Cuadro Gramatical Ingles

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1) Elaborar cuadro Gramatical


Affirmative sentences Negative Sentences interrogative sentences

I am Working I am not Working Am i Working…….?

You are Working You are not Working Are you Working…..?

He is Working He is not Working Is he Working………?

She is Working She is not Working Is she Working…….?

We are Working We are not Working Are we Working……?

You are Working You are not Working Are you Working……?

They are Working They are not Working Are they Working……?

2) Elaboración de Flash Cards

She is studining in house She is Writing a story

He is playing soccer at schol You are Dancing in the disco

She is Swimming in the pool
He is Sleeping is his room

He is Reading a book We are dancing electrónic music

He is jumping the rope He is drawing a landscape

Observan imágenes, identifican y mencionan en el idioma inglés los verbos de acción,

construyendo oraciones con el uso del tiempo presente continuo.

1. I am writing a poem now. 

(Estoy escribiendo un poema ahora)
2. She is leaving tomorrow morning.
(Ella se va mañana por la mañana)
3. We are building a house.
(Estamos construyendo una casa)
4. Paul and Jennifer are studying French at university.
(Paul y Jennifer están estudiando francés en la universidad)
5. Peter is leaving outsider.
(Peter está saliendo fuera)
6. Tom is teaching English at that high school.
(Tom enseña inglés en ese instituto)
7. You are making a great effort.
(Tu estás haciendo un gran esfuerzo)
8. They are telling Mary what happened yesterday.
(Ellos le están contando a Mary lo que ocurrió ayer)
9. I am watching TV right now.
(Estoy viendo la televisión ahora mismo)
10. She is playing volleyball this afternoon.
(Ella juega a voleibol esta tarde)

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