chemical impedance spectroscopy spectra obtained on pure aluminum
degradation mechanism in 0.1 M NaCl aerated aqueous solu- in NaCl aerated aqueous solutions at different initial pH values.
tions of pH values 2, 5, and 7 is pitting corrosion and the pitting Operating conditions: anode: pure Al specimen (1 cm2); cathode: Pt
potential is independent of pH over this pH range. On the wire; reference electrode: SCE; electrolyte concentration: 0.1 M; scan
rate: 0.5 mV s1; T = 25 °C.
contrary, in case of alkaline solutions (pH values of 9 and 11), the
values of corrosion potential Ecorr were observed to be lowered to
more cathodic values without a change in the pitting potential. These results indicate the significance of supporting electro-
Further, the decrease in the corrosion potential Ecorr values, lyte in aluminum corrosion. It has been observed that the
compared to those of acidic and neutral pH, indicate the loss of corrosion of aluminum is more favorable in the presence of
passivity of aluminum due either to thinning of surface oxide chloride ions than that in the presence of sulfate or phosphate
ions. The phosphate ions inhibit corrosion of aluminum
layer by hydroxide ions (OH) attack (alkaline chemical dis-
through the formation of a protective layer of aluminum
solution) or to the absence of the primary oxide film.17,26 EIS
phosphate (phosphatation).
spectra of Figure 6-b show that increasing pH from 2 to 7 has no
3.2. Electrochemical and Chemical Dissolution of Alumi-
influence on Nyquist plots. However a decrease of diameter of
num. According to the literature,3638 efficiency of the
semicircle at high frequency was observed for pH 9 and 11. This
electrocoagulation process in treating wastewaters depends
confirms that thinning of surface oxide layer by hydroxide ions
largely on the amount and speciation of aluminum dissolved
occurs at alkaline conditions.
during the electrochemical treatment process. In order to
Furthermore, morphological observations by optical mi-
evaluate the dissolution of aluminum during galvanostatic
croscope of aluminum electrode surfaces before and after
anodic polarization at a constant current density of 10 electrolyses, the amount of aluminum dissolved (mexp) was
mA cm2 in aqueous solutions containing 0.1 M of NaCl, measured and compared to the calculated theoretical amount
Na2SO4, or NaH2PO4 at pH 9 are shown in Figure 7. This expected to be dissolved (mth) using Faraday’s law. Figure 8
figure shows that large localized pitting corrosion was clearly presents comparison between theoretical and experimental
observable on the surface of aluminum plate polarized in the aluminum concentration dissolved at different specific elec-
presence of NaCl. However, in the case of Na2SO4, uniform trical charges (A.h.L1) during galvanostatic electrolysis of 0.1
distributed pitting corrosion was observed. In contrast, the M NaCl aerated aqueous solution using aluminum electrodes
aluminum plate polarized in the presence of NaH2PO4 was at a current density of 10 mA cm2. Theoretical aluminum
completely covered with a white porous layer, which is most concentration (in g L1) was calculated using Faraday’s law,
likely an insoluble layer of AlPO4. It appears that this layer assuming that the provided electrical energy was entirely used
was of different nature and structure and was thicker than the only to oxidize Al to Al3+ according to the following reaction:
layers observed in the presence of the other two electrolytes. Al / Al3+ + 3e.
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Figure 7. Optical microscope photos (400) of aluminum morphology before and after anodic polarization at current density j = 10 mA cm2 in
aqueous solutions containing 0.1 M NaCl, Na2SO4, and NaH2PO4 at pH 9.

According to Faraday’s law, the electrical charge “q” is calculated

using the following equation
mAl q  MAl
q ¼ 3F w mAl ¼ w ½Al
MAl 3F
q  MAl
During galvanostatic electrolyses, the current density is con-
stant; thus electrical charge (q) and specific electrical charge (Q)
are defined respectively by the following equations: q(A.s) = I  t
and Q(A.h.L1) = (I  t)/(3600  V).
The theoretical amount of dissolved aluminum is then given
by the following equation
I  t  MAl 3600  Q  MAl
½Alðg L-1 Þ ¼ ¼
3FV 3F
Figure 8. Changes of theoretical and experimental concentrations of
¼ 0:366  Q ðA h L1 Þ aluminum dissolved during galvanostatic electrolysis with specific electrical
charge. Operating conditions: initial pH = 7, j = 10 mA cm2, supporting
where [Al] is the amount of aluminum generated (in g dm3); I electrolytes: 0.1 M NaCl.
is the current intensity (in A); t is electrolysis-time (in s); M is the
molecular weight of aluminum (M = 26.98 g mol1); F is the As can be seen from Figure 8, both theoretical and experi-
Faraday constant (F = 96487 C mol1); V is the electrolyte mental amounts of aluminum at a current density of 10 m A cm2
volume (V = 0.2 dm3); and Q is the specific electrical charge (in increase linearly with increasing specific electrical charge for Q e
A h dm3). 2.5 A h L1. At the beginning of galvanostatic electrolysis,
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Figure 9. (a) Influence of current density on the changes of aluminum

concentration dissolved during galvanostatic electrolyses with specific Figure 10. (a) Change of aluminum concentration with time during
electrical charge. (b) Photos of samples taken during anodic dissolution immersion of aluminum plates (24 cm2) in 0.1 M NaCl aqueous
of aluminum. Operating conditions: initial pH = 7, j = 10 mA cm2, solutions at pH 9. (b) Changes of dissolved aluminum concentration
supporting electrolytes: 0.1 M NaCl. with pH during 60 min immersion of aluminum plates (24 cm2) in 0.1 M
NaCl aqueous solution.
measured concentrations of aluminum correlate well with theo-
retical concentrations calculated from the aforementioned equa- agreement with the measured amount of aluminum dissolved
tions. However, for specific electrical charge greater than 0.5 A h during galvanostatic electrolyses. These results proved that
L1, experimental values exceeded theoretical values and the gap galvanostatic electrolysis of 0.1 M NaCl aqueous solutions using
between the two broadened with the increase of specific electrical aluminum electrodes at neutral pH leads to the formation of Al3+
charge. It should be noted that similar results were reported by ions at the anode and the production hydrogen gas at the
other authors.3639 cathode.
Figure 9-a demonstrates the influence of current density on The gap between measured aluminum concentrations during
the change of measured aluminum concentration with specific galvanostatic electrolysis and the theoretical amounts of alumi-
electrical charge during galvanostatic electrolyses of 0.1 M NaCl num as shown in Figure 8 can be attributed to chemical
aqueous aerated solutions at pH 7. As can be seen, different dissolution of aluminum electrodes by corrosion in addition to
current densities did not significantly affect the amount of anodic dissolution of aluminum. Several researchers have also
aluminum dissolved by anodic oxidation of the metal. Indeed, reported the same behavior.1221 However, to confirm this
comparable amounts of aluminum were measured at different assumption, it is necessary to evaluate the chemical dissolution
current densities after consuming the same amount of electrical of aluminum in water. A set of experiments was conducted in
specific charge. This could be explained by the fact that the which aluminum plates of known weights were immersed in
increase in current density lead to the involvement of secondary slightly alkaline 0.1 M NaCl aqueous solutions (pH = 9). These
reactions that can occur in parallel with anodic dissolution of conditions were selected to mimic pH conditions near the
metal, such as oxygen evolution and formation of hypochlorite cathode where the chemical dissolution of aluminum is most
ions from anodic oxidation of chloride ions.2527 These side likely to occur. Figure 10 shows changes of aluminum concen-
reactions decrease the effectiveness of anodic dissolution of tration with time, as determined by the gravimetric method
aluminum. Furthermore, it was observed that increasing the during immersion of identical aluminum plates (24 cm2) in 0.1 M
current density resulted in an increased rate of hydrogen pro- NaCl aqueous solutions at pH 9. As can be observed, aluminum
duction and a decrease in size of H2 bubbles generated at the concentration increased linearly with time up to 480 min, after
cathode. Additionally, Figure 9-b confirmed the formation of which it reached a plateau at about 0.014 g L1 for the rest of the
Al(OH)3 solid precipitate during anodic dissolution of alumi- operating time. This behavior may be explained by the formation
num. Generated Al3+ ions react with hydroxide ions (OH) to of a protective layer of aluminum hydroxide/oxide (Al(OH)3/
produce Al(OH)3 solid, which was visually observed in the reactors. Al2O3) on the aluminum electrode surface, which inhibits further
The amount of white precipitate increased with time, which is in chemical dissolution of aluminum.14 The formation of this
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protective layer in aerated solutions can be given by the following

Al / Al3þ þ 3e

2H2 O þ 2e / H2 þ 2OH

The overall chemical reaction is

2Al þ 3H2 O f 2AlðOHÞ3ðsdÞ þ H2
Also, in the presence of dissolved oxygen aluminum can be
directly oxidized into aluminum oxide, as shown by the following
4Al þ 3O2ðaqÞ f 2Al2 O3ðsdÞ
These results confirmed that aluminum can be chemically
dissolved, but the amount dissolved by chemical oxidation with
dissolved oxygen at pH 9 is negligible compared to that dissolved
by anodic oxidation. As such, chemical dissolution under these
operating conditions is not sufficient to explain the gap observed
in Figure 8. The gap could be possibly explained by the fact that
the operating conditions present during the chemical dissolution
of aluminum are different from the actual hydrodynamic condi-
tions and pH in the vicinity of aluminum electrodes used during
galvanostatic electrolysis. Particularly, the pH conditions at the
cathode are strongly alkaline due to the reduction of water into
H2 forming OH ions. To better understand the significance of
chemical dissolution of aluminum in the electrocoagulation
process, it is necessary to evaluate the influence of initial pH
on the chemical dissolution of aluminum. Figure 10-b presents
concentrations of dissolved aluminum at various initial pH values
during 60 min immersion of identical aluminum plates (24 cm2)
in 0.1 M NaCl aerated aqueous solutions. This figure clearly
shows that pH had a significant influence on the amount of
chemically dissolved aluminum. The chemical dissolution of
aluminum was negligible for pH < 10. However, for higher pH
values, the concentration of aluminum dissolved in aqueous Figure 11. Influence of (a) initial pH, (b) current density, and (c)
solutions increased with an increasing pH value from approxi- supporting electrolyte on changes of pH vs time during galvanostatic
mately 0.03 g L1 at pH 11 to 0.5 g L1 at pH 12.5. These results electrolysis using aluminum electrodes.
demonstrate that the chemical dissolution of aluminum in the
electrocoagulation process depends largely on pH in the vicinity plates. Based on the literature,4045 it was reported that initial
of electrodes. Nevertheless, it is difficult to identify exactly the pH pH, current density, and nature of supporting electrolyte are the
conditions at electrodes’ surfaces, which makes it complex to main parameters that can cause pH changes during galvanostatic
accurately quantify the amount of aluminum chemically dis- electrolysis.
solved. These results indicate that dissolved concentrations of 3.2.1. Influence of Initial pH on Solution pH during Galvano-
aluminum measured during galvanostatic electrolyses using static Electrolysis Using Aluminum Electrodes. Figure 11-a
aluminum electrodes are attained by both electrochemical and presents the changes of pH vs time during galvanostatic electro-
chemical dissolution. The importance of chemical dissolution lyses of 0.1 M NaCl aqueous solutions of different initial pH
depends largely on pH conditions close to electrodes’ surfaces. values using aluminum plates as electrodes at a current density of
Superfaradic excess of dissolved aluminum is primarily related to 10 mA cm2. This figure shows that pH changes over time
the chemical dissolution of aluminum, which is more significant depend on the initial pH value of the electrolyzed solution. These
at pH > 11. Canizares et al.3639 also demonstrated that the rate results demonstrate that regardless of initial pH value, the pH
of chemical dissolution of aluminum in water is pH dependent, evolution versus time follows two stages: a stage of rapid pH
and it is higher for pH values above 12. change over time and a stage in which pH remains almost
3.3. Influence of Experimental Parameters on Solution pH constant. It is noteworthy that the curve of pH vs time is
during Galvanostatic Electrolyses Using Aluminum Electro- ascending for solutions of initial pH lower or equal to 9 and is
des. The preceding results showed that solution pH influences descending in alkaline solutions (pH > 9). For acidic initial pH
the rate of aluminum dissolution during galvanostatic electrolysis conditions, the increase in pH can be explained by the formation
of aqueous solutions using aluminum electrodes. This led us to of OH ions from the reduction of H+ or H2O on the surface of
investigate the influence of experimental parameters on the changes the cathode.30,31 In these circumstances, it appears that hydrox-
of pH during galvanostatic electrolysis between two aluminum ide ions formed at the cathode were not completely involved in
13369 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 13362–13372
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the formation of hydroxo-aluminum species. Rather, the excess precipitated, which has a large surface area that is beneficial for
of OH ions increased the pH of the medium. In contrast, for coagulation by adsorption.3945
solutions with initial pH higher than 9, the decrease in pH could
be attributed to the consumption of higher amounts of OH ions
to form anionic hydroxo-aluminum species such as Al(OH)4 4. CONCLUSION
and Al(OH)52. It should be taken into account that in highly The influence of supporting electrolyte, initial pH, and current
alkaline conditions, the amount of Al3+ ions obtained by chemical density on anodic dissolution of pure aluminum during electro-
dissolution plays a significant role in the total amount of coagulation process was evaluated. The main conclusions of this
aluminum ions generated in situ. By the end of electrolysis, the work can be summarized in the following points:
majority of aqueous solutions stabilize at a pH value close to 9. As - Potentiodynamic polarization experiments showed that
can be observed, the closer the initial pH is to 9, the more rapid aluminum corrosion is largely dependent on supporting
the stabilization of pH. The stabilization of pH to a value close to electrolyte and initial pH conditions. The presence of NaCl
9 for all initial values of pH can be explained by a buffering effect or Na2SO4 shifted the corrosion potential toward more
of hydroxo-aluminum species that balances the quasi-static negative values, indicating that corrosion of aluminum is
variation of the hydroxyl ions concentration through the forma- catalyzed by the presence NaCl or Na2SO4. However, in the
tion of monomeric and polymeric complexes of aluminum presence of NaCl, pitting corrosion occurs at a much lower
hydroxides. Several acidbase pairs can be formed in the potential than that in the presence of Na2SO4. In contrast,
medium which buffer the pH to a value around pH 9. the presence of NaH2PO4 increased the corrosion potential,
3.2.2. Influence of Current Density on Solution pH during which indicates that the presence of NaH2PO4 inhibits the
Galvanostatic Electrolysis Using Aluminum Electrodes. corrosion of aluminum. EIS and potentiostatic anodic
Figure 11-b presents the changes of pH vs time during galvano- current transients confirmed that pitting corrosion kinetics
static electrolyses at different current densities of 0.1 M NaCl is accelerated by pH increase and the presence NaCl.
aqueous solutions using aluminum plates as electrodes at initial Morphological observations proved that large localized
pH 9. No significant change of pH with time was observed using pitting corrosion was clearly observable on the surface of
different current densities, and similar profiles were obtained for aluminum plate polarized in the presence of NaCl. However,
all applied current densities. At the start of electrolysis, the pH in the case of Na2SO4, small uniformly distributed pitting
dropped by one unit, and then it increases with time until it corrosion was observed. In contrast, the aluminum plate
reaches a value close to its initial value of pH 9) and eventually polarized in the presence of NaH2PO4 was completely
stabilizes. This insignificant change of pH caused by changing covered with a layer of AlPO4.
current density during galvanostatic electrolysis can be explained - Galvanostatic electrolyses demonstrated that measured con-
by the fact that increasing the current density in the studied range centrations of aluminum were slightly higher than theore-
results only in an increase of both the rate of the aluminum anode tical values calculated using Faraday’s law and the gap
dissolution and production of H2 at the cathode surface. between them enlarged with the increase in specific electrical
3.2.3. Effect of Supporting Electrolyte on Solution pH during charge. Super-Faradic excess of dissolved aluminum is
Galvanostatic Electrolysis Using Aluminum Electrodes. primarily related to the chemical dissolution of aluminum,
Figure 11-c presents the variation of pH vs time during galvano- which is more significant at highly alkaline conditions. These
static electrolyses of aqueous solutions containing different results indicate that the amount of dissolved aluminum is
supporting electrolytes (NaCl, Na2SO4, or NaH2PO4) using basically related to pH conditions. Changes of pH during
aluminum electrodes at a current density of 6 mA cm2. galvanostatic electrolysis mainly depend on initial pH and
Figure 11-c clearly indicates that the nature of the supporting the nature of supporting electrolyte. In the presence of
electrolyte has a significant effect on the variation of pH with time NaH2PO4, the pH increased continuously until it reached a
during galvanostatic electrolysis. In the presence of NaH2PO4, value of 11.4. Whereas in the presence of NaCl or Na2SO4,
pH increased continuously until it reached a value of 11.4. pH decreased slightly at the beginning and then increased
Whereas in the presence of NaCl or Na2SO4, pH decreased gradually until it stabilized at 9.3 and 10, respectively.
slightly at the beginning and then increased gradually until it - For acidic initial pH conditions, pH increases during elec-
was stabilized at 9.3 and 10, respectively. These variations are trolyses; however, it decreases for solutions with initial pH
probably due to the nature and stability of aluminum complexes higher than 9. These results can be due to the nature of
formed in each electrolyte. In particular, the presence of hydroxo-aluminum species formed during anodic dissolu-
NaH2PO4 in the solution leads to the formation of stable tion of aluminum. In acidic and neutral conditions, it appears
complexes with Al3+ ions (Al(PO4), AlH(PO4)+, and AlH2- that hydroxide ions formed at the cathode were not com-
(PO4)2+).3235 As such, a major part of Al3+ ions formed during pletely involved in the formation of cationic and neutral
electrolysis reacts with phosphate ions. This leads to an excess hydroxo-aluminum species and the excess of OH ions
of OH available in the solution, which increases solution pH increased the pH of the medium. In contrast, the decrease of
with time. pH in highly alkaline conditions could be attributed to the
It is notable that in the presence of Na2SO4 or NaH2PO4, pH consumption of higher amounts of OH ions to form
of the solution stabilized at a value greater than pH 10, which anionic hydroxo-aluminum species such as Al(OH)4 and
facilitates the dissolution of Al(OH)3 into anionic hydroxo- Al(OH)52. The stabilization of pH to a value close to 9 for
aluminum species such as Al(OH)4 and Al(OH)52 and the slightly acid, neutral, and alkaline initial values of pH can be
formation of these species makes flocculation and electropreci- explained by a buffering effect of hydroxo-aluminum species
pitation difficult to occur. While in the case of NaCl, pH remains that balances the quasi-static variation of the concentration
in the range between 8.3 and 9.3 throughout the experiment. In of hydroxyl ions through the formation of monomeric and
this pH range, amorphous aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) is polymeric complexes of aluminum hydroxides.
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’ AUTHOR INFORMATION (19) Mollah, M. Y.; Morkovsky, P. G.; Gomes, A. G.; Kesmez, M.;
Parga, J. Fundamentals, Present and Future Perspectives of Electro-
Corresponding Author coagulation. J. Hazard. Mater. 2004, 114, 199–210.
*Phone: +21675392600. Fax: +21675392421. E-mail: nasr. (20) Yousuf, M.; Mollah, A.; Schennach, R.; Parga, J. R.; Cocke, D. L. and/or Electrocoagulation (EC)-science and applications. J. Hazard. Mater.
2001, B84, 29–41.
(21) Barrera-Diaz, C.; Bilyeu, B.; Roa, G.; Bernal-Martinez, L. Physi-
’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT cochemical Aspects of Electrocoagulation. Sep. Purif. Rev. 2011, 40, 1–24.
(22) Hanay, O.; Hasar, H. Effect of anions on removing Cu2+, Mn2+
The authors acknowledge Texas A&M University at Qatar and and Zn2+ in electrocoagulation process using aluminum electrodes.
Qatar Foundation for providing partial financial support to J. Hazard. Mater. 2011, 189, 572–576.
accomplish this research work. (23) Pyun, S. I.; Moon, S. M.; Ahn, S. H.; Kim, S. S. Effects of Cl,
NO3, and SO42‑ ions on anodic dissolution of pure aluminum in
alkaline solution. Corros. Sci. 1999, 41, 653–667.
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