English Case Aeiotu

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English case – Test Communications professional

Name: Diana Katherine Quintero Martínez.

Job title position: Communications Professional.
Date: July 6th 2020.

1. Write a news related to the possibility to reopen the schools for children aged 0 to 5
years old. The news must have a maximum extension of 3.000 characters, and also be
creative and interesting for our population target.

Back to school: children aged 0 to 5 years old might restart educational activities.
Today, through an official communication, the National Government has announced the
possible reopening actions they might adopt for the different industries of the country, starting
on this coming August 1 st. One of these mechanisms, is the reactivation of in-situ classes
delivered for children aged 0 to 5 years old.
This process obeys the implementations of the different guidelines and biosecurity
recommendations, that both public and private institutions must follow in order to protect the
young student’s health. This also requires that each institution assures that every child can
only enter the building with their respective security mask.
Beside this, the National Government has expressed the possibility to give some trainings to
the teachers, so they can foster among their students the importance of washing their hands
and keeping 2 meters of distance between them.
Although, the different stakeholders have expressed their disagreement with this intention,
because they consider it to be too precipitous and not safe enough for the student’s and the
personnel’s health.
The alternation in the educational model could, in fact, be applied.
The National Ministry of Education asserts that at the time the action will be applied, they will
seek to implement an ‘Alternation in the Educational Model’ which consists of children
attending to schools for presential classes 2 o 3 days a week. According to the Minister of
Education, María Victoria Ángulo, The National Government has done the biggest efforts to
ensure the children’s education rights, using the different resources and committing them with
the learning process of the early childhood population.
The expectations towards this topic are mainly controversial and parents are eager to know
more details about this possible event. The families have also argued to the National
Government the necessity of their opinions to be listened and to reach to a common
agreement for the welfare of our children.
AeioTU Communications.
 E-mail
Welcome to aeioTU at park!
The education of your son(s) and daughter(s) is very important for us, and for this reason
we want to give you a unique space to share together. Come and join to our ‘aeioTU at
park’ experience, where you will strengthen the development of your children through the
game and explore a new connection with their senses, thought and nature.
Date: July 6th 2020.
Place: Simón Bolívar’s park
Hour: 14:00

(Call to action bottom): Sign up here

We are waiting for you!

Invitation from aeioTu Foundation.

 Facebook
Copy: What you were waiting for is already here! aeioTU at park is a dedicated activity to
strengthen the development of your child through the game. Join this unbelievable
experience and sign up here into this link https://bit.ly/aeiotu-al-parque We are waiting for
Graphic piece: Come and play with them in aeioTU at Park, the activity you were waiting
Date: July 6th 2020.
Place: Simón Bolívar’s park
Hour: 14:00

 Instagram
Copy: Your best plan for today is to bring your kids to live a wonderful and interactive
experience in aeioTU at park. Sign up in the link in our bio, and be ready to live together an
amazing afternoon full of learning and fun.
Graphic piece: We invite you to live with your kid an unforgettable afternoon in aeioTU at
Date: July 6th 2020.
Place: Simón Bolívar’s park
Hour: 14:00

We are waiting you!


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